#summit med
triumfoae · 1 month
Elevate Your Presence: Bespoke Stands for Precision Med Exhibition
Elevate your presence at the Precision Med Exhibition & Summit with our bespoke exhibition stands. Crafted with attention to detail and precision, our stands are designed to showcase your brand's expertise and innovation, ensuring you make a memorable impression on attendees and industry professionals alike.
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Mounted a 3 am in-person peace summit between a chronic pain patient who was getting less pain meds than they needed (because their baseline amount of opioids is, in layman’s terms, a fuckin lot for most people) and a doctor who was hesitant with current clinical indications to prescribe more pain meds for fear of Symptoms that could be made radically worse with more opioids, and eventually I was like “hey doc can you come talk to the patient face to face I’m tired of typing up these official HIPAA compliant instant messages” and the doc came right away, and patient and doc talked about both of their reasonable concerns and figured out a pain plan that balanced both needs well, and we got the patient out of the pain crisis and into a whole hour of sleep before the IV went bad, anyway all this to say either I’m the greatest ambassador in the world or it’s remarkable the progress you can make by actually talking to a person instead of only engaging with your idea of them
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alexbkrieger13 · 5 months
Have to love this
Johanna Rytting Kaneryd showed Gothenburg for Chelsea
Johanna Rytting Kaneryd, 26, took her teammates on a tour of Gothenburg. 
Then the Chelsea players opened their eyes to chocolate balls. 
- They didn't know what it was but were incredibly impressed, she says. 
She had been looking forward to yesterday's match against her old club BK Häcken ever since she saw the Champions League draw last fall. 
- It was a rush of happiness in my body to be able to come back to Bravida and to end this half year by being in Sweden and only being able to go home to little Kolsva afterwards to celebrate Christmas. It was too good to be true. I really enjoyed every second out there today, says Johanna Rytting Kaneryd after the 3-1 victory. 
Before the summit meeting in the group, she and team and national team mate Zećira Mušović took the opportunity to show the rest of the Gothenburg gang. 
What did you do? 
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The Chelsea squad strolled around town and viewed the Christmas lights that the country's second largest city is known for, among other things. 
- Many felt "oh, wow", I don't think they were prepared for it to be as nice as it is. A perfect day and the sun was shining, Gothenburg really showed its best side, says Johanna Rytting Kaneryd, who is happy about BK Häcken's progress in the Champions League.
“Within a few years so...”
Now it was admittedly a loss against Chelsea, who had just finished the table, but BK Häcken is second ahead of Paris FC and Real Madrid. Hisingsklubben has everything in its own hands before the two final matches against the latter teams in January. 
- I am incredibly impressed by Häcken's effort and really hope that they follow us into the playoffs. Even though they didn't win the league they showed they are a good team and took that game to Europe, it's not just about doing it.
How do you think the team has developed since you left (August 2022)?
- There have been many players in and out and it is not always easy to maintain the structure, but I really think they have done that. They are investing in women's football and in terms of the game it feels like the new coach (Mak Lind) really has a clear game idea. I think they will be dangerous. In a few years so who knows… I think they will continue to step up. 
Which teams advance to the quarter-finals? 
- Chelsea and Häcken, I believe in us. 
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ditte-i-brisbane · 10 months
Første skoleuge mm.
Så er første uge på semesteret overstået. Det var en lidt hektisk uge, med skemaændring og gruppedannelser, men nu er den overstået, og jeg tror alt er på plads. Det var en meget blød start på semesteret, da jeg kun havde forelæsninger og ingen grupperegninger. Mit skema for de følgende uger kan ses nedenfor:
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Forhåbentlig kan jeg dog få flyttet min tirsdags matematikgrupperegning fra 17-18 til et andet tidspunkt, da jeg også i denne uge har meldt mig ind i UQ Mountain Club. Dette er en klatre- og vandreklub, der har åben klatretræning hver tirsdag og torsdag fra 17 i Brisbane ved en offentlig top rope klippe kaldet Kangaroo Point (Så kender man sine Aussies :))) ). Udover klatretræning har de også vandreturer og klatreturer næsten hver weekend. Denne weekend var jeg altså heldig nok til at komme med på en vandretur til Cooyinnirra (Mount Mitchell). Turen var 13 km i alt med en stigning på omkring 300 m (Jeg ved det ikke rigtigt, men det var det Strava rygterne gik på). Summit var dog i 1.1 km højde, så udsigten var helt fantastisk.
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Udover den skønne mountaineering klub har jeg også meldt mig ind i UQ Social Runners Club. Dette er som navnet lyder, en hygge løbeklub med plads til alle. Deres løbeturer er ca. 3-5 km, alt efter hvilken rute man vælger, og man sætter selv det tempo, man har lyst til at løbe i. Jeg har nu løbet med dem tre gange i sidste uge, hvor jeg i fredags tog 6,5 km før jeg mødtes med dem, og derefter løb vi 6,5 km sammen. Dette synes jeg altså er en meget hyggelig måde at møde nogle flere mennesker på, og så synes jeg også det er dejligt ikke at løbe de lange ture helt alene, da jeg jo har været vant til at "tvinge" Mikkel med på dem :))). Der er også en anden dansk pige fra DTU som er meldt ind i løbeklubben, og hun har sagt hun godt kunne være frisk på nogle lidt længere turer sammen med mig. Her kommer lige et fællesbillede, som bliver taget hver dag inden vi løber:
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Selvom det godt kan lyde som om der er fuld fart på lige nu, må jeg også indrømme at der nok er det, da jeg er blevet lidt hjemve. Når jeg ikke er igang med noget, kan jeg mærke at tankerne nemt søger mod DK og især kollegieværelset i Lyngby. Jeg håber at det bliver lidt mere hjemligt at bo "Down Under" når jeg har fået en rutine i min hverdag.
For at slutte på en god note: I morgen skal jeg til Gold Coast og se på hvaler med en af mine naboer, Chiara fra Østrig, og to danskere fra DTU som jeg endnu ikke har mødt. Det glæder jeg mig helt vildt til!
Derudover har jeg færdiggjort Ringenes Herre del 1! Det tog meget kortere tid end forventet, og jeg har straks lånt del 2 fra UQ's bibliotek :)
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napalicoastviews · 3 months
Most volcanoes and earthquakes occur at the intersection of plates of the earth’s crust. Aetna in Sicily and Vesuvius on the mainland are great examples of what happens when 3 plates meet.
Hawaii and Iceland are rare examples where there is a hole in the middle of a plate. Hawaii is near the centre of the Pacific plate and is formed from a single “hotspot “ that does not move.
However the plate is moving westward thus creating all these temporary islands
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There is still the possibility of Maui having an eruption.
For the Brits and Pipers in the group, Castle Rock in Edinburgh is also a volcanic remnant 350 million years old. It is hard dolerite unlike the soft clays here in Hawaii. Much of the Highlands are of similar origin.
Now the Na Pali view.
From the top among the clouds
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And now looking down (carefully!!) 5000 feet
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And another view
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Given the severe terrain, no roads or development was ever completed. The west side of the island is only accessible by foot and is a State Park.
There is a 22 mile shoreline hike and camping allowed by permit only. Wimps need not apply
She was so excited to start our adventure along the summit with poles in hand
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But came home with a dirty bum. The clay is super slippery when it rains all the time. I made sure not to push any buttons during the retreat
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This lighthouse on the north shore is located just before the road ends in Hanalei. Searched but could not find Puff.
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And the village…… beautiful and a lovely bay but pricey at $40 million for a cottage on the beach. It rains a lot here and the sea is rough in the winter. Summer is peak season for boat tours and exploring. Summer and Xmas is actually peak season for prices on Kauai…….thats why a Scot visits in February
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We explored an abandoned Club Med property from the 60s/70s in Hanalei and imagined the party times back then.
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Rapid growth has now obstructed the bay view
And finally back in her element, the 69 year old gramma fights with the local keke (children) for the best spots on the boogie board beach a short walk from our villa. She has made many friends among the other little people hoping for a good ride.
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Next edition ….. arboriculture, agriculture and the movies!
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artycat101s · 1 year
Notes for a luminerik abo au I have plans on writing under the readmore
It’s all directly from my phone notes so sorry for any typos this is the raw notes in case I never write this
NSFW concepts included
Erik omega hiding status peppermint (leather overtop to hide it via suppressants )
El omega- hot chocolate
Serena (pine)and Veronica alphas (campfire though she’s currently puppy so she smells like milky campfire)
Rab alpha old books
Sylve alpha- popcorn
Hendrik alpha- grindstone after it’s used
Gemma alpha lawn clippings
Amber omega oranges
Chalky alpha beach
Jade alpha- cider
Mia unpresented alpha
The prince is a beta as is the sultan though his wife is an omega
Based on shypox run
El and Gemma have an assumed partnership that breaks stereotypes, el has pack feelings for her but not romantic but everyone assumes they’ll get together
Eleven is very adventurous but with his shypox he’s not good with people and prone to panics
confident in combat though and not seen as your typical omega, didn’t grow up with that many stereotypes because most of cobblestone is made up of betas, alphas and omegas are gifts to them
Bio facts for the world:
-omegas and alphas get nonhorny heats/ruts if a puppy is around they’re just broody and Veronica is puppy even though mentally she’s an adult alpha, her presence keeps things in check for most of the adventure in terms of preventing awkward scenarios unless I want them to exist
-the horny heats/ruts aren’t loose your mind horny until you put them off for several years cause they stack, that’s a side effect of Erik’s meds
-heats and ruts are once every three months, can increase in frequency (because nature is trying to pair you up so you stop being stressed) to every two months as a result of stress or medication
Leave for tor at 18 not 16
Derek paid for suppressants to be snuck in once every three months
Erik, Serena, Gemma,and Jade are super good at getting el out of shypox mode, other party members are normal at it
Plot points: -second tor climb with Erik, to reach summit and talk to the land spirits about its destruction, check if Erik knows earth magic at this point because if he doesn’t 👀 gift from land spirits after Erik says he’s going to protect el
One tent, el was expecting to travel alone or with a group provided
They share a hotel room for the sake of money as well
Smell descriptions
Unknown point after cobblestones destruction el is going to realize he doesn’t smell like pack anymore and he’s going to freak out a bit, leading to scent marking, Erik makes a joke about making it harder for el to get rid of him now
Gemmas charm has her and his moms smell, finds comfort in that but doesn’t use it to scent because he wants it to last
When they meet the others they assume he’s dating Erik because they smell the same but it turns out el is just really free with scenting, it’s a cobblestone thing he insists, Erik only scents with el but el smells a bit like everybody so he still ends up smelling like pack
Forging <3
Also I can incorporate party talk durning forging session
First time handing over a revealing outfit
Intimate description of healing
Erik addresses the stealing el does, el lore drops that in cobblestone people leave things around town on purpose, for whoever needs something and to help kids be better climbers and help them get better at finding things (an important skill in the mountains) “if it’s not for everyone why would it be out in the open like this and unlocked?”
Culture shock of whoops I’ve been stealing for a bit now…. Erik saying it’s cool cause he is a thief and they are on the run, also they do need it more, they’re trying to save the world!
El relents to that logic, he’s also confused by the people who let him break their shit if that wasn’t the norm, he talked to them and they didn’t say shit, Erik shrugs it off “I figured it was some kind of luminary power”
Maybe they might sneak off together and steal once the others are there they actually get to be partners in crime
But also the later the stealing convo happens the funnier it is, maybe Jade tries to claim Erik’s corrupting el and el hits them with the “no el actually steals more then I do these days”
One horny el heat before meeting up with the twins where Erik introduces puff puff girls, el is nervous Erik explains these girls and guys are professionals hired by the city to provide a service they trained for so they don’t claim people, also only betas are really hired to avoid safety concerns, and they tend to be trained in some minor healing and disease prevention magic, illusion magic, and sleep or paralysis spells for protection against rampages
El is still nervous, being claimed in the midst of an active heat is still a fear (el will actually be told by the puff puff girl that loosing control during a heat or rut is uncommon and a sign of issues, most of the time it’s a side effect to medication) but before going in he’s worried about it and Eric has been too scared of that very possibility to go through one and doesn’t know himself,
Maybe Erik jokes what do you want me to hold your hand or something and maybe el says yes, his argument about safety and also Erik being good at breaking him out of shypox, he’d get stuck in a loop in an embarrassing situation like being mid puff puff
Pining while watching your partner (in crime) get puff puffed (and maybe el keeps inviting Erik to the puff puffs, even knowing that the marking isn’t a worry getting stuck in shypox mode was a concern he totally didn’t just want Erik to be there because he was hot and el felt safe with him haha nope not that at all)
Next town el sees a puff puff girl and thinks about Erik and how much he wanted to be puff puffed around Erik again
Erik noticed and he wants that too so he brings up the conversation the last puff puff girl gave him about stress making people unable to go about their days and suggests that perhaps it could help with world saving stress too.
El asks if he would hold his hand again, Erik agrees, game on for pining while vicariously having sex
Like the puff puff girl is the one doing the act but they’re focused on eachother the whole time
The lady that takes you into the house is going to involve Erik, asking him to hold down els hips or his hands or something, after el cums and the dad comes in, Erik will hear from the puff puff girl that “you should tell him” “it’s.. more complicated then that” “isn’t it always?”
Erik convinced himself that el wouldn’t be doing this if he knew who he was truly, he’s keeping too many secrets to have that kind of relationship
Veronica calls them out, somebody brings up puff puff around the world and el blushes but at the next puff puff girl he’ll bring it up to Erik
-Feeling being mistaken for shypox
Sometimes puff puff girls are out there while the fighting is happening in a town and others are hiding, I’d love to show one kicking ass with the magic hinted at
During Gondolia Erik getting shot but there might be a Segway into how dangerous facing humans is because zing only works if the death is caused by a monster, directly or indirectly
Act 2
When the royal status is revealed to the prince he might make an off color joke about an arranged marriage since betas can have kids with male omegas
When they’re separated el ends up going to a puff puff and crying because Erik wasn’t there and it felt wrong for him not to be there, puff puff girl providing emotional support
Longing, making a nest with Erik’s old gear that he has and goes through heat in that
-Amnesia Erik won’t have a heat initially but will smell like omega- and it’s new but el also loves this scent more then the musky one? Like this is the undertone he’s always loved minus musk it’s perfect, also grief because theyve been traveling for however long now, and he thought he was the only omega surrounded by alphas, he’s a little hurt he wasn’t in on the secret
Amnesia Erik maybe smelling el on his clothes and recognizes the scent when el sees him again
Post amnesia Erik will have two rapid heats because of being on meds for years, first one is a pack heat triggered by puppy!mia
Second one is an unexpected horny in snorriis cabin eleven might help depends, he’s either helping or watching Erik fuck himself while making snacks and getting him to drink water
Erik asks for help but clarifies no claiming or cumming inside “don’t want to have to worry about taking a hit”
Erik’s omega feels safe around el
Act 3
El knows Erik is an omega
How will he deal with that? Letting Erik come to him when he’s ready probably, armed with the knowledge that Erik will have a double heat the moment his meds run out, might start getting other side effects that get him called out maybe?
Cries out Erik’s name during puff puff leads to feelings talk where Erik admits to his secondary gender expecting rejection only to be met with love and acceptance
Used Drustan as a cute way to ask Erik to live together after everything and Drustan was like oh fuck yeah I can help with that *magics* congrats on being soul married Erik’s legal residence is cobblestone now and el and Erik were both like what and then they went with it cause it comes with cool powers but they also are still unbounded at this point in the traditional sense so that can be a thing later
El asks Erik to bite him Erik is like are you sure then you really won’t be able to get rid of me and el is like dumbass we are literally soul married, I want to be with you, do you feel any hesitation?
Very big impactful stuff
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dangerously-human · 2 years
Oh, I love it here! Having the time of my life; practically everywhere I look is breathtakingly beautiful. I said to Lou, half in jest, that I suspected God loves Ireland a little extra, to which she replied that he made me to love it, and I think that's very true.
Yesterday I stayed with my cousin's wife's family, who welcomed me like one of their own. They live at the base of a small mountain, so I went for a hike up to the summit, and the view was truly spectacular. The path up felt like walking through an old Celtic myth, honestly, through vividly green and misty forests. Unfortunately, I got hit by a terrible wave of vertigo on the way down, and it was already getting dark so I couldn't just sit and wait for it to pass, so I had to go very slowly (it was solidly raining by that point and the steps were quite slippery) and cling to whatever rope railing there was in spots and fervently pray for safety. Thankfully the meds worked pretty well and didn't take too long to kick in, though I've run out now and I'm not sure how easy it will be to find abroad. I'm so deeply frustrated with the vertigo, and I have no idea how long it'll take to get in to see a specialist. But, anyway, I did make it back down okay, quite soggy, and then we went out to a pub for dinner and watched Ireland win a rugby match, so I've had the true Irish experience now, I think!
This morning I went with the family to Mass (I really like going to church when I travel, it's a nice reminder that we all worship the same God, in slightly different ways, around the world), and then they took me to a couple local tourist spots that were so pretty - a rugged beach and an old church/graveyard at the foot of another stunning mountain. Now I'm on my way to go meet up with my uncle, and we're planning to get a drink tonight in the oldest pub in Ireland!
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f0point5 · 7 months
Okay. I’m at a pre-med summit right now but I can’t stop thinking about the newest update. Like who are the people in the chat for that last part??
I’m so curious. Is it with max and another girl? Elliot being a snake??? Y/N and Max??
Elliot being a snake 😂😂😂 that man is a bull in a China shop
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heyitssashag · 1 year
Is it weird that I’m trying to plan out when is the absolute earliest I could possibly start training for a marathon? Yeah, I thought so. The earliest would be the end of August, by the way. lol. At this point in time, I don’t know if the surgery has done much so I’m probably jumping the gun a little. Maybe I could train for a half. lol.
I was looking at some old pictures of hiking up the Grouse Grind. I’d go up sometimes twice in row (yes, on the same day /humblebrag). If you haven’t heard of the Grouse Grind it’s a 2.5 km hike up the face of Grouse Mountain in North Vancouver. Elevation gain is 2,624 feet (800 metres). You’re only allowed to hike up. You either need to take the gondola or another trail (BCMC) back down.
Beginning of the Grouse Grind Trail
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I remember way back in the day, if you hiked up, you got a free ride down. Now it’s $20. lol. (It’s $75 for both up and down ticket which includes the mountaintop activities like the scenic chairlift). Anyway, it’s a big tourist destination both in the summer and winter (for skiing). It’s the closest mountain to downtown Vancouver. There’s some fun stuff to do at the top of the mountain (ie lumberjack show, birds show). My favourite is to say hello to Grinder & Coola (the 2 resident grizzly bears) or ride the chairlift and go up the Eye of the Wind (a massive wind turbine). At the top of Grouse, you can hike into the back country: Dam, Little Goat and Goat Mountain. Goat is challenging and you’ll need to use provided ropes and chains to summit but it’s a great view.
I’d also hike from Lynn Canyon to Grouse Mountain (along the Baden Powell Trail). Lynn Canyon also has a suspension bridge which is fun (and free) to walk across. Lots of trails and hikes around there - most are easy to moderate. You can also go swim at the 30 ft pool.
There’s a little nature centre which is great for the kids. I had one of the best cups of coffee at the cafe at Lynn Canyon. (Although, it’s been a few years so I’m not sure if it’s still just as good. lol.)
We have another “touristy” attraction called the Capilano Suspension Bridge (very close to Grouse Mountain) but it’s around $70 for entry into the park. Lots of scenic areas (but there’s no hiking).
Old photo of Ella crossing the Cap Suspension Bridge.
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Anyway, those are just a few areas of North Vancouver that I used to hang out at. I was trying to calculate if I could make a day trip out there and do the Grouse Grind. lol. The average person takes a little over 2 hours or so to hike it. Back in the day, I could do it in about an hour. I definitely need to be stronger and more healthier to be able to hike that, again. *sigh* Not sure if this is wishful thinking or something to work towards. I guess I’ll soon find out over the next few months.
I started back on the Ibrance, today. I was supposed to have started it last Tuesday but I wanted to make sure I was healed up a bit more. These cancer meds do a number on your immune system. I just realized it’s been 3 weeks since I’ve taken it, though. I don’t want to push it any longer. Next week I have a bone scan. I don’t have an MRI until August but I’m okay with that. It can take a while for the new hardware to settle in. I don’t want them to heat up while I’m in the machine. That happened a few years ago when I had the original hardware put in my neck. It was horrific - I could barely breathe. I had to abandon the test.
This morning I chatted with my participant with the health coaching program and helped with their action plan. This afternoon I have groceries delivered. I’m hoping once the kid gets home from school, they can take me for a walk to the cafe.
My hives are gone but it feels like parts of my face are flushed and super hot. That happens sometimes but it’s really annoying so I’m going to put a cold cloth on my face now.
Here’s some other old photos around Capilano & Grouse.
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twosides--samecoin · 1 year
I can't wait for RJ to deal with less bullshit in the fic but that day is not today. I simply enjoy putting this man through Situations because I identify with his personality a lot: He is stuck between the person he was and the person he was meant to be but never got to fully become. Critically annoyed at all times and very guarded. Slow to trust but quick (in my canon divergence) to trust unreliable info about Med Tek.
And yet he's incredibly resilient; I have him summiting a mountain in the first act because RJ will do whatever it takes no matter how much he complains. I love him very much.
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rangingfarandwide · 2 years
Adventuring Health&Safety Considerations
Massive disclaimer: there are a million different things to take into consideration to keep yourself safe and healthy that are deeply personal and individual. These are basic things I find important and it is by no means an exhaustive list.
If you have worries or questions about keeping healthy on the trails, please consult a medical professional. Specific safety questions are best posed to Park Rangers or other such authorities.
Eating- balanced, tasty meals and snacks to keep you going! Food is fuel, food is fun, food is yummy, especially when your body is working hard.
Drinking- stay hydrated. No discussion. Carry enough, consider resupply places and water treatment options.
Equiptment- Adequately prepare for changeable weather, terrain and your needs. Take the right kit for where you're going. Know your equiptment, make sure it's in good shape. Your footwear is very very important. Keep it clean, dry and in one piece.
Dry out- dry out your kit. Keep your skin dry. Dry your hair. TAKE CLEAN AND DRY SOCKS. A change of the layers closest to your skin (at least) will go a long way to keeping you clean and comfy.
Cleanliness- mud is brilliant. Sand is great. Forest debris and leaf litter is excellent. But not on your person for extended amounts of time. That gets irritating. Literally. There's a reason it's called 'dirt' and your body will remind you forcefully of this unless you wipe or brush it off.
First aid- something we all probably have in common? Always covered in cuts and bruises. Keep them clean. Know basic treatments for common ailmemts. Prepare for the worst, hope for the good, enjoy the best. Supply with this in mind+extras.
Risk- small, acceptable and well-managed risks are great. Consider the things you do before you do them, including potential consequences to you AND OTHERS.
Animals- check the areas you visit. What lives here, what migrates here, what could eat or hurt you here? Prepare for meetings with your animal neighbours, you're in their neighbourhood after all.
Toilet needs- necessary consideration, I apologise. Where, how, with what, leave no trace. There are tutorials and guidelines out there.
Rest and Recuperation- take a break. Relax. Chill. Your body will thank you and be ready to go again soon. Look after your body and your body will try its best for you.
Fitness- match your fitness level to the things you're doing. Pushing too hard, too fast will hurt you. Don't do that. Slow and steady, building up in increments. You are the expert on your body and fitness looks different on everybody.
Medications- have what you need and take enough of it with you. Don't get caught short. If you find yourself on a mountain summit and need to take your meds, do it- no shame. Keep a list of the meds you take and their dosages on your person.
Communication- stay in contact. Ensure people know where you are, what you're doing and when you'll be back. Know who to call in an emergency or when you just need a bit of help. Keep your emergency contacts and information close to hand. Fully charged phone and emergency whistle. Consider phone service coverage in different places.
Navigation- know where you're headed. How to get there, how to leave, where to go for help, food, water. Note the direction and paths you're following and what landmarks you should encounter. Consider multiple means of navigation- online, offline, compass and paper. Consider what to do if you get lost.
Heed the signs and rules in the places you visit- no brainer. It doesn't need explaining. Also, stick to the paths.
Look after yourself, look out for others, go out there and explore!
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Monday March 27, Day 2 Trekking Recap
Today we went from Phakding to Namche Bazaar. Starting at 8562 feet and ending at 11286 feet. Even though there’s only about 2700 feet of elevation gain between the two locations, with the ups and downs of the trail your total elevation gain is about 4000 feet over about 7 miles. With the steepest gain at the end (see green elevation chart). It took us about 5 moving hours (excluding stopping for lunch and permits).
As we trekked throughout the day it was sensory overload in every direction. We trekked through a valley that follows the main river down from Everest. We saw all sorts of beautiful flowers and trees. We had to step around many lazy dogs bathing in the sun. We crossed four suspension bridges high above the valley, to include the Hillary Bridge, 410 feet high and 459 feet long.
The Hillary Bridge is named after Sir Edmund Hillary, who, along with Tenzig Norway, a Nepali Sherpa, were the first to summit Everest in 1953. Hillary’s legacy is felt throughout the region with schools and infrastructure funded by Hillary’s foundation.
After a few hours of trekking we officially entered Sagarmatha National Park. Mount Everest actually has three names. First named Everest when it was identified as the worlds highest peak in 1852 by George Everest. In Nepali Sagarmatha means “Peak of Heaven.” Nepal has 3 of the 4 faces of Everest, only the North face is in Tibet. In Tibetan, Everest is called Chomolungma, meaning “Goddess Mother of the World” or “Goddess of the Valley.”
Later in the day, after the steep climb, we reached Namche Bazaar. Namche Bazaar was a small trading post for hundreds of years before it became a hub for trekkers and mountaineers in the mid 20th century. Today approximately 1600 people live in Namche, primarily working in jobs to support the trekkers and mountaineers. There’s everything here from a pharmacy (thank god, I forgot some meds at the hotel in Kathmandu) to an Irish Pub (where I will most certainly grab a Guinness when we stay in Namche on the way back down.
Tyler and I upgraded to the “upgraded accommodation” for our two nights in Namche and for anywhere else that is an option. That was 15 bucks each and means we get electricity in our rooms, a heated blanket (which we don’t need yet, it was about 35F in the room last night and our sleeping bags are incredibly warm) and, most importantly, our own toilet. Which, is amazing and clean.
We’re here in Namche for two nights and do an acclimitization hike tomorrow and we’ll get our first view of Everest!
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ditte-i-brisbane · 8 months
Turen går til Tasmanien part 3/3
Torsdag (Strahan - Hobart):
Sidste dag på touren er nu kommet og gået. Vi skulle fra Strahan tilbage til Hobart, hvilket er en lang køretur, hvor vi dog tog et par stop på vejen.
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Første stop var vi ved Queenstown, som er en gammel mineby. Området omkring denne by er meget specielt, da det har været stærkt påvirket af syreregn. Minebyen havde ikke mere træ at brænde af til at smelte det kobber de havde brug for, derfor begyndte de at brænde pyrit af i stedet for. Dette gjorde at de havde helt vildt meget syreregn i meget lang tid, hvilket fuldstændig ødelagde beplantningen omkring byen. Det var altså et meget specielt naturområde at køre igennem, i det ellers meget frodige Australien. Her så vi også Iron Blow, hvilket var virkelig smukt!
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Efterfølgende stod dagen på endnu flere vandfald og meget høje træer! Vi var i Mount Field National Park, hvor de har træer op til 70-80 meter høje. Det var så smukt at gå igennem.
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Udover de høje træer, så vi også to helt vildt flotte vandfald, Horselook waterfall og Russels waterfall.
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Og for det ikke sku være helt løgn, fik jeg set endnu et næbdyr. Hvor heldig kan man være. Denne gang var næbdyret dog en del længere væk, og havde kun bagenden oppe i vejret. Jeg fik altså en virkelig dårlig video, men jeg har nu bevis på at have set det underlige og fantastiske dyr :)))
Jeg er nu tilbage i Hobart, men jeg har heldigvis en dag mere i skønne Tasmanien. I morgen skal dagen brugen på en allersidste vandretur, inden jeg vender hjem til det varme Brissie igen.
Fredag (Hobart - Brisbane):
Min sidste dag i Hobart blev brugt på Mount Wellington. Jeg vågnede tidligt og tog den første bus til Fern Tree som er trailhead for vandreturen til toppen af Mount Wellington. Det startede godt ud med omkring 1,5 times regnvejr på vej op af bjerget.
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Da regnen så endelig stoppede, var det altså ikke fordi, der var skyfrit, men fordi jeg var havnet midt i den regnene sky. Og der var bare smæk på blæsten. Det var mildest talt meget koldt og vådt, især fordi min genbrugs Gore-Tex jakke altså ikke viste mange Gore-Tex egenskaber. Den dæmpede lidt for vinden, men jeg var blevet drivvåd inden under den… det er det der sker, når man køber en “regnjakke” for 16AUD i en op-shop (genner). Men jeg kom altså hele vejen op til summit, hvor der var udsigts post. Her kunne jeg komme indenfor i ly for blæsten, men det var altså ikke meget udsigt, jeg kunne nyde.
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Jeg holdte en god lang pause her, mest fordi jeg frygtede at bevæge mig udenfor igen, hvor jeg derefter navigerede ned af bjerget igen. Denne gang af en anden rute. Denne rute holdte på det skyede blæsevejr lidt længere, men da jeg ENDELIG brød ud af tåen fandt jeg mig i det smukkeste natur. Jeg var helt vild med det. Og for det ikke skulle være helt løgn, kom solen endelig frem! Jeg kunne altså skifte til min sweater, som lå helt tør i tasken, og gå ned af bjerget uden det kolde våde tøj på. Det var altså en meget dejlig vandretur alligevel ;))
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Efter vandreturen tog jeg bussen tilbage til Hobart, hvor jeg fik et par timer til at gå, inden jeg skulle i Hobart lufthavn, den mindste lufthavn jeg nogensinde har været i. Jeg fik besøgt Tasmaniens museum, som btw er gratis, hvilket havde en virkelig fed udstilling om Charles Dickens. Her synes museumsvagten at min hvide hoodie var helt fantastisk til et af udstillingsrummene, så i får også lige hans meget kunsteriske billeder med i købet.
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Nu hvor turen virkelig er slut, står jeg kun tilbage med en følelse: jeg MÅ tilbage. Dette er virkelig er helt fantastisk sted, med helt fantastisk natur. Jeg kan slet ikke dulme min begejstring for Tasmanien. Jeg tror muligvis dette bliver mit højdepunkt for Australien. Det er altså lidt bedrøvet, at jeg vender snuden hjem til Brissie, meeen efter den mildt våde vandretur, lyder det da også lidt rart med noget sol og varme igen :)))
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laresearchette · 2 years
Wednesday, September 21, 2022 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
DISNEY + STAR ANDOR (3-Episode Premiere) CHIBI TINY TALES (Season 1-2) CRIMINAL MINDS (Season 13) EL REPATRIADO (Season 1) MAY IT PLEASE THE COURT (Season 1, Premiere) ROOKIE COPS (Season 1) SUPER/NATURAL (Season 1)
MLB BASEBALL (SN1) 12:00pm: Senators vs. Atlanta (SN) 6:30pm: Jays vs. Phillies (SN1) 7:00pm: Pirates vs. Yankees (TSN3) 7:00pm: Tigers vs. Orioles (SN Now) 9:30pm: Mariners vs. A’s
POINTSBET INVITATIONAL CURLING (TSN/TSN5) 1:00pm: Sweet 16 (TSN/TSN5) 6:00pm: Sweet 16
SUMMIT '72 (CBC) 8:00pm: The Soviets show their victory in Game 1 was no accident, and Canadian fans show their frustrations as Team Canada struggles to keep up with Soviet-style hockey.
WAR OF THE WORLDS (CBC) 9:00pm: As Adina starts the next stage of her plan, astronauts Juliet and Richard see warning signs in space; uncovering Adina's sinister mission.
THE STAIRCASE (CTV Drama) 10:00pm (SERIES PREMIERE): In 2001, author and aspiring local politician Michael Peterson is charged with murder after the suspicious death of his wife Kathleen.
THE BLACK HAMPTONS (BET Canada) 10:00pm (SERIES PREMIERE): Two powerful families in an exclusive community vie for the same property, triggering a feud as the families position themselves to win the coveted Peterson property.
WOMEN’S BASKETBALL WORLD CUP (SN) 11:00pm: Canada vs. Serbia
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stadiumpharma · 11 days
Pharmacy  In Lee’s Summit, Mo | Stadium Pharmacy
Stadium Pharmacy in Lee's Summit, MO provides med sync, blood pressure monitoring, and online prescription refills, along with complimentary home deliveries. Get in touch today!
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bloghrexach · 1 month
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🫤 … I’ve seen some of her clips on TikTok & Instagram! — She surely seems in total favor of sanctioning Iran after they defended themselves against Israel’s attack!!!
Ursula Gertrud von der Leyen (born 8 October 1958) is a German physician and politician serving as the 13th president of the European Commission since 2019. She served in the German federal government between 2005 and 2019, holding successive positions in Angela Merkel's cabinet, most recently as federal minister of defence.
By: LailkaB, founder of ‘Reclaim the Narrative’, from LinkedIn …
“David Cronin, Associate Editor of Electronic Intifada, attempted to put Ursula von der Leyen under citizen's arrest for aiding the Gaza genocide.
Cronin's attempt was made as the European Commission's president began her speech to a conference on strengthening the weapons industry.
EUROPEAN DEFENCE & SECURITY SUMMIT 2024. 17 APRIL Cercle Gaulois, Brussels
… Two years after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, a major war continues to rage and military experts are warning about the possibility of Russian aggression against other European states within this decade. At the same time, the Hamas terror attack of 7 October has kicked off another major crisis in the Middle East.
Given the growing security threats and uncertainties about the outcome of the forthcoming US elections, it is now essential that Europeans intensify their efforts and bring their cooperation to an unprecedented level. The European elections, the start of a new Commission mandate and the preparation of the next Multi-annual Financial Framework will mark important milestones on this path.
“Any legitimate international parties granting Israel the ability to implement its policy of imposing collective sanctions on the Gaza Strip and killing its people, apparently by any means, represents the explicit complicity of those countries in committing war crimes against civilians in unlawful and horrific attacks” Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor, Oct 23.
The 1948 Genocide Convention places an obligation on governments around the world to prevent and punish that crime, not aid and abet it!” … 🫤
#reclaimthenarrative — 🍉🕊 — #FreePalestine … @hrexach …
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