#nontraditional abo
artycat101s · 2 years
Notes for a luminerik abo au I have plans on writing under the readmore
It’s all directly from my phone notes so sorry for any typos this is the raw notes in case I never write this
NSFW concepts included
Erik omega hiding status peppermint (leather overtop to hide it via suppressants )
El omega- hot chocolate
Serena (pine)and Veronica alphas (campfire though she’s currently puppy so she smells like milky campfire)
Rab alpha old books
Sylve alpha- popcorn
Hendrik alpha- grindstone after it’s used
Gemma alpha lawn clippings
Amber omega oranges
Chalky alpha beach
Jade alpha- cider
Mia unpresented alpha
The prince is a beta as is the sultan though his wife is an omega
Based on shypox run
El and Gemma have an assumed partnership that breaks stereotypes, el has pack feelings for her but not romantic but everyone assumes they’ll get together
Eleven is very adventurous but with his shypox he’s not good with people and prone to panics
confident in combat though and not seen as your typical omega, didn’t grow up with that many stereotypes because most of cobblestone is made up of betas, alphas and omegas are gifts to them
Bio facts for the world:
-omegas and alphas get nonhorny heats/ruts if a puppy is around they’re just broody and Veronica is puppy even though mentally she’s an adult alpha, her presence keeps things in check for most of the adventure in terms of preventing awkward scenarios unless I want them to exist
-the horny heats/ruts aren’t loose your mind horny until you put them off for several years cause they stack, that’s a side effect of Erik’s meds
-heats and ruts are once every three months, can increase in frequency (because nature is trying to pair you up so you stop being stressed) to every two months as a result of stress or medication
Leave for tor at 18 not 16
Derek paid for suppressants to be snuck in once every three months
Erik, Serena, Gemma,and Jade are super good at getting el out of shypox mode, other party members are normal at it
Plot points: -second tor climb with Erik, to reach summit and talk to the land spirits about its destruction, check if Erik knows earth magic at this point because if he doesn’t 👀 gift from land spirits after Erik says he’s going to protect el
One tent, el was expecting to travel alone or with a group provided
They share a hotel room for the sake of money as well
Smell descriptions
Unknown point after cobblestones destruction el is going to realize he doesn’t smell like pack anymore and he’s going to freak out a bit, leading to scent marking, Erik makes a joke about making it harder for el to get rid of him now
Gemmas charm has her and his moms smell, finds comfort in that but doesn’t use it to scent because he wants it to last
When they meet the others they assume he’s dating Erik because they smell the same but it turns out el is just really free with scenting, it’s a cobblestone thing he insists, Erik only scents with el but el smells a bit like everybody so he still ends up smelling like pack
Forging <3
Also I can incorporate party talk durning forging session
First time handing over a revealing outfit
Intimate description of healing
Erik addresses the stealing el does, el lore drops that in cobblestone people leave things around town on purpose, for whoever needs something and to help kids be better climbers and help them get better at finding things (an important skill in the mountains) “if it’s not for everyone why would it be out in the open like this and unlocked?”
Culture shock of whoops I’ve been stealing for a bit now…. Erik saying it’s cool cause he is a thief and they are on the run, also they do need it more, they’re trying to save the world!
El relents to that logic, he’s also confused by the people who let him break their shit if that wasn’t the norm, he talked to them and they didn’t say shit, Erik shrugs it off “I figured it was some kind of luminary power”
Maybe they might sneak off together and steal once the others are there they actually get to be partners in crime
But also the later the stealing convo happens the funnier it is, maybe Jade tries to claim Erik’s corrupting el and el hits them with the “no el actually steals more then I do these days”
One horny el heat before meeting up with the twins where Erik introduces puff puff girls, el is nervous Erik explains these girls and guys are professionals hired by the city to provide a service they trained for so they don’t claim people, also only betas are really hired to avoid safety concerns, and they tend to be trained in some minor healing and disease prevention magic, illusion magic, and sleep or paralysis spells for protection against rampages
El is still nervous, being claimed in the midst of an active heat is still a fear (el will actually be told by the puff puff girl that loosing control during a heat or rut is uncommon and a sign of issues, most of the time it’s a side effect to medication) but before going in he’s worried about it and Eric has been too scared of that very possibility to go through one and doesn’t know himself,
Maybe Erik jokes what do you want me to hold your hand or something and maybe el says yes, his argument about safety and also Erik being good at breaking him out of shypox, he’d get stuck in a loop in an embarrassing situation like being mid puff puff
Pining while watching your partner (in crime) get puff puffed (and maybe el keeps inviting Erik to the puff puffs, even knowing that the marking isn’t a worry getting stuck in shypox mode was a concern he totally didn’t just want Erik to be there because he was hot and el felt safe with him haha nope not that at all)
Next town el sees a puff puff girl and thinks about Erik and how much he wanted to be puff puffed around Erik again
Erik noticed and he wants that too so he brings up the conversation the last puff puff girl gave him about stress making people unable to go about their days and suggests that perhaps it could help with world saving stress too.
El asks if he would hold his hand again, Erik agrees, game on for pining while vicariously having sex
Like the puff puff girl is the one doing the act but they’re focused on eachother the whole time
The lady that takes you into the house is going to involve Erik, asking him to hold down els hips or his hands or something, after el cums and the dad comes in, Erik will hear from the puff puff girl that “you should tell him” “it’s.. more complicated then that” “isn’t it always?”
Erik convinced himself that el wouldn’t be doing this if he knew who he was truly, he’s keeping too many secrets to have that kind of relationship
Veronica calls them out, somebody brings up puff puff around the world and el blushes but at the next puff puff girl he’ll bring it up to Erik
-Feeling being mistaken for shypox
Sometimes puff puff girls are out there while the fighting is happening in a town and others are hiding, I’d love to show one kicking ass with the magic hinted at
During Gondolia Erik getting shot but there might be a Segway into how dangerous facing humans is because zing only works if the death is caused by a monster, directly or indirectly
Act 2
When the royal status is revealed to the prince he might make an off color joke about an arranged marriage since betas can have kids with male omegas
When they’re separated el ends up going to a puff puff and crying because Erik wasn’t there and it felt wrong for him not to be there, puff puff girl providing emotional support
Longing, making a nest with Erik’s old gear that he has and goes through heat in that
-Amnesia Erik won’t have a heat initially but will smell like omega- and it’s new but el also loves this scent more then the musky one? Like this is the undertone he’s always loved minus musk it’s perfect, also grief because theyve been traveling for however long now, and he thought he was the only omega surrounded by alphas, he’s a little hurt he wasn’t in on the secret
Amnesia Erik maybe smelling el on his clothes and recognizes the scent when el sees him again
Post amnesia Erik will have two rapid heats because of being on meds for years, first one is a pack heat triggered by puppy!mia
Second one is an unexpected horny in snorriis cabin eleven might help depends, he’s either helping or watching Erik fuck himself while making snacks and getting him to drink water
Erik asks for help but clarifies no claiming or cumming inside “don’t want to have to worry about taking a hit”
Erik’s omega feels safe around el
Act 3
El knows Erik is an omega
How will he deal with that? Letting Erik come to him when he’s ready probably, armed with the knowledge that Erik will have a double heat the moment his meds run out, might start getting other side effects that get him called out maybe?
Cries out Erik’s name during puff puff leads to feelings talk where Erik admits to his secondary gender expecting rejection only to be met with love and acceptance
Used Drustan as a cute way to ask Erik to live together after everything and Drustan was like oh fuck yeah I can help with that *magics* congrats on being soul married Erik’s legal residence is cobblestone now and el and Erik were both like what and then they went with it cause it comes with cool powers but they also are still unbounded at this point in the traditional sense so that can be a thing later
El asks Erik to bite him Erik is like are you sure then you really won’t be able to get rid of me and el is like dumbass we are literally soul married, I want to be with you, do you feel any hesitation?
Very big impactful stuff
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coolcat101s · 2 years
Is there a website for generating a/b/o smells?
Like can I plug in character traits and get smells back?
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When Harry feels his temperature start to rise and the world starts to go a little fuzzy around the edges, he packs up his nesting materials, some clean clothing, and a few books at Hermione’s insistence, lets his friends know to tell Pomfrey, and goes to get a few snacks from the house elves before holing up in the Head Boy’s room. Luckily Tom is there, not having any classes this morning, so after a quick message is sent to confirm he’ll be unable to attend for a few days and a quick change into comfortable clothes, they’re ready.
“So, uh. What do we do now?”
Tom gives him a look. “Why are you asking me? You’re the omega, this is your heat.”
“We’ve established I am bad at being an omega,” Harry says.
“Well, what is your body telling you to do?” Tom says, mildly exasperated. 
“Erm… Nothing particular, at the moment. But I don’t think the heat has fully started. If it has, I don’t know what other omegas are talking about.”
“You do realise you’re currently piling blankets and my clothing on the bed.”
He is. “Fucking hell.” His nesting urge is out of control. “Well, I guess this is what we’re doing.”
“Do you want me to help?”
“Uh, do you have any other pillows?” Harry asks absently, arranging the blankets and the majority of Tom’s wardrobe according to some unwritten organisational plan. He knows when it feels right, though.
“Harry. We’re wizards,” Tom says. “I may not have more pillows, but I can make them.”
“Then make me three big, fluffy ones.”
Tom does. The pillows are perfect – exactly what he wants. A part of Harry that he’d rather not acknowledge crows about how well he’s chosen his mate.
Once he places the pillows where they’re meant to be, Harry feels a warm satisfaction deep in his bones. He climbs into the nest without conscious thought and rolls around to make everything smell a bit more like him. After that, he goes almost limp with bliss.
Okay, this is a part of being an omega he can get behind. This is awesome.
Harry is – dare he say it – cute, sitting half swallowed-up by the heap of fabric and pillows.
“Do you like my nest?” Harry asks him, looking dreamy and somehow shy.
Tom fights the urge to laugh at him. “Yes, Harry, it’s a very good nest.”
And at that remark, Harry’s eyes slip closed and a rumbling sound starts up from his chest. Oh. Oh. He’s purring.
When Tom had read that extremely content omegas might purr, he’d thought it sounded absurd. Now, as he feels his cheeks grow pink, he understands why people try so hard to achieve this. It’s like something he hadn’t realised was tight and knotted in his chest unwinds, and he’s sure his face is doing something foolish, but he can’t bring himself to care right now.
“Come here?” Harry asks, cheeks flushed and pupils visibly blown even through his barely open eyelids.
“Yes,” Tom says. 
He joins Harry on his bed, careful not to disturb the nest’s arrangement lest he be kicked out. As soon as he starts to sit down, Harry begins pulling and prodding him into place. He almost slaps the other boy’s hands away, but Harry must have him situated where he wants, because he stops poking at Tom and looks very pleased with himself.
And then Harry drapes himself over Tom and sticks his face against Tom’s throat, where he knows his scent is strongest. 
If Harry was purring before, Tom’s not sure what this is. It feels like the whole bed is vibrating. Tom feels almost drunk. Surrounded by his clothes and his magic, and with Harry against him, fever-hot, purring up a storm and emitting happy heat pheromones, Tom feels warm and relaxed and it’s wonderful. 
(thrown into the nest)
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Things I think more ABO au’s should include:
- Similar scents between family members
- A bitter or undesirable scent for an omega
- Alpha/alpha pairings
- Omega/omega pairings
- Platonic Nesting
- Beta protagonists
- Scent marking places of comfort
- Side characters or antagonists with incompatible scents
- Sharper teeth
- Pining for someone already bonded
- Damaged noses
- Seeing eye dogs but for like scenting
- Betas that aren’t just ‘normal humans’
- Alphas disguising themselves as omegas
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satancopilotsmytardis · 10 months
Please please please write the ABO fic idea! That blurb of it has me hooked to it already 😩💓you write their dynamic in the best way always I’m obsessed with how you portray them! 💕may or may not have a leave of absence and cats collar pined to my Home Screen on my phone 😂
Thanks so much! I am probably going to write both of the ABO fic ideas as soon as I get more free time! I've got 2.7k of the ABO fic I posted the preview of and 4.4k of the darker ABO fic with werewolves I mentioned in the 'to write' update!
I'm so glad you like my work, thank you!
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linskywords · 7 months
Yes I do have thoughts on omega4omega Nate and they honestly star with the AMAZING ABO SidGeno AU swallow the fire by cascara_soda.
Like, the idea that Nate is so uncomfortable and defiant as an omega, that he refuses it and doesn’t like what it means, secretly wishes to be literally anything else.
But of course Nate’s personal story is his growth and self-acceptance so by the time Cale arrives he’s…settled with himself. He doesn’t want omega shit, still, but he’s accepted that he can still be…whatever the fuck Nathan MacKinnon is, even though he was born an omega.
But Cale still rankles, a bit.
Because it wasn’t that Nate had ever thought himself above other omegas. He hadn’t, really, even though that was something that got twisted up in not wanting to be himself. But Cale smells like sunshine and he blushes when he introduces himself. And Nate’s chill with being an omega, like, he’s cool he’s totally fine. But he looks at Cale, beautiful and soft-skinned and thrillingly confident, and fuck, he wants to be an alpha if just so he can have this one.
Anyway. That’s just a ramble. I do hope you write these two someday—I adore them.
Yes!! @nightshadehasblorbos reminded me of this headcanon in a reply:
I remember you talking about writing Nate and Cale as omega/omega and how that would play on Sid being in an Alpha/Alpha relationship and how they had made a video about alpha/alpha to teach about wolf relationships and how they never even thought about omega/omega even though they were in a nontraditional relationship.
Gotta say, I'm sort of loving this headcanon about Nate sort of starting to be okay with his omega self until he meets Cale. At first he thinks he's annoyed because Cale is the type of omega Nate has never been able to be, and even though he doesn't even want to be, obviously, it's still grating. But then he starts noticing Cale taking up more and more of his mental attention, and smelling really amazingly good and...then it just sucks that Nate isn't an alpha. Because obviously such a perfect classic omega as Cale wouldn't want to be in a relationship with another omega. Right??
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puppypeter · 29 days
Your bottom!Roy posts got me thinking about my secret omega!Roy ABO au, and now I MUST share my vision or I will EXPLODE!!!!!
I'm really fascinated by nontraditional ABO fics, which is why repressed Omega!Roy has me by the THROAT!! The whole political side of the ABO universe when put into a professional sports context is really intriguing to me, and I'm especially interested in seeing how gender politics would play out in a universe where possessing a second sex is the norm.
I'll try to keep my summary as short as possible so I'll boil it down to my key components (*me when I lie):
Omega!Roy presented at Sunderland when he was around 12/13 and thereby had to sign one of the most complex NDAs in youth sport at the time as well as being put on extremely heavy duty suppressants. All that compounded by the scrutiny and isolation of his living conditions at sunderland and the emotional impact of having your body be treated as something shameful to be hidden having an incredibly traumatic effect on someone so young leads me to believe that Roy's 'hardman' persona was a combination of his actual personality and a case of serious overcompensation.
By the time Roy is playing professionally, maybe some sort of Second Sex Protection Lae has been passed which means youre not obligated to reveal your second gender at your work place, leading to Roy hiding his omega status to further his career opportunities. Which surely won't have an effect on the way he views his body at ALLLLL.
Oh, you think Roy is emotionally repressed in CANON?? Omega!Roy is something else entirely. EXTREMELY dysmorphic and sexually repressed, as well as suffering from internalised omegaphobia(?), no wonder he is so tense. My man hasn't had a fulfilling heat in three decades. Add that to his preexisting career struggles from canon and you get a total MESS.
Enter Jamie: THE pinnacle of the Alpha archetype (who, unbeknownst to Roy, is also dealing with a lot of internalised struggles regarding his second sex and what it means to be an Alpha male, combined with his Amsterdam related trauma).
Roy hates him on sight, both for the canon reasons of jealousy and general dislike for his personality and for omegaphobic reasons, meaning Roy resents Jamie's Alpha status.
In season 1, they still have their rivalry, except Oh No!!!!! One day, all this alpha agro posturing in combination with Roy's fluctuating heat cycles as a result of consistent suppressant misuse/his advancing age results in Roy going into heat.
Now Roy's secret is out to the WORST possible person during one of the most fragile stages of his career AND since his stupid omega hindbrain latches itself onto the most eligible Alpha available, Roy is forced to ride out his heat with virile Alpha!Jamie.
Except,,, Jamie is actually,,, really attentive?? And understanding??? And doesn't push boundaries or take advantage of this HUGE blackmail opportunity??? Doesn't take advantage, PERIOD???? And his perception of Roy doesn't seem to change that drastically??? What????
Obviously, this is a slow burn enemies to friends to lovers situation. It's about the emotional vulnerability of having someone care for you at your most fragile and helpless, as well as a journey of self acceptance,,, It's also about extremely kinky topping from the bottom style smut with whiny, desperate to please service top, but I digress.
Could end with Roy revealing his omega status and kind of championing a lot of pro-omega movements in professional sports, or it could be wholly RoyJamie focused. And, not to make this mostly smutty au too angsty BUT: the potential of Jamie being able to relate to Roy's struggle with his bodily autonomy being violated because of his Amsterdam experience? PERFECTION!!
Big takeaway is: nontraditional ABO, older grumpy dominant omega!Roy X younger bratty submissive alpha!Jamie. I need 100k fic NOWWWWW!!!!!
Welp this is going to look like I sent myself an ask cause this is absolutely straight out of my brain what the fuck it's my dream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YES TO EVERY SINGLE THING YOU SAID!!!! Got lots to say so adding a cut or people will have to scroll loads! But anyone feel free to come shout to me more about it!
Listen I am always out here begging for more roy-centric angst to begin with and for more alpha-omega content because royjamie just fit the bill so well however you look at them (as your idea or as alpha roy/omega jamie or alpha/alpha or omega/omega). It's all about the claiming, the possessiveness, smelling each other and what not lol I love the political element and how that plays into the sports world, especially where they get kids started so young so in general it's already weird seeing such young kids put so much focus on their bodies as a vehicle for success, let alone other people getting involved in their presentation.
But now I want to know your thoughts on if his parents sent him to Sunderland because he was good at footie or because they somehow knew he was likely to turn out an omega (like his grandad, make grandad a male!omega and maybe that was his maternal grandfather and roy's dad - assuming a stereotypical alpha - always hated him for being too caring, too sweet to his own wife and his daughter etc and definitely too soft around roy). I'd say his grandad took him to take him away from that environment but it doesn't work if he brought him to a football club lmao (other option is to make it angst and say grandad was actually an omegaphobic asshole too but I feel bad about that ahah)
Roy's being so young and isolated would play such a massive role, being surrounded just by other kids who might take his spot if he is not good enough and other adults whose only interest is making money off of him becoming successful and who keep making him feel bad for his presentation.
I can see there being protection in place as his career progresses, but I feel like even if legally it's a thing the world of football is still a shitshow (I mean it's not illegal to be gay for example and yet how many players are out? when statistically there's definitely a lot of lgbt+ players - in men's footie)
But I can also see Roy at that point hating that part so much (it's the reason his parents sent him away? his hyper independence make him hate the thought he'd need to depends on someone else? my dude is so fucking touch starved it would probably physically hurt if someone held him in their arms?). And I can see him being a bit passive aggressive towards others omega players at Richmond because they're so chill about it and he's mad they have no idea what it was like for him!! (he'll get there, to where he supports them and is grateful they didn't have to go trough the hell he did)
And lord Jamie being a shitty alpha copy of his own shitty alpha dad (who could not tolerate that omega!Georgie was not a docile little thing but feisty as hell!), brought on by his Amsterdam trauma. James went away when he was little and came back later to a Jamie that was too soft, who presented as an Alpha because maybe it's the dominating gene in the Tartt family but did not behave like one at all, accused of spending too much time with his mother who is far too into omega-rights and equality and has thought him to do things like house chores which for James is 'an omega's job'. But he pulls the acting like a super dad thing and then Amsterdam happens because of him wanting to show what a real alpha should be / what an omegas job is.
I love that you went for the "Roy resents Jamie's Alpha status"!!! He is such a contradictions, hating Jamie because he's a twat of an alpha but also because he (roy) isn't one!!!
Them fighting each other in the locker room is such a hormones fuelled thing regardless lmao I can see maybe some medication Roy is taking for his knee interacting with his suppressants (perhaps because it's not a thing anymore to pay attention to since almost nobody takes suppressants anymore)
Wonder what would happen if Roy hurt his knee as canon but it was someone from another team and it happened because he got distracted as his body was going into some crazy frenzy of unwellness (his first heat after decades would be a painful nightmare) and so now he's at the lowest he could ever be
And let's not forget Jamie has been a fanboy his whole life so even if they were fighting he is genuinely concerned + his alpha instincts of protection and devotion and 'must make myself helpful regardless of the sex of the person' that Georgie instilled in him + this physical pull he feels towards Roy being in distress (you know the whole bonded alpha can feel the distress, what if he feels it even before? or maybe it's just a distressed omega smell although that would out Roy unless it doesn't happen until they've dragged him back to the locker room)
I love sweetheart alpha jamie so much!!! he'd be so caring and make the best service top absolutely and I do want to see the moment it clicks for Roy that Jamie also struggles with his presentation and does not want to be held up to those alpha standards
I do love the idea of him speaking about it publicly and Richmond ending up with an omega assistant coach (there's a lot that can be said about who is what in that coaching staff lol but hey the team is owned by a bad ass alpha female boss, only one in the Prem!!)
"the potential of Jamie being able to relate to Roy's struggle with his bodily autonomy being violated because of his Amsterdam experience? PERFECTION!!" you had to end with the most angst and I love you for it!!!!!!
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6flyingosprey6 · 8 months
If you want Missa to whine he can still do it.
Nontraditional abo dynamic PLS
guys we are inclusive here just because Missa is an alpha doesn't mean he can't whine and whimper
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Fic Rec
Knifepoint (28815 words) by Good_Grief Chapters: 7/7 Fandom: Naruto Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Senju Tobirama/Uchiha Izuna Characters: Senju Tobirama, Uchiha Izuna, Uzumaki Mito, Uchiha Madara, Senju Hashirama Additional Tags: Background HashiMadaMito, Genderbending, Female Senju Tobirama, Female Uchiha Izuna, A/B/O, nontraditional abo, Uchiha Izuna Lives, courting gifts, Marking, Masterbation, knots, Knotting Dildos, Strap-Ons, Sex Toys, Anal Plug, Fisting, inappropriate use of jutsu, Inappropriate Use of Sharingan, Inappropriate Use of Clones, Aftercare, Demisexual Senju Tobirama, Knives used to remove clothing, Knives as a metaphor for consent in a story where everything is consensual, symbolic knives Summary: Izuna and Tobirama have never had to hide from each other, not on the battlefield and not in the bedroom.
I'm usually not one for A/B/O, but this fic is an exception. The worldbuilding in this is absolutely incredible, the dynamic between Izuna and Tobirama so intriguing, the non-traditional A/B/O really interesting even to someone like me who usually doesn't enjoy it, and the F/F smut absolutely phenomenal. This fic is hands down my favorite lesbian porn fics ever - I rarely see rough and gritty sex depicted in F/F spaces, but this fic delivers on every front. Please read and leave kudos as well as a kind comment, if you haven't already!
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louisarmpits · 5 months
according to many tests i’ve taken i’m an alpha so would you like to be in a nontraditional alpha x alpha relationship with me? 👉🏽👈🏽
I love nontraditional abo relationships
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kotaka-kun · 8 months
Erik/Christine, but make it ABO (but also w nontraditional dynamics)
Bond had always sounded too close to the word bound for Erik’s tastes. 
im actually doing it... aboctober but in february... or as I like to call it:
the O in ABO stands for Opera ghost
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I posted a new chapter of the ace ABO fic!
thrown into the nest
T | Harry Potter/Tom Riddle | 10,655 words | 3/?
Tags: Canon divergence, non-traditional ABO dynamics, asexual characters, omega Harry, alpha Tom, nonsexual intimacy, ABO gender issues, soft, fluff, better sex education than Hogwarts would realistically have, societal expectations of relationships and how to disregard them
Harry had assumed he was a beta. Well, he had after someone explained the absolute nonsense of secondary genders in mages to him.
Then, at the age of sixteen-and-a-half, years after most people present, Harry’s body decides it’s now an omega. It did not consult the rest of him and he’s frankly a little miffed.
(An ace ABO fic)
Second chapter: Tom's rut edition Third chapter: Moving in together
Third chapter now available!
(It says it's complete; it's not complete, I just don't know when I'll post next and don't want to get anyone's hopes up.)
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decimalpointed · 2 years
So I'm working on 3 fics right now. Getting the dialog right is kinda killing me a little bit. I keep writing it out in my head and then I forget how I got the characters from step 1 to step 2. Its frustrating.
I've also been pretty tentative about interacting with people again so much in fandom spaces. But I love bouncing ideas around and love hearing what others have to say. So like I wanna do that, I wanna interact, but damn it I'm back in my shy anxiety bubble and dunno how to make friends 😅 Someone slide into my DMs and let me ramble at you. Only if you are an adult tho. No minors.
Anyway here's an update of what I'm working on since I'm at work and no one else showed up to this fucking meeting so I'm writing on tumblr instead.
I started Dreams Like Deadly Things which is gonna be a Steddie exploratory piece into angst in regards to gender and kink and of course some drugs thrown in to get the ball rolling. Writing gender stuff is kind of new for me in general but its only supposed to be like 5 chapters which are mostly smut and angst. One small chapter is posted and chapter 2 is started and killing me with writing the dialog.
I've started Creature Comforts, which is a Steddie body and psychological horror about losing humanity and trying to find it again. This one i wanna explore some heavier themes like cannibalism, loss of self, and the awful dread of knowing the impending loss of self but cant stop it. This one is not posted at all. Waiting till I have it a bit more fleshed out. May never get posted lol.
I've also started Beneath Fur and Fang (title pending) which is my first foray into A/B/O dynamics even though its pretty nontraditional ABO and not intended to be like filthy smut. This one's a Harringroveson as werewolves with some depressing lore and chalk full of a bunch of ideas im really excited about but its gonna be a long one. Also features heavy angst and heavy themes like animalistic behavior, death of children, unhealthy dynamics, unhealthy coping mechanisms and some stuff i won't put on tumblr . The base social needs of predators really fascinates me. Also this one is gonna be gross on a lot of levels. Like I keep going back and forth by how dark I want a certain scene to be but it would be exceedingly disgusting and I would need to dead dove tag it. Decisions decisions. Anywho, started but also not posted but its the one im most invested in. Also at a loss for certain plot points.
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vitaliskravtsov · 2 years
you chose 🔵! rate these:
- coffee shop au
- marriage of convenience
- didn't know they were dating
- amnesia fic
MARRIAGIE OF CONVIENCE [gimme like 45k of pining over the person they've narried for Reasons and are now Falling In Love With and Oh No that's a Them Feeling but like it's mutual??? THTAS THE GOOD SHIT. That being said I don't actually seek this trope out but if it's on an author page I'm going through, I'm STOKED]
2) coffee shop [always a good time usually fluffy, usually foodie, and those are all things I love in a fic. Easy to execute well, so very often done well]
3) ABO [I'm PICKY as SHIT about this. If it's well done, it'd top the list for sure, but both the universe and relationships have to be well developed for me to like it. That being said, there's a lot of aus which do both that I love, so this is number 3]
4) didn't know they were dating [fun, but PAINFULLY awkward, usually. Also sometimes has issues not sidelining nontraditional platonic relationships, as a trope]
5) amnesia fic [not that I dislike this!I just like it least of the options. It's usually just sometime i have to Be Okay For, so I don't read it too much, and it has to be really well executed for me to like it]
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(sending this ask to multiple people)
Hi! Do you or anyone you know have any interest in co-modding an untraditional a/b/o fic fest? If yes, please reach out to me.
hi!!! i’ve never hosted a fic fest but i absolutely love nontraditional abo. i’ll think about it but if anyone wants to go for it!!!
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tasteoftheforbidden · 3 years
Check out the sequel to Something in the Water 🎉
suffer a seachange into something rich and strange
by venus woman and giant saurian (grayglube)
At the top of Hermione Granger’s to do list is finding whoever is responsible for her and Draco Malfoy’s forced ten-hour after-hours proximity of three days past, a close second is finding how he keeps sending messages to her office in the completely melodramatic vein of: ‘Granger, I need you’ and ‘Granger, I’m dying.’ Third is to simultaneously quell an urge for self-destruction while avoiding the desire to turn herself in for immediate censure following mate-biting Draco Malfoy, much to his physical dis(pleasure) and her chagrin.
The sequel to ‘Something in the Water’ picks up right where it left off, with a few additions.
Clog wearing ministry elves, inappropriate use of first edition copies of Hogwarts A History, pureblood sex magic of ye olde past wreaking havoc on the young scions of besmirched ancient names, unamused catgirl-in-spirit Hermione Granger ruining perfectly good, blameless, high quality, high thread count bedding, supply line disruptions as a matchmaking device, interdepartmental cooperation of the sexy kind, more than few examples of werewolf frenemies who can smell what the plot has been cooking.
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