#suneater x oc
aheckinmess · 6 months
Shelter in the Storm [Mirio] (Angst)
(One-Shot 5/? in a collection of My Hero Academia one-shots posted regularly on Saturdays and sometimes Sundays.)
Read on AO3.
Tags: Mirio x OC, Lemillion x OC, Mirio Togata, Suneater, Tamaki Amajiki, Tamaki is a Good and Precious Bean, Mirio is a Ray of Sunshine, Anxious OC, Not the Best Home Life, But What Are Ya Gonna Do?, I Gave Tamaki a Younger Sister, Because Why Not
Word Count: 2,881 words
Summary: Tamaki and Ichijiku have been friends since elementary school, so it’s become a habitual occurrence for her to seek shelter at his house when her parents get overwhelming. In the morning, Tamaki and Mirio both walk with her to school and attempt to brighten her spirits.
Author's Note: I've noticed you all seem to enjoy minor characters a lot, so I'll try and focus on adding more as I continue writing one-shots. It's certainly a fun challenge to get to know characters who don't get a lot of screen time! I hope you enjoy!
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Ichijiku (Tigress)
Mirio, are you awake? I text my boyfriend despite knowing he’s asleep. Between the two of us, he goes to bed the earliest.
Still, for an hour and a half, I wait for a reply. When it’s obvious that I won’t be receiving a response, I stare at the ceiling as my brain tunes back into reality. The yelling down the hall amplifies and my heart races as I wait with baited breath for Mom to walk through the door. Please don’t yell at me. I don’t know what I did and if that’s why you and Dad fight but please stop screaming. When footsteps make their way down the hall, I place my phone down and hug my pillow with my eyes closed. Though internally I panic, I force myself to take deep and even breaths.
I hear the door squeak open and the heavy, angry breaths of my mother. Only the thumping in my chest is audible, and I dare not move until I hear the familiar click of my door. Even then, I pause for another two minutes until I’m sure she doesn’t stand in wait to catch me being disobedient.
When I open my eyes and she’s not there, I slip out of bed and crawl over to my window. I pull the blinds and look next door into Tamaki’s room. His dark blue eyes meet mine as he lays in his bed. I scrounge around behind my desk to find my notebook. I flip through a few of the pages until I land on the one I want, holding up the page to the glass: Can I come over?
I watch him rifle through his own notebook before holding up his response.
I tuck my notebook away and look at my door for a minute or two. She might come back. My ears tune in to every sound as I grab my jacket and stuff a deck of cards in the pocket. There’s no footsteps down the hall and the muffled sound of the TV can be heard down the hall, a signal my dad’s in bed and my mom’s still in the living room. So, I throw on my jacket and crack open my window, slow and steady.
After sneaking out and shutting it behind me, I glide across the lawn over to Tamaki’s house and through the opening he’s left me. He takes my hand and helps me into the much warmer house. I click the window lock as I get comfy on his bed.
“Hi.” I whisper.
Several minutes pass and neither of us say a word. My fingers pet the dark plum comforter underneath me, focusing my attention on the soft texture while the sound of yelling echoes in my mind. Tears trek down my cheeks while I try and think of what to say, not that it’s anything Tamaki doesn’t know. We’ve known each other since middle school. It’s unlikely that there’s anything I can tell him or Mirio that neither of them would know. They're probably sick and tired of you telling them the same stupid shit all the time. 
“Are you…okay?” My best friend’s gentle voice breaks the silence.
“It’s nothing new, I’m fine.” I sniffle, wiping my face and shoving my emotions away, all the way down to soles of my feet. “I just didn’t want to be alone.”
“Are you staying for the evening?” He asks. “Mother knows your situation; you know she doesn’t mind if you stay for the night.”
“I know. I don’t know if I’m staying, yet. Mom has started checking my room in the middle of the night.” I explain, raking my fingers through my hair as I look up at him with red eyes and swollen cheeks. “The fights have been getting more frequent and the drinking is worse.”
“Does Mirio know?” He asks.
“I texted him, but you know he goes to bed early. He’s already asleep, or I wouldn’t have bothered you. I’m sorry, Maki-kun.” I sigh and place my face in my hands. “I just don’t like being there at night; I feel so alone and afraid. But then I feel guilty because shouldn’t I want to be with my family? I sneak out just like she accuses me. I don’t sleep around and I don’t get into drugs like she accuses, but I’m still sneaking out. If I didn’t do that, would it make her and Dad fight less?”
“I-I wasn’t trying to imply…that you were bothering me. I only…wanted to make sure Mirio was aware…of the situation.” Tamaki trembles a bit as he explains and starts wringing his hands, eyeing his wall. “H-He’s…a lot better with encouragement. B-But…I’m sure that the situation between your parents is not your fault.”
“Then why does it feel like it?” I choke out, shoving my palms into my eyes so I won’t cry anymore. It feels like all I’ve done for the majority of my teenage life is cry. Weak. Pathetic. “Why does it feel like everything I do is the reason they won’t stop fighting? Mom won’t stop drinking. Dad’s barely home trying to provide for us. I don’t know what to do to make it stop.”
When the warmth of Tamaki’s arm wraps around me, sheltering me in safety, I break. The dam bursts and I cling to him as shaky sobs rattle through his room. Thoughts surface from the first time he and I went to middle school, his body shaking as he tried to speak up at the front of the classroom. I remember being so quiet and afraid that I hadn’t been able to reassure him, my childhood best friend. Seeing Mirio do it so easily later that afternoon had humbled me, and it wasn’t until lunch time when the two boys were sitting alone that I’d decided to be brave and join Tamaki and the blonde-haired stranger.
Since I could remember, Tamaki had always been my best friend, my ride or die. Having someone new that didn’t automatically write me off as a stuck up prick was a breath of fresh air. Mom had flagrantly accused me of being a slut the moment I’d come home raving about Mirio.
This comforter has caught more of my tears than my own. I think with an ache in my chest. Gentle, familiar hands rub up and down my shoulders as I wonder where I went wrong. Was it when I first became friends with Tamaki? With Mirio? When I got my first F on an assignment? The first time I called my mom out for cheating on Dad?
“What’s wrong with me?” I whimper.
“What do you mean?”
“They wouldn’t fight if I was gone.” I cough. “If I went away their lives would be better.”
“That’s not true!” Tamaki gasps and pulls back so he can look at me. “Life is so much brighter with you. You’re like Mirio. Everything around you…everyone you interact with…your very presence makes everyone happier.”
“It doesn’t feel like it.” I say. “I feel like I bring gloom and despair wherever I go.”
“That seems more like something I would say, don’t you think?” Tamaki teases, nudging me a bit and giving me a shaky smile. “I-I…understand better than anyone…about feeling less than adequate.”
“You’re so amazing, though! And you’re my bestie, so you know I’m honest when I say you’re the best. You’ve trained and worked so hard to be where you’re at. You’ve made great strides. And I…” I go back to playing with his comforter as he continues to let me lean into his side. “All I’ve done is–”
“You’ve trained hard too.” Tamaki never interrupts, so I make sure to heed what he says. “You were so scared to choose the hero track. We both were. But you were the one who encouraged me from the beginning to take a step into the hero world when I didn’t believe I could. You and Mirio pushed me forward toward that bright future. It never would have started so early if it wasn’t for you.”
Listening to him helps quiet my mind and focus on the more positive side of life, even as the bad voices still lurk on the outskirts of my mind. I pull back and sit up, yawning and realizing just how tired I am as my body calms down.
“...is the offer to stay still available?”
“You know my mother would never turn you down. I’ll pull out the extra futon.”
. . . . .
The guest futon feels comfortable and safe. No yelling invades my dreams to feed my nightmares. My alarm goes off about thirty minutes before I need to wake up, and when I blink my eyes open I find Takara nestled against my chest.
I grunt and thread my fingers through her hair.
“Taka-chan?” I coo, my worries instantly fading at the sight of the little girl. It takes her a moment to fully wake up, but then her pretty blue eyes blink up at me. “What are you doing here?”
“Bad jeem.” She babbles, tucking her head back into me and going to sleep again.
“Aww,” I purr, petting her hair for a few more minutes until anxiety clutches at my throat. If Mom wakes up and sees I’m gone… “Come on, Rara. I have to go back to my house.”
“No go!” She whines, holding tighter. “Iku stay?”
“I can’t stay, honey.” I frown. “I have to go to school in a little bit with your brother. And right now I have to go home so my mom doesn’t get mad at me.”
Her determination to keep me here endears me to her all the more, but I give a heavy yawn with my quirk and she’s out for the count. I shift carefully and leave her bundled up in blankets on the futon. I notice Tamaki still sleeps on, so I grab his notebook and write a note for him.
Went home. Will walk with you to school as usual, though.
I get ready for school and walk with Tamaki to Mirio’s with minimal criticism from my mother before I go. To be fair, she’s too hungover to do much aside from nurse her headache with an icepack.
The second Mirio walks up to me and Tamaki, I tackle him in a hug. I squeeze him with all my limbs and exhale all of my sad. He has a way of soaking up all of my hurts, his affection a healing balm to cure my wounds.
“Good morning, Sunbeam.” He breathes in my ear. “From the looks of your texts, it seems like you had a rough night…and not in the good way.” He winks at me, before pecking my lips. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“It’s just the same old, same old. My mom’s just been drinking more and it’s made it hard to sleep at night. I stayed at Maki-kun’s last night.” I explain, letting him set me down and taking his hand as we head to UA.
“That’s been happening more frequently. Are you sure there’s nothing we can do?” Mirio tilts his head, never losing his optimistic expression.
“No. It’s our last year at UA. There’s not really a point. Besides…I don’t want to be the reason for her getting in trouble when I’m already the reason she and Dad fight.” I hold his hand tighter, betraying my fear.
“That’s not your fault, Ichan.” He leans over to smother my cheek in kisses until I’m giggling. Only then does he smile again. “My mom once said that sometimes parents with a lot of problems try to pick the one constant in their life to become the scapegoat of all their issues and insecurities. You’re the one thing they can control, so they use it to their advantage.”
“N-Not to mention…they think…you’re oblivious to all the problems…they’ve created.” Tamaki adds on.
“It’s true. They severely underestimate that beautiful brain of yours.” Mirio slinks his arm around my waist.
He makes my back tingle as part of his arm phases through me playfully so he can comfortably rest his hand there.
“Mi-kun!” I shriek out a laugh, squirming as the strange feeling sends tremors down my spine. “I’ve told you that tickles!”
“Have you told me that?” He smirks. “I don’t recall you saying anything of the sort.”
“You totally do! I can see it on your face!”
“That’s subjective evidence.”
“Mirio-AH!” He starts tickling me in the sides with his fingers this time and I bolt down the sidewalk as the school building comes in sight.
“Oh? So we’re doing endurance training now, are we? Come on, Suneater! We can’t lose!”
I hear him getting closer behind me and use his closeness as motivation to add one last burst of speed to make it to the staircase. My foot meets the first step when Mirio’s arm swoops around my waist twirling me around and clutching me against his chest.
“Gotcha! There’s no way you beat Lemillion!” He laughs victoriously as I pant and catch my breath.
For a moment, he just holds me like that and I let him, forcing oxygen in my lungs. His smile flattens into a neutral expression as he presses his ear more intently to my chest. I flush and look around awkwardly until he speaks.
“Your heart is beating so fast right now.” Mirio hums.
“Well, yeah, I kinda just ran the last two blocks to get here.” I snort, heart still pounding in my ears. “I’ll bet your heart is beating pretty fast too.”
“I like it.” Mirio states, finally setting me on my feet and cupping my face in his hands. “The more I’m with you, the more things I find to love!”
I crinkle my nose and find something else to focus on so I don’t automatically turn down the compliment. I reach up and smooth down Mirio’s uniform collar as an excuse to touch him.
“I could say the same about you, Slippery Boi.”
He drops his hands to my waist since we still have time to wait outside and presses his forehead to mine. Poor Tamaki plants his forehead against the outer wall of the school when he recognizes the intimate look on Mirio’s face. He typically tries to give us our space as a couple when we need our affectionate moments.
“I’m glad you have Tamaki next door to help you when I’m not able to.” Mirio whispers, gazing at me with so much love. “I trust him with my life. It makes me feel better to know that he’s close by in case there’s an emergency.”
“Mi-kun, it’s not like that. My family might yell a lot, but they’d never…” I open my mouth to finish that sentence, but find I can’t. Memories of intentional bruises and cuts from my father remain burned in my memory.
“They would.” He says through pursed lips.
“They do the best they can.” I defend.
“They can still do better.”
“I know.” I look away from him.
“ You deserve better.”
Again, I can’t accept something positive about myself, at least not verbally. I’ve been working on it, but verbal agreement still remains a struggle.
“Takara came to me for nightmare comfort last night.” I change the subject.
“What do you want me to say, Mirio?” I huff, tears glistening in my eyes. “I know you think I deserve better and I know Tamaki agrees. I know you both would rather I just make an appointment with Hound Dog or bring it to a staff member’s attention, but I can’t. I don’t want…”
“You’re scared for what’ll happen when you get taken away?”
There it is. I move until my face plants against him. Mirio doesn’t allow it. He knows exactly what I need. He tilts my chin up and claims my lips fiercely, tugging my lip. He pulls back and then kisses me again, harder until my mind is blank. As we both stand there breathless, he rubs his thumbs over my cheeks.
“You don’t ever have to be afraid while I’m here.” He promises. “You don’t have to tell Hound Dog about everything, but I think you’d feel better if you at least brought up how stressed you’ve been. Midterms are coming up and you’ve worked too hard to let your parents mess that up for you. And I don’t care if you believe this, but I’m going to say it again.” He puts his forehead to mine again so I have to look into his sparkling eyes. “You deserve better.”
I close my eyes, take a deep breath, and then look up at him again. It could be time for a change, Little One. He speaks the truth. You deserve a better life than constant fear.
“Have I ever told you just how stubborn you are?” I pout.
“If you have, my ears were phased and I must have missed it.” He chuckles, kissing my forehead. “But I’ve definitely been told that my whole life a time or two.”
I roll my eyes but grin. “Don’t ever change, Mi-kun.”
“Sounds like a recipe for dirty clothes.”
That earns him a jab in the ribs just as the bell rings to start the day.
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Want More Mirio? Try: Beneath a Starlit Sky
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majoyosei · 9 months
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🎄 🍗 Collab: Christmas Dinner 🍗🎄
A bit late, since Christmas has finished, but last year I met wonderful friends in BnHA/MHA fandom and, thanks to one of them, we made this Christmas collab drawing 🎅⛄
So here we have Christmas dinner at U.A. Highg School with Fat Gum team, Mirio and their respective partners 👩‍❤️‍👨💕
From left to right, they are:
Eijiro Kirishima with Hase Nijiro (by Amys Kirishima) ♂️🌌 Tamaki Amajiki with Sayaka Nensho (by saya_nensho_official_2.0) 🐙🔥 Mirio Togata with my avatar, Majo Pierce ☀️🧚 And Fat Gum with Celina Mazapán (by Celina Mazapan Toyomitsu) 🥡🎀
I think they had a beautiful Holidays together 🎉🥰
So, without more to say, I hope you like it and sorry for the delay ❄️
Couples sketches by saya_nensho_official_2.0 Lineart and color by Celina Mazapan Toyomitsu Shadows and Lights by Amys Kirishima Background and dinner by me
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faiyanightheart · 2 years
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One of their favorite things to do is get together after school hour and relax while listening to music Amai also like to sing with the songs which Tamaki finds it very soothing
Carrd.co • Twitter • DeviantART • ToyHou.se  • TikTok •  ArtFight
Do NOT steal, trace, heavily reference, sell, repost anywhere, or use my art in any shape or form without my permission. This is for MY personal use ONLY
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painted-flag · 2 months
From Eden, V - Benjicot Blackwood
✧.* masterlist. ✧.* pairing: benjicot blackwood x oc!daenys velaryon ✧.* warnings: 18+ MDNI (general smut, PiV, creampie, mild dirty talk, slight praise kink) ✧.* word count: 5.7k. ✧.* summary: the time for Daenys and Benjicot's wedding has come. celebrations are abundant and the newly married couple enjoy their time together. yet, the harbinger of ill news creeps ever closer. enemies prepare to make their first strike, unbeknownst to those on dragonstone.
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Daenys paced back and forth in the vaulted stone corridor just outside the large reception hall of Dragonstone. Her shoes tapped against the floor with an uneven rhythm as her body lit with nerves. Her wedding gown, a beautiful ivory with black and red embellishments captured the imagery of both House Targaryen and House Blackwood. From the dragon scale-like bodice that plunged gracefully at the neck, to the raven feather stitching that wrapped around her arms, Daenys’ dress represented the fusion of houses through marriage and military might. 
Her arms had wrapped themselves around her torso in an attempt to comfort herself. It would be mere minutes until the doors would open and she would be walked down the aisle; tying herself to Benjicot in body and soul. The ceremony would be done in the faith of the seven. While she and Benjicot did not partake in said religion - Daenys worshipping the old gods of Valyria and Ben the old gods - it had to be done for the satisfaction of most of the realm. As a princess, she must be seen praying and abiding faithfully to the seven, thus her wedding must adhere to those customs. 
Ben had forwarded the idea of a private Valyrian wedding ceremony the morning after and one in front of the old gods at the Weirwood tree at Raventree Hall. Daenys gladly accepted the plan and was warmed at seeing Ben so open to learning about the Valyrian gods. She too had returned the sentiment by spending many hours in the library absorbing any information that she could about the old gods. 
Yet, through that dedication and more largely her courtship with Benjicot, a seed of doubt had been planted in her mind and quickly sprouted into a weed. No matter how often she would rip it out, it grew back soon after. Daenys had doubts regarding their dedication to one another. Had she made a foolish mistake? Turned a quick fancy into a sentence that would haunt her for life? While Benjicot did not waver in his dedication, insecurity had always been her weakness. Being mostly raised in Kings Landing had her always questioning people's motives. 
Daenys was overcome with the urge to climb aboard Suneater and fly away. 
Was she just a prize for the Riverlands? Something Lord Tully could boast about; that one of his bannermen snagged a princess. Danys was used to being used. A trophy that was to be plucked and placed on a shelf to display when the owner wanted it. She had been reduced to that many times when lords would visit Kings Landing and leer at her. 
Benjicot was different. She knew - with all her heart and soul - that he was not using her for nefarious purposes. His passion was true, but Daenys was always her own worst enemy. Any ounce of positivity was surely wrapped in venom, that is what the South had taught her. The Riverlands - despite not being in the north - held much of the northern culture of honour and decency without so much of the intense chill of winter, to her benefit. 
Her worries continued to compound even while spaced footsteps echoed down the hall. In her periphery, Daemon emerged from a dark hallway. He, like everyone else, had dressed in the finest of clothing for the wedding. It was his duty to walk her down the aisle, as the only living male head of her family. 
In another world, Daenys would have liked Laenor to be the one to walk her. Perhaps, even her true father Harwin. However, Daemon had proven to be a good stepfather. Distant and a tad bit chaotic, that is true, but there for the family when needed. 
“And how is the bride?” His teasing voice poked at her. He wore a smirk on his face and crossed his arms. 
Daenys sent him a look of annoyance as she continued to pace, “Oh, I am doing wonderfully. No feeling of impending doom at all.” 
“It is time,” Daemon held his arm out to her, “Or are you backing out? It would be nice not to be the main disappointment of the family for once.” 
“Absolutely not.” Daenys wrapped her arm around his and the two faced the large wooden doors to enter the hall. They stood there silently for a moment, waiting for the doors to open. Daenys glanced up at Daemon and opened and closed her mouth a few times. 
The doors opened with a loud boom. Daenys could see the hall filled with lords and ladies all standing around waiting to catch a glimpse of the bride. Daenys sucked in a breath, suddenly more nervous than before now that countless eyes were on her. She leaned ever so slightly towards Daemon while keeping her gaze forward. 
“Please don’t let me fall,” Daenys whispered. 
Daemon kept his gaze trained on the aisle ahead but responded with sincerity, “Never.” 
The two moved forward and down the three steps into the grand room. Daenys struggled to keep her gaze forward and away from those in the crowd. She had no interest in such a large ceremony, though it is still significantly smaller than what would have been if the wedding was in Kings Landing. All Daenys truly wanted was a small ceremony with close friends and family and a nice dinner celebration. The bells and whistles of her status demanded otherwise. 
Her gaze lifted from the ground, trying desperately not to trip, to meet that of Benjicot who stood up on a raised dias with a septon. Suddenly, that urge to jump on her dragon and flee had left. Ben’s eyes pierced her, a look of adoration sweeping across his features. His hands were clasped in front of him and his body swayed slightly - Daenys suspected with either anticipation or nerves. He carried his signature smirk to project a manner of aloofness to the people. Benjicot was not one to publicly display affection and chose to reserve those moments for privacy. 
Daenys still held trepidation as Daemon brought her up to the dias. Ben moved down to hold his arm out to her. Daenys took it with appreciation as he helped guide her up the steps. Daemon moved to the right side of the gathered crowd, standing with Rhaenyra and the family. 
Her heart was beating in quick succession and her lungs struggled to take in air. Ben saw her rising chest and glassy eyes and squeezed her hands with assurance. The Septon glanced at the couple before clearing his throat. 
“You may now cloak the bride and bring her under your protection.” 
Benjicot reached up and unclipped the cloak that rested on his shoulders. He swung it around and held it out. Daenys turned to present her back to him. He wrapped the cloak around her shoulders, his fingertips tracing the skin of her neck. She felt on fire under his touch and flashes of their wedding night came into her vision. Daenys cursed herself for thinking such impure thoughts in from of a Septon and a crowd of lords and ladies. Ben clipped the pin of the cloak, securing it to her figure and stepped back. 
The cloak was made in black and red colours with an intricately embroidered sigil of House Blackwood. It was a stark contrast to the pure ivory gown she wore. 
“My lords, my ladies, we stand here in the sight of gods and men to witness the union of man and wife. One flesh, one heart, one soul, now and forever.” The septon proclaimed. Daenys joined her right hand with Benicot’s left and held them up. The septon held a piece of ribbon in his hands and proceeded to tie it around their hands, joining them as one. 
“Let it be known that the Princess Daenys of House Velaryon and Lord Benjicot of House Blackwood are one heart, one flesh, one soul. Cursed be he who would seek to tear them asunder.” Daenys took in his words as the Septon continued, “In the sight of the Seven, I hereby seal these two souls, binding them as one for eternity.”
Daenys exchanged glances with Ben, both of them smiling as the ceremony went on. He winked at her, making a red flush appear on her cheeks. Her reaction made Ben seal his mouth to refrain from laughing. The Septon untied the piece of ribbon, but their hands still held together.
“Look upon one another and say the words.” The Septon commanded. 
Benjicot and Daenys spoke in synch, “Father, Smith, Warrior, Mother, Maiden, Crone, Stranger…” She stared into his eyes when saying the words with him. The sudden understanding that this was it washed over her. This day sealed the rest of her life, until the day she died. 
“I am hers and she is mine. From this day, until the end of my days.” 
“I am his and he is mine. From this day, until the end of my days.” 
Their words echoed simultaneously throughout the hall as people stood watching. It was silent save for their voices. Everyone focused their attention on the newly wedded couple. 
Benjicot said the words of the groom, “With this kiss, I pledge my love.” He took her other hand in his and pulled Daenys in to kiss her. He held restraint for the sake of being in front of the crowd and did so gently. His soft, but slightly chapped lips brushed against hers as his hold tightened. The crowd began to clap loudly, some hollering at the unification of two houses. 
Daenys felt nothing but Ben’s presence and euphoria. Her feelings of trepidation just moments ago now felt ridiculous. To have ever been scared of this, of tying herself to this man, was perhaps the most irrational she had ever been. Ben pulled away first to rest his forehead against hers. He had to partially bend over because of his height. 
Her eyes opened to meet his - full of nothing but devotion. His lips, normally twisted in his characteristic smirk was nothing but a smile. Amidst the calls of celebration, Ben spoke nothing but a single word. 
“Wife.” The word was uttered with a sort of reverence she had only ever heard when septons and septas would speak of the Seven. 
“Husband.” Deanys reciprocated. It was neither the tone nor cadence she spoke that caused his pupils to expand and breath catch in his throat. It was simply the word itself that elicited a warmth that grew in his stomach. 
───── ⋆⋅⋅⋆ ─────
Daenys and Benjicot found themselves sitting in the middle of a long table on a raised platform in the grand hall. While the ceremony was held in the welcoming hall, their feast would be carried out in the largest of halls in Dragonstone. Enough room for the amount of tables needed to seat everyone and to dance. She sat next to her husband as others got into their seats and began to eat. 
Ben sat on her left and his family, Alysanne and Willem, were also accompanied by Oscar and Kermit Tully as guests of honour with a place at the high table. On Daenys side sat her mother then Daemon, followed by Lucerys, Rhaena, Jacaerys, and Baela. Joffrey, Aegon, and Viserys were too young to attend such a feast and had retired to their chambers after the ceremony. 
Lords and ladies all made their way up to the table to bow and wish luck on their union. It was all trivial, but the monotony of it was not enough to come close to boring her day. Ben would give thanks to their good wishes while Daenys would use the tricks growing up as a princess afforded her - a dazzling smile sent the lord's way to placate their emotions and leave them happy. Occasionally she would send out generous compliments regarding their station, wealth, or the greatness of their house. Though, often, Daenys held little knowledge of who they were. Regardless, it seemed to enchant each one. 
Baela and Jace, both having risen from their seats, walked arm in arm to the front of the table to speak to the newlyweds. Jace nodded to Ben with a smile while Baela leaned over the table to grasp Daenys hands in hers. Daenys rose to meet Baela and hugged her. While they did not spend their whole lives together, the women had forged a strong bond over common interests. 
“Congratulations, sister. And congratulations to you as well, lord.” Baela spoke. Ben nodded and thanked her. Baela continued, “I regret that I must be leaving so soon, but grandmother has requested my presence. I have been away for far too long.” 
Daenys understood why she must leave. The troubling news of Lord Corly's injuries in a recent scourge with pirates had left him clinging to life. It is not unusual that Rhaenys would wand Baela back as her ward, having suffered the knowledge of her husband's grave injury.
“I completely understand, Baela. If you need anything, please do not hesitate to write.” Daenys squeezed her hands before releasing them. Baela said her goodbyes to the couple before bowing and making her leave. Jacaerys watched after her form as she trailed off. Daenys cleared her throat to get her twin’s attention, but it did not work. Ben shared a look with her and they both knew what the other was thinking. Ben cleared his throat and it seemed to get his attention. 
Jace then spoke, “Well wishes for your marriage.” 
“Jace,” Daenys said and held a hand out for him. Jace took it and waited for her to continue, “I wanted to ask, if it is not too much, that you accompany Benjicot and me back to Raventree. We wish to hold a ceremony for the old gods and I want you to give me away.” His eyes widened at the request and his gaze swapped between the couple a few times. 
“Me? What about Daemon?” He asked. 
“The old gods grant me more choice over which male of my family could give me away. I want it to be with the one who came into this world with me.” Daenys answered. Her brother seemed to be taken aback by the request. Daenys could swear it almost looked like tears pooled in his eyes, but it could have been a trick of the candlelight. 
“Y-yes. Of course.” Jace stuttered out. 
Ben rose from his seat and took Daeny’s hand, “Thank you, my prince, for your congratulations. However, I must steal my wife for a dance.” Jace excused himself while Ben pulled Daenys around the table, down the steps, and into the area where people were dancing. 
He spun her to the tune of the band as they moved across the floor. One of his hands rested on her waist while the other lay in her hand. Occasionally the moves would call for moments of separation, but they always quickly moved back to the secure hold of one another. 
“This feel familiar?” Benjicot teased. Daenys thought back to the first time they danced. Lord Mooton had leered at her for a dance, but Ben swooped in to distract the lord and then seized the opportunity to dance with her. It amazed her how quickly things had changed. Only a few short moons ago they were strangers and now they are married. She thought back to her feelings in that moment with him. Trepidation and a feeling that was unknown at the time, but which Daenys now understood, as fondness. 
“Well, I am thankful that Lord Mooton felt too ill to make the travel here.” Daenys jested. 
“As if he would dare try anything,” Ben grumbled, “I suppose you are suffering the same as I?” 
Daenys nodded, “Only a few more hours and we could leave the festivities. I know you do not like being around all these people, but believe me, I feel the same. However, it is our duty.” 
“It is not the people that annoy me,” The dance called for Ben to pull her in closely. He leaned to her ear and whispered into it, “The wait to be alone with my wife is what is killing me.” He kissed her temple and pulled away. Daenys felt a rush of heat move across her face and body. 
Daenys skirted around his comment to distract herself from the heat pooling between her legs, “I suppose we will be hosting a large party soon. Your twentieth name day is approaching.” 
Ben groaned at her reminder and buried his head into the hair on the side of her head, “Do not remind me, love. What of your name day? A few short moons after mine. I would say ten and nine is a great accomplishment.” He spun her around. 
“Don’t try and steer the conversation away from you, my dear,” Daenys responded, though she noticed Ben looking at her with a sort of reverence. She furrowed her brows, “What is it? Do I have food on my face?” 
She broke from his hold in their dance to brush around her lips. Ben laughed and seized her hands from moving. He turned her around in his arms and proceeded to guide her in the steps. 
“I’m just thinking of all the name days we will have together,” Ben spoke. His words were short, but Daenys felt the breadth of the world in them. Her heart stuttered and their dance ended. Ben wrapped an arm around her waist, letting his hand rest on her hip. He pulled her close to him as they walked back to their table, greeting people as they passed. 
Once they were settled in their seats, Ben placed one of his hands on her thigh while picking up a mug of ale to drink. Daenys preferred wine, and so her goblet was full of the finest Arbour Gold. Ben and Daenys spent the night conversing with one another and friends. Hushed whispers were exchanged occasionally, with quick kisses when others were distracted. 
The evening blended into the night. The couple had danced a few more times, but the slight buzz they both were feeling hindered them from dancing more in fear of making fools of themselves. Daenys was watching Jacaerys in a drinking competition with Oscar and Kermit when Ben squeezed her thigh. He had kept his hand there the whole night, gently massaging her with his thumb. 
Daenys stopped watching her brother and looked at her husband. He held a grin on his face and leaned in to speak. 
His voice was hushed, but still heard over the jeers, laughter, and music of the hall, “I believe it is time for us to retire, my love.” Daenys understood the implications of his words and once again found herself flustered. He had been teasing her all night about it. She was thankful that there would be no bedding ceremony, as Ben had threatened the last lord that suggested it. 
Daenys leaned in closely, “Then take me, husband.” 
The sound of Ben’s chair scraping against the stone flooring rang in her eyes as he got up from his seat abruptly. The people in the hall happened to be turning towards the couple, all understanding where they were going. Chants of the lords and ladies got louder and louder as they all called out the phrase ‘to bed’ in jovial shouts. 
“Ignore them, my love.” Ben moved to scoop Daenys up, one arm wrapping under her knees and the other around her back. Daenys buried her head in his neck to try and cast out the people around them. She breathed in his scent of firewood and pine as he carried her out of the hall. They were alone in the vaulted stone hallways, and when Daenys made a move to leave his arms so he would not need to carry her anymore, Ben’s hold tightened. 
Upon making it to Daenys’ chambers, Benjicot dismissed the guards with a few curt words. He turned his back to the door and kicked out behind him. The wooden door flung open and he carried her inside. Ben placed her down gently and shut the door. Daenys felt a range of emotions. There was uncertainty about being in a room alone with him, but relief in knowing that they did not need to sneak around anymore. Her previous instincts to remain as quiet as possible and only spend short moments together could be flung from the tower itself. 
Suddenly, all of her clothes felt too tight on her. Daenys left Ben behind and sat at her vanity. Her hair was pinned up into countless different braids and twists with even more pins holding it together. She wanted to curse her handmaidens for getting her ready that morning. If only they had kept it simple, she could rid the style in a short time and fling herself into the arms of her husband. 
Daenys began to hurriedly remove the pins from her hair and untangle the braids. In the mirror she could see Ben behind her, unbuttoning his tunic. Daenys slowed her movements for a moment to watch him shrug off the expensive cover. The white linen shirt he had on was thin and hung loosely from his body. Ben lifted one foot onto a bench and proceeded to unlace his boots and move to the next one. He glanced up and caught Daenys’ eyes in the mirror and smirked. 
“Watching the show, Lady Blackwood?” Benjicot jested. He picked up the shoes and placed them down by a chest by the door. 
Daenys went back to undoing her hair with a tint of red coating her cheeks, “I may be a Blackwood now, but I am still your princess.” 
Ben walked towards her and placed himself behind the highchair she was in. His arms moved forward to wrap around her chest and he leaned down to be at level with her head. He looked at her reflection in the mirror and left a long searing kiss on her temple. 
“Always,” He muttered with his lips brushing her skin. Daenys pulled down a pin that released a few braids. Ben unwrapped his arms around her and began to cart his fingers through her hair, aiding in the process. They silently and meticulously worked on her hair until it was free. The tresses fell down and over her shoulders and back. 
Ben brushed her shoulder and kissed the back of her hair. His movements had been slow and calculated, but they gradually became more needy as Daenys got out of her chair. She kept her back to him and gathered all her hair to rest on her left shoulder. Ben saw the tied lacing of her dress and proceeded to untie it. His fingers brushed delicately over the skin of her back as the dress was opened. He went down lower and lower and heat pooled between Daenys’ legs. The dress fell down in a heap on the floor and all she was left in was an expensive silk shift from Essos. 
Her maids had giggled when presenting it to her that morning and she had not understood why they acted so bashful. It had a plunging neckline in both the front and back, ending midway down the torso. In all honestly, Daenys wondered why one would ever wear such a piece of clothing, as it failed to cover really anything and acted as more of a drapery on her form. However, when she turned to her husband and her could finally look at her, the reaction he had to the clothing made her understand why those maids giggled. 
His pupils were blown wide and his chest rose in heavy breaths. Ben had gazed up and down her body, tracing all of the features he could see. His hands reached out to pull her in by the waist, a gasp of surprise left Daenys’ lips but was quickly silenced by his lips. He kissed her softly but with a raging fire behind it. One hand kneaded the back of her head and pushed her against him. Her front was right against his chest, and she could feel her arousal intensify at the contact. The thin pieces of clothing between them felt like a mile of distance and she parted from him with intent to fix it. 
Ben looked at her with a longing unmatched, “Īlē vēttan ondoso se gods.” You were made by the gods. Daenys heard his breathless voice and had become shocked. His pronunciation had been forced and a little awkward, but the intent behind it made Daenys light up with fire. He had only ever said a word or two in High Valyrian - with immense difficulty - to her on occasion. This time, it appeared as though he had been secretly practicing.
“Ñuha gevie ābrazȳrys,” My beautiful wife. His words echoed. Daenys had no other recourse but to fling her body towards him and kiss him with a fevered passion. His lips tasted of the ale he had been drinking, and while not her choice of drink, the taste on him was irresistible. Her hands moved under and up his shirt to trace the muscles of his stomach. Ben let out a low growl at the contact. His hands gripped the bottom of her shift and pulled it over her head, exposing Daenys’ body. Ben halted for a moment and looked into her eyes. When Daenys gave him a nod, Ben moved to shrug off the last of his clothes. 
She settled on the edge of her bed and watched Ben discard his clothing on a nearby chair. Daenys eyes trailed up from his legs to his strong thighs and settled on his hardened cock. She swallowed the saliva that pooled in her mouth. Ben walked with a purpose towards her and encased her body with each arm resting on the plush blanket below her. His hands caressed the side of her bare thighs. 
His lips moved down to her neck, biting and sucking at the skin as he lowered himself to his knees on the stone floor. Ben’s teeth grazed her collarbone, eliciting a sigh from Daenys. One of his hands trailed up to cup her breast. He massaged the plush skin while his mouth trailed to the other. Daenys bit her lip while moans left her mouth. Her back arched to get closer to him. Ben began to trail down, but Daenys reached out and grabbed his shoulders. 
“No,” She sucked in a breath, “I need you now, please Ben.” Daenys had already had many excursions with Ben, and while she would never complain about the skill of his tongue, she had been waiting countless weeks to lay with him and had no intentions of waiting. 
“I need to get you ready.” Ben reasoned. 
Daenys shook her head and cradled his jaw with her hands, “I’m ready now,” she murmured. She could see the bump in his throat move as he swallowed down air. Ben’s hands moved up to grip her behind, lifting her body up and gently tossing her in the air and further up the bed. 
She squealed in delight at the seemingly renewed vigour and happiness painted across Ben’s face. He got on the bed and crawled to her. Daenys sat up and met him halfway and connected their lips. His body was encased between her legs. The two hummed in delight. In the heat of the moment, it was nothing but teeth and skin as they battled against one another. The floating feeling in her stomach intensified. 
Daenys pushed against him further and gripped his shoulders. She pushed him to the side so his back hit the covers. The smile on his face did not go away as he watched Daenys crawl on top of him. Her legs straddled his waist and Ben’s hands immediately gripped her waist, pushing in gently on the dips in her skin. He groaned as her core brushed against his cock. 
Daenys took notice and rocked her hips. Ben hissed loudly and his grip on her skin squeezed down in response. She proceeded to move more, each rock making them both more eager. When Ben bucked up to meet her more, Daenys lifted herself up and away, forcing a whine of complaint to erupt from Ben’s throat. One of her hands rested on his chest to steady her movements and the other reached down to grasp his erection. She lined it up with her entrance, took a breath, and sank down slowly. She bit down on her lip and struggled to maintain steady breathing. The feeling of him, the stretching, made her dizzy. 
Ben seemed to have a similar reaction. His eyes closed at the feeling of her tightening around him. He reached up to pull Daenys down so he could kiss her again. He was muttering praises across her skin, but his voice was so strained and quiet that Daenys struggled to decipher them. 
Daenys struggled to adjust, but when the pain eased slightly and was taken over by pleasure, she wished to chase that feeling. She rose almost all the way and then sank again. 
“Oh, fuck,” Ben’s head moved back and hit the pillow. With his neck exposed, Daenys began to bite the flesh while rocking back and forth. She maintained a rhythmic pace. Ben’s hands moved to any area of her body that he could reach, caressing and gripping the flesh as he continued to whine, “Gods you feel so perfect. Just like that.” 
The slow pace that Daenys was going at had placated Ben but gradually began to wear off. He began to get more needy, begging for her to go faster. Daenys smirked at how undone he had become. She believed he had fully submitted, but was surprised when he sat up and flipped them around. 
Now that he was above her, Ben began to rut at a brutal pace; chasing a high. He seemed lost in the throes of pleasure and Daenys got lost in it as well. With the new position, he reached a spot that made Daenys moan loudly and close her eyes. Her hands moved across his toned back and clawed at the skin, leaving red marks in their wake. Her actions only seemed to spur Ben on and he continued with his pace. 
“Ben… gods, faster, please,” Daenys felt a cold tear run down the hot skin of her face. Her breathing was ragged. Daenys wrapped her legs around his waist and became even more undone. She let out incoherent and lewd words, both in the common tongue and High Valyrian. Her brain had no concept of anything but the pleasure she was experiencing. Ben was marking her chest and neck, lost in the feeling of her nails against his skin and the clenching of her walls. 
Daenys felt the familiar build of pressure in her stomach and the tightening of her muscles. She began to meet his thrusts with her own, matching the pace he set. Her body began to tremble. 
“You’re taking me so well, love,” Ben grunted, “Fuck, just like that,” He lapped at her skin and his hands carted through her hair and tugged her head back so he could kiss her. His lips moved against hers in a fight. Her mouth opened to let his tongue explore her own. 
“I’m… I’m so close.” The coiling tension intensified. Daenys arms wrapped around his neck. She could focus on nothing but him. He lured her in like she was prey, and Daenys would gladly give her life to feel this. 
“I know, baby, I know, you’ve done so well. Come for me.” Ben’s words of encouragement seemed to snap Daenys’ resolve. Her walls clenched around his cock as she found her release. Her vision blacked slightly as her body convulsed under the feeling of fire coursing through her veins. It was white heat, mixed with the sharp piercing of cold. 
Her climax pushed Ben over the edge and he groaned loudly with his face between her breasts. The vibrations from his voice rumbled through her chest. He gave one last powerful thrust before reaching his end. His chest rose and fell with strangled breaths as he stilled. Daenys could feel his cum coat her walls and pushed forward to chase that feeling. Ben collapsed on top of her, their hot skin connecting. 
The two did not move for a few moments. Each working to catch themselves. Ben moved to kiss Daenys, but his movements were languid like he was drunk. When they connected, the two both moaned at the contact. Ben moved out of her and tumbled down to her side. The loss of being filled with him was not something she wished to experience often. Daenys was on her back staring at the ceiling and watched the candlelight flicker against the stone. Benjicot’s arms wrapped around her torso and pulled her against him. 
Daenys turned her head to look in his eyes. He already had his gaze trained on her. He was on his side to face her and one of his hands reached up to brush her cheek. 
“I love you,” He murmured. Daenys gave him a soft smile and leaned forward to kiss him. 
“Avy jorrāelan,” I love you. She replied. Ben nodded at her words. They lay there, bodies sweaty and minds addled on pleasure. 
Daenys felt satisfaction, but not just regarding their actions. They were finally married. She had waited weeks, counted the days, and spent every free moment with him in preparation for the ceremony. Now that it was over with, she felt her days open to be spent with her husband. Husband. The word repeated over and over in her mind like a drum. 
She twisted her body so her head could rest buried in Ben’s strong chest. She inhaled lightly and sighed. His hands moved up and down her arm and back, rubbing calming motions on the skin. He traced random patterns as the two spent time in peace. Each slowly recovered from their activities. 
Ben used a hand to move her chin up to look at him. He leaned down and captured her lips in a searing kiss. Her lips parted to let him run his tongue along her teeth. Benjicot adjusted his body to slowly move over hers again and their kissing got rougher. 
Daenys’ heart skipped at his eagerness and knew that their night was not over yet.
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series taglist: @credulouskhaleesi @username199945 @haydee5010 @yeolsbubbles @f1wh0recom @cococrazy18 @poppyflower-22 @eevanie @dumpmyblues @aisselasstuff @whodis? @aphroditesanemOne @klutzylaena @asteria33
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girlylukehughes · 1 year
girlylukehughes’ masterlist
Tumblr media
smut = *
being written = being written
who i write for: jamie drysdale, mark estapa, ethan edwards, luke hughes, quinn hughes, jack hughes, trevor zegras, rutger mcgroarty
folklore hockey fic!(completed)
mark estapa x hughes! reader: mark is dating luke's twin sister (insta edit series)you can request blurbs!
part one, part two, part three, part four, part five
give me a minute hockey fic!(completed)
jamie drysdale x singer! reader: jamie has been in a secret relationship with one of trevor's favorite music artists. (insta edit series)you can request blurbs! (female face claim is lizzy mcalpine)
part one, part two, part three
suneater au!(ongoing)
ex!trevor zegras x reader, jamie drysdale x reader : after a toxic relationship with trevor, peaches gets with jamie. when her and jamie go public it causes a shift in the fan base, especially when jamie convinces her to finally pursue music. warnings: asshole! trevor, cheating mentioned
part one, part two, part three
coming soon!
in between: luke hughes x reader, enemies to lovers, childhood enemies to lovers
heartbreak girl: mark estapa x oc, childhood friends to lovers, male mc pining x oblivious fem mc
boats and boys: luke hughes x turcotte sister! reader, secret relationship (insta edit)
lake house takeover: ethan edwards x zegras!reader(insta edit)
bad idea right?: mark estapa x oc ex! luna l/n (social media edit)
55 notes · View notes
dancingbabya-notes · 2 years
Making Choices
Mirio togata x oc
It doesn’t matter your profession if two single individuals spend more than a little bit of time with each other they think you’re dating, but they were on the money. Now irresponsibility is leading to some consequences.
“So, Aro I hear that you are very close friends with Lemillion and Suneater,” the interviewer asks as I think for a moment.
Looking at my visor I chuckle anxiously. “Yeah, we grew up together. They’re the best brothers I could hope for.”
He visibly winces. “Brothers, nothing closer than that.”
“Well, seeing as their and my personal lives are discreet; I’d rather not share any more information about that.”
“You’re right we shouldn’t pry too much.”
The following questions were more invasive than that last one. God, I just about buried myself in my wings by the end of it. I felt relief when my coat finally felt to the ground at my apartment door. Working as a pro hero can be hard when flying heroes weren’t able to access a lot of emergencies, damn Hawks set too high of a standard. I didn’t fail to notice the shoes that sat in the gekan. A bit of energy returns to me as I walk farther in.
“Welcome back Sunflower,” Mirio’s grin shined brighter than the sun itself.
“Alright Mr. Sun. Put those pearly whites away before you blind me again,” I tease as I sit on the stool. “How was your day?”
“It was a day, but how was yours?” he places a plate in front of me. “Your agent told me that you had an interview today.”
Groaning I put my hands together in a silent prayer over my food. “Do not remind me, I thought it would be a simple question. But no, they seem so interested in who we take to bed. It’s not enough for them to have all eyes on us at all times. Poor Kyoko can’t catch a break.”
He sits next to me and nods. “I hear you there, I always thought that the interviews for you were a bit much.”
“It won’t change now, it’s just a vicious cycle. All I need now is something life changing to happen to make me need to disappear from heroism and start anew somewhere else,” I joke as I continue to eat.
Mirio frowns. “You need to be careful with stuff like that Yoru, remember the last time you said something like that?”
Swallowing my food, I take a sip from the cup next to me before sighing. “Do not remind me. I was terrified when you lost your quirk. Why would anyone ever abuse another person’s quirk like that?”
“You know as well as I do that there are bad people.”
Shaking my head, I look at my finished food then to the man next to me. “A reminder was uncalled for Mirio, I mean our entire job description is to catch those kinds of people in the safest way possible. My wind can only reach so far, if it wasn’t for you and Tamaki; I would have failed a lot time ago.”
“No, I’m sure you’d be fine without us,” he smacks the small gap between my pairs of wings.
Mirio would visit my apartment often, that was possibly where the question in our relationship came in. the truth was, I didn’t know where I stood with him. I still saw him as someone I was close to, but I didn’t know his feelings and I couldn’t just force him to tell them to me. It was maybe a week after this particular visit that I noticed something different, at least with myself. I couldn’t keep food down at all. This lead to me passing out because of my high calorie intake. Going to the doctor only made me terrified. Inviting Tamaki to my apartment I try not to break down when he walks in.
“Yoru, what happened? You seemed really worried on the phone,” he calls.
“What am I gonna do Tamaki?”
He raises a brow looking at me. “What do you mean?”
Tears flood my vision as I try to form the words. “I’m pregnant, and I can’t tell Mirio.”
“What? But I thought you two had a thing going on?” he frowns.
“I know, but he hasn’t exactly told me anything. So, I don’t know,” my shoulders shake as I try to piece the information in my head. “You’re the only person I could turn to.”
“Alright, well. Sit down first, you’re scaring me.”
Doing as he says I frown. “What now?”
“You should tell Mirio,” he admits. “I mean don’t get me wrong, I’m just making a suggestion. In the end what you do it up to you Yoru, but I feel like he has a right to know.”
I nod. “Okay, I’ll tell him. But only if it seems like he’s okay with it.”
But instead of telling him I sit in the hospital looking at my cuts and watching to woman heal me.
“What were you thinking fighting while pregnant? You’re so lucky that you’re a patient or I’d whoop your ass myself,” hisses the blue haired girl.
“That it’s my job and my state of being should not be a consequence of people getting hurt,” I grumble. “Look it won’t matter soon. I’m leaving for America.”
She drops a bit of water almost drenching the floor. “What?!”
I nod. “I can’t just disappear here and raise this jellybean. I came to this conclusion on my own okay.”
“What about Mirio?”
“I told him not to tell you,” I pout.
“Tamaki and I are getting married, he wouldn’t be able to keep secrets if it weren’t for work,” she rolls her eyes.
“I’m not gonna tell him,” Looking to my arm as the skin starts to repair itself, I mumble. “I haven’t seen him since.”
“It’s for the best Kyoko, I’ll get in touch as soon as I get my grounds. Besides I’ll be fine over there, if anything it will be an adventure with extra responsibilities,” I mumble feeling the weight of something heavy on my back. “Promise me that if I need help, you’ll answer my calls.”
Kyoko looks at me and frowns. “You’re too damn stubborn for your own good.”
“I’ll be back, maybe in a year or two.”
I actually didn’t return to Japan until three years later. Holding my bright blond toddler in my arms I chuckle as she points at everything around her. So excited to see so many things.
“Mommy everyone is speaking the language we speak at home,” she giggles.
“Yes, we’re gonna be living here from now on,” I smirk as I rub my nose to hers. “Let’s go find our apartment, okay?”
She nods enthusiastically. Three years ago, anyone would be able to recognize you just by the short wispy green hair and your two sets of wings protruding from your back. But now your hair was rather long just from not caring to cut it. Just as I get ready to walk across the street the weight in my arms disappears. These people are stupid.
“These people make it too easy,” laughs the villain.
Keeping myself rooted to the ground I shout after them. “Hiyori, don’t you dare activate your quirk!”
Usually, people would panic as their child gets taken away. Hiyori was already pretty used to this and kind of sends me a side eye. Three years old and has almost been kidnapped many times. What I didn’t account for? Her quirk was exactly like Mirio’s. Trying to call the police or even keep an eye for how far away she is. If I could fly to her I would. This itch to run after and take my child back would end.
“Mommy, I want ice cream after this.”
I laugh dryly as I hear my daughter’s voice. “If we get back to the apartment before night fall, I think I’ll order sushi.”
“Why are you so calm?”
Looking to the person next to me I grin. “I was a hero; my daughter will be fine. This isn’t the first time someone has tried.”
To my surprise my junior saves Hiyori. He locks eyes with me, and I almost see him burst into tears as he grins wide.
“Senpai, I thought you died,” Deku sobs.
Narrowing my eyes, I sigh. “How many of y’all wrote me off as dead? Rude much.”
“Rude.” Hiyori agrees as she holds my hand tight.
“I’m sorry, I should get back to work,” he mumbles.
“Say bye to Mr. Deku, Hiyori,” I suggest as he tries to walk away.
“Bye, bye uncle Deku.” She grins with a big wave of her free hand.
He gives her another smile before walking away. Taking my bag and Hiyori’s hand we walk toward our apartment. I was excited for a floor level place, with Hiyori’s quirk showing signs so early on, every day was a nightmare. All the boxes were already there thanks to Kyoko and Tamaki. Without their help this whole idea of moving back to Japan would have been a dream. Hiyori wastes no time running around to survey the area. I begin tearing into boxes to at least give us a place to sleep for the night. As night falls upon us the toddler gets sleepy, and I sit up putting small things away like dishware and cutlery.
“Walking straight into strangers houses is very unbecoming of you Mr. Togata.” Pulling myself up on the counter I push the few things that I wouldn’t be needing to the top .
“Well, you’re not a stranger sunflower,” he laughs.
Sliding down I look at him with a frown. “Who told you?”
Mirio wasn’t always a serious person, but he could be.
“Just get out.” Turing back to the dishes I put things back more aggressively. “Please.”
“Why did you leave?” God it hurts to hear him care so much.
Putting the cup down, I turn to him again. “It would have been better if you pretended, I didn’t exist. Like you have been for the past three years.”
“That wasn’t my fault! You disappeared without so much as a note,” he growls.
“Don’t raise your voice,” I state walking across the way to the hallway.
“First of all, I have neighbors, you’re going to wake someone up.”
Hearing the padding feet. I quickly turn to pick up the whimpering child. Hiyori nuzzles into my shoulder grabbing my shirt in her hand. Mirio pauses. Many emotions run across his face, but only two was prevalent when he looked at me. Anger and hurt.
“Oh, so you left to go have someone’s kid?” he scoffs.
I freeze in place. “Right, I didn’t tell you because you disappeared and didn’t contact me before I left.” My head hurt as the small wind swept in front of me.
“Mommy, what is Daddy saying?” Hiyori asks as she sniffles.
“Don’t worry baby girl, Mommy is gonna have to talk to Daddy for a little bit.” I whisper to her.
Mirio the slow processing person he is, has a confused look on his face.
“You’re not leaving right? That mean guy tried to take me away from you and I don’t want you to disappear on me,” she whimpers.
I hold her tighter. “My little feather of sunlight, I’m not going anywhere until you don’t need me anymore.”
Content with my answer she lays her head down and I force my quirk to stop. Sitting on one of the boxes I look at Mirio and motion for him to stand in the kitchen. Hiyori was already half asleep, so I only needed to put her back on the bed. Walking to the only room we had set up I lay her down gently. She nuzzles into the pillow, and I take careful steps out of the room. Mirio still standing in the kitchen looks at me with so much pain.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“What? That I was pregnant? That I was scared? Or how depressed I was to not know if you would even be happy about the news?” I whisper.
“That she’s mine.”
“Because, we had just started getting stable in our positions. It wasn’t hard for me to slide away from the spotlight,” thinking about what happened before I sigh.
“Sunflower, please. Why didn’t you tell me? I would have been so happy?”
I glare. “Not even a week after I left you had someone new on your arm. I’m not dense Mirio.”
“That was a misunderstanding.”
Picking up a new box I shake my head. “Mirio, I talked to Tamaki. It wasn’t a misunderstanding.”
“But as soon as I found out you were gone, I looked for you.”
“Mirio. Please, you’re only hurting me more by trying to keep just trying to justify it. I don’t want to wake Hiyori up again; her schedule is already ruined from the flight.”
He looks at me. “Will you talk to me again?”
Rolling my eyes, I grip the box firmly. “If I’m up for it. But right now, after almost losing my soft sun, no.”
“Alright, I’ll see you later Sunflower,” he mutters before leaving.
Time always moves so slow, while also going too quickly. I spent my time fixing the apartment. Hiyori has a room to herself, but she didn’t like being separated from me. She often had accidents with her quirk, and I wasn’t sure what I could do. Before I knew it, we’d been living in Musutafu for almost two months. I didn’t have to worry about work things for at least another month, but I couldn’t sit still. Hiyori wanted to go to a daycare and Tamaki wanted to check and see if we settled in well.
“So, you move in and didn’t call us until now?” feeling the sharp smack of the girl next to him I frown.
“Kyo, on the first day here a villain tried to kidnap Hiyori. I thought I’d have to fighter her if her quirk activated while he was in the air.” Recounting the event, I also let them walk past me. “And Mirio just walked into my house like it was the most normal thing ever.”
Tamaki grumbles. “He always does whatever he wants to.”
I nod. Hiyori runs up and looks at Tamaki with a grin.
“Uncle Tamaki look I’m not a jellybean anymore,” she chuckles.
“You’re right,” he bends down to pick her up.
“What did you tell her?” Kyoko giggles.
“That the last time she saw you two in person that she was no bigger than a jellybean,” picking up the plates and setting the table I sigh. “But him sneaking in wasn’t even the bad part. He got mad at me and woke her up. Hiyori was having a hard time adjusting after the flight.”
She looks at me. “Mommy, when is Daddy gonna come by again?”
“I don’t know honey.”
“Oh okay.”
This earns confused looks from my friends.
“Is it really that easy?”
I can’t help but roll my eyes. “Hiyori is very smart, but please remember that she is three and a simple answer will satisfy her curiosity. She also has a very similar thinking pattern to Mirio.”
“That’s sad.”
The rest of the night was filled with conversations and catching up. But as they were leaving Tamaki pulled me aside while Kyoko played with Hiyori.
“You know if you need a job, they still want you back if you’re willing.” He informs me.
Looking at Kyoko and Hiyori, I shake my head. “Tamaki, I can’t. I only moved back because it would be easier to make sure that Hiyori isn’t kidnapped. They are lax on their rules in America, but their punishment against villains is ruthless.”
“I know but I hate feeling like I helped end your hero career,” he sighs.
“That was my own doing, but it would have happened one way or another,” I point out.
Hiyori runs over to me, and I pick her up. But just as they get ready to leave someone is at my door. Tamaki frowns but let’s our friend walk past him. Kyoko seems conflicted as she is almost dragged out by Tamaki. Mirio looks at me sadly but adjust the things in his hands.
“I want to talk.”
With the closing of the door, I turn back to the living room. Mirio walks in behind me and I sit on the couch letting Hiyori lean against me. She was already tuckered out and that just meant that she would be asleep before I really talked to Mirio.
“I’m sorry for acting the way that I did,” he sighs before taking a seat on one of the chairs.
Rolling my eyes, I pat Hiyori with a mumble. “Right, there’s only so far you can take things like that before something bad happens.”
“I know that.” His eyes seem to get darker before he speaks again. “I should have talked to you before. I should have—”
“Are you only going to talk to me about what you should have done?” Standing up slowly I try to make sure that the sleeping toddler won’t slip from my grip. “I’ll put her in bed, just wait here a second.”
Hiyori grips my shirt tightly as tears seem to fill her eyes, she was running warm, but it wasn’t something that I was worried about before. Pressing her forehead to mine I frown.
“What’s wrong?”
I turn toward Mirio and shrug. “I don’t know. She doesn’t usually cling this tight to me.”
He walks up and I’m reminded just how much he towers over me.
“Can you check her back?” Adjusting my hold on her I wait.
He does as I ask and frowns. “She’s got some red stripes on her back.”
My eyes for wide. She was growing wings, this late? It’s gonna hurt so much for her.
“Shit, I was hoping that she wouldn’t have to go through that too. Sunshine, could you get some hot water I have to put a hot cloth on her back to help some of the pain,” I mumble.
Walking into my room I lay my daughter on her stomach before dimming the light and fixing her shirt. Mirio was fast with getting some water, I pull one of the cloths from the bedside table and dip it into the water. He sits on the other side of the bed while I place the cloth on her back gently.
“Thank you,” I sigh.
“You’ll probably hear me say sorry for the rest of my life, but I want to spend more time with you and Hiyori.” Mirio’s hand sits on mine.
Looking at his hand and back at his face I sigh. “We can see.”
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aarcanechaoss · 4 years
The Awakening
Yoru Shimura
Age three
“Stop it Tenko you will wake Yoru.” A bleary red eyed girl sat up in her bed,
“Tenko.” The girl calls.
“She’s awake you stupid brat.”
“Stop. Stop Tenko!” The voices were getting louder, yelling out her brothers name. The three near four year old was confused and sleepy but she wanted her brother.
A scream startled the poor girl as she made her way to the door. More screaming and frantic yelling before utter silence.
“Ko? Ko where are you?” She calls from the door, scratching at her cheek. Her bare feet touch what feels like sand and dry dirt.
“Go back to be Ru it’s just a bad dream.” Her brother said.
“Where’s mum and dad and Hana?”
“They’ve gone to bed.. forever. Hello Yoru I’m a... family friend I’ll be taking your brother on a trip for a while.”
“You’re leaving me Ko?”
“I have to.”
“What did you do Ko?” It was like the three year old had some sixth sense... she was already intelligent for her age but she knew something was wrong. “Mummy and daddy aren’t in bed.”
The tall white haired man pet the dark haired girl on the head and walked her brother out the house.
“Bye bye Ru.”
“Bye bye Ko.”
Sudden realisation struck her... her brother did this... there was nothing but piles and piles of ash and ripped clothing within. Yoru’s breath began to quicken, her body ached and her vision blurred the blanket in her hand began to crumble before her heart started to ache as well. Her eyes glowed, her red eyes even more prominent in the dark. Her ears rang and a scream ripped from her throat. A pale blue light shon from her small body illuminating the room the ash beginning to stir and form together again.
A few minutes later the light went away, her voice was hoarse and her body was shaking. Tears filled her eyes as she saw them... the bodies. But how? They weren’t... her quirk? But but she shared a quirk with her brother.
Where were their hands?
The room started spinning. Lights of red and blue flickered outside and who looked to be a police officer rushed inside.
“I don’t feel well.” She said before falling into the man’s arms.
Tsukauchi was worried. The little girl in the hospital bed was clearly traumatised. Before she’d fallen into his arms he’d seen her panicking. He really hopes this wasn’t a matter of new found quirk use and a potentially dangerous quirk if so... but the lack of hands?
“Any updates?” He asks the doctor.
“She’s awake now. Muttered something about a brother and a man taking him away. No serious physical trauma but fatigued, seems she has an issue with dry skin she’s scratched at her cheek and neck a lot and it was infected. Found a bruise along her back however along with a few scars from abrasions.. suspected abuse.”
“Can I speak with her?”
“Yes. Bare in mind I’m not sure how much she’ll know she is three after all.”
“I understand.”
The detective walked into the room to look at the worried girl.
“Who are you?” She asks.
“I’m a detective. My name is Tsukauchi what’s your name?”
“Shouldn’t you know?”
*Ah.. she’s smart.*
“It’s better if you tell me. My quirk is lie detector so I can tell if you are lying or not.”
“Oh. Yoru Shimura.” She said.
“Very nice to meet you Yoru.” He put his hand out to shake.
“Can’t do that. Hurt you.”
“It says your quirk is Decay.” She nods. “Can you tell me what happened?”
“Was asleep. Heard lots of screaming at Tenko... daddy got mad at us a lot more when we got... got.. uh.”
“Quirks... yes. I think he got angry at Tenko again but this time mummy and Hana did too. Got really loud then shhh.”
“It got really quiet?” She nods again. “You’re very smart for a three year old.”
“I know. Don’t know why I am.”
“Was there anything else?”
“Went out to see Ko. Was a man with him. I stood in the dust on floor felt like sand. Ko must have let himself be bad and hurt them.”
“What dust?”
Yoru was startled by the question for some reason. She grasped at a piece of blank paper in her hand and put her hand flat against it and focused hard before the paper began to turn to dust.
“Was your family dust?” She nods.
“Brough them back when I started crying... why didn’t they have hands?” Tsukauchi rested a hand in her hair and smiled sadly at her.
“One last question and then I have someone who wants to see you okay?”
“Did you see the man that took your brother?”
“Not really. He had light hair and a deep voice and was big? It was really dark inside.... Can I try to bring the paper back?” He smiles at her as she concentrated on the pile of what she called dust. Her face scrunched before she gleamed. The detective was confused before a blue glow came from her hand and the dust moved again, back into place before the glow disappeared and she started panting. It wasn’t the same as before but it wasn’t half bad- you could tell it was paper.
Yoru scratched at her cheek and pouted.
“Is that okay mr?”
“You did really well just need practice let’s name it huh?” She grinned. “You have decay let’s name it... restore.”
“I like it... can I meet the other person now?”
Toshinori was at odds with himself. His predecessors granddaughter was in the hospital room, most of her family dead and brother currently missing.
“You can come in All Might.”
The tall man walked in, All Might in regular clothes must have looked funny to the three year old as she giggled when he entered.
“All Might? Cool.” She said.
“How are you Yoru?”
“Sad and scared but okay. Why you here?”
“I’m going to help take care of you for a while. I was... I was taught how to fight by your grandma.”
“What’s that?”
“Your dad’s mum.” Tsukauchi said.
“Oh okay. I never met her though.”
“She was a very brave hero. When the doctors are done with you I believe you are coming with me to my mentors house to stay for a while and I can tell you all about her.”
“Okay Mr All Might.”
“Toshinori?” He grinned at her and nodded.
“Okay I can’t wait.”
Age nine
At age three (near four) Yoru Shimura had discovered two quirks that worked together Decay and Restore.
By age six she’d near mastered the extended basics of her quirks and accidentally discovered a third.. one that brought a tear to Toshinori and Torino’s eyes. She could float just like Nana could.
At age seven her hair started changing colour, she’d wake up with patches of her black hair completely faded until it started to turn blue. (Before you ask no they have no clue why.)
“Uncle Toshinori I’m here!” The girl called out. Her partially gloved hand rapping at the wooden door.
“Ah Yoru!” He announces. “Is Torino with you?”
“No he just dropped me off after picking me up from school. The new foster family didn’t like me again...”
“Aw kiddo how could they not.”
“I almost decayed their kitchen.”
“Ah... well are you ready to see UA?” The nine year old jumped up and down in excitement her now blue hair floating upwards in response.
The drive was fun, both chatting away about their days and hero work. As usual Yoru had a new hero she really wanted to meet. Eraserhead a brand new vigilante that she thought was really really cool... Toshinori didn’t want to question how she knew of him but he’d see what he could do.
They arrived and the girl was in awe, pointing out different parts of the school that she thought was awesome waving at the teens who cooed at her. She held her uncles hand, he was in his normal form, he was tall and lean and fit and overall she thought he looked like a cool skyscraper.
The walk to the office was filled with her giggles and even more coos from teachers and other staff before reaching the principals office.
“Am I Bear? Am I a dog or a mouse? What am I?”
“All of them in one to make a cool hero. Nezu with high specs and is super smart. It’s great to meet you.”
“It’s wonderful to finally meet the little girl all the heroes are talking about. Tea miss Shimura.”
“Yes please... I don’t mind what kind any will do.” Nezu smiled.
The next hour or so Nezu has been quietly quizzing her, asking her questions and learning about her. She enjoyed the questions and asked some herself.
“I’ve been looking for a new student.” Nezu started.
“Your own?” Toshinori questioned.
“Oh yes. One to teach and help and give me a bit of a break from being a principal... Yoru you don’t have to accept now but I’d like to help you with your quirks and test you out of primary education to work with me.”
“I’d like that Mr Nezu.”
From then on she’d visit. He tested her out of school to work with him and study only slightly higher in her levels, she wanted to still be a normal kid. Nezu had blatantly offered her a home with him and she accepted happily and jokingly would call him Pops to the pleasure of the UA staff. They’d come accustomed to the young girl questioning them and their quirks and asking for help herself. They’d even managed to help her meet Eraserhead and Present Mic.
Shota Aizawa and Yamada Hizashi had met Yoru and were quite surprised at how interested in them she was. She was bright and intrigued. They were surprised when she said she wanted to become an underground Hero... not missing All Mights slightly saddened expression- wonder what that was about.
Age Thirteen
At age thirteen Yoru was asked to take the mantle of One for All. She placed a hand on her favourite uncles shoulder.
“I may be within the lineage of Nana Shimura but I am not the one who should take it. There is someone worthy of One for All.”
“But I wish to pass it to you Yoru.”
“But I don’t want it Uncle Toshinori.” She smiled sadly. Her partially gloved hand gave him a pat. “He’s out there one day you’ll know.”
“You truly are a gift Yoru Shimura.”
“I have to go now Pops is making me cook.”
“Tell Nezu hi.”
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gh0ulbunni · 3 years
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“A soulmate is someone who has locks that fit our keys, and keys to fit our locks. When we feel safe enough to open the locks, our truest selves step out and we can be completely and honestly who we are; we can be loved for who we are and not for who we’re pretending to be. Each unveils the best part of the other. No matter what else goes wrong around us, with that one person, we’re safe in our own paradise.” – Richard Bach
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shootingstarbea · 4 years
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I guess this means I’ve failed No-Simp-September... (I’m taking you all down with me!)
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sugarhoneydoodles · 3 years
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“Are you fucking with me, snack pack?”
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harveywritings92 · 4 years
[After Mineta gets hit by a food truck, everyone’s just standing around waiting for the ambulance. ‘cept for Vi-shock who is ordering food from the truck.]
Fatgum: You bought tacos? 
Vi-Shock: Uh-huh.
[Violet offers some tacos to Taishiro he shrugs takes them.]
Suneater: From the truck that hit Grape Juice?
Vi-Shock: Well, me starving isn’t gonna help him.
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elisemb123 · 4 years
You know that one kiss where people rub the tips of their noses together? I like to think that's Mirio's favorite kind of kiss - next to actual lip to lip smooching. He's got a cute, very boopable nose
Ah yes, boop the snoot, seems like a very Mirio thing to do 😊 I approve!
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forthechubbies · 5 years
Dear Santa,
All I want for Christmas is for Tamaki to snap me in half like those weapons. Please, I know I've been a little naughty but if you really want me to behave get Tamaki to spank me with his tentacles.
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Love, Tamaki's humble slut
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girlylukehughes · 1 year
means something
jamie drysdale x oc! reader, ex! trevor zegras x reader, part two of the suneater au! ☀️
part one, part two, part three
word count: 1140
warnings?: trevors an asshole
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Peaches sat on Jamie’s bed, strumming the acoustic guitar he kept in the corner of his room, while she waited for him to get home from morning skate. Humming the lyrics she had written two months ago, three weeks after they started to meet for coffee. Jamie stood in the doorway, a small smile on his face as he watched the girl. She hadn’t heard him come in just minutes ago. “Whatcha playing?” He asked, causing Peaches to jump and put a hand over her heart. “Jesus Jamie you scared the shit outta me.” She said with a slight laugh, “Just a song I wrote a few months ago.” She shrugged. “You write music?” He was ever so curious, in the two years he’s known her, never once did he know this. She lifts up a tattered leather bound journal, “Yeah, sort of, they’re all in here. They’ll never make it out of here but it’s something I’ve always wanted to do.” Jamie reaches his hand out, asking to look through the journal, reluctantly she hands it to him and watches him skim the pages. Her heart is in her throat when she realizes which one he’s stopped on, at the top of the page it says “for Jamie” above the title means something. “Can you sing it for me?” He asks. She sucks in a big breath, “Um, yeah, I can’t promise it’ll be any good though.” She takes the book out of his hands and sets it in the bed so she can see the pages, Jamie sits down across from her and watches as her finger strum and pluck at the guitar, and then her voice comes, and it’s like he’s breathing unpolluted air, pure oxygen, his heart is beating out of his chest.
I saw your name on a street sign
the middle of nowhere
And that has to mean something
I know your Zodiac sign
Me and Leos get along great
And that has to mean something
But for some reason
You're not here
And I refuse to believe
That means somethin'
Peaches was driving through the backroads of a small town right outside of Anaheim, watching the way the wind blew the trees. Pulling up to the stop sign at the end of the street she read the street sign, Jamie Ave., she knew it had to be sign. She was just aimlessly driving and somehow she stumbled along a street with his name? It had to mean something. But he wasn’t actually there, it was just a street sign, and he wouldn’t do that to his friend.
I felt the way that you hugged me
When I was broken inside
And that has to mean something
I felt the way that you kissed me
When we got too drunk that night
And that had to mean something (something, something)
“We’re done Trevor! I can’t do this anymore! This is the last time I walking out. This is for good, don’t contact me.” Peach’s heart was breaking in half, but she kept her face strong, and didn’t let the tears leave her eyes.
“God you act like I actually care! I could have so many other girls, you were just one that stuck around a little too long.” The smug look on Trevor’s face made her want to slap him, but she didn’t. “Fuck you Trevor. I can’t wait until you’re a washed up has-been.” And with that she was walking out of his apartment and slamming the door. The minute she turned the corner she let the sob out, not being able to see through her tears she ran right into Jamie’s chest. “Peach? Hey, Peach, are you alright?” Jamie had his hands on her shoulders, trying to get her to look at him so she could calm down. She just shook her head and sobbed into his chest. Instinctively his strong arms wrapped around her, pulling her closer to him. They sat like that in the hallway for a good 10 minutes before calming down. “Sorry,” she said as she pulled away from him, “I totally just soaked your shirt.” “Hey it’s ok, but are you okay? What happened?” She took in a deep breath, “Trevor’s an asshole, that’s what happened. I ended things for good and he just started talking about all the other girls he can get with and that I overstayed my welcome in his life.” Her eyes focused on her shoes, tucking her ginger hair behind her ears and wiping her face with the sleeves of her sweater. “He’s an idiot. Like the biggest idiot ever. Sometimes I wonder how I’m even friends with him.” That got a laugh out of her. “Yeah, but uh, I guess I'll see you around then.”
Everytime I think too much
It ends up crazy
But don't know how to not think about you
Everytime I trust my gut
I think I'm crazy
'Cause I don't know how to put my trust in you
Do you think it means something
That I wrote another song about you?
When Peach finally looks up she sees the blush on Jamie’s cheeks and the tears in his eyes. “You uh, you wrote that?” His voice was hoarse. “Yeah, I did.” Her voice was soft and bashful. “Peach you are insanely talented. You’ve gotta put your music out there.” She was stunned, no one ever told her pursuing music was a good idea, but her was Jamie, telling her to go after her dreams. “You really think so?” She whispered. He placed a kiss on her lips, resting his forehead on hers, their noses rubbing together. “I do.” And that’s when it was decided, she was gonna do music.
“And hey,” Jamie said, “did that say you wrote another song about me.” A cocky look on his face.
“Yeah it did.” Peach had never had a smile so big.
*Four months later*
pic-ingpeaches just posted!
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Liked by jamiedrysdale and 1.3 million others
pic-ingpeaches: music has always been something I wanted to do, it flows through me. With some convincing from Jamie I finally decided I needed to follow this dream. So with that my debut album suneater came to be. These are songs I’ve been writing for the past two and a half-ish years and I’m so excited to share them with you. suneater will be released December 8th on all streaming platforms :) but SUPRISE!!! logical, the first single, will be out this friday!!!
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jackhughes: oh fuck
jamiedrysdale: so proud of you love!
^pic-ingpeaches: kisses kisses kisses i owe it all to you
user12: oh tr*vors gonna get dragged isn’t he.
^user94: and I’m so ready for it
user82: claiming making the bed fr
user04: did she unblock jack just for this 😭
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lazywaifu · 4 years
🍧 𝒮𝑜𝓂𝑒𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃 𝒮𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓉 🍧
Tamaki Amajiki x OC
Warnings: none...yet 😏😏
Wors Count: 2,257
Edited by: @dragonhrte
“Okay, that should be all of them.”
Maia Hanime wiped a bead of sweat from her brow leaving a small smear of flour across her forehead. She removed the pink ruffle lined apron and hung it on the hook behind the kitchen door, which swung open with an unintended force.
“Woah Mai you did all that by yourself? What’d ya even hire me for?” It was her burly cook Kai Hideki, the man was a mountain, he was six feet eight inches tall, with insanely broad shoulders, so wide that Maia had to widen the door frames upon his employment. Atop of those broad shoulders was a boulder-like head, with a messy crop of brown hair with two white horns peeking out the top, and matching goatee. Kai’s quirk was called The Taurus, he had all the abilities of a bull which explained his incredible stature.
Although he had a quirk that made him intimidating, he was one of the nicest people Maia had ever met. Something Maia learned early on was not to judge people by their quirks or lack thereof.
“Well, I didn’t think it was fair for you to have to come in so much earlier, and honestly I couldn’t really sleep. I’m actually really nervous, what if no one shows up, or worse, what if they don’t like anything.”
Maia’s cheerful excitement quickly turned into nervous anxiety and she got the sudden urge to throw up.
Kai grabbed the chef’s hat and apron off the hook, “Hey don’t sweat it kiddo, people will come, and they will love your food. I mean how can they not, you’re like the best baker ever!”
Kai placed a large hand on Maia’s head flattening out thick raven black curls, “And if they don’t I’LL BEAT THEM TO A PULP HAHA!” Kai punched his hand with a large fist accompanied by a devious grin on his face.
Maia pressed her hands to her face and squeaked out, “Uh thanks Kai...I think.”
He pulled the too small chef’s hat over his head poking two little holes in it with his horns, “No problem kiddo, I got your back.”
Maia’s crisis was interrupted by a high-pitched sing-song voice, “Goood Moorniiing!”
A lanky girl with a purple pixie cut walked through the door, “Geez what's up? Why’re you guys here so early, I thought we didn’t open ‘till eight?”
Maia shook her hands to ease her nerves and made her way to the kitchen door, she swung it open and beamed at the girl on the other side, “Rei! You made it!”
Maia proceeded into the front of the cafe and leaned against the countertop, her chin rested on her hand, “Rei, what if everyone hates it? Am I a moron?”
The lanky girl in front of her clapped a hand on her distressed friend’s shoulder, “Don’t do this to yourself Mai, everything will be fine! I could always give you a little confidence boost.” she said grinning down at the worried entrepreneur.
Rei’s quirk was called Sunshine State: It gives her the ability to enhance a person’s mood, confidence, and luck for fifteen minutes, the only odd thing is how it’s received. For Rei to use her quirk on a person she must kiss them on lips for at least ten seconds.
Rei was Maia’s first friend when she moved from the Okinawa country-side, the two had met when Maia’s bag got stolen on her way to her apartment, and Rei chased the thief down and thoroughly kicked his ass, returning her bag, for a fee. The two have been pretty much inseparable ever since. Maia thought about her idea, she glanced at the clock 7:26 am it read.She sighed, if she was going to pull this off she would need all the help she could get.
“Fine…but let’s go into the kitchen first, I don’t need potential customers thinking this is some sort of fan-service place.”
The two girls quickly made their way through the swinging door, “Hey boss I got all these pastries boxed up, you really went all out huh?” Kai turned to see his new boss locking lips with a strange purple-haired lady, “Whaa, why! Who? Uhhaaaa….”
Rei and Maia turned to Kai who was red-faced and sputtering. Maia gave out a hearty laugh , she felt better almost instantly.She scooped up the four parcels filled with breakfast pastries.
“Okay wish me luck!” she shouted as she shuffled out the door towards the hero agency a few buildings down.
Kai blinked after his boss as her petite form was dwarfed by the parcels, quickly remembering the purple-haired stranger he rounded, “Who the hell are you!?”
Rei laughed, “Rei Yara, cashier, nice to meet you!”
Rei poked her tongue out at him and proceeded to the front of the cafe. Kai pushed the door open, “So what exactly does she have in mind for all those pastries?”
Rei began counting out the cash in the register, “Well, you noticed who’s agency we are close by right?”
Kai looked at her confused, she sighed, “FatGum! Good thing you’re cute.” She said waving off his slow uptake.
“Y'see she picked this spot specifically because it was so close to his agency., Who’s gonna resist a delicious cafe right in their backyard? I mean Fat is in his name after all...not that that’s a bad thing.” She finished quickly, “So what better way to get business booming than by getting the No.10 hero raving about your establishment. It’s rather genius actually.”
Kai nodded, “Hmm seems like she’s thought of everything.”
Rei agreed silently, finishing up the morning shift register.
Maia hummed happily as she shuffled down the sidewalk her nerves had all but disappeared and the day seemed much brighter thanks to Rei’s quirk. While passing the large windows she raised a few eyebrows, appearing to be four boxes stacked on top of each other with legs. When she reached the door she ineffectively reached out for the handle attempting to balance the parcels on the side of her face.
“Woah, hold up there. Let me get that for you!” An upbeat voice sounded to her left. She shuffled awkwardly to the right and squeaked out a suppressed, “Thank you.”
The man opened the door and she tottered inside.
“Here let me take that.”
The top two parcels were lifted up and Maia’s line of sight was finally unobstructed.
“Whew thanks!” Maia was face to face with a tall muscular man with spiky red hair and a toothy grin. “It’s no problem, what, uhh, is all this?”
Maia smiles broadly, “I’m so glad you asked! Pro-Hero Red Riot prepare to have your taste buds amazed!”
Maia felt like she was having an out of body experience. She was speaking with such clarity and assurance, not stuttering and tripping over word vomit. It was like watching a pro salesperson from a spot inside their mind.
“Oh! That sounds great! Let me go grab FatGum. He'd really appreciate this!”
Red Riot took off around the corner towards the elevator. Maia smiled after him, suddenly there was a twinge in her stomach, Rei’s quirk was beginning to wear off and her anxiety was becoming more apparent with each passing minute. Maia watched the clock intently, it had taken her about five minutes to walk there, which left only ten minutes for the mood enhancement. Red Riot was gone for four minutes and thirty seconds which left five minutes and thirty seconds and it seemed as time wound down the effects also began to lessen. “Oooh jeez, Rei’s quirk is wearing off…” Maia fidgeted with the hem of her black skirt as the young pro-hero returned with his elder and one other person, she couldn’t tell who because they were wearing a white hood and indigo bangs covered their upper face.
“Hey uhh…” Red Riot rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.
“Oh…my name's Maia,” she said waving nervously. Uhhhh why did I wave… she thought, mentally slapping her palm to her forehead.
“Hi Maia, Red Riot says you have something tasty for us!” The large hero said, licking his lips.
Maia smiledsoftly, “Yes, I- um… I just opened a cafe. It’s a few buildings down and well I guess… I figured why not stop by and introduce myself. I’m sorry if I bothered you… I just thou-“
FatGum interrupted her, “No bother at all! Let’s see what you have!”
Maia nodded and began opening the boxes, her trembling fingers fidgeted with the knots, three minutes had passed and she felt like she was falling apart, the knots were unusually tight, damn Kai, try to remember not all of us have super strength… she thought.
Heat was rising to her face thank goodness for her dark complexion or she’d be blushing so fiercely she’d look like a tomato. She finally undid the last knot and pulled back the tops on the boxes displaying various pastries like melon pan, anpan, sausage pan, and cornets. A deliciously sweet aroma filled the lobby of the hero agency attracting a few of the other side kicks and agency staff.
“Oh wow that looks amazing!” FatGum said, excitement building on his face.
“Help yourselves, I believe I brought enough for everyone.” She said stepping to the side a bit as more people began crowding around the table. Maia couldn’t help but feel proud as she watched the hero’s and staff devour her pastries, all except one person had a mouth stuffed full.
The person in the white hood, they had managed to end up in the very back of the crowd almost like they were hiding.
Maia grabbed a napkin and swiped the last melon pan from the box pushing past the dense group, “Um, hey? I don’t think you’ll get anything way back here.”
She offered a soft smile and handed them the pastry.
The young pro-hero took the treat out of her hands, she couldn’t help but notice they appeared to be trembling, “You alright?” she asked, kneeling slightly down to maybe get a peek under the hood.
Before the young hero could answer Red Riot bounded back to where they were standing, “Dude you missed out…” he spoke after taking another bite out of the sausage pan, “She can really cook!”
Maia smiled nervously, “Thanks, my cafe is just a few buildings down, It's called Somethin’ Sweet.” she said feeling happy over all, it was a success.
“You hear that! Hell yeah! We’ll be there! Do you do lunch?”
She nodded happily, “Yes sir, sure do.”
Maia’s attention went back to the hooded hero, “ I uh, don’t think your friend likes it very much,” she said fidgeting with the hem again.
Red Riot turned towards his fellow hero and pulled back his hood. “ Nah I’m sure he does, he’s just super shy and you’re cute so…” He said all this so nonchalantly then proceeded to just walk off exclaiming to another person how good it was.
Maia was slightly taken aback by this comment but she couldn’t focus on that so much because the hero standing in front of her was a deep shade of crimson. From the tips of pointy ears all the way down to the collar of his hero outfit all exposed skin was dark red and it seemed like the longer she stared at him the worse it got, “I-I-I have t-to go…”, he said quickly, and darted around the corner, pastry still in hand.
Maia blinked after him, “Uh… ok.” she said wondering what in the world just happened.
By this point the fifteen minute mark had long passed, however, she succeeded in her plan. Maia turned to pick up any trash or leftovers and everything was gone including the boxes. She couldn’t believe it turned out so well as she pushed the glass doors of the agency open and headed back to her shop. She couldn’t stop grinning. It was now 7:55 am and Somethin’ Sweet cafe was officially open for business.
“See we told you, everything would go well!” Kai exclaimed from the kitchen, Rei nodded in agreement.
Maia sighed, “ I know… I know.”
Soon a few customers began coming in and before they knew it, they had sold out over half of what they made for breakfast. It was a successful morning. Around 11 o'clock the cafe had quieted down and the last customer of the breakfast rush had left.
Maia plopped down in an empty chair and sighed running her fingers through dense curls, “Wow I wasn’t expecting that.”
Rei nodded from behind the counter, “Yeah man, and you were afraid no one would show. See you just need a little faith.”
Maia pulled a rag from her apron pocket and chucked it at her purple-haired friend.
“Yeah yeah yeah…” she rolled her eyes.
Rei laughed and caught the rag, tossing it over her shoulder. She grabbed the full till from its compartment inside the register, “ You know I’m right.” She pushed the manager's office door open and slung the rag back at Maia. After a few moments of rest she got up and began boxing and labeling the last bit of breakfast food.
As she began putting out lunch displays the bell on her door jingled lightly followed by a familiar cheerful voice, “ Heeeey this is super nice huh Tamaki?”
Maia turned and greeted the two hero’s with a smile,. “Oh, hi!”
Red Riot grinned broadly and threw his arm around his nervous fellow hero, “We came for lunch!”
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himarifuruya · 3 years
Diamond Light [ That's the Tea ]
Preface: Diamond Light is a non-linear series of stories based around my OC Himari Furuya and her relationship with Tamaki Amajiki or Suneater.
TW: Chapters may contain Rated M [18+] content, such as graphic sexual content, canon typical violence and gore, body horror and explicit language.
Chapter Summary: Tamaki catches up with his friends and gains some unexpected insight.
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Tamaki was in burnout.
Over these past weeks, he had been so exhausted. Ever since his work study had begun, he wanted to do nothing but go home and sleep. If he wasn’t on patrols, training, or studying for his classes, he was a living vegetable. His tired, aching body didn’t want to do anything besides lay in bed and waste the hours away.
It hadn’t been an unpleasant time though, working in Fat Gum’s agency had been a highlight in many ways. Though his mentor could be a tad overwhelming for his taste, he couldn’t have asked for a better one. He especially didn’t mind the partnership he formed with the ghostly hero, Wraith - who had despite her eccentric nature, provided valuable support during their missions.
Still, he could use a break.
On one of his free days, he agreed to go out with his friends. Nejire opted that the three of them should go to her favorite tea shop, saying that they have some of the best and most flavorful blends. He couldn’t deny that it sounded refreshing, especially after such a demanding week.
Lately, their schedules hadn’t been matching up, which had made hanging out difficult. Even at school, it seemed like they were always on the go. For Tamaki, it had been a little lonely, but he was happy to know that his friends felt the same. When the opportunity rose for them to get together, they immediately took advantage of it, like an oasis in the middle of a desert.
Once seated at the booth with their drinks, they began to play catch up.
He listened quietly as his friends chatted animatedly about their progress in their work study. Despite the hard work they endured, they both sounded happy with their respective agencies. Mirio spoke proudly of his mentor that he called “Sir,” with high enthusiasm, while Nejire couldn’t keep herself from gushing about the dragon hero Ryukyu. It made him smile fondly, knowing that they were having such a good time.
“How about you, Tamaki? How’s your work study going?” Mirio asked suddenly, nudging him with his elbow, causing the chimera hero to gulp on his drink loudly,
“It’s been okay…I guess…” He wanted to stop there, but he could feel his friends’ prying eyes on him, expecting further exposition.
Letting out a reluctant sigh, he continued. “Fat Gum is great and has been really helpful over these past few weeks. He’s always giving advice and loads of encouragement...perhaps a little too much praise from my perspective, but I─ really shouldn’t be complaining. We’ve been learning quite a bit.”
“We?” Mirio questioned.
A wave of warmth rose to his cheeks. “Uh…yeah, th-there’s a-a really nice girl there too she’s uh…um…o-oh no…” He face-planted into the wall beside him miserably. “…I’m such an idiot that I-I never got her real name.”
Mirio and Nejire exchanged sly looks.
"Is she cute?" they blurted in unison, catching the young Amajiki offguard.
“Don’t ask me that…” He grumbled. “All I know is that her hero name is Wraith…”
“Oh, you mean Himari Furuya?”
Tamaki’s head lifted. “Wait… You know her?”
“Yep! She was at the Sports Festival, don’t you remember?” Nejire asked
“E-eh - I g-guess I should, but I - well - I was kind of busy having a panic attack,” he mumbled.
“Oh yeah…” Nejire hummed softly with a tilt of the head, her laissez faire tone and relaxed expression easing the discomfort of admitting such a thing.
“Isn’t she also the daughter of Monochrome?” Mirio inquired.
“Monochrome…?” Tamaki was vaguely familiar with that name from some tabloids. If he recalled correctly, Monochrome was one of the more elusive heroes that stayed out of the public eye for the most part. Very few have ever met him in person.
Nejire bobbed her head. “Yeah, crazy right? They look nothing alike too, like night and day.”
“There’s a lot of rumors about that guy too...like really morbid ones.” Mirio remarked, scratching his chin. “I don’t know how true they are, but even some heroes are leery of him.”
“Why’s that?” Tamaki asked.
Mirio’s brows drew together, trying to find the right words to explain. “His quirk…he can absorb negative energies and use that to manipulate the things around him.”
Tamaki leaned in, growing more curious. “That’s quite the ability.”
“But how is that a bad thing? If he’s removing negativity, isn’t that beneficial? Wouldn’t that make any bad occurrence into a good one?” Nejire wondered aloud with her teacup held between her hands methodically.
“It does sound like a positive thing, doesn’t it? But, sadly, it isn’t that simple.” Mirio’s smile weakened as he went on. “Unfortunately, he can only store so much of that energy, so if he isn’t using it consistently, there can be some severe consequences if it leaks out. To put it simply, he isn’t exactly a lucky charm.”
Tamaki frowned deeply. “That’s pretty awful… I don’t even want to imagine the burden that could bring…”
Mirio hummed in accordance. “As long as he keeps it in check, there isn’t much to worry about, but that liability is always there.”
“I guess that makes sense, there’s pros and const to every quirk.” Nejire said, lowering her cup from her lips. “One way or another, we all have to figure out how to use the cards we are delt.”
"Oh!" Mirio suddenly blurted. "He can levitate, too."
"O-oh," Tamaki uttered in response. He glanced away for a moment, before a thought came to mind. He turned back to the blonde, uttering, "how do you know all this?"
"I heard about it at Nighteye's agency," Mirio replied brightly.
"I see," Tamaki replied softly, looking down at his tea again. It seemed that Nejire had refilled it while he wasn't looking.
"Does..." Tamaki began, trailing off as he mentally debated if he wanted to utter such a thought aloud. Furuya was a peer, someone he admired in her heroism, but who he barely knew. Yet, he couldn't help but wonder-
"...that mean he's often away, o-on missions?" Tamaki finished softly, glancing between his friends.
Nejire hummed thoughtfully. "I suppose so..."
Mirio added on more firmly, "I've heard he works a lot."
Tamaki looked back down, his lips pulled tight. So, then, did that mean Furuya was alone a lot...?
As if reading his mind, Mirio raised his cup and continued. “But, there’s a lot of unknowns, so we should be careful not to jump to conclusions.” There was a liveliness beaming in his blue irises, he looked at Tamaki, saying pointedly. “It’s better to get the information straight for the source.”
The color in the hero’s face drained. “L-Like – ask her d-directly? I-I don’t think I have the courage to do that…”
“I think he’s implying that it would be good to befriend her,” Nejire suggested kindly. Her expression lit up with a jovial smile. “Seems like it could be fun.”
Mirio nodded, following her statement with, “she’s in the other class, so it might not be as easy to meet up, but I’m sure we could work around it. What do you think, Tamaki?”
“I-I don’t know, I do like working with her…but – but I don’t want to m-make her feel uncomfortable - or think w-we only doing it out of p-pity.” While he appreciated their eagerness, he didn’t want to take Mirio’s warning lightly.
“Hm, that’s true too…” Nejire mused aloud, she leaned back into the cushion of the booth, twirling a periwinkle curl around her finger. “But, it doesn’t have to be forced either.”
“Exactly, it can happen organically – I mean, you want to be closer to her, right?” Mirio drawled.
The suggestiveness in his tone sent a blistering heat to Tamaki’s face. “E-Eh …? W-Well…y-yes, but w-why do y-you have to make it weird, Mirio!”
The blond chuckled, “sorry, but you left yourself open, dude.”
“Anyway…,” Nejire began, bringing them back on topic, “I’ve been wanting to get to know more people from class B, so this will be a great way to do that!”
“For sure, they are our future comrades after all,” Mirio agreed. “So, don’t think too hard about it, buddy.”
Tamaki’s shoulders slumped, pressing his lips together into a wobbly line. “Urk…w-when you point it out like that, i-it only makes it harder not to… - b-but, I’ll try.”
The trio polished off a few more pots of tea before going their separate ways. On his jaunt home, Tamaki could feel the brew sloshing in his belly, but he had to admit, he came out of their meeting feeling rejuvenated. If he hadn’t known better, he could have sworn his friends had a superpower for restoring energy on top of their established quirks.
Although he was still pretty worn out, he was more prepared to face the new week ahead.
In the back of his mind, he was still thinking about their discussion about the ghostly hero, Wraith. He wondered about the rumors that circulated around her family. Mirio hadn’t gone into detail about them, which left plenty of room for mystery, but maybe that was for the best.
For now, he was fine with not knowing – he was in no rush and there was no need to tarnish a clean slate.
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