#sunflowers represent hope and optimism
kinetic-chaos · 5 months
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birthday boy ❤️
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weird-is-life · 7 months
Can I request a shy reader and Spencer's fic. When the reader works at a flower shop, Spencer comes in there looking for flowers. And the reader goes on a little rant about what he should buy and what each flower means.
Hii lovely, ty for the request! Hope this is okay🙈warnings: use of y/n, fluff, a few swear words, (0.9k)
Spencer needs to buy some flowers for Emily. It's her birthday and he's always brought her flower before, so even if he's already running late to her birthday dinner, he can't not go buy her some flowers.
He goes into the first flower shop, he spots on the way to Emily's apartment and that's where he finds you.
It's almost the closing time, so you are just sitting behind the counter, reading some book. Spencer immediately thinks he's in love.
He swears, you are the prettiest girl, he's ever seen and the fact, that you are too absorbed in your book to even notice him, makes you even more attractive to Spencer.
You finally notice him as he's a few steps away from the counter. You quickly slam the book shut and try not to look too caught off guard.
You weren't expecting anybody to come to the shop anymore and you definitely weren't expecting it to be a very handsome guy.
His messy, curly hair, expensive-looking black suit and the small stubble have you buckling at your knees. You are sure, that if you weren't sitting on the chair, you would be on the ground.
"H-hi," you somewhat compose yourself, "w-what can I help you with?"
He shoots you a smile and you're pretty sure that your cheeks go very red," Hi, I was wondering if I could get some flowers?"
"D-do you have any specific in mind?" you ask, barely holding an eye contact with him. You are shy and he isn't helping your situation at all.
"Ye-...No, I don't. Can you recommend me some?" Spencer literally knows the meaning of every flower you have in this shop, but something about you makes him shut his mouth, so he can stay here longer.
"I can, yes," you smile sheepishly at him, "who are they supposed to be for?"
"My friend, it's her birthday today," you would be lying, if you said that your heart didn't skip a beat at hearing that it's for his friend and not a girlfriend. You thought, that he was getting flowers for his girlfriend.
"W-well, I'd suggest, that you should definitely get some yellow flowers for her. Yellow color represents friendship, would that be okay?" you hesitantly ask. Spencer just nods encouragingly.
"Okay, so we could do some mixed bouquet. Yellow roses are definitely a yes, you can't go wrong with that, they are beautiful and smell amazing. We should also add sunflowers, they represent loyalty and adoration of the friendship. Oh and mums are grest, too. They can really make the bouquet come alive, they are like the spirit of optimism. We could also-," you ramble about each flower, that you put in the bouquet for him.
Spencer listens to your every word with a happy smile, you remind him of himself with your rambling and to be honest, he finds it adorable.
You are done too quickly tho and Spencer finds himself wanting to hear you speak again.
But his phone rings and he doesn't even need to pick up to know, that the team is wondering, where he is.
"Here, i-is this okay?" you hand the insanely pretty bouquet to him. Spencer's grin basically answers your question.
"Thank you, thank you. It couldn't be more perfect. You're a total lifesaver..." he looks at your name tag, "y/n. Thank you, y/n."
You are certain, that your cheeks couldn't be more red as they are right now. Spencer's compliment makes you blush like a fool.
"Oh. I'm..I'm glad, that you like it." You stutter out your response, looking at the ground. You carefully wrap the bouquet in the flower wrapping paper and tell him the price of it.
He pays it and before you can say no, he puts a bigger tip than it's normal into the tip jar.
Spencer then slowly leaves thanking you as he goes. And right before the door closes, it looks like Spencer wants to tell you something else, but in the last second he shakes his head and dissappears.
You wave him a shy goodbye, you are a little disappointed even if you don't really know why. Well okay, maybe you do know why. But you shouldn't have put your hopes up, thinking the handsome stranger felt the spark like you did. And that maybe, only maybe, he'd ask you out.
You sigh and sluggishly start to clean up the counter to finally close the shop and go home. The door bell rings again and your head immediately shoots up.
He runs up to the counter, a little out of breath, "shit, I'm sorry to bother you again. I don't usually do this, like ever, it's just....Would you like to go out with me sometimes? Like for a-a coffee? You can say no of course, hell, I'd totally understand if you said no." Spencer's now the one to rumble.
"I-I'd love to," you, surprising even yourself, reply immediately. Cheeks, of course, burning red.
"It's okay- Wait, really?" Spencer was totally expecting you to reject him.
"Yes, really....." you want to say his name.
"Spencer, my name is Spencer," he quickly understands.
"Spencer, " you try out his name," I'd love to Spencer, here." You bravely scramble your phone number on a piece of paper and give it to him.
Spencer takes it with a huge smile, "I'll call you, " he looks like he wants to stay longer, but looks at his watch and curses under his breath," I'm so late. I gotta go, but I'll call you, I promise."
"Bye, Spencer," you say sweetly and Spencer already knows he's fucked. Not even one date and he knows, he's down bad.
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replaycamera2 · 1 year
Flowers I Associate With Redacted Characters
Davey - Honeysuckle The canon choice. His mom’s honeysuckle are a core memory for him. They mean “devoted affection” for the person you love. In addition, honeysuckle flowers are commonly planted near the home to evoke feelings of nostalgia and honor those who have gone before you, and draw happiness and positive energy into your life.
Ash - Daffodil Sunflower is a little too big for Asher’s character. Daffodils are smaller, but no less energetic with their bright orange and yellow colours. They symbolize hope, joy, good luck, and new beginnings. Daffodils are the March birth flower and are associated with the coming of spring, thus optimism, positivity, and vibrancy.
Milo - Rose I toyed with the idea of something more representative of self-sacrifice like poppies but they didn’t feel like they represented Milo’s entire character, that’s just one tiny facet of him. I went with rose because that’s absolutely how Casanova sees himself. Deep red roses in particular represent not only love and passion, but also deeply held commitment to a romantic partner.
Sam - Blue Hydrangea Blue hydrangeas specifically symbolize feelings of remorse and apologies. I thought that was fitting given Sam’s role in Frederick’s turning having not been paying attention that night. But they also signify feelings of deep understanding, gratitude, and sincere emotion which he’s found in Darlin’ in that they both have similar backgrounds of abusive partners and understand one another deeply on that level.
Vincent - Rain Lily These tiny, delicate flowers only bloom in the rain. Contrary to what one might expect, they can also survive periods of drought, though they won’t bloom until it rains. They represent the cycle of life, death, and rebirth: they bloom, die, then come back with the rain. They also remind us that even in a storm, growth is possible.
Gavin - Iris In Greek, the word Iris means Rainbow. This has come to represent diversity, acceptance, tolerance, and inclusivity in modern times. Traditionally, the Iris also represents courage and faith.
Damien - Ixora A lesser known tropical flower with many tiny red flowers making a larger head, these flowers hold a meaning of burning passion (and that includes the bedroom). They’re also known as “the flame of the woods”.
Hux - Sunflower Tall and huge, these well-known flowers not only represent happiness, but red sunflowers specifically represent strength and positivity. Sunflowers are known to always look at the sun as it crosses the sky throughout the day.
Lasko - Pansy Ignoring the negative connotations of the word, pansies represent love, both romantic and platonic. The French word “pensee” means “to think” which Lasko does a lot of (a little too much at lighting speeds lol) and so pansies are also associated with thoughtfulness, consideration, and free-thinking. They are also linked to feelings of nostalgia and remembrance. Blue pansies specifically symbolize devotion, honesty and loyalty.
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electromignion · 8 months
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My Little Pony: Bridgewater is Magic
This is what happens when I have my specific interests making crossovers in my mind: you end up with myself asking to myself: what would the Bridgewater characters look like if they were ponies? So here you go with our mane 3: Olivia Hoskins, Vipin Khurana and Jeremy Bradshaw! Nobody asked for them but my own silly brain but here they are 🙏
I spent a good amount of research time for them not gonna lie especially as it is the first time I draw ponies ever!!
After the read more a close up of the ponies and a few explanations:
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I forgot to take a pic of Jeremy when I put the white hair of beard on him sorry! So the brown scheme is because I picture him with his brown corduroy coat, the hair going grey, with his glasses. The bag with his usual pins of course, and also his cutie mark is a reminder of him since he was a foal, trying to seek for the truth through research hence the bulb lighting up on the written paperwork! And a unicorn because he kinda believes in magic although he doesn’t so I don’t think he would use much his power at least at first!
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Our best earth pony: Vipin!! Red is for his hoodie, my brain is simple, he has a bag too because Jeremy’s TA with the matching pin, and the sunflower cutie mark is because he’s that sunshine person with everybody, happy to help and just here with a lot of joy and optimism! However I do feel like he had unicorn ancestry so as Pinkie Pie he’d have that kind of Pinkie sense which saved the trio quite a lot
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Then here’s Olivia!! Purple colour because I think it’s her fave colour, and the hair represents the hair I headcanon her with. The cutie mark is a heart in three parts because it shows how caring and loving she is, the outer heart is for anypony, the second heart is for her family and friends, and the inner heart is for herself because she learnt to love herself <3 and she is a fashion icon hence the piercings and makeup 🫶
I chose her to be a Pegasus because of that thought I had (do not read it if you’re not done with Bridgewater and that you understand MLP ways of pony genetics although it might be off slightly)
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I hope you enjoyed!!! Thank you for bearing with my brain <3
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A bouquet of lotuses, dandelions, sunflower, gerberas, forget me nots, nemophilas, narcissus, lilies, purple and light blue hydrangeas, leaved corepsis, yellow cosmos, roses, peonies, periwinkles, bellflowers, white paper daisies, christmas rose, dahlias and carnations VS Buttercups
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First, let's talk about the bouquet of lotuses, dandelions, sunflower, gerberas, forget me nots, nemophilas, narcissus, lilies, purple and light blue hydrangeas, leaved corepsis, yellow cosmos, roses, peonies, periwinkles, bellflowers, white paper daisies, christmas rose, dahlias and carnations
Meaning and why: So fuckin uhh starting with the ones for the group as a whole, lotuses and dandelions. Both represents end and rebirth representing this group disbanding and how it's necessary and not a bad thing because their time in the spotlight is up and they've paved the way for the new generation of idols to flourish. Now for the individual ones. Character 1, sunflowers and gerberas. Sunflower can represent her sunny-ness and how she's the light of the group? Er like she's the one to help them grow and all that stuff. She's like the sun. Gerberas can represent hope and running forward which is like a big part of her character. Like her catchphrase is literally "fight on". She rarely gives up and always moves forward. For Character B, forget-me-nots and nemophilas. Forget-me-nots can mean true love and remember me. Nemophilas can mean solemnity and prosperity. For Character C, narcissus and lilies. Lilies can mean pureness which yeah she's pretty stereotypically pure. Also she's gay as fuck but that's not really saying much in the gay as fuck franchise. Narcissus can mean selfishness and conceit. She's the opposite of that. She usually just follows whatever Character A and Character D does. Like most of her decisions have been made by someone else or are for the sake of someone else. She is the least selfish out of everyone in the franchise. But, once she had a chance to go away to follow a dream but like. Basically she doesn't want to stress out Character A and Character A doesn't want to hold her back and it ends with Character C staying not because Character A wants her to but because she wants to. For Character D, purple and light blue hydrangeas. Purple hydrangeas abundance, elegance and royalty. And light blue ones represents forgiveness, regret and rejection. For Character E, Lance Leaved Coreopsis and yellow cosmos. The first one means always cheerful, and the second one means optimism, happiness, and the contagiousness of laughter. For Character F, roses and peonies. Roses meaning chances depending on their color, examples being beauty, love, friendship and fascination. Peonies mean romance, prosperity, good fortune. For Character G, periwinkles and bellflowers. The first one means faith, trust, and everlasting love, and the second one means gratitude, constancy, support, and romance. For Character H, white paper daisies and Christmas rose. White laker daisies means purity and innocence, while christmas roses mean relieve my anxiety. For Character I, dahlias and carnations. The first one means devotion, love, beauty and dignity, and carnations means Love, Captivation and Distinction Description: They're the legendary 9.
Check their post here
Now, let's talk about the buttercups
Meaning: growth, youthfulness, good health. Why this flower was chosen: this character is heavily associated with this flower Description: — Mischievous, if perhaps a bit lonely. Resenting their own species, they found comfort in a family of another kind. They would go on to sacrifice everything for this family. — They killed themself for their family, but their brother also got killed because of it. They are a ghost who narrates the story now.
Check their post here
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Character Info: Chrysanthemums
In the language of flowers, chrysanthemums meanings change depending on culture, in some cultures, Chrysanthemums represent a mother’s love. In French culture, they are associated with mourning, sympathy, and death. In Japanese culture, they are associated with perfection, longevity, and rejuvenation. In America, they are typically associated with cheerfulness, joy, optimism, and longevity.
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Picrew Link
“I am so sorry...Basil…my son…I failed you.”
Even if she did not have the same past connection that Sunny, Kel, Hero, and Aubrey did with Basil, Polly genuinely loved and cared for Basil unconditionally like he was her own flesh and blood. Which is why his sudden passing had such a drastic impact on her. She felt a crushing feeling of worthlessness and uselessness as she simply wished to make Basil happy and yet she lost and buried her honorary son before she ever got to see him truly smile in person at least once. It's a regret that she will carry with her to the grave.
Over the last few years, while her kindness has never faded, her general demeanor has become more somber and tired as her eyes carry a broken sadness that never seems to leave her eyes even on her best days. Despite her declining mental health, Polly has never once forgotten about her late honorary son as she goes out of her way to drive to faraway town's graveyard relatively frequently to visit her honorary son's final resting place.
Sometimes she prays or sits by his graveside, other times she will hug the gravestone hoping her unconditional motherly love reaches Basil wherever he is...
Additional facts
Polly has cloth bandages around her neck and arms however, she'll dodge the question if anyone asks her why
on her left hand, Polly has a tattoo of a Sunflower with the date 2/18 in the center. There is also a scroll tattoo below the flower with the phrase 'Your thoughts will follow me into my dreams'
Every Holliday and on Basil's Birthday, Polly will go to the grave and leave gifts for Basil
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fuzzystudios · 2 years
tmf characters as flowers
sorry for yelling lol. anyway. the music freaks characters as flowers!
(may contain spoilers for recent episodes. read at your own risk)
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yes, yes. it’s not a peach blossom. but! look! sunflowers fit him aesthetically! brown centre like his eyes, gold yellow petals like his sunny hair...
Sunflower meanings include happiness, optimism, honesty, longevity, peace, admiration, and devotion. The sunflower possibly surpasses all others in terms of its universal power to bring joy to people.
its meaning fits him quite well. Hailey pointed out that he’s horrible at lying, he helped bring a smile to everyone’s face in the music club by helping them out, loyalty to both his friend groups (okay, he’s trying his best here).
yes, this is based on my Jake = sun and daisy = moon thing. don’t judge.
deadly nightshade
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looks a bit like him, doesn’t it? dark purple hair/petals, and black berries/hoodie. also the name.
In art and poetry, it represents danger and betrayal.
eheh..... well. not much to say about that, actually. he’s... well, toxic, I guess.
blue plumeria
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not that many cyan flowers, but hey it works. she pretty cool.
new beginning, new life or birth, charm and grace, beauty, spring
new beginning. well, she let Jake audition and join. aw yea, pretty singing voice go brr
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yeah, yeah, okay, okay. before you call your subjects to rid me of my head, I swear it’s pretty cool. (I'll put an alternate to satisfy you too or something.)
In the language of flowers, daisies symbolize new beginnings and rebirth, in addition to love, cheerfulness, beauty, purity, innocence, hope, fun, and affection.
new beginnings again! okok so spoilers for latest episode here:
we saw Jake get his precious music book back because of daisy (my beloved <33). she was probably the first person who told him that his passion for music was actually really cool, and not lame! she gave him an opportunity for a second chance by convincing him to join the music club, and helped him shine again. (and people were actually looking forward to hearing him sing, too!)
whether it’s platonic or romantic, she sure does love Jake and Sean. also, main love interest go brr.
oh daisy my beloved. so sweet, so kind and caring. let’s hope she hears Jake out in the rest of the finale too. never trust angst creators. I am platonically proposing to daisy. anyway
daisy gave Jake hope! she’s willing to help out with the situation, showed him support when it looked like no one was there to help.
“this is hopeless,” he said. SIKE there is daisy! (daisy my beloved <3) when the sun sets for the night, the moon comes to take its place. light in the dark sky. daisy. daisy I love you. sorry off track again.
the cutest example of affection like ever:
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or an alternate flower:
don’t murder me.
It is such a wonderful symbol for the growth potential of our soul and personality when we are faced with challenging and difficult periods in our lives.
ehe. well.
“[in the music club], I've never seen you shine so brightly,” she says. she guided him there to see him shine, because you don’t cover up gold; you wipe the dust off and hold it to the light to show its worth.
she helped him by telling him that his passion was worth something. she helped him to see hope. she’s there to fight off the metaphorical thugs that cornered him after falling in a dumpster. (wrong fandom. ah well. maybe someone will get it.) oh daisy, oh daisy, my beloved... <333
hmm. I think I'll leave it at that for now, actually. I'll continue with a part 2 sometime. cya local populace of Tumblr!
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skyeeeesworld · 2 years
Aether makes me think of a sunflower. Apparently the main qualities of the sunflower are: Happiness, Admiration, Optimism, Loyalty and devotion, strength and resilience. I don’t know why a sunflower makes me think of him
And Lumine makes me think of a daffodil. Apparently, Daffodils represent rebirth, new beginnings and hope. I feel this may fit Lumine in a way? It could go for both Traveler Lumine and Abyss Lumine?
I also just feel like the whole colour scheme to said flowers fit them? Daffodils can be yellow and white (which is said to mean purity and a desire to be transformed and move away from vanity and selfishness).
I got these all off online, so some meanings may be different.
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madefate · 2 years
write a letter to your inner child + i'll tell you what flower you've blossomed into
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a sunflower, basking in the sun light
“the head of all flower heads is one flower; the sunflower in the sky, that gives the others vivid color stemming from the inside.” ― curtis tyrone jones, mirrors of the sun: finding reflections of light in the shittiness of life — your bright, vivid optimism brings those around you a life worth living. people see you as someone who shines no matter where you go — it's almost impossible not to notice you. you stand with a confidence that influences others to do the same. people trust and put their faith into you because they feel warmth, even when the sun isn't out. the inner child is constantly searching for even more new ways to be happy.
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a dandelion, rapidly growing in the field
“dandelions, like all things in nature are beautiful when you take the time to pay attention to them.” ― june stoyer — your resilience is what's gotten you very far in life. those who have trampled and picked on you made it easier for you to spread your seeds — the bright yellow petals you once had, certainly transformed into white, delicate whispies. They floated away into a distance, only to provide you with new opportunities for you to grow your thoughts, ideas, and feelings in other places— that were perhaps harder for them to reach before. even though you've felt unwanted, you nevertheless continued to thrive where other flowers could not.
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a chrysanthemum, being the mum of all blooms
"i look for myself but find no one. i belong to the chrysanthemum hour of bright flowers placed in tall vases. i should make an ornament of my soul." — fernando pessoa — in the west, the chrysanthumum represents death whereas the east reveres its beauty as a symbol of longevity, hope, and gentle kindness. your beauty is so grand; it draws in a polarity of people. perhaps you sometimes struggle with accepting other people's opinions and viewpoints about you, and this is the reason to your everlasting generosity. sometimes you show compassion to those who do not deserve it. your inner child yearns to accept itself and the depth it holds within all those petals.
tagged. stole it from @stygicniron ! tagging. steal it from me !
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noisycowboyglitter · 1 month
Butterfly Sunflower: Advocating for Fragile X Awareness and Support
Butterfly Sunflower Fragile X Awareness combines powerful symbols to shed light on Fragile X Syndrome, a genetic condition that causes intellectual disability and developmental problems. This unique emblem intertwines hope, strength, and awareness in a visually striking way.
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The butterfly represents transformation and the delicate nature of those affected by Fragile X. Its graceful wings symbolize the potential for growth and change, even in the face of challenges. The butterfly's metamorphosis mirrors the journey of individuals and families navigating life with Fragile X Syndrome.
Sunflowers, known for their resilience and ability to always face the sun, represent the optimism and perseverance of the Fragile X community. These bright, cheerful flowers embody the warmth and support found within this group, as well as the constant pursuit of light and positivity in the face of adversity.
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The "X" in Fragile X is often incorporated into the design, serving as a visual reminder of the genetic basis of the syndrome. This element helps to educate and raise awareness about the condition's cause and the importance of genetic testing.
Together, these symbols create a powerful image that promotes understanding and support for those affected by Fragile X Syndrome. The emblem serves multiple purposes:
Raising awareness about Fragile X Syndrome and its impact on individuals and families
Encouraging research and funding for better treatments and potential cures
Fostering a sense of community and support among those affected by the condition
Promoting acceptance and inclusion of individuals with Fragile X in society
Educating the public about the importance of genetic testing and early intervention
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By wearing or displaying this symbol, individuals show their support for the Fragile X community and help spread awareness about this often misunderstood condition. The Butterfly Sunflower Fragile X Awareness emblem stands as a beacon of hope, strength, and unity in the face of genetic challenges.
Butterfly magnets are charming decorative items that bring the beauty of nature indoors. These vibrant, eye-catching magnets feature colorful butterfly designs, capturing the insect's delicate wings and intricate patterns. Perfect for adorning refrigerators, magnetic boards, or any metal surface, they add a touch of whimsy and elegance to everyday spaces. Butterfly magnets come in various
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sizes, styles, and materials, from realistic representations to artistic interpretations. They're not just functional for holding notes and photos; they also serve as miniature works of art, brightening up rooms and sparking joy with their fluttering presence. Ideal for butterfly enthusiasts or anyone seeking to add a bit of nature-inspired charm to their home or office.
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jworthingtonreview · 6 months
The Unspoken Language of Flowers: How Color Sets the Tone for Your Wedding
Your wedding day is a grand canvas where every brushstroke should reflect the depth and spectrum of emotions you and your partner share. Flowers, often the star of wedding décor, cannot be chosen by mere aesthetics alone; they must also speak to the emotions you want to color your day. The psychology of wedding flower colors can guide you in creating a day that is not just beautiful, but also emotionally resonant.
Red, the Color of Passion and Love
With the power to both state an emphatic presence and soften into intimate moments, red is the quintessential color of romance.
For an affair that drips with passion, you might drape your ceremony in rich red roses, bouquets that speak of love's red-hot intensity. If you aim to balance this exuberant romance with a touch of delicacy, include red anemones, which symbolize the anticipation of love.
White, Symbol of Purity and Elegance
White, the color of purity, can evoke the flawless beginning of your shared life.
Incorporate white lilies, known to be associated with virtue and the renewal of life, in your bouquet or centerpieces. White orchids, representing beauty and luxury, can add an elegant touch to your wedding. Consider a cascade of white blossoms for a look that is both stunning and symbolic of the pureness of your union.
Blue, the Calming and Trustworthy Hue
Blue, a color often linked to calm and trust, is a unique and unusual addition to a wedding palette.
Cornflowers, with their striking hue, can introduce a note of wild beauty to your bouquet. For a more whimsical touch, add blue hydrangeas to invoke serenity and to create an interesting contrast with other, more traditional, wedding colors that you choose to incorporate.
Yellow, the Sunshine and Joy
Yellow speaks volumes about joy and optimism, making it perfect for a wedding emanating warmth.
Incorporate sunflowers, which symbolize adoration and longevity, into your décor for a rustic or country wedding. For a more refined event, choose yellow tulips, signaling cheerfulness, and hope. Together, these flowers can warm up your day with their bright and sunny hues.
Pink, the Color of Femininity and Sweet Romance
Pink, often associated with femininity and sweetness, is ideal for a celebration of love that's tender and youthful.
Choose pink peonies for a luscious and voluminous look that emanates romance. To add a hint of playfulness, snapdragons and their spectrum of pinks can offer a fun and whimsical touch. Whether you opt for a pale blush or a vibrant fuchsia, pink flowers will infuse your wedding with a joyful and affectionate vibe.
The Art of Flower Color Psychology in Weddings
In weaving the theme of your marriage ceremony, the selection of floral hues is as important as the venue or the dress. The art of flower color psychology in weddings is about creating a tapestry of emotions that tie every element together, leaving an indelible impression on your guests and an unmistakable mark on your memory. Take time to consider the colors and their meanings, and watch as your wedding day blossoms into an expression of love that is as unique as the floral arrangements that adorn it.
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thistlethot · 6 months
Different Graduation Flowers Based On Your Sun Sign
Aries (March 21 – April 19): Honeysuckle
Aries are known for their pioneering spirit and confidence. Honeysuckle represents devotion and strength, a perfect match for their go-getter personality.
Taurus (April 20 – May 20): Lily
Taurus individuals are known for their appreciation for beauty and luxury. Lilies symbolize purity and rebirth, ideal for their new chapter.
Gemini (May 21 – June 20): Lavender
Geminis are known for their adaptability and communication skills. Lavender represents calmness and peace, a good reminder during their next adventure.
Cancer (June 21 – July 22): White Rose
Cancers are known for their nurturing nature and empathy. White roses symbolize new beginnings and innocence, a sweet sentiment for their graduation.
Leo (July 23 – August 22): Sunflower
Leos are known for their confidence and creativity. Sunflowers symbolize happiness and admiration, a perfect way to celebrate their achievements.
Virgo (August 23 – September 22): Aster
Virgos are known for their practicality and attention to detail. Asters symbolize wisdom and knowledge, a lovely tribute to their hard work.
Libra (September 23 – October 22): Rose Quartz
Libras are known for their diplomacy and grace. Rose quartz symbolizes love and partnership, a sweet reminder of the support system that helped them graduate.
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21): Orchid
Scorpios are known for their passion and mystery. Orchids symbolize strength and luxury, a beautiful representation of their inner fire.
Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21): Bird of Paradise
Sagittarius are known for their optimism and adventurous spirit. Birds of paradise symbolize freedom and joy, a fitting tribute to their journey ahead.
Capricorn (December 22 – January 19): Carnation
Capricorns are known for their ambition and determination. Carnations symbolize admiration and gratitude, a lovely recognition of their perseverance.
Aquarius (January 20 – February 18): Freesia
Aquarius are known for their progressiveness and independence. Freesias symbolize innocence and trust, a hopeful wish for their future endeavors.
Pisces (February 19 – March 20): Water Lily
Pisces are known for their compassion and creativity. Water lilies symbolize purity and spiritual awakening, a beautiful metaphor for their growth.
Remember, these are just suggestions! It's always best to consider the graduate's personal preferences when choosing graduation flowers.
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A bouquet of lotuses, dandelions, sunflower, gerberas, forget me nots, nemophilas, narcissus, lilies, purple and light blue hydrangeas, leaved corepsis, yellow cosmos, roses, peonies, periwinkles, bellflowers, white paper daisies, christmas rose, dahlias and carnations
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Meaning and why:
So fuckin uhh starting with the ones for the group as a whole, lotuses and dandelions. Both represents end and rebirth representing this group disbanding and how it's necessary and not a bad thing because their time in the spotlight is up and they've paved the way for the new generation of idols to flourish.
Now for the individual ones.
Character 1, sunflowers and gerberas. Sunflower can represent her sunny-ness and how she's the light of the group? Er like she's the one to help them grow and all that stuff. She's like the sun. Gerberas can represent hope and running forward which is like a big part of her character. Like her catchphrase is literally "fight on". She rarely gives up and always moves forward.
For Character B, forget-me-nots and nemophilas. Forget-me-nots can mean true love and remember me. Nemophilas can mean solemnity and prosperity.
For Character C, narcissus and lilies. Lilies can mean pureness which yeah she's pretty stereotypically pure. Also she's gay as fuck but that's not really saying much in the gay as fuck franchise. Narcissus can mean selfishness and conceit. She's the opposite of that. She usually just follows whatever Character A and Character D does. Like most of her decisions have been made by someone else or are for the sake of someone else. She is the least selfish out of everyone in the franchise. But, once she had a chance to go away to follow a dream but like. Basically she doesn't want to stress out Character A and Character A doesn't want to hold her back and it ends with Character C staying not because Character A wants her to but because she wants to.
For Character D, purple and light blue hydrangeas. Purple hydrangeas abundance, elegance and royalty. And light blue ones represents forgiveness, regret and rejection.
For Character E, Lance Leaved Coreopsis and yellow cosmos. The first one means always cheerful, and the second one means optimism, happiness, and the contagiousness of laughter.
For Character F, roses and peonies. Roses meaning chances depending on their color, examples being beauty, love, friendship and fascination. Peonies mean romance, prosperity, good fortune.
For Character G, periwinkles and bellflowers. The first one means faith, trust, and everlasting love, and the second one means gratitude, constancy, support, and romance.
For Character H, white paper daisies and Christmas rose. White laker daisies means purity and innocence, while christmas roses mean relieve my anxiety.
For Character I, dahlias and carnations. The first one means devotion, love, beauty and dignity, and carnations means Love, Captivation and Distinction
They're the legendary 9.
(The flowers were taken from these sites: lotus, dandelion, sunflower, gerbera, forget me not, nemophilas, narcissus, lily, purple hydrangea light blue hydrangea, leaved coreopsis, yellow cosmos, rose, peony, periwinkle, bellflower, paper daisies, christmas rose, dahlia, carnation!)
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centerspirited · 11 months
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floralallure · 1 year
Flowers That Represent Hope and Resilience
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Flowers have long been cherished for their beauty, fragrance, and the emotions they evoke. Beyond their aesthetic appeal, certain flowers hold special significance, representing hope and resilience in the face of adversity. In this article, we will explore five exquisite flowers that symbolize these qualities, curated by the renowned floral experts at Floral Allure Flowers & Gifts LLC. Whether you’re looking to send flowers in Dubai or seeking the perfect floral gift to convey a message of strength and optimism, Floral Allure’s flower shop is your ultimate destination.
Flowers of Hope: Symbols of Renewal and Optimism
Daffodil (Narcissus)
The daffodil, with its vibrant yellow hue and delicate petals, emerges as one of nature’s earliest signs of spring. Its ability to push through the frozen ground and bloom amidst the remnants of winter exemplifies resilience and hope. As a symbol of rebirth, the daffodil represents the promise of new beginnings and a brighter future.
Cherry Blossom (Sakura)
In Japanese culture, cherry blossoms are revered for their ephemeral beauty and the fleeting nature of life. The blossoms’ short-lived yet breathtaking display serves as a reminder that even the most delicate and fragile things can be sources of strength. By embracing the transient nature of cherry blossoms, we learn to appreciate each moment and find hope in the cyclical patterns of life.
As its name suggests, the sunflower seeks out the sun’s rays, always facing towards the light. This unwavering dedication to sunlight embodies the spirit of resilience and unwavering hope. The sunflower’s golden petals and imposing height stand as a testament to the human capacity to overcome obstacles and thrive even in the harshest conditions.
The iris, with its intricate and diverse range of colors, symbolizes the many facets of hope and faith. Its name is derived from the Greek word for “rainbow,” which reflects the flower’s connection to the bridge between earth and sky. The iris represents hope through its ability to adapt to various environments, much like a person’s resilience in adapting to life’s challenges.
The rose, a universally cherished flower, holds various meanings depending on its color. The yellow rose, in particular, is associated with friendship and new beginnings. As a flower that transcends cultural boundaries, the rose is a powerful representation of the enduring hope and strength that love and companionship provide, making it a perfect choice for uplifting someone’s spirits.
Discovering Hopeful Blossoms at Floral Allure
Floral Allure, a premier flower shop specializing in flower delivery in Dubai, understands the significance of selecting flowers that communicate hope and resilience. Their expert florists meticulously curate arrangements that embody these qualities, allowing you to convey your heartfelt sentiments through nature’s most cherished creations.
Finding the Perfect Flower Gifts: Flower Delivery Dubai
Whether you’re separated by distance or simply wish to brighten someone’s day, Flower Allure’s flower delivery services in Dubai offers a seamless way to send flowers. With a few simple clicks, you can explore a wide range of thoughtfully crafted arrangements that speak volumes about hope and resilience. From elegant bouquets featuring daffodils and cherry blossoms to stunning sunflower displays, there’s a perfect arrangement for every occasion.
Send Flowers Dubai: Spreading Hope and Resilience
In a world that often presents challenges, the act of sending flowers in Dubai becomes a powerful gesture of hope and resilience. It bridges distances, uplifts spirits, and reminds us of the beauty that can arise from even the most challenging circumstances. Floral Allure’s commitment to creating arrangements that encapsulate these qualities ensures that each bloom holds a deeper meaning, making your gift more than just a bouquet — it becomes a symbol of strength and positivity.
Flowers have an incredible ability to communicate emotions and ideas without uttering a single word. Through the carefully selected blooms at Floral Allure, you can convey the timeless messages of hope and resilience. From the cheerful daffodils to the serene iris, each flower tells a story of growth, strength, and the unwavering spirit of overcoming adversity. So, whether you’re looking to send flowers in Dubai or seeking a meaningful way to express your feelings, remember that nature’s most exquisite creations are here to help you share messages of hope and resilience with those you care about.
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joyceblok · 2 years
Chase the sun with us
What do sunflowers, vitamin E and happiness have in common?
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Ahh January, the month of fresh starts, positivity and unbridled optimism. Rather fittingly, it also marks the beginning of sunflower season here in New Zealand. Delightfully bright and cheerful, we couldn’t think of a better flower to represent summer joy.  As we haven't seen too much sun so far in 2023 our sunflowers have been a great substitute we've found!
Not only do sunflowers resemble miniature suns, they actually follow daylight across the sky. They have biological clocks which guide them to turn their heads and follow this bright star as it moves from east to west during the day. How beautiful this flower which chases the light! 
Inspired by these happy blooms, we have a special offer this January; when you purchase a Serum Vitamin E 15%, (our bright star) you'll receive a FREE Everyday Sun Fitness SPF15. 
Our Vitamin E 15% Serum works to renew, soften and protect skin from free radicals and environmental damage.  
What are the game-changing ingredients in JB’s Vitamin E Serum? 
Ginger Root Extract — An antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, it helps to reduce redness and even aids in mild pain relief.
Rapeseed Oil — An essential fatty acid rich in omega 3 and 6 to soften, nourish and transport vitamin E into the skin.  
Pomegranate — A powerful antioxidant which protects skin from UVB-induced oxidative stress, stimulates epidermal rejuvenation and is rich in skin-loving vitamin C.   
We hope you enjoy a bright and beautiful summer, but as skin experts, it’s our duty to say, please stay sun smart and look after your precious complexion. Our offer is our way of helping you with that.   
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