#sunnie's late night rambles
sunnieschaos · 10 months
For some reason I have not been able to stop thinking about chuuya with tattoos
I mean there are so many fics and art of him in rockbands I just know this man would have tats and considering I've been reading a lot of skk fics...
I just think that dazai (smitten as the man is) would absolutely just bluescreen when he sees them for the first time.
Especially if the first time he sees them is when they meet again later as adults. Bc chuuya suddenly has sleeves and he looks really good and after a mission they were forced to go on together they're tired and just barely manage to change clothes. But instead of falling asleep, dazai is now in pure shock bc wdym chuuya has tattoos? And why do they make him look way more attractive.
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dragonsbluee · 2 months
I see your gay uncles of the straw hats Jimbrook and raise you old, gay, heartbroken, pirate captians who find a loving, romantic relationship in each other as they watch over a group of chaotic youngsters.
Because Brook and Yorki had a heartbreaking goodbye, and Brook spent 50 years mourning, but now he has a second chance. He wasn't expecting anything, but then, lo and behold! A handsome, kind, capable fish man enters stage right, and Brook is smitten. Here is someone who understands the grief of losing a captian and partner, then having to take their place to hold the crew together, but ultimately watching thier crew fall apart or suffer due to factors outside their control.
For Jimbei the last few years have been a whirlwind of chaos. He was looking forward to a new adventure full of chaos of his own making and choices. Now, enter stage left, this fantastic, enigmatic, adorable skeleton (and he's a musician!), who is a wonderful presence on a ship full of younger pirates. Jimbei never really moved on from the loss of the Sun Pirates, and hasn't had time to mourn all the friends he's lost in the past few years. But now he finds companionship and comfort in Brook. Someone who doesn't expect him to move on, let's him reminisce, but keeps him from getting stuck in his mourning. He's never thought of romance seriously before, but now he finds himself wanting.
The two meet in the middle, center stage on a ship of dreams as they forge a new one together. They still keep and work towards their individual dreams but find pieces of each other in them. Brook looks forward to the day he can introduce Laboon to Jimbei, and Jimbei has promised to translate the whale's words for Brook. Jimbei will see freedom for his people and finds motivation in every new song Brook writes and story he tells. Together, they find peace, calm, and rest. They find excitement, companionship, and a harbour in the other after years of storms.
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disposal-blueeee · 10 months
guess what ! doodles . again
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edgar , nny and devi belong to johnen vasquez (even if i only drew nny and devi at the bottom)
scriabin by zarla-s
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epiphlyte · 1 year
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its a bird its a plane its the wof arc 1 dod! yeah i was into drawing wof before i really honed in on cats believe it or not. it’s finally time to revisit my roots, wof was the first fandom i was introduced to at a young age and wof fanon wiki was the first internet space i ever joined!
a real deep dive on what went into these designs below the cut, im not sure about your regular epiphlyte.tumblr.com reader but i know i absolutely loove to listen to people talk about their creative choices!
clay’s the design i’m most unhappiest with; unlike what i usually do with these kinds of multiple character drawings i completely sketched/lined/coloured each character before moving on to the next. you can tell i did him first LOL the entire time i was just like “eughh i wanna redo him,,,” i like the direction he’s going but the execution isn’t my favourite for sure. i’d like to revisit him someday!
second one i did was tsunami! at the time i didn’t really like her face shape since it wasn’t what i was picturing, but now i actually quite like it. could maybe use a bit of tweaking (and colour variation?) here or there but i think this design’s good! i like her swirlies!
i was super proud of glory’s lineart but then moved onto the colours and? they look fine after ten minutes of changing the hues around but they’re still not ones i usually work with. i like the general base i have down for rainwings and how they look so frilly and out of place next to my other dragons, and i think it suits glory’s place in canon!
starflight’s just a generic little dragon. a lad. i originally had a bandanna on him and drew him with his volcano eruption scars but i forgot them when lining,,,, oops (it was 3 am i was half awake),, however i do like the simplicity for nightwings! it fits their role in canon, but i want to come up with more accessories/shapes/colours to distinguish them
sunny’s the design i did last and also the one i’m most proud of, my little lemon cow <3! i like the little sparkles in her frills and her face shape though id like to maybe play around with the colours a little more. comparing her with starflight im not sure how no one in canon could guess that she was half nightwing lol, although i sort of like that!
generally, apart from maybe sunny, i want to make these designs more unique and reminiscent of my own. fiddling around with colours and such... the characters are a lot less same-facey than they used to be years ago but i want to play with those shapes even further.
anyhow, thank you for reading this far if anyone did!
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2xhbergggg · 4 months
This close to reading fics about the Doctor and Rose Tyler rn
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(Image Credit: @knava98 on Pinterest)
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kittykatinabag · 1 year
I am allowed to be upset without having to qualify it.
I am allowed to be upset without having to qualify it.
I am allowed to be upset without having to qualify it.
I am allowed to be upset without having to qualify it.
I am allowed to be upset without having to qualify it.
I am allowed to be upset without having to qualify it.
I am allowed to be upset without having to qualify it.
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wholesalesoftie · 2 years
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got heartache for a friend
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key-lime-soda · 2 years
I am a plant. a simple bush. I am short, fluffy, and require constant sunlight to survive.
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thebigqueer · 2 years
due to circumstances i hate everything
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sunnieschaos · 9 months
Thinking of sth to write for halloween, but I have nothing
I do have an old sys-centric wip that I could use tho
It might be a little gory bc I was experimenting. I'll have to check whether I have the time to finish it or maybe I'll have another idea (for another piece of media maybe?)
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rhiaarrow · 4 months
With Bad joking about preparing to go live as a hermit if the eggs are gone for a long time it really got me thinking about how important the eggs and their eggy actors have been to him.
Not that they haven't been important to everyone, the eggs are such a huge part of the server but tonights ramble is about Bad.
To the shock of absolutely no one! I'm a Ghostie first and foremost, with a hyperfixation and a penchant for writing novel length rambles. This is just the usual atp :')
Before the Qsmp Bad was not a daily streamer, not even close, just check his vods channel. Hell, even when he joined the QSMP he didn't stream every day of the start of the server. He only streamed one or two days for a handful of hours...but then he got Dapper.
And with him being a single parent Bad had to log on every day to do Dapper's tasks.
(Yes, Q was also a single parent but he had ppl babysit Tilin, also she died within the first 2 weeks of her being around soooo yeah, different circumstance)
Then because Bad was on every single day he took up a position of babysitter for most of the eggs since their parents couldn't be on as frequently.
To begin with it was mostly just Tallulah, she could've been taken care of by Philza but her schedule didn't originally line up with Phil's so it was easier for her to wake up for Bad to do her tasks.
Then Ramon started joining them some nights so he could hang out with Dapper.
Then Bad became closer with the French and started to watch Pomme for them when they logged off for the night since Pomme was a night owl.
Then Vegetta stopped logging in as often and Leo kept barely missing Foolish so Bad started taking care of Leo's tasks when Foolish couldn't and she started spending time with him as well.
Then Richas started hanging out with Dapper and Pomme, so they formed the late night trio and hung out almost every night which eventually became Richas just hanging out with Bad whenever he felt like it.
Then Pepito arrived and since Roier wasn't on as often late last year Pepito would hang out with Bad and Foolish most days.
Then Em immediately decided that Bad was her favorite Uncle and would hang out with him when Bagi went to bed if she wanted to stay up.
When the eggs disappeared, rather than his usual 6-10 hour streams Bad was streaming 3-5 hours because his entire time on the server was usually spent hanging out with the eggs.
I've rambled before about how qBad and Tio Bad are two separate things because Tio Bad isn't rp, it's just ccBad atp but I feel like some people don't realize the extent to which ccBad spends time with the Eggy actors.
Every single stream, from 5-12 hours, he's only ever without an eggy companion for a couple of hours maximum.
I mean there's the probability of each egg just showing up to hang out with Bad at any point in the day,
Obviously you've got these 3;
Dapper, Pomme, Richas - highest probability
Then these 3;
Empanada, Pepito,Tallulah, - high probability
Then these 5;
Ramon, Chunsik, Sunny - low probability
Chayanne, Leo - lowest probability
There is no egg that has never shown up randomly to hang out with their Tio Bad (and yes I am counting the Ghostie streams in this, it was still ccBad so yknow)
ccBad spends so much time with them.
Not counting all the stuff he's done on stream with all the eggs, he has;
built the snowman with Talluladmin and Pommin,
played battleship with Pommin and Ricardão,
worked on create farms with Dappmin,
worked on the signs with Pommin and Ricardão,
built decorations with Empanadmin and Pommin
Just to name a couple of the stuff we know, not even mentioning the nights they just spend together after stream doing nothing important
The server feels especially empty as a Ghostie because ccBad himself is just so used to hanging out with not just the eggs but the eggy actors as well.
His days are usually dictated by what one of the eggs wants to do, not even necessarily his kid.
If an egg wants to go on an adventure to find a particular thing but knows it's rare or could take a while, they know that the easiest thing to do (if they don't want to drag their parents to do it) is probably ask Tio Bad to take them to look for it. Em's done it, Tallulah's done it, Sunny's done it, Pepito's done it, Leo's done it, literally every egg except Chay and Chun.
His ass is always online and always willing to do anything for the eggs, unless it's ridiculously dangerous, then he draws the line.
If that man does go live as a hermit due to everything reminding him of the fact that the eggy actors are temporarily on break I will not be shocked.
ccBad spends so much of his time with them, not just their little eggy characters.
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chaotikanvas · 7 months
AAAAAAAAA AFTER MONTHS THIS IS FINALLY DONE!!!!! Not gonna ramble too much and get right to it! This was inspired by Bloodstain Fool by @naffeclipse (wonderful original detective au by @/sunnys-aesthetic!), because I am very much not normal about this man! gonna have to be divided in two parts because of the image limit gfklhdsñjkh
Here is part one, plus a bit of an introduction! (edit: added the alt text!)
I hope you enjoy!! <3
(content warnings: uuuh nothing too out there that wouldn't be in the main fic. Mentions of blood and violence, and uuuh unsafe self-modification practices? That's the best way I can think to explain it gkjdhgsfkj, and that's all I think!)
The first spark feels familiar.
A sensation he last felt so long ago now.
(Not long enough. Never long enough)
It invades his systems in an instant, and yet it has always felt like an eternity. Joints locking up. Optics glitching out. Senses daring to escape his iron grip.
A spark is all he gets to hear before an array of errors and alarms and pain flood his mind.
(Pain always ovetakes it all in the end)
A spark is all it takes to start a fire.
A spark is what started the fire.
The burning within him. Overheating metal and wires and oil.
The internal inferno that took root in his head, as part of his very existence, consuming him alive.
Just a spark.
Enough to ignite the flames that he has been gradually (painstakingly, arduously, hopefully) smothering for some time now right back to being a raging hell that threatens to engulf him until there is nothing left.
Rage is all he knows. What pushes him through the spasms.
Rage has him making sense of the glitches in his vision and set a target.
He is not the same as back then.
The target aims at him again. Presses down on the trigger.
His head twitches out of his control. He takes another step towards the target.
The target's smile falters and presses again. Again. Again.
It's not uncommon for Eclipse to simply go off the radar and not reappear for a while. This you have learned from your dear detectives.
This time though? Your gut is yelling that there is something off.
For one, the day before he made his disappearance act, he had gone on one of his hunts. It was late at night, so it would be expected that he would arrive at the station to collect his pay the next day.
He did not.
For two...
The scene he left behind was a bloodbath.
A part of you wants to insist you are not surprised at all, aprehension about the tendencies of the violent animatronic, plus some lingering distrust, bubbling instinctually to the surface.
The rational part of you, that had seen and now accepted his genuine efforts to tear off the venom that he's been living off until recently from his system, tells you that there is a puzzle piece missing and you need to go and find it.
Detective Sun and detective Moon seem to agree with you. By the way detective Sun keeps glancing at the phone with increased frequency. By the way detective Moon arrives much later the night following the incident.
By the third morning, you decide enough is enough.
You know through the detectives that the only human survivor from the encounter was a recently joined member of the gang Eclipse stormed for his hunt. The kid was taken in and interrogated, but in his shaken state the only information they could get from him was that he was actually far from where the fight broke out, having heard a distant buzzing sound just before. Unlucky guy then stumbled on... well, Eclipse's handiwork.
(Or perhaps he was lucky. He was arrested, not taken to the morgue.)
The scene is very much still up to the brim with cops, not that you think you would get much from it if the detectives didn't share much else about the whole situation.
So that leaves you to hunt down the trail of the bounty hunter.
Under the harsh midday sunlight, after hours running around, you curse the sneaky bastard's ability to somehow go unnoticed if he so wishes while being as massive as he is.
Yet you catch wind of one or two people getting a glimpse of the robot, and that's enough to finally direct you to a general area where he might be. You suspect that you don't yet know all the locations of his safehouses, but at this section of the city at least, you are pretty certain there are no other places that could serve him well than those you have pinpointed.
Reaching the entrance of the most secluded one, you reach for your hair, and pull a pin secured by the ribbon that ties it up.
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here's the link for part 2!
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2xhbergggg · 2 months
The exhaustion is consuming me so off I must go to slumber (aka gather energy to sustain my mortal form)
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bianotbia · 6 days
— 𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐍𝐀𝐋 𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐅 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐇 [𝐣𝐮𝐣𝐮𝐭𝐬𝐮 𝐤𝐚𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐧]
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˗ˏˋ as long as we live we still have plenty more summers ahead! there's no such thing as a last summer! ˎˊ˗
⤷ a/n: a lil something I had sitting on my drafts, still couldn't get back to writing :( hope I can do it soon
⤷ contains: jjk boys being very in love with you, just pure fluff [wc: 1.4k]
satoru gojo — [ do or not | pentagon ]
Outside the infirmary the empty corridors were filled with the sound of Gojo's foot anxioulsy tapping on the floor, the heat seems to make the clock goes slower yet after a few minutes of waiting he hears a door opening. "Are you feeling better? What happened?" the young man shoots up from his seat "Jeez Gojo, calm down" his crush almost loses their balance and starts giggling "I just got a little bit light headed because of the heat". Dramatic as always the boy quckly rambles "You could have gotten hurt, lost or something even worse could have happened" as Gojo keeps going on about his concerns his crush stops in front of him and grabs his face "I know I'm not the strongest but I think I can handle this. Besides, I wasn't even on a mission. I'm fine!". He hums and turns his face away sulking while his crush lets out a laugh "Oh my god, are you really gonna sulk now? Ya know, I'm really waiting for the day someone can put up with your temper better than me and Geto" walking side by side down the corridor for now Gojo can only think to himself "It will always be you… my one and only true love".
suguru geto — [ our summer | txt ]
Finally finding a place away from the blazing sun, Geto closes his eyes hoping to make the pain of his throbbing headache go away, lately the only thoughts on his mind were about their next missions and the awful heat. Nearly drifting into sleep while sitting on an empty corridor his body jerks as something cold touches his face, with widened eyes he looks up at his crush smiling and holding a colorful can in front of him. "It's hot, I thought you would like some soda" Geto feels his face heating up as he reaches out for the can and his fingertips lightly brush on theirs "Are you alright? You seem a bit flushed" he hums a quiet response and turns his face away embarassed. "You seem tired Suguru. Is the heat bothering at night? I'm having problems sleeping too. Why don't we take a nap together?" as his crush lays their head on his shoulder the pounding heart inside his chest gets even louder yet with all anxious thoughts going away he can feel his eyes slowly closing "Perhaps with you I can truly be happy from the bottom of my heart".
megumi fushiguro — [ universe_ | onewe ]
Lately Megumi has been tiressly training through day and night, under the bright sun and even the cold rain. The young man throws himself on the wooden floor panting as sweat drips from his warm face "Wah Megumi that's awesome! Someday I wish I could be as strong as you". The sudden familiar voice coming from behind him makes his heart pound inside his chest without him even turning to see who's there. Slowly lifting his sore body from the floor he then turns towards his crush "I think you're great just the way you are" he quietly mutters while reaching for the bottle of cold water they handed him. "You should drink more water" their bright smile makes his heartbeat shoot up once again and he hopes the cold liquid can make the flush on his cheeks go away "I guess if we have some free time next week I can think about teaching you a few things" his crush quickly takes his hand into theirs and interlocks their pinkies "Pinky promise?" he nods his head thinking to himself "For you I'll become stronger, I'll do anything it takes to protect you".
yuji itadori — [ side by side | the8 ]
On such a beautiful sunny day it was near torture staying shut inside an unbearably hot classroom organizing old books because Gojo thought it was great idea. Yuji usually try to see the bright side of things but this was absolute boredom until a certain someone appears on the doorframe "hey there, need a hand? Gojo sensei sent me to help you!" his crush says with a bright smile. His breath hitches and he feels his face getting warm, now he understands why Gojo was giggling so much when he geve Yuji this taks. While chatting and laughing together, a whole hour went by and the room was already way better than when it started "It's so pretty outside, I bet you'd rather be with your friends than being here with me" his crush says with a chuckle and he quickly blurts out "I would never find it boring being with you". Yuji doesn't mind the flush on his face and the pounding heart inside his chest, wishfully he longs for the day he can finally confess his love to them but for now he can only wonder "I know I'm never gonna regret the way I love you".
yuta okkotsu — [ my first and last | nct dream ]
Mindlessly walking around Tokyo was quite a rare occurrence lately and since everyone already had something planned to do in the bustling city, Yuta wanders by himself through the mall searching for a special gift. Stopping by at one of the shops he finds a shiny silver ring that he knows for sure would look perfect on a certain someone that makes his heart beats faster. "That's so pretty! Who are you thinking about giving that to, Yuta?" completly lost on his daydreams he lets out a small shriek as his crush appears beside him. "W-what? No I was just… admiring it?" his face reddens with the proximity of their faces while his crush lets out a laugh "I'm sure anyone who receives it from you is a very lucky person. Anyway, you up for some ice cream?" a shy smile appears on his lips "Always". As they laugh about some dumb joke while walking together side by side on the warm streets of the city, he wishfully thinks to himself "How I want to have a connection with you... be needed by you… maybe someday we can finally be together".
toge inumaki — [ nectar | the boyz ]
While everyone is out enjoying their free day, the singing cicadas are Toge's only company in this silent morning. While sitting alone under the cool shade of a tree reading a manga, sudden footsteps grabs his attention, as he lifts his head a flush appears on his cheeks upon seeing his crush coming by. "Hi! Do you mind if I sit here?" he promptly shakes his head and motions for them to sit too "It's so rare finding quiet spots around here" their giggle warms up Toge's heart, a warmth that spreads all over his body as they sit together under the tree. Time goes by and only after their stomachs start to loudly grumble they finally realize the blazing noon sun above them. "Wah I should have brought something for us to eat" Toge quickly pulls up his a bag behind leaving their crush with a puzzled expression, taking out tons of small boxes he opens a towel and organizes their own little picnic. With a bright smile on their face the young man shyly hands them an onigiri as he thinks to himself "I hope to one day be able to say 'I love you' with every letter of it".
kokichi muta — [ hitori janai | seventeen ]
The high trees, the training camp, the warm rooms, it all seemed so familiar yet still so foreign, on this quiet afternoon Kokichi wanders through the empty classrooms searching for a special someone he waited so long to meet. After weeks of gathering courage he finally decided to show them who he truly is and as he mindlessly walks down a corridor a familiar silhouette suddenly appears before him. "Oh! Are you a new student?" a warm blush spreads all over his cheek now that he's facing the very person that makes his heart skips a beat. "Am I really that different or do you noy recognize me without all that brass?" with a confused expression his crush gives a few steps ahead and as their eyes widden at last they run towards him throwing their arms around his neck "Kokichi! You came to see us!". Sinking deeper and deeper into their warm embrace he hides the bright smile that spread over his lip knowing this was the first of many others to come "I came here to see you… it seens at last I found my happiness".
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calzone-d · 1 year
Only You (Ted Lasso x Fem!Reader)
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Pairing: Ted Lasso x Fem!Reader
Summary: You and Ted have a moment in a closet at Roy and Keeley’s wedding.
Warnings: feelings, handjob/oral sex (m receiving), sassy (she is a warning of her own)
Word Count: 3.2k
a/n: i’m back! i’ve missed being active on here and writing, so i’m really excited to get this one posted. my requests are OPEN, so send things in! let me know what you want to see and i’ll either write it into a fic or do some headcanons or we can just talk!
You can find my masterlist here.
It was a warm, sunny Saturday. The perfect day for Roy and Keeley’s wedding. You spent all morning helping Keeley get ready, and by the time she walked down the aisle she was buzzing with excitement. The morning had gone by in a blur, and it wasn’t until right before the ceremony you were able to check your phone.
Ted: Everything going okay?
Y/N: Yeah! We’re almost ready. See you in a few ;)
You and Ted’s friendship had slowly become flirty and more physical over the past few months. Nothing too extreme, but he now greeted you with a smile and a hug in the mornings. When he walked you home after your nights at the pub with him and Beard, a soft kiss on the cheek came after his goodbyes. Your favorite part, though, were the kisses that you now shared during your weekly post-match movie nights.
What started out as a soft peck had now become the occasional make-out session. Other than Sassy, you knew Ted’s sexual experience had been somewhat limited. With that in mind, and his most recent drama with his ex wife, you didn’t want to push him too far too soon. After being his best friend for so long, you’d started developing feelings for him. What you imagined would be the best hookup of your life, wasn’t worth sabotaging your chance of being with him.
You let out a content sigh as you breathed in Ted’s scent. He smelled like laundry detergent, and you could smell the light notes of his cologne from where your face was pressed to his shoulder. He’d chosen a rom-com for this week's post-match movie night.
The couple on scene held each other in a dramatic embrace before partaking in an even more dramatic kiss. Rom-coms weren’t your forté, but you loved hearing Ted ramble about them. Ted’s arm tightened around you while he watched as if he were scared you were going to get up and leave. You slowly lifted an arm from its place tucked between you to drape over his stomach. Ted relaxed even more under your touch as you lightly grabbed at the fabric of his shirt, just reminding him you were there.
As the ending unfolded you didn’t pay much attention, until you heard Ted speaking your name.
You tilted your head to look at him, not wanting to move from where you were now halfway in his lap. His face was so close to yours that you could smell the wine on his breath from dinner.
You heard him speak, “Do you want to watch another one? If not I can go-“
“No! None of that, it’s late and you’re buzzed.. You can stay here tonight. You know I don’t mind..”, your eyes were glued to his as he trailed off.
Instead of a response you just got a soft hum. Not that it mattered, you were too busy taking in his features anyway. Your eyes traced from his freckles, to his perfectly pointed nose, and when you reached his lips it’s like a switch flipped in his mind. The hand resting on your shoulder came up to stroke your hair, as it often did, but after a few seconds it moved around to cup your cheek.
You heard him gulp before stuttering, “Can I.. kiss you?”. His eyes slowly searched yours as you responded, “Please.”
Your eyes fluttered closed as he pressed his lips to yours. After a few seconds you both pulled away, hearts racing, and went right back in without missing a beat. As you kissed he held you tight, arms holding onto you in such a gentle Ted-like manner. When he pulled away, your breathing had picked up and your cheeks were flushed, and you could only giggle as you pushed your face back into Ted’s shoulder.
That became a weekly thing. When one of you had a particularly stressful week, when something good happened, when something bad happened. At movie nights and outside the Crown & Anchor after Beard went home. In your office at the club long after everyone had gone home.
Neither of you talked about it. Ted was worried you just wanted to hookup, like Sassy. For you, his feelings were legitimate and the idea of being shot down actually hurt. You were worried he didn’t feel the same, or maybe had legitimate feelings for her. After all, you did hear about his failed attempt at asking her out a few months back. Luckily she hadn’t come around since, and you were hoping it would stay that way.
You and Ted told each other just about everything, and you knew if he’d seen her since, he’d tell you. Deep down, you just hoped the next time she dropped in, she wouldn’t spend the night with Ted.
Your fears were put up to bat as you lined up at the altar. There she was, sitting towards the back by herself. Surprisingly, Keeley didn’t ask her to be part of the bridal party. Since Roy only asked Ted and Beard to be his groomsmen, she felt she should keep it small as well. The smirk Sassy wore made you feel uneasy. As if you knew what her end goal was.
Across the altar, your eyes moved to where Ted stood, and to your surprise he was already staring at you. His cheeks flushed when you caught him, but his smile matched yours.
After the ceremony everyone headed to the reception. It was glamorous, perfect for Keeley. Once everyone gave their speeches you snuck away to the bar. The feeling of a warm hand against your back made you jump.
“Hi angel”, you knew that voice anywhere.
You spun around to see Ted there, hair neatly combed, mustache freshly trimmed. He must’ve noticed your admiration when his cheeks blushed once again.
“Hi, Ted. Dance floor get too busy for you?”, he chuckled at your response.
“Right on, LeBron. You know me, just busting out the dance moves.”, his statement made you both chuckle.
The bartender brought your drink as Ted moved closer to you to get out of the waiter’s way. He didn’t move from where he was pressed to half of your back, though. Instead, he brought a hand up to rest on your hip. As you sipped your drink, his thumb softly stroked where your dress showed your warm skin.
He leaned in to whisper in your ear, “So what’dya say we-“
“Ted!!”, Sassy’s voice was loud as she approached your other side. Ted’s hand didn’t move, if anything he actually held you tighter, which had you smirking into your drink.
“Well, Hi, Sassy.”
“I was wondering if you’d like a guest in your hotel room tonight? You know, like-“
Ted politely cut her off, “I’ll pass, Sassy. But I hope you have a fun night!”
“What?”, she sounded shocked at his opposition.
“No, thank you, Sassy.”, by now you’d ordered another drink as you sat in the middle of a now-awkward conversation.
“But I thought we had a thing going on? Is that not what we do?”, she sounded almost offended.
“We used to, but it’s not the same anymore-“ Ted’s hand lightly squeezed at your hip as he spoke. “I don’t think we need to continue all that, Sassy. But I wish you the best! There’s lots of guys here that would love to-“, although he stayed polite her expression was one of annoyance and possibly disbelief.
“You know what? That’s fine, Ted-“ she glanced at you as she cut him a clearly fake smile, “You two have a good night.”
You and Ted stayed silent as she walked away, and both let out a sigh of relief the second she was gone.
Ted let out a whistle, “Well that was-“
“Yeah”, you chuckled with him.
“Didn’t want a night with Sassy Smurf?”, you tried acting nonchalant but you were eager to hear what he had to say.
Ted glanced down to where his hand was still holding you before responding, “You know, uh- I don’t- I’m not really interested in that anymore.”
“Somethin’ else I’d rather do with my night”, his smile was bright as you began to grin.
“Oh? And what’s that?”, you teased.
His eyes darted around the room before he leaned in, his breath hot on your ear, “Lemme show you, darlin’”.
You looked up to meet his mischievous eyes as you bit your lip in excitement.
No words were spoken as Ted led you out of the ballroom and through a hallway, into a small empty office. No words were needed, though. You’d follow Ted wherever.
Your eyes traveled over his figure and how well it filled out his suit while he shut the door, locked it, and pulled the blinds over the small window.
His hands were characteristically stuffed into his pockets as he looked at you with the same admiration.
“Y’look beautiful, y/n.”, you could tell he meant every bit of the word.
“Thank you. So do you.”
“Good for Roy and Keeley, huh?”
“Oh, yeah. It’s been a long time coming.”, you softly mused.
Ted only stared at you as you waited for him to respond.
“What was this for, Ted? Are you feeling okay?”
Ted let out a soft chuckle as he came closer to where you stood against the wall.
“Oh, me? I’m fine as frog’s hair, just needed a minute alone with you.”, his arms opened as he met your figure and you went into them without hesitation. They were strong and intentional in the way they held you to him. He pulled away slightly, but didn’t dare let go of you.
Before you could say another word, he leaned down and pressed his lips to yours. Both of his hands gently cupped your cheeks and his thumbs softly stroked the skin there.
There was no rush as your lips softly met, parted, and met again. It was slow and deliberate. Every move was calculated. When you breathed in, you could smell so much of him, you thought you’d get a high from it. Your hands grasped the sides of his tuxedo, holding him close. One of your hands moved up to softly stroke the side of his face, and your insides burst into flames at the way it made him sigh into your kiss.
Ted slid a hand to your hip and used the leverage to inch you backwards against the wall. You slid your hands under the coat of his tuxedo rubbing softly at his back and holding him to you. Ted’s lips, more wet now, pressed against the corner of yours as he whispered, “S’this alright?”.
“Mhm”, you hummed in agreement as his lips traveled across your jaw. The hairs of his mustache tickled, but all you could focus on was the warm, wet kisses he began pressing to your skin. It was your turn to let out a sigh as he made his way down your neck and to your collarbones before pausing at your ear.
Sure, you’d kissed before. You’d even had a couple makeout sessions, but it never went this far. This was new, and it had the hot feeling of desire pooling deep inside you.
“Only want you, y’know that?”
If the new sensation of him kissing your neck weren’t enough, the admission of his feelings almost sent you into shock.
Your mouth fell open as he continued to nip and lick at your pulse point.
When you didn’t respond, he stopped and pulled away to meet your eyes.
“Y/n? You okay?”
“Y-yeah I just… Feels good, Teddy..”
You could see him grow more confident from your words. You could feel him grow more needy against your hipbone.
“Can I- should we keep going? We can always-“, you stopped his words by pulling him back in. This time when your lips met his, your tongue darted out to tease the sensitive skin of his lips. You could feel his breath hitch as his head tilted to the side in an effort to return the gesture. The way he held your face felt so protective, like he needed you to know he only wanted you.
You grew hot as you both moved faster, and Ted let out the first moan as you reached a hand around to his lower back and used to pull his hips closer to you. It was unmistakable, how turned on Ted was from the way his bulge was firm against your hip. You pulled his face down to where your lips could ghost across his jaw and over to his ear.
“Can I touch you, love?”
A breathy whimper left Ted’s mouth.
“O-of course, only if you want t- oh..”, his words trailed off into a low moan as you softly cupped his bulge through his dress pants. Ted groaned in your ear, only encouraging you even more. Your fingers lightly stroked his cock and he moved to put a hand against the wall before bringing you in for another deep kiss. His tongue immediately began to search for yours, as if it were some holy grail.
The kiss was sloppy. It was wet, messy, driven by built up tension. You traced the zipper of his pants and toyed with the button, silently asking for permission to continue.
“Y/n.. please, hun. Shit..“
The fabric holding the button to the pants seemed as if it were about to pop off as you undid it. Ted’s cock was hot and heavy tucked into his briefs, and for a split second he stopped kissing you to let his head fall onto your shoulder. His lips lazily skirted across your collarbone before biting hard, causing you to give his cock a squeeze. The moan he let out in response was filthy, needy, almost desperate.
“More, Ted?”
“Shit- yes, honey, yes.”
Ted’s eyelashes mimicked butterflies as they fluttered closed. His head fell backwards once you took him into your hand. There were a million ideas of what you could do with him going through your head, but you knew soon enough someone would come looking for you. You needed to know you’d have the chance for more.
“Ted, wait-“
He immediately stiffened and began moving away from you, “Are you okay? Are you hurt?”
You softly chuckled at his concern, “No, no.. I just- I don’t want this to be it.. I just want to make sure we’re on the same page because if not then I think we should stop..”
“What page are you on?”
“I don’t want this to be a one time thing, but I don’t want you to think it’s without feelings either. I have feelings feelings for you.. and-“
Ted cut you off with a gentle kiss, “I hear ya, darlin’. I’m there too. Shoot, we can stop here if you want.”
You flashed him a wicked smile as you squeezed him once more and hummed at the soft groan he let out.
“Just wanted to make sure I’d have the chance to do this again, love.”
“You can do this all you- all you want, sweetheart.. mmm”
You’d pulled his cock out from where it was trapped beneath his boxers. Looking down between the two of you, your mouth was practically watering at the sight of it.
Thick, heavy, tall. A pink angry tip, neatly trimmed hair at the base. Practically begging for the slightest touch from you. It seemed so fitting for the man who was currently melting under your touch.
Leaning your head down, you let a drop of spit fall where your hand was stroking him. The sounds it made were crude, but only turned both of you on more. Ted shoved his face into your shoulder as his moans poured from his lips, but the more you touched him, the louder he grew.
“Ted,” You tilted his head up towards yours, “Gotta be quiet, baby. Don’t want anyone hearing you.. Just me.”
Ted let out a needy whimper against your lips, “Only you, only you- mm”
His words were muffled by your lips as you pulled him in for another kiss. Ted kissed you like it was his sole purpose in life. Hands holding you as close as he could, tongue swirling against yours, hips rocking softly into your hand. Your hand pumped his cock at a steady pace, you were desperate to watch him fall apart for you.
“Oh, m’close- fuck”, he groaned as your hand tightened around him before you pushed him away slightly.
Still stroking him, you sank to your knees.
“Baby you don’t have to..”
His words were breathy, and you could tell he was about to finish. Without a second thought, you placed your swollen lips on the top of his cock while your hand stroked the rest of him.
Almost immediately, hot spurts of his cum hit your tongue. You eased the rest of what you could fit into your mouth as Ted rode out his orgasm. Throaty groans left his mouth as his cock pushed deeper into your throat, and his hands had found a home on your head. You let out a moan of your own after swallowing his release, you’d spent many nights imagining having his cock in your mouth. The real experience was better than you imagined.
As Ted came down from his orgasm, you gently pulled your mouth off him. By the reaction he had from the handjob, you weren’t entirely sure he wouldn’t fall to the floor from a little overstimulation. Not that you wouldn’t want to go there later, but not at your best friend’s wedding.
The sound of the doorknob jiggling broke through the muffled conversations outside, and your heart almost fell out of your chest. You scrambled to stand up while Ted attempted to fix his pants.
“That’s not the bathroom!”, you heard from outside the door. Ted’s blown pupils met yours as you both sighed in relief.
No words were spoken as you both calmed your breathing. Ted’s hand slowly raised to move towards your face, “Oh, you’ve got a little uh..” his words trailed off as he swiped a stray drop of cum from your cheek.
You took his thumb in his mouth before he could do anything else with it, and the groan he let out had you wanting to pull him to the floor right now, wedding be damned.
“Darlin’..”, Ted exhaled.
“Did you mean that?”
“Mean what?”, your eyebrows furrowed as his eyes looked around the room anxiously.
“The part about the uh- the feelings n’all that”, he sounded like he expected you to shoot him down. His shoulders visibly relaxed at the sound of your breathy chuckle.
“Of course, Ted. Meant every bit of it.”, he flashed you a nervous smile as you brought him in for a kiss.
This time when his lips met yours, he held you in a gentle embrace. When he pulled away his fingers smoothed your hair back into place as best as he could.
“M’glad. Been hoping you’d say that for a while.”
“It was hard finding the words, and then with all you’ve had going on.. I’d rather be here as your best friend who loves you than ruin our relationship because I went too far too fast. One question though..”, you spoke as you slowly moved towards the door. Ted followed you and nodded for you to continue.
“You meant it when you told Sassy no more?”, you cocked a flirty eyebrow at him, but he knew your words weren’t just flirty banter.
“Been meanin’ to do it sooner, actually.”
His words brought a hopeful grin to your face as you both snuck your way back into the wedding.
Thanks for reading! Please like & reblog!
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rainykoo · 1 year
Pearly Whites
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▎wc: 1.2k
pairing: monkey d. luffy x (GN)Reader
summary : in-which reader can’t help but find luffy’s presence and pearly whites more than endearing, especially after a bad day.
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warnings : slight angst, hurt to comfort(?), fluff, strawhat!reader, post-timeskip luffy, kissing, crying, reader can’t seem to sleep, mentions of anxiety, stress, luffy has a knack for making everything better, brief mention of injuries, use of profanity, luffy smells like cinnamon and reader wants to eat him (non literal its more so an affectionate urge to just.. nom)
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you didn’t quite know what led up to this as you were sat on your bed, hands in your hair feeling the lump in your throat grow larger. everything felt so overwhelming lately. maybe all this exhaustion had strum off from too many nights keeping watch over the sunny, or from the constant struggle of attempting to keep the pit of worry that formed in your stomach under control when escorting one of your injury ridden crewmates down to choppers office after a battle.
nevertheless whatever the reasons, you were feeling awful today, and the final straw was when you spilled hot coffee over the book robin so kindly lent to you. it was a simple mistake, yet it made you feel so incompetent. “fuck” you heaved out silently, tugging on a loc of hair as the tears threatened to spill. though you had already cleaned up and attempted to dry the pages off, it was still evident from the light brownish color on the now wrinkled paper. “air, yes i just need air..” you thought to yourself, arising from the bed and slowly pushing open the door of your room. you were creeping out of your quarters ever so careful to not make noise for the snoring strawhats who weren’t ridden with insomnia, headed into the open deck on the sunny attempting to take enough oxygen needed to help clear your head. 
staring into the vast ocean and watching as the water shone under the stars had always worked when in momentary distress. but for some reason tonight, the sinking feeling that had plagued you refused to leave so easily. you wanted to sink down and cry, but you couldnt. the tears you once held back now refuse to resurface. it angered you, not being able to even cry when you wanted to. as you spun to face the opposite way deciding to head back to your bed, you met the eyes of a sleepy looking luffy in shorts and a black tee.
“hey (name)!!! why aren’t you sleeping??” your boyfriend prodded, his voice slightly too loud and cheerful for the silence of the night. you gave the dark haired boy a light smile, admiring his features thanks to the slight gleam from the sky perfectly shining down on his face. “im just not quite sleepy enough, lu” you lazily replied, turning your attention back at the stars. luffys gaze followed you, approaching slowly from behind so you could be beside eachother. he hummed in response to your words, trying to find what was so interesting about the sky to you.
though he quickly grew bored of boring his eyes into the stars, instead of rambling to you about his thoughts or midnight snacking like what would usually occur when you happened to find your captain awake, luffy turned to look at you, studying your expression. even though you’re not quite the chatty type, you’re not one to keep absolute silence. especially not with luffy. so when he saw how your eyebrows were furrowed, and the way your lips carried a small frown he spoke up again.
“love?” luffy whispered. “do you need a hug?” you gave him a small “huh..?” , not understanding why he had suddenly asked you and not daring to make eye contact. the emotions which bubbled up throughout the day threatened to spill out once more. “c’mere” he spoke in a warm tone, stretching his arms around you and pulling you in. luffy’s head rested on your shoulder, his hands gently stroked your back a couple of times. the enchanting scent of cinnamon coming from him made you weak. he smelt so good, he felt so soft around you. you didn’t want to let go, and neither did he. so you stayed in that position for a good minute, enjoying eachothers warm shelter from the breeze that danced on your skin. you could feel his heart beating, yours was too. so rapidly that if it wasn’t for luffy puling away, your heart may have over palpitated. though the relief was short-lived. he giggled after breaking the hug showing you a glimpse of his signature pearly whites. those gorgeous teeth that twinkle brighter than the stars. 
it seemed that was all you needed and more to finally let the tears spill over. luffy stopped smiling when he noticed your wet face. “hey…... hey it’s okay.” he pulled you in once more slightly swaying you from side to side. luffy didn’t know what to do, he was slightly panicked when you started sobbing a little harder in his embrace. so out of instinct he pecks your forehead not once but twice, then a third time. however many times was needed to take away your sadness. “(name), whatever's wrong just know im here for ya okay? im always here.” you were already out of the gutter thanks to the way he whispered into your ear and snuggled his head into the crook of your neck, gripping onto you tightly to let you know he was there for you as you sobbed. you didn’t have the chance to tell him the exact reasons you were feeling so upset, as you didn’t really know why as well, but it didn’t matter, luffy listened patiently as you went on about how exhausting things felt, and how you were having difficulty with simple daily tasks. hours could’ve went by while you were in his arms and you would never notice. you felt safe, mumbling a “thank you” and wrapping your hands around his torso. luffy was confused. he couldn’t understand why you had thanked him despite doing so little. he accepted your gratitude anyways, looking into your eyes and grinning. 
maybe it was because of the moon glistening so angelically onto his face or the gentle but crisp sound of waves in the background that made his smile, him, ever so prettier tonight. you couldn’t put your finger on why you felt more lightheaded than usual as he slid one arm away from your middle, taking your hand in his, but you didn’t care. you didn’t care when you both seemed to be inching closer together, and definitely you didn’t care when the urge to kiss overpowered the both of you. 
it was airy, messy and eager. teeth clashing onto one another as you both smiled and giggled into the exchange. trying to mush yourselves closer together. it confessed a lifetime of words you have yet to express out loud. luffy whined when you tugged on his hair, deepening your kiss. if i weren’t for human urge to inhale and exhale, luffy would’ve kissed you forever.
“can i just eat you?” you mumbled without hesitating. luffy tilted his head in thought, but only for a moment as he still kept your gaze. 
“not if i eat you first!” he laughed attacking your neck with little nibbles. you pinched his rubbery cheek, signalling him to stop before you guys wake someone up. luffy somehow always knew how to comfort you, even if he was unaware of doing so.
“i love you.” he breathed out, his doe eyes giving you those familiar butterflies you always felt. you smiled at him, and he graced you with his own once more. “i love you and your pearly whites too.” you replied, a blush creeping up on luffy’s face. 
“i’ll always smile for you then.” 
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this is just a random oneshot however, if you have any suggestions for a potential part two simply ask and you shall (hopefully) receive.  -rain 
©2023 rainykoo ‎   you are not to plagiarize, translate, modify or post my content on tumblr nor any other platforms.
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