#sunshiney/storm cloud relationship
40 Prompts!
Prompts for the Sunshiney Character/Storm Cloud Relationship
1) A and B go to a theme park and B notices how much A keeps staring at the games where you can win stuffed animals and while A's back is turned B wins them a huge stuffed animal. 2) A realizes they've never heard B laugh before and so they spend the whole day telling them lame jokes to get them to laugh but they never do. It isn't until something bad happens to C in front of them that B lets out the hardest laugh A's ever heard. And while they're terrified of B's humor they're in love with their laugh. 3) A tries to find out more about B's interests but since B is very secretive it's hard for them to find anything out about them. But when A hears B watching wrestling they get B tickets to a match and suddenly B's out of their seat cheering for a wrestler to hit the other with a chair. A's never seen B happier. 4) While grocery shopping A is putting junk food into the basket and B is taking it out and putting in healthier options until they get to the dairy section and B puts four gallons of chocolate milk in the cart, absolutely shocking A. When B tries to explain themselves A tells them they're going back and getting the junk food they want. B lets them and doesn't take out a thing they put in after that. 5) A wears shorts and one of B's t-shirts and A keeps thinking B's sick because their face is flushed all day when they look at A. 6) A gets B some flowers because they're trying to show more affection but it backfires when B begins sneezing and getting watery eyes. (Bonus if A goes back to the store and gets fake flowers and allergy relief medication.) 7) A and B go into a haunted house and A doesn't have time to be scared because B's lightning fast reflexes keep knocking the scare actors flat on their ass and A keeps apologizing while B's trying hard not to keep doing it every time someone pops out. 8) A and B get their face painted and while A who is sunshiney gets something scary B, the storm cloud, gets a cute animal and then they go out for food. 9) A and B go to the zoo and while in the part where you're allowed to pet the animals A is trying hard to get animals to like them B is the one all the animals keep swarming and rubbing against. 10) A and B go to the beach and even though B doesn't like the beach. While A has fun in the water B has fun when the seagulls begin attacking people who brought food. (Bonus if it ends with B saying they now love the beach.)
Fluffy Prompts for the Human/Vampire Relationship
1) Everyone warns A about B being a vampire and one day when they're out with friends B casually mentions that they smell good and everyone is wide eyed until B's like "I was talking about their perfume/cologne." Which makes them all give a sigh of relief and the group spends the whole day trying to make it up to B because A really likes them.
2) It's hot outside and so A hugs B to stay cool. And for once in their life B's kind of glad they're a vampire. 3) A who is like ice feels bad they can't cuddle with B so they buy a ridiculously warm onesie and gloves to hold them. (Bonus if the onesie is extremely tacky because they got it last minute.) 4) A's jackets are in the wash so they wear one of B's without telling the. (Bonus if B spends all day looking for it since it's their favorite one.) 5) A feels bad B can't enjoy food so they spend hours researching until they find a few recipes B can eat since they're mixed with a lot of blood. (Bonus if they messed up the recipe but B thinks it's the most delicious thing ever.) 6) A can't see their reflection so B spends the whole day figuring out if there's a way for a vampire to see their own reflection. 7) In a world where humans can become blood donors as a job and pick the vampire they work for A gets lucky enough to meet a wealthy B. B is excited because A's cute and has a rare blood type. 8) A celebrates a birthday or holiday where gifts are involved and everyone thinks B's favorite color is red because they're a vampire. But they tell everyone they actually hate red and so everyone tries to figure out what their favorite color is. 9) A reads trashy vampire novels to B, a vampire, who does nothing but lay their head on A's lap and go  "Oh my god, we don't even do that! That's such bullshit, that's not even what happened during the signing of the Treaty of Versailles. I should know, I was there!" 10) A hasn't been around humans in a long time and is very confused when looking at certain technology or clothing B wears.
Hurt/Comfort Prompts for the Human/Vampire Relationship
1) A has always hated vampires and when they become one B shows them how to survive in their world. 2) A gets injured and B can't help them because of their blood lust. B is incredibly jealous of C for being able to take care of them when they can't 3) A almost drinks B's blood when A accidentally cuts themself. Later A buys some rosary beads for someone at work to ward off a vampire they work with who's getting handsy or whatever. But when B finds them they're worried A doesn't trust them anymore. 4) A gets injured running away from vampires and B is a vampire who finds them and patches them up. 5) A can tell what turns B on because they're constantly listening to their heart rate. Imagine A being incredibly jealous when B sees C because their heart rate spikes. (Bonus if B just really hates C so it's nothing more than them preparing themselves to be annoyed for the day.) 6) A rescues vampire B from a mad scientist who was conducting experiments on B to see if vampires could be changed back and how much pain they can endure. 7) A is a human who's lost everything and B is a vampire who grants them eternal life and revenge against those who wronged them. 8) A hates vampires and works for a group of vampire hunters but when they stumble upon B and see how scared they are it reminds them of their past and they help them escape, this leads B to become attached to A and curious about them. A hates it until they think it's actually kind of cute. 9) In a world where humans are kidnapped and kept alive for their blood A is leading a rebellion until they're captured. B, a vampire in the cell next to them, befriends them and tells them the guard schedules and personalities and tells them they'll help them escape if they get them out too. (Bonus if A is going to betray B until their time together makes A feel things.) 10) A is the most heartless human and B is the most compassionate/alive vampire. The two meet and change each others lives, but is that for the better or worse?
Crack Prompts for the Human/Vampire Relationship
1) A makes garlic bread and B spends hours trying to figure out what they did wrong. Turns out A forgot that B couldn't have garlic bread and didn't remember when they bought, they just thought "Wow, haven't had garlic bread in a while." 2) A cuts their finger and before B can react A sucks the blood from their finger. And it wouldn't be a big deal except for the fact that B moaned when A did that so now things are weird. 3) A and B go grocery shopping and afterwards they check the police records for any criminals in the area for B to drink from. 4) A is a nurse who works at a hospital in charge of blood and B is a blood thief A is constantly spraying with holy water to keep out of the room where they store all the blood. When new nurse C arrives they panic until A comes and spritzes them. When C is like "???" A is like "They do that all the time. They don't bite humans, they drink animal blood. But sometimes they're tempted to drink human blood so you gotta spritz them when you see them." 5) A wonders why B never feeds in front of them and B just tells them they wouldn't want to watch anything like that. But when A finally convinces B to actually have dinner with them they feed in front of A. (Bonus if A is horrified and lowkey loses their appetite but tries to play it off) 6) A can't see their reflection so B is constantly drawing dicks on their face when they're asleep. 7) A thinks it's hot when B speaks a different language, but when B catches on and uses it during an argument A is constantly telling them to stop flexing their knowledge. B thinks it's hilarious though but stops for a while so when A's in the mood B can talk dirty in another language. (Bonus if by the time B does that A can speak the language too.) 8) A has been staring at someone B hates all day and when B thinks A might have a crush they get sad until A admits they just have a gross blood type and can't stand the smell. 9) "You look really peaceful when you sleep, very beautiful." "Please don't watch me sleep, it's so weird, dude." "We have sex all the time, do not call me dude." 10) A getting mad at vampire B before they go out and saying some shit like, "You have something on your face by the way." And not telling B where it is because they know B can't see their own reflection to wipe whatever it is off. (Bonus if A is smug the whole time and B is like "Come on, lets not fight tonight and just...just tell me where it is! Is it my nose? My teeth? What is it?!?")
Sorry this took so long, @zoliis I wanted to give you at least 10 prompts for each one, hope these are kind of what you’re looking for maybe? If not just let me know and I’ll do some more! :)
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purplehoodiesimon · 2 years
I think Wilhelm likes thunderstorms
And I think Simon likes sunshine
And I think that moments of rainshine are the best, when Wilhelm's been leaning out an open window listening to the rain and remembering how he and Erik used to play in puddles when they were kids and how it rained the day he died and how he loves how the spring rains bring flowers and maybe it's a little ridiculous to believe this when he's in his 20s and should know better but the moment lightning lights up sky and arcs through the clouds it feels a little Erik saying hello, that the thunder is his voice again. And then the clouds split and the sun comes through and Simon's standing next to him, eyes closed and basking in the light, and maybe the little droplets from the rain have come in through the window and they're sparkling on his hands and face and Wilhelm wants to kiss them away and see Simon in the sunlight, the same as he was in bed that morning those years ago, and he feels warm and content under the sun's light next to his love and he can still see the rain falling, can still see the lighting in the distance, and it's okay because Simon's hand is warm in his under the sun.
And Simon loves to be in the sun, loves to remember what it felt like to run around fields in the summertime and fall asleep on the grass and wake up feeling like he'd slept in a furnace, and go in vacations with his family to walk on the beach under the sun and feel the warm sand beneath his feet and pick out shells from it, crouched there under the burning sun bouncing them between his palms until they were cool enough to stuff in his pocket, and maybe it's a bit ridiculous because of everything that happened next but the best the sun ever felt was the morning he woke up beside Wille in sun-warmed sheets next to a golden boy who kissed him like there was no tomorrow and he's had a thousand tomorrows since then with him where he's woken up in sun-warmed sheets to kiss his golden boy with the promise of tomorrow. And maybe he glances over at Wilhelm, who has a slight smile on his face as he stares at Simon, and his hair is damp and hanging down around his face and his eyes are a bit watery like the rain-soaked grass stretching out from their house, and Simon just knows that as soft and as sunshiney as they are now, their relationship started like a clap of thunder and strike of lighting, all at once and so intense, then gone and back again, wave after wave of uncertainty, how many miles do the seconds count again? (how many miles is he from me and how many seconds can I count until I see him again?), and it's taken time but he's come to appreciate the downpour of love their relationship started with because they were teenagers and teenagers are a tempest of their own trying to figure out how to weather the larger hurricane of the world, and he's glad that he and Wille have made it to the eye and settled down in their little rainstorm where they can be and they can feel and they can work through it together.
And maybe, just maybe, they reach for each other's hands at the same time and laugh a little at themselves and tangle their fingers together, and a soft sunlight warmed band of metal meets a freezing little rain soaked band of metal (where it was held out the window to catch droplets on his palm), and they stand there watching the storm change together.
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redriotbaby · 4 years
s/o being scared of thunderstorms
Pairing: Aizawa Shouta x reader, Bakugou Katsuki x reader, Izuku Midoriya x reader, Todoroki Shoto x reader
Rating: pg?
Genre: established relationship, fluff
Warnings: mentions of panic/anxiety attacks, just tooth rotting fluff
Word Count: 1.6k
Summary/ Request: “Hey! May I request Shoto, Bakugou, Deku, Aizawa headcanons to you being scared of thunderstorms, please? Thanks 💛✨”
A/N: Bunny here, thank you so much for requesting this. I’ve never done headcanons before but this was fun and cute. I’m a huge softie for soft Bakugou. I also didn’t specify gender so it can be enjoyed by all genders :) Requests are open, so feel free to send in an ask/ request when you finish reading my rules :) Enjoy :) 
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Aizawa Shouta
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He was coming home from a long day from the U.A. Aizawa was so ready to hit the comfort of his mattress and snuggle with his beloved. The storm going on outside lulling him further into his tiredness. 
You always waited for your boyfriend to come back, always ready to cuddle your sleep deprived boyfriend.
You were always staring outside the window until he came. Enjoying the beautiful hues that painted the sky as it darkened. 
Today was gloomy, it was raining and you loved the rain. But as every drop fell harder than the one before, uneasiness flowed through your body. 
As soon as the uneasiness flowed through your body, lightning struck down close to the dorm and you sprinted to the bathroom to get away from the frightening sounds.
You don’t know how long it has been but you had made yourself pretty comfy in the bathtub. Aizawa’s hoodie was securely wrapped around your body and his scent had slowly lulled you into sleep.
When Aizawa entered the shared bedroom, he felt startled when you weren’t in bed as he expected. He searched for you in the kitchen, in the closet and lastly, in the bathroom. He searched and searched but ended up finding you in the most unexpected place.
Amusement filled his body at the sight of you sleeping in the bathtub. 
Carefully, he climbed into the bathtub with you and placed tender kisses on your forehead. Slowly waking you up as he did.
“Let’s go to bed, kitten.” Your eyes shot open at the sound of thunder rumbling throughout the dorm. Fear quickly clouded your mind, you pulled yourself closer to your boyfriend.
“We can stay here if you want. Let’s sleep yeah?” Aizawa lifted you up to switch places with you and let your body rest against his. Nodding, you rested your head on his chest and focused on his beating heart instead of the thunderstorm going on outside.
He ran his fingers through your hair, placed loving kisses on your forehead as he watched you drift into sleep. Once he knew you were out like a light, he let himself drift off into the sleep he needed with you in his arms. 
Bakugou Katsuki
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Bakugou loved to train hard until he dropped. No, literally. He was so caught up on being the best of the best, he wouldn’t acknowledge your presence until you would pry him from working himself too hard.
You’d always come into his room and push him into the restroom so he can shower while you wait on his bed. Waiting to sleep together. You loved being in his bed and he loved that he could hold you longer. 
You would come so often that it just became a routine.
Knowing you would come to him, he always worked harder when he knew you would barely walk into his room.
Tonight was different. You never came to his room.
Minutes after the usual time you’d come over, worry started flowing through his veins. Deciding to go look for you, he took a quick shower before he started to look for you.
Coming out of his bedroom door, he heard rumbling from the storm. Lightning struck and all the lights went off in the dorms. 
Just what he needed. 
Hall after hall, he searched for you, curses flowed from his lips when he couldn’t find you in your favorite places in the dorm. He was definitely going to let you have an earful for worrying him so much.
The last place he looked for you was your room. Whimpers were heard from inside the room, his blood boiled as the worst scenarios flashed through his mind.
All current thoughts left Bakugou’s brain as he took in the sight of your tear stained face poking out of the pillow you had wrapped around your head. 
He wanted to punch whatever made you cry. He hated seeing you cry, the sight of your tear stained face made his heart pull itself apart but he wouldn’t say it out loud. 
He had a soft spot for you. Everyone knew this of course, but Bakugou being Bakugou, would never admit it. Maybe to you but you only.
His train of thought vanished again when a loud roar of thunder filled your room causing you to whimper and desperately trying to mold yourself into the comfort of your bed. 
Without hesitation, he kicked off his slippers and darted right to you. Instantly, he took you in his arms mumbling sweet words in your ear to soothe you down. 
“Relax, I’m here now.” 
His fingers drew patterns on your back as your breathing returned to its normal state.Once you relaxed, you dug your face into Bakugou’s chest to hide your flushed cheeks from his view.
“Oi, you’re scared of thunderstorms yet you have a loud ass boyfriend. Cute.” You were about to retort back at him but another roar of thunder flowed through the dorms causing your hold on your boyfriend to tighten.
 His heart swelled with how adorable you looked clinging onto him for dear life. Bakugou definitely would not mind.
Izuku Midoriya
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It was your one year anniversary with Midoriya.
Everything was so perfect. You both settled in for a small picnic at the local park since the sun was out. 
Your boyfriend had prepared sandwiches in the way you loved. He also had your favorite snacks and favorite drinks. He wanted to make sure everything was perfect.
Unfortunately, the weather changed drastically. Grey clouds painted the sky as soon as you both were about to walk out into the not so sunshiney outdoors. 
A pout was very present in your boyfriend’s face and you moved to reassure him but froze when lighting hit a tree nearby.
The palm of your hands covered your ears and your knees felt weak. Before you could hit the floor, his arms wrapped around you and picked you up. With no words, he took you into his dorm room and let you sit on his bed. 
As soon as he saw that you were okay, he quickly walked up and down the room with blankets and extra pillows, placing them around you. Confusion filled your brain as you watched him place a thin sheet over your heads. 
As soon as he set down his phone, soft music flowed from it slowly drowning out the noises from outside. 
Once everything looked the way he wanted it to look, Midoriya came closer to you and took you into his loving embrace. 
Humming along with the music playing, he placed small kisses on your forehead and let sweet whispers of his love for you flow past his lips. He smiled contently at you once your body started to relax in his hold. 
He’d do anything for you. Anything for you to be comfortable.
Todoroki Shouto
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Todoroki was currently getting out of the shower, drying off the droplets of water that trickled down his skin. 
He no longer heard your voice softly singing random songs through the bathroom door. Todoroki questioned whether he took too long but then brushed it off and thought you had fallen asleep waiting for him to get out the shower.
Hanging the damp towel back in its place, he thought of ways to make it up for you as he trailed slowly to the bed. 
He expected to find you sleeping soundly in his bed but you were nowhere in sight. The way the bed sheets were messily on the floor made his skin crawl with fear.
All the worst scenarios flooded through his brain and hoped neither of those scenarios were true. He hoped you were playing another prank on him as the usual. He took note of the storm going on outside and hoped you were somewhere warm.
His eyes frantically searched for you in his dorm room only to cause him to worry more when you weren’t anywhere. As he was about to head out of the door to search the whole dorm if he needed to, Todoroki heard faint sounds coming from his closet.
Nearing the closet, the sounds got louder. Not being able to wait anymore, he opened the closet doors and prepared to be met with whatever was making those sounds.
His heart clenched at the sight of you wearing his...now your over sized hoodie and the cord of his noise canceling earphones resting above the fabric. 
The hood of the fabric covered most of your face but he could not mistake your tear stained cheeks for anything else.
Carefully, he placed the palm of his hands on your cheeks and wiped the flowing tears as he lifted your face to meet your eyes. 
You gently took off the earbuds from your ears and placed your hands on top of his. The song you’ve been listening to on repeat caused your boyfriend’s cheeks to flush with slight embarrassment. It was the song he gently sang to you when you were asleep. Turns out you weren’t exactly always sleeping. 
Before he could mutter out his question, a loud rumble of thunder echoed through the darkened room causing you to press your face into his chest, the fabric of his shirt muffling your whimpers.
Todoroki cradled your body into his arms and started softly singing along with the song into your ear with flushed cheeks.He rocked your bodies back and forth until he felt your body relax against his. Without hesitation, he carried you into his bed and he covered your body with the fluffiest blanket.
All his worries vanished right there and then, seeing you so peaceful in his arms.
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Hi hi I love the new prompts!! From the physical contact ones I’ll have “Just hold me for awhile. Please.” With Willie/Alex. Thank you!
this is a lil angsty but it’s all good i promise
Willie is a ray of sunshine. It seems like no matter what happens, he's always in a good mood. It's part of what Alex loves about him, among other things. In the early months of their relationship, Alex never once saw Willie in anything less than a stellar mood.
But one morning, Willie wakes up under a storm cloud.
Even when he does smile, it doesn’t reach his eyes like it normally does. He moves around their apartment sluggishly, like he’s sick or something. But when Alex puts his hand to Willie's forehead, he feels no fever. Willie isn’t sick.
"I think I'm gonna go back to bed," he says before shuffling out of the kitchen.
"Okay," Alex replies softly, even though Willie probably didn't even hear him. He frowns to himself and tries to think of something that would've caused this abrupt shift in Willie's personality. It's just not like him.
Alex keeps his distance most of the day, not wanting to overwhelm Willie with his worries. But by the mid-afternoon, he misses Willie. It doesn't matter that they've both been in the apartment all day, it's not the same.
"Hey," Alex says as he carefully pushes the door open when he goes to check on Willie. "You okay?"
"Yeah," Willie answers, but his smile is half-hearted at best. "Just tired today."
"Can I bring you anything?" Alex asks. "I could make you something to eat, if you want."
Willie slowly sits up in bed, tugging the blankets so he stays wrapped up in their warmth. Alex watches as he lifts his arm, making the smallest gesture with his hand to him.
"C'mere," Willie whispers.
Alex crosses the room without a second thought, taking Willie's hand and squeezing it.
"Will you lie down with me?" Willie asks.
"Yeah," Alex answers immediately, "of course."
He climbs onto the bed and curls up behind Willie, tucking himself under the covers and wrapping his arm around Willie's waist. Alex presses a kiss to the back of Willie's neck and tucks his chin over his shoulder.
"Good?" he asks softly.
"Yeah," Willie replies with a slow breath. "Just hold me for a while, please?"
"Of course," Alex repeats as he closes his eyes and snuggles in as close as he can get.
He doesn't know what's bothering Willie, if it'll last longer than just today or if he'll have his smiling, sunshiney boyfriend back tomorrow morning. But for now it doesn't matter. Alex is happy to stay right here, holding Willie, until he feels better.
prompt lists | filled prompts
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I was wondering if you could do a prompt for... two competing work rivals (one is very excitable and the other is more of a killjoy) working the same position in an office, who have a sort of enemies to lovers relationship? If that makes sense.
Sure thing!
Dialogue Prompts for Work Rivals
1) "I've been here longer. I've worked hard for this promotion and if I don't get it I will make your life a living hell."2) "God, your voice makes me want to jam this pencil into my ear. Please leave me alone."3) "If you even breathe in my direction I will kill you."4) "You think I see you as a threat? You're the physical embodiment of a fucking care bear. Get out of my way.5) "I used to think nothing in the world could piss me off more than early morning traffic and capitalism but here you are, aren't you?"6) "If you tell me to turn my frown upside down one more time I might actually kill you."7) "Congratulations, you're the most obnoxious person I've ever met."8) "Maybe if you weren't so busy socializing you might actually be good at your job." 9) "Turn that ridiculous music off, now!"10) "Do not embarrass me in front of this client!"11) "You're so grumpy, aren't you ever in a good mood."12) "You hate me? I thought that was just how your face looks."13) "You know, if you act ugly on the inside it starts to show on the outside."14) "I can't help it if the boss just likes me better than you."15) "Maybe if you weren't so mean to everyone people might actually like you."16) "Jesus, keep having outbursts like that and the only laid you'll be getting is laid off."17) "Do you ever smile or is your face permanently stuck like that."18) "I'm actually worried what your idea of fun might be. Feel like it might a cabin and plenty of weapons."19) "If you don't like me so much why do you keep touching me when we're alone."20) "Don't ever worry about me trying to become friends with you! I wouldn't be your friend if you were the last person on Earth!"
Regular Prompts for Work Rivals
1) A is a fun and happy person who gets along with everyone at work, B is a more robotic workaholic who doesn't think it's important to get to know co-workers. When they're paired up for a project A tries hard to get B to like them but when B rejects them and tells them they're each other's competition A just stop trying and their attitude changes, affecting their work. B decides to take them to a karaoke bar where B tells them they're going to get drunk and bond. A doesn't particularly want to get drunk, but they do want to see B drunk so they agree, find out B is incredible at singing, and wake up the next day naked along with Person B.2) A and B are trying to win over the same client so they can get the promotion at the end of the month. A has more cases and experience and they begin to get cocky thinking they'll win but it turns out the client, Person C is B's ex who still has a thing for them. B immediately gets A alone and tells them they'll give them the client if they pretend to be engaged to them. A reluctantly agrees and they're annoyed for a while, but when B and C get closer A can't help but feel something towards B.3) A and B are enemies who work together at a law firm. A gets along with everyone except B and B considers A their enemy. But when Person C comes from out of town A tells B that C is their number one enemy and they hate them more than B. B begins to get jealous of all the attention C is getting from person A.4) A is energetic and happy and really in love with B even though B wouldn't give them the time of day. B doesn't like A and believes they shouldn't be working there and so they try to be better than A to get A fired. A works harder trying to impress B but only ends up making them even more mad at them. When they're forced to attend a work party A proudly tells B they're doing better, hoping to get some sort of praise but B says some cruel words and A is no longer the energetic and happy person and they always make sure they stay out of B's way after that. B feels terrible and spends weeks slacking on work trying to figure out the best way to apologize. (Bonus if it ends with B realizing they were only paying attention to A because they liked them.)5) A is the sunshiney one who just started and B is the overworked storm cloud who is annoyed they have to train someone they don't see as fit to work there. When they tell A they think they're too bright and happy and don't belong A is upset and tries to prove B wrong. (Bonus if they get into a big fight later that results in them making out in a supply closet.)6) A is getting more attention from their boss and B tells them they're such a suck up. A is pissed off and tells B they can fuck off, which is something A never tells anyone because they're so friendly. They begin to hate each other more until B discovers A's attention from their boss is unwanted. (Bonus if it ends with B not saying anything about it to A ever again and Person A cleaning their boss's blood of B's knuckles in their bathroom before thy apply for another job together.) 7) A is a storm cloud of a person while B is sunshiney and is able to make friends easily. When they have to deal with A's parents as their client B is worried about how terrible they might be and how they're going to be able to work with three storm cloud people. But when they meet A's parents B finds that they're extremely nice and makes friends with them easily which pisses off A, especially when they treat B better than they do A. (Bonus if B doesn't realize that A is still trying to gain the approval of their parents so they don't understand why A's pissed at them when they get along so well and they accept B like they're part of the family.)8) A is a storm cloud who's very serious and doesn't know how to let loose while B is the party person who's always letting loose but getting work done. But when A has a client who's like B that they don't understand how to connect with they reluctantly come to B for help and hate every minute of it. (Bonus if when they drink with the client they all get fucked up and A and B end up in A's bed. But instead of just forgetting about it they can't and keep coming back to each other.)9) A and B grew up together as rivals in school so when they wind up at the same job they're annoyed with one another and super competitive. But when they're given a job that's difficult they're forced to work together. One night on the job they get super angry and confront each other with problems and somehow it ends up with them having sex in the office. When they try to forget about it they find that they can't and start noticing everything that the other does and realize it doesn't actually bother them like it used to. 10) A and B hate each other but A, the normally serious one admits that they'd like to have sex with B to stop thinking about it since it's distracting them from their work. B is weird around them from that point on until they get into a heated argument and B realizes A kind of looks hot when they're angry. (Bonus if once they start they can't stop coming back to each other.)
I hope this was what you were looking for, anon, if not just tell me and I’ll try to come up with something else!
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