#super lucky to be able to buy her stuff
spiderispunk · 1 year
Went to pride and bought some cool stuff from @pettyprocrastination! Y’all TJ is so talented!!
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solar-sunnyside-up · 1 year
I totally forgot about this until just now but over the summer I had wandered into a community event on my way home, and went to the public transit tent they had set up to promote the new project in the area and answer questions. I was looking for the Green party tent (all the other political parties where there, where the hell where they??)
But so I hang out at the tent, ask a few questions, show my excitement, etc.. and they have this "spin the wheel for a prize" game. Ranging from stickers to a bus pass. I was wanting a sticker bc the design was super cool and I'm a nerd. I wasn't optimistic enough to expect the bus pass.
>>I spin, I get the bus pass.
And the power I felt getting this prize?? I had already gotten my pass for the month. This was a spare one. The possibilities of who to give it to where endless and would legit alter someone I knew entire month.
>> Do I give it to the next person who asks me for change? Going from hoping tinget enough change to get enough for fare or something to eat and to be suddenly given this pass? The freedom from harassment of the transit police, the ability to get to all the free meal events that are all over the city but all are just awkward enough its an hour walk there. Actually get use the food bank and take more than a backpack or 2 of stuff for the month bc you have to carry it all yourself. To be able to visit a park, a library, To have the world open up without using all your energy getting there? How much would this bus pass alter their entire month? Who am I to now deny someone that freedom?
>>Do I give it as a gift to a coworker? Someone who doesn't go out or do anything other than work and rest at home bc it's too expensive for her to buy a pass bc she lives JUST close enough to work for walking to be a better option. Counting her bus tickets everytime she wants to go to the library, to see a friend/family member, to visit a park that's nearby, hang out downtown. Every outting you have to justify. Suddenly having just 1 month of freedom would help her mental health so much. She would have so much fun for the first time in ages! She could be a person in public, she could have fun without worry or need to justify. She's my friend. Who am I to not give it to her?
>>Do I sell it off to someone to get a grocery top up? To have a second of breathing room between paychecks? If I'm short on a bill this month I'll be kicking myself for not doing the survivalist thing to do.
It was a whole crisis.
In the end while I was having this crisis my roommate took it, so she could look for jobs and do a bunch of interviews without worrying about how to get there.
And it hits me as particularly horrific that so many ppls lives would be so positively altered by this single bus pass from a silly contest at a community event. How lucky was I to have this option? And alteranticely how so many ppls lives would open up and improve by simple access to a public service that they should have free access to not being held hostage by. And that's just the ppl I know who would benefit from monetary access to the system much less the good having physical accessibility added to it.
The for profit transit system is horrifying. This is meant to be a public feature, and yet the accessibility to actually use it is so limited. we deserve so much better.
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yelenasdiary · 2 years
In the spirit of Christmas I have a request!
Nat is a super powerful and rich CEO of the biggest company in NYC. She’s cold to everyone and absolutely merciless when it comes to business. Everyone is afraid of her and her influence.
Reader is Nat’s low level assistant. Reader has to deal w her cold boss (Nat) and all her needs. Reader is afraid of Nat and afraid of messing up as she’s seen people fired without mercy before.
One day around the holidays Nat catches reader crying or smth about how she can’t afford Christmas for her son (single mom). Maybe reader can’t afford gifts or has to turn the heat off in dead winter to save money. Nat softens up and offers reader and her son to spend Christmas with her in her penthouse. Nat spoils our son and shows a side w other side of cold CEO Nat.
Kinda like devil wears Prada with some protective and hurt/comfort stuff.
THANK YIU SO MUCH!! I know this is super specific so no worries if it doesn’t stay exactly like this!! And happy holidays to you ❤️ I love your work and many blessings in the new year!
☃️ CEO of Christmas ☃️
Pairing: CEO! Natasha Romanoff x Assistant! Reader
Summary: Working for Natasha was never easy and being a low-level assistant for the CEO wasn’t where you thought you’d be after working your hardest for 2 years. After catching you in tears on Christmas Eve, Natasha cold ways start to warm up. 
Slight Angst | Comfort | 1.6K | Reader is a single mum | 
AC: I love how different this request is!! Thank you for sending it! I hope you enjoy it! It’s a little longer than my other Xmas fics but anyways haha, Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!!
Day 23 | Advent Calendar Masterlist 🎄
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"Y/n!" the voice of your CEO startled you as she stormed from her office over to your desk, "Yes Miss Romanoff?" you asked kindly with a warm smile. It was easier to just take her coldness than to demand respect for the way she spoke to those around her. You'd seen people get fired for little reasons that didn't matter to any other CEO that wasn't Natasha Romanoff. "Here's a list of people I have to buy Christmas gifts for. I don't have the time and I pay you, so I need you to go get everything off this list" she explained as she basically slammed the piece of paper on your desk. 
"S-sure" you replied with a slight stutter when your eyes landed on the list, "What would you like me to do if one of these items isn't in stock?" you asked. Natasha frowned as she looked down at you, "Then order it in? it isn't rocket science! Now get going, I need you back within the next hour" she ordered coldly before making her way back to her office. It wasn't the first time you'd had to cover gift shopping for her, almost anytime one of her friends or family had a birthday or even coming up, it was up to you to find the gift Natasha wanted to buy. One time you couldn't buy an item on her list, even asking to get the item ordered in the store manager wasn't able to get stock. Natasha was fuming and took her anger out on you, that entire week you had the to do hours of overtime. 
Lucky for you, you were able to get every item on Natasha's list, even having to have a few items delivered to the office later to avoid being late back. "Where would you like all these, Miss Romanoff?" you kindly asked while standing in the doorway of her office with bags of gifts. "Oh good, you're back. I hope that is everything off the list" she looked up from her computer looking at you in the cold way she looked at everybody. "Yes ma'am, some things I've requested to have delivered to the office later this afternoon. They were in the process of restocking some items" you explained hoping it wouldn't make her made. "I suppose there is a delivery fee" Natasha sighed with an eye roll, "No ma'am, it's all free delivery due to the inconvenience" you assured her. Natasha's attention returned to her computer, "go wrap them neatly" she instructed.
After wrapping all the gifts and making sure you did everything else that Natasha had not so kindly asked you to do, you didn't even realise that everybody else in the office had gone home. 6:30PM read on your watch as tears filled your eyes. Your son was at home with a sitter, you hated working late especially that today was Christmas Eve. Natasha didn't care for the holidays and it showed she didn't have any children of her own. You've been working for her for a little over two years and break downs became the norm for you. Natasha owns the biggest company in New York City, getting a job here isn't easy for anybody and you had never mentioned that you had a son in case she wouldn't hire you. When you first started the money was just enough to get you by and keep a roof over you and your sons head but after two years, you hoped that you would've been promoted by now. 
With your son now being 5 years old and learning the tricks of Santa Claus, you wanted to make Christmas magical for him and spoil him the best you possible could. The winter was too harsh this year and already the two of you have had to suffer without heating just to save money, you've been able to guy him some toys but most of his gifts were clothing that he needed. Socks, underwear, new shoes and clothing that would fit the growing boy. You knew he wouldn't care much for the clothing and be more interested in the few toys Santa would leave him, but you hated how you weren't able to give him more. 
"Why are you crying?" Natasha asked as she walked up behind you with documents that needed sorting before the new year. "S-sorry Miss Romanoff, I…I was just…it doesn't matter" you replied in a whimper knowing she wouldn't care if you even did tell her. To your surprise, Natasha pulled up a chair and sat down, "Well that's a lie, now tell me what's got you so upset. It's Christmas, aren't you supposed to be happy like the rest of the office?" she asked as she watched you wipe your tears. "I guess that's the issue" you looked up at her, "my son is at home on Christmas eve with a sitter while I'm here doing things that could wait" you explained, Natasha's face dropped slightly at the unknown news. 
"You have a son?" 
"I do…he's 5"
"Then what are you doing here? You should have told me; I would've sent you home a lot earlier" Natasha frowned slightly. "I needed this job…I need the money…Especially with the winter being so hard and my sitter is $20 an hour but she's the only sitter that's available for my hours so I need the overtime to cover that…I can't lose this job…" your eyes filled with tears once again. 
"Why would you think I fire you?" She asked almost disheartened by your thoughts. "I've see you fire people for things out of their control before…I didn't think you'd keep around if you knew about my son" your eyes dropped to your feet, "and I'm assuring the father isn't in the picture?" Nat questioned, you shook your head "he's only met him once when he was born and said he couldn't afford a baby and I haven't heard from or seen him since".
There were a few moments of silence before Natasha spoke up, "Go home, be with your son. I'll have a car pick you both up around 8am in the morning, you both can spend Christmas with me at my penthouse", you looked up at Natasha with soft eyes, "Miss Rom-"
"Please, call me Natasha, outside of the office" she smiled softly, "I couldn't intrude on your Christmas like that" you said. Natasha shook her head, "I'm not doing anything for Christmas, I see everybody when we're all together a few days after so there isn't any excuse, you and your son will come spend Christmas with me, that's an order" she playfully winked then hanged you your coat from behind your chair, "now go home" she added. 
Morning came with an excited 5-year-old jumping up and down at his new toys that Santa brought him, his favorite toy was his fire truck with working lights and siren. "Look mommy! Santa got me a fire truck!" He ran up to you with his truck in both hands, showing it off. "That's awesome honey! Are you ready to get dressed so we can go to Miss Romanoff's house shortly?" You smiled before placing a kiss on his forehead. "Can I wear my new hoodie?" he asked, warming your heart. His red hoodie with a fire truck of course. "Of course, come on, let's get ready" you replied, grabbing his outfit. 
Taking the lift up to Natasha's penthouse sent goosebumps all over your body, your son holding your hand with his fire truck in the other, he looks up at you. "Mommy, why are we going to your boss's house?" he asked, "She invited us over for Christmas, honey" You smiled at him just as the lift came to a stop and the doors opened. 
Natasha's penthouse was decked head to toe with Christmas decorations, Christmas music playing softly in the background and a large tree in the center littered with gifts at the bottom. "Wow!" your little boy said as his eyes scanned the penthouse, "Merry Christmas, come on in!" Natasha appeared in a deep red dress with black heels, "Hi Miss Romanoff, Merry Christmas" your son smiled at your boss with his polite manners. "Merry Christmas, please call me Nat" she smiled back at him. 
Your little boy was quick to run over to the rug to play with his new truck as Natasha handed you a glass of wine, "What's his name?" She asked. "Dylan" you smiled softly as you watched him play with his new favorite toy, "Hey Dylan, why don't you see if Santa left any presents under my tree" Natasha caught his attention, but he was nervous and looked at you for an answer. "It's okay honey, Natasha said you could" you assured him. 
Dylan had never seen so many gifts in his life, every gift under the tree had "From Santa" written on it. "You didn't have to go out of your way for this" you turned to Natasha trying to hold back tears from seeing how happy and excited your son was as he opened gift after gift. "I'm not as cold as you think I am, I know the chatter that goes around the office" she replied as she sipped her wine, "Natasha, I didn't mean to often you or anything last night… I'm sorry for being unprofessional but I really do appreciate this". 
"You can make up to me by taking on being my personal assistant. You'll have your own office and not a cubical, less hours and you'll have holidays and birthdays off. I'm going to triple your wage on the condition that some of that money goes into a savings account" Natasha offered in her usual stern tone but with a hint of softness. 
"You deserve it. You have worked harder than any other assistant I have had, I've seen how hard you work and it's about time I stop being so hard on you" she cut you off knowing what you'd say. "Thank you" you whispered with eyes full of tears, finally your life was changing.
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Taglist: @red1culous | @sayah13 | @charl-lally | @when-wolves-howl | @bentleywolf29 | @fxckmiup | @natasha-belova | @blackwidow-3 | @lissaaaa145 | @high--power | @parkerdaramitzzzz | @mmmmokdok | @wackymcstupid | @kiwiana145 | @shin-conan-kun | @nattyolw | @ripofflizzie | @goofy-goonie | @makegoodchoices | @apollo2907 | @wandaroman0ff | @dumb-fawkin-bitch | @lovelyy-moonlight | @santana1437 | @ahintofchaos | @fluffyblanketgecko | @puta1 | @inluvwithfictionalwomen | @tintedrose12 | @jaymieflorissssssss | @tita001 | @youralphawolf72 | @donnietarantino | @randomnessbecausewhynot | @natashamaximoff69 | @hehehehannahthings | @pandaemonium111 | 
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britany1997 · 2 years
Can I get a Paul x Angel reader where the reader comes down to earth to from heaven. To see how everything is going. She has beautiful fair skin and long white hair. don’t be fooled by her good looks and good nature because she can turn cold with one flap of her wings. Make it as sad as you want I love sad stuff.
Fallen For You
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Hi! Of course I can write this for you:) I hope you like it!
I am going to put my baby boy through so much pain for this🥺 (sorry in advance)
Paul x Fem Angel Reader
Warnings: ANGST, so much pain for Paul🥺
@bookworm551 : “didn’t you get that request like, a super long time ago?” Listen. I was a little behind. Lol
Paul strolled down the boardwalk, hopping in and out of stores and booths. As he surveyed the crowds looking for someone to eat, his predatory gaze moved from person to person, until it fell on you.
He froze in place, his eyes transfixed on your glowing body. You were the most exquisitely beautiful thing he’d ever seen in his entire unlife.
If your beauty wasn’t striking enough, he was in awe of the huge white wings that jutted out from your back, they flapped as they held you over the crowd.
Paul looked around the mob confused, as the humans on the boardwalk seemed ignorant to the goddess above them.
He moved towards you absentmindedly, like a puppet pulled by a string until he was standing almost beneath your feet.
He stared up at your form. You long hair cascading down your back and held into place with pure gold clips, your full lips, your bright eyes. He had to know who you were, what you were.
He cupped his hands around his mouth and shouted “hey sugar!”
You looked down at him startled, you glanced around at the many face surrounding the two of you. Though some looked at him with contempt, no one else had seemed to notice you. You let out a sigh of relief.
You descended to the ground, tucking your wings in until they were pressed against your back and hidden away.
You stared at the blond man in front of you, unsure of what to make of him.
“Damn sugar, if you’re a harpy you’re the prettiest one I’ve ever seen,” he told you while raking his eyes up and down you.
“Not a harpy,” you mumbled, “definitely not a harpy.”
“Then what are you gorgeous,” he asked moving closer to you.
You recoiled in shock at his brazenness, you hadn’t interacted with anyone on earth in centuries.
“What are you?” You asked him, your curiosity winning out over your apprehension.
He flashed you a smile that was all fang, “I asked you first,” he teased, “you’re lucky you’re so pretty.”
“A vampire,” you whispered, “I’ve never met one of you before,” you told him stepping closer.
Paul stayed completely in place, worried he’d frighten you away with any sudden movements.
That is, until he felt your fingers in his mouth touching his teeth, “woah babe,” he laughed, “buy me dinner first why don’t ya?”
“Sorry,” you murmured, obviously not remorseful as you rubbed your thumb over his fangs, your curiosity completely overtaking your reason.
You pricked your thumb on the tip of his fang and hissed as you pulled your hand back and cradled it. Golden blood leaked from the fresh wound, down into your palm.
Paul’s tongue flicked over his fang as he tasted the odd golden blood, it’s flavor better than any human he’d ever eaten.
His eyes glazed over and his mouth opened as he regarded you with awe. “What are you,” he whispered.
You giggled and Paul swore it was the most melodious sound he’d ever had the pleasure of hearing. “You haven’t figured it out?” You asked him.
“No sugar,” he replied, “tell me what you are.” He begged, as he stroked a hand up and down your arm
You smiled, “I’m a guardian Angel,” you whispered to him, as if anyone around you would actually be able to perceive you, “I was sent here to look after um…” your head bobbed as you scanned the crowd until you found who you were looking for, “that girl right there,” you said pointing.
He followed the line from your finger to the girl, “ah,” he started, “I was gonna eat her,” he shrugged, “now I won’t.”
You giggled, “mission accomplished then I suppose,” your voice dropped to a sultry whisper, “whatever shall I do with the rest of my time here?” You asked.
He smirked, “I could think of a couple things sugar,” he winked, “if you’re interested,” he told you as he offered you his hand.
You beamed as you placed your hand in his and allowed him to take you into the night.
Years passed by as you and Paul spent every waking minute together, he showed you every beautiful thing that earth could offer you. You spent every night running around with him, and you spent every day in his arms.
Paul absolutely worshiped you, every little thing you did filled him with awestruck wonder, every minute he fell deeper and deeper in love with you.
You adored Paul, no one had ever regarded you with such care and affection, being with him was intoxicating.
Yet you knew your time on earth was growing short. Paul knew it too and it strained his heart to think of the day he’d have to say goodbye to you, he couldn’t imagine afterlife without you.
Paul didn’t want to get your hopes up so he didn’t tell you when he asked Dwayne to look into ways that he could keep you here, ways the two of you could stay tethered together for the rest of your mutual eternities.
But after months of Dwayne’s searching, he’d found no answer, and the sands in the hourglass had run out, it was time for you to go home.
“I can’t be there when you leave baby,” Paul told you, tears in his eyes, “we’ll have to say our goodbyes now, I can’t bear the thought of watching you fly away.”
You frowned, tears falling from your eyes as well as you stared at the beautiful man before you, “I understand Paulie,” you promised him, your hand holding his tightly, “I’ll never forget you.”
His lips raised in a sad half smile, “I couldn’t forget you if I tried,” he breathed out, pulling you into his chest for a tight hug and a long kiss.
After awhile you pulled away, your hand loathed to leave his but you let it drop anyway as you turned to head to the boardwalk, to fly away forever.
Paul watched you leave the cave, his hand clutching his chest as he’d already began to feel your absence.
Moments after you left, Dwayne came running in holding a very large, very old, very dusty ancient text.
“Paul,” he spoke seriously, “there’s a way for you to keep her.”
Paul gasped as he stared at his brother in shock, “that’s all I need to hear,” he told Dwayne, “no time to give me the details now, we’ve got to get to the boardwalk, she can’t leave!”
Dwayne nodded and rushed to his bike, book under his arm as Paul trailed closely behind him.
The two boys raced to the edge of the dock where you sat, wings outstretched and ready to take flight.
“SUGAR!” Paul yelled, startling you and prompting you to turn to look at the handsome blond vampire running towards you, his brunette brother not far behind.
“Paul?” You asked, “what’s wrong? I thought you couldn’t be here when I left?” You asked him with disbelief in your tone.
“Dwayne tell her!” He said excitedly as he thrust his brother towards you, you flinched in shock at his hyperactive state.
“I was researching,” Dwayne told you, “looking for a way you two could stay together, and I found something.”
He cracked open the giant book to a dog earred page, “look,” he pointed at a section, “if we perform this ritual, you’ll be able to stay here. You’ll trade your wings for humanity, but you and Paul, you can be together forever,” Dwayne informed you with a smile on his face.
Your mouth gaped a bit, “thank you Dwayne,” you told the tall vampire, “I appreciate everything you’ve done for us, really. But, could you give Paul and I a moment alone please?”
“Of course,” Dwayne said, walking away to give you two some space.
“Did you hear that sugar!?” Paul asked excitedly, “we can be together forever baby! All we have to do is perform this ritual and you can stay!”
He leaned into kiss you but you pulled away.
You sighed, “I knew Paul,” you told him, not able to meet his eyes.
“What?” He asked, his smile faltering and voice wavering. “What do you mean baby?”
“What Dwayne told you, it’s true,” you explained. “I’ve known this whole time I could give up my wings and live here with you as a human.”
“What?” He asked you breathlessly, looking totally dumbfounded. “Then why..” he trailed off as tears began to slide down his face.
You sighed again as you moved forward to hold his face in your hands, “Paul,” you whispered affectionately, “you’re the prettiest man I’ve ever met, and I’ve had so much fun with you,” you told him.
“But,” you began, pulling away from him, “you’re just not worth giving up heaven for. No one is.”
He looked into your eyes, tears pouring from his as he grabbed at your waist. Before he could capture you in his arms you stepped away, he let out a broken sob.
“But I love you,” he whispered.
“I know,” you told him grimacing, “and I’ll spend eternity being sorry for that.”
You pressed a kiss to his lips one last time, you could taste the salt from his tears on his mouth as you offered him one last cruelty.
You pulled away sighing as you flapped your wings preparing to return to your home.
He watched you as you floated away, and stood there still after you were long disappeared into the sky, willing you to come back.
But you didn’t, and you wouldn’t. Paul had never understood how love could hurt until he met you. Now, as the broken vampire shell you’d left behind, he understood the nuance of love with more clarity and more pain than ever before.
@heyriojude @misslavenderlady @ghoulgeousimmaculate @pixielostboy @its-freaking-bats @solobagginses @6lostgirl6 @anna1306
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danieldrivesfast · 1 month
Do you have a hot take on Lance Stroll that you’re willing to share, please? 😊
I personally think he’s wasting an F1 seat, but I think it’s super sweet that his dad loves him so much he bought an F1 team. I wish my Dad did that! 😂
That said, I’m sure there’s a talented driver in there, but maybe Lance is one of those people who’s happy to coast along if he doesn’t have to put his whole ass into it? 🤔
I mean, you pretty much summed it up when it comes to Lance Stroll. 😅
Of course, there's a certain level of skill that a person needs to have to be able to drive a Formula 1 car at all. In Lance's case, it was certainly easier since he never had to worry about sponsors, affording the next level, losing a ride, or any of the things others did and still do.
If he wasn't quite good enough, Daddy would pay to keep him in the seat. If the car wasn't good enough, Daddy would pay for a better one. If the sponsors didn't turn up, Daddy would foot the bill or pay another more famous/likable driver to attract them (hey Fernando). Lance has never had to work extra hard, he can do the minimum and show up with no worries. He knows he's not going to get fired, and it shows in his demeanor.
Lance, overall, isn't a very likable person. He skips out on fan stuff. He blames everyone else, even his own team, for his mistakes. He's physically assaulted at least one member of his team. Other drivers don't associate with him, and I'm sure there's a reason.
But! He's very lucky that his father loves him so much and supports him in what he wants to do. (Same as he does with Chloe and her singing.) I hope he understands how lucky he is. I wish my parents had been in a position to purchase my hopes and dreams for me.
Lance hasn't shown a bit of improvement or growth over his Formula 1 career, and his only "good" results came at a very strange time that also saw an AlphaTauri win. He's absolutely wasting a seat. No other team would sign him, which is why Daddy had to buy one. He's done nothing of note in his career, and I would argue he's the least deserving person on the grid, even over Logan. Logan at least shows up acting like he cares and has worked week in and week out to improve. (I respect Logan for this.)
My hottest take, which I've said before, is that people don't actually like Lance - why would they? But they like the fantasy of being a billionaire with parents that love them and who would move heaven and earth to make their dreams come true. They're living vicariously through Lance, and they ignore who he is as a person, because if they acknowledged it, they would feel bad about their fantasy.
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samkat10423 · 7 months
Sofia Carlton
A long, long time ago - back when the Sims Daily was up and running - we had a challenge to take a sim and help them achieve their LTW. And while you did it, you were supposed to world-hop. The first sim I did this with was River Irish. She was done with her mother and her free-loading friend and obnoxious brat, and just wanted to get the hell out of Sunset Valley. Her mother got her a job interview where she worked, but River blew that off and visited the local criminal warehouse in town. Luckily for her, her new associates needed a sap to take some contraband to Barnacle Bay. And River was all in. She eventually did achieve her LTW, and in the process, visited 3 other worlds. It was way easier than I expected, so when I finished with her, I moved on to another sim. Bebe Hart. (She slept her way to the top of the journalism career).
The third sim I chose to play, was that Paris Hilton wannabee in Twinbrook. She was actually a fun little sim to play. Which is why I decided to give her another go.
In the samkat universe, she was away at Uni when she got word that her parents had died mysteriously in a ski accident while visiting their accountant in Hidden Springs. She of course went back home, only to discover that the family home was being sold for unpaid back taxes. When she tried to call good, old "Uncle Bertie," she got the message, "the number you tried to reach is no longer in service." And when she went to the local bank, she discovered that her trust fund had been looted. With no simoleons or house, she turned to her 'friends' - who suddenly didn't answer the door when she knocked or return her calls.
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Luckily for her, Agnes Crumplebottom called and told her that a long, lost relative had left her a "mansion" in Sunset Valley! All she had to do was come to town, sign some papers, and it was hers!
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She also inherited a car - of sorts.
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Not only that, but the house came with a freeloading stray cat named Jinx.
Even though she has a Uni degree - thanks to Nraas, I gave her one in Fine Arts - she really doesn't have any marketable skills. So, no one wants to hire her. I got rid of some of her EA traits - the snob one that I hate, because all they do is stand in front of the mirror all day and the schmoozer one too, since why would she have had to mooch off others when her family was super rich? - and traded them for some others. I gave her the "shy and proper" ones. The proper one, because she came from 'old money,' and I figured her Southern parents taught her manners. The 'shy' one because she was an only child of older parents. I also gave her the bookworm one, since it helps when you're a writer. Then I got rid of the "lucky" one, since she lost everything, and gave her that "hopeless romantic" one instead.
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Luckily for her, the local library has free computers that she can use to write her tell-all books about her no-good, backstabbing ex-friends. Karma's a bitch!
Anyway, I enrolled her as a writer and plan on having her write to pay the bills. She just finished her first book and it's doing pretty good. She won't be able to buy a computer for home use unti she has 5 writing skill points.
As for the house, once she gets 3 gardening skill points, she can start cleaning up the yard. And she'll then be able to clear out the vegetation inside. She'll need 3 handiness points before she can start roof repairs and replacing windows. Plus, she'll need painting skill points. Plus to pay for stuff - such as new windows - she'll be able to sell the old stuff, but will still need enough simoleons to make up the difference for the new, replacement items.
After I moved her in, I stole all of her money. Then I went through all the bookcases and sold duplicate copies of books. I also sold all of the paintings and most of the furniture so that she could buy some things for her cat. I let her keep the bed in the master bedroom, the 2 chairs in the library, and the smaller sofa, a chair and coffee table in the living room. I also took all the food out of the frig and had her visit the local greenhouse - that store venue - to pick some free veggies. I figured any food that had been in the frig would have spoiled ages ago. Plus, by making her forage for food, she learned the gardening skill.
I was actually kind of impressed with this little sim. She started picking up all the trash and clothes that had been strewn throughout the house without any prompting from me. Then she went outside and started picking up trash in the yard. I did help her get rid of the cobwebs in the rooms that she cleaned up - since they are deco items and sims can't remove them. But Ieft the ones in the rooms she hadn't cleaned.
Anyway, I'll see how this goes.
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Headcannons part 69420
Otherwise known as I'm running out of ideas and names
Mac is big on physical affection
She loves to hold hands or cuddle on the couch, she just loves touch
It's her primary way of showing affection
She generally likes having physical contact with at least one of her gfs at all times, wether that be holding hands when walking or touching legs under the table at dinner
The constant feeling of the others reminds her that they are there and that they love her and aren't gonna leave
Chandler shows affection through gift giving
Sometimes she'll bake cookies or brownies to surprise her gfs with after a long day at work, or maybe give them flowers, or she'd find something she thinks they would like at the store when grocery shopping so she picks it up
She gets super embarrassed tho if someone gets her a gift
Veronica's is quality time
She doesn't really care what they all do as long as they are spending time with each other
She has a very go with the flow attitude about their relationship, its a unique, morphing thing that is unlike anything she's been in before or seen and she thinks its beautiful
Its like an adventure, a journey that she's going along with them and she just needs to stop and smell the roses, just enjoying living the life she does with them
Duke doesn't have a clear preference really, but it does make her feel special when she gets gifts
Knowing that her gfs took the time to think about her and what she likes and spending their own money to get her something to make her happy makes her happy in return
Each Saturday they have Date Night
For the first 3 weeks of the month they each have one on one dates and on the 4th they have a group date
For example Week 1 is Chandler/Veronica and Duke/Mac
Week 2 is Chandler/Mac and Duke/Veronica
Week 3 is Chandler/Duke and Mac/Veronica
That way they can each spend one on one time with each other
Chandler generally enjoys 'classic' dates, like going out to eat or going to the movies
She knows its corny but she loves the romance aspect of it all
She loves getting all dressed up and going out to eat at fancy restaurants and just talking to whatever gf she is with that week
Mac likes doing fun things
She thinks that if they're going on a date they should be doing something, not just sitting down somewhere and talking
She likes to go to carnivals if they're in town, or the zoo/aquarium, or go bowling
She just likes to be doing things
Veronica likes a chill date
Normally for her dates they'll sit on the couch and watch anime and cuddle
With Mac they'll watch cute fluffy yuri romance stuff like I'm In Love With the Villainess
With Duke they'll watch action/adventure stuff like Attack on Titan or Demon Slayer
With Chandler they'll watch mystery stuff like Death Note or stuff that hits you in the feels like Violet Evergarden
After they watched Ep. 10 of Violet Evergarden Duke and Mac came home to Chandler and Veronica sobbing uncontrollably while holding each other
Duke loves shopping dates
Clothes, books, collectibles, she doesn't care she just loves going out and spending money
When she goes on shopping dates she'll buy gifts for whichever gfs she isn't currently on a date with
The topic of kids has come up a few times but they've never been able to agree
They can't have a biological child bc they're all cis women, and either way none of them really wanna deal with pregnancy and the questions that would bring up
Duke and Chandler both believe they would be horrible parents bc of what they went through
Mac would want a kid but she also thinks she wouldn't be a good mom
Veronica is the one who really wants a kid, but she's accepted that it most likely won't happen and while it upset her for a while, she realized how lucky she is to have the Heathers and it won't be the end of the world if they don't have a kid
They did discuss adopting a child that comes through Duke's practice, but they understand they aren't equipped to deal with a child whose going through major mental health issues and that their home wouldn't be the best place for a child like that to recover in, so they dropped that idea
They also talked about marriage
It obviously wouldn't be legal but it would be a small ceremony with just their friends and remaining family
Mac and Chandler want to but Duke and Veronica don't really see the point
Mac and Chandler think it would be fun to get all dressed up and have a ceremony
Duke and Veronica think its a waste, nothing would really change about their lives or the way they treat each other anyway
If y'all have any suggestions or ideas for headcannons go ahead and share them, I'm not very creative lol and could use ideas, but I'd also like to hear what y'all think about these disaster lesbians
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abigail · 8 months
hi abigail! i hope it’s ok to ask about this - where do you get your amazing jewellery from and do you have any tips on building up a collection? every time you’re draped in gorgeous layered necklaces it’s like 💔💔 so so good!! kiss!
hi lovely !! thank you so much omg and of course it’s okay to ask :-) honestly happy to share anything i can when it comes to styling stuff lol but yes !!
i’ve had a lot of my jewellery for years tbh and if i’m honest and a lot of it is secondhand ! i’m lucky to have lots of charity shops/vintage stores in the area i live/work so i always like to nosy what there is whenever I can, i really recommend if you’ve got any secondhand stores near you to never miss the jewellery section, often it’s not a lot of stuff but you can find some beautiful stuff sometimes !! if you’re able to too, if you go to an area that’s got a lot of like.. rich people living in it (lol) check out the secondhand stores there ! because i’ve found charity shops in areas with more people with money usually have more jewellery than other charity shops idk ! but also there’s online too like vinted/ebay/depop/etsy - just of course have an idea what you’re looking for and use the search tools to really narrow it all down !
i do buy new quite a bit with jewellery though, some of my favourite places to get them is regal rose (i usually wait for them to do a sale though unless it’s something i know i realllllyyy want), livia wednesday (everything is handmade and so beautiful ! because it’s handmade it is a bit more expensive but in my opinion it’s totally worth it.. i’ve got quite a bit from her and i’ve never personally had any issues !! easily my favourite place to get jewellery with pearls and whatnot hehe), i’ve also got a bunch of things from mysticum luna before (i haven’t so much these days because their recent collections haven’t quite been for me but i do still love the things i have and really recommend them !!), and for cheaper stuff/costume jewellery i do like asos !! they’ve got sooo much stuff and i love the tool bars because it means you can really narrow down what you’re looking for which is helpful and doesn’t mean you’re scrolling for hours through thousands of products ..
another thing i do is buy charms and add them to my own chain or earring hoop !! charms are everywhere and usually pretty cheap, so if you get various chains of different lengths and thicknesses or pearl beads or whatever you’re wanting, you can add the charms to them (i find them a lot in charity shops too and they’re always like £1 or something super cheap) - going off this too i like to move my jewellery about, like today for example i have a locket with a skull on and i changed it’s chain to a shorter one so then it can be stacked different with another necklace than what i usually do y’know ? it just means i don’t always have to do the same stack of necklaces every time, i can change them about to work with my outfit easy too and it keeps it all a bit more fresh looking i suppose !
oh and see if your parents/grandparents have any old jewellery they’d give you !! honestly you’d be surprised, i asked my dad not long ago and he gave me a lot of old rings from dead relatives i had never met and some then random but very cute bracelets hehe :-) and if there’s anything you don’t really want anymore see if any of your friends would wanna trade with you (same with clothes too if you have friends who are the same size and have the same style as you !)
for building up a collection honestly i’d say to just get pieces you know you’ll keep for a long time (hopefully forever !!) and getting pieces that you know you can wear with loads of different things etc if you get me ? like easy to dress up or down !! and of course make sure you look after your jewellery :-) i’m not sure what else i can suggest other than that i’m sorry !! but yeah i hope all of this was some help to you at least :-) take care <33 mwah mwah
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signalhill-if · 2 years
You probably shouldn't have to answer this question, but I've found that I am incredibly stupid and unable to do basic stuff or notice obvious things.
So how do you actually get money? I've got the leads from Levi, KC and Yvette during my playthrough, the first 2 haven't been implemented yet, so I was like okay, and I did Yvette's job (paid in exposure I guess.) met Yasmin and took her drugs, and then Yvette tells me to wait for a new job so I decide to look for a way to make some money.
When I tell you I've probably walked around that entire city 13 times and I'm still broke as hell.
Can you actually get money? I would've just assumed you can't get any pennies yet but the poll about the cassino seems to suggest that you actually can.
Again, really sorry for asking, I'm betting it was probably really obvious and I missed it simply because I am a moron.
Such is the problem with the casino- you shouldn't be able to make much money, haha. Clearly, though, everybody discovered a loophole.
So Wealth is an abstraction, meaning when you get more wealth, you're, like, moving into a new tax bracket.
Because of that, Wealth is super rare right now. Everybody's giving you the run around on purpose. In the demo, you're meant to be in absolute poverty.
There are currently 3 ways of getting wealth, though. There's the aforementioned casino. It's supposed to give you more losses than wins, and also you're only supposed to be able to gamble once between every lead. So either my code isn't working or 40% of people are savescumming to max out their wealth. Normally I'm a big supporter of savescumming, but if this is the case I might need to remove the casino entirely, because it will literally ruin the experience of the game on a fundamental level for those players going forward, way more than just scumming a single roll. Sorry y'all
The other two are less obvious. You can sell off the painkillers that Doc gives you to the guys hanging out at the abandoned warehouse. That's only a small payment, but it will get you up to 1 wealth. And if you're broke in Waveform, you'll have the option to ask Yvette for cash to buy Yasmin a drink. You can then lie and claim that you spent it all to keep the rest, and there are several clever ways to get even more out of him, but I'll leave that up to you to figure out.
Overall I think if you play optimally you can get 3 Wealth without the casino, and if you start there, get lucky, and keep playing you can probably get 5 without savescumming. Or you can savescum and get 5 instantly. Or there's something broken in my code. I've still yet to identify it, but I checked over the code and it all looks fine, so I'm thinking it's probably the former.
Either way, please don't sweat not being able to afford things right now. It'll take quite a bit of time. If you've explored everywhere, talked to everyone, and done every lead, you'll just have to wait till the next update (or reload a save) to get more.
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𝔹𝕝𝕒𝕔𝕜 𝔹𝕦𝕥𝕝𝕖𝕣 𝕎𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝔸 𝕄𝕚𝕥𝕤𝕦𝕣𝕚 𝕂𝕒𝕟𝕣𝕠𝕛𝕚 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣
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Warnings: Slight angst
Characters: (O)Ciel Phantomhive, Sebastian Michaelis, Bardroy, Mey-Rin, Finnian, Undertaker
Notes: None
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💕 He was honestly in shock when he first met you
💕I mean your clothes are far too revealing
💕Nonetheless he’s very flustered by how pretty you are
💕When you point out that Sebastian is a demon and that you’re a demon slayer, he’s confused
💕Demon Slayer? He’s never heard of such a thing but he’s willing to have you killed if it means continuing his contract with Sebastian
💕Luckily, he’s able to negotiate you to not draw your blade and offers you sanctuary in his manor until you can find your way home as a way of 'investigating’ you
💕He also talks with you about Sebastian and the the demons that you claim to have slayed to clear things up
💕Once you learn that Sebastian is not 'that’ kind of demon, you relax a bit more and happily agree to stay
💕He first sees to it that you have more appropriate clothes of course
💕Anyways. With that all cleared up, Ciel starts to learn more about you
💕You’re want for a strong man to marry isn’t too much of a shock considering it was normal for women to want to marry in that time
💕That doesn’t change the fact that he thinks you’re a bit odd especially with that hair color
💕Cute too but he’ll never admit that
💕He’s in awe at your strength and flexibility which causes him to want to bring you on missions
💕Ciel sometimes will get annoyed with your happy-go-lucky attitude and your constant fawning flusters him to no end
💕He does grow rather attached to you though
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💕He could tell you weren’t a fan of him
💕Once he learns that it’s because you knew he was a demon, he wonders if he should end your life right here and now
💕The young master clears everything up thankfully as he was already wasting time with this whole experience
💕Sebastian appreciates your beauty and despite being used to it, the lovesick stare you give him is quite flattering
💕Your strength is in another class of it’s own and he’s a little impressed
💕You’re a bit odd but rather adorable as well
💕He doesn’t mind your hair or love for food but would you please stop taking all the food? He’ll have to buy groceries more than the usual
💕You both often talk about cats and care for them together when you have the chance
💕When Sebastian learns of your not-so-lucky love life, he can’t help but find humanity to be a bit more pathetic as they are so quick to judge others whether that be their looks or skills
💕He likes you though. You amuse him
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💕He’s also in shock
💕I mean- you’re absolutely gorgeous!
💕And that outfit..
💕Once he gets to know you better, he finds you to be pretty cute
💕You’re willingness to try his cooking made him super happy
💕Might have just been the lighting but did you look a bit uncomfortable eating his food?
💕Whether or not you liked it, Bard appreciates your open mindedness to try new things
💕When you mention that you want to marry a strong man, Bardroy may or may not volunteer
💕He admires your strength and flexibility albeit usually with a blush on his face
💕And the fawning never fails to flatter him
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💕At first she’s all blushy because of your attire
💕She is really happy to have another lady around though
💕You both often fangirl over Sebastian together
💕She’s also likely to learn of your love life to which she immediately gets upset
💕I mean. Who wouldn’t like you? You’re amazing
💕You often help her out when she’s tripping over stuff
💕She honestly respects and cherishes you
💕You’re strength and flexibility is really astonishing too
💕And you’re just so cute too!
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💕Definitely falls in love
💕I mean you’re so pretty and sweet
💕Doesn’t mind the hair at all
💕He also doesn’t mind your love for food
💕When you compliment others, he’ll join in a lot too
💕Gets flustered when you compliment him
💕Finny loves your naturally happy attitude and often matches your energy
💕You both like to show off your strength to each other a lot
💕It’s kinda like two kids showing off cool and new things that they’ve learned
💕He’s glad to have someone super strong around too
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💕Well aren’t you a pretty thing
💕Isn’t one to judge others which you appreciate
💕Undertaker doesn’t mind you but he’s curious as to how you got to this world
💕He finds out that you fight demons which makes him more intrigued
💕Loves your silliness as he finds it to be endearing
💕You’re strength and flexibility is impressive too
💕When you fawn over and compliment him, he’s at a loss for words because he’s not used to that
💕Might gain a bit of a crush on you after that
💕He thinks you’re cute
💕You’re funny too
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polyamorouspunk · 9 months
2024 Goals:
Start using a planner or schedule system so that I actually remember to do the things I like doing
Remember to take pictures when I go and do fun things so that I can remember that I do fun things sometimes
Buy a house (at the moment this one is pretty dependent on my dad’s health)
Throw out a BUNCH of stuff from highschool/early college and work on defining myself and who I am *now*
Ah oh my god lol.
I’m lucky that my mom and I were able to buy a house here a few years ago I love our house it’s so super cool.
I tried using a planner and I got a really cool planner from the brand Happy Planner and it’s celestial themed and I was doing alright using it and now I just yeah.
I take SO many pictures my family makes fun of me. I upload them to my photography Instagram but I got locked out for a long time so I’m so behind. I just posted photos from 2022.
I’ve also had to throw out a lot of things since I move so much, so I don’t have a lot left from high school outside of clothes and furniture and books.
2024 I’m throwing out this ANNOYING CAT just kidding I love her.
2024 is the year I try (again) to move on with my life and start living for me. I think I’m doing a good job starting these past few weeks 😉 but now that I’m more comfortable traveling by myself (this year was the first year I traveled by myself first to see you and then to see my friends) my goal is to go to CT more for concerts and stuff (I just texted my best friend to see if she wants to go see a band I told her we HAVE to see when they come back since they’ll be in MA and NY in May). I’m also planning on going to MA in August for Metallica and INK. It’s been my plan to go to Salem for my birthday for 4 years now and my plan to go to the INK convention for 2 years now so uh MAYBE 5th times a charm :). My mom has already decided months ago we are going to both come back to Pittsburgh so I’m hoping to say hi to you again. My best friend and I want matching tattoos so I suggested we get them from my other tumblr mutual in Pittsburgh. I’ll be heading to Florida in a few weeks and I’m hoping to head back to New England for a third of fourth time next year to see a super special certain band 👉🏻👈🏻
And Jesus Christ I hope I can fucking GRADUATE.
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quenthel · 1 year
essential cornerstone of my good relationship with my mother is that she never gave a single shit abt how masc or fem i am or how much i shave or how much makeup i wear and shit like that. like in middleschool i used to wear only boys clothes for like a full year and she was buying me stuff even then (until i got old enough to be able to go to stores alone) like she only ever cares if the clothes i buy look good on me. like i stopped shaving like a year ago and she only made to comments and both of them were jokes abt me having relatively dense bodyhair but not super dense hair on my head lmfao. i sorted out some of my clothes again today and she was going trough it to see if there is anything she could wear and she asked why i threw out my dresses and when i told her i dont want to wear dresses anymore she just accepted that no questions. when i was in the hospital and she did my laundry she saw that i wear a lot of men’s underwear and never even commented on it. mind boggling to me that some parents make a fuss abt shit like this bc mine never did but ik im very lucky for this
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thank you! okay so I was lucky enough to be able to go to closing night and I was super pumped cause I had never been to a closing night before and I asked my best friend to go with me and he has gone with me to every taylor concert since 1989 and he really likes her, he's not like a huge fan or anything but he'll usually ask me like what's going on w her and stuff and we usually have a great time but like even from the day we left for LA he seemed kinda off like he hit a bit of a snag in airport security, they had to check his bag cause he packed too big a bottle of sunscreen, and he said something along the lines of "you're gonna need to thank me at least 100 times for coming with you" like I should be lucky he decided to come with me which rubbed me the wrong way but I let it go cause of the security issue thing, then we got there and wandered around for a bit, went to the Grammy museum and I started cramping cause I hadn't drank enough water so we get me some water then decide to go back to the hotel for a bit and then went to dinner and he ordered a drink and I just kept drinking water cause I didn't want to get more dehydrated but we noticed they had Taylor themed drinks so he tried to get me to try one but I just stuck w the water and kind of out of nowhere he says something like "the only thing you're interested in is Taylor" and that's like patently false cause we talk about a bunch of different stuff including his main interest in cars but I was so taken aback cause it seemingly came out of nowhere/only cause I didn't feel like drinking and its true I'm not like a huge drinker but I do enjoy having a beverage every once in a while but I'm also a bit more self-conscious about it cause my mom was an alcoholic and he knows that but again I just kinda let it go cause I really wanted to enjoy my time there and so the next day we go to the concert and like I had told him the day before the stadium didn't accept cash which I didn't know until I got the email from sofi about like rules for the stadium which I saw like the day before and he only really uses cash so he was put out about it and then as we were waiting in line to go in I kinda turned to him and asked if he was excited and he was like "depending on how the night goes this may be the last time I ever go to a concert, I'm getting too old for shows" (neither of us are even 30 yet) which was just like...weird. So for the opening acts I kept asking how he was doing and if it was too loud and he assured me he was fine and like I had made a comment about something to do with Taylor and he was like "I'm not interested in Taylor like you so I wouldn't know." So then Taylor came on and of course I was screaming and dancing along but he just kinda stood there with his hands clasped and he would mouth the lyrics but wasn't actually singing and would cheer occasionally but again I asked him multiple times if he was okay and he said yeah but in the past like he would get as into it as me so it just seemed like he was waiting for it to be over or something and it's like I had a great time but I also kinda feel like idk like it was tainted almost I feel like I was more focused on him than enjoying myself and it kinda took me out of the experience/really felt like I was there alone which really bums me out cause that was the only show I was able to go to for eras and then as we were leaving sofi he bought a shot of patron from one of the vendors outside and talked about how he was gonna buy a bottle when we got back home and it felt like that was the most animated he was all night. Idk the whole situation has left me feeling v weird and just :/
oh my GOD not to be that person but why do men have to ruin EVERYTHING fuckkkk like you should’ve been having the time of your life instead of worrying about your lame ass friend 🙄 god I’m so annoyed for you lol I’m sorry but you deserved a better time than that
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ciaossu-imagines · 1 year
Hello, hello, my lovelies! I'm back again tonight with a couple of fandom prompts, based on this fun little Monopoly ask prompt here! The first one I'll be posting is for a newer fandom to this blog and not a super popular one, sadly, Special 7: Special Crime Investigation Unit! Seriously, a short but genuinely pretty decent anime and one I enjoy writing for!
Send me a fandom and a number and I’ll tell you who in Monopoly:
Is the banker: I feel like, retconning a bit here so Luka can play with the team, it would be Luka. My headcanon is that he’s actually really good at math and numbers and he’s the quickest at banker duties and is able to keep accurate counts and knows what everyone has in terms of funds at any time during the game.
Is overly protective of a certain game token and refuses to play until they get that token: Oh, you know they’re not playing just any old regular Monopoly. Bellemer and Kiryuin made this version specially for the team and everyone has their own personalized pieces, and it is very important to these two that they use their own personalized pieces.
Who is the person who everybody always suspects of cheating even though “OH MY GOD IT WAS ONE TIME”: It’s Endo. To be fair, he only cheated that one time because the game had gone on for three hours and he just wanted it to be over.
Is the person who cheats and gets away with it because no one suspects them: Nijo might seem on the level but he’s sneaky. He cheats but does so with strategy and knows when to take a fall after a string of cheating induced luck so that people don’t start to suspect.
Buys everything they land on with a YOLO approach and no strategy: While she loves the game so much, Bellemer sucks at it. She thinks she’s planned it and strategized but really, any strategies she’s cooked up don’t really last long as she tends to just buy, buy, buy whenever she can. Doesn’t help that others goad her on into it, either, knowing she’ll take the bait.
Suggests that they liven it up with alcohol: That is the only way Endo is ever playing that game again after that three-hour long fiasco. Monopoly is fun in small doses or when you are very, very drunk.
Has a very stringent strategy and is willing to do strange requests and weird dares in exchange for the properties they want: Kiryuin has a tried-and-true strategy that actually does win him the game more often than not. It’s just surprising the lengths he’ll go through to enact that strategy. For such an elegant looking man, he’s more than willing to get a little silly. All in the name of fun and team-building, of course.
INSISTS that they play by the rulebook TO THE LETTER: Seiji. He likes rules. Rules are there for a reason and he believes that, if the game designers went through the trouble of figuring out rules, regulations, and gameplay, that they should all respect them enough to abide by the rules.
Throws the rulebook in the other person’s face and makes up new rules to make it better: Ichinose actually kind of does it just to provoke and annoy Seiji sometimes. It just amuses him.
Has ridiculously good luck with the chance cards to the point of suspicion: Again, this is Seiji. Kiryuin to a slightly less degree. Both of them are actually really lucky individuals and games of chance like drawing cards tends to normally work out in their favour.
Lands on all the taxes and as a result vows to vote for a different candidate in the next election: Akane is already almost bankrupt within the first hour by all the damn taxes she’s had to pay. It frustrates her to no end and while she’s not normally hugely political, when it comes to taxes, she can summon up quite the long rant.
Goes bankrupt first: It’s normally either Akane or Bellemer who end up bankrupt and selling off stuff first.
Which two people get into a screaming match: Seiji and Ichinose. Seiji and Nijo. Nijo and Luka, as those two get very competitive over games in an odd turn.
Which two people are secretly collaborating for a joint victory: Endo and Akane tend to team up pretty frequently and they’re good about keeping it hush-hush. Nobody has cottoned on to their alliance yet…mostly because they both always lose anyway.
Which two people are openly collaborating for a joint victory: Ichinose and Luka tend to collaborate, if they’re playing together. It’s pretty obvious and they don’t try to hide it. It just works for them, and it makes the game more interesting.
Who flips the table: Nobody. While there might be fighting and tension occasionally, they all know how to keep it pretty good-natured and would never get to the extreme where they’d flip the table.
Who is the sore winner who in any other circumstance would be the one flipping the table: Again, there’s no flipping the table but Bellemer….terrible winner who will rub it in people’s faces, though there’s never any malice meant, for at least a couple weeks afterwards.
Who anonymously calls in a bomb threat to end the game early: Oh, Nijo has definitely thought about it. Has never done it…so far. But he’s definitely thought about it.
Who is the smart person who refuses to play in the first place: There is no refusing. Oh, you’re busy? That’s okay, they’ll reschedule it for another time…you decided to bail and go to a restaurant. Guess which group of people find you shortly afterwards? And would you look at that, they just so coincidentally happen to have the game with them. Look, Kiryuin takes his team building ‘fun’ seriously.
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occult-roommates · 1 year
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Cringe failed woman
Akva went outside the house, she needed some air...Or maybe some water, she’s a mermaid after all. Either way, she could no longer stand the overall atmosphere of the previous situation. Athena went outside too, to make sure she was ok, and Akva vented away to her old childhood friend.
She never really enjoyed talking about it, but Akva does feel like a failure for multiple reasons. First of all, growing up kinda poor meant she had always been encouraged to work extra hard to so she could “make it” in life. Though of course, as long as in the end of the day she eventually settles down, gets married with a nice merman and pops out some merbabies. As a woman, it was her duty afterall.
Then she came out as a lesbian, and this expectation fell apart. Her younger relatives such as her siblings accepted her no problem, but her older one...it was an uphill battle. And then when it came out she did had a baby and put her up for adoption in spite of that...Like first she messed up not being a loser, now she’s even messing up being a woman, wow...She tried not to internalize this, but the feeling did caught on to her, and now that she sees she’s not even the best mother for the baby she gave birth to. She knows it’s silly, but it still hurt.
Athena: I mean, I know how you feel...You think I don’t feel like a failure? Akva: Aw, Jay, it’s ok. Enjoying wearing makeup doesn’t make you less of a man, and like we said at the airport, long hair is pretty common in merfolk. Athena: Ak...Akva I...I don’t wanna make this about me but...like
And just like that, Akva figured out where her friend was going with this. This was a bit of a shock, it makes sense considering Athena’s current look, but she 100% did not saw that coming.
Akva: Since when? How long did you know?  Athena: I kinda knew pretty much since I hit puberty, but like, I thought it was just a healthy thought experiment that everyone goes through where you wonder what life would be like if you were born the opposite sex. Then I’d say, around the time Khaled died, so like senior year of high school, I knew for sure. But I knew my parents wouldn’t take it super well, and I felt like I was throwing away my future by coming out, so I tried to repress it...That is until last year, right before my birthday. I didn’t had the courage to tell anyone, but I had to stop lying to myself and that’s when I started doing some stuff like growing my hair out and buying some new clothes. Akva: And why didn’t you just tell June and I? Athena: I knew you too would likely not care, but I was still afraid. Especially since like, look at me, I know I don’t look like a woman! I feel more like a weird crossdresser currently, and I’m worried I’ll never look like one. I didn’t wanted to make everything awkward by just coming out as trans when I don’t pass. Akva: I mean, you’re never gonna pass if you stay closeted.
There was so much guilt involved in her situation too, like, she knew she used to be a pretty attractive dude, and now she’s throwing this away. On top of that, amongst her parents’ three kids, she was the only “son”. 
Athena: And like, I always try to tell myself I’m lucky to be a man. Like, I’ll never have to worry about periods or my life being potentially ruined cause someone nutted in me...I’m sorry that’s the grossest way I could have described an unplanned pregnancy I don’t know why I said it like that. Akva: Well, there is more to being a woman that like...being able to make babies you know. Like, Paisley’s infertile. Athena: Then why do you feel like a failed woman cause you can’t raise a baby?
She got her there.
Akva: Well, I guess we’re both cringe failed women then.  Athena: It’s...My name is Athena by the way. It was hard to pick, I thought about a weird compound name like my old one, but nah, didn’t felt like repeating my parents’ mistake and couldn’t come up with one that sounded as...I don’t know, iconic as Sanjayson. Then I read somewhere about not enough people being named after Greek gods, and like my mom is Greek so I took that opportunity. At first I considered Amphitrite as she is the goddess of the sea, but that was way too much of a mouthful and I couldn’t come up with a good nickname. Everyone knows Athena. I’ve been calling myself that for a good six-seven months now. Akva: Mind if I just call you Thena or Nana? Athena: Of course not! Akva: And also, I have a friend who’s a spellcaster, and I know genderbending potion are a thing, I could try getting you one. Athena: I did consider that, but like, but then I found out how hard they are to come by, especially if you’re not a spellcaster. Akva: I just said I have a friend who can make you one!
Well, that was one hell of a relief for Athena. Now, she just had to repeat it over and over again to everyone she knows, starting with June, and then working her way to her parents. 
As for Akva well, you know...this does explain why she did felt a weird attraction towards her even though she’s a lesbian.
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pbandjesse · 2 years
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I had a really nice day. I am really tired but it was a good day still. Though none of the timing was what we wanted.
I slept alright last night but James woke me up a lot. So they have decided to put an extra blanket on the couch for when they really can't sleep and want a more solid surface.
So this morning was tough. But I got dressed and felt pretty cute. I am not 100% sure I am going to keep this dress but I felt good about myself today. Though I would take off my earrings half way through the day because my lobes hurt. Ah well.
James drove us to the museum. We stopped for breakfast. That made me feel a lot better. And then we were at work. I went to get my programs set up. And Kristen was soon there to set up the other one we were doing today.
We had on our schedule that the group was coming at 845. But there was a typo in one of the emails that had been sent to them. And they weren't actually coming until 945. Oops. So we had a lot of time to chill.
So we hung out in the back and I did my embroidery for the day. Me and Kristen talked about cost per wear and trying to get the most out of the things we have. It was a fun chat. And I enjoyed making my piece for the day.
The group was still running late. So everything felt disjointed. But it was fine.
My group was excellent kids. And I really had a lovely time hanging out with them. We had city builders first and I did the story telling with their buildings at the end and I really think it helped us make connections about how neighborhoods work.
They had lunch next. I had a lot of emails to send. To Jessica and the nursery to try to figure out my schedule for the next couple weeks. And I'm going to be busy! That is good. It makes me feel more secure. Like it'll make our budget go father. But it is hard not accidently double booking things. But I got everything written down and confirmed best I can for now.
We had our neighborhood tour after lunch. And the kids were so cute. There was a regular tour happening so I had to change the order a bit. But that was fine. Because of that some of the kids ran out of coins so I started telling them they were buying things on credit. And they just did a great job listening and being patient. I have been very lucky with my groups lately.
I started really losing steam by the end though. And so I dropped them off at the lunchroom and went to the back while they waited for their bus. I had to sit down. I would sit and put away costumes and reset everything. I really wanted to go home.
I sat with James for a few minutes while I confirmed some work stuff on my phone. And then I got myself together and headed out.
I went up to the dollar store to pick up the Lego boards for the printmaking project tomorrow. And was really excited that they had the hash browns I like. I haven't been able to find them in our grocery store for a while so this was super exciting.
I had a fun little talk with the cashier about some snacks she recommended. And the. I was out and on the road again.
MLK was super backed up. So it took twice as long to get home. But that was fine because I was in such a good mood. Because that nice homeless lady was finally at the corner where I met her before!! And I was able to give her the molecar I had saved for her. I pulled over and o asked if she was who I spoke to before and if she remembered me. And I was like I have this for you and she just seemed so surprised and happy. And then I was super happy. I was like. I have been looking out for you since before Christmas!! When I drove off I looked in my mirror and she seemed to be excitedly telling the guy she was with. I hope she is doing okay right now.
My bright feeling was dampened a little when I got home and realized my package was stolen. I am so mad about it because the email said they left the package at the back door. We don't have a back door?? Do they mean the ally?? So I walked to the ally and didn't see anything. But it's just so stupid. I made a report with UPS. But I am slightly sad about it.
When I came back inside I had to made a new invoice for a workshop. And got cozy in bed. I wanted to nap but I was anxious about waiting for an email that never came. So I couldn't turn my brain off.
I knew we were going to have dinner at Jessica Lebowitz's house at 5. So I was prepared for that. But then James got stuck at work for a whole extra hour. And they were very stressed about that but it was fine. She ended up using the extra hour to tidy up the house and get a shower. So it worked out in the end.
And dinner over there was nice. I forgot she had a lot of animals and while I loved petting them I really should have taken allergy medicine before we left. Thankfully I was able to keep my hands off my face and didn't have a freak out.
Dinner was good. Pasta was very tasty. And I enjoyed the company though we were all tired so some of the conversation was a bit stilted. I still enjoyed it. We talked about work and memories and plans. We got a little tour of the house. And net her dog and her cats. Her roommate came down to say hi. And it was a nice night.
Around 8 we said goodbye and headed out. I was tired. And happy to be back at our little space.
I fed the aquatics. And got a shower. And fixed some stuff that needed gluing. But now we are in bed. I am texting Jess who was at a wedding tonight. And I'm thinking about having some before bed cereal.
And tomorrow I have my last workshop of the series for the national guard. It's the printmaking one and we all know I love printmaking. Wish me luck. I am excited for a good day. And then tomorrow night we are supposed to go see a professional wrestling match?? I loved wwf when I was a kid. So this will be very fun.
Sleep well my friends. I love you all.
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