#superb choice tho anon!!
hanasnx · 6 months
okay on a real note who to cast as nightwing tho?
i’m so fucking glad you asked. here are my fancasts
louis garrel:
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i was trying to find an actor that fit dick’s ethnic background and i think louis did a good job but i can’t remember the specifics bcos i fancasted him so long ago. he fit the look i wanted which is the skin undertone shade, the black fluffy hair, the romantic eyes, and the pronounced nose. he can be very serious but he also looks very boyish when he smiles and jokes, which is another reason he fits dick grayson. the shadows on the bone structure is just superb for a batman-universe movie.
he would appear in a coming of age, 2000s nightwing movie about dick grayson breaking away from the robin mantle to set out on his own separate from bruce. it would span his mistakes and short comings as one half of a whole, and his journey to becoming blüdhaven’s sole protector. it would be more of an external experience for the viewer as the audience, watching from an outside perspective with the appropriate amount of nightwing’s private self reflection. but it would be paired with nightwing’s friends outwardly observing him, which helps him gain self awareness and adjust his protocols accordingly.
lorenzo zurzolo:
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he has a “prettier” look and he’s italian, i believe. so he fits less than my first choice. however, i see the more serious sides of dick grayson in him. i see the romance and break-ups, the drama, and the dark side of gotham’s politics in this film about dick. this is a small project from a small company that lovingly tended to a specific strain of nightwing’s character that we don’t often see. we see him as a resolute pillar of purity and goodness, without compromise and with swiftness and strength. this would be nightwing later on in his years and a stand-alone art piece separate from the main storyline. lorenzo is very conventionally attractive which fits dick as a man who’s pretty enough to draw you in and keep you mesmerized.
i can see people criticizing him for being “too serious” and “nightwing is supposed to be fun” but this would be more of an introspective piece. this would be nightwing inwardly, and how he acts when he’s alone. rather than any performative sense of humor he puts on in other media. this would show the batman’s influence on him as a lean mean machine. also it’s a movie in a diff language in another country
loved this question anon! i’d like to thank @xstarkillerx for helping me develop this bcos i truthfully cannot remember who said what when we first hammered through my list of fancasts
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chitsangenthusiast · 2 years
Clione limacina!
lil guys!!!!!!!!
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[img id: gif of two sea angels swimming]
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riddleredcoats · 5 years
Who's your Bellatrix face claim?
Hi, anon! Thank you for the question!
Like, in general? 
Helena Bonham Carter still does it for me. And while yes, I do have some gripes with her performance in the movies; I get why she did what she did? So, yeah Helena Bonham Carter, yes even young Helena Bonham Carter does it for me for a young!Bellatrix even if some people don’t like it and think Helena is too plain or too pretty to be badass Bella? And yeah, I get it (I guess) but Bellatrix is like fine wine, people, she only gets better with age.
The only thing I’d change is the hair - Bellatrix Black does not walk around with that hair - and the eyes - every Black family member has grey eyes for me y’all. 
But, I’ve seen other great ones. And totally respect those choices and might even take some inspiration from them.
For example, 
Lara Pulver is a GREAT one. Love the eye color, the nose, the jawline. Very good, yes. (Side note; this pic right here is Bellatrix’s hair for me (sorta), as in wavy but not curly or straight)
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Then there’s Katie McGrath? Which fine, I guess, but one of my least favourite popular choices. Not because I don’t like Katie (she’s amazing! Loved her in Merlin, love her in Supergirl), but there is something (and I dunno what?!) too soft for her to be Bellatrix.
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One of the newest (and funnily enough the oldest actress here) I’ve heard, is one that @ionlydrinkonline mentioned, and I loved it? Vivien Leigh, she has the probably the softest jawline in comparison to the others, but that gaze? That poise? The perfect cupid shape of her lips? The utter symmetry of her face? Fucking superb.
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And, of course, the favourite (probably mine too, tbh, aside form HBC) is Eva Green. Almost everything of her is perfect, the poise, the neck, the intensity of her eyes… She’s def a great one, but still doesn’t beat HBC in my book, I think it’s because the face is a little too long and it makes her a lot like an Elf from LotR? I still love her tho. Sorry. xd
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Since this is a little white^tm, and I do have an Muggle AU somewhere where the Blacks are Saudi Arabia moguls (cause oil=rich), here is last that I think only I ever thought of it? Her name is SaufeeyaGoodson, and she’s pretty good, still a little softer than I want but very good.
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poonyo · 5 years
Whats ur favorite film and why?
Oh my god, anon that's such a hard question. I love so many franchises and movies. I guess I could mention my favourite out of each series/franchaise that comes to my mind.
Marvel: Iron Man 3; I love tony stark so much and this movie has such respect for his character and has a really great story and I admire their potrayal of terrorism and its creation. Black Panther comes second tho.
Star Wars: The Phantom Menace; I think this is one of the most well done movies in the saga which will definitely raise some eyebrows but it gives a wide berth for its central female character to take charge of the plot unashamedly and own her own spotlight. I also think they balanced the action and the politics well which is not found in later movements. The world-building is amazing and I just really love it man.
DC: Wonder Woman; look it's a movie about a female superhero with one of the best love stories and a dazzling set of side characters. Nough said.
Disney: Atlantis; explorer discover mystic lostic civilisation with a side plot that discusses themes of invasion and theft of native property is a big yes for me. And I love Mulan and Aladdin as well.
Harry Potter: Prisoner of Azkaban; the cinematography is great and aside for the usual questionable choices concerning Ron's character it's very enjoyable 
I love all the httyd movies so i can't choose between them but they just do all their emotional scenes right and they have a great coming of age story (so sad it's ended)
Single movies:
Pride and Prejudice 2005; it's such a soothing movie and it has a great romance and the acting is superbe.
The Man from UNCLE; I love the spy shenanigans and it has such an entertaining plot.
Okay that's it, I don't have anything else in mind, sorry.
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dk-s · 4 years
i remind you of sunshine??? WRONG bc that's YOU, angel!! and yay!! ur so lucky 🥺 it's getting to be winter for me so i won't be getting to see much sun for a while :( tho on my run today i got to see a very pink/purple sunset and it was very pretty and happy 🥰 and i had a bit of a break from school this week so i got to enjoy it more bc no homework!! altho.. still had to work on uni apps :// how is everything with you?
++ for the red ask game!! can i ask you 🎒,🚗,📕,🉐, and 🇨🇳? (ik it's a lot i'm sorry 😔 & if u feel uncomfy answering any of them, obv don't answer!!)
anyways! i hope you are staying hydrated and well rested <333 SENDING YOU ALL OF THE LOVE 🥺 -age twin anon (is it ok if i keep signing off my asks like this?? i hope i'm not annoying you 🥺 you're just very sweet and lovely and i like talking to you 💛)
first of all, of course!! u can definitely use age twin anon and no!! ur not annoying me at all, you’re so so sweet and enjoyable to hear from and i think u are a whole cutie and no i will not accept anything else!!
im so proud of u!! for going on a run!! because like i never do that even tho i really want to haha <3 and im so happy that u got to see a lovely sunset because those are superb like paint brushed over the sky! and no homework? lucky the school year ends for me next thursday but i have so much work to do so i can be ready for year twelve and of course, uni applications due by march! im still trying to decide where i wanna go to uni!!
and omg yes!! i’ll answer <3
🎒 what’s your favourite school subject? i am a history enthusiast to the very core! i love ancient history and my ideal day is prob spent as a museum <3 but i dont do history at school because my school only offers modern history and its just white men in the 1950s :/ out of the subjects i do? i love human biology!
🚗 can you drive? do you want to? i’ve got the basics (and im a pro at mario kart!) but i wish i was more confident on the road, i’m very tense in any situation like that
📕 what’s your favourite book? i am a sucker for high fantasy and i am a tolkien nerd! my favourite book is called the silmarillion and its set around five thousand years before the lord of the rings! its like a prequel and its so well written but also its so frustrating. 
tolkien has an amazing way with words that makes you feel this surging longing for ancient kings and thrones and the beauties and the wonders of the world! and for the simple things like the comfort of true friendship or the aroma of baking bread and gardening!! but at the same time, that tolkien aes is found in the lord of the rings. 
meanwhile, the silmarillion is just blood fire death betrayal sibling rivalry a healthy sprinkle of torture and a bit more betrayal shiny jewels betrayal kinslaying and murdering your own kind some more blood angsty morally grey characters and sauron is hot and blonde
but something i love about the silmarillion is how no character is truly ever good, even the righteous heroes have made dubious choices and of couse, the fan favourites are the seven brothers and princes called the feanorians (because they’re the sons of feanor) who are the definition of morally grey.
and its so sad because the silmarillion is ultimately a tragedy. you’re not left happy at the end of the book because middle earth has been forever ruined in a concept called arda marred and the damage hewn into both the earth and its people will never be forgotten, entire continents have sunk and the gods have gone to war and so many have been killed. so yes that’s my favourite!
🉐 do you speak another language? my native language is urdu which i can understand very well (so i can hear when my parents are gossiping, especially about me) but i can’t speak it because i’ve never really practiced! i can read and speak a little bit of greek! and i can read arabic and i understand basic german!
🇨🇳 what’s your ethnicity? i’m desi!! im pakistani actually <3
ask me questions
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roominthecastle · 7 years
i just got so excited when I saw that ancient magus bride post alskdjfh I'm watching the anime right now and it's so good. can you rec some more shows/books/movies/whatnot with master/apprentice or age difference ships? that seems to be your thing lol. also, do you know the black magician trilogy? it has a master/apprentice ship and a canon gay couple as well. good stuff.
Thanks so much, excited anon. ;) I’ve had my eyes on those books for a while, but haven’t had the time (and peace & quiet) to read them yet. or anything new for that matter, so as far as rec’ing goes, I might not be able to offer you anything new here if you’ve been around my corner for a little bit longer.
Still, let’s try: (not all of these are romantic per se, mind you. but most are)
Hannibal & Clarice is the biggest, oldest one, the One that set me on this course, I’m sure. The movies and the books are like air. A non-negotiable must.
Grissom & Sara is the other big one for me, so first 9 & half seasons of CSI. Companion novels to the show also carry this dynamic. I’ve only read Cold Burn so far but it has spot-on characterization and captures their relationship v well.
Foyle & Sam is another excellent example and a huge, heart-warming favorite in Foyle’s War.
Petyr & Sansa has me by the throat. Both the Game of Thrones and ASOIAF versions despite the show going off the rails.
The Phantom of the Opera - book & musical (the 25th anniversary version is my personal fave still)
Walter & Astrid in Fringe are a  d e l i g h t. Superb character and actor chemistry couched in great stories.
Severus & Hermione from the HP-verse bc the fics at Ashwinder are some of the finest stuff I have ever read. They just sucked me in, I had no choice.
Victor & Rose from Wild Target. A++++++++++++++ movie. Assassin starts protecting his target instead of killing her, and they accidentally adopt a teenager, too.
Jack & Liz from 30 Rock. GOOD GOD, LEMON!!!!
Sir Malcolm & Vanessa in Penny Dreadful. love love love their relationship, and when the devil takes on Malcolm’s form to seduce her while reciting Keats is… well, damn boy, dunk me in holy water stat
Lord M & Victoria is one of my fairly recent “encounters” in Victoria. I haven’t seen everything yet but what I have seen killed me good.
Also keep an eye on the yet-to-be-aired little newcomer Instinct. Dylan & Lizzie is already a favorite, and I only heard good things about the book (Murder Games by James Patterson) the show is based on.
and even tho it is extremely mishandled now, I still cannot leave out Red and Liz from The Blacklist bc they used to embody the best of these tropes, so if you are not familiar w/ this wreck, I recommend mainlining S1 for the sweet taste bc, in isolation, it still kicks.
oh and probably my favorite book ever, The Book Thief, also has this “Death is admiring a girl from a distance” kinda thing going, and it is so amazingly well-written, it’s somewhere btw poetry and prose.
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