#supercorp medieval au
tinyvariations · 1 year
the black mercy / la miséricorde noire
content warning: violence
Kara has always admired good craftsmanship, and when she finds a sword pressed perilously into the exposed flesh of her neck, its razor-sharp edge biting just enough to paint a thin crimson line onto her skin, she still can’t help but admire the beautiful details forged into the steel - the blade’s faint blue sheen, the delicate swirls etched throughout its length, the way it reflects the dappled sunlight filtering through the tree canopy high above. It’s a gorgeous piece, and the man holding tight to its gilded hilt likely paid handsomely for it in the east, the only region Kara’s seen metal of its equal before. 
Fleetingly, she wonders if her would-be assassin would, given a chance, admire the simple elegance of the stiletto she surreptitiously sinks between the plates of his armor, efficiently bypassing his chainmail and ribs to puncture his lung clean through. 
There’s a singular moment when realization hits the man threatening to end her life - a realization that he, in turn, has gravely erred. His expression slides quickly from smug to confused to shocked, and his sword hand begins to shake, the pain overwhelming. When Kara plunges her blackened blade a second time, shifting the angle to pierce the other lung, all of the fight leaves her foe. Kara steps back, unchallenged, the black, needle-like blade dripping at her side while the man in front of her crumples to the ground, his handsome sword falling, forgotten at his feet. Rivulets of blood, red as cherries, run from his wounds and stain his armor while vivid pink droplets form around his mouth where he struggles to breathe, blood already filling his lungs. 
As Kara steps forward, kneeling quietly at his side, the man’s eyes widen, the stench of fear permeating his body. It’s an acrid scent, pungent, and combined with the sourness of his sweat and the faint hint of metal in the air, it’s enough to make Kara’s stomach lurch.
It’s the smell of battle. The smell of death, imminent. 
Removing the gloves from her hands and removing the gauntlets from his, she takes his trembling hands in one of her own, offering him the small comfort of contact during his last moments. This man, this giant brought low, shivers beside her, gasping and gurgling, facing the agonizing fate of a long, painful death. He holds tight to Kara’s hand. 
“Shhh,” she whispers, leaning over him, holding his gaze. “Your burden is no more, brother. Rao’s light is yours.” Her words are earnest, soft as velvet, and the frantic movements of his eyes slow in response. “Her mercy is yours.” She nods her head, and he mirrors the action in response.  
With a practiced hand, she sinks her blade once more between the plates of his armor, this time through the exposed area of the armpit, the point tearing its way through his heart with precision. A flick of the wrist, and the damage multiplies. By the time she removes the Black Mercy, its blade heavy with blood, he gasps a final breath before the light fades from his eyes. 
With a final squeeze, she lets go of his hand and runs her own lightly over his face, closing his eyelids and ushering in his final rest with a prayer to Rao. It’s a prayer of her own making, one she has used more than she’s cared to. It’s a prayer of thanks, a prayer of regret.
Above all, it’s a prayer for peace.
Standing, Kara wipes the blood from her blade, meticulously cleaning it of its crimson stains and returning it to pristine condition. Unlike the fallen foe’s blade, hers catches no sunlight, its face dark as night. She calls it the Black Mercy, its purpose to end suffering, to finish what must be finished, and to send those who meet its steel to a better life, to the light of Rao.
It hasn’t failed her yet.
She’s peripherally aware of the stories told of her in the dark corners of taverns or the tall tales whispered in the ranks of the Queen’s enemies in Daxam. But Kara, Keeper of the Queen, faithful servant of Rao, takes no pleasure in ending the lives of others. 
Make no mistake, however. Kara will go to the ends of the world to keep her queen, her beloved, safe from all who would see her fall. 
Note: the misericorde was a dagger used in the High Middle Ages to deliver the death stroke to a grievously wounded knight. Its use on the injured was considered an act of mercy, hence its name, “mercy.”
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lucyllawless · 9 months
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Supercorp Medieval Fantasy AU
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 4 months
Medieval Supercorp AU
EDIT: it's this gifset
Continuing from this gif inspiration by @weinzapfel, have this full angstified story overview:
This makes me think Lena and Kara are both noblewomen of a kingdom at peace. They grow up together at court, sharing tutors and charming the king with their adorable antics while they're young enough to be adorable.
And then as they grow older, everyone continues to assume that they're the best of friends, which they are, but little do their parents know that their afternoon rides through the forest take them to a hidden copse of trees where they cuddle gently in dappled sunlight.
Their eventual marriages of politic are a distant future, leaving them with a present that is just the two of them, happy and in love.
Trouble comes, as all trouble must, when the King dies with neither an heir nor a ratified succession plan. The two greatest families in the realm, the Luthors and the Els, each claim a right to the throne, sparking a year of discord and unrest at court. At first, their youth and their stations as younger children of each family leave them out of the fray, but when forces storm the castle one night, all that changes.
Lena and Kara are sequestered together when the assault begins. No one tells them whose family is storming the Citadel, and so they wait in wary apprehension to see which crest comes bursting through the door.
It's the el mayarah.
For a brief moment, Kara is relieved, because she knows her family's forces won't harm Lena. Not if Kara speaks for her. But these soldiers don't heed Kara's protests as they rip Lena from her arms and drag her from the room. Kara struggles to follow, but the soldiers shove her back and lock her in.
By the time she is finally released, she demands to see Lena, decrying her friend's treatment and the brutish actions of her house in taking the stronghold. To her shock, her family knows nothing of Lena's whereabouts. They had stormed the castle, yes, but they hadn't entered the living quarters until that morning.
At first they believe Kara mistaken, but the staff confirm they witnessed the same. A search of the castle is ordered, but no trace of Lena remains to be found. She has disappeared, and with no Lena to present as proof of her survival, the Luthor family not only refuse to acknowledge the Els as the rightful rulers, they swear vengeance for the murder of their beloved daughter, cruelly mistreated and killed by the rebels.
Years pass, and the realm falls into further turmoil. The Els maintain their hold on the citadel, but the Luthors have established their own capital city safe on the far side of the northern mountains. Lex Luthor and Kal El have destroyed each other in the conflict-- Lex on the battlefield, and Kal at the hands of a Luthor assassin in retribution.
Kara is now the surviving heir, though her family elders rule in her stead as she gets a crash course in regency. It’s hard for her to embrace her duties however, as doubt eats away at the back of her mind as to what happened to her best friend. With no answers, she wonders if her family did in fact had something to do with her disappearance and presumed death. She has nightmares, none of which she clearly remembers but leaves her with a deep unease she can’t shake. For years, she struggles to rise above and be what her family needs, but can’t fully engage in her role with half her soul missing.
Then one day Kara’s having a rare moment of escapism, participating in a hunt with some of her closest friends. During a break, one of the scouts comes thundering in through the brush. Kara’s tease about scaring off the game dies on her lips when she sees the page’s frantic gaze and desperate puffing breath.
“Your Majesty-- we’ve found something.”
Something is a pit set into the ground, deep enough that the sunlight filtering in through the canopy can’t find the bottom. Their torchlight can, and Kara’s blood chills at the sight of iron shackles dangling on long chains from a bolt in the wall. 
“What is this place?” she asks, half to herself. Her mind races, piecing the puzzle together. If this was a prison, then there must have been traffic to and from. Her eyes scan the forest floor around the mouth of the pit, and feels her heart seize when the light of her torch glints against something metal half-hidden among the detritus. “Nobody move.”
Her party all freezes, and Kara reaches down and lifts the golden chain of a familiar necklace from the dirt. From it dangles the crest of the House of Luthor, adorned with a long tear drop pearl.
“Is that...”
“Clear out. Retrace your own footsteps. If there’s tracks, we need to find them.”
There are no tracks. Lena’s pendant is tarnished with time and the elements. If Lena had been there, it had been months ago, if not years. For the first time wielding the powers vested in her as the royal heir, Kara launches another wide scale search, the largest since Lena’s initial abduction. 
This time, they find her.
Deep in a vassal’s dungeon, royal guards find Lena chained in the dark, pale and gaunt from years of imprisonment. The vassal lord is arrested and held for questioning, while Lena is installed and seen to in proper rooms on the estate until she’s well enough to travel. Kara’s duties keep her from traveling to the vassal’s holdings herself, but the moment Lena arrives back in the capital she’s aching to visit, but heeds her mother’s warning to let Lena get comfortable first, so that she isn’t overwhelmed. She’s been sleeping most of her days regardless. So Kara gives her a day to settle in, but when evening falls, she can’t wait a moment longer.
She knocks softly on Lena’s door, and enters on shaking legs. Lena sits wrapped in a shawl near the windows, which have been left open to admit the cool evening breeze. It’s a long moment before Lena turns to regard her, and when she does, she rises only to dip into a deep curtsy.
“Your Majesty.”
“Lena--” Kara surges towards her, to lift Lena to equal footing, to embrace her, to hold her so tight she’d never let go... But Lena recoils from her touch, and Kara stops short. “I’m sorry, I-- I didn’t mean...”
But Lena can’t meet her gaze, and in her features Kara reads the distrust, the suspicion. And in that moment Kara knows that Lena believes that her family ordered her imprisonment. 
“We didn’t order it,” Kara says.
Lena nods, but says nothing, gaze still askance. Her discomfort is plain, and so Kara does the only thing she can. She turns to leave. 
“Word has been sent to your family. At this time of year, the mountains will be impassable, but I give you my word that you will be safe here until they are able to send an emissary to collect you.”
Just before she leaves, Lena finally speaks. “I still dream of you,” she whispers, trembling with tears. “Every time I reach for you, you disappear into the darkness. I don’t-- I don’t think I’ll survive if I reach for you again and you’re not there.”
Kara pauses, then returns to stand before Lena. Her head is bowed, tears glistening on her cheeks. Kara’s own throat locks around the sobs rising in her chest. 
“Then let me reach for you.”
She slowly, carefully, reaches up and cups Lena’s damp cheeks between her palms. The moment their skin touches, a sob pulls from Lena’s chest, and finally she reaches for Kara, clinging to her as the years of fear and helplessness releases in a flood of tears. Kara holds her all through the night, spilling no small amount of tears herself. 
When morning comes, the light shines on them both, together once more.
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bigmammallama5 · 2 years
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On the evening of the fifth day Lena spotted the tops of the Uppsala territory posts in the misty dusk. It marked the line into neutral ground, and a sigh of relief rippled through the caravan as they passed between two pillars. Lena sucked in a deep breath as her horse plodded past the nearest post and looked up at it, her face chilled from the dew as she clutched at the reins and the high pommel of her saddle.
And then something tapped gently at the back of her mind.
Lena froze in her saddle and listened, her heart in her throat as the tapping continued.
Or, the second and most likely final fic of my enjoyably messy Viking/Seer AU, this time from Lena’s eyes. Please read the tags and author’s note before proceeding, and I hope you enjoy reading! <3
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jadedloverart · 1 year
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Queen Of The Damned
Complete - 13/13
Words: 74,000
Illustrations included
Under the rule of King Alexander Luthor, the kingdom of Argo falls into chaos when a rampant infection causes the dead to rise, spreading like a plague to the far corners of the land. In the madness, an unexpected liaison is formed between the princess and a lowly cook. Together, they rebel against the new order of things, uniting the fractured land and bringing order to their world.
The medieval supercorp zombie AU
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labellewolf13 · 1 year
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obliviouskara · 5 months
ive read so much supercorp au idek what canon is anymore? what is that? its a figment of my imagination
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noctilia · 2 years
Happy international women’s day, have a bunch of medieval Supercorp AU mostly inspired by @jazzfordshire’s fic
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thatonebirdwrites · 2 months
Compliation of fic I wrote
So for the Holidays, here's a masterlist of Fics I've written:
On AO3:
TLOK: How Was Those Three Years?
TLOK: Asami's Hidden Box of Letters and Poetry
TLOK: Is This A Romance?
TLOK: Spirit World Vacation
TLOK: Shared Moments Series: Book 1, Book 1.5, Book 2, Book 2.5, Book 3, and Book 3.5
Supergirl: Supercorp Endgame Series: Confession and Unraveling Realities
Supergirl: Terminal Velocity, Texts, and Cats
Supergirl: You Are the Only One Who Sees Me, Trusts Me, and Believes in Me
Supergirl: Reach For The Sky
Supergirl: Tear Apart the World To Save You
Supergirl: Lena's Grimorie
Supergirl: Books of Destiny (where most of my oneshots will be posted)
Supergirl: You Call This Archaeology?
Supergirl: Shattered
On Tumblr (Slowing porting to AO3):
Supergirl: Boardgame Practice
Supergirl: Kara crashing Lena's Date
Supergirl: Reach For The Sky (Hiking and Recovery)
Supergirl: Indiana Jones AU Idea for Supercorp
Supergirl: Sam Confronts Kara Over Her Hurting Lena
Supergirl: Kara's Love of Misshapen Pumpkins
Supergirl: Confession
TLOK: Rain and Thunder AU
Supergirl: An Analysis of Risk (my continuation of FazedLight's ficlet)
TLOK: Endless Autumn
Supergirl: Balcony Scene
Supergirl: She Wants Me For Me
Supergirl: Medieval AU
Supergirl and TLOK: Crossover Shenanigans
Supergirl: Color Out of Space
Supergirl: Building Inspection and Lava
Supergirl: Happy and Carefree
Supergirl: Some of Lena's Handmade Spells
Supergirl: The Food Stand
Supergirl: Secret Wedding
Supergirl: The Golden Potato
Supergirl: Lena Regrets Reading Supergirl Smut (But not really)
Supergirl: Matching Tattoos
Supergirl and TLOK: A tale of Two Gentle Moments Supergirl: Cold of Death, Warmth of Love
My Original Fiction (characters from my Elivera world): A Short Trip
Supergirl: Memories
Supergirl: Fallout AU
Supergirl: Nia's Lessons on Intuition
Korrasami: Alternate Start to Book 3.5
Supergirl: Shattered excerpt 1 and Excerpt 2
Supergirl: Kara Finally Gets It With Mxy's Help
Original Fiction: Excerpt from The Lost Ones
Supergirl: The Watch
Supergirl: You're not even a real woman
Supergirl: Cheating Death and Part 2 and Part 3 and Part 4
Ethical Problems With DEO
Nonfiction Essays Concerning Issues That Impact Human Beings
Ableism used as a Buzz Word and an Analysis on Accessible Spaces
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suzukiblu · 8 months
may I ask if you have any fic recs handy?? dw if not
Hmmm, well, let's see, what have I read recently that I especially liked . . .
. . . oh okay yeah I got way too into this, lol. wELP, such is life!!
Eyes Like Kryptonite, by dragonez. Supercorp. Lena Luthor gets an either time or dimensionally-displaced Kryptonian on her balcony who inexplicably seems to think a Luthor can help him, and then she has to deal with that. Kara does not love this development (but definitely loves Lena) and Conner just wants to get home to his family.
I Want It That Way, by WynterSky. TimKon. I cannot even explain to you how good this fucking fic is. Just--TimKon, but make it 90's. Why are you still here? Go read it. Go read it NOW.
Catherine/Bruce Medieval AU, by iselsis and PotatoLady. Catherine/Bruce, past Catherine/Willis. What it says on the tin, and also omegaverse. I am WAY too into this fic, hah, "Bruce saves Catherine and takes in her and Jason both" is so, so small a genre but so, so GOOD a genre. [ tw: past rape ]
You and me and them. Let's be pack. Let's show the world we chose each other, by Ace_of_Hearts4444. TimKon. Tim finds out Kon is a newly-presented stray omega in an AU where being packless is a Big Fucking Problem and Young Justice has some fucking FEELINGS about that fact.
The tale of a cat who stole a diamond boy, by Ace_of_Hearts4444. TimKon. I'm not really into "Tim is Stray/Catlad" AUs, but I am VERY into this TimKon concept. Also, like yes, obviously Tim is exactly unhinged enough to do this.
in the shadows, by Kieron_ODuibhir. Batman was Bruce Wayne's imaginary friend, but now he's Dick Grayson's. I could cut a bitch for more of this concept, oh my GOD. 💔
A Hummingbird Suspended, by poisonivory. Thad/Match. Thad gets out of the Speed Force and wants to fuck shit up, but unfortunately Match is very attractive and has even more unfortunately grown some morals.
Gut Feeling, by Ao3time. Lois finds a superclone in a lab and welp he's hers now. No takebacksies.
With Violet Light, by Evilpixie. Jason Todd wants to blow up the Batmobile and ends up a Star Sapphire. There's, uh, an adjustment period.
This isn't how things are supposed to go. But we've always been unorthodox., by RenkonNairu. Superbat, TimKon. Kryptonian omegas are not the same as human ones, and human alphas are not the same as Kryptonian ones. And therefore Bruce Wayne and Tim Drake are having a fucking time of it with Clark Kent and Conner Luthor, and Lex is just doing his damnedest to ruin as much shit as he possibly can. [ tw: rape ]
Talk That Slick Talk, by thebodydies. Kenan/Kon. Kenan meets a weirdly friendly stranger who's apparently trying to pick him up. Kon is literally just wearing fucking glasses, man. Also I desperately need more of this pairing, especially in this interpretation, please and thank you. [ this is just smutty kinky smut and you should immediately go bask in it ]
( annnnnd not-DC-but-still-superheroes bonus round!! )
I wanna be that guy (the girl under you), by Stackthedeck. SpideyTorch. Peter Parker/Johnny Storm + kink = gender?? [ more kinky smut for you to go bask in!! ]
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xactodreams · 1 year
Supercorp Fic Recs
for the anon who asked me for fic recs—
first let me shamelessly self promote a fic a very dear friend of mine wrote, whom I collaborated with to format into an actual CatCo magazine. (that I totally printed out and got Katie to sign)
Her Brother's Keeper by ProfessorSpork
A CatCo Magazine exclusive by Kara Danvers Photos by James Olsen
Chapters:  3/3  Words:  7,910
(artwork is chapter 3)
Completed works I’ve read more than once
A Ribbon at a Time by abcooper After Lex Luthor defeated Superman, after the courts declared him innocent, after CADMUS rose to power, 16 year old Kara Danvers went into hiding. Five years later, a chance encounter with L-Corp CEO Lena Luthor throws her back into everything she's been running from.
Chapters: 5/5  Words: 27,929
We Need a New Song by uhpockuhlipz the ballet AU that's mostly not actually about ballet.
Chapters: 17/17  Words: 70,495
The Laws of Fate by sten06 A soulmate story with a twist. Lena has the ability to see the red string of fate, and the power to change it from one holder to another. She meets her match, after years of pining, but she's left having to make an agonizing decision.
Chapters: 7/7  Words: 85,760
Supergirl In Training by wtfoctagon Lena Luthor doesn't plan to have any kids. Or to get married, even, really. After the revelation that she is actually of Luthor blood after all, she's quite set on ending the family line with her and not taking the risk of any more drama.
Then Lorelai L. Danvers crashes into her life, claiming to be her seventeen year old daughter from the future.
Chapters: 19/19  Words: 71,381
listen closely and the stars will sing by celaenos Lena casts her mind around for the last time she felt this unmoored, this off-balance, by a woman, and can't come up with anything. Kara Danvers is unlike anybody that Lena has ever met; the sweetest, bubbliest person Lena’s yet to come across, and simultaneously one of the saddest, who is probably lying to everyone that she meets. It’s an impossible contradiction to wrap your head around, and Lena should probably stop hiding in this bathroom and trying.
(Or, Kara and Lena get parent-trapped into a relationship by a goofy little alien.)
Chapters: 14/14  Words: 118,667
The Fifth Wall by Black_Tea_and_Bones Kara goes to bed with Mon-El, and wakes up with Lena Luthor.
But it isn't Kara’s bed, and they’re not in Lena’s apartment, and that is definitely not their baby... Right?
Chapters: 29/29  Words: 109,273
Something Borrowed by janewithawhy Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue. Three weddings and the two women who attend them.
Chapters: 3/3  Words: 49,473
An Ocean of Fire by IcarusAndHerSun Medieval AU
Kara Zor-El, princess of Krypton, was a prisoner – and she was scheduled to become a martyr.
Chapters: 47/47  Words: 139,568
leave tomorrow behind (series) by Jazzfordshire Kara is a sexless housewife in 1969, feeling trapped and not knowing why. But when mysterious, kind-hearted Lena Luthor moves in next door, hosting swinger’s parties but ignoring the men, Kara’s whole world shifts on its axis.
Works: 2  Words: 53,961
there's a big old moon shining down at night by Jazzfordshire Needing to get away from the stress of her job for a few months, Lena buys a summer lake house in the most remote town she can find. She fully intends on keeping to herself, resting, and interacting as little as possible with the local colour.
That is until her car breaks down, and the town mechanic happens to be the hottest woman she’s ever seen.
Chapters: 7/7  Words: 71,987
run the red out by searidings red daughter is dead, yes, but she's not gone. not really. kara (and lena) have to come to terms with what that means.
Chapters: 4/4  Words:  69,797
you and me (and you makes three) by searidings fourteen-year-old kara shows up in present-day lena's office. things go about as well as could be expected.
Chapters: 1/1  Words: 10,478
i'll be cleaning up bottles with you on new year's day by robie In which Kara is a whole entire idiot, Alex is a permanent mood, and Lena is just glad Kara is there for her, as her fake wife, while she recovers from another quarterly attempt on her life.
Chapters: 1/1  Words: 6,400
let all your damage damage me by searidings after the horror of the phantom zone, lena helps kara heal however she can.
Chapters: 1/1  Words: 25,169
WIPs I’m Currently Obsessed With
Evil by Marieke_things_dreams_and_stuff Following the 100th episode of Supergirl, Metallo Lena crosses universes and ends up at LuthorCorp, set on getting her revenge on Supergirl. Kara not only has to deal with someone trying to kill her again, she also has to explain to her best friend why and how her carbon-copy is walking around LuthorCorp, and has to keep her sister from actually killing the Other Lena.
And why is it easier to talk to the Other Lena who wants to kill her than it is to talk to her actual best friend?
Chapters: 14/15  Words: 168,305
Queen Of The Damned by JadedLover The medieval supercorp zombie AU
Chapters 9/10  Words: 51,236
Honorable Mentions
with the birds i'll share this lonely view by searidings something terrible happens at mount norquay. kara and lena have to try to pick up the pieces.
Chapters: 3/3  Words: 41,713
don't go slow 'cause you're gonna be someone by robie The Wedding Date AU, inspired by the movie
Chapters: 6/6  Words: 59,904
is it gravity (or are we fallin' in love?) by coffeeshib Kara isn’t dating. Lena isn’t dating. Kara and Lena try not dating each other. Even if the lines start to blur a little. Even if they do the most girlfriend things.
They won’t date.
They won’t.
Chapters: 13/13  Words: 151,305
The Power of Deliverance by sten06 Kara as Persephone and Lena as Hades ;)
Chapters: 12/12  Words: 178,370
pour me a drink by lunchables a celebrity/bartender au
Chapters: 24/24  Words: 277,261
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luthordamnvers · 11 months
20 questions game
Thank you @fazedlight for the tag!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Currently 10.
2. What’s your total AO3 words count?
196,109 words out at this very moment.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Supergirl. Most notably Supercorp. I've written Dansen, and there is a Rojarias WIP somewhere.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
As you wish (Medieval AU) I don't like that falling feels like flying 'til the bone crush (Post S6, except Kara had an ex-girlfriend) A Battlefield Proposal (takes place in 619) Feeling the weight of the sun (Here we come, blue and green) (DEBS AU) Instead of hate, please pass the scones (S5 fic)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes, I try my best to reply to all! Sometimes it takes me a while because I save them for depression hours. The only fic I have not replied to all the comments is "A Battlefield Proposal" and that's because people be asking about a sequel, and Idk how to respond to that...
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't know her.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
All my fics have happy endings, it's a necessity.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not so far. I've been very lucky in that sense.
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I- tried? Like There are 2 fics when there is smut. Is it good? idk. I know it's that writing smut is FREAKING HARD, and I tip my hat to every smut writer out there.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Not really? At most I wrote Donna Troy (Wonder Girl) from Titans in a fic. But it was a glorified cameo, for my nefarious purposes. Have I even watched Titans? No. But I needed the vibe.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, as far as I know.
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Not yet. But I do plan on bamboozling someone into writing an AU with me, just because they know a lot about the topic.
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
Listen, I wracked my brain thinking about this. But Supercorp got me back into writing after over a decade. I'm still living with the brainrot, the others ships have faded after a few months. Close second is Korrasami, tho.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I started drafting a fic where Kal confronts Kara for revealing her identity, and how it puts his identity in danger. And how he doesn't trust Lena, and Kara goes bananas because of it. But I don't think I will finish that version of the fic. Maybe another iteration, tho.
16. What are your writing strengths?
No idea, dialogue? Connecting plot? Outlining?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Actually writing.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
English is my another language. So I do that constantly. If have to write any other language, I'll try to ask someone who's a native speaker, after going through a translator.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
As you wish I had SO much fun writing it. And It was a short fic, so I didn't have to wreck my head thinking too much about it. Then, DEBS AU which was the polar opposite. It was long, and I fried my brain trying to translate the movie (one of my favorites) to a story that made sense for the characters, and still felt fresh but still with the essence of both the movie and the show.
Tags, but no pressure: @awaitingrain @hrwinter @innamorament0 @helpbutton95 @nottawriter
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appropriatelystupid · 11 months
20 questions
got tagged by @fazedlight and i don’t want to deal with my work emails anymore rn so yeah let’s do this
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
only 5 on ao3 rn
2. What’s your total AO3 words count?
23,872 (tbh i’m surprised it’s even that high)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
now only live and breathe supercorp but i’ve got a couple avalance too
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
well there’s only 5 so all of them but my s3 alt reveal is the top
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i try to but i’m only really good at it usually right after i post. the ones that come in randomly later are harder for me for some reason
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i guess the reveal fic is technically the angstiest because it’s open ended but i don’t much care for angst so i’d never end one with it
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
oof idk maybe cat naps but that’s mostly because i wanted to write about my cats without writing about my cats
8. Do you get hate on fics?
not to my memory
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
i never have and it’s not necessarily ruled out but it’s not a hurdle i’ve attempted just yet
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
i never have but the craziest idea for one i’ve ever had is my zara young/mason weaver au
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
don’t think so. that honor seems to be reserved for my gifs
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
not to my knowledge
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
definitely not i’d feel bad if i couldn’t find motivation
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
supercorp is making a strong case since it’s mostly what i engage with but bones/booth is the otp
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
i desperately want to finish my wips but there are certainly ideas that may never come to fruition
16. What are your writing strengths?
outlining what i want it to be
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
actually writing it out
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
it makes me nervous to get it wrong so i’m a big proponent of leaving it in english but indicating that it’s not being said as such
19. First fandom you wrote for?
bones back in my ff.net days
20. Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
idk that it counts since it’s still just a draft and only really exists as a stream of consciousness on here but i really love my modern medieval times au
tags if you want a distraction like i did: @inkedroplets @dancedance-resolution @mike-wachowski @missluthorwillseeyounow @silv3reyedstranger @sideadde
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lostariels medieval au best supercorp fic ever. you agree
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jadedloverart · 9 months
Tumblr media
~ The Medieval Zombie AU ~
Chapter 12/13
Summary: Even the mountains once flowed like water.
Next: The Epilogue
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ao3feed-supercorp · 2 years
Eclipse of the Heart
by asamara
“It’s a very rare occasion, when Rao and Selune are reunited in the sky. Even after spending so many years apart, their bond remains strong, fated to be brought back together,” her mother had once told her when Kara was only a child.
The Luthors are a vampire regime who’ve taken control of nearly the entire continent. Eons ago, Lena swore an oath to the goddess of the moon to protect the realm against the evils of her family. She spent years protecting Kara, a princess of the sun city Argo who has inexplicable powers, from the grasps of her family.
Now that Kara is a fully fledged royal knight, the two cross paths again. Seeking justice for the deaths of her family, Kara, alongside her friends, march on Luthor Manor. What she isn’t expecting is to find Lena there, fighting for her life. This time, it’s Kara doing the saving.
Words: 2076, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Supercorp Medieval AUs
Fandoms: Supergirl (TV 2015)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F
Characters: Kara Danvers, Kara Zor-El, Lena Luthor, Alex Danvers, Lillian Luthor, Lex Luthor, J'onn J'onzz | Hank Henshaw
Relationships: Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor, Alex Danvers & Kara Danvers
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Medieval, Medieval AU, DnD AU, this is part of the story of two OC characters from Erosium reflavored to Kara and Lena, SuperCorp, Knight Kara Danvers, Vampire Lena Luthor, Kara has powers but not Supergirl powers, Magic Powers
from AO3 works tagged 'Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor' https://ift.tt/5rTuHsS via IFTTT https://ift.tt/5rTuHsS
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