kargyle · 2 years
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beginning, middle and end
ships: Dustin/El tags:   Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Collage, Future Fic, Fluff, Reconnecting, Tutoring summary: At 19, Jane 'El' Hopper has been separated from her friends for what feels like an eternity now that they're all in college. But thanks to her need for some tutoring, she's about to be reunited. wordcount: 2927 written for: @st-rarepair-week day 4
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cuddlesomeone · 1 month
and speaking of fanfics i have had multiple requests for gohan/videl with oozaru shenanigans so i can complete the holy trifecta of alien monkey monster/human earthling who loves him ships
and i am WAYYYY too busy to do it rn
i am rotating it in my brain. so. someday perhaps
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my community theatre is doing Little Shop of Horrors in January next year (but the auditions are next month because there will likely be a winter break in the middle) and I was like "it's a fun show but I don't know who I'd go for if I auditioned, there aren't any roles that really suit me"
and my dad goes "I dunno, it could be fun to see you as Seymour"
so guess what I'm going for now
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princesscolumbia · 1 year
So I had a thought about SexPal vs. Harrow
Both Palamedes and Harrowhark are both geniuses, and even Plamedes believes that Harrow is smarter than he is, but that begs the question, then, why did Sextus figure more things out quicker than Harrow did?
Coming from an entire family of Extremely High Intelligence people (nearly everyone on my dad's side of the family is some form of supergeek with careers in engineering, bio-sciences, computing technology, and that one uncle that nobody quite knows what he does but it's government-adjacent and he's not allowed to talk about it), I think I landed on the answer; knowledge of people.
By dint of his touch-psychic ability, plus the very obviously more social nature of The Sixth House, means that Palamedes has needed, by pure necessity, to bend some of his intellect to understanding the people about whom his magic gives him the information and with whom he must interact.
By contrast, Harrow had one (1) friend/rival/sibling/classmate/conspirator/bully growing up, and then at the moment she lost her parents and gained control of all of Drearburh she locked down The Ninth House, further limiting her already limited chances to interact with people at all. Her intellect had completely unfettered freedom to pursue knowledge and research for its own sake, ignoring the human component entirely if she so chose. Even the very finite contact with the people her magic was useful for was really only good after said people were already dead, as bone magic isn't really good for much besides maybe dentistry or chiropractic work.
Coming back to my family for a hot second; that one uncle who by nature of his work means he doesn't have much contact outside his job? He's terrible at people. He genuinely doesn't get how to people whatsoever. My aunt, who's the "black sheep" of the family and went into bio-sciences (not going into a pure technology-related field? How gauche!), deals with microorganisms and, as a hobby, dabbles in food science. Both of these vocations are about people and how they interact with the world in some fashion, so my aunt is leagues better than my uncle at people-ing. If there's a sociological element to any problem the family might have, we all know to go to my aunt and never my uncle.
The reason SexPal figures out the (imperfect) Lyctorhood before Harrow, the reason he's confused by her failure to have "solved it" like he did, is because being a lyctor involves another person so intimately they might as well be an extension of your own soul. Harrow grew up being terrified of people knowing her on that level so all her intelligence inherently tries to reject any application of people-ing to any problem she's trying to solve.
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tagedeszorns · 6 months
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Nerdy mages, pen&paper-edition.
My "The Dark Eye"-character Carolan. He is a rail-thin, 1,95m supergeek with no idea how the world works outside of the academy, where he has spent the last 15 years of his 20 year life. Good for him he's traveling with such worldly friends as Storko the Tearer, Fiana "Oh, I'm not a witch"-Fuxfell and Arielle the erm .. Captain.
What could possibly go wrong?
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ilikepearszine · 6 months
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We are sure no one reading this has ever had a kitchen night mare right? Well our intrepid supernatural beings have a few to get through in I Like Pears 2, including this one by SuperGeek!
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suprchnk · 2 years
Climate change isn’t real and Greta is certifiably on the spectrum (also coached if you didn’t know)
… seethe harder supergeek
did it make you feel like any less of a dipshit stringing these words together?
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eternal--returned · 2 months
RON ASHETON: Me and Dave Alexander were supergeeked on bands. We were always sitting around listening to records and talking about the Beatles or the Stones. We even had a band—well, sort of a band. We were called the Dirty Shames. We would play along to records and say, "We're great!" Then we'd take the record off and say, "Whaaa? Hey, maybe this isn't sounding too good." We built up the reputation that we were a great band, because we never played. We were actually called down to Discount Records one time, to meet this guy who was promoting the first Rolling Stones show at the Olympia Stadium in Detroit. He wanted the Dirty Shames to open for the Stones We were all excited, until we realized, Wow, we can't even play! So we told the guy, "I think we're going to be auditioning out in L.A." A little while after that Dave tells me, "Hey, I'm going to England, you wanna go?" So I sold my motorcycle. I had a Honda 305 that I got instead of getting a car when I got my driver's license. So we sold the bike and flew to England. We went to see the Who at the Cavern. It was wall to fucking wall of people. We muscled through to about ten feet from the stage, and Townshend started smashing his twelve-string Rickenbacker. It was my first experience of total pandemonium. It was like a dog pile of people, just trying to grab pieces of Townshend's guitar, and people were scrambling to dive up onstage and he'd swing the guitar at their heads. The audience weren't cheering; it was more like animal noises, howling. The whole room turned really primitive-like a pack of starving animals that hadn't eaten in a week and somebody throws out a piece of meat. I was afraid. For me it wasn't fun, but it was mesmerizing. It was like, "The plane's burning, the ship's sinking, so let's crush each other." Never had I seen people driven so nuts that music could drive people to such dangerous extremes. That's when I realized, This is definitely what I wanna do. When Dave and I got home we got kicked out of school because we had superlong hair. I'd also grown the giant sideburns. I had knee-high Beatle boots the big leather kind with the big Cuban heels—a leather vest, and a turtleneck. The counselor completely freaked and said, "This won't do!" So I said, "Fuck it," and started hanging out in front of Discount Records, where Iggy worked inside. In 1966, Iggy was still Jim Osterberg, who was a straight kid when I met him in high school. He hung out with the popular kids that wore chinos, cashmere sweaters, and penny loafers. Iggy didn't smoke cigarettes, didn't get high, didn't drink. He worked in the Discount Records store after school, and that's when I got to know him better. That's where my brother Scott and Dave Alexander always hung out—out front of Discount Records, spitting on cars.
Legs McNeil & Gillian McCain ֍ Please Kill Me: The Uncensored Oral History of Punk (1996)
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olipopart · 10 months
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🇬🇧 Black Friday at Supergeek​!!! Up to 50% off and 2x1 offers! ⚡👕 —— www.supergeek.de/es/partners/shop/518 —— 🇪🇸 Black Friday en Supergeek!!! Descuentos de hasta el 50% y ofertas 2x1! ⚡👕 —— #olipopart #supergeek #tshirts #tees #hoodies #blackfriday #videogames #lucasarts #monkeyisland #scummbar #grog #pirates #graphicadventure #pointnclick
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dekaticar · 11 months
SuperGeek: Cae la venta mundial de smarthphones
En esta edición de SuperGeek en Cooperativa, revisamos el informe de Counterpoint Research que reveló una caída en la venta de teléfonos inteligentes en el mundo. La industria exhibe en el último trimestre los números más bajos de la década.
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A grande Simone não para!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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gazeta24br · 2 years
O metaverso é uma realidade digital alternativa, como um mundo paralelo, composto por diferentes categorias. A visão de consenso, pelo menos hoje, é de que o metaverso se torne algo em que as pessoas mergulhem profundamente, em vez de algo que simplesmente visualizam. Assim como acontece com outras tecnologias transformadoras, como a nuvem e a Inteligência Artificial, cujas evoluções duram décadas e moldarão o futuro. Mas, que papel as mulheres desempenharão nesse universo?   De acordo com relatório de junho de 2022 da McKinsey, sobre a criação de valor no metaverso, assim como no setor de tecnologia como um todo, as mulheres representam uma minoria na economia nesse setor. Tanto o capital empreendedor quanto os papéis de CEO no espaço do metaverso, permanecem desproporcionalmente reservados aos homens.   A pesquisa aponta ainda que apenas cerca de 8 a 10 por cento dos membros de organizações são lideradas por executivas do sexo feminino. Na SuperGeeks – primeira e maior escola de programação e robótica para crianças e adolescentes do país, a liderança feminina prevalece, com três figuras femininas à frente do negócio: Vanessa Ban (Fundadora e CFO), Cássia Ban (CEO) e Tatiana Shiozaki (COO).   Empreendedora nata, Vanessa Ban, formada em letras, uniu-se a seu marido, Marco Giroto, na fundação da SuperGeeks. Desde 2019, a empreendedora se mantem como CFO (Chief Financial Officer) da marca SuperGeeks.   Também em 2019, Cássia Ban, assumiu o cargo de CEO deixado por Marco Giroto. Cássia começou ajudando na área de atendimento aos clientes e relacionamento com os pais dos alunos e logo virou gerente da primeira unidade da SuperGeeks, localizada na Vila Mariana. Com o início das operações no sistema de franchising, virou Gerente de Franquias, responsável pelo relacionamento e suporte de todos os franqueados da rede.   Agora em 2022, foi a vez de Tatiana Shiozaki. A pós-graduada em Gerenciamento de Projetos, aceitou o desafio de ajudar no crescimento da marca no Brasil e no exterior, assumindo o cargo de COO da SuperGeeks no país. A oportunidade surgiu graças ao excelente trabalho de gestão na unidade de Itu, município do estado de São Paulo, durante quase cinco anos.   Além de apoiar o empreendedorismo feminino, o principal objetivo da SuperGeeks é fazer com que os alunos dominem as habilidades do século XXI, abrindo caminhos para se tornarem empreendedores e profissionais com propósito, plantando em suas mentes a semente da inovação.   “Mostrar o valor do que ensinamos para essas crianças e jovens que entram na SuperGeeks sem saber o que é lógica de programação e após alguns anos, até mesmo meses, saem como programadores, com empregos conquistados através do que ensinamos, é gratificante, emocionante e faz tudo valer a pena”, comenta a COO Tatiana Vieira Shiozaki Barros.   Para saber mais sobre a SuperGeeks, acesse:  https://supergeeks.com.br/   Sobre a SuperGeeks  Fundada em 2014, a SuperGeeks é a primeira e maior escola de Programação e Robótica para crianças e adolescentes do Brasil. Com mais de 4 mil alunos matriculados, a rede atende crianças entre 05 e 17 anos que fazem cursos para aprender Ciência da Computação, a partir do desenvolvimento de games, do conhecimento em Robótica, Realidade Virtual e Aumentada, Inteligência Artificial e também por meio da criação de aplicativos e sistemas web, incluindo questões de redes de computadores e servidores.   A rede oferece três tipos de cursos: Regulares (Ciência da Computação, Robótica,  ou SuperKids – anuais), Extras (Youtuber, Programação  no Roblox ou Programação no Minecraft – bimestrais) e QuickCodes (Criando Games 2D ou Robótica com Arduíno – mensais).
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blackrush · 4 years
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Are jute bags still a thing? 🤔🥰💕
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brightxswan · 4 years
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Love my new shirt ❤
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bakenekomusume · 5 years
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“Look at that! They call this a castle?" I’m in love with my @supergeek.de T-shirt 💕💕 #supergeek #howlsmovingcastle #ootd #belledelphine #pokimane #gamergirl #studioghiblitattoo #spiritedawaytattoo #sailormoon #aesthetic #aesthetictumblr #tumblr #tumblrgirl #alternative #alternativegirl #alternativemodel #pastelpink #peachy #aestheticfeed #cutefeed #cuteaesthetic #pinkpastel #kawaii #kawaiigirl #pinkfeed #gamer #nerd #pinkaesthetic#instaaesthetic https://www.instagram.com/p/B2EwnxKoeHj/?igshid=11titmn8nor0z
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