#supergirl 2023
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PIC(S) INFO: Spotlight on promotional materials, film stills, etc... of American actress & Hollywood newcomer Sasha Calle as Kara Zor-El in the sci-fi/action/comic-book movie adaptation of "The Flash" (2023), directed by Andy Muschetti. Warner Bros. Pictures/DC Films.
BUZZFEED: "I have to ask, what was it like for you stepping into the Supergirl suit for the first time?"
SASHA CALLE: "It was a trip for sure. First of all, the suit is very tight. When I was done, I was like, "Wow, getting into this thing is a mission." The first time that I fully got into it, it required three people which is hilarious. After that, I had the lovely staff with me every day. [Stephanie Paul] — from the costume department — and I would put on the suit together every single day. It's an honor to wear the Kryptonian emblem and to be portraying this character."
BUZZFEED: "What’s one thing that makes your Supergirl different from previous portrayals?"
SASHA: "Her androgyny, I would say. The suit is so beautiful and it's a beautiful mix of femininity and masculinity. It's kind of androgynous, and it's mobile. It works as if you were to wear a suit that would protect you and allow you to move. I love it. It was really cool to see how it looks on camera as well."
BUZZFEED: "There have been a lot of reactions to your short, dark hair as Supergirl. Was that a conscious decision to keep your hair darker considering the iconic character is mostly known for her blonde hair in the comics?"
SASHA: "That was all Andy's decision. Andy had a vision for her. He said that when he saw my self-tape when I auditioned for this then-untitled character, he knew. It's crazy as an actor to hear that. That's any actor's dream. But, yeah, he had a vision. He asked me if I would cut my hair prior to me knowing or signing anything. So I promised him that I was going to cut my hair. When we got to that point, I was overjoyed. I think that this version of Kara Zor-El is really beautiful and strong. And she's really badass."
Sources: www.buzzfeed.com/terrycarter/sasha-calle-the-flash-supergirl-interview, Twitter, Pinterest, various, etc...
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swugflower · 1 year
I know arguing about the outfits of heroins is dumb and an incel thing to do, but I’m so displeased by Supergirls costume in The Flash Movie.
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These Kara’s are from Superman: The animated series, the DCAU, DC Superhero girls and the 90s Young Justice run (she had her own run during that time and looked very similar) (I just couldn’t find a pic from it snd don’t any of those comics)
And what I love about all of them is that they look like teenage girls dressing up. They are in no way modest and “sexy” in their own right, but in the end she always looks like she took inspiration from popular teen shops when designing her hero outfit. (STAS Kara probably literally got that stuff from forever 21 or Smth)
Yes, they are still pleasing to the male viewers but it also looks like they have fun dressing this way and it reflects how young they still are!
Here we have Kara, was seen in the The Flash Trailers:
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Well… first off that’s not a teenager (which to be fair, Kara wasn’t in the supergirl show either).
It’s a young woman in a skin tight suit with weird lines around her crotch.
In a was it’s way more modest. All that’s exposed are her hands and face, but (at least to me) it’s so much more revealing. She is literally wearing a cat suit that shows everything about her and none of the charm the other suits had.
This doesn’t look like an outfit to me a young woman would wear to feel good about herself. It’s just tight and showing off her ass. (Tho if you are a young women that would love to wear it and feel good about yourself ALL POWER TO YOU).
Like I said, it’s kinda dumb to be this upset about her suit but it’s just disappointing to me.
Let Kara have fun with her outfit again :(
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animusrox · 1 year
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Sasha Calle as Kara Zor-El / Supergirl The Flash (2023) dir. Andy Muschietti
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innamorament0 · 1 year
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Prompts 2 and 3 for Supercorptober. Because Kara and the way hers and Lena's romance went on wasn't chill believe me =3
P.S. I also suck at colouring so I tried to make it stylish, with doubtful results XD But it is how it is!
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karaspal · 3 months
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kara was actually insane for that. sorry guys, but that’s literally flirting. she’s gay.
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msdanvers · 1 year
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» SUPERCORP FANFICTION SERIES (14/?) ↳ the body swap episode by teaRexis for the @supercorpbb (read it here)
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rustingcat · 1 year
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So happy to share this piece I did for 'In the future with you' by @mycatismyeditor for the Supercorp Big Bang!
As usual, I tend to be over ambitious, so this one took me quite a while. But seriously, how else was I supposed to condense a thousand years into one drawing?
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cressida-cowper · 1 year
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                                           lena ducks her head to hide her blush. “i don’t know what i did to deserve you, kara danvers.”                                                                                       “you deserve everything, lena.”
— i don’t want you like a best friend by @maggiessawyer for the supercorp big bang 2023! ↳ read it on ao3!
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argoscity · 2 months
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Your uncle, Jor-El, hid the key to Krypton's rebirth inside a Kryptonian child. All the genetic material needed to start again, coded inside the DNA, then sent to Earth in an escape pod. THE FLASH 2023 || dir. ANDY MUSCHIETTI
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padawanton · 7 months
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They are different flavors of Dumb Teen
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batstronaut · 1 year
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howdy yall this is the companion piece i did with luthorheda for scbb! make sure to check out their fic its so cute and funny and good 😊
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luthordamnvers · 7 months
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Hell was the journey (but it brought me heaven)
Chapter 9 - Cottage
"I hope you don't mind that I brought us here.” Kara mumbled with a breath of relief when Lena finally woke up, opening her gorgeous green-blue eyes. “We kept saying we would come and something always came up.“ Kara smiled, and then clarified, “We are in the cottage your mom left you." Kara kissed Lena’s hand, clutched in hers. "I needed to get you out of the city. I couldn't bear it if something happened to you. I think I would tear this world apart." “What happened?” Lena groggily questioned.  “He put a bomb in your car,” Kara explained in a low voice. And before Lena could ask, she added, “I got Frank out, remember? He’s okay, nothing but a few scratches, nothing to worry about. You lost consciousness after the blast, we were too close to it. Alex ordered an entire retreat. Everyone is in a safe house. Except for J’onn and Brainy.” Lena covered her face with her free hand, a thoughtful, yet miserable expression on her face, “How long was I out?” “You woke up after the ordeal pretty soon. Alex looked you over and decided to sedate you so you would rest. That was a little over 16 hours ago.”  “So, you decided to fly me to Ireland?” Lena asked, and Kara could tell she was trying to lighten up the mood. “No, I couldn’t fly with unconscious, precious cargo, over the Atlantic.” She replied, trying to smile. She kissed Lena’s knuckles and continued, “I was a little too on edge for that. I used the portal watch.” “My knight in shining armor…” Lena teased in a mumble. “This is my fault.” Kara confessed, in an equally low voice.  “I don’t think it is, Kara. It was me who antagonized John Kiley.” Lena didn’t even try to sit down, which made Kara worry a bit, because she knew how stubborn her girlfriend was. “Maybe you should have let the shooter hit the target.” “Don’t joke about that…” Kara said between gritted teeth. “It’s not funny. I put you in this situation too, and I don’t know how to protect you. How to protect our family.”
Continue Reading on AO3 || From the start
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soranatus · 1 year
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Sasha Calle’s Supergirl By Tadi Mlauzi
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innamorament0 · 1 year
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Supercorptober day 12 - Desk
I could do so much with this prompt but instead, I just played Overwatch and it sucked ( I had fun tho)
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birdsbats-madness · 1 year
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the supers very simply using their trained super-hearing to each other as communication instead of comm-links/online means is such a fun idea. imagine the day to day 'one-sided' conversations they have with each other.
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goldenempyrean · 9 months
Making Amends
« Day 18: Making Up »
« Pairing: Lena Luthor x Reader »
« Notes: sorry this is a little late, I’ve been busy and just needed a little time to polish it up! I’ll fix the title in the morning ;) »
〘 Check Out My Masterlist! 〙〘 Advent 2023 Masterlist! 〙
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“Lena I don’t want to hear it!” You growled the words as your girlfriend tried to explain why she had been home so late. This wasn’t the first time it had happened. You knew how she struggled with communicating or losing track of her work sometimes but this was different. She had promised go be home on time. She had promised to share the evening together with you, like you’d planned. She had promised to make the anniversary of your relationship special.
It didn’t matter now anyway. The dinner you’d made sat untouched on the table, stone cold. You didn’t even want to hear her reasoning for being late. You already knew in at heart. She’d gotten caught up in her work and had simply forgotten. Thats how it always went.
In the tense silence that followed, Lena's eyes pleaded for understanding, but you couldn't bring yourself to soften. Frustration and disappointment lingered in the air, wrapping around both of you like an unwelcome shroud. As you stood there, the weight of unmet expectations pressed on your shoulders. The room felt like it was growing hotter. Getting smaller. Everything seemed to sway and swoon as your vision hazed in and you out of focus. You needed some fresh air and you needed it now.
You stormed out of the apartment, the door slamming shut behind you - not even bothering to grab a jacket. The cool night air hit your face, providing a momentary relief from the stifling tension inside. Your mind raced with a mix of anger, hurt, and confusion. As you walked the dimly lit streets, you found yourself at a nearby park, seeking solace under the stars. Looking up at the unknown was always something that relaxed you. The endless possibilities of space. At heart you knew it wasn’t Lena’s fault entirely. She’d come home exhausted just last week as a result of the stress work had been causing her but it just hurt when her work got in the way of your personal lives.
The distant rumble of thunder interrupted your thoughts, and as you looked up at the night sky, raindrops began to fall. The gentle drizzle soon turned into a steady rain, drenching you in seconds. The cool water on your face felt strangely soothing. It was a good kind of cold.
However even the rain seemed to turn on you as you shivered involuntarily and giving a reluctant sigh, you decided to finally head back home. The rain soaked through your clothes as you hurried back, each step feeling heavier than the last. By the time you reached your apartment, you were drenched and exhausted. The door creaked open, revealing the aftermath of your heated argument. It was quiet inside. Lena had most likely retreated to the bedroom into the bedroom. But you were unwilling to face the bedroom just yet, so instead you settled on the living room sofa. It wasn’t warm nor did you have a blanket but sneaking into the bedroom to grab a change of clothes wasn’t exactly something you were eager to do.
Instead you curled up on the sofa, trying to ignore the uncomfortable sensation of the wet clothes against your cold skin. Turning over you let your head fall onto one of the pillows and you shut your eyes, hoping to slip into a peaceful sleep.
The next morning, you awoke with a heavy head and a throat that felt like it had been scraped with sandpaper. The remnants of last night's argument lingered in your mind, but they were overshadowed by the unmistakable signs of an impending illness. Stupid rain. Stupid cold. Stupid lack of a jacket! With a groan, you dragged yourself out of the makeshift bed on the sofa, your body protesting every movement as forced yourself to get dressed for work.
Despite the creeping heat of an uncoming fever seeping through your body, you trudged into the DEO, determined to fulfill your responsibilities as a agent there.
Colleagues shot concerned glances your way, but you brushed them off with a forced smile. The familiar hum of the high-tech agency felt louder than usual, pounding against your throbbing head.
As you attempted to focus on your tasks, the overhead intercom crackled to life. "Agent Y/L/N, report to Director Danvers' office immediately," the stern voice echoed through the facility causing you to grumble in annoyance as you pushed yourself up stumbled towards Alex's office.
Upon entering, you found yourself friend sitting at her drsk, concern etched across her face. "You look terrible," she remarked, her voice a mix of sympathy and scolding. "I've already called Lena. She'll pick you up. You need to go home and rest. You can’t work like this.”
“Ale-“ You couldn’t even begin to sigh her name before you were interrupted with a rough throat scraping cough, “Why did you-“
She raised a stern eyebrow before pulling a bottle of water out from her drawer and sliding it over the desk towards you, “That’s exactly why. I’m not just telling you this as your boss but as your friend. You’re sick. You need to go home. This is not an option.” You knew Alex’s stern voice and this was definitely it. There really was no point arguing with her, she was the director after all.
Lena didn’t take long to arrive. Less than 10 minutes which was very impressive given the traffic at this hour. All it took was one look at you sitting slumped in Alex’s office, your exhausted drooping eyes looking up at her as a box of tissues sat open in your lap to make her heart melt.
Your girlfriend was by your side in an instant, concern etched across her face. "How did this happen?" She crouched down, brushing a gentle hand over your forehead, her keen eyes not missing the subtle way you tensed beneath her touch.
The weight of the previous night's argument lingered in the air, but the genuine worry in Lena's expression softened the edges of the tension between you. She spoke with a gentle tone, "You should have told me you weren't feeling well, darling. I hate seeing you like this."
You managed a weak smile, appreciating Lena's concern despite the strained circumstances. "I didn't want to bother you. Besides, we had enough on our plates with everything - last night - already."
Lena shook her head, her fingers brushing through your hair comfortingly. "You're never a bother to me. We're in this together, remember?" She glanced up at Alex, who had been pretending to make herself busy in order to not intrude on your conversation, "I'll take her home, Thanks for looking out for her."
Alex nodded, her stern facade softening. "Always. Now you two ake care of each other. And Y/N, don't come back until you're fully recovered. That’s an order. I’ll come round tomorrow to check in if you’re feeling up to it.” She smiled over at you.
Lena helped you up, offering a supportive arm as you made your way out of the DEO. The car ride home was quiet at first, both of you lost in your thoughts. Lena finally spoke, breaking the silence, "I'm sorry, Y/N. I know I messed up last night, and I should have been there for you."
You sighed, leaning your head against the car window. The cool glass working wonders to soothe your pounding temples. “I overreacted, Lena. It wasn't just about last night. It's this constant struggle with your work taking precedence over us. I miss us, Lena, and I just want to find a balance." You sniffled.
Lena's grip on the steering wheel tightened, and she took a deep breath. "I promise, Y/N, I'll make it up to you. We'll figure this out together. I love you, and I don't want us to keep hurting each other like this."
As she parked the car, you both sat in almost silence for a moment. The rain from the previous night was still pattering down, drumming against the windows as it filled the car with its steady thrum. Lena turned to you, her eyes sincere, "Let's take care of you first. We can talk about this more later, okay? You’re the most important thing to me right now and right now what you need to be is looked after. So that’s what I’m going to do.”
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