zeroducks-2 · 11 months
trick or treat!
I know this is illegal because it's supposed to be a game for writers and not artists but I'm sure no one will tell--
here have a smooch
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neallo · 22 days
finally about to update my fucking masterpost after 2 or 3 months and god knows how many works. if i don't make it out of here alive please know i thought most of you were swag
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heiids · 10 months
Check out this super short horror film called The Drawing! Part of it was filmed in my house 😋
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modern-inheritance · 7 months
Modern Inheritance: Experimental (Supershort)
'What if you fashioned a ward to prevent your brain from knocking around in your skull?' Saphira settled her head down before sending a short snort of air from her nostrils at her Rider. Her mouth opened just slightly, revealing the very tips of ivory teeth in the draconic approximation of a sly grin. 'Help stabilize it in all that empty space.'
"Oh, ha ha, very funny." Eragon retorted, staggered by the warm blast. "It's not a bad idea. I'm not too keen on testing it out on my own brain, though." He shook out his hair, the saltwater feeling tacky as it dried.
"Yeah, I wouldn't recommend it." Eragon looked over to where Arya was wringing out her braid. "We tried that one before. All it did was give me a bloody headache." Despite himself the Rider felt his cheeks blush. He wasn't looking at anything, he had more respect for her than that, but he was distinctly aware of the fact that the elf had yet to dry her soaked fatigues. More importantly, dry them and put them back on.
Glenwing scrubbed a spare shirt through his hair, doing his best with one hand to fluff out the silver strands and give them ample airflow to dry. Saltwater and the more intricate parts of his prosthetic did not behave well together, and it was going to be a good hour before he was satisfied with cleaning the mechanical limb. Rhunön would have his head if he fried it. "That was, uh...one of our more experimental spells." He gave an almost sheepish shrug. "It was a bit of a 'you try your idea on me, I'll try my idea on you' sort of deal."
"What was Arya's idea, then?"
Glen paused and looked to his commanding officer. Who took that moment to busy herself with shaking the sand off her sodden pants, suddenly very interested in the task. "The fact that I can't remember says volumes."
Saphira let out another snort of amused laughter. 'Walnut rattling in an empty jar.'
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hailtothebubble · 5 months
i did forget writing is fun. maybe i'll write more if i have any ideas or anything
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my hair is growing so fast this time around truly this is the power of the flintstones chewable
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ilostyou · 1 year
when i say my nail snapped off i mean. i was opening a door and somehow my pinky nail just. snap. bye
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artinandwritin · 1 month
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I'm back on my chronicled of the kingdom of fantasy bullshit yippeee yippeeeee i love it when my brain does that
Some redesigns of two of the main characters, Saturno/Ombroso and Spica!! I think they deserved some cool designs bc they are very cool and very baby to me
Added some info abt them underneath the cut!!
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I think. Saturno should be short in the main series cuz hes literally 15, kid has yet to grow into his full height!!! So his inherited armor doesn't fit him yet but eventually he'll grow into it and it'll make both him and his dad cry
Bc of his mixed heritage i gave him a darker skintone, seeing as the original illustrations in the books seem to be giving the forest elves darker skintones and i wanted to extend that to the boi
I think its also funny his dad says he looks like his mom but everyone else says he looks like his dad, so i gave him a softer face to match his mother’s, but once he grows up he'll probably get sharper like his dad me thinks
Hes a canonical rambunctious lil tree climber, so his cape and boots got some mudstreaks <333
I love him so very much my baby boi <333
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As for Spica, i changed her colour palette from purple to blue cuz. That purple tone wasnt doing her any favours and also!!! Colour coding. Smt smt the rose knights connection smt smt blue dragon connection
Her bow and arrows got magic in them so i made them all white!! The bow and arrowholder got some purple in them cuz maybe thats like. Her favourite colour
I like to think her hair didnt grow from supershort to superlong in one month, so i decided to let her keep her hair short and slowly grow it out over the course of the series. By the time she's an adult in the sequel series it might be back to their original length!!
And also i was. Wondering if she was really the Bow from the prophecy or if it was just right place right time. She basically did declare herself a prophecy girlie at the end of book one (classic spica move) and so i got to thinking, was she really meant to be or was her declaration enough to change the fate to herself? Interesting point to me personally
Spica you will forever be famous to me
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generalluxun · 1 month
Do you consider Marinette a stalker and/or Mary Sue?
Stalker? No. I see her as paranoid/anxiety/obsessive with a need to control that blooms from that. The 'stalker' behaviors are farcical 'humor' elements designed to make the audience laugh at her antics. Lile jokes in a sitcom with a laugh track, they're not meant to be deeply in character as much as momentary diversions. You might say they aren't funny, and I'd agree that not all of them are, but they are at least *attempts* at humor, and so Marinette shouldn't be held to the extremes any more than many of the other ridiculous things done for humor in the show.
As for Mary Sue, I covered this recently in a length answer to another ask, that I will link below. The Supershort answer is: Yes but not in the way most people use the word. Marinette is not a bad character. She's a good character misused.
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 Not to be weird, but do you have any or do you recommend any movies or shows of David where he’s sexual or he has a sexy scene?
Short answer: all of them /)w(\
Long answer:
Hank! - Virgin Alexander, he's so sweet but it's definitely his most sexual movie role since that's the point of the film
Dave - Heavy, he's cringe but this one is also very sexual since again, the point of the short
The Writer - Making Love, nothing really happens but the tension is there for a good part of it and he's so beautiful
Johnson - Reprsial, my god, it's not a sexual role but you have not lived until you've seen Johnson I'm not even kidding, here's the whole show since it's amazing and I cannot share it enough
Antonio - Brutal, full movie since he's the main character, it can be a bit cringe and uncomf at times but it does have a nonexplicit supershort sex scene in there
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Shortbread, pt 5
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word count: a supershort 882 tags: @bolontiku, @rampant-salamander, @castiels-sunflowers
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4
“My son, are you sure you aren’t just doing this because you are headed off to the war?” Father Sullivan raised an eyebrow. 
“Maybe I am. But Father, isn’t it better to be married?” Bucky asked, then stepped away from you, pulling the priest along with him. “I mean, you keep preaching about the sins of the flesh, right? I don’t want to go off to the war with a guilty conscience, but this girl, Father, maybe you’re right, maybe she isn’t Mrs. Right, but I think she’s at least Mrs. Right Now, and I’ll do right by her this way.”
You rolled your eyes to yourself and pretended like you couldn’t hear his whispers to the older man. You ran through your own list of why you shouldn’t go through with this last-minute wedding yourself as he implored the priest to do the job. What if you got stuck in this time forever? What if you lost him for the rest of your life? Knowing that he was alive would be a bitter pills to swallow if you couldn’t ever get back to him. What exactly had been in that shortbread, anyhow?
“Come on, he said yes,” Bucky took your hand and tugged you toward Father Sullivan. He looked kind and you could see hope in his eyes. You met his assessing gaze and there must have been something in your eyes that reassured him because he nodded in approval and opened the small book in his hands, beginning to speak.
“I do,” Bucky’s gaze was locked on you, and you couldn’t look away.
“And you -”
“I do,” you interrupted. Bucky leaned forward to kiss you, and again, it was tentative and careful. You wrapped an arm around his neck and pulled him closer before realizing if you kept it up, you would scandalize the priest. 
It took no time until you’d signed the certificate certifying you married and remarkably, the army office was still open, hoping, no doubt, to catch some revellers in their exuberance willing to volunteer. Bucky dragged you in and registered your marriage with the officer there, and looked at you, trying to be casual.
“Not that you’ll need it, Mrs. Barnes, but in case, I want to be sure you get the widow’s benefit,” he explained, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
“Don’t be morbid!” You protested, knowing full well you would be in receipt of them within two years if you got stuck in this time.
“Sweetheart, it’s a war. There’s a chance,” he admonished you. You shook your head and ran your hand up his lapel.
“Mr. Barnes, I suggest you take me home and make me forget you threatened to leave me within minutes of marrying me.” You aimed for sultry. It worked. Bucky gave a significant look to the officer processing the paperwork and excused you.
“Your place makes more sense,” he suggested, stealing another chaste kiss from you. “I split time between Stevie and my Ma’s place. Neither is really private.”
The door to your apartment was barely shut, and Bucky’s hands were on you. You laughed and pulled at his tie as he fussed with the zipper on the side of your dress.
“Your dress is a menace, sweetheart,” he growled. You laughed and finished pulling the tie through the collar of this shirt, starting on the buttons. The soft dusting of hair on his chest was the same, but the lack of scar tissue on his left side was jarring as you pushed his sleeves down. Your hand slowed as it slid across his smooth skin unimpeded by the ridges of scar tissue you were used to. You took his left hand in yours and kissed his palm, knowing that if you ever got home, you’d never be able to do that again. He wrestled his hand from yours and attacked your zipper with both hands, finally getting it loose. As your dress slid over your head, you heard his sharp intake of breath. You took his face in your hands and kissed him with the passion you’d restrained in front of the priest, and he groaned, wrapping his arms around you. You pulled away, breathless.
“God, you’re beautiful,” you murmured, a hand on his cheek. He smirked and shook his head.
“I think that’s my line.” His voice was soft, gravelly. It made your knees weak. You brought your hands to his belt, and started on the buckle and he recoiled. “Jesus, doll, you’ve got me reacting like a virgin.”
A shot struck you and you looked up in horror. “You aren’t, are you?”
“Is that a problem?” His eyebrow shot up.
“No, not at all, I just assumed you had experience,” you explained quickly. His brow furrowed again. 
“I mean, I have experience, I just haven’t -” he started. “Wait. Have you -” You silenced him with a kiss. 
“We’ll figure it out,” you breathed against him, your heart racing. Bucky was a virgin. Bucky was a virgin and you weren’t. Would he notice? Would he care? You hadn’t been expecting this. You reached for his belt again and he shied away again and smiled, his cheeks flushed.
“Can we slow down, just a bit?” He asked. “We’ve got all night.”
“We have forever, Mr. Barnes,” you promised.
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loveyou3000mylove · 5 months
Loss of you
Oneshot, supershort
Miguel Ohara x reader
TW: Angst\no comfort, domestic relationship, implied starvation(??), (minor)major? Character death
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Miguel O'hara, the perfect husband, with the perfect wife, Y/N L/N. They're marriage was is perfect, soulmates. She made his coffee perfect, no sugar, with lots of cream, perfect. He braided her hair, on Wednesday, always on Wednesday. They read books aloud together, and traded bookmarks, except her favourite one. They cooked dinner together, together always.
It's gotten colder now, the coffees black, hollow. Wednesdays seem dull, and bleed into other days. Her bookmark hasn't moved from the desk, collecting dusk. He hardly eats dinner, how could he, he lost his life line, his anchor. Grief followed him like a dark cloud, flowers seemed to welt in his presence, his family always called, but you can only do so much. He wasn't used to it, no, he'd never get used to being alone, living wasn't worth it, if Y/n only haunted him.
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modern-inheritance · 2 months
Modern Inheritance: A Simple Matter of Luck (supershort, post-Brisingr pre-Inheritance limbo)
(A/N: The elves are pretty upset about Murtagh and Thorn after Oromis’ death. Arya takes a moment to tell her mother, in a roundabout fashion, that the hatred and anger is misplaced. And also tell her that, if it weren’t for a simple matter of luck, things could have been very…very different.)
“Mum.” Islanzadí looked up, her scowl breaking. Even now, her heart smiled when Arya called her that. Her involuntary grin fell when she saw the troubled frown on her daughter’s face. “Murtagh…he’s a good kid. It’s not his fault.”
The Queen stared, absolutely aghast. Was Arya…defending Morzan’s son and his devil of a dragon? After what they had just done? “Arya, he killed Oro–”
“I already told you, Galbatorix was controlling his body.” Arya’s voice was firm yet oddly soft. “Don’t blame them for this. It’s not been easy for either of them, and they’re not in control of any of it. You know that.”
“I’m sorry, but I disagree.” The brittleness creeping into her tone was hard to suppress. “There is always a choice.”
Arya dipped her head, just the barest shift. Islanzadí stiffened. Her child’s eyes had gone glassy, hollow. She stared at some unknown point near the mirror, expression blank. That, at least, was some comfort. Whatever she was seeing…it wasn’t causing her pain. Not physically.
And then she blinked, and the dimmed emerald fire sparked back to its usual intensity. 
She didn’t look up.
“Mum…I never told you this.” Arya shifted. Her mother couldn’t see it, but she was sitting cross legged on the ground in her tent, mirror propped up on a borrowed supply crate. She gripped an ankle with one hand, her other trailing her fingers along the thick band of scarring around her wrist. As odd as it was, it was…soothing. “When Eragon was captured by Durza, there were already plans in motion to take me to Uru’baen.” 
The grin she gave Islanzadí was crooked, underlain by the upturned tilt of her brows. “Three days. If Eragon, Saphira and Murtagh hadn’t sprung me then, I would have been taken to Uru’baen in three days. And Durza had already told me of what Galbatorix wanted of a broken elf under his control.”
She tightened her grip, clasped her free hand around the scars and squeezed. Remembered the feeling of magic-laced iron and steel biting into her flesh. The control it robbed her of, the short leash pain and metal and magic kept over her while in Gil’ead. Oh, she had fought. Every second she could spare, she fought. 
And yet…it was a stalemate. She never clawed any of that control away from him. And he never gained more than he initially had over her. It was not victory, but she could not say it wasn’t some form of defeat.
Arya couldn’t imagine the pain Murtagh was going through. Her shackles had been physical. She had no doubt Galbatorix had, and still was, torturing the young man. But to have a Partner of Heart and Mind…
Thorn was Murtagh’s salvation and his curse. His own shackles made of red dragon scale and anguish of shared pain and the terror, horror, agony of being forced to watch someone he loved be, for lack of better words, ripped piece by piece to control him.
If Fäolin had been there. If Glen had been found alive by the man shaped monster that night. If, like Murtagh, Arya had been whisked away to Uru’baen and one of the eggs had hatched at her touch…
She wanted to say she would not have broken had it played out that away. As she always said, she would never break. It was a point of pride, a boast. A softly whispered reassurance. Her truth.
She wanted to say that she would not have broken. That she would have taken their place, made him hurt her instead, or that she would find the resolve to suffer their screams in silence.
But she never wanted to find out.  
It was with that in mind, the path not taken, the future unseen, that Arya met her mother’s golden gaze. 
“So…when you say you hate Murtagh and Thorn, or call them monsters and traitors and think they’re evil…. Just remember that. Because, dragon or not…
“It could have just as easily been me.”
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ndcultureis · 1 year
nd culture is having low stress, therefore not biting your fingernails. Now there are fingernails and longer fingernails are sich are new sensation that you consider cutting them supershort again just because they are so present
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alarrytale · 30 days
I love Louis for wearing those shorts, on X people literally had a breakdown because in one moment he pulled his shorts up and ooooh, I´m not jealous of H at all! I know so many people are drooling over H´s legs which is totally understandable but it makes me annoyed because Louis´ legs are also so delicate and honestly if they were tattoo-less, I would have hard time to quess which legs are whose because they are quite identical imo (maybe H´s thighs are bulkier because he works out but otherwise they´re the same). Hope they are wrapping them around each other as I´m writing this. And also hope H will take care of Louis a bit because I was watching Louis´ set on Sat and he couched quite often imo and even drank tea on stage so I guess he caught a little cold from the mixture of airconditioned flights and superheat exteriors. But his mood seemed great and I just love that he´s keeping his hair short, it suits him so much! Harry, if you´re reading this, throw away all trousers from your husband´s suitcase and pack him you supershort shorts only, we are running out of time and we need Louis in supershort shorts, please!
Hi, anon!
I think they're both blessed with sexy legs, it's just we see Harry's more often. These shorts are a blessing and we have to appriciate it everytime L let us see those pins! If only we could also get a glimpse of L's ankles...
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mari--lace · 3 months
That feeling when my most popular fics are the supershort silly ones I wrote with little to no effort.
Like. I had fun writing them and I'm glad people enjoy them as well! It's just that then I see the fics I've really put myself into getting a couple kudos (maybe) and being mostly ignored and the comparison kinda hurts.
(Of course people read whatever they feel like reading, as they should. Just felt like venting.)
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