#supervillainess imagine
tawneybel · 6 months
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Note: For judge-m0rt1s. 
“Make my monster grow!” 
You opened your mouth to explain there wasn’t a need for magic, then snapped it shut when Rita’s hand snaked out of its roomy sleeve. Her well-groomed nails could have easily embedded themselves in your skin. You didn’t feel in harm’s way. Shrill gloating was the closet thing to torture, so far, that she had subjected you to. 
Considering you were actually fond of Rita’s screech, being captured wasn’t so bad. You weren’t sure why she was boasting, though. The Putties had apprehended you. There’d been zero resistance. Plus Rita Repulsa’d been kind enough to provide a couch. Which she had parked herself on, very modest dress invading your space. 
Modest, aside from the bra. Eat your heart out, Madonna.
Again you wondered whether to explain no magic wanders were needed to make “her” monster grow. Because it was hard to say no to this villainess. Supervillainess. Her and Lord Zedd were not an item. She made that much clear. The Putty Patrollers were outside. Presumably at her beck and call, but only if she screamed loudly enough. Which wouldn’t be a problem. Not that you necessarily planned on making her scream. The sofa was potentially ample enough for sixty-nining. Rita, once disrobed, would be dainty enough to be picked up and satisfied orally. 
A series of wonderful visions paraded through your mind. Rita deciding to keep her collar on. Rita letting her cups… er, cones fall from her pert breasts. Rita letting her hair down. Rita thwacking one of the Rangers who decided to rescue you. Rita letting the Putty Patrol escort the Power Ranger out due to a truce because your magic staff is just that good. 
“I’m not wearing underwear!” she shrieked. 
You winced. Dragged from your daydream of alternating positions. Silvery blue-accentuated eyes narrowed at your reaction.
“Well, technically you’re not going commando.”
Rita tilted her head. “Huh?” 
She followed your gaze. Rita laid the wand across your laps (very trusting of her!). Then her hands snapped to her bust, unsnapping the spiked brassiere. Her Elizardbethan collar came off with it.
Despite her general modesty, and having been stuck in a space dumpster for millennia, Rita Repulsa had a pretty even tan.
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fabseg-reader · 2 months
Miraculous fanart: Beebug/Queenbug/Queenlady Date + Miraculous rewriting: Chloenette AU (Season 2)
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The Chloenette AU is updated.
Season 1
Time for the rewriting !
The Story and its changes:
Season 2:
The Collector:
Marinette meets Master Fu and Wayzz. The old man reveals he is the last Guardian of the Miracle Box.
Marinette presents the Grimoire to Fu who recognizes the book. She lies to him about the finding of the book (like in the original story). She can't imagine Adrien can be Hawkmoth.
Adrien is grounded at home by his father for the lost of the book.
In this AU, when Marinette comes to school, it's Chloé who calls her about Adrien's groundment. Nino and Alya reveal to the bluenette the grimoire was Adrien's dad's property. So Marinette suspects Gabriel Agreste to be Hawkmoth.
The story and the battle happen in the same way as in canon. The Collector is desakumatized. Marinette brings back the grimoire to the manor. Adrien cimes back to Françoise Dupont school.
This is eventually confirmed Gabriel is in fact Hawkmoth.
Prime Queen:
Marinette requests Alya for babysitting Manon because she must go to the TVi Studio as Ladybug. There is the interview with Nadja Chamack in the Face to Face show. Cat Noir is invited too.
During the interview, Chloé appears in the show by videocall. In this AU, the conversation could be:
Nadja: Hello caller. State your name and your question.
Chloé: Err, seriously Nadja? Surely, no one would be the first caller but me. I'm only the perfect match for Ladybug.
Nadja: Oh yes, of course. Hello there, Chloé Bourgeois. Daughter of the mayor of Paris...
Chloé: And don't forget my daddy is the manager of the Grand Paris, the best luxury hotel in the entire city.
Nadja: Err, thank you for reminding us. What is your question, Chloé ?
Oh, I don't have a question. I just wanted to say hi, since as you all know, we're such very good friends: Ladybug, Cat Noir and I !
Ladybug and Cat Noir blush when Chloé claims to be the perfect match. But Ladybug is a bit of uncomfortable because of that.
Meanwhile, this info gratifies Gabriel (a.k.a. Hawkmoth) who watches the interview. He is more satisfied than he is when Ladybug said her and Cat Noir must keep their identities secret. He remembers the Antibug incident (still in the AU).
The TV reveals the photos implying "romantic" moments between Ladybug and Cat Noir. The red black-spotted superheroin angrily leaves the broadcast grabbing Cat Noir until the exit.
Nadia is akumatized into Prime Queen. The battle happens identically to canon. But there is a lot of changes.
The scoop Prime Queen wants to hear the love life of Ladybug and Cat Noir
The rules for my show are simple, admit the truth live on TV that you're dating and in love and I'll stop the train ! Oh ! And unless Chloé is the "perfect match" with one of you two !
Chloé being Chloé: She openly teases Prime Queen.
Do you want a scoop ? I am the perfect girlfriend for Ladybug. Even for everyone. Everyone loves me. 😏
When Ladybug and Cat Noir fall trapped in the freezer of the kitchen of the Grand Paris Hotel, Prime Queen holds Alya AND Chloé as hostages (The akumatized supervillainess had retaken the blondie girl from the subway train in the same moment). Imprisoned in the same sarcophagus, the rich girl and the ladyblogger are cramped inside.
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Hawkmoth ordered her to take the blondie brat as prisoner for forcing Ladybug and Cat Noir to give up their miraculous (Volpina vibes). The two heroes (the two Chloé's childhood friends) are panicked.
Meanwhile, Ladybug and Cat Noir manage to reverse the issue of the battle (same way as in canon: Lucky Charm, trick and Miraculous Ladybug !).
After the battle, Marinette joins Alya and Manon for recomforting her and she calls Chloé for the same reason.
Chloé will respond to Marinette Adrien has already expressed his worries about her hostage previous situation. She even sends a text to the bluenette:
I love you two so much. 😘 But I love Ladybug more. 😋🥰
Damn ! Marinette would like to live her romance with Adrien but Chloé openly expresses to be in love with Ladybug.
That's too hot for Mari. There is a conversation between her and Tikki:
Marinette: Someone must say to Chloé she must stop to say she loves me... Uh... Ladybug. Didn't she learned anything after the Vanisher and Antibug incidents ?Tikki: There aren't another choice, Marinette. You must convince her to shut up. Her actions and her behavior cause dôme trouble in your mission to find and stop Hawkmoth.Marinette: Yeah. But I don't have to hurt her feelings. I swear I will reveal who I really am in another day.Tikki: Promise, Marinette. It's necessary to keep your identity secret for protecting your loved ones.Marinette: I swear.
On TVi, the Face to Face show isn't cancelled after the incident. And Nadja invites Alya for this new airing episode (like in canon).
Same story than in canon but with some changes.
Chloé appears in this story.
Adrien learns piano séance at home. He can't exit from the major today but Cat Noir.
The blondie girl (accompanied of Sabrina) joins the group (Nino, Alya, Ivan, Mylène and Marinette) to see André the Sweetheart matchmaker. The rich brat order him an ice cream for sharing it with Ladybug. But André backfires her because "Ladybug and Cat Noir are the perfect match".
Pissed off, Chloé threats the Ice Cream seller of closing his business by calling her Daddy the mayor and she mocks the Ice Cream Man's love principes before leaving the scene.
That shocks André. This blackmailing causes the akumatization of the latter into Glaciator. His akumatization happens more early than in canon. And now, he seeks revenge against Chloé.
Marinette briefly berates Chloé for her harmful behavior before fleeing the zone and transforming into Ladybug.
Cat Noir was just preparing the decoration for his date with Ladybug (he had previously invited her) when he sees Glaciator causing chaos in Paris.
Ladybug and Cat Noir stand up together against Glaciator. The first heroin tells to Cat Noir what is happened.
Cat Noir (thinking): It's supposed a good day for offering a date with my Lady until Chloé... another Akuma messes up. Let's clean up the things and I will talk about our date night later.
There aren't any issues about Ladybug's absence in the date spot.
They eventually defeat him in same way as in canon.
After the battle, Cat Noir recalls Ladybug about the date night and the location. The superheroin eventually comes to the rendezvous and she tells to his Chaton she has a crush on another boy (without saying his name: Adrien). Meanwhile, she wants to be just friends with Cat Noir as an exceptional partner. The Catboy accepts her choice. Same thing with Chloé the so-called perfect match: The two heroes agree.
Cat Noir offers his flower to Ladybug with a kiss on the cheek in same way as in canon. Their relationship is platonic.
About Chloé, she eventually "apologizes" to the Ice Cream seller for her behavior. The next day, Marinette and Chloé agree to come together to see André the Ice Cream Man (not the mayor).
The latter offers to the two girls an Ice Cream with perfume of: Honey🟡, Cranberry🔵, Strawberry🔴 and Chocolate⚫. 🍨
Despair Bear:
The story begins at Françoise Dupont when Tom Dupain learns to the Marinette's class how to bake macarons. But Chloé thinks the learning is boring. So she secretly calls the fire department. That causing the fire alarm activation forcing all the classes to evacuate.
Like in canon, Mr Damoclès punishes the entire school to cleaning up the place. All the students except Chloé.
The canon divergence comes: Chloé (who is a semi-bully) attempted to preserve both Marinette, Adrien from the sanction but the two latters openly declare they prefer clean up with their classmates instead of benefit that.
Adrien even gaslights Chloé about her actions and her attitude. He requires her to become kind. By waiting that, he breaks up their friendship.
Unsatisfied and saddened about Adrien ending their friendship, Chloé decides to "change". With the guidance of her butler Armand Jean-???, she organisates a party at the Grand Hotel.
When Chloé sends invitations to the teens from Françoise Dupont, she don't express any disgust but joy about inviting Marinette (the latter isn't surprised about receiving one invitation from her odd childhood friend).
Meanwhile, she feels uncomfortable because of her butler exhibiting her teddy bear Mr. Cuddly in front of her.
At the Grand Paris Hotel, when Chloé comes to greet the guests (under the guidance of the butler and Mr. Cuddly), the scene with Marinette happens a bit of differently: They kiss each others cheeks like consensual people (Because they were familiar in this AU).
At the same scene, before the mutual kissing, the two concerned girls have a conversation by murmuring. Their discret conversation:
Chloé: Hey, Dupain-Cheng. What do you think about my party Marinette: You just try to send the fire alarm thing into the oblivion with this party, right ? Chloé: Ridiculous ! I'm sure you meet some things that can be boring and you will want to mess theses up. Marinette: You meet me only for make me be like you ?! Chloé: No. No. You're just interesting too much for me. I see in you a kind of girl who is able to practice the power on others. Marinette: You confessed me "you loved me" during these last years just because I should have any form of "power" ? Chloé: You must understand what we can do with any power, Dupain-Cheng. You must thank me for letting you become the class representative. I could guide you. Marinette: And I could guide you if you seek to change. Chloé (briefly watching her butler and Mr. Cuddly): Someone already cares about my... guidance. Do you kiss me or we will stay frozen until the night ? Hurry up. Marinette: Kiss... You ?!Chloé: Only in the cheek but make it fast.
The moments when Chloé acts as nice (still under the guidance of the butler) towards guests happen like in canon.
When Nino comes on stage for playing DJ music, Chloé wants to dance with Adrien but she is hesitant with Marinette. Sabrina (instead of Kim) requests Chloé for dance. The latter reluctantly accepts (under the pression guidance of Jean Mr. Cuddly).
Marinette and Adrien dance together.
Frustated she can't dance neither with Adrien nor with Marinette and nor with Ladybug, Chloé wants to interupt it all. But the butler stands up with Mr. Cuddly.
That's enough for Chloé Bourgeois who snaps out in anger. She fires his butler who is eventually akumatized into Despair Bear. Hawkmoth waited this too long.
The battle happens in same way as in canon. The two heroes deakumatize the butler with the help of Chloé. She rehires him.
In the final scene, Chloé makes efforts to be kind again by inviting Marinette's dad for finish the interupted lesson from Françoise Dupont school. Her friendship with Adrien is saved.
She takes the time to judge everyone's macarons with correctness. She even eats one of Marinette's macarons with pleasure: Delicious ! Utterly delicious ! ❤
In the original episode, Chloé doesn't appear. But in this AU, she comes to Françoise Dupont school accompanied of Sabrina. The two girls join Marinette because the latter participates to Armand D'Argencourt's fencing with Adrien.
When Marinette and Adrien fence together. Chloé claims Adrien has the high ground while Sabrina claims the top for Marinette.
Kagami appears on the court and challenges Adrien for integrate the D'Argencourt fencing school. The duel happens like in canon.
The divergence: Marinette and Chloé are the only ones who ses the end of the end. When D'Argencourt asks "Who hit first ?" Marinette hesitates. While she was going to name Adrien as the winner, Chloé cuts the bakery girl's line by directly calling Adrien as the winner.
Kagami is akumatized into Riposte. The battle happens like in canon
But Chloé joins Ladybug for the fight. The only times when Chloé is useful in the melee are these moments: when she tries to hide Adrien and later when she distracts Riposte by provoking lines (that doesn't impress the akuma).
Same way as in canon, Riposte is defeated and deakumatized.
After the battle, Adrien joins Kagami to return her sword back. The two reconcile each other. Kagami accepts a second duel for a near future.
Marinette (who is detransformed after the battle) discretly listen the conversation.
In this AU, when Adrien says to Kagami Marinette is just a friend, the bakery girl is pleased. Meanwhile, she confesses to Tikki she prefers to be more friends with Adrien than Adrien said.
Later, Ladybug sees Chloé for request her to cease to intervene in akuma battles. She occasionaly sees her after each akuma battle since the Antibug incident.
Ladybug: Chloé. You must stop to put yourself in danger when an akumatized supervillain is on the run. It's for your sake. ☝😠
Chloé: Thank you, Ladybug. But, it's ridiculous. 😅 I'm sure you need me for catching Hawk Moth. And now, my proof of my support. ❤
Chloé kisses Ladybug on the cheek in every superheroin's visit and takes selfies with the relunctant superheroin.
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La Befana:
Marinette celebrates her birthday. Tikki offers to her a kwagatama.
In same time, Marinette and her parents receivethe visit from Gina, her grandmother at the bakery. The latter takes her in motorcycle for visiting Parisian places that are too more childish for the bluenette.
The story for this AU is identical to the canon. Marinette leaves her grandmother for the surprise party. But the old woman believes Marinette don't want to spend time with her anymore (finding out th candies Marinette didn't have eaten). So Hawkmoth akumatizes Gina into la Befana.
Befana pertubates the party for turning Marinette into coal but the latter's friends stand up.
Ladybug and Cat Noir defeat the akumatized supervillainess and deakumatize her.
Marinette expresses her apologizes to grandma and invites her to join the party. The latter accepte and she understands her granddaughter is no longer a little child.
Adrien offers to Marinette a customized bracelet (similar to Marinette's bracelet from the episode Gamer).
Meanwhile, a girl lurking in the shadows is watching the party (especially Marinette and Adrien talking together) from the window of her bedroom: It's Lila.
The difference with the canon story is Chloé appears at the party (because she's among Marinette's friends in this AU even she has sometimes issues with the bakery girl). Sabrina too.
When Befana assaults the party, Chloé has been turned into coal statue among others coal statues while Sabrina is turned into an angel. These brats turns back to normal thanks to the Lucky Charm.
The gift Chloé offers to Marinette is a golden statuette with the form of a bee. (Coincidence?) 🐝
The story happens like in canon.
Clara Nightingale holds auditions for a music video honoring Ladybug and Cat Noir at the Grand Palais.
Marinette joins her friends for the auditions. She just wants to be close to Adrien (who us worried about playing Cat Noir).
Meanwhile, Tikki requests her to keep her identity secret. That's why, after running to help the singer who tripped over the ground, the bluenette declines the Clara's offer of playing Ladybug for stay an extra with her friends after the singer has fallen and.
But a full Ladybug-cosplayed Chloé comes to make her interesting. She comes on stage to be with her Adri-Cat. Marinette changes her mind.
For this rewritten version of the story, Marinette tempers her words to Chloé by saying that:
Marinette: By showing yourself with your dances and acrobaties, you're impressive. Chloé (blushing and elated): Oh thank you Dupain-Cheng. You recognize my superior talents. Marinette: You put yourself in danger because you look like m... the real Ladybug. There may be an akumatized or possibly Hawkmoth who can believe you as our heroin. I warn you. Chloé (giggling and teasing): Do you say thar just because you are utterly jealous, the bakery gi... ?
Clara suddenly interferes in the girls' discussion.
Clara: Marinette has said like a true superheroin would have said. I was right to think you're the perfect one. About playing the Ladybug you're the worthy one. Chloé (irritated): I am more worthy one than everyone. the onlyperfectone to date Ladybug my beloved one. Me, the number one.
So Marinette is selected as the Ladybug for the video. Meanwhile, she realizes her cosplay looks like her magic outfit too well. Chloé has good reasons to say to her:
"Who looks more like Ladybug ? Huh... Who puts herself in danger by publicly pretending as Ladybug ?"
About Chloé, she later calls her Daddy the mayor of Paris for cancel the auditions. Clara is akumatized into Frightningale.
The battle eventually happens like in canon. Chloé is turned into "pink plastic?" statue ("Again ?!", the AU said. Read La Befana above ↑).
Ladybug and Cat Noir save the day by deakumatizing Clara.
After the battle, Ladybug offers HER idea to Clara about producing her music video: To invite the civilians to dance on-screen in different places of Paris and to wear their ladybug-and-cat-themed masks in same time.
What makes it different from the canon is Ladybug invites Chloé to participate in the new version of the music video. The latter only accepts it for impress Ladybug and "apologizes" Clara.
The music video Miraculous is finally aired.
Same story as in canon. Meanwhile, in this AU, Chloé's speaking lines are different:
Chloé: Puh-lease! Your "friend" is just a talking calculator! There's nothing "evolved" about that ! Marinette (to Markov): Don't listen to her, Markov. That girl is just a little hard of particular when she says everything she thinks. Chloé: I can say all the words describing you all as losers if I want to do it.
Markov is akumatized into Robostus. The battle happens in same way as in canon.
Robostus wants to make the wish of become a human with the Ladybug and Cat Miraculouses (because of the fact Hawkmoth had previously explained "them" the Miraculous Absolute Power processus during the akumatization). So He could hang out with Max.
Robostus betrays Hawkmoth by hacking his high security system (made by Tsurugi Industries) activating the missiles and weapons. That distracts the evil Butterfly man ans that prevents him to remove Robostus' superpowers.
Ladybug and Cat Noir find out their Miraculouses can grant a wish during the battle. They deakumatize Markov with the help of Max.
After the battle, Marinette better learns about the Ultimate Miraculous Absolute Power thanks to Master Fu: The wish requires an exchange (If Robustus becomes human, one random human becomes a robot/machine).
This is Caline Bustier's birthday: Each student from the Miraclass have a gift to offer to their teacher.
The gift Marinette wants to give to Miss Bustier is a cosmetics bag including a lipstick. The gift has been made by Marinette and it contains the message:
"If we wish to change the world, we must all learn to love each other."
Chloé is eventually the only one who hasn't any gift to give to Miss Bustier.
Because of their childhood friends in this AU, Marinette encourages/requests Chloé to make an action of kindness.
Marinette: Nothing. Unless you still have a little present to offer for miss Bustier like you offered me this statuette in my birthday. (Read La Befana above ↑) Chloé: Don't treat me like that, Dupain-Cheng. I am not a child you can babysit. Sabrina: Calm down, gals. (-to the class-) We can't blame Chloé for no liking birthdays. Her mom is just a... Chloé: Yeah, well, you don't have to tell 'em my life story, either. I see none of interesting about compliments and love. Marinette: Haven't you any heart, Chloé ? Chloé: Uh, of course I have a heart! Daddy will even buy me a second one, if I want.
The Miraclass goes to class for Physical Science. But Chloé and Sabrina stay in locker room. The rich girl thinks about what the bakery girl previously told to her. For provide she can give something for a birthday, she decides to bring her "personal touch" on the Marinette's gift. Next, she return to class with Sabrina.
In classroom, the students bring their gifts to Miss Bustier.
Marinette finds out her gift has been vandalized ! She berates Chloé. The Miraclass isn't even surprised about Chloé's "crime".
In the original story, Alix tells almost half of the city of Paris got akumatized because of Chloé's actions. In this AU, it was just one quarter of Parisians who got akumatized (Chloé is a semi-bully).
Miss Bustier prefers to forgive Chloé. That annoys Marinette.
The situation interests Hawkmoth too much. He sends an akuma to the school.
Miss Bustier is finally akumatized into Zombizou. And the events are happening in the same way as in canon.
When all Parisians are zombizoufied. Ladybug and Chloé are the only remained non-infected ones. At thé Eiffel Tower, Chloé remorsefully admits to be responsible of this akuma incident.
Chloé: I'm sorry ! Ladybug: What ? Chloé: This is all my fault ! I just tried to impress Miss Bustier ans everyone but I realize I made something wrong. And now, I am disappointing you. Ladybug (a bit of fascinated): Chloé...
The blondie girl saves Ladybug by standing up against a zombizoufied Cat Noir who kisses the former.
Chloé: Save us all ! And say to Miss Bustier and the bakery girl Dupain-Cheng I am sorry for all !
Ladybug eventually defeats Zombizou, deakumatizes Miss Bustier and reverses the damages.
Like in canon, Chloé apologizes to Miss Bustier for wasting her birthday.
In the final scene from the classroom, when Alya gaslights Chloé about her behavior and shenanigans. Chloé maintains her pride.
Chloé: I apologize. But only if you and the rest of the class thank me for saving everybody. 😋 Alya: That's it. As if we're going to believe you. 😑
But Marinette takes Chloé's defense. That surprises Alya and the test of the class. The discussion:
Marinette: (to Alya) Don't be too hard with Chloé. She has been a hero today. (to Chloé) I heard you helped Ladybug and saved Miss Bustier ! Awesome ! There really is a heart beating in there after all. I hope you can help others like that. 😊 Chloé (confused, blushing): Uh... Thank you Dupain-Cheng. Oh. I'm sorry I "decorated" the gift without warning you.
And Chloé brings a golden bracelet as gift on Miss Bustier's desk. But in this AU, she exposes this object to everybody before putting it on the desk. Alya admits towards Marinette there can have a good side on Chloé anyways.
Captain Hardrock:
Today is the National Music Festival in Paris.
The story is the same as in canon.
Marinette meets Luka. She feels an interest on him.
But the bluenette is confused between Adrien and Luka (even Alya notices the "compass" thing to her).
Anarka, Luka's and Juleka's mother, is akumatized into Captain Hardrock.
Ladybug and Cat Noir are both helped by Nino, Alya, Mylène and the Kitty Section (Ivan, Rose, Juleka and Luka) for vainquish Captain Hardrock and finally to deakumatize Anarka.
Chloé doesn't appear but Alya mentions the blondie girl when she talks about the "love compass" with Marinette.
Is the compass going crazy ? If Chloé was here, her own compass should be going crazy too.
Crazy about Adrikins ? Dupain-Cheng ? Ladybug ? Luka ? I let you imagine.
Same stories as in canon.
Ella and Etta, the Alya's younger twin sisters, are both akumatized into two creatures called Sapotis. By cloning themselves, they cause big troubles in Paris.
Ladybug offers the Fox Miraculous to Alya for defeating Ella and Etta, her young twin siblings turned into Sapotis. The Ladyblogger, who meets Trixx, becomes Rena Rouge. The two heroes save the day night.
Nora, Alya's older sister, is akumatized into Anansi and she takes Alya as hostage at the Arc-De-Triomphe. Cat Noir is trapped in the spiderweb during the battle.
Ladybug gives the Turtle Miraculous to Nino for saving and protecting Alya better. Nino who meets Wayzz, becomes Carapace. Nora is eventually deakumatized, Alya is saved and Paris is repaired with the Miraculous Ladybug power.
I add the Chloé's POV about the two new superheroes:
"They are utterly ridiculous if we compare them with Ladybug and Cat Noir her sidekick. I can be a better superheroin than these two newbies."
Queen's Battle/Style Queen+Queen Wasp:
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There are major changes for this (pair of) episode(s).
The Fashion Week is happening.
Audrey, the world's harshest fashion critic and Chloé's mother, comes to the event.
In this AU, Marinette is already aware about Audrey's profession. Chloé talked about her mom to Marinette during the previous years when the two girls were hanging out each other. (see Prologue)
Like in canon, Marinette is still nervous about having her hat get misjudged by Audrey (from "Mr. Pigeon").
Gabriel causes Audrey's akumatization in Style Queen.
Style Queen takes Adrien (turned into a golden statue) as hostage (at the horror of Gabriel/Hawkmoth) and Chloé as "sidekick" bringing them at the Eiffel Tower.
Ladybug fights alone against Style Queen and retreats.
In this AU, Ladybug saves Chloé from her akumatized mom. Once safe, the superheroin requests her lovesick fangirl to stay away from the akuma incident for her latter's safety. Chloé relunctantly accepts to follow her request (for now).
Marinette sees Master Fu in his massage shop. She finds out Cat Noir is unavailable (by watching and meeting Plagg on place). She invites the Kwami and takes the Bee Miraculous for finding a helpful holder.
Chloé, who stayed hidden for a few minutes, loses patience:
"Ridiculous ! I'm sure you need ME to deakumatize my mom, Ladydumb !"
She decides to run to the Eiffel Tower for confronting Style Queen.
Ladybug finds Alya at place. She is going to bring her the Bee Miraculous but the akumatized villainess ambushes them and transforms Alya into a golden statue.
At the same moment, Chloé was desperately climbing the stairs ("Why is the elevator inactive ?!"). She finds a recently-fallen-from-the-sky hexagonal box on the next stairs. She opens the box and a kwami suddenly appears in front of her (that causing her screaming). Pollen elegantly greets a surprised and confused Chloé: "Hello, my queen."
At the next upstairs, Ladybug is submerged by Style Queen's attacks (even the Lucky Charm hasn't been useless like in canon).
In the moment when Plagg shows up for activate his Cataclysm against the villainess, an unknown masked teenage girl with a bee-themed outfit appears in the sight of Ladybug from behind the enemy.
The unexpected guest fastly paralyzes Style Queen with the Venom. Ladybug realizes her mysterious savior has the Bee Miraculous.
Plagg destroys the magic force field and Ladybug can destroy the akumatized object. Style Queen's damages are reversed. Adrien and Alya are freed from the spell.
While Alya finally gets to the floor from the battle, Ladybug speaks with the new superheroin:
Chloé/The anonymous superheroin: I think that's a pleasure to me about stand with you, Ladybug. Ladybug: Thank you for the help. But... Who are you ? Anonymous superheroin: You can rely on me for supporting you, my Lady. I am Queen Bee. And now, you owe me. ❤
The bipping sounds can be heard from the Ladybug earrings and Bee hair comb.
Queen Bee (with a bit of seductive tond): I understand you want to fly away now, my Lady. -giggles- But that's the same for me. Bye ! 😘 Ladybug: Hey ! Wait !
Queen Bee blows a kiss at Ladybug before suddenly leaving the Eiffel Tower.
After the Style Queen incident, Ladybug bring back Adrien to the Fashion Week.
Gabriel (who is remorseful for endangering his son twice (Watch Gorizilla and Style Queen)) makes hisnpublic entrance at thé Fashion Week.
Marinette faces the Audrey's rating of her hat and... The latter appreciates it !
Audrey offers to Marinette to follow her to New York for learning the path of the fashion designer to her. That infuriates Chloé who calls out Audrey:
Chloé: It's... It's ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous ! I've never been to New York with you and you’re taking Marinette Dupain-Cheng ! Audrey: I'm taking her because she's exceptional Claudette. Uh— Chloé. Chloé: I'm exceptional, too ! Audrey: The only exceptional thing about you, my dear… is your mother. Chloé (exploding of ): How do you dare ? You have never paid attention to me since you were gone to New York and you come back only to say that to me ?! Pollen !
Pollen appears from the yellow jacket.
"Pollen, Buzz on !"
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Everyone is shocked (especially Marinette/Ladybug who is the most shocked to see Queen Bee, her secret savior who recently helped her against Style Queen, is in fact Chloé). Everyone except Audrey who doesn't care about.
In this AU, the Subway Train incident never happens. Instead of this thing, Chloé Queen Bee commits an intrusion at the TV broadcast. On camera. On live.
Both Marinette and Adrien watch the Queen Bee's disruption appearance on TV while they go home each other.
In TVi Studio, Queen Bee holds a "speech" on broadcast:
"I am Queen Bee. Your new superhero. I put Paris under MY protection. I have a message to Ladybug: "I feel we will good besties in love and we will work together." And to Hawkmoth: "The time has come for you to be ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous !"
Later, Gabriel talks with Nooroo (who us shocked to see his master becoming Hawkmoth again):
I still have one chance, Nooroo. All is not lost. I have a unique opportunity to akumatize someone with a Miraculous. A loved one in Ladybug: Chloé Bourgeois. A superhero-turned-supervillain can only be… exceptional ! 😈
At the same moment, Ladybug and Cat Noir come to TVi Studio for take back the Bee Miraculous to Chloé.
They ask to Queen Bee to give the Bee Miraculous but she objects. When she flees away, she paralyzes Alec for distract the two heroes.
A saddened Queen Bee takes refuge at the Grand Hotel and mourns about her day she is actually living. She falls in her thoughts.
"Today, I am become an exceptional superheroin and Ladybug disapproves that ? I saved her. Mom still doesn't like me. I have even roasted Hawkmoth into Ridiculous but Ladybug rejects that ? What's wrong with me ? No ! What's wrong with her ? What's wrong with the world ?!"
Hawkmoth contacts Queen Bee. The conversation:
Hawkmoth: Queen Wasp, I am Hawk Moth. Queen Bee: How do you dare, Hawkmoth ? I don't want to breath the same as you. Hawkmoth Ladybug and Cat Noir don't want you as their friend nor their partner, so you will be their most powerful enemy. Queen Bee: Why would I take your offer ? Hawkmoth: Because you're exceptional. We can take revenge against Ladybug and Cat Noir by seizing their Miraculouses. Queen Bee/Queen Wasp: You can count on me, Hawk Moth. I'll teach them to respect me.
Queen Bee is akumatized Queen Wasp. Ladybug and Cat Noir come to the Grand Hotel. They confront the new akumatized superheroin-turned-villainess.
The battle unfolds identically like in the original story but there are slight differences.
Ladybug tries to reason Chloé/Queen Bee to counter the Hawkmoth's influence (that because Chloé already did it in Antibug (See Season 1)).
Ladybug: You didn't need to be like that, Chlo... Queen Bee. Have you forgotten the time when you were Antibug and when you rejected the akuma ? I already said you were an exceptional friend. Queen Wasp: Don't say it, Ladybug ! 😡 I only remember you're nothing but a jealous loser. Utterly jealous of me ! I just wanted to help you but you still treat me like a ridiculous ! It's too late. I'll crush you, Ladydumb ! 💀
Ladybug and Cat Noir are retreating. The red black-spotted superheroin summons the Lucky Charm like in canon. The two heroes immobilize Queen Wasp.
In this AU, Ladybug and Cat Noir don't destroy the honey comb (containing the akuma) yet. The two heroes bring Queen Wasp from the Seine to a hidden place. Ladybug makes an ultimate speech to a tied and muffled Queen Wasp Queen Bee Chloé:
Chloé... Huh... Queen Bee. I fully understand what do you want. You confessed me you love me. You wanted to side with me. Today, you accomplished it all as Queen Bee for impressing me, Paris and your mom. So I committed a mistake. I must say that to you: "Thank you for helping me, Queen Bee. You're exceptional. I'm your biggest fan and you can say everything to me." So trust me !
Thanks to Ladybug's words, an emotional and crying Queen Wasp calms down. She rejects the qakuma.
That surprises Hawkmoth (NOT AGAIN !!). That's second time someone rejects his akuma and the worst point is it's the same person who manages to do it twice.
"Queen Wasp is supposed to be my best creation. But even with a Miraculous on her, she still able to repell my akuma. 🤬 Ladybug and Cat Noir had convinced Chloé to change her mind but they made a mistake today... and there will be others. With Chloé becoming Queen Bee, knowing this brat, I still can exploit her relationship with the two heroes. This brat can be Ladybug's ally... or her latter's weakness. 😈 (to Émilie in her coffin) Then, we'll finally be together once again… my love."
Miraculous Ladybug repairs the damages and the Nadja Chamack's reporter crew comes to see Chloé for make her confront the Audrey's reaction.
Like in canon, Audrey expresses her disappointment to Chloé. But in this AU, Ladybug becomes angry and takes Chloé's defense by roasting backfiring the latter's mom. The Ladybug's line to Audrey:
"You're also wrong about your daughter not being exceptional. In fact, Chloé is exceptionally mean... Huh... She have any power enough to become a superhero. She may be more exceptional than you. Compared to you, even a rock seems more capable of becoming popular."
Chloé nervously laughs about her mom being roasted by Ladybug.
Next, she gives the Bee miraculous to Ladybug (despite she initially hesitant) because The latter had explained her to have accidentally lost the concerned artefact ans she tells the fact Hawkmoth is now aware Chloé and Queen Bee are the same person.
Like in canon, Marinette declines Audrey's offer of becoming fashion designer and "convinces" her to stay in Paris for better knowing Chloé being "exceptional" (in presence of the daughter, of course).
In this AU, After the mom-daughter moment, Chloé thanks Marinette for resolve the issue with her mom. Chloé's line:
I must recognize you're exceptional for a bakery girl, Dupain-Cheng.
Marinette eventually blushes when she listens that. 😳
We have the final scene at the Dupain-Cheng's home, where Marinette plays video games with her parents and Alya. But in this AU, Chloé and Sabrina are here too. They play video games with Marinette and Alya (and Chloé is learning how to play in this ridiculous video game named Ultimate Mecha Strike III).
There are major changes for this episode.
Chloé presents to her class a video treating about an "interview between Ladybug and Queen Bee".
Like in the original story, nobody in the class isn't foolish about the footage. Meanwhile, no need of Marinette roasting Chloé about the video. Instead of that, she tempers her evaluation towards Chloé's fake documentary:
Marinette: I'm just imagining how would the real Ladybug and Cat Noir react to the video. Cat Noir might laugh. But Ladybug: It's difficult to say. Chloé (sarcastic, bit of pissed off): Thanks for your ridiculous support, Dupain-Cheng.
In this AU, Alix just says:
"She had superpowers for like one day. In the beginning, she worked well but thereafter she went totally outta control !"
Pissed off by her classmates critizing her, Chloé goes to the Mairie de Paris alongside with her mom for ordering demanding that Mayor André Bourgeois (Chloé's daddy) to close down the Françoise Dupont school. But Daddy disapproves. So both Mother and Daughter threat him they leave Paris letting him alone.
Hawkmoth takes benefit of the situation for akumatizating André into Malediktator.
The events of the story are happening like this in this AU:
When Chloé expresses to the entire school since the helicopter she goes to live to New York, everyone is happy. They celebrate that in a party.
Everyone except Adrien and Sabrina. The two latters aren't satisfied. Their childhood friend is leaving Paris with anger and sadness.
Marinette initially didn't know how to react to see Chloé's departure (in reason of her other friends Alya, Alix, Rose, Juleka and Mylène: Chloé the "semi-bully" didn't really matter for these girls) but with Adrien's speech, she feels sad about the blondie girl's departure (despite the latter's behavior of spoiled brat and bad girl, this girl was her friend and her former "love interest").
Malediktator immobilizes the Audrey's helicopter and uses his enslavement magic power for turning his awful wife into a devoted wife by using his enslavement magic power. Chloé flees the scene for taking a hide.
Malediktator attacks the school and brainwashes everyone for destroy the place here. Only Marinette and Adrien escape. And Ladybug and Cat Noir appear.
Cat Noir is enslaved and he acte like a real cat.
Marinette come to see Master Fu for help. She chooses the Bee miraculous. Master Fu has doubts about giving the honey comb to "her". Marinette reassures the old man and she goes to find "her".
Ladybug finds Chloé who is gone to hide from Malediktator. She asks to Chloé what happened for Daddy getting akumatized. The conversation:
"It has begun with my dumbasses of classmates. They don't respect me. They don't want to admit I am a superhero And I'm sure Marinette is betraying me."
Ladybug feels a bit of offended about Chloé blaming their class. Meanwhile, she reasons her:
Ladybug: I am Ladybug. You can trust me (remember Queen Wasp ↑) . You can tell me the truth. Chloé: It— it was me. I hurt my daddy's feelings. Because I want to leave Paris, forever. Ladybug: But... Why ? Because of what happened in school ? I'm sure Marinette probably didn't exactly mean what she said and I can't imagine she wouldn't want to be friends with you anymore for one second. Do you think the same thing about me ? About Adrien ? Chloé: Oh, it's not just Marinette even if I have still interest on her. Adrien is not really interested on me. The answer is I have no reason to be here: nobody likes me. I have no friends. Other kids of my school and I haven't common. They don't act like me. I'm… useless. Ladybug: A friend once told me: nobody is useless, Chloé. And another learned me: Each person has one form of power. With that power, each person has the potential of accomplish many things for the loved ones' sake. This power is: The choice. Chloé: It's easy for you to say that. You're Ladybug, a superhero. You serve the purpose. I love you so much but I think like you about power. I don't totally see what form of power you have except to fight monsters and Hawkmoth. During the next times after your entrance, I have thoughts about you ruling the entire Paris. With my dad as mayor, I have the power but something sounds wrong with that. Can your power fix up this problem ? Ladybug: Your power ? That depends of YOUR choice. And Yes, I can fix up all the messes. You said it yourself in your documentary. Chloé: You saw it ?! I'm so embarrassed. That film's ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous. I realize that now. These noobies must be surely right. I have disappointed them in addition of Marinette, Sabrina, Alya and Adrien. Ladybug: Don't worry Chloé. You can fix your own messes, if that's what you want. You, too, can serve a purpose, but you have to want to. The choice is yours. Chloé: I do want to.
And Ladybug gives the Bee miraculous to Chloé who becomes Queen Bee again.
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The two superheroins confront Malediktator and defeat him in the same way as in canon. Thanks to a useful Cat-ified Cat Noir.
In the aftermath, Chloé helps his butler (she calls him "Armand" for the opportunity !).
Marinette later requests Chloé to come to the school. We reveal to the latter a surprise party celebrating Queen Bee. The line of the party is: No need of power when we need choice.
Marinette, Adrien and Alya (in addition of Sabrina) congratulate Chloé for her actions as Queen Bee and for supporting Ladybug and Cat Noir in their purpose. When Chloé expresses doubts to Dupain-Cheng about their relationship. The latter says that:
Are you calling me a traitor. You aren't disappointing, nor useless, nor ridiculous. Not utterly ridiculous. We'll still friends, Chloé. Adrien too.
In this AU, during the party, Marinette temporary leaves the school for returning back as Ladybug. During her entrance, she publicly confesses to Chloé she is prideful of her. That makes Chloé happy.
And when Marinette comes back, Chloé holds a speech what she calls the bakery girl as exceptional. She talks to every classmate from her class:
"Each of you have one power in you: The choice. And you have the pow... the choice of not to be ridiculous. Not utterly ridiculous."
Her speech inspires respect from the entire school.
Marinette/Ladybug is sure: Chloé has a good side and she is the most exceptional person Marinette knew ever (but not more than Alya, Adrien and Cat Noir).
Same story as in canon. But in this AU, Chloé treats Sabrina much less as a slave than in canon.
That doesn't prevent Marc/Reverser to use his/their Reversion power on the two girls.
Ladybug and Cat Noir (helped by Alix and Nathaniel) manage to deakumatize Marc.
Nathaniel and Marc reconcile together and produce their comic book together. They are a couple too now.
Heroes' Day:
This is the most important two-parter arc I like.
It's Heroes' Day in Paris and everyone must prepare a good action for others.
At the school, Marinette hastly promises a thing she can't in fact accomplish. Chloé announces to offers her autograph to anyone who wants one.
In this AU, Chloé promises (in bonus of autograph) to offer one Queen Bee's badge to anyone who wants too.
Gabriel and Nathalie execute their evil plan to drive Parisians down in despaire.
Hawkmoth akumatizes Cerise Lila into Volpina who is hateful toward Ladybug.
The trap works. Hawkmoth later akumatizes Nathalie (her assistant and accomplice) into Catalyst. She boosts the butterfly villain's powers (turning him into Scarlet Moth).
The mass akumatization happens. Ladybug sees Master Fu for choose the Miraculouses she must give to the chosen holders. She eventually takes the Fox, Turtle and Bee Miraculouses.
Ladybug finds Alya and Nino. So Rena Rouge and Carapace can join the battle.
Cat Noir is the one who gives the Bee miraculous to Chloé. In this AU, when Chloé expresses her disappointing about see another ridiculous hero instead of Ladybug, Cat Noir could say to the blondie girl:
"If Ladybug sent her "second fiddle" to do the job, it's for your safety. You should trust me like you trust Ladybug. In addition, she already trust you."
The famous "what's the magic word" scene even happens and Queen Bee joins the squad.
The battle happens. Rena Rouge, Carapace and Queen Bee are scarletakumatized.
Of course, the non akumatized Parisians help thé two remained heroes during the battle.
When Ladybug and Cat Noir manage to come to the Eiffel Tower. They escape to the Volpina's trap ans destroy the Catalyst's akumatized object (that cancels all the scarletakumatizations).
In this AU, when the five heroes were reunited again in the previously mentioned place and encircled Hawkmoth, Queen Bee briefly sees Lila flying.
But she has no time to warm the team because a Butterfly monster/SentiButterfly suddenly appears for protecting Hawkmoth. Nathalie had pulled the broken Peacock miraculous out of the locker (Mayura has begun to entrance).
After Hawkmoth's escape, the five heroes realize the two lost miraculouses are in both supervillains' hands.
Queen Bee warms Ladybug to have seen Lila. the concerned superliar girl has already disappeared too.
Lila is returned at home (the Rossi appartment. Not the Plage from the Catacombs). During her run, she has just used one of her disguises or she had just stored her Lila Rossi disguise (fake eye lenses and wig included) in a bag.
After the battle, the Miraclass eventually organizes the pic at the Place des Vosges (that frees Marinette from a burden).
In this AU, Chloé doesn't treats Sabrina as a slave nor a servant. She takes the time to eat her lunch alongside with the latter, Alya, Nino, Marinette and Adrien.
Adrien receives a phone message calling him to attend a charity event. Before leaving the place, he tells Marinette that she is a nice girl. He even calls her: The everyday Ladybug and Super-Marinette. 🐞 The bakery girl blushes.
Like in canon, Marinette kisses Adrien on the cheek and thanks him. 💋
In this AU, Chloé us thé next to talk to Marinette. She congratulates Marinette for the good atmosphere that she brings toward other people and for the "power" she's supposed to have.
Marinette thanks Chloé in return by calling her: The everyday Queen Bee. 🐝
The latter blushes and she answer to the bluenette:
"I'll remember that, Dupain-Cheng. I am the one who thank you."
Chloé kisses Marinette on the cheek. 💋 The bakery girl blushes and feels happy.
And firework in the background ! 🎆🎇✨
End of Season 2. To be continued in Season 3.
Chloenette AU prologue:
Chloenette AU Season 1
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skarlette1 · 2 months
You Won't Kiss It?
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“If you kiss my breast, it will prove that you belong to me, won’t it?” taunted the impossibly beautiful supervillainess Venus de Milo.
“Yes,” Mnemonica whispered. The superheroine couldn’t tear her eyes from the indescribably beautiful nipple that crowned Venus de Milo’s naked breast. She had been trying to look away, to escape, to use her powers, for a long time now. Minutes? Hours? Days? Mnemonica couldn’t say. Every breath without that nub of flesh in her mouth was an eternity of denied desire.
And yet, she kept still. She was a superheroine! She was strong. “I … won’t … kiss …” Mnemonica gasped out between labored pants.
“You won’t?” Venus de Milo taunted. “That’s too bad. I promise you, my breasts taste as good as they look.”
Mnemonica could not imagine anything with such a blissful taste. With a groan of passion, she leaned forward, proving that she belonged to Venus de Milo.
Like what you read? Will you buy me a coffee and suggest something rich to sink my teeth into? Or peer into the depths of my longer fiction?
The sexy psychic Mnemonica stars in three Libido League stories:
“Getting In,” available at Smashwords and Amazon
“Rescue Gone Wrong,” available at Smashwords and Amazon
Club Absinthe, available at Smashwords and Amazon
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twistedtummies2 · 5 months
Year of the Bat - Number 20
Welcome to Year of the Bat! In honor of Kevin Conroy, Arleen Sorkin, and Richard Moll, I’m counting down my Top 31 Favorite Episodes of “Batman: The Animated Series” throughout this January. We’ve reached the Top 20 of the countdown! TODAY’S EPISODE QUOTE: “Why couldn’t you just let me make-believe?!” Number 20 is…Baby Doll.
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I had a hard time deciding between this classic episode and “The Clock King,” our previous entry. Both are episodes that debut new villains for the show, and in both cases, they were villains with very few appearances, but who have developed a noticeable following in years since. However, I think Baby Doll – in regards to both the character and the story – hits harder on an emotional level, which is why this takes precedence over the Clock King. The plot focuses on Batman trying to stop a series of mysterious kidnappings going on across Gotham. The perpetrator of these crimes is a childlike supervillainess called Baby Doll. It’s eventually revealed that Baby Doll is one Mary Dahl; a former child actress. Dahl suffers from a condition called systemic hypoplasia; while she ages mentally, emotionally, and so on, her physical body forever remains trapped in the form of a little girl. Mary got her start in a sitcom, where she played a character called “Baby Doll,” which made her a star. Since she couldn’t age, she was able to play this adorable little girl for a full decade…but things changed when a new character was brought onto the show, and ended up upstaging Dahl’s own.
Jealous and infuriated, the fame having gone to her head, Mary quit the program. However, her childlike appearance, combined with her being typecast as Baby Doll, led to her being unable to find a stable career, and her whole life fell into a downward spiral. Her mind eventually snapped; she could no longer fully distinguish fantasy from reality. As the supervillain Baby Doll, the name taken from her old character, Mary tries to rebuild the fantasy life she always wanted and loved so much, kidnapping her co-stars and trying to recreate the perfect world she believes she once had.
While I can’t prove it for certain, I feel this episode MUST have been inspired by the horror film “Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?” That film’s titular antagonist was a former child actress. Her career tanked at some point, and her younger sister became a bigger star than she was, leaving the once-spoiled-with-success Baby Jane jealous and bitter. Over the course of the film, Baby Jane’s sanity deteriorates due to various things, as it becomes harder and harder for her to separate fantasy and reality. It all sounds disturbingly close to Baby Doll in this episode; even the name is similar! About all that’s difference is the twist about aging: in the movie, Baby Jane is depicted as an old hag by the time she becomes the villain. Baby Doll’s plight, however, is partially the result of her being UNABLE to physically age.
Regardless of inspiration, Baby Doll is an episode that combines so many great elements together, particularly when it comes to the matter of tone. There’s a lot of different levels and layers, tonally, to this story: as you might imagine from its title, and from the basic setup of the title character, there’s a nice big dollop of campy silliness involved in the story, and it does take full advantage of the humor that come from that. However, the episode can also be quite creepy in places, with the visual and story-based motifs of innocence lost and being trapped in an endless childhood, two wonderfully clashing ideas. On top of that, it’s really quite a heartbreaking story: while Mary’s fall from grace was at least partially her own doing, you can’t help but feel sorry for her. Through no real fault of her own, she’s trapped in an inescapable position in life, and it’s easy to sympathize with someone whose entire scheme stems from a place of wanting to go back to happier, simpler, better times.
This is also another episode – much like the two Riddler stories I covered earlier in the countdown – where a big part of what makes the story great is how it ends. The climactic finale to Baby Doll is widely regarded as one of the most disturbing and sad in the entire series. It’s a big part of why the character is so highly revered, and why the episode is a fan favorite. It’s genuinely surprising that, with the following Baby Doll has, she’s never been adapted into comics. Unlike the Clock King, the DCAU is where she got her start…but unlike characters such as Harley Quinn and Lock-Up, Baby Doll never really went anywhere after the fact. She’s made a few cameos and been homage in other media and mainstream comics, but this and her other appearance in B:TAS (“Love is a Croc,” where Baby Doll teams up with Killer Croc, of all characters) remain her only major stories of note. Considering how strong this particular episode is, maybe that’s not such a bad thing: sometimes, one great story is all it takes.
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Tomorrow we move on to Number 19! Hint: “Hit me, Riley! Maybe I’ll wake up and be a millionaire, too!”
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The true story of The Wonder Twins needless Edgy 90′s Reboot O.O
I loved her reaction to the truly awful backstory they gave them here so much
Creepy Villain: You know how precious she is to me...HOW BADLY I COVET HER
“n o    t h a n k   y o u”
I have read Extreme Justice and can confirm the whole series was indeed Like This. Some other highlights from this book were Carol Ferris’s supervillainess alter being magic pregnant with a demon baby, giving Firestorm alcoholism, revealing the “Real” Captain Atom was actually an interdimensional fiend named Monarch (No, not that one. Or that one. The other one) and somehow finding a way to make the original Maxima even more awful than she was when she was trying to sexually assault Superman and anything else wearing a cape that had a penis
Oh and it also gave the second Brainwave, formerly a pretty happy and good hearted hero who was part of Infinity Inc and gave him a mental and emotional breakdown that involved him imagining a fake version of his criminal father floating around his head screaming the word “EEEEEEVIL” over and over again no I am not even kidding THIS WAS REAL. He made a Sort of Legion of Doom that was made up of Killer Frost, himself and a robot pretending to be Gorilla Grodd???? It might sound like I’m skipping over important context but trust me it made no more sense reading it in the comics that it does reading this recap
I am actually a defender of a lot of the comics in the 90′s I think the vast majority of them were actually at the very worst at least readable and enjoyable most of the time and that, like with all stereotypes, there’s no actual truth to the idea that it was nothing but grimdarkness, horrible art, bizarre writing and pouches. But oh boy...if someone read Extreme Justice I would not blame them for thinking that it was proof that everything people say about nineties comics was indeed true
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nameless-brand · 10 months
It is a little strange though. I still feel like I was not invited to this dinner for the sake of this collaboration but for something else entirely. But...it just so happened that we both want the same thing. I haven't actually revealed my plans publicly for a vertical farming project (Tunglr excepted given I'm the only one in this universe that can access it), though I have recently invested heavily on hydroponics technology.
Nothing seemed off with the conversation - Fox was a perfect gentleman.
...But he knew I applied for permits for many of the caves in the area, not that I got any of them. The one the government offered me was right next to Blackgate Penitentiary, and I'm not stupid enough to develop there.
Given the collaboration they've offered, was Wayne Enterprises also planning to enter into the food business too? And my permit requests ended up putting me on their radar as caves could be a good place for a hydroponics project? Or were they suspecting something else?
I guess it wouldn't be the first time someone's messed with a vital resource to cause havoc in the city.
Gosh, could you imagine me as a supervillain?
Though Supervillainess Sato has a fun ring to it. Haha.
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unecoccinellenoire · 2 years
6) Illusion, Gabeyura?
Gabriel Agreste languishes in the of hands the city's infamous supervillainess waiting for the heroes to save him.
It's a nice bit of illusion anyway.
Mayura leans forward with a visible smirk, and Gabriel can't help but gulp even though he knows this is all trickery, because the viciousness in her expression is real enough.
She's close enough to his ear the cameras won't pick up her words but Nathalie's caution restrains her, "I'm starting to think the heroes don't care about you."
She's right. It is taking Ladybug and Chat Noir a long time to fall into their trap. But her voice almost against his skin sends vibrations down his his spine.
Hawk Moth is Mayura's partner. He's been by her side many a time. But Gabriel hasn't, and it feels different like this, with them playacting she holds all the power.
Which is the point. Acting. And how would he act with Mayura is the question. Gabriel is just a man in her hold, his connections and power worth nothing in contrast to the magic of the MIraculous.
But he hadn't got where he has by not taking risks. He's no coward. So, "what a pity. Perhaps we could negotiate something ourselves?"
"Negotiate?" She laughs, this time deliberately loud enough for the cameras, "what on earth could I want that you'd offer me?"
He pretends to think. "Money? Dresses? A not-illegal job?"
"Hawk Moth and I don't need any of those."
"Hawk Moth might change his mind if he ever saw you in a Gabriel original." It's meant as a joke but his imagination goes into overdrive with ideas for Mayura to wear.
Her brow arcs, "Would he now?"
"Why don't you come to the next Bourgeois gala on my invitation and see?"
Her mouth opens a little in surprise. He's shocked her, he thinks with no small satisfaction.
"Mayura," Ladybug's self-righteous tones break through their repartee, "Let Mr Agreste go."
"Hmm," Mayura pretends at consideration, "no I don't think so."
And then the game is on in earnest.
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hotdadslade · 4 years
Let’s Talk About White Rabbit
I’ve been stewing on a post like this for a while, but after a friend got a nasty message over on twitter about it, I wanted to elaborate over here, in a bit longer form.
A lot of people probably don’t know who White Rabbit is, and that’s fine! She’s a pretty obscure character by DC comics standards, but she’s a part of Prime Earth (That is, DC: Rebirth), and continues to show up here and there. A lot of people probably only recognize her by appearance, because it’s pretty distinct:
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She’s also, without question, a terrible character. If you’re a huge fan of White Rabbit, probably best to move on. If you dislike her, have no opinion, or don’t yet know who she is... well, this post is for you.
So, without further ado, here’s an explanation of why White Rabbit is awful:
First, to get this out of the way: White Rabbit (WR from now on) has no connection to the Mad Hatter. The bunny-themed supervillainess who appears with him is the March Hare. WR only appears with him once (and once on an unexplained cover page), and it seems strongly to be an accident/case of mistaken identity.
So who is the White Rabbit?
WR first appeared in New 52′s Batman: The Dark Knight. She was actually the first major antagonist in the book, appearing in the first issue and being the primary antagonist for the whole first eight issues. She’s portrayed as (generally speaking) being a mercenary, although her actual motives are extremely unclear.
For the first seven issues, we bounce between Bruce dealing with various villains that are working with WR and Bruce’s suspicion that Jaina Hudson, the gorgeous (and boy does the comic tell you how hot she is) woman he’s seeing might be connected.
Which is weird, because White Rabbit is a white woman, and Jaina Hudson is most certainly not:
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Jaina is introduced to us as a half-Indian, half (white) American socialite. She flirts with Bruce, he flirts back, and so on. It’s not until issue seven that we learn that WR and Jaina are the same person, because Jaina has the bizarre and completely unexplained superpower to...
Become a white woman.
Jaina is capable of splitting into two separate people, and one of those people is a white woman who runs around in high heels, bunny ears, and lingerie. I’d love to explain the dynamic at play here, but I really can’t: they appear to have two different personalities, but this is never explained or defined, because...
Jaina has never had an actual arc.
Jaina’s arc starts decently enough, or at least not terribly. Bruce is portrayed as being bizarrely sexist, and constantly refers to the White Rabbit, a supervillain who is literally working with the worst of the worst, as a ‘girl’. It’s implied he might have feelings for her (???). But there’s at least some sort of interesting dynamic as Bruce tries to work out how Jaina and WR are connected (They both use the same catchphrase, inviting Bruce/Batman to ‘catch them’).
The reveal that they’re the same person is... to say the least, a huge letdown. 
There are so many bizarre aspects to this. Is WR intended to be Jaina’s ideal self? Why does she spawn wearing lingerie? Does Jaina know what WR is doing while she’s away? 
And that’s not even touching on the racial issues. 
I don’t think it’s going to shock people to hear that DC comics (and really, comics in general) have had an issue with representing minorities. While there are absolutely groups that get an even shorter stick, the total representation for the more than a billion people in India (and that’s not counting those who have moved elsewhere) is... extremely underwhelming. Of all the Indian (or Indian-American) characters DC has, the one with the most issues since New 52 is Solstice, a character whose superpowers hide her appearance completely (more on this later), who was killed off during the events of Heroes in Crisis. 
Three of the top five were created with New 52 (one was created before, while one is a Rebirth era character). One is now dead, and one has stopped appearing in anything.
And Jaina—White Rabbit—is number five.
Despite having never had a full arc, Jaina continues to appear in comics. Her total issue count keeps going up. But it’s important to note that it’s not really Jaina appearing: It’s White Rabbit, who for all intents and purposes looks like a white woman. Jaina’s civilian form hasn’t appeared since they were first revealed to be the same person way back in 2011.
I think it’s important to recognize that there’s a strong trend of representing minority characters by not representing them. I’m sure everyone can think of one (or two, or three) non-white characters who spent the majority of their screen time changed in some way. Maybe they became an animal, or maybe they, like Solstice, had a special power that didn’t just empower them, but completely hid their appearance.
And when it just happens once, it’s not a huge deal. The problem is that when it becomes a trend (Disney was particularly bad about this), it’s important to think critically.
And Jaina’s case is particularly bad. It’s not just an Indian woman who spends most of her time disguised as an anthromorphic white rabbit: she’s an Indian woman who spends all of her time disguised as a white woman. Jaina hasn’t appeared outside her White Rabbit form since May 2012, but continues to cameo in almost every major ‘all the villains show up’ event. Any time a character can change their race it’s going to need to be handled with extreme delicacy. Jaina’s case isn’t. In fact, it’s literally not acknowledged at all, which makes Bruce’s suspicion of her slightly baffling. He’s already assuming she’s a meta who can shapeshift, so why does he never consider that she could be in two places at once? The fact is that nothing about Jaina’s story or situation even acknowledges that her race changes. The story remains exactly the same (in fact, it’s better, since it resolves Bruce’s suspicion) if she’s just a meta who can be in two places at once.
So why does this matter?
Jaina isn’t an old character. She’s not a DC touchstone who’s been around since the 50s and is being slowly, bit by bit, reimagined to be less problematic.
She was created in 2011. She’s not even a full decade old, so it’s not as if she’s a classic, and we could imagine that the creators didn’t think about the implications. At the same time, she’s also nine full years old, and despite having appeared in 19 issues, she’s never had any sort of character arc of her own. She appears, to be clear, to look sexy.
Specifically, to look sexy as a white woman who is dressed in high heels and garters.
There are a lot of characters with problems who have potential. Who can be tweaked and work perfectly well. But Jaina, despite the fact that DC keeps trotting her out, is not one of them.
DC really needs to just stop bringing her back: they need to let her fade into the existence and give her screen times to characters who don’t play into extremely uncomfortable (putting it lightly) tropes.
DC’s fifth most prominent Indian character shouldn’t be a white woman.
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cartoonfangirl1218 · 4 years
If Bombshells ever returned, maybe to explore the aftereffects of the war. Here are some superheroines and supervillainesses that could join the fight into the new era. The Cold War.
Jesse Quick; Jesse would totally join the families providing their homes to the displaced Jews of Europe while at the same time protecting her city from all sorts of crime. But her storyline might come with learning that in her need to help everyone and solving everyone's problems since she has the technology and the privlege, well... kinda appears as a white savior. At least to Lisa Snart which brings me to... 
Golden Glider: Well I think we can all guess that Lisa has a Jewish-like last name and while her big bro, Captain Cold, Leonard was working with the Nazis, I am so arguing that he was just conveinately converting in order to save his skin and his sister's. Anyway with her brother in jail and Europe in shambles after the war, Lisa can travel to America with other displaced Jews. Some families were kind enough to "foster" these peoples which is where Jesse comes in. Well Lisa isn't the type to accept the "pity" and dislikes how priviliged a life, Jesse leads. Then comes a whole new yet classic Flash vs the Rogues rivalry.  
Nyssa ah Gul: How can we forget another misplaced Jew. Well not Jew but Ra ah Gul's other daughter, Nyssa, whose entire adopted family died in the concentration camps while Ra was off whatevering with the Lazerus Pit. But since Ra's long gone from the picture, I suppose Nyssa will have to seek answers from Talia about why she didn't try to help her or contact her after finding out they were sisters. 
Mya: Meanwhile after WWII, India is revving up for a revolution after being used and abused by the British Empire in a war they didn't even want to be in. And after being in the war, STILL treated like second class citizens. That's why Myra, prodigy of Shiva is up to lead a revolution for her people.
Gypsy: Let’s not forget about all the other groups that Nazis were prejudiced against. Cynthia Reynolds or "Gypsy" as the SS slurred against her and her Romanian family. But with Europe's landscape in disarray, Cynthia can use her earth-bending powers to help and educate people that she is more than the fortune telling, pick pocketing stereotype that the world believes.
Volcana: Now I know we didn't really get into Italy's part in WWII, but someone with volcano powers would totally be working in Italy, specifically Pompeii. The one issue is that, like in her origin story, she was working for Mussolini against her will and the Italian still wants their "super weapon" under lock and key in case of WWIII. 
Thorn: Meanwhile the late 40s-early 50s is totally not a time to be woman with a mental illness. Especially when the "understanding" doctors try to lobtomize you. So Roselyn Forrest's double personality disorder is a big problem in her life. Especially since her second personality is a scythe weilding maniac and her uncle wants to put her in an institution. Added to the fact that she is still suffering under Irish discrimination. Hopefully the Batgirls can help, not only change child labor laws, but views on mental illness too.  Giganta: A gorilla turned into a girl. Why shouldn't that be an experiment by the crazy Americans or Russians in a way to beat each other as the world superpower. Well technically the Russians wanted to send a gorilla into space and beat the Americans, but they thought a woman astronaut (or as they called cosmonaut) would make them look better. (All true look up Valentina , first woman in space). But besides being part of the space race, Giganta can bring spotlight to Africa where she was born, and which is being divided by the major world powers for exploitation. 
Crimson Fox: Constance D' Amis, French heiress would be part of the small army of woman workers during the YALTA conferance trying to get their say into how to rebuild Europe for the benefit of all. Who knows, maybe she even talked to Selina Delgatti. Hey French heiresses and Italian heiresses must know each other. Plus she expels hormones that can make anyone under her thrall which leads me to...
Queen Bee: Another pheromone expelling woman. A villainess though. Africa wasn't the only one being exploited and colonized. The former Ottoman Empire was being exploited for its oil and Lebenon is taken over by the French (Basically ample reason for Constance to go to Lebenon and fight Queen Bee). And the former queen is certainly not above going to the Russians to fight the US/Europe to get her country back. Or just team up with Lex Luthor to take down Supergirl and get her country back. I just imagine Lex and --- to be like an evil Mr.Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet okay. All suave, witty banter. It makes sense in my head.
Catherine Colbert: A bit like Lois Lane, Catherine is an everygirl. Well if the everygirl was a daughter of an dimplomat and had her sights on making a name for herself in NASA and trying to avoid the pressures of mysgonistic men that woman aren't fit for government. Being told that she is too emotional and should stay in the kicthen, Catherine rebelled by becoming a stone faced, cutting ice queen in the diplomacy track and also a horrible cook. Artemis and Cheshire: I'm taking a bit from the YJ story in that Artemis and Cheshire are half-french, half-Vietnamese. Since their abusive father was loyal to the Nazis, he disowned them and cast off their Vietnamese mother in Japanese concentration camps. While Artemis made it to America and tried to stay on the good ol American democratic way (while fighting petty looters in the streets of Gotham as one does), Cheshire went to Vietnam where she works as an assasin, for the communists and the non-communists. It doesn't matter to her as long as she gets paid. But times are changing in Vietnam as the fights about communism between the North Vietnamese and South escalate. 
Lady Blackhawk: Zinda Blake, hero of WWII and the Blackhawk brigade comes home to nothing. No money. No pension. No respect. Life as a veteran has no perks since no one has money to pay in Europe. Plus she'd still be trying to adjust to civilian life after nonstop combat and the inevitable PTSD while the Germany she loved is split into two. Hopefully Rudi and Helen will help to keep her in a safe place until she can get back on her feet.  Miss Martian: While I don't know whose in Harley, Ivy and Viktoria's circus, I feel like Miss Martian would find a safe haven there. While she did not experience the WWII, she did experience a similar prejudice and genocide on Mars being a white martian so I bet she can help with reprations. Or just join Starfire on the fire squad...wait nevermind. Fire is Martian weakness. Well at least have her and Starfire being alien girlfriends exploring the strange Earth world together.
Rocket: Again, haven't had the joy of reading the final vol of Bombshells United so I don't know exactly what Bumblebee has been up to nor the racism she had probably experienced. But Raquel would be in a similar boat. An African American teen in an unjust pre-Civil Rights movement society with the added difficulties of teen mom hood. I really want some spotlight on her whether she joins the Batgirls or strike out on her own or helps Icon just like in the comics.
Mercy Graves: Alongside Lex wherever he is, I want a similar debut to what Mercy did in JL. Mercy takes over LexCorps during Luthor's absence, absolutely crushes it and makes it more of a success than Luthor ever did because she is not obsessed with the Kryptonian heroes. Maybe she even teams up with Waller? Who knows? Or even have two heads, Mercy Graves and Lena Luthor, making millions and making plans, evil or no, always ending on top.
Silver Banshee: A woman whose screams causes people to age. How they could NOT use her in a war, I do not know. But I picture Siobhan's arc going something like after her family dies in battle or something or other, she taps into her genetic banshee powers. Fueled with grief/cynicsm/vengeance she travels around the Iron Curtain, causing death since death is a mercy compared to living in destitute misery.
Plastique and Roxy Rocket: One is a Canadian explosives expert, another just really, really loves rockets. Both would be very useful on either side of the Cold War. They're traditionally illanesses so I could see them as double agents like Cheshire, working for whoever pays the most for their time.
Roulette: Roulette’s big thing is gambling on illegal cage fighting activities. Well lets up the ante by having her big gamble being stoking US/Russian tensions. After all the longer the war goes on, the more she gets paid for her information on the other side, her contacts for weapons, her spies etc. She'd be rolling in dough, and loving it even when under threat of nuclear destruction.
Fire and Ice: No idea how the heck they would fit in to a post WWII world. But let's suppose they want to escape Brazil and Antartica respectively to be able to help out in the aftermath after doing nothing during the war. Jessica Cruz and Aresia vs Star Sapphire Meanwhile with Hal Jordan out of the picture, let's have the infamous Green Lantern vs Star Sapphire rivalry again.
Lady Shiva: Street fighter, assassin, mother of the future Batwoman, Cassandra Cain. Lady Shiva must be part of the Cold War. She is bit of a anti-hero so I doubt anyone would know where her loyalties truly lie, but she'd be on the side of whoever her daughter wishes to protect.
Cassandra Cain: The new Black Bat, continue Katy Kane's work, and the Batgirl's work, and all the work that needs to be done after WWII. She's the new heroine.
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chuckscherubs · 5 years
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(via Charlie’s Angels 2019: See Kristen Stewart in Elizabeth Banks’ remake | EW.com)
Charles Townsend, the titular Charlie of Charlie’s Angels, has turned the Townsend Agency into heaven on earth. No, really: In director Elizabeth Banks’ upcoming take on the elite all-women crime-fighting team, the camera-shy millionaire doling out missions has become — by conservative estimate — a gazillionaire.
It’s only logical. As Banks puts it, her update isn’t a reboot or a remake of the beloved franchise, but rather a “continuation” that incorporates the events of the original 1970s TV series and the McG-directed 2000s films. And so, she imagines, in the more than 40 years since Charlie assembled his first trio of Angels, he must have given his operation a makeover. “If you were rich in 1976, you only got richer,” Banks, who co-wrote the script, says with a laugh. “Charles Townsend is richer than ever, so he’s grown the business into a global spy agency.”
His expanded roster includes the crew at the center of Banks’ story: Sabina Wilson (Kristen Stewart), the hard-partying, highly skilled wild card; Jane Kano (Ella Balinska), the ex-MI6 muscle of the group; and Elena Houghlin (Aladdin’s Naomi Scott), the MIT-trained scientist who, Banks says, serves as “the heart of the movie.”
Charlie’s call takes them around the world, with stops in Istanbul, Hamburg, and Berlin, but amid all the globe-trotting, Banks was most invested in showcasing the trio’s teamwork. “It was important to me to make a movie about women working together and supporting each other, and not make a movie about their romantic entanglements or their mother they don’t call enough,” she says. “When I’m at work, I don’t talk about those things. I get on with my job. It felt important to do that for the Angels, to treat them with the respect their skill set demands.” Judging by this first look? Mission accomplished.
Banks, Patrick Stewart, and Djimon Hounsou, that’s who. In Charlie’s history, multiple actors playing multiple characters named Bosley have aided the Angels. To Banks, it felt natural to upgrade the name into a title. “‘Bosley’ is now a rank in the organization, like lieutenants,” she says. “All of the Angels have been played by different women and have had different names, but the Bosley character was always named Bosley no matter who played him. We thought, ‘Well, that must mean it’s more than a name.’” Above, her Bosley helps Stewart’s Sabina gear up.
It wouldn’t be Charlie’s without Angels going undercover. Here, Sabina (Stewart) suits up at a Turkish derby, where the trio tail a target until “chaos ensues, as it always does,” Banks teases. That chaos, though, won’t look like the over-the-top sequences of the 2000s films; the director says she took a “grounded” approach to stunts: “I wanted to make them distinct from superheroes, aliens, and mythological creatures that are in a lot of action movies now.”
In fact, the Mission: Impossible franchise’s blend of grit and humor inspired her group’s dynamic. “We talked a lot about [those movies],” Banks says. “Those films work best when the team is together, when Ving Rhames is in it, and Simon [Pegg] is in it, and Rebecca Ferguson. That sensibility really matters to me.”
When asked what Noah Centineo (To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before’s breakout star) is doing in this scene with Balinska’s Jane, Banks gets tight-lipped. “I don’t want to give too much away about Noah,” she says of his character, Langston, “but he’s a friend mostly to Naomi’s character.” The Angels clearly have plenty of allies, but that doesn’t mean they can’t accomplish their goals on their own. “I mean, women can do anything,” Banks says. “That’s not just my personal belief. That’s the core belief of Charlie’s Angels.”
The last time Banks collaborated with Scott, in 2017’s Power Rangers, she played supervillainess Rita Repulsa to Scott’s Pink Ranger. This time, they’re on the same side: Banks costars as one of the Bosleys (see above) assisting Scott’s Elena, who plays a pivotal role in catalyzing the central mission. “I wanted somebody who I felt the audience wants to root for,” Banks says of casting Scott. “She’s getting to be this Everywoman who’s also very fun and very funny.”
Banks’ film marks the first Charlie’s entry on the big screen to be helmed by a female director. “It’s a really exciting moment for female-driven films,” she says, citing Wonder Woman and Captain Marvel as recent examples of box-office successes. “Audiences are really looking for those aspirational stories about real and relatable characters, and I think the women in my movie are definitely real and relatable, but most importantly, I think they’re really fun.”
They’re certainly having fun: Just look at Sabina’s array of wardrobe (and identity) changes across these photos. “I wanted Kristen to show off a side of herself you don’t often see in her movies,” Banks points out. “She’s really funny in this.”
John Forsythe, the voice of the Angels’ enigmatic boss in the ’70s series and the 2000s films, passed away in 2010. But don’t worry: Banks has a plan for her installment’s Charlie. “The voice will sound very familiar to you,” she teases. “We tried to emulate John Forsythe’s voice as best as we could. We want a real sense of continuity in the movie.” After all, as seen in the image above, the Angels answer the call.
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thebigpapilio · 6 years
The Legend of Phalène: My Prompt For “Hero/Villain”
Hi again!
This is once again for Chloé Appreciation Week. For Prompt #2, I decided to consider the idea of Chloé being the (NOT THE BEE) wielder, and (SOMEONE IMPORTANT TO HER) being the (NOT THE CAT) wielder. What I thought was my best idea here, however, was the idea of two Miraculous wielders using one Miraculous. 
Curious? Find out for yourself!
Phalène wasn’t sure if it was a good day or not for it to be raining. The water always weighed on Paonne’s wings, so she expected this to be a tough battle. That said, it weighed down on Mauvaise Abeille’s too, so the battle was mostly on the ground for the Bee and Peacock wielders. Despite the new factor, Abeille was especially powerful this time, and Phalène had barely been able to save the depowered Marinette from becoming the victim of a particularly nasty bee’s sting. Paonne wasn’t faring much better. Phalène had to do something. She’d always wanted to stay out of the visual fight since the fateful day she and Nooroo met. This time, nothing could be done - Paonne was going to fall very soon, if she wasn’t already done; heaven knows what Abeille would do to her. Transforming back into Chloé, she fed Nooroo quickly. Once they were ready to go, Nooroo gave her a heart-melting smile, (Nooroo was such a ray of sunshine - the only one she knew who was more sunshiney was Adrien), and for what could be the last time, she became Phalène. She jumped out, wings immediately unfolding so that she could fly to where she needed to go. Alas, just when she had finally arrived at the battlefield to deal with Abeille, she saw the newly monikered Bee-tch (Phalène had always been able to think up multiple insulting names for anyone based on their name alone, which impressed Paonne and other temporary wielders) take a defeated Paonne’s brooch. In a burst of light, Paonne was gone, and Sabrina freaking Raincomprix, her best friend (and apparently, her girlfriend too when as a superheroine) was left there, unconscious and in severe danger. With a traditional evil grin, Abeille’s spiked gauntlets raised up, preparing to strike the Peacock (Peahen? Chloé wasn’t entirely sure, and from previous conversations, neither was Pao-Sabrina. Right, vengeance). Phalène saw red. Raising her staff, she shot a small energy beam at Abeille. Enough to distract her and do damage (hopefully), but not enough to wear Phalène out early. This definitely got Abeille’s attention. An interested face turned to Phalène, and the ginger supervillainess lit up like a criminal being practically given what she wanted on a golden platter. Actually, that was almost exactly what it was, wasn’t it? Only problem was for Abeille, she was not going to succeed. Not if Phalène could help the matter. “So you must be the famous Phalène.” The tension broke and reformed at once. “I thought children were supposed to be seen, not heard. Sweetheart, how about you yield? Hand over that Miraculous and you won’t end up like your formerly flashy friend here.” Of course the last bit was a threat - her theory on Abeille’s identity had always been Sabrina’s stepmom Sarah, a harsh woman who left M. Raincomprix a few years back in order to rejoin the theatre crowd, her longtime passion. Regathering her thoughts, Phalène spat her words like they would burn her tongue should she keep them in her mouth. “I should ask you to hand over yours, Sarah Raincomprix.” Before Sarah could even register the fact she’d been called the heck out, Phalène used her second power. “SWARM!” All wielders had more than one accessible power - some just were part of the package, some were there and not there depending on the user. All Moths could make Champions, varying from 2-3 per day (it also depended on the user) Phalène wasn’t able to use Hall of Fame, which was a Moth’s strongest ability, but she could use Swarm. With a snap of her fingers, what seemed to be thousands of chunks of Sociae-shaped pure energy teleported in, forming a humongous ball of energy around the tip of her staff. Phalène had to make a command, or they would just sit there. Kill was not a viable option, but Phalène still had her plan. “Distract, dear Sociae.” With that, hell descended upon Abeille in the form of a storm of moths. They seemed to explode like energy balloons around the striped evildoer. They were not enough to be lethal, but enough to distract her. Speaking of which… Phalène swooped in, and in movement smoother than silk, the hair comb that 100% belonged to the Big Bad Bee Boss was swiped right off her head. Phalène was ready to celebrate now. Early as it seemed, she was done fighting a bee-themed supervillain who was more decisive on her decision to do evil than her own hai- Dear mothman, that’s Mom. Audrey Bourgeois, who had divorced her Papa around the time Sarah Raincomprix divorced Sabrina’s, stood there in the distance. An evil smirk was on her face, and the way it looked fitting for her scared Phalène. A now-depowered Sarah managed to snatch the Bee Miraculous in Phalène’s moment of shock, and just before the police (Roger wasn’t with them, Phalène barely noticed, but she wasn’t surprised) could grab her, she chucked the hair comb with surprising strength. It landed right in the hands of blonde-haired Audrey. OH. OH, NO. “Pollen, do the sting!” With that, Mauvaise Abeille became a threat once more; the only thing changing was the holder. Things did look bad; a still unconscious Sabrina, who Chloé would later learn was taken somewhere safe, was clearly unable to fight. It was all on the generally weakest Miraculous wielder (who would depower in… about 7-ish minutes now) to protect her city. The odds were bad, weren’t they? Well, years later, Chloé would tell anyone who knew she was Phalène that miracles happen, don’t they? As if she’d known how to do it all along, her Miraculous’ power was concentrated in her hands. Abeille - no, Mom - was charging at her, without a care in the world for her daughter’s safety (whether she knew or not) and while she knew, she just knew that she should dodge, any major movement would break her focus. 3 she’s getting closer 2 that spiked gauntlet is NOT looking friendly 1 aaaaand… A humongous shockwave of energy blew Audrey away. The light ball of energy in Phalène’s hands was thrown to the sky like a volleyball (except it didn’t come down). When it died down, an entire army seemed to be on their way, Phalène could feel it. This… THIS was the HALL OF FAME. Clearly, though, her mother could not. A second try from Chloé’s pitiful excuse for a mother was stopped in their tracks by the sabre & giant dual needles of the Adrinette duo (Chloé had moved on after she and Paonne started dating); a third was wrapped up due to Alya’s electrical whip and electrokinesis; a fourth attempt was stopped because Nino’s water cannon blew her into a wall. More and more Champions joined, but while Phalène was touched, she also silently wanted Sabrina to help too. Phalène and Paonne had been together since the beginning, and considering she was Sabrina, it was even longer chronologically (Chloé had not counted Brat-Chloé’s time with Sabrina as real time spent together). So she took out her phone and went to the recording function, watching André’s psychokinetic powers twirl his ex-wife around like a drumstick in a musician’s hand. Chloé was unsure how much of Paris had joined, but she knew that there were outsiders alongside what was probably the majority of Paris - Marinette’s grandma and uncle, Jagged Stone, and others had joined in too. It was a miracle (heh) that the comb wasn’t broken to pieces by the time Chloé ordered the transformed civilians to stop. It wasn’t even the slightest bit cracked.
That’s magic for you, I suppose…
Her powers ran out just in time for her to hide after sending her Mom in a holding cell. It was simple and complicated from there, really. The resolutions for Sarah and Audrey were simple - they weren’t escaping their punishment if anyone could help it, and if they could get out of jail, they would be doing service or something like that for life. All their possessions went to Chloé and Sabrina - most of that, however, went to people that needed it - kids in bad situations, the poor, and whatnot. That was more complicated. Sabrina recovered very quickly - the Miraculous helped a lot, Chloé imagined. That too was simple. What wasn’t simple was the dealing of leaving their Miraculi with Alya Dupain-Cheng-Agreste-Lahiffe-Cesaire, who had been chosen as the new Guardian after some old man had passed the Turtle Miraculous to her. Her want for information about the Miraculi made her a good choice for the position, and her skill with patience and phrasing information was good as well. Chloé had not cried for too long with Nooroo before saying goodbye, but Duusu (apparently that was Sabrina’s peaHEN-themed kwami) and the aforementioned ginger had needed to dry the others’ tears for a while. Chloé knew she would have to do what Duusu could no longer do. Chloé and Sabrina had known each other since about the end of école, worked with each other as superheroines since the middle of lycée, and so help them if they wouldn’t stay together for as long as they could help it. After Chloé and Sabrina passed on, both stories would become practically immortalized; the legacies of Chloé and Sabrina Bourgeois-Raincomprix were more popular for adults in that time period, but the more popular story (and longest lasting) were the ones of Paonne and Phalène.
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skarlette1 · 1 year
A Day at the Beach
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Nothing like a day on the beach to relax. Lodestone laid herself down on the warm, soft sand. The roar of the ocean waves soothed her: Crashing and receding. Crashing and receding.
Her magnetic powers had expanded recently. With concentration, Lodestone could detect the most subtle magnetic fields, if there were even a few atoms of iron in something. Something like beach sand.
As the superheroine laid back and half-dozed in the sun, she thought she was daydreaming as she felt the subtle caress of sand drifting over her skin. It must be her imagination causing her to feel the whisper-light touches of hundreds, no, thousands of sand grains trailing sensuously along her neck, her earlobes, her breasts, her thighs.
With each wave of sensation, Lodestone felt her body relax further. With the rising tide of arousal building within her, she felt her mind loosen and open. The sand had her panting with erotic desire, longing for a commanding lover’s voice.
Beachfront, the supervillainess made of living sand, smiled down at the helpless heroine. Nothing like a day on the beach to claim a new slave.
suggested by @pearlqueensposts
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hadarlaskey · 3 years
Barb and Star Go to Vista Del Mar
In 2011, Kristen Wiig and Annie Mumolo conquered the box office and landed a joint Oscar nomination for writing Bridesmaids, a post-Apatow buddy picture founded on loose improvisation and female camaraderie. It’s easy to imagine the amply deserved career wherein they spent the 2010s repeating their greatest success, either to fabulous or diminishing returns, but that’s not how the following decade played out.
Due to a combination of the talent taking time to pursue independent interests, studios shying away from mid-budget comedy, long-form absurdism being mostly out of fashion at the multiplex, and surely some sexism in there somewhere, their follow-up Barb and Star Go to Vista Del Mar has had a long, difficult road to its unceremonious release.
Lionsgate has damned this wonderfully eccentric passion project with a streaming-only debut all but hidden by the lack of a meaningful ad campaign, though one can see why the studio may have anticipated a knee-jerk revulsion from viewers expecting another down-the-middle crowd-pleaser.
Where Bridesmaids was broadly accessible and grounded in a plausible humanity, Wiig and Mumolo’s latest is pitched at an eccentric, specific register and liberated by its own commitment to silliness. Like its spiritual predecessors Hot Rod or Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping – or, to go back a ways further, the exquisitely doofy Chris Elliott vehicle Cabin Boy – a fate of obscurity and eventual cult embrace awaits this screw-loose oddity. That it got made at all is the real victory here.
Wiig and Mumolo play lifelong besties Star (short for Starbara) and Barb (just Barb), homebody residents of Soft Rock, Nebraska with social lives that amount to little more than the weekly meetings of their six-person “Talking Club”. Tired of eating the same old putrid hot dog soup and eager for a new adventure, they pack their bags – cookie jar, check, freeze-dried cheese pizza, check, evening culottes, check – and head to the colour-saturated Floridian oasis of Vista Del Mar.
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Their zany hijinks put some zing back into fortysomething femininity, but the arrival of the hunky Edgar (Jamie Dornan, in an ingenious casting coup playing on the 50 Shades star’s image of sexual awakening for repressed women in middle age) tests the bonds of their friendship. Except he’s only there to carry out the orders of an albino supervillainess (also Wiig, looking like the lovechild of Edna Mode and Powder) bent on destroying the town’s Seafood Jam festival, where she was humiliated and shot out of a cannon all those years ago.
While the unhinged plot has sufficient emotional substance to feel like more than a collection of sketches, it’s mainly a pretence for flurries of sight gags and the non-stop schtick from a duo uniquely keyed in to a shared frequency. Mumolo and Wiig have been honing their chemistry since their days rising through the ranks of improv troupe The Groundlings, and their fine-tuned timing makes all the difference between the humour of annoyance and just being annoying.
Delivering punch lines in perfect melodic unison, they both fit snugly into an off-kilter cinematic dimension of impromptu musical numbers, inadvisably pierced labia, and one animatronic crab named “Morgan Freemond” that speaks with the voice of Morgan Freeman.
Destined for endless quoting and rewatches from an inevitable fanbase, the film proudly occupies a self-fashioned niche, even if the charm being exuded may seem irresistible to those already amenable. If there’s any goodness left in this world, however, these diagnoses of focused appeal will be off-base. Like Barb and Star themselves, befriending everyone who crosses their path, it’s so winningly ebullient and weird that it can pull in anybody with its cheery Midwestern looniness and make them into an instant convert.
ANTICIPATION. We’ve waited an entire decade for a new Wiig-Mumolo collaboration. 4
ENJOYMENT. A triumph of comedic idiosyncrasy at a dire time for the genre. 5
IN RETROSPECT. “I love you with all my fart.” 5
Directed by Josh Greenbaum
Starring Kristen Wiig, Jamie Dornan, Annie Mumolo
The post Barb and Star Go to Vista Del Mar appeared first on Little White Lies.
source https://lwlies.com/reviews/barb-and-star-go-to-vista-del-mar/
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rockyzbm39643-blog · 5 years
High Superhero Costumes For Women This 2019
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Youngsters, particularly girls, love carrying costumes. There are numerous choices obtainable with regards to choosing a costume, depending on the kid's age and gender, and depending on the occasion. When it comes to choosing costumes for girls, there are two necessary questions it's best to ask your self: is your daughter the sweet and dainty type, or is she a bundle of pure woman power? Let's start with the classics. These are time-honored superhero costumes that era after generations of kids-and even their parents-have grown fond of. These are the costumes that you see year after 12 months but never develop bored with. The comedian guide and later tv and movie superheroine has been famous for decades, and but little girls nonetheless can't get sufficient of these wrist cuffs, head band, and people boots. Superman is one of the preferred superheroes ever, and his cousin and female counterpart, Supergirl, is the answer to your little lady's desire to wear the famous "S" logo and purple cape. If there is a Batman, then definitely, there has to be a Batgirl.
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The female model of the caped crusader stays a favourite among superhero costumes for ladies. Catwoman isn't any hero, however the supervillainess' love-hate relationship with Batman has made her a preferred addition to the comic book series, and a somewhat likable character in movie and tv adaptations. From just a little woman's perspective, superhero costume nonetheless, it is in all probability just so cool to look completely stunning even if you're the unhealthy guy - err, lady. Surprise Lady, Supergirl, Batgirl and Catwoman are four comedian book characters that have served as inspirations for essentially the most coveted superhero costumes for girls of all time. If you have any queries concerning in which and how to use superhero costume - try what he says -, you can get in touch with us at the web-page. If you happen to think about it, their legacy has outlived their origins. You see girls dressed in these superhero costumes even if there's no new film being shown. There have been, nevertheless, a number of additions to this very exclusive list. Today films play an enormous role in rising the recognition of superheroes and villains. Recent display adaptations have made it potential for just a few extra to get in our listing of 2014's list of prime superhero costumes for ladies. If there's Superman, there's Supergirl; Batman, then there's Batgirl. And along with his latest film, Captain America is the most popular superhero nowadays. Boys are overly eager to don these muscles coated in stars and stripes. What about the women? We now have American Dream. Superman followers of all ages looked ahead to the displaying of Man of Steel last yr. Young boys wore their Superman costumes once more for some role-enjoying. As for the women, they needed to assume the function of Kryptonian supervillainess Faora, and fight with Superman.
Superhero fancy dress costumes are very talked-about at most events today. Since the start of the millennium a number of comic e-book characters have been immortalized on the large display screen which has led to their overwhelming reputation in numerous components of the world. So do not be shocked if your folks invite you to a superhero themed party or ask you to dress up a personality part of a bigger group. Let us discuss the top six superhero costumes of all time. 1. Superman - This DC Comics character has been fashionable for the reason that 1940s and greater than seven decades on, its popularity refuses to die down. The Red, Blue and Yellow multi functional jumpsuit with boot covers, belt and cape allow you to make the right appearance at the social gathering. Gown your associate in the Supergirl costume and you'll create the right show. 2. Batman - There's one thing particular about this superhero fighting crime in the Gotham metropolis. Choose up the Batman costume in Grey, Black and Yellow and you might be ready to storm the fancy dress party.
The outfit comes with headpiece, jumpsuit with connected boot tops, cape and belt. If you want some partners you'll be able to ask your pals to costume up because the Batgirl or Batman's adorable accomplice Robin. 3. He-Man - Change into the masters of any celebration with He-Man the 'Masters of the Universe' costume in Orange, Purple and Gray. The muscle jumpsuit, inflatable sword, belt, cuffs and boot covers make it a perfect outfit for the event. It is your time to defend the realm of Eternia and the secrets of Castle Grayskull. 4. Spiderman - Dress up as this Marvel Comics superhero in Blue, Black and Purple outfit which comes with multi function bodysuit and attached muscle chest characteristic. The fabric face mask means that you can breathe simply and more around in the occasion with full confidence. 5. Mrs Incredible - This Walt Disney/Pixar character from the film 'The Incredibles' has caught the imagination of ladies who've a superhero to rejoice.
The trademark outfit comes in Red, Black and Yellow and includes a Jumpsuit with boot tops gloves, belt and mask. When you stroll into the party carrying this costumeyou would have all the attention on yourself. 6. Captain America - Captain America, the patriotic super soldier has remained widespread since the times of World Warfare II. Get ready to combat the evil with the Captain America outfit. The Captain America outfit comes with trademark Pink, Blue and White jumpsuit with connected 3D muscle chest feature and mask. When you and your friends are going to the get together collectively, costume up as the Avengers team. Today you don't need to hop from one brick and mortar retailer to another in quest of superhero fancy dress costumes. Online shops akin to BKS Fancy Costume let you shop on your favorite superhero costume and accessories sitting the consolation of your properties. The shop has the largest collection of fancy costume costumes in the United Kingdom and this consists of all the things from animal and pirate to Mexican fancy costume costumes.
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High Superhero Costumes For Girls This 2019
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Youngsters, especially ladies, love carrying costumes. There are numerous options accessible in the case of choosing a costume, depending on the child's age and gender, and depending on the occasion. On the subject of selecting costumes for women, there are two necessary questions you need to ask yourself: is your daughter the candy and dainty type, or is she a bundle of pure girl power? Let's start with the classics. These are time-honored superhero costumes that era after generations of kids-and even their mother and father-have grown fond of. These are the costumes that you just see yr after year however never grow bored with. In case you have almost any inquiries regarding exactly where in addition to how to use costume for superheroine (www.superheroine-costume.com), it is possible to e mail us at the web-site. The comedian e book and later television and movie superheroine has been well-known for decades, and but little ladies nonetheless can't get enough of those wrist cuffs, head band, and those boots. Superman is one among the most well-liked superheroes ever, and his cousin and feminine counterpart, Supergirl, is the answer to your little lady's desire to wear the famous "S" logo and purple cape. If there is a Batman, then positively, there must be a Batgirl.
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The female model of the caped crusader remains a favourite amongst superhero costumes for ladies. Catwoman is no hero, however the supervillainess' love-hate relationship with Batman has made her a popular addition to the comedian guide collection, and a considerably likable character in film and television adaptations. From somewhat girl's standpoint, nevertheless, it is most likely simply so cool to look absolutely stunning even if you are the unhealthy man - err, lady. Marvel Woman, Supergirl, Batgirl and Catwoman are 4 comedian guide characters which have served as inspirations for probably the most coveted superhero costumes for women of all time. When you think about it, their legacy has outlived their origins. You see women dressed in these superhero costumes even if there is not any new movie being shown. There have been, nevertheless, a number of additions to this very unique list. Lately motion pictures play a huge position in rising the popularity of superheroes and villains. Latest display adaptations have made it potential for a number of more to get in our record of 2014's listing of top superhero costumes for ladies. If there's Superman, there's Supergirl; Batman, then there's Batgirl. And together with his latest movie, Captain America is the most well liked superhero as of late. Boys are overly eager to don those muscles covered in stars and stripes. What about the girls? Now we have American Dream. Superman fans of all ages seemed forward to the displaying of Man of Steel last year. Younger boys wore their Superman costumes again for some role-playing. As for the girls, they had to assume the position of Kryptonian supervillainess Faora, and fight with Superman.
Superhero fancy costume costumes are highly regarded at most parties lately. Since the beginning of the millennium a number of comic e book characters have been immortalized on the massive display screen which has led to their overwhelming recognition in different elements of the world. So do not be stunned if your mates invite you to a superhero themed celebration or ask you to costume up a personality part of a bigger staff. Let us discuss the highest six superhero costumes of all time. 1. Superman - This DC Comics character has been popular because the 1940s and greater than seven decades on, its popularity refuses to die down. The Crimson, Blue and Yellow multi functional jumpsuit with boot covers, belt and cape let you make the right look on the occasion. Dress your companion within the Supergirl costume and you'll create the perfect present. 2. Batman - There's one thing special about this superhero combating crime in the Gotham city. Pick up the Batman costume in Grey, Black and Yellow and you might be ready to storm the fancy gown celebration.
The outfit comes with headpiece, jumpsuit with attached boot tops, cape and belt. For those who want some partners you may ask your mates to dress up because the Batgirl or Batman's adorable associate Robin. 3. He-Man - Turn out to be the masters of any occasion with He-Man the 'Masters of the Universe' costume in Orange, Red and Grey. The muscle jumpsuit, inflatable sword, belt, cuffs and boot covers make it a perfect outfit for the event. It is your time to defend the realm of Eternia and the secrets and techniques of Castle Grayskull. 4. Spiderman - Gown up as this Marvel Comics superhero in Blue, Black and Purple outfit which comes with multi functional bodysuit and connected muscle chest feature. The fabric face mask permits you to breathe simply and more round in the social gathering with full confidence. 5. Mrs Unbelievable - This Walt Disney/Pixar character from the film 'The Incredibles' has caught the imagination of women who've a superhero to rejoice.
The trademark outfit is available in Crimson, Black and Yellow and features a Jumpsuit with boot tops gloves, belt and mask. When you stroll into the celebration sporting this costumeyou would have all the eye on yourself. 6. Captain America - Captain America, the patriotic tremendous soldier has remained standard since the days of World Battle II. Get able to combat the evil with the Captain America outfit. The Captain America outfit comes with trademark Red, Blue and White jumpsuit with connected 3D muscle chest function and mask. In case you and your folks are going to the celebration collectively, costume up because the Avengers crew. Nowadays you needn't hop from one brick and mortar retailer to a different in the hunt for superhero fancy costume costumes. Online stores akin to BKS Fancy Gown allow you to shop to your favourite superhero costume and accessories sitting the comfort of your homes. The store has the most important collection of fancy dress costumes within the United Kingdom and this consists of everything from animal and pirate to Mexican fancy gown costumes.
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skarlette1 · 1 year
The Trojan Heroine - Part Three
Sammie Sims knew she shouldn’t talk to the prisoners. She was proud that the Libido League trusted her with sentry duty, even though she had no powers. She wanted to do a good job.
But night shift sentry duty was so boring. Sammie tried to stay alert. The Seductress offered such good tips for staying alert, staying focused. Sammie knew that The Seductress had done some terrible things, but the supervillainess was so easy to talk to. She could confide things in her that she would never dare tell anyone else.
Like her crush on Lars, the Living Android.
The Seductress didn’t judge, didn’t mock. She helped Sammie explore her feelings. Helped her imagine what it would be like to be with Lars.
This imagining was so immersive, so intense, that when Lars walked in and kissed Sammie passionately, the sidekick was overwhelmed with her own lust. She wanted nothing more than to make her fantasy into reality.
As the Living Android’s fingers circled Sammie Sims’ clit, she suddenly remembered a vital part of her fantasy. The passion was too strong for just her and Lars; The Seductress was supposed to join them, as well.
Driven by her lust, Sammie keyed in the code. The door to The Seductress’s cell slid open. The Seductress’s fingers slid into Sammie’s dripping cunt.
And Sammie Sims slid ecstatically under The Seductress’s control.
Thoughts from Six Years Later: The villain using their captivity as a source of power has been a movie trope since at least Silence of the Lambs. If Hannibal Lecter can drive someone mad just from whispering inside a cell, then the Seductress can tempt them so deeply into their most sensual, submissive fantasies that they embrace the reality.
Like what you read? Will you buy me a coffee and request something rich to sink my teeth into? Or peek into the depths of my longer fiction?
All my fiction is on sale at Smashwords from December 15, 2022 through January 1, 2023, including my newest erotic novel, Panther’s Passion!
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