#support systems
Oh I feel so bad for the sweet babe. :(( But if it makes nonnie feel better, many of us usually make up our lack of friend groups in other ways. For example, I have my therapist and my queerplatonic partner for one. I also talk to my Mama and Daddy a lot. Many of us have very strong support systems! 💪💪💪 They just usually aren't compiled up of friends.
. Yeah, I'm also just adding that aplatonics and/or nonfriending people do not have to 'make up for' not wanting friends/ friend groups - it's important to me that people not see my orientation as something I have to 'make up for'. And additionally I believe support systems should not be just affinity based social relationships because that support is not usually unconditional and this leaves people who aren't in social relationships abandoned (i.e. people should be given support if they need it not just bc someone likes them).
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remembertheplunge · 6 months
What kind of car do you drive?
September 4, 1990
(I had been assigned 6 preliminary hearings for September 4, 1990 by my Stanislaus County Public Defender office supervisor. The following is the result of my questioning of officers on the witness stand in one of them. )
The preliminary hearing Deputy District Attorney saddled up beside me and said that if I insisted on conducting my hearing in the manner I had been conducting it in that I “would get more speeding tickets. I hope that you drive 55mph. What kind of car do you drive? The officers really did say this. I just won’t tell you their names.”
So, I put it on the court record. My purpose was to say “Hey, I’m just doing my job. I don’t appreciate threats that punish me for doing it.”
(I try where and when I can to be reasonable)
I’m on my own on this one.
I just felt basic bottom line violation which I calmly revealed. My mood moved from anger at having been assigned 6 preliminary hearings for one day to happy acceptance.
Good support system tonight in this crisis and happy time: Mom, Dan, Mary (my brother and his wife), Chase, Bearnie,  and Daffney, three fellow deputy public defenders, a gay friend, and Mike , a court Spanish interpreter.
End of this part of the entry
In 1990, I was a deputy Public defender for Stanislaus County.
A preliminary hearing is a middle hearing in a felony case in which the state has to put on enough evidence for the judge to entertain a strong suspicion that a crime was committed and that the defendant committed it. I must have be aggressive in my questioning of the officers during the preliminary hearing September 4, 1990. I was told to back off or I would be ticketed in the future.
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inshelliesworld · 7 months
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nnctales · 9 months
Tunneling: Methods and Applications
In the vast realm of civil engineering and infrastructure development, tunneling stands as a pivotal and fascinating aspect. It plays a crucial role in connecting people, places, and resources, allowing for efficient transportation, access to resources, and even scientific exploration. This article delves into the intriguing world of tunneling, exploring various methods, their wide-ranging…
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stimpunks · 1 year
Stimpunks Podcast Episode 3: On Jordan Neely and Support Systems
In this episode, Inna reflects on what happens when a neurodivergent person’s support system goes away and society fails them. Stimpunks Podcast Episode 3: On Jordan Neely and Support Systems Transcript Table of ContentsOur Loved Ones are Jordan NeelyLost in the SystemSupport Systems and IndependenceSleeping Better at Night Our Loved Ones are Jordan Neely  So, I’m sitting here by the lake,…
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hoosurdaddy · 1 year
Sᴜᴘᴘᴏʀᴛ Sʏsᴛᴇᴍs//Hᴏᴛʟɪɴᴇs. 
For all my followers suffering with mental health, here are some support systems and hotlines. Please remember it’s okay not to be okay, and that you are so much more than you think.🖤🤍
Please feel free to suggest, the more support the merrier.. 🤍🖤
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house-of-slayterr · 2 years
What about the autistic people who can take care themselves? Do they need support systems?
As I said, even allistic people require support systems. Just probably not as often. Im quite independents but I would fall apart without my best friend, my sister and my father. They make the hard days a little easier, and they don’t baby me or hold me back on good days.
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Bullying... & Standing Up for Yourself
Confrontation, conflict, comparison, and judgment are inevitable parts of human interaction. These elements can become particularly harmful when they manifest as bullying. Understanding how to navigate these situations, especially when you find yourself the target of bullying, is crucial for maintaining your mental and emotional well-being. Confrontation & Conflict Confrontation and conflict…
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williambelfarmd · 14 days
Dealing with toxic people and situations can be incredibly draining, affecting both your mental and emotional well-being. Coaching services in New Rochelle, New York offer personalized strategies to help you manage and navigate these challenging interactions. Through tailored coaching sessions, you can learn to set boundaries, communicate effectively, and protect your mental health from the detrimental effects of toxicity.
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At Magnolia Behavior Health Center LLC, a leading provider of behavioral health care in Frederick, Maryland, we understand the challenges of overcoming substance abuse. Substance abuse is a complex condition, but healing is possible. Here are some strategies to get you started on your journey:
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sakurahisuii · 2 months
It Truly Takes a Village👥
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👋🏼Hello Friends!👋🏼
I would always hear the phrase "it takes a village to raise a child," especially when I was a late teenager when I was part of a dance organization that worked with young people to adults. I knew what it meant, but I truly didn't think much of it besides a saying that I would always hear. 
As I grew older, I heard the phrase less and less. Until one day recently, when I can't remember exactly where I heard this from, I heard the phrase again. This time, I truly knew what it meant. 
I now realize that the village that I live in has supportive people helping me get better in my mental health journey and essentially get through life. When I was diagnosed with BPD, I thought I would continue to be alone. I figured no one would ever understand how it is to be me. While no one could ever truly know what it's like in my shoes, I've met people who have BPD, and we've shared stories and had those "OMG, you feel that too?!" moments. I've also had my continuing friends who have stayed by my side when things weren't easy for either of us because, as we all know, life really can kick us in the ass sometimes.
And I'm grateful enough to have parents who actively keep working on themselves and make the effort to learn more about BPD on their own to help understand me and my feelings as best as they can. 
Honestly, I always tear up when I think of how truly blessed I am with the people this post is about. I don't know what I did to deserve such amazing people in my life. But I do know that I'm always so grateful for them, and I wouldn't be where I am without them.
Having BPD causes an extreme fear of being abandoned. Usually, for me, the abandonment that I fear the most is by a significant other. There are only a small number of people who can trigger a mental breakdown due to fear of abandonment or a big fight that isn't related to my significant other. 
One thing that I've been working on in therapy is creating my village, my support system, so that when I'm in a relationship, I'm not fully relying on my significant other. This is a problem I've had with just about every partner I've been with, and it causes a lot of exhaustion on their end and heartbreak on mine (I will most likely dig more into this issue and my BPD in other posts). 
I think I can successfully say I have a really great village behind me that consistently supports, guides, and helps me. It took a long time to find my village, and I'm never going to let it go. 
Until next time, friends! 
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rebel-ism · 2 months
Professional help isn't everything.
Professional help is a great first step and can work for a lot of people. But I think it's equally important that we as people learn to help those around us. Learning about depression, anxiety, personality and mood disorders is important. People need to know how to assist those in a mental health crisis as much as they need to know CPR or basic first aid.
It's worth the effort for all of us to learn how to be better listeners and supporters. To be present for people. To show up for people. Beyond the cliche words of encouragement, beyond motivational quotes, beyond the repeated methods of self-care, beyond pointing them towards the professionals.
There is more to treating a mental illness than understanding how the mental illness works. You have to invest in the individual. Learn to love someone who lives in an entirely different reality. Even when they're unreachable. Learn to love someone just for the sake of loving them.
Healthy boundaries are always needed but we need to stop writing ourselves off so quickly. We are so much more capable of helping than we think.
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shaadelyfe · 2 months
Breaking Walls, Building Bridges: The Journey to Men's Mental Well-being
In today’s fast-paced world, where strength and resilience are often measured by one’s ability to endure silently, men’s mental health remains a topic shrouded in silence and stigma. The video “Breaking Walls, Building Bridges: The Journey to Men’s Mental Well-being” serves as a beacon of hope and guidance, shedding light on the critical issues surrounding men’s mental health and the importance…
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womentiespoolhouse · 3 months
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(via Wednesday Wisdom: Support Systems)
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Bipolar disorder is a complex mental health condition that affects millions worldwide. Circle Integrative Psychiatry Group delves into key aspects of managing bipolar symptoms, exploring how integrative psychiatry in Massachusetts can play a crucial role in providing comprehensive mental health services.
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fiercemillennial · 3 months
When Domestic Violence Turns Deadly: A Model's Tragic Story
Model Kelvi McCray's tragic murder highlights the deadly reality of domestic violence. Her story is a call to action – support survivors, break the stigma, and demand change. #domesticviolence #femicide #it'sneverok #KelviMcCray #FierceImpact #FierceMillennial
A young model’s murder-suicide highlights the dangers of staying in an abusive relationship and the need for better support systems. The tragic murder of young model Kelvi McCray by her abusive ex-boyfriend has sent shockwaves throughout our community. Her death is a stark reminder of the devastating and far-reaching consequences of domestic violence. This pervasive issue disproportionately…
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