#supportive diaz parents
ailelie · 5 months
The Diazes Know the Future (This Isn't It)
This is complete and utter crack. Please do not take it seriously.
I've also thrown it on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55094557
On the night after each of his children are born, Ramon dreams of their future spouse just as he'd once dreamed of his own future wife.
And Eddie, his beautiful boy, is going to marry a man with a bright smile and a bruise over one eye.
Ramon is not okay with that at first, but, by the time his son is old enough to walk and interrogate the world, he has accepted what will be. But he also knows the world will not be kind to his son who will love a man and so he does everything he can to ensure his son is strong, manly, and good.
Growing up Eddie shows no signs of his inclination, but this does not worry Ramon or Helena. They have prepared. They have a variety of cross-stitched flags hidden away for whatever identity Eddie eventually comes to them with--gay, bi, queer, or even demisexual.
So. Shannon is a surprise.
After Eddie meets Shannon, every hope and wish Ramon and Helena had for their son seems to diminish. They try to like Eddie's wife, but when Ramon looks at her, all he can see is a barrier between his son and happiness.
When they learn Chris, amazing Chris has CP, Helena whispers in bed one night if Ramon thought it was a sign. She immediately apologizes for the thought and never says anything to anyone else, but sometimes when their eyes meet during Eddie's long absence, he knows what she is thinking.
Then Eddie returns and Shannon leaves and Eddie decides to relocate his entire life with barely a plan and it seemed like everything was falling to pieces.
They just want him to be happy.
But then their son reaches out again. He is smiling again. After each call, Helena frets, wondering if she should apologize, but fearing re-opening the wound if she speaks up again.
Then they meet Buck. On Zoom first and Ramon loses his words for a second finally seeing the man he dreamed of nearly three decades prior. Helena keeps poking his arm in excitement while trying to sound normal. God only knows what Buck thinks.
And then Eddie says he'll be visiting due to work. Buck will be coming along, too. Helena gets out her old cross-stitch flags and fans them across the dining room table. "Which one, do you think? Should we frame it somewhere he can see?"
But. Eddie brings no announcements. He and Buck are friends. Not even dating. Ramon and Helena both keep looking for signs, but find none. When Eddie notices the framed pride flag on the mantle, he only says he hadn't realized his mom had gotten back into cross-stitching. He doesn't even notice it is a pride flag.
After he leaves, Ramon sinks down on the couch next to Helena and asks, "Where did we go wrong?"
When Eddie says he's dating again, they get their hopes up, only to be disappointed once more.
"Ana?" Ramon spits with disgust. "Why are all these women wrecking my boy's future?"
"He said Christopher needs a mother. Why does he think Christopher needs a mother? Did we teach him that?"
They look at each other in horror. Had they done this somehow?
"We will fix it," Ramon promises.
They start by letting Eddie know they love him and are proud of him. No matter what. Ramon makes a point of mentioning one of his friends has a lesbian daughter and how happy they all were she was getting married soon. Helena asks after Buck. Ramon asks after Buck.
They both wonder if Eddie even notices their fascination with Buck, or if he's just happy for the chance to wax poetic on his 'best friend' and spit spite toward Buck's girlfriends: Abby, Ali, Taylor, Natalia.
"He sounds very important to you," Helena says, faintly, after a particularly long tangent on Buck.
"Of course he is," Eddie responds, not even seeming to realize what he's saying. Then he tells them about his will.
They can tell he's braced for anger, but this? This finally makes sense.
"Sounds like a good decision," Ramon says.
"We know you've always done your best for Chris," Helena adds, hoping again that her words lessen the sting of the ones she said years before in frustrated anger.
"Thanks," Eddie says, but he looks confused. "Is everything all right?"
"Of course," they tell him.
When Pepa calls crowing about setting Eddie up with Marisol, Ramon wants to break something.
"I'm sure he doesn't need your help," he tells his sister. He refuses to out his son before he is ready, at least not to anyone other than Helena, but she's his mother and Ramon's wife; she's the exception.
Then finally they get a call.
"What's wrong, mijo?" Ramon asks after Eddie's attempts at conversation start and wither for a full ten minutes.
"Nothing. I don't know why I called."
"Is everything all right with Marisol?"
"Oh, fine. Or, not fine. We just broke up."
"Good," Ramon says before he can stop himself. Then, into Eddie's stunned silence he adds, "She was not right for you."
Eddie barks a short, humorless laugh at that. "Is anyone?" Then, while Ramon is trying to formulate a response that is more than just soothing words, Eddie blurts out, "Buck's bi."
Ramon pumps his fist, glad they're on the phone and not Zoom. Helena sees him and rushes over. "Is that Eddie?" she asks. "Did he--?"
He places his fingers over her lips to quiet her and shakes his head. 'Buck,' he mouths.
Her mouth drops into an oh.
"I'm putting you on speaker. Your mother is here."
He taps the speaker button and places the phone on the table. Helena leans over. "Congratulations to your friend, honey. Do you think he'd like a pride flag? I've got several."
Ramon can see they're abandoning all pretense at subtlety.
"Why would you have pride flags?" Eddie asks, bewildered.
"Just in case," Helena chirps.
"Right." Their son is skeptical. "So if Adriana or Sophia or I--"
"Yes," Ramon cuts in.
"Always," Helena adds.
"That's why we wanted you strong," Ramon adds. "People are not kind."
"I have no idea--thank you?"
"We love you," Helena says. "No matter what."
"No matter who you love, whatever their gender," Ramon continues. "You are ours. Always."
"I--oh, shit, I need to go. Love you!"
"You too."
They do not know how their words send Eddie's mind spinning. They do not see the automatic way he enters the 118 and slowly walks upstairs. Or how, instead of saying 'hello,' he says in an almost dreamlike voice, "I think my parents just gave me the coming out speech?" Because he's practiced that speech before, too, when Chris was younger. He wanted to be ready so he didn't freeze in the moment just in case.
They do not see the double takes his co-workers give him or the presses for information. They do not see how their son's cheeks slowly warm as he processes the phone call more fully. "They told me they loved me whoever I loved. Even if that person is a man."
Nor do they hear Hen ask in a too careful and confused voice, "Did you tell your parents you were queer?"
And their Eddie will laugh and shake his head, because he hadn't. But then, when Buck bounds upstairs with a too-happy smile, a stone will sink in his gut and he will bury his face into hands right then and there because he had. He just hadn't realized.
Ramon and Helena will know none of this until 36 hours later when their boy calls them once more and asks without preamble, "How did you know? I didn't even-- I don't--"
And Ramon hands the phone, still on speaker, to Helena who finally gets to use her years of research and she asks him, "Have you heard of demisexuality? There are many ways to explain, but my favorite is that you have to want someone with your heart before you can want them with your body. You have to share a heart first. Honey, from the first time you mentioned Buck to us, we could tell how much your heart reached for his. And these days, when you talk about him, his love of knowledge, his way with Chris, we see how much of your heart you've already shared."
"I love him, don't I?"
"We're happy for you," Ramon says, but he hates how lost Eddie sounds. Love should make people feel sure and steadfast, not at sea.
That's when Eddie tells them about Tommy.
"Why is Eddie's path so hard?" Helena asks him after they've hung up.
Ramon shakes his head, also wishing he knew.
Eddie calls more often after that. He hasn't told anyone else yet. He says he doesn't know how to tell anyone without it being a confession and he can't confess. He refuses to wreck Buck's happiness.
Their stupid self-sacrificial son.
"You could be his happiness," Ramon argues.
Eddie doesn't listen.
Helena sends two of her flags: a bisexual one for Buck and a demisexual one for Eddie.
She does not know how long Eddie stares at the white, purple, gray, and black flag after he opens the package. How he runs his fingers over the stitches like they burn him until he finally picks it up, clutches it to his chest, and cries because here is actual physical proof of everything his parents have been saying and promising. He hasn't disappointed them. He is loved.
She does not know it takes him two weeks to take the cross-stitched flag with him to work and hang it in his locker. Instead of coming out, he simply re-adjusts. He is demisexual and in love with his best friend. The world keeps turning. Some people notice the flag and he just confirms their questions with a smile and quick word. He doesn't want to talk about it. He just wants to let it be.
Helena and Ramon start calling Buck "your Buck" in phone calls to Eddie. He protests at first, but Ramon says he should have faith.
They're discussing another visit to El Paso when everything changes again. Eddie has them on speaker so he can talk while he cooks.
"Your abuela says you need to bring your Buck home with you this time. She wants to test how well he remembers her pozole recipe," Ramon says.
Helena laughs. "I still cannot believe you never questioned that. Even I had to earn that recipe and your Buck gets it on, what, his second meeting with her?"
"Fifth." The correction does not come from Eddie.
"Buck." That does.
"We will talk later," Helena says. "Love you."
And they hang up even though neither of them wishes to. But if this is the moment that their son finally gets happiness, they aren't going to risk ruining it.
The next hour is nothing but nervous energy. Helena frogs a nearly-finished glove just to keep her hands busy. Ramon cleans.
Their phone chimes with a text. It is from Eddie. And it reads:
'My Buck. Thank you.'
Helena slumps into Ramon and he wraps his arm around her.
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buckera · 5 months
Eddie is such a little bitch btw his face as everyone realised what was going on with Buck and Tommy... a shit eating grin if I ever saw one smh
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oldfangirl81 · 2 months
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Eli looked at his grandfather with a guilty expression.
"Care to explain?"
"Is no an option?"
The Sheriff just crossed his arms looking at the teenager holding sheets of googly eye stickers. His grandson folded quicker than even Scott ever had.
"It was a dare from my online support group for kids and teens with gay parents. I think Trixie only suggested it to cheer Chris up. His Dad is still in the closet I guess. This was her second suggestion. Her first was a blind date since her dad is a detective in LA and Chris's dad is a firefighter in LA."
Eli showed photos on his phone of different places in the US that have now got the googly eye treatment, including Hawaii.
Noah pinched the bridge of his nose feeling a headache he hadn't felt since Stiles was a teenager.
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stagefoureddiediaz · 4 months
You know what is still making me boil with rage is not the fact that Helena is raking Chris away - that she finally got what she wanted - it’s that she clearly thinks so little of Eddie that she is abandoning him when he very clearly needs help and support - the help and support of his family - their love - and he isn’t getting that.
Putting the Chris of it all to one side - Helena has abandoned her son on multiple occasions - she only ever sees his flaws - but isn’t interested in helping him in, supporting him, she is only interested in herself and how it makes her look, so she ignores his struggles because she would have to admit she is a awful parent and that she is responsible for so much of what has happened to Eddie and who he is as a result of her treatment throughout his entire life.
Eddie was always doomed to fail when it came to her and she sees Chris as her chance to have a do over - to mould Chris into what she sees as the perfect son she thinks she didn’t get with Eddie. It’s truly vindictive and that is the most horrifying part of it all and what makes her irredeemable in my eyes
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williexmercer · 3 months
Headcanon that Chris has Buck watch Paw Patrol and Buck becomes obsessed with it. While he’s recovering from injuries he watches the show.
He sends a photo of Chase to Athena and Carlos with “this you?”
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All fellow firefighters get a photo of Marshall. Buck adds glasses to him before the photo is sent to Hen.
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After a bit of dating Tommy, one morning Tommy gets a photo of Skye with Buck saying “saw you on the tv earlier”
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Helena: What was wrong with Ana?
Ramon: Yeah, she seemed like a lovely woman-
Eddie: that’s the point. she’s a woman.
Adriana: ooohhhhhhhh
Sophia: omg things are finally starting to make sense about you-
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htkpop · 4 months
yeah idk how I feel about the episode tn lol esp the cliffhanger 😭 we’ll see what happens in September I guess. Def preferred 7x09 I think but I’m gonna rewatch tomorrow and see how I feel.
I really loved madney taking Mara in!! glad they wrapped that story line up cause the girls already been through enough trauma
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beastologist · 4 months
It's beautiful how Bobby woke up, and then the show continued with scenes dedicated to families. First, Chimney and Maddie with Hen and Karen talking about Mara's current whereabouts and how she's doing. Followed up by Buck and Tommy, with Buck admitting that Bobby is more like a father figure to him than his actual father, and Tommy, who opens up about his estranged father and his complicated relationship to his former captain Gerrard. Then we have the Diaz family and Eddie's once biggest nightmare: losing Chris to his own parents. Except his parents aren't the villains because he messed up, and Chris made that decision for himself. Finally, back to the hospital with Bobby, Athena, May and Harry, who may have lost many valuable belongings but to whom everything most important is still in the room.
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tgd-sideblog · 2 months
thinking about Chris coming back from Texas and Eddie desperately wants to keep him happy and not give him any reason to think things would be better with his grandparents and Christopher taking advantage of this with some teenage brattiness. Like Eddie wouldn't completely let go of the reins and let Christopher do anything overtly harmful, but he's being a lot laxer than he otherwise would have about treats/staying up/making last minute arrangements with friends etc. Eddie is fun parent overcompensating and even when he tries to scold, it doesn't take much more than Chris sulking and pointedly texting his grandparents (not about the issue just letting Eddie see he's doing it) and Eddie is caving in.
And Buck is seeing this behaviour and he gets it, he was also being super over enthusiastically "look how much fun stuff we can do now you're back in LA" when Christopher first returned, but he knows this isn't what Eddie's parenting style is and it isn't doing Christopher favours in the long run to let him get away with this much. Plus, Eddie remembers growing up with overly strict parenting and so assumes a kid's dream parent is one that lets them get away with anything but Buck has been the kid whose parent lets them get away with all sorts of bad behavior as long as it didn't lead to him requiring medical attention or cause a public embarrassment and knows from Maddie as a sister and Bobby as a leader that sometimes enforcing the rules is a needed form of care.
The thing is that while they've been semi co-parenting for years, Buck has been in a fun parent role or if he has been strict it has been about following Eddie's rules as the primary parent - Buck's authority is in supporting role, not the one making the decisions. But he's growing increasily uneasy dealing with Christopher's acting out because the Eddie before all this would not have tolerated this and Eddie was always a good parent if not to his own perfect standards. So Buck finds himself in the position of wanting to be the disciplinarian parent for Christopher's and Eddie's sakes.
Will Christopher even accept Buck as an authority figure who can set rules & discipline or just dimiss him because Buck isn't his real parent, just a family friend with an over-inflated idea of his importance to them? And though Buck has advised and offered suggestions to Eddie's parenting, he's never gone so far as to outright challenge it and he couldn't blame Eddie if his reaction was pissed off or offended.
Will Eddie back Buck up as his co-parent if Buck says "actually no, you know you shouldn't be doing this" in response to Christopher's announcing he's planned another last minute sleepover which means Buck and Eddie have to cancel their plans (Eddie is keen to demonstrate that Christopher is his priority but Christopher is old enough to have consideration for others, if not Eddie and Buck than the other kids/parents who could be inconvenienced by Chris promising a sleepover he doesn't know he can deliver on), or will Eddie overrule him and make clear that Buck's role in their family does not extend so far?
Plus Buck is not fully immune to the lurking threat of Texas - he's more sure than Eddie that Christopher is mainly using it because he's realised the power it has rather than actually wanting it, but what if Buck is wrong and ruins this tentative peace and reconcilliation?
Can Buck be sure enough of his place with the Diaz family and assessment of their current unhealthy dynamic to step up and play bad cop if putting himself in opposition to them is the way to steer them back to stabler ground? Is he prepared to risk it for them if he's not?
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ivoryand-gold · 1 year
firstprince is me and i’m firstprince. like strip away the power, money, fame, and influence- i have truly never related more to both halves of a ship as much as i do alex & henry ❤️🤍💙
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mazzystar24 · 9 months
I have a confession to make girlies, I’m not fucking with the idea to keep the long hair/beard combo on Ryan for Eddie UNLESS it’s for a missing/presumed storyline where we see buck taking care of Chris and all the drama and trauma that ensues from everyone thinking Eddie is dead only for him to show up for xyz reason hence the long hair/beard
Like think kidnapping,or Hollywood amnesia, or coma but no identification vibes.
Yeah people hate when shows pull these storylines but I sometimes like a little temporary character death to see ultimate drama and emotions only for writers to go sike and you can’t really do that on non fantasy or supernatural themed shows without these silly little tropes
I got totally distracted when I was just gonna comment on my unpopular anti long hair and beard opinion but oh well
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sunflowerwemadeit · 4 months
Oh my god they're gonna separate Eddie and Chris hello my childhood trauma I never dealt with other than projecting that shit on fictional characters YOU NEED TO CALL 911 NOW BECAUSE GUESS FUCKING WHAT
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stagefoureddiediaz · 4 months
Have we thought about the idea that maybe Eddie sends Chris away rather than Chris wanting to leave??
Eddie feeling like he keeps messing everything up - messing up his son’s life - that he’s destroyed his soul - and so thinks sending Chris away is what’s best for Chris??
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ur-mag · 11 months
Diogo Jota sends classy message of support to Luis Diaz after Liverpool star’s parents rescued from horror kidnap plot | In Trend Today
Diogo Jota sends classy message of support to Luis Diaz after Liverpool star’s parents rescued from horror kidnap plot Read Full Text or Full Article on MAG NEWS
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bestboybuck · 2 months
screaming crying over the diaz boys deleted scene but one thing i am holding onto with a soft but firm grip in my hands and caressing with love is that eddie never says "girls" or "girlfriend" when referring to chris and his love life. it's "they do that" and "someday somebody will, and you'll never let them go". and good god, that is some healing shit. eddie likely never got that — moments of blanket support, the idea that a dad or even just a parent might not assume his son would end up with a girl.
what a good dad. what a good fucking dad.
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buddierecs · 2 months
jealous!evan buckley buddie fics
all explicit rating - 18+ only!!!!!! make sure to kudos/comment on these amazing works :)
if i need to rearrange my particles - i will for you by: dylaesthetics "buck joins a support app for first responders and matches with a firefighter who has ptsd and a kid who likes giraffes, apparently" word count: 45k important tags: secret identity, anonymous messaging, angst, mental health, ptsd, anxiety, panic attacks, sexuality crisis, mutual pining, fluff and smut, masturbation meet me in the middle (underneath a little bit of mistletoe) by: princessfbi "buck and eddie agree to fake date each other to get through dinner with their parents during the holidays!" word count: 40k important tags: fake dating, idiots to lovers, mutual pining, angst, fluff, smut, protective!eddie diaz, getting together, slow burn
finally found what i've been looking for by: fleetinghearts "buck's good at basketball, eddie's trying really hard not to commit an act of public indecency about it, and maybe, just maybe, a slightly bloody beachside pick-up game can be the start of something new" word count: 5k important tags: 7x04 spec, friends to lovers, fluff, unsafe sex, dry humping, hand jobs, praise kink 'till storm breaks loose by: markofalover "how an elbow to the face changes everything." word count: 6k important tags: 7x04, mutual pining, accidental injury, love confessions, getting together, possessive behaviour, sharing clothes, blow jobs, come eating, praise kink my home is your body by: coldbam "buck and eddie have vastly different nights at pride. then very similar summers" word count: 16k important tags: friends to lovers, friends with benefits, getting together, bottom!eddie diaz, top!evan buckley stay here, honey (i don't want to share) by: stockholm_syndrom "six months after eddie comes out to the team, and three months after eddie confesses his feelings for buck (and buck rejects him), eddie starts dating men. and buck is totally fine with that. really." word count: 9.6k important tags: mutual pining, oblivious!evan buckley, anal sex, oral sex, service top!evan buckley, bottom!eddie diaz, praise kink hot and heavy by: 42hrb "five times eddie had casual sex with someone who wasn't buck and the time they finally got their shit together" word count: 9.4k important tags: 5+1 things, slutty!eddie diaz, mutual pining, idiots to lovers, casual sex, porn with feelings, oral sex seen by: snailboat64 "hen lets it slip that she knows eddie is a great dancer, and buck is determined to see him in action. when he does, it's a revelation" word count: 14k important tags: eddie can dance, insecure!evan buckley, smut what a wicked thing to do, to make me dream of you by: prettyboybuckley "the au where they're both strippers and buck goes from "i hate this guy" to "oh fuck, i think i'm in love with him" word count: 21k important tags: stripper/exotic dancer au, college student!evan buckley, eventual smut, grinding, anal sex, praise kink i only ever want you by: bucksclipboard "there’s jealousy, there’s fighting, there’s delicious makeup sex" word count: 2.7k important tags: pre-relationship, getting together, team as family, porn with plot, grinding, blow jobs, make up sex possessive behaviour by: whiskis "buck gets really possessive when he’s jealous and just wants eddie to remember that he’s his." word count: 2.8k important tags: possessive behaviour, established relationship, fluff and smut, blow jobs, teasing no one's touched me there in a damn hot minute! by: bisexualbuckley "buck is a little shit during their lunch date and eddie puts him in his place. but he can't help giving buck everything he wants either, not when he's that pretty." word count: 4.8k important tags: established relationship, brat!evan buckley, possessive behaviour, boys in love, praise kink, prostate massage, orgasm control, anal fingering, aftercare
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