#sure am glad THAT didnt happen can you imagine
willow!!! had!!! my!!! hair!!! it was super thick and floofy!!! she looked like she broke 8 hairties a day!!! she looked like every time she forgot to vacuum her room the floor would get covered in hair clumps!!! she looked like if she turned her head too fast she would wack whoever's standing next to her with her braid!!! and now??? now she looks like goh from pokemon adventures,,,,,,,,,,,
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I KINDA HAD THE SAME IDEA with the low honor high honor thing! Im currently figuring exactly in what way the story would change [granted it does involve one of my ocs so maybe a lot more than it should] but its fun to think in what way Micah would be 'better' or more loyal to the gang
I feel like he'd still pick fights in camp, but like in a way older siblings would. Its more teasing/bullying and shit instead of straight up slurs. Idk, might just be me NNXJXJC
I also think he wouldn't go out of his way to help someone if they asked him to, but he'd watch them continue to struggle with mayne like a gun to the point where he like has to get up and be like 'OKAY you are so pathetically shit at this - im going to show you how to do this and we're not taking a break until you shoot 3 targets in a row' or something
I dont think he'd willingly be vulnerable anytime soon based on his upbringing and shit, but iiii like to think it happens sometimes accidentally idk JXJXJC
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Weep weep weep this is making me wanna explore what RDR2 would be like if Micah was a marginally better person (mainly what id he never ratted).
i am glad we have converging ideas when it comes to high honor micah! I’ve talked with mutuals before on wtf micah could do that could be considered high honor, and we came up with little. One idea i suggested is that he accidentally saved people)s lives through his own selfishness (ex: saves someone from rabid dog because “if i didnt kill it, it would have gone for me next.”)
Micah's high honor is selfish in a unique way compared to low honor. Instead of focusing on himself and his survival, it more becomes a common goal to keep the gang as a whole surviving. He is no hunter, but he can bring in money and be a daaaaaamn good shot. Guard duties are often reserved for Lenny and Sean and Charles and whoever else is free. Micah *can* go on guard duty but keeps himself out of that tiresome job by being out of camp and bringing in money. “Sorry, can’t got on guard duty, I just got back from a stage coach robbery and I want to enjoy my well deserved relaxation.”
he is still a snarky sounding piece of shit, but like you said, he is less of a full on hateful man. He is still a sly, observing snake and studies the flaws of his gang mates, but he keeps his fangs sheethed. The idea with the snake animal for high honor is that Micah is still as lethal and capable of assholery as he is in bad honor, he is just deciding to not. He holds his venom to be inflicted on those who the gang need (or want) dead. He also leans into the snake vibes by being a slimy slithering manipulator. He isn’t a charmer, but he has a skill for talking people long enough to get plans into action (or to just backstab the enemy).
i feel like Morgan would still dislike Micah for being a man with bad vibes. Morgan is also just a hater sometimes (look at how he perceives Kieran). Micah still murders and has bad plans like Blackwater so it’s not like Arthur has *no* reason to distrust Micah.
i imagine high honor micah makes an effort on occasion to be involved in camp socializing, Sean and Jack’s return for example. He mainly drinks and flirts with the girls and boys at the event.
and because i like the red vs blue honor color association of the game, Micah’s design would be a little different, making the blue in his design a little more present. A neckerchief is an example of blue, but i am sure more blue could be worked into his design somewhere. Idea is that the ratio of red to blue in character’s designs can allude to how honorable they are (though it is not a 1:1 visualization). I imagine Micah would be 1:3 blue to red. Maayyybe. One quarter an okay man, three quarters a pretty sleazy man.
micah is still deeply troubled soooo no sweetie pie vulnerability for him! At most he tries to flirt (like asking Mary-Beth to dance) and the people are 1-2% more polite about turning him down when he’s high honor. He’s still all alone and his prickly exterior deeps people at arms length from him. He is both deeply dependent on attaching himself to a gang/someone to follow (my hc), but he also aspires to be independent and run his own gang. I suppose in high honor, he hopes to earnestly stick with the VDL gang and rise in the ranks by impressing Dutch (because Dutch is kind of an easy man to impress when you bootlick).
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torialefay · 7 months
if you need me, i will be crying my eyes out over the new skz record
LISTEN. the scream i scrumpt was ridiculous. i didnt even know ab it until you sent this message.
like imagine going back home w channie. you start the mornings with the lil curly head and take berry on a walk by the water. the wind is blowing, and you & channie are holding hands while berry pulls on her leash and sniffs around. maybe you'll stop at a cute lil brunch place and get an outdoor table so berry can sit on one of the seats while you eat. they'll bring her a lil puppy treat so she's super happy. it's like literally having your own kid with him already.
then you go home and get cleaned up, mess around for a little bit, talk to hannah, before going back out for him to show you around his favorite parts of the city. he'll make sure to bring you to all of his favorite stores and favorite views. if you walk past a cute clothing store or jewelry store and he sees you eyeing something, he'll insist you go in and take a look around. whatever you want.
he'll take you to the harbor to sit and enjoy each other's company and watch the boats as they pass by. he'd promise you he'd buy you one some day. you'd giggle as you both tried to come up with names for your new boat. how he'd get it decked out with the best surround sound ever.
you'd be nervous as he'd invited his friends to meet you both for dinner. it was at one of their favorite spots to go together growing up. but once you actually met them, you understood why channie loved them so much. the way his personality changes when he's around them. he's cutting up the whole time as his friends tease him and they talk about old memories and funny stories. they make sure to tell you all about the embarrassing things chan did as a kid. at the end of dinner, they'd make sure to tell you how much chan bragged on you and that they were glad he had someone like you to watch out for him when they couldn't. channie would end by promising he'd see them tomorrow since you'd already made plans with his mom and sister to have a girl's day tomorrow.
he'd show you how pretty it was there at night time and take you to his favorite, romantic spot. a lot of couples went there to watch all the pretty lights. they'd have performers in the backgroup who were playing slow music to set the scene. he'd lean in and give you a quick kiss, telling you how happy he is that you could be there with him.
he'd buy you ice cream as you walked around some more before heading back home. you'd get back late, so the house was already still and quiet when you arrived. you both crept upstairs so you wouldn't wake anyone. after taking your showers to wash off the day, you'd both lay next to each other, reminiscing on your favorite parts of the day together. you'd ask him follow up questions about things he liked to do at those places and who he'd go with and if he had any important memories that happened there. you'd stay up giggling like teenagers until it was after 3 am.
once you'd both decided you needed to go to bed, you'd lay your heads on the pillows next to each other and close your eyes. before you'd drift off to sleep, channie would brush your shoulder before questioning you. "babe can i ask you a question?".
you'd turn over to see his face smiling softly at you. "of course honey, what's up?".
"do you think that you could live here one day?" he'd look at you with big eyes, looking like they were about to water.
you'd smile at him before moving a hand to the side of his face. "i could live anywhere with you. but yeah... this would be nice."
he'd lean in to give you the sweetest, most gentle kiss you'd ever felt. he'd linger over you before pulling away, his eyes full of endearment. "i love you. i promise i'm going to marry you someday and move us here. we'll make our own little world."
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reorientation · 3 months
i went out to a bar with a friend the other night for the first time in my four years at college, and i had a great time! but in the back of my mind, i couldnt stop thinking about a message you sent me a while back,, about instructing me to go out to a bar and not to leave until id convinced a man to fuck me, to cum inside me....
it didnt happen (i think i wish it had?), but the entire time i was there, thats all i could think about. as i watched other guys entering and leaving the bathroom throughout the night, i was imagining the scene, a man buys me a drink and gets me talking, maybe gets me to admit why im there, buys me another drink, then tells me to meet him in the mens bathroom in five. when i open the door and step in, hes waiting for me. he pushes me against the graffiti-covered walls, yanking my tshirt and binder up over my head and off, tossing them to the floor. hes groping me, sucking marks into my neck, my chest, hes so much all at once that its hard for me to think straight
he shoves me to my knees and has me give him my first blowjob, kneeling on the dirty bathroom floor with my tits on display for anyone to walk in and see... of course he'd eventually pull me back up to my feet, bending me over the sinks, watching myself in the mirror as he sinks his cock into me, takibg my virginity. he presses himself in slowly, not pausing until hes as deep inside me as possible. then, again slowly at first, he starts fucking me, gradually going faster and faster and harder, until hes pounding his cock inside me. i want to be utterly brainless as he takes me, almost not even realizing when his hips stutter and the thrusts grow erratic before he pushes all the way inside, one last time, to cum right up against my cervix
that didnt happen,, but its all i could think about then, and thats all i thought about when i woke up today, soaking wet, when i fingerfucked myself until i came, begging to be knocked up
rereading this,,, im not sure why im sending this anonymously,, itll be very obvious to u who i am. who would believe that, after writing all that,,, i try to call myself ftm???
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(Rest stop anon and backseat lesbian anon, for reference)
Oh, Thea, this is such a sweet little offering to me. Your very first time at a bar - an adulthood milestone! - and you spent the whole time daydreaming about getting knocked up like a good girl just because I told you to.
I can just imagine how you would blush, admitting to a man why you were there. How he would run his hand over you as you sat there at the bar with him, feeling the curve of your waist and hips beneath your boyish clothes, thinking about being the first to get between your legs.
You probably wouldn't even be the first girl to get knocked up in that bar bathroom, you know. If he can fuck a load of cum into you there, other girls have been in that position before you, and will be after you - and some of them drunk and horny enough not to think too hard about birth control. You might still get to be the first virgin to conceive there, though. Or the first "boy".
But you don't make a very good boy, do you, Thea? Boys don't spend their big nights out wishing they were brave enough to be a brainless breeding slut for a stranger. Boys don't wake up soaking wet and desperately wishing they'd taken a man's cum into their womb.
I'm glad you had a good time at your first little outing, Thea. But if you're not brave enough on your own, I might have to ensure you have a lot more fun on the next. 🖤
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secretlytranced · 4 months
This might not control you but I am sure it will have its effects on you. So I wanted to tell you simply what I did with my wife when we started to get back into our kinky playtimes this weekend. The session happened on our bed and it started with her having a dildo inside her pussy. It was all the way inside just the tip looking out. She had her lovely little harness dress on and lay there ready to be played with. Just like the good toy she is for me. It started with me tapping her forehead and sending her easily down into a state of trance. What followed was some evil fractionation where you just somehow never reach zero but keep jumpting between 9 ... 8 ... 7 ... 3.... 5 .... 2... 8.... 9....1 .... and so on I am sure you felt that a bit as well so you can imagine just how deep I got her with that. Next I removed the ability to awaken from trance so even if I counter her up to 10 nothing would happen. However if I counter her down it would sink her deeper. So I repeated that oh and did I mention that all the wile I whispered into her ear that I played with that dildo inside her edging her ever so nicely? Well I am sure you can imagine that it didnt take that long for her to reach that first orgasm having my control once again quiet nicely demonstrated to her. Then as the good toy she is it was time to pleasure me next. She eagerly starting sucking me and who am I if I not would add some hypno fun here as well. So I used another of her triggers that when I caress down her back that it simply drops her deeper. I kept doing that while she sucked me until she layed completely limp on my cock yet withering in pleasure. I let her contine for a while while increasing her pleasure and doing some countdowns while I had her go deeper on me and I went deeper with the numbers. Then I was satisfied and went back to pleasuring her. So to get her to the second orgasm we ventured more into the petplay a bit. Letting her pant and sometimes nuzzle my hand close to her face while I edged her further. As she was getting close I grabbed her neck with my hand hold it and used my other hands thumb to press down on her tounge while she panted making sure she couldnt move it. And 2nd orgasm came. But all good things are 3 so we went for a 3rd one. Little touches all over her body and me sucking her tits easily got her very close again very soon. Of course I couldnt let her come right away so some more edging followed. Then when she was getting close I started whispering over and over into her ear "go ahead princess go fetch that orgasm. You can do it good girl go fetch that orgasm. Thats a good girl come on I know you can do it." And when she was on the point of no return a clear "cum for me now!" brought her to orgasm number 3 which concluded the playtime. I hope you enjoyed my little summery here for you ;)
Oh fuckk I'm throbbbing
So much funnnn I'm glad you shared. Thank you!
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justallihere · 5 months
i'm going insane bc i was away for the weekend and left my phone alone (god bless) and came back to a whole chapter PLUS love declaration PLUS forehead kiss ?? omg.....
Mira is not letting Xaden rest like ever, I do wonder what Violet told her while Xaden was prepping her bath tho.
“Not if it bothers you, they can’t,” said Xaden. “I’ll make sure they keep it away from you.” 
oh he wants violet to be comfortable so baaaad he's the embodiment of "is the sun bothering you queen" and im so here for it.
i'm totally fine and sane over xaden washing violet's hair im not kicking my feet or anything and im definetely not crying over how soft they are and how much trust must violet have on him bc she's letting him touch her hair after it being threatned to be cut.
forehead touches are my faaaav so u can imagine how well fed i am after this chapter and for that i say thank you alli *dramatically bows*
Xaden not wanting her to feel like she wasnt love so he just declares himself to her had me weak, like it could've been this grand gesture but nothing between them has ever been planned or expected so he just winged it and it was perfectly what she needed. talk about soulmates !!
when u told us the declaration was gonna hurt i didnt have this imagined in my mind but im so glad it happened this way and not the way i thought it was gonna happen. it was so bittersweet !!
ALSO she def knows she loves him shes just not ready to admit it bc in no way in hell would she ask him to say after he declared himself if she didnt know she also felt something
also the way they first slept i know xaden neck was complaining
also violet reminded me of a cat who always try to get closer in their sleep. she just wants to cuddle !! and shes so real for that
Rhiannon is truly a bestie!! not her terrorrizing the love interest we love a ride or die bestie, even if sometimes she's unresonable
“You whisked her away before anyone could check on her.” 
bestie there was not one single part of her that wasnt broken what was the man supposed to do *cries* but i do understand her stress
SLOANE MAIRI !!! not her calling the king of tyrrendor her brother i love that for her !! she's a princess so true. also i looove xaden and liam's talk it wasnt too cheesy bc tbh they dont operate like that but it was so genuine !!
can the guards chill !!
Garrick is just like me!! i too love gossip and will put my hands on it as soon as i can. but garrick its been like 12 hours wait a little longer or violet herself will call u out again. but also not garrick begging xaden no rule to country and he's just like "no <3" love that for him his wife just got back running a country is very far from his mind.
“Is that what you told her to do?” Rhiannon raised an eyebrow. “Get over it?” “No, but you’re not her, are you?”
He's so ??!!
the development of violet a few chapters ago being like "he didnt hold me while we slept bc there had been no excuses for it in Aretia" to now being like "im gonna curl into your arms so hard you'll never escape" and honestly good for them !!
anywayyyy i LOVED this chapter
lol a lot happened this weekend, welcome back!!!
Xaden’s literal one and only concern is Violet and her comfort, fuck everything else. I’m totally not fine and sane about the hair washing so I guess we balance each other out 🫶🏻
They are very much soulmates!! Xaden didn’t plan to fall in love with her, of course he didn’t plan some grand declaration of it either, we’re just going with what feels right. Violet is a grumpy little kitten yes you’re right
Rhiannon is stressed as hell, like give her best friend back RIORSON where is she
Garrick needs both gossip and for Xaden to do his job and he’s getting neither of those things! Too bad so sad!
Thank you!!!! 🩷
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jklpopcorn · 1 month
*crawls out of the in stars and time timeloop, visibly disheveled and exhausted after spending 33 hours playing + Another 2 hours mass reblogging with friend* WE MADE IT TO THE END, OH LORD, WHO SAID THAT THE GAME WAS ONLY 21 HOURS LONG
Hiii! This is an update on my last ask pertaining to finishing Start Again and starting ISAT. It tooked another session to completed SAAPAand then over ten 3 hour sessions over the course of a month to beat but we did it!
Thank you for bring this game on my dashboard! Truly, one of the games of all time
Some highlights of those 33 hours of stars and timing.
Both of us just STARING at isat Siffrin during acts 1 and 2 because holy shit, they're so joyous and filled with whimsy and the timeloop horrors hasn't hit them yet. <--- used to saapfrin's depression
The two of us experiencing the dawning horror that is all the callbacks to Start Again in act 3+4
I (person who knew that saapfrin is loop since the beginning and that loop is a Siffrin) had to desperately gaslight the streamer friend when they randomly joked that there could be multiple Siffrins across different timelines in act 2 (they didnt remember saying that when we were chatting at the end credits)
Destroying Odile's old women kidneys via making her drink 8+ bowls of salty broth whenever we fought the king
Yelling HOW ARE YOU STILL STANDING??? When odile froze Siffrin in time at the 5th act finale like Ma'am using timecraft even for a second is said to cause the user to turn to dust?? And you're like 80
Heartbreaks during the 'Odile stands in front of the party after Siffrin disposing of sadness too excitedly" '"We cannot trust Siffrin" clocktower act 5' and 'Odile uses papercraft against big Siffrin' because she's the oldest and logical one and she must protect everyone/make sure everyone is prepared to fight the king even if her actions seem too extreme
Got a beautiful moment at the secret loop bossfight when the streamer friend learned loop is a siffrin and I no longer had duct tape over my mouth and could finally tell them that loop is our saapfrin (been talking about what happened to saapfrin in general during the playthrough)
SBXUXBUDHXUDHCUCCU I am SO glad you enjoyed the game :DDDDD
I also thought the game would normally take 21 hours but I was prepared for it to take longer since I love to investigate more 😭😭 yeah it did take longer, 41 hours in 4 days to be more precise, twice as long 😭😭 loved every second of it 😭😭
I can imagine seeing act 1 and 2 siffrin would be such a whiplash! When I learned that sasasap may contain spoilers and reused scenes i went straight to isat so I first got used to the whimsy of the act 1 and 2 siffrin and then saw the slow descent into the poor meow meow in act 4 😭 i was actually surpised when i played sasasap that the little guy skipped all of that and is lowkey worse off than isat siffrin 😭 Loop truly did make a difference when it comes to sif's sanity (and like... actually helping him get out of the loop too ^^)
I was actually surprised they went into an actual breakdown in act 4 and 5. Didn't expect the creator to explore how a person would feel after dying and looping a hundred or so times! I was fully expecting for sif to go "well that happened :)" with no consequences like some games/movies like to do... But within the first 5 minutes of playing I could bet that the creator was a tumblr user so I had hope that our little fella could go a little feral later on <3 i was not disappointed <3 (but honestly, the game reeks of tumblr at times /pos /pos /pos <3)
I suppose that without Sif during the Loop hangout the party got both super lucky and searched even more thoroughly for keys and such since their main guy was out! Not that it really helped them in the end...
I guess it's just canon that that old woman's immortal. Speed and running are her only weaknesses 😔 and mommy issues 😔
Also her truly wanting the best for the party and also taking the least shit from siffrin the moment they could be a danger to her family 😭 violence is not always the answer odile you saw what happened to siffrin 😭
Loop..... nooooo......
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fishcow99 · 9 days
hasdhasadf so i went to the reunion thing. its like a one hour hangout thing then a two hour show. i was there for like 10 minutes of the hang out then i stepped out for like half an hour for air and then i went back in and immediately noped out and left and went home and watched part of newsies and ive cried for like an hour or two bc he was there and im pretty sure he knew that cus there wasnt that many people and my two friends were already talking to eachother and to him and i didnt want to interrupt and he was wearing a green long sleeve with the sleeves rolled up and i think his hairs gotten longer and i heard his voice and i was like gone for 30 minutes and no one wondered where i was and then after that i was like clearly crying but i dont think anyone cared and no one cared and the girl wasn't even there it was just the sight of him and when i looked away i could here his voice and i dont think ive seen him wear that shirt before and i wonder how he got casted for anything goes at his school and i didnt even tell anyone that i got into the thing at the theater cus everyone was already talking to each other and i didnt want to bother them and at least i wrote like 1 1/2 songs cus of all of this but hes so pretty and i didnt say a word to him and he didnt say a word to me and its not like we were actively avoiding each other there were just other people and he always chooses other people over me he never chooses me i wish he would choose me and i could hear his voice and i can still hear his voice and non of my friends who were there have asked where i went or if im okay which is fine because i know they have more important things to do which is okay and fine and now i'll never see him again and maybe i couldve talked to him i literally bought a dress just to see him again i never wear dresses but maybe if im pretty he'll notice me but he didnt and maybe he hates me for the whole thing from the notes which is fine and its not like i expected anything differently i basically antagonized him and thats my fault and i should just be glad he didnt go out of his way to say he hated me but maybe its worse this way and really if you look at it from an outside prespective nothing really happened so im just being dramatic which is fine cus i always am but i just keep imagining wonderful things with him in my head and then i see him and realize he probably doesnt even remember me which is fine but my friends didnt care which i guess i should expect but it still hurts but it shouldnt hurt because nothing really happened and im just making a big deal out of this but i love him and i dont think i can ever stop loving him
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imaginespazzi · 2 months
Sorry for the late review I got the email from AO3 ( I love tumblr but I was an AO3 gal first and foremost) right as I leaving my house and I knew this story needed my full undivided attention for awhile for me to be able to rlly soak it in
This chapter rlly showed how much of a menace stephie is bc first with the car convo that made azzi tell Colleen that she did indeed do the opposite of her plan but also the other car convo with Paige tattling on azzis words
one thing I love about Pazzi is the known passenger princess so making them switch it up and the lil memory was so cutieeee
Stephie and azzis relationship on their own is also so adorable bc like their lil fun time just to the icecream time was so cute
reading how azzi has always felt alone with protecting steohie until this moment I knew that I should feel bad for azzi but rlly I was just making up more theories on where the heck baby daddy is and why he’s not helping miss gurl
The golden state might only be a pit stop makes me sad now so I can only imagine how it’s gonna make me feel whenever the plot develops and it bc a much larger issues between them
Paige with bb Stephie and Tim was awesome I love the fluff you right even thou I come for the angst and even the fluff with azzi while they were still being cordial
Honestly ur flashbacks are what make ur stories the way they are so perfectly crafter and tie in and let me know just the right amount of information and feels like a puzzle is why I love ur writing and truly shows how talented you are but now I’m done praising you bc u r asking for trouble leaving me on a kinda cliff hanger ig but like YOU DIDNT WANT TO MARRY ME excuse me marriage was an option?!? I need like the five ws and h rn When? Where? Who? What? Why? How? Like I reread that sentence so many times jsut to be followed up by YOUR RIGHT I DIDNT WNAT TO SO GO FUND THE WOMEN WHO DID Literlly silenced like what why not I need to know the entire lore and it’s ridiculous your gonna leave me high and dry like this like I’m genuinky so confused but also sooooo excited
anyways love you so much Nivi and am so proud of you for sticking to your schedule I hope you stay sticking to it bc if not I might actually die
You're actually the sweetest person ever my love and I will try to stay on my deadlines just so you don't die because that would make sad.
Stephie just doesn't have a filter, especially around people she's comfortable with and she's definitely comfortable with Paige so trust her to make sure Paige will always know what's happening.
I have a lot of little tradition ideas for Stephie and Azzi in my head and Paige is slowly going to end up being added to a lot of them.
Ah Azzi's baby daddy is a mystery but we'll get to him one day eventually (I think)
I love writing flashbacks and they're gonna be a big part of the story because to move forward in the present, they're gonna have to unravel what happened in the past. I'm also really excited to write it and have y'all read it even though I know y'all are gonna be yelling in my inbox about how evil I am after a few of them.
LMAO everyone's reactions to the last scene are killing me and I'm ngl it's been very amusing but TRUST!! There's always a method to my menacing madness!
Always happy to see you in my inbox babes and I'm so glad you're along for this ride <3
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lastintheserverbox · 3 months
I'm glad you're okay mark,,
That shouldnt have ever happened. You didnt deserve that at all,,
Im apologizing so you know we absolutely have regrets but you dont have to forgive, even if most of us really didnt want that to fuckin happen, i wanna strangle that one person who did that.. it was an oppurtunistic fuckhead, parrot didnt even think that'd happen in the first place,,
You deserve an apology, nothing we can do to reverse the trauma, nothing we can do to have helped beyond the small things we did help with to get you back, Im so sorry.
I take it we should leave mark alone after this,, i can imagine he wouldnt wanna see us again after this
"He might want to be left alone for a bit..."
"...I...Don't know if I accept the apology."
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"...Why did you give me RRA files?"
"Mark you know this. I wanted to give you free will, as thanks for helping me. I couldn't just USE you forever. That wouldn't have been right."
"I had no thoughts or opinions or feelings. Would it have mattered?"
"Of course it would've! Besides, you're our friend, Mark. We love you."
"...Jade. What's my purpose? You still give me so many tasks. Things I have to do. Questions I don't have answers to. What am I, really?"
"...I-...I don't know?? I gave us all free will to decide that for ourselves! You know you-....You can do anything you want, right?"
"...Hm. Okay.
...Now can all of you leave me alone?"
"...Are you sure you want to be alone?"
"Okay. Do you want me to send Sam over-"
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callsign-relic · 16 days
hello, crush kink initiate back again. i cant actually call myself that because itll get really confusing with ckg, but i dont know how else to announce who i am.
anyway, ahhhh im glad i didnt overstep! i am so Scared but i have. so so many ideas and being very unwell over silverline is enough to overcome any fear agrhfhfjbrjej,,, hes handsome and mean and i love him dearly. 🥺✨
also, 🤝 @ ckg, getting trapped in silverlines panels is also 1000% where my brain went after sending that ask tbfjfksbfmnsmfbjgk
i like to imagine something like that happens a bit later- the first time you get lucky(?) and slip free at some point, and you manage to get away without him noticing you... (not without getting doused in a heavy dose of transfluid of course.)
you stumble away and clean yourself off, dazed by the experience. but the thing is... you still have to go to work. you still have to continue doing maintenance on the massive mech who had you plastered to his dick.
as soon as you enter the room and see him, towering above you, you're hit by the sense memory of being crushed up against his spike, the heat and weight of it, the taste of his transfluid in your mouth as you struggled against his digits... being overwhelmed without him even trying, without him even noticing.
trying to keep things professional is difficult, to say the least. (you're going to strangle whoever decided to put a walkway at silverlines hip height!!!) during your shift you keep sneaking glances at his panel, reliving the memory.
maybe you end up finishing maintainence a lot quicker than usual- desperate to be anywhere else so you aren't thinking about his spike. except when it comes time to leave, you can't help but linger a little each time, just to see if he does it again.
obviously this comes to bite you in the ass as one day you get too close, and you end up in the same position as you did before. you think it'll be fine- it was fine last time- except... you find yourself stuck to his spike even as it softens, and his panel closes over you, trapping you in the sweltering darkness.
i'd imagine it'd be a hard choice between struggling and staying still- if you struggle, you run the risk of him finding you, which is sure to be a whole mess in itself. but... what if he never finds you, and you're forever doomed to the hot, sticky confines, only let out when he wants to self service, completely oblivious to your presence (...perhaps you like that idea a little too much, but surely thats just the heat getting to you, right? ...right.)
this is. so long. im so sorry but also im not because i love thinking abt stuff like this fhdjcbsj,, where is this motivation when i want to write fics. help. ill be back in a bit with more. i need a break from furiously typing but im thinking more about being stuck in his panels.
Welcome back crush kink initiate!!! I’m happy to see you return :) maybe to differentiate you from ckg we can just call you initiate? 😆
But AAGHHHAGHSHD this is so good omg. Having to do maintenance on him again when you were trapped in his panel the night before… you can’t keep your gaze away from his panel, not that he cares to notice you down there.
But ouhghh being stuck to his spike even as it softens and you’re lodged in the space of his panel…. It’s unbearably warm in there, riddled with his scent. Only seeing light from the outside for but a second when he opens his panel just to wrap his hand around his spike again, and the cycle starts all over again… the only reason you were spared is because he didn’t know you were there. Nothing but an inconsequential bit of dust on his spike as he worked himself to completion <3
And please don’t apologize!!! It means so much that my guy is inspiring you so much!! I’m looking forward to hearing back from you again hehehe :)
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white-collar-cannibal · 2 months
i basically typed my live reactions in to the ask box lmfao sorry
niki. niki. what are you doing niki. what are you doing niki
nooo frank :(( "how easily his bones could be yours" holy fucking shit i got chills /vpos
chutzpah!!! yiddish my beloved <3
not them making hetch fucking laugh omfg
"“Hey, don’t get a big head. They only put you on all the marketing because you’re pretty.” i'm gonna kill myself aaaaaaaaaah it's ramping up the lie is being taken-
the bit about breathing hetch's exhaled air oh my fucking god that was so good
UGRH i love the fact that ranboo hates what theyre doing, wishes they didnt, hates that hetch might be attracted to them, but theyre still doing it because of that god damn guilt, it's always the guilt, for what they think theyve done
that scene was so- beautifully pulled off omfg. like as opposed to an actual romance, where the tension builds, and you're rooting 'kiss kiss kiss,' it was sudden, you could tell they didn't want to, but felt they had to, and the whole way that was written spoke to that and it was fucking amazing
also the fact that theyre embarassed is vvvv interesting... this entire concept makes me feral
ohhhhh my godddd the next bit. author (idk your name?? white collar? lmao sorry) i do not even know how to tell you how incredibly well done that was. ranboo fuckin- thinking about how they would kill hetch, as he kisses them, I CANNOT COHERENTLY EXPRESS HOW GOOD THAT IS YOU HAVE NO FUCKING IDEA
anyway. god damn. ranboo is an amazing actor. i almost feel bad for hetch. almost. (i am afraid for what will happen to them this entire dynamic is so gloriously fucked up i adore it a bit too much)
the other actors are going to find out at some point and it's going to be horrible i just know it
i cannot imagine what can possible happen in the eight-ish remaining chapters but i am sure it will be devastating and incredible and i am going to be here for it
there were other things i was going to say but i forgot them. OH RIGHT just that this fic is my new hyperfixation yippeee kudos to you again for writing it!
—afternoon anon
eeeeeeeeeeee thank you!!!!!!! i can never abandon this fic now you people depend on me. i'm so glad that other people love this fic as much as i do writing it.
and the guilt!!!! you get it it's the guilt forever!!!! guilt is so incredibly tied into how i read glanboo and it's very fun to put them in a Situation where like. king is the guilt helping. is this really the right idea or are you just trying to hurt yourself.
and the kiss scene oh my god that hurt to write i was going "i'm CRINGE i'm CRINGE" the entire time but the violent interstitials were absolutely my favorite bit i loved the realization they could go there it's. chef's kiss i'm so glad other people liked that.
there may??? only be six additional chapters? no one look at me i'm working things out. but nevertheless we are going some Places i am so excited to take y'all to!!!
(as what will be a perpetual aside the seeing your death thing is pulled from p.219 of harrow the ninth, "Ianthe looked at you, and in the paleness of her skin and in the shadows of her lips was her death, and yours.")
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borathae · 5 months
Chapter 4
ooh looks like he is a gentleman
You can see it in the way he looks at his knees ever so often. dont tell me he slept
HE DID AHAHAH PLS this is peak comedy for me, idk i had this image of "ooh mysterious ancient being, must find sleep, and other stuff as something for the weak", basically a grandpa on him. (i see yoongi like that from reading the drabbles, but now that im reading it, tae felt like that in 1st chapter lol)
Of course not, I was merely resting my eyes” ofc i believe you, u were having a meditating/communicating with your ancestors moment
As if he doesn’t even notice his hand touching you the way it does. STOP I LITERALLY DIE EVERYTIME THIS HAPPENS WHEN IM READING LIKE AAAAAH *bites, slaps, giggles, fans myself, pretends to be dead soo much ah
Your chest heaves up and down in a heavy breath, your legs parting slightly. sis is gone already. mood
Come go with me. I SAID I HAVE NO TIME HEE HEE
Taehyung placed his hand on your thigh instead. OH NO HE IS GETTING DANGEROUS
Your nails dig into the edge of the seat, her: (literally made it, if only i had this devotion in my studies 😭)
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Taehyung’s delight as another smirk washes over his face. He stops moving, the only sensation he allows you to feel is his big, warm hand against your inner thigh SDTOP I CANT HANDLE HIS ASS I CAN ALREADY IMAGINE THE FAKE GUM CHEWING AAAH
Tapping on your inner thigh rhythmical AAAAH WE MUST STAY FOCUSED BROTHER
Stay, fellow, I can read. I DOUBT I CAN IM LOSING MY SANITU
“Are you alright?” he rasps DO U THINK IM OK?????
My master’s. THAT FAST?? really said wanna see some speed?
You whine at the loss of touch, pulling at his necktie. PULLING NECKTIE WWWOOOO IM SQUIRTING
The door, which normally always squeaks, opens silently when Taehyung opens it mythical being or has strict parents pt 3 (pt 2 during the date)
I want to devour you.” yn my love, what if he actually does 😭(missed the vore tag on ao3 once and i have ptsd from that)
You’ll probably call me crazy but I named all of my houseplants after famous painters TAE MOVE UR ASS, SHE'S MINE WE ARE MARRIED BYE
Just mere seconds ago it felt like he wanted to devour you whole and now here he is, as patient as ever.  i take that back, we can be a throuple
I didn’t even hear you come outside mythical being or has strict parents pt 4
It’s one of those weirdly dishonest smiles again. maybe he is in lactose intolerant and is worried destroying ur toilet with the volcanic diarrhea
It makes you look so perfectly alive." THATS EXACTLY WHAT A VAMPIRE WOULD SAY. i would have said that tho lol
I guess you are right. What a silly thing for me to say."  OFC ITS VERY SILLY CUZ U IS MR.DRACULA
“Actually this is just a myth some misogynistic doctors made up in the sixteenth century to shame women for having sex”, SLAY now marry me
“so enjoy it ___ for as long and as passionate as you can.” THATS WHAT A GRANDPA WOULD SAY or A VAMPIRE
I am glad that you aren’t pretending with me hold ur horses he didnt say he is 95% honest, also the 5% could be more shocking than the 95%
swirling the tea in his cup with a flick of his wrist. LOOK AT DA FLICKA DA WRIST
My dream is to own a really big greenhouse. THE GARDEN IN THE DRABBLE
“you’re not having a heart attack, are you?” damn grandpa is dying (im sorry i had to)
OH SHIT WHATS GOING ON?? did she put some anti-mythical being stuff in the tea?
0-100 real quick
she is so cute im feeling it soo well, you wrote those parts well. it made me feel like im intruding them
Throw it on the floor *starts throwing it back Tae: i meant the tie me: oh sorry, silly me
that wasnt me, that was the demons bye
He has a really nice spine, my bestie to me - your spine is ... um how do i put it to words, spines very well. i will definitely count them for anatomy 💀💀LIKE STOP AT LEAST ITS BETTER COMPARED TO 4TH GRADE
thankfully Taehyung can’t read minds because this was one silly thought. you sure about that? u sure about that??👀👀
Dearmotherofchrist what the hell? Okay, goodbye cruel world this is how you will die. PLS 😭😭
This is madness. Heaven. ME AT YOU POOKIE
besides, we have many more occasions to practice your stamina SUCH A TEASE AAH
im sick and feeling cold. guess who isnt cold anymore cuz they are reading a smexy, gobsmacking as usual smut by THE MOMMY, SIBI?? ME YALL. a hoe(mentally) doesnt get cold, until they get runny nose.
don’t rip it because this cost like forty bucks” WE LOVE REALISTIC SMUT HERE
He scissors them, fucking in and out of you slowly. His teeth craze over your nipple before he bites down. poeple died sir I DIED
During class, on the bus, whilst talking to people. same here girly pop, relatable after reading smut
watching you be like this drives me crazy I AM CRAZY
me: i hope i dont fall him: he praises me: ana oop
It is a stupid name, but it has never been more accurate than tonight. no it aint stupid when true af
"Hold me"..“That’s it, draw me in deeper. Keep me there” bye i will be jumping off the cliff(my bed's name)
seven matches this soo well, cuz its sexy but very romantic
that was too hot until u think (wait this is bts songs in a nutshell)
 oh boi tae is just trying feel humanity, life, and the whole "live in the moment", "yolo" by asking to hold closer and feel what she is feeling
horny - sad real quick. (bts albums and playlists be like)
Sex is merely a wonderful byproduct from being with you. You have truly bewitched me, body and soul” this is too good holy fuck
reminds me of blood sweat and tears lines and the whole mood is hold me tight
they are soo cute, being all warm and cozy with each other.
shitting tears as we speak bye,
the emotions were emotioning, smut smuting (do i even have to say about this anymore lol) i love how your smut isnt just focused on sexy parts, emotionally, yes very much connected and love it and also shows other parts, like its soo easy to have the entire view from pillow to toes, with lil frames with focused parts.
now that we still havent seen 2seokkook, its making more nervous like
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HE DID AHAHAH PLS this is peak comedy for me, idk i had this image of "ooh mysterious ancient being, must find sleep, and other stuff as something for the weak", basically a grandpa on him. (i see yoongi like that from reading the drabbles, but now that im reading it, tae felt like that in 1st chapter lol)
this is actually so funny HAHHAHAH he is always acting like such a well-put mysterious man and then he is sleeping in class BHAHAHAHAH
As if he doesn’t even notice his hand touching you the way it does. STOP I LITERALLY DIE EVERYTIME THIS HAPPENS WHEN IM READING LIKE AAAAAH *bites, slaps, giggles, fans myself, pretends to be dead soo much ah
Taehyung’s delight as another smirk washes over his face. He stops moving, the only sensation he allows you to feel is his big, warm hand against your inner thigh SDTOP I CANT HANDLE HIS ASS I CAN ALREADY IMAGINE THE FAKE GUM CHEWING AAAH
the gum chewing pisses me off with any other person BUT ITS SO HOT WHEN HE DOES IT LIKE PLEASE KEEP DOING IT SIR IMMA SUCK YOUR COCK
You whine at the loss of touch, pulling at his necktie. PULLING NECKTIE WWWOOOO IM SQUIRTING
jajdfj valid.
I want to devour you.” yn my love, what if he actually does 😭(missed the vore tag on ao3 once and i have ptsd from that)
NO BUT WHAT IF??? oh god hahhaha I feel you I once missed the impregnation tag and actually triggered myself when he started speaking about putting babies in her like BACK OFF ILL BITE YOUR BALLS OFF
It’s one of those weirdly dishonest smiles again. maybe he is in lactose intolerant and is worried destroying ur toilet with the volcanic diarrhea
PLEASE hhahahhaha this would be so iconic of him tbfh
“Actually this is just a myth some misogynistic doctors made up in the sixteenth century to shame women for having sex”, SLAY now marry me
he is SO HOT I need him to fuc-
My dream is to own a really big greenhouse. THE GARDEN IN THE DRABBLE
OH SHIT WHATS GOING ON?? did she put some anti-mythical being stuff in the tea?
He has a really nice spine, my bestie to me - your spine is ... um how do i put it to words, spines very well. i will definitely count them for anatomy 💀💀LIKE STOP AT LEAST ITS BETTER COMPARED TO 4TH GRADE
LISTEN. don't judge me but I genuinely think that spines (inside the body where they're supposed to be) can be so sexy like if someone has a nice spine I just wanna trace and lick and kiss and touch it like-
thankfully Taehyung can’t read minds because this was one silly thought. you sure about that? u sure about that??👀👀
im sick and feeling cold. guess who isnt cold anymore cuz they are reading a smexy, gobsmacking as usual smut by THE MOMMY, SIBI?? ME YALL. a hoe(mentally) doesnt get cold, until they get runny nose.
I gain ten years of life each time one of you calls me Mommy HAHHAHA like yes I am indeed mother HFAHDSF
don’t rip it because this cost like forty bucks” WE LOVE REALISTIC SMUT HERE
me: i hope i dont fall him: he praises me: ana oop
BITCH (affectionate) SAME HOLY FUCK praise works so well with me like it got me thinking about the person for the next five weeks for real
 oh boi tae is just trying feel humanity, life, and the whole "live in the moment", "yolo" by asking to hold closer and feel what she is feeling
reminds me of blood sweat and tears lines and the whole mood is hold me tight
shitting tears as we speak bye,
hahahhaa shitting tears jfadsjf
the emotions were emotioning, smut smuting (do i even have to say about this anymore lol) i love how your smut isnt just focused on sexy parts, emotionally, yes very much connected and love it and also shows other parts, like its soo easy to have the entire view from pillow to toes, with lil frames with focused parts.
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SAYING THIS!!! that's exactly what I want most of my smut to be for 😭😭😭
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dufrau · 1 year
Babe you said you wanted comments and I love being a cheerleader so have a comment so thought through that I'm a little embarrassed (I literally took notes)
The loneliness that is getting invited to your mum's book club.
Nancy being heartbroken about not being invited 💔
Hard relate to thinking 'what is the most normal way to do something' in a social situation.
Also Nancy's allowed to be angry anyway but when you add wet socks? Unhinged feral rage justified.
If I was at that party I would absolutely have walked in on them because I'd be like, where snacks??? Except I probably would have followed in the first instance because the pretty girls went to get snacks so that's where I need to be and then they would never have banged so basically I'm glad I was not written in.
Giggling at the idea of Nancy smashing the peanut butter BC robin suggested it was an inappropriate snack.
'Her arms were pink up close, from the sun, and Nancy wanted to grab onto her biceps, her wrists, just grab them and let go and then watch her handprints fade away. Which was insane, of course. And which was par for the course, of course.'
Nancy angry at the fridge? fan art, someone, please.
Obsessed with Nancy checking out Robins legs like damn 😍 she has no musculature and she runs stupid, that's hot
Robin being like yeah the bowls are here where I'm blocking you from getting them and doing nothing to remedy that... her mind
Nancy not knowing what to say and just slut shaming robin 💯
'I need to get in there' 👀
'Robin swallowed and Nancy watched it happen. She couldn't feel it, the movement of her throat, from where her fingers were, and she was jealous of that too.' 🥴😩💓
The idea that in their blossoming relationship Robin will look at Nancy's facial expression and not be sure if she is about to commit a crime or fuck her silly 🤌🏻
'That she could have been the one to invite Robin over, that Robin almost definitely would have come if Nancy had only asked. Robin's hands were on her face and her breath was in Nancy's mouth and Nancy was standing between her legs surrounded by the heat of her, wondering if Robin would come now if she asked.' 😩😩😩
'Left to her own devices she wound up doing things like taking on the federal government to avenge her friend's death' happens to the best of us x
I think my favourite line is 'Nancy wanted to rub up against the sound of it.'
Favourite ronance canon trope is robin doing anything Nancy asks her (sexual)
Thank you for feeding us!!
Oh wow thank YOU for feeding ME. <3<3<3
I will address your concerns in list format! Under a cut because this is so long! Which I am not complaining about at all for the record this is making my day!
You know Karen's book club is awful, too. Straight romance novels every month and they just get drunk and complain about their husbands.
No but for real the loneliness of summer vacation when you are in-between friend groups? It's been 25 years but I remember this so vividly 😭 I did not fuck anybody in a kitchen about it though unfortunately.
I think Nancy is often kind of Performing Normalcy in the show and I think being profoundly lonely on top of that makes it very how-it-felt-to-socialize-when-covid-precautions-started-to-let-up. She's trying so hard!
Wet socks are the worst. Anger intensifies.
My excuse for nobody walking in was first of all just that its my story and i didnt want them to, but besides that im like, well nobody asked for snacks actually, and the boys are swimming in the pool and steve is working on his tan. And tbh they probably weren't even in there that long. Anyway they thank you for not interrupting them!
I almost had her pull down a can of Bush's Baked Beans instead of the peanut butter but it felt like very niche fanservice so I refrained.
The sunburn stuff was just there to add specificity and make it feel more tangible. I am trying to trick you into imagining what it feels like.
Nancy standing in front of the fridge mad about being short is so funny to me i can see it so clearly in my mind 😂 She's so mad already and now she's too short to reach the chips?? The disrespect.
I am a Robin-was-terrible-at-soccer-and-only-played-one-season-because-her-parents-forced-her truther. I am also a girls-with-soft-legs-are-cute truther.
Robin was 100% fucking with Nancy re: the bowls. I don't think she fully understood the *way* she was fucking with Nancy, but she definitely knew it was riling her up and she leaned into that on purpose just to see what would happen.
Nancy truly does know better than to slut shame anybody but she also does NOT know how to say "you look so good i want to scream" so uh RIP her principles this one time i guess.
The "I need to get in there" bit was just fun to write. I stand by it. I love that shit.
Throats are sexy. That is all I have to say about that.
I'm pretty sure Robin already has a pavlovian response to Nancy's Felony Face but yeah from here on out she's toast.
That line is probably a little over the top but nobody is probably reading angry kitchen smut for the subtlety so again I stand by it!
It's true though, whenever Nancy has nothing to do she MAKES something to do. Luckily for the federal government she now has something to do (Robin.)
Thank you! I also like that line a lot!
This is also my favorite trope for them 🙏
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foxymoxynoona · 11 months
i just find it funny that any of the boys can just walk in to whatever another one of them has going on without prior notice and everyone on staff just has to go along with it 😭 like why did tae just show up unannounced at jungkook’s suchwita filming in fucking shorts and slippers and no makeup on and then just went and sat like he was supposed to be there 😭😭😭😭😭
also like the vice versa also happens where one of them just goes “you know what make sure [insert member] is also onstage with me” and said member just goes “um ???” and just has to go along with it 😭 im talking about tae’s recent fanmeet where jimin came as a sign of support but then the staff gave him his mic and told him to go onstage bc tae asked him to and jimin was like “???? um why was i not notified?? now wait just a damn second-” AND THEN JIMIN WAS THERE ON STAGE ACCOMPANYING TAE FOR THE REST OF THE EVENT WITH A CONSTANT LOOK OF CONFUSION ON HIS FACE BC HE JUST DIDNT KNOW WHAT WAS GOING ON SKHSKSHSKSHSJZHS LIKE MY GUY WAS LITERALLY DRESSED LIKE HE WAS GOING GROCERY SHOPPING SHKSHSKHSKSJS
I am soooooo out of the loop of everythign going on lately but I did hear about that! Imagine you go to support your friend and they pull you onstage. I'd be so unhappy hahaha. They're so sweet though and I"m glad they still are getting to spend so much time together.
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lightlycareless · 1 year
chapter 30 has me CLIMBING the WALLS
the visceral uncomfortableness of a dead silent car ride with these two,,,, i can not even begin to imagine it. the tension in there was so heavy and so dense i’m shocked it didnt make a black hole
first thought when naoya took a suddenly different turn on the street was “oh so we’re getting murdered in an alleyway??? left to die??” he does not come off with good vibes for himself at ALL. luckily its just for more doctors appointments. deeply sorry to every individual that had to be around these twos painfully obvious rift
EVERYTIME NAOYA TRIED TO TALK TO HER… i know hes done nothing to properly redeem himself but ohmygod i can feel the awkward pains. kudos to him for not just like bursting into tears in the elevator when she turned away. i would’ve been a mess.
i’m gonna THROTTLE this doctor (also y/n girl i get the frustration but what did you WANT him to SAY for you on the cheating question,,, if he speaks over you to answer i know you aren’t going to like that either he can NOT win this one,,,) - and also the one time naoya pulls himself together to assist by showing the ultrasound that gets just shot down as well. we are on a losing battle. naoya stans stay losing 😔
incredible balls to try for the “wanna get something to eat?” a SECOND time. that play failed MISERABLY last time and its already been a string of horrible events today but lets GO king!!🗣️💯🔥give us nothing!! 🔥🔥❗️💯
concluding- naoya has been exuding CRITICAL levels of shaking chihuahua and cringefail energy ft. y/n desperately trying to Hold It Together. exquisite chapter. looking forward to the next as always
AUGHAUAH I ALREADY SENT A CHAPTER 30 ASK BUT I REREAD IT THIS MORNING N WENT BACK OVER THE “test her condition” PART- not sure how i left this outta the last one that had me so fried
but am i hallucinating or is naoya… also hesitant about that? i know that its just two words “Naoya swallows” but it SOUNDS like he’s got just. the barest hint. the barest idea that perhaps,,, maybe,, that would be a bad thing to do. now if he knows the WHY of why it would be bad is a completely different question, but it at least reads as if he faintly understands he should NOT do that again.
(feel free to just like. screenshot this and throw it in w the bigger one lmaoo i still can’t believe i left this out its huge)
HAHAHAH I’m glad you’re suffering, I mean, enjoying the latest update 😊 Also, don't worry about the asks hehe you can send in as many as you want! I looooooove reading and answering them 🥺❤
Now, Imagine if someone decided to accompany them? I don’t know, like Ranta. I think the poor boy would’ve been like “omg… Naoya really has no chance” lol OR WORSE, NAOAKI FOR SURE Y/N WOULD’VE IGNORED NAOYA EVER MORE HAHAHA
“Y/N” Naoya calls “Is there something you’d like to—”
“Naoaki, look! There’s snow on the mountains! No wonder it’s so cold, guess we'll need more than a few blankets tonight”
Naoaki: 😳
Naoya cries, mind going on and on about what did Y/N mean with “we’ll” before remembering the night he saw him leave her chambers.
And I’m pretty sure that’s what Y/N thought too when they headed somewhere else lol she has long accepted that nothing good will come from him (but she didn’t expect it to happen so soon!!! She feared Hitomi and Haruko were going to be like GODDAMN IT I TOLD YOU TO NOT GO. Also, wasn't Naobito in charge of that!!?!?!) but thank God it was just him doing (1) of his many commitments towards Y/N, which considering whom they came from, mean nothing.
I’d hate to be the person attending them :s luckily… we’ll have something of that perspective next chapter (if I don’t discard it 🤭)
The worst part of Naoya’s continuous failing attempts would definitely have to be the way Y/N just turned away hahahah I was like DAMN girl, even if she was somewhat afraid of doing anything because of his outburst she really did that. And Naoya took it lmao straight to the heart. Good.
As for Naoya crying… heh. 😊 I just realized we haven’t seen him do that… interesting, I think you might like that one chapter.
The whole doctor thing was just awful. He was really out there, jabbing at anyone he could 😳 I’m surprised he didn’t kick it up a notch and slander Toji too. Though I think Naobito was like “No, Naoya is sensitive and he might actually kill you so chill, I still have use for you” lol
I’ll still defend Y/N by saying she hasn’t cheated on Naoya but…. I mean, the emotional department… that’s long gone hahahahahahahahahahhahahaahhahahaha Still, wtf is this man going over and over about that particular topic? Like, we get it. You want to know. Ok, sure, maybe she’s gotten something but these two for sure haven’t so NEXT. Shouldn't we be talking about Naoya in that sense???
As for the ultrasound part, I actually was like “huh, impressive Naoya decided to actually stand up and do something” maybe to get his money’s worth, or probably to reveal “WHAT THE HELL DO THESE THINGS MEAN????? IS THERE A BABY THERE OR NOT” get outta here... and how he reacted to the rest of the procedures I was just like yep, there he is... usual Naoya.
This man is grasping at straws at this point, inviting her out to eat was the evidence of that lol. If Y/N was a bit more… assertive and fearless, she would’ve been like “are you serious right now? You want me to get sentenced to death again? Sir, I only have one life, GOODBYE”
As for the “test her condition”… it’s the doctor instigating Y/N and Naoya again with Naoaki lol. I don’t know what this man is thinking, seriously. Probably that Y/N was abstaining to do the deed in a more pleasurable way 🤮and the way he was disappointed that there was no heartbeat or a fetus in there wtf lol.
Naoya is hesitant because of Naoaki more than anything, as well as the fact that he can’t get near Y/N at all, his father’s conditions for her survival looming in the back of his mind.
If it helps to give some peace of mind, Naoya does not have it in him to force himself on Y/N again, at least… not now. Because he knows if he crosses that line again, she’ll definitely run towards Naoaki and never leave, and his marriage is DONE. GONE. (can’t be a good person just cause, eh??)
Both characters are on a really tight spot, but I guess in an emotional distress Naoya is in the worse position as of right now. (Y/N is used to it in a way, while he’s barely comprehending what’s going on around him, he's got a whoooole world of turmoil to comprehend, and more to come lmao)
But as you said, we're out here cheering for Naoya lmao!!! Indeed, go give us nothing 😂😂 And the way you described Naoya as a chihuahua... lmao, couldn't be more accurate.
I'm so glad you like this chapter!! It gets me excited for the rest which I cannot wait to show :> !!!!!
Once again, thank you so much for tuning in for another update ❤ also, if there's more things you wish to know or just share my askbox is always open 🤭I looooooooove reading your comments ngl 😭 it often provides me perspectives I fail to see, thank you so much 🥺❤
I hope you have a wonderful week, take care, and hope to see you soon!!!
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