#surfing on sine waves
iamlisteningto · 4 months
Polygon Window’s Surfing On Sine Waves
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disease · 2 years
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wkn-nushrooms · 2 months
Blade (1998) - Opening Scene (HD)
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dankalbumart · 1 year
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Surfing on Sine Waves by Polygon Window Warp Records 1993 IDM / Acid Techno / Ambient Techno / Techno
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gravemushrooms · 7 months
Tag ppl you wanna know betteeer
Tagged by: @missmassacre
Last song: not songs per se but: Ryuji Takeuchi / Essential Memories EP Part III / Sonoran District; Orbital / In Sides / Dŵr Budr (this has some singing but it's nonsense backwards words); Polygon Window / Surfing on Sine Waves / Polygon Window (it's Aphex Twin, also featured on Warp Records Artificial Intelligence)
Favorite color: i end up back at pink-purple but you'd never know from looking at me
Currently watching:
antiquities/religion MythVision Podcast (mostly critical studies of ancient christianity or related topics) Crecganford (a lot of proto-indo-european th.) Religion for Breakfast Gnostic Informant ESOTERICA (Dr. Justin Sledge) James Tabor Ancient Architects History for GRANITE World of Antiquity Archaeology Now Antiquity for All Crowhag Ancient Americas Jackson Crawford (Old Norse) Lady of the Library Let's Talk Religion toldinstone Simon Roper (English language over time + other topics) Sally Pointer (neolithic fibers + textiles)
experimental archaeology Primitive Technology (with subtitles) Roland Warzecha scholagladiatoria (Matt Easton) Tod's Workshop Malcolm P.L.
urbanism Not Just Bikes Stewart Hicks CityNerd Kirsten Dirksen (not really urbanism but houses, permaculture, DIY)
technology Asianometry
skepticism potholer54 (climate) Mick West AronRa (anti-creationism)
crank bigfoot Bob Gymlan i like to watch a lot of weird crank stuff but this is maybe the only one i think other people could find entertaining
self-actualization (?) Bitsii in Inaka
video game industry Timothy Cain
half a-press memes pannenkoek2012
Last movie: director's cut of The Little Shop of Horrors that has the apocalyptic ending. apparently i haven't really watched a movie since 2019
Currently reading: @eyeofpsyche recommended some books about Jung (Jung - The Key Ideas by Ruth Snowden and The Essential Jung by John Beebe but lately i've been swamped with work + school. earlier this year i was reading Big Dead Place because Antarctica is strange and miserable and Malleus Maleficarum to better understand a Euro-medieval/early modern notion of the supernatural. i skimmed through a bunch of Ekirch's At Day's Close - Night in Times Past for a course over the summer
Sweet/spicy/savory: food isn't really a thing for me. ask me when i have more money
Relationship status: the person i talk to the most online is someone that i don't even use words with
Current obsessions: i had a week where i was looking at weird things to do with Windows 3 and trying out linux distros in a virtual machine
Last googled: i was trying to find a magazine cover from the early/mid 90s that depicted a man wearing unusual shoes in a photo-realistic style and it was intended to illustrate how developments in digital image manipulation had made the notion of "the camera never lies" obsolete
Currently working on: lab report busywork for a microbio course, or i spent nearly all day setting up a biochemistry lab which involved making a lot of 1% solutions of a variety of amino acids
anyone that follows me that wants to do this feel free to have a go at it
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drill1000000 · 8 months
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hewhomainsness · 1 year
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orlamount · 6 months
My Story
How did I start surfing? I'd gone surfing a couple times over the years when I was a kid and I really loved those times but id never had the means or equipment to do it on my own terms and when I wanted until now.
2015 Devon - went with the family to Devon and I tried surfing for the first time and I instantly loved it. Couldn't get me out of the water, I was out there for hours because of how much I loved it.
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2016 Devon - In 2018, I went to the same place with my friend after we finished our GCSES for a treat. Unfortunately the waves weren't very good so we couldn't surf much, but the whole experience of going there and going to surf shops was really fun.
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2017 Wales - On holiday in Wales and my parents surprise booked me a surf lesson at surf snowdonia, a manmade wave machine. It was only an hour long, so it left me wanting to do more.
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2018 africa - In my 2018 summer, I went with my family to Africa and they booked me a surf lesson again, so I had lots of fun and got to meet the locals teaching us the basics of how to surf.
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2023 Newgale Wales - Me and my best friend decided to go on a mini surf trip because we wanted to learn together, I borrowed someones board and bought one on Facebook for £100 and we set off on our trip for 5 days of surf. We had so much fun and by the end of it we could both stand.
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Why did I start surfing? I started surfing because it looked really fun and I love being in the sea. I'd tried it before when I was younger but I couldn't do it as a hobby because I didn't have a car or any of the gear to surf. It took a push from me and my friend to start doing it because we're both homebodies who struggle with mental health, but it's been 100% worth it.
How long have I been surfing? Ive only been surfing for 4 months and ive been able to notice a major difference in my mental health and my attitude to things. I feel more energised
What was your first time surfing like? My first time surfing as a kid was the BEST feeling, it just wanted to keep doing it and I didn't want to come out of the water, I wasn't even doing it with anyone, it was a solo activity and it felt so fun and freeing. I always thought sine then that I wanted to do it regularly, but only until now have I actually had the resources to go myself.
if I was to talk about surfing the first time in regards to recently, now that I'm able to pick it up as a hobby, id express the feeling as exactly the same. It feels so freeing and refreshing because you're in the cold sea.
When do I go surfing? When I go, depends on the wave forecast, but usually it will be early in the morning because the swell is better. It's also less busy, so you don't have to fight for waves with other surfers. A good part of surfing means I have to get up early, so it gets me off to a good start for my day. A cold surf and then a warm shower makes gets me energised or the rest of the day.
Whats the prep like before surfing? Prep for surfing is usually very quick. Wake up, put on swim wear and wetsuit, pop the boards on the roof and then we drive to bournemouth pier, so we can be ready in about 20 minutes if we want to go.
How often do I go surfing? Pretty regularly as I count it as exercise, if I don't go surfing/ the waves aren't good, I'll go to the gym instead. I tend to go a mixture of surfing and gym at least 3 times a week, as I'm trying to get into a healthier lifestyle and routine than I was in.
Are there any negatives I've experienced when surfing? Some negatives I can think of are that other surfers can sometimes be rude, so I've had to stand my ground before because they think they own the sea. Other negatives can sometimes be that, on the surf cams they have in bournemouth, the surf can look really good, you get there and the waves could be too intense or too flat to surf and its quite deflating when you've worked yourself to go surfing.
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nobleartsy · 8 months
🎶✨when you get this, list 5 songs you like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (positivity is cool)🎶
Just 5...? Guess I'm picking recents
Also sending stuff to people makes me nervous so I'm probably gonna forget to pass it on
1. I Got This, from the Hi-Fi Rush OST. Please play Hi-Fi Rush
2. Drive, by Incubus. I've been feelin' it a lot lately, don't mind me
3. 四丁目アパート殺害事件, by ZOMBIE. I keep shilling this song (and band) whenever I get the chance to because it's just got such a strong hook to it. Please listen to it, it's about a stalker murdering their neighbor
4. Surfing on a Sine Wave, by fearofdark. Chiptune is an underrated genre
5. Don't Give Up, by サイキックラバー. This may make me look stupid but this genuinely might be one of my favorite anime endings of all time. Who cares🚶it's a good song
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daisywren · 1 year
my mood is like sine wave and man am I bad at surfing.
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imjustseventeen · 2 years
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今日は仕事後People In The Box波多野裕文ソロワンマン観に下北沢440へ。440オープン20周年記念3daysの初日。ワンマンは初だけどソロは2回目、初回は同会場で行われた大好きなRopesとの対バンだった。あの日はチケ代奢ってもらったんだよな・・・死ぬまでありがとうって言う・・・。 彼の歌は全てにおいて彼にしかうたえないものであることが透徹していて、だからこそとても頑固で面倒ではあるんだけど、だからこそ自分は好きだ。時には希望を見い出せたり時には絶望を見い出したりしてしまったり、普段は色々考えさせられしんどいことも多いけれど、こうして生の演奏を目の前で聴いていると、ソロで弾き語りである分、彼にしか紡げない旋律が浮かび上がる瞬間、生まれる瞬間をダイレクトに感じとることができ、歌って生き物だなって思う。彼にしか紡げない、彼にしか生み出せない生き物。そんな生き物にこうして触れられるのがなんだか楽しくて嬉しくて、終始ウキウキしながら聴いていた。・・・なんか普段と相当差があるというか氏の歌の触れ方として相応しくないような気が・・・ウキウキってそんな・・・。まぁいいか、とにかく、ここのところ“その人にしかうたえない誰かの歌”を聴く機会がめっきり減ってしまっていたので(以前はありがたいことにボーナス貰ったら西から東へやってきてはライヴしてくれる某歌うたいの方のおかげで定期的に確保できてはいたのだが・・・コロナの野郎・・・)そういうのが聴きたくて聴きたくて仕方がなかったんだけど、本日大いに堪能することができたので満足満足大満足です。とはいえ6日にもそんな感じのライヴがあります、楽しみですね。セトリ的には聴けるとは思ってなかったバンドの大好きなあんな曲やこんな曲、昨日ソロ作聴きながら明日聴けるかな~やってくれないかな~なんて思ってたあんな曲やこんな曲やそんな曲がMC挟んで終盤一気に演ってくれたのが最高過ぎて笑ってしまった。氏も言及されてたけどワンマンだからこその非常にコンセプチュアルな流れで、目を瞑って耳を傾け景色を想像していた。演奏中はずっと目を瞑っていたのでどんな風にうたってたとか全然分からないのだが、いい感じで演奏されてたように思う、そうであったことを願う。 ソロワンマンも観れて歌分も十分補給しまくったことだし、次こそは未体験のPeople In The Boxでのワンマンを、という気満々なんだけど・・・なんだかんだでチケ先行申込損ねた(すっかり忘れてた)んだよなぁ、一般で取れるかしら。 晩飯は新宿の美味しい老舗味噌ラーメン屋さん十味や。久々に行ってみたら汁なし味噌和え麺とミニカレーがメニューに加わってたのでそれで。大盛無料野菜増し150円コーン100円追加した汁なし味噌和え麺800円めっちゃ良い、暑さで失われた食欲が即座に戻ってガンガン食えちゃいますねこれは(そもそも食欲なさげだったらこんなに盛るな)、熱い夏にはまぜそばっすね。ミニカレーも普通に旨かった、けどぶっちゃけここまでいらなかったような気がする、腹がパンよ、もう歳ね・・・。和え麺はまた食いたいな~。ライヴ後の晩飯の感想までがライヴレポ(日記です)。そういや結局時間なくて��チれなかったです、ユニオンでdigっちまったせい。
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今日聴いたもの: 1. Polygon Window『Surfing On Sine Waves』 2. t e l e p a t h テレパシー能力者『現実を超えて』 3. People In The Box『Calm Society』 4. The Experiment『What Goes Up』
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quickdisco · 7 years
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1212. Polygon Window - Surfing On Sine Waves (Warp - 1993)
Richard D. James aka Aphex Twin dans ses œuvres électroniques.
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disease · 2 years
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nachtkern · 3 years
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a playlist for when you are the epic hacker in an 80s movie and you’re logged the fuck on! this is my entry for the 2020 fall mixchange in my server, for @occamysrazor​ ! (yes i accidentally matched myself to you twice in a row WHOOPS...)
content warnings: r slur in hax that fuck, suggestive lyrics in coder girl, do you wanna date my avatar, take a byte
go! child - deadlock
fearofdark - surfing on a sine wave
henry homesweet - luke’s atari
henry homesweet - future tense
brooklyn bounce - hack the planet
dale chase - coder girl
leech axss - hax that fuck
gorillaz - plastic beach
jamiroquai - virtual insanity
zero cakes - flat zone infinity (game & watch remix)
toby fox - megalovenia (eurobeat remix by david anderson)
tetris 99 ost - 50 players remaining
neil cicierega - 300MB
abba - gimme! gimme! gimme! (eurobeat remix by turbo)
toy-box - www.girl
s3rl - press play walk away
michael guy bowman - gamegrl (original 1993 mix)
robyn - fembot (haute toddy bootleg)
slotmachine - popcorn (techno mix) ft. gemini 7
louie zong - text to speech
daft punk - technologic
guy pratt - worm
victims of science - the device has been modified v2
poppy - interweb (enelek remix)
the guild - do you wanna date my avatar (zalzar edit)
zef - core
naruto2413 - artificial intelligence bomb
2080 - my megadrive
janelle monáe - take a byte
pennerrulez - windows remix
a silly extra playlist for when you’re hacking increasingly incredulous things to play megalovenia :3
credits: picture, font
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shouichinarita · 3 years
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bigowlenergy · 4 years
Next chapter of Through Sharpened Teeth, also on ffn
If Valerie is going out of town to - to go on a date, then there are a few things she needs to take care of first. She gets through work on autopilot, steeling herself, winding so tightly that all the wires-that-are-not-wires in her body draw painfully tight. Feels a breath away from her suit taking over her on instinct.
It starts at 7, when she mixes a sleeping pill into her daddy’s afternoon tea. It’s the last one she has left, begged off a coworker who didn’t want them after her surgery and hidden in a ziplock baggie taped to the bottom of her mattress. She’s taken them before herself, knows they’re fine, they’re fine, it’s safe. Crazy dreams of flying and burning and castles like rising steam from fresh toast, but fine.
She leaves her daddy on the couch with a kiss to his forehead and climbs out to the porch. The metal grill of it squeaks and sways, rust puffing off like pollen around her ankles. She only waits a moment in the golden hour, then activates her suit and takes off into the clouds at top speed.
Valerie has rarely ever been out at this time. This is usually family time, or when she’s trudging home from work, or chasing down a ghost, or struggling through her homework. To just be out like this? For this moment, it’s wonderful. And she needs it. Takes the time to float above the massive, fluffy clouds, flies higher than she ever has before. Surfs through the fluff and foam until night hits. Keeps her mind empty, catches herself every time her jaw starts to clench, relaxes her hands from fists, stays calm. Stays calm.
She stares up at the moon above for a long, long time.
Then she pulls out her phone and calls Danny.
It rings. Rings. Rings. Drops to voicemail.
Val swallows hard and tries again. No response. The clouds part around her as she slowly descends. Keeps herself empty, calm, cold. Tamps down her fire. Straightens up mechanically as she pierces the bottom of the clouds.
Val stands -
No. The Red Huntress stands on her board, stands against the cloudline, stands over the forest south of Amity Park, stands over the silently floating form of Phantom. He’s staring at the moon. He does that sometimes. Lounging in the air, arms crossed beneath his head, body poised to lay, long tail straight as he glides slowly in the night.
She hates him. She hates him so fucking much.
Over and over she hits the call button on her phone with her thumb, her eyes dry and stinging from staring at the glowing ghost for so long. At first she let it go to voicemail. Now she’s just slamming the call button again and again. No response.
Danny never really did answer his phone after dark, did he? But then again, Valerie already knew that.
Finally, her shitty cheap phone overheats and stops registering her touch. Her arm is wound back for a throw almost before she can reign herself in. Tucks it away back into her suit’s pocket. Ghosts aren’t about to take a single other fucking thing from her. Not anymore. Not ever again.
Val raises her new gun - truly hers, all hers, modified from the combined scraps of her damaged weapons, the stuff of Technus and Mr. Masters, and now of her own design, an improvement on her stolen prototype - and takes aim. It’s easy. The scope is larger and the gun lighter in her hands. Pulling the trigger is easy.
The red shot of light streaks across the sky like a meteor and slams into a green barrier not three feet from the ghost’s chest. He puts on a show of closing his firefly eyes and sighing dramatically, rising up like he’s sitting on something that Val just can’t quite perceive and stretches his arms.
The next shot makes it less than two feet. He finally reacts right, blinking into an upright position and folding his arms, staring at her with eyes like twin moons.
The next shot goes over his head, skimming the floating too-thick too-wispy not-quite-hair.
Phantom frowns, something Valerie can only recognize from the unfortunate amount of time she's had to spend looking at his fucked up face. There's so much shadow where there shouldn't be, so much distortion. Visual snow in place of features. A blacklight darkness that shines light where skin should be.
Valerie has a lot of nightmares, now.
Her gun whines as it charges. Phantom is oddly silent. She doesn’t miss his voice. The clouds drift lower, enclosing them until all that’s left visible of the ghost is the stars of his eyes. All that’s left of Valerie is the light of her suit.
She locks on to his signature with her visor, the familiar sound of something resonating in her peripherals like a struck glass echoes into her vision and stabilizes visually, giving her a target.
She fires once, and then the chase is on. Tonight, she has no plans on giving up. Either she deals with the worst ghost in her life so she can get some kind of a handle on the best one, or she snaps like a firework or something else in her life collapses under its own weight.
The chase goes on into the night. Valerie grazes Phantom’s arm: he sideswipes her board on a pin turn and twists her damn ankle. Val goes until she’s too exhausted to stand, and then just uses her suit to rigidly hold her failing body upright, keeps her finger glued to the trigger. She’s got one, maybe two shots left. A good few hours before she can crawl home.
Tonight, she intends to end this.
Her board does not waver when she swoops down near the lake, but she knows when it’s getting dangerous for her to fly. Phantom appears in the mist over the water, a vague outline of something too far and too close to human.
“What would it take,” Valerie rasps, taking aim, “To end this?”
“All you have to do is stop,” Says Phantom, all sine waves and underwater bubbling. She shoots. Misses. He’s gone.
He’s gone. His aura lights up in her vision, spread huge through the area. Hides his physical position. It puts her squarely into the 20 hz zone, which buzzes in her skull until her drained suit can adjust the audio to filter it out. The headache between her eyes worsens. She’s exhausted. Can hardly see straight. She wants to go home. See her daddy. Sleep. Spend the day with Danny.
God, Valerie wants everything to be okay so bad it hurts. She needs to do this. She needs to end this so everything can just stop. This is the only way the fire burning her from the inside out can be quenched.
Valerie is tired of always being full of rage.
This ends, tonight or tomorrow, she doesn’t care.
Dizziness grips her by the hair and tangles her feet in the sand. Then she’s upright, held still. The white noise in her head stays longer before her suit kicks it. 18 hz. He’s close. Too close. She needs to get herself together. Holds the gun steady to her chest with both hands. Waits.
There is a - a shifting, on Valerie's shoulder. She doesn't feel anything, not yet, but something uncomfortably close to her neck moves in closer.
She snaps only her eyes to track the motion, everything blurring. Masters had taught her well - ghosts react to fear: It is impossible not to be afraid in the presence of ghosts. They feed on that emotion. Thrive on human terror. Valerie has channeled all her excess emotion into rage to curb their power against her. But she’s so tired, tonight. Tired of everything.
Something white or black or hollow moves over her shoulder, and her gut instinct is terror. She can't move.
She can’t move.
The white thing folds over her slowly, lightly, touching with the same pressure as a butterfly, but it may as well be a boulder, for how it feels to be in such close quarters to a ghost. She can't move, can hardly see in the dark with the moon under the clouds and the light of the ghost behind her, weak warnings buzzing in her hindbrain, her bloodstream crashing from too much adrenalin. Too much sudden terror for her to override. Too much active threat for her to react.
It's a hand. Or - too many fingers - two hands. Wavering. Not quite right. Solidly white with no texture to speak of, no reality to them other than the impression of human hands. The idea of hands - of wide palms and long, slender fingers tapered to perfect points instead of blunt tips or nails or even claws. These are talons; clumsy drawings of hands. Echoes of hands. Too sharp, too indistinct, too little, too much.
Too close.
She can't move.
It's the same type of terror - the same irrational terror - as waking up in the night to notice a white hanger against a dark wall, uncertain and strange and wobbling in the dark. It's nothing, of course it's nothing, there's nothing to be afraid of - but that pressure doesn't let up as spots fill the terrified stare of a half blind human squinting in the dark. Trying to see - is it just a hanger? Is it nothing? A threat? A monster?
Is Valerie sleepwalking again?
No. This is real. Valerie has seen enough - she knows those hands.
She swings up her gun in a smooth, tight arc, no wasted movement, and shoots over her shoulder. Point blank.
Phantom yelps as her last weak shot gets him in the face.
"Get off me!" She wheezes, wrenching her shoulder away from him, sliding further in the sand, unsupported. He hovers exactly where she left him, hands curled around the idea of her shoulder, long tail floating off behind him, settled parallel in the air like it means nothing to him, to be able to do that. Like touching her means nothing.
He's too still. She hates him.
She's afraid of him.
It's natural.
He’s covering his face with one hand. Red light drips down. It’s still on his arm, too. A deep wound, the cauterized ectoplasm not healing. An acid of her own design. It works. It really works.
Mr. Masters would be pissed she used it, but he’s not gonna find out.
The gun clicks. Whines weakly as it attempts to charge. Too much moving water too close. No ambient ectoplasm to draw on for conversion. Means Phantom’s weak, too.
He drops his hands and stares at her as she pants, trembling on the shore.
The red light brings his face into better focus than she’s ever seen before. It’s weird, to see him with defined eyelashes and a solid nose. Eerie. Too close for comfort. His mouth is a neat cupid’s bow. Even now, he isn’t baring his teeth at her.
He disappears so quick Val isn’t sure he’s gone for a few seconds. Blinks, gasps. Wobbles where she stands.
“Go home, Val.” Phantom breathes in her ear, icy breath skittering over her cheek. Her suit gives up. His aura slams into her full force, sends her overworked heart pounding, slow but insistent and deafening. The white noise of him cuts out her tongue. Valerie collapses.
Val pries open her eyes to her alarm. Her daddy’s making noise in the kitchen. Smells like coffee. She doesn’t remember going home.
She dreamed about the porch again.
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