#surprise another request from The Vault before bed
howlsnteeth · 4 months
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oh, have a little mixed mercy on me
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dixons-sunshine · 1 month
I'm not even gonna put this as anon like I usually do with requests because I just can't be bothered to- Could you do Daryl making a stressed out reader slow down because she's running herself ragged and needs some downtime? Fluffy all the way.
Reader really is me right now lol
Spa Day | Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
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*GIF isn't mine.*
Summary: With the walls needing to be rebuilt, runs needing to be made and crops needing to be planted, it was safe to say that you were at your wit's end. However, things needed to get done, causing you to get overstressed. Luckily Daryl was there to help you slow down and relax.
Genre: Fluff.
Era: Alexandria, pre Saviour arc.
Warnings: Mentions of exhaustion.
Word count: 1.6k.
A/n: My migraine finally subsided enough for me to focus on finishing this. This was a really cute idea and I hope I did it justice. I hope you like this! (Forgot to tag you in this 😅 I was so tired when I posted this. @celtic-crossbow)
The scorching afternoon sun was relentlessly beating down on the people of Alexandria. The inhabitants of the safe zone were restlessly working to fortify the fallen walls to ensure that the community remained impenetrable from the the dead wanting to find their next meals.
However, none of them were working themselves to the bone quite like you were. And Daryl was starting to get fed up with your antics.
Daryl grumbled to himself in frustration as he leaned on the car he was busy fixing up, watching as you walked past him in a hurry for the hundredth time that day, occupied with yet another task that somebody else probably could've handled on their own. However, with you being you, he knew that you offered to take someone's job for them so that they could relax and get out of the blazing summer sun, all at your own expense. Everyone else was enjoying their day while you ran around like a headless chicken.
Your caring, helpful and selfless nature was something that the archer loved about you. Despite the horrors in the world, of everything you've seen and experienced, you managed to clutch on to your humanity and keep it locked safely in your being, like a vault. However, on that particular day, he wished so badly that you'd just be selfish and take the day to slow down and unwind, maybe get some much deserved sleep. You were awake even earlier than he was lately, and went to bed way later than almost everyone, so he knew there was no way you were going to last if you kept this up. It seemed to him like it would be his duty to pull you away and force you into your home to relax.
He's officially had enough of your stubbornness. You were going to relax, whether he had to drag you home or not.
He hurried after you, calling your name. You stopped when you heard his voice, turning around to look at your partner. You sent him a smile and called back to him. “Can't talk right now! I have to go help Denise restock the infirmary!”
You turned around and started to stalk off towards the infirmary, but you were stopped in your tracks when Daryl grabbed your wrist and spun you around. You looked up at him in surprise, observing the determined look the archer had in his eyes.
“Daryl, what—”
“Nah, ya ain't goin' nowhere,” he told you matter-of-factly, moving his hand from your arm to hold your hand in his. He looked to the side and saw Aaron walking somewhere with Eric. “Hey, Aaron, Eric! Would ya mind helpin' Denise with restockin' the infirmary? She can't do it alone.”
Aaron smiled and nodded. “Sure! We were just heading that way anyways.”
Before you could start to protest, Daryl started pulling you with him, leading you towards the house. That didn't stop you from trying to resist, however. The need to help everyone, even if they didn't need it, ran deep in you, and you hated that your responsibility was now pushed onto someone else.
“Daryl, what are you doing?” you questioned, sending your partner an incredulous look. “I should be helping Denise. Aaron and Eric were relaxing today. They shouldn't have to tire themselves out.”
“And neither should ya,” Daryl stated, pushing inside your small home and closing the door behind you. “Dun' think I haven't noticed ya overworkin' yerself. Takin' on extra guard duty, workin' day and nigh' to fortify the walls and helpin' Maggie with the crops when she has 'nough people helpin' her already. Yer outta here earlier and earlier each day and gettin' home later each nigh'. Ya deserve to relax, too. And I dun' wanna hear any complaints.”
You couldn't help the smile that spread over your face. Your heart swelled with love for the man before you. Never before in your life had you been with a man quite as amazing as Daryl. None of your previous partners would even have realized that you were working yourself down to the bone. You were extremely lucky to have the archer in your life.
“Okay, Mr Dixon,” you started playfully, sending him a teasing smile. “What do you want me to do first on this relaxation journey you seem to have planned for me?”
Daryl breathed a sigh of relief. “Go take a shower and get changed into somethin' more comfortable. I'll get started on makin' us somethin' to eat.”
Following his instructions, you headed up the stairs. A few minutes later, Daryl could hear the shower turn on and he inwardly celebrated his victory. You were actually listening to him. You were actually going to relax for the first time in weeks. If he had known that him voicing his concern would get you to start slowing down, he would've done it a while ago.
Working like a man on a mission, he quickly grabbed some pillows and blankets from one of the cupboards and made a comfortable place for you to relax on the couch before moving to the kitchen. Grabbing a few things he needed from the cupboards, he made good on his promise and started preparing a simple snack for the both of you—some omelettes.
In no time at all, you were done in the shower. You got dressed in a pair of freshly washed flannel pants and one of Daryl's shirts and made your way down to the kitchen. However, the sight that met you had you stilling in your tracks—Daryl was busy dishing up the omelettes, a glass of wine for each of you next to the plates.
“Well, this is a sight I could get used to,” you voiced, making the archer turn to face you, pan still in his hand.
He shot you a small smile before handing you a glass of wine, ushering you out of the kitchen. “Go on and get settled on the couch. I'll be right there.”
Accepting the glass of wine, you nodded and headed to the living room, pleasantly surprised to see the blankets and pillows set up on the couch. You did as you were instructed and sat down on the couch, covering your legs and lap with one of the blankets. You were slowly sipping on your wine, waiting for Daryl to join you.
As if being summoned by your mere thoughts, Daryl appeared in the living room, balancing two plates in his hands. He placed one of the plates in your lap before placing his own on the coffee table, moving to grab something from his bag that was resting near the fire place. When he turned around, you audibly gasped in surprise at the object in his hand, placing your glass of wine and plate on the table.
“Where'd you get nail polish?” you questioned excitedly, sitting up straighter to allow Daryl to sit next to you.
“Rosita found some on a run a few days ago,” he explained, sitting down on the couch and gently taking one of your hands. “She didn't like this colour and asked me to give it to ya. I forgot 'bout it until now. Figured I'd paint yer nails and turn this day into a spa day of sorts.”
You smiled fondly at the archer, watching as he placed your hand flat on his leg and opened up the bottle. “You know you don't have to do this, right?”
“I want to,” he replied easily, carefully applying the nail polish to your nails. “Ya've been overworkin' yerself lately. Jus' let me take care of ya, alrigh'?”
“Okay,” you whispered.
The next few minutes was spent in a comfortable silence. Daryl was surprisingly good at applying the nail polish, making little to no mistakes whatsoever. In no time at all, your nails were done, and Daryl motioned for you to turn around. You did so, and practically moaned in relief when Daryl's hands started gently massaging your shoulders. His hands were expertly working at the knots that had formed on your shoulders, transferring you to a state of bliss.
“That feels really good,” you mumbled, closing your eyes at the heavenly feeling.
“Yeah?” Daryl smiled, leaning forward to press a gentle kiss to your shoulder blade before resuming his actions. “Told ya tha' ya were overworkin' yerself. Ya deserve this.”
You let out a groan of satisfaction, enjoying the feeling of Daryl's big, callused hands working at the painful knots. You were in heaven at that moment. Not only did Daryl make you food, he poured you a glass of wine, made you a comfortable spot on the couch, painted your nails and now he was giving you a massage. You truly believed that no man could ever compare to the man you had the lucky privilege of calling yours.
“I love you,” you whispered almost inaudibly, but loud enough for Daryl to catch.
Daryl smiled softly. “I love ya too,” he replied, pressing another gentle kiss to your shoulder blade before withdrawing. “Now lay flat on yer stomach. S'time to get workin' on yer back now.”
“Yes, sir,” you replied playfully, slowly flipping over to lay on your stomach.
“Good girl.”
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just-my-type-x · 2 years
Hii I was wondering if you could do a y/n x sam fic where they join the boys and Mackie and Amanda and while they are there a spirit targets y/n like touching them,whispering in their ear and only responding to them during the investigation hope that's not to much thank you💙🦋🦋
Mizpah Hotel
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Ok so i received this one but u requested another one, the same, but with Colby. So we talked about this and in the end we decided to make Sam and y/n friends and Colby is friends to lovers. I've also added something extra, i hope it's ok ♥️
Disclaimer: this is not written to match entirely the actual video
"We're not welcomed here", Amanda said and from an instinct, me and Mackie crossed our arms at our chests
"Well, that's not very nice", i say and everyone laughs. I walk inside the room and sit on the bed while Sam and Colby talk to the girls about the place and whatever else they feel inside the room. I look around the room and see the portrait of the lady in red, which i stare at and wonder how her life used to be, if she was happy or, at least, close to happy. "What happened to you, beautiful?". All of a sudden, cold breeze passed me, causing goosebumps.
"Shot", i hear a whisper in my ear and i jump off the bed, looking behind me, scared
"Y/N? What happened?", Colby asks and walks fast next to me. Speechless still, I keep looking on the bed and back to lady in red's portrait, denying what just happened. "Hey?", he waves a hand in front of my eyes and i blink twice to come back to my senses.
"I just heard a whisper", i hug myself and Colby puts a hand on the small of my back.
"What? What did it say?", Sam asks surprised
"I was looking at her portrait right here on the wall and asked a rhetorical question, i asked her how she died. Then it gets colder and i hear right in my ear the word shot"
"This is insane", Amanda says excited. We nod and comment a few more things on the subject before going down to the basement and to the vault to explore. Colby walks by my side and i give him a small smile before getting inside the elevator.
"I'm fine, Colby, stop looking at me like that", he chuckles at my words
"Sorry, just keeping an eye on you. It's your first investigation in a while and i don't want you to faint in my arms."
"Who says I'm fainting in yours? Boy, the floor is mine", we both laugh and exit the elevator. We take the stairs until we reach the basement and talk to the employer of the hotel about what usually happens down here. We move to the vault and decide to spend a few minutes alone, pretty much starting the investigation from here. Sam and Amanda set up the flashlights in two different walls, while i take the rempod and the ovilus for Sam to use. I set the rempod in the center of the room and as i want to get up, a sharp pain in my back causes me to fall on my knees. Mackie offers me a hand to get up and i do, but i need to lean back on the wall to catch my breath.
"Woah, what was that?", Mackie asks and i straighten my back to see if my pain went away. I feel better, but i still feel sore.
"I put the rempod down and then i felt a sharp pain in my back, right under my right lung", i turn my back towards them and i point with my thumb where it hurts. Amanda asks for permission to lift up my red shirt and presses me lightly on where i showed her it hurts. I nod and i hear the boys going "oooh my goood".
"There is a huge scratch right there, of it went in deeper, you would've had some blood coming out", Colby says while filming. I ask them to take a picture of it and my eyes grow wide when i see what's on my back.
"This is insane, i told you we're not welcomed", Amanda reminds us and i nod.
"Yeah, but isn't it supposed to be the area where a man spirit is? Rose doesn't have to do anything with this", Colby points out.
"Either way, let's just start the investigation, i want to get out of here faster", i propose and lean back on the wall to make myself more comfortable.
"If there's anyone here with us, can you turn on one of the flashlights on?", Sam asks and turns the ovilus around so it could be seen by the camera, which is set on one of the shelves. Colby comes next to me and copies my position, his arm being glued to mine. It's this moment that makes me realise that i was breathing very fast and unsteady because of what happened moment earlier. So when Colby comes next to me, i feel relief and protection, getting calmer almost immediately.
"Yes, this is where you kept your money. What did you do with it?", Sam continues the conversation
"ooh, naughty", i joke, everyone chuckling at the fact that he used the money for sex. "Did you know the lady in red? Her name is Rose", the question is soon followed by one of the flashlights turning on. "Thank you. Do you know what happened to her?"
We wait a few seconds for something to happen.
Dead, the ovilus says and the rempod starts beeping.
"Can you turn off the flashlight if you know what happened to Rose?", Colby asks my question again, but the flashlight remains on.
"Maybe he wasn't her customer, so to say", i assume and the flashlight turns off immediately. We all cheer and feel happy that we got an answer.
"Yes, red, what does that mean to you?", Sam asks and frowns at the device and i cross my arms at my chest, looking down. All of a sudden, my mouth feels really dry.
"Uhm, i think it's talking about me", i put my arms away and we all acknowledge the red shirt i have on. The flashlight turns on and the rempod starts beeping fast.
"Oh wow", Colby says, concern written in his voice. "Do you think y/n is the lady in red?", i almost chuckle at his statement, but a wave of dizziness strikes me and i balance on my feet, putting a hand on my forehead to stop the spinning. Colby puts a hand around me and gives me support.
"I think we should leave", Amanda suggests and we all agree. I go outside with the girls while Sam and Colby gather the equipment. Upstairs i feel a lot better and i blame dehydration for the dizziness. I sit in the rocking chair, the girls on the small couch and the boys bring the spirit box and the headphones.
"Do you wanna do it?", Colby offers me the spirit box but i shake my head and motion for him to take a seat in the rocking chair. "Ok, here we go"
"Ayo, Colby", Sam checks if he can hear us
"I dropped your teeth whitening kit in the toilet the other day", i also check to see if it works, a row of giggles coming from my friends. "Oh yeah he definitely doesn't hear us"
"He's gonna be so pissed when he sees it", Sam laughs and i sit on the bed
"So am i every time i open Snapchat", we laugh again, but try to focus on the estes method.
"Hi, I'm Sam, these are my friends y/n, Mackie and Amanda."
"Did you work here?"
>> "Yes" "Money"
"Yes, you worked here for money. Is this Rose?"
"Rose, you have a beautiful room", i offer to change the subject
>> "it's mine"
"Yeah, we kn-"
"Everything. Get out"
"She's not pleased", Amanda highlights
"Don't you like the girls here?", Sam asks
"No one like me. Who's she?", Colby shakes his head and grips the chair's armrest
"Wait, is she referring to y/n? Rose, are you talking about her?", Amanda asks and i get uncomfortable
"Do you not like her?", Mackie tries to ask
"Do you think I'm taking your place because i wear the same color you used to?", i ask, voice shaky
"well yeah, what else?", Colby finally speaks
"I felt like something touched my hand", i say but i don't move my hand away
"That's me. Relax", Colby's voice startles me
"How did you die?", Sam asks
After a few more tries of Sam's and no response, i decide to talk more to Rose to see if something else happens. I walk in front of Colby and kneel down to be more comfortable than standing.
"We're not here to take your place"
"Liar. Get out."
"No, we're-"
"Take them with you."
"Do you find us a threat for your business?", i ask
"Competition." "money" "Red"
"I think that's enough, get him out", Sam says and i tap Colby multiple times on the knee. "Dude, that was something else"
As we end the investigation, i go change into my pj's and get in the massive bed from Rose's bedroom. Happy that there is a door between this bedroom and the other one, Sam decides to sleep alone, while Colby shares the bed with me, under the condition that the door stays open the whole night and if something happens, he joins us on the bed. We agree and I'm more than happy that i don't have to sleep alone. While Sam goes to shower, Colby and i are already in bed.
"Are you feeling alright? You've had a hell of a day", he looks at me and watches me carefully. I give him a smile.
"I'm fine, Colbs. I guess i was a hell of a trigger object", i giggle, but he stays serious
"Don't joke with that, i felt terrible seeing you in that position. Plus, something else could've happened and i wouldn't have forgiven myself if there was something else going on", he sighs loudly and i put my head on his shoulder.
"Nothing will happen to me, i have my protector with me", i look up at him and he giggles. He kisses my forehead and i lift my head from his shoulder. "What was that for?"
"A protection kiss, for tonight", he blushes and his hand falls on my knee
"What if i need more kisses for protection?", i try to play dumb and get closer to his face
"I would be very pleased to offer them to you", his voice is deep and he takes my hand to motion me to get on top of him. I get on his lap and i cuo his face, kissing him softly, our lips moving in sync over the other's. Colby's hands travel from the small of my back to my ass and gives it a squeeze before slapping my right ass cheek.
"Colby!", i whine, surprised
"Come back here", he puts a hand on my cheek and pulls me into a heated make out session, while i move my hips back and forth on his hard length. "Fuck, this feels so good", he whispers in my mouth and I'm quick to mumble a mhm before smashing my lips back on his. He turns us around and he starts kissing on my neck, sucking on my sweet spots, making me moan. My hands roam under his t-shirt and i want to take it off, but i hear Sam turning off the shower. Colby steals some more kisses and he's eager to take the kisses to my chest, his large hands cupping my breasts. "Fuck, i don't wanna stop", he whispers in my ear, before placing a few more kisses on my lips.
Hot and bothered by what happened, i just nod and look at Colby who adjusts his boner in his pants.
"What just happened?", i ask and Colby looks at me concerned
"What do you mean? Didn't you like it?", his straight face makes me melt just because he thinks he did something wrong
"I loved it, but.. We've been friends for so long. What now?", i bite my nail. He takes my finger out of my mouth and playfully stops me from doing so.
"Well, if you agree, I'm down to take you out for a very nice dinner when we're back in town and see how it feels to be more than just friends.", he kisses the back of my hand and i lean in to kiss his lips. I deepen the kiss and let his tongue take control, while mine is following his movements.
"I agree. I would love to see this side of you", i smile
"You're gonna love it"
"i bet"
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sillyblues · 11 months
Yoo, can I request a fic/hc's of Miguel with a Black Cat variant Male Reader?? 👉👈
Enemies to lovers, antagonizing, flirting, banter ykyk
ੈ✩‧₊˚𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: i am finally done resting and im taking a break writing with that one fic HELP i swear its coming out but n e ways I LOVE THIS i had fun writing this aaaaaaaaaa!!! im thinking of making this a multi parts again bc i so SO love this dynamic and the possible scenarios
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okay so reader here, you, becomes Black Cat after growing up in the slums, seeing the brutality of poverty and the greediness of capitalist pigs. you said enough was enough and it was time to eat the rich!! 
so you joined underground rings, fighting for mostly the experience and money when people bet on you so could survive. but it wasn’t enough you needed to learn more and it was a good thing you caught the eye of someone strong. you saw him before but you figured he was just a crazy homeless dude but boy you were wrong when he showed you to his house, a whole ass fucking mansion, in the Nueva York City. apparently he was the infamous Black Cat and you got his attention and bam, now you became the heir to his name and got a father as an extra. there, he taught you all he know, all martial arts, and even shared information about the celebrities and criminals that resided in the city.
after years had gone by, he faked his death and lived somewhere place far away because he was old and retired. you finally made your official debut as the Black Cat by ransacking the money drawers of a corrupt well-known Judge who accepted bribes and let criminals run free. the whole world’s eyes were on the newest Black Cat who made another robbery headline. you know who got his eyes on you as well? Spiderman.
colour you surprised when the next time you decided to steal from a known rich man who planned to destroy Atlantica for some project he wants, a big burly man with wide shoulders and hella sharp tons started chasing after you. not really, you were expecting to see him as your father warned you about him.
“Put those bags away.” He warned with a growl after he shot a spider web at you to try and get you stuck. “Now.”
You were in the middle of running away after stealing bags of cash from the rich man’s vault of money but the sudden entrance of Spiderman blocking your exit greeted you. It didn’t matter because it was one of the multiple exits you had planned beforehand anyways. And even if you run out of exits, you could always create one.
“How about no, Mr. Spiderman?” you grinned, showing off your pearly whites to him.
“I wasn’t asking.” He took off and ran immediately after you, hot on your tails. Like a cat, your reflexes were fast enough to move the second he moved as well and you ran down the hallways. You ran, sometimes pushing some obstacles for him to enjoy. It did nothing to slow him down of course, but it did annoy him and that was all you wanted. 
He let out a frustrated growl and with enough anger as his adrenaline, he jumped at you and got down to the ground.
“Oh? You’re this excited for me even though we just met, Spidey?” He grabbed your arms and pinned you against the floor.
“Aren’t you a confident one?” His mask disappeared and he revealed his handsome chiselled face, his hair falling down onto you. He opened his mouth, fangs sharpening to bite you but you knew this beforehand.
“Save your bites when we’re in bed,” you smirked at him, “and when there isn’t a whole ceiling coming down at you.” He immediately looked up to see a swinging ceiling clearly about to fall. The moment he looked up, the strength in his hands lessened a tiny bit but for you, it was enough. You kicked him and pushed him away and yourself in different directions, not forgetting the bags of money you were after in the first place.
As the ceiling got destroyed, you had long gone with another successful heist and left an everlasting impression on Miguel O’Hara with a need to chase after you again.
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itsmarsss · 1 month
motivation [Miguel Diaz x GN! Reader] (Cobra Kai)
(~from the vault~)
Request: "ok... you wanted a miguel oneshot? here you go... y\n is johnnys daughter, and she & Miguel get caught making out in her room 😹 PLS WRJTE THIS I LOVE IT"
Warnings: making out, teenage cringe (this made more sense when i was writing this at 16 lmao)
Word count: 1,440
[. . .]
“This is so boooring,” you exaggeratedly complained, your head falling back onto your bed frame in frustration.
"It's 20% of the grade,” Miguel reminded you.
"I knowww.”
"Come on, you can do it,” he affirmed, smiling as he rolled his eyes at your obvious drama. He went right back to quizzing you. “What does codominance mean?”
“Both… alleles are dominant?”
"Both alleles are recessive.”
“Then why’s it called codominance?” You ask, annoyed. 
“Hey I’m not the inventor of genetics,” he laughed, putting his hands up in surrender.
“We’ve been at this for hours, my brain is totally fried at this point.”
“No it’s not. You know all this!”
"Well obviously I don’t."
Miguel nodded in disagreement. "You just need to find some motivation."
"Like what?"
"Like…" He looked up, trying to think of something, and you admittedly hoped maybe he’d suggest a break because holy shit you were not having fun right now, but his eyes lit up with an idea, his smile quickly turning into a mischievous grin, making you fairly confident whatever he’d just come up with was something way more complicated than a break.
"No,” you immediately deadpanned.
"What? I didn’t even say anything!"
“But you thought something. I'm not answering biology questions while I mix cement or some shit. Stop hanging out with my dad."
He let out a laugh at the memory you brought up. "Chill, I'm not gonna make you mix cement!” 
"Then can’t we just take a break? Pleeeeease?”
“We can take a break when you can answer the questions! You can’t fail biology, it’s one of the only classes we have together!”
“That is so, so sweet babe, but I really don’t think anything will motivate me more than a break right now.”
"Come on, we’ve been studying this for hours, you know this! No two people have the same DNA, but there’s one exception. That is...?”
"Ugh, Fine. Shit. Uh, brothers?”
“Really?” You were genuinely surprised with yourself for getting that one right.
“I told you you knew this!”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. I still don’t get the motivation part though,. I’m still very much bor-” he shut you right up by leaning over the various textbooks that laid on the bed between the two of you, pressing his lips to yours in a quick kiss. 
He chuckled at your lack of reaction at the sudden action. 
“What was that?”
“Your motivation.”
“Okay. Yeah. Cool.” It was not cool. In fact, maybe you felt like your brain was on the verge of short-circuiting, but what else could you say?
“Alright. Cloning results in two individuals that are…?”
“Uh… genetically identical?”
“Shit. Well that was fun while it lasted. Alright loverboy, why don’t we just ditch the questions and make out?”
No luck. “Not yet. Cloning results in two individuals that are…?”
You let out an exaggerated groan at your failed attempt at ditching the quizzing, just to annoy him. “Genetically… genetically similar.”
“Yeah!” He celebrated before leaning in again, smiling into your lips as he kissed you for a little longer this time. 
“I really don’t see how exactly this is supposed to help me focus.”
“What does cloning result in?”
“You just asked me this.”
“What does it result in?”
“Two individuals who are genetically similar.”
“See? You remembered. When you’re taking the test your brain will correlate the answer to the questions with a memory. I’m just making it a nice memory,” he shrugged, as if what he’d just said was the most obvious statement to ever be said.
“You are so weird,” you smiled, staring at him for a second. God he was cute. You leaned in to kiss him again, but he didn’t let you, leaning away from you to ask you another question.
“What does a Punnet square show?”
“Are you kidding me? I can’t kiss my own boyfriend now?”
“Not until you answer the question,” he grinned, proud of himself.
The questions went on and Miguel kept going with his so-called motivation. By the time you found yourself under him, Miguel seemed to be contempt with your amount of right answers, throwing the books out of the way to finally comply.
Yeah he was definitely pulling that correlation thing out of his ass but damn did this making out make you motivated. “This is like the best study session ever,” he stated as he pulled away to take a breath, smiling like an idiot. 
“You are so fucking cheesy, dude,” you retorted, just to tease him.
He smiled that one smile of his, shaking his head before resuming to kissing you, careful not to put too much of his weight on you, which you thought was the cutest thing he could do in a moment like this. You didn’t particularly care about that, though, only pulling him closer to you by grabbing the collar of his shir-
“Jesus kid can you please close your door? I don’t wanna come home to a porno.” 
Miguel immediately scrambled to get up from atop of you, pulling himself out of the bed entirely, which, in retrospect, was a tiny little bit really funny.
“Oh my God. Dad! Get out, what the fuck?” 
“Just keep the freakin’ door closed, Geez. And please don’t do anything while I’m here, that’s fucking weird.”
“Obviously I didn’t know you were coming back this soon!”
“You would know if you weren’t too busy swapping spit with with Diaz over here,” he motioned over to Miguel with his head, making you take a glance at him, who looked like he was trying really hard to develop the ability to become invisible, scratching the back of his neck and looking at the ceiling as if he hadn’t just been mentioned. “I sent you a message on that… text thing.”
“You sent me a text?”
“Yeah, whatever you call it. I’m not a nerd.”
“Well sorry. Miguel’s going home anyway so.”
“I am?”
“Yes, you are.” There was no way he would be able to stay for much longer without hyperventilating.
“Yeah! Right! I am. Just just about to head out. Yup.”
“Okay. Whatever. Next time I’ll yell that I’m home so I don’t have to see… that,” he motioned between you vaguely.
“There wasn’t even anything happening you baby! And I said I’m sorry!”
“What fucking ever!”
“Okay,” was all you managed to reply before he left, closing the bedroom door behind him. You were too embarrassed to say anything else.
“Okay. Uh,” Miguel started, but he didn’t know what to say either, mortified by the idea of his sensei catching him making out with you.
“I don’t think he’s gonna be able to look us in the eye after this.”
“Good thing I only see him every single fucking day.”
“Oh my God,” you buried your face in your hands in embarrassment, trying to regain your composure. 
“At- at least he’s okay with it! I thought he was gonna kill me for a moment there.”
“He likes you too much. He just gets really weird about this sort of thing.”
There was a knock on the door. “Are you decent?”
“We were never not decent!” You defended yourself. Johnny opened the door slowly, carefully scanning the room as to not see anything unsolicited. “Kid’s gotta go.”
“You’re aware I’m not a child, aren’t you?”
“Well duh. But I know the advice I gave him about this stuff before you two started… whatever this is, and I need to take everything back.”
“What? A Sensei can’t have a nice guy talk with his student?”
“Uh-” Miguel murmured, glancing at you nervously.
“I’ll be waiting by the door,” he shot Miguel a condescending smile before leaving. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow?” 
“You think there will be a tomorrow for me?” He joked.
“I don’t know. What ‘advice’ is he talking about?”
“Uh…” He scratched the back of his neck again, like he always did whenever he was uncomfortable.
“Oh my fucking god. You did not get sex advice from my fucking dad,” you stated, in denial. 
“It was before we even had anything!”
“Well I fucking hope so! It’s still fucking weird.”
“I know, I try not to think about it.” He paused. “You think he’s gonna kill me?”
“He’ll go easy on you.”
“I’m not sure.”
“He will!”
You kissed him goodbye instead of answering. “Good luck!”
And wouldn’t you know it? Your tests came back with a big red A- in the front page. You could definitely see yourself catching an interest for genetics. Maybe you did just need some motivation. 
As long as you keep the door closed.
[. . .]
A/N: think im writing for miguel again. like actual new stuff that makes sense to me at my now old age of 20 (lol) so if ya want request away
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greyeyedmonster-18 · 1 year
(i understand i am late to the own impromptu fic-fest i am only half modding, but its the heart behind it that counts.
presenting my submission to: Harry Buys Sirius Presents ft. Remus (and also They Can Be Jewish) Fest.)
It was almost worse when Harry knew the answer for once wouldn't be no. That was one of the first things Harry learned about Sirius when he came to live with his godfather. Sirius rarely said no.
Potpie for dinner? Yes.
A day at the seaside? Yes.
Help with a Charms essay? Yes.
Harry's world had blown wide open with all the yes's slowly learning how to navigate a guardian who was kind and cared. And if Sirius ever said no, it was for a good reason. It was to keep him safe. When Sirius said no it was because he loved him, truly, not out of spite or bitterness or greed the way the Dursleys had told Harry no.
And this particular request, Harry knew would be a yes. Sirius wouldn't even blink.
Because the second thing Harry learned after coming to live with Sirius was that his godfather loved to spend money on him. He had asked for pocket money once that term before the first visit to Hogsmeade and Harry swore he could feel the room shake with how quickly Sirius reached into his pocket, pulling out all the galleons he had and pressing them into Harry's hand. Only to be followed by another small satchel of galleons coming through post the next morning, landing on the breakfast table with a thud.
Sirius was generous.
Sirius was kind.
Harry only wanted to return the favor. Which is what he was thinking, as he stood on the outskirts of the sitting room door, twisting the hem of his shirt in his hand, absently wondering if he could just tear it in half because merlins sake it was hot in here, wasn't it? All the fire and the wood burning, the house was warm, and Harry was sweating. About to ask his godfather for money to go Christmas shopping shirtless.
"Alright there, Harry?" came a gentle voice from the side of him and Harry was surprised he didn't jump. Having gotten used to being in a house with two people who didn't yell or scold.
"Just great," Harry said feebly, pulling his sweaty hands away from his shirt and looking towards Professor Lupin--Moony. Remus? Professor Moony. Harry hadn't quite figured out what to call him, every time he attempted an odd sort of combination of all three names spilling out-- Proony. Remessor.
"Are we spying on Sirius for a reason?"
"He does weird things when he's alone...hums made up songs."
"He's always done that," Remus said fondly, casting a glance into the sitting room where Sirius was tidying away, a soft hum of a made up song carrying above the crackling wood fire. "We used to make fun of him for it. Did it in exams too, and James and I would take turns elbowing him."
Harry couldn't help but smile, nerves disappearing a little, "I think he's alphabetizing books..."
"I can't elbow him out of doing that," Remus mused, his hands going into the pockets of his trousers as he leaned against the wall, "Whatever it is you're going to ask him, Harry, I'm--"
"Thats the problem, see."
"Well...I'm not Sirius."
Remus wasn't Sirius.
"...Do you think you can help me get to my vault?"
Christmas morning arrived, after Harry had spent hours waiting for Sirius to go to bed so he could steal wrapping paper from the closet downstairs. Up until that moment, Harry had never found it annoying that Sirius seemed to be awake nearly all the time, his godfathers presence providing a sense of security that Harry never had. But it was pretty damn obnoxious when Harry was attempting to be sneaky, trying to do something nice, and his godfather was around every corner. Putting finishing touches on cookies; setting a timer for the roast in the morning; adding more presents under the tree.
But despite how tired he was the next morning, Harry couldn't help but lean into the joy spreading throughout Number 12. From the records playing, to the sticky-buns Sirius had made for breakfast, to the gifts that Sirius and Remus had thoughtfully picked out and bought just for Harry.
"Should we go have lunch?" Sirius said, clapping his hands together and making to get up off the sofa. "I don't know about you but all this Christmas cheer is making me starved and considering I was once in prison, I think I'm an expert at--"
"You're comparing eating three hours ago to Azkaban?" Remus asked at the same time Harry opened his mouth to say,
"I have one more thing!"
More blurted.
Sirius looked toward Harry with small smile, "One more?"
"For...you," Harry managed, before pulling out a horribly wrapped box that had been hidden behind a stack of couch cushions the duration of the morning, Harry panicking every single time Sirius got too close. It's a fort! Harry had offered as the worlds worst excuse, but Sirius didn't question it.
"You didnt need to get me anything, love," Sirius said gently, looking at the box in front of him, "I'm happy just to be here."
"I know I didn't but...I...did anyway, so you might just have to...deal with that."
Sirius snorted out a laugh before running his fingers underneath the seams of the paper, followed by the cardboard box.
A pair of patterned purple socks.
Because Harry remembered when Sirius saw a dark purple coat in the store at Diagon Alley and said what a great color
A blank journal.
I've just run out of pages in my old one, remind me to pick one up, would you, babe?
A book.
Oh this was my favorite to read when I was your age
A wrench
I need more tools to keep fixing up the bike, I thought I had a box somewhere...
What did you get person who gave you everything?
Harry wasn't sure. But he knew he remembered everything Sirius had once said he liked, taking notes on his favorite person the way Sirius had apparently taken notes on Harry.
Sirius looked down at the collection of items now open in the cardboard box, before slowly looking towards Harry, smile as wide as the ocean on his face.
"I love every bit of this."
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snappedsky · 2 years
Borderlands: Skies the Bodyguard 5
Tannis has been captured. Skies and the Vault Hunters work to get her back.
*Links to previous and next chapters in reblog*
Chapter 15
           “Another great Arms Race, right, Ax?”
           “Sure was, Sal. Almost as great as my newest headshot, which you can buy off my ECHOsite right now.”
           “…you seriously plugging yourself right now?”
           “Well, somebody has to.”
           Skies chuckles as the latest ECHOcast of Arms Race wraps up. She closes the app on her ECHO device and starts to set it aside when Lilith’s voice cries through.
           “Skies! Get the bridge now!”
           “Uh, on my way,” Skies replies with surprise and hops out of her bed. She quickly throws on her coat- which is really tattered now- and hurries out of her ship and to the bridge.
           As she enters, she catches Ava saying in panic, “there’s still time!”
           “What’s happened?” Skies asks as she approaches. The Vault Hunters are there too, looking rather guilty.
           “The Calypsos got Tannis,” Moze replies.
           “What?” Skies gasps, “when?”
           “In the Vault,” Zane replies.
           “Troy used Phaselock,” Amara adds, “there was nothing we could do.”
           “I have never been so shamed,” FL4K grumbles.
           “Incoming transmission!” Claptrap announces.
           “Of course,” Lilith groans.
           A hologram comes up overhead showing Tyreen and Troy in Psycho masks.
           “We kidnapped your scientist,” Tyreen says in growly voice.
           “If you wanna see her alive…” Troy adds, also doing a voice, then laughs and switches back to his normal voice. “It’s not gonna happen.”
           “Yeah, cause you eat butts,” Tyreen laughs.
           “Skag butts.”
           “It’s us!” Tyreen sings, “did you guess?”
           “Cool masks, right?” Troy asks, “pre-order bonus. Oh, Ty, pledge drive.”
           “So, spoiler. We are crazy close to opening the Great Vault,” she explains, “we found the key, bee-tee-dubs, and it is HUGE! So we need a crap-ton of Eridium to charge it and you know what that means. Pledge Drive! And since our followers go apeshit every time we maim or murder one of you, we put the next one up to a vote.”
           “Would you believe it? Weird scientist was our most requested murder,” Troy adds, “beat out annoying robot by just a bit.”
           “Damn it!” Claptrap snaps.
           “Speaking of murder, Carnivora’s getting hungry,” Tyreen says, “the show’s starting soon! And it’s gonna be a killer.”
           With that, the transmission ends.
            “Tannis…” Lilith sighs regrettably.
           “They’re gonna kill her if we don’t do something!” Ava cries.
           “Tannis risked everything to keep Tyreen from getting to that Vault monster. She deserves better than dying for the entertainment of two psychopaths. We’re going back to Pandora and we’re going to save her.”
           “The Calypsos mentioned a ‘Carnivora’,” she muses, “Vault Hunters, go find Vaughn. I sent him to an old Crimson Raiders outpost in Devil’s Razor. He’s been monitoring COV movement- he’ll know what’s going on.”
           “Whoa, wait, Lilith, let me go down,” Skies suggests, “I can get there fastest with my ship and set up the fast travel link. Plus, I think the Vault Hunters deserve a break.”
           “Hm, what do you guys think?” Lilith asks them.
           “We don’t mind,” Moze shrugs.
           “Yah, I could use a drink,” Zane adds.
           “Alright,” Lilith nods and turns back to Skies. “Go meet with Vaughn and let me know when the fast travel is up.”
           “No problem,” Skies smiles and heads out. As she heads down the cargo hold, she feels Sanctuary take off. By the time she’s reached her ship, they’re outside Pandora.
           After asking Ellie to open it up, Skies gets into her pilot’s chair. Ellie opens up the cargo hold and the Sky Rider backs out before taking off to the planet’s surface.
           It only takes a couple minutes for Skies to arrive to the Devil’s Razor, and far less time to reach the Crimson Raider’s outpost- Roland’s Rest. She parks in an empty spot in the back of the camp and hops out to meet with Vaughn.
           “Skies!” he cheers, “I knew I’d be seeing you again soon!”
           “Hey, Vaughn,” she smiles, “hang on, I just have to get the fast travel station ready for the Vault Hunters.”
           She activates the station and sends Lilith a quick message that it’s all ready to go. As she waits for the Vault Hunters, she wanders over to the large statue of Roland in the center of the town and stares up at it forlornly.
           “You should write a message,” Vaughn suggests, gesturing to all the messages written on the base of the statue by the other Crimson Raiders.
           “Yeah, that wouldn’t be disrespectful at all,” Skies replies facetiously, “what should I write? ‘Hey, sorry my old boss shot you in the back. No hard feelings, right?’”
           “Well, probably shouldn’t word it like that,” he mutters.
           “I shouldn’t even be feeling guilty,” she scoffs, “I wasn’t there. I never even met the guy.”
           She sighs heavily. “Maybe my feelings towards Angel are just…spilling over into him.”
           “You gotta lotta baggage, bro,” Vaughn comments.
           Skies chuckles drily. “Yeah, tell me something I don’t know.”
           “How about Carnivora?” he suggests as the Vault Hunters approach them.
           “Good timing, kiddos,” Skies says, “so who’s Carnivora and where do I have to go to kill them?”
           “Why do you get to kill them?” FL4K asks.
           “No, it’s not a who, it’s a what,” Vaughn explains, “Carnivora is a giant festival run by two murderstreams named Pain and Terror. You can find them in the Splinterlands, bro.”
           “Oh, shit, Pain and Terror!” Skies cheers, “I used to love their murderstreams before they became COV supporters.
           “Yeah, Carnivora is the most popular Calypso fan-stream in the galaxy, bro,” Vaughn says, “Pain and Terror take kill requests non-stop in the name of the Calypsos- and of course, high viewer counts. Anyway, I can help you get TO Carnivora, but getting in might be a different story.”
           “For them, maybe,” Skies scoffs, nodding at the Vault Hunters. “I can easily sneak into Carnivora. In fact, if you guys go in through the front door, you can keep all the attention on you, making it easier for me to get in undetected.”
           “We’re in,” Moze replies while the other’s nod in agreement.
           “Alright, let’s get back Tannis,” Skies booms.
           “Yeah!” the Vault Hunters cheer. They wave her off as she goes back into her ships and flies to the Splinterlands.
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hrina · 3 years
Be Sweet, Pt. I
PAIRING: Harry x Reader RATING: M (minors dni!) WORD COUNT: 6k
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hey everyone! here's part one of my new enemies-to-lovers series :) this fic will be five parts in total, but i'm only posting the first part on tumblr. you'll be able to read the rest of it on patreon if you wanna sign up!
as always, reblogs and feedback are very much appreciated. i love hearing your thoughts! enjoy.
August 27th, 2021
“Who’s opening tomorrow?”
Ella scrubs a wet rag across the table closest to the door. You cast a furtive glance up at her, flipping absentmindedly through the jumble of papers on the counter in front of you. Nick’s messy scrawl catches your eye, and you pause, reading the haphazard comment written at the bottom of the page.
Customer requested a very specific shade of pink trim. See back for details.
You flip the order, scoffing at the Pantone strip taped to the other side. The square labelled Quartz Pink has been singled out, encircled in bright red. Jesus fucking Christ.
“Alice and Olly, I think,” you say, shoving the form to the bottom of the pile.
“That’s good,” Ella grunts, returning the napkin holder and the sugar dispenser back to their spots on the table. “And you’ll swing by sometime during the afternoon?”
“Yeah,” you say, drumming your fingers over the papers. “I’m gonna help Olly in the back. You know how much he hates dealing with fondant.”
“How could I forget?” Ella rolls her eyes, smiling to herself. You grimace when she tosses the damp cloth in your direction. It lands on the counter with a loud splat! You nudge it away with your elbow, shaking your head.
“You’re gross,” Ella says.
“I’m lovely,” you reply. She grins.
“Where’s Alex taking you tonight?” you ask, changing the subject. Her eyes light up instantly, and she clasps her hands together against her chest.
“It’s a surprise,” she says, giggling girlishly.
You groan. “I hate surprises.”
“It’s a good thing he’s not your boyfriend, then, isn’t it?” she retorts. You snicker, and she continues: “He told me we should stop off at home to change, though, so I’m guessing that wherever it is, there’s a dress code.”
“Ooh, fancy.”
“Right?” She twists her wrist, peeking at her watch. “He should have been here by now. It’s already a quarter past seven.”
“The hospital is just down the street,” you remind her, organising the mountain of orders into a neat stack. “Give him another five minutes.”
She nods. You spin on your heel and push through the door leading to the backroom of the bakery. The large space is split into two sections: on your right, there’s a wall of ovens, and a cluster of metal racks filled with pale, unprocessed dough. On your left, tables and counters lined with all sorts of decorating necessities—piping bags, spatulas, scrapers, turntables. You make your way toward the small cabinet perched against the nearest wall and pull out the top drawer, sliding the orders inside. Olly should have no trouble locating them tomorrow morning.
When you return to the front of the shop, Ella is locked in a passionate embrace with a gangly, dark-haired man. You recognise him immediately.
“Doctor Dao,” you call out, resting your elbows on the counter. “Did you at least wash your hands before putting them all over my best friend?”
Alex and Ella break apart swiftly, but he keeps one arm wrapped around her waist. “Hey, cookie,” he says, flashing you an apologetic grin. “Didn’t see you there.”
You arch one brow, lips curling into an amused smirk. “I’ll say.”
Only then do you catch sight of the other man lingering by the door, and your smile quickly morphs into an irritated frown. Harry is watching you with twinkling eyes, like he knows the effect his presence has on you. How could he not? You don’t try to hide your disdain, especially when it comes to him.
“Harry,” you say curtly, lifting your chin in stubborn acknowledgement.
He brings two fingers to his temple—a mock-salute. “Sweetheart.”
You clench your jaw. God, he makes your blood boil. Rather than responding, you turn back to Alex, who is now smoothing his palms over Ella’s silky brown hair. “You’re late,” you tell him. “You were supposed to be here when we closed.”
“Sorry, cookie,” Alex says, and he sounds like he means it. “My last surgery of the day had a few…complications.”
You purse your lips as the annoyance melts away. “Everything okay?”
“Yeah.” He nods, blowing out a heavy breath. He looks tired. “We figured it out.”
“That’s good.”
Alex directs his attention back to Ella, leaning in and pressing a chaste kiss to the tip of her nose. “You ready to go?”
“Yeah,” she replies. “Just let me grab my bag.”
“Cool,” he says. “You don’t mind if we drop Harry off at his place, right? His car is fucked, apparently.”
Ella’s grey eyes widen. She peers over her boyfriend’s shoulder at Harry. “What happened?”
Harry waves away her concerns, chuckling quietly. He tugs on the collar of his blue scrubs, and you can’t stop your gaze from trailing across the plethora of tattoos inked into his arm. Your nose wrinkles at the sight. He looks ridiculous. What kind of doctor would agree to don such outrageous body art?
“He’s being dramatic,” Harry says, shooting Alex a pointed glare. “My car’s at the shop right now, but I’ll have it back by tomorrow evening at the latest.”
“Oh.” Ella relaxes. “Okay, that’s great. Babe—” She turns to Alex. “—when are our reservations?”
“Eight-thirty,” Alex says. “Plenty of time.”
“Awesome,” she chirps. She scurries around the counter and playfully bumps her hip against yours. “My purse is in the back. Give me one second.”
And then she’s gone.
You stare at Alex, fighting a clever smile. “Tonight’s the night, huh?” you murmur, quiet enough so that there’s no chance of Ella overhearing.
He beams, shouldering his knapsack and dragging his sweaty palms down the front of his shirt. His scrubs are a light purple, you note. The shade compliments his dark skin.
“Yeah,” he replies, gnawing anxiously on his bottom lip. “She’ll say yes, right?”
You scoff, rolling your eyes good-naturedly. “Of course she will.”
Just then, Ella bursts through the door, her leather purse swinging wildly against her waist. “Alright!” She claps once, striding over to you and planting a wet, sloppy kiss onto your cheek. “I’m off.”
“Bye,” you say, wiping her saliva from your face with the back of your hand. “Have fun.”
Alex waves at you as she tugs him out of the bakery. “See you later, cookie.”
You wink. “See you.”
Harry is the last one to leave. He glances at you momentarily, the corners of his lips quirking up into a smug smile. The look makes you bristle. He’s absolutely infuriating.
“Got any leftover almond croissants?” he asks. Silent laughter taints every word.
You point to the exit. “Get out.”
He bows his chin in farewell, approaching the door. “Sweetheart.”
“Asshole,” you reply flatly. Now that your friends are out of earshot, you’re under no obligation to tolerate him. Sometimes, you find yourself actually craving his company, just so you can drop the pretence and really give him a piece of your mind. You’re a mature adult, and you won’t ruin a social gathering because of one presumptuous dickhead, but everyone has their limits. You don’t owe him shit.
Harry chuckles to himself, and you clench your fists at your sides. He shoots you one last maddening smirk before disappearing out the door. You rush forward, latching it swiftly and ensuring that the sign against the glass reads ‘CLOSED’. Once you’ve successfully locked up, you march into the back of the shop, plucking your own purse off one of the metal counters and tugging it over your shoulder. You shut the light and return to the front, scanning the clean tables, the empty display cases, the shades drawn over the windows. Shards of the sunset stream through the cracks in the blinds, casting orange stripes along the floor.
All clear, a voice in your head whispers, and you sigh.
Finally—you can go home.
August 28th, 2021
Quick, frantic knocking rouses you from your sleep. Blearily, you sit up on the mattress, knuckling at your puffy eyes. The hardwood floor is cold against the soles of your feet when you climb out of bed. You shiver.
The insistent clamour continues as you pad down the hallway. You tug at the hem of your worn, baggy t-shirt, concealing your midriff. Ella wastes no time after you open the front door, surging past the threshold and vaulting herself into your arms.
“He proposed!” she squeals as the two of you stagger backward. You freeze, remembering Alex’s plans from the day before. His apprehension, too—the way he wiped his clammy palms against his scrubs and anxiously dug his teeth into his bottom lip. Shock ebbs and flows through your veins for a fraction of a second, but then you’re sweeping Ella into a tight hug, rocking your bodies from side to side.
“Oh my God,” you say. Excitement festers beneath the murky exhaustion clouding your mind. “He did it.”
Ella steps back, brows knitting together in bewilderment. “You knew?” When you nod, she scoffs, aiming a half-hearted swat at your bicep. “And you didn’t tell me?”
“Why the fuck would I tell you?” you retort, rolling your eyes at the demand. “Come on. Let’s see it.”
A bright grin stretches across her lips, and she holds up her left hand, wiggling her fingers keenly. You spy the ring resting on the fourth digit: a simple platinum band topped with a large, clear diamond. Grey morning light bounces off the gemstone, and it winks at you as if it knows something that you don’t.
“Gorgeous,” you breathe, gripping Ella’s wrist to bring her hand closer. You scrutinize the ring carefully, smiling to yourself. “He’s got good taste.”
“Doesn’t he?” she gushes, beaming like an idiot. You beckon her into the kitchen, and she collapses onto one of the tall stools positioned in front of the marble island. A quick glance at the digital clock on the stove reveals that it’s only eight in the morning. You groan, rubbing gentle circles against your temples.
“I was hoping I’d get to sleep in today,” you say, lips curling into a wry smirk.
Ella shoots you a sheepish, apologetic smile, sliding her purse off her shoulder and placing it on the counter. “I’m sorry, cookie. I couldn’t wait.”
“I’m just kidding,” you tell her, floating around the room to prepare a pot of coffee. “So…how did he do it?”
She launches into a frenzied retelling of the night before. Alex brought her to the same restaurant they’d visited four years ago on their first date. They ordered their food and made conversation. Things proceeded as usual until the end of the meal, at which point Alex set his napkin down on the table and excused himself to the restroom. Two minutes later, the waiter arrived with the bill. Ella accepted it graciously, scanning the thin paper and pausing at the question scrawled at the very bottom of the slip. When she snapped her head up, searching for her boyfriend in the crowded dining area, she found him kneeling a few feet away from her chair, a small velvet box nestled securely in his steady hands.
“I started crying immediately,” she tells you, groaning at the memory. “I couldn’t keep it together. It was so embarrassing.”
You toss your head back and laugh. Despite the crimson blush staining her cheeks, she joins in. The coffeemaker beeps, signalling that the pot is ready. You fetch two mugs from the cupboard and fill them with dark liquid. Ella accepts her drink eagerly, blowing cool air across its surface. You grimace as she takes a tentative sip—you’ve never understood her penchant for unsweetened black coffee. Sugar and cream are a must.
“I’m so happy for you, El,” you tell her, stirring a small spoon around your mug. “You’re going to be the most beautiful bride.”
Her eyes grow damp. You snicker quietly, reaching across the island and swiping your thumb beneath her bottom lashes. She catches your hand and kisses your knuckles softly, clearing her throat.
“Will you—?” She releases a shuddering breath. “Will you be my maid of honour?”
You stiffen at her request. Her gaze rakes over your face, like she’s searching for any clue as to how you might respond. At last, your shoulders sag in relief, and an ecstatic smile splits across your cheeks.
“Of course,” you say, voice thick. Tears gather in your own eyes, but you blink them back furiously. “I would love nothing more.”
She sets her coffee down and skirts around the counter, yanking you into another bone-crushing hug. You grin as she presses a handful of sloppy kisses to the side of your head. Her elbow knocks against your abandoned mug, and a few drops of coffee spill down the side of the cup. You laugh at her enthusiasm, pulling back and sweeping your hands over her silky hair.
“It’s probably way too soon, but have you guys started discussing anything?” you ask, arching one eyebrow.
Ella flushes pink, averting her gaze. “Um…when we got home, there wasn’t really much of a discussion going on.”
You cackle, poking at her ribs. “Oh, he gave it to you good, didn’t he? It’s a miracle that you’re not limping right now.”
“Be quiet,” she yelps, stamping her eyes shut.
You lift your hands and shoot her a teasing smirk. “I’m not judging, okay? If anything, I’m living vicariously through your various sexual conquests. It’s been months since I last got any action.”
“Maybe that should change,” Ella says, folding her arms over her chest. “You and Harry could probably fuck out your frustrations. His dick is huge, apparently.”
You balk. “Ella!”
She shrugs, grey eyes widening comically. “What? Alex told me!”
You snort, but say nothing. She watches you cautiously, examining your features for any signs of acquiescence. Any indication that you might actually be considering her lewd suggestion. You almost gag.
“Why do you hate him so much, anyway?” Ella asks, flicking an invisible speck of lint off her shoulder. “You’re not still hung up on that fiasco with the almond croissant, are you?”
“I’m not doing this with you again,” you say, and she sighs.
“Okay, I’m sorry. But can you at least try to be civil while we plan the wedding? For my sake.”
After mulling over her words, you slouch in defeat. “Fine. But only for you,” you say, throwing a stern finger in her face.
She beams. “Thank you.” Something dirty flashes behind her pale eyes. “And if you do end up sleeping with him, I want all the details.”
You shove her gently and scoff. She laughs.
“Honestly,” you start, shaking your head, “it doesn’t matter how huge his dick is. I’d rather walk across hot coals than let somebody like him climb into my bed.”
“What makes you think it wouldn’t be the other way around?” Ella snickers. You glare at her, but she just steps back, raising her hands in surrender. “Alright, alright, fine. Have it your way. But I’m expecting you to find someone in time for the big day. Don’t let your plus-one go to waste.”
You roll your eyes, thoroughly unconvinced. “Noted.”
September 2nd, 2021
“Olly!” you call, sticking your head into the backroom. “Ella and I are going on our lunch break, but Leyla will be here in, like, twenty minutes. You going to be okay by yourself until then?”
Olly doesn’t even bother looking over his shoulder, too busy piping little flowers along the sides of the rectangular cake laid out in front of him. He lifts one hand, waving away your concerns before running his palm over his short blue hair. He buzzed and dyed it just last week after claiming that he couldn’t stand how the long brown curls stuck to the nape of his neck. It took a few days to get used to the change, but now that the initial shock has faded, you have to admit that he looks great.
“Yeah, that’s fine,” Olly says, putting the finishing touches on the cake. He sets his piping bag down and turns toward you, wiping his palms against his red apron. His left ear bears a swirl of shiny silver piercings. “I’ll be out in a second.”
“Thanks,” you say, flashing him a small smile. He returns it, and then you’re spinning on your heel and letting the door swing shut behind you.
You find Ella waiting outside the bakery. She urges you along, and you squawk at her impatience.
“What’s the rush?” you ask, falling into step with her as you both amble down the sidewalk. “We have forty-five minutes.”
“I don’t want Alex’s sandwich to get cold,” she explains, holding up the small paper bag clutched in her right hand. You snort.
The two of you make it to Ridgefield Hospital in record time, mostly because Ella grips your arm and gives it a forceful tug whenever you start lagging behind. You walk through the automatic doors, ignoring the row of ambulances parked outside. The secretaries sitting at the front desk shoot you a few distracted smiles—they’ve all grown accustomed to your frequent visits by now.
Ella babbles endlessly as you enter the elevator, pressing the button for the fifth floor and waiting as the metal doors slide shut.
“I want to ask Alice and Leyla to be part of the bridal party, but I’m scared the guys will feel bad if Alex doesn’t choose them as his groomsmen. Like, I think they’d understand, considering I work with the girls and we’re all pretty close, but I don’t know.” She nudges you with her elbow. “What do you think?”
“I think you should do whatever the fuck you want,” you tell her, shrugging. “It’s your wedding. And I don’t think Olly, Marcus, or Nick will mind if they’re not part of the bridal party. Olly doesn’t care about that stuff, and Marcus and Nick already have their hands full with their jobs at the bakery. Plus, they know Alex has his own friends—not just the ones he’s met through you.”
Ella nibbles on her bottom lip, her head bobbing in agreement. “Yeah, you’re right.”
You lay a placid hand on her shoulder. “You’re already overthinking this. You’ve only been engaged for a week. Enjoy it.”
She shoots you a grateful smile just as the elevator dings and the doors glide open, and the two of you step out onto the hospital’s paediatric floor. It’s a stark contrast to the other sections of the building. Instead of barren white walls, these ones are painted with all sorts of pretty, colourful decorations—flowers, rainbows, sunsets, animals. A massive sign in front of you denotes the different divisions on the floor and where to find them: the ICU, the operating rooms, the palliative unit, the psychiatry wing, and the oncology department. You and Ella turn right, making the familiar trek to Alex’s office.
“He should be on his lunch break, too,” she says. “Unless they paged him for another emergency surgery.”
You hum in response.
Sure enough, you find Alex at his desk, twirling a blue pen between his fingers as he pores over the stack of papers in front of him. Ella knocks gently against the open door, and his face lights up when he spies her standing in the threshold. He moves quickly, crossing the room in five long strides, and plants a searing kiss onto her lips. You look away, rocking awkwardly on the balls of your feet.
“Hey,” Alex murmurs after he and Ella break apart. That’s when he notices you behind her. “Hey, cookie.”
“Hey,” you reply. You toss your thumb over your shoulder. “I’m just going to—you know, the usual.”
He nods.
The last thing you see before you turn around is Ella holding up the brown paper bag, and Alex’s face splitting into a bright, easy smile.
You meander through the halls, trailing your fingers over the rich artwork covering the walls. The end of the corridor cleaves in two; you turn left and enter a large atrium. The ceiling is high and peppered with skylights. A small cafeteria sits off to the side, clusters of families chatting and laughing together as they eat. Children sprint around the space, their arms outstretched. Some of them are dressed in normal clothes—others don pale hospital gowns, their skinny legs bared for all to see. You wrench your attention away from them, fixing it instead on the far wall.
Slowly, you cross the room, surveying the vibrant handprints stamped against the plaster. There has to be hundreds of them, you think. They vary in size—some are so tiny you could cry. Colour becomes scarcer the higher you go—the youngest children are too short to reach those levels, obviously—but still. The sight takes your breath away. You visit this mural every time you find yourself at the hospital, and every time, you unearth a new detail that you hadn’t noticed before.
You walk along the length of the wall, dragging your fingertips across the dry, smooth paint. Purples and pinks and oranges and blues. Reds, greens, yellows, browns. Each handprint is a person—a pair of little feet that scuffled over this very floor, a blank story that had yet to unfold. Briefly, you wonder how many survived whatever illnesses plagued them, and how many succumbed to their conditions. The thought makes your throat grow tight with emotion, so you quickly shove it aside.
Ten minutes pass before you’re leaving the mural behind and heading back the way you came. You’ve just rounded the corner when a strong, solid body barrels into you. You grunt at the impact, smacking one palm against the wall to steady yourself.
“I’m sorry,” you start, lifting your head to meet the stranger’s gaze. “I wasn’t paying—oh.”
Harry smirks, his green eyes glittering with mirth once he recognises you. You purse your lips, wishing the ground would just open up and swallow you whole.
“Harry,” you say, nodding stiffly.
He folds his arms over his chest. “Sweetheart.”
His brown hair is tousled, and his biceps strain against the white button-up adorning his torso. Black slacks cover his legs, and he’s wearing a pair of pristine leather shoes, ones that look like they might’ve cost a month’s worth of rent. Your teeth grate together noisily. The sound echoes in your ears.
“What are you doing here?” Harry asks, as though the two of you are old friends. You want to scoff—you’d rather stick your hand in an oven than make idle conversation with him.
“Visiting Alex,” you say tightly, stepping back. “Ella brought him lunch.”
At that, Harry straightens. “Ella’s here?”
“I wish I’d run into her,” he murmurs, pinching his bottom lip between his thumb and forefinger.
You throw him a scowl. “Asshole.”
Harry cocks one eyebrow, tilting his chin haughtily. “Forgive me if I prefer her company to yours. At least she doesn’t treat me like I’m some insufferable bastard.”
“Maybe if you stopped being such an insufferable bastard, I wouldn’t treat you like one,” you shoot back, planting your hands on your hips. You tense as Harry’s gaze rakes down your body—head to toe, like he’s sizing up an opponent. His nose wrinkles in disdain, and you fight the urge to deliver a sharp, backhanded slap across that pretty, perfect face.
Harry opens his mouth, and you brace yourself for whatever retort he has prepared. What comes out is nothing overtly nasty, but it is enough to make you want to shrink away and curl into yourself until you wink out of existence.
“You smell like yeast,” he says, and tosses in a derisive sniff just for the added effect.
You recoil as the words slam into you, blinking in shock.
Asshole. Rude, arrogant, condescending asshole.
“I own a bakery,” you grit out. Harry shrugs, but says nothing else. Your lips flap wordlessly as he pushes past you, his shoulder bumping against yours. You watch him go, massaging the tender spot on your arm with shaky fingers. Your eyes fall to his ass for only a moment before skittering away, and a hollow laugh catches in your throat.
What a fucking prick.
September 17th, 2021
“Attention, everyone!” Ella stands at the head of the table, clinking her fork delicately against her glass. “I wanted to make a little toast.”
The conversation around you tapers off into silence. You sit back in your chair, focussing on your best friend. She looks splendid in her pretty blue dress, her dark hair twisted into an elaborate knot at the nape of her neck. She peers around the room, chewing nervously on the inside of her cheek. When her gaze locks with yours, you grant her a tiny, encouraging nod.
She beams, her next words imbued with renewed enthusiasm. “I wanted to thank all of you for coming here tonight to celebrate our engagement with us.” She holds out her hand, and Alex presses a gentle kiss to her knuckles. “We’re so grateful to be sharing this milestone with such a wonderful group of people.”
You inspect the other guests gathered around the table. To your right sit Alice and Leyla, the first employees you hired when you were trying to get your business up off the ground. It’s odd seeing them like this—poised and elegant, looking nothing at all like they do during the long, arduous shifts at the bakery. Alice’s blond hair has been fashioned into an intricate braid, and Leyla’s brown eyes are lined with dark kohl and smoky eyeshadow. They clean up nice, you must admit.
Next to Leyla: Ella’s older sister, Hillary. They have the same piercing grey eyes, though Hillary’s hair is a shade lighter. You didn’t miss the sour expression that trundled across her face when you waltzed into Alex and Ella’s condo. She’s jealous, you think. Jealous that Ella chose you as her maid of honour instead of her. You’ve been ignoring her resentful glares for the better half of the night, letting her bitterness pass over you like a cloud. Whatever her problem is, it’s clear that the issue lies between her and her sister. You’re not getting in the middle of that.
It doesn’t help that she’s been fawning over Harry all evening. Upon witnessing her coquettish behaviour, you glanced at Ella, brows raised, but your best friend just rolled her eyes and yielded a helpless shrug of her shoulders. At least the attraction didn’t appear to be one-sided—that would have been humiliating, you think—because Harry gave as good as he got, chuckling sincerely and flirting right back. You had to suppress the urge to retch, and sent out a quiet prayer of gratitude when Ella and Alex sat them as far away from each other as possible at the beginning of the meal.
On the opposite side of the table: Alex’s groomsmen—Milo, Sasha, and Connor. You’ve been in their company a few times, mainly on birthdays and other special occasions. According to Alex, they all met when Milo accidentally vomited during their very first anatomy lesson at medical school. Milo insists that the putrid smell of the cadavers was simply too awful to bear, but everyone else claims that he just couldn’t stand the idea of being so close to a dead body. No matter the truth, the story always makes you giggle. The four of them have been good friends ever since.
The five of them, you remind yourself as your gaze settles on Harry, who is lounging in the chair directly across from you.
Harry—Alex’s best friend. Harry—Alex’s best man.
You wanted to rip your hair from your scalp when Ella broke the news. Several images flashed through your head all at once. You and Harry inching rigidly down the aisle, arms linked. You and Harry donning the same colours, your gown complimenting the spry flower pinned to the lapel of his suit. You and Harry flanking Ella and Alex while they recite their vows, glaring daggers at each other behind your friends’ backs. Even now, the mere thought of it has you biting down on an exasperated groan.
You don’t realise that you’ve zoned out until the faint quirk of Harry’s mouth catches your eye. You blink once to yank yourself from your daze, and clench your jaw when you find him staring at you with an amused look on his face. He places his elbows against the arms of the chair and clasps his hands together. Unmistakable smugness emanates from him, as if he somehow managed to crawl inside your mind and saw exactly what you were envisioning. Your nostrils flare, and you fix your attention back on Ella, who has reached the end of her speech.
“Cheers,” she says, holding up her glass. The champagne inside sloshes and fizzles temptingly. Would she allow you to chug the entire bottle, if you asked?
Everyone around the table mirrors her movements, raising their own drinks and touching them together lightly. Quiet, delicate clanking fills the room, and the friendly chatter resumes. You nudge Ella with your elbow, shooting her a proud smile. “That was great, El.”
She beams. “Thanks, cookie.” She then picks up her fork and motions to the plate in front of her, piled high with seasoned chicken and steaming, roasted vegetables. “Let’s eat.”
“Are you sure you’ve got him?” Alex asks Sasha, gesturing to the very inebriated Connor wobbling at his side.
Sasha wraps one arm around their friend, letting Connor rest his full weight against him. He bares two rows of perfect ivory teeth, flashing a wicked grin. “Yeah. Besides, I’ve been meaning to pay him back for the shit he pulled at the barbecue last month. There’s a Sharpie in my car.”
“You’re going to draw a dick on his face, aren’t you?” Alex muses.
With that, Alex bids them both farewell, shutting the door and heaving a dramatic sigh. Ella approaches him after a moment, hooking her chin over his shoulder and murmuring something indiscernible into his ear. He chuckles softly.
“Didn’t peg you as the voyeur type, sweetheart,” a low voice says from behind you.
You jump, whirling around and coming face-to-face with Harry. He’s got a green washcloth slung over his left shoulder—the shade brings out his eyes, a traitorous voice in your head whispers—and his arms are folded neatly across his chest. Your gaze falls to the collar of his black button-up, where he’s undone the first two discs, leaving his sternum exposed. Tendrils of ink peek out from beneath the dark material.
You frown and take a step back, putting distance between your bodies. “You’re such an asshole.”
“So I’ve heard.” His lips twitch, and he rolls up his sleeves. “Now, if you’re done ogling them like a lovestruck puppy, I could use some help in the kitchen.”
You grit your teeth, but follow him into the other room. Harry grabs the rag hanging over his shoulder and holds it out for you. You snatch it from his fingers without a word, and the two of you take up residence in front of the sink. Harry plunges his hands into the soapy water, rinsing the dishes thoroughly before passing them to you. You stand as far away from him as possible while you dry each plate, your movements stiff and choppy. This is not how you wanted to finish off the night, but Alex and Ella spent the entire day preparing the food, and it was delicious. The least you can do is spare them the hassle of tidying up.
The tense silence eats at you, until you feel like you might explode. Unable to bear it any longer, you hastily blurt, “Saw you getting pretty cozy with Hillary before dinner.”
Immediately, you want to kick yourself. Where the fuck did that come from?
Harry snorts, shrugging coolly. “We’ve hooked up a few times, but it’s nothing serious.” He shoots you a mischievous grin. “You jealous?”
“Of Hillary?” you scoff, rolling your eyes. “Please. The woman’s standards are practically underground. Why else would she be interested in someone like you?”
Harry scowls, and hot satisfaction surges through your veins. Yes, the taunt was mean, but no, you don’t care. “You’re a real bitch sometimes, you know that?” he says.
You flash him a petty, insincere smile. “Only to you.”
He squeezes the yellow sponge nestled in his right hand, scrubbing it forcefully across a dirty plate. “Maybe you should find someone to hook up with. It might help get that stick out of your ass.”
“I have better things to do,” you sneer, narrowing your eyes.
“Better than sex?” He chokes on a derisive laugh.
“Like what?”
“Like…things!” you snap, fingers curling into tight fists. “I run my own business, for God’s sake. And I’m going to make Ella’s wedding cake.” You announce the last part proudly, hauling your chin into the air.
Harry, however, looks unimpressed. He shakes his head, blowing out a heavy sigh. “Uh-oh.”
You pause. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
He shrugs again, but you detect a hint of malice behind the action. “It’s just…I’ve seen the way you decorate cakes. Ella might be better off going elsewhere—you know, to an actual professional.”
Son of a—
“That’s rich, coming from you,” you say, motioning to the mismatched tattoos littered across his arm. “What would you know about professionalism? It looks like you let a preschooler doodle all over you.”
Harry bares his teeth in a feral grin. “Deflection. I’m not surprised.”
You bristle at his words. “Asshole.”
“You’ll need to get a bit more creative with the insults, sweetheart. I’m growing bored.”
“Is that so?” you say. “I think ‘asshole’ suits you just fine. Maybe you should have become a proctologist instead of a paediatrician.”
“At least I pursued something I was good at. I’m not sure if you can say the same.”
“You fucking—”
“Everything okay in here?” Ella asks, floating into the kitchen. You spin around to conceal your anger, placing your hands against the counter and inhaling deeply. You roll your shoulders back and slap an artificial smile onto your face before turning once more.
“Everything’s fine,” you say, and fake a yawn, covering your mouth with your palm. “I think I’m going to call it a night. I’m exhausted.”
Ella’s bottom lip juts out into a pout. Her red lipstick has faded, leaving only a stain of scarlet in its wake. On cue, Alex walks into the kitchen behind her, setting a steady hand on her hip and cocking his head to the side. “Hey. Everything okay in here?”
You nearly snort. Fucking soulmates.
“All good,” you tell him, nodding brusquely. “I’m just going to finish up with the dishes and head home.”
“Okay.” Alex presses a soft kiss to Ella’s temple, murmuring something about needing to get out of his stuffy clothes. You whirl, drying the last of the plates with frantic, shaky fingers. In your peripheral vision, you spy Harry watching you, but the stupid bastard must possess some scrap of self-preservation, because he keeps his mouth shut. You say nothing else as you whack the rag down onto the counter and stride out of the room.
You don’t miss Alex and Ella’s hushed whispers at the other end of the hall, but a little voice in your head tells you not to interrupt them. You halt at the front door, snatching your purse off one of the metal hooks mounted on the wall. You’re in the middle of putting on your shoes when you hear it:
“I was hoping we could arrange a truce, you know.”
You twist around, palm flying to your chest. Harry is standing a few feet away, his hands still wet with the water from the sink. He clasps them together and ducks his head, and if you didn’t know any better, you’d almost think he was ashamed.
Something vile bubbles in the pit of your stomach. You gnaw on the flesh of your cheek, trying to reel your emotions back in. You refuse to give him the satisfaction of witnessing another outburst.
“Keep your fucking truce,” you spit, and wrench open the door. You shoot him one last withering look before stepping out of the condo and slamming it shut.
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dr3amofagame · 3 years
Since starvation is canon imagine Dream in the future having to deal with the mental effects of it. His armor doesn't fit and feels like carrying hard rocks that hit him in his bones painfully. It's harder to do things that he did so easily before. He used to be able to move freely, whenever he was trapped he could rely on his body to carry him away from any bad situation. He could climb trees and run and swim so eaily but now it's so much harder, so much more tiring. It's a trapping feeling that follows him around constantly.
aww this ask made me sad ,, yeah post-pandora recovery is going to be a Bitch And A Half. just *shakes c!sam* stop violating basic human rights you creeper man you. 
anyway, have some more syndicate c!dream angst!! 
tws: ed mention (kinda), disordered eating, starvation, trauma, torture (mentioned), vomit mention, internalized ableism (? dream makes a few statements that sorta brush off his trauma), pandora’s vault/prison arc
His armor doesn’t fit anymore.
It’s a bitter pill to swallow. Dream may not be like Techno, is hardly as careful with his armor - he’ll slap on a Prot IV, Mending, maybe Unbreaking if he’s feeling generous, but he’s never really managed to shake the careless ambivalence he’s learned to regard most of his belongings with after their inevitable destruction, not after the chaos that made up growing up with Sapnap and George - not to mention the training from manhunts. His armor was a rushed, simple thing, made much the same way as he would craft any set in iron, the extent of its personalization limited to the neatly-printed “Nightmare” he used to mark each piece as his own. Even so - it had once been his, his constant companion as he traveled around the server, as comfortable over his shoulders as a second skin - it wasn’t pretty, or well-crafted, or worth anything much at all, but it was his.
He doesn’t have very many things that were his from before.
Most of the set is still left on the armor stand Techno had left in the room, only the chestplate missing from the wooden dummy so he can hold it up with his own two hands. He brushes his hands over the surface, feeling out the familiar runes scrawled over it back and front, hardly even legible thanks to his rush job. It’s clearly taken a beating or ten, nicks and scrapes covering it back and front - some familiar, most not - and he frowns as he shifts its weight between his hands, heavy and leaving his arms straining even after just a few minutes.
He’s no stranger to proper training - knows, still, after so long without sparring or practice or anything, that the set is too heavy for him. He may lean towards a lighter armor than most to allow for his movement and parkour, but it was still made for someone well-practiced and healthy - nothing like the wreck of bones and skin he’s become after months without proper meals and torture. He can hardly hold up just the chestplate alone - he’s not stupid. Netherite is heavy, and he can hardly manage more than iron for an hour or two.
He bites his lip, before tucking his head to his chest and pulling the chestplate up anyway.
His hands are clumsy as he pulls the straps tight, fumbling weakly with the buckles in a way that makes his teeth grind against each other. The weight immediately presses against his still-healing ribs, making them creak and ache dangerously in his chest, and the sudden, gasping pressure on his lungs nearly sends him into a panic. He ignores it all, focused on the worn leather on either side, pulls each piece as tight as it will go.
He’s not wearing any padding, and the feeling of the hard metal against his bones is hardly what anyone could call “comfortable,” calls back memories of himself, a foot on his back, pressed against unforgiving obsidian. He breathes in another slow, shivering breath, chest struggling to expand against the weight, and stands in front of the mirror.
He looks dumb.
It reminds him of being a kid and trying on Sam’s diamond armor for the first time, completely dwarfed by its height and breadth, waddling around awkwardly from the foreign weight strapped to his chest and the awkward way it hung off of him. His armor is more familiar but no less unfitting, hollow spaces lingering that should’ve been filled by muscle and fat, his sharp edges digging uncomfortably against its surface. It hums with the same feeling of unbelonging, like he’s taken something that belongs to someone else entirely, the same heavy discomfort that comes from wearing someone else’s shirt or drinking from another person’s mug. Hot tears spring to his eyes, and he stubbornly blinks them away; it’s just a stupid set of armor, really, it doesn’t matter at all-
“Hey, nerd.” Techno’s voice is muffled outside the door, and he knocks softly against the doorframe twice - a request to enter. Dream stares at himself a moment longer, debating whether to shuck off the chestplate first, before sighing and kicking at the floor - once, twice, granting permission.
The door opens slowly, but Dream’s traitorous body freezes anyway for a moment, muscles locked and tensed painfully under the heavy armor, and he forces another breath into his lungs to stave off the panic. Thankfully, Techno knows about his stupid brain enough to know to give him some time, leaning against the door frame as he counts off the seconds in his head until he looks back up again to signal that he’s ready for him to come closer.
His eyebrow lifts and he gestures at the armor he’s wearing. “That’s your old set, right?”
He nods, worrying his lips between his teeth as he lifts his hands to sign. Yeah. Ranboo brought them from S-N-O-W-C-H-E-S-T-E-R.
“Makes sense.” Techno’s face twists as he struggles to follow Dream’s signs; he’s learned quicker than he would’ve expected, at first, but there’s a few things that Dream needs to fingerspell, still. He looks him up and down, a wry smile on his face. “Isn’t that a bit heavy?”
Dream gnaws on his lips further, trying to decide what to say, explain what has left him staring at the mirror in silence for upwards of ten, fifteen minutes now. If he was more in the mood, he’d make a joke about his self-absorption. Instead, he looks away, signing with quick, overly casual movements.
Wanted to see if it fit. It doesn’t anymore.
“Ah,” Techno’s voice, low and drawling, has picked up that knowing tone that Dream’s learning to hate. “I see.”
He frowns, keeping his eyes trained the bottom half of the mirror, to his too-skinny legs peeking out of the bottom of his sweatpants. He tries not to look at himself too much now, doesn’t know what to make of the near-skeleton that stares back at him when he bothers to look, all sharp edges and unnatural hollows, the foreign ridges of his spine running down his back and his ribs sticking out at his sides. None of it is his - not this armor, not this body, all of it belonging to a Dream that hadn’t been through the fire and brimstone of Pandora, that didn’t recoil at the taste of potatoes, that could eat more than two meals a day without throwing up.
He shakes himself out of his own thoughts, tasting iron from where he’d torn apart his lips with his teeth. He balls his fist, pulls it to his chest. Sorry.
“It’s alright, don’t worry about it.” He can hear the sound of Techno shifting from side to side, awkward in the silence hanging thick and heavy in the room, “Anyway, Phil’s made some stew. You goin’ to join us?”
The question gives him pause for far too long as he weighs his options - he knows he should eat more, knows that it’ll be the only thing that helps him fill out and heal and finally start recovering from everything in Pandora, but no matter how much he knows his mind still recoils harshly at the idea of more food. He’s not hungry at all, or maybe he is and he just doesn’t feel it anymore - it’s hard to tell, in this new normal. Everything’s hard, after Pandora.
In a few minutes, he finally signs, biting back a flush of shame at the clear surprise in Techno’s expression.
“Alright, whenever you want, nerd.”
Techno walks out the room, and Dream sighs, a wheezing heave of breath that leaves him exhausted and makes the chestplate feel heavier than ever. One by one, he reaches for the buckles, maneuvering them open so he can pull the netherite over his head and let it fall onto his bed. He stares at the thing for a few minutes longer, lips pursed, at the messily drawn runes and the unfamiliar dents along the top edge and a gouge carved on one side, deep enough to expose a slight blue line of the diamond underneath, and huffs, turning away.
He’ll have to call up Ranboo or something later to see if anyone wants an old set of netherite armor. He has no use for it, anymore.
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xmint-conditionx · 3 years
《the emperor’s dagger》 ch4 | myg
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❦ pairing: emperor!yoongi x concubine!reader ❦ w/c: 3.1k ❦ summary: you realize that your love cannot last beyond the secret meetings, but that doesn't make his pull to you any less powerful. he wants to give you everything in his power that he can, but the one thing he can't give you is the thing you want most. but that doesn't stop him from showing you how badly he wants to spoil you... ❦ tags/cw: 18+ please, smut, balcony sex, penetrative sex, one single instance of "daddy", light thigh smacking, gagging (on dick and being gagged), multiple orgasms, oral (f+m recieving), being tied to the bed, they both pretend like there isn't a problem so i guess it's not really that healthy ❦ a/n: please enjoy this unedited mess. school is kicking my butt right now but i figured i would get this out to you now and perfect it later lmao.
<3 minty.
taglist: @jiminisnotavirgin @aretha170 @btstrash2013 @bbykoos @aquaalanah
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You’ve both learned to be more careful. Both with your time, and your feelings. The relationship feels more professional than it did in the recent past, but along with the sting comes the assurance that it’s the right thing to do. It’s the safe thing to do.
Your nightly sword fights have continued without a hitch, although you’ve yet to use a real blade again, since that night a month ago.
He’s made a deliberate effort to formally request you less, and for you, that has likely been the most painful thing. He’s called on other concubines, and the only time the two of you are intimate is when it’s “off the books'' so to speak. The two concubines you’ve grown closest to over your time here, Euriyan and Wysteria, take notice of your pallid demeanor.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Euriyan asks between bites of their lunch.
“Talk about what?”
They both give you the look.
“Nothing’s wrong, seriously,” you say, taking another bite. Wysteria rolls her eyes.
“You don’t have to talk if you don’t want to… but I want you to know that I know,” Euriyan says, in an almost threatening manner.
“Wait, what? What do you know?” you ask in a panicked hush. How could they possibly know about your romantic affair with the king?
“I know something is bothering you. You can’t think I don’t know my best friend,” Euriyan says nonchalantly, swallowing their bite before realizing what you thought they meant. Their eyes fly wide open.
“Wait, you have a secret!” they say a little too loudly, so you gently shush them. Shit.
“Okay, yes,” you admit, “I have a secret, and it’s bothering me a little. That’s it.”
“Well, if I can’t know, it must be important,” Wysteria says, mid chew, “Is it your family? Is your mom okay?” she asks, eyebrows scrunching in worry.
“Mom’s fine. She’s actually doing much better. She went with Uncle Benji to the market the other day.”
“Just know you can tell me if you need to, okay?” Wysteria says and Euriyan nods.
“I know,” you say, “I just can’t.”
“It can’t be worse than me sleeping with the head guard,” Euriyan says nonchalantly.
You and Wysteria both stop chewing.
“You can’t be serious!” you exclaim, “how in the world can you manage that?!”
“Well, he does know all of the imperfections in the patrols…” they say. Of course, it’s the same way that you and the King are able to sneak off.
“How long has this been going on?!” Wysteria asks.
“Probably about a month and a half,” they say, continuing to chew, “He’s always been very professional, but something came over me at the moon festival last month.”
“You mean you approached him?!” you ask.
“Yeah,” they say, “he was looking up at the sky and I asked if he liked to look at the stars… then I asked if he wanted to look at them with me… and then he did… then I fell… on his dick… So it can’t be worse than that.”
You stay silent, moving around the bits of your lunch left on the plate.
“It’s not worse than that... right?” they ask.
“Everything is going to be okay,” is all you can say, before picking up your plate and walking back inside.
That night, your king requests you to his chambers instead of the meadow, which is a welcome surprise. Sneaking into the room, you gently close the large and ornate doors behind you before turning toward where your king sits waiting for you.
“Come, sit,” he says, smiling at you as he pats the space on his bed next to him.
You sit on his sheets comfortably, making yourself at home in his presence. No matter how much you tell yourself not to get carried away, you can’t help but melt.
“It’s your birthday next week,” is all he says.
“Um… yes…” you reply, unsure of where this is going.
“So, tell me what you want,” he commands.
“I don’t want anything, Your Majesty,” you say.
“Of course you do!” he says, “Ask me for anything in the world, and it’s yours.”
At that last statement, you can’t help but to wince a little. There are some things even a king cannot get for you. The thing you want most is the one thing he cannot give you.
“My parents could use another fishing boat,” you say, lighting up.
“The gift is meant for you, dove,” he says, but your pleading expression is unwavering. He sighs.
“If it would truly make you happy, then a new fishing boat for your parents would be my pleasure. But that will not stop me from getting you a gift as well…”
“It had better!” you tease, “I said I don’t want anything.”
“Nothing?” he asks, leaning in so that you can feel his breath on your skin, “Nothing at all?”
“Well, there is one thing,” you tease, “but I think you would have no problem giving it to me now…”
You allow your hand to wander up his thigh, and you hear a sharp intake of breath when you give it a small squeeze.
“I ought to make you wait until your birthday…” he says.
“You wouldn’t…”
“I wouldn’t?” he asks playfully, “you sure about that, little dove?”
He runs his fingertips over your collarbone, leaving a trail of goosebumps behind. Every time he touches you, it feels as fresh and exciting as the first time you snuck into his chamber all those months ago. You get lost in him every time.
“Are you going to answer me?” he asks, tone more stern. You meet his gaze as he picks up your hand.
“No, I don’t think you would.”
“You do seem to be my weak spot…” he says onto the soft skin of the top of your hand, “but I’m sure you know that.”
He kisses each of your fingertips, one by one.
“How does it feel to have power over the most powerful person in the kingdom, little dove?” he asks.
“I’m sure that’s not true, Highness,” you say, taking your thumb and running it over his bottom lip, “you are one of the strongest men I know. And you are easily the most stubborn.”
“But you cannot deny that I would do anything in my power for you,” he says.
“That may be true,” you concede, “but I would never ask.”
He stands up from the bed and walks over to the window overlooking the balcony.
“Yes, that’s the infuriating part,” he says with a chuckle before turning around. The moonlight shines behind him and illuminates his blonde hair like a halo. “Why won’t you let me spoil you?”
“I don’t need to be spoiled, Your Majesty.”
“Nobody needs to be spoiled,” he says, “but I can’t stop thinking about how incredible you would look covered in my jewels.”
“Is that right?” you ask incredulously.
Without missing a beat, he walks over to a tall wardrobe against the wall, opens it, and begins sifting through a drawer. You can’t quite see what he’s looking for from your position on the bed, but you can tell by his gentle touch that it must be precious.
When he turns back around, he’s holding a large and heavy-looking necklace that shines a deep green in the dim candlelight. He makes his way back to you and kneels down at the bedside. He reaches up and around your neck to place the jewels, furrowing his eyebrows slightly as he tries to fasten it. He leans in further to get a better view of the clasp, and his warm breath ghosts against your neck. The cold hard metal of the necklace is a shocking sensation after his soft and warm breath. Once secured into place, he pulls back and can’t hide his smile.
“I told you that you’d look incredible,” he says, as he runs his fingers over the jewels and down your cleavage, “I wonder…”
He looks up at you with a glint of mischief in his eyes, as if he’s asking a question. You’re not sure what exactly he’s up to, but you want to find out. You smile back as your answer, and he begins to dip his fingers beneath the edge of the fabric by your breasts.
You shift to allow him to pull the fabric down, and the cool air is shocking against your now exposed breasts. You think that he’s going to spend more attention there, but he just continues to slowly pull the fabric down. Once he gets to your hips, you raise yourself up and help him by shimmying out of the rest of the fabric.
Once your body is fully exposed, he tosses your white dress to the bottom side of his large bed, and turns back around. He goes back to the wardrobe and pulls the whole drawer out before returning back to you. He kneels in front of you again and sets the drawer beside his legs on the wooden floor. As he lowers it, you look inside to see a drawer filled with shining jewelry. Rings, necklaces, bracelets, delicate crowns, all glistening and all too nice to be worn by you.
“Let’s see how much we can fit on you…” he says, grabbing a diamond bracelet and draping it over your wrist. One by one, he adorns you with items from the drawer. Your fingers are covered in rings, jewels drape off of your wrists and ankles, your neck is heavy with the weight of the many necklaces, and a single ornate circlet decorates your forehead.
“In front of me is every last piece of royal jewelry that exists outside of the vault, and you are still the most beautiful thing I see.”
He leans forward and presses a wet kiss on your stomach before kissing his way back up your body, underneath your breasts, lips grazing against your pert nippples before he’s nibbling at your neck.
You begin to work at one of the necklaces to unfasten it from your neck, but he reaches for your wrist before you can.
“No, keep them on,” he says against your skin, “luxury looks good on you.”
He kisses you hard, not wasting any time before opening his mouth and biting your bottom lip. You groan as his hands grab your hips and thumb presses into you. The aching between your legs begins to spill out; you can feel your wetness beginning to pool. He breaks the kiss and tosses you over to the top of the bed, where you bounce gingerly on the pillows that lay there.
He strides quickly back over to the wardrobe and grabs something colorful.
Before you can register what he’s holding, he’s back on top of you; his weight presses you into the bed, and you can feel his cock twitch as he leans his body down over you. As he nibbles along your ear, he takes one of your wrists and hoists it up, and then you feel something cool and soft being secured around it.
When he releases, he quickly moves over to the other hand, leaving you the opportunity to look at his handiwork. Your wrist is secured to the post of his bed with a tight knot in the most beautiful silk you’ve ever seen.
He finishes the other side, and kisses his way up the length of your arm before settling back onto your lips.
“I’m not waiting for you to test my patience tonight, brat,” he says between kisses as he trails back down your body. He plants a sloppy kiss on your aching cunt, and looks back up at you through his lashes from where he is. “I want you to come on my mouth, slut. Do you think you can do that for me?”
“That kind of depends on you, don’t you think?”
He responds with a sharp smack against your thigh, causing you to yelp slightly. He narrows his eyes at you.
“You know better. Keep that pretty little mouth shut, too,” he says before plunging his tongue into your slit. The contact makes your fists clench until your knuckles turn white, and you really, genuinely try to keep it down.
He rolls your clit with his tongue and then closes his lips around it to add suction, and you suck in a sudden breath. Your body tenses up in an attempt to stifle your own moans, but despite your best efforts, a whimper escapes. He stops and looks up at you”
“One more chance, dove,” he says against your heat, “before I have to intervene.”
He continues his unrelenting pace on your clit, and as you begin to climb the mountain, he inserts two fingers into your slit, and you grit your teeth at the small stretch. He curls his fingers upward, hitting your spot, and you teeter on the edge of orgasm. Your thighs tense and tighten around his head, signaling to him that you’re closing in. The king looks up at you once more, and the hunger in his onyx eyes alone pushes you the rest of the way.
You come hard on his lips, unable to stop the small moan that escapes your lips. As you ride out your high, you’re bucking your hips against his mouth before he can wrap his hands around your thighs and hold you still. When you’ve finished coming down, you lay there panting as you hear and feel him readjusting himself. You close your eyes and hear the rustling of fabric before you feel his weight climbing towards you.
You open your eyes to find him walking toward you on the bed, his hard cock at eye level. You put on your best doe eyes and wonder what’s going to happen next.
He stands over your sitting body, cock inches from your mouth.
“Looks like we’re going to have to give that mouth something other than moaning to do, aren’t we, dove?”
You gladly take his length into your mouth in one go. It’s been a little while since you’ve gotten to give him head, and honestly, you miss it. Even without your hands, you’re confident in how weak you can get him.
You flirt with deepthroating as you take him all the way in, but as soon as it seems like you might, you back off and let him back out. He seems to be growing impatient, but you know it takes more than a little bit of teasing for your king to lose control.
You let him slip all the way out, and lean forward to that his shaft is resting on your lips. You move your head forward, licking the bottom as you find one of his balls. You look up and meet his gaze before sucking it into your mouth and rolling it over your tongue. It pops as you release it, and he grunts so quietly you could have missed it.
“It’s been so long since I’ve been able to suck you,” you say, looking up at him through your lashes as his tip rests on your lips, “I think I forgot how…” He grabs onto your hair and speaks in a low voice.
“Then practice.”
You take him back into your mouth, this time opening your throat and sucking him all the way in. You hold him back there as long as you can, before tears begin prickling in the corners of your eyes. When you’re desperate for air, you release him and gasp. The tears fall out of your eyes and down your cheeks. You look up at him and watch as his chest rises and falls.
“Am I doing it right, daddy?”
He answers by pulling your head back onto him, so that you’re taking him in once again. He tightens his grip on your hair and begins to fuck your face, something that you’ve been waiting for. You know it won’t be long until he’s spilling inside of you. You hollow out your cheeks and look up, and as soon as he meets your gaze, he pulls out.
As you’re catching your breath, he quickly unties your hands and practically drags you off of the bed and onto the outdoor balcony. The balcony overlooks the back wall of the palace, and beyond that is stretching forest. He bends you over so that you’re supporting yourself with the balcony railing, and he takes one of those silk ties and gags you with it, securing it behind your head.
He pushes you forward with his body and pulls your hair so that you’re standing upright, neck extended back. His hand glides across your neck as his dick presses against your opening.
He doesn’t tighten his grip on your neck, but he eases himself into your dripping entrance. You moan at the slight ache of his length stretching you out, and then the sound is cut off as he tightens his hand.
“You have been spoiled, don’t you realize? In the clearing, you can be as loud as you want. But you’ve forgotten how to behave, haven’t you?”
You can hear the wet sounds of your cunt as he thrusts into you, setting an unrelenting pace. Before long, you find yourself nearing climax again, and you tighten around him. His hips sputter as he begins to reach his own climax, so you reach your hands back behind your head and tangle them in his hair. As soon as you give it a sharp tug, you hear him groan as he spills inside of you, and your second orgasm of the night begins immediately after.
After you both have cleaned up, you lay stretched out on his large bed as he’s putting the jewels away.
“You seem to be in good spirits lately,” you say, “any good news?”
He places a ring in its proper place in the drawer, and considers for a moment.
“Yes, there is good news, but you may tell no one.”
“Of course, Your Majesty. You have my word.” He sighs.
“I am making efforts toward a peace treaty with the neighboring kingdom. A century of war could be drawing to a close, my dove.”
“And your generals are pleased with this?” you ask. He sighs again, deeper this time.
“The generals do not know.” You allow him to continue.
“I am engaging in secret correspondence with the neighboring king,” he says, turning towards you, “If all goes well, this treaty will be done with only the two of us. We are both tired of fighting, it seems.”
“So, you think this will go well, then?” you ask, and see a glimmer of hope in his eyes.
“Our lives will depend on it, dove.”
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debiteful · 3 years
Are you still doin' writing requests? If so, could you write about a giant finding a borrower, with some unintentional fearplay on the giants part?
Content: apparent threat of harm, size difference (Giant/tiny), fearplay, hand held, crying, trapped under a bowl, ends on a positive note
Taking on a renovation by yourself was a monumental task. Thankfully the boundless strength of a giant made it much easier. Will spent weeks planning everything before he was finally ready to begin.
He started with the floors, tearing them up bit by bit. Beneath the boards there were scraps of fabric, bits of metal that seemed to have once been staples, and even an old cereal box. At first Will assumed whoever had built the place had been careless. As he progressed and found more trash, he began to see patterns. Strategic cuts in the cardboard here, nails running in a diagonal line without securing anything, and other such seemingly intelligent designs. 
Though it was odd, it helped click some puzzle pieces together. Rustling in the panty, socks disappearing, and soft yet shrill noises in the night. Something tiny was living in his home. By the looks of it they were taking things for their own purposes too! Nothing important of course, or he might've noticed sooner.
Now he had more planning to do. After all, he was tearing apart their home too!
Skip berated herself for the hundredth time for sticking around after that bean began tearing the place apart. Safe hiding places were growing fewer by the hour it seemed. It was impossible to predict where it would go to next, meaning she had to move all the borrowed things hastily. Already she had left a lot behind, and, to make matters worse, it had been found. Thankfully the bean hadn't seemed to catch on.
On the bright side, the renovation left lots of building scraps. Most helpful was the chunks of insulating foam. They were easy to cut and carry, and they could be used to build all sorts of things.
Presently Skip was trying to move them into the shed across the back lawn. She'd never lived out there because the temperature fluctuated too much. With insulation it might be bearable, and it would certainly be safer than in that madbean's house!
Unfortunately, the main house was still the best place to get food. Skip would wait somewhere secure in the evening until she heard the bean go to bed, then sneak out to get what crumbs she could. 
Tonight, a fallen cracker tempted her, but it was the crushed cereal on the counter that would be doable to bring home. She darted out from behind the toaster towards it, but she didn't get far.
Something caught her leg. As she fell, there was a grating sound. Then darkness. Something had landed atop her! A bowl? Probably.
Skip walked slowly with her arms out as feelers. Upon reaching the edge she tried to get her fingers under it and lift. That failed, of course.
She tried to fight back panic. Her shim and pry bar lay securely at home- this was supposed to be a quick in and out job! Essentially equipmentless, there were very few options. 
She took in a deep breath, releasing it slowly. Mind a little clearer, she searched her memory for what direction she must be facing. Slowly she walked around the edge of the bowl to the side closest to the edge of the counter. At least, she hoped it was. 
Pushing with all her might got her nowhere. Getting a running start for the shove did about the same. Soon, Skip was throwing herself at the bowl in desperation. 
Battered and exhausted, she sunk to her knees. Body and tears fell to the countertop.
The rest of the night was spent filled with tension. Every sound was certainly the giant coming. Paranoid thoughts spiraled, centered around what the giant would do to her.
When at last Will did come, the sound was unmistakable to the trembling borrower. She had heard those thunderous steps a thousand times.
Skip envied the ease with which the giant lifted the bowl which confined her. Tilted up on one edge, it could now shove its gigantic hand beneath. She couldn't help but utter a little shriek as fingers as large as her groped around blindly. She didn't dare try to dart through the gap lest the bowl snap back down on a limb.
Dodging the fingers was difficult with no sleep or breakfast. The tip of one brushed her leg. The whole hand rushed her. A massive thumb pinned her to the pointer finger.
The bowl lifted slowly, so she had ample time to imagine the look on its face while she struggled. Her heart was racing wildly. Tears threatened to well up, but she had spent most of them through the night. Stinging eyes locked on to the enormous face.
The giant had quite the satisfied grin splitting its features. Its eyes flicked side to side as the giant took in its captive.
Likewise, Skip's eyes darted frantically. No sign of a weapon. Then again, with teeth and hands like these, it wouldn't need a weapon. Gracious it was absolutely gigantic up close, larger than she had ever thought.
The thunderous voice she had heard dozens of times was deafening at such a close range.
"Hello there," Will said in awe. The borrower was silent and flinched. He frowned and spoke more softly, "Who are you?" 
Even at a dull roar the sound was too much. Skip growled like an animal and bit at his knuckles. He inhaled sharply and adjusted the hold to pin her head. It wouldn't take much for those fingers to crush it.
Will put her in the jar he had for this purpose. Being moved through the air was a disorienting and unpleasant experience. If she was lucky, she would be too dizzy to see whatever killed her coming. Skip was genuinely surprised when she landed on something soft in the bottom of the glass.
Left on the counter, she didn't dare take her eyes off of her captor. He bustled around the kitchen humming softly. She was familiar with this habit of his- the sound echoed through the walls in the evening. For the first time she heard the lyrics of his little ditty, "Gonna cook you up, gotta cook you right up! First I gotta chop you up, then plop you in the pot to cook you up!"
Hearing the giant narrate his process sent a dreadful chill through her. He was going to cook and eat her!! 
More vigilant than ever, her gaze never left him. Eyes locked onto the shining blade of a knife pulled from the block. Watching the vegetables get chopped up brought to mind terrible images. The ease with which the bean could toss a heap of food into the pot brought to mind just how small she was.
Finally, the tears spilled out. Where they had been held in reserve, she had no idea. Frantic little hands rubbed one eye at a time. Delicate fingers brushed away tears without obstructing her view too much.
By the time the food was filling the air with its aroma, she still hadn't stopped crying. She watched through bleary eyes as he filled a ladle with the sauteed vegetables and brought it over. So she wasn't to be cooked: he was going to heap scalding food onto her! 
Skip scrambled to one side of the jar and slid her back up the wall. That one scoop wouldn't be enough to bury her here. 
Her warped upturned face looked back down at her as the ladle lowered. The giant stuck it right into the jar, then let go. What was its angle? 
Tearing her gaze from his intent face, she eyed the handle of the ladle. Yes, it should be doable. Three bounding steps took her to the ladle. Using her momentum she vaulted over the bowl of it and grasped the flat handle. Like she had done hundreds of times before, she shot up the metal beam.
Just as she reached level with the lip of the jar, the giant reacted. He shouted, a deafening thunderclap. Those enormous fingers engulfed her momentarily, then they knocked her back into the jar. Now one hand lay over the mouth of her prison, effectively sealing it.
Will crouched, bringing the jar to eye level. He spoke gently, "Hey, aren't you hungry? I don't know how long exactly you were stuck on the counter." When she didn't respond he pressed on, "I promise it's good. I didn't know if you ate meat, but I figured veggies would be a safe choice. Hope it's okay that it's cooked- do you cook? Oh nevermind, it doesn't matter. Hey- can you understand me?" As his eyes scanned for any response, he finally noticed the red eyes and wet cheeks, "Oh no, have you been crying? Why? I didn't hurt you did I? Oh- I might've scared you… I'm really sorry little one."
Skip listened to his continuous ramble. It almost sounded good natured… Could she have been mistaken? A small bubble of rage rose up and erupted, "Wouldn't you be terrified if some gigantic brute trapped you and started singing about cooking?!"
Will frowned in dismay, "I didn't think about it like that."
"Beans never think," she screeched, "They just kill."
The frown deepened then flashed to a smirk, "Bean? Is that what you call us? Why?"
Skip rolled her eyes. What a dumb question! ….why did they call them beans? That didn't matter right now. 
She walked over to the ladle and picked up a spear of carrot. One eye still on the giant, she took a bite of the tender veggie. 
He gave a big grin, "Is it good?"
She nodded, honestly a little surprised. "So, why did you catch me? Why feed me too?"
"Well, as you've probably noticed, I'm doing a little work on the house. I found some of your stuff and I worried I might accidentally hurt you. Considering you've never introduced yourself, I figured just asking you to come out wouldn't work. I wanna help you move somewhere safer- whether it's temporary or not is up to you."
"My name's Skip," she piped up.
"Oh, mine is Will," he said with another big smile. His teeth were hardly threatening now.
She smiled back. "Oh! Actually I was already in the process of moving most of my stuff."
"Really? Where?"
There was a moment of hesitation; her distrust of beans ran deep. "Your shed, outside."
"All the way out there?" His eyes widened. 
With a barked laugh, she nodded, "Yeah its pretty far. Not ideal, but I haven't a clue where you're going to strike next."
The harsh choice of words made Will frown a little. He recovered quickly though, "Well now you have the inside scoop! The entire upstairs is going to be left alone. There's also the kitchen. I- well, I still don't know what sort of places you like to live, but I'm sure there's some somewhere around here.
Skip considered her options. The upstairs was rather far away, but it was a big area so safer. The kitchen was prime territory for food and other bits n bobs, but the giant would frequent it. He seemed nice enough, but one encounter couldn't undo a lifetime of learning.
"Up the stairs should do nicely," she trailed off, already scheming on how to move all her stuff.
"Alright! Sounds good. So, is there anything I could help you move?"
The response was an absent nod before she realized what he asked. What was his angle? "Oh! Um, I guess."
They discussed what exactly needed to be moved and where. Though she was on her guard, Skip didn't notice anything untoward. The move went just as smoothly. Soon she was settled into a secluded gap beneath the floor, where she had moved all her stuff herself after he brought it to a nearby location.
By the end of it, Will was very pleased with himself. He had begun to make a new friend. What's more, she was his neighbour! He felt more at ease knowing she would be safely out of the way of the renovation.
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illyaana · 3 years
Hey... Could you maybe... Could you make a oneshot consisting of Bakugou's older sibling reader (I'd prefer it to be gender neutral with a more masculine style, however you prefer) x Midnight? 🥺🥺 I love her so much and Horikoshi did her dirty. You can do whatever oneshot that you want/comes to mind, I just want something fluffy. Thank you UwU
Udk how much I squealed getting this as my first ask!
(also whoever you are you made my day/week/month (。・∀・)ノ゙)
I agree, Horikoshi did her dirty. She had some moments but that was IT. I tried my best, hope you like it!!
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(it's more of a you being a hero and being in a relationship with Nemuri rather than a one-shot surrounding your relationship, but there's a bunch of fluffy stuff at the end, so gehe-)
Tags: Midnight x Bakugo's Older Sibling! Reader, Binaural, Fluff, Minor Cursing, Mentions of Blood
Your Quirk: Liquid Maker - You conjure a liquid in your hands (smtg like sweat) when you want to and it can become anything. Name it, you got it hun <3
Synopsis: You are a hero (obviously gehe-) and you were catching some villains. Suddenly a huge explosion came from the middle of Musutafu and you headed straight to the crime scene.
Word Count: 2163
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You woke up to the sweet smell of smoke coming from the living room. Groaning, you got off your comfortable bed and raced to the living room to stop Bakugo from his daily antics.
"You really got to stop doing this in the morning, Katsuki," you told the younger male, "It's literally," you looked at the clock, "8 am in the morning and my half-asleep self could've gotten hurt stopping you from breaking all hell loose."
Katsuki scoffed while looking at you. "Why aren't you at work yet? As you said, it's already 8 am."
"Later shift today! I only start at around 10 am."
"Wow, aren't you lucky?" Katsuki said as he walked towards the stove, "I'm making pancakes, but I won't make even one for you until you go bathe. You look disgusting."
"Okay, okay." You say, raising your hands and rushing to the bathroom to get ready for the day.
After bathing, you head back into your room and began to wear your skin-tight hero suit.
You groaned slightly as you slowly pulled the form-fitting clothing up your body.
"I swear to God this isn't getting easier."
"You are literally a fatass, so I'm not surprised," you heard Katsuki scream from the kitchen, "I pity Midnight. The fact she needs to be around a literal piece of garbage who doesn't even look good."
"At least I have someone, unlike your childish ass."
"I am a child," he retorted.
You sigh as you open your room door and head back to the kitchen.
"One day, you're going to wish you were nicer to the people around you."
"Maybe," Katsuki said while passing you a plate with a stack of three pancakes, "...but I am pretty sure you aren't going to be one of them, judging by how much you baby me."
"But you are a child! Didn't you say so a few minutes ago?" you say as you pinch his cheeks, earning a growl from him, "Woah, calm down dog."
"Shut up and eat, fatass."
You chuckle at his words and proceed with the order given by your younger brother.
You loved getting later shifts on Fridays. These were the quieter days in the Bakugo household. Mom usually took her extra days off on Fridays like today, extending her weekend. Dad left for work earlier on Fridays but he'd always buy some spicy thing for Katsuki and you to have in the morning. Something to wish us a good day, I presume. And to top it all off, you and Katsuki would have these "sibling" moments, which mostly consisted of you annoying him to the point he'd lash out at you.
"You're a really good cook, Katsuki. These pancakes keep getting better!" you compliment the 10-year old.
And there it was: you entertainment of the day - Katsuki trying to say thank you but failing miserably thanks to his own pride as a "man".
"T-than- that's obvious, isn't it?" he ends, a blush present on his face, "I make pancakes every single time you have a later shift because you like it. If I'm getting better, that means you've been getting more later shifts. That means you've been slacking off, you stupid Pro Hero!"
"...how did you even get to that idea?"
After calming down a raging Katsuki, you put on your gear and head to the entrance of the house.
"Have a good day at school, Katsuki. Don't do anything you'd regret," you playfully warn him before leaving the house.
The streets of Musutafu were usually peaceful. Ever since All Might became the Symbol of Peace, the crime rates have dropped extensively. Yet, there are always one or two little naughty kids that wanted to play with their quirks - or in simpler terms, people who act like kids and try to do minor crimes using their quirks.
Using the liquid formed in your hands, you aimed at the legs of the two running males in black and wrap their legs together. Within a second, the liquid instantly formed into a rope and bounded their legs together, forcing them to fall face down.
"You both gave me a good morning run, thanks for that!" You say as you place two handcuffs around their wrists, "But you should seriously think about another hobby besides stealing."
From afar, you heard a loud boom coming from the middle of Musutafu.
In an instant, you formed another bunch of rope and tied the two males around their waist and pushed them to the corner of a building.
"Run away and you'll get more than just jail time," you say as you rush off to the scene.
The minute you reached the scene, your eyes widened in fear.
Endeavor was the reason behind the whole catastrophe here?
From behind, you felt a pair of soft hands touch your shoulder.
"I know what it looks like, but trust me it isn't," Nemuri started, "A villain that has a mind control quirk is controlling Endeavor from a distance. I've been trying to locate them, but no luck."
You smiled, looking at your girlfriend.
"You managed to get all of that in a few seconds?" you ask, amazed, "I got a good one, didn't I?"
You felt Midnight pinch you from behind.
"As much as I appreciate the compliment, now isn't the time to flirt with me," the female hero said.
You nod, washing away the playful smile.
"You get all the civilians out of here and contact the heroes through the network. I'll try to get him down and knock him out," you say. Nemuri nodded and began to gather the civilians away from the scene.
"Now," you turn to face the 2nd best hero, "How does one take down someone much, much more stronger than you?"
You slowly gathered your liquid in your palm, allowing the fluid to grow in volume.
"You defeating Endeavor would be a sight to behold, not going to lie here," the villain said through Endeavor, "But I am willing to test out that theory."
You lunged at the fire user while creating a fire-resistant rope to tie him down in your hand. In the other, you managed to conjure a Haladie sword - a sword you've trained with ever since your days in UA.
Using the sword, you managed to propel yourself above Endeavor and cut his back. Using the momentum you built, you used both your feet to hit the back of Endeavor's knees, forcing him to kneel.
You immediately stabbed his dominant hand, preventing him from reacting quickly.
With a snap, the Haladie sword transformed back into its liquid state and wrapped around his left hand.
"I was never planning on defeating Endeavor but merely securing him, dear villain of mine," you say as you transformed the liquid around his left hand into a quick-cancelling glove, "It’s one point for Y/N, right now. No point for little Mindy over here."
You began to build up more liquid in your hands to hopefully form another Haladie sword or at least a blade.
The controlled Endeavor began to get up slowly and turn to face you.
"I didn't peg you to be a dumb one, Y/N."
You felt a blade pierce through your stomach.
A civilian sobbed as they pressed the blade deeper into your body, your blood dripping onto their office coat.
"I can't believe you let your guard down so easily. It was your fault to assume I could only control one person at a time, little hero," the controlled civilian said midst crying.
"And that will be your downfall," Endeavor said as small flames began to grow from the palm of his right hand.
The knife that once was in your body was violently ripped out of your body by the controlled civilian and then used to kill themself by piercing their heart.
Tears fell as you saw the now lifeless male bleed to death right beside you.
"Oh don't worry," Endeavor said, "I'll make sure you also go with him, too. That small wound won't kill you, I know that."
You saw Midnight running towards you along with Eraserhead and All Might.
"You know, I always pictured you crying over a dead Nemuri Kayama whilst bleeding from your stomach, have you?"
Your eyes widened at the statement.
There was no way you were going to let that villain kill her.
"Eraser," you screamed, "Erase his quirk and get Midnight out of here."
'Please don't fail on my now, buddy,' you told to your body as you ran towards Endeavor, 'You still have to live for the people you love.'
You quickly formed another Haladie sword and vaulted from the floor towards Endeavor.
You managed to grab the hand aimed at Midnight and pushed it towards you. Using the remainder fluid you had, you formed another quirk-cancelling glove on Endeavor's right hand.
You could hear a sigh of relief from both Nemuri and Shouta, making you smile.
From afar, you heard All Might saying that he caught the villain that was controlling both the civilian and Endeavor. You were shocked when you heard the number one hero's laugh of victory.
You were amazed at the skill the male had.
A villain that took two people to search for was found by him in a few minutes.
Soon, the wound formed by the dead civilian began to take effect as your vision became hazy.
Before you could lose consciousness, you felt Nemuri's hands wrap around you, catching you before you fell.
When you woke up, you heard the sound of hospital monitors beeping. You felt a small hand gripping around your left hand.
"Why did you let them stab you, idiot," you heard your younger brother say, "Don't go teaching me a lesson with your death - it won't work."
You chuckled, looking at the younger blonde. "If this doesn't work on you, I don't know what will."
Katsuki began to sob on your blanket while gripping on the four fingers his small fingers could grip.
"It's okay, Kacchan," you saw a green-haired boy patting his back, "He is here and he is alive. That is all that matters, okay?"
You smiled, looking at the greenette.
"What's your name?" you ask him.
"I'm Izuku Midoriya! I'm friends with Kacchan," he says with a beaming smile.
"Kacchan, huh?" you tease, "You are really close friends with Kacchan, aren't you?"
Before Izuku could reply, you felt Katsuki pinch your leg.
"I don't even know why I care for you, you fatass."
"Oh, how you wound me," you feign sadness as the ten-year-olds left your room.
You smile at the sight of the greenette consoling your brother as they walk out of the room.
You look up to the ceiling, sighing.
"You are a bit too young to be sighing so loudly, Y/N," Nemuri said as she slowly opened the door, "I saw what you did there. Don't tease Katsuki so often, he is quite mature for his age, you know?"
You smile, looking at Nemuri with her hands on her waist.
"He's growing too fast. I need small moments like this to remember how innocent he is before he becomes the raging little twit I know he'll become."
"Woah, Woah, Woah," she says, laughing, " 'Raging little twit'? You really are a bad brother."
You begin laughing, "I have to be the playful one or else the Bakugo's would be a family of three brooding people and one peaceful man."
Your eyes widen.
"You aren't supposed to agree, you know?"
"My mother taught me not to lie," she says, smiling.
"Well, white lies aren't bad."
She sits beside you and holds your hand. Tears slowly escape her eyes as she looks at you.
"You are okay, right?" She says, sniffling.
You slowly wipe off her tears and put the palm of your hand on her cheek.
"I'm fine, Nemuri."
You slowly move towards her and place a kiss on her forehead.
You pat the empty side of your bed, "Want to join me?"
She slowly nods as she walks to the empty side of the bed and gets in. Her legs immediately wrap around your left leg as she places her head against your chest. Her left hand extends around your waist and hugs you.
"What are you, a koala?" you joke.
"What can I say? You are a comfy tree."
"Well, I am glad to be of service."
Soon, Nemuri goes to sleep. Soft snores can be heard from her as she rubs her head against your chest.
'The koala became a cat,' you thought to yourself.
Your right-hand goes to the top of her head, ruffling her hair.
"I love you so much, Nemuri Kayama. I always will. If I had to, I would gladly lay my life down so that you'd be safe. I know you're asleep and probably can't hear this, but you are the most important thing in my life - don't forget that," you tell her sleeping figure as you fall asleep.
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Out of The Woods
Loki x Reader
1989, chapter 4
"They loved each other recklessly"
Summary: It's hard to find the one, but even when you do find him it's always going to be a daily struggle to make it work. Can you even make it work after he broke your heart? The answer to that is complicated, but it all started when you found each other again in the Stark tower- and that's where our story begins.
Word count: 4,754
Warnings: some angst and fluff, some shade was thrown, mentions of violence.
A/N: this is one of my favourite songs ever. Again, I suggest listening to the song which I linked both on Spotify and YouTube right below. As always you can always ask to be added to the taglist!
A/N: the dividers were made by the lovely @chrissquares! Thank you @nacho-bucky for beta reading this!
No one is allowed to repost my writing or steal or copy my work! Reblog on tumblr is fine.
Series masterlist
song on Spotify and YouTube
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It's been a while since you felt this way.
Even back then, it was rare that you woke up before him, but you always relished it. You could feel all of him, the comforting weight of him almost lulled you back to sleep. With his chest pressed against your back, and arm curled around you, it felt as if he was enveloping all of you. You didn't mind that. It was weird how easily you fell back into old patterns, but how could you not? The only time you ever felt this good was with him, you never knew this kind of thing exists before him, and you never saw it again after him. But here it was again.
You couldn't bring yourself to care that it won't last, not with the way he felt next to you.
Certainly not with the small feather like kisses you now felt being pressed against your neck, spreading goose bumps in their wake.
"What's on your mind, love?" you loved hearing his voice in the morning.
"Do you think it'll all be worth it?"
"We will find out with time." He made you believe that, he knew the effect he had on you.
He felt colder against you than you remembered, he was different.
"They won't like this, you know."
"Since when do you care about what other people think?" he lifted himself onto an elbow to look at you.
You were different too.
"I have a family now. So many things have changed, Loki." His hair was softer now, you smiled as you racked your fingers through his messy hair, it was your fault after all. "You changed too."
A lot has happened after he left you, he was grateful that he decided to leave you, it was the right thing to do even if it hurt you.
"I did, I suppose."
"I mean, after you- you left it was a good few years and then I saw you on TV in the battle of New York, and next thing I know you are here in the tower with me."
"Yes, a lot has happened." He dosed off in thought.
"Nothing, darling, we should get up." He met your lips in a short kiss, smiling down at you.
"Fine, let's go." You grabbed the sheets and pulled it against you, searching for your clothes. You pulled yourself up from the bed when you didn't see find your shirt which you changed to last night, at least that was before your second round. "Hey Loki did you see my-"
Turning around he looked at you with a smirk, already dressed in new clothes. You totally forgot about his magic, he always did it.
"Panties? They are right here, but I'm afraid they are quite ruined." You wished you could wipe that smirk off his face.
"I was looking for my shirt, you asshole." He just held up his other hand and you grabbed your shirt, turning to go to your closet.
You missed him so much.
"Then you have to fold it again- no Loki," you giggled when you watched him try to copy your movements on this lazy afternoon you shared with him. "Fold it to the other side, the airplane needs to be identical on both sides so it could fly." Loki glared at you and you tried and failed to stop your giggles. But when you weren't looking at him, he couldn't help but smile at you.
"I don't know why you call this paper thing an airplane, it doesn't look like those machines you showed me pictures of." He looked at your perfectly crafted paper and scoffed when he saw his.
"Because these paper airplanes can fly, look" you waited for him to finish his one before throwing yours. He watched your proud expression when it flew around for a couple of seconds before it fell on the floor and you went to fetch it. "Try to do it with yours."
Loki concentrated with furrowed eyebrows as he copied your movements and watched as his work flew for a second before it crash landed on your couch.
"That was great!"
"That was pathetic!"
"We can try again." You fixed his airplane and gave it to him.
"Or, we can do this my way." He smiled at you mischievously and told you to throw it at three."
"One, two, three!" when you released your plane, your watched in wonder as Loki worked his magic on it. Your two paper airplanes were flying throughout the living room together. You caught him staring at you when you looked back at him. Smiling, you leaned over the table to connect his lips to yours in a short kiss. "Isn't my way much better?"
You wanted to wipe that stupid smirk off of his face, so you brought him in for another kiss as the paper airplanes kept flying around the room.
"You can tell yourself whatever you want Tony, you are not a good cook." you coughed at the smoke that filled up the kitchen. Natasha was fanning herself with a towel.
"Well at least I am trying to cook! I was going to make something nice for our Asgardian guests." You almost laughed at him pointing a pan at Natasha with an apron on, but that comment died on your throat. "Where did you disappear to last night?"
"What?" you stood next to the open window, getting some fresh air.
"One minute you were with me and the next you walked away and disappeared. Wait-" she paused and tilted her head. "Did you go home with someone?"
Sam whistled from the door.
"Y/N go get some!" he raised a hand to high five you but you only glared at him.
"I got tired of the party, so what if I did?"
"That guy from IT who has a crush on you will be very disappointed."
"Who the hell has a crush on me?" with the smoke out you finally got your eggs and toast for breakfast, snatching the one that wasn't burnt.
"Mike? You know that guy who was talking to you last night?"
"What? No way, he was just making conversation and he was talking to you too." You scrunched your nose.
"Are you doubting my spy skills?"
"Yep, but either way it's not my fault if he's upset it's his problem." You shrugged, biting into your food.
"So you actually were with a guy." You looked up mid bite.
"You bitch."
"Language, the captain is here."
"What's going on?"
"Nothing, Steve."
"Y/N met a guy."
"You what now?" he crossed his arms and looked at you. "Who is he?"
"No one, can we just move on? We have a briefing soon with the asgardians you're making so-called food for, so just eat up and shut up."
Natasha only shrugged at Steve's raised eyebrow.
"Brother, where did you go to last night? I found Tony but I couldn't find you after we split up." Thor spoke to his brother as they walked through the corridors of the Avengers Tower.
"I went to the lab, parties are not my thing, neither are your midgardian friends." Thor shook his head.
"They are really nice Loki, especially Y/N." Loki faltered in his step at her mention. It did not go unnoticed by Thor.
"Why are you so insisted on talking about her? I told you already that we are not-"
"Loki, despite everything that happened I still know you, just a little bit." He put a hand on Loki's shoulder, stopping in the middle of the hall. "I just want to tell you to be careful with her. Her friends here, and especially Steve- he will not react to it well."
"So I should just bow down to that?" Loki looked up at Thor, anger flashed in his eyes.
Shrugging Thor's hand off, he went into the room where the avenger's were sitting around a table. In the front stood Tony, waiting for the two asgardians to arrive, while he snacked.
And then Loki saw you, you sat right at the head of the table just across from him, catching his eye and then looking down when you started to feel your face heat up. Wanda smiled slightly beside you.
"Okay, now that we are all here, tell them what you started telling me yesterday. Thanks for not showing up Horny head, Thor couldn't tell me everything without you."
Thor chuckled and held Loki back.
"There were weapons that were stolen from the Asgard royal vaults. We still don't know how they managed to get to Asgard or even get into the vaults in the palace. Loki knows more about what was stolen, go ahead brother."
"Very well, the weapons that were stolen are very ancient and very dangerous. One of them is Laevateinn, my old wand-"
"You had a wand?" Pietro laughed from the corner, you kept your wide eyes on Loki. He told you about it several times and this wasn't good.
"What else was stolen?" you leaned forward now, but Loki had a hard time meeting your gaze as he looked back at Thor as if they had a silent conversation. "Loki?"
Steve turned his head to you, surprised at your tone. He was even more surprised when Loki met your eyes and kept them on you as he obeyed your request.
"It's called the Skofnung."
It has been an hour, and it was safe to say that everyone in the room was on their toes, tense.
"You said you kept an enchantment on it! You said you hid it, how the hell did they get to your wand?" you were standing up, yelling at Loki in frustration.
"I did do that! But after I was away for a long time, the spell around it weakened and my stupid father thought it would be safer to put it in the vaults alongside all the other things!" he countered back.
"Hey Loki, do not talk about our father like that."
"Oh come on Thor, he is stupid don't deny it." You were so frustrated that you didn't even care anymore, you could feel Steve's gaze burning into your skin as he stood beside you.
"And how would you know that?" he asked you then, and before you could think you replied on instinct.
"Because he always treated Loki like a-" you realized your mistake when you saw a shift in his eyes, and the room went quiet as the spies and geniuses caught on.
You hated that between all the anger in his eyes, you saw betrayal there too.
Loki leaned against the wall and watched the scene in front of him unraveling.
"So, it's him? Is that why you weren't telling us anything?" Steve got angrier by the second and you didn't dare look around to see the others' responses. "You two were-"
"Okay, Steve calm down now." You were thankful for Wanda but Steve only shot her down.
"No, I want to hear what she has to say. Did you lie to us about anything else?"
"I didn't lie to you Steve! I was just trying to-"
"No but you did lie to me, you are involved with the psychotic guy who terrorized earth!" he pointed to Loki then, but you knew that if you looked at Loki you'll break down.
"Steve, maybe we should slow down from the accusations." Sam put a hand on his shoulder but he didn't let down.
"Yes, Steve I was with him, and I didn't tell you because I was scared of this exact reaction! This is what I tried to prevent!"
Loki was ready to fight the captain for making you feel this way.
"You can't be with him Y/N! He is not good for you! You don't know all of the things that he did!"
"Captain, if you have any anger let it out on me, not her." Loki spoke up and walked forward in the room.
"Oh I assure you, I will." He sent daggers at Loki before looking back at you, at this point your eyes were teary. "Y/N you will stay away from him."
"Enough!" your eyes flashed at him and the room glowed in purple before it all went quiet. Wanda looked at her friends' dazed eyes and she was about to go to you when Bucky beat her do it.
"Doll, you can't keep him like this forever, he will still fight. We both know that." He and Wanda moved through their friends to get to you as you went to the door.
"Darling what did you do?" he stopped you when you grabbed him to go away.
"I just needed it to stop." You turned to Bucky and Wanda. "They are fine, I just sent them to calm down, it'll wear off once I'm up in my room. Please just calm them down, I can't bear him being mad at me."
They nodded at you. After that you grabbed Loki and left to go up to your room. It was silent.
"You shouldn't have done that." Loki looked down at you with concern.
"He didn't stop. Do you see now why I didn't want them to know?" you crossed your arms, but your demeanor soon fell and he was ready for you when you rested your head on his chest.
"I understand. I didn't realize you were that close."
"They are my family Loki, I may didn't have one when we were together but now I do," you looked up at him. "And I care about them."
Loki locked the door to your room in a green flash when you went inside.
"Come lie with me?"
"It's midday my darling." You only hummed in response and got on the bed. With the begging look you gave him he had to oblige.
Getting in the bed, you laid your head on his chest and he traced invisible patterns on your exposed skin. His other hand playing with your hair, he couldn't help but drift off into his memories.
"Do you want me to go punch him? You know I would." He kept silent and just took your hand until you got on the bed with him. "Or maybe I could go your style and stab him. Lightly."
"I just want to forget about that." You nodded and laid back. You let him lay his head on your chest. You wrapped your arms around him, as if you could protect him from the world. "He is my dad too, I don't understand why he always listens to Thor and not me."
"As I said, I'd gladly punch him for you. I don't care if he is a king."
"Thor's coronation will arrive soon enough. I don't think he'll ever realize that I could be king too." You had to hold back your anger at his so called family, you had to hold it back because now all he needed was a warm place, which he always found with you. He stayed quiet, playing gently with the necklace hanging from your neck, which he gave you all those months ago.
If he could, he'd stay here with you until the end of eternity. He would stay home.
"Rest now, my love, I'll be here when you wake up."
You woke up to Loki. He turned his head to you and gave you a light kiss to the crown of your head.
"How long was I asleep?" you stretched a bit before falling back onto Loki.
He was still here.
"About an hour, do you want me to get you some food?"
"No." you shook your head at him, he was scared of the glint in your eye. "I'll go get it myself."
"Darling, do not ignite this fire for nothing." He knew it was futile, once you set your mind on something there was nothing to do.
"I don't care, they'll deal with it. I need you now. I tried to do it quietly but they just won't listen so I'm just going to do it like you would. A big 'fuck you' to them."
"Maybe consider at least-"
"We both know I am stubborn, so you are going to come with me and we are going to get food." He remembered you being feisty but not to this level, you grabbed his arm and walked out of the door.
It could be over a week from now, but right now you just needed him with you, and they needed to realize that.
"Well then, let's do this properly." Loki smirked when he stopped you, and you matched him when he put his arms around you, and in the next second you were just outside of the kitchen.
The Avengers in the living room stilled at your sudden appearance. Steve was nowhere in sight, neither was Bucky.
"I'm going to get us food, stay here." You gave him a playful peck on the lips and went to the kitchen.
Natasha joined you a moment after.
"What are you doing?" she leaned on the wall when you pulled out some leftover pizza.
"Heating up some pizza, do you want some?"
"You know that's not what I asked," you turned your back to her, walking to the microwave. "Why him? He is not-"
"How would you know if he is not right for me? You don't know me, or him." You turned back to her, furious. You were surprised to see the momentary offended look in her eyes.
"Do you know him? He changed. There are things that you don't know, that we do."
"I know him better than all of you, even better than Thor. I know enough about him to know who he is and who he is not." Scoffing, you got out the slices of pizza.
"It's been a while since you saw him last, and by the looks of it he hurt you pretty badly, a lot has changed for both him and you."
"Do you really think I don't know that?"
"I'm just saying, Y/N, how do you know he won't hurt you again?" you took the plates to the table.
"I don't."
"I'm just looking out for you. So does he."
She didn't have to specify, you had no clue what you were going to do with him.
"You are practically a mini Steve at times, always so stubborn." She left you at that.
Loki was outside of the kitchen, just around the corner in the common room he stood with a sly smirk when some of the Avengers were in edge when he sat.
He decided to use the opportunity to study them, when one caught his eye. The scarlet witch. He hadn't met her before, yet she seemed to have a certain connection to you, she was unaffected by the commotion earlier that day.
She returned his gaze and he was suddenly affected by a weird daze. She was in his mind.
Raising a brow at her, he let her try to find something, he was stronger. He felt something crack in his mind and he could see it clear as day.
Thor and his friends were talking in the bar, drinking as usual, when he felt an urge to go back to your arms, longing to just sit with you and watch one of those silly shows you love so much.
He quickly excused himself and as fast as he could, he evaded all the eyes so he could get to Midgard the fastest.
He stood in the middle of your living room, not wanting to scare you (again). It took him a second to get his bearing when he realized the scene in front of him. Two men in dark outfits were there, when they turned he knew they were no ordinary men. And they were clearly not wanted here.
On instinct and fear he pulled out two daggers and stabbed them both in the necks before they could retaliate. When he was sure they were down, he sent them somewhere far away. His eyes frantically looked around for you. Only then when it was silent he could hear your short breaths and whimpers.
"Y/N? My love?" he went towards the bathroom which was locked, not missing a beat he got inside and saw you crying and scared on the corner, holding a hair straightener as a weapon.
"Loki?" you lowered the weapon and Loki crouched down beside you, taking your shaking body in his arms.
"Oh my love, I'm here. Don't worry, I'm here." He held you close as you let out sobs until you calmed down and your breathing went back to normal.
"I heard voices and I hid here but I didn't have my phone with me, I forgot it. They would've found me and I couldn't call for anyone, Loki." He only hushed down your panicked voice.
"I promise no harm will ever come to you when you have me, I'll always be here." He picked you up and took you to bed, spreading endless kisses all over your face.
You were curled on top of him until you fell asleep safe and sound. Once Loki was sure you were sleeping, he started chanting. He was going to make sure you were protected when he wasn't around. He put up wards around your apartment with the oldest and strongest spell he knew. By the end of it he was tired, but it was all worth it for you. Anything was worth it.
He had never felt such fear.
It was hard to keep his strong demeanor up after the triggered memory. Looking at the witch all he saw was a surprised look, he had clearly underestimated her abilities. It won't happen again.
He heard your footsteps and was eager to get out and away from the witch when the elevator doors opened and there the Captain stood, alongside the Sergeant and the Falcon.
The blue eyes were trained on him. Then they moved to a figure behind him.
The falcon put a hand on his shoulder. Steve let out a chuckle when Loki went up and stood next to you.
"The literal cold blooded killer? Are you sure about your choice here, kid?" his jaw was set, but his eyes showed more.
"He's here to help you. And yes." You took Loki's hand and kept contact with Steve.
You barely heard Bucky mutter under his breath.
"Aren't everyone in this room killers, Captain?" Loki challenged.
"Some of us have an actual reason, not an excuse." He countered.
"Steve, maybe we should let it go for now" Bucky whispered to Steve and the two of you walked back to the kitchen for your ready meal. Said meal being pizza.
"An excuse," you scoffed. "You did something bad yes, but you're not making excuses for it, you don't have an excuse for it you are just redeeming yourself and getting better. You are just setting things right."
You whispered the last part, but it didn't matter because you drifted off into your head, not noticing Loki's quiet demeanor.
That night, Loki lay with you in your bed wide awake as you drifted asleep next to him.
The events of the day stuck to him, the memory lingered in his mind as if it happened just mere hours ago, the strike of fear. He did not think about that day often, but he knew exactly where the witch took it from.
He stood in the middle of your apartment; you still weren't home, so he decided to walk around the place that held so many memories of him and you. The first time you invited him over; your first kiss; the first time he told you about his powers; the first I love you. But to every first time there is also a last.
He hid the numerous cuts he had. You'd probably fuss about how he would need 20 stitches before taking care of him.
It was well into the night now here on Midgard when you walked through the door. A big smile adorned your face when you saw Loki. Putting your bags down, you quickly locked the door and ran up to hug him. He held himself back from the itch to hold you and hug you. You pulled back then, looking at Loki who had a stoic look in his eyes.
"Loki, what's wrong?" the longer he looked at you, the more it started to hurt him. You weakened him.
"I'm going back to Asgard. And I will not come back to Midgard." You stepped away. One hand wrapped around your waist as the other clutched the necklace on your neck. He felt the tears brimming in his eyes at your hurt look. He could hide his tears, he knew you couldn't hide yours, but he had to go through with this.
"What? Loki, what do you mean?"
It was a hard talk. Both of you were hurt but only one showed it.
He had to do this. He had to be the one to walk out and set you free.
You woke up with a gasp, taking in your surroundings you were glad to see Loki was still asleep. Getting up, you decided to get some fresh air and went up to the roof.
The cold breeze hit the bare skin of your arms and suddenly you regretted not having taken a blanket with you. The city looked so calm when you looked at this from this height, so clean and collected. Then again, you knew it was because of the height, everything was uglier up close.
Leaning in on the railway, you looked out and tried to clear your mind.
"Cold?" you turned around surprised to find Steve there, getting up from where he sat.
"Were you there the whole time?" he nodded to you and you didn't complain when he put on you his big sweatshirt. You certainly didn't complain about the warmness it brought you.
You kept staring forward when he leaned on the railway next to you.
"You know I'm more stubborn than you, right?" you scoffed at that.
"No you're not!"
"Ask Bucky, he will tell you."
"Bucky knows I am just as stubborn as you." He shook his head fondly at you, then his face fell a bit when he looked at you.
"What are you doing, kid?" Steve turned to look at you. "He is bad news, you are smarter than that."
"I am smarter than that, I am smarter than to judge someone you don't know. I know Loki better than all of you do!" you turned to him, crossing your arms, still holding the sweatshirt close to you.
"How do you know him that way? You said you haven't seen him in years. Maybe he wasn't a mass murderer back then but he is now." You could tell he was getting angrier trying to get you to understand him. People kept saying that you are Steve's daughter, so you are not one to back down.
"He did bad things yes but he changed, now he is here to help us and fix things!" you stomped your foot in the ground.
"He is here because of the Asgardian weapons, he is not here for you Y/N! wake up, he will only hurt you!"
"He is still here, with me!" you felt the angry tears brimming.
"How can you still love him? That creature that he is!"
"Don't call him that!"
"But he-"
"No! you can't judge me for loving him!"
"It's wrong Y/N, he is not good for you, I won't allow it." He yelled again in his captain voice and you have had enough. Apparently he did too.
"Steve you can't judge me!" he was walking away from you and from the conversation before you yelled at him and he faltered. "You only knew Peggy for a short period of time and yet you still felt so much for her even when you weren't together. And even after you woke up and managed to find her! I knew Loki for way longer than that and I loved him for more, so you can't blame me for still loving him today and going back to him!"
The heat of the moment didn't let you apologize for what you said, but when he walked out of your view only then did you realize what you said and you wished you could take it back.
You didn't want to hurt him like this.
Tags: @ayybtch @buckys-other-punk @chaoticpete @madcrazy50 @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @the-departed-potato @rogerrhqpsody @onceupona-happilyeverafter-love
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imagines-r-s · 3 years
sticking it - j. farabee
chapter 7
a/n: besties, it’s here. this is so wholesome, i swear to god. i don’t really have much else to say, but i do plan on continuing writing fics for the ‘sticking it’ universe?? (idk if that’s the right way to word that) so if you have requests for fics that still follow y/n and joel after the olympics or even throughout the series, i will gladly accept those requests. feedback is welcome, please enjoy
taglist: @butgilinsky @barbienoturbby @sunsetholland​ @lovenhlboys @sortagaysortahigh @hockey-racing-fubol @oopsiedoopsie23 @iwantahockeyhimbo @dreamsndior
warnings: high school musical, an annoying amount of fluff, maybe another your mom joke, bestie adrian
sticking it masterlist
wc: 3.0k
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(gif not mine)
As soon as the boys got back from the roadie, everyone was ready to go home and sleep in their own bed. Winning two of the three games during the trip, most of the guys had been running on adrenaline, but were ready to crash. 
When Joel entered his apartment, still in his suit, ready to go to bed, he was shocked to see that some of his lights and his tv were on. He knew that he had double checked to make sure that they were off, but when he saw a pair of crutches leaning near where his couch was he quickly figured out why. 
He took note of the way you had fallen asleep on his couch, still in one of his jerseys, and with your phone still in your hand. “Hey, babe, wake up,” he spoke softly which caused you to simply groan in response and turn around, “y/n/n, c’mon.”
Turning back around to face him, you smiled, which quickly dropped seconds later as you realized you had intended to stay awake to see him, “oh my god, I was supposed to stay awake to surprise you.”
“Aw, don’t stress it. Seeing you here was a really good surprise either way.”
“Bee, can you do me a favor?” you asked, starting to get up. He simply hummed in response, “do you think you could step outside, act like you haven’t come in here yet, and act shocked once you get back?”
“You’re so dramatic, I swear.”
“Ah, ah, ah, I just want to know if you’ll walk back outside,” you said, smiling as he rolled his eyes before turning around and walking out of the door, “make sure you close the door for even more dramatic effect.”
Joel simply rolled his eyes once more before walking back into his apartment, “oh my gosh, babe, what a surprise to see you here. Never expected that one, that’s insane.” 
“Thank you,” you yawned, “I kinda missed you, not gonna lie.”
“Yes, I will not admit to anything more.”
“Ok, I missed you,too. C’mon, let’s go to bed though,” he grabbed your crutches from beside the couch and brought them to you. 
“I’m fine just going home,” you said, but once you yawned again, you knew he would immediately reject that idea. 
“You are way too tired to drive right now.”
“I have physical therapy tomorrow and if I stay here-”
“I’ll take you there tomorrow or at least just make sure you’re up in time, don’t stress it. Now, c’mon, you need some sleep,” he said, ushering you towards his room. As he started walking, he paused halfway through the hall, “wait, how’d you get in here?”
“I took a locksmith class once,” you said, shrugging, which only left him more confused. 
 “Um, alright,” he said as the two of you made your way towards his room. As you entered, you noticed the various pictures and hockey related things in his room. pictures of the team, along with pictures of his friends and family, pucks from his first nhl goal and his first hat trick sitting on one of the shelves. 
As you glanced around his room, you took note of how his room wasn’t a mess, but it wasn’t completely clean either. taking a seat on his bed, you set your crutches off to the side near his bed. “As much as I love seeing you in my jersey, I don't think it’s the best thing to sleep in,” Joel said, throwing you one of his shirts. 
“Awe, pretty boy. That’s very sweet. as much as I love seeing you in your suit, it might not be the best thing to sleep in. Might I suggest just sweatpants?” you asked, smiling sweetly. 
“Just sweatpants?” he asked, looking for confirmation that he heard what you said correctly. Taking the nod he got in response as confirmation, he grabbed a pair of black sweatpants from his dresser, “I’ll be back in a sec, you need anything?”
“No, I’m okay, but thank you, Bee,” as soon as he left, you got ready for bed. As soon as you laid down, you tried to stay awake to talk to Joel about his games, but sleep soon overtook you. 
When Joel got back, he smiled at seeing you asleep in his bed. After setting down the water bottle he got you, even though you said you didn’t need anything, he got into bed. Turning on his music, he turned towards you and wrapped his arms around you with his chest to your back. 
He quickly moved his arms when he felt you turn, only to smile when you wrapped your arms around him with your face nestled in the crook of his neck, “goodnight, Bee.”
“Goodnight, babe,” seeing as you had already fallen back asleep, he quietly whispered, “I love you.” 
When Joel woke up to an empty bed, he tried to avoid the assumption that you had heard what he said and had left him again. He knew it was bad to think, but that was the first place his mind went.
Getting out of bed to go to the bathroom, he heard music coming from the kitchen. As he walked closer to the kitchen, he heard the familiar soundtrack of High School Musical 3 playing, you singing along as you cracked an egg into the frying pan. 
As you listened to the last part of ‘A Night to Remember’, you didn’t even notice Joel standing in the doorway watching you. You were in your own little world. As you used the spatula as a microphone, you did a turn and you shrieked as you noticed him leaning on the doorway, “god, Bee, what the fuck are you doing just standing there?”
“I didn’t want to interrupt your karaoke session,” he stated, pushing off the wall to walk closer to you. 
“You weren’t supposed to see that.” 
“Don’t be upset, it was adorable.”
“I’m not trying to be adorable,” you scowled, turning back to the eggs that were still cooking. Feeling Joel stand right behind you, holding onto your hips as he dipped his head to kiss your neck, “better watch yourself, Farabee.”
“Babe, I’m just messing with you. Whatcha making?”
“Well, right now I’m making eggs and I was about to start the pancakes,” you said, listening as the song changed to ‘Just Wanna Be With You’, smiling as you heard Joel mumbling the words into the crook of your neck. 
“Babe, c’mon, it’s a duet. So you have to ‘do it’, you know?” he said, taking a step back from you, grabbing onto your waist once more to spin you around to face him, as he started obnoxiously singing the words. 
“Maybe you should stick to hockey, Bee. Singing is not your forte,” you said, laughing. 
“You’re ruining the moment, sweet pea,” he said, spinning you around. You joined him in the singing and dancing, laughing whenever either of you messed up the words. As the last words rang out, his lips met yours, you smiled into the kiss as you heard ‘The Boys Are Back’ start to play. 
“You guys should listen to this in the locker room, I think it’s perfect for game days,” you smiled, double checking the eggs once more. 
“Oh, yeah? I’ll make sure to mention it to them.” 
The two of you ate your breakfast in comfortable silence before getting ready for your PT appointment, you borrowing another one of Joel’s shirts to wear with the leggings you had worn the day before. 
“I want to warn you,” you started as Joel parked the car, “Adrian is kinda a handful. He’s super nice, but he’s, uh. He’s Adrian.”
“Got it, alright,” he said, genuinely unsure of what was about to go down. 
Lacing your hand in his, you led the way to Adrian’s office, walking right in as you saw that his door was open, “ooh, it’s my Olympic Superstar,” he said, quickly glancing behind you, “ooh, and the hockey superstar? Okay.” 
“Hi, Adrian,” you sat down on the bench, Joel sitting in the chair beside you, “ this is Joel Farabee. Bee, this is Adrian Michael.”
“I see why you were super nervous to text him, he’s pretty,” Adrian said, removing your knee brace, “she literally threw the phone right after texting you one day, it was so funny.”
“Adrian, your face is right by my leg, if I kick my leg hard enough, I could easily do some damage.”
“Awe, babe. Don’t be mean. Adrian, what else happened?” Joel said, smirking. 
“Oh, I like him, I approve,” Adrian said, glancing up to see you hiding your face with your hands, “I told her she was a dumbass for not talking to you about how she felt, but I’m assuming she did that since you’re here right now.” 
“Yeah, I agree, she is kinda a dumbass at times,” Joel said, trying not to laugh.
“You’re a dumbass, too, so don’t even,” you said, shooting a glare his way.
“Alright, kids. I can tell you’re the perfect match for each other, but good news is your knee is getting better. I can tell you actually listened to what I told you to do this time around,” he said, grabbing some athletic tape,” I know the two weeks aren’t exactly done, but you only have two days left, so I’m going to wrap up your knee for now. But you can start training, minimal pressure on your legs , no hard landings, no vault or tumbling,  you know the deal. But keep up what you’re doing, you’ll be all set to start training as soon as a week.”
“Wait, really?” you smiled as he nodded in response. 
“But you have to be smart about your training. Stick to mainly conditioning and drills for right now, only do pit landings if you need to work on any dismounts, actually use the athletic tape, and if you feel any pain, you let me know ASAP.”
“Ok, cool,” you smiled, ready to go to the gym now. 
“Knowing you, you’ll be at the gym later tonight, but don’t do anything dumb,” Adrian said, rolling his eyes, “and keep her line, pretty boy.”
“I’ll try my best,” Joel said, smiling. 
“Alright, you should be all set then. Good luck, superstar.”
“Thanks, Adrian,” you said as you walked out the door. 
Joel knew that you wanted to go to the gym to at least do something since you were finally able to, so he took you to your apartment to get your gym bag right after lunch. As soon as you got there, you asked Michelle and Marcus if you would be able to have some time in the back gym - which was essentially the same as the main gym, it just held some of the older, but still safe, equipment. 
Setting your bag down, you decided to start on floor with basic skills, just to get in the groove of doing actual skills again. Stretching first, you made your way to the floor to get started. As you got back into doing some easy skills - with no harsh landings, obviously - you made your way to beam and bars, knowing that vault would be too hard on you right now. 
You were able to work on some of the skills that you had done for years now, there were only a few things that you couldn’t work on that weren’t dismounts or tumbling. You were just happy to be back to where you felt most at home. 
As you did your cool down workout, you had gotten your phone out, scrolling through twitter to see the usual mentions that you would see on the daily. But recently, there were a lot more negative things said, more comparison to your teammates and competitors, and people doubting that you deserved this. 
Joel quickly saw the way your face fell as you looked at your phone, he could only assume that you had seen something that had completely ruined how happy you were. He reached over to grab the phone from your hands, “what’s wrong?”
“Nothing, Bee. Don’t worry about it,” you said, trying to grab the phone from his hand. 
“y/n/n, I know something is up, what happened?”
“Just people saying shit, it’s nothing.”
“See, on any regular occasion, it would be nothing. You block whoever, yeah, yeah, yeah. But we’re talking about the Olympics here, babe. Everyone here supports and believes in you, so what you do is, you go out there and you prove to those people that you deserve your spot. The only opinion that matters is yours at the end of the day,” he smiled, “so, are you going to let them get to you? Or are you going to prove them wrong?”
“I mean proving them wrong is probably the better option, you know,” you said, jokingly. 
“Let’s try that answer again. Which one are you going to do?”
“Prove them wrong.”
“That’s my girl,” he said, leaving you stunned for a moment as he helped you get your gym bag together. When he noticed you still standing there, he quickly turned around, “are you okay?” 
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine. You just said ‘my girl’, I just - I wasn’t expecting it.”
“Did I just make the y/n y/l/n flustered? Awe, and she’s blushing. Oh my god, are you guys seeing this?” he yelled out to the empty gym, “Hm, and there for a minute I didn’t think you felt anything.”
“Shut the fuck up, Farabee,” you said, rolling your eyes. 
“And we’re back to our regularly scheduled programming,” he said, mocking an announcer’s voice. 
“You’re an idiot, Bee.”
“I’m your idiot, though,” he said simply, leaving no room for debate. 
“Yeah, yeah, whatever,” you smiled, the two of you walking back towards his car with your hands intertwined. 
As the days passed on, since you still had limited practice time, you were able to attend games and team celebrations as the Flyers got closer to the playoffs. Karly even convinced you to sit with her and the other WAGs at a few games. 
“Hm, it’s almost like I told you that you would end up sitting up here with us one day,” Karly said, rolling her eyes. 
“Yes, Karly, you did indeed say that,” you grumbled. 
“Awe, Sunshine, it’s okay to admit that you’re wrong sometimes.”
“I strongly disagree,” the two of you made your way back to your seats, smiling when you saw Joel messing around with Phil during warm up. 
“You are so in love with him, it’s crazy,” Ryanne said as she sat down beside you. 
“What? No- not today. I tolerate him more than I tolerate most people, but I don’t love him,” you rushed out, still in shock from what you had just heard. 
“Just because you don’t say it out loud doesn’t mean it’s not true, you know,” Karly added. 
“Yeah, but- that’s kinda scary,” you sighed, looking out onto the ice as you saw Joel laughing at something Nolan had said. 
“Love is scary sometimes, but with the right person, it’s super easy to do. It happens, but you better not run away from it this time. You both deserve it and you’re both happy, so don’t run,” Ryanne said, holding Gavin on her lap. 
You didn’t say anything in response, simply watching as the game started. This game was the last game that they had before the playoff games, so you could visibly see the tension rolling through the team as the game started. 
By the second period, the game was tied - Joel, Nolan, and Claude having scored . Third period was their make it or break it moment, so everyone in the stands was watching intently as the period started. As the period progressed, both goalies were doing a great job of keeping goals from being scored, meaning that by the end of the third period the score was still tied. 
With no points being made during overtime, a shootout was set to happen. Karly quickly gripped your hand as the two of you watched as Nolan skated onto the ice. “Nolan, c’mon, you got this,” you mumbled mostly to yourself. Watching intently as Nolan started skating towards the goal, watching as he made his way towards the goal, pulling his stick back and hitting the puck. Right into the goal. 
The whole arena erupted in cheers as the boys celebrated, you and the other WAGs smiling as you watched the team that had grown so much this season make more progress towards their main goal. As spectators left the arena, you made your way down to the tunnel to wait on Joel. 
You waited anxiously for Joel to exit, your eyes glued to the door every time you heard it open, “you watching the door isn’t going to make him leave any faster. Trust me, I’ve tried,” Ryanne said, smiling. 
“Yeah, I’m still going to try it though,” you laughed. 
You spent some time holding Gavin, trying to get him to sleep, so that Ryanne wouldn’t have to worry about it, “you know, you’re really good with kids.”
“Ah, ah, ah. You already brought up me being in love with Bee earlier, I’m not having this conversation,” you said, looking up to see Ryanne watching behind you. 
“You’re in love with me?” a familiar voice said from behind you, causing you to almost give yourself whiplash as you turned around. 
“Uh, hi, Bee,” the tension in your body immediately dissipated when you saw the smile that was now on his face, “yeah, Bee. I love you.”
“I love you, too,” he said, softly before his lips met yours gently. “I don’t think this day could get any better.” 
“It would be a lot better if you didn’t kiss her in front of me, Beezer,” Kevin’s voice boomed from the other side of the hallway. 
“What was that, Hayesy? It almost sounded like you said something, I don’t know for sure though,” Joel said, wrapping his hand around your waist. 
“I’m proud of you, babe. You did it,” you whispered, leaning into his side. 
“Dude, imagine. ‘Stanley Cup Champion dating Olympic Gymnastics Champion,’ I like the sounds of that.”
“Hate to break it to you, but it would definitely be ‘Olympic Gymnastics Gold Medalist dating Stanley Cup Champion. You know the Olympics are kind of a big deal.”
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sylvies-chen · 3 years
10 on the Drabble list for Burzek (I’m sorry if I spelled that wrong!)
Hahaha Dodie, you’re so sweet! You spelled it right, don’t worry 👍🏻 and thank you for the request!
10. “I’m right here, okay?”
It's Makayla's idea to invite Adam over.
Kim was planning on having him over anyway. It's been a few days since she put him down as Makayla's custodian should anything happen to her, and she's spent every minute since proud of her choice. Still, she wants Makayla and Adam to have some bonding time. She doesn't want her own daughter to feel like she'd being pawned off to some stranger should something happen to Kim, so when Makayla asks for another audience member to her usual fairy show with lights and music, Kim's mind flies to Adam (the way it normally does) and she gives him a call.
So they make a whole night out of it. He comes over for an early dinner, Makayla asks for macaroni and cheese so they make it together while Adam sets spots at the table for all of Makayla's stuffed animals per her request. And then, when dinner's over, she begins her little show. Kim introduces him to all of the stuffed animals and he plays along so well that she thinks he just might genuinely believe they're talking back to him. Admittedly, it's sort of adorable.
"Ok, I'm almost ready," Makayla announces quietly from behind the makeshift curtain, flashing a toothy grin. "You are going to love this, Adam!"
"Lights?" She looks over at Adam since he's sitting on the side of the flashlight.
"Right, okay." He moves to turn on the flashlight and then back to his spot next to Kim, leaning in close to whisper to her. "Is it weird that I'm excited for this?"
"Not at all," she replies in a soft-spoken hush. "It's a great show. And she trusts you enough to let you watch it, that says something."
"Shh! The show is starting!" Makayla peeks out from behind the curtain and then turns on the music, going through the same routine that Kim's seen a million times. It never loses its cuteness though. Makayla may be a creature of habit, but she's always going to be adorable and filled with a quiet sparkle. Kim looks over to Adam, whose arm is instinctively slung over Kim's shoulders as he eagerly awaits the performance, and thinks he might feel the same way.
It's a glimpse at a family she's only dared dreaming of with him in the tiniest, most vulnerable moments.
The performance, as expected, is a hit. Makayla has a new found confidence around Adam, spins and twirls more enthusiastically than usual. Kim doesn't blame her-- if she's being honest, she feels at her safest and strongest when he's around too.
Eventually, it gets late and Makayla's bedtime comes around. It's a school night and this whole evening was a last-minute treat for the both of them. Makayla doesn't put up much of a fuss, just moves to change into her light pink princess pajamas. Adam waits on the couch as Kim puts her to bed, moving back to the living room once her daughter's asleep.
"Sorry that took so long," she tells Adam, moving back to her spot on the couch next to him. She doesn't mean to snuggle up so close to him, but she does anyway. Call it a reflex, call it a trip down memory lane, or just straight up insanity. She doesn't know, but it's reciprocated immediately as his arm moves back around her just like it was during the performance. "She's finally asleep."
"That's good," he nods. "Honestly, I'm not surprised she's not more tired after that performance. I got dizzy just watching it."
"She's shy but she's got a hidden vault of energy," Kim chuckles.
"Yeah, no kidding. I'm glad you suggested this, though. The more I spend time with that kid the more I realize just how smart signing on to be her custodian was. And this is coming from a guy who's done a lot of not-so smart things in his life."
Their laughter is soft but lively, dying down slowly as they stay curled up on the couch for the next few minutes, speaking only occasionally about other mundane things.
And that's when the scream comes.
Things have been going so well with Makayla's sleep lately that Kim had nearly forgotten about the nightmares. She doesn't know what sparked it tonight, but a shrill screech comes from her bedroom and Kim jumps off the couch in the blink of an eye. Only this time, Adam gets up with her. The concern on his face almost matches Kim's, and they both fly into Makayla's bedroom. "Hey! Makayla, Makayla it's okay. I'm right here," Kim assures her daughter, sitting down on the bed and shifting around so that Makayla's in her arms.
What happens next feels like something out of a dream. Because Makayla's holding onto Kim for dear life one minute, sweating and breathing heavily with that heartbreaking, panicked look in her eye. And the next minute, she's giving Kim one last squeeze before moving to Adam.
Adam's been there the whole time, on the other side of Makayla gently stroking her curls. But Kim's own daughter moves from her arms straight into Adam's, hugging him tight and sniffling into his shoulder. His hand looks massive against her tiny back but he pulls her in closer, letting out soothing shushes and gentle reassurances. There's no awkwardness or uncertainty at all, and Kim watches it all with complete surprise.
"Shh, it's okay, kiddo," he soothes her. "I'm right here, okay?"
He pats her back as she begins to calm down, her breathing relaxing gradually as Adam's eyes finally meet Kim's. She's still bewildered and Adam can tell, because he flashes her a reassuring smile and a small shrug.
She lets out an incredulous exhale, and thinks maybe he really does mean it. Maybe Adam Ruzek really is right here to stay. And this time, she doesn't want to fight it.
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Day 24: Something Was Off- Agent Whiskey
Day 24: Something Was Off - Agent Whiskey 
Pairing: Agent Whiskey x Reader (Apple) 
This prompt was requested by @littlevodika​. Thank you so much for the request and I hope you enjoy this continuation of the Whiskey/Apple relationship. 
Taglist: @oldstuffnewstuff​ @josepedropascal​ 
This is part three, you can read the other two parts below. 
Part 1 (Day 1 Heartbeat)  Part 2 (Day 8 Dot, Dot, Dot) 
November Writing Challenge Masterlist 
Day 23: Whispers - Will ‘Ironhead’ Miller 
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“You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are grey. You’ll never know dear how much I love you. So please don’t take my sunshine away…” Jack ‘Whiskey’ Daniels serenades the small bundle in his arms. 
All swaddled in a pink blanket, Magnolia Daniels eyes droop and a small smile graces her sweet little face as she watches her daddy sway to the music. The sounds of his deep velvety voice and his warm chest lull her into sleep. 
Jack places a kiss on her forehead before laying her in the bassinet beside your side of the bed. He crawls back into bed and wraps his long arms around you tucking you back into his chest, and sighing. “Thank you,” he whispers, “that little girl and you are my entire world,” he kisses your head gently before drifting back off to sleep. 
Maggie makes her presence known several hours later when she wakes with the sunshine and begins to fuss. You lift her from the bassinet and pull down your sleep shirt, putting her to your breast to suckle. You close your eyes to get a few more moments of sleep when you feel eyes on you. 
You slowly open to see Jack watching you both with rapt attention. This has always been his favorite part of you becoming parents, he loves to watch his daughter eat. “That is a sight I will never tire of sugar,” he croons at you. 
After you switch and she finishes he eagerly scoops her up and burps her against his shoulder. Dipping down to kiss you sweetly, “you sleep mama, I will make breakfast for us, and then we can get going.” 
You smile and nod watching the former playboy of Statesman babble nonsense to his infant daughter. So much had changed since you found out you were pregnant. Jack had resigned from fieldwork, only working on training new recruits. You had cut back on your hours in the weapons design lab. Both of you in favor of spending more time with your precious girl.  
In the six months since she had been born you both hadn’t left her side but tonight for the first time that was going to change. Uncle Tequila was going to give you both a much needed night out while he watched his goddaughter. 
Tequila had been your best friend since preschool and had even recommended you for the job at Statesman. He was the most supportive friend you could have asked for and loved little Magnolia almost as much as you and Jack. He doted on her endlessly and never failed to show up with some toy or trinket for her from his travels. When Jack had asked him about watching her you were pleasantly surprised and Tequila was ecstatic. 
It took a few days to even prepare for going out with pumping extra milk, but the idea of a few hours alone with Jack was too good to pass up. You drifted back to sleep dreaming of a romantic night out with your boyfriend. 
When you later roused from sleep it was to the smell of freshly brewed coffee and bacon. You shower and get dressed quickly before walking into the living room and sweeping your daughter into your arms. She giggles and holds your cheeks before pulling tightly on your hair. You look up and see Jack with a big smile on his face as he watches his two favorite girls. 
The rest of the day passes uneventfully as you handle the daily chores, nap time, diaper changes, tummy time, and feedings. Jack is always there to help with everything, and before long Uncle Tequila is at the door holding a small wooden maraca. 
“I was in Spain last week and had to get something for my Maggie Moo,” he coos at the little girl whose eyes brighten at her favorite Uncle. 
You kiss him on the cheek, “thank you Tequila for watching her.” 
“Anything for my sweet goddaughter. You’re prettier than a Magnolia in May,” he tickles her gently. 
You run to your room and change into a white sundress with bright yellow sunflowers on it, brown cowgirl boots, and your jean jacket. Coming back out to see Jack dressed in his cowboy boots, dark jeans, maroon button-up, black leather jacket, and trusty black stetson. You take a moment to appreciate the fine broad specimen you had acquired. Damn, he is too sexy, words don’t do him justice. 
“Sweet Jesus sugar, you are the most beautiful woman to grace this earth,” he pulls you close and plants a kiss on your lips. Giggling as he turns toward his daughter, “isn’t your mama beautiful?” he questions kissing her cheeks before giving her to you. You kiss her and hug her close before giving her over to her Uncle. 
“Now you remember, the extra milk is already bottled and in the fridge, and all the important numbers are on the fridge, and we can be reached if you need anything just call ou-” 
“Apple! Go out with Whiskey, I got this.” Tequila pushes you both out the front door locking it behind you. 
“Did we just get kicked out of our own apartment?” you point back towards the door and then at a laughing Jack. 
“It would seem so sugar. Come on,” he grabs your hand, “I have something special planned for tonight.” 
“You’ve been very hush-hush about this night out...what are you planning Jack?” you question. 
Jack only smiles before helping you into the Bronco. You pass through the city lights of downtown Kentucky. The penthouse where you lived was close to Statesman but not exactly where you had imagined raising your children. 
You drive for another thirty minutes before you turn off the highway into a less populated area. Something was off, this didn’t seem like a normal night out with dinner or a movie, you were out in the middle of nowhere. 
You pull into the driveway of a ranch-style house, the nearest neighbor half a mile down the road. You slowly get out the bronco, “Where...where are we, Jack?”
He says nothing only leads you to the door and unlocks it pulling you inside. The house is gorgeous, a mix of farmhouse and craftsman style features. Large vaulted ceilings with wooden beams and cherry hardwood floors. He flicks on a light and in the middle of the floor is a blanket, pillows, and a picnic basket.
He leads you over to the set-up and pulls you down to sit against him as he pours you each a glass of Apple Whiskey a personal favorite of yours. “Jack...this is incredible...but, what is all this?” you gesture to the space around you. 
“Well as of three o’clock yesterday this is our house sugar,” he holds your hand lightly.
“You...you bought us a house?” your eyes brim with unshed tears. 
He nods, before standing to pace the room. “I...I know how much you hate living in the city and Magnolia needs space to run and grow in the great outdoors. The whole property is five acres, with plenty of space for us. There’s even a small apple orchard outback. I...I wanted to make a gesture to tell you how much I love you, and how much I want to be with you.” 
“Oh Jack,” you rise to your feet and pull him down to kiss you. Wrapping your arms around his neck, your forehead resting against his. “I love you so damn much Jack Daniels.” 
“This is one more thing...I bought for the house, I feel like every house deserves a good door mat. Why don’t you go look at the one I picked out.” 
You laugh, “I don’t know how the mat can compete with this house but I am eager to see what you picked out,” you walk over to the door and look down. 
Daniels Family Est. 2021 
The air is knocked out of your lungs and you spin to find Jack behind you on one knee. “Oh my god…” you whisper. 
“Agent Apple, weapons guru of Statesman, mother of my beautiful Magnolia, and the love of my life. I will love and protect you forever with everything that I have darlin’. I want to live in this house with you, have more babies with you, laugh, make love, and grow old with you.” Tears swim in his eyes as he pulls out a small ring box and pops the lid revealing a silver ring with a princess cut emerald surrounded by a circle of diamonds. 
“Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?” he asks. 
“YES!” you shout dropping to your knees and kissing him, “yes, Jack a thousand times, yes!” 
He slides the ring onto your finger, and you admire it. The moment is interrupted by the shrill sound of the cell phone. Jack pulls his out and answers on Facetime. 
“Did you ask yet?! Did she say yes?!” Tequila begs holding up a giggling Magnolia up to the screen. 
You laugh, “YES! I did say yes!” 
“Yahoo! Did ya hear that Maggie Moo your mama and daddy are gonna get married!” she squeals and claps. 
You look up at Jack and smile, this was your family and you couldn’t wait to make him your husband. 
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