#surprise guest Barbatos
str4ngr · 6 months
glances [ barbatos ]
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cw: suggestive/flirty, fluff foul language, v informal, fem! reader bring back the obey me fandom fr
Barbatos loves, and i mean loves, to tease. to everyone else, he seems so put together, like a statue with a perfectly graceful smile, but every time he catches you in a quiet hallway at RAD, that fool-proof smile breaks with a phrase you never expected to hear from one who's supposed to be subservient.
he loves, adores, lives, for the way your eyes flutter away as you cough, trying recover from your flustered state. he loves the way you grin and laugh, the way your eyes meet his in a cheeky smirk as you bump your hip against him.
but barbatos' favorite thing, as much as he loves those other moments, is when you tease him back. when you brush his hair 'back into place' even though its never been out of place. when you pout and tilt your head up at him. when you press into his side, the feeling of your breasts against his arm sending a shiver down his spine. when you whisper words that'll keep you out of hell in the same hallway he did.'
even though he may be a devil, a demon, a cursed being, he will never be able to think any sin of the way you try [ and struggle ] to help him as he bakes. or when you bother him every evening [ he gave in ] to give him a message [ he's a fucking demon he doesn't need it lmao ]. he can't help but enjoy your company as you sip and sit in silence, tapping his shoulder shyly when you asked for help on your homework.
he loves the way you slowly learn to look past his smile, the eyes are the windows to the soul, right?
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enoe-of-noen · 2 days
Is my bday! 🫶🎉🎉
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I’ve got more I’ll post later ✨ (not much)
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cathy-plus-e · 1 year
Fourth time in a row
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This is the fourth time in a row that he appears and the second time he says that specific dialogue 😭
He's my favourite but considering the OP and prologue... Barbie, do not stalk me, I already love you, please do not harm me :(
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expressionless-fr · 6 months
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finished rhe evebt now time to cey cause whats my purpose in life when i dont deserve shi
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seems to apply only to B and up, and man you wouldn't believe how long it took me to get all of this
Nightbringer Surprise Guests
I'm feeling good. Why don't we open a bottle of my prized Demonus?
1. Tap Face
2. Rub Head
3. Rub Chest
I know you want to give me a high five, don't you? Fine, just this once. Call it a special occasion.
1. High Five
2. Rub Chest
3. Tap Arm
We'll be invincible if we Team up!
1. Rub Face
2. Rub Face
3. Rub Face
Hey, hey, hey! The Great Mammon makes his mark!
1. High Five
2. Rub Head
3. Rub Head
Haha, let's experience tha taste of victory together!
1. Tap Head
2. Rub Face
3. Rub Head
Let's great each other like Normies would!
1. High Five
2. Rub Head
3. Tap Face
We won thanks to me.
1. Rub Face
2. Tap Chest
3. (Rub/Tap Chest, Tap/Rub Arm, Tap/Rub Head, Rub Face) Tap Face (couldn't get one with more hearts???)
Is this how one shares happiness? Give me a high five.
1. High Five
2. Rub Head
3. Tap Chest
A win for me is as natural as breathing air!
1. Rub Head
2. Rub Chest
3. Rub Arm
Come on, hold out your hand. High five <3
1. High Five
2. Rub Head
3. Rub Face
Thanks to you, I was able to get through it despite being hungry.
1. Tap Head
2. Tap Head
3. Rub Chest
Not bad, huh? It's time for a victory hamburger!
1. High Five
2. Rub Chest
3. Rub Arm
You want to hang out with me? All right, you got it.
1. Rub Head
2. Rub Face
3. Rub Head
All right... you want me to hold up my hand, right?
1. High Five
2. Rub Head
3. Rub Head
It really does feel good to win, doesn't it!
1. Rub Head
2. Rub Head
3. Tap Head
All right, let's savor the joy of victory... Just you and me!
1. High Five
2. Rub Face
3. Tap Face
Was I of any help to you?
1. Tap Head
2. Tap Head
3. Rub Head
Is this where we do the so-called "high five"? Someone taught me how to do it.
1. High Five
2. Rub Head
3. Tap Head
You're my best student, you know? As your teacher, you make me proud
1. Tap Chest
2. Rub Chest
3. Rub Chest
Hey! It felt good to win like that, huh? We make a truly amazing teacher and apprentice team, am I right?
1. High Five
2. Tap Chest
3. Rub Head
I'm super excited right now, but how about you?
1. Rub Head
2. Rub Face
3. Rub Arm
How about we see whether exchanging greetings will deepen our bond?
1. High Five
2. Rub Head
3. Rub Face
...So how was it? Did I look cool?
1. Rub Head
2. Rub Face
3. Rub Arm
Okay here we go! It's time for a high five!
1. High Five
2. Rub Head
3. Rub Head
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koolades-world · 2 months
can i request MC randomly staring at them, and when questioned abt it, MC responds with something similar to “sorry you’re just so pretty” or maybe “do you know how pretty you are?”, or anything else like that with satan, solomon, barbatos, and lucifer?
side note completely unrelated to the headcanon: if i was sent to hell to hang out with the most beautiful men in existence, i don’t think i would be able to stop staring. you know? and i think they need some more compliments and praise. luci, that poor old man working and trying to keep the boys out of trouble 24/7. i don’t think i even need to explain mr. barbs, bro lives, eats, and breathes his job. AND BOTH OF THEM STILL LOOK BEAUTIFUL DOING IT. my excuse for adding solomon and satan is just that they’re pretty and they need to know it. i am just yapping at this point but if i was MC i would probably start with mammon and levi. it has probably been centuries since mammon has heard anything positive said about him and levi is just literally the epitome of insecurity. OOH and maybe even prioritize asmo while we’re at it, someone has got to tell him that his looks are not his only lovable trait 😭😭idk, am i allowed to ask for your opinions on silly questions outside of the headcanon request?
hello!! it's totally fine to ask my opinion on non-headcanons requests <3 it's so fun just getting to rave about things like that and it's always great to get the creative juices flowing haha. if you and other readers ever want to do this, feel so free!! i'd love to chat with you guys about the reason we are all gathered here today haha
you are so right anon. you are so incredibly based because omgod what the hell how are you all Adonis????? if I got teleported suddenly to the Devildom like that, I think I might pass out because hello??? I don’t think I’ve ever been in a room with so many gorgeous people? how are they so effortlessly attractive 😭 all of them need positive reinforcement and i think we would all jump at the chance to be their cheerleaders haha. knowing me, I would try to call them pretty and stumble over ever single word in the process, but it’s the thought that counts, right?
cute request btw!!
enjoy <3
Mc calls Lucifer, Satan, Barbatos and Solomon pretty
he was probably working but you somehow managed to get him to take a rare break
you’d brewed him his favorite; hell coffee. the smell plus youe big puppy dog eyes did the trick
he kind of expected you to want to chat, but to his surprise, the two of you sat mostly in silence
when he asked what the matter was, since you loved to talk during his breaks, the last thing he expected was for you to call him pretty
he blinks a couple times and stares at you back
he couldn’t get many words out, but he did manage to say thank you
as he sips his oh so bitter coffee, he couldn’t help but smile and wonder how he got so lucky
he probably acted like he expected it and responded smoothly while behind that put together, suave expression was a overthinking mess haha
the cafe you were at was busy, so the two of you were patiently waiting for your drinks
he was telling you all about the book he’d finished reading this morning, but you weren’t engaging with him like you usually do, so he asked if something was wrong
when you told him you were distracted by how pretty he was and how his excitement only made him even more attractive, he knew the perfect counter
despite that well timed and ready compliment back, he still found himself thinking about and getting bashful over your words
thankfully for him, your drinks finally arrived and the conversation took a different turn
but he won’t stop thinking about what you said
he doesn't notice you spacing out at first
he's in the middle of cooking dinner, and is currently refusing to let you help because you're his guest
in the middle of multitasking, he finally notices your eyes on him
he didn't stop working but he called out to you, asking if something was wrong
after you told him you were just admiring his beauty, he thinks about your words but continues to work
your words and unfaltering gaze actually managed to fluster him
congratulations :) you’ve done the impossible
he thinks you’re joking at first actually
being silly and poking fun playfully is just so very him and he was probably in the middle of doing just so
maybe the two of you were attempting to do some homework or just lounging around together
you said that he was pretty so suddenly that he didn’t really register what you’d said so when he treats it as a joke, you repeat yourself
now you’ve got his attention and he makes you repeat it one final time
he calls you a cutie, or something along those lines and continues his fun banter, but you notice his lingering, adorable grin
it’s moments like this that make you realize you should tell him just how pretty everything about him was
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satangcrush · 22 days
helping hand
✦ PAIRING / diavolo x reader / ✦ SUMMARY: suggesting remedies for diavolo to relieve stress (suggestive!) ✦ WC: 1.3k
It was a weekly occurrence for Diavolo to invite you over to the Demon Lord’s castle to enjoy time away from the brothers. It had even been added to your schedule pasted on the fridge door in the House of Lamentation, even the brothers know better than to intrude during this period – which is to say, you have never missed a single session. 
However, Diavolo had skipped the past meeting citing heavy workload as the main reason, leaving Barbatos to entertain you in the guest room. You didn’t have anything against the butler but you were disappointed seeing as you had intentionally come for Diavolo.
Thus this week, you were determined to spend some time with the demon prince even if all he’s doing is paperwork while you… sit beside him doing nothing. 
“Dia, you should really take a break.” You say distractedly as you nod your head in thanks towards Barbatos who had brought over a tray of pastries. This was also something that you missed. The snacks that Barbatos made were always something to die for.
“I would love to. But… I don’t think I have the time for that today,” Diavolo says gently, as he chances a glance towards Barbatos. Following the demon prince’s stare, you turned to look at the butler who was wearing a small frown, the expression so out of place on his normally placid face.
Usually, you wouldn’t have mentioned anything or even tried to get him to rest because god knows the amount of mischief Diavolo would get into once goaded on. But you could see the shadow of purple rings under his eyes drooping from where you were seated across the room. If that wasn’t an indication of how overworked he was, then you weren’t sure what could be one.
You let out a small sigh, as you squint at the paper he was holding. There has to be something that could at least help him relieve stress if he was so insistent on finishing his workload today. You racked your brain for something that could help.
“Have you tried rubbing one out recently?”
The shattering noise behind you grabs your attention as you twist your entire upper body to take a look. Barbatos had dropped a plate, and the glass pieces had shattered across the whole room. Even the butler looked surprised at his actions.
“Don’t mind me. I’ll head out to grab some cleaning supplies.” For the first time since you have arrived in the Devildom, you watch as Barbatos rushes out, seemingly running from something.
“Is he okay?” You cocked your head to the side, confused at the peculiarity of the behaviour that Barbatos exhibited.
You stood up, walking over to inspect the broken pieces. “These look expensive. Hopefully, they weren’t antiques or anything, right Dia?” You said.
When no reply came, you turned on your heel to face Diavolo’s desk. For some reason, he was turning red, and his eyes were staring daggers at the desk as if it had done something wrong. Now, you were starting to get worried. It seemed like the workload must be overbearing for him to show signs of physical exhaustion.
“Uh.” You paused, walking over to place a hand on his shoulder. “Is there something wrong?” Diavolo jerked away from your touch, wide eyes flitting up to meet yours.
“S-sorry. What did you say?” As if to maintain composure, he straightened his tie and cleared his throat but somehow, his eyes were looking past you.
“I asked if you were alright. The stress must be getting to you, your answers are so delayed.” You frowned, lifting a hand to try and touch his forehead.
This time, Diavolo viscerally jerked back and you paused mid-air, surprised by his actions.
“Oh Dia, you must be really stressed,” With a sympathetic voice, you pushed down the document he was holding even as he stumbled over his words to say something. After clearing a space on his desk, you hopped up to sit in front of him.
“Have you done any exercise lately?” You questioned, tilting Diavolo’s head up with a finger under his chin. Thankfully, other than the deep set of sunken eyebags, it didn’t seem like there were any other physical differences.
The demon prince nodded his head in affirmation. 
“How about getting a massage? If I recall, Barbatos is talented in this area. If you are this stressed, it could be a good idea to get one.” You said. 
For a second, you could see the flash of contemplation on Diavolo’s face. “He’s also stressed, I don’t want to add more on his plate at the current moment.”
You tapped your finger on the tip of his nose. “Well then, I recommend that you should find a chance to get off. It’s a relatively fast and easy solution.”
Diavolo looks awkward. Your face drops a bit as you observe his reaction, realising that he probably doesn’t even have time nor privacy to try out what you recommended. 
“You can consider getting someone to help you too,” You added on unhelpfully. 
There are multiple options that you were scanning through, and of course, the Avatar of Lust is at the forefront of your mind but you weren’t sure if Diavolo would appreciate a member of the Student Council helping him out with such an intimate matter.
“Are you offering?”
You almost fell off the desk, shocked by his remark. Diavolo was pinning you with an unreadable look and quickly, you realised that he was being serious about asking. Diavolo leans in closer to your face, breath hot and heavy. 
“It’s not nice of you to try and tempt a demon, love.” The demon prince continues to hover over you, arms planted on each side of the desk as he whispers. Your eyes widen but you manage to collect your bearings and push back against his chest.
“You must be joking, Dia.” You huffed out a laugh, as you turned your glance upwards. His gaze narrows and as he opens his mouth to correct you-- The sound of a knock startles the both of you. 
“Young Master, I’m coming in.”
With that sentence, both of you scrambled to make the scene less… compromising. You stand beside Diavolo, the embarrassment suffocating both of you into silence. Barbatos opens the door, holding a broom and some other cleaning supplies. A Little D trails behind him, looking thoroughly petulant.
“Please clean this up.” Barbatos orders while the Little D inspects the mess around the room. You kinda feel bad for the Little D but he was the least of your current concerns.
Barbatos looks on curiously but opts to not question the obvious distance between both of you. His gaze instead fell onto the stack of paper thrown to the ground which you had forgotten to pick up. “Why is the table so messy?”
You contemplated throwing Diavolo under the bus. “Um, I thought I saw an insect and panicked.” You lied badly.
Barbatos just blinked at you.
“An insect?” He asked, looking at you suspiciously.
With a loud gasp, you exaggeratedly glanced at the clock before shuffling past him, “Oh shoot! I have to go! Lucifer needs me haha.”
“He--” Diavolo starts.
“--Oh no! I really need to leave!” You quickly cut in, rushing out of the door. Thankfully, none of them tries to stop you this time. Your heart thrummed hard as you clutched your chest, face bright as you thought back to the earlier incident.
He must be joking, right?
a/n▸ writing exercise lol. had this idea brewing around in my head for a while but finally got the time to sit down and finish it!
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cheapshrimpysheep · 11 months
Falling Asleep on Them 2
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SUMMARY: How would they react to you falling asleep on them?
CHARACTERS: Side Characters (Diavolo; Barbatos; Luke (platonic); Simeon & Solomon)
TAGS: Fluff; GN Reader; Bullet Points
WORD COUNT: An average of 290 words per character.
COMMENTS: Initially I was going to make this post theme just for the Demon Brothers, but I like to give all the characters the same rights, so I wrote this one. Just a little bullet points' list. But I hope you enjoy. ⭐️
⭐️ Falling Asleep on Them - Demon Brothers
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CONTEXT: This takes place in the original time-line of Obey Me! One master to rule them all! So you were living with the Brothers in the House of Lamentation, but they asked you to go to the Castle/Purgatory Hall.
Except for Solomon’s part that takes place in the Nightbringer time-line because it's easier if you live with him. 😅
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Diavolo asked you to go to the Castle because he needed some information about the human world for his paperwork, or whatever plan he wanted to keep for a surprise.
He ended up entertaining himself talking to you to the point that it got late and he hadn't finished his work yet.
So you ended up giving in to his puppy dog eyes and helping him with the paperwork before Barbatos found out and got upset.
You two made it! And to thank you, he asked Barbatos to make your favourite tea and your cake to accompany it.
The tea made you even more sleepy and you ended up laying your head on the Diavolo's arm. He let you rest until he realized, by your slow breathing, that you had fallen asleep.
He couldn't help but smile, you were so cute. He asked Barbatos to inform the brothers that it was better for you to sleep in the castle that night.
But when Barbatos asked if he wanted him to take you to the guest bedroom, Diavolo said it wasn't necessary because he wanted to be the one to take you.
He took you to the bedroom carefully, but without worrying about it. He knew he could get you safely to bed.
He laid you on the bed as if you were more royalty than himself.
He enjoys the sight of you sleeping for a moment before kissing your forehead.
He wishes he could take you to his bed, which is the most comfortable in the castle, but of course he doesn't want to do that without your permission. So he leaves a note next to you saying that if you wanted, you would be more than welcome to sleep with him.
If you do, Barbatos will pretend he didn't see you, and Diavolo will wake up to your presence and welcome you with open arms.
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Barbatos noticed that you have been tired. He's even seen you run your hand over the back of your neck and shoulders as if you had muscle pain.
So, one day, he invited you to the Demon Lord's Castle and offered to give you a massage. You deserved it after all your work.
Diavolo had gone to the human world with Lucifer, something to do with the Hotel Corvo. So, Barbatos was in the castle to serve only you. You couldn't feel more like royalty.
Needless to say, the massage Barbatos gave your shoulders and back, plus the relaxing environment he provided had you falling asleep in no time.
He chuckles. He knew perfectly well what he was doing. That's why he suggested massaging you on one of the guests' beds.
He covers you with a blanket ready for this very event, kisses you on the cheek, and leaves a note on the bedside table next to you, saying that if you need anything, whatever it may be, you can go to his room and enter at will.
If you wake up in the middle of the night and do this, Barbatos will ask you what you need, as if he was already ready to receive you and was just waiting.
If you say you'd like to sleep with him, he'll chuckle with a smile. And tell you: “Of course, master. This will even make it easier for me to meet your needs whenever.” and he will chuckle again when he sees your reaction to calling you master.
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After another tiring day sorting out the brothers' messes, Luke invites you to dinner at Purgatory Hall. He made a new dessert and he really wanted you to try it.
After dinner, Simeon had to continue a certain writing work he was working on. And Solomon had a new magical experiment that he wanted to keep working on. So you stayed with Luke in the living room playing some board games for two.
Meanwhile, the cooking show that Luke liked to watch started. so you stopped the games and watched it together. As you were tired and wanted to rest your head a little, Luke insisted that you lie down on the sofa while he would be fine in the armchair.
You ended up falling asleep, and he only notices when he says something to you and you don't respond.
He goes silent and turns down the sound on the TV.
He saw that you were a little shrunken, so he went to his room, brought a blanket and covered you carefully.
He went to talk to Simeon to ask what to do, whether to let you sleep or wake you up.
Simeon suggested that they let you sleep for a while and that when you woke up, which might not take long, they asked if you wanted to sleep there. Luke's bed was really big and the two of you could pretend it was a little slumber party.
If you accept, Luke will ask, slightly embarrassed, if you would like to sleep with a sheep plushie he had. You know, to sleep better. Not that he does the same, of course.
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After another tiring day sorting out the brothers' messes, Luke invites you to dinner at Purgatory Hall. He's been practicing making one of your favourite dishes from the human world that you said you miss.
Dinner was wonderful! Luke even made a special dessert for you. After it, Solomon had a new magical experiment that he wanted to keep working on, and Luke had to write a report for Michael before going to sleep.
Simeon says there was a movie he wanted to watch with you and he needed your help to play it on the computer.
Lying comfortably in his bed, snuggling together, watching a movie without much action while you're already tired from the day you've had, you end up falling asleep on Simeon’s pretty shoulder.
He realized you had fallen asleep when he felt your head slightly heavier on his shoulder. He chuckles. He moves to close the computer which makes you wake up a little.
“If you are too tired, you can sleep here tonight.” He says in such a soft tone that it only makes you want to go back to sleep even more. “I can send a message to Lucifer to explain the situation. You looked very comfortable. And if you want to sleep alone, that's okay, my bed is yours. Ha ha.”
If you show that you want to sleep with him, he will smile, maybe make a little comment to himself about sins, and lay down next to you.
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It wouldn't be unusual, when you live with Solomon in Cocytus Hall, for you to fall asleep on each other.
When it's you falling asleep on him, it would be very late at night. Either he would be teaching you something, or you would be helping him with some experiment.
You would be sitting next to him while he reviewed some papers. Being so sleepy and hearing him mumble sentences to himself, you end up falling asleep, laying your head on his shoulder.
In neither scenario would he be upset with you for not paying attention. He knows it's his fault, that he was demanding too much of you by robbing you of the hours of sleep you deserved. And he would feel a little bad about it.
He stops everything he was doing to focus only on you. He picks you up, being very careful not to wake you up, even if to do so he needs to cast a small, short-term spell until he can lay you down on the bed.
You were in his room, so he lays you down on his bed. It's all yours now.
He'll leave you sleeping while he goes back to work on his experiment. But before that, he kneels next to you, laying his head down to admire your sleeping face. How he wanted to drop everything to sleep with you right then and there. But he first needed to know if you wanted that too.
There's a good chance he'll take some pictures of you sleeping.
If you wake up in the middle of the night, you'll probably see Solomon sleeping at his desk.
If you get up to wake him up, he'll smile happy to see you before showing discomfort because his back hurts. But he would still be smiling at you anyway.
If you tell him that you would like him to sleep with you, he will be delighted! That's exactly what he most wanted to hear you say.
And he will return to bed with you, without being able to break his smile at any point, and pampering you until you fall asleep again in his arms.
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If you would like to read more from me, you can find it in my pinned post: INDEX
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thatdeadaquarius · 7 months
Ok but polygot reader who's like a pro singer who sings im all the languages they know all across teyvat cuz y not <3
Having a duet with yunjin and xinyan
Harmonising with barbara
Singing for nilou's dance
Orah my beloved genius you <333
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Orbit: Short Headcanons-ish
Stars: mostly Mond/Liyue characters, mentions of other singers/musicians
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: none known. & Trigger Warnings: none known.
Please comment if I missed any. /gen
U get to sing a solo with Barbara yes!!
but u know whats more important? whos more hype abt ur songs/diff languages???
Venti is.
Venti is vibrating with barely contained manic energy
poor guy is sick of always being familiar with songs, nothing is "new" to him, but ur songs?? they're from a different world, and he can't know any of them!!!
Venti's has a surprising amount of strength in those noodle arms bc ur suffocating in his hug rn-
He is constantly begging asking you to sing for him, sing in public, he'll put you on the Barbatos statue hands just so everyone can hear you,
constantly pleading politely requesting if he can lay in your lap under the Windrise tree while you sing slow songs
Hogs you from Barbara, Klee, and anyone else in Mondstadt who would want to personally hear ur singing/duet with you lmao
u had to bring in the cavalry (Rex Lapis/Zhongli) to get a week away from him lol
luckily the retired god was more than motivated to bring u to Liyue, after all he spends a fair amount of his time listening to operas/music
Yunjin blew ur eardrums out of excitement the first time u copied her singing perfectly, kidnapped u for an entire week of festivities where u were the special singer guest <33
Xinyan looked at you like u hung the stars in the sky for both playing a little guitar/singing to her rock music (as she's used to instrumental rock so far bc its been just her)
Qiqi, Klee, Yao yao, Diona all ask (in their own ways lol) for lullabies,
they each wanted you to sing to them every night but it wasn't possible... so u got cloud retainer to invent a machine to record some lullabies you've sung in each of their countries languages so they can sleep 🥺<333
and the dancers.
you cannot escape the dancers.
Nilou, yunjin, eula, gaming, ayaka, doesn't matter, u cannot have peace.
u will sing for them all at some point, u will have repeated performances, u will attract crowds, u will be going on a world tour
(Lyney has also kidnapped u for his magic shows to show off ur singing in French)
finally scheduled a post and am able to rlly get at my asks more frequently now thank goodness
im so ready to open ask box again 😭😭
hope u guys have a fun Tuesday!! :)
Safe Travels 0rah,
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another-lost-mc · 1 year
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➤ when they find out you have a fwb | the dateables
1.3k words | gn!reader | nsfw | suggestive
c/w: jealousy, pining, masturbation
read more: the demon brothers | when solomon is your fwb
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Barbatos first learns about your arrangement from Asmodeus, and he hesitates to inform his young master about it. Perhaps it's not their place to discuss your private life, but he decides that transparency is best. The subject inevitably comes up one morning when Diavolo asks for an update about the exchange program. He's anxious to know how the students are adjusting to life in the Devildom. Admittedly, he's not concerned about Solomon or the angels as much as he is about you. You're an ordinary human with only Lucifer and his siblings to protect you outside of school hours. He remembers how upset you were when you first arrived and he doesn't want resentment to linger.
Diavolo chokes on a mouthful of coffee when Barbatos informs him that you’re in a relationship with one of your classmates. (He uses the term relationship loosely since he's seen no evidence that you spend much time together outside of your physical arrangement.) Diavolo clears his throat and remarks how wonderful it is that you're making friends so quickly. The smile on his face looks forced. He leaves the rest of his breakfast untouched and carries on with his preparations for the day. He feels a burst of happiness when he sees you at RAD, and he ignores the bitter jealousy that burns his throat when he sees your friend. He has no logical reason to interfere, and he knows it's petty when he considers the subtle ways he can try to keep you two apart. It feels like an abuse of his power, but the more he thinks about it, the more justified he feels. He doesn't get much work done because he's so distracted thinking about the best way to approach you about deepening your relationship. You're his guest in the Devildom; if you want to turn to someone for pleasurable company, why not the prince himself?
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Barbatos keeps a close eye on you and your friend once he discovers your secret. He tells himself it's because his young master would want him to and not his own jealous curiosity. He has no evidence to suggest the other demon means to harm you or that you're not being treated well. On the contrary, some days your eyes seem just a bit brighter and there's a secretive smile on your face. His keen eye for detail notices that sometimes you walk with the slightest limp in your gait. Your spirit and body are radiant in the aftermath of pleasure and he realizes he wants you for himself. He decides your time is wasted with your current choice of companion. He finds new reasons to seek you out because your friend is reluctant to approach you when the demon lord's butler hovers nearby. He feels a bit smug that your suitor is so easily deterred. See? You can do better than that weak excuse for a demon.
Barbatos eagerly learns more about your favourite foods and drinks, the types of books you like to read and your hobbies. He knows your class schedule and surprises you with mid-morning snacks of freshly-brewed tea and baked treats he makes specially for you. He plans to court you properly, so he can give you everything your other lover didn't; you deserve so much more than rushed fumblings in dark, dusty storage closets.
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Solomon was wrong about you. In a world of demons, he believed you would naturally turn to him if you missed parts of your life in the human world. He’s the only other human here, and it seemed logical that you would lean on him for support or comfort. He remembers the first day he met you; if he could sense your fear, he knew the demons could too. That’s why he’s genuinely shocked to learn that not only are you and the demon brothers actually getting along, but that you’ve started fucking one of your classmates too. Asmo giggles at Solomon’s slack-jawed expression when he tells him.
It’s only a few days later when he happens to spot you coming out of a dark utility closet in your slightly-wrinkled uniform. He plasters a wide grin on his face and pretends not to notice. He offers to walk you to the cafeteria for lunch as a chance for you two to catch up. He sniffs the air discreetly while you chatter on about something funny the brothers did that morning. He's too distracted to pay attention to what you're saying, though. Underneath the whiff of hastily-reapplied fragrance, he detects salty sweat, musk and a hint of cologne he knows you don’t wear. He wonders what other traces your friend left behind. Did he suck bruises into your skin where the collar of your shirt covers them? Are you sticky from demon cum that dripped down your thighs? It bothers him more than it should that some random demon gets to touch you like this. He can’t stop thinking about it. After trying and failing to sleep that night, he jerks off while he fantasizes about what it might be like to pull you into an empty classroom and hear your voice beg him to fuck you. You're already friends, and he can offer you secrecy or discretion if that's your preference. All he needs to do is think of how to persuade you to let him be your dirty little secret instead. If you give him a chance, he promises you won't regret it.
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The first time Simeon sees you with your fling, he's leaning close and whatever he whispers in your ear makes you smile. You bite your lip and nod, and Simeon's perplexed because he's never seen you act this way with someone before. Oh, he's just a friend. The second time Simeon sees you with your fling, he's leading you by the hand into one of the club offices after school. It's a stroke of bad luck, really. He forgot his textbook in one of the classrooms, but he pauses outside the door you disappeared through. He might be an angel, but he's not innocent. He knows exactly what you and your friend are getting up to. It makes his throat dry and he feels hot all of a sudden, and he spends the rest of the night trying to concentrate on his homework instead of the soft, muffled noises he heard through that door. The next day is even worse. There's a noticeable spring in your step and if he leans over you at just the right angle, the small purplish mark barely hidden by your shirt collar reminds him all over again how you got it in the first place.
He didn't think you'd seek out the company of demons that way, especially not with some random classmate you barely spend time with outside of your little dalliances. He understands that humans are lustful and impulsive creatures. Are you so desperate that you would turn to a stranger to satisfy your physical needs? He's not sure why he cares so much. Maybe it's because you're a kind, bright soul in this strange kingdom of endless night. Maybe it's because you stir things in him that he tries to ignore: longing for companionship, desire for a loving hand to touch him instead of his own. Jealousy makes his tone sharp and his heart ache. He goes to bed imagining what taking you out on a date might be like, and he wakes up hard with his hand around his cock as memories of your sweet, pleasured sounds echo in his mind. He can't remember the last time he was so easily led astray by temptation. He wonders if you're more demon than human because he's powerless to resist you.
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fandoms-x-reader · 3 months
Wild Child
Word Count: 5,930
Summary: The brothers decide to go to a party without you. Instead of sulking alone, you decide to go out with Solomon to have your own fun. Demon Brothers x Female! ~Wild~ Party Reader Solomon x Reader (Platonic/Best Friend) Mentions alcohol and clubbing/partying.
You let out an annoyed sigh as you sat on one of the bed’s in Diavolo’s Castle. You crossed your arms as your mind flashed back to the seven demon brothers who abandoned you here. Okay, abandoned was a bit of an over exaggeration. But, you were definitely upset with them.
They had gotten invited to the annual Succubus party. It was apparently some great big party that everyone had fun at. There was only one problem - humans weren’t allowed. You rolled your eyes as you thought about the rule. 
The demon brothers all told you that they had to go. It would be improper for the Seven Rulers of the Devildom to not show up…or something like that. As much as they made it seem like they were going out of obligation, though, you could see the excitement in their eyes. They even convinced Levi to go!
You were fine with them going. You would have gone if you were in their position as well. What made you mad though, is they insisted on dropping you off at the Demon’s Lord Castle. They told you that they didn’t feel comfortable with you being left alone - for your safety. So, they asked Barbatos to make up a guest room and brought you over. 
Diavolo was unable to go to the Succubus Party because of how busy he was at the moment which meant that he also wouldn’t have any time to spend with you. You were doomed to spend the night in the guest room, bored out of your mind.
Most people would have just thrown a pity party and gotten comfortable. But, this was not how you were going to be spending your night. Not while everyone else was having fun. So, you called the only person you could think of - Solomon.
You quickly grabbed your D.D.D. and called your best friend. Since no humans were allowed at the party, he had to be free. You waited as the phone rang, praying that he would pick up. You were just hoping you could invite him over to the castle to keep you entertained for a bit.
“I was wondering when I’d get a call from you,” you heard him say as he answered. “You were expecting me to call you?” you asked. “I heard about the brothers “banishing” you to Lord Diavolo’s castle while they’re at the party,” Solomon replied. “You heard about that?” you questioned, surprised. 
“They may have mentioned it to me. You’ll never guess their reason either,” Solomon said, and you held your breath as you waited for him to continue. “They said it’s because they knew you wouldn’t be able to get into any trouble there,” he finished.
You raised an eyebrow at his words as you said, “So, they all get to go out and have fun without me, and they get to decide whether I get to have any fun tonight.” Solomon stayed silent for a moment, a smirk on his face. He knew that every time someone told you to do something, it was a challenge to do the exact opposite.
“We’re going out tonight. I don’t care where,” you told him after a few more moments. Solomon let out a chuckle before telling you, “I came prepared for you to say that. There’s a club having a party tonight as well. It turns out there are some people who don’t want to go to a party full of succubi.”
You turned the idea around in your head, a smile slowly forming on your lips. “The brothers will be mad if they find out you went to this party, though,” Solomon told you - daring you. “Well, they told me they would pick me up in the morning, so we’ll just make sure we come back to the castle when the night’s over,” you responded.
“I’ll come pick you up. See you soon,” Solomon stated before hanging up. Your heart skipped a beat in excitement as you went over to the suitcase you had packed for the night. Luckily for you, you had packed an outfit on the off chance they decided to invite you to the party last minute. You thanked your lucky stars that you were somehow always prepared to look good and you went to the bathroom to change.
After you finished getting ready, you took another look at the outfit and blushed a little bit. This was the first time you were wearing this outfit. Asmo had picked it out for you on one of your shopping trips. You never had the occasion to wear it, but you figured if you were to get invited to a party with a bunch of succubi, you should wear something that matched the theme; and, this outfit definitely did. 
You didn’t realize how much skin was exposed until you were wearing it. Your chest was supported in all the right ways while exposing a decent amount of your cleavage. The outfit hugged you in the best places while showing off your body with an open stomach and stopping mid-thigh to flaunt your legs. 
Once you were satisfied with the way you looked, you grabbed your D.D.D. and made your way to the door of the castle, where you unfortunately ran into Barbatos. He looked surprised to see what you were wearing. You don’t think anyone had seen you were something so provocative. 
“Heading out?” Barbatos asked you. “With Solomon, he’s outside,” you replied, reassuring him of your safety before giving him your best puppy dog eyes. “Please don’t tell the brothers,” you asked him. Barbatos took in a breath before telling you, “I’m not your babysitter, you can go wherever you like; but, if they ask, I won’t lie.”
That was the answer you were looking for. Hopefully, if you planned everything accordingly, you would be back long before the brothers would even have to ask where you were. You flashed Barbatos a smile before leaving through the door and meeting up with Solomon.
When you got to the club, you were surprised to see how busy it actually was…and what was that song they were playing? You knew it. You turned to Solomon and he looked like a kid in a candy shop, practically bursting at the seams.
“I actually have a pact with the demon who owns this club, and when you agreed to go out tonight, I made some calls. Welcome to your very first human party in the Devildom,” Solomon said and your smile widened. Tonight was going to be fun.
You quickly dragged Solomon inside the club and couldn’t help but laugh. There was multiple human-world games set up. Beer Pong, Spin the Bottle, Truth or Dare…Twister. Solomon really thought of everything. 
He handed you a drink and you took a sip, surprised that you could actually feel the burn of the alcohol. You loved your best friend, but he was going to get you in trouble tonight.
Your mind switched to someone you knew who was sitting at the bar and you made your way over to him. He immediately smiled and you asked in disbelief, “Simeon?” He pulled you into a hug before saying, “Y/N! I was waiting for you to show up!”
The Seven Rulers of the Devildom had been sitting at a nearby table contemplating their decision to come to the party tonight. Usually, they loved the Succubus Party. There was enough fun there to last them until the next year. But, this time, it felt like there was something missing; and, it didn’t take long for them to figure out what that was. 
They felt bad for pawning you off on Lord Diavolo, but you had a tendency to get into trouble when they weren’t around. They all figured they could make it up to you later. But, now they were wishing they had stayed in with you instead.
Lucifer and Satan sat in silence, watching the people around them. Mammon mindlessly twirled a grimm coin in between his fingers. Levi pulled out one of his handheld games, deciding it would be more fun than this party. Beel’s only mission was to eat the entire buffet, and Belphie was a few more quiet seconds away from falling asleep. Even Asmo was lacking the motivation to try and seduce a Succubi. What was wrong with them?
You weren’t exactly sure when, or really even how, it happened, but you, Solomon, and Simeon were wasted. At first, you couldn’t stop laughing about Simeon’s drunken state - it was so ironic to you to see an angel so drunk. But, the more he loosened up, the more you realized how fun he was to party with.
You and Solomon made sure to play every single game that was set up. After all, you weren’t sure when you’d have another opportunity to play any human drinking games. You weren’t going to miss out on the opportunity.
You started with beer pong, surprising yourself with how good you were. A crowd of demons gathered around you, watching you play against miscellaneous opponents. Their cheers spurred you on and you won almost every time. 
When you were done with that, you decided to move over to Twister. You didn’t know the demons you were playing with; but, in your current state of mind, you didn’t care. The demons, however, were very excited to play with you. Almost every demon in the Devildom had a crush on the beautiful human exchange student. However, most of them weren’t allowed within an inch of you, thanks to your seven bodyguards. Now that they weren’t there, though, all bets were off the table. 
Solomon decided to spin the wheel for the game, giving the instructions for which body part to put on which color. You found yourself twisted in a precarious position between two demons and a small blush rose to your cheeks. You stayed strong in your position, though, and after a few more turns, you were all sent tumbling down to the ground. 
You let out genuine laughs as Solomon helped you stand back up. “Are you okay?” he asked with a small smile. He may have been the one to get you into this trouble, but he was also your best friend and wanted to make sure you were doing okay. That you weren’t feeling sick or uncomfortable. “I’m doing great,” you replied warmly before taking him over to the next game.
The brothers had noticed that the already unusually quiet party had lost more and more people. What was happening to this year’s party? They decided not to think much about it. It wasn’t their place to question the succubi. They were just waiting for it to be over so they could finally leave. 
That was, until, a particularly drunk lower-level demon approached their table. Normally, they wouldn’t tolerate such behavior, but he was clearly inebriated. “Guess you guys chose the wrong party to show up to, huh?” the demon asked, plopping down next to Mammon. 
Mammon raised an eyebrow as he shared a glance with his brothers. “What are ya’ talking about?” “Your human - she’s all over Devilgram,” the demon replied with a smile. All of their hearts stopped beating as silence filled the air. “What?” Lucifer asked, anger rising in his eyes. Anger rising in all of their eyes.
“Yeah, Solomon and her are throwing an awesome party at the club. I’ll show you,” the demon proudly stated, pulling out his D.D.D. and opening Devilgram. Satan snatched the device away from the demon as soon as the app opened and they all crowded around the fourth eldest to look at the screen.
Pictures of you and Solomon started popping up and everyone’s eyes widened as they saw you. More specifically, when they saw the outfit. The problem wasn’t the outfit - the problem was you looked absolutely stunning in it and you were letting every passing demon look at you in it. That was a huge problem for them. Like the demon said, you were their human.
The anger and jealousy hung like a storm cloud over the brothers as they looked at the pictures. And, if that wasn’t bad enough - then came the videos. And there was a multitude of them. Videos of you dirty dancing and playing Twister. Videos of a demon getting dared to kiss your neck and another one in which you were chosen for ‘Spin the Bottle’. 
What made things all the worse was that none of them had gotten a chance to see this side of you. The opportunity had never presented itself for them to get you alcohol from the human world, and Demonus had no effect on humans. They were missing their chance to see you stumble around or slur your words in the cute way humans do. They were missing their chance for you to be cute and cuddly, the alcohol clouding your decisions. Instead, the honor was going to a bunch of random low-level demons who had the audacity to have their lips on you. Someone was going to pay.
“Looks like everyone’s getting a piece of her tonight,” the demon joked, laughing a bit. Not funny. The ‘joke’ was enough to send them all into their demon form, Satan crushing the demon’s D.D.D. in his hand from the wrath he was feeling.
“Hey,” the demon pouted but they paid him no attention. “We’re leaving,” Lucifer stated - as if he even needed to. All seven brothers walked out of the Succubus Party - much to the succubi's dismay - and made their way to the club.
You hadn’t planned on being as adventurous as you had been tonight. But, Solomon was an excellent wingman - and an instigator. He held a mischievous look in his eyes everytime he suggested you play a game. He knew if the brothers found out, you would be in trouble, but that was part of the fun.
So, now here you were, sitting in a chair in the middle of the club with a demon who had been dared to do a body shot off of you. The idea made you blush but you complied nonetheless. After all, a dare is a dare right?
You sat there nervously in the middle of the club while others cheered the demon on. He got down on his knees in front of you, holding a shot in his hand. He looked nervous and you felt a bit bad for him. So you flashed him a small smile, and told him, “Don’t worry, it’s just for a dare.” That seemed to make him relax a little bit as he got ready to do the body shot.
The demon brothers had arrived at the club and entered it with a mission - to find you. Nothing else mattered. They noticed that everyone’s attention was focused on the center of the club and they all looked in that direction, stopping dead in their tracks at the scene in front of them. 
The demon who was in front of you poured the shot on your stomach before gripping your hips and seductively licking the shot off your body. When he was done, he moved up your body and crashed his lips to yours in a sloppy kiss. 
When the demon pulled away, everyone cheered loudly, enjoying the completion of the dare. You stood up from the chair, blushing and laughing at the situation as Solomon approached you. Before he could say anything though, your eyes scanned the club and you stopped breathing when you saw all seven brothers standing before you, a look of murder in their eyes.
Your smile immediately fell as you saw them. “Uh oh,” you muttered and Solomon looked in that direction, his own smile leaving his face. You two were in so much trouble. As if on cue, all seven of them started walking towards you, the true aura of their power shining around them. 
“Solomon,” you muttered. “Yeah?” he asked. “I want to be buried in the human world,” you replied as they finally reached you. They were so angry, no words could even come to their mind. In your intoxicated state, you thought it would be best to break the ice by asking, “How was the party?”
They all narrowed their gaze on you as Lucifer grabbed your wrist and told you in a dangerously low voice, “You’re done.” He then started leading you out of the club, his grip tightening on your wrist in case you got any funny ideas of trying to stay. You knew better though. The other six brothers surrounded you, forming a wall of protection from all of the other demons. They would be damned if the other demons tried to sneak a look at you again.
The whole way home was silent. No one dared to speak a word, and you didn’t know if that was more scary than them yelling at you. 
When you got to the House of Lamentation, Lucifer instructed you to sit on the couch in the living room while they all stood in front of you, ready to give you the lecture of your life. “What were ya’ thinking?” Mammon asked, breaking the silence. You knew better than to try and talk in the middle of their lecture.
His question began an onslaught of questions from everyone else as they scolded you on the dangers of going to parties without them. You did your best to sit there and take it, but you had a lot of alcohol in your system and you were struggling to focus. Eventually they realized this and Asmo said, “Maybe we should pick this up tomorrow.” 
None of them were completely satisfied with that, still feeling angry; but, they knew it was for the best. “You’re banned from hanging out with Solomon until further notice,” Lucifer added in as a last remark. You didn’t say anything in response. You just sat still while everyone headed off to bed for the night. Everyone except - him.
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Lucifer watched your unmoving form as his brothers headed off to bed. He thought what you did was completely irresponsible. The simple fact is that you are a human in the Devildom and who knows how many of those demons were just waiting for their chance to pounce on you. The opportune moment when someone wasn’t watching you, and with how drunk Solomon was, Lucifer doubted he was capable of keeping his eyes on you the whole time. 
He wanted to keep a stern appearance so that you knew he was serious, but he couldn’t leave you sitting there on the couch in the state you were in. He approached you slowly and offered you his hand. You looked up at him in shock and he softly said, “Let’s get you to bed.”
You gave him a small smile as he led you to your room. You were exhausted and wanted nothing more than to collapse into your bed for the night, but Lucifer had decided you needed to change into different clothes. He accompanied you to your closet and then ushered you inside your bathroom to change.
He waited for you to change and when you came out, the two of you exchanged awkward glances. You knew he wasn’t going to leave you alone. Not yet at least. So, you crawled over to your bed and slipped underneath the covers.
Lucifer didn’t say anything, he just leaned against the wall by your door, making sure you got to sleep safely. You sent him one more glance before closing your eyes and letting sleep overtake you. Lucifer was surprised at how quickly you fell asleep, but with the amount of alcohol you had, maybe he shouldn’t have been.
He looked over your sleeping form and for the first time all night, his cold facade broke. He approached the bed and sat down in front of you, careful not to wake you. He gently brushed some of your hair out of your face before letting out a small sigh. “Why do you always have to end up in trouble?” Lucifer asked softly, letting his gloved thumb stroke your cheek bone. If only you knew his true feelings for you, maybe you wouldn’t have gone to the club in the first place.
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As everyone shuffled off to bed, Mammon immediately went to you. He couldn’t leave his human there with no help. He sat down next to you on the couch and you looked up at him through your eyelashes. Dammit, why did you always have to look so cute?
“Come on, I’ll help ya’ get to your room,” Mammon offered. You nodded your head as he helped you stand up, keeping his arm around your waist in case you needed any help walking. He helped you get into your room and told you, “You should change.”
You moved away from him to your closet and immediately peeled off your top much to Mammon’s surprise. His cheeks burned a bright red as he immediately turned around, the image of you shirtless seared into his brain. “I meant in the bathroom,” Mammon muttered.
You finished changing and turned to face Mammon who was looking away from you. A slight blush rose to your cheeks as you realized what you had just done. “Sorry, you can look now,” you told him and he slowly turned around, as if he wasn’t sure if it was safe or not.
He relaxed a little bit once he saw you were fully clothed, and you moved to get in your bed. You stumbled a bit and Mammon’s arms were immediately around you, making sure you didn’t fall. You looked up at him and noticed your lips were inches apart from each other. He wanted so badly to lean in and kiss you, but he couldn’t have your first kiss with him be while you were too drunk to even remember it. 
So, he helped you get into your bed instead, making sure you were properly situated. He was about to leave when suddenly he felt a surprisingly strong force pulling him down.
He let out a small shout as you pulled him into the bed, snuggling into him. “Wha?” he began to ask, but you cut him off. “I missed you tonight,” you told him, your head on his chest while your arm wrapped around his torso.
Mammon was blushing furiously as his heart was pounding in chest. By the time he finally got his thoughts together to respond, he could hear you softly snoring. He finally let his arms relax around you as he closed his eyes. Why did you have to have so much power over him?
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Levi stood there looking at you and a frown fell upon his lips. How could he not help you - his true friend? He let out a small sigh as he nervously stood there, not knowing what to do to help you. He cleared his throat after a moment before asking, “Do you - need any help?” 
Your head snapped up to see him standing there, looking very unsure of himself. “I can make sure you get to your room okay,” Levi suggested. “Sure,” you said with a small smile. You moved to stand up and you were a bit wobbly. Levi took a step forward to help you but when he noticed you had steadied yourself, he backed off, not wanting to overstep. 
He followed you to your room and didn’t think about telling you to change clothes. He’s never really had to deal with someone this drunk before. He helped you get in the bed immediately. He thought the best thing for you would be sleep. 
You laid in the bed not moving, and Levi was about to leave, but he took another glance at you and you looked too still. He went into panic mode once again as he moved forward, gently touching the side of your neck to check for a pulse. 
He let out a breath of relief as he felt it, but the coolness of his hands felt nice on your overheating body, so you reached your hand up to his and interlaced your fingers with his. He let out a startled noise, but didn’t pull away. There was something about the way your hand felt entwined with his that made him never want to let go. He stayed frozen for a moment before deciding to sit down on the bed. It wouldn’t be a bad thing if he stayed a little longer, right? Just to make sure you weren’t going to die. 
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Satan followed the rest of his brothers to leave the room, but something stopped him. He paused for a moment before turning back around to look at you. You hadn’t moved from your spot on the couch. He was angry, for sure, but he couldn’t leave you to pass out on the couch.
He slowly approached you and you immediately looked up at him as soon as he got in front of you. You were looking up at him with big, helpless eyes and his heart swelled. He knew that even if he was angry at what happened, he couldn’t be truly angry at you. 
Satan gently brushed the back of his hand over your cheek before letting out a small sigh and helping you stand up. He helped support your weight as he managed to get you to your bedroom. He went to your closet and quickly picked whatever clothes looked comfortable, not wanting to rummage through your belongings without your permission. 
He handed you the clothes and then guided you to the bathroom. You gave him a small smile and went inside doing your best to change. You managed to slip into the bottoms, but getting changed into the top was a different story. You managed to get your current top most of the way off when it snagged in your hair.  Great. As if you weren’t already embarrassed enough as it was.
You let out a sigh of frustration and you heard Satan shuffle from outside the door. “Are you okay?” he asked, his voice filled with concern. “I’m, uh, stuck,” you replied, a blush covering your cheeks. Satan was confused and asked, “Is it alright if I come in.”
You nodded your head and then realized he couldn’t see you. “Yes,” you said, and the door slowly opened. Satan blushed when he noticed your shirt was still off but focused on the task at hand. He moved to stand right behind you and carefully untangled the top from your hair. 
His fingers brushed gently against your back, sending a shiver down your spine. His blush deepened when he felt you shiver and he closed his eyes to regain his composure. He had imagined you shirtless many times, but it was never under this pretense. 
“Got it,” he said softly, removing the top from your hair. “Thank you,” you told him, slipping the new shirt on before exiting the bathroom. You moved over to your bed and sat down on it. You looked over at Satan and he was standing there, unsure what to do at this point.
“Would you stay with me tonight?” you asked him, your eyes filled with hope. Satan could never say no to you. “Of course,” he replied, getting into the bed next to you. You didn’t overbear him with cuddles, not wanting to push him out of his comfort zone.
He stayed laying on his back until you were fast asleep, and then he turned to face you. He cupped your cheek before leaning forward and placing a kiss on your forehead. He wished he could understand what about you made him have such strong feelings for you.
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Asmo stood still for a minute, taking in your appearance. You were absolutely wasted. He sympathized with you. He had been in the same position many times over the countless years he had been alive. As soon as his brothers were gone, he approached you and titled your chin up to look up at him. “Come on, hun,” he said, carefully helping you up.
“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you,” he told you, brushing some hair out of your face. “Thanks Asmo,” you replied, making him smile. He helped you get to your room and immediately looked at your closet. He turned to face you and told you, “You look absolutely stunning in that outfit, Y/N. I definitely made the right choice when I got it for you.” A blush coated your cheeks, and you looked down to hide it.
“But,” Asmo continued, tilting your head back up to lock eyes, “You can’t sleep in it.” He then moved over to your closet and searched your clothes finding the perfect outfit. It was comfortable and cute. Leave it to Asmo to make sure you look good even when you’re too drunk to remember it. 
He led you to the bathroom and told you, “I’ll be here when you’re done.” You gave him a small smile and went inside. You changed quickly and then opened the door again where Asmo was waiting eagerly. 
You tried to take a step out, but he stopped you. “You’re not done quite yet,” he told you. He quickly lifted you onto the counter, surprising you with his strength. He then pulled out multiple beauty supplies to take off your makeup and wash your face. After all, being drunk wasn’t an excuse to damage your skin by sleeping in your makeup. 
You let him do whatever he wanted, enjoying the feeling of his hands gently rubbing over your face. When he was satisfied, he helped you back off the counter and led you to your bed. He laid you down on it before moving towards the lights.
“Asmo?” you asked, not wanting him to leave. He smiled at the sound of his name and turned the lights off. “Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere,” he told you, climbing into the bed. He would never take advantage of you while you were in this state, but there was also no chance he was going to leave you alone. 
He quickly wrapped you in his arms, letting you know he was there for you, and he gently stroked your hair, making sure you were as comfortable as could be. You fell asleep pretty quickly and Asmo listened to the sound of you breathing. He thought about the night and couldn’t help the jealousy that rose back up in him. Next time, he - and he alone - was going to be the one who made sure you had the night of your life.
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Concern filled his eyes as he looked at you while his brothers each gave their own lecture. He understood where they were coming from, and he was equally upset about it in his own way. But, couldn’t they see that you weren’t feeling your best right now? Maybe some food would help you feel better.
As soon as the “intervention” was called to an end for the night, Beel went straight to the kitchen to whip up a snack. He held off the urge to eat everything he had made and brought the snack right back to you.
He let out a small breath of relief as he noticed you hadn’t passed out yet and came and sat next to you on the couch. He offered you the plate and you gave him a warm smile as you graciously took it. “Thank you,” you told him. He smiled back at you, happy that he had found some way to help. 
When you were done eating, Beel wasted no time in getting you to bed. You let out a small shout of surprise as he swept you into his arms, lifting you off the couch. You could have protested, but you were so tired. It was nice being carried to your room, especially by Beel.
It felt so warm and safe in his arms, you nearly fell asleep on the short walk to your bedroom. In fact, you thought you had when you felt Beel set you down on your bed. His mind was on a one-way track to making sure you got some rest, and there were no stops for a change of clothes or taking off your makeup.
Beel sat next to you on the bed for a moment, gently patting the top of your head. A frown suddenly formed on his face as he thought about the idea of you getting nightmares tonight. You did have a lot to drink, and he had heard that alcohol could have negative impacts on a human’s sleep.
The thought of you waking up alone and scared was too much for Beel to handle. So, he decided he would stay the night. He had gotten comfortable in the bed when you had suddenly shifted, your head leaning against his shoulder. 
A blush coated his cheeks as he dared to turn his head and look at you. Your sleeping form was so cute! He let out a small sigh as he went back to staring up at the ceiling. He was so into you.
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Belphie couldn’t help the small smile that rested on his face as his brothers all left the living room. He looked over your appearance and the smile slowly turned into a smirk as he went to sit down next to you. He can’t just take care of you. No, he has to tease you a bit first.
He frowned a bit when you didn’t lift your head to acknowledge his presence, but decided to push further anyway. “You’re always getting in trouble, you know?” Belphie asked, gently poking your cheek.
You finally turned to look at him, a playful glare in your eyes. “It’s not like I meant for things to get this far out of hand,” you replied. It wasn’t a lie. “When you’re with Solomon, things always get out of hand,” he teased back. You let out an unsatisfied huff and Belphie got the message. He would tease you more tomorrow.
He stood up and pulled you up from the couch, leading you to your room. He’s another one that doesn’t care about appearance as much as the others, so your clothes and makeup are a non-factor.
Instead, he leads you to your bed before turning the lights off and shutting the door. Maybe you wanted cuddles, maybe you didn’t. He never thought about asking you. Instead, he figured he should be compensated for taking the time to help you up to your room. And, he wanted cuddles.
So, as soon as you were laying in bed, he slid in next to you, wrapping his arms around you as he snuggled in as close as he could. “Belphie,” you muttered with a blush, not expecting him to do that. He didn’t respond, pretending he was asleep, even though you knew full well that he couldn’t fall asleep that quickly. 
You let out a small giggle at his childish behavior before deciding to take advantage of the cuddles. You shifted slightly to get a little more comfortable and then found yourself easily falling asleep. 
Soon, your soft snores and even breaths were the only thing Belphie could hear and he opened his eyes to take another look at you. You looked so peaceful when you were sleeping. He had never felt like this about anyone before.
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mochatsin · 6 months
When MC can Draw (Dateables Version)
Drawing and the arts is one of the things you’re most passionate about. There’s a lot of things, and certain demons, that are out there to give you inspiration to draw. How will the dateables react when they find out you’re a great artist?
Wow my first dateables version of my prompts. Hope i’ve written them all well. This version is requested from my tumblr :0 thanks for reading!
Diavolo took notice when you saw your eyes lingering among the paintings during your tour around his castle. There were portraits of prominent figures from Devildom, from old kings to spearheads that shaped their history. He explains how there’s one royal painter for every royal king, thus the similar styles in every portrait. Since you’re an exchange student then it’s essential you learn about these demons, and Diavolo is happy to tell their tales for you. 
He was taking a stroll around RAD before going home when he spotted you in the school’s gardens, seemingly preoccupied. He wanted to call on you but he was more curious to see what you were working on. Diavolo watches you closely from a distance, afraid that you might hide from him if you spot him like how the others do.
To his surprise, he saw you working on a portrait of him in a style that’s similar to the ones he’s shown you. The way your eyes lingered on those paintings when he toured you around before, it clicks to him now that you were trying to study the art style itself as well. It’s almost identical, but with your added personal touches to make it unique.
His towering size doesn’t hide him very well when you immediately spot him at the corner of your eye. The pillars don't do justice to how large Diavolo is as a demon. You try to conceal the art you were making, it’s embarrassing when the subject of your art is actually a few feet away from you. But he quickly smiles as he walks over to you. Now that his cover's blown, he definitely wants to see everything up close now.
“I didn’t mean to be rude and spy on you like that. But you don’t need to hide anything! Even from a glance I could tell you’re talented. Would it be alright for me to see what you were working on?” You can’t really turn down such a polite request, but you most certainly can’t turn down the volume of his voice that’s booming with excitement as he flips from one page to another.
When you finish your portrait of Diavolo, expect it to be treated like a national treasure. A beautiful artwork of the young prince made by the human exchange student? It deserves the best frame that Diavolo can get his hands on. Expect Barbatos by your door the next day with high quality art supplies. He’ll treat you like one of the finest royal artists to ever live in Devildom.
He invited you for some afternoon tea at the castle as thanks for lending him a hand in his duties the other day. Though there were some other matters around the castle that Barbatos needed to attend to, he asked for you to stay put first and help yourself to some of the treats he had prepared beforehand. 
You always admired the intricate designs of the tea set Barbatos always prepared whenever you came over. Since you’re a bit bored, you took out your sketchbook and decided to draw the fancy little tea cups while you wait for Barbatos to come back. 
The tea sets that Barbatos prepares always have beautiful pattern designs that range from dainty floral prints up to sets that look more expensive than the Mammon’s weekly bills due to how much the patterns are embedded in gold. If you look closely, you could probably spot little devils on it and it’s cute in its own way.
Little did you know he’s been actually observing you for a while now. He finished his last minute duties rather quickly since it would be rude to keep a guest waiting and that’s when he spots you keeping yourself busy by drawing, your glance going from the tea set to the paper. He wanted to admire that look you have whenever you concentrate for a little bit.
He lets out a small chuckle which gets your attention, a gentle smile on his face as he approaches you. “You’re quite the talented one, aren’t you?” Barbatos says as he takes a seat next to you, glancing at your sketchpad. “Maybe you can tell me more about your work while we enjoy some tea together?” 
Barbatos wouldn’t push for you to show anything, but he’ll be happy once you do. He’s impressed at how well you can make patterns that range from something simple to ones that have intricate details. He likes how you can make a portrait of the tea sets he’s been preparing, and secretly he grabs his finest sets to see if you’ll be inspired enough to draw it as well the next time you visit. Maybe he can also pull some strings to put your own pattern designs onto an actual tea cup and serve it to you next time. 
Sometimes you go to Purgatory Halls to get away from all the constant nagging and chaos of the demon brothers. It’s nice to find that peace and quiet you needed to do your daily tasks or just laze around since you felt like it.
Simeon lets you stay in his room for today while he tries to focus on writing for his novel. He plans on introducing a new character soon and since he trusts you, he starts talking about the character itself. How they compose themselves, what they’re like, the possible role they’ll play in the story, you get all these details before the chapter is even written.
Once he’s done talking he lets you get back to whatever you were doing while he continues trying to figure out how to write the next few parts. Though he soon hears the sound of scribbling pens and wondered if you were doing some homework? He could’ve sworn you were done with those already.
He turns around and to his astonishment, you were sketching the character he was just discussing with you earlier. Given his detailed accounts of the character, you were able to design it well. It’s an understatement to say Simeon is happy. He is ecstatic. You brought this character to life in just a matter of minutes all for him, and that brings Simeon more ideas on how to proceed with writing. 
“You never told me you actually knew how to draw. Your talent at visualizing is exceptional.” Simeon would listen carefully while you talk about your journey to the arts and how you honed your talents while he looks through your other works. Afterwards, he starts to praise your art like a professional critique, telling you what he loves in each work.
His heart skips a beat whenever he finds your old works that’s dedicated to his novels. Learning that you’re also talented with the pen like he is, just in a different element, makes him feel a little bit closer to you. If you’re not busy, he may ask for your help when it comes to visualizing something he’s having a hard time with. He’ll treat you to something nice as thanks!
Being Solomon’s apprentice means that there are times he’ll require you to assist him with his research. There’s a few spells and potions that he wants to work on, though they all require a lot of preparation work. You both agreed on doing a bit of divide and conquer on those tasks so that it won’t be too time consuming to finish. 
You managed to do a lot of chores for him which is quite tiring, though Solomon is grateful for your efforts and he has one last request from you which he said is essential to the potion he’s making. There’s a delicate Devildom flora that Solomon harvested recently, and you have to make sure the flower stays fresh because it can wither very quickly if not taken care of and the potion would fail if that happens. He’ll take it off your hands once he’s done preparing everything else.
Normally, one would’ve kept it in a vase full of water and called it a day. Though you decided to not only put it in a vase, but draw up a summoning circle that would keep it fresh. It’s something that you learned from Solomon’s notes, and the sorcerer is astonished you drew the circle so accurately enough to work on your first try when he came to check up on you. 
“Now how did my little apprentice actually manage that so quickly? That would’ve taken me several tries to get the patterns done.” Solomon says with an amused smirk, staring at the circle in awe. Getting one line wrong would’ve instantly killed the flower but right now, he sees that not only is it very much alive but it looks more vibrant than ever. The magic is more potent, Solomon is sure that any potion he makes with its petals would be very effective.
While he was waiting for the potion to boil over in the cauldron, he decided to learn more about this hidden talent of yours. He makes you draw some summoning circles from one of his books, already starting out on the difficult types to draw. All of it is perfect somehow since you’ve had a history of drawing, so your hand is quite steady and you act like it’s no big deal. Solomon will definitely want to see your works in the future.
“A lot of sorcerers can cast magic, but not everyone has the talent to make summoning circles as quickly and accurately as you do.” That’s big praise coming from humanity’s strongest sorcerer. Though that means he’ll want to exploit that talent and call you over every time he needs it in his experiments, it’s a win for him either way because he gets to spend more time with you. 
There’s a new event in Devildom where the angels and you were teamed up to open a stall that’s focused on selling sweets and pastries. Luke appreciates your input when it comes to taste testing his sweets since none of the demon brothers are able to give proper critiques like you can, Simeon tends to be a little too nice to Luke, and Solomon is never allowed near the kitchen. Ever. 
Your company is always welcomed and Luke would gladly add any of the sweets you recommended onto the menu. You always come back to the House of Lamentation with a bag full of samples you both baked that day, which always brings a smile to the brother’s face. 
You come back to Purgatory Hall only to find Luke seemingly having a dilemma. He reassures you that it’s not because of the batch of sweets and pastries since you helped him perfect the menu. It’s the fact he needs to make a logo and design for the stall. If it can’t attract any customers then all the effort you both put into baking this would go to waste. 
You sat down with Luke to brainstorm with him, watching the angel stare blankly at the paper with frustration while you ask him for what ideas he’s already had so far. Luke had to go back to the kitchen to pipe some frosting on the cupcakes, though by the time he came back you were already done with the sketch.
Luke is awed at the design, seeing as how you incorporated both his and your idea for the stall in a way that still blends well together. “Y-you’re incredible! How’d you do that so fast though? You know what, let’s show Simeon first!” If Luke had a tail, it would be wagging from sheer joy. He’d be so excited to get the decorations and paint for the stall that he almost forgot about the cupcakes in the oven. 
By the time the stall is finished and running, Luke would definitely flaunt your talent not just for helping him bake but for also designing the stall. “You like the design? They did that!” He would say with an excited grin on his face before pointing at you. Luke enjoys working with you that you both barely notice the brothers getting jealous over the amount of time the angel gets to spend with their human. 
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thewritetofreespeech · 5 months
hehe. liked the married ex fic you wrote for Lucifer, and I'm inlove with your writing! it has a cloudy vibe to it. can I request Barbatos x mc who's dealing with a stalker?👀👀
Barbatos x reader - dealing with a stalker
When he first heard about the human that was living with the Demon Brothers as part of the exchange program, he had laughed.
It was a ludicrous idea. First, this whole ‘good will event’ in general, then putting a human in the thick of it with demons. They were going to eat them alive, he thought.
But as he spent more & more time seeing them around the school, he became more & more infatuated with them. Never able to get close with the brothers always hanging off them, along with the angels, but he desperately wanted to get close to them as well. He had to have them.
Sneaking past the gates and making his way over the fence, the besmitten demon cursed as his pant leg got stuck on some flower thrones. Struggling to pull away.
“May I help you?”
The young man turned in alarm to see a man looking up at him. A soft, but somehow super creepy smile, on his face as he stared at him. He had a vague memory of this man. His mind’s eye reminded him that he had seen him at school events and Devildom festivals along with Lord Diavolo. What was his majesty’s butler doing here?
“I was uh…just—“Climbing a fence. Yes, I can see that.” Barbatos interjected quickly, with that same eerie smile. “But it seems you’re stuck. Allow me.”
The young man wasn’t sure what whizzed past him, but suddenly his pant leg and the rest of the shrubbery fence had broke free and he was on the ground. “Apologies sir. That first step can be a doozy. May I help you up?”
“No, no. I’m fine.” He quickly replied as he stood on his feet and brushed his clothes off.
“Good. We wouldn’t want you hurt now. I take it you got lost on your way to the front door?”
“I uh…yeah…I guess….”
“So you decided to look for a short cut for the garden party over the fence. How industrious of you.”
‘Garden party?’ He thought, but then realized he had a reason to get in and quickly agreed, “yes, yes! I’m here for the garden party!”
“Wonderful. Could I have your name please?”
The young idiot quickly gave his name to the older demon. Who had a clipboard appear out of nowhere and seemed to scan it. “Hmm…I’m not seeing your name. Who gave you the invitation?”
“[Y/N],” he answered quickly, “they invited me.” He wouldn’t dare drop the brothers’ names, and they were the only other person he knew that lived in the house. “They totally did.”
“Ah. I see. Well, I’m not seeing your name, as I said. And I don’t think [Y/N] would be so repugnant to not tell me of an additional guest they were inviting.” The young man gulped. “I know! Why don’t we go ask them? I’m sure they can clear this all up.”
He felt his blood run cold at the suggestion. If they asked them about it in front of everyone, not only would be embarrassed, shunned out of school, and possibly murdered by the Demon Brothers, his chances of getting close to [Y/N] were out the window.
“Well it…it’s meant to be a surprise?”
“Oh! A surprise! Surprises can be fun.” The butler took another step towards him. That smile never leaving his face for a moment through the whole exchange, but suddenly seemed so dark & twisted that the young man felt he was going to be swallowed whole without him ever opening his jaws. “I especially like surprises that maybe never come. Maybe it will be today. Maybe next week. Maybe never. But the chances of surprises happening are always out there. Just….waiting…to spring out on you.”
The young man jump and was suddenly running before he knew it. He didn’t know why. He just had to get out of there. Away from the House of Lamentation and that creepy smile. Away to somewhere safe. Wherever that was.
Barbatos’s eyes narrowed as he watched the intruder sprint away. The outline of his back fading quickly off in the distance.
He and Lord Diavolo would really need to look into what special power [Y/N] had to continuously snare demons into their web. They never seemed to try, but every week their seemed to be some new admirer. He and his lord would have to uncover what that power was, and find a way to harness it.
“Barbatos,” the butler turned when he heard his name and saw [Y/N] there calling to him. “Is everything alright? You seem annoyed.”
“Oh. Don’t worry [Y/N].” He told them with a bright, genuine smile this time. “Just taking care of some rats in the garden.”
“Oh no,” they said with a little giggle, “I hope there weren’t too many. I know how much you hate them.”
“Just one.” Barbatos told them. “But they won’t be back. Come, let’s rejoin with everyone and have some tea. I made a special blend I’m sure you will enjoy.”
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twinksrepository · 2 months
A surprise after a party
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Rating: 18+ Minors DNI
Pairing: Diavolo X F!Reader
CW: Angst, drinking, hidden rendezvous, implied smut, spoilers for NB
Word count: Roughly 2.5K
A/N: It's certainly been a night to remember as you join in the celebration of the brother's one year in the Devildom. As everything dies down it turns out Diavolo has a surprise for you as well.
Some thoughts in my head from one of the premium pictures of Diavolo.
Images belong to Solmare.
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Walking down the hallway of the demon lord’s castle the only noise you can hear is the sound of your heels clicking against the floor, you can’t even hear the low thrum of the music from the party that had been in the hall. Then again, it was winding down after what had in fact been a fun filled night and the brother’s celebration of being in the Devildom for a year had been a huge success. The after party that Diavolo had planned had been just as successful, and you, well you were starting to feel the dregs of exhaustion beginning to creep into your muscles.
Between the brothers, the angels, Solomon, and thirteen you had been on the dance floor most of the night. Your feet were starting to pay the price of wearing something to try and make yourself a little taller. More than once you had caught Diavolo’s gaze and sent him a sad little smile when he didn’t reach you before someone else was dragging you to the dance floor.
In fact, there had only been two times you even got to speak to him since you had arrived for the party. The first had been for him to kiss the back of your hand and tell you how lovely you looked in your dress. You’d been a little too distracted seeing him in a white suit that looked so different from his usual attire, but you’d at least been able to give him a compliment in return before being whisked away.
The second time had been just a few minutes ago after he made an announcement about how successful the party had been and how happy he was that the brothers had become such a meaningful part of the devildom in such a short span of time. As he had slipped away from the center of attention he made what seemed like a beeline for a tray of glasses that Barbatos held beside you. Plucking a glass from the silver tray before those golden eyes of his glanced at you.
“Meet me in the study at the end of the north corridor after I slip away.” Whispered just loud enough for you to hear over the din before he was pulled away by another demon you didn’t recognize.
“I didn’t just imagine that did I?” Softly asking Barbatos while pretending to take another sip of your drink.
“You did not. However, I shall say no more, lest I ruin the young master's surprise.” A wink was sent your way with a slight bow as you placed the now empty glass on the tray after finishing the drink. You’d been suspicious that Diavolo had been up to something after he told you on your last date that he was planning a surprise for the brothers. Planning and putting things into action with no one being aware was one of his specialties, it didn’t help you knew he had been bored with all the work the brothers had been doing for their own party.
Making your rounds around the space with random pleasantries to other guests in attendance as you tried to keep a discreet eye on the prince before he slipped away. Taking a mental countdown in your head to avoid the appearance of following directly behind him. Your relationship with him was far from a secret, but it still made you feel better when it didn’t seem like you were immediately following after him.
A call of your name from Satan and you smile widely at him before making an excuse about having had a little too much to drink and needing to use the facilities.  Part way down the hallway you realized it wasn’t an excuse before taking a short detour. Now you were heading down to the seldom used study and feeling a fluttering in your chest that had nothing to do with the drinking you had done most of the night.
Taking a deep breath before you knocked on the thick wood, you didn’t have to wait long before hearing his joyful answer for you to come in. The weight of the door forced you to shove your arm against the grain as you pushed and might have attributed to your breathy exhale at the sight. None of the overhead lights that normally illuminate the room are on, instead, there’s a soft glow from several brightly colored items you don’t recognize. Well, not at first as your eyes adjust to the low illumination. Cupping one of the items you smile, it’s like a glass lotus flower with a flame flickering at the center.
“Pretty.” There’s no thought behind the single word as you watch the flame flicker, tilting your head enraptured by the dancing light.
“I was thinking the same about you.” That rich melodious laugh of his has you blinking from your stupor, your eyes quickly connecting with his. A soft smile grows on your face in time to the slight burning of your cheeks. You were so distracted by the floating flowers you had somehow missed his presence in the center of the room, seated on a red leather wingback with another of the flowers in his hand. One that wasn’t lit.
Releasing the one in your hand to glide across the floor closer to him, watching a spark ignite inside the glass decoration in his palm before it lit. The smallest flex of his fingers and it rises to float just like the others above his palm. “How are you doing that?” Another round of laughter from him, as if you should know the answer already making the blush spread a little more across your cheeks.
 “Magic, of course.”  The smile on his face washes away as you chuckle, those golden eyes of his following the movement of your hand to trace one of the lines of his palm just under the deep blue flower. 
“You know what I mean Dia.” Turning your eyes from the flicking light to get a better look at the demon prince in his suit. It wasn’t like you could stare earlier out in public, not without Asmo whispering in your ear how you were drooling. Playing with the edge of the black collar stitched with a pattern in a thread that matched his eyes. “You should wear white more often, it makes you seem even more regal.” 
“That wasn’t my intent with this outfit.” Raising his hand just enough to send the light away before curling his fingers around yours and guiding the knuckles closer to his lips to kiss the joints of each of your fingers. “I was trying to blend in more.” 
His actions have your heart beating a tempo in your chest that it almost hurts, ghosting your fingers along the black collar of his shirt and up his neck, feeling the heat radiate into the tips as soon as they reached his skin. Cupping his jaw and placing your thumb at the corner of his lips. “I don’t think you’ll ever be able to blend in.” Taking a seat on his thigh with your feet on the floor between his legs, a heat along your back as his arm curls around you to land on the side of your hip. “You could wear rags and you’d still have a presence that makes you stand out.” Humming as he pulled you closer, curling into him as you leaned against his body. “I didn’t think I’d end up matching your tie though.” 
“It was a pleasant surprise.” Tilting his head to make your thumb slide along his lips before placing a kiss on the rough skin. “I felt myself growing jealous every time another had your attention.” Removing your hand to place your arm around the back of his neck so you can lean in more, your temple flush with the side of his cheek. 
“You know you’re the only one for me.” Grinning at the rumble of his chest as he lets out a laugh. As much as you love the brothers, it is more like the love of a younger sister for her older siblings. Diavolo however had slowly charmed his way into your heart and firmly entrenched himself there. So when you ended up in the past, it had been a blow to your heart to see him look at you as if he didn’t know you. He didn’t, since it was the past long before you had been an exchange student, but seeing those golden eyes that reminded you of your favorite season as if you were a stranger had cut you in ways you didn’t know. Yet the bond had reformed before you knew it, and you found yourself back in his arms while trying to figure out a way home and to reform your pacts with the brothers. “This was a beautiful surprise Diavolo, thank you.” A hint of wistfulness in your voice as you go back to glancing at the lotus flowers and their flames. 
“Grant me a request?” You nod, you don’t need to say anything this close to him with his breath washing over parts of your face. “Dance with me.” It’s easy to catch the longing in his voice, having been denied the chance all night. 
A snap of his fingers, if you didn’t know how impressive he was you might have thought Barbatos was nearby to turn on a record player, as a soft tune begins to play from somewhere in the room. 
“You know I don’t need music to dance with you.” Rising from his lap, away from the floating lights with your hand still clasped in his the two of you take up your positions. A hand on his shoulder, before you start to follow his lead as he guides you through the steps. 
“I like the full experience.” A smile on his face with his eyes sparkling full of mirth, it’s hard to not let his infectious joy spread to your face. Grinning so much your cheeks are starting to hurt. 
Until you let out a hiss when you take a step back, a sharp pain shooting up your leg and Diavolo stops immediately. “Are you alright?” 
“Just give me a second.” Slipping your hand from his you reach down as you lift one of your legs and pull the first of your heels off before repeating the action with your other foot. “I did not come prepared for that much dancing tonight.” Now barefoot you take his hand once more, reminded of how your smaller one looks against his before you flash him a grin. “I’m good, as long you don’t mind dancing with me barefoot.” Another bout of his deep laugh echos around the room that makes your toes curl as Diavolo starts moving again, guiding you through the waltz like clockwork. 
It isn’t long before Diavolo is guiding you through faster steps, adding in spins that make you giggle as the fabric of your dress rises in the air from the motion. You enjoy this far more than if you had been dancing out in the ballroom with all eyes to see, like this, it’s more intimate and you can be yourself. There’s no pressure from the glaring eyes of the demon nobles that want Diavolo to drop his acquaintance with you. He never would, but it doesn’t mean you don’t feel the hatred in their eyes. 
A few more steps and Diavolo slides his hand upwards to put you into a dip. Laughing you lift your leg to hook your foot behind his knee earning you a smile that makes your heart melt. The space between your bodies disappears as he lowers his head to brush his lips against yours, a kiss you're more than happy to welcome as both of your hands slide to tangle in his hair and around his neck. Moaning into the kiss as your heart starts to slow in your chest, enveloped in the scent of him that has you relaxing more and more in his hold. The heat from his skin sinking into you through the fabric of your dress, a brief slide of his tongue along your lower lip before he pulls back with both of you breathing heavily.
“I love you.” It’s not the first time you’ve said it, and you know it’s far from the last. Slowly opening your eyes to see the look of sheer adoration on his face. 
“I love you too, far more than you’ll ever know.” He doesn’t pull you from the dip yet, swallowing before he speaks again. “I want to make your deepest wishes a reality, all you have to do is ask and if I have the power to grant it. I will.” 
It’s your turn to swallow. Diavolo, for all his easy smiles and booming laughter with his outgoing nature, is the most powerful being in the Devildom. You know he has the power to change reality if he chooses to, bend the very cosmos as you understand it to his whim. He doesn’t. In all your time with him in what will be his future he’s never made such a declaration to you. It has the fire in your veins cooling for a moment, to know this Diavolo is so smitten with you that he’d made such an offer. 
You close the distance for another kiss, nibbling on his bottom lip before pulling back yourself. There is something you want more than anything, but you can’t ask him for it. 
Not now. 
Possibly never. 
“Promise me, you’ll never forget me Dia. Or this moment.” Blinking the wetness from your eyes, feeling your body right itself as Diavolo returns you to your feet. His larger hands grasping the sides of your face and brushing the wetness that keeps growing on your lashes. You can ask for this though, because eventually you’ll return to the correct time, your correct time, and you don’t want Diavolo to forget these moments with you. A wish that if Barbatos changes the timelines Diavolo will remember you telling him in the colosseum that you know he’ll be a great ruler someday. 
“I promise my love.” Leaning down to press his forehead against yours. “I didn’t mean to ruin the moment.” 
“You didn’t. You could never ruin our time together.” Your fingers slide up his forearms before curling around his wrists. “I am tired though.” Giving him your best attempt at a smile even with the tears still dripping down your face. “Can I stay with you tonight?” 
“You never have to ask me that.” Blushing with a final wipe of his fingers along your face before he kisses your temple. Diavolo ends up carrying you to his room, helps you slide the fabric of the dress from your body with his mouth blazing a trail along the clasps and zippers that reveal more skin. 
As he reminds you physically how much he cares for you, and the sweat drips from your joined bodies your mind keeps wandering to that deepest wish. Maybe someday you’ll find the courage to tell him. Tell him how you never want to leave the Devildom again, how you want to stay where you belong until you’re old and grey. How he’s your home, and you can’t stand the thought of not being allowed to remain with him. 
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temis-de-leon · 4 months
Day 18 - Sneaking a kiss while no one is looking
Characters: Barbatos x gn!MC
25 kisses challenge Masterlist
Main Masterlist
CW: social anxiety, agoraphobia and a bit of insecurity, protective Barbatos, secret relationship
There was a plethora of smells in the ballroom. Perfumes and colognes, food and sweat fusing to become an overwhelming scent that surrounded MC’s senses. Their eyes stung at the exposure and their nose refused to keep working, hence them looking like an exhausted animal breathing through their mouth.  
They looked for an exit, not caring if it was a balcony, a hallway or even the staff area, but everyone was so tall the only thing they could see was horns, wings, velvet vests and silky dresses. Tails lashed at their ankles, reaping the hem of their gown and scratching the skin underneath.
It was suffocating, too saturated for their tired eyes. They felt like the world was folding on itself and they were right in the middle of it. The floor tiles changed forms and bent beneath them.
Then, all of a sudden, an arm slipped around their waist and pushed them through the crowd, not stopping until the fresh air of the night hit their face and the noise became distant enough not to understand the voices.
Gloved hands turned them around, briefly tightening around their waist before caressing and cradling their face.
“Are you alright, my love?” Barbatos asked in deep worry.
It was only when MC’s eyes made contact with his that they realized where he had taken them. A secluded spot in one of the balconies filled with towers of Demonus bottles stacked in wine racks and mini freezers full of crushed ice. Vines and flowers covered the rails and the walls, giving them a sense of privacy, but there were a couple of servants carrying food and beverages here and there. They only stopped for a second to look at them with surprise and MC suddenly felt intensely embarrassed.
“My love?”
He placed their hair behind their ears, raising his eyebrows as a silent question. MC knew what he’d said, but they didn’t know what to respond. Their heart beat fast and the air came out of their mouth in wheezes, which only distressed him further, but a few deep breaths kept them relatively calm.
His touch was warm, even with the gloves on, and the bony wings above his head rattled when they got closer to him, grabbing his shoulders in search of comfort.
“It just became too much for a second”
“Would you like to stay here for a while?”
“No, no…”
“No one will mind” he reassured, but they doubted his words.
Surely they’d lose the respect of higher ranked demons if they knew how quick they’d had to run away. Poor little human, so small, too overwhelmed with noises and lights to stay still, quiet and composed.
“They will understand”
A glint in his eyes broke his otherwise coolheaded expression and they finally got what he was trying to say.
He would make them understand.
Not wanting to dwell on the implications of that thought, MC shook their head and raised a hand to his hair, careful not to touch the base of the sensitive horns. They looked at each other for a few seconds in silence, slowly swaying in the melody of the distant music while the wind swirled around them.
The sound of cutlery broke their bubble and they only had time to put some space between them before a waiter came running towards one of the coolers looking for an ice bucket. He didn’t see them, but the interruption was enough to put MC on edge. Barbatos laughed at the sight.
“Are you sure you don’t want to stay, dearest?”
They hummed, nodding while intertwining their fingers with his and hiding their hands between their bodies.
The music from the ballroom stopped and guests started clapping and talking loudly. The musicians must had asked for an intermission. The doors to the balcony opened and demons began to come out, begging for fresh air and rest for their feet.
They were still somewhat hidden amongst the plants, but it wouldn’t take too long before one of them looked too close.
MC stepped away from Barbatos, not wanting to bring any attention to them, but was surprised when the demon grabbed their arm and pull them to his chest, keeping them close while he kissed them passionately. The sound of heels clicking on tiles got closer when MC felt their boyfriend lick their bottom lip, but just when they were starting to forget where they were, Barbatos retreated.
He wore a cheeky smile while he dried their mouth with a handkerchief and only chuckled when MC panted at him in search for more.
“This is getting crowed” he said casually. “Let’s search for a more private space. We don’t want you to get overwhelmed, don’t we?”
The leaves, the flowers and the shadows brought them anonymity while they scurried away, but it wouldn’t take too long before someone, a certain prince, would inevitably need him.
Better take advantage of the opportunity.
Taglist: @ourfinalisation  @owlisbuffering  @chizukimp4  @ravenredwine @darkflowerav  @craftysclown   @mehkers
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floofeh-purpi · 5 days
Through the Screen.
Self-aware! Obey Me x Gn! Insomniac! Reader
OMG IT'S BEEN SO LONG SINCE I LAST WROTE SMTH WHATRR?!!! And its first time writing for a fandom that's not Genshin under the sagau tag-
『Beloved fluffball/s mentioned below! 💜』
@rotin0 @cherry-blossom-sword80 @leniisreallycool @mc-cos-charm @imtotallynotthere @cosmo112 @cheeseburgercasserole @kanashi-aivy
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Credits to cafekitsune for the dividers! (I needed these omfg)
Warnings: Mentions of injuries, reader has a nightmare, cursing, ooc because... hm...., I don't know either, written in bullet form, I don't know this is so messy 🙏
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• Alright, so where the fuck should I begin with this???
• You maybe fell for them, but they fell even harder— so much harder than their bones are brok— oh wait you mean THAT kind of falling??
• Anyways
• After you FINALLY saved enough money to buy a new phone you stepped on it when you were half asleep
• Ouch.
• You still had to bandage your foot because of the wounds it inflicted on your foot.
• And one time you were resting your foot; you found a certain Otome game...
• Duh bitch of course it was Obey Me! as if it wasn't obvious enough by the title
• You decided to download obey me because:
1. Your best friend forced you to.
2. You were bored.
3. You wanted to cure yourself from boredom after you wake up at 3 in the morning—
• Even though you had to delete a 'few' apps and things from your gallery...
• You think it was worth it! :D
• Because goddamn these guys in the cards look so ngh— excluding luke for obvious reasons.
• You look at them, yes.
• But bitch you dont know that THEY look at you too!
• At first, when they found out they were stuck in a game, they took a while in accepting things, that the human exchange student is- well, some sort of... coded sheep acting all plastic looking thing...?
• Like, what or who made them? Why? And when??? Why did they make them suffer like this??? Why make Lilith die and make Beel drown away in his guilt for god knows how long? and most importantly, what or who is playing??
• Well, until they've gotten access to your phone's camera— you can literally see their pupils form into hearts when stare into their eyes for so long! Except for Luke, they only sparkle more
• The sheep (aka the you in-game) was just... eugh.
• You know those occasional surprise guest sessions after those dance battles???
• Basically, the maximum amount of gifts you can get from surprise guests in a day is 6, and that you have to achieve a perfect sequence and stuff (Basically on all three actions that you do to them)
• ...Bro, they broke out of the coding that makes them give only 6 gifts to you a day and all of a sudden—
• You know they'll give you only 1k Grimm (it depends if they'll give you Grimm or the gift or nah)
• So— Bitch I'm not finished yet!
• Bro not only that, you also noticed that, as you were playing the game and progressed through the lessons smoothly.
• You could've sworn that the dance battles before were more difficult than now,
• Like bitch, who the fuck was responsible for buffing these mfs up?? 😭🙏
• You thought that Satan hated it when you touched him
• So why the fuck were you getting heart reactions from him when you accidentally tapped his head once when your phone fell on your head?!
• And the voicelines...
• Holy shit the voicelines...
• if you EVER have Asmo as the person— or demon in this case— that'll show up on your D.D.D screen, and if you're playing somewhere around 12am-3am...
• ...😰🙏
• Man's practically gonna lecture you about how lack of sleep can damage your skin
"What the hell are you doing at 12am?! Aren't humans supposed to sleep at this time?!"
• The demon exclaimed with wide eyes and a pout on his lips. Im imagining it and its so funny lmfao.
• ...Yeah you didn't play for a few days after that.
• Did Asmo scare you too much??
• My hands smell like soy sauce what the fuck.
• That's not the only reason, but school was being bitch and decided to throw exams, assignments, projects, and more to your sleepless self! :D
• Also because you desperately needed to fix up your sleep schedule and you needed to buy sleeping pills for your deprived ass, but they didn't need to know about that now, do they????
• And since you read a lot— no, actually... too many fanfics for game characters being self-aware...
• You suspected that they're now apparently... self-aware!
• You know how you always have to play obey me in landscape on your phone??
• Cuz' what I'm trying to say here is that they can basically see your pretty face through your camera, but only occasionally.
• Yk why??
• Cuz you usually keep on covering the damn camera on your phone :( aka the front camera on the top on your phone whenever you're in story mode, dance battles, devilgram posts or whatever you called it, and pretty much the entire time you play Obey Me.
• But they don't have the heart to say it out loud to you! :<
• But hearing your laughs whenever your eyes bear witness to the brother's banter or your hymns of praises directed towards them whenever you win another dance battle is enough for them to be content with the time they spend with you.
• But it doesn't mean that they don't want more.
• How could they NOT want more?
• They want every. single. ounce. of your. attention.
• But yet...
• Your so close to them. Yet so far away.
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• You tossed and turned in your sleep, cold sweat dripping off your forehead as your nightmare got the hold of yourself.
• Tears welled up in your closed eyes as you subconsiously muttered out incomprehensible gibberish in your sleep.
• You exclaimed as you immediately sat up in bed and shaked the thick covers of your blanket as if you would pass out from a heatstroke if it covered your seemingly traumatized form any second longer.
• You went out of your room to get some water to calm your tears down a little.
• After staying in the dining room for maybe... the past 30 minutes or so, you finally went back to your safe haven; your room of course!
• You lay down in bed; exhausted yet not tired enough to lull yourself back to sleep.
• And so, with dark circles and dried tears on your face, you decided to open your phone and play the only game you have in your full-storaged device; Obey Me! :D
• You waited for the game to finish loading with half-lidded eyes. Damn the wifi for being shitty this... midnight?
• You exclaimed loudly in your bed.
• 2:04am. The D.D.D showed you. Wait how long were you awake again???
• Idk if you have Mammon as the demon that pops up in your D.D.D, but here you go-
• Did I make him ooc? 😰
Oi, human! I heard ya cryin' earlier. Ya ok?!
• The white-haired demon exclaimed with a frown. Oh shit, that's one way to assure yourself that they're self-aware. But you didn't they can hear you too, so what—
The fuck? I didn't know they can hear me too... 😭🙏
• You murmured out. Yep. Mammon heard that.
Oh shit! Does this mean that they heard me scream at a cockroach while I was playing before?! 😰
• ...He heard that too.
What? -Mammon
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OMFG IM DONE GUYS! IM DONE! Sorry it took me forever though 😭🙏
Published: September 20 2024. 3:12pm.
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