#surviving error sans
starspaxe · 5 months
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all of their sprites r done now! just 2 more of the other ones then ill start to code the game!
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lil-inky · 2 years
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Day 10: A Hero Falls 🌧 "Being a Star, it's so easy for them to forget he’s still mortal..."
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fairy-verse · 11 months
Who is the most popular firstborn fairy amounts the fairies?
Well, that’s difficult to say, because each season fairy will vote for their respective firstborn. The autumn fairies will say Nightmare, the winter fairies will say Error, and so forth. However, if we instead ask: Which firstborn is the one most openly worshipped and admired by their fairies?
Then that answer will become Dream.
Dream can scarcely be around his own summer fairies without being surrounded by song and flower petals scattered around and over him. They might seem almost obnoxiously bothersome to the other firstborn but Dream absolutely loves this attention. The love and devotion his own summer fairies have for him make him beyond joyful, and he returns this love with warmth and sunlight.
The other season fairies do of course show open love and worship towards their own firstborns as well, but the summer fairies are the ones who are the loudest when it comes to this very thing. Hilariously enough, they’ve attempted to do this towards Error whenever he comes to visit Dream, just because they want to ensure that he stays in a good mood, but it does the complete opposite as Error finds it to be incredibly annoying. It always ends with the summer fairies scattering in fright, much to Error’s amusement. Dream isn’t as amused, but he won’t deny that he prefers those moments alone with Error, so he doesn’t mind if his summer fairies leave them alone for a little while.
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valrayne-faeu · 2 months
we have gotten a few asks about the “rules” for making a sona or OC in the faeu, so if you’re someone that likes to be “canon-compliant” or have a set of rules to follow when making an OC, here they are! (feel free to not follow them if you don’t want to, you’re welcome to use your imagination)
Dream and Nightmare are the oldest current living fae in the Seasonal Realms at 1500 years old, older fae either left or died during the war
there are no hybrid fae (spring/autumn, summer/winter, etc). the Spring-Summer and Autumn-Winter magics are like oil and water and cannot mix. a fae has the magic of whatever realm they were born into, and a human that becomes fae will have the magic of whatever realm they were tricked in.
Spring-Summer fae can’t travel to Autumn-Winter (and vice versa) without protections or the blessing of the king of where they’re travelling. fae will fall very ill from the conflicting magic after spending even an hour across the border (Summer fae will have a cold and Winter fae will have a fever).
it is possible to convert to another realm, but it is a process and you have to be blessed by the king of the realm you’re switching to in a ceremony. however, if you convert to Spring-Summer and then change your mind and want to return to Autumn-Winter, Nightmare will refuse to let you return. so choose wisely. Dream is more lenient—if you convert to Autumn-Winter and then want to return to Spring-Summer, Dream will welcome you back.
there are certain physical traits associated with each court—
Summer/Spring Court - Antlers. Wings: Butterfly, Dragonfly, Bee, Praying Mantis, Wasp, Fly
Winter/Autumn Court - Horns. Wings: Moth, Beetle, Cicada, Grasshopper, Firefly, Cockroach
there are fae that aren’t based on insects! fae that are bird-like, have traits of dragons or unicorns, things like that. feel free to get creative with it ^^
fae can’t lie, it makes them physically ill. it’s not worth it to try. you can trade a human for the ability to lie, however only one fae has managed to do so. most fae don’t think it’s a skill they need, and the ability to manipulate words and dancing around the truth is a highly valued skill. fae culture loves wordplay. humans that are becoming fae will find telling lies makes them more and more ill until they’re dissuaded from it.
there are realms beyond the faewildes, and other kingdoms of fae with different magics. it is possible to travel from one to another through the wildes but it is dangerous. the faewildes do not have a ruler as wild magic doesn’t like to be tamed, but there are fae that survive out there (Error is one example).
in the fae realms there are some fae known as “Aspects”. fae that went through a lot of complicated, life-altering, incredibly influential experiences that were entirely concentrated around a singular concept of some kind. it changes them fundamentally as a person, concentrating their magic on that concept until they are tied to it intrinsically and it is as much a part of them as they are a part of it. events on the level of Frisk surviving a beam from Asriel as the god of hyperdeath at 0.0000001 HP through sheer Determination, or all the things that made Sans into Geno and then ultimately into Error. they become that thing personified. Aspects are incredibly powerful and exceedingly rare, and it’s a very big deal for one to happen. notable Aspects are Dream (Positivity), Nightmare (Negativity), Error (Chaos), and Ink (Inspiration).
a lot of the faeu is based on Celtic folklore—there are many interesting concepts and creatures to read about and pull inspiration from. i recommend reading up on the Tuatha Dé Danann and Aos Sí!
all fae can make magically-binding deals, even humans that just got tricked into staying in the fae realms that haven’t turned fae yet. magically-binding deals are usually limited to things that you can actually complete, such as trading something you own/have or doing some kind of service. with study and training it is possible to strengthen your magic and give intangible things such as a boon/luck/etc. the more tied you are to the magic of the realm the more powerful you are and the more complex of a deal you can make. it takes lots of study to reach this level.
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forgettingcrowbin · 1 year
You've talked about Nightmare's Gang as a flock, what other flocks are within the main cast? Are their dynamics similar to those in NM Gang (as in, do flocks tend to be very similar or very different)?
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Official all Sans flocks
Error, Fresh, Geno
Nightmare, Killer, Dust, Horror
Ink, Dream, Blue
Generally all other Sanses are in flocks with their respective universe's Papyrus and main cast of Undertale
Their are some monsters who choose to be alone as well
Flocks in my au generally form for survival, close bonding, or just the fact that it's practical or benefits them. They've basically gotta bond with someone enough and their bird brain assigns them a knowing flock in the back of their mind. They are able to resist officially flocking with someone but it pains them to do so. If a monster is in a flock already its hard for them to suddenly switch and go into a new flock. The stars formed a flock bond because of the huge amounts of time they'd spend together. Nightmare's flock formed for practically the same reason. I've always headcanoned Fresh, Geno, and Error as brothers so they are flock.
Onto the dynamic parts :) Every flock is very different! There isn't really a leader position unless the flock wants it, with most being all respectfully and mutually in no power over each other. Flocks can be family, blood or found, friends, rivals, literally any dynamics.
Example, I've talked about Nightmare's flock, and their "leader" is Nightmare. The stars don't have a leader, they're all mutual friends who are basically family. Error's flock consists of his brothers Geno and Fresh, who he isolates himself with, but whenever they do meet up they will nest together and just enjoy each others presence.
People in a flock can have a mate from a different flock even if they don't change their flock. Mates are something special and most pairs are together for life.
Sorry for my really sketchy doodles lol
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yeonslayjun · 6 months
Dumb and Dumber - Hualian
Hua Cheng and Xie Lian are so OBVIOUS and OBLIVIOUS at the same time Honestly They amaze me ngl
Cuz Hua Cheng be Like - Wdym Gege Loves me?? That's impossible like I don't think he loves me solely for the fact that I'm one of his last believer left and that I built a FUCKING CITY for him and how I ran helped him in a case and dressed up as a Groom and gege was a bride (Oh his dead heart definitely started beating then pls ) and how I Built a temple to worship him and how I released 3000 lanterns for him and that I've made 10,000 statues for gege and not how I have red thread of fate on my finger bc he tied his hair on my finger
ALSO wdym I had my gay awakening at the land of tender??? Impossible He's my god I can't have those feelings for him bc I'm a dirty piece of shit (NO YOU ARE NOT)
and DEFINITELY NOT HOW I GAVE HIM Spirtual Power... DEFINITELY NOT HAHAHA.... Now let me just ask his hand for marriage OH nvm I'm unworthy he doesn't like me ( WHILE XIE LIAN IS SITTING ON HIS LAP ) let's make it into a joke hahaha..... OH? Gege's says he's happy for my beloved when will he know it's him talking about?? :( ( let's ignore he didn't know half of these lmao)
OH MY GOD GEGE SAW THE STATUES That's it I'm getting disowned by him He'll hate me ofc he will... I knew this would happen no I'm okay, IT'S FINE... Yeah he really should make it clear that he doesn't love me huh? :((
Like Hua Cheng is SO DOWN BAD for Xie Lian Like Honey we get it You exist to LOVE your Taizi Danxia and to serve Cvnt and angst
My guy Xie Lian here is SO VERY OBLIVIOUS like I get that he was practicing abstinence but bro's like -
Oh Hua Cheng is such a pretty name *giggles* Oh and his hands were so beautiful and he was gentle with me too when he dressed as the Groom *blushes* Oh Crimson Rain Sought Flower is his name? *swoons* HOLY SHIT HE'S HOT *nosebleeds*
I like this kid san lang. OoO Did he just suck the poison out of me?!?! DAYUM he killed so many people at once *swoons x2*... WAIT IS HE HUA CHENG??!?! Oh my gosh IT IS Hua Cheng ajhsjdhsudhu Let's act calm and composed hehe. Let's sleep together cuz He would never hurt me >:( I wonder what happened to the kid who said he'd worship only me :( He was a good kid yk? Had one eye covered too kinda like you actually haha Funny Right???
He's so perfect as a "sworn brother" ( Yes I'm looking at you SQX) protecting me and shit. Wait he trusts me??? ME?!?! huh?!?!. San Lang~~~. AHHH HE RELEASED 3000 LANTERNS FOR ME AHHHH I LOVE HIM as a friend ofc ofc.
Oh I LOVE getting Spiritual Energy from him <3 that wasn't a kiss nope it wasn't.... ERROR 101 San Lang asked my hand in marriage ERROR.... o h He was Joking :( ofc he was :((( I wish he wasn't tho :((((( SAN LANG HAS A BELOVED?!?!? Ofc he has He's such a handsome and kind man he probably gets all the bitches he wants But why do I feel smth weird in my heart?? (IT'S CALLED JEALOUSY YOU DUMB MOTHOFO )
Honestly God (Jun Wu LMAO) Knows how he survived the past 800 years like BRO WHY IS YOU SO STUPID when it comes to love?!?!? Like ISTG He's one of the smartest of all the jokes called "GODS". But he still doesn't get it till he saw the 10,000 statues Hua Cheng prepared like pls
ALSO Hua Cheng the ghost king who defeated 33 gods and how his smartass self esp rubbed the floor with them Civil Heavenly Officials But the one moment he needs it to realise the VERY OBVIOUS FACT that Xie Lian loves him The Genius Smartass is nowhere to be seen
But tbh I can't blame Hua Cheng much here cuz Xie Lian was very oblivious to his own feelings pls BUT STILL
Their Slow-burn was too much for me Like the chemistry was SO OBVIOUS but they're just Dumb kids when it comes to feelings *sighs* The Hualian Brainrot is rotting my brain away as we peak
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paradoxoftrees · 2 months
It’s that time of the day again… POLL TIME. You’re playing Minecraft and it looks like someone burned down your survival mode house.
I had to think real hard about this one
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kerubimcrepin · 7 months
What do we know about Joris le Sans-Pouvoir (Joris the Powerless)?
Aka, addressing the "cancelled Nintendo DS game"-shaped elephant in the room.
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While this blog has gone deep into the show and character dissections, I think it would be remiss to proceed without addressing the elephant in the room — the game, the myth, the legend, the 2007-2009ish cancelled game Joris le Sans-Pouvoir.
There isn't a lot that is known about it, and all the data in this post comes from two developers.
The only videos of it we have available are uhhh......,
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...Please say "Thanks Ronik!" for this video in particular.
I spent hours trying to convert these two SWF animation video files, — which demonstrate how the game was supposed to look, — to something actually viewable. There were many issues, with at least seven different programs.
I suffered for crepinjurgenology studies, but I did it.
Instead of recounting the story in my own words and omitting anything on accident, I will simply present to you, what the portfolios of two different developers say (these two pages are the source of all the images, gifs, and gameplay):
Joris Le sans-Pouvoir is the main character from a feature film Ankama due in 2013. It’s a new character IP situated in the DOFUS universe. I had the chance to work on a platform game prototype that was all about delving into of the character’s backstory. We wrote a lot of background and had a lot of fun designing and developping a cute and quirky platformer with a hint of metroidvania elements and a dash of Grow gameplay elements in-between levels. It also was a great opportunity to work with Jono Takeshi-san of Radiata Stories fame who worked with me on the art direction. (SOURCE)
Joris was the first Nintendo DS project developed at Ankama (in partnership with Magic Pockets). I began working on the project as narrative game designer, then took on the role of Lead Designer and Project Manager. Game design on this project involved boss fight, level design, minigame design, UI… I also designed an original collecting system where collectible items were used in a minigame inspired by the “Grow” series. The developpement has been put on hold to match the release of the animated movie with the same character (scheduled in 2013). (SOURCE)
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Neither the movie nor the game, survived their development, due to circumstances. (shorthand for: I have no idea what happened, man. Maybe one day I'll write a post about the history of the movie, and truly open that can of worms, but god, not right now. I don't want to spend more time on this.)
Eventually, The Wakfu film turned into three OVAs instead, and the Dofus film changed its plot a bunch of times, and became Livre 1 : Julith.
...For some reason, in some version of it, Joris had a tail. Yeah, I don't know what that's about either. Cool clothes, though!
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We don't know anything about its plot, and unlike cancelled projects Dofus Donjons and Welsh et Shedar (which was cancelled for years, until its recent resurrection), the lore of this game carries no relevancy in modern canon.
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The name, Joris the Powerless, as well as the log-centric gameplay, both seem to reference the early concept that Joris had log-based powers, — and that without his "magic wand," he couldn't do much.
(Joris and his weird fucking "magic wand" were, in turn, borne out of the idea of a warrior who had a woman's voice. Which makes me chuckle.)
(The following quotes are machine-translated and may contain errors)
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This is, by the way, the reason why I personally headcanon Joris to be really bad at huppermagic. So bad that he dropped out of the Huppermage Academy, and almost never uses magic in combat. It's a homage to his original idea.
(Yes, there is an actual reason why I headcanon Joris to be godawful at magic, besides just projecting my neurodivergencies onto him.)
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I suppose that, even at this time, Joris was meant to be a store owner:
The gameplay loop involves going from boutique, to missions, and so on, while those two pieces of concept art involve the said boutique section, and show a female character saying «Pas mal, boss !».
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In my opinion, it might be this character. Proto-Simone, perhaps?
Since the store seems to be the centerpiece, and the Grow-style minigames involved collectibles, I would assume that the plot involved Joris going around and finding artifacts for the store. That would also explain the concept art gifs of him adventuring.
(Though, the adventuring would probably just be the inciting incident/a vehicle for plot development. Nintendo DS games loved using the jobs characters did for that purpose.)
This is the extent of what I can surmise about the plot.
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The developer portfolios also included these example documents, but the image quality is too bad for me to make sense of or upscale. I am including them here solely for some French people who are very good at reading blurry text. (If you learn anything, let me know, okay?)
Overall, my verdict is that this game's cancellation was both a blessing (Joris without Kerubim and Atcham is like tea without water and a cup. How am I meant to drink leaves? Are you stupid? Why are you giving me leaves with nothing?) and a curse (THEY CANCELLED A GAME ABOUT MY BLUE-COLORED YOINKY SPLOINKY (who has a THIN, GRABBABLE WAIST)????? FUCK!)
Hope this was a fun read!
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jackyandjackster · 4 months
Child au ideas
ut multiverse ideas ❤️
Wild Imagination
What if the multiverse is one big lie and was just a made up story by a bunch of childrens? Seems like a stretch but think about it, children have such wild Imagination and most of their stories come up of ethereal beings, magics, god just fantasy on an another level. This multiverse is specifically just a story made up by childrens, well child version's of the Main characters of course, the side characters are mostly just distant relatives, friends or just made up character that doesn't show up often. Character relationship & age Nightmare (Looks like passive) (Acts as corrupted Nightmare, King of negativity/and drama) age:8 *Dream's twin brother *Loves drama, very dramatic so he chose to be a villain *Loves fantasy story books * 'Big' brother Dream (Acts as the positive guardian) Age:8 *Night's twin brother *Loves hero stories *Loves cartoons *Often quarrels with twin brother but just light hearted and normal children quarrels. * 'younger' brother *Chose nightmare to be the 'big' brother Blueberry (Acts as Swap) Age:6 *Very honest and obedient *Lives Mexican food because he grew up in a Mexican family. *Has a brother named Honeycomb/Honey. (his papyrus's name) *Loves anime (influenced by Cross) *Loves cooking and play cook *Wants to be a Royal guard some day *Loves Knight in shining armor stories (same with Cross) *Besties with Ink, Dream, Cross and Rosie (Lust's name) *Cross's cousin Ink (Acts as protector of worlds) Age:7 *Loves drawing/painting but isn't allowed to paint because he's very messy *Loves Error (platonic) *Loves making friends *Loves kid's younger than him because he's an only child and wants a younger sibling. *Wants to play with Error a lot, often seen with him. *He's a cry baby when it comes to his stuff breaking or going wrong.reason why he quarrels with Error so much because Error is very clumsy and is a child and breaks Ink's stuff. Error (Acts as destroyer) Age:5 *Child *Does child stuff *Very clumsy and often breaks toys or paper *Slow learner *Probably autistic(?) *his brother's are Geno and Fresh *The only toys that survived his destructive baby hands are stuff toys. Geno (acts whatever he needs to be) Age:10 *Loves his brother's *Quite sickly but nothing deadly, like getting hospitalized 2-3 times a year and prone to fever. *Takes great care of his brother's *Has a crush on reaper (optional) *Very protective and caring Fresh (acts as the 'Parasite') Age:8 *Likes annoying Error *Loves his brother's *Very annoying *Tends to prank the kid's (reason why he's the parasite in the story) Killer (Acts as Nightmare's right hand man) Age:7 *Likes messing around and annoying people *Adhd kid *Very loud and confusing *Nightmare's best friend Horror: (acts as Nightmare's gang member) age:9 *Very sensitive to sound *Loves eating and sweets *probably broke a tooth because of it *Got into an accident when he was 6 and broke a part of his skull (not very big but big enough damage that it couldn't be healed) *Has SPD and Autism *Dust's big brother *Probably wearing a headset Dust (acts as a member of Nightmare's gang) Age:8 *Very silent *always sticks to Horror *Actually responsible *Very protective of his big brother *Loves playing with his friends Cross (Acts as someone who can't decide which side he's on) Age:7 *Always changing side because he can't decide and Dream and Nightmare doesn't care about it. *Loves chocolate, actually lost a tooth because of it (sneaking some sweets into bed and not brushing his teeth) *has a Brother named Apryx (his papyrus's name, age:11) *Loves knight stuff, swords or something similar to a soldier. Knight in shining armor type of fan. *Loves anime! (Influenced by his brother) *Swap's Cousin (add whatever ┐⁠(⁠´⁠ー⁠`⁠)⁠┌ )
Child of chaos
Error sans as a kid! Ink was excited, after decades of boredom the destroyer was fated to be created soon and he knows it! finally an enemy and entertainment! but when Ink realized that his enemy was a kid he wasn't sure anymore. The child destroyer was probably from one of those child ver. of aftertale that had played around with dt and no clip through reality and get thrown in the anti void, just like any other Error. Ink decided to just adopt him, it's kinda unfair to be fighting with a kid y'know? (Similar to G!Ink and G!Error story)
Surprise you're adopted!
Ink was supposed to be soulless but what if Ink, the creator was born a god with no world? he has a soul, he has feelings, he only needs his paints to strengthen himself when he's low on magic or for emergencies. at first he created so many worlds, so many possibilities but as decades came by he soon grew bored. When the multiverse reached their limit and the god of destruction came to destroy a couple of worlds he didn't bother saving any of it. He knows it's the other god's job and didn't wanna make the other's life hell. He doesn't play hero, he doesn't show up either, only core knows he exist and promised not to tell anybody. he doesn't even show up to the infamous destroyer. when dreamtale came that's when he intervened, maybe it's because unlike him and Error, they were just guardians and kids, they have a childhood, they could have a proper childhood. so what did he do? nothing, because he can't, Dreamtale isn't his, he can do nothing about it, but he can intervene once it's script was all finished, when Nightmare finally got corrupted and Dream became stone he took the stone child to his doodle sphere and set to capture the corrupted monster child while the kid is still in stone. It took decades but when Nightmare stopped being an insane idiot running around ruining timelines he was surprised adopted by Ink, Dream came out of stone yadda yadda yadda it's all good, they slowly became brother's again, btw Error's an uncle now and somehow the supposed gang became baby sitters.
(I need more Ink parent au's)
Too relatable (Not a Child au but an alternate version of Surprise you're adopted)
An alternate version of 'Surprise you're adopted'. Ink born god of creation was a cheerful and energetic creator decades ago, creating different worlds, the destroyer came when the multiverse reached it's limit due to an accident of creative spree, Ink didn't intervene and decided to befriend the destroyer, it was rough at first and rather violent but slowly but surely they became best friends (Error would never admit it).
Prince of darkness
After the corruption in which Nightmare regains sanity he wanders in the multiverse, he's as tall as a regular sans and grumpy most of the time, he's more like a teenager trying to act cool and scary. he finds his 'gang' along the way in which they know he's the youngest out of all of them and decided to spoil the crap out of him.
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ynnllsn · 7 months
Master of my Lifeline
Rin Obami x F! READER
Warnings: Domestic abuse, curses, gambling, crazed, heart attack/conditions, cheating, adultery, maybe a little too sweet of Rin as well, some error grammars.
Words: almost 14k.
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"You lost 200 million yen, Y/n... Do you have a way to pay for it?" The soft and yet chilling voice of Kirari made your way to your ears but on your expression, it didn't even affect you to but. You smiled brightly.
"None! I only live with my mama and somehow, I know I can make that money back." Kirari chuckled at your odd behaviour. How incredibly interesting to act rationally and normally when you have a burden.
"A life plan works really great on you. You have a fair look... I think that one is a suitable payment." Kirari expect a scared look on her face. But...
"Sure. I'll take it. This is a payment for now, but if I manage to pay the 200 million will you withdraw it back, Momobami-san?" Kirari giggled and nodded. It was quite a surprise. She release a 50 million yen as a down payment and give it to Kirari.
The 50 million yen is the one she won in some random deliquent in school.
"Nyaha~ so deducted the payment, it's now 150 Million Yen."
You are the biggest prankster kitten. You are a first year in Hana Class and ever since the news spread that you lost to the President. The bullying started however you don't mind being boss around. But if they mock you, you will mock them back.
"Aw you only survived because you're daddy's only successor, you don't even look like a proper heiress to me~. Daddy must be so disappointed to raise you up~" You giggled and stuck your tongue out.
You are seriously a one tumor in the council's name. Even the head of the beautification chair girl has trouble controlling you.
"That's not my fault! She's being mean!!" You release a small 'hmph' to her and drop the cards. "Why you always challanged people who goes against your guys will?"
"I mean that's how we punish them, put them into more debt, but in your case..." Midari glared at your chips, your chips is way ahead of hers! "What a troublesome pet..." She whispered and in the end, you are carrying 20 Million Yen!!
"Hee hee~ thank you for giving me such a great time~ I will put all I've won today directly to my debt!!" Midari sigh. Even the President won by luck with you.
The only reason why you got challanged is because you put a air fart bag in the president's seat. And it seems the President is amused on how you acted. Despite the life plan that have been forced to you.
And there are only few people are allowed to gamble with you. But despite that, you still manage to stand out. If a normal student or powerful heir or heirress decline your offer to a game. You would simply just gonna say something that would crush their pride just to take you on.
And when Rin Obami came here for the first day. You also prank him with the same prank as what you did with the President. Even Yumeko is not safe with your pranks. Hell, not even the oh so strict Manyuda Kaede.
"What an interesting girl." Rin smiled as he looks at her laughing state. It's so immature yet so entertaining, specially that she's a pet and then she have guts on doing this. Rin have wondered how easy you are to be swindled but boy oh boy~
"There is no guarantee that you will win and these shitty coin will raise their price! If you lose or worst you got kick your ass out, that would be the end of it and I will not trade my votes!" with that signiture 'hmph' of yours.
How smart. For a pet like you.
"But this scumcoin can really help you from getting out of your pet status." He convinced and pretty good and tempting reason to take a risk.
"So 'scumcoin' is... The name of these shitty coins. Pretty weird name, it suits the word scum because you're a scammer~" She giggled while stick her tongue out. "I am not gonna fall for this coins, Obami. In your dreams!!"
"So what are you planning then?"
"I'll earn votes the normal way. I have 3 now. And if the price go higher, I would sell them to pay my debts." He smiled and then you showed him a book from your coat. "So I can finally get rid of this. This haven't stressing me out yet since it will take place once I graduated highschool but I better make a solution." You pout and eat your ramen.
"Life Plan..." He whispered and you nodded. He took that to open it and start to read it, he can't help but to feel disgusted to what he is reading. So this is what Kirari do to those you can't pay their debts? It's sickening. "Marriage? Birth? This is disgusting, what a sick plan." he throw them back to you.
"I know right?! Like I already said that I would only make myself troublesome so the man on the list can finally let me go but Runa-chan said to me that they would force me!" I pout and right now you still have 130M¥ remaining debt. "Since I am limited to who I should gamble with. It's hard to make money in games and that is my only source of income. I can't trouble my mom!" you put them back in your chest.
"You told everyone that you're a busy person, Rin." You said and look at the pastries that Rei is serving in the table and you glared at the black haired man, enjoying his tea. He finally look at you and smiled.
"Yes, time is very important to me."
"No, shut the hell up. Why are you inviting me to have a 'private' chat with you? For the third time that is!" You pointed out and he chuckled. You already reject his swindlous offer, but he still kept pestering you every break, lunch and after school hours!! You suppose to be gambling, make your way to survive your housepet status!
Not chatting nonsense with this guy. You sigh.
"Ibara is the one who's doing business, truthful business, so I considered it is my free time." He tried to persuade yoh by his innocent sweet facade that it's not even working on you. "Come on Y/n have some tea, and let's talk about the future~"
Is this how rich people do? How boring. "I don't like tea, I'm sorry." you decline. You get up but he asks Rei to stop you. "Rin, seriously, I need to get votes now!"
"Please~ the election just started, why won't we talk." He pout and you straight up and breath in.
"You know, Rin. I am not a good pawn. You will mever gain something from me, so save the flattery alright? You can just fool other girls, just leave me alone." You convinced him. But he smiled.
"I know. But I didn't invite you over for that. I just wanted to talk with you. Don't you like to talk to me?" Wow, now he's gaslighting you? The nerve after he tried to persuade and swindle you.
"It's not like I don't, I just don't see the goods for it." You honestly told him. He smiled, you are so honest with him and you are always frank, you're good with reasonings and never lie about your reasons, however, you are hard to swindle despite being so honest
He wanted to take his sweet, sweet time with talking until you allowed him to take over you and devour you.
"I have always wonder what your parents do for living?" Your brows furrowed but leave a heavy sigh. You think it won't hurt to just tell him everything, right? He might leave you alone after that.
"My father left us with some random chick, it's just only me and My Mother. Mother owns a ramen stall near school. You probably won't like it since you're rich. Ugh rich people." You stick out your tongue and pretended to be disgusted.
Good laugh, since your father left your Mom after he met that rich ass bitch.
"I-is that so? I'm sorry. I-i am not trying to pry, I swear-"
"It's fine. It's not like it will do something if I get sad over it." You assured him. You don't know if he's lying about being so sorry about it. You hope that he won't lie anything about this, but who knows? You definetely can't trusts a swindler like him. "I did a very great job pranking that lady." his eyes immediately lit up when he heard you.
Oh yeah, he always laugh at your stories whenever you tell him about your pranks and mocking people here. He always find it amusing on how you manage to survive this school. Apparently, you are a scholar and manage to pass the entrance exam, you also have an excellent grade... Even if money is what circullating this school. Kirari have some charity.
"What happened? What did you do?"
"I did a lot of trauma from that lady, I am shock that she never even hit me or something. As she should because I have pictures of her fucking with my father and I can sent her to jail for that. First I embarrassed her to a meeting. Shout at her that she's a homewrecker, a whore and blablabla"
"Oh god!!" He laugh and you honestly can figure out that he likes riot or something. It's probably entertaining for him. Well it does. And you're quite glad that, he didn't show this emotion to others. Aside from his family, probably.
"And? And??"
"I put holes in her tires, make a huge gossip about her and throw a huge pile of cake when she's giving her speech in the party." He gasp and laugh loudly. Suddenly Ibara barge in to report at Rin.
"Whoa! Rin-san what's up. And hey L/N-san." You nodded and you could see Rin wiping his tears from laughing.
"Oh hey Ibara. Why don't you sit down, were just talking and Y/n told me about some of her silly stories."
"Yeah, Obami is lazying out instead of helping you. Your boss is lazy as fudge." I roasted and Rin pout.
"Hehe~ I don't really mind, L/n-san."
Rin is gamblimg with the Vice President and you feel relief because you now have a time to gamble. Rin is very clingy. He even convinced you to call him in his first name and introduced you to the other branch of the family.
You get along with Yumi a lot more since everyone is a lot more tought and serious when they started to discuss the reason why are they here. So whenever the discuss something that is really serious, both you and Yumi would try make it atleast to ease them all up. You get along with Rei too and share your ramen recipe to him.
Yumi always question you about your relationship with Rin and you just smiled and never gave her a definitive answer since you, yourself is also confuse why Rin keeps you around. Even the President asks you often whenever you come at her for updates regarding the life plan.
"I see so you also pranked him and he tried to persuade you into these scumcoins." You nodded and Kirari giggled. Kirari always think that you are very confusing... Despite being devoured you continue to swim around and hang on tight. You survived her aquarium far more than she anticipated.
" I decline. I told him how I see that as a fraudulent offer. Since there is no guaranteed that he will win and he might run after he win. He explained the risk and it's pure gamble but I can't take that much risk now nobody would trusts their possession to someone they just met. That was a good one tho, the student body was fooled by it." Kirari giggled and Sayaka gave you a cup of hot chocolate. "Thank you, Igarashi-san."
"Scumcoin are getting popular now. But I have always wonder how long this will keep up." You shrugged your shoulder and take a sip.
"Who knows. Anyways I am off to go. This might be also the end of his career as a swildler, he's up to the Vice President as of the moment." She chuckled and giggled.
"You must have low hopes for him..."
"I just have high hopes for your twin. I mean... She's a Momobami after all. And your double, yourself." You gave her a small smile and bow. "Expect a payment. At the end of the election, probably." She smiled and nodded.
"take care."
Soon you found out about Sayaka's buying votes and when you figure out that it's only 3 million yen. Sayaka offered it to you but you immediately decline to sell it. It's too low for now, you have to stay back and keep ypur votes in hand.
You decided to gamble more, poker, roulette, rock paper scissors. Anything and now your vote count is now 5. It is a small process but this five votes can reach it's proper value up to 30 Million Yen at the end of the election.
The sun will shortly set. And you saw Rin walking down the hallway, talking with Ibara shortly he saw you and asks Ibara if he can give the two of you a private time alone, Ibara agreed, they seem alright, did they won? He looks in your eyes and you giggled.
"What's up?"
"Well... I lost the 200 votes." And you giggled. You saw his frown. "And I got de-facto out of the election." he told you what happened and how his pride was crushed in oblivion by Ririka. But even after that huge lost...
You can sense that, he's alright with it. You chuckled.
"You sound like you're fine staying in hell..."
"Absolutely." He said and you smiled. "I did the best I could, and to think that Ibara have forgiven me and accepted me and my illegal ways, that put me into rest."
"You know what, let's get you something to eat. Do you wanna eat at my Mother's ramen stall? I swear it's good. It's probably not as good as what you usually eat-"
"I have something to confess, Y/n..." Your eyes blink and you look at him. Your heart is beating so fast but he smiled cockily. "I asks Rei to make it for me when I found out you shared the ramen recipe."
"That's not even a big issue, Rin." You rolled your eyes and he laugh.
"Now you know how it feels to be prank. That's just a mild one. But anyway, you probably expect a lot more dramatic base on your expression." He pointed out and you giggled. Seriously, this guy is just so sharp at reading people.
"I thought you would decline since it's lame to eat in my Mother's stall." You said honestly and truthfully, you will feel heartbroken if he think that it is lame. You honestly swore to yourself that you will never make friends with rich people anymore because of this reason. It became your biggest fear to look down upon by your so called friends.
"What? I'm heartbroken. I will never say that to you." He said and pout. Your eyes widened and look at him. He held your hand and he ran, dragging you along, he exit the academy and spoke again. "I like the Ramen that Rei made for me. If Rei mastered it perfectly at first try and it's already delicious, what more if your mother made them? I wanna taste it, right now, Y/n!"
Your heart feel like it will expload so suddenly. He said that to your face and he genuinely wanted to try them, you can't see a hint of lie or pretentiousness in his voice and expression. He... Genuinely excited about eating your family's signiture dish. And it made you smile, happy.
How many times this swindler will going to surprise me? You asks yourself.
"Don't freak her too much alright. She have some heart conditions." and he looks at you worriedly.
"And yet she still works so hard?"
"Don't get me started, I convinced her everyday to let it be and just let me do the work myself and she said that it will make her sicker if she won't move too much. Besides, Mother wants me to finish in Hyakkaou Academy. And move to a great university." I said and he looks at your eyes. With such admiration.
"You people are hardworking." You look at Rin and gulp. One thing you're scared abput is him swindling not only you but your family. You're not worried since their family is way ahead of his but you are still worried. But you wanted to test it out. You wanna see how he will react at your mom.
"At this hour the stall is now close but... We can go straight ahead to our Apartment." you informed him and he smiled while nodding in a fast way. The excitement on his eyes never cease and the way he walks to the way he speaks.
You smiled secretly.
This will be alright.
"is this your boyfriend Y/n?!" The moment Rin introduce himself to your mother, this is the immediate question she did asks you. Your mother smiled warmly at him while asking him to take a seat on your small living room.
You try to control your expression but the heat on your face rose up and immediately decline.
"Hahahue, It's not my boyfriend. He's a..." You hesitate to said who he is since it's the first time you introduce someone as your Friend. "He's a friend of mine."
"Oh? You've been studying there for quite sometime. You just got a friend?" I knew she would question you immediately.
"Y/n prank me on my first day of school and we became friends." You blushed even more when Rin told your mother how the two of you interacted.
"So she still haven't let go her few old habits." Your mother rose a brow at you.
"Mom we didn't came in here for that..."
Your mother scold you and threatened you to spank your butt when Rin leaves the house, you pout while Rin is just trying to control his laugh. You glared at him. Then your mom asks Rin if he already ate dinner and he shook his head. So your mom prepared a meal for the both of you.
Surprisingly, your mom get alomg with him... Perfectly. You just watch the two of them while Mom told him how hard-headed you are while she started to cut some vegetables for the Ramen. You start to do the noodles yourself. While Rin just watch you and listen to your Mother.
"Now I know where you got your talkative traits." Rin whispered and held your waist! You flinch and shake your shoulder.
"Rin, space." you whispered back... Because you can feel his hot air that he's releasing as he whisper in your ear! It's making you flustered and it's ticklish! He watch how you knead the noodle dough.
While your mother make the broth. He didn't put his hand away from your waist. He comfortably wrapped his arms around it as he watch your hand. He keep laughing at your mother's story.
You were very glad your mother is cutting vegetables, you're facing her bareback while you knead the dough in the table. So you're mother is turning her back on both of you.
Rin is very flingy indeed. You thought, while flattening the dough until it's thin enough. But this is the first time he hugged me like this. He just usually held your hand in the hallway, have tea with you during breaks. Always fetch you after class.
Always looking forward with your stories, and keep you away from trouble. Or needless to say... He only wants you to prank him. You tried to push him away by pranking him more but it didn't work. Always attempt to devour you with his lies but it didn't also work well.
He's gentle and sweet. Clingy and always touchy. He didn't mind showing you around despite your pet tag status. He kept you around. Even buy you lunch so you could save up some money.
Why am I suddenly thinking like this? Your face heat up. Is falling in love is also one of the category of being devoured?
After the three of you eat, you let your mom to rest, hopefully she forgot tye deal about spanking your butt. Fortunately, she did sleep after she take some meds. Rin finally called Ibara to get him here so he could go back to the Academy, since his dormitory is there. While waiting, the two of you decided to talk for a while.
"Your Mother is very sweet." Rin said while waiting outside. You smiled. Ever since your fether left, she set aside those sadness away and keep on moving forward for the sake of you and her, but while doing that, her heart is also getting weaker and weaker.
For her, there's no point of getting sad when you are in the dark, might as well cheer yourself up and keep on working hard. Just smile while finding your ways to survive the crisis. You smiled...
"She is."
"Just like you." He said and you look at him. "I never had a Mother like yours, mine always pressure me because I am their successor." He added, trying to divert your attention from his compliments.
"You can come by to see her if you like. It's not like I mind it." He chuckled. You may not say this often but, you do want him to make it feel how to have a peace of mind, how to be happy despite being in a hardship situation, because frankly, that's how poor people survive. He works hard like anyone else from his family and that's good already, he doesn't need to exert too much effort to be the best all the time. You saw that with your own eyes.
"I'll keep that one in mind." He whispered and then you saw the car came and the window went down to see Ibara. Rin smiled at you and nodded. "The ramen is so delicious. I'll come by again for sure."
"Have a safe way at home."
After that, he felt great, although he's hiding from his costumers specially to whoever wanna cash out their scumcoin. A real swindler indeed. You went inside a room where you definetely know that he's staying, and you were surprises when he immediately wrapped his hand around your waist with a pout. What a clingy bastard.
"What too you so long?" He looks like a... Dog who misses it's owner. You giggled and pat his head. Both of you take a seat
"I made an excuse to Itsuki, she's watching the grandmeeting and it's starting, so might as well let's go to wherever Terano is." But you saw in his phone that he's already watching Erimi and Yumeko.
"Do you have any idea how this thing will turn out? Do you think she will win?" Rin asks and you frankly dom't know but one thing for sure.
"Who know's what's inside of their head, I only knew that once someone won this grand meeting or after this grandmeeting, the votes value will also drop." He chuckled, yeah you're keeping five, and as of now, the value of these votes are 8 Million Yen a piece. If someone will win, the price will certainly go down and it's such a problem.
"Well atleast I can pay 40 Million Yen. I am thinking about selling it right now to Sayaka but I also need to wait a bit more." Rin smiled. And patted your head. He stand up and lend out a hand, you took that and went out of the room.
"I can always raise the price, Y/n..." He just said and smiled at you. "I can make it an auction type, deal with Sayaka Igarashi. Just give me your word." He said, because right now, he still have one card left and it will benefit you, and the entire family.
"Please, don't. I don't wanna think that I am using you besides, I can totally see this as a gamble. I'll figure it out myself if i lose." you don't mind staying as a housepet for quite sometime, it can take time to make money.
But then you recieved a very bad call. Your mother suddenly collapsed and will be needing an urgent heart surgery. You were crying all night, just by thinking where will you be able to get 28 Million Yen. So you decided to get all the money for your college at the bank, your mother has been saving for you for years.
It's an emergency and you need to use it for her, her health is the most important. Rin found out about your situation shortly, you plan to never tell him about it but, Itsuki spilled the news to him accidentally.
"I will try and use the college funds that my mother has been saving for a decade." You said to him after he spoke that he would love to help you out. As much as possible you don't wanna asks for his help. The surgery is expensive enough, and I know the 28 Million is just a coin to him.
But, your conscience just can't. You just asks him to give you a ride to the bank to deposit all the money, but also a bad news happened that made you see red.
The college funds were already deposit, you were also surprised that the bankbook that belong to your mom was also named to your father.
"Bring me to the XXX Company." Rin swear that he felt so scared for his life.
"Y-you... Heard her Ibara. Ehem." He tried to calmed you down by reaching for your hand since he has no idea. He only found out when he accompany you to ypur father's office. You run and slapped the man, who he assume that is your father.
"HOW DARE YOU STOLE THE MONEY THAT YOU NEVER EVEN WORK HARD FOR?!" Rin tried to stppped your outburst but once he heard your father response...
"That money is mine! Remember that your small and crook stall of your mother was there because of me. Don't you dare raise your vouce at me, Missy!" He lets you go suddenly and slapped him again. He lets you go on purpose
"YOU CRUEL BASTARD! HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO MY MOM! MOTHER DID EVERYTHING SHE COULD TO SAVE THAT MONEY! GIVE IT BACK! GIVE THE MONEY BACK!!!" Your tears starts to flow and in the first time, Rin felt furious. Those angry tears, never belong in your expression. And yet your own father swindle and scam you.
"THAT MONEY BELONG TO MY MOTHER! She needs it..." your voice is dying out as you went on your knees. "P-please... Hahaue is dying... She needs that money..." Rin tried to grabbed you and glared at the man infront of you.
At the end you were kicked out of the building, and you haven't stopped crying. Rin tried to comfort you but you keep on looking at the huge building infront of you...
"Y-y/n-" he hugged you. He never felt bad for anything. But you... You work hard and yet... How could some other people just go and ruin and step on you. He felt furious... Suddenly he remember this company. He kept on rubbing your back as you cry on his shoulder, he carried you to the car.
"T-that money... H-how could he d-do that..." soon you stopped talking and Ibara kept on looking at Rin from the rear mirror simce his face is so dark from madness. Although his gentle touch on your skin made you doze off.
"Ibara, contact my father." Rin has a wicked smiled on his face. He'll make sure that these people will suffer for the rest of their lives.
Rin never left your side since then.
"Y/n..." You woke up and he helps you sat up, but the joy on your face wasn't there. He know to himself that he swindle a lot of people, but not like what your Father did to you and your Mom. "A-about your father-"
"There's no point into getting dramatic, Igarashi is still buying votes right now. I'll sell these five." You stand up and tried to prepare but Rin stopped you. You just got up, you didn't even eat anything.
"Calm down, please." Rin tried to persuade you and you stop to look at him. "Try to get yourself something, first. I also heard from someone Igarashi has no funds left, and trying to gamble to earn votes instead."
"She what?!" You panicked but he held your hand.
"Calm down first. Terano and the rest of the family talked and... We decided to come up for our last card." Rin told you about his plan to use the Scumcoin again to gain votes, just transfering the entire rate to Kirari's vote count.
"Terano lost the gamble..." You whispered. I-if that happened then the value of these votes drop rates up to 0. You lose the gamble. You felt defeated. It didn't happen the way you predicted.
"You're not lost yet." Rin cupped your face. A sinister smile on his face, a crazed that is rushing on his entire face. "Please... Gamble with me. And I'll make sure you will win." You gulp but you felt your heart race.
"I..." You're father betrayed you and your mother, you can't let Rin to devour you this time!! Your Mother's life is on the line!!
"You have to take the risk, there's no time for you to be scared of it, this is Hyakkaou Academy." You felt your tears starts to burst but he quickly wipe them off. "Y/n... What's your entire conclusion. All you have to do, is wait for tommorow."
"But Mother-"
"I know... But Tommorow, I promise you.." You look at his eyes, sincerity is all you could see. "I'll scam the entire student body but you." He release his pinky finger and for the first time in your life... You trusts him. But you have wondered what will he get in return, why is he doing this?
You will survive this crisis not on your own but because he help you entirely and all you have to do is to trusts him and everything else is on him. What is he after?
"I know what you're thinking, Y/n." Rin said and look at your eyes, he held your wrists firmly as his other hand tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear. "Hmm... Indeed, what a smart question. How am I going to benefit in this promise... You are risking your pet status and your mother's life... How about me... What am I risking?" he smiled tenderly and lean in your ear.
"I'm risking of losing you..."
"Rin-san, are you sure it's okay to move without Y/n-san's approval?!" Ibara asks. Because this is insane, Rin called his father to swindle every single penny of the company of your father. Your father is the one who's managing all the assets of his affair. The woman is naturally the CEO of the Company but since they are together, the woman make your father as a manager.
"I have more plans." Rin whispered. Ibara look at Terano who sigh. "Y/n won't accept any help from me, because to her, it will only hold me back. However, I can help her in other way where she can accept. I'll use our current plan to raise the price of the votes. I can bet that Sayaka Igarashi would borrow money from the Academy's treasury."
"But what if we ended up winning." Terano asks and Rin sigh. He knows very well what kind of risk he's going to deal with but this his work to begin with. And Rin's priority is Y/n and only her.
"I'll pay out to her."
Terano sigh. There is no point stopping Rin once he focused on something.
"I wanna make everyone suffer for stepping on her. I want her to be my wife and queen, And i'll punish everyone who will act hostile towards her." Ibara gulp and Rin smirked. The Obami family is really something, they are considered as the secomd devious family in the entire clan. And they are never called devious for nothing. "So first, I'll scam their company. And I will make sure that they will never be able to stand again."
"Then second, while your father do his thing outside the Academy, you and Terano would work together, use the Scumcoin to swindle the entire Student Body again. Except Y/n." Ibara said and Rin nodded. The thing here is, they are not only trying to defeat Sayaka Igarashi, it's also Kirari. But there is no guaranteed that the other side won't win too.
"This effort will only lead us to lose. But I guess we need to give this one a try." Terano said. Either way, if they end up winning everything will go in Rin's way. If they won the vote buying war, Rin can pay Y/n out for her five votes, but 1 vote should only cost 10 Million First. If Sayaka raise the prices so they are.
They will keep going until one of them can't.
"Third, if Kirari or Terano ended up winning, you'll asks the president to change Y/n's life plan."
"Isn't that outrageous? You can just asks Y/n once she pay her debt and also her mom's condition, that is just 28 Million Yen." Miyo asks and Rin explained her debt.
"So you are not only trying to save her mom, but also her debt here?" Nozomi asks and Rin giggled.
"Well you can't stop him, he's insane when it comes to her." Terano said and shook his head and now she thinks that he and Kirari are both the same. "And Y/n just so stubborn to asks for help." Rin smiled. For him, he saw her as an independent who always make her way out of predicament. But luck is jot by her side now, since her mother was included, and that is a different situation for her. That's why he love her.
"Besides there is other way on how to defeat Kirari. She may continue to lead the school and the family but what will happen if she don't have funds anymore?" Rin asks and giggled. "Well it may work well but for sure it will bring a lot damage on her."
"You're so fucking smart." Miyo snorted.
Considering that they are in a devouring clan.
"You can go on..." Rin smiled and patted your head. You hesitated because you felt bad. Rin smiled to assure you so you shyly made your way to Sayaka's team and hand over your 5 votes. For you, the plan worked well. Your mother can finally have a surgery now.
Everything works well in your way but you felt terribly sad for Rin and the rest of the family, they didn't won the election. But Rin assured you that it's okay. They lost fair and square and not because of you.
He accompany you to the hospital and make appointments, you also pay for it immediately so the operation will start now. The doctors immediately move your mother to the operating room. But before that, you held her hands as tears stream down your face.
"Hahaue... Please... Stay strong... Don't leave me yet." You whispered as you look at her sleeping form. Rin patted your back to comfort you.
"She will be alright." He kissed your forehead. The nurse went straight ahead to the operating room. While doing so, Rin look at you and smiled.
"It will never happen without your help..." You whispered shyly and he smiled.
"I think it's good because it benefits not only me... But also the entire Family." Rin smiled and cupped your face. "Igarashi took the bait, I don't know what will happen to the Council now." Then he started to tell you about his plan to dig Kirari's grave.
"I know this Academy probably have 250 Billion to 300 Billion in their treasury. It already came into my mind before... And since this Vote Buying War started, I kinda want to stirr things up. But ofcourse for it to happen, I want Sayaka Igarashi to take the bait and it happened. Well if it didn't work we would naturally win." He explained and you smiled. So not only ypu who's gambling in the game, so does she and everyone from the Clan
"So you're planning to burn all those 300 Billion Yen?" You asks and Rin nodded a little. "Ah! Sayaka Offered 100 Million Yen per vote and there is 3000 students in Hyakkaou Academy!" You suddenly realized but Rin chuckled.
"Igarashi is smarter than that, she only needs enough votes that will secure Kirari's position. Maybe she'll burn around 100 Billion Yen. However it's still a cash that she don't owned. So, naturally, there is no exception about the Secretary of the President being a housepet. So she will be..." You nodded in realization.
But another question is... "What will happen if all of this didn't happen?"
"Well... First, Terano will have 507 votes now and has the power to control who's going to win. Second, you may sell your vote for 40 Million each to us instead. You have 5 so, you will be having 200 Million. That is still enough to pay for Mom's surgery but won't be enough for your housepet status." Rin explained and you nodded. "But I also prepare a seperate gamble for that, haha~" You look at him flatly and pinch his side but then your expression soften...
"So all this risk, you are planning to save me all along. I-i... Why?" He suddenly turned red at your sudden question and turn around. You look at confuse.
"C-can you give me some time? I-i'll explain everything once the d-dusts is settled. I-i'm still waiting for the result." Result of what? The election? But why?
Since then he started to avoid you, I feel extremely furious because he never invite me for tea every break. He usually do that routine. Is he busy? You asks yourself. Did I say something that isn't suppose to say? You asks again. You usually never question your behaviour but it's been 3 days since this strange events is happening.
The election is over and Kirari won. You were surprised about the turn of the events, specially Yumeko. But that doesn't matter as of now! Rin is avoiding you for no gold reason at all. Your housepet status haven't been settled as well.
Well you pay the hospital bills and every maintenance that your Mother needs. The operation went smoothly, you can now breath properly now that your problems is now over. You still have the 450 Million Yen on hand.
Also the Momobami Clan's branches started to leave one by one!
I-is Rin is avoiding me? Because he's leaving? You started to over think even further. Well Terano told me that the reason they were here in the first place is because of the Election that was held by Kirari. Kirari offered not only the President's seat, but so does her position as the leader of their Family. So now that their business is over with this school.
Does that also mean that they will leave now? Is that the reason why he is avoiding you?
Also Kirari refuse to also, accept your payment suddenly that's why you still have tons of cash in hand, Runa also talke back the Pet Tag, so you returnednto your humanhood. It's all confusing!! Runa also asks for the Life Plan. It was withdraw she said or rather there will be some major changes.
You heart is beating rapidly, Kirari told you that your lifeplan will take place once you graduated from here? Did they change it? Is my arrange husband wants me now?!!
"What's the matter, Y/n?" Itsuki looks at you worriedly. You suppose to be happy that your problems has been lift up, your pet status is now gone, your Mother is now okay. "You look bothered."
"Well... Itsuki... Can I asks you something?" you asks and she looks at you. "Have you feel lonely when... Someone dear to you, starting to act strange?" You asks and she looks at you and take a seat beside you with a soft smile.
Itsuki is your classmate, but after you got your ass beat by the President, the two of starting become close, and then introduce you to her Second year friens.
"Is Rin Obami is avoiding you?" She asks and you nodded. Wait, you suppose to be worried about the strange things that is happening in regards to you life plan!! Not Rin Obami. "You two became so close, and to be honest, Y/n..."
"I started to think that both ofyou were dating or something." You gave her a flat look. Well yes. Everybody would think that way. "You two are just so close with each other..." she's right. To the point that he helped you in every problems you had. To the point that he met your Mother. You put bounderies to yourself to not be friend with rich people here.
But that didn't happened, because of Rin Obami.
"I think you're inlove, Y/n... I mean I felt this way too when Manyuda-senpai abandoned me, since he is my accomplice but you two are more than partners you know. He helped you... He always be with you. When he lost his votes you were there for him, even go further as entering your private life." she pointed out as you turned red but it do make sense.
"I-itsuki!! Tone your voice down!!"
"But that's true!" she shouted quietly. "Besides, Rin will mever help you like this, if he doesn't love you.." She said and you blushed even more. It suddenly feels extremely hot even though the whole cafeteria is air conditioned.
But it did make sense. You held your hand in your chest.
Do I love him? You suddenly remembered all the things that the two of you do together, during breaks he always look forward of your stories. How persistent he is into swindling you, that didn't even work. The way he feels happy about simple things you do.
The way he smile to the way he held you.
You feel your heart beat so fast as heat rush in your face. Your thoughts has been cut off when Itsuki giggled.
"I d-don't know, Itsuki. I just feel upset." You said and you frown. Upset because he suddenly start to avoid you.
"Come on, Y/n whenever you feel upset, you just shrugged it down and do stir more trouble." You pout because that's what you've been doing a lot.
"B-but I am afraid to approach him. And I feel anxious." You whispered and you look at Sumeragi. "He probably avoiding me now since he will leave the Academy." She looks at you weirdly.
"I-i mean, all the President's family is leaving one by one! Maybe he's next or something." You can feel your nose tingle as the thought of him levaing you. But why are you even afraid about it? You were whole prepared for this!
Itsuki sigh and she was about to say something but the bell rang, perfect timing since you were about to cry in any seconds. You suddenly miss him. You stand up and ran in the bathroom. And decided to skip class to go somewhere in the Academy, hoping for Ikishima not to caught you but you suddenly remembered about the Life Plan.
"Shit I almost forgot about it, I should have inquire about it with Sayaka and The President!!" you quickly ran in the Council Room. But you saw Rin went outside of the room with Ibara, Terano and Yumi. You felt your feet petrified.
You gulp and look at the floor.
"Ah... L/n-san. What brings you here?" You look at Sayaka and you quickly went to her. You ignored Rin and the rest who did the same however, Ibara's face is distorted. Like he's guilty or something.
"A-ah... About..." You look at her and proceed. "About my Life Plan. I wanted to asks why it was withdrawn and a-about my debt? R-runa told me about it, that I shouldn't pay for it anymore. What happened?" Sayaka smiled and come up with a great explanation.
"We are busy to settle matters, The election just ended, so we are not accepting payments about the debt, we will announce when we will be collecting them." She response calmly and she proceed. "About the life plan, maybe there will be some changes." but why your pet tag was also withdrawn and you're the only one who doesn't have a pet tag among all the House Pets.
Your name was also removed from top list.
"I-i see... A-alright. Thank you for making it clear."
"Please proceed to your class." She said but you smirked.
"Oh no. I'll skip. Bleh." You stick up your tongue and ran in the hallway.
You pout while the beautification chairwoman scolds you terribly.
"What happened to your owner?! Where is that bastard! Whole election, Y/n!! Whole goddamn election this office was at peace! AT PEACE!!" You pout as she keep on ranting about how you behave. About how there is no deliquent pet or troublesome pet she is punishing the whole election because of your 'owner' or so called Rin Obami.
And since you won against her so many times in a gamble, she didn't punish you like that. You were just in detention for 2 hours, let you listen about her rants.
"But I no longer a pet, look I don't have a tag."
"That is why I am not gambling with you, it us because of that." She scoffed and you giggled.
So for two hours, you listened to her blabbers.
Then after that, she let's you go and look for your locker, you opened it to change your shoes but a letter dropped as you open the door of your locker. You look around you, there is no longer people around you.
You opened it and you sigh.
'I heard you finally got out of your pet status, well done~ I am so glad that you return to your Human Hood, so... Tommorow at YYY Restaurant, after school, meet me there. -M'
"WHO THE FUCK IS THIS BTCH?" you asks and glared at it. He just insulted you and asks you out on a date?! "What happened to hi and hello? To greetings? To get to know stage? Ugh romance in this academy is also crazy." You said as you also torn the letter in pieces and throw it in a trashcan.
Whoever that M is, it's probably an upperclassman.
"Seriously?! You're going to feel shy now?!" The green eyed woman glared at Rin who keep on rubbing his nape. "She asks you why! That was your moment!!" Terano shouted at him which he felt even more shy.
"W-well it caugh me off-guard!!" He reasoned out but Terano can't even more stressful. He already went too far, as buying that stupid book. The reason why they were inside the council room is because they wanted to arrange something.
Rin asks Kirari a favor about changing the arrange husband. Or tell her that, Rin would pay the 130 Million Yen debt. At first Kirari disagreed because you don't know anything about Rin's schemes. But she agreed now since it was interesting.
In the end, your debt was paid and your pet tag was retreived. But your life plan was bought by him.
"You can't get her out of this school. Y/n just barely started highschool. That's our agreement." Then Kirari get the lifeplan from Sayaka and open it.
"If Y/n asks you about it, keep it a secret." So That's why Sayaka told you a very good lie.
Back to the topic.
"After all the strings you pulled? You're going to back out now?!" Terano shouted at Rin. Terano can't believe how this idiot is acting upon Y/n. After all the stun he pulled all for the sake of that lady.
"I am not backing out! I just feel nervous!!"
"You..." Her face scrunched in annoyance. "I don't even wanna say it." It just feels ridiculous how this person is feeling nervous about saying his true feelings for her. Or maybe because he is born a liar so admiting something true is not in his character. That's why Terano shut up. "Don't waste your time, you are upsetting her." That is all she just said and nodded at Yumi.
Rin knows that she's very upset for avoiding her but it just feels like his heart is going to get out from his chest just by thinking what he did behind her back.
Terano is just mad right now because he's chickening out after he spend money all for her sake. Her debt is paid all because of him. He feel like she won't agree to this. But he... He likes her so much. Because no matter what kind of tempting situation he gives, she never bite. For the first time, he failed his duty as a Swindler.
She continue to be a smart, and cunning lady who always saw through his lies. She never fell into a trap, but as time went by...
He fell even harder, how she loved her Mother, and...
How he feels guilty by robbing her even a single yen. He can't bring so much pain to that Lady. He can't even treat her that way, he never felt so guilty about it. And the way he looks forward into talking to you, always listening to your silly stories, and how you won with the Student Coucil Midari because she tried to punish you.
How you had guts to even sneak a fart bag into the President's seats. He remember all your stories. Every single one of them.
"Y/n..." Oh how he missed you.
"WHATEVER YOU ARE SCHEMING, YOU BETTER STOP IT!!" you look confusely to your Father who is pointing his finger at you.
You were suddenly got arrested for no good reason at all when you are on your way home and then the Police informed you about that your Father file a case to you, and your mother a Fraud... So you shouted at the your Father.
"HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT TO MY FACE?! YOU WERE THE ONE WHO ROB HER HARD EARN SAVED MONEY!!!" you shouted as you try to raise your hand it him but the Police stopped you.
"How could you believe him?! This is ridiculous!!!" You said as you explained the Police Man about how your Mother was on the hospital for 5 days now, since she got a heart Surgery. And then he look at your ID and found out that you studied in Hyakkaou.
And since you're underage, they file a case against your Mother instead, making you mad at him even more.
"How dare you!! We didn't steal anything!!!" You shouted but you got kicked out of the Police Station. Your father exit there and glared at you and grabbed your collar to slap yoh across the face. You felt the stingy pain on your cheeks.
"You brat! You cause me so much trouble, you better stop it now or else, I will fucking kill you." He said and you gulp the lump in your throat as you look up in the sky.
"You..." You whispered and bang him in the forehead, hard and nut. "BASTARD!!"
You ran away and hide somewhere.
Tommorow and you still went to class to asks for some good lawyer, Itsuki and your friends gasp to the way you look.
"Y-y/n!!" Suzui is the first one to approach you and you bit your lip. "Who did your fought to?!"
"What happened, Y/n?! Who did this?!" Mary asks you while Yumeko is worriedly rush to the canteen to get some ice because of your swollen cheeks. Itsuki wrapped it in a handkerchief and put it in your cheek.
"G-guys...do you know any Law Firm around the city? I might need a Lawyer." then you started to tell them who did this to yoh and how you are accused by Fraud.
"Is he even thinking? How can you destroy a big company, just like that?" you shrugged at Itsuki's question while contacting Manyuda-senpai. "That is ridiculous."
"And they arrested your Mom instead?! They arrested a disabled person! So the police is, around at your Mother's room?!" Mary asks and Ririka tried to asks for some help for ypu too, even contacted their Family Lawyers.
"Yes. It's stressing me out now, she just got a successful heart surgery, I don't wanna stress her out so I need a Lawyer now. But nobody would probably stand up for me since I am underage." You massage your temple as you sigh.
"I see.." The blue eyes girl look at the Aquarium Tank. "News really does have wings." She said to Sayaka.
"I saw her in the cafeteria making commotion, she have a poorly made head patch on her head that she probably did herself, and also a bruise cheeks. So I tried to listen to their conversation." Sayaka said and she giggled.
"Rin better make his move now, right, Terano?" She look at the opposite side of the table and smiled.
You are walking down the hallway when you but as soon as you turn your left, you bump into someone and it hit your wonded forehead. You yelped in pain as you tried to fix your patch.
You look up to see a pair of purple eyes that you quickly stand up as you pretended that nothing happened however he grabbed your arm to stop you.
"What happened to your face?" He said and look at you. You kept your mouth shut. You've been hiding on him, ever since that talk you had with your Itsuki and the others, you just stay somewhere else, to the place that he barely visit or staying in.
However he didn't like your silence. "Y/n.." as always, he would found out about it wether you tell him or not, you asks Itsuki to never spill a word about your condition. But he manage to find out about it anyways.
"It... Shouldn't concern you." You whispered, well you felt very very embarrassed about saying that word, after everything he'd done for you. You missed him so much but what's the point of getting him involve in your life if he's avoiding you?
But those expression. His madness is visible in his eyes, you can totally see that.
"Even if you tell me or not, I have ways to find out." He said to you. Almost like threatening you. You look away, however he kept on touching your swollen cheeks. From the looks of it, you were slapped by a rough hands. He look at the poorly made bandage, he already knew that you made them. "What on earth did you do this time, Y/n?" He whispered and carrassed your cheeks.
"This time, huh?" you felt your heart feelimg heavy. "I don't know either. I don't know what kind of mess I was involved to either." He looks at you but you felt your tears flow down. All the frustrations you felt, you're mother is detained even if she's in a confinement room. It was all mess up.
The police told you that I might got involved into a massive Fruad out of desperation to make you afford the Surgery. Non from the Law Firm wanted to accept your case. If this keeps up...
Your mother would be put in to prison, she doesn't even have an ounce of idea what kind of mess she was put into. Rin hugged you, putting his hand on your head and the other hand is in your back, rubbing it tenderly
"Haha. I was just avoiding you for days, and yet you were in another trouble... Seriously, Y/n..." You didn't listen as you continue to sobbed in his chest. "There's no one controlling you... Hmm?" Everybody do have weakness... And he already assumed that your Mother is involve to it. He knew you, you loved your Mom dearly, and that is the only reason why are you crying right now.
"I don't know. I was accused of defrauding the Company that my Father work into." When you said that he was stunned to the point and bit his lips. "Nobody from the Lawfirm in the City wanted to take my Case, My Father probably pulled some strings-"
"I did that." He told you on point. Your eyes widened and he smiled cheekily.
"Y-you what??" he smiled and patted your head.
"Well, only the 40%. The remaining 60% is all up to you." then he told you, what he did. How he swindled and made a huge fraud to your Father's company. And the reason he did that is... "They are the people who deserved to be devoured, and I don't like what they did to you." And now that he saw how your Father reacted to you and hurt you.
He's livid again. He wanted to make him suffer and begged on his knees. And you sense a sinister crazed from him, just by looking at him makes you shiver.
How many times will you go through lenghts just for me?
"Rin... Stop." You whispered and he shook his head.
"I'll take care of your Lawyer. Let's burn his cash, assets and properties. And let's see how far they would go." Your eyes widened. He's going to help you again and you won't let him this time!
"Why are you always doing things for me?!" You shouted and he look at you. You mever shouted at him like this. "I always asks you why! Is this fun to you? Stop making me crazy, Rin!" the tears that you've been trying to hold back kept on flowing. "I asks you why you help me so much, and you told you will tell me..."
"But why are you avoiding me? And then you will show up to me then tell me you would help me, again!! I don't understand you at all!!" Ypu kept on ranting about how much he hurt you and how much you miss him. "I hate it when I am left behind! I hate it when I don't understand you! I hate it, that I have to be so curious what have I done. And you know what, Rin? I am only like this to you!"
All you want is an answer from him, an answer why! So you would stop hoping too that he loves you as well. That if only you're rich as him, you would help him to achieve his goal and rule over his family... But all you could give is, his comfort and peace that is even a bare minimum, compare to what he do for you and your mother.
You hate this... You hate this so much that you can't even do something useful for him.
"I miss you so much! And I want answers from you! I want a closure between us! Because this, this is ridiculous! Because I kept on hoping! Hoping that you love me too!" You confessed already and your eyes widened. Rin looks at you. He was red. Your voice suddenly stop making noise, your throat started to hurts even more as your nose tingled.
You broke down.
"Y-y/n..." Rin called you and tried to touch you but you get your hands up and put it on your face to cover it as you cried.
You've been hoping all this time... hoping that everything would fall into right places at the right time. That everything would be alright, in this school, everything is decided in gambling. You wanted to take a risk but the world hates you so much. The world, the odds and even the gods hates you and confuse you!
"I-i know I am a brat! I am a deliquent and I deserve this! But I don't deserve to be in this mess! My mother don't deserve to be robbed! To be in jail as she recover! She d-did everything for me! And yet she's suffering! Because of that bastard. And you! Please... stop confusing me! Stop making me crazy, Obami!"
You spoke between your sobs, as you tried to push him away because he kept holding you forcely, all the frustrations, desperations and confusion starts to surge in every corner of your head.
"I hate that I can't even do anything to pay you back from everything you have done. I hate it that I am not rich enough, good enough to help you too." He lets you cry while holding you in his arms. He felt... mixxed feelings, he felt sorry for all your frustrations, that he's making you upset and bothered.
But the other half makes him feel... great, that you felt bad because you can't help him. That you genuinely want to give everything he did for you.
Those broken sobs turn intl silent breath, those force coming from your hands that trying to push him away turn meek and slowly giving up in to putting distance between the two of you. He took the opportunity to comfort you as he completely wrapped his arms around your frail body.
I made... her cry...
"I'm sorry." He would let you hit him until you felt enough if that would earn him your forgiveness, losing you is not in his option. "I don't want to keep you stalling." He doesn't know how to start admiting his own revelations either.
You didn't spoke. So he continue.
"I don't wanna upset you, gods knows how much I missed you, Y/n-" He suddenly stopped talking when he felt your entire weight in his arms. And yelp as he tried to catch you in his arms. You passed out suddenly out of weakness. "SHIT."
"She's too young to handle mental and physical predicament. Also, from the beating she got, and not getting helself anything, she experienced lack of physical energy." Rin immediately get you in the nurse because you suddenly passed out. "We will conduct few more test on her."
"Thank you, Miss." Ibara was the one who thanked the nurse, Rin didn't even spare her a glance however his ears were all up. Y/n's health is going downhill. He doesn't know what to think or who to blame. He just want your normal self back in his arms. He held your hand and kiss your knuckles. The door closed.
"I heard she's all stressed because she can't find a lawyer who wanted to accept her case. Given the situation, that she got 500 Million Yen so suddenly became a huge evidence to press charges." Ibara said and Terano is just listening. "She's underage, so they press charge to a disabled person instead."
"If were talking about law, that is possible. If were talking about Humanity, that's sick." Rin just kept on listening, because his kind can't drift to anything else.
"She didn't eat anything today, she tried to seek help to her friends, but all those lawyers doesn't wanna take her case." Ibara also added.
"Due to-"
"Enough." Rin whispered.
Everyone shut up and the room was filled in silence. Rin is in deep thought he cant help himself to feel distraught and blame himself why your Father press charges to you and your Mother, he was the person behind the Fraud and yet you suffered the consequences.
"To be honest. I don't know what to think anymore."
"That's not your fault, Man." Ibara tried to comfort hus cousin but he glared at him.
"But I was the reason! The reason why her Mother is getting to jail, and why she is on that bed! This plan backfired her a lot!" Why not him? That bastard. "Heh... he's testing my patience. He took thus opportunity to corner her..." But that is his work too.
"That bastard sure is smart." He doesn't like it anymore, he does not like what he will become if this continue further. A fact that the person he loves the most was affected so much.
She confessed how bothered she was. She confessed how much his avoidance cause her so much stress and confusion. Her situation that he started backfired her so much that her health detoriates rather quickly.
He doesn't like it.
"Prepare my lawyer. I will fix this mess. Bring guards for her and her mother. They are the top priority. Were all done with Kirari, might as well bring her in higher priority." He said while looking at her ease face. She's resting. That's what matter the most. It is much more better to set things straight and to also make sure everything is done the moment she wakes up.
It is much better.
"Yes, Rin-san." Ibara said and went out of the room. But before he close the door, he gave them one more glance. Rin is really serious but above all the scariest thing he could pull off. There is a soft eyes always glancing towards Y/n. Finally, he closed the door. "Everything for the love of his life." Whispering while shaking his head.
Y/n slowly have her own conciousness, she can feel her limbs, her control at the tips of her fingers. She slowly open her eyes. Where am I? What happened? Where's Hahaue?
She felt a hand that holds her firmly. She looks at her right side to see the sight that made her heart beat so much. She blink her eyes to see if she is still hallucinating or dreaming but it was indeed him.
Tears build up in her eyes. "R-rin." She said in a meek voice. He was there, exhausted, and looks so worn out.
How many days has it been? The last time she remember is that, he said sorry.
Those two words rang in her head as if it is what her heart desire the most. As if her entire body system has been waiting for his words of apology.
"Obami..." she called him. His body was so tired and stress, from so much work and worries to her mom, to her father's ruthless behavior, to Rin's unusual avoidance towards her after he helped her.
Her tears won't stop. Why is he here? What is he doing? Those question lingers in her head as she pour all her tears out.
She felt so many emotions that driven her to cry more. She felt happy and sad, she felt relief yet frustrated. Even herself does not know how can one feel so messed up.
But a hand cupped her face to wipe her tears, her irises met the blue ones, there is only one thing that matters.
"I'm here..." he is there with her no matter what. "Use me, take me, anything, Y/n... Nothing matters anymore."
"R-rin..." She felt conflicted, she does not want to risk on being associated with Rin. For someone like her, for someone who did nothing in her life but to be fair and truthful... She feels conflicted to be with someone who did nothing but injustice and lies for a living.
"Do not fret, everyone will pay for the damage they have caused you." He said and smiled warmly at her. He does not look down at her for being vulnerable, he does not mind seeing her being a human. "Even I, will pay for what happen to you." He whispered and all she could do I cry.
Cry her heart out.
"So tell me, you were my benefactor and also my punishment... What do you want me to do?" To Rin, Y/n is his saviour and yet his trial, Y/n will decide if she will pardon him or make him guilty. She is his one and only salvation, his goddess.
"I-i..." she start to speak between her sobs and Rin waited patiently for her. "I-i... Want..."
"I-i... I want y-you... To never l-leave me... Again." She whispered and Rin smiled ever so tenderly. "D-don't lie to m-me. D-don't leave me..."
"I won't..." When it comes to her, he never lied. "The moment I failed to swindle you is the moment I would never lie to you." And this perfect and right moment, the moon shone upon their window... He said those words. "I love you..."
"Y-you... Did?" she asks and Rin smiled. "Y-you loved me?" hoe could he love a peasant like her?
"I do... Even if I eat dirt. As long as I am with you, everything is okay with me."
"H-how could you... Love me?" she asks, she can't believe it.
"So many answers to thay question. I would be more than happy to answer them for a lifetime." He whispered and kissed her temples.
"She fell asleep." He whispered and kissed her forehead. He look behind him and saw Kirari. "How odd. It seems she also hold a piece of your heart to visit her personally."
"Someone outside of my aquarium decided to reek havok inside without my permission. Trully unacceptable." She said and went closer to her. "She's so worn out."
"You knew all along what is happening."
"I did..."
"Then why you didn't tell me?" Rin asks but somehow he knew the answer why Kirari did not tell him.
"It's fun. Besides, she has a head as hard as cement. She will never yield or asks for help, considering the amount of money she have now, she have the power to put her father on prison..." but Y/n surprises her by yielding at the end.
Love is the most twisted gamble and curse in this world.
"Was it you who pulled the strings why Y/n can't have a lawyer?" Rin asks hardly.
"What do you take me for?" Kirari asks with her brow raised. "I play fair, I would never do something so unfair in the game. The reason why she can't have a lawyer because her case is so hard for those incompetent fools." her hand went to her forehead and kiss her hand. She stand straight and look straight to Rin who has no reaction, maybe because its practically Kirari's hand that met her lips and not the skin of her forehead.
"She has to be better, before she fight. So she could use you perfectly." Kirari said and left. "Feel free to use the Momobami's Lawyer. This is my gift, for your soon union."
"You guys don't plan to get married?" He turned red and got flustered. "That expression is unlike of you, stop that." In her head, he finally get it what was Terano's talking about when she said he is chickening out of the things he started.
"You have to get well, Y/n." He said as he feed her some warm soup. He also prepared some ginger tea.
"I'm worried at Mom. Can I see her?"
"She is just next door, we can but you have to finish this first." She nod her head and open her mouth. Rin told her about what happened and everything he was about to do on her Dad's life.
He started to tell him how, step by step, how he will accurately destroy his useless life. Your father will never ever lay his hands on both you and your mother ever again.
"If you were not going to stop me, this is what exactly would happen." he said and he look at you... He saw no reaction.
"It's much more worst than what he did to us." It's triple the hardship, it's triple the pain. "Back then when he left, he stole Mom's savings for my college. Then he stole all of the money under my name this time."
"Ibara did some investigation why your Mother's illnesses suddenly flare up." Rin said and he opened a drawer beside your bed, he gave you a piece of paper regarding your Mother's insurance and pensions.
When he gave it to you, your eyes started to tear up, your hands is shaking, it is loke your body was blowned revelation after revelation, you feel sick in to your stomach. You put your hand in your mouth.
Rin surely does not want you to know but you have to decide. He can't do this without your permission. But seeing your sick reactions he can't help but to feel disheartened and hurt. You don't deserve it, this pain that your father inflicted you.
"R-rin..." You choked the lump in your throat and cry. You sobbed hardly when Rin held you so tight in his arms. "H-he's trying to kill her. T-that evil bastard."
"So that was w-why... Why he told me t-to g-get out of his way."
You broke down and cry again on his chest, and all he did is to comfort you, rubbing your back while your heart has been thorn to multiple pieces.
He has another support to continue devouring your worthless father.
"I... I want you to do it. Merciless, d-don't hold back. Ruin his life as he did to mine." He smiled softly and nod.
"Yes, as you wish."
"I hope you understand what is the situation here." Rin gaze coldly at the man who is wearing orange suit with a cuffs wrapped in his wrists. "Or even just the severity of the situation." His eyes turned dark.
"W-why... Are you doing this? Why are you ruining my life?!"
"Your company is in poor debt because of your poor management skills, not only that, you evade taxes, hire ghosts employees, used dual contracts, and ommited revenue, and many more wasn't mention." Rin started with a cold and ruthless smile.
"Y-you... Just who are you Obamis? You were the one who swindled my company and stole 100 billion yen! You were the bunch of scammers here!"
"If I were you, you would becareful on what you say, especially when you don't have evidences against us." Rin said and roll his eyes. "Because of your debt, you committed a sin by attempting to murder Mrs. (Mom's name). We conducted a test on her, that the medicine she used has a side effect to make her condition much worst. I met her 2 days after Y/n receive an emergency call that her mother got an heart attack."
"Too much of a coincidence, no? What a pity, Mother in-law was so healthy when I met her thought... And this evidence points at you, because these description came from your company. The serial number of this medicine is in one of your records."
"M-mother in-law?" He gasps when he realized who did he messed up with. "Y-you were the one who is helping Y/n?!"
"The reason why you wanna kill her is because of the insurance and pensions under her name, you want to robbed Y/n again."
"And pinned her to the corner, because your plan to kill Mrs. (Mom's name) did not succeed, so you blamed her for corrupting your company." Rin said and shook his head. He can't talk, he also robbed people of their money, now that he saw what are the effects of these work to someone... Trully breaks his heart.
"I just visit to see the reaction on your face before I ruin your company and your life. It is a pity, that you have to live the rest of your life looking at your shoulders, since you break her heart in a million pieces, I am more than happy to devour you in one whole as well. Not even bones will remain in you." He smiled and left the interrogation room to meet Ibara and Miyo.
"No blood in your hands." Kirari said which surprises him because she is here. "I lost to Mira." He rolled his eyes.
"Mira made sure that he will know his place when he gets to the prison." Miyo said and Rin nods... It was exhausting to deal with this people. How about the CEO? Well she abandoned her boyfriend. Since she help Rin to gather evidences, she had a lighter punishment. She just have to work the rest of her life under the Obamis.
And that company will be now transfer to Obamis.
"How come your father agreed to all of this?" Kirari asks and Rin smiled wickedly.
"I made a gamble with him."
"Hmm... With the look on your face, it seems like it worked."
"It does."
"Y/n..." Rin whispered to you. You regain your composure and maintained your health after a week. You visit your mother all the times and also in those times you visit her you also told her what happened.
"I-i cant believe that, he would do this to me." Your mom shudder as if feeling the chill in horror on what your father has been on.
"Everything will settle now, I made sure that he will be sentenced life in prison, not only that both of you will be compensated." Rin said. And your mother thanked him a whole bunch.
"I don't know how am I suppose to thank you enough..." He smiled brightly.
"I... I wanna asks for Y/n's hand in marriage." Your mother gasps. Marriage?! You also choke on your water and has been coughing non-stop.
"Wait... I know were together already... But marriage?" you asks
"It's for the future, since..." He showed you a packet. And you gasped. "I have this now."
You grabbed Rin's collar and glared at him. "We will talk." You dragged him away from your mom's room who is very confuse, you slam the door and went to your room.
"You... You bought my lifeline?! WHY! "
"I... I love you. I wanna corner you, I don't want your eyes on someone else. It's toxic! I know, and I am so sorry if I didn't told you! But... I... I wanna be with you forever."
"Rin... I am not mad about you doing things for me, I am not mad even if we get married now! The thing here is, my mother doesn't know about this packet." Rin blinked his eyes in shock. Yeah your mother doesn't even know your schemes at school or what is happening in that school.
"E-ehem." He cough while your eyes is glaring daggers at him. "Right I-i also forgot."
"But why? Why did you bought my lifeline."
"I asks Kirari... To take care of it for me, and to convince my father. If there is someone who could order him, it's Kirari." He said and sigh. "I asks her to change it for me but I have to pay for it in order to do so. I... After the election I paid that remaining debt, of course without a second thought. I did."
"You did?"
"Yeah, that's why, Sayaka didn't accept your payment."
"But why?"
"I don't ever want you to experience something like this again. And for it to guaranteed you have to get my name, and be with me. I don't see any issue with this, I love you and I am willing to be your husband, and also to protect you under my wing."
"Y-you don't have to lie to become one of us, you can still live a normal life if you want, you can still join to a university and study for college. You just... Have to take my name."
"This is really one of the weirdest way to propose. But... Y/n, you were amazing, most loving, and independent woman I've ever met, I was entranced the moment I heard your laugh after pulling that prank, I don't deserve someone like you but an Obami like me is a greedy bastard, so please accept me, marry me."
"Rin..." He went on his knees and you gasps.
"I don't need your answers now. I just... Want you to know why am I going through so much for your sake. I don't wanna confuse you anymore, I don't wanna make you cry." He opened the box and there it show the most beautiful radiant black ring. "I love you and I wanna be with you for the rest of my life... Will you marry me please..."
Tears starts to flow down your cheeks. And he was startled at your expression.
"What if you met someone else?" He calmed down a little and give you an assurance smile.
"It won't happen. If it does, I will have the entire Obami wiped out of the Momobami name, not only that, Kirari will strip of our status, money, and my head."
"Wait what?"
"I have the blessing of the Momobamis."
"When... Are we getting married?"
"According to your packet, we must get married at 18."
"I see.."
"Were 17 we still have little time, so we have to hurry." He smiled and you went on your knees to match his height, and there, you kissed him fast.
"Aren't we too young? Do you have the power to alter the packets since you are the master of my lifeline." you asks with a smile. He blushed furiously and laugh it off.
"Hahaha. Yes, it's okay."
"Rin..." You whispered and look at his eyes.
"Yes, love?"
"I love you too. You swindler."
A/U: goodness I have been writing this since 2022 I can't believe its finally over! I honestly have so many stories or AU of Rin. I had so so so much fun for real! Well time to let this fic fly.
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y’all remember the ask about how the Shellie’s would react to their s/o dead but the child survived. Mhm. I was wondering if we could do the few others (ink, error, killer, dune, and disbelief.) because angst is very silly!! (Positive term) if you’re not comfortable doing this. Then it’s fine!! Remember to drink water and take care of yourself.
Ink - .... He's kinda frozen, unsure what to do. It's a prank... right? It has to be a prank, because that's stupid, no one dies murdered in their own house, it's only happening on TV. He kneels next to S/O and tries to wake them up, more and more distressed as long minutes pass. He barely acknowledged the child is alright, he doesn't care about the child, he just wants his S/O to wake up. Eventually, he runs out of paint and stops feeling anything. He's just sitting there, feeling empty, and unable to cry. He stays there a few minutes and then leave this universe, leaving the child crying on the floor behind. He doesn't want to get involved.
Error - What was he thinking? Getting attached to some stupid human. He knows better. Now it all went to waste, what was even the point? He's mad at S/O for dying so stupidly, he's mad at himself for not even being there when that happened. He is so stupid. He has the powers of a god and he couldn't even save the only person he cared about. Why? What is wrong with him? He's about to leave when he suddenly notices the child moving. He hesitates. The kid would survive better without him. But... He can't. He can't let them here. He picks them up and goes to mourn in the antivoid. Damn, he has no idea how to even change a diaper...
Disbelief Papyrus - He says nothing, too in shock. He doesn't have the strength to cry. He can't believe it's happening again. Is he cursed or something? Why everyone has the right to move on but him? Did he do something wrong? What's even the point of trying? He's ready to just dust on the floor with his S/O when he froze seeing a tiny movement in their arms. The tears start to fall uncontrollably as he holds his baby, thanking fate again and again. The kid will grow up knowing his S/O was a hero and that all his friends' ghosts made sure they were alright when he found them.
Dustale Sans - Uh. Well, that's upsetting. He lightly kicks S/O with his foot and jumps in the air when his child moves and starts crying. God, he forgot that thing could be that loud. Uh. Now what? Is he in trouble again? He swears he didn't kill them this time! But, uh... He's unsure what to do? You go to see the police when this happens? He doesn't like the police :( He teleports his S/O corpse in front of the police station with a post it saying "someone murdered them but that's not me. pls find who. don't call me." That will work, he's confident. Now what the hell is he supposed to do with the child? He gives them a dead pigeon for diner but they didn't eat it, and he's so confused now. He thought he was supposed to feed the child??? Please someone save the child.
Killer Sans - He's angry, but he tries not to show it too much, comforting his child. That's obviously someone who knows who he is and what he did seeing the goop everywhere. He knew just trying to build a new life wouldn't work to escape Nightmare. He's panicking, but he tries to keep his calm. Nightmare can't follow him everywhere. He leaves S/O and jumps into another universe with his child. He doesn't want to fight, simply protect his family. And he has nothing to loose anymore.
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starspaxe · 6 months
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since im working more on errors game this is the old idea for the dlc. but yk it isnt a dlc anymore so why not show this?
new title screen
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lover-of-skellies · 5 months
Sans Fight Night - Round 2
Fight location: an empty AU. Think classic undertale, but completely empty. There's no one around, and our contestants can go ham without any consequences
Contestant 7: Error
Strengths: speed and teleportation, pure unbridled rage, quick thinking, his strings (which have the ability to "catch" the soul of his opponent), can make portals, his entire shtick is being a destroyer, fights from a distance, could potentially still use gaster blasters
Weaknesses: emotionally and mentally unstable, can't keep his emotions in check, has a habit of getting way too carried away with his destruction, haphephobia (extreme fear of touch), will crash and reboot if his opponent touches him, scared of Fresh
Contestant 8: Fresh
Strengths: has no emotions (therefore he can't possibly lose control of them), speed and teleportation, potentially makes portals, can sort of conjure up physical items to fight with, great at being a distraction, can still use skeleton magic, even if his body is destroyed, he'll survive (provided he finds a new host fast), highly unpredictable and hard to read, can fight from pretty much any distance
Weaknesses: doesn't appear to take many things seriously, is vulnerable as soon as he (the parasite) is removed from the host body
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emyluwinter · 11 months
Still trying to rest properly.
But I don't want to forget about this thought.
As the authors usually think, if you hug Leona or Malleus , "strong gentle hugs"
How does San think about it -
In the case of a hug with Leona.
Yuu is fighting for his life with a lion because
It's heavy.
This idiot lion sleeps like a groundhog, where did all these muscles come from?!
Which implies the following
Feels like it. - Yuu hugs hard rocks.(Even Riddle confirmed that this guy is a muscle rock. You should go for a massage…)
His temperature is definitely higher than human due to the fact that he is a beastman, but lower to survive the heat of his homeland. +Hugging with red-hot stones.
Gods have mercy on Yuu's soul if Leona decides to sleep in an embrace in the fierce heat. They will die from overheating.
Definitely braids will climb into the eyes, mouth, nose - a small spoon. Trying to be a big spoon? This will be the last thing you do before you get into a peaceful voyage in Charon's boat.
If sleeping next to you may not be on purpose? (try to prove it) beat the tail.
Leona is not a fan of tactility, but she can tolerate it a little. from time to time. in a good mood. Perhaps. If your confidence level is increased, congratulations! The lion will let you near him and not try to devour-kill.
If hugs with Malleus.
. . . w e l l
Goddess of the Night, I don't think Lilia was very loving in this regard. (He did his best, okay? He didn't learn it from anyone. Lilia tried to do everything through trial and error and that's fine.)
Theoretical experience? Rich, luxurious. Practical experience? Negative. Again, the level of trust plays an important role.
He's comfortable if it's someone he knows.
Feels like
Rock. damn it. cold. rock. A little awkward at the beginning. Stupor from Tsunotaro. The level of trust is increasing! Malleus loves hugs from Yuu. Because his temperature is lower than human (my personal fiction is that he likes to soak up the sun, because he lives in a mountainous area) Yuu leaves this mortal world 2.0 if he sleeps in an embrace with a Dragon, because for him a little man is a warm pebble. And try to get out from under the sleeping dragon.
Not too strong, not too weak. The required compression level is still being studied. In turn, Yuu can squeeze the Dragon as they please within the bounds of decency, of course.
Not the best idea to jump with hugs, I remind you. You're hugging a rock!!
+bonus Trying to hug his tail would also be a bad idea if you don't want to go to another galaxy from the impact.
If the confidence level is high, Yuu sees the wings and tail of Tsunotaro. cocoon hugs are included.
The most pleasant bonus. - Very pleased sounds from Malleus Draconia.
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areyoubea-why · 27 days
I’m also not a writer please excuse me..
- Sans was from the timelines where he was a scientist
- This au wasn’t a science au it was just Undertale but set a couple years before frisk falls down
- Sans worked with his friend W.D gaster
- His younger brother names papyrus was twelve years old and stayed at home while sans was working in his new job in the lab as the co-royal scientist
- The story was playing out as usual until due to a mistake in the code making up the au, sans switched places with gaster during the CORE incident
- This meant that sans was thrown into the void
- This glitch was unintentional as this timeline was supposed to be a normal Undertale timeline
- The timeline became glitched and it started to corrupt
- Error found this timeline and destroyed it to stop the spread of the corruption
- The au and its inhabitants where deleted
- But sans was still in the void
Part one
- after sans fell, he ended up in an empty infinite black void
- No light or no need to eat or sleep or anything
- overtime, this lack of usage of sanses magic caused his magic levels to dissipate and it eventually sputtered out
- Sans was still alive but couldn’t access his magic
- That means his blasters, teleportation, bones, inventory
- Even the magic in his eye lights dissapeared, leaving him with really really bad sight
- He’s not completely blind though as the slight amount of determination in his system let him survive in these dire circumstances
- He also got used to the dark eventually
Part two
- eventually the void sensed someone stuck in there and spat sans out like rubbish into a landfill
- Sans was thrown into the nearest Undertale timeline which happened to be a genocide timeline
- Sans was met with his home, empty except for the dust floating in the air
- sans was terrified and ran to his house blindly as it was so bright
- Sans sheltered in the house in snowdin for a couple of hours before he felt the world shake before him and suddenly he woke up in the house
- But he wasn’t alone (guys I literally can’t do this I hate writing just go with it these r straight facts at this point not a story)
- He heard the sound of conversation nearby and left the room
- He came across his worst nightmare
- It was him??? And a tall skeleton
- The way the tall skeleton spoke reminded him of his younger brother papyrus
- He was reminiscing until the other version of himself spoke up to the tall skeleton
- This was papyrus ?? But old? Okay that’s odd
- Last time sans checked papyrus he wasn’t even a teen yet
- Sans was about to speak up when he felt someone behind him
- Suddenly he was grabbed and thrown into a puddle of some odd liquid
Part three
- The skeleton started yapping about “ wow a past sans” and “ you don’t see them outside the timelines often” or “ this one has like so magic what the heck??”
- Sans honestly missed the black of the void at this point because there were far too many loud noises and bright lights for him
- “Who the hell are you?” Sam’s asked the strange figure
- The blurry brown figure apologized for getting off topic, his name was ink and apparently he was the protector of alternate universes?
- Sans did not like this at all
- “Wow your eye sockets are so large and creepy hah! You’re just watching me !”
- Say that again.. sorry
- Sans was about to retort that if he can’t see well he can’t watch but ahh well
- Ink then tells him to go to the omega timeline where a human called core can help him
- Ink sent him through that horrible puddle thing again and he arrived in another bright area
Final part (please help me)
- Sans was given a place in the omega timeline by core
- Core was interested in this new sans as they had never gotten sanses from before
- They also did the math that he was very young compared to the other sanses, despite his odd appearance
- Core could sympathize with the big gaping eyes though
- “ wow your eyes are like mine, perfect for observing people!!”
- Core noticed that this sans needed a nickname due to the abundance of sanses in the area
- They saw the sans looking and observing people a lot and not interacting so they nicknamed him the watcher as a joke but it kind of stuck
- Sans was given a token which could help him travel to different aus
Final details
- the watcher used the token to study the og Undertale and he found out that this is him in the future
- Eventually the watcher came across prank tale and was dumbfounded by the sheer amount of noise and colour
- It was his worst nightmare
- The local sans was an eyesore too and an utter buffoon??
- They did not get on at first
- But eventually they became close friends and pt visits the watchers apartment in the omega timeline
- They get it all sorts of predicaments like getting stuck in the back rooms r smth
- The watcher gained a couple of close friends over time
Okay that is IT I am DONE writing I hate it
This doesn’t even count as writing it’s so bland and ewww
This wasn’t supposed to be anything special.. just context for anyone who wanted to know his story
Permissions -
Nothing to do with NSFW if you want to draw or write about watcher
You can write or draw him just credit me!!
PT doesn’t belong to me, he belongs to marvelous-baguette on tik tok!!
In conclusion
Name: the watcher
Age: physically 20 , mentally 35 due to being stuck in the void and not growing
-true neutral-
Strengths: amazing hearing due to having bad sight, good with guns somehow
Weaknesses: 1HP, no sans abilities, bad sight, papyruses
Fears: sleeping, quiet places, any papyrus, error
Personality: quiet to begin with, really friendly eventually
Friends: PT, park sans (belongs to a_lotta_socks on tt), system error (belongs to jenlinthegreat_ on tt)
Regarding sparky sans, my other oc who I talk about more on tik tok (beaboep), he is a what if character in another timeline where the watcher was found by the bad sanses instead of in and was given to the mad scientist sparky to be experimented on
Any typos are not my fault I do no wrong!
Thank you for coming to my ted talk 🗣️🗣️
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derangedanomaly · 8 months
Hey, saw your storys and thought I'd ask, could you do on about a reader best friend with sicencetale sans please?
Hope you have a good day
YES! I love ScienceTale Sans!! He's probably my fourth favorite Sans! (Error will always be my FIRST 😘) I hope you'll also have a very good day!!
Here you go! Not gonna lie, this sucks ass. 😭
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You got to know him since you became his lab assistant.
Shit was wild, you burned everything on your first day 💀
Sci got intrigued with how could anyone screw up so bad. 😂
And so it began... The start of your friendship 💙
You were one chaotic duo. It was mostly you screwing around in the lab, making Sci laugh, until you accidentally broke something and he has to fix it.
Sci likes to listen to any drama you know. Since Sci is a nerd, he doesn't know much 'tea', so he'll just ask you.
You often try to get him out of his constant reading, proving to be unsuccessful 😂
You once called him "Bitchless". And he's still offended by that. Will never let it go, and WILL get his revenge 💀 (One day)
You introduced him to many Tv shows, but the one he likes the most is MLP. Always rooting for Twilight. (She's his favorite)
He gets annoyed whenever you ask him too much questions, you know it and do it just because it annoys him.
Sci: Love makes people do stupid things.
Y/n: I love everything!
Sci: That explains a lot.
Y/n: Sci! For the love of god, please turn down that music. I have a hangover.
Sci: *blasting the mii theme at full volume* That sounds like a you problem, not a mii problem.
Sci: What do you call quantums of electromagnetic radiation that don’t get along?
Y/n: What did you just say-
Sci: Foetons! *Laughs*
Y/n: Wh-what?
Y/n: You know what? Let’s give it a go. What’s the worst that could happen?
Sci: Humiliation, embarrassment, fire, explosions, collisions, tears, nudity and death.
Y/n: What? I'm not aggressive!
Sci: Last Tuesday, you wacked me with a pair of crocs and stole my chocolate chips?
Y/n: Survival of the fittest, bitch.
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