#sweat qr code
iknowicanbutwhy · 10 months
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i didn't w ant thi s
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clarasunflowers · 11 months
i spend a lot of time sitting on our porch, and have come to notice three distinct people who walk by. one is “the milkman.” every day he walks ~3 miles to/from the store. his shoes are falling apart. the next is a homeless couple, always covered in dirt, always carrying a tattered blanket. none of them wave back but i don’t stop trying. last week we set up a little table in town, “for community outreach.” she prints a sign with a qr code leading to a paypal account. we offer little things and encourage donations. a cute elderly couple has me paint their faces with matching designs. they smile and she whispers to him. they donate $300.
we go home and regroup. we know where the couple camps and we know where the milkman lives. we buy brand new trainers, size 14. i know this size because his sandal fell off once. i picked it up and handed it to him. i load up my old ipod with country, classic rock, a little tame metal, and some popular rap. we stuff a charger/headphones into the shoe box and leave them on the milkman’s porch. i add a note, “happy trails!”
we peek at the couples campsite, just a tent, and gather what we need. the entire area is cleaned. we visit a harm reduction centre and pick up some free safe injection kits. we also pick up pairs of sweats, jumpers, new sleeping bags, handheld battery operated fans, packs of socks and batteries, hand wipes, a hairbrush/hairties, canned food, toothbrushes/paste, two backpacks and some flannels from the army surplus store, and a led solar camping lantern. we add in a business card for the harm reduction centre with a note on the back, “free laundry, showers, and more.”
too weird? i ask. i’ll leave a note, she says. “stay safe, neighbors” it reads. no indication it was from us, but today, i got three smiles and waves returned.
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Transformation Letter: Noah
Hello. My name is Noah and I would love transforming into anything or anyone. I'm an single 20 years old bisexual, who is annoyed by long work days as a german nurse. I would most likely describe me as the boring white boy with brown hair, brown eyes and nothing special. Would love to get out of germany.
It is way after ten in the evening after a long day of work. You are sitting in Ilkan's flat and enjoy a beer with your Turkish friend when he suddenly announces that he will have to return to Turkey soon because of family matters and there's a good chance he won't be able to get back for at least a few years.
For the last years, Ilkan has been a close friend to you, and a welcome opportunity to complain about work - the news is devastating. You even have a bit of a crush on the burly Turk, but since he is straight you kept that a secret. Of course, you can hardly say anything against him leaving, so, you just say "Tja."
You continue to sit there, sipping beer when suddenly, Ilkan appears to remember something.
"Oh, I almost forgot. I got this really strange letter today, do you know what's up with that?"
He fetches a letter from a company named "Artificial Transmutations" and shows it to you. It's just a QR code and a single line of text below it: "If you want to accept Noah's request, please install the app above."
Of course, you recognize the company - there had been an online ad and you decided to write a letter to them. Apparently, there was some kind of a raffle for a cruise or something, you didn't have a closer look at the ad back then.
"I think it's some kind of competition or draw or something where you can win a trip." You reply.
Ilkan nods and just as you are about to go on about data privacy, he has already scanned the code and started the download. Ilkan is refreshingly carefree with all of that.
The app installs quickly, and you are both looking at Ilkan's phone. Besides the logo, there is just a single green button labelled "Claim".
"So, does this mean you have won?" Ilkan asks.
"I don't know. Go on and press the button!" You answer, wondering why Ilkan has gotten the reply letter and not you. You are pretty sure you didn't mention your friend in your letter.
As soon as Ilkan taps the button, you feel very strange all of a sudden. Your dick grows stiff and strains against your jeans, flooding your system with arousal. You absolutely cannot think straight as you look at Ilkan, who is sitting next to you on the couch, legs spread slightly as usual.
Without further comment, you reach over and undo Ilkan's fly and greedily pull down his boxer shorts to expose his ample, but soft cock.
Ilkan is way too surprised of your sudden action to react and just starts to say: "Noah, what ahhhh..."
You interrupt him by closing your mouth around his soft cock, breathing in the sweaty groin and tasting the flavor of his unwashed dick, with all the traces of piss, sweat and dirt that have gathered during the day.
Almost immediately, you feel his hand at the back of your head, but to your big surprise, Ilkan doesn't pull you from his groin. Instead, he pushes you further in, with quite some force actually. Your nose is being pressed into his untrimmed bush of pubic hair, intensifying the manly smell even more as his hairs tickle your face. You cannot see anything since your face is in Ilkan’s groin, but you feel two things: First, Ilkan's cock is slowly raising and second, Ilkan stands up while still having his hand on the back of your head and positions himself right in front of you.
Your arms explore his big hairy legs that are spread widely in front of you, and you pull down his jeans and boxers for good. There is a slight movement as Ilkan steps out of them, all the while your tongue is busy teasing his cock.
Ilkan increases the pressure once more, and for a moment, your nose almost hurts since it is pressed into his groin with so much force. That passes quickly however, and you feel your face jumping forward a few centimeters more. It is like your nose has been flattened against his groin, but you didn't feel pain or hear a noise that would indicate it being broken.
Your mouth is full with Ilkan's increasingly erect cock now and he is bucking his hips lightly into your mouth. You hug his hips with your arm in order to press yourself even further to Ilkan, who now uses the hand on your head to face-fuck you, slamming your face into his sweaty privates with more and more force.
You don't even use your tongue even more - Your mouth is more like a pouch now, a place for his dick to be in, as your head becomes thinner and thinner - and more fabric like with every thrust. Your hands have fused behind his back and turned to an elastic rubber band, fixing yourself to his waist.
Suddenly, Ilkan closes his hand and warps your face - or what's left of it, around his erection. He grips his cock through your fabric face and begins to jerk himself off, warping your pouch that seems to be almost all that is left of you in the shape of his ample erection.
Finally, he cums a thick load of cum into you, which you absorb quietly as the jockstrap that you are now.
"Phew. I didn't know that was what you wanted Noah...". He pauses for a moment before continuing. "Although I suppose I shouldn't call you that any longer. You're just a jockstrap after all, and I'm gonna treat you like the thing you are, my possession."
You feel a warm feeling of agreement as your owner acknowledges your inferiority. Soon you're going to leave Germany wrapped around your best friends junk. You don't have to worry about your job anymore and you couldn't be happier.
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Don't forget: If you, too want to send a transformation letter and want to be transformed, consider joining my riot page today!
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mxtantrights · 8 months
famous dc!au (dick's version)
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It's grueling work. The first video was easy but this director has an extravagant and almost larger than life. It's not common for you to star opposite a famous guy who now, on top of that, will play a greek god.
Dick makes it easy. He shows up on set and jokes around with you. And he always eats with you on lunch break, he tries to pay each time but you try to make it even.
Still you can't help but to feel saddened that your friendship is basically over. Along with end of your friendship and the possibility of it being more than that is less than zero. There was no way Dick would have time for you after this video is done. He's too important and busy. And too not over his ex, possibly.
You try your best to smile while on set today.
Dick is freaking out. Like actually nervous and almost throwing up, that type of freaking out. The song he wrote-the one about you but doesn't actually call you out by name, but are about the moments he shared with you-it comes out tonight.
He can't pull the plug on it, he hasn't tried but he knows it won't go over well. His manager talked this single up so well to the studio heads that they wanna renegotiate his contract for one more year.
He doesn't wanna creep you out. But he also can't keep going on like this. It feels like a viscous circle of torture. He's close to telling you and relieving himself of this heavy secret. But then he thinks about how you might not feel the same, and how his confession might chase you out of his life completely. He doesn't want that.
He tries his best to not fall in love with you today.
"Okay and that looks great guys I think we've got it for today. We'll send word if we need to do reshoots." the director says.
Someone is pulling a robe over your body. You're not really paying attention because you're watching Dick walk away from set. You had just finished the dance sequence and you were out of breath and sweating.
But all that was on your mind was Dick. It was crazy.
You can't let this go on for forever. You know that. But you honestly don't know what to do that won't hurt your feelings in the process.
With a sigh you head back to your trailer. When you get in you see a fruit basket on top of the couch. You walk over to it, there's a bright blue note sticking out the top. You take the note out.
Your fingers rip the envelope open.
'Thanks for everything. I wanted to get your opinion on this.-Dick" the note reads.
You look at the bottom of the note to see a QR code. You take your phone out from the safe in your trailer and scan it. The link takes you to a blank site with only a media player on it. The time stamp is two minutes fifty seconds.
You hit play, intrigued. When you put your volume up you can barely hear what is playing but it sounds like a song, it sounds like Dick's voice. You hit pause and look around your trailer for your headphones. You find them in your back.
Quickly you connect them to the bluetooth on your phone and hit play again. The intro plays and your brain gets this fuzzy feeling, like you've heard these sounds before. You rewind once, twice trying to understand why its so familiar.
But you decide to leave it alone as you want to hear the rest of the song. The melody plays out and honestly Dick's voice puts you in a bit of a trance. You don't really notice the words he's saying at first but when he gets to the chorus your focus is brought in.
Maybe we could try if you let me
Take you by the hand
You're the only one who understands
It hits you then. Where you heard the beginning from. It's from the first music video shoot. When you and Dick were throwing jokes at each other. It was your laugh. Dick put your laugh in a song?
You can't believe it. Well, you-not you really cannot. But why did he leave this for you to listen to if...
Was this a confession? You hit pause on the song. Then your feet are moving before you can even fully think out the repercussions of your actions. You walk right out of your trailer and onto the lot, all the way over to Dick's trailer which is on the other side.
When you get to the door that's when you feel how hard your heart is pumping. Maybe this wasn't the best idea. Maybe you had gotten ahead of yourself. Maybe it wasn't a confession but just him letting you know he's using a personal moment between the two of you in his new music.
Just as you're about to walk up the steps to knock on his door, the door opens. Out comes the stunning and beautiful Zantana. You can feel it in real time how your confidence deflates like a balloon. You try to keep your smile on though.
Her lips start moving but you can't hear her, that's when you realize you still have your headphone on. You pull them off your ears.
"Sorry. What did you just say?" you ask.
She smiles, "Oh, I just said that he's not in here. He might've slipped out a while ago."
"Oh." you say.
"I'm Zantana by the way." she says, holding out her hand.
You take it into your own and shake hands, introducing yourself to her as politely as you can. Your brain is working on overdrive. He's not here? How would she know that if she wasn't here with him?
"I can let him know that you were looking for him." she says.
You shake your head wildly, "No it was nothing. I can just text him."
"Okay. See you around maybe? Are you coming to the party?" she asks.
You feel horrible. You feel like absolute shit. Like here she is being so sweet yo you meanwhile you don't know if these two are a thing or not and you've maybe been harboring feeling for her significant other.
"Party?" you ask now.
Zantana nods, "Yeah the release party for his new single."
Your eyes widen. The song you were listening to a few seconds ago? That song? He was planning on releasing it into the world? What? Your mind is jumping through multiple hoops at the same time.
"I didn't know anything about that." you say, lying.
"Hey, I can put you down as my plus one and get you in. Don't worry about it." she offers.
"I'm just not sure if I can make it." you try to wiggle your way out of going.
"It's a really good song! I know your support would mean a lot to him." she explains.
You think to yourself, maybe she thinks the song is about her. or maybe it is about her and you've gone delusional and the laugh at the beginning isn't yours, because maybe some laughs sound the same. Maybe.
You can't decline an invitation like this. If you want to end this on a good note, if you want to end this at all you have to go.
"Okay, I'll be there." you say.
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kiwanopie · 2 years
omg please more saiki k, i am starving and you have fed me. you write saiki so well
Psych Kick
cw: suggestive language from saiki.
wc: 1k
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Saiki’s been glued to his phone all day.
Saiki’s been staring at his phone since their morning classes started, thumbs rushing quietly over his little screen, eyes twitching toward his pocket every time it buzzes - and it’s almost funny seeing him pretend to be bothered by it. Not like he doesn’t immediately reach in his pocket every time the professor turns his head, tap into it a few times and scroll up; just to repeat the process all over again.
Kaido squints from his spot beside him. Every time he tries to lean in to sneak a peek Saiki casts him a dirty look. Last time he even used his Telekinesis to straighten his spinal cord and now he can barely turn his head. - But can you blame him? He hasn’t seen him this interested in his phone since the cafe left QR codes across campus for free coffee jelly and even then he was satiated by noon. But it’s rolling around three o’clock, and this lecture ends at three fifteen, and he’s been tapping his foot since two thirty. If he’s really in a relationship like he says he is, then he wonders what the two have to be talking about to get him so antsy?
Kaido catches the eye of Kuboyasu who seems to have caught on to Saiki’s weird behavior.
He makes a pointing down motion from where he’s sitting behind the two, furrowing his brows into a questioning grimace.
“Can you read what it says?” Kaido twitches his head in his direction and mouths after glancing at his distracted friend.
“What?” Aren mouths back.
“Can you read?”
“Can I read?”
Kaido kisses his teeth.
He freezes when Saiki straightens his back again to slide his phone back in his pocket and he isn’t spared from another dirty look as he turns his attention back to the lecture again.
He has to wait until his phone buzzes a few minutes later to gesture again to a distracted Saiki. Kaido points his head towards their friend’s phone, and Aren nods his head like he gets it now.
Kaido furrows.
“That concludes today’s lecture.”
Saiki’s up without a moment to spare.
It’s an effort not to trip as Aren clumsily scoots his way through the row of seating, accidentally scuffing his shoe on the end corner of a desk and knocking into a less than pleased Saiki. “Ouch! Sorry!”
Saiki quickly rights him before briskly stepping out of the auditorium.
Kaido furrows at Aren as he meets him at the door. “What was that about?”
And like the very opposite of a godsend he is, he pulls the stolen phone out of his sleeve.
“You stole his phone?!”
“That’s not what…?” Aren makes a puzzled face. He really is a delinquent!!
“Don’t just-“ Aren dodges a frantic and quite fearful Kaido. “Don’t just look through it!”
“Didn’t you wanna know who he was texting? Oh-” He throws his head back. “This guy’s got a girlfriend.”
“Yeah he does and those messages are private so-“
“Weren’t you peeping earlier?”
“Yeah?! So what?!”
“So-“ And then Aren freezes.
If a guy could both blush and go pale then he’s sure that's a phenomenon that he might be currently privy to. By the way Aren’s just suddenly stopped breathing, gaping into a vacuum and breaking into a cold sweat. He doesn’t know if he should be more intrigued or concerned. But if the tinted ears are any guarantee, he’s surely gonna pick the former.
Kaido leans in. “What?”
Baby: i’ll put on the polka dot dress! the green’ll match ur glasses!!!
Saiki: You know it’s just a cafe? You don’t have to get all dolled up or anything.
Baby: yeah but it’s your favorite cafe and i like dressing up for you?
Baby: also it’s new and it’ll be the first time im wearing it out
Saiki: Really? Then I can’t wait to see it.
Baby: !!! is ur lecture over yet? where do you wanna meet up?
Saiki: By the fountains, I’m already on my way.
Kaido tilts his head. Oh? He has a date! There’s nothing wrong with that? Although it is a little strange to see him look all lovey dovey with somebody else. But there’s nothing too out of the ordinary about that?
Aren scrolls the chat up a few times.
Baby: ur not going to your dorm are you?
Saiki :That’s where I live unfortunately.
Baby: you should stop by here maybe
Saiki: Yeah? Why?
Baby: because i miss you:(
Baby: and because i can still smell you and feel you all over me… and my fingers aren’t quite doing the trick
Saiki: God, you’re needy.
Baby: don’t you miss me too? :((
Saiki: Obviously.
Saiki: Give me a minute to put my things away. I’ll come over and fuck you till you cry.
The force that snatches the phone out of their clutches is nearly enough to crack into them like stone. Both collectively choking on their own breaths but no better when they peer up at the scowl bearing down on them.
If looking mad as hellfire was a thing they’d be burnt to a crisp and served as kabobs by now. Even madder when he turns his phone back at himself and sees the string of messages they were nosing at. Let’s hope they didn’t scroll any higher.
But like he has a death wish. Worse than death wish. Aren swallows whatever last morsels of spit left in his body to swallow, and looks up at his pink haired friend with a glance of appraisal.
“I didn’t… know you had it in you..” This guy’s suicidal. “Seriously.” Seriously?!
Kaido whimpers as Saiki raises a glowing hand up at the two and prays that he’ll at least be merciful enough to let him have an open casket.
Until his phone starts ringing.
He sighs after glancing at his screen, hurriedly swiping as he turns for the door. “Moshi moshi,”
The two swallow as he glances back in his leave. “Yeah… Sorry. I’m on my way.”
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reblog for free 5.99$ coffee jelly 🍰
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for-yoongi0309 · 7 months
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We are excited to announce the release of BTS PERMISSION TO DANCE ON STAGE in THE U.S.
BTS PERMISSION TO DANCE ON STAGE in THE U.S. filled two cities – Los Angeles in 2021 and Las Vegas in 2022 - with a sea of purple lights and thunderous cheers. We’ve compiled these special memories between BTS and ARMY, with the first show in LA’s SoFi Stadium and the last show in LV’s Allegiant Stadium. As a token of appreciation for the unwavering love from ARMY worldwide and the long two-year wait, We present you with stunning 4K resolution videos that showcase BTS’s passionate performances and the incredible energy of the audience. And that’s not all – get ready dive deeper with behind-the-scenes footage from studio practices and rehearsals in both cities, d-day sketches, and heartfelt interviews with the members in LA. The renewed digital code, designed to let you relive these cherished memories, are made with recycled materials as a reflection of our commitment to sustainability. Also, don’t miss out on an array of special items that connect the purple wave and the orange passion, including a photobook set, a photo card set, a fold card, a postcard frame holder set, and a photo charm set! The pre-order for ‘BTS PERMISSION TO DANCE ON STAGE in THE US’ begins on November 17, with the official release on January 05, 2024.
For those who want to enjoy the LA show to the fullest– The concert film for “Permission to Dance on Stage – LA” Day 2 is available for streaming on Disney+. [Weverse Shop-US] • PRE-ORDER DATE : From 11 AM, Friday, November 17, 2023 (KST) *WHILE SUPPLIES LAST* • RELEASE DATE : January 5, 2024 (PST)
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- OUT BOX Size : 152x206x38mm Note: This outbox is designed to protect the product during distribution. Exchanges or refunds due to stains or damage during distribution is not available. [SPEC] 1. DIGITAL CODE+PHOTO CHARM SET DIGITAL CODE Size : 27x85mm [144p], [270p], [360p], [480p SD], [720p HD], [1080p FHD], 1440P[FHD] 2160P[UHD] KOREAN, ENGLISH, JAPANESE, CHINESE ABOUT 511 MINS *This product is made of recycled plastics, so the marbling pattern varies for all products. Furthermore, natural phenomena such as tiny spots and parting lines may occur naturally as part of the manufacturing process in some products, and they are not considered defects. PHOTO CHARM SET PHOTO CHARM Size : 50x78mmㅣ1EA (RANDOM 1EA OF 7EA) FRAME CHARM Size : 50x78mmㅣ1EA 2. PHOTOBOOK SET Size : 148x189mmㅣ2EA 1SET Los Angeles - 132P Las Vegas - 132P 3. PHOTOCARD SET Size : 54x86mmㅣ7EA 1SET 4. FOLDING CARD Size : 720x90mmㅣ1EA 5. POSTCARD+FRAME STAND SET POSTCARD Size : 152x102mmㅣ1EA FRAME STAND Size : 185x132mmㅣ1EA [CONTENTS] MAKING-OF FILM PTD Los Angeles PRACTICE & REHEARSAL SKETCH PTD Los Angeles D-DAY SKETCH PTD Los Angeles INTERVIEW PTD Las Vegas PRACTICE & REHEARSAL SKETCH PTD Las Vegas D-DAY SKETCH BTS PERMISSION TO DANCE ON STAGE in THE US : 1st Concert @ Los Angeles ON Burning Up (FIRE) Dope DNA Blue & Grey Black Swan Blood Sweat & Tears + FAKE LOVE Life Goes On Boy With Luv Dynamite Butter Airplane pt.2 + Silver Spoon + Dis-ease Telepathy Stay So What I Need U + SAVE ME IDOL We Are Bulletproof : the Eternal Permission to Dance
BTS PERMISSION TO DANCE ON STAGE in THE US : Last Concert @ Las Vegas ON Burning Up (FIRE) Dope DNA Blue & Grey Black Swan Blood Sweat & Tears + FAKE LOVE Life Goes On Boy With Luv Dynamite Butter Telepathy Wings Stay + So What IDOL Anpanman + Go Go Permission to Dance How To Watch “BTS PERMISSION TO DANCE ON STAGE in THE US” Watch the high definition VODs on Weverse by registering/verifying the digital code on the product enclosed with the merchandise. [How To Use The Digital Code] - MOBILE * QR code: Using the smartphone camera, scan the QR code to visit m.weverse.io/code/dc. Redeem the digital code and enjoy the video on the Weverse app!
※ This product is made of paper certified by Forest Stewardship Council and printed with biodegradable soy ink.
※ Please be aware that sizes and content are subject to change depending on production company circumstances.
※ Due to the nature of the materials, there may be cracks, discoloration or color bleeding in the product.
※ Please note that the perforations on the outbox may show signs of cracking due to the nature of the material.
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splatoonusna · 8 months
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Challenge on the 7th. Another thing for JP Tournaments. (Times have been adjusted for the End of Daylight Savings)
(Notes: The QR Code goes to a JP Nintendo Website no matter your region in Game. Translating the FAQ shows it is ONLY a Tournament for people living in Japan. So you don't have to sweat the details if you're not living in Japan rn. It also only shows the one Timeslot in my game, unlike the usual three.)
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Sunny in Philadelphia - A Joseph Quinn Story (Chapter 1)
hey everyone! I’m new to using Tumblr to post my writing but I figured I would give it a try. I have this Joe Quinn story I’ve been working on. It isn’t done and I honestly have to fight to find time to write so I don’t know if it will ever be done but I wanted to share what I have so far and I will share new chapters when/if I can write them. Hope you enjoy (: (also idk what the title is if it’s stupid, I couldn’t come up with anything better lol)
(no mature/sexual content in this part but may eventually be in future parts - Minors caution)
Chapter 1 - Photo Op Surprise
You were in line at Fan Expo Philadelphia waiting for your photo op with Joseph Quinn, who played none other than Eddie "the freak" Munson, your best friend Rachel, who also happened to be your older brother's girlfriend, by your side. You two have been friends since before they were together, matching tattoos and all, so having you as a possible future sister-in-law was a very exciting road for the both of you. She was a bit older than you, 35, the same age as your brother. She liked Stranger Things too, but she didn't quite understand the obsession you had with Joe. She supported you all the same. She hates the city and driving in it but "risked her life," as she would call it, for you to finally meet this man. Cons really weren't her thing either. She just knew how important it was for you and didn't want to leave you going alone.
"Mack, this is it. You've been waiting 6 months for this," she said as you neared the booth curtains, grabbing your arms in excitement.
"Don't remind me, I'm already shaking," you responded through a nervous giggle. You made it to the front of the line just outside the curtains. A Fan Expo worker scanned the QR code from your phone and escorted the two of you through. There was still another curtain between you and the photo booth, but it was opened by the person in front of you just enough that you got a peak at Joe. You exhaled nervously, eyes widening. "Oh my God, it's an all-black outfit today. I'm officially dead," you said to Rachel, earning a laugh from her.
"You'll be fine, just breathe."
The line kept moving forward as each person posed with him. A worker let you inside the second curtain and there were only two people ahead of you. Your hands were shaking, your breath hitched.
"Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God," you were whispering to what you thought was yourself, but Rachel laughing beside you let you know it was louder than you thought. The person right in front of you walked up to Joe, leaving you next in line. Your anxiety peaked and you could feel yourself sweating. Your friend stayed back to let you have your moment when it was time. The person in front of you walked away from Joe and he turned his attention to you. Those big chocolate brown eyes met yours combined with a crooked smile as you walked up to him. "Hi," you managed to force out shyly.
"Hello there," Joe said to you and put his arm around your back, starting to pose for the photo. Your skin tingled under his touch. You smiled up at him in awe and turned to the camera, wrapping an arm around his back, and placing the other hand on his stomach.
Holy shit, ABS, you thought to yourself. You could feel yourself blushing. The camera flashed and you turned to Joe.
"Thank you," you said to him quickly, trying to move along and not hold up the line.
"Enjoy your day," he replied as his arm guided you away on the small of your back, the physical contact and British accent turning your cheeks even more red. You started for the exit curtain, your friend running over to catch up.
"Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God," you started again once both of you were outside the curtain. Rachel laughed and started handing you your bags that you had to leave behind for the photo.
"You did it!" she squealed, grabbing your shoulder.
"I did it," you assured with a smile, your hand shaking as you reached up to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. "Holy shit, that just happened."
"Hell yeah, it did! I feel like a proud mom," she said, earning a laugh from you.
The two of you followed the path made by curtains out of the booth area and towards the photo pick-up line. Once you were checked out by staff, you walked up to the photo table. Yours was the only one lying there at the time, and you squealed as you picked it up to get your first look at it.
"Oh my God, it looks so good!" You showed Rachel and she smiled. A huge weight was lifted off your shoulders. You didn't have the most confidence and had been worried for months that you would look like a potato standing next to Joe - if your head or body was turned an inch, it wouldn't look right because it wasn't your good angle – but it was PERFECT. You glanced down at his hand around your back and you got a little weak in the knees all over again.
"Look at you! It's so cute!" she said, pointing at your hand on his stomach. You blushed and let out a small squeal.
"I just touched Joseph Quinn's abs," you said aloud, letting out a hitched breath. Rachel laughed and whipped out her phone. Your brother's name showed on her screen. She was getting a FaceTime call. He had a way of having impeccable timing. She swiped across the screen and his face popped up.
"Hey babe, how's it going?" he asked before she could say anything. She turned her phone camera towards you and he saw you holding your photo and smiling excitedly. "Heyyyy, that's awesome! And you didn't die."
"I almost did," you exhaled with a nervous laugh. "I touched Joseph Quinn's abs," you repeated, earning a laugh from him and Rachel. You stared down at your photo as the two of them had a brief conversation since it had been a few days since they saw each other. She hung up the call and you headed towards the hallway.
You got in line at a table where protective sleeves for the photos could be purchased when someone tapped on your shoulder. You turned around to see the worker that had let you into Joe's photo booth.
"Oh, hey," you greeted her curiously, wondering what she could possibly want. She sneakily handed you a folded-up piece of paper and leaned down close to your ear.
"This is for you. From Joseph."
Those words caused your eyes to widen and your extremities to freeze in place.
"F-for me?"
"He told me to give this to the blonde girl with black glasses and white dress that just came through. Pretty sure that's you," she smiled, patting your shoulder as she walked away. You looked at Rachel with a both surprised and confused expression. She shrugged her shoulders, silently agreeing with your emotions.
"Open it," she said excitedly. You grabbed the edge of the paper, struggling to grasp it with still shaking hands. You finally managed to fold it open and there was scribbly handwriting and some numbers.
You are absolutely beautiful, darling. Text me, if I would be so lucky. -JQ
Your eyes widened as you turned to Rachel, who let out a gasp before your eyes made it to her, as she had already read it over your shoulder.
"Oh my God," you said, your voice cracking into almost a whisper.
"You HAVE to text him, Mack," she said, trying to keep her voice down since there were other fans passing close by.
You stared at the note in disbelief. Was this a prank? Am I dreaming? You hadn't pinched yourself, but it was definitely a possibility. The thought crossed your mind that it could have been written by someone else, but you looked closer at the handwriting and you knew it was his. You recognized it from seeing personalized messages he added to his autographs that other fans had shared on the internet from other conventions. As much as your brain was trying to convince you it couldn't possibly be from him, you knew it was, and that was amazing and scary at the same time. Why would he like me? I'm nothing special. He thinks I'M beautiful? HOLY SHIT. Thoughts raced through your mind until you were interrupted by your friend's voice.
"You might want to stash that somewhere before someone sees."
"Good idea," you responded, shaking your head back to reality and sticking the note in your dress pocket.
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scroll-of-thought · 2 years
What’s the strangest method of charging a spell that you’ve ever seen or tried? Love the blog ❤️
Oh, this is a really hard one, because "Strangest" is really subjective. I've been thinking about this all day and honestly I'm still not sure.
One that comes to mind is a time when I dipped my toes in technomancy and QR codes. The idea being that you could pretty easily make a spell or sigil and translate it into a QR code. When people scan that code it would charge the spell. This could be really cool on stickers or even clothes. In terms of how traditional magic tends to go, scanning a QR code is pretty strange. But you could extrapolate this to logical places, like "giving acknowledgement to this sigil charges it" and then put it in a public place. If people look at it and go "whats that thing?" it charges, which is the same thing as the QR code without the smartphone step.
Another one that's more conceptually common is probably something that's charged by life. For example, an amulet that charges from body heat or the rhythm of a heart beat, or a sigil carved into a seed that becomes the tree and is charged by existing. It's not really strange in a weird kind of way, but more strange in an outside the box and almost fairy tale kind of way.
Another neat one is my friend, who's trying to figure out how to be a fitness witch, a concept that sounds cool to me, but has literally gotten him kicked out of groups who think he's mocking witchcraft. His core idea is using magic and witchcraft to improve and enhance the body, his health and general well being. It mixes a lot of kitchen witchery and green witchcraft to tackle the dietary part of health, but when it comes to the working out part he's trying to do stuff like numerology in his repetitions, consecrating his workout area and equipment, and he's been working energy work into his physical activities.
So to the strange charging, he's had ideas about charging enchanted objects via physical exertion, sweat, even the number of steps on his fitbit or the distances ran on his route tracking app when he runs. Because there's not a lot of people who seem to take the concept of fitness witchcraft seriously, he's had to take a lot of accepted concepts and adjust them to his unique practice.
That's about all that comes to mind right now, but I'm sure if I sit and think about it for a while I'll think of something that most people would think is strange. Anyway, thanks for the ask Anon! This was an interesting thing to think about, and I hope you found it interesting too. I'd love to hear some strange methods from anyone in the comments or reblogs!
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madmansesprit · 2 years
imagine: jaehyun comes to h&m, ur on the register. all he grabs is a knitted beanie. u ask him if he’s a member. he says he’s not sure. u tell him he can get a (measly) 10% discount if he signs up, completely free, not a credit card. u pitch all the other (alleged) benefits. he knows he doesn’t need to save $1 but he knows u have to keep asking so he humors u n says sure. u tell him to scan the qr code. he doesn’t know what a qr code is. u help him scan. it takes him to the website but it’s taking an eternity to load. y’all r both looking around awkwardly…..u apologize for the slow connection it always happens. u try to ring up the beanie in the meantime. he of course picked the only one without a damn tag. u have to type it all it manually. shit still hasn’t loaded. ur sweating. u tell him he doesn’t have to do it but as soon as u do it fucking loads. he signs up. it says he has an account. u tell him he can try another email if he wants to still get the discount. he says he doesn’t have another one, that it’s fine. u apologize for making him waste his time. he says it’s okay. ur literally feeling so fucking bad n awkward for wasting his time for a fucking $1 discount. u give him the 25% friends and family discount on the low cause he’s cute n nice. u put his beanie in the biggest fucking bag bc u ur store has been out of small n medium bags for the last week. he apple pays. the mf receipt machine runs out of paper. u change it really quick just for him to tell u to throw it away bc he doesn’t need it. okay. he says thank u n leaves. a white lady w 25 items u know damn well she’s not gonna buy all of tries approaching ur register but before she can even get near u walkie in ur break. u zone out in the break room for the next 15 minutes. END SCENE.
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writing-turnip · 24 days
Bodyguard Work
Spent a few hours on last contract talking with an international bodyguard, he does peacemeal contracts for celebrities and VIPs. Officially because I was interested in the position but the truth is I wanted to use his information for writing.
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Networking and soft-skills: build the reputation that you are likable, and useful, but not a threat to the current persons employment (prevents them trying to sabatoge or get you killed). * If going international, read up on social cues. Every environment has its rules and customs, and your survival often depends on knowing them. In Russia, you never refuse vodka, in Pakistan, you always clear your dinner plate, and in prison, you're careful about making eye contact etc. * Have a contact card that you only give out when asked for. Give it QR code code for contact. No more details. They should already know what you do and specialize in. A bodygaurd is like a plumber, a dentist or a mechanic. Everybody is always looking for a good one. * Next time you come through here and need help with something. Make a point of reaching out to people monthly and checking on them, even if its every few months or once a year. * If helping someone a third party for a contract as a far NEVER give the client contact information unless asked for. They will treat that as you undermining them. Which you are. *U Don’t just be useful and helpful, be indispensable. "Everyone on the team has the basics: combat-driving, firearms etc. I know two guys who are barbers before becoming bodyguards, they can keep the team clean while you travel without having to try local." Other skills include Speaking a language having similar hobbies to the client (golfing,  etc), or skillsets specific to being near the client during niche times when other guards might not be able to (scuba divine, paragliding, etc), or a skillset that you'd only use when things go really pear shaped (EMT, paramedic etc). One of the best traits nobody thinks of is construction, knowing how harnesses work for performers is useful plus most of the custom-busses used for campaigns and celebrities are taller than a lot of tunnels due to the custom-made air-conditioners. If you can do lazer-measurements, you can help with the route planning and prevent a LOT of very expensive damage. Anti-bug and surveillance training is expensive and doesn't pay back as quickly as you'd think unless you're in a very specific area for it. * You should always be on good terms with your fellow help. Especially in aristocratic type households, especially in the Emirates, and some of the European noble-types, the nannies and butlers typically run the household more than their bosses do. Help them whenever you can. *Surveillance is the leading cause of weight gain among your line of work, find ways to stay awake that are relatively slimming and don't get your suit stinky with sweat. *You get used to people having whispered conversations about you. It's a little like being in high school. Pay attention to body-posture to see if they want to kill you.
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TACTICS: *What do you do when an operation goes bad? Not much to do, but smile and try to stay alive. On top of knowing the top restaurants in an area that have your clients favorite food *IF you're being followed, find hard-points to escape to if you're being followed, most people recommend trying to go to a police station, which is a terrible idea. Most operate on a skeleton crew full of rookies or the folks they don't think can handle not being at a desk. Fire-departments and ERs are better, both have large groups of burly working class guys with tools, who want to feel heroic and don't get as many opportunities for it as they'd like. Bonus points if your client is a beautiful woman or has a child with them. *Keeping track of information and being completely discreet and off social media. The truth is, identity theft isn't hard. A number and an ID is all you need to drain a bank account and return some money to some very surprised retirees. But, with some VIPs why stop there? As long as you're stealing someone's identity, why not use it to contact some known terrorist organizations on unsecured phone lines? It can get messy very quickly. *Covering suspicious individuals can be done two ways: man to man or by zone. Man-to-man is risky; follow someone too long and they're going to get suspicious. Zone is usually the way to go. Stay put and let targets come to you. Less obvious, easier on the feet... and you get to relax and can get fancy cocktails and claim its a business expense. * The thing about security is that the very things that protect you can be turned against you by someone who knows what he's doing because a lot of it is about managing the clients sense of safety. It's tough to compromise a well thought-out security system, but making someone think you can compromise it, is often just as good. Take surveillance cameras, for example: you can disable one by shooting a laser at it and overloading the light sensitive chip. Cheap, easy, and exactly the sort of thing a sophisticated criminal gang with lots of resources would do. Leave around some tell-tale signs of surveillance like cigarette butts, a forgotten camera lens cap and the more security there is, the more likely they are to think they've got a very serious problem. Even the security team itself can be an opportunity (which rival security corporations might do to steal the contract btw). The more employees you have, the more you have to worry about them. Deliver some vague threats and a few hundred bucks to a security guard. If he's honest he'll tell his boss, who then wonders who wasn't so honest. For the cost of a nice dinner you can get a whole security team canned. *A great way some people will try to get you talking about their security is to put them on the defensive. Accuse a guy of having bad locks and before you know it he's telling you where his motion detectors are. Do not give them anything.
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IF YOU FAIL: *If your principal (the client) is captured, you've failed and are likely fired. DO NOT GO AFTER THEM. You specialize in customer service, immediate protection, and making sure the clients life ran smoother in your area of expertise. Getting them back means hiring K&R, who are specialized hostage rescue specialists (Hyperion Services Corporation, for example). Also, don't tell anyone about the Kidnapping insurance. It voids the warrant and you may have just killed your client.
Lastly: remember that most of the people who want you to take a bullet for them don’t deserve it. And most who do can’t afford it.
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dear3st-dead-diary · 2 months
Dearest Dead Diary~
Today is my day off work, I got a job through a series of odd events.
While on my cocain and amphetamines bender I slept with an acquaintance of mine to "lose his virginity" and I have little to no recollection of that other than having a three way and dragging him into it.
Fast forward 2 months, that person because a friend of my roomates and thier friend group and now has hired me full-time at his company.
The work is interesting but back breaking and I've gained more muscle in 6 days than I have in the last 6 years going to the gym.
I'm slowly paying off my credit card although I keep having to use it because minor emergencies and inconveniences keep arising. So thats.. life I guess but damn.
Regardless, the job is high paying and I'm slowly getting better at it, I van officially say I work a job that's 100 times more dangerous than being a cop. (Acab lmao.)
I'm working with machinery I never even knew existed, like damn there be some specific ass machines in this world.
However, I keep sleeping with my boss. The money is good. Insanly good. And I need this job, I've never bled, sweat, nor cried so much on a job site in my life it is equally rewarding as it is back-breaking taxing.
Update: it's been a few days
I'm in a hotel, I keep having nightmares and I woke uo with the sheets of the hotel bed completely torn off and the blankets and bedding everywhere, I think I was tossing and turning. I don't know what these nightmares are, I can't remeber them but when I wake up I'm shaking and my heart is pounding.
I'm supposed to work today but, it's snowing so... I'm not quite sure, I'm currently sharing a big ass bed with my boss and I'm not gonna wake him up lmao. He's been getting on my case for "sleeping in" so.. it's my turn to wake up early and watch him panic.
Also this hotel is the NICEST hotel I've stayed in and it's only 3 stars??? It's so modern and you can tip the staff with a qr code, also the rooms feel more like a modern collage dork than a hotel so thats wild. This place was built last year so it's pretty damn new.
I've stayed in 5 star hotels before but this takes the cake. Also the t.v.s in here are 60 inches so.. hell yeah?!
I've been thinking if I should breakup with my boyfriends. I don't know why, I just.. feel like I need to start fresh, my libido has been low these past 2 weeks and I don't know why but I just... I feel like I need a clean slate. Both of my boyfriends love me.. but I genuinely can't feel it. I barely feel as it is and love is one of those emotions for me that.. doesn't full up right away.
I have a disorder where my emotions are low. I have morals and what ever but it's only learned from examples. I'm on the spectrum of just having low emotions in general, everything I feel is usually on suck a small scale.
But I still feel, it's just in small amounts, that has caused problems my entire life, but I'm good with people, I'm one of the few people who can say I actually love people, I enjoy socializing with people most days, I find people fascinating. I do earnestly like meeting new people. I think that's why I'm usually on the invite list for parties and events.
I said it was snowing but scratch that, it's a blizzard now. The company slogan says something about working through snow but in these conditions? I don't know if I'm gonna work today :(
I haven't talked to my dad in a couple of weeks, only a few texts here and there, apparently the lead signer of his band died. I never met her but she had a wicked voice and a really nice personality. I knew she was battling cancer. I hope she's somewhere nice.
I'm attracted to men, I'm terrified to date women, I'd rather date people who are bi or pan because I've had issues with the "do you ever wish I was a man/woman?" Questions to the point that it just gives me the ick.
I've only dated women who were older than me, I've never been able to relate to women my age until recently, I guess lockdown really put my generation on the same page. Thats advice I'm going to pass on to my siblings and younger friends, if you find it hard to relate to your peers, wait a bit, eventually everyone grows up. And some more than others, you never know who you'll he on the same page with years from now.
I've dated men younger than me by a few years, I've dated men older than me by decades. When I was 22 my boyfriend was 40. He's rolling I'm cash from his boyfriend who pays his 4000$ mortgage. Him and I are still friends.
I got back together with my ex who's 2 years younger than me. We dated for over a year and broke up for 9 months. In the spur of the moment I got back together with him but, I don't know if I love him truly, I don't know what thats spossed to feel or even look like, I used to model love after my parents but those fuckers split last year so it was all just fake lmao.
It's weird having your parents split as an adult while not living with them. They used to break up and get back together a lot when I was a kid, but they are like.. OVER over B-R-O-K-E-N broken UP. Like they don't share an address and are technically committing marriage fraud for insurance purposes broken up.
Anyhow. I was single mainly because live just felt like the fakest fucking front a person can do. Looking back that's the dumbest line of thought to think but in those moments when I was single and my parents split after decades of a front marriage. I really believed it.
My one boyfriend lives 4 hours away and the other is in the same city. I love them both, they love me, but I can't tell if it's real, in the literal sence. Like what if it's just been fake this whole time? I don't know. Is it worth it to break it off? I've been dating one on and off for 2 ½ years and the other one for almost a year.
I don't know. Maybe it's just... I don't know. I want a relationship that just feels unexpected, that's not predictable, something that feels unlikely and random. But that's just a fairy tale.
I see people who fit the ideals for a partner but they're taken, which is fine, good for them, I value the friendship I've worked hard to build with those people more than anything. I don't want to meet anyone on tinder or a hookup app, atkeast not romantically. I kinda just wanna bump into someone and we hit it off. I think my life is becoming more stable enough that if I bumped into someone and gave them my number I'd actually be able to follow through with plans to meet up and go for lunch.
Never thought I'd be able to say my life is "stable enough" but I guess things really do shift majorly the older you get. Anyhow, I'm thinking of touring collages and going back to school, or just taking the entrance exam but for the career paths I want to take I think I need to go back to school to upgrade.
Plus I'd need good enough credit for student loans and I'd need a working vehicle to take my practicum. I'm thinking of working as a mortician, or something like that. I've been medicated for a month now and this is the most ration and clear headed I've been in my life, although I'm still making "dumb" decisions but to be fair, with full intentions and a clear head.
I had a bad trip on shrooms a few days ago but it wasn't the worse I've experienced, and I'm still sane afterwards lmao. Considering I'm back at work and actually doing well enough that I might get a raise soon. But all things said I have no regrets, and I'd do it all over again. Maybe that's naivety or maybe that's my ego, but I don't want to regret anything I've done. I don't feel guilt nor remorse as strongly as the average person, if even at all, however, regret is something I refuse to live with. The standard "I could've done x-y-z. Better but whats done is done" brings me more peace thab to say I regret something. I think thats a quality I like about myself, with no regrets I make mistakes to learn and grow, and all I can do is what I think is the best thing to do for myself in the moment, even if it's temporary satisfaction.
I'm working on myself to make less long lasting mistakes *like doing a disservice to my friendships* and more miniscule short term oopsies. Like *taking shrooms on a whim that I know regardless of the trip I'd be fine to Handle*. And knowing my limits.
This year has been wild but it really took a 180 when I got medicated. I'm happy to say now, I feel rational and capable of taking control of my own life. I know this reads as contradictory but in hindsight I believe this is good, if I don't contradict myself I'm not growing. If I don't have regrets, I don't fear making mistakes, if I don't fear mistakes I'm not afraid to learn. And if I'm not afraid to learn, I grow and change.
Will I grow and change alone? Is it better for me to do so? I don't think that question is black and white. I think that question has 10 yesses and 10 no's and 11 maybes and 14 perhaps while endlessly answering itself to better suit whatever temporary gratification is needed in each moment of its application.
Anyways, my boss is awake and I need breakfast. The longer I write this the more I hate it.
Your mentally unstable
(And masking it)
- A
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ceceliaahathaway · 2 months
@msmelissalin Event: A High Stakes Poker Game Dated: 21st of April, 2024 Location: Top Secret (Invite Only, snoops).
Her life felt like it was unraveling, fraying at the edges with each passing day. She was barely clinging to sanity. Her only solace? A ball of fur named Happy. Her daughters were engrossed in their studies, and she couldn't bear the thought of them resenting her too, knowing she had caused their father pain. As for her friends, burdening them with her troubles seemed unfair; they had their own losses to grapple with or were joyously building new lives and new babies. She was alone with her anguish, desperately craving an escape from the overwhelming weight of it all.
Alone, forgotten, and hesitant to risk a breakdown in the office around her girls, Cecelia found solace in gambling. She was skilled at it too—almost too skilled.
She knew what this kid wanted her to believe he had—two Queens in the hole. But did she buy it? Hardly. Why? Because one was already on the river, and she held the other two. Still, she'd play along with his game. Even if it meant cleaning out his parents' credit card, which he likely swiped a few hours prior. BarelyLegal was BarelyPuberty, and she had to give him credit for making it this far.
"Oh no..." she typed, scooping up the pot yet again. She popped a piece of popcorn into her mouth and scratched Happy's head with her toes, another night of victory and companionship. And then... ping.
What was this? You've been invited to attend... Her toes paused their gentle massage across Happy's forehead; he let out a protesting sigh, but her focus had shifted. She had always excelled at various endeavours, but this invitation suggested something more—it whispered that she was not just good, but exceptional! Say no more. This was her kryptonite. With a decisive click of her trackpad, she promptly RSVP'd. Now, what to wear?
The game started at midnight, so she had time, but not all the time. With a push of her chair, she had it out, Happy trotting to catch up as she flew up her stairs to find something to wear.
Two hours later, she ascended to the top floor of the Rosewood Hotel in London. The room looked expensive. Anticipating encounters with a few familiar faces from Vixen (money, Vixen attracted money), she had dressed to impress. While rumours might've been circulating about her recent indiscretion (thanks to Van Duyn's lack of adequate security), she refused to let gossip paint her as someone lounging in sweats and a Bulls shirt every night—well, she had done that earlier, but not tonight, not here.
Retrieving her phone and the QR code she'd received, Cece effortlessly checked in and paid her buy-in, securing her chips before confidently claiming her seat at the table. As for drinks? Certainly, but only after she polished off the red raspberry slush puppie from the nearby SPAR. What can she say? Despite her refined demeanor, she still had a knack for embracing her Yankee roots.
Amidst a few courteous greetings, Cece couldn't help but sense that some were already underestimating her. But that's alright; she'd make sure they regretted it as she swept the table and perhaps invested in a new horse with their misplaced assumptions. Just as she was organizing her chips, the door swung open, revealing a vision of radiance. Locking eyes with the newcomer, Cece took a deliberate sip from her drink. "Who said you needed to be a Goddess to join the party?" she quipped with a playful smirk.
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runpto · 3 months
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No more paper forms or tedious links. QR codes can provide direct links to RunPTO apps without sweat, and the information quickly goes to the user’s device. With RunPTO, it's a premium service! Choose RunPTO today! #runpto #parentteacherassociation #PTO #runptofunfacts #PTAcommunity #managementsoftware #PTAmanagement
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grezledragon · 7 months
hi I've been digging through your entire acnl qr code tag, thank you so so much for making all these intricate designs, I never thought I'd ever see throwback to alice madness returns this year, in acnl custom designs too of all places! how long did they take??? you're incredible! also didn't think I'd see danganronpa designs here too, they are wonderful. thank you so much for your hard work!!!
aw thank you so much!! i never expected them to take off so logging on to all the sudden notes was quite a surprise
"how long did they take" profuse sweating i don't remember but i think the DR ones generally took 30-60 minutes while the alice dresses were minimum an hour each; Silk Maiden and Fleshmaiden were easily the most painful at about 4 and 6 hours respectively.
i also plan on doing some of the dresses from the Alice: Asylum design bible at some point so check the tag sometime if you're interested in that! and thank you again for the kind words!
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Office Chair with Tilting Mechanism | Ideal for Work from Home
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MADE IN INDIA:- All beAAtho Products are proudly Made in India. beAAtho contributes to self reliant India!
ERGONOMICALLY ADJUSTBALE :- beAAtho VERONA is designed to give you ultimate comfort by providing you fully adjustable chair which has Ergonomic Nylon back support, with breathable mesh to keep you sweat free, adjustable height, Smart Tilting Mechanism with locking feature and Smooth 360 degree Swivel.
DIY PRODUCT :- Basic Assembly to be done by the customer, Assembly manual provided in the box. For assembly video scan the QR code on the box.
BIFMA CERTIFIED ACCESORIES:- Quality is our first priority, hence we used BIFMA certified component for better durability and long life of the product.
BIFMA CERTIFIED ACCESORIES:- Quality is our first priority, hence we used BIFMA certified component for better durability and long life of the product.
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