#sweet micky
netalkolemedia · 29 days
Michel Martelly déclaré persona non grata aux États-Unis
Suite aux récentes sanctions du Département du Trésor américain pour des présomptions de trafic de drogues, l’ancien président haïtien Michel Joseph Martelly est devenu un élément indésirable sur le territoire américain, là où il résidait depuis un certain temps. Selon des informations relayées par le journaliste Luckson Saint Vil, la police de New-Jersey a pris une décision radicale contre Sweet…
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monkee-mobile · 11 months
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rivertigo · 18 days
I wish I had the free time, drive, and skills necessary to make a batshit monkees dating sim
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frodispatch · 1 year
peter gets this book read to him before bed sometimes ⬇️
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usually it’s mike because he’s tired dad™️ but he thinks it’s sweet.
sometimes davy reads it cause he’s british and it’s more authentic with the accent
and Micky does silly voices when he reads it but peter’s sometimes too tired for those (sorry micky, you’ve got a lot of energy babe)
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if my math is correct I am on time (sorry if I am not) so uhhhhhhh
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You are spot on 🥹🥹 Thank you sm Micky!! 💖💖
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propiniquitydemo · 2 years
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micky dolenz better call saul fan confirmed 2016
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mickgaydolenz · 2 years
Lolita fashion monkees, pretty clothes are very good yes
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this took me…. so long…..
anyways based off another anon suggestion for the nunees in lolita fashion 💖✌️😔
michelle -> hime lolita
micky -> sweet lolita
dani -> ouji lolita
petra -> mori kei
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bugpoasting · 4 months
ok while i do consider myself a monkees enjoyer now. i do have to admit that smash mouth washed them on their own song im so sorry but its just so much better
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hide-your-bugs-away · 2 months
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“...It was 2 o’clock in the morning and we’d been working pretty hard. Mickie Most behind the desk, looking like a fresh-faced high school kid, wasn’t ready to give up. As long as the band wanted to record, he’d be there, pencil in the mouth, sitting in the producer’s chair, feet up on the console. Relaxed. Over the intercom, into the main room, he spoke. It was the voice of God, the producer. ‘OK, if you guys feel you’ve got something else to come up with, we need a B side for the new single. Have you got anything? In the middle of the room AP sat behind the red-topped Vox Continental, his feet nervously tapping out a fast gospel-type rhythm, his fingers skating up and down the keyboard surrounded by baffling and studio blankets.
He was playing fast, uptempo, hot and nasty gospel. I was in the isolation booth, headphones clamped on my head. Pricey opened, swirling through the changes.” - Eric Burdon, I Used to Be an Animal, but I’m All Right Now, 1986 (p. 132).
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cottagehowell · 2 months
Post to help me get to my tags since the search function on mobile doesn’t work <3
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incorrectneverland · 2 years
Mickey: Do you ever miss Walt?
Hook: He's the closest thing I had to a father....I will forever resent him for bringing me into consciousness.
Sweet Pete: Cheers to that.
Mickey: Can't argue there.
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The Ropes That Bind Us - Peter Tork x Female!reader PART THREE
Trigger warning - mentions of rape
taglist: @strawberry-sunset-skies
Peter and Y/N had spent hours upon hours talking to each other about anything and everything they could think of. Peter had spent time telling her about when he’d been a folk singer in the Village, and in return, Y/N told him about the time she’d been hired as a singer for weddings and had spent about a year or two doing that to make a living, she had only stopped because she’d been kidnapped.
Eventually, the pair must have drifted off to sleep because the next thing Peter remembered was being jolted awake by an ear piercing scream. It was definitely Y/N’s scream, Peter was too scared to say anything as he heard footsteps creep back up the stairs, along with a gruff male voice.
“You try anything like that again, and the punishment will be much worse, I assure you now, you slut.” The door slammed and silence filled the room, only briefly though as Peter could hear the soft sound of his roommate crying from the other corner. 
“Y/N?” Peter called out timidly, he was trying to loosen his ropes so that he could get to the girl who was now violently sobbing. “Y/N, please talk to me.” Peter tried to not let the fear in his voice break through, he didn’t want to upset her or show her that he was scared.
“H-he, h-hurt.” Y/N chokes out, Peter wasn’t sure where she was going with the sentence, but the word ‘hurt’ was more than enough to make him angry, sure, he didn’t know Y/N all that well, but he hated it when people got hurt, and he knew that whatever it was, Y/N definitely didn’t deserve it.
“He hurt you?” Peter gently pushed, he wasn’t sure if he wanted to know the whole story, he certainly didn’t want to if it meant Y/N would get more upset, but at the same time, he wanted to know so that he could try and protect her. Try was the key word, he wasn’t sure as to how much he could do whilst bound to a chair.
“He-yes. I-i tried to get us out of h-here last n-night. I b-broke f-free from my r-ropes and t-tried to untie y-yours when he came d-down to check on us and h-he caught me and he spent all n-night h-hurting me. He hit me, he k-kicked me, and he used a lot of physical abuse. T-then, he, he.” Y/N’s sobs became more rapid, her breathing was loud and choked. “He r-raped me, he wouldn’t stop.” She whispered the last bit. 
Peter’s blood boiled, he was past being angry now, he was absolutely furious. He was in a situation where he wished he was Michael, capable of hurting people with his words (and an added bit of violence where needed). Peter no longer cared about the fact he’d been kidnapped, he wanted too find their captor and hurt him, he really wanted to hurt him. Y/N didn’t deserve this and Peter wanted to get revenge. God, he really really wished he was Michael in this moment.
“Oh Y/N, I’m sorry. That bastard, that fucking bastard. As soon as I can get my hands on him, I swear down he is dead, I will fucking throttle him. Y/N, please, you deserve so much better and he will pay for what he did to you. I don’t have enough words in my vocabulary to even begin to describe how angry at him I am. I really wish I could give you a hug right now, I know it isn’t a lot, but a hug would help a little. I want you to know it’s okay, fuck, it isn’t, we’re stuck here still. I really don’t know what else to say, I’m so sorry. I wanted to comfort you and I’ve messed that one up-” Peter was cut off by an object lightly tapping him on the foot. It was Y/N’s foot.
“Thank you P-peter. I really appreciate it. You’ve made me feel better, truly. I wish I could hug you, you seem to need it as well. But really, Peter, you’ve made me feel a lot better. I’m glad that it’s you here. You’re making this a lot better for me, you make me feel a lot more safe.” Peter could almost hear the smile in Y/N’s words.
“You mean it? Usually, when I try to make people feel better, I get told off because I always say the wrong things.” Peter looked at his knees, or rather, the outline of his knees in the dark. “But, I feel so safe knowing you’re here. I was scared of being alone again, but knowing you’re here is comforting. I just hope my bandmates find us soon.” He sighs.
“Peter?” Y/N asks. “If you don’t mind me asking- wait, no, never mind.” Y/N stopped herself, she wanted to question why Peter was so hopeful that his bandmates would find him soon, he sounded so certain that they’d find him and save him. She’d given up hope of being saved ags ago, she had never really thought anyone would try and find her, and now she really knew that to be true after three years of being held hostage. Peter had been here a day, she knew that soon his hope would be shattered, but she decided to stop herself from saying anything, he was like a golden retriever, he didn’t think anything could go bad, he always thought he would be saved by the sounds of it. Y/N didn’t want to upset or scare the poor boy.
“What is it?” Peter pushed, he wasn’t actually sure what she wanted to ask, but he didn’t think it could be anything bad.
“I was going to ask, what is your favourite animal?” Y/N lied, she didn’t want to hurt him.
“You want me to pick one? That’s so hard! I love them all, I can’t choose! Maybe a tiger! They just look so cuddly, I know it’d hurt me, but I really want to hug one.” Y/N smiled at the man’s reply, he was adorable. Although she had a rough idea of what he looked like from his brief description, she could only imagine how adorable he must be really, she imagined he was really cute. Y/N really wished she could see his face.
“Nice choice!” Y/N grinned into the darkness. “They are cute! I think my favourite would be a capybara, they also look really cuddly, and they might not hurt me as much. Although I do really like rhinos, I would like to hug one of those too.” Y/N said, causing Peter to giggle.
Shit. Y/N thought. Am I falling for him? Why is he causing me to feel like this?
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monkee-mobile · 7 months
I feel like older mike, show-verse, like mid 70s through the 90s and beyond is always stretched out on the couch or on the bed. he takes up reading and plays his guitar and enjoys relaxing because for once in his life he’s calm and secure where he is.
and sometimes one of the boys will crash there with him but davy and micky have a big habit of going to flop down on a bed with shoes on so mike has to scold them and make them take their shoes off because these are white sheets and we don’t need to take another trip to the laundromat (micky’s christmas present to all of them one year is a home washer and dryer set because the boys have always had a tendency to make a mess of stuff and, as much as they love their friend april, having to trek out just to wash stuff becomes a lot) (don’t worry, april was consulted on the choice of a washing machine so mick brought home a good one… though there have been a few Mr. Mom type incidents of something overflowing but they’ve gotten through it)
Peter tends to wear mocassins and more around-the-house type footwear over boots or tennis shoes or whatever and mike hates scolding peter so pete tends to get a pass and can cuddle with mike whenever he wants and doesn’t have to grumble and remove any items of clothing first. Micky gets it and relents, but davy is pretty pissy about it and puts up a fight just for the sake of it but mike reminds him it’s quicker to just take off your boots than to sit here and fight so davy tends to just deal with it and gets his mike time because he’s a koala baby and never leaves mikes side once he’s got him.
mike is also very warm, especially when he’s been relaxing under blankets and things, so the snuggles from him are particularly good. He’s also become less of an angular beanpole so he’s more comfortable to sit with than in some previous years.
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eurovisionart · 2 years
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🇪🇸 Micky - Enséñame a cantar
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sweetdreamsbuck · 2 years
Steve Kemp's sweaters. That's it, that's the whole thought. I'm so haunted by the idea of him sitting in your cell wearing that stupid turtleneck and then pretending he's warm and taking it off, ~accidentally~ leaving it behind when he goes because he has a soft spot for you and wants you to have a small comfort but one that's connected to him somehow lmaooooo anyway I'm off to go eat some tree bark.
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so I've read some of those words and think you need to be blocked and dealt with accordingly
you're actually so correct and he's a freak! he's gonna make you so attached, so dependent on whatever little affections he'll give you, to the point where you feel the need to wear a sweater of his to be close to him, to feel him. in doing so he ensures they smell like your skin and your fear– the two things that do things to him he can't even begin to process. Steve needs to be needed, respected, wanted, and this is one small way he keeps you addicted. once a sweater gets contaminated by your smell, by your need for him, he can revel in that doing his business surrounded by you
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mindb0dysoulll · 2 years
These two songs live in my mind & stay on repeat 💎✨
Let me fuck your mind
All day then all night
Only you inside
The vibes
All love
When we touch
Come stimulate my mind
Get high off love 💕
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