lolasimms · 1 year
ellie and reader when reader was pregnant pls
sweet lilacs
౨ৎ She became overtly protective of you, shielding you from activities she deemed ‘risky’ Some of these included; doing laundry, hanging clothes, reaching for items high up and most notably, lifting.
౨ৎ She refused to let you lift anything past your second trimester. Anytime she’d see you on your feet trying to left even the lightest of things, she’d immediately usher you back into bed.
౨ৎ She wasn’t one who liked to splurge, most of her things being thrifted or bought vintage. Though when it came to baby items you’d found she was worse than you.
౨ৎ Anytime you would hint to her that you liked an item of clothing/furniture for Lila she’d immediately get it for you, no questions asked. Not to mention the excessive amounts of online shopping she’d been doing.
౨ৎ The crib was built by Ellie herself, with the help of Joel. She wanted it to be something special, that could be passed down by your children.
౨ৎ You and Ellie weren’t decided on a name until it had come to her during a ‘dream’ or so she says. You’d immediately fallen in love with it and agreed that ‘Lila’ was fitting.
౨ৎ She’d constantly try and put her headphones over your belly, playing audiobooks of Shakespearean plays, claiming it would make Lila a genius.
౨ৎ She loved cradling your protruding belly, speaking sweet nothings to you as she left soft kisses and delicate strokes against your stomach.
౨ৎ From the first time you’d meet her you knew she wasn’t the kind who enjoyed social interaction, but for you she was willing. She took you to every single Lamaze class, never missing one.
౨ৎ She’d hold you from behind as you practiced breathing, walk you through labour techniques and guide you through meditations aimed during contractions.
౨ৎ You could tell the parents at the birthing classes weren’t her kind of people, but for you she was willing to put up with it.
౨ৎ She never took your mood swings personally, finding them rather funny instead. Whenever you’d whine and moan about the most obsolete things she’d simply agree with you or hum in silence.
౨ৎ Finally, when it came to your cravings she couldn’t help but secretly document them. She knew it was the hormones talking, but when you’d asked her for coffee ice-cream mixed with tomatoes she knew she had to keep track of these weird concoctions you’d wake up desiring.
౨ৎ By your ninth and final month she had three notebook pages filled with random and quite grotesque combinations you’d asked her to make for you.
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whenemmafallsinlove · 5 years
Pos hour! So today I went back to school and was so nervous that I had an actual stomach ache. On the way to school I put Lover on shuffle and Cornelia Street came on, and I took those vibes with me all day and today turned out really nice!! :) (I had nutella pancakes for lunch!!)
oh my gosh i totally understand!!! the stress of school can be soooo much!! im really proud of you!! this is sooo awesome and nutella pancakes sound AMAZING !??!!?
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youngsamberg · 7 years
Angel wings and a halo plus green and now you're 'holy guacamole'
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bannedfromtheaters · 7 years
Oooh wicked or rent (or both😊) (for the ask game)
Ay I’ll do both :D (warning tho, I’m pretty critical of Rent) and this goes under a cut bc OOF did it get long haha
the first song from this show I heard: I remember when I watched Rent for the first time recognizing the tune of Seasons of Love so probably that onedo I own the cast album?: Nope, although I got a few of the songs in my ‘musical’ playlist on spotifyfavorite song: I’ll Cover You is such a cute soft mlm song and Take Me Or Leave Me has such a terrible message but goddamn is it catchy.least favorite song: there’s this one song in the end where Roger sings to Mimi the song he has been working on during the entire show and it’s somehow the worst and most boring song ever created..? favorite character: THEY ARE ALL KINDA AWFUL PEOPLE TBH but by design, Angel is the manic pixie dream girl with least of an arc and somehow therefore the most likable?
EDIT: the homeless woman in the movie who tells off Mark for using her misery as art without even wanting to give her a fucking dollar so she can live.least favorite character: MARK CAN CHOKEOTP: I mean Collins and Angel are pretty good & soft until DEATHBROTP: I have no idea why these people are friends with each other in the first place to be completely honest??NOTP: Does “I want Mark to end up alone and miserable bc he’s a fcking dick” count as a NOTP or……?song I didn’t like at first but now do: okay. this only goes for the musical, not the movie, but Over The Moon. It’s so wonderfully pastiche and some of the actresses play it up so hilariously Bad that it becomes good again.song I used to like but now don’t: hmm. La Vie Boheme.. because.. listening to the actual lyrics.. it’s just.. WHAT?! They praise.. yogurt and yoga as.. counter culture..?? WHAT IS THIS SONG??is the fandom annoying?: i have no idea because i do not venture there tbhdo I read/write fanfic for this show?: nope!favorite non-sung line:  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯favorite lyric: “because reason says I should’ve died three years ago” is one hell of a gut-punch line. overall rating out of 10: instead of a rating, I’m gonna link you to Lindsay Ellis’ incredible video essay on Rent called “Look Pretty and Do As Little As Possible” because even though she says she hates Rent, still has a very nuanced and fair analysis that really gets to the core of all the issues I have with this story, even though I can acknowledge that it has done some good things. She phrases it a million times better than I ever could. Yes, it’s 40 minutes long, but trust me when I say it’s the best thing you’ll see this entire week.
the first song from this show I heard: defying gravity probably lbrdo I own the cast album?: Again, only in the Spotify playlist, but to be quite honest (don’t murder me) the original cast recording underwhelms me :/favorite song: this depends on the mood really! But, I’ve noticed I always tend to Sit Up as the first notes of No Good Deed blasts into my ears. God i love that song. Also, Thank Goodness. I. Yes. ALSO!!! It’s technically not a song, but the moment in the Ozdust Ballroom where Glinda and Elphaba are bonding, and you only hear that piano… WHEN AM I GONNA GET A HIGH QUALITY AUDIO OF THAT LITTLE BIT WICKED MUSICAL!?!?! least favorite song: WONDERFUL. at this point i just tend to skip that scene. it. It’s a good song the first time you listen to it, but becomes such a drag so fast.favorite character: at this point in my mind Glinda and Elphaba just count as one person right? cool? cool.least favorite character: The Wizard. Ugh. Manipulative Asshole. And I’m gonna say “The Wasted Character Potential For Fiyero”OTP: i mean… c’mon.. are we.. do i even have to - G E L P H I EBROTP: in the actual musical? Not really.. anyone? In my version of the musical: Gelphie&Fiyero and Elphaba&Fiyero. In the book: Elphaba&Boq are a fucking delight.NOTP: any ship involving glinda and elphaba being with someone but each other i guess?song I didn’t like at first but now do: I mean, I liked most songs the first go, so I guess Something Bad. It’s mostly the mysterious music that I really dig and the transition music after it.
Also I just wanna say that March of the Witch Hunters is such a banger ensemble song. I’m always so excited that we get to keep that momentum NGD has built up and get to stay in it just a little bit longer before we go to the soft and beautiful For Good.
song I used to like but now don’t: hmm I guess Wonderful because as explained before? And kinda… well I actually don’t dislike Defying Gravity, but I’m kinda upset that people only seem to focus on that song? Don’t get me wrong, it’s a good song. But it’s a shame it’s the main focus bc there are so many other good things & songs in this show.is the fandom annoying?: the fandom is so interesting, bc at the core, it’s really small, but because it’s such a well-known musical, some posts can suddenly EXPLODE even though the tag updates maybe on average 3 times a day? and that’s generous. So that’s really weird and interesting. But since at it’s core it’s small, it’s really nice and well-behaved. I’ve talked with a ton of people in the fandom and it’s really nice and lovely, and not annoying at all! do I read/write fanfic for this show?: YES! shameless self-promofavorite non-sung line: what I love about this show is that the actresses can say certain lines and make them their own, so I wanted to type out all my fav line deliveries, but it became too long and kinda pointless bc you can’t hear it. but yeah.. a LOT of them tbh? the dialogue is sharp in this play.favorite lyric: hmmmm “There are bridges you cross you didn’t know you crossed until you crossed” is just so angsty.overall rating out of 10:  I know I never shut up about Wicked but is it the best musical? No, not really. But I get why it’s still running and why it’s so goddamn big. I love the overall Wicked canon and I love my interpretation of it all, but if I actually had to give the actual musical a rating I’d say a solid 7~7.5..?
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transannabeth · 7 years
Phantom of the opera for the musicals ask
phantom of the opera: the first musical you ever saw live
if you’re going broadway it was wicked! if you’re saying in general, i’m like 85% sure it was charlie and the chocolate factory!
send me a musical!
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essayofthoughts · 5 years
Hello! Number 7 for the mini-fic ask thing, ship of choice. Have a nice day😊
Prompt: things you said while we were driving
I… had no idea what to do here, so you’re getting platonic pairing discussing a relevant romantic pairing.
Also this took ages and I ended up only finishing it by extending it beyond your original prompt and finishing it up for a fix exchange. You can find it over here:
And I was unaware | Wanda/Vision, Wanda & Pietro | MCU, AU from AIW | 7.5k
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five-miles-over · 4 years
New Girl (High School!Commodus x Reader)
Tumblr media
Summary: You are a new student at Institutum Romanus Educational (which is supposed to be Latin for “Roman Educational Institute”) and come across some fascinating characters (I mean classmates). Sort of based off a ‘Gladiator’ AU listicle. Hope you enjoy it!
Warnings: A cheesy meet-cute scene
Word Count: 1,663
When you’d came to Rome to visit your father during your winter holiday, you had only hoped it would be a temporary break from your mundane life back in your hometown. Perhaps you’d get a chance to see the quaint streets covered in frost, or visit the Tiber River. And like most children, you would get a present - maybe new clothes, or a gadget. A brochure for a new school was certainly not what you were expecting as a gift.
Yet here you were, on your first day of the new semester in January, walking to your first period. All you were hoping for was nothing but a peaceful end to your 10th year. You were now to be a student at the Institutum Romanus Educational, or IRE as many playfully called it. It was perplexing to you why a school would insist upon retaining its Latin name, but your parents said it was reinstated by its current principal Marcus Aurelius. He was supposedly an admirer of the Classics and wanted his children to have a good understanding of ancient languages.
The first period of the day was Physics, which you never had a huge affinity towards, but were certainly not averse to. The teacher was kind, and he seemed to be quite enthusiastic about the content he was talking about. After being armed with two problem sets about electromagnetism, you had to walk across the entire building to your next class - English.
Throughout the hall, many of the sights weren’t very different from your old school - there were cliques of people talking to each other, and a few couples making out in front of the lockers. Campaign posters of a girl named Lucilla Aurelius were plastered across the wall. You were lucky enough to catch a glimpse of her on your way to class and by gods, the posters did not do her justice. She was gorgeous.
Flanked by two “minions” or girls wearing blouses and skirts similar to the pink-and-white combination she was wearing, she held a box of buttons that said, “Vote for Lucilla, Vote for Rome” on them. With a charismatic grin, she was passing them out to various people and telling them to vote for her for their Student Body President.
Another voice rose from the cacophony in the hallways. “I wouldn’t even know if a rat had chewed off the ends of her thin strands, that’s how ugly that girl’s haircut is.” A bald boy wearing an Assassin’s Creed shirt loomed over a girl with a pixie cut, who was crying.
He was answered by a larger boy, a seemingly more bulky one. “Quinn, I don’t think that’s how to get over being dumped. Just leave her alone.”
“Hagen, you piece of meat.” Quinn grumbled, leaving the tiny girl to pick up her books from the floor. Hagen gave her the rest of her things and sent her off to class.
When you entered your English class, you heaved a sigh of relief that you were on time. The board saying ‘Hamlet’ assured you that you had reached the correct classroom. The seats were almost all filled except for one placed in front of a green-eyed boy with cropped dark hair.
He was probably the perfect mix of gothic and preppy - his bangs were long enough to fall over his brow, and he wore a barely noticeable layer of eyeliner. His crisp, black button-down, paired with his skinny jeans and black designer boots, served as a stark contrast to the sweat pants and hoodies many of the other male students wore.
You waved politely only to find him idly writing something in a journal. It looked like something in elaborate cursive, and you would’ve looked further if the teacher didn’t begin taking attendance. And if it doing so wouldn’t make you look completely creepy.
Within moments, the teacher began lecturing about one of Shakespeare’s most famous tragedies, calling upon various students to read scenes out loud for the rest of the class. A few kids named Gregory and Falcon read for the parts of Polonius, the chamberlain of Denmark, and Laertes, the son of Polonius.
You were nearly caught by surprise when the teacher invited you to read Ophelia’s lines in front of the class from Act 1, Scene 3 of the play. It wasn’t exactly on your agenda to attract much attention on your first day, but you decided to accept anyways. Standing in front of the class, you read Ophelia’s lines loud and clear while your green-eyed mystery, named Commodus, read Hamlet’s lines with passion. He seemed like he was born for this role.
“Thank you, both of you.” Your teacher applauded both of you after the scene was completed. When you returned to your seat, you saw a hand reach towards you from behind, holding a yellow sticky note. Quickly taking it, you tucked it under your knee before you could get caught.
“Commie’s passing notes in class again,” Gregory taunted, leading the entire class to laugh with him as the boy sitting behind you fumed with embarrassment. “Infatuated with the girl reading Ophelia, he seems to forget when the stage ends and when real life begins.”
The teacher’s eyebrows furrowed at Gregory’s remark. “Y/N, is this true? Did Commodus give you a note?”
“No, not at all,” you lied for him. “He didn’t give me a note at all, I just dropped my sticky notes and he gave them back to me.” Ignoring Gregory’s eye-rolling, the teacher reluctantly accepted your alibi and continued to lecture until the bell rung.
“Nice reading voice.” A boy in a burnt orange jacket offered you a kind smile as you both left the classroom. “You, uh, the new girl?”
“I am, thanks,” you nodded. “And you are?”
“The new boy,” he joked. “Sort of - I came here a few months ago from Australia. Actually Spain’s my homeland - I was born there.”
“So you’re a Spaniard?”
“No, I’m Max, but Spaniard works,” he winked, eliciting a laugh from you. “Want me to walk you to your next class?”
“If it’s not too much trouble for you,” you answered. “You wouldn’t by chance happen to know where World History is?
Max grinned. “That’s just where I’m headed. You looked confused when you entered - thought you could use a friendly face on your first day.”
“Thank you for making me feel a bit more welcome, Max.” You replied, letting him lead you through the crowd of students. Unbeknownst to the both of you, a pair of jealous peridot eyes followed the two of you until you turned the corner and disappeared.
Later that day, when lunchtime came around, your eyes widened at the color and variety of the flavorful dishes being served. It was almost like they were being prepared by gourmet chefs. You couldn’t help but smile at how pretty your tray looked; penne with a creamy tomato sauce, arugula salad with a balsamic vinaigrette, a piece of bread, and freshly cut fruit.
Deciding against the crowded cafeteria, you decided to take a chance to explore some of the other hallways in your new school. You wondered just how big your new school could possibly be. Did they have an indoor pool, a large gymnasium, a library,…or an auditorium? Holding your tray close to your chest, you walked into the large theater. In the center of the breathtakingly colossal stage, you found Commodus sitting cross-legged next to his shoulder bag and a thermos.
“Hello,” you quietly greeted him, approaching the edge of the stage and climbing up.
“Shouldn’t you be eating in the cafeteria?”, he asked, slightly perplexed, looking up from the book he was reading.”No,” you replied, placing your backpack down. “It wasn’t really my scene at my old school. I used to eat in the library or the music room.”
Commodus hummed in acknowledgment, returning to his copy of Dracula and his thermos of black coffee. “Where’s your lunch?” You asked, sitting next to him.
“I don’t usually eat any. I’m too busy.”
You pushed your tray towards him. “Would you like to share some of mine?”
“Yes, thank you.” He ripped off a piece of the bread and dipped it into the pasta sauce before chewing it. Commodus allowed himself a few more bites partially because he didn’t want to seem rude and…you seemed likable.
A few moments of silence took place while the two of you ate before you glanced at the clock. “Well…it’s time for me to go to my next class,” you commented.
“Oh…” His eyes looked slightly downcast when you told him you had to leave. “You look lovely!” You froze at his sudden compliment. “That…that was what I hoped to tell you in that note I gave you. That you look exquisite - your hair, your lips, your eyes- it reminded me of Lady Ophelia when you read her lines. You’re…you look more beguiling than she would be.”
“That’s quite sweet of you, Commodus.” You said with a small smile, flabbergasted. “Thank you, I…I’m quite flattered.”
“I was afraid you wouldn’t like it. Most people don’t understand my references or my vocabulary.” Commodus stammered, relieved that you didn’t find him disturbing for comparing you to a Shakespearean heroine. “Thank you for sharing your lunch and your time with me, Y/N.”  
“Of course,” you extended your hand, expecting to shake his. “It was nice meeting you, Commodus.”
Accepting your gesture, he clasped your hand and softly kissed your knuckles, causing you to blush. Usually, princes from fairytales would do something so chivalrous. “It was nice meeting you too,” Commodus replied.
“I’ll see you later, then.” You carried your tray and backpack and began leaving the auditorium. Commodus watched you leave, hoping that perhaps you wouldn’t be like many of the other new kids, pretending to be nice before getting swept away by the popular students. That perhaps you would be…just as special as he already thought you were.
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the-music-maniac · 3 years
Tagged by @cornsnakebread 💕
I was tagged ages ago though, I’m just a dumbass that spent too long trying to figure out a favourite flower and then forgot
Favourite Flower: Lotus, rose
Favourite Fruit: blueberries, cherries
Favourite Colour: Wine red, teal
Favourite Scent: Petrichor
Favourite Season: Weirdly? Winter. You wouldn’t think that’d be the case considering I live in Canada
Favourite Tea: Jasmine, matcha
@blu2you @sweet-shakespearean-tomatoes @kentuckyfriedchicken1234
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fictionandmusic · 4 years
I have been tagged
by @baceoonist i’m so very flattered thank you so much!!!!
Rules : pick one musical artist / band and answer these questions using song titles, then tag others.
Band/Artist: Bad Bad Hats
Gender: Girl
How I’m Feeling Right Now: Spin
If I Could Go Anywhere: Super America
Best Friend: Fight Song
Fave Form of Transportation: Super America
Fave Time of Day: 9am
If My Life Was a TV Show: Wide Right
Relationship Status: Say Nothing
I Tag: @artemiscrockwlw @paradigmsofbrittaperry @sweet-shakespearean-tomatoes @a-m-bi-t-i-o-u-s @icedteaandoldlace @awesomeveragirl
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marril96 · 5 years
The Distance Between Us
Chapter 3: Drama, Drama, Drama
Pairing: Rowena x reader
Summary: Your friends don’t take the news too well.
Editor: @cherrypierowena
The Biggerson's diner was packed as usual, tables crowded with high schoolers munching on fast food and slurping their beverages. Being relatively close to the school, it was a popular hangout for students before and after (and sometimes during) class. The food and drinks were cheap but tasty, the staff was nice, and they were very liberal at serving alcohol without asking for ID.
In other words, it was a high schooler's wet dream.
You weren't a fan of crowds, but this was one place where you tolerated them. Mostly because Biggerson's had booths for privacy, and everyone pretty much minded their own business and ate their cheap fries in silence. Even Lucifer Shurley. Sometimes.
Today, your gang had claimed a place near the door, by the wide glass windows letting sunlight light up the diner. They waved you over as soon as they saw you walk in, and you were quick to claim your seat. Beside Crowley, as usual. The two of you always sat together.
Across from you were Sam and Castiel, both of whom kept shooting you curious looks.
Crowley, on the other hand, acted like everything was cool. Normal. Wiggled his eyebrows suggestively and grinned at the waitresses who ignored him. The usual.
Your phone was full of messages, all wondering what the hell happened, what principal Shurley wanted from you, what you did to get yourself sent to his office. Demanding you respond and explain this novelty. Wishing you luck. Hoping for the best outcome of whatever the hell was happening.
Crowley had only sent one, though, telling you to stick it to the man.
Your friends, ladies and gentlemen!
"Where's Dean?" you asked. Usually, he and Sam were attached at the hip. Where one went, the other followed.
Sam frowned, having not expected the question. "Practice."
Right. Of course. Jock stuff.
You shot Castiel a pointed look. "Where were you at lunch?"
He blushed as if his cheeks were on fire. The corners of your lips quirked up. Figured it was something like that.
"Meg and I were, um, hanging out. In the bathroom," he replied awkwardly.
You snorted. "Hanging out. Right."
Meg Masters was Castiel's girlfriend. She dressed up in jeans and leather jackets, rode a bike, smoked like a chimney, and had no filter. What she thought, she told you to your face. A blessing and a curse.
She used to hang around Lucifer, but then she met his younger brother, fell in love, and ditched him. Turned out, Lucifer didn't approve. And Meg wasn't a big fan of ultimatum.
She'd made the right choice. Lucifer and Castiel may have been brothers, but they were polar opposites. Castiel was a good person. Kind. Sweet. A tad awkward. Certainly not a shithead like his older brother who would have been out of high school had he not failed two grades in a row.
Third time was the charm, you supposed.
"Moving the furniture," Crowley commented snidely.
Sam and you laughed. Moving the furniture was a euphemism Meg had once used for sex, and it stuck. It was too good — too specific — not to.
"There is no furniture in bathrooms," Castiel said, flustered.
"Toilets count as furniture," you said.
"And toilet paper," Crowley added.
Castiel rolled his eyes, while Sam kept laughing. He wasn't too big on banter with anyone other than Dean.
"You gonna tell us why the principal wanted to see you?" he asked.
"You guys are relentless," you said, grunting dramatically. You held up your phone. "It's gonna take me hours to get rid of all the messages and missed calls."
"We're your friends," he said. "It's our job to spam you."
Fair enough.
"You didn't spam him" — you pointed at Castiel — "when he was moving toilets in the bathroom with Meg."
"We weren't moving toilets," Castiel muttered under his breath.
"Because we suspected where he was," Sam said. "He wasn't in trouble." His eyes widened. "Were you in trouble?"
"I wasn't in trouble," you replied.
Well, you kind of were.
Trouble was relative.
"How did you even know where I was?"
"Charlie heard your name being called."
Of course she did.
Charlie Bradbury was Sam and Dean's friend. A good girl who rarely got in trouble — or rather, caused trouble in a way that wouldn't get her caught.
"You boys are so desperate," Crowley commented.
Sam frowned. "You messaged her, too!"
"Once." Crowley held up a finger. "I sent her one message. Encouraging her."
He turned to you. "What did my sister do this time? Do I want to know?"
"Surprisingly, nothing."
Sighing, you told them everything, from beginning to end, leaving no detail to yourself. They listened intently. Grimaced when the tutoring offer came in. Even more so when the two of you agreed to it.
Sam didn't seem too bothered, though. As a matter of fact, he seemed to be quite supportive of the idea.
Crowley made up for it by being horrified and appalled for them both.
"You're a bloody fool!"
"Thanks, Crowley," you snarked. "I really appreciate the support."
"Why am I friends with you?"
You rolled your eyes. Such a drama king, he was. You loved him, but god, he could be annoying when he wanted to.
"Our entire friendship was a lie!" he continued, upping the drama. A true Shakespearean actor. Ready for the stage. "I've been deceived into thinking you were smart. Turns out you're a dumbass like Moose and Squirrel."
Sam, the aforementioned Moose, sent him his signature bitch face that was a threat and disappointment all in one.
"Are you done?" you asked.
"No, I'm not bloody done! It's Rowena. Rowena."
His face flushed red as his sister's hair as he ranted, cheeks rosy like ripe tomatoes.
"I did say I'd prefer Sam," you reminded him.
He stared at you. Blinked once, twice, three times. Went over your words, allowed then to sink in.
Then, in the whiniest tone a posh teenage gentleman like him could conjure up, he said, "Rowena."
"Jesus, Crowley!" you said, frustrated.
It was far from an ideal situation, but come on!
"One time mother made her help me with homework — and it was all wrong! Made a bloody mockery of me!"
You couldn't say you blamed her. You loved Crowley, you really did, but he was a drama king. No, a drama queen, with a gold crown adorned with shiny diamonds that screamed, loud and clear, drama, drama, drama.
One thing the MacLeod siblings had in common, you supposed. Aside from their loathing for each other.
"She's not that bad," Sam said, earning another eye-roll from Crowley. He paid it no mind. "You'll see. Give her a chance."
What other choice did you have? You were stuck with her for the entire semester.
Maybe there was some merit to Sam's words. Maybe Rowena wasn't that bad. The two of them weren't friends for nothing.
You chased the thought away with a mocking internal sigh. She was Rowena MacLeod. Her and not-that-bad didn't belong in the same sentence. Sam was the kind of person who saw — or rather believed in — the good in everyone. Just because he thought it was there didn't make it true.
Rowena MacLeod was a terrible person. She wasn't capable of good. Hell, you doubted she was even capable of emotions other than disdain. She loved no one but herself. Cared for nothing but her own gain.
And now you were stuck with her.
"Bollocks," Crowley said, shaking you from your thoughts.
You turned to the direction he was facing, sighing when you saw Rowena and Lucifer enter the diner and look around in search of free seats. She avoided your eyes, the scowl in them, the displeasure, instead exchanging a smile and a small nod with Sam. Just a normal, casual greeting between friends. Yeah, right!
A couple had just gotten up to leave, and she and Lucifer rushed to claim their table. Rowena scoffed at the dirty plates and half-empty cups left behind. Her face was scrunched up in a way that would have been cute on anyone other than her, nose turned up. The perfect picture of disgust.
"Speak of the devil," you said.
"I'd say there's two of them," Crowley remarked.
You had to laugh. "True that."
"I was hoping I wouldn't have to see him until later," Castiel said.
He and his brother didn't get along.
"What'd he do this time?" you asked. There was always something with Lucifer. The guy had a penchant for trouble.
"He wanted to borrow my car this morning. I said no, so he tried to steal it. It was a very unpleasant situation."
You should have been surprised, but you weren't. At all. You were quite used to Lucifer's antics.
"Then Gabriel called him a very ugly name, and they got into a fight."
Another non-surprise.
Nothing surprised you anymore when it came to the Shurley siblings. They were even weirder than the MacLeods.
"Hit bloody sibling lottery, didn't we, Feathers?" Crowley commented.
Meg called Castiel Clarence, a reference to an angel from a movie, so Crowley started calling him Feathers. Because he was Crowley and he loved to call people by the nicknames he gave them.
Castiel didn't seem to mind it, though it did take a while for him to realize why Crowley was calling him that. Though, to be fair, it had taken him a while to get Meg's reference, too. He was socially awkward and quite illiterate when it came to pop culture. Poor, innocent soul.
"Lucky us," Castiel said.
Lucky you, too, for joining their little unfortunate family.
You could handle Rowena. You totally could. And you would.
After all, it was just a few hours. A few measly, incredibly dull hours a few times this semester.
It wasn't like you had to live with her.
Tags: @werewolfbarbie @oswinthestrange @songofthecagedmoose @apurdyfulmind @getthesalt-sam @metallihca @salembitchtrials @jay-eris @hellsmother @elizabeth-effie @victoriasagittariablack @rowenaswife @dropsofpetrichor @xfireandsin @liddell-alien @hotdiggitydammit @lae-lae @darkhumorsblog @gaysnakess @angel7376 @cherrypierowena @ruthieconnells @evil-regal-vampiress @collectorofsecretsandsouls @angel-e-v-a @melisandre02 @a-queen-and-her-throne
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whenemmafallsinlove · 5 years
Positivity! Today was a pretty long/hard day at work, but right at the end of the day ME! played and it ended my day on such a happy note!
omg that’s the best pick-me-up!! today was a long day at work for me too so i FEEL this!!! ILY YOU GOT THIS!!
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dxsole · 5 years
🖊 !! 🖊!!
Send in just a “🖊“ and I will talk about any one of my OCs at random! | Accepting
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Harrison, much to my own surprise, is one of my favorite muses. Not that I don’t love all my muses, but he hits in a way that I wasn’t expecting at all. He was actually a quick, snap decision muse to be added to a greater list that I wanted people to vote on. He was a half baked idea that I made up on the fly– and as I talked to people about what kind of person he was, I just fell deeper into his character. 
I think it’s because he’s so simple, so human, so very familiar; he’s like the grandfather figure I’ve never had? Or the older neighbor next door that plants tomatoes and cooks extra meals to send over to your house whenever he hears someone’s sick? He’s the kindly man in town with no children but who also manages to father the entire town? 
I never knew that I needed to write someone like that, but every time I do (which isn’t nearly as much as I would like to!), it’s always fun. He’s overly dramatic and playful, sweet and caring, so knowledgable about so much just because he’s seen so much. His heart, as well as his appetite for good food, is too large for his own good and it’s just…when I write him? I feel full of love, which may sound a little silly, but he seriously just is so, so, so good? 
All that being said, I also want to give a little headcanon which is: I always like picking an interesting hobby for all my muses, just something that they feel makes them unique and something they can cherish. For Harrison, I picked acting, specifically Shakespearean acting because I felt like that was the perfect role for someone who dreams as big as he does; during the day he’s a mild-mannered guidance counselor, who fumbles over his words and drops papers a lot. Someone unsuspecting. And yet, when he gets on stage, he’s so fluid. So eloquent. It’s this side of himself that he gets to bare freely, and, I don’t know, it’s just one more reason I love playing him! 
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Another muse that literally takes my heart is Calisto “Pantera” Espinosa, the Literal Love of My Life. Calisto was actually inspired by Steve Irwin and other Animal Planet folk that I think are so brilliant for bringing awareness to the public about the great, wild world we live in as well as being the bravest people ever! I liked the idea of having a muse who was passionate about conservation, about helping the animals, and who could also wrassle a gator because, in truth, that’s the coolest, most badass thing anyone could ever do, ever. 
Also, I’ve always had a soft spot for characters that were really stoic, quiet, intimidating looking but have hearts of gold– I’m a literal sucker for those types of characters. And, funnily enough, I’ve never even seen The Losers (which is where my Calisto icons come from), but from all the gifsets I’ve found, he’s very much like that in the movie, which was kind of funny! So I kept that persona with Calisto and…man, just, he’s so good.
He’s aware that he’s quiet and people, unfortunately, like to assume things about him so he’s always really calculated when he does speak. Like, okay, Hugo talks when he feels he has something very important to say, 85 speaks when she feels she’s gathered enough information to actually say something of worth, but Calisto is always listening, waiting for the moment someone dismisses him or assumes he doesn’t know what they’re talking about to purposefully open his mouth and recite an encyclopedia to them.
Because, sure, he’s not an astrophysicist but he knows animals. He knows what he’s doing. He knows the terrain better than you and your fiance in the loafers talking about how many episodes of Man vs. Wild he’s seen because guess what!? Calisto’s literally lived it. He can be so snarky when he wants to be. He can be so chatty when he knows you need the lecturing or if the other person seems really interested in learning more. 
Also, I should take this time to say that yes, it says Calisto dislikes vegans in his bio but specifically like, can he understand and appreciate someone wanting to be vegetarian or vegan because they feel it’s wrong to harm animals? Sure, he gets it. People who take it seriously and consume ethically, he can respect that. People who get mad at him for doing his job of relocating animals, suggest in any way he’s hurting these animals, try and force the vegan lifestyle of others, or just act generally stupid and confrontational because of their beliefs for no reason will be hunted for sport in the Everglades. 
Also, also, the phrase the only ethical consumption under capitalism is eating ass gets a very dry chuckle from him every time. Fun fact!
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theclaravoyant · 6 years
the right people ~ holt x kevin
As long as we’re with the right people, we can handle anything. - Amy Santiago - and also Raymond Holt, later that day.
AN ~ for the Anon who prompted: “Kevin comforting Holt when he doesn’t get the Commissioner position or celebrating with him when he does”. (And also for me, because it’s what we deserve.) This is emotional hurt/comfort so there’s some mild angst in here but it’s all wholesome I swear. Enjoy <3
Read on AO3 (~1800wd)
the right people
Kevin knew better than to wait up for Raymond on a night like this, and though he would have liked to spend the evening together – an increasing rarity in their lives of late – he could not begrudge Raymond the celebration of Peralta and Santiago’s wedding. Instead, he simply passed along his well-wishes for the newlyweds, and set peaceably enough about his evening routine. He cooked and ate tea, washed up, walked and fed Cheddar, pressed Raymond’s suit for the next day, and then retired to the lounge. There, he browsed Le Monde for a time, and then returned to his place in The Brothers Karamazov with a glass of port in his hand, ready to settle in for an evening of literary leisure.
It was at this moment that he was interrupted, and by the sound of Raymond’s keys in the door no less. Kevin glanced at the clock. It was hardly early, but still, something didn’t seem quite right.
“Raymond?” he wondered. Uncertainty tempered his joy at the thought of being able to spend the evening with Raymond after all. For a man whose friends had just celebrated their marriage, Raymond seemed awfully sullen. Kevin frowned, and set his book and drink aside. “… Is everything okay?”
Raymond did not bother to remove his coat or bag at the door, and instead headed right past Kevin and into the kitchen. Kevin leapt after him, now especially concerned that Raymond had apparently surpassed the melodramatic monologuing stage of whatever this was and had moved straight to something more drastic. Kevin’s concerns were only compounded when he found Raymond in the kitchen, having finally abandoned his coat and bag, staring deep into the soul of the microwave oven.
“Do we have ketchup?” Raymond wondered half-heartedly, watching goodness-knows-what spin around on its plate inside. There were only a few seconds to go.
“Ketchup?” Kevin’s frown deepened. “No, though if I remember correctly there is some tomato chutney in the-“
“Salt, then?”
“Top shelf, leftmost cupboard I believe. Why?” Kevin asked. “Raymond, what’s the matter? And what is…“
He trailed off when he saw the tell-tale red packaging strewn across the bench. The microwave chimed, and his stomach turned at the mere memory of the smell. Oh yes, he knew what that was.
Pizza pockets.
“Oh, no,” he objected.
“Oh, yes!” Raymond cried, raising the pizza pocket on the plate high as if it were some kind of holy punishment from ancient times. “I am a failure, Kevin, and so I shall eat the food… of failures.”
“I highly doubt that-“ Kevin began, only to find that Raymond had apparently recovered sufficiently from his initial disappointment to have re-entered the monologuing stage of… grief, or whatever this was.
“Peralta calls this his ‘comfort food,’” Raymond mused, turning the plate this way and that to study the pastry from all sides. “He assures me all will be well should I allow it to cradle me against its sodium- and preservative-filled bosom. Of course, I do doubt it, but then again, if today has taught me anything, it is that my opinion is meaningless. Everything is meaningless, except for this. This… pocket full of pizza is the only small chance at joy I have left in this world, Kevin. It is the one cheese- and bacon-filled star that remains in the black, burnt-out husk of the sky that is my career. It is… What. I. Deserve.”
Kevin could not stand idly by and untangle the net of mixed metaphors Raymond had just weaved for himself; not when, right before his very eyes, Raymond – with all the resignation of a heartbroken hero in a Shakespearean tragedy – plunged his teeth deep into the pizza pocket’s cheesy depths.
“No!” Kevin cried, knocking the plate and the rest of the pastry out of Raymond’s hands. “Don’t be ridiculous, Raymond. Why would you do this to yourself? Whatever is the matter, please tell me. It’s not about the wedding, is it? Because I already told you, I have no regrets about that.”
“No,” Holt agreed. “It’s not about the wedding. Such as it was. It is about… the job.”
“The Commissioner job?”
“You didn’t get it?”
Kevin blinked, flabbergasted. He was frozen in place, paralysed by confusion and no shortage of indignant fury, as Cheddar ran into the room and gleefully began licking up the cheese-and-bacon-flavoured mess he’d made. Raymond knelt to scratch Cheddar’s ears and murmur sweet nothings. Kevin’s brain ran the gauntlet of the Kubler-Ross Model.
First, denial. Could Raymond be joking? If so, it would not have been the first time he had used his subtle manner to extract humour of a practical nature. Immature though such a joke may have been about a thing like this, he was undoubtedly a little tipsy and may not have been thinking as clearly as he usually did.
Then again, the pizza pocket spoke to that well enough, and the amount of drink he had consumed had no doubt in itself been influenced by the receipt of such terrible news. It was not fair, it was simply not fair, Kevin thought. Raymond had worked impossibly hard, and fought frankly ridiculous odds, to stay with an organisation that had never cared for him. What else could the NYPD have possibly wanted Raymond to do? He could hardly have spent more early mornings or late nights at work. He could hardly have conducted himself more professionally. He could hardly have given up more than he did, or believed in the purest most idealistic heart and soul, the intended purpose as he saw it, of the NYPD any more than he did. Serve and protect. Kevin defied anyone to have done it better.
And yet, they had both seen this coming for a long time. Raymond had had to fight for every scrap of recognition, every case, every promotion he had ever received. He was a proud black man, and gay too, and not remotely ashamed of either of those facts. He had come out in the midst of the AIDS crisis and never looked back. Never backed down. He had stood up for Sergeant Jeffords, advocated for Santiago, and fought racial bias in the NYPD where ever he had found it. That had to be intimidating for an organisation chaired by white men who were comfortable in their ways, who baulked at change, who served the mission of the organisation to their own end. Maybe the other candidates for Commissioner had indeed been quality officers – Kevin knew himself better than to assume he would give any officer besides Raymond a fair assessment – but after watching his husband be systemically undermined at every turn…
The urge to march into the new Commissioner’s office and have a strongly worded discussion with him (if not an outright swordfight, which Kevin had also briefly entertained) began to fade. The inevitability of it all did sting, but Kevin realised, there was only so much he could do about it at this point. No doubt all of these thoughts, and more, had been running through Raymond’s mind ever since he’d found out about the board’s decision. It was no wonder he’d resigned himself to pizza pockets. And no matter what the reason, Kevin reminded himself, the fact remained that his husband was clearly extremely upset. Maybe he could not single-handedly fix the prison system or end mandatory sentencing, but pizza pockets? Not in his kitchen. At least that much, he could handle.
Taking a deep breath, Kevin brushed Raymond’s shoulder to regain his attention.
“Take a seat, Raymond,” he offered; for both their dignities, ignoring that Raymond was still all but curled up with Cheddar on the kitchen floor. “I have a plate for you in the oven. There is no need for you to torture yourself any further with that… ‘food’.”
Raymond sighed as well, and hefted himself off the floor with a visible effort.
“You are too good to me, my dear,” he declared, catching Kevin’s hand and squeezing it, leaning in for a brief embrace as they passed each other. “What would I do without you?”
“Experience an ischemic cerebrovascular accident, no doubt,” Kevin offered.
“No doubt indeed.” They had passed each other like orbiting planets as Raymond moved toward the dining table and Kevin toward the oven, but Raymond took his time releasing Kevin’s hand. He picked up the packet of pizza pockets from the bench, with three remaining pastries inside, and glanced over the list of ingredients on the back. To think, what he had been about to put into his body? Thank goodness for Kevin helping him see the light. Raymond dropped the box into the bin, and for the first time since reading those fateful words – we regret to inform you - a smile touched his lips. And not just because he was glad to be rid of those awful frozen pockets of pizza.
“Raymond, may I request back the use of my hand?” Kevin asked. “The plate is hot and it will be safer for both of us - and for your dinner - if I am able to use my full faculties.”
“Of course.”
Raymond released Kevin, and watched as he pulled a plate of roast cauliflower, broccoli, pumpkin, carrot, and lamb from the oven with all the grace and strength and decorum with which he had always conducted himself. The plate itself was nothing special, all of it unseasoned to perfection, and yet Raymond found himself staring rather moonishly as Kevin turned back and saw him.
“What is that look for?” Kevin wondered; flattered, if a little confused.
Raymond was thinking of what Amy had said earlier. What he himself had repeated at the bar. That as long as we’re with the right people, we can handle anything. His squad, certainly, was comprised of good people and he was proud to be their leader and their friend, but there was one ‘right person’ he had come dangerously close to overlooking tonight. How was he to convey how sorry he was, or how happy, how grateful, how loved? How could anyone bring themselves to write wedding vows at all? Then again, why did they need to, when three little words could achieve so much?
“I love you,” Raymond said.
Kevin’s expression softened.
“I love you too,” he said. Then, as they walked to the table together like it was any old Parisian street, he added: “Would you still like that salt?”
Raymond shook his head as they sat. “I don’t need it. Thank you.”
“No trouble at all, my love,” Kevin assured him. Of course, there was no need for the extraneous pet name, but after a long day, it never hurt to indulge. “No trouble at all.”
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plumbobpost · 7 years
O Romeo, Romeo, Wherefore Art Thou, Romeo? Veronaville in a Nutshell
Sul sul!
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Yes, you read that title correctly. It’s still Week of Woohoo, so what kind of romantic would I be if we didn’t take a trip to Veronaville? Literature buffs may recognize a few familiar names.
Made up of Shakespearean-inspired sims, Veronaville was one of the original three neighborhoods shipped with The Sims 2, alongside Pleasantview and Strangetown. Its storyline is loosely based around Romeo and Juliet, with the main conflict being a feud between the Capp (Capulet) and Monty (Montague) families.
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(Photo credit: Strange Tomato)
There are three families total in Veronaville: the Capps, the Montys, and the Summerdreams. The matrilineal Capp family consists of three households. The first includes the orphaned Juliette Capp as well as her siblings, Tybalt and Hermia, and her grandfather, Consort. Juliette derives her name from Juliet, of course, while Tybalt is named for Juliet’s cousin, and Hermia is named for one of the protagonists in A Midsummer Night’s Dream.
Consort does not derive his name from a Shakespearean character, but he is most likely based off of King Lear. He has three daughters: Juliette’s deceased mother, Cordelia, and her sisters Goneril and Regan, who all share their names with Lear’s daughters. Additionally, Goneril is married to Albany Capp and Regan is married to Cornwall Capp, while their Shakespearean counterparts are married to the Duke of Albany and the Duke of Cornwall, respectively. The sisters also have a younger brother, Kent Capp, who is named after the Earl of Kent, an outspoken nobleman who is loyal to King Lear.
Regan and Kent do not have children at the start of the game, but Goneril has four. Her eldest, Miranda, is a teenage romance sim who derives her name from the only female character in The Tempest. Hal, Desdemona, and Ariel are her youngest children, and they are named for characters in Henry V, Othello, and The Tempest. There is not a huge correlation between their names and their storylines in game.
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The second family, the patrilineal Montys, also has three branches, but it is significantly smaller. The core family consists of the orphaned Romeo (sensing the trend here?) as well as his brother Mercutio and his grandparents, Isabella and Patrizio. Mercutio is named after Romeo’s best friend in Romeo and Juliet, while Isabella takes her name from the heroine of Measure for Measure. Patrizio, like his rival Consort, does not draw his name from any Shakespearean plays.
The rest of the Monty clan consists of two households: Romeo’s aunt Bianca and his uncle Antonio and Antonio’s children. Bianca is named for the younger sister in The Taming of the Shrew, a fitting comparison as she could definitely be characterized as an ingenue due to her family aspiration. Antonio, his deceased wife Hero, and his twins, Beatrice and Benedick, are named after characters from Much Ado About Nothing.
The names of Antonio’s family are interesting in that they do not match the characters or their relationships to each other. Benedick and Beatrice are a couple in the play, and Hero marries a character named Claudio, which ironically is Romeo’s father’s name in Veronaville. Antonio, on the other hand, is Hero’s uncle in Much Ado About Nothing, but since Shakespeare uses the name multiple times, he could also be named after the title character in The Merchant of Venice.
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The third family is the matrilineal Summerdreams, consisting of one household. Titania Summerdream is the matriarch of the family, named for the queen of the fairies in A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Similarly, her love, Oberon, is named for the king of the fairies, and their adopted son, Puck, is named after the mischievous sprite of the same name. Their daughter, however, has the unfortunate moniker of Bottom Summerdream after Nick Bottom.
The Summerdreams are not directly involved in the feud, but their family description implies that they are the cause of the romantic entanglements among the teenage Veronavillians by having “cast a romantic spell.” This is especially interesting when you take Puck’s own lovelife into account.
Puck Summerdream has a mutual crush on Hermia Capp; the only problem is that Mercutio Monty has a crush on Hermia as well.This parallels the events of A Midsummer Night’s Dream. In the play, Hermia is in love with Lysander, but is being pursued by Demetrius. While Hermia does return Mercutio’s crush, most of her wants upon loading the game are to perform romantic actions with Puck. Therefore, Puck would fit the role of Lysander, and Mercutio would fit the role of Demetrius.
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Veronaville has a complex storyline, and the etymology of the living characters only scratches its surface. Between the ancestors, memories, and biographies, the characters of Veronaville prompt a lot of questions, most of which remain unanswered despite all three families reappearing in The Sims 3. What caused the feud between Consort and Patrizio? How did the feud lead to the deaths of members of both families? Will Oberon master the art of home video editing and be able to keep Titania’s affections?
Want to hear more about Veronaville? If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, feel free to visit my ask box. If you are interested, give Plumbob Post a follow, and reblog for anyone else who you think would enjoy this blog. Stay tuned for upcoming posts!
Good night, good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow that I shall say good night till it be morrow.
*Disclaimer: these are not my images.*
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chase-galathynius · 7 years
10 books to read in 2018!!
I was tagged by @lyannablackbeak, thank you!!! 
The Raven King by Maggie Stiefvater 
Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson
A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E Schwab
Throne of Glass 7 By Sarah J. Maas
ACOFAS by Sarah J. Maas
Red Rising by Pierce Brown
Falling Kingdom by Morgan Rhodes 
The Foxhole Court by Nora Sakavic 
The Wise Man’s Fear by Patrick Rothfuss
Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo
I have no idea who to tag hmm let’s see @pedacito-de-papel-al-viento @miss---katie  @sweet-shakespearean-tomatoes @gutterballgt
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zim-tits · 7 years
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@sweet-shakespearean-tomatoes submitted this dress for anybody i wanted and now u all know that plea for prompts was a cheap ploy to put nursey in cute stuff. u got me.
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