#swim wear for plus size ladies
urhoneycombwitch · 3 months
heated touch
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foreword: “but Lulu it’s not even summer yet how come you wrote a pool fic” okay first of all global warming. it’s absolutely summer rn. hush up and eat up. 👼
cw: R wears bikini top + skirt, Eddie is Down Bad™️, and is also touchstarved, brief use of the awkward miscommunication trope, R’s baby hairs mentioned but no color or texture, weed mention (Robin is a stoner canon change my mind u can’t), R uses sunscreen (no skin color mentioned), implied plus-sized reader
wc: 3.4k
It’s the first real, normal, non-apocalyptic summer that anyone can remember having in a long, long time. 
With the heat index at a sizzling 97 today, various members of the Party have taken over Steve’s half-shaded, half-pool extravaganza of a backyard. The kids are jumping in and out of the bright blue water, splashing and cackling, while you and Robin stretch out like house cats in a sunny patch of grass nearby.
You, mere yards away, in a swim top and sweet little pleated tennis skirt. All that lovely skin on display, glistening in the light. 
And Eddie is sulking, indoors, frozen with lovesickness. There’s condensation dripping from the forgotten can of beer in his left hand; through the window above the kitchen sink, Eddie observes the scene in mournful silence.
“Christ, you really are a pussy.”
Eddie whips around with a glare that would level a normal human being, shushing Steve with a panicked fierceness that only makes the guy chuckle harder at Eddie’s expense. 
“Y’know,” Steve continues with the insults, dipping into the fridge and reappearing with a Fanta and a shit-eating grin- “You might want to try leering like a creep from the garage window. That way no will hear you jack off-”
“Oh, shut the fuck up, Harrington.” Eddie interrupts with a grade-A scoff and eye roll combo, rivaling Steve’s own bitchiness. “Wasn’t your last successful date back in high school, like, six years ago when you had better hair?”
Steve doesn’t even flinch. With condescending sympathy, he sighs and shakes his head of (beautiful-even-when-wet, damn him) hair, snapping the soda can tab with a flourish. “Might wanna hurry up and make a move. Can’t suppress my charm forever just ‘cuz you’re too chicken to man up- it’s not natural to keep all of this hidden away.”
Steve gestures to the broad expanse of his golden chest, dark thicket of hair sitting proud, the scars that he seems to have no qualms over showing off criss-cross along the flex of muscle at his sides. 
Realistically, Eddie knows Steve wouldn’t go after you, not even as a joke. It would defy the honorable and unmentioned Bro Code they’ve lived by ever since Eddie almost died in an alternate hell dimension and Steve valiantly pulled him back topside. 
Teasing, though? It’s Harrington’s godgiven right- especially since Eddie’s so hopelessly in love. It’s almost too easy to get him riled up, to light a fire under his ass to maybe finally get the situation some forward movement. 
Flames lick at the kindling. Steve walks backwards, shooting Eddie one last finger gun and wink before rejoining the boisterous outdoors crowd. Through the crack Steve’s left in the sliding glass door, Eddie can hear that asshole’s cheery voice ring out- “Lookin’ good, ladies!”- and your subsequent peal of laughter. 
Eddie can feel the heat through the black denim at his ass, sweat rushing to prickle at his pits underneath the light layer of tanktop- the one with a high-necked collar and sides long enough to conceal most of his scars. 
Not that he’s trying to hide ‘em, perse... they’re just sensitive to the sun. Plus his black jeans have holes in them, so they totally count as summer attire. He’s basically wearing shorts right now. Steve can suck it.
“Suck it, Steve,” Eddie grits out to no one for good measure, before taking a steadying gulp of beer and stepping bravely out beyond the glass doors. 
It’s shockingly bright, sun bouncing off the surface of the pool and rendering Eddie momentarily blind; he shields his eyes with his free hand in time to catch the tail end of Sinclair’s mid-air somersault.
“Five,” Max calls out, lounging safely out of the splash zone, waves from Lucas’s cannonball lapping at her pink donut pool float. Thick black prescription sunglasses take up half her face, expression unmoved even as her boyfriend splutters in the deep end.
“Are you kidding?” Lucas is indignant as he huffs and treads water. “Gimme at least an eight. Did you even see the flip?” 
“I saw it.” Unimpressed, Max shrugs a freckled shoulder. While Lucas devolves into swearing out his complaints (already with one elbow planted on the concrete to get out and make another attempt at a higher score), Max zeros in on Eddie, one brow arched high in searing appraisal. “You gonna swim with your boots on, too?”
“I’m- shut up, Red. Nice donut.”
Max’s triumphant smirk confirms what Eddie already knows (he totally bombed that comeback), but if there’s one thing in the world Eddie’s good at, it’s Pretending. A trait forged and perfected over the years of being reigning Dungeon Master; it’s served him well during D&D sessions, and when running from the law. 
And it’s coming in handy now, too, as Eddie walks past Steve (half-snoozing in a lounger) and the table of Baby Byers and Wheeler Jr. (playing an intense game of Slapjack), pretending to be totally Normal and Chill as he approaches you and Robin, a ways off from the bustling pool.
Go with what you know, Eddie tells himself, because if he focuses for more than two seconds on the fact that you’re stretched prone, sunlight filtering through the big tree overhead and illuminating the soft curves of your thighs just visible under the Spandex hem of your skirt, he’s gonna have a pressing issue that will be anything but pretend.
Robin’s lying on her back on the beach towel next to yours, a tattered copy of Pride and Prejudice held up close, obscuring her field of vision. Using this to his advantage, Eddie crouches on his haunches, then leans in to press his cold can of beer to the tender arch of Robin’s bare foot.
She yelps, kicking out on instinct (which Eddie was expecting). He manages to take the brunt of the hit with a forearm block, but doesn’t see the paperback coming until it’s hitting the side of his face.
“Ow, christ, Buckley,” he moans, slumping to sit on Robin’s towel, hamming up the victim act for your sake and sympathy while Robin snatches up her book and gives him another solid thwack, pages fluttering.
At the commotion, you’d lifted your head from your arms, leaning into them now with the weight of your upper half. Eddie tries really, really valiantly to not stare at your swimsuit top (practically a bra), and instead distracts himself with the fact that you were giggling. At him. 
Give the boy an inch and he’ll take a mile, Wayne is wont to say of his nephew. Never been truer than now, as Eddie gets drunk off your attention and humors, crowding familiarly and rudely into Robin’s space just to piss her off more and to keep your twinkling-eyed focus.
“Yech.” Robin gags. “I’m not gonna sit here and watch you two flirt up close. I just ate lunch.”
Eddie’s worried that comment will embarrass you into pulling away but apparently, you’re not shying from the accusations of his affection anymore. 
A snort and a sardonic eye roll is what you dish back, and Eddie latches on, delighted to have a Shit Starter in Crime, pushing an honest hand to his chest in faux-shock- “Flirting? Me? I’d never. What an accusation. You’re getting crazier by the day, Buckley.”
The peal of laughter that ripples from you is like a song, vibrating the frequencies between Eddie’s ears, scrambling all the channels with its aching beauty.
Goddamn addictive, he thinks, as the white-out of his hearing fades back to normal. A light, warm wind rustles through the big oak overhead, leaves shushing together; allowing himself a glance at your stretched form, Eddie’s (un)luckily close enough to see the smattering of goosebumps rise on the skin of your arms. 
To observe the way sweat curls the baby hairs near your temple, at the nape of your neck. To see the little creases near the corner of your eyes as you close them, turning your face into the wind, a quiet expression of summer bliss on your face.
Eddie could sit here for hours like a (happy) creep just taking in every minute detail, but Robin starts bitching at him about the weed he still owes her from ages ago, poking her cold toes into the holes of his jeans, mischievous and irritating.
Eddie smacks at her ankles until she pulls them back, matching her argument point for point; it’s not about the weed, of which he’d gladly give- it’s about keeping that smile on your face even as you sit up to start digging through your nearby tote bag.
“And plus,” Robin’s saying, sticking a finger into the dimple of Eddie’s left cheek like the obnoxious little sister he never asked for, “You scratched the everliving hell out of my bike last month when you insisted you were sober enough to ride it home.”
“What’d you want me to do, drink and drive? Not very Just Say No Club of you.” Eddie is operating on autopilot with his responses, absorbed in the way your delicate fingers move inside the canvas of the bag. 
“I wanted the same thing that I currently. Want.” Two more ice-cold prods of her toes into the same spot of his exposed knee. “Three grams, pre-rolled, plus an apology.”
Eddie is about to give in with the promise of the rest of his sizable stash and a bike waxing regimine with his own spit thrown into the mix to get Robin off his case, when the sound of your voice cuts through the bickering. 
In your hand, held aloft and out between the three of you, is a bottle of sun lotion. Your focus is fixed on shaking displaced items back into your bag, not looking as you make a request:
“Babe, would you do my back?”
Eddie moves on instinct before he even has time to process the ask, reaching out towards the palm tree-printed plastic- but for some reason, Robin’s hand collides with his mid-air. Goddammit, Buckley. 
His annoyance at Robin quickly gives way to confusion, then roiling embarrassment as two sets of eyes whip to him, your mouth slightly parted in an o shape and Robin making a squeak of awkward alarm.
You were talking to Robin. Obviously, you were talking to your girl friend to rub you down with lotion. 
Jesus christ, Munson, get a grip.
Eddie lets go at the same time Robin and you draw back, the three of you stammering half-sentences over the thunk of the bottle hitting the ground.
“I meant- sorry, god, sorry, I meant Robin-”
“Fucking- jesus, of course you meant Robin, I’m sorry-”
“Oh god! I can do it! It’s fine!”
There’s a brief pause where all of you stare down at the bottle, as if it holds some great mystery of the world. Or is perhaps concealing a time-bending device that will let Eddie go back twenty seconds to kick himself in the head.
He’s just about to make some lame excuse to fuck off forever when Robin beats him to it, jumping up with a spastic, nervous energy. “Um. Steve’s calling me. So I gotta… see what that dingus wants. You’re good?”
This last part, directed at you; with a quick, reassuring nod, you say “I’m good.” 
Seemingly recouped from the whole debacle, you squint up at Robin- “Eddie’s got it,” and then fixing Eddie with a disarmingly beatific smile- “Right?”
It’s like looking into the sun. Eddie is pretty sure his neurons haven’t been firing properly ever since he caught a glimpse of your thighs earlier. By some miracle, he manages coherence- “Uh-huh. Yep. Right.”
“O-o-kay.” Robin lets the word expand, then gives a dorky two-finger salute and makes for the empty pool lounger next to a snoring Steve.
Then it’s just you and Eddie, blinking at each other from your seats on opposing towels, until you lean to pick up the bottle, this time handing it directly to him. 
An invitation, paired with a smile that still pulls at the corners of your mouth.
Someone jumps noisily into the pool, a few scattered cheers accompanying the crashing water. Red’s distant “Nine-five!” echoes through the backyard and this, of all things, spurs Eddie into unfreezing.
He takes the proffered lotion, shifting to kneel in the strip of grass not covered by either of your towels, waiting and watching for your approval. 
Like something out of a dream, you lower yourself face-down again, hands tucking themselves sweetly into the space between the hollows of your shoulders and the ground. Eyes half-lidded as Eddie scooches closer.
“Just on your back?” He asks, soft, like you’re a deer about to spook (although based on the way his hands are trembling, Eddie’s the more likely candidate for chickening out and running for the hills).
“Mhm. Please.”
Fumbling under your sidelong gaze, Eddie wiggles all the rings from his fingers, stuffing them into his pocket. 
“Too cold,” he explains, feeling fidgety from your eye contact, rubbing his hands together briskly to bring out the warmth and give them something to do other than shake.
Eddie pines for a cigarette, a quick burst of nicotine to steel his nerves. Instead, he picks up the sunscreen, squeezes a quarter-sized puddle into his left hand, and shifts to kneel close as he can without actually bumping his knees into your side.
The sunscreen is already warmed from being out in the heat of the day, so Eddie starts on your left shoulder. Dips his fingers into the puddle, spreads a thin layer on the blade of your shoulder, and rubs it in. 
At first, his touch is gentle and apprehensive, but when your eyes drift shut on the second pass of his fingers, Eddie gets a bit bolder. On your right shoulder, another layer of suncream goes on, but this time, Eddie lets his thumb slip into the grooves under your shoulder blade. 
He runs his thumb along the stripe of muscle next to your scapula, still with pressure light enough to feign keeping to his task, thrilled when you make a soft noise of satisfaction.
“I would’ve asked you, y’know.” 
Eddie pauses, hand resting at the top of your spine, the skin of your neck freshly glistening and tacky from his work. “Asked me what?”
“To do this.” You shrug a shoulder, pointing in a roundabout way at your back. “I just… I didn’t think you’d say yes.”
“Why the hell would I say no to this?” The words are out before Eddie can bite them back and find a much more cool and normal thing to say. He can feel your chuckle, the vibrations of it, the way it causes the muscles in your upper back to move.
Eddie tries to cover his lameness by refocusing on the mission he’s been given, like a heroic knight bestowed with a great honor by a fair maiden… on second thought, he’s got to cut out the fantasy metaphors. This situation is wild and tempting enough as-is without adding a potentially very horny layer to the mix.
“You can get under my top, if you want,” you murmur, lashes dark against your cheek in profile, voice all honeyed and fair-maiden-like. 
Eddie swallows hard. Distributes the rest of the lotion between two palms, rests them just below the black fabric, and then slides up. Underneath the top, your skin is the same- smooth and pliant and sweet. 
“Feels nice,” you whisper, eyes still closed in reverie, sounding sleepy and relaxed.
Eddie is entranced with the way your muscles move under his touch. He applies a bit more pressure to the mid-back area of your spine, dragging his thumbs down on either side. You make another noise, this one closer to a moan, and Eddie’s really glad he’s practiced at the skill of Boner Killer On Command because he wouldn’t dare sully the atmosphere with ill-timed arousal (though his limits are certainly being tested today).
“Sorry about the callouses,” he says, a bit of self-deprecation to fill the air because he’s gotta focus on something other than the way his hand fits perfectly in the center of your low back.
“S’okay. I like them, actually. You’re good with your hands.”
Not for the first time, Eddie is relieved that you’re not looking at him- his ears are burning, on their way to bright pink. Same with his cheeks. “Cool, yeah. That’s good. Um. I play guitar, y’know so… I get around.”
After cringing at himself, Eddie watches the apple of your cheek round upwards with a smile, a sharp flash of your teeth as you say, “I can tell.”
There’s an amiable quiet that falls over the two of you; in the background, splashes and chattering from the pool group float in the air, muted by the warm winds shushing through overhead branches. 
At one point, Eddie realizes he’s covered your whole back in sunscreen and is now just trailing his fingertips over the notches of your spine, starting low and ending near your neck, following the path down again in a loop. If you mind, you don’t say anything, seemingly sated by his touch. 
There’s an aching behind Eddie’s ribs. It squeezes at his heart, makes his next breath pinch- he wants to touch you like this all the time. He’s already hooked. 
All too soon, you’re peeling yourself from the blanket, sitting up with a sheepish smile. Eddie can’t tell if you’re getting shy on him from the touch alone, or if it’s the fact that he’s the one that’s been touching. 
Either way, if Eddie could find a more chill way to say “I’d like to do that every minute for the rest of my life if you’ll let me,” he’d say it to appease any worries you may have. 
Bare knees pulled to your chest, you gesture at the bottle still in Eddie’s hand. “I could… do you, if you wanted?”
Eddie scratches the back of his neck, through the heated curtain of curls. “Nah, that’s okay. My abs won’t be ready to debut until the end of summer. 1993.”
He’s expecting at least a chuckle out of you, but instead, he’s fixed with a kind, all-knowing look. 
The two of you are face to face, your shin close enough to brush Eddie’s ribs as you state, “Not a fan of the heat, are you.”
“What gave it away?” Eddie gestures animatedly at the humidity-fed frizz of his hair, then shakes his head like a wet dog. 
When you catch one of his curls between two fingers he freezes, heart slamming to a pause as you loop it around a knuckle.
“I have some deep conditioner at my place. Could help you out if you wanna come by some time.”
Mere inches from his cheek as you lean in, Eddie squeezes his eyes shut, trying to memorize how you smell- coconutty from the lotion, a bit sweaty, a faint hint of deodorant and the vanilla perfume you spray in the mornings. 
He’s never been this close before. 
He feels electric. Or more accurately, like he’s been electrocuted, and he’s waiting for you to restart his heart. 
“Does that sound good, Eddie? You, me, some hair care… maybe a movie? I can steal some from Family Video. I know a guy.”
At his ear now, your voice is low as you wrap a hand around the inside of Eddie’s arm- it’s his turn to break into goosebumps. “Oh yeah? Willing to steal for me already?”
This earns him a stellar laugh, head tipped back to show the curve of your perfect neck. You shove at him playfully, and he’s about to snap up your hand to bite as payback when your name is yelled from across the yard.
“Come on, we need another unbiased judge!” Max waves urgently from the pool as Lucas and Dustin get into an increasingly loud argument over the Olympic grading system. 
“Goddamn kids.” This comes out much more growly than Eddie intended; you just chuckle and squeeze his arm before pulling away to stand.
Eddie mourns the loss of your body heat until you extend a hand towards him, saying, “Let’s go humor our goddamn kids, and we can talk about dinner afterwards.”
It’s like your hand is made to fit inside Eddie’s. He follows close on your heels, heart thudding a steady, overjoyed rhythm once more. 
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sanemislittledemon · 2 months
don’t leave me alone - Sanemi x suicidal!reader
A/n: I’m writing this mainly for myself because I’m struggling right now but please enjoy and I hope this helps anyone who is struggling. You are not alone, i promise.
Note that my writing is still plus size reader
Warnings: thoughts of suicide and attempts
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It was finally morning Y/N rolled around in her futon all night trying to silence the noises long enough to make herself fall asleep but nothing seemed to work. Groaning she turned her back to where the morning light was coming through the doors. This has been the third sleepless night, plagued by those thoughts of hopelessness. She’s grateful that her fiancé, Sanemi Shinazuawa wasn’t here to see her like this, the man knew about her depression and panic attacks but she hasn’t told him that they’ve been getting worse. Sanemi would probably lose it on her if she told him after so long.
The thoughts have been getting louder for months now and she’s been doing everything she could to keep everyone in the dark. Including her best friend Mitsuri, still going to meet with her and talk like they usually did so no one starts to get suspicious.
Mitsuri is such a nice person that if she thinks something is wrong she’ll go right to Sanemi. The girl means well but it’s slightly annoying.
Sighing Y/N pulls herself out of bed, walking to her closet to find something to put on. Body heavy and her head swimming from lack of sleep. She tries her best to get dressed but as soon as she gets the last piece on she collapsed to her knees, tears streaming down from her eyes.
‘You’re worthless’
‘A burden’
‘He doesn’t love you’
She grips her hair in her hands “GET OUT OF MY GODDAMN HEAD” she screams
She hears someone running through the estate towards the bedroom before the sliding door was yanked open “Y/N what’s wrong?!” She looked up to the voice, a purple uniform came through her tears “Genya?” She asked
‘Ah that’s right’ she thought
‘When Sanemis way Genya looks after me’
Pulling herself off the floor she pushes herself passed Genya, wiping away the tears and smiling up at him “nothings wrong!” She says before she runs through the halls of the estate, trying to get away as fast as possible. Y/N stops quickly at the end of a hallway, sliding open the doors of the kitchen before walking in and shutting her self in. Her body feels heavy and her mind is running with those same thoughts. Y/N slowly makes her way over to the counter, eyes shooting over to a knife without thinking she grabs it and holds it to her wrist.
A tear escaped through her lashes as she says “I’m sorry Sanemi” before sliding the blade across the flesh of her wrist. She watches as the crimson falls to the floor for a moment before collapsing, the door slides open and she hears muffled screaming just before she passes out.
Genya quickly ripped his uniform top and wraps it around her wrist to slow the bleeding before gently lifting her off the floor. He runs as fast as he can to the butterfly estate every few minutes lowering he’s head to check her breathing “ come on make it in time Genya! ” he curses himself
He finally sees the butterfly estate at the end of the road and two figures standing outside talking to each other. One a man with dark red hair and wearing a checkered haori, the other a woman with purple hair and wearing a haori that looks like a butterfly. He has eyes widened “ LADY KOCHO! “ he yelled causing the two to look over at him. The hashira quickly knew something was wrong, meeting the demon slayer halfway and examining the woman in his arms “ quickly get her inside! “ Kocho said urgently
Both demon slayers running to the butterfly estate, Genya quickly turns and yells “ TANJIRO! GO FIND MY BROTHER! “
Tanjiro nods before running in the opposite direction as the other two run into the estate taking her into Kochos exam room “Genya quickly put her on the bed then wait outside” she instructs
The man obeys laying her gently on the bed and leaving without looking back, even for him it was hard to see her like that, he couldn’t imagine what this would do to his brother. ‘why would she do this’ he thought as he was sliding down the wall outside of the exam room. Genya felt tears streaming down his face at the thought of what she’s going through and what this is going to do to Sanemi.
‘Please be okay, Y/N’ he thought
After a few hours Genya heard the doors to the butterfly estate slam open and a frantic Sanemi running towards him “Nemi” Genya starts but his voice breaks
“Where the hell is she?!” Sanemi yells but not with anger, Genya can see it on his face what he’s experiencing is fear.
“Still in there with Lady Kocho”
“ Nemi I’m sorry, I-I I would have known “
Genya feels hot tears streaming down his face, Sanemi then pats his brothers head “this isn’t you’re fault Genya” he says with a soft voice
Sanemi looks down to his brother with a sad smile “my girl is going to be okay, she’s a fighter”
a few minutes later Kocho opens the door just to get rushed my the Shinazuawa brothers “ HOW IS SHE? “ they both ask in unison just to get shushed my the woman “ hush you two! “ Kocho snapped then sighed and continued “she’ll be fine with bed rest but I want her here until her stitches are out”
The two men let out a breath they didn’t even know they were holding “ Shinazuawa please be with her until her wounds have healed, both mental and physical” the woman looked sternly at the wind hashira “Can we go see her?” He asked, the woman nodded before leaving back down the hallway.
Before Sanemi walked in Genya stops him “brother, you should be the one to see her” she says standing back and letting Sanemi through “thanks Genya, you saved her life” Sanemi replied before walking in and shutting the door behind him. He looked around the door before his eyes fell on her still asleep, he walks over to her and he felt his heart break. Y/N had small patches out hair pulled out of her head, dark circles lining the underside of her eyes and a long red line across her wrist.
Sanemi fell to his knees beside the bed sobbing into the bedsheets, he’s voice breaks as he saids through his tears “please don’t leave me alone” he man gently takes her hand that isn’t injured into his own “baby you made me into a better man you know that?” He sobs to her sleeping form
“you knocked some sense into me and make me a better brother”
“ I love you and Genya loves you, hell all of the hashira do”
He sobs into her hand as he rambles until he heard a faint noise coming from above him. Looking up he sees her beautiful eyes filled with tears “ I-I’m sorry Sanemi “ she sobs
He man quickly stands up to sit on the bed next to her “you have nothing to apologize for, if anything I should be apologizing to you” the woman’s eyes shot to his purple ones “ W-What? “ she asks making the man sigh “ you were in pain and I couldn’t see it “ Sanemi said with a shaky voice
Y/N felt her heart break at the man’s voice “ Sanemi forgive me “ she sobs making Sanemi lean down to place a kiss on her forehead “ there’s nothing to forgive “ he responded with a bright smile she’s never seen from him
Sanemi looked her in the eyes “ I won’t ask why but if you want to talk to me, I’m always here for you” she said making her nod
“ good, now I better go retrieve Genya before he’s breaks the door down “ he saids as he’s walking over to the door and pulls it open just to have a pile of people fall at his feet.
“ WHAT THE HELL?! “ he yelled
As the people got off the ground it was Tengen that spoke first “we wanted to check on her, flashy right? “ the man said making everyone roll their eyes
“ how is she? “ Giyuu asked
“ Yeah! We were so worried “ Tanjiro speaks up
“ YES HOW IS SHE? “ Mitsuri yells
Sanemi can feel a headache coming on from all these idiots but before he could yell at them it was Kocho that came down the hallway with her signature angry smile “ how can she heal with you all bothering her? “ she reprimanded
Kocho makes them leave but not without a fight from Mitsuri “ but she’s my best friend! “ she complains making Kocho shoo her back down the hallway
Sanemi hears a laugh from in the room it makes him turn around “ they are so silly “ Y/N says the man just rolls his eyes “ come in Genya “ he says before moving aside and letting his brother in then closing the door. The younger demon slayer walks slowly other to the woman, smiling she holds her hand out for Genya to take “ thank you Genya and I apologize for putting you through this” she says with a low voice. Genya surprised sits down beside her “ please don’t apologize to me! I’m the one that should’ve known something was wrong “ he comforts her. 
Sanemi walked up behind him and knocked his brother over the head “ we’ve been through this Genya “ he fussed causing Genya to pout
“ be nice “ she said to Sanemi
Sanemi chose to ignore that and said “ it’s time to rest “ he hinted to Genya and the younger just nodded before getting off the bed “ I’ll be back tomorrow okay? “ he said to the woman
“ I look forward to it “
Genya quickly leaves the room as soon as the door closes, Sanemi takes off his haori and climbs in bed beside her. He wraps his arm around the woman and kisses her forehead again “ I love you “ he saids in the softest voice he could manage
“ I love you too “ she replies making the man smile down at her
“ I’ll be here for you no matter what “
“ I know that now “
Sanemi pressed his lips to hers in a deep and passionate kiss with all the love he could manage. When he finally pulled away they were both out of breath “ go to sleep “ he whispered against her lips before forcing his head back away from hers “ don’t leave “ she said with a hint of fear to her voice. Sanemi runs a hand through her hair “ I wouldn’t dream of it “ he said bringing a smile to her face as she cuddled up to his chest, listening to his soothing heartbeat as she slowly drifted off to sleep with the man she loved so much, that she dared to continue living for.
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A Fish Out of Water ║ ⒸⓄⓁⓁⒺⒸⓉⒾⓄⓃⓈ
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| A FISH OUT OF WATER | part of the A Weight Off Your Shoulders collection ║ main masterlist ║ series masterlist ║ | PAIRING(s): Joel Miller x plus sized!fem!neighbor
| RATING: explicit material | 18+ | WORD COUNT:  4.1k | CONTENT: age gap (Joel mid 40s, neighbor late 20s), negative body image, negative self-talk, the torment of dressing rooms and trying on clothes, trying to get some healing accomplished and learn to love your body, Joel is a nasty lil slut who kneels at the altar of plus sized!fem!neighbor’s pussy
| SYNOPSIS: Joel invites you over for a swim, and your plain onepiece swimsuit  isn’t gonna cut it anymore. One new swimsuit later, and things get real wet. Spoiler: Splish splash bitch we gon’ smash.
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✧this is the second installment of a oneshot collection but can be read as a standalone✧
✧◦◦║ Part 1 ║ Part 3 ║ Part 4 ║ Part 5 ║ Part 6 ║◦◦✧
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When Joel invited you to go swimming, you considered claiming you had horrible stomach cramps and couldn’t make it. Instead, you did your best impression of a mature adult and accepted his offer. You wouldn’t have to see yourself in swimwear if you just didn’t look down, and you could ogle a shirtless Joel. All in all, there were worse things to endure.
You reluctantly unpack the single piece of swimwear you owned: a dowdy black onepiece. Black was the most slimming color, right? It wasn’t doing a whole lot for you on that front, but it was a better option than the usual old lady floral prints that plagued the onepiece section.
You liked to think of your suit as observing Victorian mourning etiquette: veiled in an abundance of black fabric, publically grieving a body that would never be the right type or shape for anything other than full coverage swimwear.
The smack of your flip flops against his concrete patio came to a halt when you saw him. There was your fine as fuck DILF situationship leaning over the edge of the above ground pool he’d got up and running once the idea of having you over for a swim had popped into his head.
You had anticipated “Dad Swimming Trunks”, the kind that had cargo pockets galore for no fucking reason and stopped at the upper calf. You’d assumed this just based on his age, but you should have known better. This man was always surprising you in the best of ways, and he was certainly not your average middle-aged man.
You drink in the sight of his quads where the hem of his trunks sit. It was a heaven-sent style that gifted you with more of his body to gawk at. God bless whoever convinced him to get those, although you know would be thirsting over him just the same if he had been wearing the official “Dad Swimming Trunks.”
He smiled and waved when he saw you, and he shifted right into his usual stance: hands resting on his hips with one slutty little knee popped out to the side. God fucking dammit. Was it too late to claim gastrointestinal distress? Joel whistled approvingly at your funeral shroud of a bathing suit, and you couldn’t help but roll your eyes and giggle. What this man saw in you, you couldn’t say. 
When you complimented his trendy trunks, this motherfucker had the nerve to act shy about it. His daughter had teased him about his “old man swimsuit” apparently and harassed him until he got something “cooler.” Ah, so you weren’t completely off base when you assumed he’d had the Dad Swim Uniform. 
Bless his little menace bully of a daughter you laugh to yourself. Your amusement fades when you consider that you are the only one in geriatric themed swimwear. You ignore the negative voice in your head and focus on the curves and dips of Joel’s body.
The two of you swam and relaxed in the pool for a couple of hours. It actually felt nice to be buoyed by the water a little bit as you wrapped your legs around Joel’s waist and made out, or when he grabbed you from behind and let you float back and forth with his swaying as you rested your head on his shoulder. It felt nice to pretend for a little bit that you were lighter than you actually were.
You hate how you still feel timid about yourself around Joel when he has only ever made you feel amazing - emotionally and physically. If anyone had earned you letting down your walls of insecurities, it was Joel. He always managed to reframe any negative thing you had to say or think about yourself.
Getting out of breath while you rode him? “Yeah, that’s right, baby. Workin’ this cock so good you can’t even breathe. Gonna fuck all the air right outta you, sweetheart.”
Frowning at the bold colored BMI number on your check-up report? “BMI is horseshit. Don’t mean anything. Thought that you’d know that, bein’ an expert at numbers and all.”
Trying to talk him out of getting ice cream because you couldn’t “afford the extra calories”? “Got you a swirly cone so you can pretend its my cock and show me how you wanna lick it before I fuck your brains out later.”
Not wanting to sit in his lap for movie night because you were going to smush him? “If you don’t come park that ass on my lap right this second, I’m not gonna pretend to like the romcom you picked.”
Not wanting to sit on his face because you would suffocate him? “Goddamn, wouldn’t that be a glorious way to go. Promise me you’ll put it in my obituary. Add somethin’, too, about ‘died doing what he loved.’”
Joel was in a league of his own in terms of how he approached your body and your thoughts about it. You’d never had such a neutral yet admiring partner. He never fetishized your figure like some guys had done in the past. “Chubby chasers” as they were known. The term was crude and minimizing of said “chubby’s” personhood, but it was unfortunately a fitting vibe for how most guys treated you and anybody over a size 12.
Joel never tried to claim that you weren’t fat. Fat was just something you had on your body; it wasn’t your primary descriptor, and it didn’t define you. “Come on, baby, you’re not fat!” was something you had heard so many times from hookups and boyfriends. But why was that such a bad thing anyway? Couldn’t you just be fat and it not be such a horrible thing? To just exist in your own body? It was a bit hypocritical to ask of them, of course, when you were your own number one slanderer.
Joel just saw your body as, well, your body. It wasn’t some complicated thing that needed to be navigated tactfully to avoid upset. It was just one facet of you, and he liked your body because it was a part of you. He so often paid positive attention to your body because he wanted to. It wasn’t some show of affection to help boost your confidence, although it certainly helped. He liked it just as he liked your sense of humor, your financial smarts, your taste in restaurants, your little quirks… 
It also didn’t hurt that he was an absolutely voracious lover, and a vocal one at that. He had some incredibly creative dirty talk that flooded your basement fast. This man could not get enough of you. New positions, new places, new everything. It was like he wanted to experience you in every combination possible, and you never turned him down.
And then that soft, tender side of him that was equally transfixing. The way he always pulled you closer to cuddle. The way he nuzzled kisses along your neck when he’d stop behind you for a moment while you were washing dishes at the sink. The way his large hands would trace mindless patterns against the inside of your thigh when you were sitting watching TV together.
The two of you weren’t officially an item,  but the “we sure do a lot of relationship things for two people who aren’t in a relationship” list was growing every week. You had a feeling that Joel was more than ready to head down that path, but you still had reservations about getting into anything serious after your last bad breakup. You’d been in a long-term relationship that was about to take a turn into wedding bells and honeymoons but instead took a sharp left into “I’m throwing this years long relationship down the drain because I want to fuck somebody younger, skinnier, and better than you.”
As much as you’d love to say that you had moved on and healed from the pain that your ex-fiance Michael’s cheating had brought you, it would have been a lie. It had swallowed you up and spit you out squarely into “I’m never going to be good enough for anyone” territory. Though Joel had never given any indication that he was interested in anything but you, the fear of rejection and abandonment still loomed.
But Joel had a curious knack of worming his way into your heart and sprinkling little bits of confidence there. That’s why when you were meandering through a big chain retailer, you took a quick peek at the swimsuits they had on display. The full coverage styles that you always went for were all the way to the back, where big girls could run and hide as they shopped with shame.
A bright pink something catches your eye as you lazily scan the offerings. You can’t make out the style very well over the display rack in the middle of the section, so you venture around it to get a better look. It was absolutely adorable. Hot pink with little embroidered daisies. Your face falls, though, when you realize you are looking at a two piece with very stringy closures.
You bet Joel would like it …. If he were here with you right now, he would all but demand you at least try it on before deciding you hated it. You sigh and grab the one furthest back before heading to the dressing rooms. 
God did you hate dressing rooms. There probably wasn’t another setting that had given you so many Vietnam style flashbacks than dressing rooms. Sometimes these assholes would even put in 3 slanted mirrors side by side so you had no choice but to observe yourself from more angles. Bunch of sick, twisted bastards.
You face away from the mirrors while you tie the strings around your hips and back. If you saw yourself getting into this thing, there’s no way you’d even finish putting it on all the way before you gave up. You spin with your eyes closed, facing the mirrors and counting backwards from 5 to work up the nerve to open your eyes.
Well, Joel would definitely like it, so at least there was that. The first thing your eyes flew to was your pudgy lower belly sticking out from the sides of the bottom. It butted right up to your round, jiggly, cellulite-speckled thighs. Adjusting the straps on your hips didn’t do much to magically shrink your bulgy bits, but it sort of looked like a sexy, teasing gesture when you did it.
You stand there with fidgety hands on your hips and scrutinize your reflection. You were so used to seeing yourself all covered up that this completely normal bikini made you feel like you were sporting two bandaids and a cork. A public indecency call would definitely be made to the police if you ever stepped out in this thing.
You sigh and tilt your head to the side as if it’s going to give you a more positive vantage point. The daisies looked so perfect against the pink. It was such an adorable swimsuit. You twist your hips side to side in a small swivel motion and take in the way the little neon pink strings dance across your skin, like they’re begging to be pulled until they come apart and make the bottoms fall to the floor. 
It was kind of cute. You try out that little pulling on the strings on your hips motion before letting them softly snap back against your skin. The way the strings grazed your hips was kind of nice. And maybe your tits actually sort of maybe looked good???
The trickling semi-positive thoughts were unexpected but welcome. Joel must be reworking your brain or something, rewiring it to be nicer. Like his reverence of you was being absorbed osmotically and making itself at home in your mind, internalizing and mimicking his adoration but in your own words and thoughts. You had your underwear on still to try on the bottoms, and it seemed like it would be enough of a buffer to brave taking a look at your ass in this thing. You turn and crane your head over your shoulder to see the back and immediately wish you hadn’t.
“UGH gross! You could eat a whole bowl of Cheerios out of those dimples on your ass!”
There was that inner voice of yours. No more trickle of nice, Joel-style thoughts. Now just a deluge of your well honed self-criticism.
You flip the tag in your hand and look over the print. It’s on sale. Before you can think about it too much and change your mind, you shimmy out of the suit and take it to the register.
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Another scorching afternoon rolls around, and you work up the nerve to suggest some pooltime to help cool off.. 
“Hhmmm, how ‘bout we make it a skinny dip kinda thing?” Joel waggled his eyebrows up and down theatrically, but you know he is being dead serious.
“Skinny dip for you, maybe. More like a ‘chunky dunk’ for me,” you grumble. You are already letting the voice in your head get the better of your barely-there confidence.
Never missing a beat and always managing to reframe your disparaging commentary, Joel piped up, “Yeah I got a chunk that’s gettin’ chunkier thinkin’ about us naked in the pool, and I think I know just where I’d like to dunk–”
“Shutup and get changed, pervert,” you giggle as you stand from the patio chair. He joins in a chuckle and gives your ass a little slap before sauntering down your steps and over to his house.
“See ya in 5, sweetheart. Offer for skinny dipping is still on the table.”
You stifle another laugh and shake your head. God he was so goofy and adorable sometimes. You hope that his filthy, sexy side will be the one to emerge when you debut your new bikini. This time you would not be outright lying if you postponed your swim over tummy troubles. Your stomach flipped and lurched with nerves as you look yourself up and down in the full length mirror you keep shoved behind the office door.
You were never going to feel confident enough to march over there without a care in the world, so there was no use in trying to work yourself into that mental state. You simply ignore any thoughts about it and adjust your top one last time before slipping out your back door and trudging across your yard into Joel’s.
Your skin practically prickled up in goosebumps as it greedily drank up the warm rays of sun. You feel a tinge of guilt that you have never been kind enough to your body to let it just be free and feel the world around it. You always hide it away as best as you can, shoving it into this and covering it with that. As such, some parts of it have never known the warmth of the sun hitting it or a stray breeze delicately brushing by. Your body has done so much for you. It housed you. It let you play sports. It responded enthusiastically to Joel. Instead of being grateful for all things your body has done and continues to do for you, you lash out at it and admonish its existence.
Maybe you should take a page out of Joel’s book and try to treat it with some kindness.
Said man was already waiting by the pool with the hose running to fill it up a little more. He was so handsome. Maybe you needed to pull another Joel move and dole out some compliments to him more often, too. Always preoccupied with how ugly you must look, you probably didn’t offer up enough praise for him.
“You really do look so damn good in those trunks, Joel.” The warmth of your voice draws his attention over to you with a content smirk. If there was any time you wished you’d caught something on film, it was his reaction to you.
There was an old cartoon you used to watch as a kid that had a pretty redhead lady and a wolf in a snazzy suit that who was completely enamored with her. If Joel’s eyes had the ability to shoot out in cartoonish telescopic heart style, they would’ve shot right out at you.
His jaw hung loose as he turned to face you head on. His grip on the hose never faltered, and the water meant for the pool was now splashing all over the concrete patio. It was the sort of spirited response you had hoped for, and it gave you the confidence boost you needed to get flirtatious.
“Whaddya think?” 
You tilt your head to the side in a coy display. Joel licks his lips and zips his eyes over every inch of you. You take a few steps towards him and decide to lay it on a little thicker and see where it takes you.
“The pink is cute, right?” you press in a throaty hum. Your fingers glide down the strings over your shoulders and against the cups on your top. Joel’s arm drops all the way to his side, but a few of his brain cells have managed to collaborate and keep his hold tight on the hose.
“Thought you might like it.” You can see the crotch of his trunks starting to tent already, and you just can’t help yourself when you do that tug at the strings on your hips maneuver. When you let them snap against your skin, Joel drops the hose and closes the distance between you in a few hurried strides.
He stops just short of you, not wanting to get so close that he can no longer ogle. His hands hover in the air in front of you as if he can’t decide what to grab or grope first.
“Goddamn,” he breathes. His eyes widen like he’s trying to make more space for them to take in more of you. 
“Joel, cut the water,” you say, pointing to the forgotten hose spewing a steady stream onto the patio. Joel doesn’t move and opts to just stare at you with a wild, hungry look. You give a feigned sigh of annoyance as you brush past him and twist the spigot off. The little bit you had to bend down to turn the water off was apparently enough to send Joel over the edge because he’s on you before you know it.
“Inside.” His voice is needy and gruff in a way you’ve never heard before. No need to get into the pool to get absolutely drenched when you’ve got this feral horndog all but pouncing on you right here and now.
“Jesus, Joel, are you in heat or something?” you tease as he pushes you backwards into the house.
The way this man was reacting to your normal as hell bikini like you were outfitted in the nastiest lingerie you could find. To be fair, you never wore anything remotely sexy or revealing, so this was as close to lingerie as Joel had ever seen on you.
Joel is seizing handfuls of you as he grips and grinds into you. The urgency in his kiss is catching, and you dart your tongue against his in a frenzied dance. He’s rock hard against you. You can feel it through his trunks on your thigh. You swallow the groan rumbling up his throat when he presses you against the roll of his hips.
He guides you to the kitchen counter and spins you around. You catch yourself on the palms of your hands as Joel jerks your hips back slightly. He spreads your legs apart with a push of his foot against yours.
“Stay just like that for me, baby.” His gravelly command locks you in place, and you wait for his next move. He crouches behind you and settles onto his knees, grunting at the ache that springs up in them regularly. He runs his hands up and down your legs and finally splay them across the expanse of your backside before pushing, pulling, and massaging the flesh there. The back panel of your bikini bottoms is now swallowed into your crease, and a surprise gasp escapes you when Joel shoves his entire face against the fabric on your crotch.
A deep groan vibrates against your clothed pussy and sends molten liquid up your spine. Joel spreads your ass open and slides his thumbs just past the junction of your thighs. His pressure gets firmer as the up and down sliding passes reach your outer lips. Your breathing is as shaky as your legs, but you try to keep in place as he asked.
One of his thumbs gently slips under the fabric and pulls it to the side, revealing your slick covered slit. You start to say his name but it’s cut off when he spits a hot pearl of saliva onto your bare cunt. You jolt at the sensation and have no time to recover before the flat of his tongue is smearing across your heat. When your hips jerk a second time at that, Joel reaches both arms through your legs and hooks them onto your thighs to hold you in place. Your belly pushes into the counter as Joel darts his tongue in and out of you, swirling and nipping at your clit.
You’re close to climax when he suddenly pulls up and pulls you flush against his chest.
“Can I take you just like this?” he rasps.
Usually you use a condom, but fuck it. There’s no way you’re pressing pause on this.
“Take it however you want it, baby,” you whine back.
 Joel literally growls in reply, and you hear him shoving at the waistband of his trunks before seeing them fall to the floor and kicked to the side. You move to untie your bikini bottoms, but Joel’s hand stops you.
“No. Want ‘em on,” he grunts before lifting your leg onto the counter and shoving the fabric against your crotch aside once more.
Joel was always big to take, and his swift entry all the way to the base of his cock was a whole new feat. You were incredibly grateful that you were already so wet and sticky for him. You choke out a moan at the blissful stretch that stings just right. Joel pauses and offers a hurried apology, hoping he hasn’t hurt you in his rush to fill you up.
“Fuck me now,” you grit.
Joel does that, and more. His body has your leg pinned onto the counter while one hand is on your clit and the other going back and forth between your nipples with a pinch and a roll of his thumb and middle finger. Just like your bottoms, Joel leaves your top on and instead shoves his hands under the cups to touch you. You are grabbing at the cabinets and anything else you can find, just trying to hold on while receiving Joel’s punishing pace and thrusts.
“Ohh-ahh, Joel, I can’t-I can’t hold on,” you stutter. “Can’t hold on m-much more.”
“Make a fuckin’ mess of my cock, baby. Wanna feel you come on this cock. Pretty pink pussy in this pretty pink bikini. All fuckin’ mine.”
When he tilts your hips just so and bottoms out every pass, you careen over the edge and let out a broken sob of his name. The gripping, pulsing clench of you on his length sends Joel into his own release shortly after. He fucks you both through it and eventually slows to a sloppy roll of his hips.
He steps back enough for your leg to come off the counter but quickly steps forward again so you’re leaning against it once more. You can feel his hard pulls of air and huffs of exhales between your shoulder blades as he wraps his arms around your middle. 
“God-fuckin’-damn,” he pants with a laugh.
You are completely fucked out and can’t string words together to save your life.
“You been holdin’ out on me, sweetheart. Hidin’ this pretty thing,” he hums, pulling at the strings on your hips.
You mumble something incoherent that was supposed to express that it was new and you hadn’t been keeping it from him. Joel chuckles, “Fuckin’ cockdrunk. Just how I love.”
To that you shoot him a conspiratorial smile. He pulls out of you, groaning with satisfaction as his spend leaks out of you and down your thigh. “I think the only water activity today is gonna be a shower, sweetheart,” he chuckles against your ear. “We can save skinny dipping for next time.”
You laugh quietly, enjoying the happy dance of chemicals in your brain, and wonder to yourself if you’re ever going to make it into the pool with your new suit. With Joel around, chances are slim to none.
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Thank you for the positive response to the first installment of these two (A Weight Off Your Shoulders). They are so fun to write, and based on the reception from AWOYS I just had to share this lil snippet I had already written. These two have really made a home for themselves in my brain!
Special shoutout to @thesailorofuranus for encouraging me to share more of these two with the world. I might just be working on a lil something she requested in the last one, so be on the lookout. 😈 Again ty ty ty for reading. If you wanna catch up on the series that I will be updating next, check out this link to Endless Night.
Catch ya later,
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cyanbugremix · 15 days
Hyy bug-fren 💙💙 I come with seasonal question 🖤
what kind of halloween costume would you wear? 🎃🦇🐈‍⬛
Hi Midas!!!!! Thank you for the question! 🖤🖤🖤
Hmm this year I'm probably going to go as a lady from the 1920s!
(I have finally collected enough pieces to have a 1920s costume: a straw cloche hat with navy blue cording around it, a navy blue 1980s dress that I thrifted and then changed to fit me better (it looks very 1920s in style), low heeled shoes, and a sorta long-beaded necklace (it's the longest one I got). Plus I have a fur coat if it gets cold again this year.)
Although, I will not be wearing that costume to college because I have an art class and I don't want it to get too messy. (I have opted to wear a Halloween themed headband instead).
But usually, I dress up as characters for Halloween :)
Last year I went as "Maximillian (Jenius) Sterling" from Robotech (1985), because my hair was dyed that exact shade of blue of his and was about the same length AND I had blue heart glasses to match the tinted glasses he wears.
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^^ Maximillian for reference
The year before that I had gone as Wirt from Over The Garden Wall!
As a kid, I would, in some fashion, dress up as Winnie the Pooh. (I think when I was 9, I just did a red t-shirt and wrote 'Pooh Bear' and made my own Winnie the pooh ears and glued them on a headband because I could not find Winnie the Pooh costumes in my size and didn't know how to sew full-on outfits.)
I think my least motivated costume was when I was around 13 and chose to wear a "Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer" onesie. Wearing a onesie for Halloween was the cool thing to do for a few years, and I had no other idea of what to dress up as, so my friends talked me into it. Good pjs for later tho
And I pretty much dress up every year for Halloween. The only time I didn't was freshman year of high school because I was A) being socially anxious and felt weird dressing up and B) I had the swim unit for gym class happening that week so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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malinastharlock · 11 months
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Just few pictures, I forgot the post. My partner got me this really cute octopus bracelet. Also, there was this one lovely lady at the Renaissance Festival, I absolutely loved her hobbit outfit, she did the feet on her hobbit outfit herself, she got some giant feet, cut them to size and then glue them over some sandals and then glued doll hair to them and painted the toenails on them and they look so freaking cute. I loved her outfit so freaking much, I had to ask her if I could take a picture of her. She was so super nice about it too, and told me all about her outfit, and the person she was there with was super awesome too, and was wearing a hell of a boss hoodie. I don't like to assume things about people, so I'm not sure if they were like together together, or what, but they were really cute together. There's also the shop that has like these really cute swim tops for mermaids, and I want one, so bad cause it looks like 2 octopi would be holding my boobies. Plus, it was like 200 dollars, so I can't really afford that even knowing I want it so bad, I might get it next time I go back, maybe next year or even this weekend, depending on if work is good. I was also really excited to see a lot of trans individuals at the Renaissance Festival. It made me so happy and I don't know, last year I went, it felt kind of awkward like a lot of people kept staring at me, but this year, I didn't feel as awkward, I felt a lot better. My partner and I also got a lot of complements on our outfits too 😁.
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gimme some of your norma headcanons
Here you go!
I've seen all sorts of Normas having different careers: Bookstore owners, florists... And while I think those are great, don't get me wrong... They feel out of character for her? Like, you'd expect Norma, an active lady as she is to have a less of a peaceful? job. I like to imagine her having a regular job. After all, she's just a regular odd lady after all. So, my Norma works as a waitress. Serves clients breakfasts and all sorts of things while she rollerskates! Which explains why she's seen constantly wearing that poofy yellow dress.
Norma is a very athletic lady. She loves sports. During the winters she loves to snowboard! She also knows how to swim, and travels around with her rollerskates! For a short period of time she used to be in a roller derby team. She can DEFINITELY tackle anyone despite her size. Watch out, Once-ler!
Although athletic, funnily enough, she can be very accident prone! Which is why you often see her legs or arms covered in bandages. Also why she has short nails and possibly chipped nail polish constantly.
She doesn't know how to cook. She almost burned the diner where she works at once, also almost made the microwave at her home explode. So yeah, Once-ler is the one with more expertise in this area.
Norma's dream consists of traveling the world, but also becoming a dancer.
Norma is very passionate about nature! One of her hobbies that she shared with one of her parents was gardening. This girl isn't afraid of getting dirty at all. The type of person to hold a scary bug and chase you around! She also is an activist group that defends nature, and you can see her sometimes cleaning the park or doing other charity activities. Unfortunately, because of her job, she had been paying less attention to that.
This Norma is small like the others, but also plus-sized. This has brought her self-esteem issues when she compares herself to the other girls of Greenville, finding herself unlovable and her dream of becoming a dancer almost impossible.
Norma is very oblivious about boundaries sometimes. Along with her lack of "grace", body size and personality, this has made potential partners to drop her in the blink of an eye.
In the eyes of The Once-ler though, she's very graceful to him. How she rolls around with her skates, her auburn hair dancing with the wind...
Out of her work, Norma doesn't wear dresses. She wears sleeveless/short sleeved utility jumpsuits. They're usually a plain color, but sometimes they have patterns. The length of the pants go above the ankle. (Something like this, but picture it as mustard! ↓) If she's not wearing her brown rollerskates, then she's wearing brown sneakers (similar to converse) She always has a bandana around her neck. Usually the same one she wears at the diner, it's useful and matches her eyeshadow!
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It's either that, or short brown overalls with a pastel yellow shirt!
She's around the same age as the Once-ler. There isn't much of an age difference.
People often forget she has a beauty mark on her cheek! She does! Watch the movie carefully!
I think I have more, but these involve the Once-ler as well :) <3
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kingscollect1on · 6 months
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mommiessecret · 8 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Lands' End Women's Chlorine Resistant Zip Front Tankini Swimsuit Top 1X plus.
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japanshopees · 11 months
Women Tankini Plus Size Swimsuit Push Up Swim Wear 2023 Wholesale Beachwear Hot Sale Aimer
Title: Embrace Confidenc underwear women's canada e and Elegance with the Women Tankini Plus Size Swimsuit Push Up Swimwear 2023 by Wholesale Beachwear Hot Sale Aimer
Introduction: As the warm sun caresses your skin and the gentle waves tickle your toes, it's paramount to feel confident and beautiful in your swimwear. Enter the Women Tankini Plus Size Swimsuit Push Up Swimwear 2023 brought to you by Whol
Unleash Your Inner Goddess: With the Women Tankini Plus Size Swimsuit, every woman can unleash her inner goddess. It exudes sensuality, offering a blend of allure and modesty that flatters all
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Unparalleled Design: Aimer, known for their exquisite designs, has crafted the perfect piece of swimwear for modern-day goddesses. The push-up feature adds a touch of sophistication, lifting and enhancing your natural curves. The tankini style is both trendy and functional, providing ample coverage while accentuating your waistline. Its plus-size fit ensures comfort and a perfect fit, allowing you to move with grace and confidence.
Redefining Beachwear Fashion: Wholesale Beachwear Hot Sale Aimer has redefined beachwear fashion with the Women Tankini find my underwear size Plus Size Swimsuit. The captivating combination of vibrant colors and patterns guarantees to turn heads as you stroll along the shoreline. Its innovative mix of style and comfort ensures that you are always the center of attention, radiating elegance and poise that leaves a lasting impression.
Quality Materials: When it comes to Wholesale Beachwear Hot Sale Aimer, quality is never compromised. The Women Tankini Plus Size Swimsuit is made from premium materials that provide lasting durability. Its soft fabric ensures a comfortable experience, while its quick-drying properties allow you to transition effortlessly from beach to poolside without compromising style or comfort.
Conclusion: Ladies, it's time to embrace your body, feelings of sensuality, and exude the confidence you deserve with the Women Tankini Plus Size Swimsuit Push Up Swimwear 2023 from Wholesale Beachwear Hot Sale Aimer. Let this stunning piece of swimwear take you on a journey of self-discovery, redefining beachwear fashion and empowering you to unleash the goddess within. So, dive into the waves, bask under the sun, and let your beauty shine through with every step you take.
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exquizite-gemzs · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: black swimsuit bathing suit swim wear attire one piece full coverage high waists.
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womenbras · 2 years
Plus Size Long Nightdress & Swimwear Australia – Online Suppliers with Great Deals
When you do not wear loose and comfortable clothes while sleeping at night, not only does it seem hard to get out of the day's work mode, but the body scrambles to get rid of the awkward tension. Plus size long nightdress is the perfect wearable for people who feel tired with daytime tasks. This will not only unwind your body completely but also help you sleep soundly.
Plus-size dresses are very uncommon among Australian homewear suppliers. Working in this direction, some manufacturers have chosen to make specialty plus-size clothing available. They sell swimwear Australia online as well as plus-size bras, nightwear, shape wear, sleepwear, and other items. When it comes to requiring wearables for swimming pools and beaches, one can choose from a range of products.
Types of Swimwear Generally Offered by Reputable Manufacturers:
Swimsuits – These dresses are specifically designed and developed for women who do not want to expose too much of their bodies in pools or on beaches. It comes with a bottom, and these dresses usually cover the hips, thighs, and rear.
Tankini Tops and Bras – If you enjoy wearing two-piece suits but need more coverage than a plus-size bikini top provides, a tankini can be a terrific choice. This can help wearers feel confident around slimmer ladies and enhance their appearance.
One Piece Bather – Wearing the fully covered bather, one can enjoy outside bathing or showering without any hassle. Make certain that the fabric you choose is durable and not mesh.
Mastectomy Swimwear – This is designed specifically for women who have undergone a mastectomy, which is the surgical removal of one or both breasts. These provide women with a comfortable and supportive fit.
In conclusion, reputable suppliers are offering a wide range of large-size swimwear in various categories to choose from. Ladies who want to live with freedom and enthusiasm can buy as per their choice and interest.
Find a renowned plus-size bra and nightdress supplier online and browse their range of products.
Source: https://plussizesleepwearaustralia.blogspot.com/2023/03/plus-size-long-nightdress-swimwear.html
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summerviedubai · 2 years
Beach Body Confidence: A Comprehensive Guide to Plus-Size Swimwear
Summer is just around the corner, and that means it's time to start thinking about swimwear. For larger ladies, shopping for swimwear can be a daunting task. With so many styles, cuts, and colors to choose from, it can be difficult to know where to start. But fear not, as we have compiled the ultimate guide to choosing swimming wear for ladies 
Know Your Body Shape
The first step to choosing the perfect swimming costumes for women is to know their body shape. The most common body shapes for larger ladies are apple, pear, hourglass, and rectangle. Apple-shaped ladies tend to carry weight around their midsection, while pear-shaped ladies carry weight in their hips and thighs. Hourglass-shaped ladies have a balanced bust and hip measurement with a defined waistline, and rectangle-shaped ladies have a straight figure with little waist definition.
Once you know your body shape, you can choose swimwear that will flatter your figure. For apple-shaped ladies, a one-piece with ruching or a high-waisted bikini will draw attention away from the midsection. For pear-shaped ladies, a bikini with a patterned top and solid-colored bottom will balance out the hips. Hourglass-shaped ladies can wear almost any style of swimwear, while rectangle-shaped ladies can create curves with a belted one-piece or a bikini with ruffles.
Choose the Right Style
Now that you know your body shape, it's time to choose the right style of swimwear. There are many different styles of swimming suits for ladies in Dubai, including one-piece, bikinis, tankini, and swim dress. Each style has its own benefits and drawbacks, so it's important to choose the right one for your body shape and personal preference.
One-piece swimwear
One-piece swimwear is a classic style that flatters almost every body shape. They are great for apple-shaped ladies as they can help to smooth out the midsection. They can also be high-cut to elongate the legs. For pear-shaped ladies, a one-piece with a low-cut neckline will draw attention to the upper body. Hourglass-shaped ladies can wear almost any style of one-piece, while rectangle-shaped ladies can create curves with a one-piece with ruffles or cutouts.
Bikinis are a popular style of swimwear that can be both flattering and comfortable. They are great for pear-shaped ladies as they can balance out the hips with a patterned top and solid-colored bottom. Apple-shaped ladies can wear a high-waisted bikini to draw attention away from the midsection. Hourglass-shaped ladies can wear almost any style of bikini, while rectangle-shaped ladies can create curves with a bikini with ruffles or a padded top.
Tankinis are a hybrid of a tank top and a bikini bottom. They are great for apple-shaped ladies as they can help to smooth out the midsection while still showing off some skin. Pear-shaped ladies can wear a tankini with a patterned top and solid-colored bottom to balance out the hips. Hourglass-shaped ladies can wear almost any style of the tankini, while rectangle-shaped ladies can create curves with a tankini with ruffles or a padded top.
Swim dresses
Swim dresses are a feminine and flattering style of swimwear that is great for all body shapes. They can help to smooth out the midsection and balance out the hips. They also provide more coverage than other styles of swimwear, which can be great for those who are self-conscious about their bodies.
Summervie offers a wide range of swimming clothes for women, designed to flatter every body type and provide maximum comfort and support. Their collection includes one-piece swimsuits, bikinis, tankinis, and more, all available in a variety of colors, patterns, and sizes.
Choose the Right Color and Pattern
Choosing the right color and pattern of swimwear is just as important as choosing the right style. Bright colors and bold patterns can draw attention to areas of the body you want to show off, while darker colors and smaller patterns can help to hide areas you want to conceal.
For larger ladies, darker colors such as black, navy, and dark blue are great options as they can help to create a slimming effect. If you prefer brighter colors, opt for jewel tones such as emerald green or sapphire blue. Stay away from neon colors or patterns that are too busy, as they can draw attention to areas you may want to conceal.
If you want to add some patterns to your swimwear, choose patterns that are small or medium-sized, as they can help to create a more balanced and proportionate look. Stripes and polka dots are classic patterns that can be both playful and stylish. Floral patterns can also be a great choice, as they can add a feminine touch to your swimwear.
Accessorize Your Swimwear
Accessorizing your swimwear can help to complete your look and make you feel confident and stylish. Here are some accessories you may want to consider:
Cover-ups: A cover-up can be a great addition to your swimwear, as it can provide more coverage and protect your skin from the sun. Choose a cover-up that complements your swimwear and fits your personal style.
Sunglasses: Sunglasses are not only stylish but can also protect your eyes from the sun's harmful rays. Choose a pair of sunglasses that flatter your face shape and complement your swimwear.
Hats: A hat can provide shade and protect your face from the sun. Choose a hat that complements your swimwear and fits your personal style.
Sandals: Sandals are the perfect footwear for the beach or pool. Choose a pair of sandals that are comfortable and complement your swimwear.
Final Thoughts
Choosing the perfect swimwear for larger ladies can be a daunting task, but with the right knowledge and guidance, it can be an enjoyable and rewarding experience. Remember to know your body shape, choose the right style, color, and pattern, and accessorize your swimwear to complete your look. Most importantly, wear what makes you feel confident and comfortable, and enjoy your time at the beach or pool.
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byalanna · 2 years
Most Adorable and Flattering Women's Modest Swimsuits Alanna Maria.
Although the majority of us are self-conscious about our bodies, we all want to appear our best in our swimwear. Swimsuits are intended to be enjoyable, but instead they make us feel out of place, which may be stressful. However, you may feel certain and at ease in your skin with the appropriate swimwear.
A bottom made for swimming is a modest swim bottom. It's made to keep the user modest and shield them from the elements and other things.
The Modest Swim Bottom is a traditional bottom that comes in a variety of hues and patterns. The swim bottoms contain a liner, a zipper, and are constructed of premium material. Additionally, they include drawstring waistbands and elastic across the waist and legs. This elegant, cosy, and stylish modest swimwear is a lovely item of apparel. The swimsuit includes an elastic waistband to assist it stay in place and is constructed from a soft, breathable material.A modest swimsuit is one that covers the appropriate portion of the body and is modest in that way. One-piece suits and bikinis are both examples of modest swimwear. The modest swimsuit is a long-sleeved swimming suit with a high cut at the back and a modest front. Long sleeves keep you toasty in the water, and the high back shape is attractive.Alanna Swimsuits come in a variety of fabrics and hues to complement a woman's shape. They are also made to seem like swimwear-free covering and to flatter. Women can feel secure and look stylish in the proper swimwear. The trends in the women's swimsuit market are always changing. Numerous new designs have emerged since the plus-size trend first emerged.Finding swimsuits that are stylish and flattering for a curvy lady can be challenging. It provides stylish and adorable swimsuits for females of various body types. The perfect swimwear can highlight your individuality and sense of style. For women who wish to feel at ease and present a fashionable appearance at the beach or pool, these modest swimsuits are ideal.
We have the greatest modest swimwear for ladies here at by Alanna. You'll want to wear our adorable and attractive modest swimsuits for ladies everywhere. Our modest swimwear for ladies is made to enhance your body and give you a sensual, confident feeling. You may choose the ideal swimsuit for your body type from among the many designs and colours of the modest swimsuits for women we have to offer. For more information, visit- https://byalannamaria.com/collections
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stepbystepfashion · 2 years
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wisi-oi · 3 years
Women's Yellow Halter Neck Bikini | Wisi-Oi In South Africa
Description - Shop our collection of yellow halter two-piece swimwear, including sports tankinis & bikinis designed, and find unique items to suit your style at the latest affordable price for bikinis and much more clothing apparel. Shop Today!
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mastercherry · 2 years
I know some people don't like gender-bending one half of a gay ship, which is why this post isn't for you. It's for me 😂 And I'll gender-bend one half of a gay ship anytime I want.
This gay ship is Sterek. And the gender I'm bending? Stiles. Instead of a tall, slender, handsome guy, Stiles is a short, plus-size beautiful lady. With body issues although she is so body positive for everyone else. She just can't always turn that positivity back on herself. She's comfortable in jean, baggy tshirts and over shirts. Layers.
The whole pack is going on a vacation, a trip to a lake house owned by either the Hale family or Jackson's family. Maybe Lydia's family. Doesn't matter. Point is, summer time, lake house, bathing suits.
Cue the whole pack already being around the dock and ahore, swimming, having a good time. Stiles and Lydia are missing. The wolves hear a car pull up- it's them.
"Are you sure this looks okay?" Stiles asks, self consciously pulling her cover up further down her thighs after unbuckling her seatbelt.
Lydia, a queen, grabs her hand. "Stiles, babe, I assure you that it looks great. I wouldn't plead you astray." She pulls back and gets out of the car. "Besides," she grins, leaning back in to whisper so wolf ears won't hear, "You could wear a trash bag and Derek would still try to eat you with his eyes."
Stiles blushes. "Shut up. No he wouldn't." But she gets out of the car. She asked Lydia to help her pick out a new bathing suit for a reason. She's going to make her move on Derek. Everyone is convinced he's in love with her, she can't see it herself, but she does have hope. And she's definitely in love with him.
ANYWAYS. Sorry, long story short. She is wearing a bikini that shows off all her curves. Thick thighs, soft tummy, all the good stuff and all the skin. But it's not just Derek that can't help staring- it's all the wolves. Even her best bro Scott.
They have a good time. Here's the reason I got on here to make this post. They play chicken. Which Stiles has never really been a fan of because of her size. But you know who can hold up her weight without struggle? You know who can barely concentrate with her thick thighs around his head? Derek.
That's right. Good thing they're in waist deep water or everyone would actually see how much he likes this position.
And then later they get into a lot of different positions. And it's super hot. Someone write it please. I expect 10,000 words on my desk by Monday LOL
Love you! 😘😘😘❤❤❤
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