#switch roxy
gamequeenanya · 2 years
Tickletober Day 6: Cuddles
FNAF SB - Freddy rescues Roxy from the Pizzaplex and makes her feel beautiful again. (switch!Glamrock Freddy, switch!Roxy, lee!Gregory)
Freddy had insisted on going back for her. Gregory didn't like it one bit, and was still scared of her, but he let Freddy go.
He'd worked on curing the virus that had infected everyone. None of the animatronics were supposed to harm any humans! It had taken about a month, but Freddy managed to isolate the virus and get rid of it when testing on an old computer.
Having gone into the pizzaplex, he started his rescue mission. Guiding her with his voice, Freddy managed to (mostly) calm Roxy and led her home. She still softly sobbed and didn't meet his gaze with her empty eye sockets. When they got to the car, Freddy decided to try his antivirus there. It was far enough from home that Gregory wouldn't get hurt if something went wrong.
Telling her that he'd soon have her fixed and she'd be as good as new, Freddy applied the antivirus. The virus tried to fight back, making Roxy spazz and glitch for a few moments. Then she relaxed, the virus now gone.
"Freddy...? What am I doing here?" She asked. He smiled, glad she was back.
"You were infected with a virus... I cured it!"
"I'm blind... Was the virus doing that too...?" She wondered. He looked away in shame.
"No. But I can fix you! Come home with me and I'll repair you."
So they drove back to Freddy and Gregory's house. Roxy seemed a little nervous. In the moments they spent in the car, she remembered everything.
"That kid's gonna be there, isn't he??"
Freddy winced. "I'll talk to him. Since the virus is gone, I know you won't try to harm him. Perhaps, we can all be friends...?"
She growled. "Fat chance."
In the garage, Freddy repaired Roxy. He was a skilled mechanic. Memorizing all the parts of the Glamrock animatronics in case something went wrong. Roxy was fairly easy to fix. He gave back her eyes, which had been taken from her and given to him, and put back his old ones. They couldn't see through walls, but they were his.
Afterwards, he showed her what she looked like. She seemed satisfied, but pointed out that her makeup had gotten ruined.
"Want me to fix it?" Freddy asked. She nodded. He looked around for some suitable paint. After a while, he came back with a black bucket of paint. "I'm sorry, I only have this."
"It's alright. I'd like to try it!" She said.
So Freddy applied a couple coats of paint to her eyelashes and eyelids. When he finished, he stood back, astounded.
"Does it look good...?" Roxy wondered, and grabbed the mirror. "Ohhh yeah!!" She did the love sign with her paws and did a 'rockstar' grin.
Smiling, Freddy said, "I am glad you like it!"
Roxy pulled him into a hug. "Thank you. I-I'm beautiful again!"
He hugged back. "You are beautiful to me no matter what."
She hummed and then looked up into his eyes. And they shared a kiss.
When they came upstairs, Gregory screeched.
"What is she doing here?!"
"Come now, Gregory. I fixed her up so she isn't dangerous anymore!"
She growled and ran up to him. "But I'm still getting my revenge!" Scooping him up, she tickle-attacked his armpits, ribs, and stomach.
"EEEEEE!! HEEHEHEHEHEHEEEEEE!! NOHOHOOOHOOOOO!!" he cried, squirming and wiggling away. Freddy came over and scooped them both up into a hug.
"I've got both of you!" he said, joining in, getting his sides.
"EEEEEEEEK! FREDDEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!" Gregory screeched. Finally, it looked like he'd had enough so they let up. As soon as Gregory was set down, he ran off.
Roxy chuckled. "Kids."
"He'll get used to you, I promise." Freddy said warmly. And he looked upstairs, deciding to give her a tour of the house. "There is a bed in my room, would you like to cuddle...?"
She nodded. "That's one of those human things, isn't it? Sounds fun."
They snuggled close to one another.
"Are you comfortable...?" Freddy asked. She hummed happily. "I am glad..."
"By the way, it's your turn." Roxy said. And she tickled his armpits.
"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!! NOHOHOT THERE!!" He laughed, trying not to wiggle too much. Freddy hadn't been programmed to be ticklish in a lot of spots, but he was still sensitive in a few common places.
"Oh? Then how about here...?" Roxy wondered, digging into his hips.
"HAHAHHHHAAHAAAHAHAHAAAHAAAAA!!" He shook his head, cheeks heating up.
"Or how about here...?" She went over to his feet and dragged her nails along his arches.
She stopped and grinned at him. Gasping for breath, Freddy eyed her curiously.
"How did you know my worst spots...?"
Cheekily, she waved his manual in his face.
"Okay, that's it!" Picking her up, he set her on the bed and tickled under her chin and on her exposed midriff.
"EEEHEEHEEHEHEHEHEHEEEHEEEEE!!" She screeched and squirmed around on the bed, not holding back. "FREDDYYYYYYY!! HEEHEHEHEHEEEEE!"
"Or how about here...?" he said, mimicking her and squeezing her hips. She cackled, rolling over. He chuckled and went for her knee pits. "Or here...?"
Truth be told, she could last longer but thought it best to stop the session here.
Freddy pulled away and smiled lovingly at her.
Laying down, they both decided it time to power down and recharge. Roxy cuddled up to Freddy and pulled the blanket over them.
"I missed you, Freddy." She said before falling asleep.
Stroking her hair, he mumbled, "I missed you too, Roxanne."
[The End.]
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a-spacecadet · 1 month
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Graphic design is my passion
So I wanted to make these kinda look like a 50’s ad for a department store or something like that…really tried to utilize how nice the character designs from Clone High really are 💕
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some simple (but plentiful!!!) sprites for you all today. just some outfit swaps! the alpha kids did not get nearly enough cool outfits, so i decided to see what they'd look like with some modified beta kid outfits. some look decent, but others look very nice! i also did it the other way around too, because whynot.
(sorry i think i'll stop with the colored text thing in default text, it was So Cool but it was also really time consuming @_@)
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soni-dragon · 6 months
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ive seen a couple pokemon character color wheels around so i tried one with some of my favorites!
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utimatepicgamer · 9 months
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Ramona Flowers vs. The WORLD
scott and ramona switching roles would be pretty funny
(they have just met scott’s 4th evil ex girlfriend, WALLACE!!!)
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captorian · 9 days
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cringefail-clown · 1 year
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i was thinking bout if i make mspfa for turnabout should i use the existing models or make ones in my style so i created some to see how itd look. still not sure but i kinda like those designs asksk wdyt?
also cannot decide if jakes human ears should be visible or not when he godtiers mmmm so i made two versions I DUNNO HELP
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aevyk-ing · 4 months
Camp Cretaceous concept art!
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parola-di-winx · 7 months
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the relationship i have w these two daughters of mine completely changed in the making of this. i hope they fail school & get expelled. anyway here's their enchantix. i never wanna look at them again
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 2 years
Jake and John: *just sitting and chatting*
Roxy: holy shit there's 2 of them
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ziracona · 11 months
Playing OWB, I always knock out lobotomites because they're victims, instead of kill them. Which sucks, because I only have boxing tape on me. It ain't easy :'-) but I've had several weird what must be glitch encounters with ones that are marked hostile but quit attacking now, and my experiences got me thinking about story stuff in OWB, so a little piece from the POV of a lobotomite experiencing my Courier 6. Which is a very interesting and fragmented pov to write, but I liked doing something very different.
I see something leaving the big house.
They come one by one usually, the ones not like us. They hurt us. Always.
Everything here hurts.
So, we kill them. We stop them.
One of us makes a sound in his throat, nods towards the shape. We’re all alert with the sound, turn to look. Take out weapons.
I draw my gun. My fingers know the trigger. Know the barrel like it’s another finger. I aim at the shape. It walks towards us and pauses at the top of the stairs, sees us see it. Takes a step back.
Good. Maybe an easy fight for us then.
The man who pointed the figure out charges, drawing his spear. Another of us runs with him, saturnite fist ready. I stay back behind, and shoot.
I hit it. I see my bullet clip the shoulder. The thing cries out and falls back a step. Somehow, not hurt bad. Armor, I guess. We don’t have it. I have the dress they give at a hospital. I don’t remember what I had before.
It makes me angry, so I walk closer, keep shooting.
My companions reach it, and I see them fighting. I see the figure has a gun on their hip, a spear at their back. But, they don’t draw the gun. No bullets maybe? They hit, bare fists. Pound, pound, pound. Crack, crack, crack.
Cuts open up on them, along their face and body, their back, their hands. They jam something into their side and fall back a step, and I see cuts close like magic. They’re afraid though. Eyes big. Surely, just fists against us, we must win.
But we don’t. It fights fast, hard, and above all, with stamina. It won’t go down. Heals itself again and again somehow, and hits and hits until the leader goes down. I feel a pang of fear. The second goes down a few seconds later, a fast upper-cut from this things. Then it turns to me.
I feel real fear. But. Surely. I must win, against this? A human. Wrapped fists. Nothing else.
It meets my eyes, and I see determination. It rushes me.
Panic. I fire, I fire, I fire. I know I hit it. A bullet even grazes its head. But then it’s on me, and a fist finds my face.
Pain. Hurts, bad. I lose strength from it. I keep trying to shoot, and I hit it, even so close, but it hits me too. Crack, Crack, Crack.
I feel myself breaking down. It gets me in the head, and I’m gone.
I think ‘I have died?’
Then I’m gone.
Only. I’m…not?
I…wake up.
Not sure when. …Later. It’s gone now.
I sit up, head aches, confused. Why? Must have thought I was dead, I guess. But, I reach for my gun. It’s gone. Stolen. But everything else is here. My cloth I wear, my head strap I can’t get off, the lighter I picked up. And…an apple?
Confused more, I feel it in the gown pocket, take it out.
Fresh. Fresh apple. Smells…good? I take a bite, because I am hungry. It tastes good too.
Amazing. Usually all I eat is meat from something killed, or maybe old spoils found. Stale chip, can of beans, or if very lucky, these cakes of falling apart breads with sugars in tiny boxes. This is fresh, like it’s not old at all. Pretty, bright red.
I eat it all. Around me, I see the other two get up too. Alive. One takes out a pear. Confused too. I think about fighting him for the pear, but I haven’t finished my apple, and he eats the pear by the time I do. The other has an apple too. We eat. We move on.
I see the human again, same day maybe. Later. Far away from the big dome now. It’s leaving one of the smaller houses, full of horrible things. I see it from a distance and don’t know it’s the same one. Just hear fighting. I’m with different members of the group, and they run off. I follow. We see the figure fighting off the snakedogs. It has a big fist, like a saturnite fist, but bigger. It’s punching off their heads. I don’t recognize it. Just the saturnite fist weapon, and that it isn’t one of us. I draw my gun, and start shooting. The other two rush in, hoping to get to it while some of the snakedogs are up, so it will be more overwhelmed.
It sees us coming. I watch its head snap up. See panic through the visor I can’t take off. It hurries to turn, punch a snakedog. The head comes off. Last one. Turns to face the others of my group as they reach it, and I see it let go of the fist. Drop the big, powerful thing on the ground, and swing an empty fist at the one of us with a flaming sword.
Then I recognize it. I think ‘So strange. Lost its good weapon?’ and I remember. I remember, from this morning, and I see it closer and see it has the same long blue coat on, red hat.
I am not mad by the armor this time. I am confused. Curious. Still nervous too. Have to kill it before it kills us. I shoot, watching, to see how it heals. See if it can walk off bullets more. See if it keeps hitting.
It does. Keeps taking out little white…things. Like scissors. Some of me thinks ‘that’s a heal’ but what that means? I don’t know. It is a heal though. Makes flaming knife cuts go away. Good for it, because it takes punishment I couldn’t believe. Hits back with little wrapped fists. Crack, crack, crack. Hit, hit, hit. I hear, I see. I watch my people go down.
I hesitate as it turns, bloody, and rushes me again, breathing hard. I remember to keep firing. It knocks the gun out of my hand and I look down in surprise. Blink. It hits me. I hit back. Panic now. Remember it will kill me. Hit, hit, hit, but it hits harder. I go out.
I think, ‘I died.’
But, I wake up. Again. Before me, the other two are already up. Starting to stand, and looking for weapons gone now. I look for my new gun, sad. Know the thing took it again. It did. But there’s an apple. Fresh. My pocket, again. Pink apple this time. I hold it and smell it. Think ‘where it gets the apples?’ And eat it.
So good. Even better than red apple.
The others have things too. The knife companion takes out a drink. Fights a while before biting off the cap, and drinks it. I am very jealous. Almost jump him for it. Too busy thinking. Other has apple too.
I think hard.
I see it again, going to find a new gun. On my way out, I hear guns, and I follow, careful. Haven’t got new gun for me yet. Very hard like that to stay alive.
But, there it is. Blue coat, bright red hat. Tall. I see it shooting snake dogs again. Shooting the skeletons in the suits that help us sometimes. A dog with robot legs jumps it, and it punches that one. Interesting. I am curious.
Once it leaves, I sneak up, look at the dog.
No apples…
I keep following.
I see some of us attack it soon. Another group. I think about helping, but, I want apples. I don’t want to get hit again, though. So, this is my idea.
It hits them, like it hit me. It gets hurt, bad, doing it. But keeps healing. Keeps hitting. And, it wins.
After, it breathes hard. I hear it talking to itself. Sounds like a woman, maybe. Not close enough to hear it well. It spotted me once, so I’m careful now. Still no new gun, you know? Got to be careful.
I sneak little closer though. Watch.
It puts its big saturnite but bigger fist back on, wipes blood off forehead. Walks over to the unconscious bodies it fought, and I see it take their guns, their spears. Leaves bugglegum, leaves a drink, leaves a pear. An apple.
After trading food for gun or knife, it goes on. Once it’s gone on enough, I sneak over. I pick up the stuff it left. I take the gum and put it in my gown pocket. I eat the pear. I open the drink and it hurts my teeth, but it’s worth it. So good! A part of me tastes it, and I want to..cry?
Confused, I stop walking. Look down at it. Drink a little more.
I think ‘sarsaparilla,’ but, I don’t know what sarsaparilla is. Something in me very desperate asks me to know, but I don’t remember. It’s a brown word, and a sweet word. Spicy. A tree? I try, but I know I am wrong. I sit, hold the drink. Drink it slow between two rocks, hidden safe in a shadow. Hold sarsaparilla. There is a word on the bottle. Can’t read it, but I trace it with finger. Think. Girl on the bottle—picture. I almost remember something, but…
It hurts too much. Can’t. Put head in hands, breathe. Pain goes away. I keep drinking. In head, I see a picture of a tree that isn’t there. I sit beneath it in my head. I drink this in my head too, but a different one. It’s a good feeling, but, sad.
I don’t understand why.
Tree smells. Like…sarsaparilla? Brain says ‘pine.’ Not sarsaparilla. But I can’t remember ‘pine.’ Good word. Green word.
I get up.
I keep the apple. I hold it in pocket, and take out to smell. But don’t eat. Saving it. Save the bottle too, to smell. Smells like sarsaparilla and thinking about green pine words.
I chew the gun thoughtful, and try to find blue coat again.
I find her pretty slow this time. So fast! Unbelievable. All the way across the empty, she is sneaking. I run into her—almost for real. See her slide against a wall and hold breath when I almost step on her. I don’t want punched unconscious again. Too much hurt, even for apple. Besides. I have apple. If she sees it, what if she doesn’t leave new one too? So I pretend not to see. Keep walking.
Mutter, like she did alone.
She buys it.
Very proud, I walk around a ways, then sneak back.
Worked. Very, very well. She is sneaking off towards the big robots. NO clue I sneak after!
Hmmm…Big robots…
I am nervous. Those will shoot me. I got new gun off a box, but not great gun. Big robots sometimes shoot missiles. Besides, she won’t leave apple on big robots, so nothing to get.
Still, I follow. Too interested now.
I see her checking out already dead robot, poking at stuff. Hm. Closer, I see her wipe forehead, and past bangs, she has head marks almost like mine. But, not one of us… We would be able to tell. Can always tell.  And, she doesn’t act like…? Must be wrong?
Some of us hear her poking around. I pull back, and watch her fight in fascination. Some of the big robots hear the commotion as she hits my people off her, and they come running too. Uh-oh, I think, because they will shoot right through us. To surprise, I see her panic too. She looks ‘uh-oh’ at them, and shoves one of us off her. She snags gun off her shoulder, big, long rifle, and shoots a robot. It falls, but two more come. I see one of us take bullets from it and stumble back. She sees too, runs towards the shot man, and moves between him and robot. I see her get shot. She takes it like she does, and shoots the robot twice. It falls. One left. But she pauses, to look back at the man. He’s alive. Confused. And hitting her with his saturnite fist. She grimaces, falls forward, misses a shot at robot, and ignores him. Shoots robot. All three of my kind attacking her are still up, and one shoots her, knocks off aim.
Uh-oh, I think, more worry in the uh-oh. She is not doing as well.
Still, she ignores the man shooting her. Takes shot at robot, using free hand to block a hit from the spear the last member of their group has. Robot goes down this time.
Bloody and relieved, she turns, frantically starts hitting them. Amazed, I watch. She takes down all three.
Bloody, barely able to stand, she huffs. Grabs a chunk of broken concrete, and slides to ground against it. Sits there, tilts head back.
“This is the worst,” she says mournful.
Tired, she raises her wrist. What I thought was another, broken saturnite fist is on her left arm. She raises it. Taps it. I hear sound come out of it. Songing.
I remember…this sound.
Been…I think a long time.
Woman’s voice, but not her, plays from the arm. Says words my ears don’t know anymore. But, says not many words. I like that. Same words keep being said. ‘Night.’ ‘Your.’ ‘We.’ ‘Where.’ ‘When.’ ‘Begin.’
I don’t remember ‘night.’ Don’t remember ‘begin.’ Don’t remember…’when, where.’ I remember ‘we.’ We is…me, plus someone else. Me and someone.
I am proud; I remember.
I never remember.
But I know ‘We.’
She has no we though, unless it is the woman with song in her wrist. Many of us, just one of her.
I listen to the song too. She sings with it, quiet, just a few words. Just the last words, holding the last one long, much longer than the song. She turns off the thing on her wrist, but holds the song word. Then sighs, lets it go.
Stands alone, looks at the bodies.
Odd expression on her face. I wonder with a strange chest feeling, from where I hide in shadows, if she will get angry and crush them under her feet.
She does not.
Takes their weapons, slower than before, wincing as she stoops. Leaves a drink, leaves a cake box, leaves an apple.
I follow her for the next two days.
Sometimes, I lose her. She will go in a building, and I will not do that. Too many monsters. She maybe can be shot 400 times. I die if shot 400 times. I do not want a plant to eat me. I do not want to be explosion’d by robot.
Sometimes, she is just so fast, I lose her.
But, she is very loud. Thankful for that. Never lose her for too long.
I eat a lot of delicious apples.
Always keep one on me, too, to look at. To smell.
If I find the drink that smells like green word ‘pine’ and the brown word thought ‘sarsaparilla,’ I drink it, and keep the bottle to smell, replace the last with it.
She does the same thing, always. Will kill snakedogs. Kill robots, kill suits with skeletons, kill scorpions, kill bugs. Kills robot dog if scared. Never kills us.
Don’t know why. Won’t, though. Always takes weapons, always knocks out with wrapped fists, always leaves a little gift.
I don’t know if the gift is trade, or maybe, I think, ‘sorry’? Can’t remember what it means, but it makes sense. It thinks in my head like ‘backing off’ a little maybe. It seems right?
I don’t know for sure. I keep following. Sometimes, if she thinks she is alone, she turns on the song. It is not always that song, but that song she hears the most. It’s the best, because the others are too fast with too much words. That one is slow, very few words, very short, and a word I know. I like to hear it.
A couple times, she spots me, and I have to run away. She doesn’t chase if I do, though, so no more punching. Good, because head still hurts a little from before. Girl punches hard…
Day two, late, she sees me and I run and she calls out. I keep running till I’m far, and check to see if she is watching. She is. Standing still, staring at me. I pause. She crouches, puts out her hands, palms to me. No weapon. I know her fists are weapons though. Very painful.
I watch still, interested. Look back. She calls again, soft. Motions towards herself.
I think she is trying to lure me back.
Too smart, I don’t do that. I keep running, hide.
Sneak back after a few minutes, from a side. Still, she is watching where I went, head tilted.
Strange look on her face. Sad and not sad at same time.
I think about that.
Third day.
I see her fight many things.
Robot scorpions (10), many of us (many), big robots (4), different kind of big robot (2), skeleton suits (forgot to count), green plant monster (2, very bad), snakedog (18 maybe).
Good day for me. Lots of food. Found a glowing drink. Maybe saw god after drinking it. Was funny again for a minute too.
Felt very happy.
I like following her. Very interesting to do. Different. I forgot about different. Different is not very safe, but is other things. Like full of food.
She is doing better. Avoids places with big robots mostly now. Sneaks more. Walks on the big pipes a lot, which makes harder to follow her because if I do, she sees me and have to hide. Still, I am better at following now too. Getting pretty skilled.
And then, she gets too close to us.
I don’t realize, because I watch her, not where she goes. But we get close to the cave. To home cave.
I don’t realize, until one of us runs past and sees me, and calls to me a sound I know. ‘Again!’ A call to fight. One of the words we remember.
I stand up automatic at the sound, then blink, see more and more of us. Not just from by me, from past too. Maybe eleven, twelve? So many. She was looking at a box, but hears us coming. Looks up and sees. Tries to run.
She can’t get past. Too many come in from the left side of the big rocks now, and there is nowhere up on the rocks to go. She doesn’t see how many are on my side yet. Starts trying to fight. We push her into a corner. I don’t realize I’ve followed until I’m at the edge of the group, watching up close as she punches one of us unconscious like before.
I am waiting for her to win and waiting for her to die. Different parts of memory both sure of outcome.
I feel nothing.
Just far far away.
Then I am shoved forward. I am close to her, watching. Right on her.
She is scared. Hits me. I fall back, surprised. Two jump her from behind with knives.
I see her heal herself, but too many of us from too many angles at once. We are winning for once.
She tries to push through and run.
Almost makes it, but one of us catches her on fire. Loses sight in the fire, loses footing. Falls. Snaps an ankle when she hits rock below. We go after her like a wave.
I think ‘she is going to die now,’ without anything beyond thought. Then I think ‘I can take all the apples off her if she dies.’
But. I don’t want them that way.
I am sure they will not taste so good if I take them off her pockets.
I am suddenly very frustrated.
If they kill her, the apples won’t be the same at all.
I push forward, push past.
They don’t fight me. We are all fighting her.
I see her struggling. Made it up to one foot. I see the gun at her hip. I see the bigger than a saturnite fist on her belt. I see the spear on her back. Still, she hits with fists. She got some of us, unconscious. But we are still five, and she is trying to heal as I get close.  Jams the little white thing into her side as I reach her. One of the others hits her so hard, he knocks it out of her side, and she cries out. Not a sound like the song. I realize she is about to go down.
She sees me.
I hit her.
She falls, covered in blood from guns and knives and bruises from fists.
I go down on top of her.
The others make sounds. Want to see what she has too. I growl at them and snap, and they back off. They are all hurt from her punches, but she only hit me once. I have my gun.
I look back down at her as they back away, lose their interest.
I try to remember death and unconscious, the way to tell. Heart tells. Heartbeat.
I pick her up from shoulders, put my ear to chest, listen. There is a sound. Brain doesn’t think heartbeat sound, but what other sound in chest is there? Doesn’t matter, I think, because sound is alive. Dead is quiet.
That seems sure to me, so, relieved, I pick up the blue coat woman, and put her over a shoulder.
We are by my home, so I turn. The others ignore me now. I claimed the body, it’s mine. We bring meat home. We bring findings. We bring anything we want.
I pass into the cave, past the graves we put outside, past some of the things we keep. Past a few of the others inside, with their own beds and memories, and special things like my apple and my bottle, but not as good.
Keep walking, far in. Find my little bed. Raised bed, like a table, but soft. I think it was for hospital once, like my cloth I wear. I tap the dolls I hung from the post by the bed. It’s nice to be home.
Set her body on the bed table. Put ear to the chest again to be sure, but it makes its not quite heartbeat sound.
Good, I think, You are alive.
That’s alright then. She will get back up and leave apples. We keep going like before. All will be good.
I felt nervous, but now I feel okay.
Still, after a few minutes, she is still quiet. I listen several times. Chest sound is going. The blood from cuts stopped, but she is not waking up fast.
With time, I get curious. Poke around a little. Don’t go through pockets, because I don’t want to know how many apples. But I remember the marks I saw once, and I push back her hair.
I am right. There are cuts around her head too. I feel for my own. Mine still hurt. She has them, like all of us, and I am excited, then confused. If…she is one of us, why can’t we tell? Why we kill her? Why she fights us? I’m not remembering. We can just tell, with each other, if they are us. She is not. Not sure how I know. But I don’t know why now.
She has our marks though, I think, confused again. Marks, but not us. Strange.
Maybe she is broken.
I can’t remember where we got marks. I try, and shudder. My head says ‘don’t look.’ It scares me. Like the answer will kill me if I look behind the corner to see it. I quit looking.
Instead, I trace the marks on her head.
She makes a sound of pain, and scrunches her face. Her eyes open. She blinks, squints, finds me above her. I tilt my head, forget to be scared of punches. Relieved it didn’t take so long to not be dead.
Behind me, I hear an angry hiss.
I turn, and to surprise, there is one of the others. He gets close, trying to look past me. Sees the girl, and snaps at me. Anger, alarm. Pushes past.
I realize to surprise he is going to grab her.
“No!” I hiss back. Grab his arm, drag him hard to the side and shove back.
He falls, and drags himself up, angry. Others hear, come towards us. See her, start to hiss and shout. Start to try to get her too. I swing at the first who comes, and hit hard with body of my gun.
“Stop you!” I warn in a growl.
She is MINE! Why are they -?!
They do not stop. They come again, try to get at her. Hiss, growl, call out. I shove one, hit another.
“Stop you!” I shout louder. Behind me, I hear the girl move. Look, and see her trying to sit up.
I worry she will hit me too.
A gun crack. I turn, see one of us with a rifle. Look back, worried, as I hear her cry. She is holding an arm. New, fresh blood. No, no, no! She was so close to dead. More hits, she dies! No more anything!
Enraged, I raise my own gun. She will not kill us. I will. I shoot him.
I hit.
The others attack me then.
I shoot, I hit, and I don’t remember. Something gets me, hard, in the head, then another.
I go down.
I think very angry, very sad, it is not fair. Can’t remember why this is cruel. It is not right though. It’s…it’s….
Gone then.
I am sure I am dead this time.
But, I wake.
I think, fuzzy, ‘maybe a new apple.’ Feel relief.
Everything hurt.
But, something is good too. …The ground is good. I used to know it. It feels familiar. Like I could sleep here forever maybe.
I try and open my eyes, because that seems okay.
It’s harder than I think. Eyes feel heavy, tired. Head is wrong…er, than usual. Not sure why. Everything is fuzzying, like I am dying from no water, but in a way that feels warm and good. Like dying, if I liked it.
There is light, and as eyes start to work, I see blue coat looking down at me.
I am not so worried, because I know she will just hit me and leave an apple if she notices I am not dead.
I decide that is okay. Watch, stunted, as she moves. She sees me see her then. Stops fiddling with this thing above me, and turns to face.
“Hey,” her voice is soft, like water when I am hot in the sun, cools me, “You’re okay. Just hold still, okay? I’m not gonna hurt you.”
I don’t know the words. I think ‘you’ maybe is me. But not the rest. It feels familiar though. She doesn’t talk like she will bite. I am too fuzzy to care. Just blink eyes heavy, watch her. Something is stuck in my arm I notice, and I wonder if that will hurt me, but it’s hard to feel worried. Hard to feel anything but fuzzy.
“Can’t you do anything?” she asks something behind her.
I don’t know those words. I thought ‘you’ was me. But, she is not looking now.
“Not without a brain,” comes a new voice.
I do feel panic then. She will hit and leave an apple. Anything else kills me.
I struggle to sit up so I can fight or run away.
 So hard to do, and that scares me more.
“No no!” she calls, and I know that word. Not a good one. “Hey, easy,” she says, catching me with her hands and trying to push me back down, “Just calm down.”
Her voice is soft, but I am very scared. I struggle back, trying to see the other voice. I see no one, and that is bad. Could be anywhere.
The blue coat lets go with one hand and taps the thing stuck in my arm quickly. I suddenly feel calmer, almost like I might throw up, but so fuzzy I want to shut my eyes. I try to struggle, but I forget why as the fuzziness gets heavier. After a few seconds, the blue coat’s hand lifts carefully off my chest. I can’t remember why I was getting up before, so I lay still. It seems better there.
“Look,” she says, glancing behind her again, “I will GET you a brain—the right one! But there has to be something in the meantime. He’s not brain dead! He doesn’t act routine. His pockets are full of stuff I’ve left behind. He’s been following me. They all keep keepsakes around. They’re not brain dead, not totally. The connection must at least be marginally existent for them!”
“I can’t help you without his brain,” says the same man voice before. Still, I see nobody. That seems worrying still, but not enough to move for now.
“What about you?” asks the blue coat in frustration, turning in another direction, “Switch—lights!” she adds, sounding excited, “Smart lights!”
“Oh, good idea sweetie!” comes another girl voice. Not the wrist voice, and not blue coat.
Lights switch on around me then, bright, blinding, and I squeeze my eyes shut.
And feel.
Oh my god.
Despair, and horror, revulsion, and agony, hate, terror. I am filled. I can’t speak. I can barely think and stay alive.
I remember. Things I can’t usually understand.
There was a robot. Arms and knives, whirring saws. I was held down, screaming. I remember the vices, the grips. I remember the scoop, ripping out my brain. Metal pieces screwed into my skull.
No, I think. Praying for the understanding to go away.
It stays. It plays and replays. I see other lobotomized people, I see memories of killing. Eating raw meat. Animal. Not a person anymore. Not anything.
I am shaking. I can almost remember. Half remember words, half remember feelings and thoughts. Half remember people. I know I loved them, but I can’t remember what they were, I can’t remember their faces. I see them, then forget them immediately.
I can’t remember my face. I can’t remember my name.
I remember the snapping of greymatter as my brain went out.
I remember things…I remember pieces of things.
I remember the pine tree and pine is a word, not the color green, but I can’t remember what it looked like anymore. Why I loved it.
I don’t know who I am.
“I…I’m already dead,” I whisper. I find words again, and those are them. I feel myself remember how to cry, and I do, because I feel too much despair and terror to keep inside. I have to get it out. I would eject it any way I can.
This is a person, above me. I know that now.
I see her. Try to ask for her to help me, but I don’t know how to fix me. I don’t know what to ask. I don’t know how to explain.
I try, to find the words. ‘My brain,’ I think, ‘please.’
But I can’t. I can’t find the words I think, not as words I can remember to speak. I know what happened, but human words are gone.
I’m dead. I’m a corpse.
“It’s okay,” says the blue coat woman. I see worry in her face. Her hand touches my shoulder.
I spasm with my shaking.
Terror in me, I realize the clarity I have can go away.
I lose my sanity completely.
Terrified, I find motor control and reach a hand to her and grab her arm. “Help me.”
I find words. “Help me help me help me!” I beg. Find the arm with my other hand, cling to her. Try to drag myself up to her and hold on tighter, afraid now she will leave me to be dead again. That she will turn off whatever she turned on to raise me from my grave. “Please please please! Please help me! Help me! Help me! Help me! Help me, please, please, please help me! Please help! Help me!”
I am sobbing. She is answering me, but I don’t hear it past my wails for several tries.
“I’ll help you, it’s okay! I’m going to fix you—I’ll fix you! I’ll help you,” she calls back, and I don’t know the words.
I can only think ‘Help me’—don’t forget don’t forget the words oh please please don’t forget don’t lose them they’re the only words I know to save me. I keep using them. ‘Help me help me help me.’ I am trying to climb up her arms and dig my fingers into her spine so she can’t be rid of me. So I won’t die in the cracks of the ground I’ve been living in. Terrified like I can breathe fear and it is me.
Her arms go around me and she goes down onto the bed with me, wraps her legs and arms around me, buries my head against her chest. Lays her head on top of mine. Holds tight. I cling back. Shaking. Trying to grab more and more and more, until I realize I have grabbed her finally as solidly as I can. My hands still fidget. I plead and plead and plead until I lose my unused voice. I can only hear choked, awful whispers from my throat, but still I try. Finally, past my own dying begs, I hear her making sound back.
I begin to hear it slowly, very slowly, when I can’t hear me anymore.
She clings to me, holding strong, but not crushing. She is saying, “It’s okay.” She says. “You’re going to be okay. I will fix you. I will heal you. You aren’t dead. You’ll be alive again. I promise. It’ll be okay.”
‘Alive again.’
I hear that.
I think ‘again, that’s in the song.’
‘Begin again,’ I know the words now. The meaning.
I feel some kind of clarity. Comfort. Like the song was a promise too. Like the right words.
“Alive again,” I start trying to repeat. I can’t hear myself beyond a hiss anymore, but I try. I try, I try, I try.
She must hear it somehow. She says, “Yes, alive again. I’ll fix you. I promise. It’s okay. Calm down, okay? I can heal you.”
I think of the little white…stimpacks, I almost remember. ‘Heal.’
I think of closed cuts.
I try to shut my eyes. Try to not cry anymore.
So tired. Maybe I will die from the crying. I worry sincerely then that I might.
“There you go,” she whispers, and her grip loosens, “It’s okay.”
I panic. “No,” I beg, opening my eyes, shaking again, trying to find her face and pull her closer to me, “No don’t go Apple don’t go please!”
I am crying again. I see her face, surprised. Pain. She must be hurt too.
“Don’t put me back please,” I weep, “Don’t make me like I was please please! Do anything! Anything! Don’t break me again, please! Please don’t!”
I think she will cry.
“I won’t.” Her voice shakes.
I am too scared to believe her.
Trembling all along my body, I tug my head against her chest again and try to hold tight to make it hard for her to go. I can’t breathe slowly, and I can’t get enough breath in my lungs. It scares me too. I am afraid it means I am already dying again. So soon.
“No please,” I whimper, “Please Apple. Please. Don’t hurt me anymore. Don’t break me again. I’m sorry. Please. Don’t break me. Don’t kill me again. Please, I want to be a person. Don’t take me away. Don’t. Please don’t. Help me. Please, please. Please. Help.”
“Okay,” she promises, not moving anymore, “Okay.”
She stays a long time. I beg, and cry, and plead. She says words I remember and words I don’t and words I half know, voice soft like the bed, and sad, worried. Kind.
She holds on to me.
I am so exhausted from begging and crying and being a corpse, I lose consciousness finally, after hours.
I’m already dead.
I was the whole time. I just didn’t know it.
When I wake up again, I feel heavy. Stiffness like a corpse. I am sure that is what I am now. I am afraid to open my eyes and see it. I know she will be gone. Everything is gone.
But, I open my eyes.
She is still there.
I am curled up on her, clinging. She is quiet, watching me. Awake, and still there. She did not leave me.
“Hey,” she says softly. I stare. “How are you doing?”
I try hard to remember what that means. Makes my head ache to try.
…’am I okay’. I turn the sound into words into meaning. Try to go the other way and turn meaning into words into sound.
“I am alive?” I check worriedly.
She nods. “Yes.”
I think. My voice cracks. “I can stay alive?”
“You will,” says Apple, “I promise.”
I cry again. Pull myself closer to her, worried. “You help me?” I ask when I can make words.
“Yes,” she promises, arms wrapping gently around me, “I’ll help. Don’t worry. We’ll fix you up. Like new. I’m really good at medicine; I’ll make sure you’re okay.”
I try to express gratefulness, but all the words I can think of are ‘We.’ That she called us ‘we’. Me, plus somebody else. Her, and me. Not alone now. Not alone.
“We?” I manage.
“Yes, we,” she agrees, “We’re together now. You’re not alone.”
I try to believe it. Try to calm down. “Two of us?” I suggest.
“Two of us,” she agrees, and there’s something important in her face.
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buglaur · 2 years
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dinner date!
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apostate-in-an-alcove · 3 months
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Roxy decided to half sit, half lie in her bed for a short while the other night.
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wau too many ppl draw yhe egharleycrockglishs as happy and joyous and too many ppl draw the lastriders pissed and upset
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spoopy-arcade · 1 year
U r number one twice 😭
I sobbed
We all sobbed...........
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socksandbuttons · 9 months
Have ever thought of a roll swap au for the sun and moon show its hard to think of what places some of the characters would be and others are easy like sun and moon or lunar and eclipse ya now hope this all made sense I hope you have a good day or night and have a happy New Year
fdhjksd okay so
i DO have the swap au designs from the shows swap episode. (lunars how i always draw him tad shorter but still the same vs Eclipse with his height insecurities just wants to be Tall) wasnt monty then Chica (CHICA PROPAGANDA...)
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