#sylkie maybe
Is… is there an option to fully support ‘platonic relationships can and should absolutely be just as meaningful as romantic ones’ and ‘there’s a good chance the subtext wasn’t even intentional or maybe was never there at all’ and ‘they made the heartbreak tweet and named one of the songs Lokius and put thematic parallels and at this point are probably doing this on purpose’ and ‘it really shouldn’t matter who Loki ends up with because it’s not meant to be a romance, it’s meant to be about him as a person’ and ‘personally I would really like Loki and Mobius to end up together because I think they’re cute and very compatible’ and ‘I like Sylki but I think Disney is doing it wrong’ and ‘fucking hell Disney give us some decent homosexuals already’? My head hurts.
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One of my favorite genres of male character probably has to be the guy who, upon meeting a woman who can and does kick his ass, thinks “she kicked my ass, the only logical course of action for me now is to marry her.”
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feodor-dostoevsky · 7 months
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What will you do when this is all over? I don’t know. I don’t know either. Maybe… Maybe we could figure it out… together. Maybe.
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kytsos · 8 months
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loki s2e1 doodles
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odins-sonofmischief · 7 months
Sylvie should’ve run after Loki and grabbed his hand and said ‘You go, I go’.
Because he shouldn’t have to carry this burden alone. They’re stronger together.
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feral-sylki · 8 months
Okay tiny moment but very important: Sylvie trusting Loki when he says him pruning himself will make sense. She goes with it, with him, she trusts. Like. She just saw him prune himself. It wouldn’t be out of character for her to freak out at that. We the audience know what’s going on, we understand; Sylvie has no clue. She’s never been here before. But Loki says it’ll make sense and she trusts him. She trusts him. That one tiny moment of trust, but from the “you can’t trust” character of the “you can’t trust and I can’t be trusted” that broke them last season that’s a milestone
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nuggetsandhuggets · 7 months
Michael Waldron and Kate Herron: take this, it is our masterpiece *hands off Loki S1*
Loki S2 creators: Cool, don’t care
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lovecolibri · 7 months
Oh I am *cackling* at the producers trying to claim the show was driven by Loki and Sylvie's relationship when she refused to lift a finger to help multiple times (while platonic bestie Mobius was living out romcom moments by the dozen with Loki), and honestly they could have not had her in the season at all and barely anything would change. Like, I don't like that ship but it's still SO deeply disrespectful to give them NOTHING on screen all season while giving all the cute classically shippy moments to Lokius, and then come out after and claim it was some grand, sweeping romance and also there was nothing intentional about giving all the shippy stuff to Lokius. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
Also, as I said in some tags, the "we can't get into Loki's head" like is just....peek absurdity. My brother in Christ, YOU'RE the writers! This character has been in the MCU for like, 14 years, played by Hiddleston who is *obsessed* with Loki. Getting into Loki's head should have been a cake walk! And even if it wasn't, IT'S LITERALLY YOUR JOB TO GET IN THE CHARACTER'S HEAD. Maybe this is why shows are so shitty? Instead of letting the characters drive the plot by getting into their heads and making choices from that perspective, showrunners instead twist the characters into a storyline.
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starliteonearth · 7 months
This might piss some people off but it really feels like Sylvie doesn't need or want Loki in her life romantically, or even platonically. She seems perfectly content to be by herself and doesn't seem desire to be in a romantic relationship, with anyone. She's hit that point of it's me time, i'm focusing on me, on my happiness, on my well-being, and dating is not on my mind at all. Look at all their interactions in this season. It's always him going to her, reaching out to her, and she always walks away in the end. Even in the latest episode, at the bar when she's the most serene I've ever seen her, it all seemed like a final goodbye for her, closure, telling him to move forward with his life as she's doing with hers. And then she picks up her stuff and walks away.
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lokiusly · 3 months
WAS IT!!!!!!!!!!!
😭😭😭 I’m on mobile and super lazy(busy with homework) so I can’t give source links but
apparently the original Loki S2E5 was scrapped suddenly so Eric Martin had to write the new episode in a weekend. (Apparently, I might have that detail wrong, maybe he had a weekend for revisions)
But this episode was IT. The prodigal son of MCU streaming shows. Martin had executives inviting him to lunch because of this episode. It was different. When people heard it got scrapped, people would pass him and give their “so sad to hear, maybe next time” to Martin.
Many people on Twitter have interacted with Martin, and he always says “can’t say” about that episode. Maybe he might use it later on?? Who knows.
Also, there was one twitter user who swears that they saw Tom and Owen filming (so Loki and Mobius) an on screen kiss on the cheek. No photographic proof but they did have a picture of the set I believe.
All speculation though, anyone correct me if I’m wrong or if I’m missing anything !
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bisexual-panic · 8 months
after watching movies and other stuff with Tom Hiddleston and Sophia di Martino in it I seriously hope we see Loki and Sylvie in different time periods because
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freakish-goth · 5 months
i do and will hate on thorki and sylki bc istg that people who ship them haven’t spent a day with their sibling 🧍
and like the people saying that loki and mobius is like father and son- I. i’m not sure we watched the same thing-
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nostalgia-tblr · 5 months
Slightly stuck on the Sylki Arranged Marriage AU, I know what happens in this chapter but I am not doing very well at actually writing it down. I am vaguely worried about it being too similar to the previous chapter (ie not much happens apart from they bang in it) and also I am approaching the point - after this next chapter - where I have to start putting in the other bits of plot, which I fear will be off-putting to the readers. So I'm a bit procrastinatey about it at the moment. I'll have to get a move on though, cos I feel like I am letting people down with my failure to update.
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sylvies-kablooie · 5 months
tbh, i think the whole thought process behind how sylvie is written is that she is not attached to loki and her happiness doesn't at all depend on him in any way.
was their connection deep? did he impact her? "shatter" her world even? yes. this is why she is so angry at him. bc in her mind, he had betrayed her.
but he doesn't take up much more space in her mind. she goes on to live her life just fine without him at the end of both seasons.
loki is a different story, he is obsessed with her to the point of doing something completely "out of character" and being ready to sacrifice everything for her.
i personally love how "unequal" their relationship is in this way, but i understand that it's not the majority of shippers' cup of tea kind of dynamic.
this is an interesting interpretation! i enjoy getting to hear people's differing takes on their dynamic, so this was a fun read. and hey if unrequited is your trope then all the more power to you. you're braver than me, that's for sure.
i haven't rewatched s2 (and tbh idk if i ever will- it just didn't do it for me the way i wanted it to) but the consensus that "loki fell first and harder" def seems supported by s1 and enhanced by s2. which i think made it all the more shocking when she kisses him first. i love that little detail.
i have a different take, which is informed by episode 5- particularly the bar scene contrasted with the record shop scene. she tells him to go and live his life and move on, then immediately goes to a record shop, tells the man at the counter she had a bad day, and then cries to the velvet underground (it looked like crying, also possible she was just laying there and basking it all in, which is just as compelling in my opinion).
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to me that read as someone who is trying so hard to place their feelings in a convenient little box and ignore them and then running away when it doesn't work.
sylvie doesn't strike me as someone who can sit still, especially not after living through a million apocalypses and trying to ensure her survival. and while getting a job in oklahoma might not be the same frantic pace she's used to, i do think she threw herself into it (employee of the month placard i'm looking at you!) so she has a new life, a new job, time to do things like go to the bar and get a haircut and listen to music and do everything possible to just. not. process. the annoying feelings that the citadel situation brings up. just keep moving! just don't think about it! and so when loki rolls up at her work, she tries to push him away, tell him he's the last thing she wants to deal with, get him to leave. the tone in the bar scene felt like that to me as well. like she's saying just leave me so i can stop thinking about this.
of course, loki does not want to leave her- it's just that for some reason he is physically incapable of talking about anything but the TVA, who ruined her life and she justifiably wants nothing to do with hearing about how great they actually are. he is pretty skilled at killing the mood. (i take great pleasure in rewrite fics that make a show of addressing this)
am i blinded by shipping goggles and my own projection onto her? it's possible! but to me it read as someone in denial. when we hear sylvie talk about her love life on the train in s1 (a scene i LOVE because it seems so out of left field for her) we get a very clear sense she has no idea what she is doing when it comes to romance (and then flat out says so during the blanket scene). her experience with romance hasn't been anything real, to the point where i hesitate to even use the term "romance"- just centuries of numbing herself by staying busy with a fling. she is like a shark that will just collapse if she stops moving. which we get to see her do in the record store!
that's just how i read it though! your read on it is just as valid and i like hearing all of the different takes. i am by no means trying to persuade you to join my pining sylvie agenda, just using this blog as a means of idea exchange. which i love doing. seriously it's so fun.
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dark-mcu-ship-tourney · 5 months
Poll #1: Thor Odinson/Loki Laufeyson VERUS Sylvie Laufeydottir/Loki Laufeyson
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Please reblog for reach!
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brsb4hls · 5 months
K' but the mere fact that there has to be a 'pro sylki' tag is an absolute travesty.
I've never seen it for any other ship.
There's the ship tag and the anti tag.
That sylki gets so much hate and denial (never seen people try to 'un-canon' a ship this hard either), that it needs extra reinforcement is absolutely ridiculous.
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