#t // domestic
diet-bathwater · 8 months
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loki being mobius’s work wife <3
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gunstellations · 5 months
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a little family
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Bakugou serves as a secondary alarm clock in the mornings.
He’s usually up an hour before you, freshly showered with coffee brewing when your first alarm goes off and you roll over with a groan to turn it off.
20 minutes later, he’s waking you up with gentle fingers through your hair, kneeling by your side of the bed and waiting for your eyes to flutter open to tell you to get up.
You whine when he leaves, missing his touch but it’s not long before sleep is reclaiming you.
The next time he stirs you, his teeth are freshly brushed and his hair mostly dry, and he’s far less gentle. His heavy form lands on your hips as he straddles you, leaning down to press firm kisses over your face and shoulders, his fingers pressing into your waist.
You mumble promises about getting up, and he relents, pressing one last kiss to your neck before he’s gone again, grumbling under his breath about how you’ll be the death of him.
The final time he comes in, you hear him coming, still in bed but not quite asleep. The blanket is thrown off you suddenly and then warm hands wrap around your ankles. A second later you’re being yanked down the bed, a surprised yelp escaping you as your eyes fly open.
He pulls you down far enough that your thighs cage in his thin waist, chuckling at your expression when you gape up at him. He looks perfect in his hero gear, mask hanging loosely around his neck and his gauntlets no doubt waiting by the door.
He bends in half to capture your mouth with his in a kiss that’s more than enough to wake you up, and then he’s pulling back, your feet hitting the floor as he takes you with him.
He gives you one last fleeting kiss that has you wanting more and chasing his mouth before he’s disentangling himself from you.
He takes in the pout on your face and chuckles, forehead pressed against yours as he quietly warns you he started your shower and you should get going before the hot water runs out.
And as a reward for keeping you on time in the morning, he makes sure to land a swift smack on your ass as you pass, laughing when you curse him and disappear into the bathroom, rubbing the handprint.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 11 months
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peceraynadamas · 3 months
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Vaggie my beloved.
I have not loved a character to such a degree that I experience cute aggression over them until I encountered Vaggie. She is so!!!
Anyway, really enjoyed her being badass despite all she and the cast dealt with. Need to see her get a dub next season. Don't care whose ass she beats, it's a necessity. 10/10 regardless.
Going to draw her once more, then we'll move on to Angel Dust.
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andy-clutterbuck · 2 years
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sprout-gt · 9 months
G/t Movie Night
giant lying down on the couch, tiny resting on their chest watching the movie displayed on the laptop like a theater screen in front of them. the giant, however, has a hard time focusing on anything but the way that their friend/partner rises and falls ever slightly with every breath they take
alternatively, giant sitting up on the couch facing a widescreen TV. to the giant, it isn't anything special, but to the tiny craddled in the crook of their shoulder, the screen takes up so much of their vision, the characters larger than life.
the giant scoops a handful of buttery popcorn, and without any thought at all plucks one out and raises it to the tiny on their shoulder, who accepts it with both hands.
maybe they're watching a cheesy romcom, and with each heartfelt confession from the screen, the tiny on their friend/partner's shoulder can feel a warm blush start to creep up under them. (perhaps mercilessly teasing them about it). maybe the giant hears a near imperceptable wistful sigh or squeeful giggle next to their ear, and has to focus very hard not to crack into a huge smile. (or maybe they also tease them about it)
maybe they're watching a tense horror movie, and with each dread built jumpscare, the giant can feel the tiny curl up closer to their neck. the giant has to be very, very careful of not startling too hard or they might send the tiny toppling towards the couch. in the end, the giant gently picks the tiny off their shoulder and craddles them in their grasp against their chest. when the tiny rests their head aganist their friend/partner's chest, they can hear their spiking heartrate (and you better believe they're teasing them for it)
after the movie is over, all the popcorn long gone, they both spend a long time talking about the bad script or outdated effects, until the giant leans back on the couch and their breathing begins to slow and steady, the tiny tucked against their chest falling into an equally comfortable sleep listening to their deep heartbeat
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fiber-optic-alligator · 2 months
I love how you have written your First Contact Au in that the human and cybertronian made a genuine connection with each other, but the human still rightfully is going through the complex feelings of grief, terror, and depression of being only seen as a pet. A lesser being that has no autonomy by the very person they formed a bond with. The fact that it seems like Drift will be given a much needed eyeopener and discover that human's are just as sapient as cybertronians is a plot point that I wish I saw more of in this Au.
Can't wait to read your next chapter!
Ahhhh thank you for the kind words! When it comes to the first contact au, I really like delving into the idea of a Cybertronian and human forming a close relationship that has so much well-meaning in it, but is obviously unbalanced with the mech having a clear power advantage over the human. It’s an au with so much potential to hold hurt, comfort, horror, terror, grief, and depression, just like you said, within it. I like exploring those components of human-bot dynamics; I like writing human-bot dynamics in general. Cybertronians are always destined to have their fated intertwined with humanity for at least a little while. Whether that fate is positive or negative is completely up to personal interpretation, which I love to explore!
Drift receiving an eye-opener after realizing that you are fully sapient is really going to add to his growth in this story. He’s always meant well. He cares about the reader so, so much, and he’s dedicated much of his time to taking care of you. This is something I also wish other first contact stories focused on a little. Obviously sooner or later Cybertronians are going to find out that humans are more than just tiny animals. How will they react? It changes a lot of things concerning human-bot relations. Laws will have to be made, regulations will be enforced. And then there are the personal conflictions to worry about, especially within the Autobot ranks. How can you call yourself a peacekeeper when you realize you’ve been essentially holding another sentient being hostage and treating them like a pet? How can you wear the Autobot badge with honor when you’ve taken away the autonomy from a creature your leader has sworn to protect? (Because Optimus Prime says freedom is the right of ALL sentient beings.) There’s a lot of contemplate, and an empathetic bot like Drift is definitely going to suffer from this. Both you and him are having a TERRIBLE time.
Idk I just really like writing about giant robots interacting with humans I’m such a freak
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celestialvoyeur · 5 months
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Our TOS boys enjoying some well deserved shore leave together. 🥰
(Shatner remains elusive but I feel like I’m gaining on him 😂)
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afraidparade · 1 year
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daddysroyalwhore · 1 month
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“Believe that though we never eat
We still know how to feed
We still know how to bleed, oh
Sugar, I've developed a taste for you now”
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littlescaryinternetguy · 11 months
A tiny living with their full-sized lover in their full-sized house. Every walkway marked with tape to show where the tiny should walk so as not to get underfoot; hidden stairways and elevating platforms around the backs of things so the tiny can get around when their bigger partner isn't there. And a small room, proportioned so small, so the tiny can have their own space to be alone, away from everything so huge and looming, if only for a moment, because sometimes it's too much, even love can be too much when it stands over you like a building about to fall.
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tea-potato-gt · 16 hours
A little fan art for @fireflywritesgt’s story “The art of love and war” chapter 30: “Happy”
“How could I impress you?” “You could play me something.”
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I based the drawing on @remordsposthume’s character designs and colors ☺️
My other things (memes) for TAOLAW here: part 1 / part 2 / part 3
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zer0point5ive · 10 months
adam walking in on lawrence “i don’t really like cats, they scratch and get fur all over my suits” gordon on their couch after work with their cat on his lap, suit still on and everything, reading in bed, glasses on and their cat lying at his side, talking to their cat as he cooks in the kitchen and occasionally slipping it a treat or two, laughing when their cat bats at lawrence’s cane to get his attention, talking to their cat about his day, about diana, about adam
lawrence walking in on adam “i don’t really like kids ‘cause like, what the hell am i supposed to do with them?” stanheight letting diana paint his nails as she talks to him about her favorite animal, sitting in diana’s room, telling her stories when she has a bad dream, letting diana watch as he develops some photos he took of her and her dad, telling her what he’s doing and answering all her questions with a smile on his face he can’t quite seem to shift
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lazer-t · 1 year
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Fancy Rat (Dumbo-eared Rex) for a $5 Ko-fi supporter
 Requested by @plushieanimals
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fauvester · 1 year
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someone asked about girldad julian.. he’s trying his best
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