#t's ff celebration
t-lostinworlds · 2 years
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t’s february frolicking celebration ✘ MOODBOARDS
STEVE HARRINGTON + YELLOW ⤷ requested by @annab-nana
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lovelyrotter · 4 months
yknow i love transmasc/tboy dirk always and forever but the way some ppl treat transmascness vs transfemmeness in HS's narrative........kinda sucks. like the whole thing about how being transfeminine is a literal transient experience and lets the character in question (any character) truly escape the oppression of HS's narrative-as-a-character which is patriarchal and toxic (lord english, hussie-the-character to an extent. i guess. idk ive seen a lotta ppl lump SI-hussie in w/ this), which is great and does hold weight as an analytical lens esp with how hussie irl is nonbinary. but where does this leave transmasc characters. why are we treating (headcanoned) transfemme HS characters like this and then tbh gleefully dooming (headcanoned) transmasc characters to eternal narrative suffering brought by LE and then mocking them for being ''gross tboys'' full of ''icky testorerone'' so its their fault theyre in this perpetual torment really? because they ''''chose to be a man''''? dunno man its starting to feel bad. especially since some bnf's who are really into this fan theory do actually kinda treat the general idea of transmasculinity like somthing to hold with tongs at arms length away from them. as if its alien or infectous or something and then get really mad when equally dysphoric transmascs do the same with feminity. why are we dooming dirk strider to eternal toxic-masculine suffering and what does that say about how we treat real life transmasc folks both in and outside of the fandom
#my t#basically you arent more or less special or deserving of celebration or joy depending on what pronouns you use#and idk yall gender is such a personal thing and your trans experience def does colour the way you look at the world. it def does mine/ours#and i wish ppl on this site would be more honest about that cause holy hell do some of yall treat eachother like dogshit#PURELY on the basis of identity. you are no better than a TERF if you do this. you ARE a TERF if you do this#but like...........can we all at least TRY not to demonize '''the other side''' here#in quotations because theres no '''other side''' in the trans community we're all just trans in different ways#theres just like. yknow#theres a reason why so many tboys and transmasc folks identify with the striders and dirk especially#and theres a reason why *so many* transmascs felt so much joy abt tboy roxy#so many of our lives pre-transition looked and felt like roxy lalondes. so many of us legit forcefully feminized ourselves#bc the alternative was so fucking scary. as you can probably imagine regardless of what flavour of trans you are#theres also a reason why there are so many transmasc fictives named dirk and dave and idk what to tell these ppl abt that#i remember rlly clearly this affectionate joke like a literal decade ago on this site that was like#daves intro dropped and 1mil tboys named dave materialized into existence#dirks intro dropped and 1mil MORE tboys named dirk materialized into existence#i try rlly rlly hard not to get sour at wlw/nblw focused memes that are like#''i made pepsicola better!!! theyre she/theys now :)'' for example#but its getting increasingly harder to ignore when the same ppl who make these memes treat#fans who prefer m/m *bc they themselves are gay* like shit#or like enjoying m/m because theyre mlm is mysogynistic. which it isnt ffs#that shit gives i am uncomfortable when is not about me and i aint here for that#if i were like these ppl maybe id turn all their fave girls into tboys just to spite them#but it wont be just to spite them bc 1) i aint abt that actually. im too fuckin grown for it and 2)#i genuinely just enjoy exploring m/m and masculinity more because i am a trans mlm. its very simple math
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venus-is-thinking · 15 days
A Narrative Defense of Levi Accomplice Theory
Hello everyone! I’m finally back with this post to celebrate the fact that DRDT is back tomorrow! aaaaAAAAAAAA–
For any of you who have no idea what the title means, consider it the second part to my year-old Narrative Defense of Eden Culprit Theory. In this, I’ll go over the narrative reasons why I think Levi being the accomplice (to Eden as the blackened) would make sense and open up interesting opportunities for DRDTdev to explore, if they do choose to go in this direction. I’m not at all trying to prove, evidence-wise, why Levi is the accomplice in this post. 
My thoughts on the functionality of the Chapter 2 murder method are basically exactly what @1moreff-creator (nickname FF) outlines in their A Summary of the Levi Accomplice Theory + How We Got Here post. I STRONGLY recommend reading it, both because I think it’s a great read and because as far as I know, the concept of Levi as an accomplice isn’t really talked about outside of it, so it’ll provide some useful context as to why I believe this is a possibility. 
That being said, I do want to disclaim this by saying that this post will be a lot more open-ended and speculative than the Eden version. Levi accomplice theory, at least in the context of being paired with Eden culprit, is objectively less likely to be true than Eden culprit theory by itself, and I could definitely see a world in which Levi is either innocent or involved in the crime in some other way. 
There’s also the fact that, because I don’t believe Levi will be executed this chapter, there’s a lot more question of where his character is headed. I predicted the trajectory of Eden’s arc to end in a handful of episodes; Levi will hypothetically be facing entirely new motives and twists that I have no way to meaningfully predict, so take all of this with a grain of salt.
Still, I’ve been meaning to make this post for literally an entire year, and I’m not gonna let the “Chapter 2 resumes” deadline pass! So, without further ado, here it is: the long awaited Narrative Defense of Levi Accomplice Theory!
T/W: Murder, blackmail, traumatic pasts 
I’m going to follow roughly the same structure as the Eden Narrative Defense, which means that I’m going to be looking at the following topics:
Motive (Why Levi would choose to help Eden commit the crime)
Story Arc (How Levi being the accomplice fits into the overall narrative)
Relationships (How Levi’s relationships impact this writing decision)
Character Arc (How this plays into Levi’s individual character arc)
Wildcard (A specific topic that I think is relevant to discuss for this theory)
These are listed in the order they appeared in Eden’s narrative defense, with Eden’s Wildcard slot being taken up by her emotional breakdown in the Trial and justifying how that wouldn’t be entirely fake/how it would be possible with her still being the culprit. Hopefully that all makes sense! 
For Levi, I actually think the best starting point is: 
TOPIC 1: Relationships
Because this theory is dependent on Levi helping Eden commit literal murder, I want to start off by examining Levi’s relationship with Eden. 
Interestingly, they don’t really interact much of all in Chapter 1; to my memory, the clearest example of them being highlighted in the same scene is when Arei throws a fit over Eden not inviting her to bake with her, where in the same scene, Arei manipulates Levi after he tries to defuse the situation.
However, we open Chapter 2 on the two of them having a rather important conversation. Notably, Levi gets “good person” name dropped in this conversation. For those who don’t know, beneath the “All That Glitters” chapter title, there’s a faint hidden text of “A Good Person.” Pretty much everyone who is called a good person is incredibly important to this chapter (Teruko, Eden, Arei, David, and Levi), so Levi getting hit with the “good person” right at the beginning definitely flags him for importance down the line. 
Interestingly, what is said here is: 
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Levi is called a good person due to his reliability, which clues us into the fact that Eden might be open to relying on Levi, even if it’s for something important. Notably, here, Levi still wants to help others and try to be the best person he can be, despite his slip-up yelling at Ace in the Chapter 1 Trial. 
The existence of this scene at all, and especially given the fact that it delves further into Eden and Levi’s mental states as the killing game progresses, seems to indicate that this is a pair to watch moving forwards. 
Levi also notably has another relationship that heavily plays into the idea of Levi being an accomplice: Ace. 
Ace has spent the chapter telling Levi to fuck off and leave him alone, holding the fact that Levi said he would strange Ace over his head. To me, Levi’s strong reactions to Ace play very heavily into his secret quote:
I always believed that a person is defined by their actions alone. But maybe that’s just a poor excuse for my heartlessness.
(If you don’t know what the secret quotes are, basically, on everyone’s profile page on the tumblr website, there’s a secret quote hidden that you can find by inspecting elements. This is the one on Levi’s page.)
I’ll get more into this later on, but this is a rather interesting quote when paired with Levi taking the action of threatening Ace, but doing it through words alone. You could argue that he didn’t actually do anything, but that’s not completely true. Ace certainly seems to think he did something. 
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Levi is caught at the crossroads of his words of intent to harm Ace being treated as the true him, but any attempts he makes to reconcile are being treated as “just words.” 
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However, any actions that Levi tries to take are rebuffed. He can’t repair things with his words, and he can’t take action without violating Ace’s wishes, so he’s stuck. This, of course, frustrates Levi.
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This was clearly a big character moment from Levi. It seems like his will to repair things with Ace, at least, is fully gone in this moment. Notably, we haven’t really seen any demeanor change from Levi that I can think of as a result for this conclusion he’s apparently drawn, which raises my suspicions that he’s hiding crucial information from us this Trial.
But, most people who think Levi is set up to be suspicious and giving up on everyone think that he’s going to be the killer. Why do I think he’s going to be the accomplice instead?
Well, a lot of it has to do with the evidence itself, notably the grippy tape and the contraption used in Arei’s killing (see FF’s theory post). But, there’s also the fact that it’s not unreasonable to think that Eden and Levi could’ve gotten scheming here. 
While Levi walks off before Teruko, we don’t know exactly what happens afterwards. It seems like Ace got bandaged up at some point (possibly because Eden helped him?), but either way, I could see Eden and Levi talking afterwards about their opinions on everything that happened. And, of course, about their secrets.
TOPIC 2: Motive
For the sake of this theory, I am strongly assuming that Levi’s secret is “You’re a murderer, and you hold no remorse.” If it isn’t, toss this entire thing out the window, because it doesn’t make any goddamn sense. 
I think there are two conceivable paths to Levi’s motive for helping out Eden here. I know that in FF’s post, they outline one of them: the possibility that Levi would prefer that Eden escape and everyone else die over the continuation of the killing game as-is. This would be based on Levi’s belief that Eden is a good person, and his increased belief over time that everyone else (including himself) is a bad person, unworthy of living.
I certainly think this is possible, but it leaves Levi’s character off in a bit of a weird spot. Like, okay, he decided to gamble it all on Eden and he loses. Then what? It’s only Chapter 2. There are certainly ways for his character to go, but I feel like at that point, he’s either dragging his feet before dying or dragging his feet before he gets to do his survivor arc. I’m not sure if it would leave enough room to explore his character over the course of who-knows-how-many-more chapters. I have to imagine that, if Levi is the accomplice under this plan, he’d make it through Chapter 3, because otherwise, it seems like the message of Levi is that he gave up and that means he died. But, what would he be doing throughout those chapters?
So, I think that’s a possible read, but it’s not the one I favor. The second read is a little more complicated, but I think it makes sense. Give me a bit to explain it.
This theory really focuses in on my interpretation of Levi’s secret quote, which is again: 
I always believed that a person is defined by their actions alone. But maybe that’s just a poor excuse for my heartlessness.
What this says to me, in combination with Levi’s secret, is, “I am only a murderer if I am actively murdering someone.” Sure, Levi was a murderer– but that was in the past!
(Levi makes many cryptic mentionings of his dark past. I don’t know what exactly it is, but I believe that Levi has killed someone, and might not feel remorse for at least one specific killing. It’s also possible that he feels no remorse because that’s just how he grieves– by feeling nothing– which he alludes to in the opening conversation with Eden.)
However, Ace is challenging that belief that Levi has. Can he really change so much just because he’s acting on his best behavior? Besides, it doesn’t really matter; if people think he’s a murderer, what difference is there in how they treat him?
To me, that’s what Levi’s “Why do I even bother?” means. He’s realizing that, with Ace, at least, but also maybe in general, if someone believes he’s a murderer, that’s as good as him being a murderer. In combination with his secret, that means that anyone who learns his secret will treat him as a murderer, immediately burning any relationship they have with him.
It kind of makes me think of the concept of Thought-Action Fusion, which is the psychological term for the belief that thinking about doing something wrong is just as bad as doing that wrong thing. It’s not quite the same, but it’s that kind of idea. Who cares if Levi kills someone or not? If people think he has, he might as well have. 
That, obviously, is a bad thing. It’s an even worse thing when you consider that DRDT seems to be a TV show, and MonoTV is threatening to reveal everyone’s motive secrets to everyone in the whole world if no one kills!
This then creates a bit of a paradox for Levi. The only way to prevent everyone from finding out that he’s a murderer is to murder someone on national (?) television. 
However, there is one out for him in this situation. If someone else kills before the motive timer is up, Levi gets out of this situation clean. And that’s where Eden comes in.
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(For clarity’s sake, I largely think this scene is a joke. I do not think Eden is actually doing anything sinister by “blackmailing” Teruko here, nor do I think either Teruko or Eden would actually think anything malevolent of Eden because of it. However, I’ve noticed that DRDT is very good at slipping relevant ideas or information into jokes, which is why I want to look at this.)
Eden doesn’t need to blackmail Levi, per se. At least, she doesn’t have to actually put the threat out there directly. 
What I’m envisioning is basically that, after helping bandage Ace up, Eden goes and checks in with Levi and sees how he’s doing. Levi explains his frustrations with the fact that Ace is treating him like a murderer even though he hasn’t done anything, and it seems like Ace’s belief that he’s a murderer is good enough to condemn him. In response, Eden lets Levi know that she knows what his secret is.
Arei is the one who received Levi’s secret, but I’d be, like, 0% surprised if Eden knew it. Arei said she’d do anything to prove her loyalty to Eden, and especially considering how Arei overheard the secret Eden received, it would make enough sense if she told Eden about the one she received to “even it out.” 
So, let’s say Eden says, “but aren’t you a murderer? Your secret says so.” Or something like that. Levi is now obviously in a tricky position, because the answer is, yes, that is his secret, but people aren’t supposed to know that. Eden would then loop Levi into her plan to kill Arei, and they would come to a mutual understanding.
Levi has to cooperate with Eden and do whatever she says when it comes to the crime, because if he doesn’t, Eden could easily reveal his secret. To Levi, that’s a fate worse than death, because it means that he will never be able to escape his past. Conversely, Eden can’t throw Levi under the bus and spill his secret, because then Levi would easily throw Eden under the bus and reveal she’s the blackened in turn. By giving Levi a severe secret of Eden’s own– that she’ll be the blackened– the playing field levels out into one of mutually assured destruction, where both of them respect each other enough to take the other’s secret to the grave if they’re the one who fails.
Eden, I think, would be willing to take this risk in the first place, because Levi is reliable. If she understands how his internal logic operates, she can trust that he’ll see it through to the end. Having an accomplice could make it much harder for people to find out she's the blackened, which is a huge advantage.
For Levi, if you follow my read of his character, this makes sense. His best bet is to help Eden out from a neutral perspective, helping her commit the crime but not dying on the hill to help her win. If Eden loses, she can respect the fact that he didn’t out her and tried to help her. Then, Eden dies, taking everyone’s secrets and the motive to her grave with her. Obviously, the secrets ended up being more or less revealed anyways, considering Arei’s body wasn’t discovered until after the motive announcement, but David is proof enough that the students didn’t know that was how it would be ruled. 
Hopefully this makes enough sense! To summarize, I think Levi’s motivation to help Eden is to protect his own secret and survive the motive. The only way to avoid being known as a murderer is to help facilitate a murder without the fact that he was an accomplice ever being exposed. To have his secret revealed is basically death anyways, so risking death if Eden is the killer isn’t the biggest deal in the world. 
INTERLUDE 2.5: Arei’s Glove
So, this isn’t part of the narrative defense, this is me repairing part of FF’s theory. Because, Arei’s glove is missing from her body, and FF’s reasoning ended up being “Levi can drop the glove to frame himself as the culprit mid-Trial if needed.” However, because in my world, Levi is still hoping Eden loses (even if he can’t contribute), that seems a bit far fetched. So, I tried to come up with an alternate explanation of why Arei’s glove might be missing.
One of them kinda sucks, which is that Arei was wearing her glove when the water jugs broke, drenching it. Because the turf is weird, you can count on the turf not being wet by the Body Discovery Announcement, but the glove could still be too wet, giving away part of how the crime was completed. Thus, someone hides or pockets the glove so that it doesn’t give something away. This seemed halfway viable to me before I rewatched the investigation, but between the fish being entirely dried out (non-turf that was definitely very wet at one point) and the positioning of the tape marks on Arei’s wrists (which I think would mean the glove would have to be off her wrists when you taped them), I don’t think it’s especially viable.
There’s FF’s original reasoning from a while ago as to why it could’ve been missing, which is that to get a better grip on the spinny thing (carousel), Levi may have put on Arei’s glove. It could’ve gotten scratched up or stretched out as a result, making it key evidence. This is a bit presumptive, but it works enough.
The weirdest thing to me is that it does seem like Arei’s glove was taken off before her wrists were taped. I’d think taping Arei’s wrists would happen fairly early, considering it makes it harder for her to struggle. But, getting her glove off while she’s struggling seems pretty hard.
The third explanation I have is just that Eden asked Arei to take her glove off at some point before Levi showed up, because it would be annoying to tape her wrists with the glove on. Then, Arei’s glove went missing in the shuffle, or they didn’t have a good place to put it because it would be difficult to put it back on once Arei is hung up. They couldn’t throw it in the trash, because Eden planned on the class reconstructing the note they left in the trash. So, instead, Arei’s glove gets stashed somewhere and they hope no one notices it, because if people stop to think about how Arei’s glove was taken off before her wrists were taped, it could point to Eden.
I don’t love any of these reasons, but combined, I think they’re good enough that it’s not a dealbreaker for this theory, at least. Pick whichever one is your favorite and we can go forward from there.
TOPIC 3: Character Arc
If Levi’s relationships have set him up for this, and he has a viable enough motive, what does it mean for Levi that he’s the accomplice? What is his individual story telling us?
I think Levi’s character is meant to center around the concept of what makes a person good, and what allows a person to properly repent. It really seems like Levi has a not-so-good past, something that’s only heightened if he does have the murderer without remorse secret.
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There’s also the secret quote, which talks about “excuses” for “heartlessness.” Levi is trying to put his dark past behind him, but it’s incredibly difficult. He wants to move forwards from it, but he doesn’t know how.
If Levi is the accomplice, it provides a really interesting opportunity for his character arc: Levi will then be exposed as an accomplice and be publicly known as someone dangerous and possibly, to some, unforgivable, but he won’t die for it. He’ll have to figure out how to navigate the fact that he does carry the burden of his past actions with him, and he’ll have to learn to cope.
If a character is meant to ask how possible it is to repent, doesn’t it make sense to give an extremely concrete in-universe thing that they need to repent for, and that everyone knows they need to repent for? 
I’m not sure exactly where Levi would end up from there. A lot of it depends on the other characters, the motives, and the kill order. I still think it’s definitely possible for Levi to take on the classic Chapter 4 buff curse/sacrifice killer mantle with this, if he decides that the only way to repent properly is to put everyone else above him. However, I do think it’d be interesting to see him fill any slot. 
He could be a victim, if his time runs out. He could be a killer, if he decides that he can’t repent, and his only option is to once again try to outrun his past. He could be a survivor if he figures out that the only thing he can do is try to move forwards, accept his past, and try to do better in the future. I’m actually quite partial to the survivor interpretation, but it’s hard to make survivor cast predictions this early.
Either way, I think this totally makes sense as a direction to take Levi’s character in.
TOPIC 4: The “Murderer” Rule
This is my Wildcard slot for this narrative defense. I don’t know exactly what it’ll amount to, but I think it’s worth discussing. 
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Rule 14: All murderers must be held accountable for their crimes. 
If Levi is the murderer without remorse, I wonder if this rule will apply to him. I also wonder exactly what it means. “Held accountable” doesn’t necessarily mean that whoever is a murderer will get executed.
I honestly think a really interesting way for this to go is if Eden gets found out as the culprit on her own, but they don’t realize that Levi is the accomplice. Then, in accordance with Rule 14, MonoTV reveals that Levi was also involved in the crime, and is also functionally a murderer. This forces Levi to be held socially responsible by those around him.
Another option would be that, whenever his secret comes to light, he’s at risk of some kind of execution. I doubt Levi would actually get executed there, considering a lot of the reason I like Levi accomplice theory is because of how interesting it’d be to further pursue Levi’s character post-murder, but it’s certainly possible.
It could also be something that comes up in Chapter 6. This rule feels like it’s a direct result of the mastermind’s worldview or something. If Levi is a survivor, it’s possible that, at the end, the mastermind will try to execute him or something because he’s a murderer. Hell, maybe every survivor will have a claim to be a murderer in some way or another. That’s when the characters will rise up and say that people deserve a second chance, no matter their past. Or something like that, I don’t know. Again, it’s really hard to theorize about the whole game when we only have, like, 1.75 chapters so far. 
Anyways, onto the last point:
TOPIC 5: Story Arc
Oh boy, time to theorize about the whole game!
Because figuring out the moral messaging and final result of the last Class Trial at this stage is nigh impossible, I’ve been reading the Story Arc category through Teruko. How would it impact the way we see the story through her eyes if Levi is the accomplice?
Well, an obvious point is that it emphasizes how much you can’t trust anyone. You can’t even trust that there’s only one person with killing intent per murder! I’m sure Levi would be somewhat outcasted if this does all play out, and that would likely tie into a greater feeling of distrust. Between David’s heel turn, the sweet and helpful Eden tearfully being the blackened and facing an execution, and the stoic but previously reliable Levi being both a murderer (secret) and an accomplice (crime) out of nowhere, trust throughout the group would be at an all-time low. I think that’s a good thing; as I’ve said before, at this point in the story, I think we’re still validating Teruko’s worldview. It’s too early for a major shake-up, and to Teruko, these patterns are repetitive. They have to repeat at least a little bit for the audience to truly understand why Teruko acts the way she does.
But, even more than that, I think that DRDT has the makings of a central message surrounding fate. 
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Everyone’s fate is already sealed, according to Teruko. The Lucky Student cannot die, no matter what. All murderers must be held accountable. There are a lot of big picture makings of the idea that people’s fates are already set in stone, no matter what they do.
Levi is, in many ways, “fated” to be a bad person. He’s fated to be a murderer. Whatever his past was, it seems like he was set up for moral failure no matter what. Seeing Levi fall into that trap of his destiny, being a murderer yet again after being deemed a murderer, also validates Teruko’s worldview that everyone is doomed because they’re already locked into their slots. Even if Levi didn’t die today, he will eventually.
Except, if he doesn’t die immediately, he also has a possibility to invalidate that worldview later. Levi’s survival to a point and (presumed) attempt to repent again, even after everything, could be something that shakes Teruko’s beliefs in future chapters. I’m not saying Levi would be the catalyst for Teruko’s entire character arc, but I think it’s going to take a lot of instances of Teruko being “wrong” to actually change Teruko’s mind. This is one way that we could set up Teruko being wrong, dating back to Chapter 2, so that when we get the payoff, the seeds have been planted all along the way.
Hopefully this made sense! It’s been a long time since I’ve fully watched the series, and I only had time to partially rewatch Chapter 2 before writing and posting this. But, I remember a lot of the thoughts I had back when I was in peak DRDT brainrot, and I still believe Levi being the accomplice would make a lot of sense and open up a lot of doors narratively.
Obviously, this is what I currently believe, but even if you disagree, I hope you still found it interesting. I think it’s important to remember, going into these next few episodes, a core principle that pushed me to write the Eden Narrative Defense in the first place: we shouldn’t call something bad writing until we see it executed. Please remember to respect DRDTdev’s writing decisions and creative autonomy, no matter how you feel about the result. I’ll do my best to do the same as well.
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A Gift That Keeps on Giving
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characters: Astarion x race/spellcaster fem!Tav/reader word count: +1.6k Rating: T read on ao3 FF Masterlist This hasn't been beta-read.
Astarion is an absolute menace when it comes to celebrations, especially Winter Solstice. Merry Christmas! ♡
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Astarion had been driving you to the brink of insanity, which wasn’t anything new to you; over time, you’d gotten used to his antics. 
The weeks leading up to the Winter Solstice, however, had been something entirely different. 
The pale elf had become unbearable, positively so. 
One would think the Winter Solstice celebration was, in its essence, a simple affair. You decorated your house with evergreen and holly, maybe even some ivy, if you felt like it. Lit some candles to expel the long night. Danced around. Exchanged presents with your loved ones. It was all rather straightforward, really.
But not with Astarion, no; things were seldom simple with him, so you shouldn’t have been that surprised. 
He’d been planning for the celebration for weeks on end and—being a gods-awful planner—had turned that nice, simple affair into a proper ordeal.
Nothing had met his unprecedented standards.
The evergreens hadn’t been festive enough, so he’d crafted straw stars as additional decorations—only to deem them hideous after you’d helped make three dozen of them.  
Candles had been needed, a whole lot—nay! a sea—of them. Astarion had wanted the entire house to be filled with soft candlelight, only to get annoyed when he’d finally realised how much of a hassle it would be to actually light two thousand candles at roughly the same time.
Astarion thought you were a terrible dancer and teaching you some proper dance steps had already ended in tears once—neither of you wanted to speak of it ever again since you had more or less promised each other everlasting love and respect and little to no bloodshed. Dancing, let alone another dancing lesson, was off the table—indefinitely.
The only thing you’d been rather optimistic about was the celebration’s gift-giving aspect. Astarion had a very keen eye for things you might enjoy; pretty little trinkets, an excellent bottle of wine, a lovely new dress. 
The only issue Astarion had with gift-giving, however, was the gift-getting. 
He’d grossly misjudged the amount of time left until the Winter Solstice, only to find—with less than a week to go—that no potential gift had been good enough to present to you. 
Astarion had let you know in great detail that every trinket he’d come across had been tacky, and that every wine he’d sampled had tasted like piss. He was also strongly convinced that every seamstress in town was blind in both eyes. 
It had been a perfect predicament and with the days being reduced to only a couple of hours of scant sunlight, Astarion had been out and about most of the time—which, in all honesty, was the best gift he could have possibly given to you until the celebration was over.
And then the longed-for day had finally come. 
In true midwinter fashion, the weak sun rays barely penetrated the grey cover of clouds, and so you and Astarion found yourself tramping through knee-high snow in the early afternoon. 
You pressed your lips into a thin line as Astarion cursed again, kicking against a wayward pile of snow blocking his way. The snow scattered prettily before settling on Astarion’s already-drenched hood. He hissed but refrained from using any more profanities—for the time being, at least.
You wouldn’t be exaggerating when you said the general mood was a little sour on this most festive of days. 
For all your Winter Solstice planning, the fact that you two were travellers with no permanent residence to hold an actual celebration in, had somehow eluded you both. It wasn’t anybody’s fault, really. Sometimes, one could miss some crucial details here and there. Things like that happened all the time. No big deal at all. It was fine! 
You gave Astarion the side eye as you adjusted the straps of your pack which was stuffed with an ungodly amount of candles and greenery.
By the time you eventually reached an inn, you were cold and miserable. The inn’s soft candlelight dancing behind stained glass windows had guided you through the gathering darkness and you let out a deep sigh of relief when the warmth of its entry hall caressed your frozen skin. 
The inn was packed to the brim, the elderly proprietress informed you the moment you walked up to the reception desk—off you go again; there was no need wasting her time.
You took a deep breath before glancing over your shoulder to where Astarion was waiting outside, shivering and unable to cross the inn’s threshold. In your time together with him, you had learned that a dagger usually worked wonders, and it did not disappoint now, either.  
The elderly lady stared at the shiny blade you’d rammed into the polished wood of her desk and recalled that the attic was quite available to lodge in after all. 
You’d thought so, too, and gave her a courteous nod before taking the key from her.
“It’s cold outside. Would you be so kind and invite my partner in, too?” 
The proprietress assured you that it was no problem at all and invited Astarion in oh so enthusiastically.
“All settled,” you said as you held the door open for Astarion a moment later. They were the first words you’d spoken to him in hours but you fell back into thick silence when you stalked up the stairs to your rooms after him. 
The attic was a cold, damp and dark place. You’d made do in worse accommodations, though—and the hot bath the proprietress had promised you would make up for it.
To your surprise, Astarion bid you to warm up first. 
Although you all but wanted to fall asleep in the blissfully steaming hot water, you washed up quickly. You wouldn’t risk pushing your luck asking for another bath to be drawn but you didn’t want Astarion to soak in cold water, either. 
Red-faced and squeaky clean you hurried from the washroom back to the attic. You’d barely made it through the door that Astarion squeezed past you down the attic stairs, leaving you standing alone in the gloomy room. 
You knew he was only sulking because nothing had gone as he’d planned once again, but you would be lying if you said you weren’t bothered by the tension between you. 
It was the night of the Winter Solstice, after all. 
Sighing, you sat down on the old bed, suddenly wishing for a decadently decorated, candle-lit parlour and maybe even some music to dance to. Almost anything would be nicer than this draughty attic room and a frustrated vampire spawn. 
Grimacing, you were just about to comb your fingers through your wet hair when your sight fell on a little box resting next to you on the bed. You hadn’t noticed it before but a soft smile was already tugging at your lips when you picked it up. 
The box held a dainty pendant necklace with the palest ruby you’d ever seen. It was a subtle little thing—not at all Astarion’s style—but absolutely stunning in your eyes. 
You wasted no time putting the necklace on before you rummaged through your pack, looking for some candles. There were enough to light up the damn house, but one or two dozen would do nicely for your purposes. 
Over the past few weeks, you’d come up with a spell that lit every candle within a room with nothing but the snap of your finger, so it took no time at all to bathe the attic in soft candlelight. 
The evergreens you’d carried around looked a little worse for wear but you covered the narrow windowsill with them anyway before hanging some holly to the shabby bed posts as an afterthought. 
The room had turned cosy enough by the time you could hear footsteps behind the door. 
Not knowing how you’d received his gift, Astarion entered the room sheepishly enough. He raised an eyebrow at the sight in front of him, but his initial surprise was swiftly masked by a crooked smile. 
“You’ve been busy,” he observed, looking around before his gaze settled on you. 
He eyed the beautifully embroidered silk robe you’d gotten him as a present for the Winter Solstice. It was a little long for you, but that didn’t really matter—you’d only donned the robe for the purpose of presentation. 
“Do you like it?” You asked, stepping closer to him. 
Astarion reached for your hand, drawing his thumb over the back of it as he took a better look at the embroidery across your chest—although his eyes stuck to the collarbone that you’d left generously exposed.  
“You know, darling” he mused, cocking his head as he cupped your cheek, “Your taste might be a little questionable at times, but…” 
Chuckling, you pressed a kiss to the palm of his hand. Leave it to Astarion to insult you to your face and have you thank him for it. 
Maybe he did have a point, though; the colour of the robe did clash a little with his crimson eyes…
“But?” You sighed as his hand wandered from your cheek down your throat, brushing against your new necklace before it vanished into your deep, silken cleavage
“But…” Astarion started again, visibly pleased by your reaction to his touch; his gift around your neck.
You didn’t break eye contact when he tugged at the belt of your robe, nor when he circled your waist with his lean arm, pulling you flush against him.
“You do have an exceptional eye for presentation, my love.”
You tilted your head back to welcome his lips on yours.
Astarion’s kiss was deep and sweet at once—intoxicating you like no wine in all the realms ever could. 
The silk robe slid down your shoulders with only a little help from Astarion’s nimble fingers; the luxurious fabric pooled around your feet like water. 
You cupped the back of Astarion’s neck with your hand, deepening the kiss as he slowly guided you backwards until your legs brushed against the bed frame.
It would be a wondrously long night and it seemed like you would even get to dance together, after all.
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justjams2003 · 9 months
Fast Pace- 7
Also a very Merry Christmas to all those who celebrate! And Free Palestine.
Summary: You're a hard-working Chef in Paris and after a freak accident run-in with Carlos Sainz, your life makes a 180. Let's just say with a certain agreement, you get your bills paid and in return stand in as Carlos' girlfriend for the press. But will you be able to handle the pressure and ensure the lines don't blur?
Pairing: Sugar Daddy!Carlos Sainz x Sugar Baby!Reader
Warnings: I've aged up Carlos, he is 33 in this fic.Smoking, smut, sexual themes, age difference, manipulation, control, slight obsession, tell me if I missed any
Dividers by: @firefly-graphics and @s-silk
Taglist: @httpjeonlicious, @f1lov3r, @messersandmesses, @hollie911, @oriconde08 @thehufflepuffavenger1 @fanboyluvr @thatgirlmj @whyamireadingthis @oriconde08 @depressedriches @roseseraj @skepvids @sain55wifey @distinguishedvoidlady @amatswimming @sachaa-ff @lightdragonrayne @lazybot @dark-night-sky-99 @formula1mount @fangirl-dot-com @saintslewis
Word count: 3,4k
Part 6~Part 8
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Us Weekly:  
“Carlos Sainz seen with a new girl on the paddock.”  
People Magazine:  
“Carlos Sainz’s new girl proves to be a fashion icon.”  
Elle Magazine: 
“Carlos Sainz seen dancing in the rain with his new girlfriend.”  
Cosmopolitan Magazine:  
“Is this new girl just a fling or here to stay?”  
You can see the news articles flash before you in full HD on the new phone Carlos got you. Fully signed in on everything. Not only that but your Instagram has blown up already. Ten thousand new followers since you last uploaded a picture with you standing by the paddock. You haven’t had time to reply to any comments or new dm’s, because you were on a flight 6 am Monday. 
“So, how was your first F1 weekend?” You know its Charles talking to you, but you’d much rather not even open your eyes right now. Eventually, you decide to be courteous, and you see he looks more than excited to talk to you. You gather up all your strength and put on the best smile you can. “It was a lot more fun than I expected. But there was also a lot of sitting around.”  
He nods and continues. “Yes, Alexandra usually stays home for most gp’s. She usually only comes for the important ones, like Italy where were going now. It’s strange that Carlos brought you to Zandvoort for your first time.” Your mind feels foggy and thinking of a reason why seems almost useless. Where is Carlos, can’t he do all this for you?  
“Yeah um, he was just so excited,” it seems good enough but thinking feels like such a chore. “Are you okay?” He asks, going closer to see if you’re okay. “Yeah, I’m uh fine...It’s just...” just then your saviour comes. Carlos sits down beside you, unaware of the conversation. “Are you not feeling better yet?” Almost instinctively you wrap your hands around his arm.  
You wouldn’t usually do this. Normally you’d be more aware of your relationship and making sure Carlos is ready. But right now thinking feels above your capacity. “Is she sick?” Charles asks and Carlos can feel the jealousy grow in his stomach. It takes everything in him not to glare at his teammate or tell him to back off.  
“Yeah, smoking withdrawals. I just don’t know what to do to help.” He pulls your hair out of your face. Charles sighs, “I’m sorry mate,” he pats you on the shoulder. “I’ll leave you then and get to know your girl later on.” When Charles is gone, Carlos takes you under the arms and pulls you closer into his arms, cradling you.  
“I got you something,” that gets you to look up but what is in his hands disappoint you. It’s a green smoothie and a big sandwich. “You brought me healthy food? You monster,” you groan taking the sandwich from him and taking a big bite. He chuckles but continues to rub circles on your back.  
“I don’t like Charles talking to you.” He mumbles, you know he’s talking to himself mostly. “He’s going to talk to me, Carlos. You take me everywhere, and where you go, he goes.” You chuckle, thinking back to the weekend. He only hums as a reply. “I’m sorry that I’m like this. I know you don’t want this.”  
You mumble, still enjoying your sandwich, taking sip from your fresh drink. He sighs and shakes his head. “You keep saying that. What on earth do you mean?” There is annoyance in his voice, you can hear it and it makes you stiffen. He’s never been annoyed with you before. “I read a few articles about our...agreement. They all say you daddies want stress-free, low-maintenance always happy girls.” 
He scoffs at you, “Siempre tan terca. Do you believe everything they say on the internet?” He asks, now regretting giving you the new phone and unlimited data plan. “So far what they’ve said about you and me has been true.” You shrug, finishing your sandwich as you think back. There were even TikTok's.  
“Oh yeah, and what do they say?” He asks, peering down as you finish your drink. “Well, that I’m incredibly fashionable and also a gold digger.” You chuckle watching as he rolls his eyes at you again. Then he stares you down, taking your chin between his fingers. “Didn’t I tell you, mi querida, you and I are more.”  
You can see his eyes flicker to your lips, and you’re entranced by his. The silence between you is deafening and you can feel your head spinning. “Can I kiss you?” the words are on the tip of your tongue, but you just don’t have the guts to ask. “I’m sorry you had a bad weekend.” He licks his lips and then takes your empty cup and paper and places it on the table.  
Carlos then takes you in his arms again and holds you tight once more. His smell almost seems to get rid of your headache. “It’s alright, this weekend will be better. I’m sure, because then you’ll feel better and you can be by my side. And with you by my side, the world championship will be mine in no time.”  
You giggle and curl yourself closer into his side. “Call it my 50%. Being your good luck charm.” He laughs and then pulls you closer to him. “I must warn you my dear, Italy is the home of Ferrari. The Tifosi are...enthusiastic to say the least.” His cheeks almost go pink at the thought of just how excited some of them can be.  
“They can’t be that bad...” you mutter, languidly making small circles on his thigh. He laughs, “I mean, without them we wouldn’t have met.” You turn on your back so that you can look up at him. “Was that the screaming I heard that day?” He smirks and nods. “Why were you running from them? And why didn’t you want to tell me then?” You ask, watching his eyes intensely like always.  
He leans back, now his hands are in your hair. You can feel your headache dissipating as his big strong hands untangle any knots that hid from you. “Sometimes, I just want to roam the streets of Paris without being bombarded to take photos. And I didn’t tell you because I was scared you might be one of them and have a... similar reaction.”  
You can’t help but let out a laugh. “Did it disappoint you when I didn’t fall to my knees and kiss your shoes?” He lets out a sigh at your shenanigans. “It was nice for someone to show me kindness because they are human not because of what I do.” This does make your heart melt; you can’t help yourself.  
You let your hands reach up and touch his cheek, letting his scruff tickle your hands. “Tell me, how can I be that person for you? What more can I do for you?” He takes your hand and holds it close before he places a kiss on your palm. “Don’t ever change. Not for me, not for your family, not for your future. Don’t ever let the world take away that smile, or that sprakle in your eyes.”  
His words bring tears to your eyes, and you can’t help but use the sleeves of your (his) hoodie to wipe away the forming tears. “Why do you cry, mi amor?” He asks, his brows furrowing to a point between his brows. You can just shake your head. “I’m just emotional, is all.” He shakes his head and the continues massaging your scalp.  
“Get some sleep, mi amor.”  
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You’re awoken by a door opening. Not a plane door, a hotel door. It takes a few moments to realise, but you’re tucked in deep into the soft comforter. The room is dark, and it doesn’t take long for your eyes to get use to the light. Then, you see Carlos coming closer and then squatting down next to the bed.  
“Good morning, sleepy head. I was starting to get worried that you’d gotten sick.” He says, pushing the hair out of your face. “Good morning?” You ask, starting to sit up, confused by the dark room. He smirks along with a chuckle. “Shall I open the curtains?” He then stands and you watch him as he walks across the hotel room to the window.  
The light floods in and you peak your head back under the covers. “What time is it?” You ask, listening as he walks about. “It’s about 12-ish.” This doesn’t seem so bad, but Carlos said you’d go to the gym as soon as you landed. The realisation causes you to throw the comforter off. 
He tsks, coming over and smoothing the furrow between your brows. “Why would you let me sleep that long?” You ask with just a bit of a whine in your tone. “Because you are sick and need the rest.” You huff and push out your bottom lip. “I missed our first gym session,” you whine. For once you were looking forward to it and you can see by his wet hair that he already went and already showered.  
After all, you did see the Instagram story he posted on Friday morning. The thought of seeing him hot and sweaty is enough to get your workout shoes on. Again, he tsks and shakes his head. “Not while you’re recovering. You can take a walk, get some fresh air but that is it until you start to feel better.”  
Carlos’ voice is stern and leaves no room to argue. For now, you’ll just have to continue keeping a close eye on his Instagram. “I bought something for you.” He smiles, walking over to the bag he had placed on the couch in the hotel room. There is a pep in his step. He brings over two boxes and two bags, both from name brands that you’ve only ever dreamed of owning.  
He looks so excited to see you open the boxes and honestly you too are gleaming with elation. The first box is flat and you open it to pull out a beautiful hand spun white boho maxi-dress. “It’s hotter in Italy,” he explains before you open the next box. Its beautiful brown woven sandals to match with the boho effect. Lastly, the bag.  
The shopping bag has the unmistakable Prada logo. “You shouldn’t have,” you mutter feeling your heartbeat rise. His glare makes you want to eat your words. You take the bag out as if it is ancient Chinese porcelain. The bag matches perfectly with the sandals. The same brown with the same woven effect.  
“Oh, it’s gorgeous Carlos, thank you so much.” You reach over and pull him tight into a hug. You can smell his musky deodorant and it makes you never want to let go. “I saw all these and instantly thought of you.” He smiles and then continues. “Lastly, they made special Ferrari merch for Italy.” He explains, taking out the red, yellow and black shirt. Along with a cap with the same colour theme.  
“You like them? They make me think more Spanish flag than Italy. It suits you,” you smirk with a raised brow. Once again reminded by his strong accent. He only shrugs, “Doesn’t really matter if I like them or not. Wear or don’t wear, that’s up to you.” You gasp and this time it’s your turn to scold them.  
“No, Carlos. You must stand up for yourself.” He smirks at your reaction and raises his brow. “Is that so? I’ll keep that in mind next time you push out that bottom lip of yours.” He replies, giving your lip a swipe and then going on. “Now go get dressed. We’re going out for brunch; you must be hungry.”  
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“The view is really beautiful, hold on let me send you guys a photo.” You take a picture from the balcony. In clear view is a beautifully crafted, over 500-year-old church. Not only that but you have a perfectly clear view of the circuit. If you wanted to, you could watch the race from the balcony. Knowing Carlos, he would prefer it so.  
“Woah, girl. Isn’t that so cool? In a five-star hotel in Italy right next to the formula one track.” Jasmine says over the phone. You can’t help but chuckle. “How are you feeling?” Ilsa asks, not as impressed by the fancy location. “Better, he’s really been taking good care of me.” You explain thinking back. “Oo, do tell.” It’s Jas again.  
“He let me sleep in his arms on the plane and even tucked me in and let me sleep more. He woke me up with gifts,” you can’t talk more before Jasmine demands to know what the gifts are. “He got me this beautiful dress, and brand-new shoes. Both name brand. And you’ll never guess what.” You begin but don’t even allow them to guess. “He got me my very first Prada bag.”  
You can hear screaming through the phone while you send them a photo. As well as the Instagram photos Carlos took for you. “He took these photos for you?? Damn girl, he knows all your best angles.” You blush at Jas’ words. “It seems all too good to be true...” Ilsa seems to speak your thoughts out loud.  
“Yes, there are some small things that seem a bit odd.” They both go a bit quiet. “Like?” Ilsa asks, and you know this might ring alarm bells for them. “He has these two bodygaurds to follow me everywhere.” You get two wildly different reactions. Jas coos and Ilsa gasps. “And I feel a bit like he’s babying me.”  
Ilsa asks for you to explain. “Well he’s working with a dietitian to make sure I get all my daily vitamins, and once I get better, he got me a personal trainer.” They both are dead silent. “That is a bit strange...” This time it’s Jasmine talking. “That doesn’t seem normal at all,” it’s Ilsa talking, and you know she’s right.  
“But it’s the terms I agree too so I can’t really say anything about it.” There isn’t much else to be said. “I suppose, but as soon as he crosses a line, you’ll leave him, right?” Ilsa asks and you bite your lip. “That’s the thing. He hasn’t tried to do anything to me, even once. He’s been nothing but kind to me. He keeps saying he and I will become something more but so far it’s only been words.”  
They hum as a reply, “Maybe you should make the first move?” Jas suggests and Ilsa scolds her for it. “That’s the thing, I don’t know if I want that. What if it makes things weird between us? What if I do make the first move and that’s all he sees me as after? What if I do make a move and he just wanted someone to talk to and he ditches me?” You can hear your friends roll their eyes at you. “You’re overthinking it, Y/N. If it’s meant to be, it will be. For now, just enjoy the lavish life and look hot. That’s your job.”  
The conversation plays in your head over and over. Who is right? Jasmine or Ilsa? Should you just enjoy the luxuries he gives you, or question his actions? Why is he doing all this for you? You read online that Sugar Daddies like to spoil. Take their babies on trips and buy them anything and everything. But do they form diet plans and make sure you get a full 8 hours of sleep?  
Do they tuck you into bed at night, and get you medication to help with smoking withdrawals? Do they hire a personal trainer to make sure you stay in healthy body? Do they tell you, you’re their person and promise to visit your family? Are there lines being crossed? Should you be more wary? Or should you just shut up and enjoy it?  
You toss and turn at night. It’s already 2 in the morning, Carlos had you going to bed at ten. Like you said, he wants you getting a full night’s rest. You just can’t sleep. Likely due to the withdrawals but also due to the storming thoughts in your mind. And you remember feeling this same way all of last weekend.  
The only other thing that got you to sleep last weekend, was Carlos. Being wrapped in his arms and surrounded by his scent. Now that you’re sleeping in separate rooms, would it be weird for you to ask for him to hold you? How weird is that? Would that be considered making the first move? You know for a fact that Carlos would be seething if he found out you didn’t sleep at all.  
You open the door, there are different bodyguards here. Likely the night shift and it feels so eerie to have them standing there. There aren’t even any by his door and you know other drivers are staying here and you haven’t seen them have any bodyguards. “Um, excuse me?” You grab their attention, but they don’t seem to notice.  
“Do you maybe have a keycard for Carlos’ room?” The taller of the two reaches into his breast pocket, pulls out a keycard and then hands it to you. “Thank you,” you smile up at him but get little reaction. You keep across the hall and open his door with a click.  
His room is the same as yours, but reversed. You can see from here that he is sound asleep. You can feel a pang of guilt hit you at just the thought of waking him up for something this silly. He looks so peaceful, not stressed, or anxious about his future. No he seems entirely at content to be drifting away in Dreamland.  
Do you really have to wake him? Can't you just return? It's a nice thought, but you can't help but remember last weekend. You were too exhausted to even enjoy the energy and the surrealism of the moment. You spent most of the time as a zombie in Carlos' room. And when the actual finished, you had been sitting in the garage and only registered when Carlos came up to you.  
Needless to say he was furious when he found out truly just how little you slept. And how well you hid it from him. You'd gotten use to putting up a smile and hiding the exhaustion from the people most important to you. He told you that your health was on the same level of priority as his racing to him. Which, honestly, blew your mind.  
Your health has always been on the back burner. Something you'll worry about when you have more money and more time. Now you have an abundance of both and still can't help but ignore it. Because if you adress it, it makes it real.  
Now, as you stand besides his bead, you can't help but feel like a child. Is that how he sees you? As a responsiblity he's here to dress and take care of? Is that why he won't kiss you? Why his touch is soft and gentle and never show anything more than worry?  
If you leave now, you know for a fact those goons outside your door will definitely tell him. Likely, they would tell him that you didn't sleep too. Just do it! You had practiced the words so well before. This is the first time you've truly wanted for something. He's taken care of everything else before you could even think about it. But now you have to ask him for something.  
You gently tap his arm, no reaction. He must be a deep sleeper. This time you shove a bit harder, it's difficult to see exactly what you're shoving especially with the black out curtains. This time, however, he does stir and you can only assume awoke when words spill from his mouth.  
“What is wrong, mi dulce chica?” He asks, already his hand gently caressing your arm. You take a deep breath in and try not to think of your next words too much. “Daddy, I can't sleep.” You can't see his reaction but soon after he opens up the duvet and his arms. Queuing for you to join him.  
This. This is exactly what you needed. He cradles your head between his arms. Your knees pressed between his legs. You body perfect matching his. That small. The smell of a hot summer day. Of his musky deodorant and what you can only describe as a day in the beach. If you could bottle his scent, you're certain you'd make millions.  
You had so many questions that you wanted to ask him. But now as you're cuddled in his arms, your thoughts just melt away. Into a nice and warm sheen over your body. Sleep comes easy.
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outrunningthedark · 4 months
I don´t understand the frenzy with which parts of the fandom try to negate Ryan saying Eddie is straight or that he played him straight, or try to qualify it with "for now" or "but he would prefer doing gay or bi Eddie in the future if..".
Even if Ryan said he prefers Eddie being straight and staying straight because he sees him that way, what would be the problem? Why would this be considered a moral failling on his part? And it seems a lot of his fans do see it as a failling otherwise they would not constantly try to downplay or re-interpret what he said. If Ryan would prefer Buddie to stay platonic and best friends al la Meredith and Christina (I always compare them to those two) for all eternity that´s fine. Straight does not equal homophobic.
💯 Exactly this.
I try to leave room for things to change because how someone feels now might not be how they feel in a couple years, but the people who are legitimately upset when they read things about Ryan calling Eddie heterosexual (especially after finding out that he could have had the coming out arc first) obviously feel it makes him look “bad” compared to Oliver or they wouldn’t be getting upset!
And if the negativity is because of someone else thinking poorly of him…just let them??? If you know and believe in your heart that he supports the queer community (as many of us do) someone else’s reaction does not matter and should not matter, particularly when those people are the type to criticize everything he does anyway. Just keep scrolling, ffs. (It’s not normal to be SO defensive over a celebrity they don’t interact with IRL, but that’s a whole ‘nother problem…)
I’m ngl, I do find some of the pushback funny in that the “arguments” aren’t actually proving the opposite of what he says.
“Reminder that Ryan sends Oliver Buddie edits and has read fanfic!”
…He can appreciate the fandom’s interpretations (and the passion, which he’s mentioned many times) without agreeing that’s what NEEDS to happen on screen FOR HIS CHARACTER.
What? He has to reject all things Buddie to prove he really does view Eddie as hetero? Wouldn’t that just look even worse? 🤨 (And why would you want that if you love him so much? 🤨)
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angelfirewalker · 5 months
I tried to make this post last week on 3rd of May, but it completely disappeared into the ether. On the 2nd of May, I had started to read the book Stardust by Neil Gaiman. I chose Stardust (simply by word association with my wacky mind... Ziggy... well, I had no clue where to start).
Sorry Neil, they are 2nd hand. I like to recycle and reuse to help save trees. I did buy a brand new Good Omens script book, though.
My Aubrey Beardsley bookmark, and the Crowley T shirt I am working on.
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I have dyslexia and put up lots of reasons not to read more than is necessary in everyday life. After I had read along to the audio with Good Omens, I felt I should attempt to read more by Mr Gaiman. A long-term friend I have known since 1979 who worked in the music industry back then and signed Bauhaus to 4ad records suggested I read them all. It seemed like a sign.
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On the 2nd May, I read one chapter in the morning and a second in the afternoon. It was a joy, I didn't seem to be dealing with dancing sentences and words. I did miss a few paragraphs and had to read a couple of pages more than once. But I was actually really enjoying reading.
This line made me really laugh out loud, if you know you know!
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The next day, the 3rd was the Heavenly Birthday of Lindsay Kemp, (he was the mentor to David Bowie and Kate Bush). So before I got ready to read some more, and I was excited about the prospect. I was sorting a post to celebrate his birthday on the The Lindsay Kemp Company page I run. I made the post, then caught up with some admin on the page. I posted a drawing I did last year of Lindsay. Now this page is visited by Kemp fans from all around the world, so most are used to my bad grammar at times. I don't always realise why I have got things wrong due to the dyslexia. I grew up in a time where if you had problems reading, you were thought Thick and Stupid. I was ridiculed, laughed at if I struggled to read out loud in class called Beetroot for going a lovely shade of crimson.
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I got a notification, the grammar police had visited the page and corrected me. I had put 'OF' instead of 'HAVE'.... FFS! The grammar police turned out to be a bloody teacher. I can only hope in the future she will think before correcting grammar. I wanted to answer with this, but it wouldn't have been very professional, and I do my best to behave professionally.
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It bought up so many hidden feelings that had been repressed since being bullied at school. In fact 3 different school, starting at age 6 though to 16. (I am the same generation as Neil, but he's 27 months older lol). Suddenly, my mood swung so low. I couldn't pick up the book to read that day... in fact, 5 days later, I still haven't ! That keyboard warrior teacher reduced me to my teenage emotions once again. So if any of you out there are correcting people grammar, think twice before doing so. You don't know what the person posting has been through. It might be a big deal for them to actually post. I am shocked how hard it has hit me. The ridiculous thing is I spent years at Art College and had to write a number of Thesis, which I managed quite well, getting a couple of merits. At senior school, I even took the voluntary Shakespeare module and received good grades.
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If only it was that simple Master Crowley.
Not everyone has a brain that works the same, mine is creative and not academic. I have found that being dyslexic means you can also be bad a languages... which explains so much... In the Kemp Company most were fluent in 3 to 4 languages.... me I could read a menu...lol, but still everyday I use my Duolingo app... God I am crap! I went back to painting one of my many hand painted Crowley T shirts to lift my mood, but it even took the enjoyment away from that. I haven't touched any of them since the 4th.
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The process of Crowley in Hell T shirt, it takes many layers...still a work in progress.... still a long way to go.. they take forever with the drying time between layers.
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I couldn't even be arsed to watch Good Omens.... that's how low I felt. But today I feel better, and defiance is high... so I have been painting FFS! & WTF! on a headscarf and T shirt.. lol. Tonight, I will watch Good Omens. Tomorrow I will read chapter 3 of Stardust and get back to my Crowley T shirts.
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I read my post, to which Neil wrote this... it all helped again. Then this quote turned up on my Facebook newsfeed... Divine intervention, maybe? Because it is the best quote that could have come my way, (nearly wrote of again.... but hey ho!)
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So yet again @neil-gaiman has come to my rescue with my mental health. I think he is actually my new mentor. For decades, it was Lindsay Kemp who gave me the wings to fly and taught me to listen to my heart. I think Neil is helping me with the mind and words.
So thank you once again Mr Gaiman, for coming to my rescue.... and which of your delights do you recommend I should I read next after I finish Stardust?
*Edit.... I read another chapter....wahoo!
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odinsblog · 11 months
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This stinks to high heaven, or Jannah, or Valhalla, or whatever makes you happy
My big sister is gay. I was the first person she came out to when we were kids, not quite 20 yet. I care deeply about her. And as I matured + unlearned much of my ingrained adolescent homophobia, with my sister’s help, I have come to care deeply about the LGBTQ community. Even the white ones, and all the other non-Black ones too
I’m trying really hard to imagine hearing about something like the Pulse nightclub shooting and somehow not caring about some of the non-Black victims because they might not have shared my exact political beliefs. I can’t. I can’t imagine not caring. Not caring because of something so trivial by comparison of being murdered by a crazy person in cold blood.
Look, I guess at some point either you care about people or you don’t. And if you’re able to turn off who you feel sorrow for based on their race, religion or ideology, then I don’t know what to tell you. I don’t know how to relate to you.
I’ve been trying not to post too TOO much about some specifics of what’s happening in Palestine and Israel, but I’m sorry: I feel bad for the innocent children and civilians who were murdered in cold blood in Israel. I know that the “any means” tankies crowd wants everyone to ignore their deaths (or worse celebrate their deaths), but I guess I’m not built that way.
Some of those people murdered at the concert, for example, were not only innocent civilians, but they were also pro-Palestinian activists who spent their time working for peace. I shed tears hearing their family members talking about them. Hamas murdered Holocaust survivors, ffs.
I absolutely can understand Jewish people feeling uneasy right now. They lost a ton of noncombatant civilians —not to mention children. And oh yeah, antisemitism has been at an all time high, unfortunately, just like Islamophobia is about to be. Again.
I might be wrong, but I honestly just do not think that Hamas did Palestinians any favors.
Yes, yes, I dO understand that violence is always a necessary part of freedom and decolonization.
“Nobody in the world, nobody in history, has ever gotten their freedom by appealing to the moral sense of the people who were oppressing them.” —Assata Shakur
So I’m a big podcast listener (helps occupy my mind whenever I’m working on long tedious projects), and I was listening to one where they interviewed a Jewish soldier who was recently activated, but he was out of Israel and had to fly back. He said something like, “If they had only attacked military targets, then I would get it. We got caught with our pants down, and all is fair in love and war, right? But the mass slaughter of civilian families, women and children is the reason I’m going back.”
I wanted to reach through my phone and ask him about Israel preparing to do exactly the same thing to Palestinians in retaliation, but alas I guess I just sounded like a crazy person yelling to himself in my office.
And yeah, before you read too much further, please understand that I dO support the fuck outta Palestine. Let me be unequivocal here: Israel is in the wrong. Israel has oppressed Palestinians for decades. For actual generations.
Remember when Israel literally bulldozed over a woman to build more houses in Gaza?
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Yeah, seriously heinous shit, right?
And we don’t actually have a solid count for all the innocent murdered Palestinian civilians who were living in apartment buildings that Israel has been bombing to smithereens for the past few days. I understand that Israel and the West would have us believe that everyone in Gaza is a terrorist and nobody is an innocent civilian, but hopefully, if you’re reading this, YOU know better than that.
But that said ….. I cannot get with tankies—who, safe and sound in their homes, not being perpetually bombed—want to sound “hard” on social media, and make no distinctions with the people who were just minding their own fucking business at a goddamn concert. I think about all of the mass shootings in America (movie theaters, grocery stores, night clubs, concerts, schools, office buildings, etc) and I just cannot imagine justifying or excusing ANY of them because of the shooter’s “ideology.” I know it’s not an apples-to-apples comparison, but it’s close enough.
“If they were on colonized land then they deserved to die” is one hell of a fucked up take. The slippery slope is that if any of our loved ones are gunned down by “freedom fighters,” then we should just be happy for “the cause” and not shed any tears, because ALL of us deserve to die in America and other Western countries, because we’re all living on colonized land.
I cannot even begin to explain how flawed and fucked up that so-called reasoning is.
You have to have some fucking lines and boundaries.
We don’t just do a shoulder shrug when children are murdered in cold blood—and no, I’m not talking about the 40 babies allegedly beheaded, I’m just talking about the little toddlers who were shot through walls and died, and the elderly and disabled who were shown being dragged away. Yeah, I feel sorry for them too. And I won’t apologize for that.
Rape is wrong. All the time. Under all circumstances. Even when it’s happening to people who you don’t like.
Murdering children is wrong. All the time. Under all circumstances. Even when it’s the children of people who you don’t like.
Do I really need to spell this shit out? JFC.
If you don’t care about any of this because you’re “down for the cause,” then you. are. lost. Like really and truly lost. You aren’t a radical. You’re a fanatic. And hopefully you won’t be in a position to ever receive the fanatical Karma that you’re asking for.
I am on the side of Palestine in all of this. They never deserved to be oppressed by Israel or anyone.
Innocent Palestinian women and children are dying as you’re reading this. I’m shedding tears for them too. They’ve been going through this for way too long. That fact alone is beyond being a tragedy.
Palestine has already suffered and will suffer 10 times more than all of the civilians and noncombatants who were tragically murdered in Kfar Aza.
As always, my usual reminders:
The Holocaust happened
Antisemitism is real
Hamas ≠ Palestine
Israel is an apartheid state
Collective punishment is a war crime
Benjamin Netanyahu is a war criminal
You can support Palestine without being antisemitic
Free Palestine 🇵🇸
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Daemon Targaryen x queen!OC (Oneshot)
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A/N: Guys, Well as I saw you liked the last Daemon ffs I tried another one. I have to warn you: I cried at the end. Anyways: Hope ya enjoy it. Have a good Night/evening/day!
Spoilers for House of the Dragon!
Warnings: fluff, mentions of death, mentions of death, swearing
Words: 1140
She looked up at the sky. A red monster flows over her head and roars. At one point, she could see the rider. As she knew, it was Caraxes, the Dragon from Daemon Targaryen.
Her sister stepped next to her.
"Impressive, isn´t it?"
"We will soon be docking in the port of King's Landing. Please guard the door to the throne room, take ten of your best men with you, and make sure no one comes in."
"What if he comes in?"
She nodded with her chin right into the sky. Her sister smirked.
"Then let him in."
She laughed.
"You like him."
Her sister blushed.
"Emilia, you, the Queen of everything, likes a Prince of the House Targaryen. THAT´S Impressive."
Emilia shook her head.
"And you are horrible."
She chuckled and moved down along the ship.
They docked ten minutes later in the port of King´s Landing. Both sisters were impressed. It was huge. Emilia got greeted by the King's assistant. She followed her with ten of her best men.
They arrived in front of the Throne hall. She stopped in front of the door. Emilia got in.
"Why aren´t you inside? I mean, you are the princess."
Her best friend and equally commandant of the army asked her.
"That´s true. But she is the Queen. Do you remember the Prophecy? One a soldier and one a queen. Believe me, I am not a Queen. I would lead the whole country into war."
He smiled at her. The sound of Steps rose on the right side. Their heads flow around and looked at the point where it came from. Only the shadow appeared first, but then a body followed. It was him. Daemon fucking Targaryen. Her sister would freak out.
The commandant stopped him.
"We shouldn´t let anyone inside."
"I am a prince."
He rolled his eyes and held out a hammer.
"I just defeated Drahar. Just open the damm door."
She stepped next to her best friend and interrupted their conversation.
"Do it. My sister allowed it."
The commandant nodded and opened the door with crunched eyebrows.
"Thanks, My Lord and My Lady."
He smiled at her and got inside.
The wedding of one of her best friends since childhood was celebrated. Rhaenyra was beautiful this evening. She could see the smile in her eyes. She was happy.
She stood once again at the door. This time with a whole armor and her sword at her left side. Ten of her best soldiers were distributed in the hall. Everyone was focused on that what happens. A wedding is a good place to kill a queen.
She smiled as her sister came around with a cup of wine.
"Here for you."
"You know I am at work. I can´t."
"She is your best friend since childhood. Take it. This is a command from your Queen."
She took the cup and sipped at it.
Her sister laughed.
"You know when I was younger I always thought that I am beautiful. That sounds curious I know. But today I know what is beautiful. The way he is looking at you. Take him. I will get better options."
She crunched her eyebrows and looked at her sister.
"Do you have a fever?"
"No, my dear. Look at him and the way he is looking at you then you know what I mean."
She looked over to the huge table and saw him staring at her. As she catched his view, he smiled.
"Drink your wine and go fuck him."
She blushed.
"He knows what he wants. Trust me."
They got interrupted by a Lord from somewhere in Westeros.
She tried to ignore him but she couldn´t. She couldn´t resist the urgent feeling to look at him. He was beautiful. His eyes and his face. Simply everything on him was perfect. When her transfer came, she had to tear herself away from his gaze.
Down in the dark halls, she could hear the voices of the people. After a few moments, she could hear steps behind her. A body pressed her against the next wall.
"My Lady."
She recognized the voice, it was him: Daemon Targaryen.
"My Lord, normally I would bow but I can´t."
She could see that his lips lifted.
"You have sarcasm. That´s fine."
"What do you want?"
As she said that she felt his warm lips on hers. She could feel his hands through her armor and how they hold her at her shoulders. She could feel how his lips parted and how his tongue slipped into her mouth. She could feel the urgency in this kiss. She could feel his desire. And all that he gave her, she gave back. She moved her hands into his neck and pulled him closer. His hands trailed down her shoulders towards her waist. She interrupted the kiss.
"That was…"
He leaned his forehead against hers.
"My Lady, I know that´s a little earlier, but your sister probably hasn´t told you. But we will marry soon. I know it is surprising, but my brother decided that. I heard your stories before. When I was younger I dreamed about being in your Queens Guards. You know when I first saw you I knew all the stories were true. Every little piece. Every fairytale about you and your sister. That´s impressive. So let me ask you this once? Do you wanna marry me?"
His hands were on her waist and he looked into her eyes. His right hand brushed through her hair.
She smiled and rubbed his cheek with her left hand. Her eyes softened. She nodded.
"Yes. Yes, I wanna marry you. But first, let us enjoy this evening."
He nodded and kissed her neck. So the evening moved on. For both of them, was it a long night.
A few weeks later they got married. She got pregnant after two months. She born a son. He couldn´t be prouder of his wife.
Two years after the birth of their son, she received a message. It was the message of the death of her sister. She traveled back to Emilia's funeral. She promised him not to die.
Two weeks later, the message that she got hurt arrived in Kings Landing. Months went on, and nobody knew anything.
Ten months later, the message of her death arrived. Daemon was at her side as she died. He holds her hand till the end. Her last words were:
"I love you till the end."
The promise they gave each other at the wedding. As she closed her eyes, he started to cry.
He was never the same again. He cared a lot about their son and promised to show him the world. As he did. But he always saw her in his face. So she was always with him till the end.
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t-lostinworlds · 2 years
omg some hurt comfort with any of the five characters (it’s your choice) and " hey... you've been crying. " i’d eat it up i tell ya
A/N: okay, so i went with bucky bc ngl i'm currently fawning over him right now. so this is the first ever bucky fic i've posted so pls be nice sksksk. also, another love confession made it into this one sksk. hope you like it @annab-nana !! <3
bucky barnes x avenger!fem!reader | wc: 2k…blurb she said | best friends to lovers, hurt/comfort, canon typical trauma of being a hero™️ | prompt in bold!
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The early hours in the compound's gym had always brought some sort of peace. It was empty and quiet, undisturbed.
Although it was a false sense of quietness if it came in the form of raw knuckles hitting worn-down leather, the faint song of crickets, the chains rattling on the ceiling, and the deep harsh breaths that accompanied each jab and left hook, a kick and a blowing right hand, another punch that had your already split skin stinging at the impact.
Because inside your head was anything but peaceful.
With narrowed eyes and gritted teeth, you twisted on your heel and swung behind you, only for your fist to be caught midair.
You knew it was a conscious decision on his part, always careful and wary about his own superhuman strength, doubled down around you. But still, you were thankful enough that Bucky blocked your punch with his calloused and warm palm. Because if it were cold and silver, you would've fractured your entire hand.
If the punching bag hadn't done that already.
"I told you not to sneak up on me," you stated lowly, chest heaving.
"I didn't." Bucky raised a brow. "I called your name twice."
You didn't hear him. Too distracted by your rage and guilt paired with the audibly loud abuse you'd inflicted on the punching bag.
Bucky looked at your fist, still enclosed in his much larger hand and frowned.
"Where are your gloves?"
"Didn't feel like wearing any." You shrugged, pulling your hand away and shaking it off nonchalantly as if your knuckles weren't already swollen.
Bucky glanced to where your blood had colored his skin.
You turned towards the bag, flexing your fingers to get back into it only for a whole mass of muscles and super soldier serum to block your way.
"That's enough," he said firmly, but the concern in his eyes was unmistakable.
With clenched fists and a sharp glare, you gritted, "Nobody tells me what to do, Barnes."
"You're hurting yourself."
"I don't fucking care."
"I do."
That crumbled your resolve a little—only a little, since anger and grief were still boiling rampant in your veins.
"Out of my way. James."
"Fine!" you growled, pushing at his chest, frustration misplaced. "Fight me then!"
Bucky's tall stature remained unfazed, eyes carefully roaming your features before they softened.
"Hey…" he whispered, fingertips akin to feathers as he caressed your glistening cheeks. The lines were too carefully drawn for them to be sweat. "You've been crying."
You didn't know if it was his touch, his voice, his cerulean eyes, staring at you with such softness and care or everything all at once. But it drained the adrenaline out of your body, taking with it your heart as it fell on the floor.
Your exhaustion came in a sweeping wave as your lips trembled, your body slumping forward, falling into Bucky's already open arms.
He pulled you into his chest with a sigh, "Come on. Let's take care of those hands before they get infected."
The silence that hung between you and Bucky as he cleaned your wounds wasn't deafening, but it also wasn't comfortable.
You didn't know how much of it he knew, the reason for the gnawing guilt that made sleep evade you like the plague. 
"Steve won't tell me what happened on the mission, and I'm not going to force you to talk if you don't want to," he said as if he read your mind. After wrapping both your hands with the bandage, he carefully held it in his, a barely there squeeze as he tried to meet your eyes. "But I'm here, doll."
Like a dam that gave way to too much pressure, too many cracks in the foundation, you broke.
Bucky sighed as he scooped you into his arms, your legs draped over his thighs as means to keep you closer, shielded, safe.
You gripped the fabric of his shirt, tight fists resting on his back as you buried your face into his neck, tears staining his skin.
He gently rocked you as a means of comfort, hands rubbing circles on your back, one warm, one cold as he pressed his lips against your temple. But he didn't say anything. He simply waited, already knowing that you'd talk to him when you were ready.
It made it so much easier to do so, knowing that he was always all ears during moments you needed him to be.
"T-There's a little girl…during the rescue mission," you whispered, voice shaky, though with the kiss on your forehead, you knew he heard. "She's ten, got separated from her parents during the commotion and–she's very chatty, feisty, said she could take out the bad guys once she gets big enough but she never let go of my hand as we made our way back to the Helicarrier," you chuckled softly, smile falling as buried your face further into his chest.
Bucky wrapped one arm around your shoulder, the other on your waist, holding you close with a reassuring squeeze.
"Then t–there was an explosion and I—" you choked back a sob. "We got separated and when I found her again she was just gaining consciousness b–but then the concrete behind her started to collapse and I-I ran to her as fast as I could—God I just wanted to grab her so it wouldn't fall on her. I didn't care if it ended up being me but I just…" You lifted your head to look at Bucky with teary eyes, voice broken, bottom lip trembling. "I wasn't fast enough."
He frowned, hands cupping your face, thumbs brushing away as much of your tears as he could.
You shook your head with a choked sob, eyes squeezing shut. "H-Her scream, Buck…I-I can't get it out of my head.
"Steve had to come and h-help lift the debris and I just—I just watched. N-Now, she's in a coma and the doctors said s-she might not walk again or-or wake up and it's all my fault."
"Hey, no, it's not, doll," Bucky protested determinedly. "You did what you could."
"But it wasn't enough," you sniffled, gaze falling on your lap in shame. "I-I felt so helpless w-watching her get carried on a stretcher. It felt like whatever I do, it will never be enough because if I couldn't save her then…how can I save anyone else?"
"You've done more than enough," Bucky argued vehemently. "You've saved a lot of people's lives and not just civilians. You've saved lives at the expense of your own. That bullet you took for Nat when she was down and defenseless, the way you dragged Sam out of the enemy fire even though you've rendered yourself vulnerable.
"I mean, think about what you've done for me alone. The sleep you've lost just to be there for me when things get rough, the patience and care you have for me, just— " Bucky took a breath. "Think about all the things you've done for a man who frankly doesn't deserve any of it."
Your eyes snapped up to meet his. "You do, Buck, I—"
"My point is," he hummed, holding your face in his hands, the deep blue of his irises coated with sincerity. "You've saved me in more ways than I could ever imagine, Y/N, not just out there on the field, but by being there for me too. I can't thank you enough for it.
"And when that little girl wakes up, she's going to be forever grateful that you saved her life. Because you did, despite everything else, you did save her."
"B-But what if it happens again?" you whispered worriedly. "And t-this time, it would be worse."
"There's this kid from Brooklyn, smart but a pain in my ass sometimes, a bit patriotic, self-sacrificial, and who I trust and care about. I think you know him," Bucky said, tapping your nose, making your lips quirk slightly with the softest chuckle. He smiled proudly at that. "Kid said something about this job, and how we try to save as many people as we can. But, we can't always save everybody—"
"And if we can't find a way to live with it, maybe nobody gets saved," you finished, smiling sadly. "I heard that speech, too."
Bucky nodded. "You make such a huge difference in the field that when you're not out there, people are going to notice. You bring the best out of the team, doll. You bring the best out of me," he paused, taking your hands in his. "But, there's also nothing wrong with being on the bench for a little while. Because I think it's also time for you to be selfish for once, put yourself first."
"I just—I don't think I can trust myself again. I'm not a hero, Buck, not after what happened," you admitted, voice dejected as that barbed-wired guilt curled around your heart. "I mean, hell, I don't have superpowers. If I had, s-she would've been fine."
"So, there's also this girl," Bucky started, thumb caressing your cheek, smile soft as he held your gaze, "who's definitely one of the bravest people I know, smart and a smartass, kind, sweet, selfless. She cares so deeply for other people that sometimes, she forgets to care for herself. And she has impeccable taste in music and tv shows." He winked before his face softened. "She told me, our past mistakes don't define who we are, but what we do about it, does. And she's right, she always is. I should listen to her more often."
You chuckled softly, shaking your head at him throwing your own words back at you.
"But then she'd argue how it wasn't even my mistake to begin with, that it was HYDRA, it wasn't my fault. She's so stubborn about it, willing to fight who thinks otherwise, hell, she'd even fight me on it sometimes and I…" he took a breath, gaze never leaving yours as he said, "I love her for it."
"Bucky…" you whispered, eyes glossing but for a different reason this time.
"I thought after…everything, I wouldn't be able to feel those emotions again, too messed up, too broken. I mean, how could I when I barely even like myself? But you changed that, Y/N. Not only did you make me believe I can love again, but you also made me want to learn to give myself that kindness, too," he said, lips curved into that precious smile only you got the pleasure of seeing. "If you don't think that's some kind of superpower on its own, then how about the way you care so much for other people? It inspires the team—it inspires me to do the best I can to save everyone. You don't need some kind of superhuman strength or magical abilities to be an important member of the team because you're the heart of it. And that's powerful enough."
"I think I made you watch too many romcoms," you chuckled tearily, pressing your forehead against his, heart warm and aching as you looked at the man who'd stolen your heart without much effort involved.
It was just easy with Bucky.
He laughed, "Maybe. But it's a good manual on how to get the girl. My manual is a little bit outdated nowadays," he joked, nudging the tip of his nose with yours, a nervous glint in his eyes. "I'm not sure if it's working yet, though."
You tilted your head with a giggle and pressed your lips on his. You felt his whole body relax, a sigh tickling your cheek as he cupped the nape of your neck, head tilting to pull you that much closer. Coolness wrapped around your waist, one that was welcomed—needed, even, as you snaked your arms around his broad shoulders.
It was careful yet sweet, simple but laced with all the emotions your words could never justify—gratitude, longing, adoration, love.
"You've always had me, Bucky," you whispered once you pulled away.
There was a shyness in his eyes, tongue darting out as if to savor the taste of your lips for one more moment, as he asked, so softly, "Can you…can you say it?"
"I love you," you said without hesitation, fingers tracing his jaw. "All of you."
Bucky responded by pulling you back in for another kiss, one that assured you that, even though this job wasn't easy, you both would be alright.
As long as you have each other to lean on.
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⤷ t's february frolicking celebration
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↬ thank you for reading! reblog & leave a comment if you enjoyed. feedback is always appreciated!
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© t-lostinworlds, 2023 ✘ I do NOT give any permission to repost, translate, & use any of my works (writings, gifs, dividers, etc.) on any platform, with credit or otherwise. Please respect that. Thank you.
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dramioneasks · 1 year
FF where they have a Halloween ball /dance at hogwarts?
Pixie Lips by hayjames - T, 3 chapters - “I didn’t want to believe it. Hermione Granger, our perfect golden girl, capable of such manipulation. I’m sure your Gryffindor pals were positively roaring at my expense.” - Hogwarts is embracing some Muggle traditions, but when identities are concealed at the All Hallows’ Eve Ball, the aftermath may be the scariest of them all. Seventh Year AU.
Breath Mints / Battle Scars by Onyx_and_Elm - E, 51 Chapters - For a moment, she’s almost giddy. Because Draco Malfoy’s been ruined by this war and he’s as out of place as she is and — yes, he has scars too. He’s got an even bigger one. She wonders whether one day they’ll compare sizes.
All Hallows’ Eve By: MirroredSky - M, 2 chapters - It’s the night of October 31st. Invitations have been sent and accepted. Costumes are required and debauchery is encouraged. Ghostly delights emerge at every turn. Greatest fears are waiting to be uncovered. And Draco Malfoy is behaving inexplicably as always.
Something Wicked by astorianox - T, 5 chapters - Halloween 1998, the first since Voldemort’s demise. Hogwarts celebrates it’s first annual costume ball. Hermione has returned to Hogwarts, so has Malfoy who’s become some sort of wallflower. Despite it being Hermione’s favorite time of year, she’s distracted by Malfoy’s odd reclusiveness. Perhaps someone spiked the cider, but something’s definitely brewing between the pair.
The Masquerade by R.caseyseale - T, one shot - Draco decides to use the Halloween Masquerade Ball at Hogwarts as his chance to finally pursue the girl he has secretly liked for two years, Hermione Granger. This fanfic was the winner of the best overall and best feels award on the platform 9 ¾ October one shot fan fic writing contest! Thanks to Ariel riddle for the cover art!
The Samhain Ball by KittyleFay - E, one-shot - As Hogwarts hosts a masked ball for Samhain, Draco seeks solace from his boredom in a particularly extraordinary witch…and he has no idea who she is.
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tkblythofficial · 6 months
R is a naturally reactive person, I feel bad because the things people say about her are really nasty so I understand why she feels the way she does (always with her guard on) sadly social media and especially Twitter (or X) is a cesspool of miserable people complaining about everything and anyone. Seriously the negativity there is off the charts, and now with el*n taking over it became the perfect place for raging racists and incels to be (seriously the way the harass and mock woc celebrities like Halle, Zendaya and ofc R is really disheartening) Sadly idt the hate is going to stop anytime soon cause she keeps giving them ammunition. I love her tweets cause she's very insightful and quirky and she has my type of humor so I enjoy her content but my head hurts everytime I see her responding to hate when she could just ignore and block, those keyboard warriors are losers while she's literally a young award winning actress ffs!
Also I don't understand why T would get any hate for defending R?? by starters he's not working with her anymore so he's not going to post her on his IG promoting his work from now on, and secondly , yeah R might have an annoying fixation with responding hate comments but NO ONE deserves to be dogpilled the way she is for literally breathing
1. R is very reactive. Social media allows everyone to react in a split second which is why she should leave Twitter. Ayo Edebiri left Twitter (publicly, at least) because she used to be very responsive to fans and has thrived ever since she left.
2. R can stay on social media but she needs to use it wisely. That’s why I suggest her to not respond to hate and limit comments. Margot Robbie left social media too. Sometimes it’s just a smart thing to do.
3. No one said T would get hate for defending R? And he shouldn’t defend her which is what the anon was talking about. That’s the boar’s job actually. And he’s failed to do it. Even Halle B’s sperm donor defended her recently and he’s the bottom of the barrel too.
4. No one deserves to get dog piled on and that’s exactly my point. She can’t do anything about it except protect her own peace which she hasn’t been doing. Does T Swift deserve hate for existing? Nope! Is she protecting her own peace by ignoring people and not responding to hate that will always be there? Yup! T Swift got massive hate just for supporting that dumb jock at his job and did that stop her from going to his games? No! R needs to live her life offline. Is it fair she’s getting hate? Of course not. But she needs to learn to not care and be truly unbothered.
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maletales · 1 year
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Room Service ❗️18+❗️
Chris Evans x Ma!e Reader
⚠️Warning⚠️: Contains Mature Content
❗️18+❗️only please.
Working as room service for the most prominent hotel company in Hollywood has some ups and downs. Like for instance, you get to see all your favorite movie stars, but you have to deal with those celebrities who are secretly douche-bags. You can get the gossip on their upcoming films, but are literally at their beck and call.
FF to present day, 8:30 pm
You arrive at work at 8:30 on the dot, per usual. Though working nights doesn’t bring many celebrities in, you don’t mind the quietness. All you have to do is wait at the front desk and answer the phone for room service.
You pick up the phone.
Y/N: “Thank you for calling room service, how may I assist you this evening?” You say in an enthusiastic tone.
Unknown: “Uh, yeah hi. Um- I’m just gonna need an extra pillow for room 601.” A vaguely familiar voice says.
Y/N: “No problem sir, that will be right up” you say, setting the phone back on the bace.
Y/N: “Why does he sound so familiar?” You ponder.
Grabbing the pillow from the supply closet, you head towards room 601. You arrive on the floor after taking the elevator, to realize it’s a single room floor.
Y/N: “Damn now I wanna know who this is” you think to yourself.
You walk to the door that reads a sign, saying 601.
Y/N: “ROOM SERVICE!” You yell.
Unknown: “COME IN”
You open the door and walk down a short hallway to the bedroom. You see that the door is ajar and continue to walk in.
Y/N: “I brought the pillow you ca-“ you stop mid sentence.
From your experience at working for this company, nothing has prepared you for what you see. That mysterious man on the other end of the line is no other than Chris Evans. But the surprising part wasn’t that it was the Chris Evans, it was that he was lying down on the bed and wasn’t wearing pants. All he had on was a small white t-shirt and a tight pear of red briefs, clearly outlining his enormous bulge.
Chris: “The pillow I called about” he finishes.
Y/N: “Um- the uh- yeah pillow!” you spit out, stuttering after every word.
Chris gets up from his place in bed and slowly walks towards you. You freeze in place, and can’t help but stare at the amazing figure ahead of you. The way his legs move, accentuating the bulge in his briefs. The way the t-shirt he wears doesn’t fit his enormous shoulders and arms. And his face, the way he says so much without speaking. He stops, leaving only little room between you and him. You still frozen can’t muster up anything to say, and just stand there. He grabs the pillow from your hand, and throws it on the bed.
Chris: “You know, it’s bad manners for me to let you leave without a tip”
Y/N: “I-“
Chris leans his face down, and begins to lock lips with yours. You feel his tongue touch yours while he kisses you, and you let out a moan. The warmth of his mouth making you want more. Chris begins to move backwards towards the bed with your lips still touching, and sits down. You pause and take your shirt and pants off, leaving you in your underwear. Chris begins to slide his briefs off, and you watch in awe to finally see his dick out of his shorts. The sheer size of it, measuring towards the 8 inch mark. The trail of hair leading to the beautiful piece of meat. He was perfect in every way. You lower yourself to the ground, and bend over Chris’s legs and begin to take it in. You start at the tip, licking your way around. Chris lays back and grips the cotton sheets of the bed tightly. You slowly begin to take more and more of his dick, as Chris lets out the most beautiful moans you have never heard before. After reaching down, you feel his pre cum drip down your throat, and taste the salty liquid. Chris moves his hands from the bed to your head, and starts moving you up and down like a kebab. He moans so loudly it makes you thankful you’re on a floor alone with him. Feeling his dick start to pulse, you deepthroat his cock until it reaches the back of your throat and hold it there.
Chris: “I’m- gonna- cu- ccu-“
Before he can even finish, he fills your throat with his hot semen and pulls out, where his dick continuously spews his cum everywhere in the room like an out of control water fountain. When he finally stops, he flips over on his stomach and arches his back. You slip your underwear off and hop on the bed.
Y/N: “This may tickle” you say to him.
Chris: “come in me. Just come inside already baby”
You spit on your finger tip and begin to shove it in Chris’s tight asshole.
Chris: “OOH” he moans. “More”
You stick a second finger in, making him practically scream. You adjust your dick and tease him by rubbing your dick around his hole.
Chris: “Put it in me” he begs you.
You comply, and proceed to jam your cock in his ass and thrust back and forth. Both of you moan, and you grip his back. You let your load go in his ass, filling him completely with your warm cum. You pull out. And lie on your back. Chris gets up, and stands over your body.
Chris: “Eat it” he commands.
You watch as his body gets lowered over you, and how his ass slowly makes it to your face. You grab his cheeks with your hands and open them up, where you rim him with your tongue. As you rim him, you feel Chris playing with your dick, making you stick your tongue through his ass, to where he moans uncontrollably. His wet ass makes you hornier than ever, making your dick more erect. Chris then moves his ass out of your face and rotates to sit on your dick. You see him get lower and lower until you feel yourself enter him. He then continuously bounces up and down making you loose it. You can’t help but to moan and continue to pump your semen into his ass. Grabbing on his muscles, Chris sits up and lifts your legs on his shoulders. He then slowly inserts his cock into your ass and thrusts you against the bed. Grabbing on to anything, you and Chris both moan until you feel him cum inside of your ass. He pulls out his soaked cock and lies on you, beginning to kiss you, when you both fall asleep.
FF to the next day, 9:10 am
You wake up to see Chris besides you with his dick still hanging out. You put some clothing on and head downstairs to pick up the continental breakfast. You load up your plate with chocolate chip pancakes, scrambled eggs, toast, bacon, and pastries from the kitchen and head back to his room. You wait for him to wake up and enjoy the plate of food together.
Working at this hotel has been your best experience throughout your life. Maybe it’s because of all the really rich and famous people you meet, or maybe it’s because when you have nights, you always get a call about room 601 needing another pillow.
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plaindangan · 4 months
It’s Komarus birthday so to celebrate Toko decided to invite Komaru to the future foundation building. On the worst day she could’ve showed up.
The FF recovered a Golden Boombox from a remnant of despair stronghold. And Komaru got curious.
Disclaimer: R18 material! If not to your liking then please do not view!
"..............Are you allergic to making good decisions? Or does being b-brainless comes with the b-b-boobs?!!!"
"T-toko!!! O-okay, so I might have messed up..."
"HOW?! It was labelled under 'Do. Not. Touch!!! How did you not see it?!!!"
"The button was just begging to be pressed, okay?!!!!"
Yeah, the end result was pretty instant. As soon as Komaru turned on the boombox, it began to blare and deliver out ear-splitting, yet strangely engaging, techno music. Music that instantly took effect to both Komaru and Toko, who was trying to give the girl a tour of the FF base 14, where both Kyoko and Hina would have been awaiting them after their tour to have lunch. But those plans would have to be postponed given the current dilema.
To the left was Komaru, sheepish and ashamed, whose bubble butt grew to the point that her panties ripped apart and her skirt could only barely block just the uppermost part of her booty. To the right was Toko, looking so done with everything, as her new nerdy badonkadonk had pushed apart her own long skirt like it was nothing and making it very clear that the write foregoed panties today. But neither girl could worry about that now, as the urge to shake their booties grew too intense. Komaru was pressing herself against the wall, sticking her phat cheeks out to loudly clap together in time to the beat the box produced. As for Toko, the music made her squat down low - expertly shaking her rump like a goshdarn jack rabbit.
Any attempts to stop the situation had been fruitless. Any girl members of the FF that tried wounded up in similar situations to Komaru and Toko, while any guys that got down there, were absolutely mesmerizied by the horde of shaking ass cheeks that they were too much in a trance to stop themselves...and yes. Among the former also included Hina and Kyoko, with Hina currently doing the splits as she slammed and wiggled her hips on the floor. Exasperated, but not unsurprised as she saw the two troublemakers at point blank to the boombox. Welp, not much she could do in the moment except twerk the best she could. She need the ass-cercise anyway. As for Kyoko? Seems like, due to her usual stoic personality, the boombox outright altered her mood to be extroverted and very flirty, going so far as to strip down to her lacey black underwear, flirting and teasing the guys by going out of her way to grind on and twerk on their dicks with her new ass-et for cash.
A fate that she wouldn't be completely alone in for long. As the the more they allowed the beat to control them, eventually the other girls would begin to react in similar ways. Including the ones who started it all, Komaru and Toko. Their changes finally had them stop squabbling to instead sloppily make out with each other. Because what repairs a relationship faster than by slopping make out sessions?~
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emcant · 3 months
Whitegirl Simulator 3000
Bear with me, I do have a point to make.
You all know I'm a maker. I tend to trawl through craft blogs on my downtime. A lot of them turn out to be mommy blogs, and the self-image that gets them clicks is largely "girl next door settles down and discovers talents, at home". They make things for not just their hubby and kids, but for hubbies and kids in general; their products tend to be pretty generic. I go scouting for ideas to personalize.
'Tis the season to get absolutely buried in red, white, and blue things. I can see a pipeline there: I'm about the same age as most of the bloggers. I was 10 on 9/11 and a tween when we invaded Iraq. You read about the surge of "patriotism" right around then; having lived through it, I can confirm, flags were everywhere and everyone's opinions got very loud. I'm also coastal Californian - it was strange seeing the reddening of my area in real time. But for most of the US, my "red" is their "faint pink".
That to say I've never been particularly patriotic: I was old enough to be creeped out by the whole thing. There was also kind of a countertrend at the time about being proud of your ethnic background. There were these t-shirts that really took off: "Everyone Loves A (nonAmerican country)an Girl!"
So here's what I'm thinking: it's getting harder and harder to be proud to be an American... but I love living in my salad bowl city. Let's celebrate that! The US I like being a part of waves all kinds of flags. I want to celebrate with new colors - ones that personally represent my family and friends. I'll start with me:
I've seen my mom's family's Ellis Island paperwork. It looks like they came from Finland and made a stop in Denmark to get married on the way.
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...okay, not a strong start. One generation later, there's a Quebecois grandparent...
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..........what about my dad? We have a last name that is right on the verge of either being German or really old English - think like Plummer, Fischer, Groen. My dad just did 23 And Me and learned he's like 60/40 British/French; turns out it's old English confirmed. Let's look at his:
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Oh ffs.
Well, I am trying to represent my people- what about everyone else? Here's my boyfriend:
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Here's my coworkers:
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Here's a couple of my other friends:
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You know, if I didn't know any better, I'd think the American flag was only designed to represent one kind of person. But that can't be right, can it? That's not the sort of thing to celebrate.
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outrunningthedark · 2 years
I’m not new to the 911 fandom, this is my third, if we don’t count 2020 winter hiatus, and it was never so calm, just think about last year the billions ff, and fan videos about eddie leaving, or the multitude of buddie Christmas ff, now everything is almost silent. We can say 911 it’s not the buddie show, and it’s true, but buddie was a very strong driving force to watch it, with the almost 0 scenes of 6a, a lot of people re just leaving
Yep. It's not the Buddie show (but Tim wants to make LS the T-rlos show, LOL), but there's no denying that the Buddie fandom is what keeps the conversation going on social media - and Tim knows that, because after s4 he admitted he wanted the shooting scene to be something fans couldn't stop talking about. There's only so much speculation that can be done when we're given so little to work with, and personally, I think it's gotten to a point where people (even the ones who tried to stay optimistic) are tired of reading/hearing about how a story line *could* play out when we've seen time and again that the show very rarely devotes the kind of attention to Buddie we expect in the aftermath of something important for those two as friends and potential romantic partners. Idk what the show is doing with Buddie right now, but it's still not a slow burn. Two characters not speaking to each other unless it's necessary and not about anything personal is not the recipe for romance in the fifth season. Had those guys spoken to others/been called out by others for obvious "issues" with their dynamic, there would be cause to celebrate because at least we're in the know on why they're acting different, but opting not to do even that tells me the plan (if there is one) isn't up to the level of fandom's expectations. The way this show operates...we're more likely to get two or three episodes "hinting at" something more and then, oh, hey, look who's dating now.
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