#taekook sharing clothes
stormblessed95 · 8 months
How do these people lie so much and honestly believe their ship is real Stormy? How many things are even correct here? As far as i can tell the only correct thing is that Jk said Tae listened to Seven first. Everything else is either a straight up lie, mistranslation or something taken out of context. These are the things that taekookers believe to be true and somehow jikookers are the jokers?
Let's just do some super quick fact checks and correcting misinformation with links to proof to backup all my sources here:
"Jungkook said I want to join the special forces"
True! (comes from the last live before military service)
"Jungkook said Taehyung is my safe space"
False! Jungkook said that Tae was his common ground (comes from festa 2020 profiles is where they mistranslated that one from)
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"Jungkook said my relationship with Taehyung is not for the cameras"
False! Made up by shippers in 2014, Proof here
"Jungkook said that the first person to hear the song Seven was Taehyung"
True! From Seven Spotify Interview
"Jungkook is the first person to hear Taehyungs album and record it in his house"
True! JK was the first to hear some of Tae's songs. And Tae did record A singular song at JKs house/studio. The whole album though wasn't mentioned specifically (but that might still be true) and only one song was recorded at JKs place I believe. Comes from JKs live and Tae's You Quiz interview
"Jungkook has a song he always sings to Taehyung"
False! I think they just made that up. I did a little searching anyway, lol but yeah no....
"The members said Taekook will never separate"
False! The members made a fortune teller joke where one said "so you guys can never be apart then?" As a silly joke about the color shirts they were wearing. Proof here
"the members said that if you want JK, call Taehyung (and vice versa) because they are always together."
False! The only thing said about JK was that he didn't like answering his phone and basically never did. Everything else was made up. From MBTI labs
"They went together to show the movie and were wearing identical clothes with strong lesbian expressions about their relationship."
(lmfao what) Sort of true.... (?) They did go to the movie premiere together! And Tae wore an Morrissey/Oscar Wilde shirt (openly gay and put on trial for being gay) and JK wore a jacket with scripture about two men being jailed for their practices and one of which many people believe to be gay/queer coded and a shirt with references to Taylor Meed's poetry (openly gay and wrote for a gay newspaper). Idk what the rest of that was about though lol
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"Taekook in a luxury hotel dancing RUN BTS together and spending the night!"
True, they were in a luxury hotel and danced RUN BTS!
And also False, they spent the night. No one knows, we just saw them do a TikTok dance. They made the rest up lol maybe they did, maybe they didn't. Can't make facts outta assumptions though!
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Taekooks picture from their date that jokers said was OT7 but boom turned out to only be a date
False! Boom.... Was an OT7 dinner.... Lol Proof Here
And Bam that Tae raised and the photos he posted
True since Tae DID post a cute photo of him with baby Bam and made a joke about raising him. As did every BTS member with Yeotan.... Lmfao False due to weird exaggeration though
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Taekook and their seven dance together
True! Tae danced Seven with JK on his encore stage!
Jimin said: Tae and JK love forever
True! He wrote their names in a heart in the sand in BV1 and that's the quote he said (sorta)
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Jimin said Tae and JK share their music and everything and do not share it with the members.
False! I cannot prove a negative but the lack of proof of this quote anywhere ever should be enough. Lol they made this one up. Should've stuck with the tangible evidence that they shared their music with each other in these latest albums first instead of trying to take it one step too far and starting to lie lol
"they are the two closest members and they have special trips and a lot of real dates and like to spend all their time together and they like to stay up all night and watch the sunrise together and they share everything."
False! Lmao the more you read the more it becomes like fanfiction rather than evidence based facts
"Jungkook said he didn't know Jimin's number and hasn't seen him in weeks and months."
False! JK said he couldn't remember a GC nickname, he also mentioned during a different live that he didn't have Jins number saved. And JK clearly had been seeing Jimin at various points as they were signing up for buddy service in the military which takes a lot of prep time.... Lol but he still never said that, but he did say "I miss you" a lot, but that's not "I haven't seen him in weeks and months" lol Proof about the numbers here
"Jungkook will always choose Taehyung to spend private time with, a true relationship"
False! Wasnt said anywhere by anyone, just an opinion from a shipper lol
"Your ship is 0 without the company and the cameras and this is the truth, and in the solo era Jungkook spends all his time with Taehyung"
False! They spent lots of time together, but this is just a shipper fighting other shippers.... No facts, no ship or friendship in BTS will ever be zero either
And just more of that shipper fighting nonsense to finish it off. Sucks since they started off relatively strong with Taekook appreciation only to just degrade into shipper bullshit.
Anyway, this was fun. I wouldn't mind more true/false games in the future 🤣🤣🤣
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dearweirdme · 3 months
I love the point you made on hereronormativity earlier on the plushie and how people feel about two men sharing it.
That's funny because it reminds me of this thought I've been having recently :I actually understand the notion of not shipping real people together because it will make them uncomfortable or whatever and at first I failed to get along with this statement because I think taekook is real and the fact that I couldn't enjoy anything related to them without some mfs reminding me that they are friends...
But anyway. I think people in the fandom do not think like that. At least not recently. It started off as something about moral and the members respect and it went down the road as a thing of heteronormativity borderline homophobic.
Because why were people writing EVERYWHERE (even some shippers) that jungkook has a girlfriend(also the weird stereotype) because he has a hello kitty plushie????? Like it really blows my mind up how it was sooo normal for everyone to assume this one bit and nobody saw anything weird in this. It's like having a car key and my family members assumung right away that I have a boyfriend because boys love cars. See how stupid it sounds???? It's sooo crazy to me.
But I sat there and observe because I didn't think my word could have had much effect against 200k likes on tiktok.
And now we are in the present, Taehyung and Jungkook happens to have the same damn plushie and its considered a bro thing.. I don't want to exaggerate about anything but the moment the fandom open their eyes and understand that those fads going around shoving the hetero thing down our throat and then acting blind when it happens to be about two men or homosexuality in general, they'll also understand that homophobic people thrive in this fandom and they think they have a place there because who's gonna complain about Anna who thinks Jungkook has a girlfriend because of his tattoos and it doesn't make sense if its not the case?
Hi anon!
Oh.. heteronormative thinking is ingrained in so many people still. Let me go on a bit of a rant here 😁.
It starts as soon as someone is pregnant.. and it intensifies when a child is born. I live in a so called progressive and openminded country.. and yet to my ex it was extra special that our kid was a boy. Thoughts of playing football (soccer) and other ‘boy activities’ went through his mind. People gave us blue clothes and car toys. When my kid got older it became clear that he has what would be considered a ‘soft’ side. He’d choose rainbow colored mermaid plushies and unicorns to play with alongside his car toys.. and people found that odd. Kids don’t actually see a difference.. they just like stuff and colors and it’s the reaction of adults that makes them feel a certain way about it. My kid is a bit older now and I have constant conversations with him about that it’s okay to let his hair grow out if he likes it, that boys can love boys and that girls can love girls (i always say stuff like ‘when you’re older and have a boyfriend or girlfriend’). I was a member of an inclusive bookclub for kids for a while, and people got uncomfortable about the topics.. which was basically that love is love and that people are diverse. I am a big believer that if people start being inclusive in the language they use.. it will make a difference.
A lot of people aren’t even aware that it’s something they’re doing. I still catch myself at times.. but I make it a learning experience.
Fandom absolutely treats heteronormative ways of thinking different than queerness. The many times we see people defending members from queer allegations is insane and it shows that queerness is seen as something less valuable/weird/abnormal 😡.
I have always seen Jk as a soft guy (which has nothing to do with his sexuality). Straight men can be soft, queer men can be tough. Tattoos say nothing about what someone is like.. I have tattoos and I’m all sorts of things none of which would have anything to do with my tattoos. My tattoos are an expression of what’s going on in my mind while for someone else it could be that they just like the look of it.
I think Jk is queer because he is attracted to men (Tae) it’s as simple as that really.
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beautifulpersonpeach · 8 months
Hi BPP, i noticed in one of your asks about Jikook, you mentioned paying attention to their Vlives and i swear to you that one of the biggest reasons i think Jikook are not just platonic is because of their Lives especially the ones when it’s just two of them. There is this different air around them and you can literally always feel how thick the air is with tension.
I know this might sound a little delulu but i 100% trust my guts when it comes to certain things. I’m usually not very great at catching things at first glance but when someone else catches those things and brings them to my attention, I’m exceptionally good at paying more attention and catching those things many people will miss. There is nothing in the world that can convince me that Jimin wasn’t with Jk in his room during that famous “naked bread Live” where Tae surprised Jk in his room. There is also Hobi’s Live from 2016 where Armys kept asking for Jimin and Hobi went to Jimin’s room and it was clear that they were hiding something or someone. Now this one is debatable as to who it was in Jimin’s room but there was 100% someone there with him as we could literally see a shadow pass by in the tv screen. Another Live that was very telling was the New Jersey Live of May 2019. That Live where Jk started a live and later panned to Jimin. That Live is a goldmine and minus all the analysis, anybody who has a little bit of a brain could immediately tell that something fishy was going on with Jikook. I always laugh when tkkrs also use that exact same Live as proof that taekook were sharing a room because of that statement Tae made about “weren’t we sharing a room”, i mean he came into the room and the first question he asked was, “whose room is this” he literally didn’t even know it was Jk’s room in the first place lol and if they were indeed sharing a room, why the hell will he feel the need to ask Jk “weren’t we sharing a room” outta nowhere? If you live in the same house as someone, do u just wake up outta the blue and ask them “aren’t we living in the same house?” How does it even make sense? If you paid attention you would notice that, just b4 tae said that, there was a cough sound that came from maybe the bathroom or something and Jk immediately asked Tae to stay put while he went to the bathroom and while he was there, you could hear him mumble something offscreen and that is when Tae said that. I always thought maybe tae said that to cover things up or he was just being his chaotic adorable self idk but that Live pretty michconfirmed alot of things for me. Not forgetting how Jk was literally kicking tae outta the room lol.
Almost all of the lives with Jimin and Jk in them pretty much give them away and the lives are my biggest reason for thinking Jikook are/were more than friends. I honestly can’t tell what kind if relationship they have with each other these days but nothing can convince me that those two have always just been platonic. Even if they have never actually dated each other or been in a relationship, i know that they have felt sexual attraction towards eo and have probably acted on it. I mean lets be serious here, why else do you think Jk would visit Jimin’s room multiple times a day, goes there really late at night and remains in there for abt 4 hours at a time “doing nothing” as Jimin said? Especially when he has 5 other hyungs he could visit and hang out with when he is bored. We know he is really close to Tae too so why wouldn’t he even spend some of that time hanging out with him? What is so interesting about any room Jimin is in that he has continued to be obsessed with those rooms for years BPP? Since b4 their debut, we they have always liked spending their nights together. Jk would pile clothes on his bed to go sleep in Jimin’s bed, when Jihope were roomates, it was the same time taekook shared their big living space together yet we found out from Jimin and Hobi that Jk came into their room every single night to sleep there. The one time staff hid cameras in their hotels rooms without telling them, what happened? Didn’t we all see Jimin and Jk getting into Jk’s hotel room together even though all the other members got into their rooms together? Let’s not even talk about Hobi’s bday Live in 2019 when Jimin had to come back to get Jk cuz it seemed like he couldn’t get into his room without him or how during the Live itself he mentioned telling Jk he wouldn’t be able to get which suggested that they were together in the same room before joining the Live.
I dunno combing through footage of all these years, it is crystal clear that there was/is something up with those two. They are just too sus.
Sorry for the extremely long ask.
I agree.
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peachjagiya · 5 months
I hope you don’t mind if i add my two cents. I read this ask and realized that we as human beings really have a problem seeing these idols as actual human beings who have layers and complicated feelings.
This non shipper anon mentioned that Jikook stopped being as close around 2021 but that is definitely not true. First of all, many shippers especially taekookers feel like there was a sudden uptick in jikook moments around a certain time (2017) but that is not true at all. Go back and watch content from the very beginning and pay attention to the boys talk on Lives, during festas and other moments and you discover that Jk and Jimin had always been very close. Jimin was the one who Jk spoke to when he got back from the US and contemplated abandoning his dream to become an idol and go for dancing instead.
In a log they did in 2013, we had Jimin and Jungkook telling us that the two of them were in the habit of putting blankets and sleeping together on the floor outside their rooms. The very first bangtan bomb that was ever posted was a of Jk taking videos of Jimin back in 2013. During Festa 2014, we heard from the members that Jk usually piled clothes on his bed to go sleep in Jimin’s bed and even back then, when Jk was asked which hyung comforted him the most, he said it was Jimin. Fast forward to 2015 when Tae did a Live from Japan in the hotel room that he shared with Jimin and mentioned that Jimin and Jk were together even though the 3 of them had planned to do a Live together or in 2016 where Jimin was the first member Jk ever gave a birthday gift to. I am listing some of these moments chronologically just to show u that Jimin and Jungkook had always been close, very close infact it’s just that jikook as a ship gained excess popularity in 2017 after Jungkook posted GCF in Tokyo. So it’s not really that there became an uptick in Jikook moments from there, it is that people started paying more attention to Jikook after Jungkook’s GCF. The best way to see some if these things is to watch Vlives and bangtan bombs from pre 2017 era and you will see what i am saying.
As i mentioned before, non shipper anon said Jikook used to be close till like 2021 and mentioned that their last sighting outside of work was around march 2022 but that’s not true at all. Remember that in PTD Vegas Jikook were joined at the hip, they left the concert venue together on all 4 days of the concert and one of those days, they went out to eat with Yoongi and staff and some non shipper Armys visited the restaurant they went to in Vegas and said they were told that Jikook sat together on one table and yoongi sat on another with staff. Plus Jimin and Jk still boxed together with Tommy Saem (Jk’s boxing coach) and based on that April 2022 Live with Vminkookkhope, jikook were even on a diet together. So many times people forget to facture in the point that Jimin started working on his album in May. Immediately after PTD in Vegas Jimin moved in with Pdogg to work on his album because he literally had nothing prepared so i can imagine that during that period, Jk and Jimin didn’t spend as much time together because Jimin was busy and i also noticed that Taekook seemed to get really closer during that period. Infact we all saw taekook hang out outside of work more frequently by the end of 2022 and part of 2023 than we had seen in all their 10 years of being BTS. Like anon said, jikook were the ones always together everywhere both in and outside of work. Even in 2021 while they were in LA, we found out that Jikook worked out together everyday, came back from concerts together, ate together and untop of that, Jk spent alot of time in Jimin’s room hanging out with him. So i feel like the distance we sensed between jikook starting 2022 was mainly because of how busy Jimin got. It tracks.
I am not someone who really believes that any of the members are dating each other but i know that Jimin and Jungkook have and have always had an extremely close bond since debut. It wasn’t always very visible because of their somewhat complicated dynamic and because of the fact that other pairings like taekook, yoonmin and Vmin overshadowed jikook but that bond had always been there and if you pay attention, you see it.
I believe that taekook too have always been close but i also believe that there was a period where they grew a little distant. I know that, that is not something taekookers will ever agree about but it is clear to me because i have been in this fandom since the end of 2015 and have watched alot of things unfold. I agree that jikook were paired up alot at some point but i think that was because of their chemistry and closeness and not because BH had some agenda to push. How does pairing pple in subunits potray them as closest or a couple? Jikook as a ship gained recognition and popularity not because of the company but because of Jungkook and his GCF and yes seeing them together alot on content enforces certain beliefs but did yoh ever think of how you saw them? What are they doing when you see them on content? Most times you see them together in the back even when they are not the main focus of the camera or you see them coming and going together or you see them staying back to rehearse or practice together, or you see them staying back to watch and support each other during their solo practices, or you hear members talking about them as a unit. Hobi saying Jk and Jimin always stay up late together, or Joon saying after watching Jimin and Jk run around/ get along so well he got inspired or Tae mentioning on more than one occasion that Jk and Jimin were spending time together late at night, or Hobi saying that he ate with Jikook who ordered food together. It’s not one thing and certainly not company content that gives people the impression that jikook are extremely close.
Even in chapter two where it was clear that those two probably didn’t see each other as much, anyone could still feel how much they love and missed each other, especially Jungkook with his Jimin centric Lives and constantly inviting Jimin to come over for chicken, boxing, lives etc. Those two are really good friends who are very important to each other and it is normal that sometimes, when life happens and people get busy, some distance creeps in. I feel like that is what happened with Jikook after 2022. They started doing different things, Jimin working on two albums at once, Jk not working on anything and was bored outta his mind up to the extent that at some point, my man was visiting almost all the meat restaurants in korea all alone lol and then he started hanging out with Tae alot after that and then later got busy again. That is life.
I'm not going to assume this is your intent but tangentially, I'm feeling real tired of "JK hung out with Tae cos Jimin wasn't available."
Tae is only valuable when someone else isn't available? That's dehumanising.
But I'm sure that's not what you're saying because you at least recognise Taekook are close and aren't total strangers who got invited seperately to the Dreamiere and just happened to bump into each other.
Jimin was recording an album, he wasn't in solitary confinement?! Tae and JK recorded albums last year too? They all found time to go to Jeju together when JK was undoubtedly busy with album stuff.
Oh I don't know. It's ok if Jikook didn't see each other cos they didn't want to and made time for other people during their schedules, man. TKKrs accept there are times when it looks like JK and Tae might have been beefing. That is also life.
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
crying at the fact that tkkrs keep referring to eunwoo as jungkook. cause according to this tweet, apparently tae and eunwoo share clothes! euntae is real i guess
I am blocked anon. But I am laughing with you. They have nothing so they have to make shit up. I revel in their misery. It legit makes my day to see them suffer. I mean take this one for example;
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Last I checked, JK was being the perfect boyfriend for being quiet during V's activities. But now that he has his own shit to take care of he's being disruptive to V's solo era?? These narratives always changing 😂😂😂 they are going through it on the daily these roaches
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Do u think JK doesn't see V online? Do you think he doesn't know V talks about him? Now I honestly believe that Taekook are perfectly fine and doing okay, but JK is just about done entertaining the vermin. If he's not offering to go to Jimin's place while naked, he is commenting under a Tiktok Jimin did. Do u think he didn't see and watch V's? Of course he did. But he chose not to comment under it. He sees V's comments on weverse but only replies to Jimin's. He commented under a funny Jinkook Tiktok made by a tkkr and then later deleted his comment. 😂 i am pretty sure its because he realised who made that TT. Do I need to remind u the pole dancer that he liked is a Jikooker? Molang too? He he hee
Now for those who lack reading comprehension skills, I'm not bad mouthing Taekook. Like I already mentioned I believe they are fine and love each other and doing just great. I'm saying JK is done with Taekookers. Period. Thats why even they are complaining about their ship being one sided. That V is carrying the ship 😂😂😂
I mean anyone with a brain knows JK has helped and supported V in private, right? Like V told us how JK has been there for his album, right? So it's not true that JK hasn't supported V. He just refuses to show you that shit. Especially when he lurks online and sees how they talk about Jikook and Jimin.
Jimin posted a black and white photo of their naked backs and twitter went wild with the haters going to town on him. And what did JK do? He posts a black and white photo of his naked back. Himself. The naked back that haters got mad at Jimin for posting! And Jikookers are now like "hey antis, you were saying?" 🤭🤭🤭🤭
JK has made is so sooooo clear that Jimin is his priority i feel like there isn't anything more he can do atp.
But not to worry. U want him to be even more clear, there's still time
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Ok, since I've seen some people sharing taekook theory, aka being dulu, I would like to share my own dulu theory.
Remembered when Tae did his Paris photo dumb and one of the pics was from his bed view:
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If you zoomed in on the chair on the right, there's a set of clothing:
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Doesn't that set of clothing look like this set of clothing?
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The way the clothes were folded, it's very JK coded, too. Due to his neatness and how he likes to fold his clothes. So, do we think JK was with Tae during that time period? The possibility is high cause, let's be honest, they have gone on plenty of trips together that we're not aware of.
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taekooktimeline · 1 year
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Hey everyone 👋🏽
Wasn’t the “Dream” premier something? I’m still feeling quite emotional 😭
I’m working on drafting quite an extensive piece on it. I’m honestly nervous to share it because this was such a significant moment, and I want to make sure I’ve conveyed everything as best as I can. I’m hoping to get it up in the next few days, but that depends on my OCD and my schedule so please bear with me 🙏🏽
In the meantime, I wrote the below on my IG page, but I’ll leave it here too. Some of the below wordage is in my draft, and it’ll go into the event post itself, but I won’t apologize for repeating anything because it needs to be said🩷
There is sooo much to unpack, from the clothes they thoughtfully chose to wear to their first premier together (not BTS / work related), to their body language…I’m just so incredibly proud of these two.
Taehyung wore a jacket by Juntae Kim, a gender fluid clothing brand. His shirt, a rare find on Etsy, is an Oscar Wilde and Morrisey print. Oscar paved the way for gay rights, and was imprisoned for two years for his involvement with Alfred Douglas. Morrisey coined the term “human sexual” to describe himself.
Jk’s jacket is also queer coded. The sleeve is an excerpt from “Anonymous Diary of a New York Youth, Vol. 3” which was written by Taylor Mead, a columnist for the first gay newspaper in NYC. The front pocket of the jacket contains significant biblical scripture. “For all sinned, and come short of the glory of God ~All we like sheep have gone astray ~Sirs, what must I do to be saved?”
NOTHING IS COINCIDENCE WITH TAEKOOK! They’re smart. They know EXACTLY what they’re doing. Both outfits are queer coded and have deep meaning. And for their first unofficial event together to wear such meaningful clothes is loud in itself.
Not only were their outfits meaningful, their body language and expressions were too.
They’re familiar with red carpets in their line of work, but Jk was extra, adorably shy. Because this was a STATEMENT!
They didn’t walk with other members (who didn’t attend), they didn’t walk with Wooga. They walked TOGETHER.
This was about THEM.
And Tae made sure to be Jk’s safe space, as he always has been and always will be. He took his wrist when Jk hesitated before the photo wall. The way Jk looked at Tae when he turned back to take his wrist? They both knew when they walked onto the carpet exactly what that meant. How impactful it would be, the next step to normalizing their relationship. Tae guided Jk, and Jk’s expression lighting up when Tae turned speaks, trusting him, VOLUMES. They prioritize each other and they always will.
And once again, Jk showed how close he is with Wooga when he called SJ “Seo-Joonie Hyung”
They will ALWAYS choose each other. They will ALWAYS be close. No one on SM will ever change that.
They are so brave and strong. I’m in complete awe.
Taekook will change the world. I am so sure of it 🙏🏽
Stay tuned for the post💜I hope I do it justice and I will do my very best🙏🏽
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mimibwi · 1 year
Unpopular(?) BTS shipping opinions
These are some random points I wanted to talk about regarding shippers and my opinion on some specific ship moments:
1. The most likely possibility is that no ship is real in a romantic way.
We really should start swallowing that cause people might die… I genuinely don’t get how some of you would rather die before accepting the fact that your ship probably aren’t dating, they aren’t friends with benefits or exes or whatever narrative it is being pushed these days. If we’re looking at this seriously (and I am saying this as a shipper who likes to explore the possibility of my ship being romantic) those boys are most likely just friends, coworkers, family at the end of the day.
I mean obviously the possibilities for any ship being romantic still exists but I just don’t think shippers should be as confident as they are that their or any ship really between the boys is romantic or sexual. I can’t explain this well because I genuinely am not against shipping but I just think some people are incapable of doing anything casually— that’s problematic.
2. None of us know who is actually close and who isn't, especially not right now.
The little they share with us right now isn’t enough to prove anything. We have no clue who sees or calls each other and that's fine. Why are shippers so quick to push the X and Y are drifting apart thing? Nothing much seems to have changed between the ships themselves but the content we get and the member’s approach to social media has changed. I think this is how things have been for the most part on the social media front for a long time. Whilst the guys have been known for their use of social media in the past, they got the paper award for a reason lol, I think they have been gradually reducing their use for a while now so none of their behavior in chapter two is really striking to me. The only thing that really has changed is the lack of constant in flow of BTS OT7 or subunit content.
The lack of this type of content is what makes it seem like members aren’t close because shippers and other fans have no other content to distract themselves when the boys don’t post on social media, even though they are posting or not posting the same amount than before chapter 2 started. In other words, social media interactions have never been the sole indicator to determine the status of anyone’s relationship much less the boys. What shippers usually focused on in chapter one were clips from Bangtan bombs, ITS, BVs, Run, Memories, Summer/Winter packages etc. but with the lack of that now it seems like some ships aren’t close anymore when that probably isn’t the case. It’s obvious that they don’t spend as much time together anymore but that was the entire point of the hiatus and chapter 2: for them to branch out and do their own thing. However, that doesn’t take away much because if you have ever had long term friendships like the ones Bangtan have, you will know that those are the ones where you can go months without meeting up regularly and still be close as ever once you get back together.
I’m ranting but all this to say I don’t see what many of you do when it comes to “drifting apart” narratives cause there isn’t much to go off of.
3. 'Letter' is not about Jungkook.
Not gonna even speak too much on it. I'm sorry for my fault— not really😐
4. Matching clothes or accessories doesn't always mean something (to me).
Yes those moments are cute but it isn't that significant in my opinion, especially if it's matching for a stage or anything for work cause those outfits don't seem to be completely their choice sometimes.
5. None of the boys are intentionally malicious to each other.
They don't see, intentionally ignore and then do things that would directly result in hate towards the other members. Yes, I am talking about Taehyung. I will never get over the fact that some of you basically think Taehyung is admin of every Taekooker group chat out there. So many of you are CONVINCED that this man sees everything toxic Taekookers do and say. Even if Tae does browse ARMY spaces sometimes, who are you to tell me what he does and doesn’t see.
This isn’t really a shipper conversation but pjms and some ARMYs attitude to Yoongi regarding scheduling can also fall under here too. I won’t spend too much time on this because it falls under a subset of BTS related things I don’t like entertaining i.e. their work decisions. It really isn’t mine or any of our places to speak on in my opinion. These conversations are very manti-coded and they’re almost never productive so I’ll move along swiftly.
6. Not every shipper from a toxic shipper fandom is toxic.
This is probably the one and only time I’ll defend some shippers but you can’t group everyone like that. Even if most of the shipper fandom are a bit much, it isn’t any individual shipper’s fault their co-shippers are toxic. It’s sad bro. I feel more sorry for them to be honest like they’re living with psych ward escapees, it’s scary out here. Though this kinda contradicts with this point, I think that’s the reason why these huge toxic fandoms continue to get bigger. I can imagine it’s difficult not to get enveloped and start sharing those opinions when you’re surrounded by them all the time. I still maintain that not all of them are like that though and along those same lines majority non-toxic fandoms also have some rotten eggs. Anyway, non-toxic taekookers and jikookers I’m rooting for you. Fighting!!🥺
7. On the contrary of that last point, I think some non-toxic or seemingly unproblematic shippers reinforce or enable the behavior of the toxic ones.
It’s a very rare occurrence to see these seemingly non-toxic shippers calling out toxic behavior from the co-fandom. I kinda get why so I am not completely blaming yall because I can understand why you may not want to be at odds with the masses. However, I think it’s problematic because some of you start making excuses for their behavior even if you don’t share their opinions or exhibit that behavior yourself. This reinforces and spreads these narratives to more people who now feel justified to make the same comments or act the same way because of all the excuses.
8. Toxic shippers are the same thing in different fonts.
All of you claim your groups are better than each other but turn around and act the same exact way. You hate on members for the same reasons and push many of the same narratives. I really don’t care to say or call out whose worst because all of you are bad in my eyes. I definitely am not kekeke-ing with toxic, delusional shippers about other toxic, delusional shippers being toxic and delusional. Some of y’all are so quick to call out other shippers but it’s crickets when it’s your co-fandom exhibiting the same exact behavior.
9. Shippers are the reason some ships aren’t talked about more—
Take this with a grain of salt because these ships are talked about quite a lot despite all of this. I have seen shippers from very big, majority toxic shipper fandoms say “ARMYs aren’t talking about x ship but if it was y ship they would be celebrating” and I am really sorry to say this but your big, majority toxic shipper fandom is sometimes the reason why. It is really sad and I am not encouraging or defending any of this but it is evident that many people refrain from talking about some ships because they don’t want to be associated with the shippers or attract those shippers into their spaces.
It’s also frustrating because many times the distaste for certain shippers and even solos translates as hate towards that ship or that member and most times that isn’t the case. There are cases where shippers’ behavior actually produces disdain towards the member’s relationship and even the individual members. This point is one I don’t support in any regard because if you present yourself as a fan of these men, there is no reason why random people’s behavior on the internet should interfere with that. I’ve expressed this here before but fandom behavior should not reflect on the boys. Although I do wish we all acted in a way that will be a good reflection of them especially in online spaces, that isn’t always the case unfortunately:(.
10. Jimin didn't give Jungkook a hickey.
And even if you argue "sure friends bite each other on the neck scoffs", it's hard for me to take that moment seriously /especially/ if you are looking at it from a ‘jikook are dating’ perspective. It just doesn’t make sense to me that a closeted couple under their circumstances would even want to imply something like that or something that can even be interpreted like that, especially coming from Jimin. Also the way they talked about it didn’t come across as a couple secretly sharing their relationship. It just seemed like a fun, little joke/story but that’s just my perspective.
11. The message Tae wrote for Jimin on 'Let's BTS' was just what he said.
I find it hard to believe there was any secret message on the note considering the circumstances i.e. filming with a crew they most likely aren’t familiar with and the whole thing being on live TV. If Tae was serious about the note being “for Jimin’s eyes only” and not the other members, I doubt he’d want the crew to see. I think the blurring was only done for dramatic effect and it worked because I'm sure many were floored when Tae said he likes Jimin the most.
12. Car sharing as “proof” is ridiculous.
That’s it, that’s the opinion…
13. Some ships don’t make sense as a romantic pairing.
I think all the boys are close and every pair has had moments that make you do a double take but if I am seriously considering a ship to be romantic, many if not most of them just don’t seem likely to me. I know shipping is a lot about personal perspective and that we all won’t see the same things in the same way but some shippers act like some ships are so obvious and I don’t see it half the time. I swear sometimes I watch these shipping videos trying to force myself into thinking some of these ships are romantic but I simply can't. I feel like some of you are lying to me to be honest.
14. The taennie situation is strange.
Do I even want to go here… This isn’t me claiming that they’re fake or real because I really don’t know. I just want to say that the progression of this situation since the insta follow has been so weird in my eyes. If you told 2021 me that this is where we’d be almost two years later I think I would laugh in your face. The whole Gurumi situation— what even was that? Then the walk… I don’t stand with any cosplayer narratives about that video especially, maybe drop that one cause it’s not looking too good for you guys. I think I have the same outlook on Taennie as any other ship really and that’s just that it’s possible. I don’t think they’re fake but I also don’t think they’re real— I’m just here shrugs.
This was a whole pile of nothing lol. It’s just hard for me to form any decisive opinions with how strange the progression has been. If they are together, good for them and if they aren’t…good for them??
The only thing I’m sure of is that I don’t like taennie shippers. Anyone who spread those alleged leaks just to prove something and supported someone who has posted and threatened to post the types of pictures that Gurumi did for half of their ship— JAIL. I think a lot of them hate other shippers and want to be proven right more than they like the two people in their ship but i’ll just leave it at this (that’s how a lot of shippers come across to me tbh). Sooo… I wrote this weeks before Jennie’s insta post lml I guess cosplayer narratives are completely out the window huh? I maintain what I said in this post. Taennie is still strange to me even after that post but girl do your thing I guess😐
15. JK isn't the possessive alpha male people want him to be.
How so many shippers look at that man and see that is beyond me. I know he has the whole strong, beefed up, tatted up fuckboy look going but something I have always found interesting is that Jungkook, as a person, isn’t that stereotype. He is a total sweetheart and must be protected at all costs. And I obviously don’t know what he’s like off-camera or what he’d be like in a romantic relationship but all shippers go off of BTS content and he doesn’t come across like that to me in there. Half the time you all talk about him being “jeonlous” (the fact that there is a name for it is part of the problem) is just him staring while zoning out or being nosey which he’s so real for because same.
Editing this after ‘Seven’ and I don’t know if seven era proves or disproves my point but I maintain this opinion🙃
16. Pushing the jealousy narrative so much makes me question if you think these people are in a happy or toxic relationship.
Don't get me wrong, jealousy is a normal emotion (within limits) and I think it can even be a little cute sometimes but the amount these jealousy narratives are pushed is concerning to say the least. My thing is why do you think X is jealous because another member touched Y's shoulder so he moved closer to them to show his possessiveness(?). Like I can bet on that not being the case. Even if a ship is real and a couple does exists among the boys, they are not jealous every time their partners so much as touch another member. They’d be mad every second of the day if that was the case. I guess I can see how some of it can come across as jealousy based on how you look at it but frankly, most jealousy moments are stupid. I don’t know how people take some of them seriously.
17. Even if a ship is real, the lives of the members involved in that ship doesn’t revolve around whoever their partner is.
Well this applies to any relationship ever but you can be in a relationship and still be your own person. You should be able to have your own wants, friends, interests etc. outside of your relationship and I can argue that you’re encouraged to do so. Some of the ideas and theories shippers push are borderline toxic, unhealthy and unrealistic expectations of what relationships are or what they should be.
18. I find it weird to use 2013/14 moments as hardcore proof of a ship being real.
There are multiple reasons for this including: I find it creepy *shrugs*. Not only those including JK but especially those including him because he was underage at the time. In general though, I personally find it a bit weird to obsess over the love lives of people 19 years old and younger. Some may argue it’s weird to obsess over anyone’s love life in general and I can agree with that too cause I specified 19 but I cant really explain why 20 is different or acceptable so— Not saying you can’t see things or find it cute but some of these theories especially the sexual ones need to go. Another reason it’s strange to me is because realistically, there most likely isn’t anything there. Maybe a small crush at most but it doesn’t make sense that these boys were really focusing on relationships very seriously back then. Or maybe they were, I would never know. Even if a ship is currently real (that I won’t know either), it doesn’t mean they were into each other back then.
This just reminds me of those taennie shorts I always see on Youtube trying to say they were looking at each other in a blurry clip from an award show in 2017/2018, some of you are very unserious people. Like even if they are (allegedly) dating now— bro I am not gonna explain this cause it’s so obvious (not obvious that they’re dating now but obvious that they probably weren’t dating then. Well no but— sighs bro idk just don’t ask me if I am a taennie shipper ever again I beg). I get a good laugh out of those shorts though so thanks I guess.
I’m in the middle of writing this and just saw a video with 23K likes saying Taekook showed up with hickies the day after JK’s 18th birthday. WTF??? Some of you are so fucking disgusting. I don’t think some shippers even consider the implications of your words because you would shut the fuck up otherwise. Also the people who consume content from people who think like this are also fucked up in the brain. There’s no way y’all are normal seriously. I was having fun writing this but this shit got me heated and threw me off so bad. It’s crazy that that’s the exact same thing I was trying to talk about here. (I never want my posts to be overly explicit but I can’t hold back from being angry about this because really WTH??)
I’ve been thinking about this since I wrote it and wondering if people may see this as an exaggeration or over reaction of that Tkk video so I’ll make my point clear. I don’t think Taekook’s age difference at that point was necessarily wrong…I kinda side eye it (if I look at it from the perspective that they were dating or something back then) but it’s not the worse thing ever. HOWEVER, I think you, AS AN OUTSIDER, pointing out a “hickey” on a freshly 18 year old boy’s neck (there didn’t even seem to be any but that’s besides the point) is very gross, much less implying that his older bandmate was waiting for him to turn eighteen??? I hope other people can see how absolutely disgusting that is because 23 THOUSAND people didn’t.
19. Speaking of youtube shorts— shippers need to stop editing moments out of context or fusing different parts of videos to make their ship seem real.
There are so many times that I watch a short or reel of shippers making it seem like something then go back to the original content and the things didn’t even happen within the same 5 minute span. Why do y’all do that? It’s so annoying and obviously misinforming. This is why it’s very important for fans especially new ones to look at the original content and form their own opinions because some of you cannot be trusted.
20. Shippers need to let go of the eye contact narrative.
People are allowed to look at the people around them especially if they’re speaking or doing something. I might even find it kinda strange if you don’t look in some instances. It comes back to the jealousy thing again but some people also say it’s flirting which… each to their own I guess. This is one where I am torn again because I can sometimes see what you guys mean, there are even staring moments that I hype up sometimes but some moments just don’t give what shippers thinks it does.😕 The funniest ones when it comes to this are those ships with members from other groups. I don’t know how to tell yall that JK isn’t in a long term, loving relationship with Tzuyu or Lisa just cause he looked at them for 3 seconds one time in 2016. The way I’m talking about all sorts of ships here, I did say I am noseyㅠㅠ.
21. It’s okay to form your own opinions even if it differs from the general consensus.
I’m saying this because I am tired of shippers being called “insecure” because they question moments and the validity of their own ship as a romantic pairing. Emphasis on romantic here because I am not a supporter of people questioning if the boys are friends or not— let’s not go too far😑. Anyway, this is for you if you’re scared to be called insecure for your unpopular or out of the box thoughts about your ship— it’s okay. It’s okay and I would say natural, maybe even better to have doubts. None of us know anything for sure, so being completely secure and sure of any ship is delusional, boraward escapee behavior. It doesn’t mean you love them any less, it doesn’t mean the boys love each other any less even if the only thing that exists between them is friendship. It’s okay to not agree with everyone on what a particular moment means. It’s okay to doubt and it’s okay to be the outlier— so question things all you want. As long as you’re respectful and aren’t hating members or other ships or anything along those toxic shipper lines, everything is fine by me (not that you need my approval lol).
This is very hypocritical of me cause I’m always in everyone’s business. Well not always but I did tell y’all I’m nosey. The problem with looking into other ship moments comes about when it starts making you mad. If you think it’s gonna upset you that other shippers are blind and they haven’t seen the light (your ship) then stop going into other shipper’s spaces. Stop provoking other shippers, stop engaging in ship wars cause all of you look dumb as hell. Stop trying to get other shipper’s opinion of your ship only to be mad when they don’t agree with you. What did you even expect? Stop putting ships against each other and start realizing that every ship is it’s own thing. I don’t get why there needs to be a scoreboard and we need to prove why certain moments mean something while others don’t. Just enjoy the moments from your favorite ship(s) when you get them and move tf on. Are y’all not tired??? Y’all are draining the fun out of this shipper business. I don’t get how y’all do this day after day, I get tired just reading one or two of these posts sometimes.
23. Shipping just isn’t that serious.
I’m writing this after the next point so sorry if my disinterest in this comes across. I’m just gonna keep it brief— Jikook, Taennie, Taekook, Yoonmin, Liskook etc. etc. are not losing sleep because some people on the internet think they aren’t dating and neither should you. You can relax! Some things just aren’t that serious. You can rest easily knowing that that Jikook won’t break up or Vmin won’t suddenly become mortal enemies because Amanda from South Wales thinks they don’t hang out and aren’t friends anymore. It’s okay! Breathe! In the same way, Yoonmin and Taekook aren’t dating just because you and your moots say they are. Let’s all just get a grip. Y’all are just on Elon’s broken ass app fighting day in and day out and for what…
24. No ship is worth shipping right now.
I’ve been adding to this post for over a month and my outlook on shipping has been evolving during that time. I’ve held back on posting this because I’m not sure if I want to include myself or share these opinions in any public shipper spaces. I just don’t know if I want to talk or hear what anyone has to say about these ships right now. Shipping has just been so boring recently and it’s understandable why— point 2 of this post is one of the most significant reasons plus others.
The conversations I see in shipper spaces have been more or less the same for the past few months: who’s wearing matching clothes/jewelry, who is and isn’t hanging out, who is and isn’t fanservice, debunking or supporting taennie to prove or disprove different ships, who supported who, who went live and talked about who and the list goes on and on… None of these conversations are stimulating or interesting to me in any way and personally I don’t see how anyone can enjoy these constant circular conversations about the same mundane topics. I don’t think there is anything from any ship worth discussing on this scale right now and I’m honestly just bored🫤. The lack of content from your ships is making a lot of you miserable and I can tell cause the conversations y’all are having are making me feel the same way. I log on and all I see are people thinking they got a hold of a life boat and bragging about it despite the life boat being deflated or in many cases non existent, when we’re all sinking with these ships.
Like I mentioned in point 1, the possibility of any ship still exists and I don’t think this period really proves that any one in particular is “real” or not BUT as shippers, it’s okay to admit that we have nothing to work with right now. There’s nothing worth obsessing over for more than 5 minutes and there’s nothing worth fighting for on the bird app the way y’all do. I think it’s okay to give it a rest for a bit. Get a hobby, read a book, touch some grass, go on a walk, fill out a job application—ANYTHING!! Anything else is worth doing than obsessing over these slowly sinking ships. I’m not against anyone talking about their ship or anything (you do you) but the continuous pulling sh!t out of thin air to fight about and talking about the same fucking ring for 5 days in a row is an interesting way to spend your time to say the least.
So I guess what I’m trying to say is it’s not the fact that anyone is still shipping but it’s the way it’s being done. It’s the fact that very minuscule interactions and occurrences are being given any significance. And I mean shipping has always been like this but it’s becoming increasingly annoying to me and whilst I was somewhat engaged before, i don’t feel any need to care that shippers are being shippers (dumb) right now. I’ve still been watching videos of my ship and all of BTS really (I miss them so bad) and I’ll definitely be one of the first ones up when my ship breathes but even then I don’t know…
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Anyway, those were my opinions! I may have others but these are all that have come to mind thus far. I don’t think any of this is particularly new or really controversial to be honest. They have all most likely been said before by other people but I just wanted to give my take I guess. Whilst I gave opinions on general subsets of shipper moments (eye contact, jealousy etc..) my views are quite fluid and can change from moment to moment.
Please note that I am not claiming that my views are “correct” because I don’t know anything for sure either so I am not trying to change anyone’s mind here. This is mainly in regard to the specific ship moments I mentioned. I was wracking my brain about whether or not I want to give any of my opinions on specific ships here cause I really want to talk about shipping from a general stand point on this blog. I came to the conclusion that no one would die if I said one thing about jikook or vmin or taennie right…RIGHT???🫣
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I didn’t write this in order so the change in tone in different parts compared to others is crazy to me. I went from being so enthusiastic about sharing some of these to not caring much at all lol. I have a few interesting posts about shipping and other BTS-related things I’ve been slooooowwwwwllllllly adding to but I am not sure when or if they’ll ever see the light of day at this point.
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Not Taekook related, but I was thinking a lot about the whole Min Heejin and HYBE drama, particularly the stories about the shaman and BTS, the leaking of private/personal information about idols (possibly Garam, Youngseo and others), also the allegedly trying to snare V. All this makes me wonder if MHJ had a hand in V's scandal with Jennie. It would be good to get your thoughts on it all.
This is all so seriously messed up. I think there is faults on both side but also some valid points too.
Whilst I will answer your main question about taennie and possibly the whole JK fake apartment video, I feel I need explore the situation as a whole. So I will structure it like this:
Thoughts on the key points/accusations on boths sides about the whole dispute
Was Heejin involved in rumours about BTS members
What I think will happen
Final thoughts
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Thoughts on the key points/accusations on boths sides about the whole dispute
I do think Heejin has some valid points about the visual concepts being used by other HYBE artists, although technically, MHJ doesn't own any of the IP she created with ADOR. I know a little about IP and Copyright there are 4 types...
Creator / 1st Owner - where the creator is also the owner of the product, for example: The author and first owner of copyright in a sound recording is the record producer. The author and first owner of the copyright in a broadcast is the broadcaster. The author and first owner of the copyright in a published edition is the publisher.
Works created for an employer - (this will apply to MHJ) Where a literary, dramatic, musical or artistic work, or a film, is made by an employee in the course of his employment, his employer is the first owner of any copyright in the work (subject to any agreement to the contrary).
Commissioned works - This is like when HYBE commissions a producer/writer to create something, the rights belong to the company/person who creates the work (say Andrew Watt) not the commisioner (HYBE)
Joint Author/Co-Written - Joint ownership might arise, for example, if a person was commissioned to create a website together with one of the company’s employees. It is likely that both the person being commissioned and the company would be joint first owners of copyright in the website. For co-written songs the songwriters share ownership.
So unless MHJ had a special contract that gave her special rights over something, she has no control over what she creates as it BELONGS to HYBE, that includes NewJeans, the concepts and other IP.
It's clear HYBE has the evidence to show there is something underhand going on, and has probably had evidence for weeks. They probably discovered the plot because of the copying on files by that VP at ADOR. Also why would anyone make plan to takeover a company for the hell of it... it doesn't make sense.
Is it unfair that MHJ has a clause stopping her from working in the industry for a period of time if she leaves HYBE/ADOR... NO, these are common place in businesses, plus she negogiated and signed her contract... unless she didn't do the proper due diliegence.
The MHJ press conference was a masterful display of media play/manipulation. She deliberately wore clothes that made her look dishevelled, also the cap adequately hide the fact that she never actually shed a tear once in the whole 2 hours and her make up helped with this impression, by making her cheeks look wet from tears.
HYBE in a cult...
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But obviously not true and MHJ and co are clearly dropping fake stories to tarnish everyone.
I certainly believe (after that news conference where she slandered nearly every HYBE group) that this woman leaked private and confidential information about trainees and idols.
Her and Bang PD were not close... so which CEO hired her in 2019, I'll give you one guess and his name is in this sentence... so he must have spent time with her and cultivated a working relationship at BIGHIT Entertainment prior to HYBE forming... MHJ was VERY selective in of which chats to share with the press... I expect Dispatch to expose more her conversations with BPD, which will paint things in a different light.
MHJ lied in her press conference... she took, with HYBE's blessing, Source Music trainees, staff and other resources to form NewJeans and ADOR... with HYBE's money.
HYBE CEO is dirt bag who likes vaginas... simply because he oversaw video game that was quite rude. It's not like he designed it himself, he simply oversaw the project, plus unfortunately that's a big thing in the Video Game world... it can be very msygonistic.
Was Heejin involved in rumours about BTS members
So was MHJ involved... on the surface one might think so.
I do think she might have had a hand in the Garam scandal and the leaking of Youngseo, members of two groups she saw (in her own words) as threat to NEWJEANS and her vision.
However, I don't think she had anything to do with Taennie or JK's fake video, it's clear (at least for Taennie), that YG was heavily involved and possibly HYBE too.
Now to the recent stuff that's currently be "leak" and stuff that might come out in the next few weeks... I think her involvement might be more logical.
What I think will happen
I think within the next month HYBE via a shareholders meeting with ousts the ADOR board and replace it with their own board and subsequently remove MHJ from her pssost.
ADOR's new CEO will be another woman from within the company
From what I understand, MHJ might have a problematic history with young people... I'm sure if she does it will come out.
There will be a trial of some kind and MHJ and co will be found guilty in someway
I think HYBE in general will take more control (at least at board level) of every sub-label over the next year, to strengthen its position but also but to improve coordination between labels to stop classes that have occured in the past.
NewJeans won't be leaving ADOR/HYBE, mostly because HYBE owns the brand of NJs and their concepts, but also it's be intimated that NJs would have to pay hefty reparations for said IP and to be released from their contract. I suspect post MHJ HYBE will sweeten the NJ's current deal with additional stuff.
Final thoughts
It's a mess, but within a few weeks/months it'll all be partly resolved to a certain extent.
I suspect this week HYBE through outlets like Dispatch will leak even more of the incriminating shit it has on MHJ and her co-conspiritors.
HYBE will remove the current board of directors at ADOR and then remove MHJ and he co-conspiritors.
I suspect we'll also get some expose about her time at SM that isn't pretty and adds more fuel to the fire and may show she has a track record of causing trouble.
I also suspect that when MHJ tries to sell her shares she'll end up having to sell them back to HYBE because I they will make it difficult for her to sell it to anyone else.
I predict NewJeans will have new comeback post MHJ that's even more successful than before.
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stupendousfoxthing · 7 months
Agree with a lot of what you say. Have one thing to clarify though, many tkers talk very surely of things that are in grey and therefore take away from the actual event. Like Paradise Hotel. They were there privately - that's a fact. But to assume that JK went straight from the airport is a stretch.
Point 1 - JK wore those exact clothes when he returned from Qatar the first time. The release of the video was around his second arrival from Qatar where his clothes were different. Not denying that JK loves repeating his clothes more than others.
Point 2 - Both Qatar journeys JK undertook was through private planes from Gimpo airport. Paradise is near Incheon airport. Both airports are around 25-30 kms apart.
It could have been like many taekookers want to believe - straight from the airport or it could have been different dates altogether. The important thing is that they spend time with each other. But one should not lose the plot in the immaterial speculations on things that we don't know and that don't matter.
This is just an example. There are many such instances where, in the process of one-uping the antis or claiming a victory, tkers embellish / exaggerate the truth thereby losing credibility and being pitted with delulu shippers.
I agree. I hoped all of the question marks and what ifs I included and explicitly stating that it was entirely speculation made it clear I was not presenting this as a fact. My what if scenario was about last year (where he was leaving from ICN) not the Qatar/Paradise theories, I was only using that as a reference point. I have never posted or talked about this anywhere else because it's nothing I know for sure. I don't base my core beliefs about Taekook on this kind of speculation at all and I would never use something like this as proof of anything. I am all for focusing on the facts. You can filter through plenty of Taekook theories and have only facts remaining that are way more compelling imho.
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kookiecrush · 9 months
Jikookers are scrambling on X coz what's been happening for the past years doesn't dovetail with the narrative they were made to believe for the longest time that taekook are distant and have drifted apart. They couldn't accept the thought of them being the closest members since pre-debut coz before solo era, the only source of info we have of the boys' interactions was from bighit, and we know how those contents were. Jkkrs are confused coz that's not what they have seen in the previous years. Now that it's apparent who the closest members are, they become perplexed, in denial even, coz they couldn't accept the fact that outside bighit contents, Jk and Jm barely hang out. They're friends and co-workers, that's for sure, but can't be more than that.
I've been a tkkr since 2018, and it was probably the hardest time of being tkkr coz we barely got anything at the time, so at some point, I was made to believe that tk probably drifted apart until that bangtan bomb of them was released where they were watching the grammy nominations. Tk were glued to each other. I remember how shocked I was at the time. I realized then that we shouldn't just rely on the contents and the fandom's narratives. We don't see 90% of their interactions. I also realized how close tk are and that they did not actually drift apart during in the soop season 1. TK were always together, even shared clothes.
I am not belittling jkk's relationship, but it's clear what tk have, and that's what jkkrs want to have for jkk.
I think it's pretty evident from what we've seen and what's been said that not only do taekook spend the most time together, but they're also the closest with each other, and they always have been. Although that's nothing new to us. But even if j*kook didn't see each other all that much last year, I'm sure they still kept in contact regularly (as did all the members).
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pancakejikook · 1 month
"No Because if vmin does it then no one bats an eye but if taekook does then it's blood bath the freaking hypocrisy"
It's not hypocrisy. Are you new here? The reason it will be a big deal is cause Tkk will make it a big deal. It won't be tkk saying oh they shared a bed, cute. It will be TK has raw sex in front of Jimin, in front of the crew. Look how they are claiming TK had sex in the shower with no proof and sense of understanding editing, seeing how they ignored Tae's clothes were already gone, by the time Jk out of the pool. They see the bathroom door already open and they don't care & think TK would have sex in front of 50 staff. They said TK were kissing in the corner & hiding, when everyone could see inside, like TK were giving them a show. No one will say VMin had sex. And Jikook shared a bed in NY and no one said they had sex cause Jimin was sick. Do you see where we are going here? So no, it's not about being hypocrites. Its about knowing what is gonna be spread if they do because all they do is think about sex 24/7 when it comes to TK. Look how they say Jikook can't enlist together cause its too dangerous to risk if you're dating, implying they wouldn't be able to control themselves, like its all gay men think about, thus proving they think TK didn't enlist for the very reason, they can't keep their hands off each other. They're porn addicted sicko festishers. PERIOD.
Yeah... like I said, it is tkrs that will twist it no matter what 😬
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dearweirdme · 1 year
Hi 👋
I am comparatively new to BTS, I had had their songs on my playlists but didn't know anything about their band dynamics. After I came across a run bts short on yt I became curious about their content and haven't been able to stop.
I hadn't even heard the term taekook but I was almost certain that there was something about those two that was different from the rest. I was certain that they were a couple but then I came to know about the various ships and sk's homophobia. I've been to so many jikook blogs and twtrs because I wanted to know what exactly I was missing in their interactions because to me they looked like friends, I just didn't get any couple vibes from them. I couldn't find that intensity b/w jk and jm which is very clearly present b/w tae & jk. Some tkkrs theories are wild, some of their interactions are blown way out of proportion but that still doesn't change the fact that they have that chemistry.
I came across your blog yesterday and I've been loving your take on tk. You are one of those rare bloggers who don't go around matching clothes and dates. Your opinions are quite level headed.
Woah...this got long 😅. Anyways what I wanted to ask you is what are your top 10 favourite tk moments, on or off cam?
Hi anon!
Welcome 🤗!
My top ten… making it hard for me I see. I’m probably going to be very inconsistent here 😂.
I do know my all time favorite though so on nr 1:
Nr 2 is very recent, but it’s so so so special:
Nr 3, when Tae arrived late at BV
Nr 4,
Nr 5:
Nr 6:
Nr 7:
Nr 8: Jk deciding to put his hand on Tae and being proud of it.
Nr 9: i feel this should be higher up..
Nr 10: jk scheming to get Tae to pick his room in Malta and them sharing a bed when he succeeds.
To be fair.. except for nr 1 and 2, the order of this will probably not be the same if you ask me in a month or so, and there’s so many favorites that i might even not choose the same ones again 😂
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peachjagiya · 6 months
''JK devouring Tae with his eyes and jkkrs be like "wow the sexual tension between JK and JM here." ''
Perfect example of people choosing to believe their own perception of people's actions over the things people actually say.
The fact that people watched this Live with subtitles and came out thinking " yes taekook is real" really baffles me. Some of you really come on here and prove everyday that the only experience of relationships you have are from movies, novels and fanfic because trust me, couples in real life don't act like that at all.
Cuz wdym "jk devouring tae with his eyes"???? The sexual tension was so hot with taekook that it was Jimin's door JK was going to knock at 1am? Jk just couldn't keep his eyes off Tae and that is why he visited Jimin's hotel room 3 times a day? Tae and JK are just so used to being with each other and that is why Tae went to jimin's room and thought it was Jk's because it was Jk who opened the door and greeted him?
if Jk was devouring Tae with his eyes i guess JK and MIngyu finished their 2 minutes live fast so they could go tear the clothes off each other's backs cuz damn!!!! did u see the way JK was staring at mingyu while licking his lips? Plus that was the same night Tae came into the country from one of his paris trips and Jk sure has a funny way of showing his attraction for tae because we only see in his eyes how he wants to "devour" tae but we are seeing him with Mingyu the day his boyfriend gets back into town from a trip or we are hearing that he is knocking on Jimin's door at 1:50am to get in a there doing nothing for about 4 hours at a time.
We only see how "attracted"Jk is to tae when he constantly calls him handsome but when the staff hide cameras in the boys hotel rooms without telling them to catch a candid reaction, we see tae getting into his hotel room alone and see Jk and JM getting into Jk's room together and panicking at the door when they notice cameras.
Jk is so attracted to Tae and is so down to devour him that when he shares a room with him, he chooses to go spend every night in jimin and jhope's room (according to Jimin and jhope) to the point that he becomes an unofficial member of the room and they even form their unit name 3J.
Jk is so ready to "devour" tae that he is seen "hiding" in a dark corner at Jhope's JITB party with Jimin, with his hand over Jimin's while his boyfriend is on the dance floor.
Y'all always screaming "sexual tension" or "jk is devouring tae with his eyes' but every two business days we see or hear of Jk spending most of his nights with other people. Even in chapter two where taekook were "free" they still couldn't take their time to physically release that "sexual tension". they go snowboarding and have a good chance to stay back just the two of them and release the tension but one of them chooses to go back home with friends, they attend a musical and have the chance to keep each other warm that night or keep each other company, yet Jk goes home to start a Live and fall asleep on Live. They attend a premiere and even have drinks after and naturally, you would think after such a fun night out with friends and some alcohol in their system, they would want to, you know....release some of that pent up tension but we have Jk going back to his apartment and starting a Live all alone while Tae is passed out drunk in his apartment. He couldn't even stay back to take care of his drunk boyfriend or cuddle him to sleep. he choose to seek company from millions of fans on the internet.
On couple holidays or birthdays when you would expect that they will spend time together giving each other "gifts", you hear " did V come?' "V hyung didn't come", or " even though we are all in the same group, during all our days off i only saw Jimin hyung and Hobi Hyung" or you hear that JK was with Jimin at 4am on his birthday. Even in chapter two after all the hangouts your ship couldn't even make time to be together on one of the days when u would expect couples to be together. We had Jk going Live for about 5 hours all alone on white day even though his "boyfriend" was in the same damn country.
He is so wanting to "devour" tae that he wakes up in the morning at 8 am, starts a live and when his bandmate comments, he starts inviting himself to his house and asking said bandmate to let him come over for a live and a shower later. one would think that because of the obvious "attraction" between Jk and Tae, they are the ones we would have "caught" getting into a hotel room together, or "hiding" in dark corners at parties with hands touching, at parties, or hearing that tae's door was the one that Jk went to knock at 1am, or we should have atleast heard that when Tae and Jk finally got to be roomies, Jk would sleep in their room everynight, but nooooooo, my guy was still going to sleep in Jimin and jhope's room even though his was literally roomies with his boyfriend.
At the very least, we should have atleast heard that Tae was the one he was drinking late at night with and ended up with a bruise on an erogenous part of his body but noooooo, it wasn't.
Seems like this "attraction" is only alive in theory because Jk has a very funny way of showing it.
Continue believing the voices in your heads and your own perception of things instead of using your tiny brains to think. You hear that Jk literally is almost always in another member's room at ungodly hours, instead of snuggling with his boyfriend and u are talking about Jk wanting to devour someone who has told us more than once that at some ungodly hour of the night, Jk was hogging Jimin all to himself and not letting Jimin go to him.
Talking about "looking at the bigger picture" but there is evidence of your ship spending birthdays and couple holidays with everyone but each other. Talking about "it is everything we have noticed about them over the years" but it is Jk knocking obsessively visiting another member's hotel room and his so called boyfriend not even knowing his room.
According to you people Tae is annoyed or jealous about Jk talking with his friends or about jimin pinching Jk's thigh but the same Jk sat there and was ok with Jimin telling him and everyone else how his "boyfriend' was basically obsessed with his room and comes there more often than mangers and even comes at 1:50am. i can imagine tae fast asleep and Jk sneaking out to go knock Jimin's door at 1am to get in there doing "nothing". The fact that taekookers know how walk forward and not backwards really amazes me because you lot really are the most delusional bunch of shippers the world has ever known.
Shut it down, TKKrs. I've never heard any of these arguments before. Compelling!
Converting to a Jikook account in three, two, one...
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
Jimin posted jikook on white day and tae posted taekook on rose day. Tell me the difference quickly
Okay, okay, okay, don't rush me give me a second, damn
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Okay white day.
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And we have 3 incidents of white day with Jikook
Jimin posting them
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JK going live and Jimin coming to the comments
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And of course that one pic we weren't supposed to c
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Once is chance. 2 is a coincidence. 3 times is a pattern. Meaning Jikook always spend white day together.
Okay so Yellow day/rose day
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And what do we have from Taekook?
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The video and photo were taken 2 weeks ago. But even then, V also shared the entire group not just JK. Idk why people are conveniently leaving that out. Nothing proves they're together right now for this holiday. And since we don't have a history of it happening I think its safe to say they're not. And also most importantly no one is wearing yellow. U know kind of like when Jikook both wore matching clothes during valentine's day like couples are supposed to do?
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Kind of like that.
We good?
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itsakookmin · 2 years
mpreg taekook being nestmates / a/b/o poly!bangtan (as a background)
a/n: this is very self-indulging, since i couldn’t stop thinking about pupped omegas taekook.
⚠️ mpreg !
okay i have had this idea for a while now, and i’m actually surprised i have never seen a work about it before??
but what about ot7 bts poly pack, and they have been trying to have pups during both koo and tae’s heats. both omegas have their heats synchronized, however no one in the pack expected them to get pregnant that quickly, and at the exact same time.
it’s a lot to handle at first, taehyung learning about his pregnancy only two weeks after jungkook found out about his own. however, the pack is basking into the fact that both their omegas will be carrying their pups.
that thought overpowers everything, even on harder days where alphas and betas have to run from one room to the other, willing to satisfy their mates’needs.
they obviously take great care of their omegas, so very attentive to their every reaction and movements. sometimes it even becomes a little overbearing how attentive they are and how they are constantly hovering them. it might even come to a point where the omegas feel so overwhelmed they will be asking them for some alone time.
by alone time, the omegas actually mean for the both of them to be left in their nesting room. no one else but them for a little while, just so they can take some rest and some time away from their overprotective alphas and betas.
the rest of the pack always gives in pretty easily, though they always do it half-heartedly. they don’t really like for the pregnant omegas to be left on their own, but they also remind themselves that they are both perfectly strong and capable adults.
they shut down all the instincts screaming at them to keep them close and looked after. they will leave them to be for as long as they need, right after checking that they got everything they need in the nest and reminding them that if there is anything, they are never too far.
the omegas will lie there, in the comfort of their blankets, pillows and clothing piles for three, sometimes four hours. they will bask into each other’s scent, faces burrowed in necks and bodies pressed together. there are days where they just choose to sleep for three hours, others where they just lie in silence, looking into each other’s eyes, hands stroking soft skins and silky hair. sometimes they talk. it can be about the weather, the latest drama they have watched, the pack or their insecurities in this time of the pregnancy. they will laugh, pout, worry together, but most importantly, they’ll always be there to reassure the other, to calm each other down, to be whatever the other needs.
[it’s during one of their shared nesting room moments that they first talked the name of their pups.
"what you’re gonna call them?" taehyung had asked, hands stroking jungkook’s hair, fingers tangling and entangling in the soft curls.
jungkook turned to look at him, slightly surprised by the question. he wasn’t very far in his pregnancy, and for now he hadn’t really been giving much thinking into names. yes there had been times where he had thought or heard about a name and went "oh that’s cute, maybe we should call you that pup". besides those few small moments though, he had no real and solid ideas.
"don’t worry," taehyung spoke again with a soft smile when he noticed jungkook’s expression and knew right away what his mate was thinking. "i haven’t thought much about it myself. it’s just a question that came to me."
jungkook nods with a relieved smile, before shifting closer to the other omega who moves the hand in his hair down to his back.
they talk about it for a while, ideas popping up the more they discuss the names of their beloved pups. taehyung comes up with silly ideas such as calling them the exact same name or something complementary like Vanilla and Chocolate. It makes jungkook laugh so taehyung is proud no matter how unserious it sounds.
they mention names that will stick with them, some that won’t. of course, they will have that conversation several more times during the course of their pregnancy. the last time they will get to discuss it is just a week prior to jungkook giving birth to a healthy little pup. that is when they will finally set on their pups’names.
no vanilla, no chocolate, only pretty names that have been mentionned ever since they first began to talk about it.]
the hyungs will usually come and get them when there is food ready for them, or to ask if they would go on a short walk or watch a movie with all of them together. the omegas will both be up shortly afterwards because they would never say no to food or really to anything involving their packmates.
thank you for reading 🧃 :)
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