#taichi x oc
imagines--galore · 1 year
||The Next Adventure||
Summary: When all of Taichi’s plans fail, his family comes together to help him ask his girlfriend, Hidemi, a very important question.
Pairing: Taichi Yagami x Hidemi Senshi(OC)
Rating || Genres || Warnings: T. Romance. None.
A/N: This is my contribution to the prompt Adulthood and Family for Taichi Yagami Week.
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"Well today was a disaster.” Hikari commented as she stood beside her brother atop the bridge that ran over the canal. A groan was her only response, and she turned to glance at her older brother who had his arms resting on the metal railing, face buried in his arms.
“Who’d have thought that they would close the beach today because of a shark sighting. Of all the random days.” Her tone was full of mirth as she tried her best to suppress her giggles at Taichi’s obvious disappointment at the occurrence.
An even louder groan sounded from the young man, as he finally lifted his head to glare at his sister. “If you’re not going to be helpful Hikari, I suggest you leave.” He sounded extremely grumpy, and judging by the frown that creased his forehead, probably annoyed as well. This time his sister did giggle. She reached out to pat him on the shoulder in a comforting manner.
“Don’t be sad, Oni-chan. I’m sure things will work out.” She did her best to sound optimistic. Taichi shook his head, his wild mane of brown hair untamed even at the age of 22. “You don’t understand Hikari! I had everything planned out perfectly. And now everything is ruined. Every plan was botched.” He looked down at the slowly drifting water of the canal.
“I wanted to surprise Hidemi so bad.” He mumbled, looking rather sad as he did. Hikari’s heart went out to him. She gave his hand a reassuring squeeze. Glancing over his shoulder, she suddenly grinned as she caught sight of an approaching figure. “Well I suppose its a good thing I called in reinforcements.”
Her brother blinked at her.
He barely had time to finish voicing his thoughts when Takeru ran up, out of breath and grinning ear to ear. “Its all done Hikari. My brother, Izzy and Jo are getting everything set up, and Mimi and Sora are getting Hidemi ready. They told her it was a girls night out or something.” He added, at which Taichi raised an eyebrow. He was more then aware of how much Hidemi hated getting dressed up and wearing makeup. What were they all up to?
Hikari clapped her hands in delight. “Wonderful job Takeru.” She turned her attention to her brother, giving him a once-over. Taichi glanced down at himself as well. He was dressed rather smartly for once, in black trousers, proper shoes, a tie and a button up. Of course his hair was in disarray, but he had stopped in his attempt to tame it long ago.
“Well then Oni-chan, the rest will be up to you.” She winked at him, only adding to his confusion.
“What?” He repeated.
“No! Wait! I’ve changed my mind! Maybe it really isn’t the right time!”
“Not a chance Taichi. You’re gonna do it, and you’re gonna do it today.” There was such a determined gleam in Yamato’s eyes that Taichi was afraid his best friend would actually tie him up and leave him there if he tried to walk off.
Izumi grinned. “No backing out now Taichi! I’d say good luck, but according to my statistics, you don’t need it.” Hikari, who had been assessing the surroundings gave a grin as well. She looked like she was about to say something when Jo walked up. “Mimi says they’re almost here.” He announced.
Taichi felt a feeling of nervousness settle in his stomach as he gulped. Yamato laughed as he walked past, seeing how pale he had gotten. “Just blurt it out Yagami. You’ve always been good at that.” The brown haired 22-year old aimed to punch him, but he was already walking away.
A moment later Taichi was left alone, standing in the middle of his old High School football field. It was getting dark, the sun had already started to set. Someone had turned on a few lights around the field. Probably Izumi. Hopefully it wouldn’t attract too much attention.
Suddenly he heard voices. Three to be exact. Sora, Mimi and......
His throat closed up, his hands felt clammy as his eyes traveled to the source of the sound. He watched as Hidemi was all but shoved towards the football pitch before Sora and Mimi pointed towards him. Once Hidemi caught sight of him, the two girls ran off.
It took little to catch Taichi by surprise. He was, however, struck dumb at the sight of his girlfriend.
She wore a white sweater dress with long boots to match. The only thing holding the dress up were a pair of thin straps over her shoulders, leaving most of her skin bare. Her chin-length black hair was curled inward, with a white headband fixed on top of her head. Normally, Taichi wasn’t the type of guy who would really notice what his girlfriend wore. But when she went ahead and dressed like that?
Of course he was bound to notice! He was human after all.
“Taichi!” She called out, quickly making her way over to him. As she neared him he realized she was wearing lipstick. Pink lipstick.
He wandered how she would look with it smudged around her mouth.
The thought had a fierce blush rising to his cheeks as she finally reached him.
“What in the world is going on? You wouldn’t answer my calls, and then Sora and Mimi jumped me as soon as I get off work and force me into this.” She gestured to what she wore. “And then why did they force me to come here?” Her head swiveled as she looked around at the stands and even field.
Taichi had been thinking on that as well. On the way over, he had thought long and hard as to why his friends would bring him here. And then it hit him.
“Because its where we first met.”
Her grey eyes turned to look at him, wide and full of surprise.
The realization seemed to make him recover from his slightly stunned state as he began to speak.
“You were with Dorumon, trying to teach him how to play football.” A small sad smile pulled at her lips as she seemed to recall the memory of her beloved Digimon. “And he kicked the ball too hard. Knocked you on your back. You got a minor concussion because of that.” His hand lifted to press against the back of her head, as if he could sense the bump there from so long ago. Her own hand came up to cover his.
“And you rushed over to help me.” She said with a small smile pulling at her lips. “I may have been out of it but I remember you carrying me to the Nurse’s Room. Even back then you knew how to sweep a girl off her feet.” The young woman teased, prompting her boyfriend to roll his eyes at her.
“Hardly. I also remember telling your grandfather off for scolding you for getting hurt.” She rolled her eyes at him. “Well he was being a jerk.” Hidemi recalled how the old man had told her off for playing with her Digimon when she should’ve been studying. She still remembered how Taichi had stepped in and stood up for her, without even knowing her.
Her knight in shining armor.
"Though once you realized that Dorumon could evolve into Alphamon, you did become kind of a jerk as well.” She recalled, prompting Taichi to wince at the memories, and how cold he had been to her. “Yeah, not my finest hour.” He admitted.
He had only acted like he did because he was afraid she was in league with Alphamon. “But when you saved our lives I started being nice to you.” He reasoned, prompting his girlfriend to give him a playful shove. “I would hardly call that winning me over, Yagami.” She teased. The way she was smiling at him was enough to calm his nerves and had him smiling back.
There was just something about Hidemi that helped ground him. Once she became a proper part of their little group, Taichi was made aware of just how much she helped keep him level-headed during battles and outside of them as well.
Slowly, Hidemi had integrated herself into their family, their lives and his heart.
Taichi remembered how devastated he had been when he lost Agumon. Even now, remembering how his digimon had been erased from existence caused a twinge in his heart, prompting him to wrap his arms around her waist, resting their foreheads together. Though she was surprised at first, her own arms came up to rest around his chest.
“Do you remember how we got together?” He asked, feeling her nod. “It was after Agumon.” She whispered softly, not wanting to upset him by reminding him more of his lost partner. “I was in a really bad place for awhile. And I honestly didn’t think I would get out of it.” He admitted, his arms tightening around her as he continued. “But then you nearly knocked down my door, threw a slipper at my head and told me to knock it off. That this wouldn’t be what Agumon would’ve wanted for me.” She gave a small laugh at the memory. “I still stand by the fact that I was right in doing what I did.”
Taichi chuckled. “I was angry at first yeah, but you were only trying to help. And though you left, what you said did help me. It was a couple days after, when I first met up with you that I realized that I was in love with you.” Identical blushes stole across their cheeks as they both smiled at one another.
“You’ve become a huge part of my life Hidemi. Of my family.” He knew just how desperate she had been for a family, after her own had disowned her for keeping Dorumon instead of abandoning him. To have people who accepted her for she was. And he had helped her find that in their little group. They were all misfits in some form or another, and she had fit right in.
“I never really thanked you.” She said. “For welcoming me into your family. They can get rather annoying at times, but I suppose that’s what you get for hanging around a bunch of crazies your entire adult life.” He gave a small laugh at her words, prompting her to grin at the sound.
“Well what if I asked you to deal them with me for the rest of our lives?”
For a second she seemed to freeze up against him, before her head whipped back to look up at him, eyes wide and lips slightly apart.
He was smiling at her, as he pulled his arms back from around her waist. One of his hands went for his pocket, pulling something out. And as he did, he got down on one knee.
Hidemi stopped breathing.
“Do you think you can accept me as a part of your forever family Hidemi?” He asked, using the words she had spoken to him on multiple occasions. Her forever family. Someone she would live the rest of her life with.
A small choked laugh fell from her lips as she smiled widely, her eyes brimming with tears as she shook her head. “I don’t want you to be a part of my forever family Taichi. I want you to be my forever family.” She admitted. Her words made him smile up at her even wider as he held out the now open velvet box.
Within the soft cushion nestled a pretty silver band, with three princess cut diamonds encrusted into the shiny metal.
“Should I take that as a yes then?” He asked, his tone sounding a little cocky, at which she laughed, holding out her hand as she did.
“You haven’t actually asked the question yet, Baka.” He took her hand, singling out her ring finger as he made to slide the ring on.
His gaze lifted to meet her’s as he spoke. “Will you marry me, Hidemi?” He asked, showing every ounce of love and adoration he had for the woman in front of him, even as he slid the ring home.
In response she wrapped her arms around his shoulders, pressing her lips to his. In her enthusiasm she nearly knocked the both of them back, though neither seemed to care as they shared a passionate embrace.
“That wasn’t really an answer.” He whispered against her lips, prompting her to smile into the kiss.
“Shut up, Yagami!” She responded before kissing him again.
The sound of cheering was what made them part, their eyes finding the figures of their friends screaming, shouting, hugging and laughing as they stood atop one of the stands. There was Yamato, who gave Taichi a two fingered salute, while he wrapped his arm around his own fiancé. Sora had tears streaming down her cheeks as she smiled at her two best friends. Izumi was trying to console a sobbing Jo, who was crying a literal waterfall. Hikari and Mimi were jumping up and down, hugging one another. Takeru was high-fiving Davis and Cody, while Yolei hugged Ken fiercely, with him wrapping an arm around her waist.
With Hidemi tucked in his arm next to him, and his friends cheering for the two of them, Taichi felt his heart swell with affection for all of them. His family. With whom he had shared so many pivotal moments in his life and so many adventures.
And glancing at his new fiancé, he couldn’t help but press a kiss to her forehead, eager to start a new chapter in his life with her.
Tagging - @taichiyagamiweek​
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dutchforstrangers · 10 months
I like you in a skirt - Taiora drabble
For @taioraweek 2023 Day 2
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
A/N: Here’s a drabble of a concept that has been sitting in my WIPs for what feels like ages. I’m exaggerating obviously, but it’s an idea that has stuck and now’s finally the time to give it a stage. Non-established Taiora, taking place in my "About all the times" universe [x][x].
Loosely ‘based’ on this fanart of Sora holding her school uniform skirt (and looking absolutely disgusted by it).
Summary: Middle school is approaching which means: school uniforms for both Taichi and Sora. Taichi has a hard time imagining Sora -the tomboy- in a skirt, but when he actually sees her...
Day 2: School days | Characters: Taichi Yagami (POV), Sora Takenouchi, Koushiro Izumi | Genre: Friendship | Rating: K | Wordcount: 732
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“A skirt…”
“Don’t tell me you aren’t aware of the fact that girls do indeed have to wear skirts in middle and high school, Taichi-san.”
“Yeah, I’m aware. It’s just… I don’t think I can imagine her in a skirt.”
Taichi stared at the closed curtains of the fitting room their female friend was currently in. He had to admit that to some extent, he had liked the idea of seeing girls wearing skirts on a daily base soon. But after seeing the horror in her eyes, holding up the to her hideous thing, he was a tad more careful with what he liked.
He repeated her words in his mind like a broken record playing.
“I do not want to wear a skirt.”
The image of her holding up the thing between only her thumbs and index fingers, the other six fingers keeping a distance to the fabric as if it was the filthiest thing she had ever seen and held, remained stuck with those repeating words.
Sorry was what he felt for her. In fact, Taichi was so sorry he had been trying to come up with what he thought were solutions. To make her laugh, like he always tried. He should’ve known though he would never succeed, like he had not done yet.
“Maybe you can ask to wear trousers instead?”
“And being the only girl wearing trousers? No.”
“Or you could wear the trousers over the skirt.”
“That still makes me the only girl wearing trousers. It’s also one of the stupidest things I’ve ever heard. So no.”
“Okay, theeeeen… the only option left is burning it and go to school in your underpants!”
“Ugh, I can’t with you!”
He would only make her more mad and annoyed with him.
Koushiro had looked at him like he had seen him looking at him a thousand times, scolding him for being stupid with only his eyes, shaking head and sighs.
In a way, however, Taichi had succeeded. Simply because giving her those rather crazy options made her step into the fitting room and close the curtains shut behind her. And she had not entered it solely to be rid of him, but probably to try the skirt on anyway.
She was stubborn like that and when it came to Taichi, she needed to prove her right of the skirt being awful. Little did she know he was never going to give her that right, even when he had a hard time imagining her wearing one.
She had been in his soccer team for as long as he could remember, always playing alongside the boys. Besides, she wasn’t just playing games as she was one of the few players who could actually score a goal. People would always describe her as the tomboy, the girl who was wearing the pants in every sense and meaning. But she wasn’t as tough as she looked most of the time, under that hard exterior hidden a gentle and caring young woman.
Taichi recalled the times in the Digital World where she had a hard time accepting her Crest. In the end, there was nothing to accept, all she needed was the strength to look at herself in the mirror and see the girl she already but unknowingly was. 
The skirt contained the same symbolism. It was the one thing she needed to finally see what feminine potential she was hiding inside.
And underneath those jeans she was always wearing.
He watched the curtain slowly open, revealing his friend dressed in the green colored school uniform. His eyes boldly scanned her from top to bottom, stopping at her skirt for a bit longer, his eyes unable to deny the long legs it was exposing.
A blush started to form on his cheeks.
“What do you guys think?” She asked sounding a bit insecure, her comfortable level low, but not as low and annoyed as it was before.
“I think it suits you better than how you pictured it, Sora-san,” Koushiro answered politely with a warm smile. It made Sora smile back shyly.
“I—erm…” Taichi started, trying to find the right words to say. Pity he could only come up with more stupid-sounding ones.
“I like you in a skirt.”
“Baka,” Sora said, unable to hide the red shade quickly appearing, fumbling with the skirt she was wearing like your typical shy school girl.
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maribellec · 18 days
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Instead of working on Kakashi Week--I wrote a different story for the schedule...
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koushirouizumi · 2 months
Digimon Adventure 02 ~ A.M.V. {Anime Music Video} Title: “Kocchi wo Muite” {“Look This Way”} Sung by: Yukana Nogami Music © CLAMP / Kodansha (Originally from: Cardcaptor Sakura) Featuring Duo/Ship/O.T.P: + {Daikari} / {DaiHika} (with equal Hikari<->Daisuke P.O.V's, though leaning a bit more in Hikari->Daisuke focus) [+Bonus Ken, 02 Chosen as Support; Taichi & Hikari as Platonic/Familial/Supporting each Other]; {KenDai(+Miya)Hika can be read in; However, the main focus of this one is Daikari specifically, with KenDaiHika as side Poly!}
“Although you show COURAGE, YOU’VE{?} got it Backwards A {maiden}[?]’s Heart is {fragile} and Trying…”
“Throughout all of the {xxxx} WE’RE Invincible”–
Digimon Adventure 02 © Toei Animation A.M.V. by Me No $$$ is being made off this Fanwork
Notes: - The 1st minute took about 45 min; 2nd part made took about just over 2hr’s; The 3rd+4th parts from interlude on took 35~ min each, Altogether, it's already taken 3~4+ hr's. - This is my 08/02 Focus work, for August 2nd anniversary of Adventures timeline! (by August 2nd, Vamdemon's invasion of Odaiba had Begun) Daisuke, who was initially captured inside the same center as Odaiba convention center Vamdemon kept Tailmon trapped in; just might have come across a Certain Person (or two) Near this and the following exact Day{s}... (Alluding to Daisuke's official Drama CD audio Track from "Digimon Adventure 02: Spring 2003"!) - This A.M.V. is overall a Standalone work. (It is not directly involved with my other work); However, it can be considered a work For the storyline that’s a precursor to Repeat-verse, which came before that story was conceived!) Therefore, it can be watched as a Standalone! - I reused a part of an older edit for the earliest Tri P.V.; (for timing placements) it had an old subtitle on, but I’ll remove that for the finished version! - (There is a moment of Hurricane Touchdown!Taichi for Timing) {As it works for my fan-‘verse, I left it in, with a bonus by end!} However, the work is overall/near-wholly 02-focused (so far)! - There is a small amount of out-of-context scenes, However, they’re meant to overall parallel the lyric{s} on-screen. - There is a single Tri spoiler from Kyousei; involving the character of "Homeostasis", that (mind)-possesses Hikari briefly in Adventure Ep. 45 previously. {"Gennai" [Tri] can also be seen for some short seconds} - Major handful of "The Beginning" sequel spoilers by ending; However, it's all actually immediately Pre-Final battle. (The Digimon in final battle can be seen Clearly, +Rui)
{I have not yet re-written the Daikari storyline involved with the past ficverse of mine in full; So please take this work as a sort of preview to it!} The ending lines and following sequences especially hint/allude a little more to my ficverse's potential turnouts; but it can be viewed/read as semi or even fully canon compliant too!
(Further lyric{s} under ‘
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“Turn this way, don't look anywhere else, darling It'd be bad if you weren't completely by MY side… Although you show courage, you've got it backwards A maiden's heart is fragile and trying—”
If we get separated by any distance I’ll come after you
(J.P.N): {Verse #1} Kocchi wo muite yo So mi shinaide Daarin Chanto watashi no soba ni inakucha dame da yo Tsuyogari datte uragaeshi Otome-gokoro kyun to setsunai…
Donna ni tookute hanarete 'te mo  Oikakete 'ku wa— I'm like a jasmine flower, right? You want to turn towards my strong fragrance I love you more than anyone So look at only me, okay?
{Verse #2} If it’s for "love", you’ll get stronger, darling So it’s true, I’ll "always" be your ""cute kid""-- Although there are some bad feelings in life No one will ever give up on a m a i d e n’s heart--(?)
Throughout all of the pain We’re invincible
I’m clumsy around you Protect only ME A magical love ONLY for US We should KEEP THAT our S E {C R E T}— Jasumin no hana no you ni ne Tsuyoku kaotte furimukasetai Dare yori mo anata ga suki Watashi dake mitsumete ite ne?
Koi no tame nara tsuyoku nareru no Daarin Honto wa zutto kawaii ko de itai kedo Yakimochi datte maji da kara Otome-gokoro dare ni mo makenai
Donna ni tsurai koto ga atte mo Futari wa muteki--
Bukiyou na anata no koto Mamoreru no wa watashi dake da yo Koi no mahou futari ni dake Wakariaeru HI{MITSU na n’ da yo}–
I'm like a "jasmine flower", right? You want to turn towards my strong fragrance I love you more than anyone So look at only me, okay?
Jasumin no hana no you ni ne Tsuyoku kaotte furimukasetai Dare yori mo anata ga suki Watashi dake mitsumete ite ne?
NOTE: The speaker may be speaking as if theyre NOT BEING CONSISTENT with their {FEELINGs}.
(Implied/Spoken): {My fic-verse Only}
"...I'm sorry." {"For before"}
"{None of it was} 'Your fault'." -Hikari to Daisuke
{"...It wasn't 'YOURS', EITHER--"}
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cicidarkarts · 11 months
Heads up, Seven up
I was tagged by @tales-from-nocturnaliss, and her post can be found here!
Rules: post 7 lines (or so) from a WIP then tag 7 people (or 6 with an open tag)
My post is from my Digimon fanfiction, which is quite a retcon of the original season. It follows Koshiro, Taichi, Yamato, and an OC as the DigiDestined, and introduces concepts like Digimon death (not just rebirth from an egg), rabid Digimon, and familial trauma. It focuses a lot on OCxKoshiro because MimixKoshiro is for brainlets. 🖤🖤🖤 Each new room in the labyrinth made her face an ever-increasing malicious presence.
The noise grew louder in certain doors and so she followed it, causing the next room to be more bombastic than the last.
Her ears rang with heavy electricity, tearing at her brain.
When another room tempted her with lessening noise, she hurried through that door in a desperate attempt to relieve herself, but they found they were back in the initial room.
"Haven't we been here?" Yeenamon asked, sniffing the floor. "Our footprints are here." "I… I'm sorry," Chizuru said. "That last door was quieter, so I went in. Now we're back at the start. I just wanted the static to end." Koshiro put an arm around her quivering body. 🖤🖤🖤
Unfortunately, I don't know anyone that Nocturnaliss herself didn't already tag so... This fork of the game kinda ends with me. Feel free to pop in, though, if you see this post!
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ahiddenpath · 2 months
Hidden's Digimon Fanfics
Happy Odaiba Day! I'm so happy to celebrate with Chosen around the world!
I've listed my Digimon fanfics beneath the cut!  If you’re looking for some digifics to read on this beautiful Odaiba Day, oh boy, have I got you! :D  I’m ahiddenpath on both AO3 and FFN. Please log into AO3 to see all of my works, and please note that some of my older works are only on FFN.
Canon Setting Stories
After August
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Status: complete, Ships: none/general, Rating: general
Summary:  “A few days ago, they were the Chosen. Now they were just a bunch of bereft, displaced kids.” When the Chosen return to earth, they have difficulty resuming their old lives. The story dips into everyone’s perspectives as they struggle to overcome the trauma they faced in the Digital World and their longing for their digimon so they can rally around Taichi once more.
Infinite Possibilities
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Status: in progress, Ships: none/general, Rating: teen
Art commissioned from kbondoxxxxav.
Summary: As more people meet their digimon partners, the challenges of digimon and humans coexisting on earth cannot be ignored. College student Anami Eimi begins her career in digimon research, hoping to help digimon and humans understand one another. When she discovers caged digimon in her new lab, she contacts the Japanese Chosen, setting off a chain of events that force the Chosen and their digimon to reevaluate the dynamics of their partnership.
This fic is set pre and post Kizuna, and is a mostly canon compliant expansion. It's a three phase story, the first starring OC Anami Eimi, then Izumi Koushiro, then Yagami Hikari. It explores the realities, challenges, and politics of digimon living on earth, and the nature of the Chosen/digimon partnership.
Can the Chosen and their digimon find the infinite possibilities that will sustain their partnerships into adulthood?
Ladybug House
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Status: complete, Ships: general/Taishiro-ish, Rating: general
Summary:  After his seniors graduated and Mimi moved away, Koushiro is the last of the older Chosen attending his high school. Although Koushiro doesn’t let it show, Tentomon senses that he’s lonely and joins him on his commute to school. When the harsh cold of winter makes Tentomon shut down, Koushiro asks him to stay home instead of braving the elements. Tentomon refuses, citing Koushiro’s loneliness. This pushes Koushiro to reconnect with his friends, and he starts with the one he misses most…Focuses on the relationships between Koushiro and Tentomon and Koushiro and Taichi. Taishiro written in such a way that it can be interpreted as platonic or romantic. Explores what it means to be an adult and forge an adult life. Post Tri, pre Kizuna, canon setting. Complete oneshot.Minor characters: Kae Izumi, Daisuke, Miyako, Takeru, Hikari
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Status: Complete,  Ships:  None/general, Rating: general
Summary:  Following the events of Kizuna, the Chosen slowly lose their digimon partners, all while struggling to launch their adult lives. Takeru has been smiling through it all, but Yamato is beginning to sense that he needs more help than he lets on… A story exploring grief, seeking, giving, and accepting emotional support, and navigating the line between expressing what you’re comfortable expressing and knowing when to seek help. Complete oneshot.
Sans San
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Status: Complete,  Ships:  None/general, Rating: general
Summary: It’s New Year’s Day, and Koushiro and his parents are observing Hatsumode, the first shrine visit of the year. There, he runs into Taichi, who helps him achieve last year’s resolution. A short story about support and being loved as you are while still committing yourself to growth <3 Cover art gifted by a dear friend.
Mostly Canon Setting Stories (ie, canon setting with some differences, like OCs, non-canon couples, etc)
Growing Up with You
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Art commissioned from Mitty (Tumblr deleted).
Status: complete, Ships: Koushiro x OC in the later half, Rating: general to teen
Summary:  A slow, simple story about relationships over time. The story focuses on Koushiro and OC Anami Eimi, following them through their childhood through the events of 01, 02, some of the movies, and beyond. This story is great for you if you love Koushiro and stories that are mostly canon.
Tri: Integrity Lens
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Status: In progress, Ships: Koushiro x OC, Rating: teen
Summary:  Sequel to Growing Up with You. Follows Digimon Adventure Tri primarily through the eyes of OC Anami Eimi and Izumi Koushiro. This story is fantastic for you if you love Koushiro, or if you’d enjoy a retelling of Tri that emphasizes Chosen proactiveness.
A Gentleman’s Wager
Status: Complete, Ships: Koushiro x OC, Daiken, Taichi x OC Rating: teen
Summary:   When Taichi notices Koushiro’s stubble, things somehow snowball into a facial hair growing contest between most of the male Chosen Children. Humor/romance/drama. One shot.
Public Eye
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Status: Complete, Ships: Daiken, Rating: teen
Summary:  Despite their best efforts, the Chosen couldn’t escape fame following their digimon adventures. When Daisuke and Ken’s relationship is exposed in a local tabloid, the backlash threatens their tenuous romance.
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Status: In progress, Ships: OC x Daisuke, Daiken, OC x Koushiro
Summary: An AU story where Motomiya Daisuke, Anami Eimi, Ichijouji Ken, and Izumi Koushiro are undergraduate students in 2024. This four chapter explicit story follows their exploration of sexuality and relationships in a consensual, queer-friendly way.
See You Soon
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Status: Complete, Ships: Jyoumi, Rating: general
Summary:  Two independent Jyoumi short stories themed on long distance relationships.
AU Fics
So You Were Alive
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Status: Complete, Ships: none/general, Rating: general
Summary:  Greymon meets Garurumon in the network and is glad to see that his friend is alive. Explores the possible (if unlikely) connection between the Agumon in the Digimon Adventure Reboot (Digimon Adventure:/Digimon Psi) and the Digimon Adventure Agumon. Oneshot. Contains spoilers for the Kizuna novelization and the first two episodes of Digimon Adventure:/Digimon Adventure Reboot/Digimon Psi.
Puits d’Amour
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Art gifted by a dear friend.​
Status: In progress, Ships: Sorato (main), Jyoumi, others to come, Rating: general audiences
Summary:  Yamato and his brother, Takeru, were born to royal parents from different countries, who wed to seal the peace between their warring nations. The brothers were sent to live in Autun, their mother’s country, until coming of age- and now, Yamato is old enough to return to Hakone, his father’s country, where he will one day rule. Displaced and missing his home and his brother, Yamato wanders into a café selling pastries he often ate in Autun… And meets Sora, a woman who exudes welcome and comfort. A bakery/royalty AU about finding your home and your path.Main characters: Yamato, Sora, Jyou, Takeru, Mimi, but the entire Adventure/02 cast is included
Four Years
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art by beeps (Tumblr deleted)
Status: In progress, Ships: Izzy x OC, Sorato, Jyoumi, others to come, Rating: mature
Summary:  An AU story where the older Adventure kids go to an American college. English dub names and personalities. Izzy/OC, Sorato, Jyoumi, Tai/?, some Takari. A story full of romance, laughs, drama, and fun things like partying and classes. The kids still have a lot of growing up to do, and they need each other to heal old hurts and go forward.  English dub names and personalities.
An added note for this one- I’m slowly editing and reposting.  There are a lot more chapters on FFN than AO3, so if you want to read everything available, go to FFN.
The Ouija Board
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Status: Complete, Ships: Izzy x OC, Sorato, Jyoumi, Tai x OC, implied Daiken, Takari, Rating: teen
Summry:  Companion piece to Four Years, set in the future of the story.  English dub names and personalities.  Tai and Davis drag the boys to a local cemetery to invoke the spirits on Halloween night. Strange things start happening afterwards, especially to Izzy. When the boys finally own up to their seance, Amy is aghast to learn that they broke all of the rules a Ouija board puts in place to keep spirits in their own world… A four chapter humor/horror story.
Seeking Resonance
Status: Complete, Ships: Koushiro x OC, Takari, Sorato, Mimi x OC, (Included couples that are not end game: Koumi, Jyou x OC) Rating: teen
Summary:   An AU story that follows Koushiro as his long distance relationship with Mimi begins to falter, then branches out to include the friends who touch his life.  This is an emotionally complex story about the Adventure gang in their late 20s/early 30s trying to figure out what they need and how to be happy.
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Status: Complete, Ships: Sorato, Jyoumi, Koushiro x OC, Taichi x OC, Takari mentions Rating: teen
Summary:   An AU fic set in Odaiba, featuring the older Chosen (Taichi, Yamato, Sora, Koushiro, Jyou, Mimi, and OC Eimi). The story follows them through their first year of high school in real time using journal entries, focusing on portraying character, and on delivering an authentic Japanese high school experience. Read on for teenage hijinks and school life :)
A Debtor’s Hell
Status: Complete, Ships: general/Taishiro-ish, Rating: teen
Summary:  Koushiro is in danger of failing his gym practical, and Taichi spends hours coaching him to pass. Suddenly, Koushiro finds himself in debt to his best friend, and when Taichi calls in the favor, our favorite nerd has no way out… Part actual content, part silly humor. Oneshot. Cross-dressing and some OOC moments.
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taikouvember · 3 months
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Taikouvember 2024 - Rules & FAQ
Even though most of the general rules for the week were already written down in the Event Announcement Post, we would still like to specify some of our Do’s and Don’t’s to make sure Taikouvember will turn out amazingly for everyone involved!
Do's & Recommendations
The event goes from November 4th to November 10th. There are prompts for every single day - this time, they refer to the Crests of the other Chosen Children.
Interpret the prompts as you like, you can find some helpful tips in our Prompt Guideline. You may submit as many entries for each prompt as you like.
If this year's prompts are not to your liking, feel free to use the prompts used for the 2022 and 2023 events as well.
Every kind of entry will be allowed: Fanfiction, Drabbles, Poems, Fanart, Comics, Sketches, Doodles, Music, Playlists, Music Videos, Picture Sets, Edits, Gifsets, Meta, etc.
You can of course decide which series or medium you want to focus on: Digimon Adventure, Digimon Adventure 02, all corresponding movies, Digimon Adventure Tri, Digimon Adventure Last Evolution: Kizuna, Digimon Adventure 02 The Beginning, Digimon Adventure: The 2020 Reboot, games, manhuas, audio dramas, novels, the stageplay, etc.
You are free to choose how to interpret the relationship of Taikou - whether that's romantic or platonic is completely up to you!
Other canon characters are allowed to be included, as long as the entries contain the original ship Taikou, the original characters, Taichi Yagami and Koushiro Izumi, and/or in extension, their partners, Agumon and Tentomon. You can also include multi-/polyships, OT3s, OT4s, etc. as long as they contain Taikou.
Crossovers, Alternate Universes (AUs) or Own Characters (OCs) are allowed, as long as the entries contain the original ship.
When posting your entries, please make sure to @ us directly as @taikouvember in the entry post or use the following tags: #taikouvember2024, #taikouvember 2024, #taikouvember. You can also submit your posts directly to our blog.
We will search the different ship tags (#taikou, #koutai, #taishiro, #taishirou, #taichi x koushiro, #taichi x koushirou) for your entries too, so regardless of what spelling you use, we will try our best to find it. Late entries beyond Taikouvember are perfectly fine, we will search the ship tags until at least the end of November. If we missed your entry, please contact us directly!
Old content may be reblogged by using our handle @taikouvember, so we can find it or you can send us content you would like us to reblog for consideration. We highly encourage creating new content though!
Don't's & Restrictions
Do not post any ship or character bashing/hate concerning any other Digimon ships/characters. It will not be reblogged.
Only post your own content, art theft etc. will not be tolerated. This includes the use of AI technology. AI art may only be reblogged if it is tagged/marked explicitly as such and doesn't blatantly copy other people's work.
Not Safe For Work (NSFW) content may be submitted in moderation and in line with tumblr's guidelines, but only if it is hidden under "Read Mores". Any kind of adult themes and triggers need to be tagged accordingly. Please understand that we may not reblog explicit, disturbing or any kind of discriminating content.
We're excited to see what you'll have in mind. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us directly! Have fun!
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kaynizo · 4 months
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My ocs from different stories I'm creating ilk redraw this in digtal art style .🧛‍♀️Camilla breeze her story is from my second doujinshi hyperlove she's a vampire duelist her duel runner is called vamp🏍Lover is yusei fudoChiyuki Suzuki grateful the love story of meeting a clone a sequel to goku black arc🐲the story is called grateful .lover is tsun black Kiyoko sanu the magical girl who transformed into Koustia to save the world is from kpt my own anime show 🧡 lover is taichi amino These doujinshi are fan made no harm in tge orginal story it's a pardoy that i created I'll practice drawing their character designs Like and comment below
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Oc x canon pairings
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@blenderfullasarcasm tagged me in an ask game!
RULES: post the names of the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! tag as many people as you have WIPs
hakuba-shiho correspondence
you’ve got mail
OC story
hmc AU — monstrous
[redacted] adventures
taichi x arata
stargazing (fluff) | shinran
rapunzel shinran
chapter 7
I am very tired and can’t think up specific names to tag, so I tag everyone who sees this :D.
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legendheroes · 2 years
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Welcome, this blog is full on delusional and crossover art/stuff between the Digimon TV series protags. Ah, and stuff from that peculiar XW AU setting i didn't shut up about on my artblog last year LOL.
Expect chaos and shitposts here. Also some canon divergence because some series i didn't rewatch for a long long time ago.
There's only love and unhinged energy here. Daisuke might be present in most of those because yeah, i love this kiddo a lot.
I won't tolerate any series/game/manga hate in this space. If you don't like any of them, please unfollow/block me instead.
Askblog → @tomorrows2top Artblog → @digitalgate02
Call me Ni (she/they), btw. Please be over 18+ to follow this blog, since some stuff might be not recommended for minors (mostly language, i don't draw/write NFSW/smut stuff). And don't steal or edit my stuff please! If you don't agree with my headcanons or ideas please politely block or mute this account 💦 I accept fact checking/corrections, but as long they're done in a non-passive-aggressive or non-mockery sense. And yeah, my English my not be perfect as well (and i can only read kanji and so little stuff in Japanese, having to double check stuff with friends with better skills than mine orz)
Blog status: lurking
↓ Some important things to be said regarding asks are below the cut ↓
I won't write/draw AUs or Stories/Fanfictions, OCs or even headcanons/theories from other people. Even the old ones i've collaborated with i prefer to not touch them again (because, i lost contact with people and also lost all the posts/details of them )
Please avoid sending me many of "what do you think of [X]" questions because sometimes those kiiiinda make me get no idea what to answer, or perhaps i've been answered/posted something related to it before. Even so, if you would like to send one of those, first check if i hadn't answered it or something similar to it first!
At this moment, this blog is me being delusional about the AU thingy on the pinned post. Most of those posts might be about them.
My memory is foggy about certain series, so if i end up misremembering something... Yeah, please contact me asap.
I know i've said this on countless accounts but, I have little to zero knowledge of the American dub, so my portrayal/answers/headcanons/etc are all based on the original Japanese version and sometimes stuff borrowed from the BRPT dub (which is mostly the same as the original JP for most of the series -- except Fusion). So please, don't assume that I had watched the US dub or that I am American.
My stance on the digimon (monsters) are that there's more than one of each species within the multiverse. So, Daisuke's V-mon/Magnamon, OG & Reboot Taichis' Agumon/Omegamon and Takato's Guilmon/Dukemon are not related to the Royal Knights.
I will follow all canon material if possible when working with canon versions of the characters, BUT only what i can work with. If something gets in conflict with the main TV series (Adv99-02-Tamers-Frontier-Savers-XW-Appmon-Adv2020-GG) i will reject the contradictions and use only the stuff not affected or influenced by it. Basically playing with the idea the events we know in certain media are played differently in-universe, adopted from Pixiv Dictionary. Explained better by Shiha in this post here.
I don't like passive-aggressiveness. If you have something to correct in my posts, please do it politely.
Usual common etiquette -- No hatred towards people's religions, sexual/romantic orientation, gender (or lack of), PoC, ethnicities, etc. I won't hesitate to block if needed.
Do not edit my art or repost it. If you wanna use it as an icon/sidebar, ask first. And no, you cannot use my art on A/I & N/F/T for ANYTHING. If you do that, I will block you immediately.
If you like, ship them in the age of the AU setting, please don't ship the adults with the minors. I beg you to not tag me in anything suggestive about 20yo!Daisuke/Tagiru. Please. (however i do accept any adult Daisuke/Takato and adult Takuya/Daisuke SFW content.)
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imagines--galore · 1 year
FRIEND Hello!! It's been a while since I visited your inbox lmao. How's it going? Good I hope!
I have ✨️questions✨️. Not particularly requests but little funny questions
1) which characters you write for- are more likely to forgo a wedding, and instead secretly sign the papers with their s/o and see how long it takes for their friends/family to realize they got married
2) which characters you write for- would goof off and make husband/wife jokes with their s/o pre-marriage or even pre-relationship. (Ex. My friend and I played It Takes Two, where you play as a husband and wife trying to talk to their daughter and we call each other by husband/wife. And whenever we want to play the game we text "hey wanna try talking to our daughter?)
3) during roadtrips, which characters would roll down the windows and scream sing to music no matter the weather. Or who would be embarrassed about their s/o doing that?
4) which characters would dress up with their s/o to see the new spiderverse movie, or barbie movie
I'm doing alright and I hope you are too!
Most likely to forgo a wedding and just sign the papers
Alright so for your first question thats a tough one! But if I had to pick I would pick a couple of them. First one being Sherlock Holmes, I mean come one, he would find it hilarious when people figure it out that he married his s/o because NO ONE would've expected that of him. Also he would just simply want to get it over with because secretly(something he will NEVER admit) he can't wait for his s/o to take his last name. hehe. So the second one would be Taichi Kamiya from Digimon. Not a lot of fans for this character but I adore him. And his s/o is actually an oc of mine called Hidemi. And I think the both of them would forgo the wedding because they wouldn't want the hassle that comes with planning everything. And given their LARGE group of friends, it would be really funny to see them loose their minds that he went out and actually got married given his think before you act nature. And the final one is Spock. He would find it logical to just sign the papers and be done with it. Though I have a sneaky suspicion that he wouldn't be opposed to a small wedding ceremony later, especially if his s/o asks for it. hehe
Goof off and make husband/wife jokes before a relationship or marriage or engagement.
And moving on to your next question! The first character that comes to mind is definitely Roy Mustang from FMAB. I mean he is a flirt and has a teasing nature, and yeah their s/o would be taken by surprise at first, but would soon join in. Which would also drive their team nuts because why do that have to act like that so openly when they're not even in a relationship. And yeah, NO ONE will be surprised when they actually get together. I mean, has anyone seen how they look at one another? Also Vax from Vox Machina! I have a feeling he would be the same with an s/o who is confident and sure. The S/o would have to start flirting like that first, and Vax would catch on pretty quick and start flirting back. Would probably take a near death situation for true feelings to come out. haha For Clark aka Superman, I think things would pick up after an engagement. Pet names and calling one another by their last names sounds like something he would do.
Singing during road trips and who would be embarrassed about it.
Oooooooo Spencer Reid! He would be a little embaressed at all the attention but once he realizes just how happy his s/o is, he will just sit back and stop worrying about everyone else. Red Arrow aka Roy would be pretty embarrassed about it as well. Their s/o would be singing really loudly with the rest of the team, since they would all go on a team trip and yeah he would wish he had never come. But his s/o would just kiss his cheek and force him to join in at the chorus at least. Though he REFUSES to sing anything Taylor Swift.
And finally who would dress up with their s/o to see the new spiderverse or barbie movie
Peter Parker MCU version would DEFINITELY dress up as someone from the barbie movie with their s/o to go see it. And Michelangelo from TMNT would dress up to watch spiderman because that movie is epic. No question and no competition.
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dutchforstrangers · 10 months
Aki • ko - Taiora drabble
For @taioraweek 2023 Day 1
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
A/N: A little drabble about Taichi, Sora, their firstborn Yua and their upcoming second born... I won't say more ;) Only that these OC Taiora babies are very precious to me. Find out about them in this one-shot written in 2021.
Akiko means "Autumn Child", so you might be able to guess what this will be about.
Happy readings! And enjoy the Taiora content this week.
Day 1: Autumn | Characters: Sora Takenouchi (POV) x Taichi Yagami, OC babies | Genre: Family | Rating: K | Wordcount: 447
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It was a nice day for a walk with the trees all painted red and orange, sometimes yellow with hints of brown or brown with hints of yellow and some hidden green between it all. The sky seemed sunny yet the temperature was more chilly, the air brisk and wind sharp. Sounds of fallen leaves cracking underneath their feet were like a voice telling them to be kind and careful to the earth while move, play and dance in this serene nature.
To most, Autumn was an enigma. It had some sort of ambiguity. Colorful, fresh and light yet gloomy and unpredictable.
To Sora, the sensations of Autumn had something soothing, the season calming her nerves. She saw it like an end announcing an approaching beginning.
At that thought she smiled softly, her hand gently placed on top of the bump that looked like it was glued to her stomach.
“Mommy, what takes you so looooong?” Sora heard her daughter ask impatiently.
Yua had been way ahead of her, the sheer excitement of a simple walk outside making her run rather than walk, unable to contain those young body’s energetic impulses. Luckily for Sora, she could count on a husband that matched their daughter’s energy quite well.
“Your mother is pregnant, Yua. That’s what makes her slower than usual,” Taichi explained.
Sora watched Yua nod, then run off again for Taichi to run after. It wasn’t a punishment to be slower than usual, the sight of her little family a sight she could watch forever. And how lucky she felt to soon welcome another little person in their home.
She rubbed her by now fully grown belly, curious to the contents of it.
Would it be a boy or another girl?
What color would their eyes be? And their hair? Would their personality be more warm like the sun or brisk and sharp like the wind?
Maybe kind and careful. Maybe bustling and full of physical energy.
Excited by her own mind wandering all the possibilities, Sora rubbed a little bit harder, trying to provoke some movement from inside her belly. But there wasn’t a sign of life. Instead her bump became hard, like she had swallowed a football, accompanied by an unexpected and sharp pain.
A long exhale followed, as if she was trying to blow up a very big balloon.
“Sora, are you okay over there?” Taichi asked, the tone of his voice sounding concerned. Sora could barely look up from her apparently bent over position, still trying to breathe through the aching coming in small but intense waves.
Autumn was an end announcing the approach of a new beginning. And this was exactly that.
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maribellec · 14 days
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Very vanilla!
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koushirouizumi · 2 months
{D I G I M O N} 02 ~ @.M.V. x “Kocchi wo Muite” {“Look This Way”} M U S I C © C.L.A.M.P / K O D A N S H A (Originally from: C a r d c a p t o r S a k u r a) + DAIHIKA
“Although you show C O U R A G E, YOU’VE{?} got it B A C K W A R D S A {m a i d e n}’s H E A R T is {f r a g i l e} and T R Y I N G…”
“Throughout all of the {xxxx} WE’RE I N V I N C I B L E”–
D i g i m o n 02 © T O E I @.M.V. by Me No $$$ is being made off this Fan-work
Notes: - The 1st minute took about 45 min; 2nd part took about just over 2hr’s; This 3rd part took about 35~ min, Altogether, it's already taken 3+ hr's. - Aiming for an 08-02 finish, but let’s see what happens…!! - This @.M.V. is overall a Stand-alone work. (It is not directly involved with my other work); However, it can be considered a work For the storyline that’s a precursor to Repeat-verse, which came before that story was conceived!) Therefore, it can be watched as a Stand-alone! - I reused a part of an older edit for the Tri P.V.; (for timing placements) it had an old subtitle on, but I’ll remove that for the finished version! (There is also a moment of R.O.D!Taichi for Timing) {If it works for full out-line, I might keep it in, as it works for my fan-‘verse} However, the work is overall/near-wholly 02-focused (so far)! - There is a small amount of out-of-context scenes, However, they’re all meant to overall parallel the lyric on-screen.
{I have not yet re-written the DaixHika storyline involved with the past fic-verse of mine; So please take this work as a sort of preview to it!}
(Further lyric{s} under ‘
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“Turn this way, don't look anywhere else, darling It'd be bad if you weren't completely by MY side… Although you show courage, you've got it backwards A maiden's heart is fragile and trying—”
If we get separated by any distance I’ll come after you
(J.P.N): {Verse #1} Kocchi wo muite yo So mi shinaide Daarin Chanto watashi no soba ni inakucha dame da yo Tsuyogari datte uragaeshi Otome-gokoro kyun to setsunai…
Donna ni tookute hanarete 'te mo  Oikakete 'ku wa— I'm like a jasmine flower, right? You want to turn towards my strong fragrance I love you more than anyone So look at only me, okay?
{Verse #2} If it’s for love, you’ll get stronger, darling So it’s true, I’ll always be your cute kid Although there are some bad feelings in life No one will ever give up on a maiden’s heart
Throughout all of the pain We’re invincible
I’m clumsy around you Protect only ME A magical love ONLY for US We should KEEP THAT our S E {C R E T}— Jasumin no hana no you ni ne Tsuyoku kaotte furimukasetai Dare yori mo anata ga suki Watashi dake mitsumete ite ne?
Koi no tame nara tsuyoku nareru no Daarin Honto wa zutto kawaii ko de itai kedo Yakimochi datte maji da kara Otome-gokoro dare ni mo makenai
Donna ni tsurai koto ga atte mo Futari wa muteki
Bukiyou na anata no koto Mamoreru no wa watashi dake da yo Koi no mahou futari ni dake Wakariaeru HI{MITSU na n’ da yo}–
NOTE: The speaker may be speaking as if theyre NOT BEING CONSISTENT with their {FEELINGs}.
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(Please agree to Rules BEFORE INTERACTING) {Failure to acknowledge these banners WILL RESULT IN AUTO-BLOCK}
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@citruscloudsandmoon​ tagged me in this so okay let’s do this!
I don’t ship much these days, and I mostly write... OC x Canon content because canon ships are spectacularly boring lately, but lessee my all time favorites.
1) Sasusaku. I was always neutral to the duo, but like people hating on this ship made me like it more, and on top of that we just have so much good art for it + fics. Why wouldn’t I love it?
2) Kaihi: I have this 20 year long love hate relationship with kaihil. Might as well. Worth mentioning. The funniest bit is like, it’s been a while since people I know have been into beyblade, but it’s something they all remember. Like “I used to ship Kai with um, who was that girl. Hilary?” 
3) Taichi x Mimi from Digimon. I LOVE Mimi, but two people who are both annoying and brunettes and loud. Sign me up. I love friendship to lovers as much as enemies to lover when done well.
Either Ichihime or Tyhil
Just in a mood for those nostalgic 2015 EDM music.
Probably Into the Spiderverse? I don’t watch many movies honestly.
Haikyuu lol, Literally just scouring through the villainess isekai otome genre, I read this cute Shoujo last night called “Romantic Killer” 
I need to continue MHA. I need to continue JJK. 
I need to properly read The Promised Neverland. 
Bluelock (once i revive my crunchy sub) 
A bunch of movies a friend recced me.
Hand pulled noodles 
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bunniicassii · 1 year
hi !! just some rules regarding roleplaying with me !! pls read before pm-ing me :)
𝐢. 𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬
; im very new to tumblr but have been roleplaying for about 4 years !! if you’d like to rp on discord (which i slightly prefer) i will give you my tag once we talk for a bit :)
; i’d absolutely love to talk ooc !! i love talking to my rp partners and getting to know them !!
; pls dont control my character !!
; i dont do oc x cc, so please do not contact me if you are looking for that
; pls dont leave without telling me why !! & adding onto that pls tell me if there’s anything i can fix if you get bored etc.
; i am okay with smut / fluff / angst, whatever you’d like paired with any plot !!
𝐢𝐢. 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐲
; i prefer at least semi lit+ but i can write up to lit !!
𝐢𝐢𝐢. 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐬
; suguru daishou
; kentarou kyoutani
; tooru oikawa
; kozume kenma
; kenjirou shirabu
; keiji akaashi
; kiyoomi sakusa
𝐢𝐯. 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 / 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩𝐬
; kuroo x daishou
; terushima x daishou
; kyoutani x daishou
; kyoutani x yahaba
; iwaizumi x oikawa
; kuroo x oikawa
; kenma x kuroo
; semi x shirabu
; goshiki x shirabu
; tendou x shirabu
; taichi x shirabu
; bokuto x akaashi
; osamu x akaashi
; atsumu x sakusa
& many more rarepairs and such !! i’m fairly open to ships (though a few make me uncomfortable, ex: hinata ships) but i will let you know !! feel free to ask about rarepairs i am so down >:D
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