#take care of yourselves ! But it's also valid to take breaks !
caelanglang · 1 year
Have you ever taken a break from doing something you really loved doing for a stupid reason - like the inspiration has run out, or you can't remember why you liked it in the first place. It's been so long since you've enjoyed doing it and it just feels like a chore so you stop doing it for a while and now it's been days or weeks or maybe even months or years since you've done said thing.
And then out of nowhere you feel that random itch in your brain that whispers to you Do it. Do it again -
And the voice comes from nowhere, like a devil whispering in your ear demanding you to commit some sin. So of course you're worried - what if I'm not supposed to do the thing?? And you sit with the anxiety for a while and then decide that's stupid so of course you wave the anxiety off and decide fuck it let's do it!
And so you go to do the thing and your hands shake as the anxiety sets back in - what if I don't remember?
It's been so long, maybe too long, what if you've forgotten? What if it hurts more to return than it hurt to leave in the first place? What if it all kills you inside and rips you apart because you used to be good and now you aren't. And what if you were never meant to do it at all?
But still, you're sitting down so you might as well try . . . and it's like the world has suddenly become a little brighter. Because it flows right out of you, like a dam that's been overflowing for a little bit too long. This - this is home. You've done it a million times before but this moment? It's like you're doing it for the first time all over again and the wonder has set back in. Life has color again and you realize just how much you've been missing that thing. You didn't realize it - not with how monotonous it had felt before but . . .
But life without it was a little less full and you decide that you'd rather not live like that again.
So yeah I started writing again, and halfway through the word's clicked and I felt a little better.
*running up to you and giving you a big big hug*
hey there, I hope you know that whatever it is that you went through, it's valid to feel those emotions and I am so darn proud of you for overcoming all the noises and anxieties and fears that's been trying to stop you from loving your craft all over again. What ever reason it is that made you stop for a while, I don't think it stupid. It happens to the best of us. I hope you are not undermining the things that you went through because I understand that feeling,,, burning out or completely losing touch of something is so painful. Having the desire to return to it but realizing that the magic from before isn't there anymore hurts just as much. It's valid to be afraid of trying again or returning to something. I am so happy that you took the leap forward.
Welcome home. I'm glad you got to feel the passion overflowing again. I'm glad that you got to see the colors again. I hope that you know, even homes need renovations too sometimes. It's not your fault for running out of steam or motivation. What's important is that you are still alive—living and pushing through. One day, you'll be able to channel all those into your craft too! That's why humans create in the first place; we express our lives and emotions through creations :)) I'm truly happy for you and I am cheering you on!
And you are right! When the voices come and try to stop you from creating always tell yourself "fuck it let's do it!"
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rucow · 7 months
some placements im soft for<3
♐ sagittarius sun: my everlasting obsession. the most magnetic people ive ever met. they're insanely beautiful and enigmatic, they fascinate me. i have no sag placements myself, so idk why im so in love with this sign, but to me they're ethereal and regal in a way. they give me a heartthrob. i adore their facial features and their personality, i love their blunt honesty. these people are majestic and special to me. also very silly.
♏ scorpio mercury: this placement could tell me to jump off a bridge and i probably would. their words and tone can have full control over other people, they have so much power in their voice! even if they speak very quietly, the impact of their words is immense. singers and performers with this placement are impeccable at delivering the most raw emotion to their audience. every time they speak, i feel like i can see and feel their soul. which makes sense, because their mercury is conjunct my moon. i feel compelled to listen to these people. they put me under a spell anytime they speak (or sing). also, i love it when they go detective mode trying to solve a ~mystery~
🌠 mercury-neptune conjunctions: ethereal, mesmerising, haunting. i noticed that a lot of singers i listen to have this placement, and you can really feel it. ive always had dreams (and nightmares) about songs written and sung by people with this placement, they're absolutely haunting in such an addictive way. they're out of this world. beautifully poetic people.
♎ libra moon: some of the sweetest people ive ever met. they're so soft and sensitive, even if they don't seem like it. somewhat of a role model to me, i looked up to them so much only to find out im a libra moon myself in sidereal astrology. i have an urge to protect these people and reassure them that their feelings are valid. they have the most beautiful smiles.
♊ gemini moon: maybe it's because my own moon is in the 3rd house, but i find these people very relatable. the amount of hate and misunderstanding ive seen them receive is plain cruel. i think these are some of the most genuine people, and i appreciate it when they speak their mind. silly factor off the charts
♑ capricorn placements (any): i haven't gotten to know you too well yet, but you're always like a breath of fresh air. im intrigued by you! i feel i have so much to learn from you.
♏ scorpio sun: the kindest most understanding people ive ever met. sure, there's been a few bad apples here and there, but so many scorpios ive met have helped me heal, even if indirectly. they've had a huge huge impact on me and im always thankful for that.
♐ sagittarius mars: i adore these people's energy. my mars is in aries but at the 9° degree (a sagittarius degree), and i feel like being around these people is so fun. very very playful people with an outstanding positive energy, they are silliness personified and i love that about them.
♒ aquarius venus: i didn't care much for this placement at first, seeing as it's my own, but looking through works written by aquarius venus artists has hit something deep inside of me. there's something sad about your heart being in this saturnian, fixed sign. it's like a prison. you fully commit to people once you think you've found "the one", and break-ups can be brutal for you. you don't show it on the outside, but your suffering shows in your art, and im sorry i didn't see it sooner. your understanding of the world is very real and fascinating, and you're such a devoted friend. ive grown to understand and appreciate this placement a lot more than i did before.
though i only talk about a few specific placements here, every sign is special in their own way. ily all, take care of yourselves 💖
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This is your daily reminder that you don’t need to switch regularly to be a system.
We’re a diagnosed DID system. Usually one of the hosts will take over completely for two or three days and because of our low communication (especially between frequent fronters) there will be radio silence.
When we first joined the system community, there was a lot of talk about switching regularly and losing days at a time and yes that does happen to some people and that is valid.
It’s also valid to be like us. We have one host front for a few days and occasionally other people will drop by. Our other host will get us dressed on the rare occasion we have to leave the house (about once an month) and will take over for a day if the first host needs a break. That works for us. At first, we switched maybe once a week. Now we switch two to four times a week.
Not switching often is valid. I don’t just mean a couple of days either. Not switching for weeks is valid. You are valid no matter how your system fronting works and how you adapt to that.
Take care of yourselves and accept yourselves for you. You don’t need to be like any other system.
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sweetsmalldog · 2 months
SVSSS Liveblog Volume 1 Chapter 4
Honestly getting into a novel you hate because the monsters are cool is valid as hell
Him not eating when Binghe is gone is such a bad sign, he’s not gonna eat after he pushes Binghe into the abyss is he?
“I don’t want to throw him into the Abyss but I also don’t want to die” is good motivation
I know Binghe was twirling his hair thinking about the conference like “I’m going to win the whole thing and Shizun will see how strong I am”
Pretty art!!! Also blatantly pinning Binghe!!!
Shen Qingqiu, internally: right for his future harem Binghe: Looking at him like that
In my heart Binghe has a little diary where he writes Shen Qingqiu’s name surrounded by hearts and plans their wedding and combines their last names and stuff
Them flying on their swords is really cool
“Your spoiled what’s next snacks” “That’s a great idea Binghe do you have any snacks”
He is spoiled and pampered tho <3 he’s got that Princess privilege as the rightful sole future love interest, the protagonist’s most favorite and specialist guy
“Don’t thirst after my disciple” He is gay if that helps
“Of course they don’t want me watching how could I forget” meanwhile Binghe is jealous as hell
This Palace Master is going to come back later isn’t he
Not him bemoaning that fact that Luo Binghe is being kind when it prevents him from showing off
Not the foot fetish material!
He doesn’t care about looking at them in the water because he’s only got eyes for you dude!! You’re the love interest now they’re just randos! You got promoted and they got demoted
Why is “now the threesome scene can’t happen in the future” your reaction to children dying?
Only Luo Binghe can’t be killed, I get thinking “They’ll probably be fine” but that’s been stated a couple of times. Luo Binghe is safe the rest of y’all should learn to protect yourselves tho
Maybe now isn’t the time to mention it but I had a platonic crush on the girl from The Ring as a child
Local man understandably not ready to see teens murdered by monsters
“You can’t go there’s a chance your powers will stop working and you’ll be murdered” “well I’ll for sure die if I don’t do anything so I’m going”
Heads growing spider legs is actual nightmare fuel
Binghe just wants to heal him :((
The Abyss is open
Also PRETTY ART!!! And a new hot man!!
… And Shang Qinghua I guess
Listen I’m far more interested in the new beautiful man who just showed up then the traitor peak lord
He’s supposed to be evil Binghe’s right hand… I mean pretty privilege is a thing and if anyone deserves it…
Listen I’m aroace not blind
Shhh let him show up early ya know for the “plot”
His sword broke :( I know he’s supposed to get a new cooler one but the swords here are cool
“Aw shit I wasn’t demon racist and now it’s biting me in the ass”
Also this hurts
I can’t even fully appreciated the art because I’m pain
How it started:
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How it’s Going:
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Not everyone thinking he’s dead ;-;
I’m gonna take a minute no one talk to me
Him forgetting Binghe is gone ;—;
And he’s unwilling to admit how much he missed him sir your repression is showing
Heart break points ;-;
This motherfucker’s the author, Shen Qingqiu kill
I hope Mr. Masturbation fucking dies I’m so upset
Shen Qingqiu kill this man and my life is yours
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Hi, is it possible to have M6 hcs with an MC having a depressive episode please? Thank you in advance, I love your work <3
The Arcana HCs: M6 with an MC struggling with depression
~ apparently you guys' new favorite thing to do is send me requests that I can relate to a little too well. Have some comfort, my darlings, and remember to be kind to yourselves. Healing is slow but it is happening - brainrot ~
Caring for you during a depressive episode is more instinctive for him than the day-to-day part of living with depression
He knows what it's like to be really emotionally low, but he doesn't know what it's like to be permanently stuck there
And for someone who runs on emotional energy, not having any at all doesn't resonate with him
Which is why he's quickly becoming Vesuvia's leading medical expert on the condition. What he can't understand right away, he'll study until he does
And oh dear, the more he learns, the more he aches for you. It's the emotional equivalent of chronic pain/fatigue and nobody will make you feel more valid in that than he will
There's just one problem - he can't keep a schedule to save his life and he's sometimes more empathetic than is good for him
It's an important growing moment for him. He'll have to learn how to better himself to help you without feeling responsible for your troubles
He keeps a checklist to go over with you every day, somehow without ever making you feel judged if you didn't do everything
Healthy amount of food? Check. Healthy amount of sleep? Check. Sunlight? It was raining. That's okay, we'll go on a picnic tomorrow!
It's also his way of being able to tell if it's getting bad again
When that happens, he'll encourage you to give yourself the freedom of a few days of rest. No expectations, no to-do lists. A good doctor knows the value of bed rest
It's really good for him too - since he wants to check up on you regularly it means he's taking consistent breaks and actually getting enough sleep for once
You bring him so much joy just by being there when he wakes up in the mornings. Being able to help you keep that sparkle in your eyes means so much to him
They aren't very depression-prone themselves, but they know how hard it is to carry a heavy heart. It's why giving you half of theirs was one of the easiest trades they ever made
And it's also why he gets what you're going through better than anyone else does, because he can literally feel what you're feeling, if you let him
The first time you let them tap in to your shared bond on a fairly bad day, they said it was like trying to dance with fogged-over glasses and weights on every limb. No wonder you're tired!
He doesn't mind doing things a little differently (since when did he do them normally anyways?) so he likes getting the important tasks done with you
They get up with you on workdays and turn breakfast and dinner into daily dates. Wherever their whims take them while you run the shop, they'll always be back in time to help close and take you on a long sunset stroll
Baths used to stress you out - it was the last hurdle before finally getting to sleep - and now they're the highlight of your day
It's not nearly as overwhelming when the bath's already drawn with some new random luxury product to try out and a fluffy-haired lover who insists on lifting you in and out (it makes him happy, let him have this, MC!)
Weekends are for sleeping in, cuddles on the roof in the sunshine, and hours of reading books in the pillow pile
When a nasty episode hits, they'll take you on vacation to Nopal. They notice how much effort you put in, it makes sense that you need rest and they want to make sure you have it
So many hugs and snuggles, all the time, every day. He's so proud of you and he tells you that constantly
Because he doesn't need you to be happy or energetic or exciting for him to love you. He just needs you to know that you're loved.
Nobody knows what it's like to feel stuck and unable to get one's life back like she does. She spent three years comatose like that
She's a little horrified when she gets a clear picture of what life can be like for you. She had a way out, and a Devil to blame and subsequently defeat. You're running on your own determination
She thinks you're one of the strongest people in the world for that
It shows her why you seemed to know how to pull her out of her sleep. And she's determined to do the same for you
She pulls you out of bed to do yoga with her every morning. If it's sunny (and it often is) she'll take it onto the balcony so you can kill two birds with one stone
It's okay if you need to go back to sleep after. Just let her do this with you
She has a reason to schedule breaks into her day now to spend half an hour with you and make sure you're both getting what you need
Because lunchtime gets so busy and dinner is often an important event, she makes sure to have a late morning tea with you every day, from 10-11 AM
Fresh fruit, some dried meats and cheeses, juice and tea, and the most delicious baked treats. It's light and filling and nourishing enough to get you through the day if you can't manage much else
It's easier to act like it's not getting bad again when you can save your energy just for your shared moments. It's why Nadia feels so guilty for the first few times she didn't notice until it was too bad for you to do even that much
Fortunately for you, there's a palace full of employees who have you to thank for getting a competent person in charge again
They want to see you flourish too, so one word from housekeeping is all Nadia needs to whisk you off to the seaside for some R&R
You pulled her out of her daze and are the strongest person she knows. Returning the favor for her beloved is her greatest honor
Oh yeah, that thing where life feels like walking through sludge and all you want to do is hide and sleep, so that's what you eventually end up doing all day? Yeah he does that too
Or at least he did, until you dragged him down a continent with the scariest woman he's ever met on a wild goat chase
It's starting to make sense to him now. You knew to reintroduce him to the fun of comfortable clothes and good food and the safety of companionship because that's what you needed too
And he's not leaving that fog behind without bringing you with him
He doesn't want you to force yourself into a busy, colorful life of excitement and adventure. He doesn't want that for himself either
But he's learned the value of a life that can move as slowly as it needs to as long as it doesn't get stagnant
You can sleep in if you want to. But he's bringing you breakfast in bed. He won't say anything but he won't leave to start his day until you eat at least half of it
You don't have to go on a walk if you're not up for it. But he'll leave the door and windows open and move the bed right below them
You don't have to take a shower. But he'll hold you in his lap by the fire with a clean rag and a bucket of warm water and some soap and a big, fluffy towel
It's okay if you can't feel anything. It's okay if you can't stop feeling everything. Sit with it as long as you need to. He'll just be next to you with a glass of cool, fresh water from the nearby spring
Of course, things aren't always that bad. You have good days, and better days, and great days, and tired days, and gray days, and everything days, and nothing days, and quiet days, and loud days
Sometimes you're the one bringing him a glass of water and opening the windows
But you're both slowly having more good days than bad ones, and life is starting to get lighter. And neither of you are fighting alone
Depression and burnout can look pretty similar. The big difference is that one of them is something you generally bring on yourself, and the other one tends to show up uninvited and unannounced
She's plenty familiar with burnout. Depression not so much
She's quick to notice when you go several days in a row without smiling very much. And when you can't pull yourself out of bed one morning, she's so sympathetic and on board to help
But it's hard not get upset with her when her first question is, "so what were you doing for it to get this bad, MC?"
It makes it even harder to talk about, but Portia is the palace's honorary librarian at this point. Between the research she does there and the general medical description and advice Ilya gives her, she'll come back with plenty of notes
She will feel so bad about what she said earlier that you will definitely need to hug it out
She's such a get-up-and-go person that she doesn't have to think twice about helping you keep a schedule. That's how she lives already. Now she's just cooking a full breakfast for two, not one
She still takes you on her ambassador trips, but the plans she comes up with take your energy levels into account as well as hers
You're having a better day? Time to go sightseeing and find an adventure
You're not doing as well? Take a day on the boat. Nap on the deck in the sunlight. The crew love you too, they'll bring you fruit and she'll get all the boring meetings out of the way while you rest
It can be a little daunting being a partner to someone who is sunshine personified when you feel like mud most days
And it's tricky for her to learn how to sit with someone in pain without feeling like a failure for not being influential enough to fix it
She sees you as the best part of her world and thinks, no wonder you're tired. Take a rest. She'll keep things running
At first he's worried that you're falling sick very, very slowly
You don't have energy for the things that he knows you enjoy, you're sleeping more, and the dulled look in your eyes makes him wonder if you're in pain
You're trying not to let it get to you because being an adventurer is fun! Exciting! And it's Lucio's fresh start on life, so you're scared of ruining it. You don't want to drag him down on his way up
But finally one morning you just can't get yourself out of bed. And he's increasingly worried, so you explain it to him
It ends up lifting his spirits more than anything. He could tell you were ill, but this illness doesn't seem fatal. It's just something you have to live with that makes some days a lot harder than others
He doesn't have a lot of intuition for taking care of sick people, but he's getting better and better at learning from his mistakes
You say taking care of your body helps? Every time he gets hungry he makes sure you eat something too. Every time he bathes he pulls you in. Every time he goes outside he invites you.
If you say no too often he will pout. Which will quickly give way to his unexpectedly adorable puppy eyes, because he loves you and doesn't want your sickness to hurt you MC!
Of course, healing is never linear. There are still times when the only thing you have energy for when you open your eyes is closing them again
And as much as he worries for you during those times, Lucio isn't burdened by them. It's a chance to show you he loves you and to return the favor you showed him by sticking by his side
It's also his moment to be the magnanimous, powerful Count he wanted so badly to be. He'll protect you, he'll take care of you, he gets to be your hero and let you be comfortable!
You are his best. If that means you need to take a break and sleep, then go ahead. Precious things are meant to be treasured
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br4inr0tx · 1 month
Another match made, this time for @sugutoad ! Thanks for giving me so much info to work. I probably didn’t include everything, but feel free if you want to reach out for something more specific. Enjoy!
tw - discussion of suicide, discussion of suicide methods, discussion of mental disorders
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you Bongou Stray Dogs matchup is… OSAMU DAZAI !!
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• Dazai would be best for you! That mix of crazy but relatable seems to be something you enjoy, and what no better the the freakster himself. He’s not to mean to not care though, so that’s why I gave you him!
• Dazai is very carefree, and will either mess around with you to make you forget about your troubles, or take care of things himself (usually without you knowing). He somewhat take you under his wing in a way.
• He’s also the type to tell it like it is, sharing a bit of positivity here and there. It goes nice with your realism.
•He’s also very passionate and often hyperfixates on things! Like suicide for example. He wants to do a double suicide with you lmao.
• Dazai is a curious cat, and often likes to hear the gossip. He serves absolute cunt for that. The two of you love to share tea and learn tea from others too! Honestly, it’s probably the thing that got you two connected to each other at first, if Dazai didn’t already try to flirt with you.
• Instead of really going blank like you do, Dazai’s mind is constantly running and he’ll happily bring you back down to Earth if you need it. Simple daydreams he’ll let slide if you guys aren’t on any missions or something important.
• Most of his jokes are really funny, and theirs just other times he’s funny without even realizing it. He thinks you’re too adorable to not get a chuckle out of, and sometimes he’ll break down laughing if you say something out of left field. It’s hilarious!
• Dazai used to be a really strict guy, but nowadays he’s more chilled out. You wouldn’t need to go through that strict nonsense again. If you ever bring it up with Dazai, he’ll try even harder to be more of a good person. It just reminds him that where he is now is best.
• He loves showering people in compliments, and you’re no different! He compliments anytime he gets! Though brings it back during more intimate moments.
• While he may not be able to wrap his head around your anxiety of other people too much, he just validates it as a huge difference you two have, and gladly confides in you when you need someone to speak for you.
• He can be a little tone deaf sometimes, and if you ever talk about feeling down he’ll probably mention the double suicide thing again. PLEASE dont EVER listen to him,
• In actuality, I’d say to try a hand at the bright side! You have a loving boyfriend and a loving community within the Armed Detective Agency. They’re basically your guard dogs by the way, if you aren’t already a part of their group.
• Fuck other people who don’t want to hear you yap about shit! Dazai LOVES hearing you talk about your passions! Very rarely does he stop you, and he likes to ask follow up questions just to fuel the obsession! He’s a great person to talk to when you start to hyperfixate on something.
• Dazai mostly leaves you alone if you ask, but he’s also kinda clingy. Just don’t be away for too long, or he’ll get more and more needy.
• Dazai is a strong believer that it doesn’t matter what you wear! He’s the kind of guy that thinks you look good in everything, and will always find something about your outfit that he loves the most.
• He’s definitely a pretty boy, and well..he came from the mafia, so he definitely still has an edge to him. Some of his tendencies can even linger from time to time. I’d say he’s your type!
• He loves going out and about when he can, especially for walks! It would be the perfect date for the two of you to walk around and enjoy yourselves, most likely talking about something for hours on end to the point where Kunikida would call you guys and ask where the hell you were.
Dazai can be very patient, and I’d say he’s the perfect boyfriend for you that is willing to be your shoulder to cry on, as well as an anchor. Just don’t mind him being a little screwed up in the head. <3
your My Hero Academia matchup is… EIJIRO KIRISHIMA !!
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• Kirishima would be best for you! Kaminari is a close second, though I figured he may be too silly for your liking.
• Now, I figure you’d be looking forward to having a villain for your match, however, you also said you wanted someone who you could relate and confide in. Almost all of the villains (except for maybe Toga) would not give a shit or understand why you need that shoulder to lean on. If any of them do care it’s most likely for a manipulative reason. I would’ve probably picked Toga if it weren’t for your preference. Hopefully that makes sense!
• You may bump heads with Kirishima from time to time, especially during times where Kirishima is way too nice. Not every relationship is perfect though, and from this he can possibly teach you to liven up sometimes, as much as you teach him to be more grounded.
• He’s a chill and lax guy, and will definitely help you calm down in any situation you need a hand on. He’s honestly the best at pep talk and lending a reassuring hand. As such, he’ll never get to exhausted will how many times you fall back down to the ground. He’ll always be there to get you back up again!
• Kirishima is also really passionate about the things he loves! He adores to hear you talk about thing, similar to Dazai. He’d be especially appreciative if you let him yap about his aspirations too!
• His humor is a lot like yours, and basically what the whole Baku Squad finds funny! Aside from Bakugou himself of course, cause just a dick. I can definitely see you being a part of their friend group though!
• Kirishima hate being super strict, but understands restrictions on some things for everyone’s safety. As long as you aren’t doing anything that will cause you or others harm, he doesn’t mention anything. What’s the bother anyway?
• Kirishima has tough skin, literally, and will become your shield metaphorically and literally. He hates seeing you cry, I breaks his heart so bad. He’d take over the world to make you happy!
• A part of me feels like Kirishima might have his own lingering depression by just how much he tries to fit himself in. Please just have his back as much as he has yours.
• In his eyes, there’s no such thing as daydreaming to much..unless you’re in literal danger but i doubt that would be the case. Daydreaming is a healthy coping mechanism. Sure it can distract from important things, but there’s worse things you could be doing. Especially during those times where you want to be occupied in your own world, Kirishima will give you space.
• The fact you get angry easily? Well, it’s not the first time he’s dealt with someone like that, heh. I’m sure you’re a lot more tame than you-know-who.
• Kirishima is a GREAT listener. I swear he picks up on everything and remembers a lot. He definitely keeps track of your needs and wants. Gifts, if you’re into that, are very thoughtful as well.
• He loves giving out hugs! Sometimes they might be very random, but hey, if you like hugs that much it shouldn’t be a problem. For him your softer body makes it even better!
• Much like Dazai, Kirishima loves to be out and about doing stuff, whatever gets the blood going! Unlike Dazai though, he only goes out when he has the free time. If he has work to do, he’ll most likely postpone his time with you. It’s worth the wait though, because you guys end up having a wonderful time together!
• Even though he might’ve not been what you expected, I do think Kirishima is a wonderful match for you!
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lovelykhaleesiii · 10 months
I have been going back and forth in posting this, but want to have a clean slate and a clear mind going forward.
this fandom if I am being honest (and from experience in many others) has been the most roller coaster ride. it has been wonderful and blossoming, yet also, toxic and disheartening…
my current state right now, I feel as though I have been shunned from the community from all corners. stranded alone, with only a few friends (I could count them on one hand) to talk to and to trust.
I have been incredibly disappointed in this fandom by people I had considered friends, people that I believed to be sincere and kind, but over time showed a very different and ugly side.
I am not going to sugar coat this topic anymore… and be warned, I will call you out if need be, from this point on. I always had hopes that as a community mostly dominated by adults, we would act more like it, but it seems not. then accountability is necessary, because this school yard behaviour is not it.
I work most of the time, I barely even have time for a social life on top of personal things… tumblr is not my priority. but when I log in on here, I do wish and intend for this to be a space where I can relax and enjoy myself, to be creative and write and share my ideas and stories. to interact with people, to bond over characters and stories that I don’t ever get the chance to in real life, because I barely meet people with similar interests.
this is meant to be my safe haven.
recently it has been quite the opposite…
I have been gaslit, bullied & ghosted/neglected. as someone who genuinely struggles to put herself out there, I have made attempts that I am thankful for yet hurt by the experiences. putting myself in discord chats only to leave in the matter of a few days…
I have said this before and I will say it again. If I ever say anything to you directly or indirectly, and it doesn’t sit right with you. I am open to talk privately about it. I am not perfect, in fact far from it. I have flaws as do we all. I can make mistakes, I am human. if the matter can be resolved, amazing, if not: I don’t expect to get along with EVERYONE on this hellsite. the block and unfollow options are there for a reason!!!
regardless, I understand everyone has their own personal lives and issues… believe me, I DO! I am a huge advocate for life > tumblr. you need a break, take the break. you want to go on hiatus, go on hiatus. you do not owe anyone in this fandom shit, as I have reminded myself as of late. In saying that, showing people common courtesy and decency is not by any means a stretch, it should be the bare minimum.
showing support to your fanfic authors/gif makers and creators is valid and ideal.
I have taken multiple breaks because the stress and exhaustion from my work and personal life has been a lot, that I am able to remove myself from a situation, to not allow anyone else to suffer my ordeal. your actions have repercussions, and you will be held accountable.
to wrap it all up, I will continue to write my little, silly stories, I will continue to read fics. However, I have of recent been so turned off by some of the people in this community, that if I’m being honest (which I also strongly advocate for, and believe I owe whoever read this that), I have no energy to interact with people that have crossed me and made me feel less of the person I am at this point in time. my friends who I respect and admire dearly, know who they are, I don’t need to tell them twice.
when I feel comfortable with this fandom, my interactions may change, but for now. I very much enjoy my small number of friends.
thank you to those who read this entire mouthful, I genuinely appreciate the small things and taking the time out of YOUR day to read and listen to little old me, says a lot.
please take care of yourselves, and I hope that we can create a better more wholesome fandom space.
love always, Hel 🤍
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rin-and-jade · 1 year
To the hosts out there reading, this post is for you!
You're doing god's work (for your sys) and i applaud you for that as this role takes a lot of responsibility and out-time longer than any other parts in the system. I do admit it's hard to be one, and i do understand your inner struggles.. which is why i'm going to talk about this topic: deeply rooted sense of denial.
Yes, there's a lot of validating posts out there which is why i decided to join in and give my own pov in purpose of covering more stuffs than other people had done. Those things won’t be repeated here, fyi.
Q: Why do hosts tend to have more denial than others?
A: Actually, its not the type of role that guarantees you into having more denial compared to different parts, everyone can have it, in varying degrees. This is more about HOW hosts can have higher amounts of denial.
Q: But what's making them having denial, what's your "how"?
A: They're the one being outside most of the time and usually busy functioning in real life which leaves little to no room for attention to notice other parts roaming around or see the innerworld. They may subconsciously feel they are more "real" than other parts as the rest don't get the same chance to be out like hosts.
It can also stem from self doubt or imposter syndrome,, but generally from the discovery of being a system after a long time of living without knowing it, sometimes accepting a change or realization is already hard by itself. Lack of proof to validate the condition also works, because hosts usually got hidden away from traumatic memories which creates an assumption of not being “too bad” to have one.
Q: If someone feels the denial/doubt, what should be done?
A: Only being told “that’s denial” won’t actually solve the problem, other than proofs of not being aware of time gaps and ‘less bad’ memories it still feels a pretty weak answer. So, some questions that will work better are:
“Why do you think you can’t be a system?”
”Are you aware of any hazy or blurry memories of your life? What is the reason for it to happen?”
”In denial, have you ever thought of trying to find some clues and take account and think of it rather dismissing it right away?”
”how do you currently feel when you’re questioning the existence of other parts?” (This is for self awareness and managing panic before it spirals)
“Is there any other way to describe your situation?”
“Do you think the experiences you’ve seen in yourself is equivalent what a system looks like? (using other’s experiences can work)”
I have made a dedicated post on handling this so if you’d like to educate yourselves or see the solutions, click here. Another thing that i want to say is to be transparent with each other and communicate in a 2-way,, nothing will get solved if things are always kept away from each other.
One last thing i’d want to tell to all the hosts out there is that they deserve a break, a time out from the world. Nothing will go wrong,, no, your other parts are capable and responsible enough to cover for you when you’re resting. I really advice to anyone reading this that being burnt out and pushing against it is never good,, what do you get out of it? Just extra debt of depleted energy and even more problems be it cognitively or emotionally, only you know.
so please take care of yourselves, you’re the most important role when it comes to creating a functional life outside for your system, so you should take proper breaks keep your best condition to work too <3
- j
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wowthatsextra · 8 months
One of the best things I've read lately is "Get used to the guilt."
You can't boycott for x and x reason? Get used to feeling like you have blood on your hands. Do not post "but ackshually im a good person this is not my fault!?!?!" for internet validation.
"I don't want to pick a side"/"both sides!" people have basically picked their side. You're not standing with the oppressed as long as you have equal support for their oppressors. Get used to feeling horrible about your lack of morals and integrity.
"Can we not share the graphic videos, they trigger me" journalists are risking their lives to get these out to the world so sharing them is our responsibility. If you need to look away from them do so in your own accord (you can turn off autoplay, mute things, take a break from social media etc.)- don't ask people to do it, and acknowledge that you're privileged enough to look away unlike the victims. Do not announce "Muted for my mental health!" to the world. This isn't about you.
Some of y'all are so quick to bring up the treatment of women and/or queer people in Arab countries as an excuse not to support Palestine. It says a lot about YOU that you assume palestine doesn’t have queer people and they aren’t being affected in this genocide. If you do not care about queer people in Palestine you do not care about them at all. If you don’t care about palestinian women you aren’t a feminist, you're just an opportunist.
Lastly, whining about "moral privilege" is not a good look. No, no one knows everything from the womb. Yes, some have been more aware of certain issues than the others. And you can choose to learn and be in a process of learning, which is appreciated. Trust me, it is. What isn’t appreciated is some of y'all wanting to be coddled into speaking up against literal genocide and getting mad when people don't pat you on the back for the bare minimum. "Motaz being angry doesn’t help his cause!" "You guys were morally privileged enough to never have had a nazi phase!" Do you guys hear yourselves. This. Isn’t. About. You.
I know firsthand that learning is hard. Especially in the middle of the heavy Israeli propaganda it has to be an active choice to learn and act, so it is admirable. But it's also the least you can do. Don't expect gold stars for it. If you are not doing it right, get used to the guilt. Accept that people who have been hurt by your ideas/behaviour have the right to direct their anger at you. You don't get to give up trying to do the right thing and feel better about yourself at the same time.
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watercolourferns · 1 month
I’m closing inbox for a little while.
It’s very privileged of me to say this because Mexico isn’t in a war like Palestine is… and while I do try to share stuff about Palestine and it’s an important topic to me Tumblr is also my safe space to escape from the real world and destress a little.
I also am toeing the poverty line everyday, sometimes we run out of food a week or two after payday because getting it is more and more expensive so we need to spend more to get less.
So imagine me opening my tumblr to find two or three inboxes from people from Gaza every month, one case being a total fraud the rest not being vetted , begging for help and for me to donate. There’s no possibility for me to help because I can’t donate and sharing is iffy because I have no way to vet them and I don’t wanna spread misinformation.
I’ve been so stressed out and tired lately that I’ve shown seizure-like symptoms after almost two decades of not having any. And I think I’m showing signs of compassion fatigue and burn out. Which is just as awful as it sounds.
Why am I writing all of this tho? Why can’t I just close inbox and call it a day??
PEOPLE NEED TO KNOW THEY CAN AND AHOULD TAKE A BREAK SOMETIMES. We’re human and being all the way over here there’s stuff we can’t do. We can’t forget about ourselves, and that doesn’t make us selfish, we need to remember that.
Looking out for ourselves is still valid, taking care of ourselves is still important. Never forget it.
Ppl need to remember this, otherwise we’ll all get sick and then who will help?
We also need to remember that we have a limit in how we can help and that’s okay. It’s just how things are. Don’t feel selfish or frustrated because you can’t help or can’t help more. It’s okay to want to do more, but don’t beat yourself up for not being able to.
And I guess that’s all. Please share only vetted information, follow the Olive Branch because they have a list, and take care of yourselves. That’s valid and important.
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fyodoro · 2 years
Could you do Rui with a s/o that’s personality is like ena? (from nightcord) so like not Ena herself but the s/o is similar to her personality wise if that’s ok !
All Life is Ridiculously Pretty
Hi anon:] of course it’s ok! hope you like it
Rui with a reader similar to Ena Shinonome
Reader seeks validation (did u guys read on this blank canvas i paint… it’s one of the best event stories frfr), Akito is a shithead, brief mentions of both reader and Rui overworking
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How you and Rui met was… odd. It was at school but much later in the day. Him and Tsukasa were cleaning up one of his messes, and saw you, Ena, Toya and Akito.
Of course, Tsukasa had to join the group no matter how out of place he was. So Rui followed suit. And that’s when…
“I don’t want these two weirdos around my sister, they’re just going to make her weirder.”
“If you’re going to insult Ena you might as well insult me as well, there’s not much of a difference.” Oh?
Rui liked how straightforward you were with your words. He found himself chuckling at the conversation much to Akito’s annoyance.
“Face it Akito, you are what you hang out with! So that means you’re just as weird as the rest of us here. Sorry, Toya.”
Ena started laughing like a maniac when Akito stormed off with Toya, thanking you for putting her little brother in his place before heading to her night classes. Rui found your antics entertaining, you were so straightforward with your words and didn’t hold back, it felt refreshing.
“I don’t believe we’ve met before… who might you be?”
“F/N, F/N L/N. And I believe you’re Rui Kamishiro? I’ve heard about you from Akito and Mizuki. It’s nice to finally meet you.”
And that’s how it all started.
Tsukasa teases Rui about his crush often. He’ll call you over mid conversation with Rui just to see how he reacts. But he’s actually very smooth about it, carrying on a conversation with Tsukasa now including you very well and asking for your input.
When you tell Rui you do a lot of art, he starts asking for tips that can make his sketches of future projects look better. You’re slightly caught off guard that he immediately assumes you know so much, but appreciate it none the less.
Rui is always complimenting your art, even if it’s just a little doodle in class, he’s still telling you it looks perfect. You try to hide your embarrassment which barely works. His praise feels more important than other’s praise to you, so you try your best to make him notice any doodles you do in school or completed artwork.
You two also bond over how easily you can get absorbed in your work. Rui, who absorbs himself in all his robotic projects and you who absorbs yourself in your art. Both of you laugh at how much time passes without realizing once it’s finished. But in that same conversation, you remind each other it’s still important to take care of yourselves.
“As lovely as your art is, you’re needs should come first. Maybe next time you can set a timer to take a break?”
This is also how he finds out about your crave for attention and praise. You tell him that “breaks aren’t needed, but perfection is or else no one will notice.” He grows concerned by this, and promises that no matter how it looks he’ll be there to support your work.
That day you go home with a warm fuzzy feeling in your chest. ‘Even if it’s not perfect, he’ll still like it?’
After that conversation, you both came to realize how you really feel about each other. Rui wouldn’t simply always praise his other friends all the time for no reason, but he does with you. So why? Oh
You wouldn’t seek everyone’s opinion immediately after anything you do, Rui is always the first one you go to before anyone else. You weren’t like this before to anyone else, why now? Oh.
It took awhile, but you both realized!
You try to be subtle in your hints, lightly brushing your hand against his when you’re walking to the next class or slightly leaning towards him in a group setting. Rui however, is not subtle at all.
The hand brushes? He’s just going to take your hand in his. The leaning? He’s already putting his arm around you. And this guy keeps a straight face the whole time while you’re trying your hardest not to go red. It’s like a competition, who can make the other burst first?
On one of the days you’re both feeling bold, you’re practically glued to his side as he keeps an arm around your shoulder. Akito, Tsukasa, Mizuki, and An are all in the group as well while this is happening. And..
“So Rui, F/N, how long have you two been dating now?”
Mizuki’s question is what makes you both burst into red. Do you really look like you’re dating?
“Oh yeah, I’ve been wondering as well! You two just one day started holding hands and I kept forgetting to ask.”
Both you and Rui look at each other trying to think of what to say. Does this count as dating even if neither of you made it official?
“We’ve been together for a few weeks.” / “We aren’t dating.”
Did he really just say that? To everyone? You did not agree to this answer! Now what do you say? No matter what it’s going to make this a lot more awkward. You felt Rui staring at you as Akito cackled, getting the wrong idea that Rui just got rejected. Which of course, Rui knew this wasn’t true.
Rui swiftly leaned down to kiss you- right on the lips- which made everyone shocked, even Rui.
“Well it’s a mutual agreement now, yes? Akito, is it still laughing worthy?”
This feels so rushed I’m so srry but nywayssss… 22k crystals saved for Akito’s banner on Friday😮 skrunkly is getting dragged home by the bleached strand in his hair and I will spark him if I must
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daisyjunghoon · 26 days
my honest opinion (which no one asked for but i just want to let it out here bcs I can write more and janfan twitter is in shambles) on what happen recently regarding peponi announcement on fancafe -
for international fans who are unaware, JJ posted on fc that after their concert, for the 2nd half of the year, jnb will no longer perform at uni festivals/festivals except for the ones that are announced before this. it also mentions that 'in the future' they will only focus on making music, album, and their solo concert.
where the rage begins -
he posted this 4 days before their concert which everyone was looking forward too.
the vague statement. some of the concerns from fans that I saw regarding this was - why are they no longer performing on festivals when they have been performing for the past 10 years and even released albums in between so why stop now? when will they be back because there was no specific date mentioned? is it a long hiatus?
I believe jnb fans range from young adults (students) to middle-aged adults. so their concern was if they stop performing at festivals, how are these students are going to see them? for students this might be the only way since most uni festivals are free and cheaper. also, festivals are where jnb gets exposed and gain new fans, so why are they deciding to stop performing at festivals?
fans starts expressing their opinions and disappointments (especially on twt), those who voice out their opinion - a fan on IG actually blocked by jnb official account - on fancafe they get kicked out. led to alot of kfans closing their accounts on twitter.
my honest opinion -
I agree, the timing is off. he shouldn't post this 4 days before their 10th anniversary concert. joykiller.
for me, the main problem here for the statement is both sides are in the wrong. poorly written leads to miscommunication and misinterpretations.
my understanding of the statement - the period they are going on a break after the concert to focus on the new album (since there are only 4 months and if they decided to release it this year) make sense that they will be super busy and won't be able to attend festivals and they already performed during peak festivals so by the end of the year I don't think there's much festivals compared to during summer. And 'in the future' I feel like by early next year, they are probably planning for Asia tour(Indonesia promoter/organizer tweeted before about jnb coming) so maybe that's why they won't be able to perform on festivals again since festivals usually begins first half of the year. If this is the case then I guess they should've worded it better in the statement (they probably couldn't be specific since they are still in the planning stage and anything can happen) but if its not, and Asia tour is not happening, then what I don't understand is why even bother telling fans about their future plans when its uncertain. They should have just go on with their day.
fans expressing their anger is valid, especially fans who had shown support by going to see them on festivals before, I understand their disappointment. but since two days ago, there were too many comments that I don't agree and have crossed the line.
exhibit A: This is all because of JH dating, please break up. he actually wanted to rest and get married and don't care about us anymore. using the merch money for his marriage. do you hear yourselves? this is nonsense. seems like you all are just taking this opportunity to vent out and blame him for dating. He is an adult, a 32 year old man, let him be in love ffs. And even if he wants to get married one day, what's the deal? we have nothing to do with whatever he's doing in his personal life. stop being delusional.
exhibit B: they've changed, they are no longer the 'jnb' I used to know. They haven't communicate with fans for a long time. and which part have they changed exactly? they have constantly post on IG story when they practice in the studio. They have constantly post live performance on youtube. didn't they go on live before during their europe trip? didn't they go on youtube live during their 10th anniversary? didn't JH also make a blog for fans to read? and JH also frequently went on live or post his singing sessions on IG. they just got really busy since the festivals started this year and they had to continue preparing for concert straight away while preparing the album. Also vlive is long gone, if you are expecting them to go on live of how they used to do it on vlive, please move on. the medium and access to do that is limited, and nowadays its a paid service(bubble,weverse) so I'm sure fans would be more fumable if jnb ever decides to do that. they can't satisfy everyone here.
exhibit C: DH is neglected. DH should form a one man band instead. I recommend you to click the link. Read and watch the interview & documentary and see why junghoon and dohyung is inseparable. (link 1, link 2, link 3, link 4, link 5)
there's so much more about the nasty comments but I will just stop here for now. If you crossed the line commenting and attacking on their personal life and brought up nothing that has to do with the real problem then I too would blocked you.
5. I actually don't mind if they want to take a break as long as they want to. we are humans. not robots.
6. Peponi should acknowledge what fans are complaining about, even if you disagree with them. communication goes both ways. fans need to know their boundaries and know how to give constructive criticism and peponi/jnb need to know how to accept them. When they keep their silence and pretend like nothing happens (blocking fans opinion/keeping only the good comments/updating IG story when the other side is in chaos), they are doing more damage to themselves. Hence fans are overthinking, overreacting, jumping into conclusions and decide to leave for good because too many times have this miscommunication happen. I'm sure they meant it in a good way and didn't expect this to happen when they announce the statement but again, the approach and execution is always the problem.
I've been a fan of jnb for 5 years now. when anything happen, I always try my best to stay calm to understand the situation and why they chose to do whatever they did. Because I know they work hard and have always give their best to give back to fans. But I have never felt as devastating as this. not even other issues before because jnb and janfans have always manage to get through whatever comes our way. and to me this is not that serious, not even a big deal at the first place and a bit silly which is why I was shocked seeing the reactions. But I guess this is what we have come to, everyone has their own limits and I respect their decisions, maybe someday I will reach my own too.
My messages are open if you want to talk or ask anything, I would love to know your opinions too! if you take your time and read all the way till the end, thank you! if u see any typos just ignore it!
I'm still positive and looking forward to what the future holds for jnb and will continue to suppport and cheer on jnb for awhile. until then.
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adhdnojutsu · 5 months
Who hired a circus?!
So there's a call-out post about me, yay, I made it ig.
About both being a pro-shipper and being Israeli. I won't dignify y'all yapping about how I make pixels kiss, because I just returned from a flea market and have had my fill of screeching babies for the day.
But the Israeli part? Here's the short version.
NO MATTER HOW PROBLEMATIC a person's literal country of birth is, you are INSANE for judging that person for being born there, since there was no in-utero option for foetus-me to research my preferred country of birth and text my mother about it.
You are INSANE for judging me for not wanting my literal family, my friends, my 26 flings including Palestinians*, and everything I've come to call home, to burn. Like, imagine taking issue with that. Do you hear yourselves? And you are flaming hypocrites for singling us out to hate for our country, when a bunch of you are Americans and people aren't hating on y'all for your government laying waste to Iraq, Afghanistan etc (also, did you read your country's origin story and when are you headed back to Europe?). I'm not judging Yemenites for hailing from a country whose babies are being starved by the Houthis and whose country decimated Jews. I'm not judging random Palestinians for Hamas murdering my aunt, an innocent old lady who never served, on October 7, fck you very much.
I am 100% judging you for the insanity of picking and choosing whose life & attachments are valid depending on what side of a fence they're on, since 2 million Israelis are Arabs aka Palestinians... who also get bombed by Hamas, Iran, and Lebanon, btw you absolute circus.
Judging anyone for (not hating) their origin, is insane and racist.
I'm very critical of a lot of what Israel does and I left for a reason, not to mention I never said a word of support for what's happening in Gaza (not that I hear y'all calling out Hamas who knew this would happen), but don't you dare judge me for not hating my home, especially if you're the descendant of Europeans and who pitched your tent on the mass graves of the true indigenous folks your ancestors butchered to make room for slave plantations. Oh, your ancestors did no such thing? Great, mine didn't either, they were refugees fleeing Islamic violence against Jews that started centuries before 1948, and who UNWILLINGLY returned to the Judea they retraced our personal lineage to, because of the exact social/political climate y'all are currently rebooting for Jews in diaspora.
Now go f* yourselves with a Sabra, and if you have to google what a Sabra is, you really don't get to speak on the issue. PS Arabs are indigenous to the Arabian peninsula, Islam originates from today's Saudi Arabia, Jews from "Canaan". Temple of Solomon: Jerusalem, 957 BC. Al Aqsa Mosque: on said temple's ruins, 685 AD. Your "they were there first, you wretched colonizer" math ain't mathing. Learn what you're disrupting universities about, well, at least until you break down because you saw a banana or weren't sent an ambulance to change tampons in. The people y'all march for have more dignity than that.
PS2 since y'all love to make this about race for obscure reasons, friendly reminder that the vast majority of Israelis is brown and optically indistinguishable from Arabs because we are, brace yourselves, not from Poland.
*those not radicalized by Hamas et al are not nearly as hysterical about Israel as you kids are, and that's funny actually; the ones I met cared way more about my Israeli tzitzim wrapped around their massive.... anyway, gotta go feed the chickens.
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louiskechi · 1 year
alright let’s get this over with
here is a basic summary of all you could possibly need to know about me before you go starting something with me (this will be updated as i see fit)
-trans rights are human rights. this is not up for debate and is a block on sight if you disagree. same goes for black lives matter, and any other basic human rights that people somehow take offense to.
-xenogenders, lesboys/girl gays, mspec lesbians/gays, and all other non traditional or contradictory labels are valid. you can continue being angry that you aren’t allowed to fit queer people into strictly confined boxes all you want, but the long term goal of the queer movement should always be to break down restrictive labels and emphasize being who you are. this applies to neopronouns as well, obviously. all good faith identities are valid. full stop.
-transandrophobia is real. to deny that transmasculine people experience a unique type of transphobia tailored by bigots to specifically target our experiences is complacency. if you engage in hierarchical structures to organize the oppression marginalized people experience (i.e. saying things like “tme people need to shut up for once” when discussing transphobia) is reductive and only divides the community.
-self diagnosing is valid. not everyone has access to psychiatrists, let alone ones who will give a proper assessment. it’s also worth mentioning that both the medical field and the government have a lot of ingrained ableism, which can bar you from access to jobs, and can cause you to lose legal rights and bodily autonomy. (did you know getting an autism diagnosis can prevent you from getting a visa to most countries? it can even get you placed on a mandatory DNR!) accompanying this, i do not care what a system’s origin is. as a plural person, i couldn’t give less of a shit. if you say what you’re experiencing is plurality, i will believe you. trying to determine who “is and isn’t actually plural” does nothing but give fuel to those who will fake-claim us no matter how much proof we provide. you are helping divide our community and prevent mentally ill people from getting support that could save their lives.
-proshippers are annoying as fuck and i hate you all. no, you are not “just anti harassment,” in fact it’s a favorite hobby for quite a few of you. i do not identify as “anti ship” but having an integral part of your identity being that you think shipping a grown man with a child is fine tells me something about you that you somehow haven’t realized about yourselves. and no, you being a trauma survivor does not absolve you of abhorrent behavior. at this point it’s not even the content itself that worries me, it’s the relationship you people have with it. you can’t even handle the most mild criticism or discomfort about it. quit bragging about how uncomfortable you make everyone and really evaluate yourself.
-lolicon/shotacon is pedophilia. if you have some sort of objection to that you should really be looking up direct translations of the words you choose to identify yourselves with. terminology aside, no matter how much you try to insist “fiction doesn’t always effect reality,” that fictitious drawing of child rape is certainly effecting the reality of your now-erect cock. consider checking yourself before you get checked into a correctional facility.
-paraphiles deserve understanding and recovery. you are not going to eliminate things like pedophilia and zoophilia by arresting them, or worse, killing them, for feelings they can’t control. the solution to these things is easy access to therapy so they can work through those feelings and hopefully be rid of them one day, or at least no longer be a threat. most paraphiles do not want their paraphilia much less to act on them, and even those who do will not benefit from incarceration.
-the way some of you engage with fictional characters is disgusting. no, vriska serket was not a “girlboss” for telling the person she physically disabled to “apologize for being cr*ppled.” no, you do not think valentino is “just a really interesting villain” when i can see you talking about how sexy he is in the scene where he rapes the protag, followed by woobifying him and never addressing his actions at all. please get off the internet. it is genuinely disturbing the way you talk about these characters and it makes me deeply concerned about how you would act if you ever learned to shut off your computer. and yes, it is that deep.
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shytastemakerthing · 2 years
hello ♪ヽ(´▽`)/ I saw that your request are ope, so I was wondering if I can request a romantic twsited wonderland match up? (but only with the third years please owo) Only if you can and want of couse ♡ (sorry for my english btw)
about me: 1,58 cm, brown eyes, brown hair, she/her, 18 years. ^w^
mbti: infj
zodiac sign: capricorn.
personality: caring always for others before me, I really don't talk that much bc I really dont know what to say, workaholic, I really like taking care of  kids but they also scare me a little bit (bc they pull my hair and cry too much sometimes TT) I tend to be pretty pessimistic about myself but I really like to encourage others bc I don'twant them to feel like me, I also get jealous when people dont treat me equally, another bad thing about me is that I'm resentful ): and I really like when other people talk me or show me their interests.
singing, drawing, writing, gamimg (specially otome♡), dancing, sleeping,  music, languages, martial arts, and makeup even if I'm still learning how to use it properly.
mean people, disrespect, when other laughs about my interests or interests of other people, people that are not loyal, lies, crowded places, stairs, loud noises.
A/N: Thank you very much for your request, I hope that you like this! Im sorry this sat for so long! It is a very time of year between all the baking and delivering!
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I match you with......
Cater Diamond
• Okay, I had a lot of ideas and I will try to tuch bases on as much of them as I can. But, you both share a similar personality. While he put on the act of the happy-go-lucky third year student, we all know how he really is. You especially see this.
• The first thing he ever feels from you is validation. Despite the persona that he puts up, you see right through him. But only confront him about that in private. Show to him that you are there for him, that he's not alone. Cater is a very loyal friend, and you see this. You both have each other's back no matter what.
• You love dancing and there are plenty of dance challenges that are going around! With your consent, he would live to record the both of you doing various dance challenges and upload them to his Magicam. If granted this permission, you are both now trending as the #couplesgoals! all over Magicam.
• Speaking of Magicam, he would love to upload some of your amazing art! Whether to his account (with your credit of course!), or hooking up a secondary account just for your art! Congrats, you're going to be famous!
• He is all for helping you with makeup looks! He follows quite a few related pages so he would be happy to help you out! He may not be as good as Vil but practice makes perfect! If you need help, you both go the Pomefiore housewarden for assistance and if he has the time, he js more than happy to help the both of you out!
• He knows that you're a workaholic. And you're going to take a break! He will pick you up and sling you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and carry you off to his room. From there, it's a pull pamper session. He is bringing out face masks, massages, various skin care, and you both just chill while listening to your favorite playlist!
• Speaking of music and singing, come over to the Light Music Club! You will honestly have so much fun and Lilia has plenty of game recommendations as well just for you!
• Please don't bring up his family. Honestly, he would rather not talk about them, especially his sisters. It's just complicated right now and he really doesn't want to try and deal with it at the moment. Not when he had you by his side.
• Overall, you both validate each other, help lift each other up when if you won't do it to yourselves. With you, he feels like he's on top of the world and there is no place that he would rather be than at your side.
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alyjojo · 1 year
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The Person On Your Mind in April 🐓 2023 - Taurus
Whole of their energy towards Taurus: 4 Swords
There are games being played on both sides with this person, it really feels like a toxic connection that you’re trying to leave. You may be trying to leave, but this person “isn’t done with you”, and as ick as that sounds, that’s the vibe that’s here. Idk who they think they are, possibly someone you go to for money, and that could be the hold they have over you. They definitely have some hold on you. They see you as someone completely done with them, healing, working on yourself, and wanting nothing to do with their impulsive & immature in-and-out bs, because you’ve told them this flat out, Ace of Swords.
Feelings: The Moon rev
This person knows you know something about them that causes you not to stress about this ending, their “hold” isn’t as strong as it probably was, and I’m not sure what they did exactly, but because of this they seem to be changing their tactics. LOL like you’re just gonna let them go? THEM?? The ego on this person is just…cringe. They gotta go. You seem to know that, but then you’re also acting out of shadow, which means you’re stooping to their level, biting the bait, maybe setting your own idk, you do play into their “mastermind” nonsense. Which is why they do it. They seem to think they know you better than you do. Yikes @ all of this. Sending you lot of virtual hugs and validating every yikes you’ve had with this one, you’re right, you gotta work on your own shadows too no lie, but I don’t see you doing this, they are.
Intentions: 10 Wands
They intend to purposely burden you, manipulate you, fk with your head, confuse you, and have you eating out of the palm of their hands. They could be someone that likes to “break up” a lot, just to make you devastated, with no actual intention to leave or actually let you go. Something about this game feeds their ego, and something about you is giving this to them. That has to be what this reading is for, so you can see this for what it is. This person is bs.
Actions: 9 Pentacles rev
As an action, they are going to do what they intend, but how that looks to you is seeming noncommittal, acting like they don’t care, they don’t need you, they’ve got everything handled just fine. Could be acting like they’re doing well materially, idk if they think that bothers you or something but they could be splurging on…stupid purchases honestly, things they can’t afford, just to prove a point to you. They aren’t giving you ANY of their energy, affections, probably communication. They just act like they’re bored and they don’t care 😌 Oh, they care, a whole lot, enough to try to manipulate your emotions into doing what they want you to do. Which is probably crying, overreacting, throwing yourselves at them because you need them or are upset. What a creep. I get no significators for this person and I can’t gauge them or even who they are to you. But it’s not good. It’s up to you to see that and be like “oh you don’t care? Okay!“ *exit stage left* 👻 Throw it away.
Their side:
- I can see RIGHT through you.
- Mind Games 🤯
Your side:
- We are too different.
- Shadow Self 😈
Possible signs:
Sagittarius, Cancer, Virgo, Gemini & Taurus
If you’re dealing with:
The Emperor shows you being a person not to mess with tbh, you’re the sort of person that takes things very seriously, at least in this time frame, and you adhere to a specific standard of rules, discipline, method or behavioral pattern. As an example for others. With the rest of your reading and how you seem to fit in all of this, you could be working on getting your shit together, at least as how you’re presenting yourself to others around you.
Aries - happy to be nostalgic with you, you could be talking about old times and reminiscing, this is a good connection
Taurus - worried whether they’ve wasted their time or not when it comes to you
Gemini - has a lot of deep hidden love they either aren’t expressing or feel helpless about
Cancer - definitely a soulmate & you two are a very passionate & confident pair
Leo - there is a very shocking and disappointing situation with them and possibly a mother and/or children, a breakup, deep sadness here 😞
Virgo - a lot of communication about them, something really good is happening regarding your work or theirs
Libra - still being a mind gamey jackass and there’s no progress with that, and won’t be, don’t bother
Scorpio - defensive over you moving on to something new, because they’re still committed to and love you, or that’s switched
Sagittarius - nice to you, giving and fair towards you, but being Hermity and kinda antisocial right now for whatever reason
Capricorn - doesn’t know whether they should keep the grudges they hold on to, or whether you have some against them, or who is wrong for what or what is even right anymore…🤷‍♀️ Can’t communicate for ish.
Aquarius - moving away from any drama, it’s been very painful for them and they’re guarded with you from here on out
Pisces - heartbroken by something they feel you did or they think they know something about you that hurts them, but no one speaks so who cares? Clarified - The World - it’s over.
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