#take care of yourselves peace
critterkiddo · 3 months
I want to thank everyone for submitting to this blog and contributing to this case. We now have several minors who have reached out to us out of fear. They are all being groomed, asked to trade nudes, blackmailed, and they're terrified of what could happen if the people on the site found out that they were being abused.
While I understand reaching out to our team if you have absolutely no support network (abusive parents, isolated, etc), but we HIGHLY urge you to do at least one one of the following:
Archive. Everything. Every single text message, every time they sent you graphic images, EVERYTHING.
Send an anonymous tip or a full report to Cybertip online.
Call your local police.
If you've personally spoken to Ezra, contact Lebanon PD: (860) 642-7730
Tell your parents, therapist, or any trusted adult in your life.
Call. Your. Local. Police.
If you know other minors on the site, let them know that there is help for them and that they don't have to keep being groomed on the site.
There is help, there is hope, and you have rights for when you are being violated and exploited online. None of this is your fault. None of you deserve any of the abuse from the adults on that site, they are the ones who are at fault for taking advantage of you. There is hope for you.
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ephiesoul · 3 months
Hi. I wanted to say that I'm sorry I haven't been reblogging or liking your stuff for the past few months when I used to do that on a near daily basis. I got behind on some other things in life, and I wanted to catch up on all the images I missed from you, but I am just finding a hard time to do that. And I especially need to do that because I want to order more stickers for more decoration in my apartment.
I hope to spam your notifications soon!
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Nah, please don’t ever feel like you have to apologize to me for that, you don’t have to apologize to me for anything 🩷 I definitely notice when people who regularly like/reblog my posts stop/disappear, but as long as you (and everyone else) are okay that’s all that matters to me.
Life happens and times are tough please take care of yourself first! I’ll be here for you to spam whenever you’d like 🏖️
Please everyone take care of yourselves and your physical, mental & emotional health ❤️ Never forget how much you Matter! 💛
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s00mia · 1 year
Don't sit on the couch and wait for it. Go out.
Make a change. Smile more.
Be excited. Do new things.
Throw away what you've been cluttering.
Unfollow negative people on social media.
Go to bed early. Wake up early. Be fierce.
Don't gossip. Show more gratitude.
Do things that challenge you. Be brave.
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bitterbrothers · 1 year
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I’m so sleepy….
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ghost-cwunch · 3 months
Art school sucks: a rant (1/2)
On a good note, I just recently graduated! On a bad note, here's what I learned about art school.
Excuse my stupid use of language I am *extremely* tired and pretty upset.
I'll actually start with the conclusion, in case anyone just wants a TL;DR of the following paragraphs: Art school sucks, because education and art alike should have never been turned into a business.
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And no, it's not because of some kind of personal vendetta, or bad teachers (though I've had my fair, fat share of bad art teachers.) but because of the concept itself. As everyone knows education has evolved so much from ancient times, it went from simple information being passed down trough generations and generations, to new discoveries, to arguably a position which is the worst of them all and our current situation... A business. And art school is not exempt of this. Which oh my Hell okay MAYBE it works (to some extent) in other subjects such as science or math or like you know non-abstract concepts- But just think about it. The concept of an art school is *fucked*. Turning education itself into a business just automatically turns the focus from the actual purpose of the concept towards money. What does this result in? I'm pretty sure ya'll already know and I don't want to mansplain, but just for the record and in my opinion, it results in people to see it as a mere source of money. This means teachers see the paycheck, thus pushing students to reach goals that would get them a fatter paycheck (usually good grades, at least here, contests, etc, ((reminder that things like these might not apply to every country))) instead of actually looking to work with the kids. This makes the kids, in return, see school as this systemic thing where they're being pushed around and getting information (useless information at that, some of it) syphoned into their brains. Don't even get me started on all of the issues with verbally or even physically abusive teachers, just plain asshole teachers, etc.
Of course, it varies from country to country but especially here (and from what I know in most countries actually but I digress) art schools are all the same: you get taught specific things in a specific time with a specific deadline- and don't get me started on the people that don't even wanna be in the niche they get put in. That was my case.
Some context: Ever since I was little I was an extremely picky person and obsessed with art, in third grade I already *knew* what kind of art I even wanted to do. It was graphic design. I didn't like painting, and I fucking *hated* architecture. SO I begged my mom to send me to an art school- which she did. She was immediately told that ''yeah we have like a rotation every 3 years because we don't have enough teachers, he's gonna be with the graphics kids, it'll all be good." Guess who didn't end up with ''the graphics kids"? Nah, I got syphoned into plastic arts instead (painting, textile work, irl paint and stuff, nothing digital, no pencilwork, very little graphic techniques etc). Which I fucking hated. Every second of those 7 years, I felt like I've learned absolutely nothing.
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timothylawrence · 2 years
sorry I’ll give a nonwhite female character a million and one passes to fuck up because no matter what fandom will always demonize her even if she does nothing wrong 👍
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lotuscommunity · 1 month
What’s something that cheers you up or makes you happy ??
For me it’s going outside and being surrounded by nature makes me feel so safe and content
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yautjalover · 11 months
First off, if you’re not in the right mental state right now and are unable to handle talk of dark, triggering topics then please come back later or keep scrolling. Please take care of yourselves. The world is a dark and scary place at times and I care about the well-being of other people to warn you ahead of time. This is also for the folks who just want the comfy escape of fandom. You don’t have to engage with politics if you don’t want to, so here is this warning. ☺️
I get it. Enjoy Yautja ya’ll. ❤️
The TDLR of this post is Free Palestine and just me ranting about the media lying and my anger at injustice.
Love you guys. ❤️
I’ve been relatively forgetful of Tumblr lately, and for good reason. My focus has been shifted on my writing and current events that are unfolding on a massive scale. I have followed the events occurring in Palestine for about ten years, rallying for their freedom from the Zionist colonial settler state.
I will in no shape ever support apartheid and genocide, nor ethnic cleansing. It’s monstrous and there’s no excuse whatsoever to justify it. There is no whataboutism, period. You can’t justify the murder and targeted attacks of civilians. I’m also thoroughly disgusted in the government, good ole USA, and the media for continuing to peddle the outright proven lies the IDF and Israel say. They’re not even being quiet about wanting to commit genocide!
If you disagree with reality, then this ain’t the blog for you!
Supporting people who have been oppressed for 75 fucking years isn’t anti-semitism—that’s the propaganda speaking and isn’t factual. Talk with real anti-Zionist Jewish people and they will agree that what’s happening is monstrous and they don’t support it. I stand in solidarity with the oppressed. I do not represent my country’s backing of this fuckshit. I have, and will continue, to defend people’s right to peace and freedom over this heinous bullshit.
I’ve cried more than I ever have seeing LITTLE KIDS digging in the rubble of their home to find their family without a tear in their eyes because what Israel is doing is NORMAL FOR THEM.
I HATE to bring real world events and politics to fandom, but it intersects with our daily lives and the world around us. I disagree with connecting the real world with fandom being a bad thing. I have LONG been an activist for justice in my personal life, and I will continue to do so. It’s who I am and I will always fight for the world to be a better place.
No, I am not “Anti-Semitic”. There is decades of research backing the evil that is being perpetrated by Israeli occupying forces.
Please take the time to do independent research and listen to Palestinian voices and Jewish people who say that this doesn’t represent Judaism. Please do not send hate to Jewish friends or people you don’t know. Please do not send hate to Palestinian or Arab friends or people you don’t know.
I grew up in Post-9/11 America and it’s all happening again. I remember it clearly. The media is doing what it does best. Pitting good well-meaning people against each other with their lies. :/ Please, please, take the time to talk and meet with people and find the humanity in one another. I beg you.
We all want the same things.
Peace and safety.
I’m horrified that my hard earned tax dollars are funding this genocide and they’re saying “we can afford it” when they can’t bother to pass Affordable Healthcare for All, actually fix this corporate greed of artificially inflating prices, they can’t bother to help our veterans who are ending their lives daily because our government turns their backs on them, they continue to harm and demonize black and indigenous people, ignore entirely the missing and murdered indigenous women and children, put literal children in fucking cages instead of stopping the destabilization of the global South (South America+), do nothing to defend our most vulnerable citizens such as LGBTQ+ kids and adults, refused to codify the right to reproductive healthcare, and expect US to pay for ANOTHER WAR that has nothing to do with our own perceived “freedom”.
I wish I could hug every person who’s suffering and solve all their problems. I, too, am struggling, more these days, we ALL are, but I sincerely hope that GOOD WILL PREVAIL.
It has to, right?
I love you guys, all you faceless folks behind your screens and stuff. We don’t personally know each other, but I see you and I hear you.
I pray for the people who are being killed in the darkness, the Congolese who are being murdered for metal that’s used in our tech, and every other person fighting for their basic right to PEACE and a fulfilled life where they are safe! Everyone deserves that! One day the world will be a better place and I hope our actions and fight for it will come true. I wish for our distant future folks to look back and see that we tried, as best as we could, and gave a shit.
If you have made it this far, thank you for reading and I hope you have a wonderful day. I wish you a cold pillow, your shower to always be the perfect temperature, the commute to be easy and traffic free, and that every good boy and girl cat and dog gives you the snuggles that you need.
Peace be upon you guys. ❤️
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cloudyfilezz · 4 months
"don't bother looking down, we're not going that way!" ~ we fell in love in october by girl in red
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hiii sweetums!!! just posting this to kind of check up on everybody!! how are you? i hope you're well. if you're not, i'm very sorry. life can be rough, can't it? it can be super harsh and cruel at times, and it really feels like it drags you down. but hey, guess what? the good times are yet to come my friend. i know you probably hear it a lot, but really, life isn't all clouds and thunderstorms. there's so much beauty to the world for you to seek out, and a lot of it will come your way itself! you've got this! everything has its ups and downs, that's how life is. you will have your low moments, but you can get through them! keep fighting. because the good times are so worth fighting for. the times with friends, family, with pets, or just by yourself! it's all worth staying alive and keeping your head up. i'm so proud of you for making it this far! celebrate every victory, even if it seems small. just that fact that you're alive is a huge win! getting out of bed in the morning, eating, drinking, and doing absolutely anything to take care of yourself throughout the day is AMAZING!! it's hard to practice self care, everybody slips up at times. but i swear, one day, you'll get the hang of it. just take things one step at a time luv. it'll be okay. i believe in you. keep going, okay? if nobody else, you have at least one person who cares to see you keep going. anybody who reads this, even if i don't know you, the world is a better place with you in it. i would miss you if you were gone, i promise. mwah /p. :))
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harmonyhealinghub · 7 months
Taking What You Need: A Guide to Finding Comfort, Hope, and Inspiration
Shaina Tranquilino February 24, 2024
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At times, we find ourselves yearning for something more—whether it's comfort in moments of distress, hope in times of despair, or inspiration to propel us forward. The key lies in recognizing our needs and actively seeking what is necessary for our well-being. In this blog post, we'll explore the concept of taking what you need, be it comfort, hope, inspiration, forgiveness, motivation, peace, or any other essential element that contributes to a fulfilling life.
Recognizing Your Needs: Before embarking on the journey of taking what you need, it's crucial to identify and acknowledge your emotions and desires. Are you feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or anxious? Do you lack motivation or hope for the future? Understanding your needs is the first step towards addressing them.
Seeking Comfort: Comfort acts as a soothing balm during challenging times. Whether it's through the support of loved ones, engaging in self-care activities, or finding solace in a comforting routine, taking the time to nurture your emotional well-being is vital. Embrace the power of seeking comfort and allow yourself the space to heal.
Cultivating Hope: Hope is a powerful force that propels us forward, even when the path seems uncertain. To cultivate hope, focus on positive thinking, set achievable goals, and surround yourself with sources of inspiration. Remember that hope is not passive; it's an active choice to believe in the possibility of a brighter future.
Drawing Inspiration: Inspiration can be found in various forms—art, literature, nature, or the accomplishments of others. Explore what resonates with you and ignites a spark within. Whether it's reading motivational quotes, listening to uplifting music, or spending time in nature, draw inspiration from sources that align with your values and aspirations.
Embracing Forgiveness: Forgiveness is a powerful tool for personal growth and healing. Often, the first person we need to forgive is ourselves. Release the burden of past mistakes, learn from them, and allow forgiveness to pave the way for a more compassionate and fulfilling life.
Finding Motivation: Motivation can be elusive, especially during challenging times. Break down your goals into smaller, more manageable tasks, celebrate small victories, and surround yourself with positive influences. Sometimes, taking the first step is all it takes to reignite the flame of motivation.
Cultivating Inner Peace: Inner peace is a state of tranquility that arises from acceptance and mindfulness. Practice meditation, engage in activities that bring you joy, and create a peaceful environment for yourself. By cultivating inner peace, you enhance your resilience in the face of life's challenges.
Taking what you need is a personal and empowering journey. Whether it's comfort, hope, inspiration, forgiveness, motivation, or peace, prioritize your well-being and actively seek the elements that contribute to a fulfilling life. By recognizing your needs and embracing the resources available to you, you pave the way for personal growth, resilience, and a more meaningful existence. Remember, you have the power to shape your own narrative and create a life that aligns with your deepest desires and aspirations.
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inavagrant-a · 2 years
Fuck Ellio t G indi.
I am so sorry to everybody affected by this but my heart goes out mostly to those who fell victim to him and his stupid ass "I do what I want" attitude. Please take care of yourselves.
And don't forget to always stan Yoimiya's and Beidou's VAs respectively.
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napsaps-archive · 1 year
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karimac · 2 years
Is that light ahead a train? Or is it Monday?
I'm supposed to be posting in my RPG at the moment, but right now the muses there and the ones here have gotten hellaciously quiet. Guess they need a break, too.
At times like this in the past, I'd go online with a gaming friend and we'd start riffing in our muses voices as they sat, much like the OG Avengers did around the tower before Ultron showed up, and tried to blast their way through our writer's block, lack of inspiration or plain old need for sleep. Sometimes it actually worked. Bless those muses!
The fact tomorrow is Monday is less than grand at the moment. Don't exactly have my head wrapped around the end of another weekend when I didn't get much done that I wanted to do (known as writing) let alone what I needed to do (I see you, huge pile of things that need to be rummaged through and sorted/tossed).
And don't get me started on the old "rummage sale area" that seems to have crept into much of my brain space at the moment. Sometimes holding onto all that mental baggage is not the best idea.
But there is one thing I do want to do before my pots and pans come to life and drag me into the kitchen to make dinner. What? That never happened to anyone else? Impossible!
I kid. I know. But anyway...
I want to wish you all a good week ahead. I hope whatever things are driving you crazy stop being annoying. If you have a medical concern, I hope you find your answer. If your job is the issue, may you find your solutions, a new one if that is the problem or some inspiration or gratitude if those are missing. And a pay increase. Especially now.
Just know that Old School Mom is rooting for you from her corner of the multiverse.
Take care, Tumblr-verse!
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Tagging a few folks here--if you want to be added or removed, just say so: @historygeekfics, @marvel-3407, @arrthurpendragon, @starryeyes2000, @chickensarentcheap, @residentdormouse, @mishkatelwarriorgoddess, @violetmuses, @illegalcerebral, @asirensrage, @darknightfrombeyond
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tibbardraws · 2 years
Do you ever take the time to stop and marvel at the fact that you are alive? Like nothing big has happened that makes you realize it. You just stop one day and realize that you exist. I am here standing in my parent’s kitchen, hair wet, clad in neon red pants from hot topic that make me look way more emo than I actually am and I am just so excited to be alive? Go drink a glass of water or stand barefoot in the grass or something friends, life is short and fleeting and we are so very very alive :)
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plasticsandwich · 17 days
swirling evenging...... (_ _)。゜zzZ
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dutybcrne · 4 months
Love the idea that Kaeya and Diluc are so well adjusted, to ensure the safety and wellbeing of each other, they'd be the kind of people to threaten their own lives and safety for that of the others'
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