#take care of you first
the-iron-duck93 · 1 year
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Skincare aesthetic
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dumblr · 2 years
Trust your body. If your body says no to a situation, person or place, leave immediately.
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im-madam-baby · 1 year
Always remember to take care of yourself, first and foremost; because when you stop taking care of yourself, you get out of balance and you really forget how to take care of others.
― Jada Pinkett
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Dear Survivors, Band-Aids Have Purpose.
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We've been told to stay away from band-aids, that they do no real good for healing but that isn't entirely true. Band-aids were never meant to be a cure, that's TRUE, but they ARE meant for protection.
These little strips, however disposable in the end, are what open the window between hurt and healing, take the breath between tears and smiles, create the space between pain and relief, and shelter the cuts from dangerous debris surrounding it. Airing out our pain is a MYTH.
Merciless exposure to the elements at our most vulnerable kills something in us, but covering our wounds maintains the natural defenses that keep our hope alive...and a wound that heals with hope is less likely to leave a scar. Band-Aids are meant to give our bodies the time and safety they need to reconnect the severed strands that bleed us, cleanse the poison that weakens us. Ripping off that protection will feel uncomfortable, but in the end, a band-aid didn't heal you...
YOU healed you.
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harmonyhealinghub · 2 months
Taking What You Need: A Guide to Finding Comfort, Hope, and Inspiration
Shaina Tranquilino February 24, 2024
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At times, we find ourselves yearning for something more—whether it's comfort in moments of distress, hope in times of despair, or inspiration to propel us forward. The key lies in recognizing our needs and actively seeking what is necessary for our well-being. In this blog post, we'll explore the concept of taking what you need, be it comfort, hope, inspiration, forgiveness, motivation, peace, or any other essential element that contributes to a fulfilling life.
Recognizing Your Needs: Before embarking on the journey of taking what you need, it's crucial to identify and acknowledge your emotions and desires. Are you feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or anxious? Do you lack motivation or hope for the future? Understanding your needs is the first step towards addressing them.
Seeking Comfort: Comfort acts as a soothing balm during challenging times. Whether it's through the support of loved ones, engaging in self-care activities, or finding solace in a comforting routine, taking the time to nurture your emotional well-being is vital. Embrace the power of seeking comfort and allow yourself the space to heal.
Cultivating Hope: Hope is a powerful force that propels us forward, even when the path seems uncertain. To cultivate hope, focus on positive thinking, set achievable goals, and surround yourself with sources of inspiration. Remember that hope is not passive; it's an active choice to believe in the possibility of a brighter future.
Drawing Inspiration: Inspiration can be found in various forms—art, literature, nature, or the accomplishments of others. Explore what resonates with you and ignites a spark within. Whether it's reading motivational quotes, listening to uplifting music, or spending time in nature, draw inspiration from sources that align with your values and aspirations.
Embracing Forgiveness: Forgiveness is a powerful tool for personal growth and healing. Often, the first person we need to forgive is ourselves. Release the burden of past mistakes, learn from them, and allow forgiveness to pave the way for a more compassionate and fulfilling life.
Finding Motivation: Motivation can be elusive, especially during challenging times. Break down your goals into smaller, more manageable tasks, celebrate small victories, and surround yourself with positive influences. Sometimes, taking the first step is all it takes to reignite the flame of motivation.
Cultivating Inner Peace: Inner peace is a state of tranquility that arises from acceptance and mindfulness. Practice meditation, engage in activities that bring you joy, and create a peaceful environment for yourself. By cultivating inner peace, you enhance your resilience in the face of life's challenges.
Taking what you need is a personal and empowering journey. Whether it's comfort, hope, inspiration, forgiveness, motivation, or peace, prioritize your well-being and actively seek the elements that contribute to a fulfilling life. By recognizing your needs and embracing the resources available to you, you pave the way for personal growth, resilience, and a more meaningful existence. Remember, you have the power to shape your own narrative and create a life that aligns with your deepest desires and aspirations.
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faelin-world · 2 years
My dear followers and others:
I know its hard time for you and im not suprised. And that's okey. Let yourself be sad, angry...
Everything is changing and all this situations and feelings it won't last forever. I promise you.
Take care of yourself.
Bye hunbun ♡
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braindamaged007 · 1 year
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seaside-writings · 1 year
A little reminder that you've had enough coffee for right now. So please drink some water, tea, or juice for the time being.
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positifworld · 2 years
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Respect yourself,
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iuliana01 · 2 years
Auguro alla bambina che sei stata, di far pace col suo passato!
Auguro alle tue ferite di rimarginarsi e ai tuoi sogni di continuare a volare alti senza mai preoccuparsi quanto costerà il biglietto!
Si vive una sola volta ma se lo farai bene, una volta sarà abbastanza!
Auguro alla donna che sei diventata di non arrendersi mai e di credere sempre nell'amore!
Ti auguro di rialzarti dopo ogni caduta e di non avere mai più paura di non essere abbastanza!
Auguro al tuo coraggio di rompere sempre le regole che ti staranno strette e al tuo orgoglio di perdonare velocemente quando qualcuno ne varrà la pena!
Ti auguro tutto questo e molto di più, ti auguro soprattutto di essere felice, che la felicità non è mai abbastanza!
- Francesco Sole
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peaceofmindyx · 1 year
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✨ PSA! ✨ Your mental health and peace are worth more than pleasing others, especially your own family.
If you do not want to surround yourself with toxic family members during the holidays, or any other time really, you DO NOT have to. You DO NOT owe anyone anything. You DO NOT have to people please. You DO NOT have to be torn down.
Save yourself the pain and disappointment. Set boundaries because you are allowed to set them even if others don’t approve.
Save your mental health. Save your peace. Save your energy. Save yourself. You owe it to yourself to heal from within and to end all generational traumas. Make it stop with you.
Keep going.
Keep making progress.
Keep healing.
You got this. 🤍🦋✨
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vixxxenveronica · 2 years
Who wants to be my virtual boyfriend? Good morning/goodnight texts, pictures and videos, updates through the day…. I’ll be good to you, in so many bad ways.
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lesless · 9 months
I used to be so angry about the government & my anger wanted me to burn it all down. As I have changed through the years I remember that the only meaningful change comes from a place of love. So, I have been trying to reframe my dissatisfaction with how things are from a place of love.
I love the people in my country & the lands I live in, I want them to be better taken care of. I don’t want people to suffer unnecessarily if their health or their finances takes a hit, because I love them I want them to have somewhere safe to fall. I love the lands & the wilds in my country, I want them to be better taken care of because I love them. I will vote on policy that helps them, I will make an effort to be kind to those I disagree with so we can focus on common ground, I will pick up trash when I hike, I will eat local whenever I can, I will sort my garbage, I will show up with patience, I will slow down at crossings—because I love.
& it’s hard, & it’s grueling, & I’m still very very angry at how things operate, but I know from experience I’ll go the extra mile for love that I wouldn’t for hate or spite. I don’t think we can hate this country into a state of being better. I think people with the most to gain want us to hate each other if we disagree instead of love each other into a solution. & I do think the people who are most wounded take their opposition’s hate as evidence that they’re correct & morally superior.
I don’t want to be the bigger person, but if I love all the things I love I will find patience to advocate for them in a more effective way.
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lloronajpeg · 2 years
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had a weird head day this week
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Hello and welcome back to I feel like garbage in every possible way but this will not stop me from reminding you to take care of yourself
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macwig · 1 year
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