#tales from peter parker: foreign exchange student
Tales from Peter Parker: Foreign exchange student - Devil's on a moonlit night
"It's a full moon night in the city of New York gunfire and screams of thugs could be heard across nearby neighborhoods. The vigilante duo Daredevil and Moon Knight team up as they bust one of The Kingpins smuggling operation at a warehouse district by the port.
"I'm not afraid to admit it Moon Knight is perhaps my least favorite to team up." Daredevil internally monologue as the effortlessly dodges various gunfire from Fancy Dan.
"My team ups with Knight come more across like babysitting gig, trying to reign in his excessive methods makes me wish I was teaming up with Parker instead hope he's okay in Japan." He continued as he takes a breather hiding in the shadows.
As Fancy Dan stalks the corridors for Daredevil, unbeknownst to him the vengeful Moon Knight stalks him ready to pounce his foe with ease.
"I know Daredevil hates me, which is why it probably shocked him I asked for his help when I confronted him in his civies." Said Moon Knight internally in his thought as he stealthily pounces Fancy Dan viciously pounding his face to unconsciousness.
"But Khonshu be damn, this bust I learned as Jake Lockley was to big to ignore if it meant hurting Kingpin." Moon Knight continued as several thugs rushed him.
Prepared sidesteps backwards while simultaneously throwing several crescent shaped darts into the thugs ligaments. Sending the thugs face first to the floor tripping each other as they writhe in pain.
"MOON KNIGHT BEHIND!" Daredevil called out but it was to late as massive arms burst through the crates grabbing Moon Knight from behind.
Just as Daredevil leaps out to save him, rope catches his foot canceling his momentum as he stumbles to the floor. Looking above he can see a man wearing a Stetson and a tall unknown man beside man. Japanese by his features wearing a construction helmet and a sledgehammer
"Great Montana and why is the big guy giving off vibes of Thor." Thought Daredevil quickly getting out of dodge as he evaded the giants hammer.
Only to be knocked back by the incredible power of his electrical current impact.
"You and that there Moon Knight Of yeres screwed up this time horn head, by the time Souji here is done with ya we're gonna have commemorate that there smear of ya on the wall." Montana said smug like.
But Souji ignored him as he blindly charges roaring like a man possessed with his eyes rolled back. Else where we find Moon Knight struggling to his feet as he feels that same hand touch his shoulders turning quickly to respond:
A Massive fist impacts Moon Knight skull before he could finish a word as he finds himself slammed against box after box after box. His body thrown to the side like a rag doll he tries to getup only to cough up blood through his mask.
"Don't get up on my account ya palooka let old Ox pick ya up and straighten ya out like ya did to my pal Dan!" said Ox of The Enforcers in his usual slow brutish tone.
Ox clearly in a rush of rage once again picks up Moon Knight with one arm as he sets up the other pummel his face in.
"Alright big boy you want to play for real because the kid gloves are OFF!"
"AAARRRGGGG!" Ox screamed as Moon Knight slammed both hands on the sides of Ox's face.
Ox's grip released as the big bruiser holds his skull to stop the ringing. To slow to react Moon Knight takes the advantage as he cripples Ox from the legs forcing him to kneel. As Ox tries to get up he looks up to see Moon Knight cracking his knuckles under a dim light.
Elsewhere while that payback is happening, we see Daredevil dodging several attacks from Montana's whips Souji's hammer attack and now a conscious Fancy Dan.
With a well calculated throw Daredevil richochets his billy clubs off the walls and boxes of the warehouse stopping Fancy Dan and Montana in their steps. But not Souji as he rushes in blind only to trip himself as the clubs hits his leg sending face first to wooden planks. Catching his clubs, Daredevil rushes in with no Souji hindering his moves as he pullvaults over Fancy Dan's fist as he slides effortlessly dodging Montana's rope snare. Surprised, Montana soon realizes to late to react as Daredevil springs underneath delivering a vicious uppercut KO.
Sending the western rope trick wilder flying towards broken boxes.
"That makes two now for-
"Ya got lucky with that Yakuza punk and Montana but lets see ya match your kung fu with my aikido!" Fancy leaps forth as he exchanges a dance of fighting styles with Daredevil.
"Despite his diminutive size Dan's always been one to test my skills, he's not lying about aikido part but something tells me he mixed it in with swing style dance moves." Daredevil monologues continue to evade and block attacks.
The two leapt backwards as they try to catch there breaths waiting for the other to come to them. Just than they stopped in there tracks as they turned to see Ox in the shadows.
"Haha! Your in for it now hornhead how ya gonna handle two-"
Fancy Dan's words cutoff as Ox's unconscious body collapsed to the floor. Behind Ox was a bloodied and tattered Moon Knight as he stared menacingly at Dan. Shaken by the Moon Knights visage, Dan panics pulling his gun desperatly, only to have a vicious straight red right hand knock him out cold. Moon Knight looks towards Daredevil giving off a stare of annoyance by being saved than gratitude. In quick succession Moon Knight threw his crescent darts in Daredevils location. Instinctively, Daredevil blocks hearing the THUK sound as they make their mark. He unguards himself feeling nothing only to hear Souji's screams of pain behind him.
Souji now covered in crescent darts like a pin cushion, with one stuck in his left eye tries to attack haphazardly only to swing wild without coordination as he destroys his surrounding. The two vigilantes pair up looking at the other in agreed silence as they dash forward at the rampaging behemoth. There strike is caculated and precise as the pair continue to lay a barrage of body shots to Souji's abdomen. With Daredevil striking blow after blow in conjunction with his billy clubs while simultaneously ducking and weaving Souji's haphazard swings.
Moon Knight surprisingly uses a graceful defensive style to counter and strike with a forceful impact on bruised areas Daredevil has made.
The two soon halted there attacks as Dardevil swings his weight behind Souji quickly launching himself off the back of Souji. This sends the brute tumbling forward from the impact as Moon Knight uses the Yakuza momentum to quickly grab his arm and send him crashing through the walls and right into the waters. His lightning Quirk along with the water exploded into a pillar of energy as Souji sky rocketed over the warehouse crashing into the crates besides Daredevil and Moon Knight. Souji was in other wirds, decommissioned.
Battered and exhausted Daredevil began his search for any clues while Moon Knight tied up the thugs, Enforcers and Souji.
"Hey Moon Knight I think I found something its, faint but I can hear something gimme a hand will ya." Daredevil called out pointing towards an iron floor door, locked and chained.
As the two pry open the lock with great difficulty Moon Knight breaks the silence remarking.
"Grrrr, so what do you think is inside, smuggling Yakuza Quirk users to the U.S. new weapons or -." Moon Knight stops his talk as the lock is brocken, opening the basement door to revealed children, several children.
The Children were starved, dirty and dressed down in nothing but rags or medical gowns. Some try cover their eyes from the bright warehouse lights while others raise there hands at the saviors with small flickers of flames coming out. Daredevil is shocked and speechless at the sight while Moon Knight slightly furrowed his brow as he makes a call.
"Frenchie get a call to the police as soon as you can tell them to bring blankets." Moon Knight ordered only to than make the call again.
"And tell them to buy Happy Meals as many as possible let them know Citizen Knight will cover all expenses.
30 mins passed
As Police swarm the scene lead by Yuri Watanabetjey find the thugs trunch to the warehouse piers polls. They begin to comfort the kids while dragging the Enforcers in cuffs. Meanwhile Souji is wheeled into an ambulance. Daredevil and Moon Knight oversee everything by a nearby rooftop.
"What the Hell was that human/mutant trafficking?"
"Along with Quirk users." Moon Knight pointed out as he revealed the shipping manifest documents.
"According to the report the Maggia and Yakuza have been exchanging a small number of minorities that display even the smallest hint of mutant or quirk manifestation." He said coldly.
"To what end exactly." Daredevil pointed out.
"Don't know, but looking at this they clearly wanted very specific power users that fit a certain 'criteria' in there operations."
"And with Punisher gone."
"The crooks are making bigger moves in child kidnappings." Daredevil finished off Moon Knights sentence.
"We have to take this to the Avengers show this to Cap."
"They won't do jack $#*% there to tied up in paperwork and legal matters to confront something this delicate." Moon Knight scoffed at Daredeils suggestion.
"THIS is bigger than either you or I can handle Specter, kids are being taken from there families and exploited for something they were born with this isn't the time to put your pride over there safety!" Daredevil called out pressing his clubs and Moon Knights chest.
Moon Knight looked at the threayening glance from Daredevil and his billy clubs touching his Armani tattered suit. He flicking the clubs away proceeding shoving the documents into Daredevils chest. As he walks away he stops to turn back.
"Go and tell your Avengers what just happened Matt me I got my own methods and others like me who fight behind the systems, I hope they listen to you." Moon Knight said with small hints of sincerity in the end as his Crescent Moon shaped chapter picks him up.
Daredevil looks up as he sees him leave feeling discontent but looks to the documents as he clinches his fist at the pictures of several of the children missing in the folder.
This story is in expansion with @alexdrawsagain Peter Parker: Foreign Exchange student comic universe.
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nadertigerkay · 5 years
Tales from Peter Parker: Foreign Exchange Student - The Heist preview
The police coms echoed throughout the police HQ as armies of armed police officers rushed through the halls to engage the culprit.
“I can’t believe this happening.”
“Yeah well it was bound to happen to one of us especially in this job.”
“Yeah but him of all people?! He’s a model officer and a decorated detective!”
“Like I said it happens to the best of us, Pro Heroes and even decorated cops.”
The two cops lined up with the other officers as they simoultanously pulled out there revolvers directed at the former detective. In front of them Japan’s number one hero All Might was at the fore front facing down this disgraced officer. All Mights reputation is said he would always smile in any situation no matter how grim the circumstances were if only to put the citizens he rescues at ease. But this was different, as he could barely smile and what replaced was anxiety and confusion. But he persevered as he spoke into the loud speaker.
“I don’t know what’s come over you, but we can still resolve this before this gets out of hand.” All Might appeased trying every known tactic of negotiation to appeal to the fallen detective.
“Can you not see the crime you’ve committed, YOUR HOLDING A GUN AT YOUR OWN SISTER’S HEAD TSUKAUCHI!” Soon all pretenses we’re let go as All Mights mental fortitude slowly crumbled as he called out his closest friend in all the police force twisted action.
There at the entrance stood Detective Tsukauchi himself smiling so casually with a smug demeanor. Strung up by an arm hold, Makoto Tsukauchi. Her head visibly bleeding from her brothers assault, shared in All Mights fear and shock as her big brother so casually aimed his gun at the temple of her head as if she was a complete stranger.
Peter Parker: foreign exchange student is a crossover story by @alexdrawsagain please read and follow his comic for more Spider-man/MHA crossover comic goodness.
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prophetandprincess · 5 years
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Hello All! I am still coming to terms that Endgame is out, I saw it, and I survived to tell the tale with only minimal tears! I think it was a satisfying ending to the journey that we started way back in the day. Now, let’s head back in time to see what Alex is up to before even Age of Ultron happened
“Where’s the fire, Parker?” Alex called as Peter all but ran out of their lab section on Friday. She had to dodge other students, calling out apologies as Peter seemed to have no problem moving through the crowd. He was pretty thin, but it seemed a little odd that he was so good at bobbing and weaving.
Peter pretended that he hadn’t heard Alex, even though she knew that he had from how he hunched his shoulders even lower. He got to the stairwell first, but with a burst of speed, Alex was able to grab onto his arm. Peter successfully wiggled out of her grasp, but his backpack was not so lucky. Papers, pens, a calculator, and gadgets that Alex had no idea what their use was went skittering all over the stairwell. There was a collective groan from the other students, and some jeers, as people moved around the carnage.
“You’re like a one woman wrecking ball, aren’t you?” Peter sighed as he started to gather up the gadgets before they were trodden on by the caffeine filled zombies of the student body.
“Well, if you would have stopped to talk to me, this wouldn’t have happened,” Alex hissed as she gathered up the papers while attempting not to drop any of her own things. “I said we were going to have a conversation and now you’re acting like I’m a leaper.”
“I’m busy,” Peter grabbed everything, leaving some pens to their fate, and shoved everything into his bag.
“Make time,” Alex snapped as she shoved the papers into his chest. She was about to continue her rant, but the top piece of paper caught her eye. It was an application that held the crest of Imperial College of London for a foreign exchange program.  
“Harper, I get it, we need to talk, but there is something happening right now that I need to get to. Do you get me?” Peter gave her a meaningful look as he shoved the papers into his bag.
“Are you going to England?” Alex countered, not really paying attention to the look or what he was trying to tell her.
“Alex, please…” Peter gave a huff as he ran his fingers through his hair. “How about this, come to dinner at my house tomorrow. You’ll get free food, we can work on the project, and you can ask your questions, okay? I’ve gotta go.”
“Alright, alright, fine,” Alex was a little confused by everything. “Text me the address later.”
Peter gave her a small smile before dashing down the rest of the steps and disappearing outside. Alex moved at a much slower pace, wondering why Peter would be looking to go to London, especially knowing what he did at night. She also didn’t understand why she felt so upset about it, only a week ago, she thought he was a stalker. It kept nagging at her, even during her time at Stark Tower, and it was creative enough to work its way into her nightmares.
Saturday was a grey morning as Alex got up to start getting ready for her first day working on the extra credit assignment. Professor Warren had stated that a driver would pick her up promptly at eight and Alex had hit snooze three times, but she still took time to check twitter. After the normal memes and conversations about celebrities that Alex really didn’t care about, there was a news story about a scientist’s apartment that was completely ransacked the previous afternoon. Spiderman had been seen around the building, but it was unclear if he had been the one who when into the place.
“Well, that is something to ask him about,” Alex sighed as she continued her preparations. Hadn’t Jake mentioned something about a scientist being attacked when she talked to him at some point? It could be a coincidence, but it seemed rather…concerning.
Alex’s phone started to ring, making her jump. The fear turned to confusion when she saw it was the front desk number.
“Johnathan, is there a problem?” Alex asked as she finished dressing.
“There is a…man sitting out front in an SUV that said he was waiting for you. Should I call the cops?” Johnathan, who was new on the weekends, asked.
“No, someone was supposed to send a driver for me, I’m guessing that’s him.” Alex said slowly, wondering what this guy looked like to make the doorman so concerned.  
Alex saw exactly why Jonathan was concerned when she got down to the lobby. The man standing outside the SUV was large, stone faced, and looked as if his nose had been broken at least three times. He just nodded his head as he opened the door for her, never speaking a word, and then he started to drive her toward the Ravencroft Institute. Alex wondered what the hell she had gotten herself into as a couple rain drops splashed onto the windshield.  
“Oh this can’t be right,” Alex looked through the windshield between the wiper blades at the large stone structure that loomed up in front of the car. It reminded her of a medieval castle that had been turned into a prison at some point. She wasn’t exactly sure what she had been expecting, but this was far more foreboding.  
“Ravencroft Institute, state your business,” the guard at the outer fence asked, hand on the gun at his hip, when the driver rolled down the window.
“Alexandra Jade Harper, student assistant to Dr. Miles Warren.” The driver’s voice was deep and gravelly, which Alex realized she should have expected. Of course the man who looked as if he used to work for the mob had a six pack a day voice. Maybe he was a mobster at night and this was just his day job. Who was she to judge?
“She’s on the list. Drive through, she can pick up her badge and sign the papers at the front desk.” The guard didn’t even look into the back seat before taking a step back and tapping his ear. “Open the outer gates for a visitor.”  
Soon the car stopped in front of a large stone arch, the doors obscured by the gloom of the surrounding stone and the dark clouds that were releasing a light drizzle onto the asphalt. Alex’s mind suddenly went to the line from Dante “Abandon hope all ye who enter here”, not exactly what you wanted to think about when entering a psychiatric facility, especially one that housed criminals.  
“I will wait out here for you.” The driver unlocked the doors before slipping on his sunglasses, even though it was raining, and folded his arms over his chest.
Alex waited for a second, attempting to collect herself, but staring at the darkened doorway wasn’t making her feel any more excited about her decision about taking this extra credit assignment. Finally, Alex sent out a quick text to Peter, stating that if he didn’t hear from her by the time for dinner, to send out the National Guard, and got out of the SUV. As she approached the door, Alex realized that sending a vague text like that to a vigilante might not be the best idea, but she was hoping that he was so busy or sleeping and he wouldn’t see it until she was done with the interview and sample collection.
There was a little comfort in the satisfying click of her heels as she approached the front desk, smoothing out her skirt in the hopes of calming her nerves. She had no idea what the dress code was for interviewing someone who was deemed criminally insane, so she went with professional. Red sweater, black pencil skirt, panty hose even, and black pumps. Her hair was down to hide her earrings, but she still didn’t feel all that confident or professional.
The interior of Ravencroft Institute wasn’t any more inviting than the outside. The floors were concrete, the walls were gray, and the ceilings were just a latticework of exposed pipes. Alex had been in prison before, and this had the same feel with industrial touches. The front desk was located behind bullet proof glass, and neither of the guards even attempted to give a smile as Alex approached the opening.  
“Hello, I’m Alex – Alexandra Harper,” Alex’s voice shook a little. “Professor Warren sent me to collect samples and interview one of your…patients?”
“Sign in and take the clipboard to fill out the forms.” Neither guard looked up at Alex or corrected her use of the word patient instead of prisoner.
For imposing at the building seemed from the outside, the lack of basic curiosity from the guards was even more disconcerting. In one of the cracked plastic chairs that were just begging to snag her panty hose, Alex stifled a yawn as she skimmed over the paperwork. The forms were the run of the mill stuff, if you get murdered or maimed, you can’t sue us. They were forms she had signed a number of times, but they seemed more menacing when she realized that the likelihood of being maimed, murdered, or other horrible things were much more likely here.
“Finished,” Alex attempted to sound chipper as she slid the clipboard to the guards.
“All personal belongings will go into a locker,” one guard said as he got to his feet, heaving a huge sigh. “You will be pat down as well to make sure you’re not smuggling anything in. Doctor Warren has had equipment approved and it will be given to you when you get to the subject in question.”
“The extra credit better be freaking worth it,” Alex muttered as she picked locker nineteen, her lucky number, and punched in the code to lock it. Not having anything to defend herself with, especially after the alley attack, made her even more uncomfortable.
“Alright, come through,” the guard waved here to walk through the metal detector, which thankfully didn’t beep because of her earrings, before a thorough pat down. “Here’s your visitor’s badge, which you will need to show a guard at every door. There is also a panic button on the clip in case anything happens. You’re going to cell G-9.”
That was it, not even any explanation how the panic button worked, before the guard disappeared back into his little control room. There was the loud click of the doors locking behind her. The sound of her heels clicking was no longer comforting as she walked down the hallway. Alex showed her badge to the guard standing at the elevator and she hoped he was armed more than necessary. He punched in a code to a pad that had no markings on it and waited without saying a word. It was like a Buckingham Palace guard that was armed for the zombie apocalypse.
The door slid open, showing another guard waiting in the small silver box the badge. Alex thanked the guard outside, though he didn’t even look at her, before stepping inside. There were no buttons in the elevator, but it started to descend soundlessly. Alex was pretty sure she had a nightmare like this before, the doors were going to open and there was going to be a boogeyman there. Though if it was a more recent nightmare, it would be The Winter Soldier, or just a tidal wave of blood. You know, super cheery things.
“It’s seems scarier than it is, Miss,” the guard said, making Alex jump. “We have only had one security breach, about a year ago, and since then they have gone a bit overboard. Even that situation, it wasn’t anything major.”
“Better safe than sorry, right?” Alex gave him a nervous smile. The fact that there had been a security breach, even if it was a year ago, was not exactly comforting.
“Especially with the people we have here, but there is no reason for you to look so jittery, you’ll be safe.” The guard gave her a reassuring smile underneath the visor of his riot gear. “You don’t want to let them smell fear. It’ll just make them rowdy.”
“Just like every other man I’ve ever met,” Alex muttered, not completely reassured by that information.
“You need anything, just push that panic button. Take no prisoners.” The guard gave that one last piece of advice as the elevator stopped.
Alex wasn’t sure if that was guard humor or not, but she couldn’t bring herself to laugh. Instead, she took a deep breath, a nod of acknowledgment and stepped out of the elevator. Alex put a little steel in her spine as the doors slid closed, and started forward. If there was one thing she was good at, it was bullshitting confidence.
It was surprisingly quiet, no screaming, laughing, or whimpering. After seeing so many movies set in insane asylums, she had expected pandemonium, but everything seemed controlled and contained. Each cell had a glass door with a safe like lock and a guard positioned alongside each in the shadows, as the light was pretty atrocious. None of the guards looked at her as she passed. The sound of her heels on the concrete floor mixed with the sound of water dripping somewhere, unnerving Alex more than screaming or manic laughing would have.
Cell G-9 was easy enough to find as there was a metal cart with supplies and a plastic chair outside the glass door. Alex said hello to the guard, who didn’t move a muscle, before taking a deep breath and looking into the cell. The lighting was no better, but there didn’t seem to be anyone in there.
“Don’t mind Jason,” a voice in the back corner of the cell called, making Alex jump. “He’s not supposed to talk to the dangerous criminals and must think that it also applies to pretty girls.”  
The voice was rather gentle, and cultured, which was surprising given the less than gentle and cultured surroundings. Alex’s eyes finally adjusted to the low lighting and could make out a pair of legs in orange cloth and white prison shoes against the back wall, though the rest of the body was still impossible to see.
“My name is Alexandra Harper and I’m Professor Warren’s assistant on the research project that you’re a participant in,” Alex took a seat on the edge of the chair, crossing her legs in an attempt to appear calm and professional. Don’t let them smell fear and take no prisoners. She had a job to do and she was going to do it, end of story.
“Well, you sound smarter than the last psychologist they sent to analyze me,” the voice continued, white shoes shaking a little. “The poor thing could barely get a word out, his teeth were chattering so badly. That begs the question, how did the good professor headhunt you for this particular assignment?”
“I’m not a psychologist, I’m a biochemist,” Alex wished she could see his face, it would make her feel a little less nervous. “And I wasn’t headhunted, I’m one of his students and this is an extra credit assignment. I just have to collect some skin and blood samples and then conduct a short interview. I hope that isn’t an issue, Mr…”
“Your honesty, as well as your company, are refreshing,” the legs disappearing into the shadows before the speaker walked into the light provided by the one recessed bulb in the ceiling. “Mr. Osborn, Harry Osborn to be precise, but you can just call me Harry. No need to be formal if we are going to be seeing each other every week.”
Alex had pictured what the person on the other side of the glass would look like since she had said yes meeting them, but the former head of one of the most powerful companies in the world had never even popped into her mind. It was all over the news that Harry Osborn had a nervous breakdown and that was why he was removed as the company CEO, but she had no idea it had landed him in a criminal asylum. What had he done to wind up here?
“Miles, Professor Warren, didn’t tell you who you were coming to see, did he?” Harry’s smile was soft as he sat down on the edge of his cot. His hair was a mess, but other than a jagged patch of scaly looking skin on the side of his face, he didn’t look all that mutated. What had caused the mutation? Something at Oscorp?
“He did fail to mention that the person I was coming to interview was worth probably over a million dollars, but what else is new?” This whole assignment was bizarre.  
“I know that feeling, never getting the whole truth to ensure that you do what someone wants. Since I was a child, everyone has always been after something from me, but no one was ever honest about it.” Harry tilted his head as he studied her for a moment, before giving the ghost of a smile. “Also, I want to point out, I am worth a lot more than a million, even locked up in here.”
“I will keep that in mind,” Alex gave him a smile as she looked down at the clipboard on the metal cart. “Now, it sounds like the psychologist when through these questions with you before, so I’m guessing you’re primed with the right answers. Is that right?”
“If it was anyone else who asked, I would say no,” Harry laughed, but it wasn’t dark or twisted. It was light and soft, and sounded very out of place in this setting. “However, I like you, Alexandra. Everyone else tried to adopt the persona they thought would best get me to talk, nice and cordial or stern and cruel. You are just talking to me like a person.”
“Last I checked, you are still a person, so I don’t see any reason to treat you otherwise.” The conversation was alarmingly comfortable and Alex found herself even liking Harry a little bit. “Also, please, call me Alex or A.J. Alexandra is just so…
“You don’t like Alexandra? I think it fits you, regal and gentle.” Harry tilted his head as he studied her. “You expected me to be less sane than I am right now, didn’t you?”
“I didn’t really have expectations,” Alex looked down at the clipboard again, reminding herself that she had a job to do. “So, are you going to answer these questions or not?”
“How about this?” Harry crossed legs and shimmied to the end of the bed, blue eyes sparkling. “For every question you ask me, I get to ask you one.”
“You can ask, but that doesn’t mean that I’ll answer,” Alex conceded. “You’re also not getting any blood or skin samples from me.”
“Fair enough, you start,” Harry gave her a smile, showing slightly pointy teeth.
Alex asked the first question and Harry was answering before she finished asking it. However, he was patient and repeated himself slowly, pausing so that she could easily transcribe it accurately.
“Where are you from?  It’s obvious that you aren’t native to New York,” Harry propped his head up on his folded hands.
“A tiny Midwest town on a not so tiny farm,” Alex relaxed in the chair a little. Harry had to be close to her age, something she would have to google later, but in the slip on shoes and jumpsuit, he seemed younger.
The rest of the hour continued in the same vein, Harry asking innocent questions and Alex providing vague answers. While she felt relaxed, telling a mentally unstable criminal detailed facts about herself did not seem wise, but she saw no problem with her favorite color or what her zodiac sign was.
“I have a question that’s not part of the assignment, if you don’t mind,” Alex said as she motioned for the guard to open the little area in the door that would allow Harry to stick out his arm for her to collect the samples.
“I get to ask another question then,” Harry said as he rolled up his sleeve and slid his arm out without any protest.
Alex snapped on a pair of gloves and opened the container with medical supplies. It was rather simple, a couple vials of blood and a small skin sample. Relatively noninvasive and painless, if you weren’t scared of needles. Professor Warren had given her a lesson about how to properly collect samples when she agreed to the assignment, but her hand still shook a little as she placed her hand on his arm to make sure he didn’t flinch.
“Calm down, Alex,” Harry said softly, looking up through his lashes and giving her a smile. “I promise one little needle stick isn’t going to bother me. What’s your question?”
“Earlier, you said ‘less sane than I am right now’” Alex slid the needle into Harry’s arm, he didn’t even flinch. “Does that mean that, because of whatever happened, you have a fluctuating mental state?”
Alex knew that the likelihood that whatever happened to Harry had nothing to do with Hydra, but a fluctuating mental state made her think of James. If she could get a brain scan on how his brain functioned during one of these episodes, maybe that data could be used in her research on a way to help James once he was found.
“Whatever happened, well, I did it to myself,” Harry said as Alex gently cut out the skin sample. “I had a rare genetic condition and there’s no cure. Slowly, I would have become an invalid, dying before my time, a husk of a human being. The only thing my father ever gave me.”
Alex looked up at Harry and was surprised to see that he was watching her intently. There was something about the way his blue eyes focused on her, the strange light behind them, that sent a small shiver down her spine. She could feel his pulse hammering as she pressed gauze to the small incision. There was an itch in her wrist, but she ignored it as she secured the samples, disposed of everything, and stripped off her gloves.
“At Oscorp,” Harry continued, voice even softer that he was basically whispering, “we had a cure of sorts, but it hadn’t been tested on humans. Well, it had accidentally been tested on one. It was my only hope, so…I took it.”  
“It didn’t go well,” Alex realized that they were almost nose to nose through the glass, feeling as if she moved away she would break something. This was not an answer to the question she asked, but it was still fascinating and she didn’t want Harry to stop talking.
“Well, my condition has slowed if not been stopped completely due to the mutations that the serum caused,” Harry gave her a ghost of a smile. “However, at times, I’m not myself. There are physical transformations as well and they’re not pretty.”
“Well, that will remind me to never skip the proper scientific procedures in my research,” Alex tried to joke, but it was an awful attempt. “I’m sorry, about the illness and…what came after.”
“You shouldn’t be,” Harry pulled his arm back, rubbing the back of his hand as the opening was secured once again. “The transformation, it taps right into my rage and I don’t care what’s right or wrong, just what I want. Sometimes I remember what I do, sometimes it is something I’ve wanted to do all along, other times…”
They were standing there, looking through the glass at one another, deep blue eyes looking into light blue. There were equally deep purple bags under both sets of eyes. Alex realized that she was barely breathing, completely entranced with what he might say next. It felt weird, to be staring at someone she had just met and hanging on his every word. Was she really so tired that he was having such an effect on her or did it have to due to the setting that the conversation was taking place in?
“Other times I do something I regret, like kill an innocent woman, one about your age, just to hurt someone who had wronged me.” Harry was studying her face, to see how she took the news. “They didn’t put me in here because I look good in orange.”
Alex finally blinked and took a step back, processing the information she had just been given. It wasn’t like she didn’t know more than her fair share of people who had blood on their hands. Steve during the war, Sam as well, James had killed people right in front of her, and that didn’t even count the people at Stark Industries. Harry seemed genuinely upset by what he had done, but did that change the gravity of the act?
“Thank you for your time, Mr. Osborn,” Alex said as she got ready to leave, turing to the guard. “Yours as well, Jason.”
“Harry, please, and I meant what I said about your honesty being refreshing. That’s why I told you the truth, I’m hoping that you come back next week for the next interview. I do like you better than anyone else that Miles, the professor, has sent me.”
“Take care of yourself, Harry,” Alex said with a small smile. “I’ll see you next week.”
Alex walked down the hall, feeling a little braver, letting her eyes drift over to the cell doors. There was nothing to see in most of them with the small glimpse that she got, but in a couple she would see the back of a head. There was only one that had a man standing at the door, looking out at her. He was older with wispy blond hair and round glasses. The expression on his face as she passed could only have been described as concerned. Then she was passed the window and stepping into the elevator.
There must have been a changing of the guard while Alex was interviewing Harry because it was a silent elevator ride up to the main floor. While the whole experience was far more than she had expected, there was a glimmer of hope that this extra credit might do some actual good for more than just her GPA. Alex was going to have to ask Professor Warren about what his research was actually focused on to understand the scope of what they were doing.
Alex was patted down again before the doors were unlocked and Alex was able to collect her things. The slight drizzle had advanced to a full-blown thunderstorm when Alex dashed to the waiting SUV. It wasn’t until they had pulled away from Ravencroft that she looked at her phone. Six missed calls and two voicemails. A heart in her throat, Alex listened to the first one.
“Harper, it’s me, Peter Parker. I’m not sure what you meant by your text, but you not answering your phone is not doing a lot for my anxiety. Now, I know you don’t like me following you around, I get it, you’re an independent woman and everything, but when you send me that text and I then can’t trace your cell phone signal, that goes way past anxiety. I know that I have been ignoring you and avoiding you, and I’m sorry, but like this is just cruel and unusual punishment. I invited you to dinner! I promise we’ll talk! As soon as you get this, I mean the immediate moment, call me.” Peter spoke so quickly that it took Alex two listens to the message before she caught all of it.
Alex sent Peter a quick text, saying that she was alright and would call him once she was back at her apartment. While she doubted that would placate her lab partner, she didn’t really want to have the conversation with the possible mob member by night driver able to eavesdrop. Instead she hit the other voicemail to listen to, hoping that Peter hadn’t done something stupid like call in a missing person’s report.
The first couple seconds of the message was just silence, and Alex was about to hang up, before there was a deep inhale on the other line.   
“Alexandra,” James’s voice was shaky and heavily accented. He started talking then, but it was in fluent Russian. Alex picked up a word here and there, but it was mostly nonsense to her. There was no pain or anxiety in the tone of his voice, but Alex could have thrown her phone out of frustration. Apparently, he had slipped back into his programming a bit, but at least he didn’t sound in danger.
The voicemail ended, but Alex couldn’t pull the phone away from her ear. Each phone call was a little glimmer of hope attached to a blade inserted straight into her heart. To hear his voice, to know he was alive, made butterflies awaken in her stomach. It also made her remember that when he was free of the programming, he wanted nothing to do with her. God, how did this become her life?
“Miss Harper, thank goodness, I was worried about you,” Jonathan said as he opened the door to let her out of the SUV. “Are you alright?”
“I’m fine Jonathan, thank you.” Alex gave him a smile as they headed into the apartment building. “It was part of a job, I’m sorry to not warn you.”
“I don’t like the look of that man, Miss.” Jonathan shook his head as he went behind the front desk. “Please be careful.”
“Always.” Alex was starting to get tired of all the males in her life believing that she needed a bodyguard. Yes, she got into trouble more than your normal citizen, but she was self-sufficient. However, Jonathan was just trying to be nice, so there was no reason to take his head off.
“There was also a rather persistent young gentleman here to see you earlier. However, since you weren’t home, I told him I’d tell you he stopped by and sent him away. He even tried to sneak past me.” Jonathan sniffed in disdain.
“He’s fine, Jonathan, he’s just a friend from school.” There was a very small list of young gentlemen that Alex knew and only one who would attempt to sneak by the doorman. Peter really must have been worried about her, but how did he know where she lived? He had said something about tracking her cell phone too, which was a conversation they were going to have to have.
By the time got to her apartment, she was bubbling with rage. She stabbed Peter’s contact picture with more force than necessary and put her phone to her ear. The call was answered almost immediately, though Peter was apparently out of breath because he didn’t say anything right away. There was also the sound of water somewhere in the background, maybe he had been in the shower?
“Alexandra, where have you been? You dropped off the face of the earth after sending me a cryptic text. I stopped by your apartment and you weren’t there, the doorman wouldn’t tell me where you had gone. I almost called the cops!” Peter rambled.
“Funny, Peter, I don’t remember you being my keeper,” Alex’s voice was a cold as ice as she kicked off her heels. She noticed that her window was open, letting some cooler air into the apartment. She could have sworn it that she had closed it before she left.  
“You texted me!” Peter’s voice climbed a couple octaves.  
“Just as a precaution, it’s a girl thing. I should have just texted Monica,” Alex grumbled as she walked over to the window.
It was still storming pretty heavily now and she didn’t want anything in the apartment getting wet. There was a little fumbling as she pinned the phone between her shoulder and cheek as she reached between the curtains to push the window closed. There, on the other side of the glass was Peter Park, wet and looking rather sheepish.
“Jesus Christ!” Alex stumbled backward, the phone falling onto the floor. He was very lucky that she didn’t carry a gun or he would have had to attempt to dodge a bullet on her tiny fire escape.
“Most people just go with Peter,” he gave her a smile as he hung up the call. “Can you let me in? I’m starting to grow mildew out here.”
“What the hell are you doing out there?” Alex’s voice was a little shaky, though now probably because of anger.
“Okay, maybe this wasn’t my best thought out plan,” Peter admitted, pushing wet hair out of his face, “but I panicked when you wouldn’t answer your phone and I couldn’t get its GPS location. You really should get someone to give that doorman a raise, by the way, he was rather forceful, but still polite with me.”
Alex huffed, but he looked so pathetic out there bent at the waist to look in the window and dripping wet hair, that she had to let him in. It took her a little time to get the screen up, but finally Peter slithered into the apartment. Alex directed him to the bathroom, so he didn’t drip all over the place, before lowering the screen and closing the window. Luckily, there was a clean towel in the closet, even though she hadn’t done laundry in weeks, and she tossed it at Peter before she started to change out of her interview clothing.
“So, where exactly were you today that blocked cell phone signals and made you worried enough to text me?” Peter called from the bathroom. Alex heard wet clothes hitting the tiles and prayed that he wouldn’t walk out in just the towel.
“It’s for this extra credit assignment I’m doing for Warren. I wasn’t exactly sure what I was getting into. I never intended you to track my cell phone. How can you even do that?” Alex called as she tugged on a hoodie and a pair of yoga pants.  
“I’m Spider-man,” Peter said, waiting out of the bathroom towel drying his hair. As if to make his point, he was wearing his suit, well the bottom half of it. He was really only using it as a pair of pants, the rest scrunched up around his waist to show a lot of ab muscles.
“There’s a drier down in the basement, if you want me to take your stuff down,” Alex offered. “However, you’re going to have to supply the dollar.”
“I don’t think I have a dollar on me,” Peter shrugged. “You’re doing extra credit for Warren? Since when? I wasn’t offered extra credit.”
“I would have told you all about it, if you would have talked to me the past couple days instead of acting like I had the plague.” Alex pointed out. “And since when are you planning on going to London? You didn’t think that you might need to mention that to your lab partner?”
“I thought we weren’t friends?” Peter countered as he perched on the edge of the battered trunk that was her coffee table, a small smile on his face. “It’s just an application and even if I do get selected, I wouldn’t leave until next semester. We wouldn’t be lab partners anymore. How do you know the head of the anti-vigilante division of the NYPD?”
“Michael had the misfortune of being the officer on duty when I had some issues last year and he just can’t seem to get away from me,” Alex shrugged, jumping up onto the kitchen counter. “Are we still having dinner with your Aunt tonight?”
“She has a shift at the hospital today, so I figured we could get pizza or something so she doesn’t have to cook and we can get some work done on that project. Though apparently you have extra credit…” Peter trailed off, dropping the towel and picking up the notebook on the table. “What’s all this?”
“None of your business,” Alex jumped down and snatched the notebook out of his hand. “And for some reason Professor Warren really doesn’t like you, so that’s probably why you weren’t offered an extra credit assignment.”
“He really didn’t like you either, until recently,” Peter pointed out.
He had a point, but Alex wasn’t going to tell him that. Whatever the reason for Warren’s sudden interest and like of her was, it was helpful. There is that whole saying about not looking a gift horse in the mouth. Still, maybe on Monday she would stop by office hours and see if he would give her any more details about what they were working on, exactly. While she was fascinated by Harry, there were a thousand different biochemical avenues that his case could do down, and she should probably figure out which one.
“There was another reason I stopped by your place,” Peter said as he looked up at her, hair drying at erratic angles on his head.
“You don’t say,” Alex rolled her eyes as she sat down on the couch.
“Have you heard about the attacks on scientists? Their apartment’s being trashed, as if a wild animal was in there?” Peter leaned forward, elbows resting on his knees while Alex nodded. “When I couldn’t get a hold of you, I was worried whatever it was got to you, so I came by to check out your place. While it was dirty enough that someone may have ransacked it, there were no scratch marks. Then you called and here we are.”  
“Since you’re investigating, I’m guessing it isn’t really a wild animal being set loose by like PETA to protest animal testing?” Alex was a little touched that Peter was so worried he had come to check up on her, even though it was ridiculous.
“No, no, I’ve caught glimpses of him and if I didn’t know better, I’d say it was a werewolf,” Peter sighed. “However, it wasn’t a completely selfless reason I stopped by, I wanted to make sure that you haven’t told anyone at Stark Tower about me.”
“Why doesn’t anyone at Stark Tower know about you? I mean, you guys are in the same line of work.” Alex really hadn’t given any thought to the idea, but shouldn’t the Avengers be recruiting Peter?
“Because I draw the line at aliens,” Peter laughed before turning serious. “I was in New York for the battle, with those things pouring from the sky. There was nothing I could do and honestly I want no part of that. Besides, someone had to take care of the smaller threats while the Avengers are off saving the world.”
“I’d be even more worried about your mental state if you hadn’t been scared by that,” Alex smiled. “I mean, you’re just a scientist in spandex. Aliens are a bit above your pay grade.”
“I’m not just an inventor, I have a few more tricks up my sleeve, but I would have been totally out of my depth.” Peter laughed as he got up and stretched.
“Is that so?” Alex raised an eyebrow, waiting for him to continue.
Before Peter answered, a ringing phone can be heard from the bathroom. Alex hopped up and grabbed it out of the soaking wet jeans Peter had thrown over the tub. Peter was right behind her and his face fell when he looked at the readout.
“Another scientist apartment was just called into 9-1-1.” Peter was moving toward the window before the words were out of his mouth. “If I get there first, maybe I can find out what this guy is after.”
“Peter wait a-” Alex didn’t even get to finish the statement before he was out of the window and perched on the railing of her fire escape.  
“I’ll call you later about dinner,” Peter called before he vaulted over the railing and fell out of sight.
“Parker,” Alex screamed as she scrambled out of the window. Gripping onto the railing, Alex looked over, rain be damned. There was not a splattered lab partner on the ground, in fact, there was nothing in the alley. She heard his laughter and turned her head in time to see a streak of full suited up Spider-Man swing around the building. Alex remembered the white substance that he used when fighting, was it webbing? Damn it, she was curious now.
Slamming the window shut, Alex stripped off again as she was once again soaked and collapsed on the couch, closing her eyes. It had been one hell of a day and it wasn’t even noon. She was tired. Her phone buzzed, a text from Jake asking her about what dates would be good for his trip to the Big Apple. It was just a jumble of letters and Alex couldn’t even figure out a good reply. So she just closed out of the message.
All Alex wanted was a nice long rest. No college to worry about, no vigilantes or superheroes, just for everything to stop. For a second her finger hovered over Sam’s contact picture, for him to tell her everything was alright, to come over and talk with her. However, she couldn’t bring herself to make the call. She scrolled down and got to Steve’s number, the one she should have called the moment that she got James’s voicemail. Once again, she couldn’t bring herself to do it.
Instead, she turned on her side and listened to James’s voicemail again and again.
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Tales from Peter Parker Foreign Exchange Student: Scorpion and the hunt for the Hero killer
Somewhere in the Naruhata district, in one of the many condemned buildings in the area is currently being resided by the infamous villain team, the Sinister Six!
A group consisting entirely of Spider-mans rogues formed under an always-consistent even number. Though its members have rotated there burning hatred of the arachnid hero remains the same. Mysterio, Chameleon, Shocker, Sandman, Scorpion and Vulture are the current members of the group. Currently they are residing in the land of the Rising Sun as a favor to Mysterio involving an as yet unspecified plot for lucrative gain. Yet unbeknownst to the Sinister Six, Spider-man is also stationed in Japan as a student of U.A. High. Eventual a collision of rivals will occur, for now the members of the Six explore there new surrounding some partaking in extracurricularactivities.
Mac Gargan, alias the Scorpion looking is over a large board. On it is pinned with various newspapers and several threads crisscrossing each other like a web.
"Scorpion!" The vulture shouted from above as he descends besides Scorpion.
"What do you want Toomes?" Scorpion asked annoyed having his concentration broken.
Vulture sneered at Gargans dismissive tone.
"Our meeting with the local crime informant, Giran has been rescheduled for now Dmitri suggest we should acclimate to our new surrounding." Impatient to a response, the Vulture makes a quick turn around to see Scorpion still ignoring him.
"The least you could do Mac is make some conversation, what on earth are you researching 'Hero Killer'" Vulture scans the papers.
"Yeah its about this crazy who's been going around offing heroes or injuring them bad towards early retirement." Scorpion explained turning towards Vulture finally.
"And what offer him membership Macdonald, were already at max capacity of sociopaths with you in our group we don't need another one." Vulture mocked.
"Very funny jack-ass, but this ain't about recruitment."
"Than what exactly?"
"The WHY?" Scorpion responded to Vulture.
Vulture seemed perplexed but he reminds himself that Scorpions logic always made sense to his twisted mind.
"Every article is always the same, always asking the wrong questions." He continues.
"Who is he? How is he doing this? When will the Pro heroes stop him, (spit)." Scorpion mocked.
"No one ever asks the 'why' of his motives that's the real story the real scoop." He grins.
"Imoressive, if a bit pointless but he's a serial killer Gargan not much to glean from that. Said Vulture.
"These ain't no random killing Toomes this guy clearly has a conviction and its kinda bringing the detective side out of me, THERE!" he motions his tail on the map as he walks past Toomes grabbing his coat and hat.
Toomes looks at the city map Scorpions tail banged on the board as he sees the mark on the city, Niihama.
Its soon night in the city of Niihama, with Scorpion staking out on rooftop. Several food wrappers and soda cups are littered around him as he peers across the landscape with his binoculars. On his left a crude yet working customized police radio is broadcasting your standard police reports, all noise to his ears waiting purely for calls towards Pro heroes.
"Hrrm, what was it that Kraven always said 'to become the hunter you must think like your prey.' Scorpion recalled internally.
"This should be the place that 'Hero Killer' was last scene and knowing these 'heroes'. Scorpion said with a venomous tone at that last word.
"Them Pros will be rushing off during a crisis, I just need wait for one them to wander off into a dark alleyway and that's when Mr. Herokiller will strike."
Eventual a hero team burst into the scene as they begin a rescue operation by a nearby burning building. One of the heroes note something in an alleyway as she ventures alone.
"Bingo" Scorpion said elated.
Sometime later
Limping and bleeding out, the female hero costumed in a beetle inspired design finds herself exasperated and panic as the Hero Killer approaches. Garbed in an attire of a ninja, with mixture of red and black while his face is covered in several bandanas no doubt to reel in his unruly hair. He slowly moves in a katana in hand as he licks the blood from blade. The heroe's movements are quickly frozen in place unable to move desperately crying to herself
"Why can't I move?!" She screamed hoping her panic tears would be heard.
As she finds herself face first to the ground she can see the killer ready to thrust the blade until…
"HEY!" shouted the Scorpion across the alley as Stain looked up to see the yeller.
Reacting without thought, Stain quickly throws one of his daggers with almost lighting speed. However the Scorpion quickly counters with his mechanical tail sending the blade back as it pass his owners face right by the side of the wall. Unfazed, Stain held his ground staring at this stranger.
"Oh thank you hero please save me fro-"
"Shut up, I ain't here to save nobody especially some Beetle poser." Scorpion insulted as he cut her off using his tail to knock her out.
"I came to see you ' Hero Killer!'
"My business is not with you villain, leave me to my work or I share her fate." The killer threaten.
"Oh I ain't here to stop ya pally, I'm just a simple foreigner is all, I just got ask ya something is all." Scorpion explained.
The Hero Killer saw no ill intents from this stranger yet he could feel his aura of treachery and insanity lurking behind that false sense of camaraderie. For now he played along in order to gauge this new face.
"Very well foreigner, I am Stain ask your question and leave me to my mission."
Scorpion was a bit taken back by this 'Stain' character and pissed off. How dare he makes threats to me, Scorpion thought. But he remembers to keep his cool, he's Mac Gargan the detective first and Scorpion second on this case.
"Okay Stain, the names Scorpion." He introduced.
"I've been looking ya over for some time now trying to figure your M.O. all them heroes you killed or injured no relations what so ever. Yet one thing is common there all heroes. Its clearly not about the money, no real motive for payback and clearly puck and choose who lives and dies." Scorpion explained trying to inflate his ego as a detective.
"GET TO THE POINT!" Stain grew impatient.
Scorpion frowned holding back his gritted teeth from showing from Stains yelling.
"I was getting to that 'friend'." Said Scorpion losing his demeanor.
"Why? What are trying to accomplish offing off these loser heroes?" Scorpion asked in a serious tone.
Stain smiled a cold smile as he sheathed his sword.
"You are correct, I seek no monetary gain nor have these so called 'heroes' wronged me in the past." Stain confirmed Scorpions deduction.
"I seek out the false heroes that solely use there powers for wealth and fame, putting the needs of the people second for there own ambitions while ignoring there obligations as public servants first." Stain explains.
"Its an insult that they call themselves heroes, I have made it my mission to cleanse this world of false heroes, I will never stop for only All Might is worthy of the title hero! Only his sense of justice will I allow to bring about my defeat!" Stain continues as he slowly ramps up his rant.
"Does that answer your curiosity?"
Scorpion felt a bit taken back by the hero killer almost as if Stains aura swallowed him whole, trying to hold his ground Mac composes himself taking a quick breath to ease his nerves.
"And people say I'm crazy." Scorpion mocked.
Stain narrowed his eyes at Scorpion, annoyed by his flippant tone.
"Listen I hate these wannabe heroes as much as the next guy, but at the end of the day no chump can just live off good will and samaritan service."
"People gotta eat, pay taxes and all that other bureaucratic crap we can't all live up to that high horse ideal of the perfect hero crap, so you can stick your bull% $# college thesis up your $$ pally loser!" Scorpions retorted.
"Thanks for wasting my time." Scorpion walks away as he turns his back spitting at a trash can in a disrespectful manner as he makes a leap to the neareat fire escape ladder.
"Come back please, DON'T LEAVE ME!" The pro hero awakens begging for Scorpions help.
"F $# OFF LOSER!" Scorpion continues move on unmoved by the heroes cries.
"Foreigner villain, what does he know of our way in the end they will all learn." As he prepares to lunge his blade, Stain halts his action as he hears the voices of the oncoming team members of his victim closing in. Disappearing without trace he says to himself.
"Another time a different place, perhaps I'll visit Hosu."
Back at the rundown apartment, an enraged Scorpion storms the front entrance annoyed and pissed off.
"So how did it go?" Vulture said with a dry uninteresting tone.
"Pretentious looking ninja turtle with f #$ing delusions of grandeur!" Scorpion replied with a pissed off attitude.
"Sounds lame, you kick his ass?" Sandman asked.
"You steal his wallet?" Asked Shocker concerned.
"No!" Scorpion said again.
"So in other words a complete waste of time and effort, I'll be needing a receipt for your purchases." Chameleon prioritizing his funds.
"F $# off you losers, it wasn't all total loss." Scorpion grinned.
"Oh so their was a silver lining to this wasted ordeal of yours than?" Mysterio echoed behind his dome.
"People always underestimated me thinking I'm just some joke like you dorks, (except you Sandman.)" Sandman responds with a middle finger.
"But this event just reminded me, I'm still a damn good detective!" Scorpion unveils several headshot photos of different pro heroes.
"I've got a lot of dirty secrets to expose on these "so called heroes" and what better practice is there than in Japan!" Scorpion said ecstatically.
Based on Tumblr @alexdrawsagain comic
Peter parker: foreign exchange student
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Tales From Peter Parker: Foreign Exchange Student - The Grapes of a feather Part 1
"WHAT THE HELL AM I LOOKING AT!" A raised voice coming from Flint Marko alias the Sandman.
It's called 'anime' Marko, learn the damn culture sand for brains!" Herman Schultz alias The Shocker responded by scolding and ripping the anime case from Marko.
"So what like them cartoons in the U.S.?"
"Its so much more than that its a way of life for this country, I'm what the Japanese kids called a Weeabo!" Herman said with such a prideful tone.
"....... Da hell does that mean?"
"It means I'm a fan who enjoys the highest of quality animation." Shocker responded in a staunch stance.
"And those finer things include gauking at underage girls?"
"Don't cheapen it like that, thats a gross and misleading interpretation of the anime culture!" Herman felt insulted by Flints simplified observation of the genre.
"Plus I don't do Lolicons I'm attracted to the more firm and volumptious woman of great beauty like Oda's One Piece." Herman corrected while making vulgar hand gestures.
A short silence fell between the two, as Flint tries processing what his quilt attired allied has just uttered.
"Okay whatever youse say, The Vibrator lets get our videos and bail out already." Flint mockingly smiled as Shocker only responded by a gritted face of irritation.
At the Kiyashi Ward Shopping Center is a mall that specialize in selling various goods pertaining to a citizens body type and quirk type. But aside from selling speciality items for unique quirk users, the mall houses a variety in the entrainment medias as your standard "electronic store." Where we see now, one third of the Sinister Six members Sandman and Shocker wearing oversize tan trenchcoats in the middle of summer at the local video shop on, DVD purchases.
"Lets see we got "Godzilla 1945" for Beck, the original film, "The Ring" for Gargan, something on "the Japan's monorail system" for Toomes and nothing for Dmitri."
"Dmitri not so much a movie goer?
"Nah I just hate that Russian prick, OH HELL YEAH!" Hermans eyes popped with excitement as his sights met with his choice of DVD.
"The last copy of "Monster Museum" and its within my grasp!"
"Okay and what's, wait y'know what I do-"
Jumping away from the DVD, Herman immediately cutoff Flint to explain.
"It's a raunchy harem comedy about sexy monster girls trying to win the heart of the male protagonist tenant as he cleans up after there orgies and survives there cuddles of death." Herman with such graphic detail of the animes premise.
Many of the customers looked there way disturbed by the man in the yellow quilted suit unashamed manner and lack of censoring. The stares from customers embarrassed Flint heavily as he desperately wanted to use his powers to slink his head inside like a turtle away from prying predators. Instead all he could do was plant his face into his palms like a meme from the internet.
"What are you all looking at, scram you degen- Where's my Monster Harem?!" Cutting off his rant Herman sees a small boy with "grape hair?" making a quick dash as if his life depended on it.
"That little turd is stealing my monster harem, Flint circle around him will cut him off from the register!"
"Schultz its just a freaking cartoon!"
"Its not about the cartoon its the principal!"
"Principal of what?!" But Flints yell fell on death ears as the former linebacker sighed a heavy breath.
"Why do I even bother?" Flint thinks to himself.
Back to the boy with grape hair. Continuing to sprint with dear life as his mouth salivates he thinks to himself his almost clear.
"I'm almost at the register and than pure unadulterated smut will be mine to-"
His thoughts were interrupted as his head made collision with Flint Marko mid section sending the grape haired boy tumbling backwards in a daze. He tries to turn back only to have his chaser Herman Schultz, lifting the small teens hair by the palm of his left hand.
"Sup que ball, you have something of mine."
"Hey guy in the yellow, cushion suit?" A teen with spiky yellow hair calling out Herman confused by his clothes.
"Drop the perv he's a UA student and my best friend!"
"And if there's one thing I can't stand Kaminari its villains picking on my fellow classmates!" The red spiked hair schoolmates chimed in.
"Hey now were not looking for trouble-"
"But your little turd friend here was stealing fro- Where did he go and what the @$#% is this crap on my hand!"
Flayling his arms in panic, the sticky ball stuck to his hand would not budge as it simply jiggled from his thrashing.
"I wouldn't use your other hand if I were you unless you want to get stuck." Said Minetta with a smug tone.
"Get this crap off me!" Herman yelled at the boy.
"Oh I will, But only on one condition."
"Kid I swear if your trying to extort me I'm-"
"THATS RIGHT!! IF YOU WANT YOUR PRECIOUS HAND FREE YOU'LL FREELY ALLOW ME THE "Monster Museum" COPY!" Minetta demanded dropping his previous calm composure to that of a creature of lust.
"Dude sweet move!" Kaminari followed with a fist bump to Minnetta.
"Minetta don't you think thats a bit underhanded" Kirishima confessing his discomfort at this display of villainy.
"You little turd, we came all this way from the U.S. just to enjoy some peace." Herman walks closer to the boys.
"Than you steal from me, put this weird stuff on my hand and now you blackmail me!" The boys feel a bit a trembled as he inches in.
"Well I got one thing to say about that deal, Flint kick the crap out of these losers!
"WHAT!?" The UA perv duo said in unison.
"Pfft Hell no, I ain't gonna beat up some teens that made youse look bad."
"OH COME ON, these punks are asking for it especially that little bastard!" Herman points angrily at Minetta.
"And I told you my names Minetta if you want my sticky ball off, give m- GAHH!!" A blunt slap struck Minetta collapsing him to the floor.
The pink girls hand that struck his back head still burned from the strike.
"OW! What the Hell Mina!?
"You know what you did Minetta and as for you!" Her gaze met with Kirishima.
"I would expect Minetta and Kaminari of this, but you I thought you were better than this."
"I wanted to stop them Mina, but those two guys were bullying Minetta and-"
"And you thought bullying them for extortion was better?! Shame on you Kirishima!" Mina rubbed her fist into Kirishimas head.
"Its obvious what these guys are!"
"It is?" Herman and Flint said simoultanously as they both looked in the others direction nervously.
"The bright costume on that guy in oven mitts, the foreign accents, and that big guy in the green stripe shirt."
Hermans brow sweated intensely, his breathing erratic while Flint unable to sweat tries to inch backwards as slowly as possible.
"There Pro heroes!!" Mina proclaimed ecstatically.
"It all makes sense now, how could I be so stupid please forgive us sirs!" Said Kirishima as he bows repeatedly.
"Wait what-"
"Um yeah that's right! Were uh, undercover pro heroes is what my partner was trying to say, right Flint!" Said Herman as he tries to forcefully wink towards Flint.
Flint gives a simple shrug and a half hearted smile towards the school uniformed wearing students.
"That. Is. So. AWESOME!" The pink, horned girl exclaimed with an unyielding reserve of enthusiastic energy.
"Please let us introduce ourselves I'm Mina Ashido!"
"Eijro Kirishima!"
"Denki Kaminari!"
"And Minetta!"
"And were from Class 1A of UA High training to become Pro Heroes." Said Mina enthusiastically.
"PLUS ULTRA" The group said in unity as they poised dramatically.
A long awkward silence soon proceeded as Herman and Flint try grasping what they just witnessed.
"Umm... Okay well I'm Flint Marko and quilt man over here is Herman Schultz."
"How many times I gotta tell you Marko quit calling me Quilt man, besides (ex nay on our "hero" names)!" Herman whispering that last detail in secrecy.
"Look congrats on your whole training to be heroes but uh, Mineta right? I'm gonna need you to take this damn thing off now."
Mineta tries to look away but soon turns away as the steely gaze of Mina stares back.
"GAH! Okay fine! I'll take it off!" He begrudgingly agreed.
"So I gotta ask what are a couple of Secret pro heroes from the U.S. doing in Japan?" Kaminari questions.
"Well um, yeah see, we uhh..-"
"And why are you guys in a video store buying anime porn?" Kaminari's question continue to corner Flint.
With Shocker getting Mineta and Mina to help remove the sticky ball from his hand, Flint knew he had to dig deep to pull off an elaborate, B.S. lie that would make even Mysterio proud.
"Well ain't it obvious Pin Cushion, were staking out for any bad guy yahoos trying to uh.... rob this place so we was just trying to blend in and be all "conspicuous"
that answer your twenty questions?"
"My name is not the damn Pin Cushion! Its Kaminari you ignorant tourist!"
"Why does this kid make me want backhand him like Electro." Flint said to himself as he struggles to keep calm.
"Kaminari! You shame pro heroes every where with that disrepectable talk! Kirishima scolded.
The blonde haired boy was shaken by his classmates scornful tone, a feet he thought only the explosive Bakugou was capable of.
"Forgive my friends jerk behavior sir but if your looking for recommendations-"
"Stow it half pint, Hermans the one who's into the anima or cartoons stuff I'm looking for something with a little bit more teeth, present company excluded of course."
"My names not half pint its, Kirishima" the young man protested more annoyed by the nickname than the teeth remark.
"I got the anime that's right for you, its Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Part 3 and I bet my entire code of manliness to convince you!"
"It's Kirishimas whole mantra of machismo don't encourage it." Kaminari explained.
"Who asked you Sparky! And as to you Kiri-shama was it, any man that puts there code on the line has my attention."
Flint held his fist high towards Kirishima.
Knowing the gesture well, Kirishima moved his arm in response to fist bump Flint in dramatic fashion.
"Did I hear explosions, Flint said to himself."
And Flint would be right for unbeknownst to the group, several armed men garbed in sophisticated helmets and harnesses storm the video shop entrance in a threatening like manner of ill intent!
Tales of Peter Parker is an expanded story of the main series Peter Parker: Foreign Exchange student comic by @alexdrawsagain check him out!
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Tales of Peter Parker: Foreign Exchange Student - Die Hard for Anime! Preview
"WHAT THE HELL AM I LOOKING AT!" A raised voice coming from Flint Marko alias the Sandman.
It's called 'anime' Marko, learn the damn culture sand for brains!" Herman Schultz alias The Shocker responded by scolding and ripping the anime case from Marko.
"So what like them cartoons in the U.S.?"
"Its so much more than that its a way of life for this country, I'm what the Japanese kids called a Weeabo!" Herman said with such a prideful tone.
"....... Da hell does that mean?"
"It means I'm a fan who enjoys the highest of quality animation." Shocker responded in a staunch stance.
"And those finer things include gauking at underage girls?"
"Don't cheapen it like that, thats a gross and misleading interpretation of the anime culture!" Herman felt insulted by Flints simplified observation of the genre.
"Plus I don't do Lolicons I'm attracted to the more firm and volumptious woman of great beauty like Oda's One Piece." Herman corrected while making vulgar hand gestures.
A short silence fell between the two, as Flint tries processing what his quilt attired allied has just uttered.
"Okay whatever youse say, The Vibrator lets get our videos and bail out already." Flint mockingly smiled as Shocker only responded by a gritted face of irritation.
At the Kiyashi Ward Shopping Center is a mall that specialize in selling various goods pertaining to a citizens body type and quirk type. But aside from selling speciality items for unique quirk users, the mall houses a variety in the entrainment medias as your standard "electronic store." Where we see now, one third of the Sinister Six members Sandman and Shocker wearing oversize tan trenchcoats in the middle of summer at the local video shop on, DVD purchases.
"Lets see we got "Godzilla 1945" for Beck, the original film, "The Ring" for Gargan, something on "the Japan's monorail system" for Toomes and nothing for Dmitri."
"Dmitri not so much a movie goer?
"Nah I just hate that Russian prick, OH HELL YEAH!" Hermans eyes popped with excitement as his sights met with his choice of DVD.
"The last copy of "Monster Museum" and its within my grasp!"
"Okay and what's, wait y'know what I do-"
Jumping away from the DVD, Herman immediately cutoff Flint to explain.
"It's a raunchy harem comedy about sexy monster girls trying to win the heart of the male protagonist tenant as he cleans up after there orgies and survives there cuddles of death." Herman with such graphic detail of the animes premise.
Many of the customers looked there way disturbed by the man in the yellow quilted suit unashamed manner and lack of censoring. The stares from customers embarrassed Flint heavily as he desperately wanted to use his powers to slink his head inside like a turtle away from prying predators. Instead all he could do was plant his face into his palms like a meme from the internet.
"What are you all looking at, scram you degen- Where's my Monster Harem?!" Cutting off his rant Herman sees a small boy with "grape hair?" making a quick dash as if his life depended on it.
"That little turd is stealing my monster harem, Flint circle around him will cut him off from the register!"
"Schultz its just a freaking cartoon!"
"Its not about the cartoon its the principal!"
"Principal of what?!" But Flints yell fell on death ears as the former linebacker sighed a heavy breath.
"Why do I even bother?" Flint thinks to himself.
Back to the boy with grape hair. Continuing to sprint with dear life as his mouth salivates he thinks to himself his almost clear.
"I'm almost at the register and than pure unadulterated smut will be mine to-"
His thoughts were interrupted as his head made collision with Flint Marko mid section sending the grape haired boy tumbling backwards in a daze. He tries to turn back only to have his chaser, Herman Schultz lift the small teen by the palm of his left hand.
Inspired by @alexdrawsagain Peter Parker: Foreign Exchange student comic. Check it out!
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Mysterio and Chameleon An oingo, boingo parody Jojo.
(Do da do da do da doooooo da do)
Mysterio: Do you believe!
Chameleon: Do I have a choice?
Mysterio & and Chameleon: MYSTERIO AND CHAMELEON COMBO!
Chameleon: I am Chameleon master of disguise!
(proceeds to transform his face to Allmight, Eraserhead, Deku And Spider-man)
My height, weight and even my smell
Just like I imagine!
The Spider won’t find out, his friends won’t catch on!
For the Spider will be brought down, by Chameleon!
Mysterio: I am Mysterio master of Illusions!
Casting smokes and mirrors with slight of hand, all with my imagination!
Distortion Wil be his end the spider will blackout and his mind will be shattered!
For he shall fall at the hands of, Mysterio!
Mysterio and Chameleon: EVERYTHING, EVERYTHING, Is gonna go great!
Chameleon: Hasn’t it so far?
Mysterio: Once my plan is set in motion, Spider-man won’t know what hit him!
Chameleon: If the others act accordingly, to the plans!!
Mysterio: Everything will go great!
Chameleon: Hasn’t it so far!
Mysterio: Do you believe?
Chameleon: I believe it dammit!
(Both men are resoundingly punched in the face and explosions proceeds.)
(Now both men are lying on a bed covered in bruises and casts with Mysterio’s helmet cracked and wrapped in bandages.
Mysterio and Chameleon:
Don’t be disheartened
Cause that’s just how life goes!
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nadertigerkay · 5 years
Tales from Peter Parker: Foreign Exchange student - Devils on a Moonlit Night pt1
It’s a full moon night in the city of New York gunfire and screams of thugs could be heard across nearby neighborhoods. the vigilante duo Daredevil and Moon Knight team up as they bust one of The Kingpins smuggling operation
at a warehouse district by the port.
“I’m not afraid to admit it Moon Knight is perhaps my least favorite to team up.” Daredevil internally monologue as the effortlessly dodges various gunfire from Fancy Dan.
“My team ups with Knight come more across like babysitting gig, trying to reign in his excessive methods makes me wish I was teaming up with Parker instead hope he’s okay in Japan.” He continued as he takes a breather hiding in the shadows.
As Fancy Dan stalks the corridors for Daredevil, unbeknownst to him the vengeful Moon Knight stalks him ready to pounce his foe with ease.
“I know Daredevil hates me, which is why it probably shocked him I asked for his help when I confronted him in his civies.” Said Moon Knight internally in his thought as he stealthily pounces Fancy Dan viciously pounding his face to unconsciousness.
“But Khonshu be damn, this bust I learned as Jake Lockley was to big to ignore if it meant hurting Kingpin.” Moon Knight continued as several thugs rushed him .
Prepared sidesteps backwards while simultaneously throwing several crescent shaped darts into the thugs ligaments. Sending the thugs face first to the floor tripping each other as they writhe in pain.
“MOON KNIGHT BEHIND!!” Daredevil called out but it was to late as massive arms burst through the crates grabbing Moon Knight from behind.
Just as Daredevil leaps out to save him, rope catches his foot canceling his momentum as he stumbles to the floor. Looking above he can see a man wearing a Stetson and a tall unknown man beside man. Japanese by his features wearing a construction helmet and a sledgehammer
“Great Montana and why is the big guy giving off vibes of Thor.” Thought Daredevil quickly getting out of dodge as he evaded the giants hammer.
Only to be knocked back by the incredible power of his electrical current impact.
“You and that there Moon Knight Of yeres screwed up this time horn head, by the time Souji here is done with ya we’re gonna have commemorate that there smear of ya on the wall.” Montana said smug like.
But Souji ignored him as he blindly charges roaring like a man possessed with his eyes rolled back. Else where we find Moon Knight struggling to his feet as he feels that same hand touch his shoulders turning quickly to respond:
A Massive fist impacts Moon Knight skull before he could finish a word as he finds himself slammed against box after box after box. His body thrown to the side like a rag doll he tries to getup only to cough up blood through his mask.
“Don’t get up on my account ya palooka let old Ox pick ya up and straighten ya out like ya did to my pal Dan!” said Ox of The Enforcers in his usual slow brutish tone.
Ox clearly in a rush of rage once again picks up Moon Knight with one arm as he sets up the other pummel his face in.
"Alright big boy you want to play for real because the kid gloves are OFF!!"
"AAARRRGGGG!!" Ox screamed as Moon Knight slammed both hands on the sides of Ox's face.
Ox's grip released as the big bruiser holds his skull to stop the ringing. To slow to react Moon Knight takes the advantage as he cripples Ox from the legs forcing him to kneel. As Ox tries to get up he looks up to see Moon Knight cracking his knuckles under a dim light.
Elsewhere while that payback is happening, we see Daredevil dodging several attacks from Montana's whips Souji's hammer attack and now a conscious Fancy Dan.
With a well calculated throw Daredevil richochets his billy clubs off the walls and boxes of the warehouse stopping Fancy Dan and Montana in their steps. But not Souji as he rushes in blind only to trip himself as the clubs hits his leg sending face first to wooden planks. Catching his clubs, Daredevil rushes in with no Souji hindering his moves as he pullvaults over Fancy Dan's fist as he slides effortlessly dodging Montana's rope snare. Surprised, Montana soon realizes to late to react as Daredevil springs underneath delivering a vicious uppercut KO.
Sending the western rope trick wilder flying towards broken boxes.
"That makes two now for-
"Ya got lucky with that Yakuza punk and Montana but lets see ya match your kung fu with my aikido!" Fancy leaps forth as he exchanges a dance of fighting styles with Daredevil.
"Despite his diminutive size Dan's always been one to test my skills, he's not lying about aikido part but something tells me he mixed it in with swing style dance moves." Daredevil monologues continue to evade and block attacks.
The two leapt backwards as they try to catch there breaths waiting for the other to come to them. Just than they stopped in there tracks as they turned to see Ox in the shadows.
"Haha! Your in for it now hornhead how ya gonna handle two-"
Fancy Dan's words cutoff as Ox's unconscious body collapsed to the floor. Behind Ox was a bloodied and tattered Moon Knight as he stared menacingly at Dan. Shaken by the Moon Knights visage, Dan panics pulling his gun desperatly, only to have a vicious straight red right hand knock him out cold. Moon Knight looks towards Daredevil giving off a stare of annoyance by being saved than gratitude. In quick succession Moon Knight threw his crescent darts in Daredevils location. Instinctively Daredevil blocks hearing the THUK sounds as they make there mark. He unguards himself feeling nothing only to hear Souji's screams of pain behind him.
Souji now covered in crescent darts like a pin cushion, with one stuck in his left eye tries to attack haphazardly only to swing wild without coordination as he destroys his surrounding. The two vigilantes pair up looking at the other in agreed silence as they dash forward at the rampaging behemoth. There strike is caculated and precise as the pair continue to lay a barrage of body shots to Souji's abdomen. Daredevil striking blow after blow in conjunction with his billy clubs while simultaneously ducking and weaving Souji's haphazard swings.
Moon Knight surprisingly uses a graceful defensive style to counter and strike with a forceful impact on bruised areas Daredevil has made.
The two soon halted there attacks as Dardevil swings his weight behind Souji quickly launching himself off the back of Souji. This sends the brute tumbling forward from the impact as Moon Knight uses the Yakuza momentum to quickly grab his arm and send him crashing through the walls and right into the waters. His lightning Quirk along with the water exploded into a pillar of energy as Souji sky rocketed over the warehouse crashing into the crates besides Daredevil and Moon Knight. Souji was in other wirds, decommissioned.
Battered and exhausted Daredevil began his search for any clues while Moon Knight tied up the thugs, Enforcers and Souji.
"Hey Moon Knight I think I found something its, faint but I can hear something gimme a hand will ya." Daredevil called out pointing towards an iron floor door, locked and chained.
As the two pry open the lock with great difficulty Moon Knight breaks the silence remarking.
"Grrrr, so what do you think is inside, smuggling Yakuza Quirk users to the U.S. new weapons or -." Moon Knight stops his talk as the lock is brocken, opening the basement door to revealed children, several children.
Starved, dirty and dressed down in nothing but rags or medical gowns. Some try cover there eyes from the bright warehouse lights while others raise there hands at the saviors with small flickers of flames coming out. Daredevil is shocked and speechless at the sight while Moon Knight slightly grow a his brow as he makes a call.
"Frenchie get a call to the police as soon as you can tell them to bring blankets." Moon Knight ordered only to than make the call again.
"And tell them to buy Happy Meals as many as possible let them know Citizen Knight will cover all expenses.
This story is in expansion with @alexdrawsagain Peter Parker: Foreign Exchange Student comic universe.
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nadertigerkay · 5 years
Tales from Peter Parker: Foreign Exchange Student - Devils on a Moonlit night pt2
30 mins passed
As Police swarm the scene lead by Yuri Watanabetjey find the thugs trunch to the warehouse piers polls. They begin to comfort the kids while dragging the Enforcers in cuffs. Meanwhile Souji is wheeled into an ambulance. Daredevil and Moon Knight oversee everything by a nearby rooftop.
"What the Hell was that human/mutant trafficking?"
"Along with Quirk users." Moon Knight pointed out as he revealed the shipping manifest documents.
"According to the report the Maggia and Yakuza have been exchanging a small number of minorities that display even the smallest hint of mutant or quirk manifestation." He said coldly.
"To what end exactly." Daredevil pointed out.
"Don't know, but looking at this they clearly wanted very specific power users that fit a certain 'criteria' in there operations."
"And with Punisher gone."
"The crooks are making bigger moves in child kidnappings." Daredevil finished off Moon Knights sentence.
"We have to take this to the Avengers show this to Cap."
"They won't do jack $#*% there to tied up in paperwork and legal matters to confront something this delicate." Moon Knight scoffed at Daredeils suggestion.
"THIS is bigger than either you or I can handle Specter, kids are being taken from there families and exploited for something they were born with this isn't the time to put your pride over there safety!" Daredevil called out pressing his clubs and Moon Knights chest.
Moon Knight looked at the threayening glance from Daredevil and his billy clubs touching his Armani tattered suit. He flicking the clubs away proceeding shoving the documents into Daredevils chest. As he walks away he stops to turn back.
"Go and tell your Avengers what just happened Matt me I got my own methods and others like me who fight behind the systems, I hope they listen to you." Moon Knight said with small hints of sincerity in the end as he's picked up by his Crescent Moon shaped chapter.
Daredevil looks up as he sees him leave feeling discontent but looks to the documents as he clinches his fist at the pictures of several of the children missing in the folder.
This story is in expansion with @alexdrawsagain Peter Parker: Foreign Exchange student comic universe.
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nadertigerkay · 5 years
Tales from Peter Parker: Foreign Exchange Student - Devils on a moonlit night: Epilogue
In the city of New York resides one of the tallest buildings in the city. 'Fisk Towers', a building that deals in mainly financial and market exchange all in the service of Wilson Fisk. Considered by many as one of the richest philanthropists in world providing his wealth for the betterment of humanity. Yet behind that facade lies the enigmatic and calculating criminal mastermind known as, The Kingpin.
A crime boss with an ever reaching and growing control on almost every facet from crime, politics, science, law enforcement and now the super powers race. In his office the Kingpin is seen conversing with a subordinate on the phone. While on his phone his other hand is pushing on a click pen, as it CLICKS and POPS calming his mind.
"Unfortunate about the shippment but than, that's what a backup shipment is planned." Kingpin said smugly
As the Kingpin continues to listen his expression turns from calm to slowly becoming shock. Breaking the pen in process of what he hears.
"And your absolutely certain?" He ask still keeping his calm etiquette manner.
"I see thank you for the update, be certain the pay 'The Enforcers' bail 'Rose' I will let you handle proper punishment." He concludes as he hangs up to make another call.
This time he leaves it on speaker as he listens to the phone ring awaiting the pickup. Finally it stops the caller answers:
"Hello old friend" The caller responds.
"I trust my shipment is under way?" Said the caller his voice slightly muffled by the background noises of monitors.
"Unfortnatly "old friend" your shipment was halted by my cities local vigilantes." Kingpin informed conveying a blatant truth with no stutters of fear.
"Regrettable but I have my own sources of quirks, I had hope to test my powers on the mutant genome." The voice sounded slightly disappointed but quickly relaxed.
"But there's more." Kingpin quickly interjected.
"It appears one of your Yakuza representatives-"
"Yakuza? Kingpin I never sent you Yakuza they don't even work for me much less respect me." The voice cutoff Kingpin, his tone came off surprised as if he rarely displayed the sensation.
"Face it old friend you've been, hehe- (ahem) duped." The voice said with a smug tone sounding almost delighted by Kingpins manipulation.
The Kingpin unfazed by the remark and condescending manner THE voice projected, proceeded to respond.
"I would hold off that boldness, All For One." Kingpin lets go of all pretenses as he calls The Voice by his name.
"Upon arrival to protect the cargo, these Yakuza had your authorization codes along with a special incentive I had assume by you to strengthen our partnership."
"What...... incentive Kingpin?" Said AFO as he slowly loses his mocking demeanor.
"Why from your Nomu stockpile." Kingpin said with such a coy mannerism.
"You insufferable, gluttonous pig you make dealings with Yakuza that have my weapons all without contacting me first!" Said AFO clearly losing his temper.
"Who was the leader of this group so I may make an example of his ilk!"
Kingpin once again unfazed by AFO outburst, an emotion he rarely hears displayed by his friend, takes the time to lite a Cuban cigar. Inhaling from the cigar and its flavor begins to reply.
"I was about to say that "old friend" one of the Yakuza muscles, Souji the thunderer was the leader."
"Souji?!" A brief pause came over AFO as he heard that name. Realizing his outburst was overriding his usual cold, calculating mind he stepped back to reassess the situation and remember.
"Kingpin, Souji the thunderer was killed 2 years ago by an insane vigilante of delusions." AFOF now calmed.
"I know which brings me to my next reveal, an hour ago a autopsy report of his capture revealed he was already operated upon and before he could be further explored his body immediately decomposed to dust."
"Remind you of any group "All For One"?" Kingpin knew the answer but seemed to waited for AFO answer on the subject to test his knowledge.
"I do unfortunately, I thought I had removed that mystical cult from my empire during my reign. But if "The Hand" have returned and are making a move on my operations it could very well jeopardize ALL of our  business endeavors." He said with a bluntness, emphasising to Kingpin how all parties should be concerned.
"Agreed, we can not assume Souji was their last resurrected Quirk user, I will begin to coordinate in having our "Pro heroes" and vigilantes if need be to deal with The Hand once and for all." Said Kingpin.
"I look forward to hearing all the details Wilson however there is just one subject we must deal with, I want my Nomu back." said AFO.
"Regrettable "Old friend" but I have already made plans to bid your marvelous creation to whoever is highest bidder." But as Kingpin finished he felt a tight squeeze on his neck looking diwnbtp seeing a human hand emerge from a small shadow like portal.
"I admire you greatly Kingpin but my admiration can only go so far." AFO voice now echoing from the portal, his arms veins bulges as the coiled tighter on Kingpins throat.
"I will,l...... ssseeee ....  To its..... Proper return!!!" Kingpin struggled grassping for air.
The hand of AFO lets go of Kingpins throat, retreating back to the portal erasing its existence.
"Splendid Kingpin, I look forward to OUR future business together "old friend." AFO voice sneered on the speaker as he hanged.
Rubbing his neck Kingpin returns to seat from the experience to make another call.
"Get me the numbers of all Maggia dons, its time for the summit."
Author note: Peter Parker: Foreign exchange student is a comic written and drawn by @alexdrawsagain
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nadertigerkay · 5 years
Tales from Peter Parker: Foreign Exhange student: Scorpion hunt for the hero killer Pt2
Sometime later
Limping and bleeding out, the female hero costumed in a beetle inspired design finds herself exasperated and panic as the Hero Killer approaches. Garbed in an attire of a ninja, with mixture of red and black while his face is covered in several bandanas no doubt to reel in his unruly hair. He slowly moves in a katana in hand as he licks the blood from blade. The heroes movements are quickly frozen in place unable to move desperately crying to herself
"Why can't I move?!!" She screamed hoping her panic tears would be heard.
As she finds herself face first to the ground she can see the killer ready to thrust the blade until...
"HEY!!" shouted the Scorpion across the alley as Stain looked up to see the yeller.
Reacting without thought, Stain quickly throws one of his dagger with almost lighting speed. However the Scorpion quickly counters with his mechanical tail sending the blade back as it pass his owners face right by the side of the wall. Unfazed, Stain held his ground staring at this stranger.
"Oh thank you hero please save me fro-"
"Shut up, I ain't here to save nobody especially some Beetle poser." Scorpion insulted as he cut her off using his tail to knock her out.
"I came to see you ' Hero Killer!'
"My business is not with you villain, leave me to my work or I share her fate." The killer threaten.
"Oh I ain't here to stop ya pally, I'm just a simple foreigner is all, I just got ask ya something is all." Scorpion explained.
The Hero Killer saw no ill intents from this stranger yet he could feel his aura of treachery and insanity lurking behind that false sense of camaraderie. For now he played along in order to gauge this new face.
"Very well foreigner, I am Stain ask your question and leave me to my mission."
Scorpion was a bit taken back by this 'Stain' character and pissed off. How dare he makes threats to me, Scorpion thought. But he remembers to keep his cool, he's Mac Gargan the detective first and Scorpion second on this case.
"Okay Stain, the names Scorpion." He introduced.
"I've been looking ya over for some time now trying to figure your M.O. all them heroes you killed or injured no relations what so ever. Yet one thing is common there all heroes. Its clearly not about the money, no real motive for payback and clearly puck and choose who lives and dies." Scorpion explained trying to inflate his ego as a detective.
"GET TO THE POINT!" Stain grew impatient.
Scorpion frowned holding back his gritted teeth from showing from Stains yelling.
"I was getting to that 'friend'." Said Scorpion losing his demeanor.
"Why? What are trying to accomplish offing off these loser heroes?" Scorpion asked in a serious tone.
Stain smiled a cold smile as he sheathed his sword.
"You are correct, I seek no monetary gain nor have these so called 'heroes' wronged me in the past." Stain confirmed Scorpions deduction.
"I seek out the false heroes that solely use there powers for wealth and fame, putting the needs of the people second for there own ambitions while ignoring there obligations as public servants first." Stain explains.
"Its an insult that they call themselves heroes, I have made it my mission to cleanse this world of false heroes, I will never stop for only All Might is worthy of the title hero! Only his  sense of justice will I allow to bring about my defeat!" Stain continues as he slowly ramps up his rant.
"Does that answer your curiosity?"
Scorpion felt a bit taken back by the hero killer almost as if Stains aura swallowed him whole. Seeking to hold his ground Mac composes himself taking a quick breath to ease his nerves.
"And people say I'm crazy." Scorpion mocked.
Stain narrowed his eyes at Scorpion, annoyed by his flippant tone.
"Listen I hate these wannabe heroes as much as the next guy, but at the end of the day no chump can just live off good will and samaritan service."
"People gotta eat, pay taxes and all that other bureaucratic crap we can't all live up to that high horse ideal of the perfect hero crap, so you can stick your bull%@$# college thesis up your @$$ pally loser!!" Scorpions retorted.
"Thanks for wasting my time." Scorpion walks away as he turns his back spitting at a trash can in a disrespectful manner as he makes a leap to the neareat fire escape ladder.
"Come back please, DON'T LEAVE ME!!!" The pro hero awaken begging for Scorpions help.
"F@$# OFF LOSER!!" Scorpion continues move on unmoved by the heroes cries.
"Foreigner villain, what does he know of our way in the end they will all learn." As he prepares to lunge his blade, Stain halts his action as he hears the voices of the oncoming team members of his victim closing in. Disappearing without trace he says to himself.
"Another time a different place, perhaps I'll visit Hosu."
Back at the rundown apartment an enraged Scorpions storms the front entrance annoyed and pissed off.
"So how did it go?" Vulture said with a dry uninteresting tone.
"Pretentious looking ninja turtle with f@#$ing delusions of grandeur!" Scorpion replied with a pissed off attitude.
"Sounds lame, you kick his ass?" Sandman asked.
"You steal his wallet?" Asked Shocker concerned.
"No!" Scorpion said again.
"So in other words a complete waste of time and effort, I'll be needing a receipt for your purchases." Chameleon prioritizing his funds.
"F@$# off you losers, it wasn't all total loss." Scorpion grinned.
"Oh so their was a silver lining to this wasted ordeal of yours than?" Mysterio echoed behind his dome.
"People always underestimated me thinking I'm just some joke like you dorks, (except you Sandman.)" Sandman responds with a middle finger.
"But this event just reminded me, I'm still a damn good detective!" Scorpion unveils several headshot photos of different pro heroes.
"I've got a lot of dirty secrets to expose on these "so called heroes" and what better practice is there than in Japan!" Scorpion said ecstatically.
Based on @alexdrawsagain comic
Peter parker: foreign exchange student
Edit: I wasn't pleased with the ending thinking it could have been better. With help from @alexdrawsagain and his added dialogue along with more tension. I am slightly more satisfied with the new results.
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nadertigerkay · 5 years
Tales from Peter Parker Foreign Exchange Student: Scorpion and the hunt for the Hero killer. Pt 1
Somwhere in the Naruhata district, in one of the many condemned buildings in the area is currently being resided by the infamous villain team, the Sinister Six!
A group consisting entirely of Spider-mans rogues formed under an always consistent even number. Though its members have ritated there burning hatred of the archnid hero remains the same. Mysterio, Chameleon, Shocker, Sandman, Scorpion and Vulture are the current members of the group. Currently they are residing in the land of the Rising Sun as a favor to Mysterio involving an unyet specified plot for lucrative gain. Yet unbeknownst to the Sinister Six, Spider-man is also stationed in Japan as a student of U.A. High. Eventual a collision of rivals will occur, for now the memebers of the Six explore there new surrounding some partaking in extracaculair activities.
Mac Gargan, alias the Scorpion looking is over a large board. On it is pinned with various newspapers and several threads crisscrossing each other like a web.
"Scorpion!" The vulture shouted from above as he descends besides Scorpion.
"What do you want Toomes?" Scorpion asked annoyed having his concentration broken.
Vulture sneered at Gargans dimissive tone.
"Our meeting with the local crime informant, Giran has been rescheduled for now Dmitri suggest we should acclimate to our new surrounding." Impatient to a response, the Vulture makes a quick turn around to see Scorpion still ignoring him.
"The least you could do Mac is make some conversation, what on earth are you researching 'Hero Killer'" Vulture scans the papers.
"Yeah its about this crazy who's been going around offing heroes or injuring them bad towards early retirement." Scorpion explained turning towards Vulture finally.
"And what offer him membership Macdonald, were already at max capacity of sociopaths with you in our group we don't need another one." Vulture mocked.
"Very funny jack-ass, but this ain't about recruitment."
"Than what exactly?"
"The WHY?" Scorpion responded to Vulture.
Vulture seemed perplexed but he reminds himself that Scorpions logic always made sense to his twisted mind.
"Every article is always the same, always asking the wrong questions." He continues.
"Who is he? How is he doing this? When will the Pro heroes stop him, (spit)." Scorpion mocked.
"No one ever asks the 'why' of his motives that's the real story the real scoop." He grins.
"Imoressive, if a bit pointless but he's a serial killer Gargan not much to glean from that. Said Vulture.
"These ain't no random killing Toomes this guy clearly has a conviction and its kinda bringing the detective side out of me, THERE!!" he motions his tail on the map as he walks past Toomes grabbing his coat and hat.
Toomes looks at the city map Scorpions tail banged on the board as he sees the mark on the city, Niihama.
Its soon night in the city of Niihama, with Scorpion staking out on rooftop. Several food wrappers and soda cups are littered around him as he peers across the landscape with his binoculars. On his left a crude yet working customized police radio is broadcasting your standard police reports, all noise to his ears waiting purely for calls towards Pro heroes.
"Hrrm, what was it that Kraven always said 'to become the hunter you must think like your prey.' Scorpion recalled internally.
"This should be the place that 'Hero Killer' was last scene and knowing these 'heroes'. Scorpion said with a venomous tone at that last word.
"Them Pros will be rushing off during a crisis, I just need wait for one them to wander off into a dark alleyway and that's when Mr. Herokiller will strike."
Eventual a hero team burst into the scene as they begin a rescue operation by a nearby burning building. One of the heroes note something in an alleyway as she ventures alone.
"Bingo" Scorpion said elated.
Based on @alexdrawsagain comic
Peter parker: foreign exchange student.
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