#tales from the vet clinic
Veterinary Story Time
I work in a veterinary hospital. I talk to no less than 100 different clients and other people each day. We process approximately 40 to 50 animals on any given day. Often, I am in a position to answer the phone.
In one such situation today, I answered the phone and an individual immediately started berating me and the veterinary technician who was caring for his animal because he had been told half an hour ago that the tech was busy, and would call him back as soon as she could, and she had not called him yet. Ironically, I had run to answer this phone call directly from holding down a fractious cat and assisting with the placement of an IV while the technician in question placed it and began to administer life-saving fluids.
In the hospital today, we had several emergencies, unexpectedly complicated surgeries, and almost every single pet parent had been very late or very early for their appointment and pickup times that day. We were literally running between tasks.
His dog was a drop off, meant to stay all day. He insisted that he had plans tonight (we close at 6 PM and it was 4:30 when I answered the phone), and that his animal really needed our extra support and that we were currently failing at it. I had not even had the opportunity to get his pet’s name yet.
I told him that currently, there were several animals in the hospital that required immediate attention. He then told me not to be passive aggressive and asked me if he “needed to go full on karen with me and ask for my manager.”
I asked him what his pets name was and he interrupted me midsentence to ask for my name. I told him. I began to repeat my question so I could check on his animal and he then launched into a diatribe, “[my name], you should really institute a dropoff system that actually works if you’re going to have dropoff appointments…”
(btw- it works great when people pick up and drop off their pets on time and there are a limited number of emergencies, but we are a HOSPITAL. In general, please know that if the medical staff can give you a solid pick up time when they talk to you, they will because they don’t want your animal taking up space that could go to another animal any longer than you do.)
At this point he actually started screaming into the phone so loud that so that the person next to me winced. I said “Sir, you’re yelling. The technician will call you back as soon as they possibly can. They have not forgotten. That was inappropriate and I’m going to hang up the phone now.”
Half an hour later, I have informed the technician of what has transpired and am collecting my water bottle from the front desk before I clock out. They had told me to hurry up and get out of there before he got there because his ire had been transferred to me from the tech and they were afraid of what would happen if he saw me. She said he had been angry and hyperventilating when she called him back.
He busts through the crowd of people waiting for their pets (because of course everyone showed up at once) and leans on the desk over the scale to ask my coworker and I, “Which one of you is [my name]?” I replied that it was me. He told me that I “really needed to be more careful how I talk to people” because “he’s bipolar and I triggered him and…” at this point, I said, “OK, I’ll go let them know that you’re here.” And I walked into the back and let the crew know that it was too late and that I had not made it out before he got there.
It was way past time for me to leave, so I’m trying to get out of there as fast as possible and plan to use a side exit. I put on a hoodie and take off my glasses and walk out of a side exam room door, not even turning to glance at the lobby. He follows me out of the lobby and takes a picture of me with his phone. I told him that I was a private citizen and he didn’t have permission to take that picture. He ran away back inside, saying he could do what he wanted.
I turned around and walked away. One of our clients followed me and asked if I was OK because they had seen the whole interaction. I thanked them and told them I was OK and walked to my car and drove home.
This is a slightly more extreme example, but we deal with people who act in a similar manner quite frequently and it’s not mental illness, it’s entitlement. Anyone in any public-facing position will hear this and probably be reminded of a story or two of their own. That’s not ok, folks.
No one should ever treat people who serve the public in this way. Especially not the people who are scratched and bitten so that your dog’s overactive anal glands can be expressed regularly and who cry over your loved ones when it’s time to make a quality of life decision about your animals.
Sidenote, it’s also never OK to try to use a mental health diagnosis to intimidate other people into doing what you want or accepting their own mistreatment. they’re not accountable for your actions.
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robbie-roo · 1 year
I love that all animal people instinctively call dogs "buhbuh" at some point
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gxthicupid · 9 months
Heyo! Just wanted to ask if you could do a oneshot with the Six-Eared Macaque or Sun Wukong where the reader just bumps into them on a relatively normal day. (Or as normal as it can get anyway-) For Macaque, I was thinking, maybe the reader sees one of his posters advertising his shadow plays and he sees them staring at it for a rather long time and decides to spark some conversation? For Wukong, maybe she's a vet of some sort and one of his monkeys somehow manage to get off Flower Fruit Mountain (most likely washed up by the sea-) , all the way to her clinic where she cares for it immediately- and Wukong maybe finds out where his tiny child be at and things go from there? Do whichever suits you fancy or feel comfortable with! qwq
୨⎯ 𝑷𝑼𝑷𝑷𝑬𝑻𝑬𝑬𝑹'𝑺 𝑬𝑵𝑻𝑰𝑪𝑰𝑵𝑮 𝑯𝑬𝑨𝑹𝑻 [𝑺𝒊𝒙 𝑬𝒂𝒓𝒆𝒅 𝑴𝒂𝒄𝒂𝒒𝒖𝒆 𝒙 !𝑭𝑬𝑴! 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓]
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ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇxᴛ: ᴡʜᴀᴛ ɪꜰ ʏᴏᴜ ᴍᴇᴇᴛ ᴍᴀᴄᴀQᴜᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ᴀᴛᴛᴇɴᴅᴇᴅ ᴏɴᴇ ᴏꜰ ʜɪꜱ ꜱʜᴀᴅᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏꜱ?
ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀ'ꜱ ɴᴏᴛᴇ: ʜᴀᴘᴘʏ ɴᴇᴡ ʏᴇᴀʀꜱ! ɪ ʜᴏᴘᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ᴛʜɪꜱ ᴏɴᴇꜱʜᴏᴛ <3
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➨ The day seemed grim and dull, as everyone seemed to be at home, enjoying themselves inside and possibly watching the cable or working while you walked down the pathway and carried bags of groceries. You minded your own business while listening to music from your headphones and heading straight back home.
➨ However, as you were distracting yourself with a favourite song, you noticed an eerie poster on the corner of an alleyway. You stopped walking and took a better look with much interest. The poster promoted a recent shadow play coming into Megapolis about the legendary and tragic tale of ‘The Hero and the Warrior’.
➨ You stared in awe while the music continued to blast into your ears as white noise before seeing a stranger at the corner of your eye approaching closely. You turned around and freaked out while letting out a small yelp and immediately recognised him as the puppeteer from the poster.
➨ “Ah, I see you have noticed my poster?” A low and gravelly voice was heard from the hooded man as the shadows of the alleyway managed to hide most of his face, except for his mouth. “How? . . .Where did you come from?” You stepped back against the wall and questioned the puppeteer.
➨ He only gave you a sly grin, showing some noticeable canines. “I simply come around these parts whenever I’m on break. How about you?” His alluring yet mysterious tone responded, and you took off your headphones to listen to him properly. Then you replied honestly. “Me? Well, I was heading home from grocery shopping, and well – can I say that your poster looks amazing.” Besides the creepy introduction, you must admit that it’s not like every day you’re talking to the lead of a play that interests you. 
➨ The puppeteer chuckled slightly and came closer to you as a result, as your skin felt a slight chill before he spoke again. “Sorry. Where are my manners? The name’s Macaque.” He let his arm lean close, and you felt a heavy heat on your cheeks.
➨ You did not expect the puppeteer to have such a lovely voice; it was so pleasing to hear in more than one sense, and you managed to see more of his features the closer you got. His yellow eyes were so tempting it felt like they were piercing into your soul. 
➨ “I’m Y/N. Nice to meet you, Macaque.” You couldn’t help but be swayed by his charisma and way of words. “I suppose you’re eager to attend one of my shadow plays, right?” For some reason, you couldn’t muster the strength to pull away from his gaze and only allowed him to come closer to you.
➨ “I am. When does your next show start?” You began to feel flustered the more you talked with Macaque, and the words slipped from your lips so easily. “Around 5:00pm. And speaking of, I should be heading back and getting ready for my next show." He separated himself from you, and you suddenly felt your heart beating hard against your chest.
➨ “See you later. . .Y/N~” He whispered into your ear in a husky tone before leaving the alleyway and you. You were utterly flabbergasted by what just happened, but at least now you had something to look forward to today. 
➨ That afternoon, you made it just in time for Macaque’s shadow play, and you got some popcorn and a drink just in case. After what felt like forever, the lights in the theatre dimmed down into total darkness before a strange mist appeared on the floors of the stage.
➨ The curtains opened and revealed the puppeteer with a fascinating lantern. “Welcome, viewers, to a shadow play the likes of which you have never seen.” He introduced himself and glimpsed at you in the crowd before smiling and continuing the story. 
➨ “It follows the tragic tale of a legendary warrior, and how those who bring light into this world. . . inevitably bring darkness to those they hold dear.” Once he finished his sentence, a gust of harsh winds erupted in the crowd, sending goosebumps on your skin. You couldn’t help but mesmerise the scenery of his shadow plays. They were so astonishing to watch.
➨ The winds calmly settled once he spoke again. Throughout the shadow play, the puppeteer continues telling the story, and you can’t help but feel bad for the warrior character. Their life sounded so sad, and you feel like whatever happened to them shouldn’t have ended on such a sombre note.
➨ Finally, Macaque finished the tragic tale. Most people would have thought this ending seemed anticlimactic, but you were blown away by such a marvellous performance. While everyone headed out of the theatre, you went backstage to find Macaque, and he was examining the lantern that he used in the shadow play. Not paying attention to anything else.
➨ You walked over him and felt a little cheeky by sneaking up on him and getting your revenge from earlier. However, Macaque seemed to notice you and dodged your attack before pinning you against the wall again, but more ferociously than ever.
➨ Since it was dark backstage, you could hardly see him, even with the help of the lantern. All you heard was a deep chuckle that filled your stomach with butterflies. You listened to the ruffling of his hood being removed, but you saw nothing, thanks to the obscure darkness.
➨ “Hey there, Y/N~ Enjoy the show?” Judging from the tone of his voice, Macaque was attempting to flirt with you, and as a result, you laughed nervously before replying. “Yeah. . . absolutely amazing.” You tried to keep yourself together, but he was making it impossible.
➨ “You know, I was going to change the story a little in this performance.” His voice sounded so alluring that hearing him speak softly into your ears made you feel so weak under his grasp. Your mind felt so blank while the touch of his wrist slowly came up to your own.
➨ “H-How so?” You muttered under your breath, and you felt so lost that everything around you seemed not to matter anymore. All your attention was only on him. “I was going to describe a love interest for the Warrior,” Macaque continued explaining.
➨ “Who so happens to have E/C eyes, H/L, H/C hair and a face so beautiful that made the moon jealous.” He gently held your hand and placed a kiss on top. On the other hand, you paused for a minute and thought how all those features seemed to match yours, and when the realisation finally hit you, your whole face felt so hot from getting flustered. “Wait a minute. . .Y-You’re the–”
➨ “Yup. I’m the warrior in the story. Glad you managed to figure it out.” He interrupted you, and you managed to catch a glimpse of his eyes and how dark yet attractive they managed to become to draw you in so quickly. “But keep this secret between the both of us, alright?” You nodded obediently.
➨ You felt his lips were inches away from yours, and you slowly closed your eyes and embraced his warm and captivating lips within your kiss. You were in a moment of bliss before he let go, and you saw his sly smirk with the help of the lantern.
➨ You were dazed for quite some time before he suddenly began to walk away. “Well, I hope you stay tuned for my next show. It was a pleasure meeting you, Y/N.” Macaque walked behind the theatre curtains, and as you tried to catch up, he disappeared into thin air.
➨ You noticed your hand held a slip of paper, and it revealed to be his phone number, along with a message: “Looking forward to talking with you more. XOXO Macaque”
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୨⎯ 𝑨 𝑽𝑬𝑻 𝑨𝑵𝑫 𝑨 𝑪𝑯𝑨𝑹𝑴𝑬𝑹 [𝑺𝒖𝒏 𝑾𝒖𝒌𝒐𝒏𝒈 𝒙 !𝑭𝑬𝑴! 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓]
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ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇxᴛ: ᴡʜᴀᴛ ɪꜰ ʏᴏᴜ ꜰᴏᴜɴᴅ ᴏɴᴇ ᴏꜰ ꜱᴜɴ ᴡᴜᴋᴏɴɢ'ꜱ ʙᴀʙʏ ᴍᴏɴᴋᴇʏꜱ ᴀɴᴅ ʜᴇʟᴘᴇᴅ ᴛʜᴇᴍ?
ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀ'ꜱ ɴᴏᴛᴇ: ʜᴀᴘᴘʏ ɴᴇᴡ ʏᴇᴀʀꜱ (ᴀɢᴀɪɴ)! ɪ ʜᴏᴘᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ᴛʜɪꜱ ᴏɴᴇꜱʜᴏᴛ ᴀꜱ ᴡᴇʟʟ <3
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➨ Summer was at its peak upon Megapolis, and while everyone was enjoying the beach, soaking themselves in the fresh saltwater and bathing in the sunlight after a refreshing swim, you were stuck in your job as an Exotic Wildlife Veterinarian.
➨ The AC was not working at the vet centre. However, you survived the day until closing time and could return home. You felt relieved once you packed your things and finally felt the afternoon breeze sweeping against your skin.
➨ While waiting for your bus, you scrolled through the missed notifications and saw several messages from your online boyfriend. In short, you have been talking with a guy named 'Wukong' on a dating app, and you seem to get along really well.
➨ You had a lot of things in common; your conversations were so much fun, and you had your boyfriend who had the occasional voice messages and calls but never any Facetime. He says he’s still a bit nervous to show his face, but you were completely fine with that.
➨ You decide to call him so that the both of you can arrange another session where you’d talk nonstop until late at night. The phone buzzed, and he picked up. “Hey, Y/N! How’s it going?” Wukong exclaimed into your ear, and a smile came up your face. “Hey, Wukong, I’ve finished work for the day."
➨ “Are you looking forward to our nightly chat?” You replied gleefully while you heard the smug on his face on the other line. “Couldn’t get enough of me, huh?” You rolled your eyes playfully before responding, “Oh, stop it, you~” However, your ears picked up a large crowd at the shore of the beach and decided to look quickly to satisfy your curiosity. “Hang on, I’ll call you later.” 
➨ You hung up the phone and quickly went through the crowd. Your eyes widened when you saw the baby monkey curled up and breathing heavily. You noticed that the monkey looked afraid, so you pushed out of the crowd and carefully cradled the monkey in your arms.
➨ You carefully rushed back into the vet centre, and from the looks of it, the monkey seemed to suffer from extreme dehydration, so you got a water bottle to offer some fresh water. After restoring some energy to the monkey, you realise that a couple of hours have passed.
➨ The baby monkey seemed to be resting well but still shivered and whined in its sleep. As you feel your eyes droop tiredly, you try to stay awake by scrolling through the notifications you have missed since you last checked.
➨ There were some missed calls from Wukong and messages regarding whether you were okay or not, and you felt your heart melt from how much he cared for you. You gave him a couple of texts, including talking about how you needed to treat a monkey that washed up shore before eventually succumbing into slumber.  
➨ Your eyes open and meet with the morning sun glaring down, and as you regain your consciousness, you check on the baby monkey, but they were gone. You started to freak out, but you heard some noise from the front desk before you could search.
➨ You saw the monkey going around the front desk, causing a mess. Again, your stress levels were going through the roof, and you needed to calm down this monkey ASAP.
➨ You carefully approached the monkey, but they ran away every time. Eventually, you managed to catch the monkey, but it began to wrestle with you, and you were so distracted that you didn’t see anyone coming into the vet centre.
➨ You and the baby monkey stopped struggling and stared back at the person walking in and noticing the mess. Suspiciously, they were wearing a hoodie and a pair of sunglasses. Really? In this weather???
➨ Regardless, you were nervous about the disastrous situation you were in, and you felt like you wanted to die right then and there. “Heya, I heard a monkey washed up on the beach; I figured it was mine.” His tone may sound guilty, and his voice may sound timid, but you swear that you’ve heard that voice before.
➨ The baby monkey changed its mood instantly and happily chirped at the stranger before leaping onto their shoulder. It began to nuzzle its furry cheeks against their head affectionately. “Wait! Hold on, don’t move like that – ” The monkey’s tail brushed off their hood and sunglasses to reveal golden hair and. . .monkey ears?
➨ You noted his shining eyes, peach-coloured face markings and simian features. You stared at each other for a few seconds before he chuckled nervously and quickly pulled back his hood and put on his sunglasses. The monkey on his shoulder chirped in confusion while he began to approach the door. “Well, uh, that was weird. Anyways, thank you and see ya.”
➨ You leapt onto your feet and grabbed his arm before questioning him, “Do you. . .go by ‘Sun Wukong’ by any chance?” He froze in place, and you patiently waited for an answer as he slowly turned around with a surprised look. “It’s me. . .Y/N.” You tried to ring him some bells, desperately wishing it was truly your online lover.
➨ Suddenly, his face became enlightened as a soft gasp left his mouth. He tried approaching you but seemed hesitant. “Y/N? Is that really you?” A shine sparkled in his eyes as a smile began to form on his face.
➨ Your heart has yearned for this moment for a long time as you cup his face and let your lips set onto his own. He was caught off guard, but his eyes slowly fluttered shut before coiling his tail around you while you wrapped your arms around his back.
➨ You hold onto Wukong tightly, and he gently caresses your back slowly. Once you broke apart, you took a minute to breathe while smiling happily in each other’s embrace. “I can’t believe that I finally got to meet you.” You spoke; your voice sounded broken as tears swelled up in your eyes, but Wukong wiped them with his thumb. “Don’t cry, darling. I’m glad I get to see you.”
➨ “I’m sorry. I’m so happy I got to kiss your face for the first time.” You sniffled before you gave Wukong several kisses all over the face, as his cheeks flushed pink and became putty in your hands. You looked back at the baby monkey who sat on Wukong’s head and watched the whole time.
➨ “So, this baby monkey is yours?” You pointed up, and Wukong quickly recovered and replied with a smile. “Yup!” He then lowers the monkey to meet you, but they seem too scared to approach you. “It’s okay. Y/N’s not gonna hurt ya.” Wukong reassures the baby monkey.
➨ “Yeah, I was only helping you.” It took a little while before the baby monkey walked down Wukong, crawled up to you, and cheerfully chirped once they began to nuzzle against your face. “Aw, I think they like me.” You gently pet Wukong’s baby monkey, and he can’t help but let his tail wag while his heart pounds against his chest.
➨ “So, after work, do you want to go on a date?” You questioned Wukong and noticed how he began to look hesitant to say what he wanted. That’s when you realise he didn’t want to go in public. He began to talk while rubbing the back of his neck nervously. “Well, about that –”
➨ “We can go to your place if you want.” You added before he could reply. He looked at you stunned but smiled faintly. “That’d be nice.”
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ramblingoak · 7 months
A Sweater For His Siren
~ Tales From Lucifer's Hollow ~
Mountain x Rain ~ Just another lil snippet from my upcoming story A Petal For Your Thoughts. The fic is part of an au series that takes place in the small town of Lucifer's Hollow.
Previous snippets: here, here, here and here
Warnings: lots and lots of fluff, sfw, enjoy!
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As Rain soon finds out, Mountain knits most of his sweaters as well as the blankets he has around his house.
It was something he learned as a kit, bored during the winter with not much to do. His mother had taken him to the local craft store and while wandering around he became infatuated with all the varieties and colors of yarn available. The owner, a woman everyone in Lucifer's Hollow called 'Grandma Goore', had noticed his interest and offered to teach him. From then on he spent many of his afternoons after school diligently creating anything and everything Grandma Goore taught him.
After Rain had swiped a few of his sweaters Mountain decided it would be best to stock up on yarn and make some new ones. Maybe a few specifically for his water ghoul in the hopes that his own would stay safely in his dresser. So with Rain's hand firmly in his they made the trek down Main Street. Passed Omega's vet clinic, Paws and Claws, and Cowbell's record store, Second Pressing. It was tempting to stop in Sweets and Treats, Phantom's bakery, but when Mountain glanced inside he saw Swiss leaning against the counter and he decided it was best not to interrupt the 'master at work'.
Swiss's words, not his.
When they reached their destination Mountain paused, tugging Rain close against his side while he stared up at the store's sign. Grandma Goore had sadly passed away a few years prior but the store was still there, now run by her grandson, Mary. Not much had changed besides the name. The same items were in stock although now there was a dedicated section year round to Halloween. Mary even continued the classes his grandma always taught, having been taught by her just like Mountain was.
"GraveYarns?" Rain's voice shook him out of his thoughts. When Mountain turned to look at him Rain had one delicate dark blue eyebrow quirked up. "Kind of an odd name for a craft store."
"It'll make sense when you meet the owner." Mountain squeezed his hand and led him towards the door. "Come on little siren, let's get you some yarn."
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Other snippets from Tales From Lucifer's Hollow: Mr. November (copia x aether) snippets so far: here and here Sweets and Treats (swiss x phantom/aeon) snippets so far: here and here
I've decided not to use my tag list for these lil snippets but if you'd like to be added to the one I'll use for this series or any of my other fics pls leave a comment! Thank you 💙
My Masterlist ~ My Archive of our Own ~ My Ko-Fi Tip Jar
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tornado1992 · 3 months
I made a story based on the post you made on Feb 10th
Babyfied Tails not crying no matter how hungry or sick he’d be because when he was an actual toddler he learned that if he cried no one would come to help him, his cries would only attract the people who wanted to hurt him.
I can’t tag it or however that works but I hope you like it. I just made it so it’s not beta’s or anything but I hope you enjoy it. Set in the movie universe.
Tales of Tails
Tails didn’t cry. He didn’t. That was just the way he worked, no crying. When in pain? Don’t cry. When sick? Don’t cry. It was something he learned from westside there was no way around it.
Whenever he had cried then he had only attracted attention from Mobians who wanted to hurt him. He’d only be attacked and beaten if he cried out in any way, so the answer was simple. Teach yourself to not cry.
…hard to do when you were a toddler and needed something but couldn’t express it any other way.
Thankfully that all changed when he met Sonic, he slowly had expressed himself more and when he needed something he just told Sonic, which was more effective than crying about it.
So when he got into battle with some dumb badniks and surrounded, he didn’t make a sound of distress. Just fought back as best he could, rolling and spindashing himself into the robots until they were all broken and he was gasping for breath.
His leg hadn’t been so lucky in the end as it was bleeding and Tails was sure if you looked close enough you could probably see bone, but the young kit hobbled over to Sonic, who had a few cuts but wasn’t very banged up.
“S-onic?” He said, gritting his teeth together against the pain
His big bro turned to him and his eyes widened, making the fox sit down as he began to examine his injury, “Tails! What the heck happened?”
“Badnik got a lucky hit.” He said, squeezing his eyes shut as Sonic put pressure on his knee and pain shot through his body, but he stayed just as he was.
“Tails…we need to get you to a doctor.”
His eyes flew open to look at Sonic’s, and…sure enough there was complete honesty to be found. Tails let his head hang, he felt like a man condemned, a doctor? Would a doctor really help?
“Come on little bro.” Sonic said, scooping the kit into his arms, “Why don’t we see about Maddie? I think she’s on call today.”
Tails nodded and held on, Maddie could be trusted and she was a vet so she knew how to help.
“Gonna go fast.” Sonic warned
Tails gripped his brother tighter and soon the two were off at lightning speed…and too much sooner they were at the clinic Maddie worked at. Sonic ignored the registration desk, but the nice lady knew who it was anyway.
“Hey Pretzel lady?” Sonic asked, gaining her attention
“Hey Sonic…oh my gosh.” She gasped, “Can you two hang on for one moment?”
“Yeah, we can mom.” Tails assured her as Sonic led the way to a small bench in a waiting room usually used for the owners of pets and their pets to wait for their vet or their pet’s return from the back rooms.
Sonic set him on it and grabbed as many napkins and/or gauze as he could find to soak up what was left from his bleeding, it’s was oozing out and making him lightheaded.
As his brother was putting pressure on his open wound Tails said, “Uh…Sonic?”
“What? What’s wrong? Is it not working? Are you cold? I can get a blanket. I’ll get a blanket.” He zoomed back one second later and had Tails wrapped up, “Cozy?”
Tails nodded he hadn’t even noticed the cold which was odd since his fur usually gave him so much heat, enough to keep him alive, “Yeah, but…I’m kind of dizzy is what I was going to say.”
“You’re dizzy?” Maddie suddenly said from the doorway, “Can you tell me anything else?”
His head kind of lolled around, “Uhh…It’s not stopping bleeding and my head’s fogging up.”
“Okay, I’ve got a few ways to fix this, but you’ll have to get it done surgically.” Maddie explained
Sonic tensed up, “I’ve read about those…they don’t sound like a lot of fun.”
“They aren’t.” Maddie agreed before turning to Tails to explain it to him eye to eye, “You’ll be under anesthesia so you won’t feel a thing Tails.”
“I can do it awake.” He said, “I can do it.”
Maddie’s hand came to his shoulder, “I know you can honey, but you’ve got to get it while you’re in a medically induced sleep. You won’t feel anything until you wake up.”
Tails shook his head, “Please no. I can do it awake. Please.”
Maddie’s tone took on a serious tone, “There’s not much time to be wasting here honey. You are bleeding from a severe wound and it needs to be sewn up as soon as possible so you can recover.”
“Please Tails.” Sonic’s voice came from behind Maddie, “It’ll be lots safer and you’ll have me and Knuckles here when you wake up. And I’m sure Donut lord will be happy to see you fixed up too.”
Tails leaned his head against the wall, his head was starting to make the room spin and he closed his eyes in defeat, “…Okay.”
He was carried into the back room and something came over his nose and he held his breath, which scared the people around him until he released his breath two minutes later and he inhaled something that smelled weird and he moved his head, but the thing followed him until he fell into sleep.
When Tails came to, he found himself back on a bench in the waiting room, but this time with his big brother Knuckles on the bench just 90 degrees from where Tails laid.
He tried sitting up but the echidna warrior took action, “Young fox.”
Tails waved, “Hey Knuckles.”
Knuckles put a big gloved hand to Tails’s forehead, making the younger giggle, “You are well?”
“As well as I can be right now.” He joked with a smile
Knuckles nodded to himself, “Shall I reassume my post? Maddie has requested she be alerted once you have awoken.”
“Better to not keep her waiting then, I’ll be okay if you go let her know.”
Knuckles seemed to hesitate before walking to the door leading to the back, “I shall return shortly fox.”
With his big brother gone, Tails was left wondering where his other big brother was but didn’t have long to wonder as Knuckles returned with Maddie.
She immediately knelt in front of him, “Hey Tails. How’re you feeling?”
“Not dizzy anymore.”
She ran her hand through his fur and scratched behind his ear, just enough for him to relax but not enough to purr, “That’s good, you gave me a heart attack when you didn’t breathe for a second there.”
Knuckles joined in, not touching the fox but taking his seat back, “It was quite concerning to hear about fox, I had almost immediately feared you had joined your ancestors.”
“What? Come on Knuckles, I’m not going to go down that easily.” Tails protested in an exasperated voice only a little brother could pull off, “I’m not super strong like you but I can survive that.”
Knuckles nodded solemnly, “As you should fox.”
“With that said and done, who’s ready to go home?” Maddie asked
Tails raised his hand, “I am.”
“As am I.” Knuckles said as he picked up his little brother, “Lead the way lady of pretzels.”
Maddie giggled and did lead the way to the car, where Tom was standing and so was-
“Sonic!” Tails exclaimed, lighting up when he saw his blue blur brother 
“Hey buddy!” Sonic zoomed up to him, “How’re you feeling after surgery?”
Tails assessed himself, “My leg kind of hurts but it’s dull but I’m not dizzy anymore.”
Sonic looked relieved, “Good, you freaked us all out little buddy.”
“Shouldn’t we get going home?” Knuckles interrupted, “The fox needs his rest to recover properly.”
Tom jangled the keys, “I’ve got your ticket to ride right here.”
Maddie rolled her eyes at her husband’s song reference and gave him a kiss on the cheek, “I’ve got a shift to finish so I’ll meet you when I get off.”
“Alright, love you.” Tom replied
“Love you too, make sure the boys eat I’m sure they’re starving by now.” She teased as she closed the front office door
Knuckles looked and sounded confused as he placed Tails in his middle booster seat, “I do not understand.” He buckled Tails in, “We are not starving, we have eaten two full meals as of today and have yet to eat a third.” He buckled himself in, “Why say such a thing if it is not true?”
“It’s an expression knucklehead.” Sonic said in an exasperated tone as he buckled himself in so Tom could start the car without the sensors yelling at him, “She meant that she’s sure we’re hungry.”
“Then why not just say so?”
Sonic sighed, “There is still so much about Earth you have got to learn.”
Tails giggled, their banter would always cheer him up and he was left with that joyful feeling as the boys made their way home.
Tom carried Tails upstairs and laid him into his bed before sending the other two to make sandwiches, with grapes, Knuckles loved his grapes.
“Thanks for taking care of me dad.” Tails said as he was tucked in
“Speaking of which.” Tom suddenly spoke up, “I heard that a little someone didn’t take care of himself and was hurt, only telling Sonic something was wrong.”
Tails suddenly felt very cornered and alone with those words. He wanted to hide…he wanted to cry.
“I’m not mad at you Tails.” That did nothing to reassure him.
“I want all my boys to be safe and I don’t feel like that’s happening here.” His head tilted as Tails turned his head away from him, “Care to tell me what’s wrong?”
He gave Tails’s shoulder just a little nudge and Tails lost it, burying his head in his hands, but he spilled no tears.
“I’m sorry Mr. Wacowski, I-I didn’t mean to scare you all with my leg. I don’t want to scare you at all! I-I didn’t know I was going to get hurt and-and-!”
A hand oh his shoulder stopped him in his rant, “That’s not what I’m talking about Tails. I’m talking about how you didn’t cry the entire time.”
Huh? It was about why he didn’t cry? Where was this coming from?
“It’s hard to tell how much pain you’re really in if you don’t cry.”
Encouragement to cry?
Tails’s voice shook in confusion and something he couldn’t name, “A-Aren’t you supposed to be telling me not to cry?”
Tom snorted and joked, “And feed my need for masculinity in this family? You wish.” Tom playfully nudged to make him laugh, and it worked to loosen the tension, if only a little. “But more seriously, I don’t want to see you in pain, but I want to make sure that either me or someone else knows when you’re in pain. It’s your body’s natural response Tails. It pains me to see you not expressing your needs, especially for something as serious as an injury that cuts almost to bone.”
Tails looked at Tom’s arm, suddenly finding that very interesting and making the man move to maintain eye contact.
Tails only looked away again and took a few minutes to prepare.
Tom was a few moves away from going to check on the other two when Tails spoke up in a small voice, “…promise to not tell anyone but Maddie?”
“Of course.” There was still no eye contact, but this was a start
“…Back in my village everyone thought my two tails were weird, so I learned that if I wanted to survive I wasn’t supposed to cry. Because then I’d be found and hurt even more than I already did.”
Tom was listening, the words the kit had spoken were already so gut-wrenching but he had to hear what his son had to say.
“Some pulled on my tails and some just punched me…but it was always because I was crying, so I just didn’t cry no matter how hungry or scared I was.” His kit sniffled but no tears fell, “It hurt more when I cried and was found than if I just didn’t cry so I-so I-!”
Tom scooped his son up in a warm embrace, if only to let him know he was there and offer his silent support.
“I-It worked. F-For a long time.” His son admitted
“Tails,” Tom started, “You don’t have to hide here, nobody in this household will ever hurt you or make you feel like you can’t cry because you won’t get hurt here. I’d rather take a thousand bullets for anyone living in this home a hundred times over than see you, any of you, hurt.”
The kit must’ve understood because he felt his little hands tighten around his body and grip his shirt tightly. Then his little form began to shake and a wet spot formed on his shirt.
He rubbed a hand along Tails’s back in circles, “It’s okay Tails.”
For the first time Tails truly believed he could be safe. Here. In his father’s arms.
Oooh this is goood! One can really forget how young Tails really is, but damn you hit me in the feelings with him actually acting his age while he holds back so much. And damn with the no tears while somehow still sobbing! Are you trying to kill me? (please keep going). Also Sonic trying to do everything in his power to make his brother as comfortable as he can be, beautiful, they’re so bros I love them.
It makes me really happy when my writing inspires people to create works of their own!Really loved to read about the movie bros, there are not that many works on them so this was a treat! Thank you for sharing it!
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abbysimsfun · 1 month
Sims In Bloom: Generation 2 Pt. 20 (Life-Changing News!)
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Almost two months later Heather was feeling better about the breakup – but she wasn’t feeling all that well. When her period was late, she started to worry. Her first instinct was to call Everett when she saw two lines on the test, but she didn’t expect him to drop everything to visit.
"Are you sure you're okay?" As they relaxed on her made bed, he looked at her so earnestly, with a concern Malcolm never managed.
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"I'm shocked, I think. But I'll be okay. I never would have planned it like this, but I'm going to have this baby on my own."
"I know how much you love your independence, but you don't have to do this by yourself." He placed a comforting hand on her stomach. He'd never felt more protective of her.
"I don't want to tell him. My family will help if I need them."
"Your family lives in Henford. Malcolm should know you're having his kid. I know he's an ass, but what if he steps up?"
"I don't want him to."
"Heather, it's his kid. He has a right to know."
"You tell him, then."
He frowned. "You're too stubborn."
"Excuse me? Malcolm and I haven't spoken in weeks and I. Don't. Need. Him."
"This is just like the night we kissed on Spooky Day. I asked you if you wanted be with me, and you chose your friendships with me and Spencer instead of us. You thought you were doing the right thing then, too, but you just put up walls up when you don't need to."
Heather blinked. "Everett, what are you saying?"
"I'm saying sometimes I think about what if you had said yes."
He leaned in to kiss her as the moment overtook them. His hand caressed her small stomach. But just like when they were teenagers, Heather pulled back. "We can't do this, Everett. You have Spencer and Greyson waiting for you in Oasis Springs."
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He looked away with guilt in his eyes. "I'm a phone call away whenever you need me. I mean that."
(NOTE: These two autonomously flirted and kissed and I had to stop them from autonomously woohooing. 😱 None of the above was part of my plans! I invited Everett to come over and I'm the reason for their little pink romance bar that's lasted since high school, but they went too far even for me!)
"No one can help me with my biggest problem." Heather sighed. "Having Malcolm Landgraab's child could ruin my entire future. But I won't let Malcolm or Nancy or anyone else stop me with my clinic, and if, by some chance, Malcolm wants anything to do with me or this kid, I won't let him stand in our way."
"I believe you. You can do anything you set your mind to. But raising kids is really, really hard, and you should want a village as large as you can have surrounding you."
Heather laughed pitifully to herself. "The first thing I thought about when I saw the positive pregnancy test wasn't how I might succeed as a single mother, owning my own business with a half-baked vet tech on my roster. My first thought was of Mortimer Goth’s tale of cursed Landgraabs."
"There's no such thing as curses." Everett laughed her off.
"Curse or not, and I'm skeptical, this is Nancy Landgraab's grandchild." She looked anxiously down at her stomach. "Even if I can eventually find a way to extricate my clinic from Landgraab control, I'll never be rid of her."
"Is she the reason you're thinking of not telling Malcolm?"
Everett knew her well, and she looked away from his judgment. "You shouldn't be away from your wife and son too long," she said.
"Any time you need me. I mean it, I'll be here," he said before he walked out the door, leaving Heather to get used to her new future.
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Everett left to return to Oasis Springs, but he was flying out of the San Myshuno Airport, and he couldn’t stop himself from paying a visit to Malcolm before his flight. He confronted him in a boardroom at Simlandia National, the news channel where he served as a reporter.
"You're abandoning Heather when she needs you the most."
"What the hell are you talking about? We broke up."
"She's pregnant. With your kid. And she doesn't want to tell you."
Malcolm recoiled from the news. "So why are you telling me? She's always been in love with you. How do I know it's not yours?"
"You wish it was mine because you're afraid of facing fatherhood."
"I'll bet you wish it was yours, too," Malcolm hissed. "You always kept Heather at arm's length even though you chose Spencer, instead. You don't think it's obvious to anyone who looks at you that you regret it?"
Everett clenched his hands into fists but kept his arms at his sides. He suddenly second-guessed his compulsion to come and backed away. "You're going to be a father whether either of you like it or not. Now you know, you can't blame Heather for trying to keep you in the dark. What you do now is on you."
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He left bitterly before the two men came to blows, leaving Malcolm contemplating what he’d learned, and Everett searching feelings of his own. ->
<- Previous Chapter | Gen 2 Start | Gen 1 Summary | Gen 1 Start
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buttercup-fluffalove · 10 months
note from the buttermom: thank you thank you thank you to everyone who posted comments sending good wishes to buttercup. here's an update on everyone's favorite floofy baby:
on wednesday buttercup seemed a little aloof, hanging out on her favorite chair instead of stalking me like she always does. i was concerned but chalked it up to the fact that i was running around like a crazy person prepping for thanksgiving and wasn't giving her the attention she needed.
then on thursday she was way off. way way off. very lethargic, slinking away when i tried to pet her, drool staining her mouth and discharge around her nose, and her breath was even worse than kitty breath should be. my panic was mounting all day long as i fought not to google her symptoms (because i default to impending-doom-mode). by evening i was beside myself with worry but also worried i was overreacting; finally my husband practically shoved me out the door to take her to the emergency vet, if only so i wouldn't keep him up all night worrying.
initially the vet thought she just had an upper respiratory infection, based on her nasal discharge, drool, and lethargy. however upon her exam they noted the bad breath and that her belly was extremely sensitive - she did her big girl 'leave me alone' growl the moment they touched her. those are both tell-tale signs of an intestinal blockage so they took her back for imaging.
which i could hear her not enjoying from the waiting room. they ultimately had to sedate her to get a proper image and exam done. i got to snuggle her while the drugs kicked in though so that was nice.
when she was calm enough they were able to get some imaging and discovered what they call a "linear foreign body" - eg she had swallowed some string or yarn. (there was also some still stuck in her mouth, wrapped around and under her tongue.) this is exceptionally dangerous because one end can get snagged in the digestive track while the rest of it continues to get pushed through, resulting in the small intestine essentially bunching itself up like a tube sock, and then it can start to shred. when that happens, the only way to repair it is to remove the damaged sections of intestine.
if i hadn't brought her in, she would have died.
she needed surgery immediately.
they gave me a few moments alone with her, during which i sobbed uncontrollably and told how much i love her and that she needed to be brave and strong and come home to me.
then they took her back and sent me home, where i continued to cry and clean up every last inch of the lower level of the house of anything that could possibly be string or string-adjacent. (today i tackle the upper level.)
finally around 4 am they called me with the best possible version of this horrible situation: the string had only gotten as far as her stomach. they were able to remove it from her stomach, esophagus, and mouth, and there was no sign that it had moved into her small intestine so they didn't have to do any further cutting. there may be small remnants passing through, and her pancreas is inflamed which is rather concerning, so she needs to be monitored for a while still.
they'll be keeping her for at least the rest of today (friday), maybe tomorrow too. they need to make sure she's eating again (i'm pretty sure she hadn't eaten in almost 2 days), properly hydrated, and using the litterbox - all of which are signs that her intestines haven't been damaged and are working properly.
i may get a chance to visit her this afternoon, and will post further updates as i know more.
i am so grateful to the staff at the emergency vet hospital - and even more grateful that they were open last night on the holiday, given that every other vet clinic in 100 miles was closed. they were so kind to me as i broke down crying in the office, and were completely in love with buttercup at first sight (who isn't?) and ready to do anything and everything to save her life.
the house is painfully quiet and empty without the magnificent butterbeast prowling the halls. cross your fingers and toe-beans that she'll be able to come home soon and have a speedy recovery, with lots of good drugs to keep her calm and pain-free as she heals. she'll have to wear the angry lamp for a while, but she's going to be okay.
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bloomingrach · 3 months
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Critters & Creatures Legacy Challenge
Generation 1 | Past, Present, Future
Technology has always been your passion, but there is something about the oldest forms of life in the Simiverse that piques your interest. You love all creatures, you swear…well, as long as they are contained to a fossil or viewed under a microscope. You are happiest in a neat, clean environment surrounded by the nicest things life has to offer. It’s up to you if that expands beyond material possessions.
Traits: Genius, Neat, Snob Aspiration: Computer Whiz Career: Tech Guru
Max Logic and Programming skills
Complete Microscope Prints and Fossils collections
Own lots of expensive technology (tv, computer, gaming console, etc.)
Take Sim to community lot once a week for a glass of nectar
Make at least 1 upgrade to 4 different electronics
Generation 2 | Creepy Crawlies
Your parent taught you about the finer things in life, which sparked a passion for art and painting. However, growing up in a household where you were never allowed to make a mess, left you feeling uneasy with anything creepy crawly. So, you set out on a journey to conquer your fears in the great outdoors.
Traits: Loves Outdoors, Creative, Squeamish Aspiration: Outdoor Enthusiast Career: Freelance Digital Artist
Max Herbalism and Painting skills
Complete Insect collection and identify all Outdoor Retreat plants
Meet your partner or spouse while camping in Granite Falls
Vacation in Granite falls a total of three times
One vacation should be with Gen 3 heir as child or teen
Generation 3 | Seeking Sixam
Growing up, you had a strange encounter with an unknown being one night camping in Granite Falls. In fact, the friendly creature saved you from falling into the river after running from a bear. Your grandparents taught you to never overlook unique forms of life, so it becomes your main mission to attain proof that the incident wasn’t just a childhood fantasy. 
Traits: Self-Assured, Geek, Clumsy Aspiration: Nerd Brain Career: Scientist
Max Handiness and Photography skills
Complete Aliens, Space Rocks, & Geodes collections
Reach level 10 of the Scientist Career
Max friendship with an Alien you meet on Sixam & take a selfie with them
Max friendship with Gen 1 grandparent
Generation 4 | Heartbreaker, Pet Lover
Your parent didn’t spend much time at home because they were always preoccupied with creatures of another world. Therefore, relationships and love never came to you naturally. You feel the only loyal beings you can trust to not break your heart are your furry friends, cats and dogs.
Traits: Cat or Dog Lover, Mean, Noncommittal Aspiration: Friend of the Animals & Villainous Valentine Career: Run a Vet Clinic
Max Pet Training and Veterinarian skills
Complete Bird Feathers collection
Date and break up with a Sim you meet running your Vet Clinic
Own at least 5 pets (cats or dogs) throughout your life
Run at least a 4-Star Vet Clinic
Never marry
Generation 5 | Tiny Explorers, Big Adventures
It seems the only similarity you share with your parent is your love for animals. You often escaped the family drama through books and bonding with your tiny pets. In fact, their own adventures inspire you to see what more the world has to offer. Throughout your life you learn that sometimes your emotions can get the better of you, but you are the best friend any Sim (or creature) could ask for.
Traits: Bookworm, Erratic, Loyal Aspiration: Friend of the World Career: Writer-Journalist Branch
Max Charisma and Writing skills
Complete Postcards collection
Own all four different types of small pets
Move out of parent's house before or at start of Young Adult life stage
Live in at least three different worlds throughout life
Max friendship with any partner before starting any romance
Generation 6 | Familiar Friends
Your childhood was filled with stories about many faraway places, but there was always one town that stood out as a little bit more magical. You were always captivated by the tales of people with special powers and mystical floating companions (familiars). In this new place, will you be able to continue fostering your musical talents or will your jokester nature overshadow any other pursuits
Traits: Perfectionist, Cheerful, Goofball Aspiration: Spellcraft & Sorcery or Purveyor of Potions Career: Any career or way to make money
Max Mischief and Violin or Piano skills
Complete Crystals and Magic Artifacts collections
Have one cat or dog familiar (if you own Cats & Dogs)
Have a musical performance in public once a week for at least 3 hours
Learn all spells & potion recipes
Generation 7 | Conservation Queen
You desire for a very different kind of life and world than the one you grew up in. After moving to the beautiful beaches of Sulani, you become increasingly troubled by the harm you see to island ecology and local wildlife. You set out to do everything you can to give back to the place you call home, and along the way you find the waters might just hold some unexpected magic of their own.
Traits: Child of the Islands or Ocean, Ambitious, Vegetarian Aspiration: Freelance Botanist Career: Conservationist- Marine Biologist
Max Gardening and Fitness skills
Complete Buried Treasure and Seashells collections
Reach level 10 of Conservationist career
Live in Sulani: clean up Mua Pel’am, meet a dolphin, watch turtles hatch, go diving in the ocean
Max out friendship with a mermaid
Generation 8 | Farm to Table
Growing up, you were taught about two important things: a sense of community and the interconnectedness of nature. Eventually, you want to find your own community and connect to nature in your own way. You discover the best was to do both things is through a passion for cooking. You can't always enjoy the same food as others, so you want to have a friendly feast for anyone who dines at your table.
Traits: Lactose Intolerant, Foodie, Animal Enthusiast Aspiration: Country Caretaker Career: Garden, farm, and sell homemade food
Max Cooking and Gourmet Cooking skills
Live in Henford-on-Bagley
Unlock all animal treat recipes and make all canning recipes
Always own at least one llama, cow, chicken, and rooster
Complete all Errands for villagers at least one time
Enable Simple Living lot challenge for Young Adult life stage
Generation 9 | Missundaztood Pup
From your taste in music to your head-strong personality, you never felt like you fit in growing up in the quiet world of Henford-on-Bagley. Everything changed after one fateful encounter with a canine-like creature that left you in a situation not easily fixed. It’s up to you to embrace your new life, among others who may finally understand you, or reject the new place you find yourself in.
Traits: Hot-Headed, Music Lover, Active Aspiration: Lone Wolf, Emissary of the Collective or Wildfang Renegade Career: Any career or way to make money
Max Guitar and Fishing Skills
Complete Werewolf Artifacts collection and catch at least 30 different fish
Werewolf activities: Explore the Underground tunnels, reach Apex level on skill tree, max friendship with 2 other werewolves
Go fishing with a friend once a week
Write 3 songs on the guitar
Generation 10 | Romancing Mister Rancher
Having a hot-headed werewolf for a parent had its challenges. You often kept to yourself, filling your time with catching frogs and day-dreaming about a more slow-paced way of life. As you get older your passion for horses leads you to a whole new way of life on the ranch. After making you dreams a reality, you realize you might want to find someone special to share them with.
Traits: Horse Lover, Romantic, Loner Aspiration: Championship Rider Career: Participate in horse competitions and sell nectar
Max Horse Riding and Mixology skills
Always own at least one horse, mini goat, and mini sheep
Marry a Sim with the Rancher trait and Nectar Maker aspiration
Explore the cave at least once a week and do all the jobs on the Community Board at least once
General Rules:
Limit the use of gameplay cheats
Skip the generation for any pack you don’t have
It’s okay to change up the order of the generations
Add in features from other packs to enhance your storyline
It’s okay to use cheats to get a non-occult heir if they have an occult parent.
Expect when specified, any generation can be an occult Sim
Expect when specified, heirs can live in any world
Packs used:
Base Game
Outdoor Retreat
Get to Work
Cats & Dogs
My First Pet Stuff
Realm of Magic
Island Living
Cottage Living
Horse Ranch
->Google Sheets tracker<-
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khronoes · 2 years
useless headcanons about assorted ocs that no one asked for but has been vibrating in my brain for some time:
baram never has anything in her fridge except copious amounts of bottled water. when someone comes over she has to buy food before they get there. when she cooks for herself, she buys groceries fresh and has a knack for buying exactly how much she needs for one meal and no more
cam has continued talking on the phone for an hour without realizing that her phone battery has died. she started on a long story with a friend and hadn't realized that her phone had died during the call and just assumed her friend was engrossed in her tales
jolene has taken multiple stray animals home, before beginning at her vet clinic, nursed them back to health before releasing them back into the wild (she has also had to go to the doctor because of a rabies scare before...was actually cat scratch disease...)
luciana's go to and now ironically favourite drink is an espresso martini. she only started drinking it publicly when her pr team wanted her to date timothee chalamet and were trying to draw similar interests between the two
som has no other symptoms of dyscalculia but for some reason cannot count backwards. his mentor's have guessed that it has something to do with his abilities to "turn back time" and erase memories and this own brain protecting himself from accidentally doing it to himself
nirav has been accused of cheating and got himself a nasty reputation for it when he was in his teens because of his naturally flirtatious and charming attitude. in actuality he thought he was just being nice to two girls who obviously liked him, he has learned since then...
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romcombc · 2 months
Book Review for Hazel and Elijah Find Out
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Having read “Just Fake Married” by Marty Vee, I have a true appreciation for her female protagonists. The personalities they project and the inner turmoil make them such well-rounded and relatable characters. Hazel was no exception in “Hazel and Elijah Find Out.” I feel that this was more established in the prequel, “Hazel and Elijah Don’t Get Caught,” and I will reference the importance of reading it first several times, as it may have an impact on how this story appeals to you.
Being invisible in the small town of Grand Ridge is a life to which Hazel had become accustomed. That was until a gorgeous pair of green eyes turned her world upside down. For one blissful night, the man she had coveted since high school was hers. Fifteen months later, despite seeing Dennis and attempting to move on, Elijah was still the only man she wanted. If it weren’t for his father, Dr. March, they could have had something. Instead, to protect her acquisition of the vet clinic, he skipped town. Holding onto his number, which she had gotten from his friends, she still hadn’t found the courage to contact him. Little did she know, Elijah couldn’t let her go either, and despite the animosity of his so-called hometown, he was willing to face the consequences to see her again. The problem is, was invisibility so bad when all eyes are on you, the legendary bad boy, and the only option left to save your business is a bachelor auction? Thrust into the spotlight, Hazel has to decide if the feelings she had for Elijah are worth the scrutiny she now has to endure or if it was better being the good girl everyone knew and loved.
If it were possible to place “Hazel and Elijah Don’t Get Caught” inside of “Hazel and Elijah Find Out” as a prologue or Part One, I think this would greatly improve the readers’ experience. Otherwise, the book on its own, while enjoyable, may leave some feeling a little disjointed but still entertained. I can’t wait to see what else Marty creates within this series. She has piqued my interest with the possibility of Nora and Brooks, so hopefully, we have more fascinating tales from Grand Ridge coming soon.
Thank you Marty Vee for allowing me a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.
Check out the spoiler-free review in the Facebook Group - The Romantic Comedy Book Club or the full review on the main website: https://romcombc.com/book/hazel-and-elijah-find-out/
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Veterinary story time:
Today, a gentleman walked up to my desk and told me, “Hi, i’m here to pick up Ash.”
I said, “Awesome, I’ll go let them know you’re here.”
I walked in the back and told the vet assistants that Ash’s person was here to pick them up. They gave me a puzzled look and said, “We don’t have an Ash, here.”
I walked back out and asked the gentleman if he was in the right location, so he called his girlfriend and asked her what he was supposed to be doing because he was really just running an errand for her.
I have to help someone else and turn my attention away for a moment.
I turn back just in time to see one of the vet assistants rush out to him with a little while bag that contains a box. she says, “Found them!”
Y’ALL. He was trying to pick up his girlfriend’s dead cat’s ASHES. I nearly joined the cat.
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vekoocare · 7 months
Understanding Common Health Problems in Pets: Veko Care
Having a pet is amazing. But we must be ever vigilant about taking care of their health so that the beautiful bond between humans and animals stays strong. Pet healthcare need not be difficult to access. Veko Care is a pet care company that is compassionate and values honesty and quality before all.
Deeply committed to sustainability, we develop pharmaceutical products for pets that cover all health issues they are likely to face. We strive to improve the quality of animal lives so with Veko Care, you can trust that your companion remains in the pink of your health at all times.
At Veko, animal health care comes first. We are a team of animal lovers and we consider it crucial to understand pet health. Only by having a thorough knowledge of pet health issues and their cure, can we be responsible pet parents. Read on to learn about common health concerns among pets and the steps you can take to keep them at bay.
Digestive problems
Animals can be prone to digestive issues more than we expect. With their inquisitive nature, they can eat something wrong or too fast and run into an upset stomach. 
The best practice is to go for the food brand or natural food suggested by your vet. Remember pet gut needs differ from one another and can be quite unique so be prepared to stray from the one size fit all routine if you have multiple pets.
For supplemental needs, Veko Care offers vitamin and mineral rich products that add value to your pets’ meals. Add some supplements to take care of their bones and heart so that you can prevent diseases before time.
Oral hygiene
Oral health is a crucial aspect of pet wellness. Veterinarians around the world report that their clinics are full with patients with dental diseases. Oral diseases are often hard to detect for pet parents. That’s why prevention is better than cure.
Chewable dental treats offer your pets a delicious solution to having healthy gums and teeth. Avoid gum inflammation, tar buildup and tooth decay with specialized toothpaste and tablets.
Joint issues
Did you know arthritis can strike your pets as they age? When the cartilage between their joints wears down, it gets damaged causing their bones to rub against each other. This results in stiff and painful joints and makes it difficult for your pets’ limb movement. 
Maintain fitness with proper nutrition, feeding practices and exercise. Being vigilant about their food intake can increase life expectancy. There are dietary supplements that have shown remarkable effects over time in animal bone health to improve mobility and reduce inflammation.
Anxiety and stress
Mental strain can affect your companion’s physical health and lead to ailments just like a human child. Make sure that your animals are in a comfortable environment. Reduce loud noises, changes in environments and separation because these can increase stress levels and cause behavioural changes. Hiding, bathroom accidents, withdrawal, aggression and destructive behaviour are common symptoms of stress. 
Health issues like decrease in appetite, diarrhoea, vomiting can arise due to stress and anxiety. Calming sprays and oral ingestions can help pets calm down and create a peaceful environment at home. 
Skin allergies
Skin allergies are quite common in pets and they can arise due to a number of stimulators. Allergens like environmental pollutants, fleas, parasites and food allergies can be the culprit. Be careful of their grooming patterns. Excessive itching or licking, bumps, redness and skin irritation are the tell tale signs of a skin allergy.
Your pets should be treated with spot ons, ear drops and deworming medicines periodically. In addition, grooming and skin care with Veko Care’s range of shampoos, hypoallergenic conditioners and flea prevention medicated liquids gives your pet the extra protection they need to combat skin issues, soothe their sensitive skin and get relief.
Health is wealth
Being proactive and staying on your toes can be difficult but it is sure to avert much future worry, regret and expenditure. Veko Care is a trusted animal pharmaceutical company whose products are tailored to address common pet health issues. From equine paste medicine to cattle nutrient supplements and aquaculture specialty products, we cover all your pet needs. Veko Care is the pet product manufacturer you can rely on for your animal companion’s comfort and happiness. Choose the best for your pet!
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annafdd · 1 year
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This is Picci, my parents’ cat. She technically belonged to our neighbour, but they were of the school of thought that cats can fend for themselves and so she tended to sit quietly outside the French windows of my parents’ house, looking inside with the kind of face one associates with the worst Hans Christian Andersen tales. Ok, partly she did that because I encouraged her, as in, I fed her.
One winter day we were inside, it was snowing, and the little black cat was outside the door, waiting very politely. Despite my parents’ displeasure, I took a sturdy cardboard box, taped it shut, cut a small entrance to one side away from the wind, and put an old dressing gown in it. It was dry and it was against the house so not too bad, especially for an outdoor cat.
We were still in the very early stages of “The stray cat will not” back then.
The stray cat will not be fed.
The stray cat will be fed, but outside.
The stray cat will only be allowed inside briefly,
The stray cat will be allowed inside but only on the ground floor.
The stray cat will be allowed to roam the house but will be put out at night.
The stray cat will be put out at night, except when it’s too cold.
The stray cat will be let out if she wants but if she doesn’t turn up by the time we go to bed she will stay out.
Somebody will have to stay up to let the stray cat in.
Somebody will have to walk outside calling “Gatta! Momo!” and waving treats.
The stray cat is not ours and we cannot take her to the vet without her owners’ permission.
The stray cat has given birth to five perfectly black mini-me kittens in our garden.
It should be tactfully suggested to the owner, via a third person not feuding with them, that the stray cat should be fixed.
It is a good thing the cat has been fixed, even if the neighbours have taken it to the municipal vet clinic to be spayed as a stray, and has now a notch in her ear.
This means that the stray cat has officially been disowned by the neighbours and the next time she needs the vet we can take her.
The stray cat is called Picci, and sleeps between my dad and my mom, but loves sleeping over my mom on the couch during afternoon naps.
The cat Picci is a mighty hunter, and eats all of her catches, apart from a few stray feathers or tail.
The cat Picci will do anything for treats.
The cat Picci has trained my parents to give her treats every time they want her to go outside.
How old is Picci? She was there before I moved to London.
Picci is about twenty years old.
Picci doesn’t go out much, but still plays if you throw a scrunched up candy wrapper at her.
Picci is probably a bit deaf.
Picci struggles with the stairs.
Picci thinks that the scale in the bathroom is an alternative litter box.
Picci has started pooing randomly through the house.
The vet suggests gently that it is time for Picci to go to the great heated blanket in the sky.
Picci answered the call of Mandos yesterday.
She is waiting for us.
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creampuffqueen · 2 years
vet clinic tales of the day
watched a cat get an enema which was cool. he hasn’t pooped in fifteen days. cat owners, maybe talk to the vet before your cat goes two whole weeks without pooping? just a thought
the whole experience was very grossly satisfying. i kept hoping they’d have me put on gloves and feel but alas no. just watching
also had a major embarrassing brain fart. tech asked me to bring over a fluid pump and i straight up went to two different, incorrect locations and (obviously) couldn’t find the fluid pump. tbh i’d forgotten what a fluid pump was until another tech showed me. felt very stupid and almost cried from embarrassed laughter
and then i literally did nothing else interesting for the rest of the four hours i was there
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datlokibumtho · 2 years
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I can safely say, without fear of contradiction, that whoever made this particular sign...
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Is unfamiliar with Fullmetal Alchemist.
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calliedotjpg · 8 years
Daily Salt
Ok so I live in a small town in the South, and it’s not quite as bad as some other ones, but the ignorance of pet owners around here and the blatant refusal to look at anything but their own colons is horrifying.  There was a bbm that came into my granddad’s vet clinic with maggots in a hole in its neck (thanks 80 degree February) because it got in a fight with another dog and the owners just thought it would heal on its own.  Another one came in to get pills to make his pitbull’s hair grow back (the thing has chronic demodectic mange that is really not gonna go away) and wouldn’t listen to the fact that there is no pill for that but we can give him something to help secondary infection.  While he was leaving a man came in with the second most nervous Doberman I’d ever seen on an extendable leash.  Mange guy then grabs nervous Dobe’s head and stares him in the eyes and squishing his ears down.  Dobe lunges barking and the man’s face, and Dobe owner says “yea he’s not a big fan of strange men”.  Then this dog is just fine around my granddad (he was a first time client that had just moved in from out of state) and I wanted to scream.  
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