#talk to y’all again soon <333
goldenhypen · 1 year
i should rlly return soon huh 😕
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cupcakeinat0r · 4 months
Your loser, Middle-aged Genetics professor with a dadbod <3
pt. 7
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A/n: Hey y’all! Just a quick apology for such a long wait for an update, just came back from a relaxing vacay!! But as soon as I got off the plane back home, I started writing cuz the creative juices were juicinggg <3 Anyways, enjoy <333 Hopefully this serves as a good apology ;)
4 exams down, 3 more to go. The finish line of the semester was so close yet so far. Not gonna lie, your sanity was hanging on by a rope, your strongest and only support system being one person. He was the most sweetest, smartest, and respectful person you have ever had the blessing of meeting. It may not have been in the most conventional (or convenient) of ways, but still, it couldn’t have felt more like the storybook that you wanted and dreamed your life would be. Amidst your academic tribulations, he made you feel like royalty.
Even now, as you wait in the library and your phone goes off with a notification from Miguel, whom you had referred to as ‘Professor O’Hara’ only just a few months ago, you are still in dreamland with the fact that you were—
Well, at this point, you two haven’t quite fleshed out the label of y’all’s relationship just yet, but for now, you tell yourself that you two are talking. So yes, even now, you truly can’t believe that you are talking with your adorable professor.
You mentally take note that this will be a conversation that you two will have to have in the near future.
Your attention is now on your phone, reading a message under the contact name ‘Mig 🤓’.
“We ended earlier than planned. Headed over there now❤️”
You smile at the message, already typing a response up.
The night he told you about his late daughter was almost a week ago, and since then, y’all have set aside a day to go to the public library. You both agreed that it was nice, quality time, and wanted to do something like that again; just talking, being with each other, and forget about school for a while. Plus, exams have sort of kept yall apart for the past week, so it was very much needed.
Now you wait at the library where you and Miguel agreed to meet at after he finishes a recitation he had to substitute for.
‘ “Ended earlier than planned” ??? You’re not slick, DID YOU END CLASS EARLIER TO COME HERE???’
‘No, of course not, I would never do that.’
‘But maybe.’
‘Uhuh... See you soon <3’
‘See you soon, mamita ❤️😘.’
With a content hum, you put down your phone and turn your face toward the quiet buzz of people reading, chatting over coffee, and studying. Even though it's been months since knowing Miguel, you still feel jitters when about to see him. You can't help it. Everything about him makes you nervous in the best possible way. From how his smile lines crease, how that one little curl falls on his face, how he always speaks to you with a slight pout, the way his sweater vests hug around his full chest and soft tummy, all the way to how he looks at you like you’re his muse. You couldn't stop smiling just thinking about him. And to think, everyone in class just thought he was a total killjoy; backs straighten and all conversations cease when he enters the room. If only they knew the real him, but a part of you is glad you're the only one to see it.
Just a couple of blocks down, Miguel is gathering his things, excited to meet up with you. As he sharply nods to the last few students leaving the room, wishing them a good Summer break and luck on their finals, his expression becomes soft as he thinks of you. Quickly, once he has the room to himself, he takes a minute to put on one or two sprays of his best cologne, fix his hair, and remove his tie. He knew how much you liked it when he wore his button-ups like this; a few left unopened at the top. He felt ridiculous, but you always commented on it, and it would make Miguel feel good.
That was another thing; since seeing you, Miguel's confidence has so much improved. He did, however, take a glance over at his cardigan that hung on the back of his swivel chair and contemplated wearing it. It used to be his safety net; an effort to try and hide his soft figure, but that was old Miguel. New Miguel wanted to impress you and, even though he’d never admit it, would try to get the most compliments out of you. Despite feeling like he let himself go, you made him feel like he was a total knock-out, which never failed to make his cheeks grow darker, and he plans to return the favor for however long you’ll have him.
Miguel arrives, scanning the enormous room for you, a bright, colorful speck among the sea of dark-colored apparel. You wore an outfit he had bought you during the semester. He’s indifferent when looking for you, but when he spots you, his lips curled just slightly, the crows feet of his face creasing. He glides across the room, but any faster, he’d be running. He tries to act collected, but you both know he’s ecstatic to see you.
"Hey mama," He stands before you, holding out your hands as if to exhibit an art piece, "You look beautiful today, as always”. His eyes graze over every single inch of you, up and down. There’s something sexy about seeing you in something he bought you, even if it wasn’t all that exposing. You go in for a hug, acting as if you haven’t seen him in weeks (You both see each other in the hallways like every day, y'all just haven't been able to be with each other in a minute).
You smile against his broad chest, "Thanks, cutie, and you look handsome, as per usual.” You give his thick torso a soft run down with your hands. Miguel looks around bashfully, even though no one is paying attention. Physical touch came easy for him when you two were alone, but in public? That’s another story.
You look up to see his wandering eyes fall back on you. “I’ve missed you,” you shift all your weight onto him, holding onto his waist like a koala bear on a tree. You get on your tip toes to reach his cheek, pressing a kiss there, “mwah! so much.” The simple gesture was enough to turn Miguel into a mess. It takes everything in him not to completely smother you out in the open, but would rather save that for when there’s privacy.
Miguel holds you as if you were a porcelain doll. Something rose in his chest, call it pride; Proud to show off the gorgeous woman in his arms. "I missed you more." He says softly.
"So? How was the class?" you hold onto his hand while looking for a place to live in for the afternoon.
Miguel looks as well and spots a vacant, quiet little corner of the library, one that sits almost separate from the rest of the crowd. He gives your hand a small tug, motioning for it. "It was actually quite nice. The students were pretty engaged for it being an 8AM... I dunno, I might pick it up next semester." He sets his bag down before grabbing you a chair for you to sit on, as well as a cushion for you to lay your back on. He grabs a stool for himself once he sees you're comfortable and sat.
You give his forearm a caress, a small act of encouragement, "Well, I think you should. You're so good at what you do. Trust me, I should know." you give him a smirk, making him crack a smile.
"Which reminds me, you feel good for tomorrow? 'cuz if you're needing review for anything, we could go over it right now-" You place a hand on his arm, "Mig! I'm fine! I feel completely fine. Besides, I've tutored over a dozen people, I pretty much know the material like the back of my hand. Please, relax, you need it."
Miguel sits back now, "But if you change your mind, you'll let me know, right?" You nod, and Miguel relaxes at last. He sees the book you pull out and reads the spine of it. Wuthering Heights. It’s one of Miguel’s personal faves. He looks forward to seeing your small reactions once you get toward the end. It was endearing the way you reacted to what you read, let it be a faint widening of your eyes or a small gasp. He also loved watching your concentrated face. He thinks back to all those lectures he spent watching you take your color-coordinated notes in his class, your glossed lips pursed and your eyebrows faintly knitted. It never went unnoticed by him. Adorable.
You do a double-take at Miguel's choice of book, not believing what you read the first time. "Jane Austen?" "…Yes?" "You like Jane Austen?" "Yes. " Miguel says this so matter-of-factly, it leaves you kind of in shock. It was a cute surprise. Smiling, you let a puff of air out your nose, shaking your head as you open your book. “What’s so funny?” Miguel smiles, wanting know what you’re thinking now.
“Ugh, I-“, You almost let a certain 3-word phrase slip from your lips, but you stop yourself. “ I… just wasn’t expecting that, is all. Have you read ‘pride and prejudice’?”
“Yeah, loved it. It’s why I’m reading this one.” He looks down at the cover, which, in intricate letters, reads sense and sensibility. Your smile is even wider now that you know the man of your dreams is a fellow Jane Austen fan. “Me, too. Let me know what you think, then.” You softly say, starting on your book. “Of course. By the way, anyone ever taught you not to judge a book by its cover?” You roll your eyes and nudge him, making him chuckle in his throat. Although Miguel’s humor wasn’t exactly the most original, his sass takes the cake, and you love it. Feeling romantic, Miguel leans over and kisses your cheek once, twice, then gently brings your lips to his by your chin to plant a third kiss.
After finally quenching his need for your kisses, he settles in his spot and reaches for your hand, which you grab instinctively. Like always, his thumb caresses across your knuckles, and you both fall into a peaceful silence, transporting to your individual worlds within your books.
The time in the library is nothing short of peaceful and fun. The first while of reading, Miguel would get up to use the restroom, but on his way back, he would’ve gotten you a cup of coffee for you and himself. A little later, you’d get up as well, but not for the restroom, but to grab him a treat, as well as for yourself. His eyes widen in pleasant surprise when he sees you walk back with them in your hands. He always did have a sweet tooth.
For the rest of the time, you’ll reach over occasionally to push his glasses back up his nose, or sometimes, without looking up from his book, he’ll simply pull your hand up to his lips, and press a butterfly kiss there, the faint smack of the peck making your heart skip a beat. And he doesn’t just do it once, he has to do this every so often because he just can’t resist; the man needs to feel you like as if you’ll disappear out of nowhere.
And you don’t notice, but every now and then, Miguel looks over at you, just admiring. He watches how your eyes inch deeper into the pages as you soak in the language. He can stay like this forever. Reading books with you while you hold hands. For a second, he feels the bottom of his stomach drop because he knows the day will have to end, and he’ll have to go back to class tomorrow, as do you. Sure, you’ll both be in the classroom, but you’ll have to pretend. Miguel was growing tired of the game. He then thinks about how near Summer is, and if he’ll see you then. Not as your professor, but as someone who deeply cares about you.
He’s already making plans on the possible trips you two could make. Maybe spend two weeks in Italy, or maybe just simple weekend roadtrips to nearby, quaint towns. He’s thinking about taking you to only the nicest, fanciest places in Nueva York.
Guiltily, his mind wanders into trips to the bedroom. How he’d love to take care of you and make sure you felt loved. Above all, your pleasure would be his. Oh, how he’d worship you like the goddess you were because dammit, you are one, and to this day, he’s still unsure how he scored you. How he, the intimidating, quiet giant, won an ethereal princess like you. He sort of smiled to himself as he realized:
Gabriella’s favorite bedtime story was becoming his life right before his eyes.
And like many times before, Miguel’s mind wanders even more. He’s thinking of the wedding, the honeymoon and the endless amount of rounds, the baby shower… having a kid with you. He’s fully aware of how crazy it is to think about it so soon, but at the same time, it feels so right. With you, it does.
Your caring, attentive nature, sweetness, cleverness, patience, and drive, they were all qualities of someone he wouldn’t mind spending the rest of his life with. Your desire to better yourself and hunger for knowledge is evident in your work for your masters. Your softness that had so remarkably torn down his walls. And of course, there was your unmistakable beauty, but that’s just a bonus!
As he continues to watch you read, your hand lovingly locked with his, he realizes his feelings are no longer casual, no. Miguel’s breath hitches when a realization dawns on him. Rather than a ton of bricks, it feels like a weight lifted off his stiffened shoulders.
He looks at you, and he feels what could only be described as true, total, and complete love.
“‘Scuse me, sir.” Miguel snaps toward the low voice, “Library’s closing in 10 minutes.”
These hushed words sweep your attention from the book in your hands, your face falling in small dismay. You both look at each other, Miguel giving you a shrug that conveys ‘it is what it is’.
“Aw man, I got so caught up in reading, I feel like we didn’t get to talk as much as I wanted to.” Miguel is gathering both of yalls things, leaving your hand for last. You grab his, and you both begin to head out, the swarm of people that was here before gone. “We can still talk if you’d like. We can go to my office?” You nod gingerly.
“Then c’mon, let’s go.” Without asking, he grabs your bag from you and slings his and yours onto his shoulder, and you both leave hand in hand.
After braving the storm that seemed to come out of nowhere outside, Miguel lets you into his office first, closing the door behind you two. The campus was dimly lit, only housing a few students who were doing some late-night studying. Hopefully, no one saw you two shuffling toward his classroom.
You look around his office, and for the first time, if feels new. It’s somewhat dark, the storm outside supplying the only light in the room. You’ve been in here countless of times, helping Miguel out with class work or tutoring, so it shouldn’t feel any different, yet, it does. Maybe it’s because every time you’re in here, you’ve never got the chance to really look at it. You’re always in and out. And if y’all weren’t in here, you were sitting in the lecture hall just outside the office door. Now that the fluorescent lights are off, you realize just how clinical they made it feel in here.
Miguel observes how you look along his walls where a multitude of diplomas hang. He thinks about saying something, but doesn’t want to interrupt; instead, he allows you to examine his space, finding it charming. It’s like he’s letting you in on his life. He pretends to busy himself with something else, leaving you to explore. Which is fine, really. You two have fallen into many comfortable silences before.
Then you move onto his shelf, filled with nothing but books and maybe one picture frame, but you’re not sure. It’s laid flat on the shelf. You go away from it for a second, going back to the spines, reading them off in your head. Some DNA encyclopedias, anatomy studies, Genetic Theory… ah, here we go. Leroux, Fitzgerald, Verne… is that Shelley? Atwood? Woolf? Plath?! Then, of course, there’s Beauty and The Beast. You pause there for a second, remembering Miguel’s most cherished memories that are tied to this story. Some more Jane Austen… oh, and look, Wuthering Heights!
“You’re more than welcome to take any of those. What’s mine is yours.” He sits on the couch that sits along the wall of his office, laying back with his arm laid across the frame of it. You pull out Wuthering Heights and walk towards him, “What’d you think of this one?” You go to take a seat next to him, nuzzling against his side, your head at its assigned spot on his shoulder. “Nice try, sweetie, but don’t wanna spoil it. Though I will say, it’s really good.” his face brightens along with yours, “I think you’ll like it. Brace yourself for the ending, though.” His arm wraps around you now, his thumb making small circles on your shoulder like he usually does.
“How about Miss Austen?” You put the book on a small table beside the couch. Miguel thinks about it for a second. “She’s got this sort of sarcastic wit that I can really get behind. But in all seriousness, her social commentary is brilliant. Still applies to this day, in some ways. And her style, wow…” You can see Miguel get lost in his thoughts, his emotions having their rare time in the limelight as he proceeds to list off Jane Austen’s wonderful writing attributes. It felt so good to see him like this. To be able to get him talking like this was a big win in your book.
“…Just overall, I’m a total fan now.” He nods, looking over at your dazzling eyes. “No, no, keep going.” You urge him, overcome with adoration. Miguel smiles at the floor, shaking his head. “I can listen to you talk allll day, honestly.” He looks off into the office still smiling bashfully, away from your revering gaze. “D’aw, don’t be so shy, I love listening to your voice. It’s so soothing, Mig.”
“You’re… stealing my lines.” A chuckle rumbles in his chest while you taunt him with a giggle of your own. In an effort to quiet you and from flustering him further, he envelopes you with his arms, you reaching for his neck simultaneously, and you both meet in the middle with a kiss so sweet, it could develop diabetes. With your lips locked, he grabs your thigh and swings it over his hips, his soft stomach taut against yours. You both smile against each other’s lips, soft laughs in tune with the rain that hits against walls outside.
Sooner than later, Miguel’s small chuckles turn into soft groans, his breath becoming labored. His hands venture up under your top, fingers ghosting the skin above the waistband of your skirt. You taste of… cherry lip gloss. His favorite taste, and in the past couple of weeks, he’s grown addicted to it. As a matter of fact, he’s become so addicted that he tends to bite and pull at your bottom lip, a gesture that never failed to leave you weak in the knees.
The hungry tug of your lip evoked a small whine from your throat, unleashing something in Miguel. Carefully, he laid you on the couch, your bodies entangling in languid unison with your tongues. The feeling of all of Miguel’s weight on you set a flame off within you, his length pressing along your dampened heat each time he dug his hips. You wanted it, and bad. Needed it like your life depended on it, but your conscious was screaming at the back of your mind, and you couldn’t ignore it.
“M-mig, w-wait.” You manage to breathe out, the heart between your legs unable to agree with the brain in your head. You hated stopping where things were headed, but you had reason.
Miguel’s head shot up from your neck where it was planting hickies on. “Are you okay? You wanna stop?” He’s already sitting up, removing himself from your legs, “Mama, I’m so sorry, I should’ve asked, want me to take you home? If you want to, I can take you-“ Miguel was so worried, he’d rather die than you feel taken advantage of. “Miguel! It’s okay, I’m fine!” You reassure him softly, sitting up as well to keep him seated. “Trust me, I wanted this, too. It’s not you at all. I just…” you grab his hand, thinking of your next words. Your shoulders droop from what you’re about to say. Miguel looks at you with a soft expression, ready to be here for you in any way.
“Look, we both know we shouldn’t even be here, and not just in this office, I mean being together period. And what worries me the most is not even the fact that we could get caught, but the possibility that maybe you’ll…” Miguel motions for eye contact when he sees you retreating to the floor. “Mamita, tell me, please. Dime que quieres. Nothing you say can upset me or change the way I think of you. Nothing.”
“I just don’t want you to think that I’m only in this for the wrong reasons.” Miguel’s brows furrow in confusion. How could he possibly think you’re using him? “Sweetie, why would I…” And it clicked just as fast as he began speaking. Miguel seemed to be going deep into thought. You were scared that maybe you had said something wrong.
“Miguel, please understand that I care about you so so so much, and because I do, I don’t want us to be intimate with each other until the school year is completely over.” You’d thought things through since becoming romantic with Miguel, and the thought that If y’all had sex, there would’ve been the risks of people finding out, you losing your eligibility for a degree that you were three exams away from obtaining, or worse, Miguel losing his job as professor and probably being blacklisted for the rest of his life. A very small part of it was also that you didn’t want your score on his exam to be affected in any which way. If you happen to not do well on the exam, you wanted the grade you deserved. There was simply too many downsides.
He looks back up at you, not a trace of judgment nor anger on his face. “Mama, you don’t have to explain yourself. The ball is in your field. Whatever you want or need, I’m right there with you. Don’t ever feel bad for what you want, okay?” Your lips curl in relief, and you nod slowly. He brings his hand to your face, allowing you to lean into his touch. “And to be honest, I couldn’t agree more. But even after classes end, even then our speed is still up to you. I’m not ready to take things further until you are.”
How lucky am I to have someone like him? I’m not entirely sure who’s up there or who to thank exactly, but oh my goodness, thank you for giving me this perfect man sitting before me.
“You mean it? I mean, you’re not disappointed or anything?” Miguel shakes his head. “Not even for a second.” Filled with joy, and almost knocking him over, you embrace him.
“We could just stay in here and chat. Would you like that?” He speaks softly against your hair. “I would love that.”
Miguel and you lay on the couch (which fits you just fine, but Miguel’s feet were borderline hanging off the end), Miguel the big spoon, and you the little one. Your head lays against the decorative pillow while he props his on his hand.
You nestled against his frame, feeling the steady rise and fall of his tummy against your back. His arm encircled your waist, holding you securely against him as you melted into each other's warmth. "Are you comfortable?" he asked softly, his voice filled with concern. "Mhm, more than comfortable," you replied with a contented sigh."You make a pretty good body heater," you teased. He chuckled, the sound rumbling deep in his chest. "Glad I could be of service, Princesa.” He plants a sustained kiss to your temple.
Your gaze falls softly on the wall across from you, your eyes traveling along the diplomas, “Did you always wanted to be a teacher?”
“Well, when I was little, I did. I loved science and there was this one teacher I had… she was the best. Wanted to be just like her. But…” Miguel breathes out. You can feel his stomach tense up against your back, prompting you to turn your head towards him. “Y’know… um… I didn’t always teach.”
Miguel would go on to tell you how the past five years has looked for him. He began with a rather heavy start; a freak accident in his work as a geneticist, a job much more lucrative than a professor. He’d then recount his days as a hero, proceeding to show you his long-retired claws. You listened intently, with an open mind, following along to his story of how he got involved with the multiverse, and what that term entails. He explained how the world was connected to other worlds; a prodigious tree of universes. It was how he lost his daughter. He revealed the tragic story to you finally, after withholding it that first night he told you about her in the school library. He recollected a few more memories that would eventually lead to his decision to hang up his hat as Spider-Man, finding refuge in becoming a science professor; an old dream he had abandoned so many years ago.
“And since then, I’ve been… okay. Better than before, for sure. I’m satisfied here, truly.” You sat there, processing everything he had shared with you. “I know that was a lot, you don’t have to say anything. I’m just glad that I could share this with you.” You nod, trying to think of what to say because silence just wouldn’t suffice, not for you. “I…” you began, your voice low and soft, “But are you happy?”
Miguel is taken aback by the question. Even after everything he’s said…the man just got done telling you he has fangs and red irises and that he traveled across dimensions for a living, and this is your first question? If he’s happy? He told you a story that could possibly have the fbi sent to his door with just one call, but you’re more interested in his wellbeing? He couldn’t believe it. He couldn’t believe you.
Miguel lets out a sharp breath; a chuckle, as his eyes narrow at you. “You’re unreal, you know that?” Your lips reflect his small smile, “What?! I wanna know, after everything… are you happy?” You repeat the question with utmost genuineness in your tone.
With the answer as obvious to him as the formulas he taught in his class, Miguel simply leans in, hand on the back of your head, and kisses you, then pulling back by just an inch, he speaks softly,
“Now that you’re here, I am.”
A/n: I hope y’all enjoyed it <3 Shoutout to @pomakori for sending this photo in, I absolutely loved it and had to include it in this chapter cuz it’s so them coded !!!
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(Like ❓❓ this is so them‼️ n u can’t change my mind‼️)
Thank you so much for reading <3 I’m a lil worried about how long it might be, so sorry if I yapped too much on this one 🫶 I just love n care abt him sm, ur honor🥹
Want some more Dadbod!Miguel? Here’s my master list, bae!
@safixiovi @mukeovernetflix @mochikisses @miguels-cock-piercings @miranexx @bunnibitez @deepdiveintothedeephive @faretheeoscar @sillygardeneggperson @librababe99 @sariespi i @little-lovelace @monstersimp @oharasfilipinawife @obi-mom-kenobi @hyjionie @maomaimao @pinkhelados @mochimoqa @princesatracionera @queerponcho @walmaerts @froggygal @yaysposts @koko-1025 @kikaaauu @lauraolar14 @anotherprettyprincess @kaidxra @farrowroyale @pigeonmama @exactlyyoungchaos @fayeofthenightingale @s4dow @safixiovi
@hartsucks @amberbalcom14 @wait2nourh @tatooieve @helen-j-magnus @cl3stevu
@mintssanctuary @ghost-lantern @snails-doodles22 @tinythebunni
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in-every-reality · 3 months
Tyler Hernandez Dating HCs
Got into SBG, been hyperfixated on it for months now - in love with Tyler Hernandez, so enjoy!
Getting together:
He probably would known you’re dropping hints, but never does anything about it because he doesn’t want to risk your friendship if he’s misreading
He gives some hints of his own, but you’re either oblivious or just straight up scared to do something about it
Taylor definitely knows, she’s his day 1 wingwoman (though he won’t let her actually do anything to help)
They absolutely just sit in the living room sometimes while he grumbles about “she’s so pretty it’s not fairrr 😓” and Taylor’s trying to help but she’s kind of just sitting there like “okay but are you going to do something about it orrr 😐”
Don’t get me wrong, she loves him but she’s PRAYING DAILY that y’all would just get together already so she can have some peace
Anyway I feel like he confessed first; either the stress of the phantom realm made him feel the need to get it off his chest, or you two were left alone one time and it just came out.
He def didn’t believe it when you felt the same at first
Once it registered he sat there for a while like “okay. Cool. Cool. …cool. glad that’s settled.” (He’s internally freaking out)
Cuddles. All the time
The moment you get some time alone he NEEDS to be holding you
I imagine he has kind of a sleeper build — he’s a student athlete so he’d probably have pretty strong arms (meaning he is not letting you get up anytime soon)
Speaking of affection
The first time he kissed you his knees went WEAK. He straight up stumbled for a second because he just melted.
He’s not THAT jealous, he’s pretty secure in your relationship
Having said that, he doesn’t hesitate to come straight to your side if other guys (or girls if you go both ways) try talking to you
He’s not rude about it or anything, unless they’re being pushy or weird
Speaking of being weird
If anybody (especially Barron’s group) start talking about you with disrespect?
He’s fighting them and winning.
Genuinely does not care about the consequences. He will ROCK anybody who bullies, harasses, shit talks, anything to you
If it bothers you for him to get in trouble/danger bc of you, he tries to let it go
He’s really protective of you in the phantom realm—he knows you can handle yourself, but you shouldn’t have to 😓
And if something like his or Aiden’s accident happens to you? DISTRAUGHT. Enraged. Inconsolable. Literally nobody can go near him (except maybe Taylor) until you’re alive and safe again.
On a happier note, he’s gradually gotten more into social medias and stuff as the group has influenced him more, so you can sometimes convince him to do cute couple trends :)
That’s all for now <333 love him
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hatchetsfield-arch · 4 months
y’all the SWEETEST thing happened and i gotta share.
so there’s a nearby lil park that i go to in order to swing on the swingset and listen to music and vibe. the other day a woman came with a toddler. she seemed hesitant so i slowed down on my swing and smiled at them, and she smiled and they came over. the little girl kept looking at me and smiling and i did the same <3
fast forward, i’m at the park again, and i see them heading over - this time with a couple more people. so i again slow down my swing and smile at them, and they smile and the grandmother comes over and helps the toddler into the swing. the grandmother starts talking to me with her daughter beside her, and as i’m chatting with her she says “i’m sorry i’m not great at english,” and i immediately assured her, “hey, english is hard! i mean i’m not great at it and it’s my first language,” and both she and her daughter laughed and smiled, and the daughter then joined in the conversation <3 we talked about school and i asked how they like it here, and she shared more about her family and her country and things like that!
so i have a beetlejuice loungefly bag that the toddler liked (i don’t know her name yet, hopefully i’ll get to learn their names soon!!) and she was pointing at it and me and cooing at her grandmother, and her grandmother turned to me with this big warm smile and says; “she’s saying akka, she’s calling you big sister” which just 🥺🥹 it meant a lot to me, and it seemed to mean a lot to the grandmother too!
and when they getting ready to leave, the grandma said the granddaughter likes the bag and was sad it was ‘wrong way’ (i had it facing away) and so i picked it up and set it on my lap turned around so she could see it. her granddaughter was pointing and cooing and her grandma translated — saying she wanted the bag to swing in the swing she was just in, so i got up and put my bag in the swing and started pushing it and they smiled. the grandma asked “happy?” and the lil girl grinned and went “happy!”
the grandmother then said her granddaughter was saying wanted me to swing too - and so i got in the other swing and started swinging alongside the beetlejuice bag, making silly faces at her to make her smile, and the grandmother was watching with this big grin.
before leaving, her granddaughter was pointing at the bag again and her grandmother went “akka bag, yeah it’s akka’s bag,” <3 and as they were leaving to head home, the grandmother was carrying her, and her granddaughter smiled and waved at me over her shoulder the whole time they were walking.
it was such a sweet and wonderful experience!! one that i’ll always cherish — hopefully i’ll get to see them again soon <333
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itoshi-s · 2 years
AYOOOO those rin screenshotss were so worth the wait EHEEE !!! >:) and omg AM SORRY for just barging into ur askbox unannounced, I saw the tweet and got too excited LMFAOOO but ive been reading ur fics and posts these past few days so feel like I gotta come say hi properly <3 
first of all, ur writing is fucking impeccable. you always nail their personalities to a t and its just… wow. u should be writing novels, NOVELS my dude.
it was wild seeing u talk abt genshin bc believe it or not, i was literally in the deepest, most hopeless chokehold of a genshin brainrot known to man (over scaramouche too no less) AND WHAT DO YOU KNOW. seeing bachira animated just…… changed the trajectory of my life. I was like okay. that’s fine. it's no big deal. Im just…. so normal about him, you know. SO normal. and then, by sheer fucking chance, i saw your good comfort fic?? £^*&£%???? and BRUH. i simply just dont have it in me to be normal anymore 🫠 so thats were we’re at. AHAHA anyway hi. NEW EP TOMORROW ur gonna see ur mans sooooo soon!! its shitty u gotta work but hope it goes by fast knowing he’ll be waiting for u <33 
AAAA LAM BBIE HELLO !!!!!!! ❤️❤️ feel welcome bby im v happy to see u around !!! <333
AKAKAKKSAK u have no jdeaaaa how much i appreciate that !!! their personalities are SOOOOOO tricky so im vvvv glad u love them😭🫶🏻
PLEASEEE the way it just haunted u right in ur bachira brainrot … HEHE i am def not sorry !!>:) i luv making y’all go crazy for these boys !>_< once again thank yewwww for all the kindest words bbie </3 sob you’re so sweet ! MWAAAAH ❤️
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justanamesstuff · 1 year
Hi again
Someone mentioned I saw that comment on a Rina post and, yes, as I said, it was a spiral lol, I went quite far.
Anyway, I guess I just sent the ask because these last months probably took their toll on the band as much as on Matty and I kind of worry about the future of them. George’s kind of aloof on stage and has said he doesn’t enjoy playing live as much anymore. I’m just worried something might just be the last straw for them as a band.
I don’t mean to start anything, I’m just a worrier and wanted to know other people’s opinions.
Thanks for everyone who addressed me, y’all are terribly kind.
Hi again, darling :))
I totally understand. I worried about them so much all the time, although I don't think they're stopping anytime soon. Matty was talking about that during the last shows, how the band grows and keeps getting better and better. I'm sure they're fine, sometimes better, sometimes not so much...but I'm happy to know they have each other!! They have us too 🥰🥰
I'm not going to tell you to not get worried, because I get it...I'm a worrier too, really. I am going to say, come here and/or dm me any time you want/need please!!!
Thanks for sharing your worries with us <333
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meowdarame · 2 years
exceeding expectations | ran haitani
pairing: ran haitani x f!reader
warnings: 18+, MINORS DNI!; smut, oral (f!receiving), unprotected sex, creampie, some cockwarming at the end, ran is a TEASE, praise, overall soft sex with best friend!ran <333
synopsis: after several casual hookups and ruined orgasms, you’re about to give up on your sex life. but not until your best friend ran shows you exactly what you deserve.
notes: this is… sloppily done ngl. but this is my first time writing in WEEKS so i guess this is a warm-up, “getting back into it” piece! (please be kind HAHA.) anyways, likes and reblogs are always appreciated!
beta-readers: @christeningsakusa @midnightwonderland-writer THANKS Y’ALL FOR ELEVATING THIS IN WAYS MY SMOOTH SASHIMI BRAIN COULD NOT!
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“wait,” ran wheezes out in between snorts. “you’re not fucking with me right now? he was this big?” he lifts his fingers to indicate your ex-hookup’s pitiful size.
a groan rumbles from the pit of your throat. dropping your forehead into your best friend’s shoulder, you meekly nod your head. “yes,” you whisper quietly, trying your best to stifle your giggles. “he couldn’t even wrap his whole fist around his dick. he had to stroke himself with his fingers!”
placing his hand on his chest, ran catches his breath. “god damn,” he sighs, “that’s probably the worst experience i’ve ever fucking heard. did his head game at least make up for it?”
you bury your face into the crook of his neck, the soft cotton material of his shirt tickling your cheek and hiding the heat that creeps up on your face. “it was okay.”
“just okay?!” ran retorts. “did he even make you cum?”
when you gently shake your head, disappointment settles in his chest. “why do you keep fucking with losers who can’t even make you finish?” he tsks.
“hey!” you smack the side of his stomach, and ran starts to laugh again. “first you beg me to tell you an embarrassing sex story and then you make fun of me for it? you promised you wouldn’t shame me!”
“calm down, you big baby.” he wraps his arm around you, his thumb rubbing circles into the curve of your hip. “i’m not shaming you. i’m just saying that you deserve better than that. you should be fucking people that can make you feel good, not just any random dude who talks big but can’t even make you cum once.”
lifting your face out of his shoulder, you playfully squint at him. “what are you trying to say? that you could make me cum?” it’s meant to come off as a joke, but with the way the tension rises in the air, your snarky remark feels more like a proposal.
your faces are just a few inches apart; his lavender eyes stare straight into yours before flicking down to your lips. he doesn’t miss the way that your tongue subtly runs across your bottom lip, and it makes a smirk creep up on the corners of his mouth.
“i know i can. if you want me to prove it, then i’m down.”
“oh, shut up.” you push him off of you and crawl to the opposite end of the couch. pulling your legs into your chest, you bury your face into your knees to hide your pout. “i don’t want your sympathy and i sure as hell refuse to be some sort of pity fuck.”
he follows you over to the other side, settling himself on the floor in front of you. “you’re not a pity fuck though— i want to do this. i promise.” he extends his pinky to you.
there are very few moments during your friendship when you’ve seen ran show his serious side. a mischievous and free spirit— his sincerity is a stark contrast from his usual demeanor. the few times you’ve seen this switch in his personality is whenever he treats rindou’s wounds after a brawl, a gentle expression plastered on his pretty features as he carefully wraps a bandage around his little brother’s busted knuckle. he sits in front of you right now with the same look on his face, and there’s no doubt in your mind that he’s being honest.
wrapping your pinky around his, you slowly nod your head. “okay, i trust you.”
a smile lights up across his face. “can i kiss you?” as soon as you nodded, his large hand were cradling your face, pulling you in so that your faces were only an inch apart. the temptation to crash your lips into his won out over his attempt to lead.
the kiss starts slow at first, almost hesitant, but when you mewl against his mouth and whisper for more, his teeth gently nibble at your bottom lip. your head swirls from the excitement; your hands grab at the waistband of his sweats, doing everything you can to pull his body closer to yours. he pulls away momentarily to slip your shirt off of your torso before his lips crash against yours again.
“let me show you what you deserve, beautiful,” he pants out in between chaste kisses to your jaw. his lips traverse the expanse of your neck, making their way up to your pulse point. his teeth softly nip at your flesh, and when he hears your breath hitch, his tongue soothes out the ache that it would leave.
when a needy ‘please’ slips out between your lips, he begins working his way down your exposed upper half, leaving a trail of wet kisses in his wake. his hot breath fans across your tits, and his mouth encircles one of your nipples. he lightly nips at the perked bud with his front teeth, and you arch your back to push your chest further into his greedy mouth.
he continues his way down to your clothed pussy— flimsy sleep shorts and a lacy thong are the only things keeping him away from his personal heaven. he buries his face into your crotch, taking a deep inhale through his nostrils.
“smells so fucking pretty,” he says as he exhales. “been wanting this for so fucking long.”
you don’t even have time to process the implications behind his words— he immediately lifts up your hips and slides off your clothes in a swift motion. his smile grows even wider when he sees how wet you are, a string of your slick connecting your glistening folds to your underwear.
“you’re fucking soaked, baby. have you been turned on this whole time?”
“ran,” you whine, “quit teasing me!”
he ignores your pleas, resting your thighs on both of his shoulders. “the only way you’d be this wet is if you were horny while we were cuddling, but don’t worry, princess. i won’t make you wait much longer.”
he moans as he licks a stripe up your cunt, and when he reaches your clit, he presses a soft kiss on the sensitive bud before wrapping his lips around it and sucking. his pace is ruthless as he eats you out like a starved man, his tongue flicking your clit back and forth. his hand creeps up your body and he places his fingers in front of your mouth; taking them in between your lips, you coat his fingers with your saliva and he pulls them out with a pop.
his digits pump in and out of you, curling in a come-hither motion until he finds your sweet spot. he continues his motions, pumping and curling the ribbed flesh until he feels your thighs begin to flex. pleasure creeps up in your core, bubbling out to the tips of your fingers. your chest heaves and toes curl as you feel your orgasm looming over you— so fucking close that it’s making you lose your mind.
“ran, please,” you drawl out. “i’m gonna cum!”
“then do it, pretty. let go. i got you.” his nails dig into the plush of your thighs as they shake; you come undone against his face, grinding your cunt against his mouth while your ride out your orgasm. fingers sinking into his couch cover, you search for purchase as your pleasure begins to plateau. when the sensation becomes too much, you gently push him off of you.
he chuckles as he swipes his thumb across his chin. popping his soiled fingers into his mouth one by one, he licks himself clean. “so how’d i do? did i meet your expectations?”
“shut up, you already know that you exceeded them,” you quip back as he begins undressing himself. your eyes trail down his body, following the black ink that intricately swirls across the right side of his body. when he slides his sweats and boxers off, your eyes land on his cock— it stands completely upright, smacking against his toned abs and leaking droplets of precum from his pink tip. the amazed look on your face doesn’t go unnoticed by him, and he smirks at your cute expression. gulping, you add on, “in more ways than one.”
“good,” he hums. he walks over to the other side of the couch and lies down, resting his back against the plush arm of the couch. patting his thighs, he motions for you to come over. “c’mere, pretty girl.”
you crawl over and straddle him, his shaft nestled in between your slick folds. fingers digging into your hips, he grinds you up and down his dick. “you ready?” he asks, and when you bite your lip and nod, he lifts you up and slowly lowers you onto his cock. his girth stretches you out perfectly, making a warmth bubble in the pit of your core.
“fuck, you’re so tight,” he breathes once he finally bottoms out. “you’re a fucking dream.”
his hands squeeze the flesh of your ass, lifting you up so that only his tip prods at your entrance. you feel so empty without him inside you, and you mewl at the empty sensation. “ran, what are you—”
your question is cut off when he delivers a slap against your ass, the sound reverberating in his empty living room. “you trust me right? then let me take care of you.” he slams you back down onto his length, his heavy balls clapping against your ass. “fuck,” he groans, his eyes rolling to the back of his head and his eyelids fluttering. “lean into me, baby.”
you do as you’re told and lean against him, your sweaty chests rubbing against each other as ran fucks up into you. his strong arms wrap around your waist, holding you in place when his thrusts pick up in speed. you bury your face into the crook of his neck, pressing your mouth against his skin to stifle your moans. still, it’s not enough to drown out your pretty sounds, and it makes ran’s head swim with lust.
“play with your clit,” he commands. he slaps your ass again to get your attention, his large palms squeezing and kneading your flesh. “want you to cream all over my cock.” you obey, and your fingers snake in between your pressed bodies and rub frantic circles on your sensitive bud. his tip deliciously brushes against your sweet spot with every thrust, and it makes your head dizzy as a heat creeps up your neck and cheeks. feeling your velvety walls clench around him, he knows that you’re close.
“god, i’m gonna cum if you keep squeezin’ me like that,” ran chokes out. pulling your face out of his shoulder, you kiss him, your tongue needily exploring the inside of his mouth. when you pull away, a string of saliva connects your swollen lips.
“then do it. need you to fill me up, ran.”
at your words, he spills his seed into you, filling you up with an intense warmth. you cum with him, your walls contracting around him and milking him dry. the stuttering of his hips begins to cease, and he plants you onto his lap with his cock still twitching inside you.
“do you want me to get off?” you ask him, but he immediately shakes his head.
“no, let’s just stay like this.” he takes your hand and kisses your fingertips, a cute rosy tint painting his cheeks at the intimacy. “how was that, sweetheart?”
“the best i’ve ever had,” you sweetly admit, your heart thumping loudly in your chest when his eyes meet yours and a soft smile spreads across his face. you continue, “i can’t believe i was missing out on you this whole time.”
“i could say the same,” he chuckles and intertwines his hand with yours. “from now on, whenever you’re feeling needy, call me. i’ll make you cum every single time.”
you untangle your hand from his. extending your pinky finger, you ask, “promise?”
his thin digit wraps around yours. “promise.”
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taglist: @bxnten @sunat2508 @petalsrdead @crystal-lilac @devilgirlcrybabiey @ohtobiors @frenchtoastmafia @dessceased @miya-dynasty @sabyss @rinsie @chaotic-fangirl-blog @semisgroupie @rueren @portfolio-of-dreams @arozaur @withlovetengen @momoewn + network @shibuyawardnetwork
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claireunoia · 3 years
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⊱✿⊰ synopsis : you’ve been playing video games with james all day and remus has had enough ♡.
⊱✿⊰ pairings : gamer!fem!reader x remus x a bit of james
⊱✿⊰ word count : 1.3k
⊱✿⊰ warnings : SMUT, cunnilingus/oral (fem receiving), james and reader friendly bickering over the game, language, dirty talking, established relationship, the usual d/s dynamics, lots of pet names, “bunny, darling, baby” etc, reader being ate out in a chair, softie remus for a second, that’s it?
❥ ─ author’s letter to you : ❝hi bby’s!! this literally came into my mind suddenly and couldn’t get it out so i had to write it. i’m so sorry for posting this without a read more, it was acting up again so i had to remove it, once again i apologize. i love y’all, hope you enjoy <333 *reblogs & comments are so very appreciated*❞
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๑ ⋆˚₊⋆────ʚ˚ɞ────⋆˚₊⋆
➙ “𝗡𝗢, jamesie! that’s not how you build!”
it felt like your little shouts of sudden frustration and victorious shrieks were on a constant repeat in remus’s brain as time kept going by and by. he's sat and stared at you for what felt like the past dramatically, 1000 hours.
and there goes your oh-so perfect self right a few feet ahead of remus. your slacked body sat comfortably in your gaming chair while your skilled fingers moved sharply and precisely along and all around your keyboard. with the exception of a beautiful pink headset perched on the top of your head that remus had gifted you a while ago.
“james, you’re being a dummy—“
“watch yourself, bunny. don’t be rude to prongs, he doesn’t know”at your boyfriends warning tone and words you huffed almost dramatically, scowling when you heard james teasing voice echo throughout the ears of your headset.
“yeah y/n, be nice or i’ll purposely make us lose, rage quitter”
the gasp that left your mouth was loud enough to make remus’s ear quite literally bleed. the alarming sound made the brunette boy jump up from his position in the bed to see if you suddenly gotten hurt or something. he rose up to only find your lips formed in the biggest pout in all humanity and an accusing look written all over your face.
“remmy! james— he called me a freaking rage quitter, i am not a rage quitter” the sigh remus let out held nothing but complete and utter disappointment, with a shake of his head he waved you off. Going back to the chapter he left off in his book, he felt his eyes wanting to roll when he heard you beginning to go back and forth with the glasses wearing boy on the PC once more.
the lycanthrope felt like his body was heating up with massive waves of heat as the raging boner he’s been trying his best to compose for the past hours ache in want. he just wants to make his girl feel good and himself but you were just so stuck on that game. it has truly made him a bit grumpy.
it’s not like he has a problem with you being a gaming-head. in fact he loved and supported you always, it’s just that he despises when you play for so many hours and never wanting to get up to do anything. remus had a very, very large soft spot for you. so whenever you pull the “just one last round, baby” with those wide, crystal like eyes of yours, he has no choice but to cave in and let you
and that’s exactly what’s happening now.
“bunny, come on. time to get off” remus announces gruffly, hands fideling with his little bookmark. marking the last page he had read in his current reads before getting up from his spot on the bed to walk up to your focused form at the desk. as soon as he saw your pout and quick turn of your head, he immediately tsks.
“no, baby. cmon’ tell jamie bye bye, tell em’ y’ll be online tomorrow” and right on cue your whines find its way into the air. doe eyes peering up pleadingly at your tall boyfriend. “remmy, please. just one last round, i promise!” at your familiar words remus entire face turns stern, his orbs now glaring with a warning stare which you quickly stand down from.
“y’either turn this game off, or let james hear how m’about to ruin you” remus beautifully scarred face was completely blank as if the words that left his mouth weren’t shocking to ones ears at all. his lips pulled ever so slightly at the corners when he saw your flabbergasted look, seeing how your fingers raced to sloppily turn off the party you were hosting with a quick “see you later” hurrying from you as well. now it was just you and remus. no more games, no more james, no more of your raging shouts.. just you and your horny as fuck boyfriend who looked like he was ready to pounce you at any second.
“take off y’shorts and hold y’legs up. keep them nice and wide open f’me darling” listening to his words with an obedient nod of your head which remus couldn’t help but smile at, you began pulling down the pajama shorts off and down your legs like so. moving back in your spot in the small chair and pulling your legs up and holding them back just like remus had asked. once you were positioned, you then reached up to remove the pink headset off your head aswell, but came to an abrupt stop when you saw the movement of your lover’s head shake side to side.
“keep it on” he replies to your confused expression with a smirk twitching at his soft lips while so. you obeyed and moved your hands back down to grip the undersides of your silky thighs, plump lips jutting out unconsciously as you watched the sight of remus drop down to his knees right in front of you.
he looked so beautiful. taking note of how his irises were blown with a great quantity of pure lust. taking in how unruly his chestnut locks were ruffled on the top of his head. noticing just how good he truly looks in the brown cable-knit sweater that adored his lean body. but little did you know, remus was studying you as well. his intense eyes littering all along your body as he rubbed his large scarred hands along the expanse of your inner thighs, his fingers dangerously close to your clothed core.
“rem, you’re s’pretty” you whispered breathlessly even though remus didn’t even start doing anything yet.
but in the next passing second, you swore you felt your heart skip a beat at the view of remus’s teeth on display. a warm smile etching across his lips at your soft praise, unable to not break through the strict façade he’s put on at your such adorable words.
unexpectedly, the hand that was rubbing along your thigh went up to the seam of your thin panties and pulled roughly, ripping the clothing away from you easily. his brown eyes gleaming up at yours lovingly before flickering down to your now bare cunt with a chuckle. “why thank you, bunny. but m’not as pretty as you fucking are”
and with that remus dove into your enchanting wonderland with eager movements. the warm, wet muscle of his tongue immediately running over your wetting puffy lips, licking all up til he reaches your clit. placing a wet peck at the button of nerves, all the while basking in the sounds of your moans. not fighting the low chuckles that keep escaping him while he eats you out, which were only causing you more pleasure as they vibrated against you so deliciously.
“hm, i bet you don’t wanna play any more games now huh?” at the boy’s words you shake your head frantically, the feeling of him licking and slurping away at your pussy quickly makes your head swirl and dose off into a fuzzy space while you continuously whine and whimper loudly into the air.
“n-no, remmy! wan’ you to keep going, don’t stop” you meekly whine, your face scrunching up in pure pleasure as remus kept lapping you up. remus peers up at your blissed out, gorgeous features. your eyes beginning to roll up into the back of your head, the pretty pink headset still perched on the top of your head and over your ears. god, you look like a perfect slutty mess in his eyes. little coos fell from his spit covered lips as he analyzed you.
“aw baby, what don’t y’want me to stop doing? use your words, bunny”
the only sounds in the room were your shrieking mewls and the obscene sounds of remus pleasing you. the wolf’s fingertips now prodding at your leaking hole, his tongue never halting it’s assault on your poor clit
“please don’t stop eating my pussy, rem”
“good girl, my perfect darling”
*follow my library account @rileybinaalibrary & turn on notifications to know whenever i post a fic <3*
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trendywaifus · 3 years
Qjsjsksmna hiiiii! Can I request how Ningguang, Beidou, Ei, and Jean comfort their s/o with has anxiety attacks or like just in a bad place mentally? If it's fine with you ofc! You're amazing btw!<333
thank you! you are too ofc. i enjoyed writing this one so it’s fine!
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— ningguang isn’t the one to have anxiety attacks but she understands how awful they can be. so when she finds out that you have anxiety attacks, that woman is your biggest supporter and will always make sure that you’re safe.
— you don’t like crowds? don’t worry, she’ll be by your side with your hand enveloped in hers. ningguang will lean down and whisper your ear about how well you’re doing as y’all carefully weave through the crowded streets. she doesn’t stop for anyone and keeps going to whatever y’all suppose to go.
— if you are prone to have random anxiety attacks, she wants you to be near her at all times so she can watch over you. if you wish to go out and she’s unfortunately busy then she will task her trusted secretary, ganyu or even keqing to assist you on your travels. if you truly wish to go out on your own then she won’t stop you but ningguang will express her concerns to you.
she sighs, squeezing your hand with worry in her eyes as you reassure that you’ll hold your own. “ i cannot stop you from going out on your own but please be careful out there my dear. you’ll give me quite a fright if i find out something happens to you when I’m not there. “ you nod with a confident smile and she reluctantly sends you off with a chaste kiss on your forehead.
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— feeling down? don’t need to fear! beidou is here again and always! she can understand how shitty life can get so when she notices your sadden state through your body language and eyes, depending on how bad it is, she’s calm and understanding as ever.
— won’t push you to speak your mind if you don’t want to. instead, she tries to relate to you and give you comfort through telling her own hardships. you’re aren’t alone! if you want to cry, go ahead. she’s right here with you. beidou has you in her arms with you tucked beneath her chin protectively.
— she always checks up on you as soon as she has the time to do so. if you ever end up breaking down, once again, she’s at your side. if anyone tries to grab her attention or whatever it maybe while she calms you down, best believe she’ll politely tell them to fuck off. anyone can get a nice hook to the jaw if they persist on testing her patience in front of you.
“ baby, come here. “ she takes your shaking form into her arms while you weep. beidou ignores the nosey eyes of the citizens passing by. instead, she just focuses on calming you down, rubbing your back comfortingly with her open palm. “ let’s head back to the ship, okay? we can get you some time to calm down and rest there sweetheart. don’ worry about them, focus on me.
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— ei maybe ignorant of the outside world but she has knowledge of anxiety attacks and anxiety itself. you could even say she experienced them when she lost her loved ones. so when she finds out that you have them as well, she wastes no time in tackling the issue.
— first, she strongly recommends you to come to the plane of euthymia with her for meditation. ei says herself that meditation is mainly the one remedy that brings her to the state of tranquil. so it may work for you if you mediate as well. if you have an anxiety attack in front of the raiden shogun, she’s programmed to (awkwardly) comfort you until ei’s available to manifest herself through the puppet or take you into the plane of euthymia.
— if meditation isn’t exactly an effective method for you, ei will happily have you in her arms or your head on her lap to calm you down. as sweet as she is, she’ll talk to you about her experiences with anxiety while her fingers run themselves through your locks. ei also knows that her voice is therapeutic for you so she just talks away. but lemme tell you. . .after being in her own space for so much time now. . .she sure can talk her ass off.
your lover smiles lovingly at the sight of that beautiful smile appearing on your face. a sense of accomplishment swells within her. “ s-so ei? “ your glossy (e/c) eyes shimmering with curiosity peers up at her. “ yes beloved? “ “ is it true that you really can’t cook? “ she pauses for a brief moment before letting out an exaggerated sigh. “ well. .yes, it is indeed true. i believe that i have no use in the kitchen; no where near it even. wait—why do you ask? “
“ yae. “
“. .oh. “
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— it’ll take jean a while for her to catch on to your depressed state because she’s always so busy with troubling duties as the acting grandmaster. but best believe she will notice quickly when she finally can spend a moment with you. once she sees how visibly worn out you look, this woman would drop everything for you.
— she would feel like the most terrible person in the world for neglecting you. how could she not have thought about you when you’re one of the most important thing to her? jean would apologize profusely to you and hold you tight in her arms; something that you very much needed for a while now. tears pricks her eyes when you could only respond back to her with a meek, tired voice.
— jean decides to take off to assure your health. she will have the knights of favonius and possibly the traveler if they’re present in mondstadt to do her duties in her stead.
she brings your hand to her lips, placing a tender kiss against your knuckles. “ forgive me (name),” jean’s apologetic blue eyes softly meets with yours and she guides your hand to where her heart is. “ once again, I’ve let myself get carried away with my own affairs and this time, as your lover, i-i’ve failed you. “ she frowns deeply, oceanic hues becoming glossy. “ to be by your side and to make sure that I can check up on you whenever i can without any distractions, i shall take a week off. please allow me to take care of you, i insist.“
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poursomesunaonme · 3 years
goofy sex headcanons - for the jjk men!
a/n: these were soooo fun to write oh my god yallllll !!! but a million thanks to @titan-fodder and @spacelabrathor for hosting the ingenious better than fiction collab! such a fun idea <333 make sure yall read the other submissions too !
cw: nsfw, minors dni, minor characters aged up!!, some really cringey shit LMAO, spanking, mentions of pee, i have no idea what to do for these, all very soft and strange bc these men are menaces.
wc: 2.2k
featuring: satoru, yuuji, megumi, kento, toji, sukuna, yuuta, toge, suguru, choso, aoi
gojo satoru
talks like his dick is a person
y’all simply cannot deny it
satoru towers over you, lining his length to your entrance. he giggles as he kisses your nose, cerulean depths trained on your face.
“you ready for big goj, babe?”
you have to laugh while a smirk clings to the corners of his lips. his hair tumbles effortlessly into his face, a few soft tendrils tickling your cheekbones.
“please tell me you’re not calling your dick ‘big goj.’”
his face remains unchanged, giving you the answer to the question. of course your satoru would name his cock and refer to it like a human.
“why that? ‘toru, it’s awful.”
the head slips into your entrance, eliciting a hiss from between your lips. satoru doesn’t make a move to push the rest of his cock in you as another laugh falls from his lips. and his tone is so sweet, so nonchalant.
“because it isn’t lil goj.”
as if to emphasize his point, he sheaths himself inside before you could utter another syllable, a surprised gasp tearing through your body. and shit, he was right.
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itadori yuuji
arguably the goofiest
talks in a baby voice because he’s the worst
lazy strokes bring yuuji’s hips to yours as your tongues interwine in a sloppy kiss. he stretches you in all the right ways, curve brushing against your sweetest spot with a practiced ease. toes curling, you wrap your legs around him, feeling the familiar tingle in your limbs as you approach your high.
“does that feel goodie woodie?”
yuuji’s teasing voice is like nails on a chalkboard. you roll your eyes, slapping a hand against his chest. he wears a goofy grin as he speeds up his pace, balls slapping against your ass.
“yuuji, shut up,” you whine. his childish voice had been funny the first few times y’all had hooked up, but now it’s just plain annoying.
he merely grins, not saying another word. his lips slot against yours once again, moans pouring from both of your mouths to harmonize in a euphonious, lewd melody. and soon, the ball of energy threatens to uncoil violently in your gut. yuuji’s made aware by the increase in pitch of your noises, how you grip his arms.
“aww little baby waby’s gonna cummy wummy?”
cummy wummy.
never had you ever been turned off so fast.
“not anymore!”
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fushiguro megumi
has a secret troll sex playlist
megumi’s usually pretty good at making playlists. it was the first thing that had brought you together, and was most definitely his love language. and he always, always, had the best sex playlists.
smooth voices croon around the room as he sunk into you, thrusting into you so perfectly. and he makes sure that he can always hit it on the beat because it drives you fucking wild.
but this time, megumi had surprised you. some of the songs were complete jokes, sending you both into fits of giggles as megumi didn’t miss a beat, continuing to fuck you to these songs like it was his job.
(yes, he rick rolled you.)
but megumi clutches your shins to his shoulders for balance as his hips slap against yours in perfect tempo with the home depot beat.
“‘gumi,” you pant, breathless from laughing and his immaculate stroke game, “this is the worst song by far!”
“we haven’t even gotten halfway through the playlist, princess.”
the smirk that adorns his face is all you needed to know as the home depot beat gives way to the big time rush theme song.
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nanami kento
is normally so collected but can be a menace
he has this thing where he tries to imitate pornstars and he’s scary good at it
you and kento had just moved to the bedroom from a heavy makeout on the couch, both already knowing where the night was going. he lays your naked frame down gently on the plush mattress.
“ready, hun?” he asks, grasping your hand to press kisses to your knuckles.
“mmhm,” you sigh, pulling him into a kiss by his neck. lips interlocked, he lines himself with your entrance and pushes in gently. however, the sound that erupts from his lips is nothing of the sort.
“ngh - shit!” he practically hollers, looking down with an incredulous expression that was a bit too dramatic to be real. with a grin, you realize what he’s doing. exaggerated thrusts slam into your center as nanami grits his teeth, furrowing his brows so hard that they almost get stuck there.
kento loves imitating the dramatic pornstar antics, yelling about how good your pussy feels, all well perfectly embodying the mouth-agape-in-pleasure face.
“i’m cumming!” he announces, slamming into you. “cumming! gonna cum in that tight little pussy!”
it’s too ridiculous not to burst into a fit of giggles as you wrap your arms around him in bliss.
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fushiguro toji
is notorious for accidentally sticking it in the wrong hole. like, canonically !
which is kinda fun because sometimes you’ll go with it; other times, nah…
toji is just always so eager to fuck you, sprinting into the house from whatever event where he was unbelievably horny (if y’all even made it back from the car). he’s ripping off your clothes as you stumble into the bedroom, clumsily tossing them wherever you’ll find them tomorrow. he can barely see past his raging lust as he devours your lips.
you’re pinned under him before you know it; and he frees himself to plunge into your warmth. but he finds more resistance than he expected as he presses his cock into the tight hole.
“ow, toji!” you whine, pushing him away. “fuck, that hurt!”
“what’s wrong?” he questions.
“wrong hole, dumbass.” you roll your eyes, trying desperately to seal your lips together to hide a smile that tried to crack through your façade.
“sorry, darlin’,” toji drawls, taking a deep breath to center himself. he presses a kiss to your forehead, then guides his cock carefully to where he had originally intended for it to go. “i just get a little too excited sometimes.”
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ryomen sukuna
will make a beat while he’s fucking you and rap over it
a broken cry tears itself from your lips at the sharp sting of sukuna’s palm against your ass. this doesn’t stop him, however, from continuing his moderate pace. it isn’t too fast, but it sure is powerful, rocking your entire body into the mattress.
the pace is steady as the both of you fall into a silence only interrupted by heavy breath and occasional moans - that is, until, sukuna’s been inspired.
“ooh shit, yeah girl / being in this pussy’s my whole wide world,” he raps, much to your annoyance. “i’ll take you for a whirl / crackin’ open your legs to find that pearl.”
upon attempting to roll your eyes, sukuna starts to deliver a series of rhythmic spanks on the sensitive skin of your ass, which effectively halts the motion. so, you swallow your defiance. and soon, that effort includes corking the laughter that followed sukuna’s butchered singing voice.
“i could spend all day inside this light,” he croons, much to your amusement. “y/n, you just get me so right.”
you’re nearly in tears from trying to stifle the giggles that bubbled up inside you, but at his childish rhymes, they burst forth. needless to say, your cunt inspires sukuna in more ways than one.
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okkotsu yuuta
has a soundboard on his phone that he likes to mess around with
with a sudden clarity, you realize that maybe approving yuuta’s suggestion for the bedroom wasn’t such a good idea. and of course, it only took the sound of a clown horn honking while he squeezed the tender flesh of your tits for it to dawn on you.
yuuta grins, stifling raucous laughter at your incredulous expression, but he relents in the usage of his annoying soundboard, only for a little while longer.
“what? ‘s not funny?” he questions, pressing his chest to yours. sweat coats the skin as he thrusts easily into you.
“i dunno,” you shrug, brushing back a strand of hair that fell into his face. “‘s kinda weird.”
so the two of you continue in a comfortable silence punctuated by sweet moans and tender groans, that is, until, yuuta’s pushed over the edge.
and without fail, lil john’s “yeah!”s are harmonizing with your boyfriend’s moans. now that, you can’t help but guffaw at as your boyfriend collapses onto your chest in a spout of laughter.
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inumaki toge
will tell you to queef over and over and will die laughing the entire time
hooking up with toge is super awkward the first few times because he’s scared to say anything. but as your relationship progresses and you become more accustomed to his different ways of communicating - more importantly, as you get more comfortable in experimenting with his cursed speech, it becomes more and more exciting.
but nothing is as exciting as toge burrowing between your legs, hips slamming into yours. he had promised a surprise for you today, and you’re incredibly eager to experience what he had in store for you.
memories of his cursed speech technique edging you, making you squirt, drawing out toe curling orgasms spiraled within your mind - and you can’t help but pool at the thought.
the word is barely out of toge’s mouth before the lewd sound sputters from your cunt, earning a cackle from your boyfriend. a heat rushes to your face in a sense of embarrassment, yet toge still persists.
his laughter, so rare but so beautiful, was so contagious that soon you joined in, collapsing in a fit of giggles. yet it’s safe to say that a serious sex was no longer in the question for tonight.
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geto suguru
will lie and tell you that he accidentally peed in you just to see how you react
it started off as any normal evening. you and suguru had already eaten and finished doing the dishes when you retire to the couch to watch a show to wind down for the night. but you both usually know how that goes.
clothes litter the living room before you know it, and suguru already has you prepped and ready before sliding into the infinite warmth. with a shaky, grinning sigh, he begins to thrust into you. all of your limbs wrap around him, pulling him in closer to you.
“uh, y/n?” suguru suddenly pipes up into your ear after a few moments.
“yes, dear?”
“i… i, uh… i just peed in you.”
you’re up in a flurry, not even bothering to wrap yourself in a blanket as you stumble to the bathroom to attempt to clean yourself up. you can’t even utter a syllable, you’re so furious.
you have no idea what to do as you sit on the toilet. but suguru appears in the doorway, a cheeky smile on his face.
“so… would you kill me if i told you i was joking?”
“be glad i’m not armed at the moment.”
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kamo choso
bonks his head on the headboard NO MATTER WHAT POSITION YALL ARE IN
poor baby has been concussed
choso can barely keep a pace with his hips when he draws near his climax. he can’t help that you wrap around him so perfectly, that you’re just the right kind of warmth, and you’re so soft. it takes everything in him not to bust as soon as he pushes the tip inside.
and he fucks you like a rabid animal, kisses you like it’s the last thing he’ll ever do, touches you like he’s a cartographer. he’s so enthusiastic, so passionate, that everything around the two of you ceases to exist.
and tonight, right as he’s on the edge, just one toe away from tipping over that precipice, a loud boom resounds from above you.
choso’s hips still immediately. his hand rises from it’s grounding position next to your shoulder to clutch at his forehead. you already know what had happened before he said anything.
“oh, dear, you hit your head?” you ask, a teasing lilt to your voice. he grits his teeth and nods. gently pushing against him, gently guiding his body down, you mount his hips to continue the session.
pressing a kiss to the growing bump on his front, you smile. “i’ll take it from here.”
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todo aoi
every sound that you make, he’s making a comparison to what else it sounds like
aoi is a sex god. he does not fuck around when it comes to pleasing you. he does everything in his power to have you creaming and crying all over whatever he uses to find those sweet spots.
so you can’t help that with each dextrous moment he executes with his deft, girthy fingers, more of your essence seeps out of your weeping cunt.
and the sounds are nothing short of sinful. but todo can’t help himself.
“you know when you stick your finger in a fish pond, and the little fishies come suck on your finger-”
“give it a rest, babe,” you whine, tugging at his wrist to focus his attention. he obeys your wishes. he had a habit of labeling each sound you made, comparing it to something completely absurd. you had to be in a certain mood for it, however, and that was not tonight.
“mac and cheese.”
he can’t help but giggle at the wet sounds that spew from your cunt.
“shut up!”
jjik taglist: @the-princess-button @ob-levi-on @pink-apples001 @missyasma
© all work belongs to poursomesunaonme. do not copy and repost.
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elysianslove · 4 years
hi !! i am in love w ur writing omg <33 can i req hcs of miya twins && suna w a crush who is in the girls ( or manager of the boys team if u only do gn!reader hcs ) vball team of inarizaki and they share the same bus or sumn when theyre traveling to another school ? thank u <3
hi hi hi!!! thank you so much <333 and i write fem!reader, hehe, so i made her part of the girls vbc! i hope you like these <3
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miya atsumu 
i firmly believe none of the hq boys would be picky about the girl they’re dating. like yeah they all say certain traits they want but when it really comes down to it and they are dating you, they won’t be upset if you don’t fit certain previous criteria of theirs 
that being said, tsumu would absolutely lose his shit if his girlfriend also happened to be a volleyball player like he’d be convinced it’s fate or something
like he wouldn’t crush on you because of volleyball, he just thought you were a really pretty girl he’d constantly see in the halls and stuff 
and listen! he really was planning on asking you out
except asking a girl out has never been so nerve-wracking. like he’s never, ever felt this nervous about it?? and he’d keep chickening out every time he saw you
fast forward to you guys having to travel to another prefecture for a game, and it just so happens that the boys’ basketball team also had a game out of town. between the teachers and coaches, they decided since both the boys and the girls’ volleyball teams were going to the same prefecture, you’d just take the bus and make due 
the bus isn’t small, but y’all are a lot, so it’s a bit of a mess when you’re climbing on 
somehow, someway, you find yourself sitting next to miya atsumu 
pls he will never stop talking about how you two were meant to be after omg 
imagine his shock when he looks up from his phone and he sees you sitting next to him his brain literally goes ???!!@#$#&^$#&%(&
you just smile at him sweetly and say, “i hope it’s okay that i sat here. there’s not really anywhere else.” 
he can’t really speak. no like he really can’t. he’s. starstruck? just completely gone. you’re just so pretty and now he gets to sit next to you for the entire ride? he’s thanking everything holy
samu smacks him on the head because he still hasn’t replied to you and you’re starting to look a little saddened 
“uh, yeah, yeah, s’fine, yeah.” i’m telling y’all he’s secretly a complete dork. 
at first he doesn’t really know what to say, he just knows that he really wants to talk to you, like badly, and finally his brain catches up to him and he asks you about volleyball. you two spend nearly the entire ride talking about the sport
his heart would not stop beating insanely fast the entire time 
so y’all arrive, and you’re about to head off to the girls’ gymnasium when he stops you. you’re kind confused but you don’t stop him bc !!! hello !!! attractive !!! and kind !!! and interesting !!!
and omg you don’t think you’ve ever seen miya atsumu flustered before, and apparently neither has his brother or his friends because they’re in the back just snickering to each other
and finally, he manages to ask, “do you like, wanna hang out? soon? tomorrow?” 
it makes you giggle how red his cheeks are 
the relief that floods him when you say yes is unbelievable 
he wishes you good luck with your game with a kiss on the cheek that shocks everyone because what a contrast to the person he was literally a minute ago 
just v briefly: y’all are THE couple. you know what i’m talking about right? imagine just him being at your games and cheering you on the loudest, kissing you fully on the mouth after disregarding any rules in place, or the opposite, of you cheering him on his games and just jumping at him even though he’s really sweaty and hugging him so tight with your legs wrapped around his waist
no please don’t think about going to the gym with tsumu, where he makes you cling onto shirtless him as he’s doing pull ups and you kiss him every time he lowers himself, or practicing volleyball with tsumu, where he’ll serve a ball onto your ass and have you chase him around the gymnasium until he lets you jump onto him and you both fall on the ground
and no! don’t you dare consider practicing serves with him and it being a competition until you’re both so spent and breathlessly lying on the cold ground next to each other or how proud he is every time he sees you finally achieve something you’ve been trying really hard to perfect —
good bye 🏃🏻‍♀️
miya osamu
okay different from atsumu, osamu knew you were a volleyball player, and he realized he had a crush on after watching you play once 
your gymnasium, the girls’, was up for inspection but you had a game against another school so you’d borrowed the boys’. the whole boys team decided to stay and watch and holy shit was he impressed. your team won by a landslide, and it was clear the rest of his team was also impressed by the way they were all speaking about you
after that, you kinda stood out to him more? like, before he wouldn’t really notice you, but now anytime you were around or he heard your name or you were mentioned or he heard your voice he would kind of perk up and his heart would beat a little fast 
he was like fuck 😃🔪
you didn’t really share classes with him so it wasn’t too difficult to avoid you until his little crush had wavered 
yeah until god himself seated you right across from him on the bus while both your teams were on their way to a different school. it’s not that there wasn’t a bus, the coaches were just lazy and decided to combine you both since you were headed the same way anyways 
the entire time he wouldn’t stop staring at you while you chatted with your friends and with some of the boys from his team. you just seemed so. magical. he hated it. why were you so perfect
atsumu was asleep for half the ride so he only made fun of him for the other half. it was v humiliating. 0/10
he thought he had been soooo slick lmfao 😹
he was not
samu’s generally a slick guy but. not right now he wasn’t. not with his crush he isn’t
so when everyone steps off the bus and he’s like stretching out his limbs from being seated for really long, he feels someone tap on his shoulder, so he spins around and sees you and honest to god his blood runs cold
you had a really sheepish smile on your face like you were ready to embarrass him and when you said, “hey i noticed you staring,” on god he wanted to die.
but then you noticed his pale face and quickly went, “no, no, i think it’s very flattering! and i’m hoping it means i get to take you out?” 
cue tsumu’s cheering in the back he is so obnoxious bhjdbcdbjc
samu’s mouth is moving but his brain isn’t really working he just likes to thank god that he said yes and didn’t say anything else 
this time, you wish him luck with a kiss on the cheek and he really hates how his entire body is just heating up right now so on the outside it looks like he’s not enjoying this in the least, but trust, his heart says others
that was the most nervous you’ve ever been but he doesn’t need to know that 
on the bus ride back he invites you to sit next to him in the back, and you’re both a little shy about it all but you make conversation and somehow it ends up with him telling you he loves to cook, which leads to the promise that he’ll cook for you one day
it’s a very sweet conversation where you’re both really excited but you’re also a little nervous about it all
again, briefly: if we’re going with you being a wing spiker like him, then training with samu is so fun. he loves to toss the balls up higher and higher knowing you can’t reach them, until one day you shock him and the ball goes smack on the other side of the court and damn he just fell in love all over again.
tsumu practices with you two sometimes and nine times out of ten he’ll make samu think he’s tossing to him then toss to you instead. 
you’d think he’d be quiet and calm while he watches you play? absolutely not he is the loudest. it’s okay you luv him <3
omgomgomg meeting up with samu after both your after school practices are over and you just walking home alone in the quiet and you’re both munching on some snacks and it’s so serene and your hand is in his and you’re swinging your arms playfully and it’s just so
remember that promise he made to cook for you? every weekend without fail, since he usually wakes up before you, he makes you breakfast, leaves his home, and wakes you up with a little box of your favorites. the tradition never falters. every weekend you wake up to his beaming face with a steaming box of breakfast. husband material 
suna rinatarō
with suna, you two briefly knew each other
you shared class with him, and sat quite near him so you were like sort of acquainted with each other. i feel like suna’s not too big on speaking with strangers not because he’s introverted but because he just doesn’t wanna waste his time
he does speak to you from time to time though, mainly just to ask about class or homework or exams 
he didn’t know you were on the girl’s volleyball team though, so when you walked onto the bus, and he spotted you, he was really confused. when you spotted him back and waved at him with a bright smile his brain went uh oh
and then you walked closer to where he sat and his brain went UH OH
and then you asked to sit next to him because you’re all the girls are scattered everywhere and aside from them he’s the only one you know here so he just shrugs and goes yeah sure 
his brain is going uhohuhohuhoh repeatedly though he’s just exceptionally good at not showing it 
you don’t really talk as everyone settles down, each of you is busy looking down at your phones, but when the bus starts moving, suna takes out his headphones and 
he offers one to you 
ok im good 
you’re a little taken aback but you accept. the entire ride you two don’t talk, you just listen to music together, and occasionally he hands you his phone to choose a song, and somehow, in the middle of all this, your head fell on his shoulder and his head rested on yours and it was really comfortable and good god does he have a crush on you
when you take out your phone and open instagram/snapchat and start messing with the filters, taking snaps of him and making faces with him, and he gets to hear and feel your little laughs he realizes yeah, maybe he does have a tiny crush on you 
you skip away from him after stepping off the bus with a yell of good luck. he makes time after his game to go watch yours and he is thoroughly impressed by your skill. decides maybe it is not as minuscule as he thought.
the boys are on the bus before the girls, so when you walk in, he waves you over and points at his headphones, which makes you laugh a little and rush over to him. this time, he doesn’t wait for the bus to start moving before he hands you one earbud, and just like before, your head rests on his shoulder throughout 
middle of the ride, he opens the notes app, and types, ‘you’re really cute,’ while showing you the screen 
you take the phone from him and type back, ‘you’re really pretty.’ 
and then a conversation carries like this until he just straight up goes, ‘wanna go out with me?’ 
this time, you don’t take the phone from him. instead, you sit up a little, press a kiss to his cheek and whisper, “yes.” 
it only shocked him a little a lot
as soon as you’d said that, he relaxes a bit, and as you’re going to rest your head on his shoulder, he brings an arm around you, hugging you closer to him i am going to Scream
briefly: please, imagine just how encouraging it is for suna to see you in the stands at any of his games like it just gives him that necessary boost  and whenever he wins he just cups your face and kisses you so passionately yet serenely and there’s that small smile hidden in the kiss only you can feel and tell of
or just imagine you and suna relaxing after a long day of practice in a bath together or you completely drained snuggled in bed as you lazily and sleepily pillow talk 
or oh my god, suna coming before a game and helping you do your hair in a braid or anything that will keep it out of your face because he has a little sister and he’s just so good at it and all the girls are fawning over how he’s sitting on the bench with you kneeling between his legs and he’s just working diligently at your hair and once he’s done he just gives your head a little pat before leaning over and kissing your cheek like “all done babe good luck” 
or suna watching smugly as you absolutely destroy your opponents or if you ever play with the boys how you never go easy on them and he just 
heart eyes <3
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end note; im sobbing im this 🤏🏼 close to losing my mind why are they not REAL 
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konowhore · 3 years
aoba johsai headcanons | watching a volleyball game with them
warning(s): spoilers from season 2-3, not proofreaded 
a/n: these are,,, very long HAHA and i’m so sorry that these are like,,,,,, all ending with reader and bf sleeping LMAO...
prompt: you watch a volleyball game with your boyfriend. you didn’t realize that it was a game between the two teams his team lost to.
but anyways
he had dragged you to watch the shiratorizawa v. karasuno game bc ‘you’re my gf i need emotional support<3′
you didn’t really know much about volleyball, maybe the basics like positions, but you were still excited to watch
his ass would choose the seat farthest away from the court simply bc he didn’t want to be seen and he would make the snarkiest remarks while watching about how they played and you would just be like: .. yea..... 
he’d realize that you’re a little confused abt what’s going on and then go:
“need me to explain anything princess?”
you lean into him and nod a bit, turning your head to smile up at him
his glasses reflect some light but he shifts them so he can look you in the eyes
cue you blushing bc the looks he gives you ?? <333 it makes ur heart cartwheel
anyways he rubs circles on the back of your hand with his thumb, explaining to you about the big play that just happened
you would just stare at him and take glances at the game because he was just so admirable
he knew so much, he played really well
you knew he worked so hard to try and get nationals, yet his team ended up not making it
out of the blue while you both sit and watch, you stretch up to kiss his cheek
oikawa, who usually isn’t too flustered, has pink-dusted cheeks when he looks at you
“yes princess...?”
“nothing, i just adore you.”
the growing smile on his face makes you giggle and rest your head on his shoulder
the game continues, oikawa continuing to make remarks about each team, observing the game
you get a little bored, hugging his arm and watch the ball go back and forth 
oikawa pays really close attention tho bc he offers to take you home awwwwww
“if you’re tired we can go-”
“no it’s okay!! i like hearing your commentary uwu”
stop he’s so in love with you
like he would stare at you after that and just be all <3
and so you two stay for the whole game (you fell asleep some point,,,,,, woke up once to buy water LMAO)
watching volleyball with oikawa makes you realize how much he has a passion for it and you just admire him. so. much. 
and oikawa would be so grateful that you’re so supportive and he’d tell you a thousand times after the game that he’ll do anything for you bc you tagged along and everything pls <3
you two hang out at your place and land upon the shiratorizawa vs karasuno game
you: aren’t those the teams you guys lost to
issei: yeah and what about it. 
he’d jokingly pout and hide his face in your neck
“you’re mean </3″ he’d whine
you laugh and run your fingers through his hair 
he grins, his hands going to rub your back as you two watch the game on the screen
you recognize some of the players from aoba johsai’s previous games, humming while watching them play
issei is only half paying attention
“well he’s cute,” you note, watching the camera pan through the karasuno members, only for it to stop on the captain
issei would roll his eyes and smack your ass a little LMAO 
“he’s short,” he’d retort, chuckling soon after when you look at him and roll your eyes back at him
“okay and”
BYE HE’D JOKINGLY GET MAD AND GO “go date your new boyfriend then<3″
it’s all fun and games between you two tho and it’s soooo cute !!
he can be a little shit but 
anyways you’re cheering for karasuno, occasionally going ‘look at their captain omg <3′ 
issei would sit up with you still straddling him and he’d just press kisses against your neck, making you giggle and try to push him away
“not until you take your eyes off of him~”
you run your fingers through issei’s hair once more, smiling and leaning down to kiss him 
“don’t worry issei, i’m all yours”
he’d lay back again, letting you lay on top of his chest
the game keeps going, you and mattsun sitting in comfortable silence while watching
your eyes are heavy and you don’t pay any attention to it
but then you wake up hours later, still on top of your bf’s rising chest
(pls i love him god i want to hug him and cuddle with him he’s so fucking cute <3333)
tbh semi was one of your old friends from middle school so he asked you to come to his game,,,
your boyfriend wanted to hang out with you so you asked if he wanted to go
HONESTLY he’d be like ‘since when did you talk to people from shiratorizawa’ but he’d be fine with it
maybe he’s a little bitter but lmao
you two go to look for your friend, and when you see him, you call his name and hug him
makki:  🧍
semi: hi uwu
you would introduce them to each other all smiley 
there’s tension and for what
semi: okay well i have to go warm up
you: bye eita ^^
you two would sit close to the school section and holy shit is hiro glad that he didn’t wear his team jacket LMAO he would’ve gotten flamed
anyways not you cheering for eita even tho you have no idea what the fuck is going on lmao
hiro is amused and he just thinks you’re so cute tbh 
he’s staring at you watching you yell out semi’s name even tho he wasn’t in the starting lineup help.
he’s such a dumbass tho pls 
not these girls staring at y’all um......
you’d scold him and he’s just :P
anyways you take a break from cheering and you sit, leaning on your boyfriend’s shoulder
“hiro are you doing okay?” you mumble, playing with his hand
“mhm, are you?”
you nod at his question and watch the game continue
“you sure you’re okay?? you seemed kinda tense, maybevenalittlejealous, when i introduced you to eita”
“i’m fine baby don’t worry”
him: me???????????? jealous>?????????????????? no.
after the game, you drag your boyfriend along with you to tell eita he did a good job
he’d give you a really big and long hug in which hanamaki is just standing there 
you gush about how great eita was, earning a big smile from him
when you leave the gymnasium hand in hand with hanamaki, you cling onto his arm, your smile never leaving your face
“soooo did you like the game?” you ask, looking up at your unusually quiet boyfriend
“did you like meeting eita uwu”
“were you jealous??”
“no comment.”
cue you teasing him while his cheeks become the same color as his pink hair 
he’d just remove his arm from your grasp and then wrap it around your waist to pull you closer to him
i know we all know this but iwaizumi hajime best bf idc !!!
he honestly wanted to go see the game bc he just wanted to see how the teams would play against each other
he had asked you if you wanted to tag along so you agreed
in all honestly, he didn’t think you would want to because you don’t usually seem interested in it whenever he talks about it, but in truth, you listen to every word he says abt it pls TT
he loves u so so much and u love that he’s passionate about volleyball HE JUST,, DOESNT REALIZE THAT YOU LISTEN
like he thinks it’ll bother you if he talks about it too much <//3
he’s the one who is genuinely surprised when you point out a strategy karasuno had used
“y/n i didn’t realize you liked volleyball??”
“you talk about it all the time silly”
and you give him a kiss on the nose and he just :0
“hajime cmonnnn you took me to the game you should tell me more about it uwu”
STOP. he literally,,, loves u so much
he holds your hand, his little smile never leaving his face
you lean your head on his shoulder, watching the game on the court
when the tall blond blocks ushijima’s block, you flinch a bit and stand up to look closer, seeing the tall blond yell and his teammates following suit
you cheer along with them, your boyfriend finally standing up to stand next to you
his eyes are on you only, your hair bouncing with you as you jump in excitement, your eyes shimmering with excitement
his smile just grows as you grin , turning to him in excitement
“did you see that hajime?? :D”
and u just :D
“you’re very beautiful princess, did you know that?”
that alone makes you go pink and you playfully push him by his arm
“baby stopppp”
and you’re both just laughing and watching the game together, spending the whole day with your hands intertwined 
(he.. hajime best boy)
you had started watching the game a bit after the first set started and your boyfriend was busy taking a shower
you knew a lot in all honesty, since shigeru happened to be on one of the powerhouse schools in terms of volleyball throughout miyagi
if he was gonna be honest he wasn’t expecting you to sit down and actually watch a game of volleyball intently
so walking into his room seeing you focusing on the karasuno v. shiratorizawa match surprised him a bit
“you watching the game?” he’d ask
“mhm!! it’s really interesting uwu”
he finds it absolutely adorable but then he tries to flirt and flex his muscles like “babe look i just got out of the shower” AND YOU JUSt,, KEEP LOOKING AT THE TV
yahaba: baby *bites lip*
you: babe get dressed and come watch with me
goodbye he just throws a shirt and some shorts on and basically jumps on top of you in which you yelp and go “shiGERU” and his mom is ON HIS ASS !!!!!!!! she literally comes in and she’s like “shigeru stop jumping onto your gf” and you rlly stick your tongue out at him
him: you’re acting like a child
you: you STARTED IT.
and you guys bicker a little and you just go “well you made me miss half the game” and HE GETS SO MAD HELPPPP
him: clinging onto you, asking you to cuddle him
you: watching the game
eventually you give in and hug him, kissing him which makes him go quiet
“are you happy now you baby?” you ask him
and he just gives you a quick kiss, smiling and also giving you a slight eskimo kiss
the game becomes an afterthought as he brings up the beach volleyball game the third years organized for tomorrow all day, asking if you could help his team out 
(he insists that since you’re the ref, you should help his team consisting of kyoutani, kunimi, hanamaki, and another first and second year win bc kyoutani will just keep spiking outside the lines but you tell him it’s cheating LMAO...)
(btw he’s so underrated i mean he’s not one of my faves but he deserves the world like y’all sleep on him and for what)
he’s super observant and he had been watching recorded games for a while to learn and make sure he plays his best next year pls </3 
he had invited you over to his place to hang out and you really wanted him to take a break from watching all of those recorded games
you emphasized this when you told him you would come over lmao
but alas.........
when he opened the door and you looked at the tv to see what he had put on, you saw the shiratorizawa v. karasuno game
watari: I CAN EXPLAIN.
you: .... sir.. 
PLEASE he’s taking your hand and pulling you to the couch while saying he’ll relax and just watch for fun
you sigh and follow him, letting him pull you down to sit next to him on his couch
you throw your legs over his lap, smiling while looking at him
he would give you quick, soft kisses all over your face and you both just fall into a fit of giggles
stop u literally love watching him gaze at the tv so passionately and observe how they play </3
YOU GIGGLE AT HIM AND HE’S LIKE “what are you laughing about?”
AND YOURE JUST LIKE “you’re so cute uwu”
so y’all are really just out here giggling at each other huh....... 
he??? pulls you into his lap and hugs you tightly
he’s literally so in love with you pls
so you guys just sit there and watch the game while you occasionally ask him questions
he’d be happy to tell you and he’s holding onto you the whole. entire. time.
honestly the game kinda slips away from you because you’re suddenly asleep on his chest, his arms around your waist, a hand gently rubbing your back
and he’s so grateful that he has a girlfriend who cares about him and worries about him :((
he’d turn off the game and then take a little nap with u <3 
tbh you spent so much time with him after the game his team lost bc he kept beating himself up for it which is >:(((((
him: i could’ve-
as you should !!
and when he tells you he’s gonna be watching the shiratorizawa vs karasuno match after school at his place, you tell him you’re watching with him too
“i don’t want it to bore you y/n-”
“it won’t bore me yutaro dw uwu”
no bc the way you’re both in love !!!!!
you would do anything for him tbh but you genuinely thought his passion for volleyball was cute :D
he was always striving to do his best and you think he’s absolutely precious
he’d turn on the game and then immediately come over to sit with you 
you lean onto him, clinging onto his arm and smiling
“y/n are you sure you wanna watch with me??”
he gives u a very soft kiss on the head and you can’t stop smiling bc you know he gets kinda shy abt showing affection
but he feels very warm and you start feeling very sleepy 
you think him making comments abt the game or what he finds interesting is really cute but youre just,, tired ya know
he notices and he’s like “you should sleep-”
“noooo yutaro i’ll watch with youuuu”
“y/n cmonn”
you pout and lean turn to lean your forehead against his arm
“i don’t wanna </3″
“it’s okayyy you can sleep if youre tired”
you look at him and he smiles, leaning forward to kiss your forehead
you can’t help but melt and you’re just,, staring at him dreamily
he’s like “..baby..?”
and you just lean forward and kiss him
“you’re the best bf ever <3″
and he chuckles and goes “and you’re the best and cutest gf ever”
he has you lay down on his bed, your hair sprawled about his pillows
he lays with you, the two of you facing the tv and your back to him
he puts an arm around you, smiling
you slowly fall asleep, smiley and snuggling back towards yutaro
he kisses your head again, telling you that he loves you and hopes you sleep well 
he’s so<333
he acts like he doesn’t give a rat’s ass about the game but you guys are chilling at his place and you flip to the channel that has the game on 
at first he’s like “you’re interested ?? in this ????”
you: babe,, of course i am,,  my bf is a volleyball player,,,,,?
PLS? he’d be like ‘oh ok’ and rest his chin on top of your head
it’s so chill between the two of you guys he’s literally just playing with your hair, humming a bit
you ask him smth but he asks you to repeat what you asked because he spaced out 
and when you ask again he just stares at you and is like ‘yes’
YOU JUST LAUGH AT HIM AND HE THINKS YOURE SO PRETTY so he just continues to listen to you ramble abt the game
eventually, he finds himself dozing off and you take notice as his chin starts feeling heavy on your head
“baby c’mon let’s take a nap-”
and he’d shake his head and go “we can finish the game-”
but you can tell he’s tired, especially from practice earlier today
so you turn off the game and turn so that you’re straddling his lap and hugging him tight
he wraps his arms around you and hums, kissing you
you smile and lean back to look at him, his eyes droopy from exhaustion
“sleep bby”
“mm only if you do too”
“i will dw <3″
and you just cling onto him, arms around his neck
he hums,  nuzzling your neck and you giggle
eventually, you two start breathing slowly, falling asleep
(tbh you didn’t rlly even care who won you just watched the game bc it was on LMAO)
you guys were hanging out in your room, his head in your lap while you sat up against your pillows
you were both occupied by your phones atm
he put his phone down, looking up at you curiously
you smiled as he reached to intertwine his fingers with yours
he had been at the gym more often, playing volleyball and practicing 
especially after their loss against karasuno :( 
today was one of the days that he decided he would spend his time being with you 
he doesn’t voice it often, but he appreciates how much you support him and care for him
(you picked him up from the gym the other day with some of his favorite deep fried chicken bits with the cute chicken packaging and he didn’t know how else to show you how much he loves and appreciates you other than by cuddling with you all night pls i’m </3)
anyways he’s just staring at you, admiring you, thinking about how much he loves you while you’re watching some tiktok your friend had sent you 
you had asked if he wanted to watch the game with you on your phone but he had been occupied thinking about you 
“what’d you say-?”
“i asked if you wanted to watch the game with me..? if you don’t want to it’s fine-”
“oh sure”
and he’d adjust himself so that he’s sitting with you, shoulder-to-shoulder, leaning his head so that it lays on top of yours
you’d just be all smiley, leaning into him more while playing the live stream of the game
he seemed focused, watching the game intently
you tried to focus on the game, but the only thing you could think about was the way kyoutani was holding your hand, rubbing the top of it with his thumb
eventually, as the game continues, he huffs a little, making you look up and smile at him
“you okay? we can stop watching if you want-”
“it’s fine-”
and then he adjusts himself, scooting away from you to lay his head in your lap
he reaches for your hand and puts it on his head, looking up at you
you oblige, gently rubbing his head and smiling
his eyes are closed, a slight hum coming from him
after a while, you realize kyoutani had fallen asleep, so you turn the game on your phone off
during this, kyoutani grumbles, reaching for your hand
you can’t help but giggle a little, rubbing his head while humming a little
“get some rest baby~” you croon quietly, staring at him lovingly
he opens his eyes a little, giving you a small smile
“you too okay..?”
when he closes his eyes, you smile, mumbling a little ‘i love you’ to your boyfriend
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fruitcoops · 4 years
If you’re up for more of a series could you possibly write the part of Remus recovering at home after leaving the game (the one with the stick to the face) and Sirius having to take care of him and all that?
Yes, I can! I’m so glad you guys are enjoying the continuation of something I wrote so long ago <3 Side note: I would give my left foot to be part of the Lions groupchat. Sweater Weather credit goes to @lumosinlove!
TW for bruises and blood
Sirius was worried. Even though Remus claimed he felt fine, he was just fine, everything was fine, a small seed of doubt lingered in the back of his mind. He had dozed off in the car on the way home—Sirius’ heart had stuttered for a moment before the swelling-enhanced snores started. His phone lit up every few seconds, but he didn’t dare take his eyes off the road for even a millisecond, just in case.
Remus woke when the car stopped and immediately winced. “What’s wrong?” Sirius asked, taking the hand that rested on his thigh.
“Just hurts.” Remus kissed his knuckles as best he could. His skin felt strange, and the edge of the tape was an unfamiliar sensation next to the softness of his lips. Sirius collected their gear from the trunk, then helped him up the front steps; just as he went to unlock the door, he felt Remus’ hand tighten on his forearm. “I hate not being able to see well.”
Sirius kissed his temple. “That’s what you’ve got me for.”
Hattie stopped in her tracks as soon as the door opened, and Remus frowned. “Hatters? Where are you, sweet girl?”
“She’s here.” Sirius whistled for her and crouched, setting their bags aside while Remus sat crosslegged on the floor and held his arms out. Hattie’s tail wagged low, almost as if she was afraid; she glanced up at Sirius, who tilted his head back toward Remus. “Go on, mon chou, he’s not going to break.”
“C’mere,” Remus said softly, shifting in her direction. “C’mere, babycakes. I need some cuddles right now—there we go. Okay, Hat Trick, okay.”
Sirius carefully closed the door as Hattie climbed into Remus’ lap and let him hug her, resting her chin on his shoulder. “Good girl,” Sirius said softly. A quiet sniffle led to a flinch. “Re? What’s wrong?”
“I fucking love our dog.” His voice sounded even more clogged than before.
“Are you alright?”
“It really hurts.” A shuddering breath made Hattie nuzzled closer. “Hey, good girl. I love you.”
Sirius sat down next to them and wrapped his arm around Remus’ shoulder, tracing a pattern with his thumb. “Deep breaths. You can take more Tylenol in a few hours. Let’s go get some ice, yeah?”
“Can I stay here with her?”
“Of course.” Sirius kissed the top of his head and gave Hattie a gentle pet before walking into the kitchen and grabbing an ice pack out of the freezer, as well as a towel to wrap it. The last thing Remus needed was a freezer-burned bruise. They were in the same position when he came back, though Remus raised his head from her thick fur when he heard him coming. “I’m going to put it on your face, okay?”
“Okay.” Remus sighed when the ice pressed against his eye and one hand came up to cradle Sirius’, running carefully down to his wrist. “Love you.”
“I love you, too. I was thinking about making some soup if you want to hang here for a bit.”
Remus nodded silently, though his lower lip wobbled in the one spot it wasn’t puffy. Sirius carefully transferred the ice pack to his hand and ran his thumbs over Remus’ cheekbones—usually they were sharp enough to cut glass, but now they were purple and overheated under his touch. He kissed each one before going back to the kitchen.
After grabbing some soup from the freezer and turning the stove on, he finally took his phone out. You Have: 20 New Messages
Message From: J ;)
Did you get home safe?
Call me when u can
Lil is worried ☹
Tell Re we send big hugs
 Message From: Tremz <3
Lmk when you get home
Leo is making soup for u
Bringing it over demain matin and won’t let us have any :(((
 Message From: Bliz
Nat sends her love for Re
Remember ice packs and NO IBUPROFEN DUMBASS
 Message From: Dumo
Sa mère est inquiète
Send text when home safe, love you
 Message From: Walkie Talkie :P
U okay? Sending lots of love
Lmk if you need soup or smth <3
 Message From: Hope <3
Thank you for the call honey <3
Tell Remus not to look at his phone and keep us updated please
Love you so much <3
 Message From: Baby Rookie
I’m bringing y’all soup and that’s a threat
Big hugs for Re <333
 Sirius laughed under his breath.
Home safe. Re is fine, getting lots of cuddles from Hattie. Thanks for the messages.
 He sent a few more texts to the individual people and, after a quick conversation with Hope, stirred the soup until it began to bubble. Remus entered the kitchen a few seconds after he took two bowls out of the cupboard. “Smells good.”
“It does. Are the lights bugging you?”
“Nah. At least I can see.”
Sirius poured out two portions and set one in front of Remus, handing him a spoon as well. “Careful, it’s hot.”
The corner of his mouth twitched. “Can’t cook it cold.”
Sirius’ phone began to ping several times in rapid succession and he turned the ringer off quickly, checking the screen to make sure there wasn’t an emergency. “Leo’s bringing us soup in the morning.”
“Neat. Is everyone else okay?” Remus blew the steam off his spoon.
“The guys are all worried about you.” Sirius glanced back up, only to see Remus staring down at his soup bowl, frozen in place. “Re? Sweetheart, what’s wrong?”
“Is this my mom’s?” he asked in a small voice.
Sirius wracked his brain. “…I think so? It was in the freezer. Is that okay?”
He nodded silently and a tear dripped down his cheek. “ ‘s fine.”
“Are you sure?” He reached across the counter and pressed Remus’ hand between his own, wiping his cheek dry.
“God, I miss them. You called her, right? To let her know I’m fine?”
“I did. She told me to give you something.”
Remus’ eyebrows drew together and he looked up. “What?”
Sirius scooted around the table and wrapped his arms around Remus, pulling him in for a tight hug and pressing his face into his curls. “This.”
“Thank you.” Remus went a little boneless against him. “I needed that.”
“I bet. Do you want me to give them another call so you can talk to her?”
Remus squinted at the clock. “It’s pretty late.”
“They’re still awake.”
“Could we?” Remus dug around in his pocket and handed it to Sirius, who dialed Hope’s number and put it on speakerphone.
The call connected on the first ring. “Hello?”
“Hey, mom.”
“Are you okay, love?” Hope sounded like she was on the verge of tears already. “You sound a little funny.”
“A little banged up, but I’m alright.” Remus gripped Sirius’ hand tightly. “We heated up the soup you left us.”
“Oh, I’m so glad. Have you taken any Tylenol? Ibuprofen is bad for bruises, but I don’t know how much pain you’re in.” Her voice hitched at the end of the sentence.
“Mom, it’s okay,” Remus said gently. “It’s okay, I promise I’m fine. It looked worse than it was.”
Looks pretty bad to me. “Hestia took really good care of him,” Sirius said instead. “We got home safe and we’re icing up now.”
“What’s the healing look like? Sirius said you didn’t have a concussion.”
Thank you, Remus mouthed before turning back to the phone. “About two weeks, mostly for the little scrapes.”
The ‘little scrapes’ were held together by strips of medical tape, but once again, Sirius kept his thoughts to himself. “The blood was just a regular old nosebleed and a cut on the lip.”
Hope paused and they heard a new voice in the background. “Alright. Is it okay if Jules and your father say goodnight?”
“Yeah, totally.” Remus sniffled and Sirius silently handed him a tissue.
The line crackled for a moment. “Re?”
“Hey, buddy!” All trace of pain and exhaustion disappeared from his voice. “How’s it going?”
“Are you still bleeding?”
“Nope, my nose is a-okay. I’ve got a pretty cool black eye, though. Kinda look like a pirate.”
“The announcers were saying you were really hurt.” Jules’ voice wavered and Sirius’ heart broke a bit.
“Well, they were wrong.” Remus leaned closer to the phone, as if he could reach right through it. “In two weeks I’ll be good as new. I was really lucky.”
“Okay,” Jules still sounded unsure. “Mom says I have to go to bed.”
“Yeah, it’s late, buddy. Sleep well. I love you.”
“Love you, too.”
There was a rustling noise. “Remus?”
“Hey, dad.” The exhaustion returned and Sirius rubbed his back gently, letting him lean on his shoulder.
After a moment of hesitation, Lyall sighed. “Alright, they’re in the other room. What actually happened?”
“High stick from the Ravens caught me in the face. No concussion, just bruises and swelling.”
“Do I want to ask Sirius to send me a picture?”
Remus winced. “Probably not.”
He sighed again. “I’m sorry we can’t come out and see you.”
“Don’t worry about it, dad,” Remus said softly. “Really, I’m okay. It sucks, it hurts, I’ll ice it and be fine.”
“Sirius, are you there?”
“I’m here.”
“If he starts pulling some ‘go back to practice early’ bullshit—”
“—don’t let him. If you have to lock him in the bathroom, I promise to cover for you.”
“Yes, sir,” Sirius laughed.
Lyall chuckled on the other end as Remus groaned. “Love you.”
“Love you, too. If Sirius locks me in a bathroom, I’m citing you in the court case.”
“There won’t be enough witnesses if he does it right. Sleep well, kiddo. Thanks for calling.”
“Love you,” Remus said again as the call ended. He blew out a long breath and leaned his forehead on Sirius’ chest. “Thank you for that.”
“Ne rien, mon loup. You should eat and then take a shower.”
“Are you saying I smell?” Remus teased.
“Yes, I am. I also think you’ll feel better if you do.”
They ate in silence; both were hungry, so it wasn’t long before Remus walked carefully up the stairs. Sirius checked the groupchat as he poured himself a third bowl of soup. You Have: 7 New Messages.
That is the blandest fucking response I’ve ever read
I’m guessing y’all are alive then???
Haha y’all
Ok gator boy
Give Hattie lots of kisses from us and also GIVE US DETAILS
What do you want to know??? We got home, ate soup, called parents, and now Re is showering
You’re so fucking nosy jfc
Also cut Rookie some slack it’s hard being so far from his swamp
From the bottom of my heart, go fuck yourself.
He doesn’t have to he has Remus
Pots I’m going to remove your kneecaps
 Sirius paused just before responding. Despite the quiet of the house, he couldn’t hear the shower running. “Re?”
“Up here.”
“Did you take a shower already?”
“Not yet.”
The bathroom door was ajar and the light was on when he entered their bedroom; Remus stood at the sink, staring into the mirror as he felt along the edges of the butterfly tape at his lip. “Did something happen?”
“It’s worse than I thought.” Sirius stepped inside and joined him, staring at their reflections. The stripes that marked the stick’s edges had turned almost indigo since they left the rink; no less than six pieces of tape decorated the places between mottled bruises. Remus reached up to touch his cheekbone and Sirius guided his hand back down.
“Poking it won’t help.”
“Two weeks, huh?”
“That’s what Hestia told me.”
“Will you help me get the tape off?”
Sirius patted the edge of the counter and Remus pushed himself up on it, leaning forward for easy access. The first one was easy—a small cut just below his brow. It slid away without an issue and Sirius pressed a gentle kiss to the spot, then moved on to the next one. They fell into a rhythm—one side, second side, slow pull, and a kiss, until only two were left.
Remus hissed in pain as he lifted the edge of the tape across the bridge of his nose and Sirius shushed him softly, moving to the other side. “Two more, sweetheart.”
“Just rip it off.”
Sirius gave him a look. “Absolutely not.”
“I’ll do it.”
“No, you won’t, because that would be a stupid idea.”
Remus huffed, but didn’t protest. His jaw ticked as Sirius pulled the last bit off. “Can we leave the lip one?”
“Not unless you want an infection.”
“You’d be a good PT.”
“I would be the worst PT.” Sirius worked the inner edge free. “I know, like, ten stretches and basic first aid. My bedside manner sucks, too, and I’d pass the fuck out if someone asked me to set a bone for them.”
“Good points all around,” Remus laughed.
The motion pulled the last of the tape off and Sirius held it up with a grin. “All done. Hey, your swelling is down. I can see your eyes now.”
The slight gleam of amber brightened as Remus smiled. “I thought I could see a little better.”
“Do you want company?”
Remus thought for a moment, prodding the cut on his lip with his tongue. “As much as I’d love to invite you in, I think I need a second to myself.”
“Cool.” Sirius kissed his cheek and stepped out of the bathroom. “Yell if you need anything. I’ll be in bed.”
He made a pit stop downstairs to gather Hattie and bring Remus’ ice pack up, and by the time he finally slid between the sheets it was nearly midnight. Remus came out of the bathroom a few minutes later, looking happier but still incredibly worn out. He took another Tylenol and snuggled up against Sirius’ side with a quiet hum, laying the ice pack over his face once again.
“Sleep tight, Re.”
“Love you.”
205 notes · View notes
annab-nana · 4 years
Stay With Me - Colby Brock
When tagging along with the boys on a trip to London, you experience some crazy things when you’re alone in your room at the Langham Hotel.
@traphousedaily’s favorite snc series project with: @lonely-xplr, @sarcasmhadachild, @taradummy @reddesertcolbs, @reinad-snc, @cartiercolby, @colbylover99, @sunflowerwhoever, @xplrtrash, @goddess-of-time-and-magic, @xolbyz
A/N: This is my longest fic I have ever written, so if you like the longer fics, let me know! Also, this probably isn’t the best edited because I tried to get it out in a hurry so sorry about that haha
Warnings: some curse words; mentions of suicide, murder, and suffocation
Word Count: 4.6k+
“We’re going to England, brothas!” Sam shouted which was followed by excited squeals and scream from you, Jake, and Corey as Colby clapped beside you all. When you went to the party at Kian and Jc’s, you were not expecting your best friends to come up and surprise with such news. You giggled as you watched Corey prance around, saying “Oh my God” repeatedly, and Jake spew absolute nonsense of connecting Queen Elizabeth to Bloody Mary.
“Pack ya bags. We’re going to London, baby!” Sam spoke enthusiastically before covering the camera lens that Colby was holding with his hand. And from there, your crazy adventure with the boys began and you hand no idea what you were in for or how badly it would end.
After your suitcase was packed and you had your backpack on, you were ready to go to London. You were so excited to see a new place and considering you have never left the country, this was a whole new experience for you. After a ride in an uber and a plane, the five of you arrived in the capital of the United Kingdom.
“Are you guys gonna be safe driving on the opposite side of the road?” Jake questioned as we walked through the parking lot of cars.
“Oh,” Sam and Colby say together, though Colby’s ended with a ‘my God’.
“I didn’t even think about that,” Colby added as he walked backwards, facing the camera towards us.
“Look at the steering wheel, brotha!” Jake pointed to the steering wheel of a black car in front of you all and the wheel was in fact on the opposite side.
“Oh no! How are we gonna do this?” Colby questioned as we all looked at the car, thinking the same thing as the boy with reddened locks.
“I don’t know my right from my left,” Sam spoke in a horrid British accent that you could not help but laugh at.
“Alright, you’re gonna drive,” Colby told his counterpart as you playfully rolled your eyes.
“Okay,” the blond sighed in defeat.
“This isn’t looking good,” you spoke to the camera that Colby held as you two watched Sam try to pull out of the parking spot. He already nudged Jake with the car and then tried to turn right when you can only go left. After a bunch more tomfoolery from the group, you all finally moved your stuff into the car and got in as well.
“Alright boys so-” Colby started to explain what we were doing but was cut off by Corey clearing his throat.
“And girl,” he scolded as he nodded his head in the direction of you.
“No, Corey. Y/n is one of the boys,” Jake butted in.
“I don’t know if that’s a compliment or an insult,” you chuckled before turning your attention back to Colby so he could continue his explanation.
“Anyway, this is what we’re doing. We’re going to the Langham Hotel which is known as the most haunted hotel in the UK.”
“And also top ten in the whole world,” Sam added.
“Wait, are we going there or staying there?” Jake asked beside you. Your eyes followed from his to Colby’s to see his answer.
“Staying there.” Your eyes widened slightly as you looked at the two boys beside you. Corey giggled nervously and made jokes to hide his fear and you and Jake just laugh in disbelief.
“In our last series, The Origin, we talked to those guys like a demonologist and he says we’re a lot better at paranormal investigations than normal and he thinks we have a gift. So, this whole trip is trying to prove that our group is the best ghost hunters on YouTube and because of that, we are meeting with two paranormal experts who’ve been studying the paranormal and demonology for years and we’re doing an interview here in an hour,” Sam explained.
Jake appeared to be really excited to the right of you and on your left, Corey stayed quiet, which led you to believe he was kind of scared and trying to hide it. You felt a mix of both the emotions of the boys next to you. You were excited for the adventure like Jake was, but also a little scared like Corey since y’all were going to one of the most haunted hotels in the world.
“Hey, there it is,” Colby announced to you three in the back and the camera that he had pointed at the building before you guys.
“The Langham!” Sam shouted as he kept his eyes locked on the road, still trying to get used to driving on the other side of it. You all pulled up the hotel, got your bags, and headed inside in no time.
“So, we have a reservation under Golbach,” Colby started as he spoke to the man at the front desk.
“We put in a request. We don’t know if it was able to be fulfilled, but we’re trying to do room 333,” Sam asked the man in the grey suit, a maroon tie and handkerchief to compliment it. You and Corey shared a look after Sam mentioned the number 333, both knowing it did not sound good.
“Absolutely. You have been allocated in that room,” the front man told y’all and Colby turned to you three with an excited grin which you returned. The man at the front desk noticed your group’s excitement and smiled along with you.
“We heard online that room 333 was like haunted or something like that?” Sam mentioned, hoping to get some information from the clerk.
“Is this why you have the camera?” He grinned as he processed the transaction.
“A little bit, yeah,” Sam chuckled.
“There is the legend, yes,” he told you all as he focused on his work.
“Have you heard anything about that?” the blond pressed again.
“We can’t tell guests,” the clerk starts with a smile, but the grin soon drops as he nods his head. Something about the way he did that made you feel a bit uneasy.
“Do you believe in it personally?” Sam questioned as you all listened intently to what the man had to say.
“No. In one year that I’ve been here, I didn’t have any complaints and so on, but you can tell me. Just stay there with the camera, yeah?” he laughed as you all joined in, trying to relieve the awkward and weird tension.
“My name’s Sam. This is Colby, Y/n, Jake, and Corey. We’re filming for our channel, but these guys are always into it and woah.” Sam turned the camera to the large creak you all just heard coming from above him and Rosie, the lady you had just met who is a member of the ghost club. John, a guy from the council for the Society for Psychical Research, sat next to her. You sat on the couch nearest to him between Colby and Jake and Corey sat on the chair next to Sam across for you.
“We just rented out room 333. We haven’t even told them why that’s a significant number, but do you guys know much about room 333 here in the Langham Hotel?” Sam asked, filming the response from Rosie.
“Well, the story goes that a Victorian doctor spent the night in room 333 with his bride. It was his wedding night. Who knows the circumstances, but the story goes, he actually murdered his bride in room 333.” She pauses as y’all take in the information she had just given before she continues.
“So, fast forward now to 1973 and the journalist James Alexander Gordon was staying room 333 where he’s waking in the middle of the night and he said he saw a fluorescent ball of lights that slowly formed into the figure of a man, but there was something strange about this man. He was dressed in a full evening suit, very smart, but the bottom half, his legs, were actually missing. Now the journalist actually tried to speak with the figure, but the figure didn’t speak to him. He just walked towards with his arms open wide.”
“A famous cricketer, he was staying at the room and in the middle of the night, he was woken by the sound of taps turning on. He went into the bathroom. Water was gushing out through the tap.”
“Woah,” all of you say collectively as you think back on what happened to the boys previously. You didn’t go with them on that trip, but you heard the story several times and watched the video too. Sam fills in the woman in on the experience briefly before she can continue with her story.
“Anyway, he turned off the taps, went back to the bed, what he could hear was still the sound of running water, gushing out even though the taps were turned off.”
John nods along before speaking about a theory that ghosts are like a tape recording of traumatic experiences that just play over and over again. He explains that you can’t really interact with it because it’s always going on a loop. The theory piques the interest of the group to say the least.
After finishing the interview and exploring a bit of the beautiful town you were in, you all gathered around the camera as Sam gave some background on the hotel. He tells you all about a German prince who jumped from the building out the window and how the doctor from earlier killed his wife and himself afterwards, both stories happening in room 333.
Soon the camera is turned off and you all pile in the elevator to head to the third floor. The whole hotel has an unsettling vibe, especially with some weird and creepy paintings that are hung all around. There is a big one of a boy with creepy eyes right when y’all get off the elevator.
“Which way is room 333?” Corey asks a worker when y’all get to a hallway and do not know which way to turn.
“Oh… uh… room 333… it’s that way,” he speaks, dragging out each word and shuffling away in a weird fashion. You and Corey share a wide-eyed look before going to catch up with the rest of the group.
“This is the most haunted room in the most haunted hotel,” Colby tells the camera as he films Sam who is about to unlock the dreaded door. The key does not work on the first try or the second which scares you all, but thankfully, the third time’s a charm.
Sam pushes the door open to reveal the supposed haunted room. A bed sat in the center of it, a closet to the left and a desk to the right. Huge grey curtains covered the window and another door was next to it, which you assumed to be the bathroom.
“It smells like old people,” Jake mentioned. “You know what that means? That means its haunted, bitch.” You and Colby giggled at the beanie boy as Sam and Corey were off in the other corner of the room. Colby mentions how tiny the room is as Corey says how that one of us could be standing where someone got murdered.
“Oh, we got three rooms. There is no way we can all share this bed,” Colby mentioned.
“Where are the other rooms at?” Corey asked as he stuffed his hands into his new hoodie that he got earlier when we were going around the city.
“Just down the hall,” Colby told him.
“Oh, so still on the most haunted floor,” Corey rolls his eyes and nods, accepting the fact that something bad might happen tonight.
You all left room 333 and headed to 324 where Corey and Jake would be staying to check the room out. Your room was next door, 323, and looked remarkably similar to 324. After exploring the rooms, y’all take on the hotel in its entirety, passing more creepy paintings and experiencing a door closing behind you without anyone around it, several vortexes, handprints on mirrors, immediate temperature changes, strange noises, and so on. The thing that freaked you out the most was Sam getting random headaches as you explored.
Back in room 333, you guys sat on the bed and Sam explained all the new ghost hunting gadgets they got, from the EMF reader to the dowsing rods. Sam says that with the dowsing rods, you can find basically anything you want.
“Anything?” Colby questions as he picks up the rods.
“Alright, where’s my girlfriend?” he asks and both rods point to you almost immediately. A blush scatters on your cheeks as you laugh it off.
“See guys, even the rods think you two should get together,” Jake tells the camera. Colby ignores the awkwardness between you two as he asks Corey how to effectively use the rods.
Y’all decide to begin the investigation, starting with the EMF reader. Corey brings it close to the hangers that made a noise and it moves up one green light. It lights up to orange in a few places on the right side of the bathroom which freaks you all out and y’all decide to set the EMF reader up in the bathroom since it got the most activity. You all put together that the bathroom is the only spot in the room that has a vortex and that it is exponentially hotter than the bedroom.
While Sam and Colby messed around in the bathroom, you, Corey, and Jake stayed in the bedroom to see if anything would happen in there while the cameras weren’t running in there at the moment.
“If there’s anything in here, can you please make the bed shake?” Jake asked into the air above him, trying to get whatever was out there to make the bed shake like they did earlier. At the moment, he was laying on the left side and you were on the right. Corey was next to you in the desk chair. You guys waited a moment for any responses and then you got one.
“We’re here,” you heard the raspy low whisper come from the closet.
“Please tell you heard that too,” you begged as you sat up, pulling your knees to your chest to comfort yourself. Corey nodded profusely in the dim lighting as Jake audibly answered ‘yes’. Corey dashed to the bathroom door to tell the other two.
“Hey, you good?” Colby asked you quietly as the other boys discussed what happened. Your eyes left the trio before meeting the blue ones that gave you such peace. He had placed a comforting hand on your back, his thumb rubbing it to soothe your nerves.
“Yeah, just freaked out. This place has been giving me an uneasy feeling all day, but I’m good.” You smiled up at him and he gave you a grin right back, one big enough for those adorable little dimples to pop out.
“Bro, if you guys lay on the bed, you will feel something with you,” Jake told Sam and Colby. You stood off the bed, allowing Colby access to lay on it. He handed you the camera, which you handed to Corey because you were not the best them and your hands were slightly shaky.
“When I was laying with him, we could feel it shaking,” you told the duo as they sprawled out on the mattress.
“You should turn off the light,” Jake told Corey and he did. It was just you five in the room alone with the darkness and all who inhabit it.
“Do you guys feel the bed shaking at all?” Corey asked, his voice right next to you.
“Maybe, barely,” Colby’s voice sounded in front of you.
“If the German prince or the doctor that killed his wife is in here, please shake the bed,” Sam asked nicely of the spirits that are presumed to be in the room with you guys. After a moment of silence, a stunned ‘woah’ fell from Sam’s lips.
“What?” Corey questioned as you heard him fiddling with the camera. “What? Bro, I can’t find the light.” Sam grabbed the green light grid thing and turned it on to provide you all with some sort of light.
“I felt it go back and forth,” Sam told us all as he kept his eyes on Colby to see if he felt anything too.
“You felt it? I don’t know if I’m feeling anything,” Colby sounded a little disappointed like he wanted to feel what you, Jake, and Sam had felt.
“It literally rocked bro,” Jake told the camera and you nodded your head in agreement. You all hung out in the bedroom, trying to figure out the green light grid and how else you all wanted to go about the investigation when Corey got a text from his little brother, Cambrey.
“Are you okay?” you asked Corey as he stared wide-eyed at his phone screen. The other boys turned to look at Corey to see why you asked him such a question when y’all were just chilling at the moment.
“Uhh yeah, Cam just texted me this: Hey so I just saw your new video and at the end of it when you were talking about in the part where y’all kept saying save me and you were wondering like what you should do, I just wanted to let you know I went to a psychic lady and she told me that I have powers to send ghosts to the other side lol. All I have to say is you are free to go to the other side and it helps them go through. I know this sounds really stupid but ever since I talked to her, I’ve been seeing giant black figures in my room every night and when I sleep, it feels like someone’s watching me.”
“What the fuck?” Sam comments as you all share looks between you guys.
“Wanna know what’s even freakier? Cam is fourteen right now and I was fourteen when I first saw the shadowman.” ‘Woah’s fall from the group around him as we take in the information and process what we’ve been told because it seems so surreal. You all talk about how to deal with this. Corey feels guilty and responsible for Cambrey possibly seeing the shadowman. You try to comfort him, but the heavy feeling that he is dealing with is something that you can’t help that much.
“Maybe it might be good if we call it a night,” Sam suggests to the group as you nod your head. Things are a bit tense right now and maybe just getting settled into our own rooms and stopping the investigation for now could ease it some.
“Let’s set our alarms for three or something like that, but I think it’s good to take a break for a minute and like relax and we’ll come back to this in a minute.” And that is exactly what you guys did.
“Are you gonna be good by yourself, y/n?” Colby asked before you left their room with Jake and Corey.
“Yeah, I should be but I might call you so that if I hear something, you might hear it too and so I don’t go crazy,” you chuckled as he smiled at you, the grin making butterflies flutter around in your belly. He nodded before you turned around and went to your room.
A sense of relief flooded your body when you walked into the room. You were still very creeped out by the hotel and the fact that you were on the most haunted floor of the most haunted hotel in the most haunted country in the world. You were happy you were no longer in the most haunted room, but the things that were happening in there freaked you out.
You went to your suitcase and flipped through your clothes until you found something to sleep in. You had packed mainly warmer clothes for sleepwear, but since room 333 was so hot and you were still burning up from it, you grabbed the one pair of shorts you brought and a tank top. You grabbed a hair tie from your backpack and went to the mirror, throwing your hair into a ponytail. After you brushed your teeth and got your charger out, you settled into bed and shot Colby a text.
Y/n: can I call you?
Colby: of course
“Hello?” you asked as soon as you hear the ringing stop.
“Hey, are you okay?” His voice sounds so concerned and it makes you smile.
“Yes, Colby. I’m fine. Can you stay on the phone with me until I get tired?”
“Yeah, sure.”
It didn’t last long until you were about to conk out, so the two of you said your goodbyes and you placed your phone down on the bedside table. Just as you were about to fall asleep, you swore you felt the bed shake. You do not know why you said what you were about to, but you did.
“If there is anything there, can you make the bed shake again please?” A moment or two of silence passes before it does it again. The bed wobbles lightly beneath you.
“Okay so there’s something here,” you whisper to yourself. You try your best to shrug it off and go to sleep. You almost slip into a blissful sleep before you hear a whisper similar to the one from before.
“You’re not alone, y/n.” You immediately grabbed your phone to text Colby. You knew he would probably be in a deep sleep by now, but it was worth a shot.
Y/n: the bed shook in here
Y/n: and I asked it to do it again and it did
Y/n: then it whispered youre not alone y/n
After not seeing the bubble with three dots pop up, you decide to let your phone record audio while you sleep just to catch anything that might happen and set an alarm from three in the morning. Finally, you get to sleep.
You woke up with a jolt, a sweat on your forehead and the bed moving slightly beneath you.
“You’re not alone”
“We’re here”
“Come with us”
The whispers filled your head as you watched an outline of a guy appears in the hallway near your door.
“Colby,” you call out as you sit up and rub your eyes.
“Sam? Jake? Corey?” you continue but not a peep comes from the man as he inches towards your bed.
“Seriously guys. Cut it out,” you chuckle, but he keeps coming closer and closer until he is right beside you. You reach a hand out to try to touch him, but your hand falls through his misty form.
“Whoever you are, please leave. You aren’t welcome here,” you demand, but your voice falters at the end. You hear a loud maniacal laugh vibrate throughout your small room as the figure crawls on top of you.
His presence is suffocating enough, but when a hand comes up to your throat and clamps down, it becomes difficult to breath. You fear for your life as you try to pry the hands from your neck, but just like his body, you can’t grab onto them. Your fingers slip through his and there is nothing you can do about it. Tears seep out your eyes and black spots cloud your vision before all you can see is black.
“Y/n! Open the door! Y/n!” you hear the worried shouts of your friends. You look around and reach for the lamp to turn it on. Looking around, you see that you are safe. It was nothing but a bad dream. You hand flies to your throat and when you feel that there isn’t a misty hand closing in on it, a sigh of relief leaves your lips.
You sling the covers off your body and run to the door. When you open it, you are met with the concerned expressions and worried eyes of the four boys you loved most. Your tear-filled eyes meet the specific blues ones before you step forward and wrap your arms around his waist, hiding your face in his chest.
“Are you okay, y/n?” Sam asks as he places a hand on your shoulder. You flinch at his touch unintentionally before muttering a ‘sorry’.
“You were screaming,” Jake added as he met your eyes.
“Really?” you asked, but based on how scratchy your voice sounded, you could tell it was true. “What happened?”
“Sam and I went to Corey and Jake’s room because Corey called us, but we heard you screaming and rushed over here. What happened to you?” Colby asked calmly above your head.
“Did you get my texts from earlier?” Colby nodded at your question. “I had a nightmare and the same whispers I heard earlier, I heard in my dream. And then this figure came up to me and try to choke me to death. I saw black and then woke up to you guys banging on my door,” you finished as the tears came back and you went back to hiding in Colby’s chest. His hand rubbed up and down your back comfortingly as he looked around at the other guys, unsure of what to do.
“I don’t want to be alone anymore,” you muttered into his chest.
“You can come stay in our room,” you heard Corey offer.
“Or ours,” Sam suggested.
“Can you stay with me?” you asked the blue-eyed boy as you looked up at him.
“Yes. Sam, can I have the camera? I’ll start looking through the footage and you can go to sleep since you couldn’t earlier.” Sam handed him the camera that he had hanging by him side before the other three left to go back to their rooms.
“Was I really screaming?” You asked Colby as soon as you sat on the bed.
“Like you were being killed,” he told you. You grabbed your phone and began to listen to audio recording you started earlier. It is mainly quiet for the most part, just your soft breaths and sounds of you moving in your sleep. Then, you hear the whispers again.
“Listen to this!” you shout as you hand the phone to Colby. His eyes widen at the sound.
“That’s what I’ve been hearing.”
“That’s insane,” He told you as he handed the phone back to you. You get all the way to the end and do not hear any screams.
“There’s no screaming on this.”
“When did it end?” You check and the time that stares back at you freaks you out even more.
“3:33 a.m.”
“Here. Let’s put this away because you have been through a lot tonight and just chill out,” Colby suggested as he placed your phone down and pulled you closer to him. You settled yourself into his side and placed your head on his chest. He had one arm around you while the other laid on his stomach.
“I’m sorry we put you through this,” he muttered as he fiddled with the bottom of his shirt.
“No, it’s okay. I have had a lot of fun this trip and I don’t want it to end early because I had a bad dream. That’s all it was,” you tried to see the bright side of it all.
“That makes me feel better because I really do love you, y/n, and I’d hate to see you not come on another trip with us or stop hanging out with us because of this.”
“I love you too, Colby, and it’s gonna take a whole lot more than a bad dream to get rid of me,” you both chuckled as a comfortable silence fell over the both of you. You fell asleep in the safety of his arms and right there, you did not have another bad dream that night.
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danishmiilk · 4 years
hello friend that talks to me (unlike a certain broke🙄) how has YOUR day been🤔? will you be blessing us with any content soon?👀👀
i have objections
firstly i don’t talk to you you talk to me <3
and um. no i won’t be blessing you with content unless you can find my other sideblog IN WHICH CASE I WILL BE
i’m just taking a nct writing hiatus but i’ve found creativity again and i’m writing so much it makes no sense BUT
it’s not romance so y’all won’t eat it up HAHAHHAHA
maybe i’ll write unholy hours or maybe ill just do my collabs idk yet but i’m never giving up on y’all <333
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spir1tfar3r · 4 years
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Ahhhhhhh ok hi uh— I didn’t expect to get to 200 this fast??? I believe I deactivated hurtbycanonthoughts last Thursday so um getting here again is a little surprising. I genuinely appreciate the people that stuck with me from my move and I’m sorry to those who found out by sheer luck. I was very upset that day and I was planning on leaving tumblr but I didn’t want to lose the friends I had made (jokes on me, I lost 5+ friends because they don’t know this is me </3). I appreciate all of you a lot and I’m sorry for being just as annoying here as I was on hurtby lmao.
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Anywho, time to be sappy for some of my mutuals <3
@kenmyra- Myra bby, thank you so much for not only helping me with this username but being such a sweet and genuine person. I love all of your content (and your posts about how much you love Kenma <3) and I’m very happy that you’re in my life. Ilysm bby🥺
@al3x1ss- Alexis, oh my gosh you are literally one of the nicest and funniest mutuals I have. I’m so happy that you’ve decided to deal with my annoying ass for this long (and get in trouble for wheezing in class because of me). Ily bby and I’m very happy to have you in my life🥺🥺
@rilacry- Lola!! You’ve been one of the people who inspire me for so long, you even made me want to make haikyuu content when I got into the show!! I’m still in shock that we’re mutuals and I literally couldn’t ask for a better person to be in my life. Ilysm and I’m sorry I don’t talk to you (or any of y’all) very often🥺
@luvyoomi- Yui!! Thank you so much for being such a sweetheart all the time🥺 Anytime I get an ask from you, see you in my notifications, or on my dash almost instantly makes my day so much better because you’re such an amazing person. I’m so glad I’m mutuals with you and ilysm <33
@haikupid- Lexi bby!! Ilysm and I’m so unbelievably thankful to have you in my life. You’ve been one of my most supportive friends and I am so happy that you still deal with me being annoying almost 24/7 lmao. Thank you for being here for me bby and I hope your new account treats you well <33
@gxdlyissei- Omg I still can’t believe we’re married🤭 lmao anyways, sammy thank you for being so nice to me all the time🥺 I absolutely love interacting with you and I’m glad we’re friends <33
@astro-pioneer @samthegirlnextdoor- God words cannot express how much I love you both. Even though y’all bully me at times, I am so happy you both are in my life. I know I can be annoying and kinda bitchy but neither one of you ever seem to hold that shit against me and I’m so glad for that. Ily both so much and I’m glad we’re friends🥺
@unheoly @tsukkisbean- Same goes for you two!! I’m so unbelievably thankful to be friends with you both🥺 you two are some of the nicest (and chaotic) people I know and I couldn’t imagine not being friends with you dorks. Thank you for dealing with me for so long and I’m so happy that you’ve stuck with me for so long🥺
@thecowardwrites- Katie, thank you so fucking much for being my friend. I know I always add you to these and it probably gets annoying since I say this shit to you decently often but I literally can’t express how much I love and appreciate you. You’ve helped me so much with hurtbycanonthoughts and I am so fucking sorry that I basically wasted all of your time that you took out of your day in the end when I deleted that account. Even then you still supported my decision (though you called me a dumbass—) and I’m glad that I can trust you out of everyone I know irl to talk about my actually feelings on things. I know I’m not the greatest friend and kind of getting snippy at times (especially in dbd) but fuck dude,,, I’m so happy that I can consider you my best friend. Ilysm Katie and I hope we can see each soon🥺🥺
@kingdoms--night--star @karasimpno- Ily both so much holy fuck. You’re both so unbelievably sweet and I cannot describe how thankful I am to have you two in my life. Thank you for dealing with my bullshit most of the time and ily both <333
@k1ngofthecourt- Az, ilysm omg. You’ve been one of the coolest and sweetest people I’ve gotten to know and I’m so happy that we’re mutuals. You lowkey got me to want to watch dream and all of them so uh thank you for that and expect me to annoy you about them when I do <3 anywho, ily and you’re a very talented writer <33
@ssat0ris- Eden!! Thank you so much for being such a sweet and caring person. I am so happy that you’re in my life and Ilysm. Anytime I see your writing, you impress me literally everytime and I love it all so much. Thank you for being here and dealing with my annoying self for so long. I appreciate you sm <33
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I know I didn’t @ a lot of mutuals and I’m so sorry for that (I’m writing this at 11:51 pm) but please know that I appreciate and love you all so fucking much. Even @ the mods for the anons, ily all and appreciate you taking time out of your day to talk to me when you don’t have too. Thank you all so much for being a part of my life and I don’t know what I’d do with you🥺💜
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