#talking pineapple
ered · 20 days
Here’s my take on the whole audio books vs. reading:
Oral tradition of storytelling predates written ones by millennias, and honestly, which one you like is just a personal preference.
The actual difference is
when listening, you have no idea how to write characters’ names
when reading, you have no idea how to pronounce characters’ names
hope this helps!
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rosekasa · 6 months
the thing is, chat noir is so smart, and ladybug knows this, so when it comes to technical knowledge she just trusts him. chat noir, who loves fuckiny with ladybug, doesn't actually realise the depths at which this trust runs. she'll ask him what the constellation in front of them is called and he'll be like 'oh it's called The Great Almond because at the time the romans had only heard of almonds in folk stories and believed that's what they looked like' and she'll be like ohhh i see. she'll ask him how exactly street lamps sense when it's night time and he tells her 'oh it's not from the lack of sun, it's just the mice become more active after dark so when they start running around faster underground it triggers the sensors' and she'll be like wow that's so weird but chat noir said it so it must be correct.
one day she storms up to him during patrol and is FURIOUS. she tells him she just went on a date and this guy thought she was so stupid because she started ARGUING with him about all these nonsense facts chat noir had told her. chat noir laughs about this for weeks
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daily-odile · 6 months
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Happy birthday Bonnie!!!!
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can't see bonnie without their iconic hat so have a hat on a hat
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jmkho · 1 year
Now we know the truth
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r-aindr0p · 8 months
Love your thruple Yuu rook and rollo
Thoughts on your status, messieurs ?
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Alright Rook you’re going to need to elaborate more for everybody here I think.
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dark-elf-writes · 10 months
More for the mha/khr au because it’s eating my brain
Denki: So what is your relationship with Chrome? Are you dating? Are you siblings?
Mukuro: What is the nature of your relationship with your reflection? What label have you put to define looking yourself in the mirror
Denki: …. Right and Tsuna? Are you dating him?
Mukuro: Are you dating the air in your lungs? The all encompassing sky that cradles you? The peace and tranquility of coming home
Denki: Are you… always like this?
Hayato, not looking up from his book: For the most part, unfortunately, yes.
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smalltimidbean · 7 months
And suddenly pineapples :D
(Don't ask why.)
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I, uh...
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chirpsythismorning · 2 years
Reminder that the most incriminating birthdaygate evidence aka the Happy Birthday song that played when fans initially called the number on the Surfer Boy van pre-s4, is referenced on the Wikipedia page for Easter eggs…
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tiny-tf-faces · 7 months
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I didn't even know there were this many tf fans on tumbrl
Welp, I definitely chose the right website for this thing then
When I started screenshotting tiny faces, I had no idea it would one day become my biggest contribution to society. Not complaining, though!
Thank you (yes, you, the person reading this post), for your time, your attention, your delightful additions to my posts, the faces you've contributed, or just the overall good vibes :) You are much appreciated!
I still have plenty more to post, and there is more source material on the way, so let's hope I can one day reach 1000 faces
Until then, drink water and remember you're all really cool and awesome!
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Maxie, horrified: Pineapples can be plucked...?
Archie: Not right away you gotta get the leaves off, but yeah it's like an orange you can seperate it, it's more like grapes than a single fruit-
Maxie: HUH-
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09lover · 8 months
bought a frozen slice of pizza for $8.50 for lunch and im not sure if its worth it or not
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ink-sans-club · 21 days
hi! sorry for the lack of posts, i have been going through something recently and although it's not over, i did have a break today. i like running this blog and i love the people who interact with it, so i decided that today, i would spend some time to make some Ink Questions!
I have the Ink Questions queued up so they'll post for you guys, however I will not be actively making posts until next week or the week after. Hopefully I make enough for you guys, and if I don't, then im sorry.
I will still be reblogging things occasionally, and I will still be active on my main blog every so often.
About half an hour after I post this, today's Ink Question will be posted and the rest will be posted from the queue until they run out. :)
After the thing I'm going through is over, I'll try to make Ink Questions for you guys daily. I've wanted to do that for a while, but this time I want to dedicate myself to it. Maybe I could put out Ink Questions on weekdays, but not weekends(?) I'm still thinking...
Anyways, thank you, and when I return, I'll let you guys know!! :D
Edit: i just realized this was my 100th post :0
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septimus-heap · 4 months
I love plums so much. Big fan of plums
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borgeslabyrinth · 9 days
I'm just a boy. Standing in front of my town's Asian bakeries and grocery stores. Asking for a common flavor of mooncakes.
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diathadevil · 7 months
fuck FUCK sleep deprivation is telling me to think of a bunch of Monster AU Fakiru concepts:
- Werewolf AU Fakir. Ahiru ruffling his hair and petting his ears as he nuzzles onto her for warmth and comfort. Ahiru getting lost in the cuddles, probably calls him a Good Boy accidentally and he struggles to recover from that for an entire day.
- Vampire AU Ahiru. Fakir would be the sacrificial bitch and let her suck his life out. Ahiru would be sobbing at him to protect his life because human life is precious and he's precious to her. She only really needs a shot-glass worth of blood anyway from him everyday. She has a tendency to leave him with bite marks acriss his arms and body. (Fakir probably is into bite marks on him too. Something about making him feel grounded knowing that Ahiru is still alive and well when his marks are fresh)
I might add more to these at some point. I must draw Fakir and Ahiru with fangs respectively at some point. Send help.
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shameboree · 10 months
You know when you get trauma induced food aversions? Very sad to report that The Poisoning has lead me to loathing something i have quite a fucking bit of in my freezer.
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