#tank everybodies views then
winters-chiid · 5 months
How pissed off would all of those people who are boycotting Eurovision get if they realised that they should be boycotting almost every state owned tv company along with most social media apps and other entertainment outlets.
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kingcriccket · 11 months
The thing about the fall of the house of usher is that like. I think Mike Flanagan is a great character writer but... somehow maybe not a very good horror writer? Which I know is an insane take given his body of work but like. He's great with suspense, but when that tension finally breaks, at least in Usher, it tends to feel kind of... stupid rather than scary.
Which means you're watching all of these interesting, horrible people play off of one another in excellent ways, portrayed by excellent actors, as they unerringly make their ways towards extremely obviously telegraphed and kind of stupid deaths.
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splatashahowlett · 2 months
Nighttime frenzy
logan howlett x reader
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you trusted charles with your life, everybody knew it. but sometimes he had the tendency of making the dumbest decisions known to mankind, at least from the outside. one of those senseless decisions was sending you and logan, the person that annoyed you the most in the whole world, on a mission on the other side of the country.
that's how you ended up in a trashy camping car in the middle of texas. what a great spring break! as if the smell of the vehicle or the broken ac wasn't enough, logan had decided to be even more irritating than usual. the begining of the trip could be summarized by unrelenting bickering; like logan tying you to your seat with the seatbelt after you threatened him to jump out of the window while he was driving.
you were conscious that you both acted like children, but you couldn't help it. you both seemed to awaken something in each other but couldn't quite put your finger on it. so you manifestly chose to hate each other. you accepted this mission for charles' sake and absolutely not cause something within you wanted to spend more time with logan.
"stop. it." logan fussed at you, who wouldn't stop pressing every single buttons before you: resulting in turning on the headlights, changing the radio channel, folding and unfolding the rear-view mirrors or activating the blinker. you knew you were getting insufferable but you had to occupy yourself during the trip right ?
"damn, you're so lame. you're the worst person to do a road trip with" you rolled your eyes, wishing it was ororo next to you. logan didn't answer, probably also wishing it was someone else next to him. so you kept going: "you're telling me charles has all those fancy cars and we're stuck with this piece of crap ? how is that even possible ?" logan, again stayed silent, but you knew he agreed on this one.
you both fell silent. the only thing you could hear was the occasional car driving by and honking at logan -considering the truck was going way too slow for everyone's liking- which would inspire logan's need to swear. each time he muttered a "fuck off" or honk in return you would let out a soft laugh, followed by a death stare from logan.
the heat was excruciating and you desperatly needed a shower. so you begged logan to make a stop for the night.
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"logan, I know you want it too" you coaxed, giving him a pleading gaze. logan abrubtly stopped the truck almost sending you flying through the windshield if it wasn't for his arm suddenly coming infront of your stomach.
"fine" logan said firmly. you bit your lip, amused but also embarassed by being corrected like a child. "I'll go for a walk while you're showering" he continued, stepped out the truck and slammed the door with enough strength to shake the entirety of the vehicle, including you.
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half an hour after your shower logan was still gone and you started to feel dumb for acting frivolous. was he really mad at you? did he get lost? it wasn't your problem anyway, if you could finish the mission alone it would be better for everyone.
so you climbed into the only bed, thinking logan was not going to sleep anwway. you didn't care nevertheless if he wanted to, you would get the bed.
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you woke up in the middle of the night, crickets basically singing to death. it was still extremely hot which explained your choice of clothes: a light tank top with a small short. what couldn't be explained was the presence of a monstruous bear in your bed. well, logan had enough of walking you guessed. it's only when your eyes adjusted to the darkness that you noticed logan was bare chest, and even if you hated it, this made your heart flutter.
right as when you were falling asleep, logan started shifting franticly in his sleep. you tilted your head, confused as to what was happening until you heard him mutter somehing along the lines of "let me go". ororo had told you about logan's recuring nightmares and you figured this must be one of those. you didn't really know what to do, being woken up by someone you don't appreciate much must be even worse than having a nightmare and you also didn't want to end up with his claws in your guts. so you found nothing better than to fill an old bucket you found in a cupboard with water and to drown him with it.
logan woke up instantly, claws coming out his knuckles. this definitely wasn't the best idea but at least no one got hurt. logan looked at you, not an ounce of anger in his eyes but more of worry. he got up and seated himself on the stairs leading to the outside off the camping car.
ten minutes later you joined logan by leaning against the doorframe. you didn't love the guy to death, but you knew those kind of nightmares were merciless and left you reliving things you wanted to forget over and over again. you didn't have to get a degree in psychology to guess logan wasn't doing great right now, his arms were crossed over his knees and his eyes fixated on the ground.
"come on, I changed the sheets" you spoke softly, scared to disturb his thoughts more than they already were. logan didn't move at first so you assumed he needed more time. you were about to join the bed when you heard a gentle protest.
"I'm sorry" logan said. you stopped in your tracks, surprised at how logan was acting. this was the first time he showed a sign of weakness. this made your heart melt and you immediatly answered. "there's no need to be sorry logan, you didn't do anything wrong". logan looked up at you and you sweared you saw a glimpse of gratitude and maybe even more. he stood up and followed you in the bed. you were facing him, not wanting him to think you didn't mean what you just said if you turned your back to him. logan looked down, not wanting to show he felt miserable. you took his hand in yours and brushed your thumbs against the back of his hand in an attempt to bring him comfort. you guessed it worked cause when you looked back at him, he was looking straight into your eyes. usually you would find this interaction awkward and immediatly get out the bed, but if logan didn't take his hand back that must mean that he needs you to stay and show him that he is not alone. so you stayed.
"I'm sorry for throwing water at you" you muttered, almost inaudible. the corner of logan's lips twitched upwards and you couldn't help but smile. you scooted closer to him and hid your face in his chest. one of your hand left his and found its way on his back, hugging him. you could hear logan let out a sigh of relief before planting his chin on your head, keeping you close to him.
"thank you".
you would go back to hating each other tomorrow, right now you just wanted to hold each other as long as the moon was glowing.
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skcirthinq · 8 months
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What's the line? 'How was the catharsis? Was the catharsis good?'
*me, face screwed up and holding back tears* it was good.
Yeah, so I read "Little kid with a big death wish" by @remedyturtles and. You guys. You GUYS. It's so. Heart-wrending and evocative and so so well written. Like. I'm going to have turtle fanfiction stapled in my soul now.
It's a post kraang fic, but like. Mostly about the characters (mostly Leo) and how they're dealing with stuff ... Emotionally... Mentally. Physically. There's also TMNT shenanigans about what exactly is going on with Leo.
I recommend it fully, with the caveat of minding the tags, please.
Descriptions under the cut, with two more works I'm adding in a reblog, because I. Goddamned. Ran out of room. Spoilers ahead.
(Descriptions of sketch illustrations of various scenes from the fic) Image 1: A badly injured Leo is laying against some pillows, with a blanket pulled up around his chest. He has bandages, cuts, and bruises littering his visible body, and one of his arms is gone, with bandages around the remainder. His eyes are open, but his expression is vacant and unseeing. Mikey and Raph, also showing signs of battle damage, are sleeping; Mikey is resting his face in his crossed arms on the side of Leo's bed, looking upset even in his sleep. Raph is right behind Mikey, also leaning his face into his arm, with the other arm resting on Mikey's back and head. Donnie is sitting behind them, looking at his brothers with an unhappy grimace. He is also visibly injured, and wearing a hoodie. None of them are wearing their masks.
Image 2: Raph is sitting down, tense and holding his hand. He looks up with an... Intense face, as his brothers come into the room. Donnie and Mikey are supporting Leo, and Donnie is holding Leo's crutch. They all look upset. Because Somebody 'broke his hand. Like a boss.'
Image 3: Leo sobs into Splinter's lap, gripping tightly onto his dad. Future Leo (who isn't there physically) is bent over sobbing as well, holding his face in his hand. Everybody's crying.
Image 4: Mikey is facing Leo, both of them sitting in bed. Leo has a panicked look on his face as he tries not to dissociate, while Mikey is holding Leo's hand to his chest. They are having a Talk tm.
Image 5: Future Leo is laying prone in a sea of muck and mud. It's covering most of him. Present Leo is crouched on top of F! Leo's chest, upset and tired, but determined, wiping some of the mud off of F! Leo's face. He is also covered in the mud.
Image 6: A bandaged, but healing, Raph is looking straight on. His mask is pulled up showing his eyes and forehead, which are scarred from the kraang. He looks near tears, exhausted, as he begs Leo not to dissociate again, promising that he's got him.
Image 7: A tense and upset Donnie, wearing a tank top that shows his scarred shell, is tightly hugging Leo, who is laying down. Leo is gripping back tightly, but away from Donnie's shell, and trying to hug with his stump. Leo is present and smiling a little, cracking jokes.
Image 8: A split screen, wherein Donnie, Raph, and Mikey formally meet Sensei. Mikey is confused and worried, turning back towards what they're facing (Sensei). Raph has a hooded jacket on, and is slightly crouched, with a hand on Donnie's shoulder. He's concerned but less upset than the others. Donnie's. Mad. And has his bo out and pressed to Sensei's neck. He's standing straight and speaking, glaring at Sensei. He's wearing an oversized T-shirt that says 'Autism Wins'. On the other side of the split, Sensei, piloting Leo's body, is sitting up straight, and calm, with Donnie's bo against his throat. He's replying to the present boys. He's in bed, with a blanket around his waist. Because the artist will take any opportunity to cover up a body with a blanket.
Image 9: A back view of Donnie, sitting cross-legged. He's tense, and has his arms crossed tightly in front of himself. His shell is covered in tentacle patterned swirls of barely healed wounds from the technodrome. Leo's arm is visible in the foreground, hand tightly gripping the blanket Donnie is sitting on. The pov is from Leo's eyes.
Image 10: An upset and crying Mikey, dressed in a shirt and vest, with his socks and gloves on, is leaning with his back against the wall. He's got his mask pushed up, and is wiping his tears away with his forearm, since his hands are covered in chalk. The ninpo marks and bandages are peeking out from under his gloves. Leo is sitting down beside him, using his crutch to lower himself down. He's wearing his mask, socks, a braided bracelet, and a jean jacket over a shirt, with his swords on his back. He's concerned about Mikey.
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vivalarevolution · 2 years
𝓑𝓲𝓰 𝓑𝓸𝔂
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Jake Sully x Plus-size Reader
A/N: No one asked I think that everybody needed it. As the tittle said is inspired by SZA's song because personally for me, this became the anthem for Jake Sully. So for every lady out there, please enjoy this sinful work that probably has devil himself blush.
And remember english is not my native language , mistakes may happen. Minors do not interact.
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Moans, whimpers and growls echoed around the empty unit, which contained only two lovers.
Jake had her on the bed towering over her while she knelt on the mattress trying to fit his big, thick member into her mouth. Failing miserably.
Her small hands tried to stimulate the rest , and the saliva dripping from her mouth made it much easier for her.
-Good little girl, taking me so well - the avatar praised her, stroking her hair with his hand as she nearly choked on arsenal between his legs.
But even with tears in her eyes and the feeling of a sore throat, she eagerly moved her head, wanting to bring the man to orgasm. After a moment, she took it out of her mouth with a loud and wet pop, panting. Leaning against his hip, she continued to stimulate his manhood, sliding her lips down to his balls, which she began to suck gently, driving Sully to pure madness. However, her mouth didn't stay there for long, as she began kissing him up to his mushroom, which she started licking as if it was a sweet lollipop. Sometimes letting out a trickle of saliva from her mouth, sucking it off in the next moment.
-I want your cum so much sir - she moaned, rubbing his member against her cheek before taking it almost all the way into her mouth ,gagging slightly.
-Yeah? - he panted, lifting his head up ,to at least the slightest way to regain control over his body - How much do you want it? Tell me.
-So much - she replied, kissing the dripping head of his cock - Please, I want to taste you so bad.
In response, she was pulled as far as possible, causing his member to hit her again and again in the back of the throat. Tears flowed freely from her red-rimmed eyes, as did the saliva that dripped down her jaw and neck, making the perfect picture in front of him, the perfect picture to which he had climaxed.
The cum that slid down her throat was way too much for her to swallow. After a while, Y/n pulled her head back, breathing deeply while Jake continued to paint her face white ,getting addicted to the view before his eyes.
-You did such a good job - he murmured, running his thumb over her dirty face, then put it in her mouth, and she began to suck it eagerly - I think you deserve a reward.
-A reward? -she asked, looking at him with those big doe eyes.
-A reward - he repeated, placing his hands on her ribs, under her large chest hidden behind a thin tank top, from which her pebbled nipples were already protruding - Let me see those lovely breasts, baby.
Y/n obediently removed her clothes, shyly avoiding na'vi's eyes, trying to hide within herself, unknowingly squeezing her tits and exposing them even more as they spilled out from under her fingers.
The man growled. Like enchanted, his body began to move according to its own mind, his hands moved the only obstacle away from his yellow eyes before his whole body hung over her ,telling her in a silent command to lie down, which she complied instantly, being obscured by the big blue body of the avatar.
A woman had never felt so small and vulnerable. With her mouth slightly open, she watched Jake's actions as he placed both his hands on her boobs, covering them fully, no matter how big their were. His warm and welcoming fingers made her close her eyes, giving herself over to the pleasant feeling.
-Jake - she whimpered, feeling his tongue on her nipples.
-Hmm? - he murmured into her skin, still focused on sucking, biting and licking.
-Please let me cum - she gasped, surprised at how close her own orgasm was coming.
Sully, also did not expect such a twist, but quickly came to his senses, assaulting her tits even more, even harder. Y/n thought she was seeing stars when a wave of heat flooded her, spreading through every inch of her body.
Panting, she covered her face, trying to calm down, but the man above her wouldn't let it. Kissing her body, going lower and lower, until he stopped at her black underwear, which he tore from her legs like an animal, parting her thick thighs to shamelessly examine her wet and trembling womanhood, begging for someone to touch it.
-Such a pretty pussy - he praised her, moving his lips closer, stopping at the inner thighs, nibbling on their firm skin - Will you let me touch it baby girl?
-Anything you want...do with me whatever you want - she said, propping herself up on her elbows, tempted to see the avatar between her legs.
The man chuckled darkly, looking at her with predatory eyes, moving agonizingly slowly to her clitoris before his long tongue ran over her folds, from the entrance to the swollen button. He was purring like a cat as he tasted her.
-Sweeter than I thought - he whispered against her labia before his hands firmly gripped her hips, draping her legs over his broad shoulders, feasting on her as if he was starving.
Her mind was empty, clouded by an aura of lust and greed. Within seconds she turned into a moaning mess, whimpering and tossing like a possessed woman while Jake held her abdomen tightly, not letting her move an inch. Growling when he couldn't feel her womanhood under his tongue ,even it was only a moment. And when he suddenly pulled away from her, only to spit on her labia, she thought her mind left her body, leaving only a shell for desire.
-Ah!- she squeaked, feeling his tongue sneak into her hot, tight canal, only to come back higher, spelling his name on her pussy.
The awareness of how possessive this act was made her thighs tighten on his head, and a clear substance appeared in his mouth, flowing straight from her entry.
-Delicious - he muttered to himself, feasting for a longer time - Do you think you can give me another one?- he asked, but there was no question in his eyes, only an order.
-Yes sir - she replied, too consumed by the feeling of dizziness.
-Good girl - he said, gliding his fingers over her womanhood, then carefully slipping one of them inside, watching her reaction - How are you feeling? - he asked, pushing a little deeper.
-Full - she confessed, from under half-closed eyelids - But in the best sense of the word.
-Good - he murmured, moving it around, kissing her clitoris from time to time - We need to get you ready. We don't want me to rip you in half.
At these words, Y/n's legs involuntarily wanted to close, but the avatar stopped one of them with his hand, then hitting her pussy in an act of silent warning, but in response he got an uncontrollable moan, which was repeated with the next slap of his palm.
-You like it, huh?- he asked, suddenly brushing her lips with his - What a dirty girl you are.
-Just for you - she replied, connecting their lips, desperately needing to feel him.
The woman's hands found their place on his cheeks. Pulling him closer, catching his hair every now and then, moaning into his mouth, that absorbed every sound that left her. Their tongues danced against each other and their teeth brushed together as Jake slipped his other finger inside her, causing her to tear away from him ,almost screaming at the feeling of pain mixed with pleasure.
-You're so good to me. Just a little longer, you'll be fine, baby - he said, marking her neck with bite marks and red hickeys.
Y/n felt Sully's fingers pressing against a special spongy spot that was driving her crazy and making her climaxing so quickly. First, she saw a trickle of fluid leave her body, then it hit her as she came, feeling her body quiver with the pleasure engulfing her.
Man growled approvingly, watching her cum painting his torso as it cascaded down. And when he shifted his gaze to the woman below him, he saw immediately how her irises were glued to his wet abs and how they moved. With a dark smile, he grabbed her around the waist as if she weighed as much as a feather, tucking her in his arms before he sat on the mattress, leaning against the wall behind him, reclining as she sat embarrassed on his massive lap.
-Go on baby girl - he said, tucking her hair behind her ear - I know you want to. Have a good time on me. I want to feel you squirt again.
Y/n obediently began to do his command. Adjusting her labia so that she was pressed against his skin before she began to move her loins back and forth. But soon her legs gave out ,and her movements slowed down.
-I can't - she whimpered, collapsing onto his chest - I can't, Jake.
-Poor baby, already tired when it's just the beginning- he remarked, cupping her wide hips in his large hands - Don't worry, I'll help you, but I can't promise I'll be gentle - he added before her pelvis was set in motion again, yet this time it was the avatar who had the power over her body, steering her as he wished.
All that was left for the woman to do was lean against the na'vi's muscular body, taking in whatever she was getting from him. The moans reaching his ears only drove him crazier. Moving her brutally until another wet spot appeared on his lower abdomen and the thighs that framed his torso tightened around him like ivy.
Y/n slowly lifted her head up, lazily kissing the skin under her fingers, cuddling closer to his body, suddenly craving closeness.
-I want to please you Jake - she said quietly, lifting her head gently - Let me, please - she added, brushing his jaw with her lips.
-Baby girl this is going to hurt - he said, cupping her neck in his hand.
-I don't care - he stated, pressing his breasts against his chest - I want you to fill my little pussy sir.
The man growled under his breath. Grabbing Y/n under her thighs, he stood up, heading to the wall nearby. She felt herself getting even wetter, if that was possible, seeing him holding her with one hand, the other leaning against the unit to tower over her even more.
Her eyes watched as his hand found its place on his huge, thick member, which stood proudly, dripping from the head, just as excited as she was. No conversation was spoken, but still so many words flew between them, especially as the first inches began to disappear into her tight, wet canal that eagerly invited him inside.
Jake watched her expression carefully, ready to stop at any moment, no matter how painful it might be for him. But his little human buried her face in the crook of his neck in response, pressing her thick hips against his.
Y/n felt his manhood kissing her cervix, touching it lightly again and again, taking her breath away in the process as she moaned and screamed, almost like she was having hiccups from the perspective of a man who was leaning comfortably against the cold metal, moving his pelvis ,doing most of the work. But he wouldn't trade it. Having so much control was too tempting, too good, it gave him a primitive feeling as he realized how he was using the body in his arms. So fluffy and firm at the same time, driving him crazy.
The pace wasn't fast or brutal, but the feeling of fullness was so powerful that the young woman came fast, too fast, clenching so hard that Jake's cock couldn't move, staying in one position.
Feeling the warm and wet walls tighten on him, he himself hid his head in the hollow of her neck, biting it, feeling his long-awaited climax approaching as rapidly as hers. And as the white substance flooded her center, Y/n was left with no choice but to take it inside with a welcoming soft moan that broke the avatar's composure. Retracting his hips only to go back inside, pounding in her hard and deep.
She knew Sully had stopped holding back, using her body as his personal sex doll, filling her with cum again and again, so often she lost count. His member no longer hit her cervix and went beyond it, filling her womb so much that with every movement she felt the sticky substance on her bum and how it flowed to the current surface beneath her.
Her eyes closed again and again as her mind battled with tiredness. But she couldn't stop, not yet, stubbornly trying to match the na'vi's stamina above her.
Seeing her body go weaker, the man slowed his movements, kissing her neck and breasts, bringing them both to the last orgasm of the night.
-Good girl, you did well - he praised her, stroking her hot cheek and sweaty forehead where her hair was stuck.
But to him she had never looked more beautiful.
-Please stay with me - she choked out from her sore throat, taking his face in her small hands, connecting their foreheads together.
-Of course - he replied, rubbing against her skin like a cat - You need to be washed, baby girl. I'll take care of you - he added, taking her carefully in his arms, still remaining in her used ,aching pussy.
She had to take his word for it, because as her eyes closed without her permission and her body went limp, she knew she was at the mercy of Jake Sully. And secretly she loved every second of it.
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juuuulez · 1 year
📰 | part seven: capulet.
info: Carl Grimes x Saviour! Reader, father figure Negan my love, enemies to lovers/slow burn, kinda angst but not emotionally yet, graphic violence, attempted sexual assault, um this got kinda dark, also long.
summary: Once again, you are tasked with babysitting Carl, this time leaving Alexandria to find supplies. An unsuspecting attacker causes a rift in your feud.
eesh this is intense but also very succulent to write i LOVE LOVE LOVE some action!
also thank you all for 150+ followers!!! pls continue to send ideas to my inbox i’m absolutely eating it up <3
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You’re really starting to get sick of this heat.
It’s sweltering, sticking your clothes to your skin, sweat patches running down your back and dampening the white tank you usually wear.
In favour of not being bitten, you wore the typical black jeans, which are doing absolutely nothing to combat against the unbearable heat.
Unfortunately enough, there isn’t any air conditioning in the Sanctuary, so you’d agreed to return once more to Alexandria with your father.
It had been a few days since your last impromptu visit, a week, actually. Though you’d previously been frazzled, irritated, you took the time to cool off and work through some pretty ugly emotions back at home.
Now, it was down to business, which meant giving strict orders to Saviours on where to check, what to take. Making sure everybody wrote things down, followed their routine.
“Woah, woah, woah! What do we have here?”
Your head snaps in the direction of Negan’s voice, who is standing at the gates, leaning against an old, beaten down car with the engine on. As you approach, the familiar outline of a sheriff’s hat comes into view through the rear window, and you almost want to turn away and forget you even saw anything.
“Now, I sure as shit hope you weren’t planning on leaving unsupervised.” Negan jousts at the teenage boy, still leaning against the passenger side.
It doesn’t take a genius to figure out where this is leading, and you shoot your father a tired little glare. “Can’t Dwight do it? Or, I dunno, anyone but me?” You plead, not exactly in the mood to be in a confined space with Carl once more.
For all you knew, he might swerve off the road to try and kill you.
Negan doesn’t let this slide, “Nope! You’re an excellent babysitter, doll. Best girl for the job.”
You bite your tongue against any sort of protest, still having not revealed the true extent of your last encounter with Carl. It would only cause unnecessary stress, you deducted.
At the beginning of this whole apocalypse, Negan had been cagey about letting you do just about anything. It only took a one bad incident to turn on his protective mode, and you felt like maintaining your freedom for a little longer.
“Fine.” You sigh, but instead of climbing into the passenger side, you skirt to the other end of the car. “Out, now. Leave the keys.”
Carl glares at you with an open mouth, clearly displeased about not only having his trip hijacked, but now being ordered around. “I can drive.”
“Don’t care. I’m not gonna risk you goin’ AWOL.” You tell him, unfortunately deadly serious, much to the boys’ dismay.
With an angry scoff, Carl departs from the drivers side, instead getting into the passenger chair. You sit down, leaning over to adjust the seat in order to ensure your feet would reach the peddles.
With Negan gone, having departed to keep a keen eye on the Saviours, you reach into your belt and pull a small handgun from the holster. This catches Carl’s attention, as he’s never seen you carry a gun before.
You hand it to him.
“One bullet,” You instruct, tone more serious than he’s ever heard from you. “Don’t fuck this up. It’s emergencies only. You’re lucky I don’t just let you die out there.”
He accepts it wordlessly, not wanting to push that very thin boundary.
The sweltering heat is worse in the car, harsh metal keeping the thick air inside, and you doubt it had any working cooling system.
Luckily, this proved to be less of a problem as you begin driving, the air whipping past your faces and offering a slight relief.
Carl gave you directions, but after the third instruction, you were beginning to get a little fed up.
“Why don’t you draw me a map?” You suggest, one hand on the wheel while the other brazenly fishes around in your back pocket, managing to pull out a small notepad. “Then I don’t need to listen to your voice.”
“What, like you can read?” Carl comments, a snide remark that contrasts the fact that he does take the notepad, flicking through pages in order to find an empty one.
His eyes are drawn to the little graphite sketches that adorn the pages, his thumb tempted to swipe the paper back and have a peek, but he resists.
A few moments later, and Carl hands the notepad back to you, which you hold in front of the wheel in order to get a good look. Your brows furrow, finger tapping against a strange looking blob.
“What’s this?”
Carl leans closer, brows pinched as he looks at the drawing. “A tree.” He says, as if it were obvious, despite the artwork being significantly less than professional.
“Okay?” You take your eyes off the road, giving the boy a confused, critical gaze. This only feeds into his temper, where Carl suddenly takes the notepad from your hands, drawing a few more scribbled lines on the so-called ‘leaves’ of his tree.
“So you know where to turn,” He specifies, like this would solve all of your problems, “At the end of the road. There’s a tree.”
You struggle to find your words for a moment, unsure how the simple action of drawing a map has just made this more confusing. “There are trees everywhere, dumbass. That isn’t helpful.”
“Well, yeah, but it’s a big tree,” Carl scoffs, throwing the notepad back onto the dash, opened so you can see it. “This wouldn’t be happening if you just let me drive.”
“Oh! Okay,” You turn to him, “I would have let you drive, had you not tried to shoot me. So, fairs fair, asshole. This is your fault.”
“I said I was sorry!” Carl retorts loudly, uncaring of how you’re no longer looking at the road, or about how fast the car is travelling.
You roll your eyes, “That doesn’t count. Murders don’t get let off scot-free just because they said two puny words.”
“That’s barely comparable!” He continues to push the conversation, all that pent up anger and frustration towards your adamancy against him starting to bubble up. “It’s not my fault that you’re, like, deranged or something.”
That was it.
You slam your foot on the breaks, sending the car skidding a few dangerous meters ahead. In that time, you brace yourself against the steering wheel, but Carl jolts uncomfortably against the seatbelt.
“What the fuck—”
“Get out.”
He looks at you like you’re actually insane, trying to decipher whether or not you’re being serious. But you only stare at him, glaring actually, jaw clenched in irritation.
“Get out!” You tell once more, needing Carl to get the message that you simply can’t be around him anymore. Not with all the arguing and bickering, it was getting on your last nerve, and you just needed some space to breathe.
With a huff, Carl obeys, but not without slamming the door shut. You run a hand raggedly through your hair, starting the car up once more and placing your foot on the accelerator.
“Fuck you!” Carl yells as you drive off, giving you the finger in hopes that you’ll see it in the rear view mirror. You probably didn’t, but it makes him feel a little better anyway, like he got the final word in.
But as the car disappears against the horizon, he’s left there, on the dusty road in that horrible summer heat. Sweat already sits on his nape, making his shirt uncomfortably sticky, and now he’s tasked with walking the rest of the way.
All because of your tantrum.
With the advantage, you make it to the abandoned gas station in record time. Thankfully, it wasn’t too far from where you’d ditched Carl, so you knew that he would be fine walking. You weren’t that cruel.
It’s relatively run-down, and you can only spot a few walkers mingling near the store’s back end. You keep your bat held tight, stalking through broken glass and tipped shelves to find anything of use. Whilst you don’t know what Carl had in mind for this trip, you could make a few assumptions, and managed to collect a small pile of minimal medical equipment, snacks, and even some baby food.
It was peaceful, actually.
Maybe a little too peaceful.
Slinging the bag of supplies over your shoulder, you approached the car once more, intending to drive the way back and pick Carl up along the way. He shouldn’t be too far off, at this point. You lean over, starting the ignition and popping the boot open, letting the supplies rest there.
But as you circle around, something catches your eye. A shiny glint on the ground. You poke it with your boot, only to realise that it appears to be a small razor blade.
Dread floods your system, and as you bend down to inspect the peculiar object, it hits you.
The tires, each one of them, have gone flat. Air completely let out, slashed. Unusable.
No escape.
You clench your jaw, rising to your feet once more, the metal bat still in hand. Someone was here. With what intentions, you didn’t know, but you could assume it wasn’t good.
Cautiously, you take a few steps backwards, towards the gas station. You watch the open space ahead of you, eyes steady on the treeline, inspecting for the most minute of movements that could betray the whereabouts of this potential attacker.
Except it doesn’t come from behind.
One steady thunk and your head is colliding with the concrete wall, to which the shock causes you to drop the baseball bat, one hand clasping the wall and the other digging your nails into the wrist of your attacker.
A firm hand has collected your hair, gripping onto your ponytail, fingers pressed into your scalp. You fight and squirm, but the body of a much larger man presses behind you.
With your stuff in the car, you can only imagine what he might want.
Despite this, you don’t scream, teeth clenched as you struggle to evade his grip. A harsh stomp to his foot assists your escape, where you’re able to land one solid punch square to the man’s jaw, before his leg swipes your balance out, sending you crashing to the concrete.
You almost twist onto your stomach, but the attacker is too quick, once again fisting your ponytail and slamming your face into the ground. One, two, three and you finally stop struggling as vigorously, blood and mucous caked all over your face, mixing in with chipped cement and dirt from the floor.
But the baseball bat is so, so close.
There’s one hand still in your hair, another on your back. Now waist, then stomach. Gross, burly fingers circling the button of your jeans.
A singular moment of weakness is all you need, where he’ll let his guard down, and you can leap for the bat.
Unfortunately, you know what form this weakness comes in.
You’re panting like a wild animal, trying not to squirm, carefully calculating your next move until suddenly there’s a loud pop then whistle that whirs past your ears, the sound almost making you flinch, before the weight of your attacker slumps against your body.
Crimson blood drips down onto your shoulder, coating your neck and back, the cold shock helping you regain enough consciousnesses to shuck the dead body from your smaller frame, scurrying out from underneath him.
The pavement is searing hot against your palms, you can even feel the burn through the thick material of your jeans. As you sit up on your haunches, looking around, you spot him.
Carl, crouched behind a few bushes, tentatively lowering the handgun.
One bullet.
As he begins to approach, you wipe some of the blood onto your arm, smearing the disgusting gunk further around your skin, which is still persistently dripping from your nose and mouth.
Gravel has surely made its way into the open wounds, but you do nothing about it. Not now, at least.
Carl approaches you slowly, putting the handgun back into his holster, and that genuine look of concern on his face makes you feel sick.
When he gets close enough, arms reach, you bristle and firmly shove him away, sending him stumbling a few steps backwards.
“The fuck did I say?!” You yell at him, directing all your rage and anger towards the corpse lying at your feet, back at Carl. “Emergencies only. What happens now, huh? I don’t have another bullet!”
He looks completely shell shocked by your outburst, not having accounted for such a reaction. But it doesn’t matter, as you’re still shouting, even as he stands there dumbly and watches.
“I had that under control!” You grunt, once again wiping at you nose, which runs with a mix of snot and blood.
When you garner no reaction from Carl, this frustration only continues to fester. You lean down to the ground, swiping up the baseball bat and clenching it hard in your palms.
You approach the body once more, and with one hefty swing, completely obliterate the man’s skull. Later, you would claim this was being proactive against potential walkers, but in the moment in was nothing more than revenge.
When you’ve entirely crushed the skull, you move on to the neck, spine, arms, torso. Anything. There comes a point where you’re no longer hitting to destroy any evidence of what happened, but hitting simply to feel some semblance of control. Blood spurts onto your jeans, some even reaching your tank, a darker colour that contrasts with the bright red of your own.
“Hey, hey. Cool it.” Carl is saying from behind you, and when you show no acknowledgment of his words, he reaches out to place a hand on your shoulder.
You shrug it off, but otherwise drop the bat, letting it clang harshly against the concrete, rolling a few feet away and leaving a gorey trail.
At this point, you try to clear your head, take stock of the situation. The tires are slashed, deeming the car useless. It was beginning to enter late afternoon, and though the days were hot, the nights were freezing. Not only that, but all this shouting has likely attracted whatever walkers you’d hoped to leave unsuspecting.
Finally, you spare a glance back at Carl, who’s been watching you this whole time. It looks like he’s on edge, waiting, ready for whatever you’re about to do, however irrational. A few specks of blood have made its way onto the sleeves of his flannel, where you realise how close Carl has been standing to you, even during the little outburst.
“Fine,” You mumble, answering his unspoken question. “No point heading back. Best push the car into some shade, camp out there for the night.”
Carl takes this as permission to contribute, though he still speaks to you with a level of cation. Mentally, you accept this as fear, but you know very well it’s actually concern. “I know the area pretty well. There’s a cabin not too far off, it was clean last time I checked.”
It’s reasonable, even if the idea of following Carl into the woods makes goosebumps rise on your skin. You’d rather not, especially now that he’d used the sole bullet, which you had none of on hand.
You chew on your busted bottom lip, nodding, accepting this makeshift plan. “Yeah, okay.” You sigh, almost sounding defeated, but nonetheless you pick the bat off the ground and stride back away from the gas station, not bothering to consult Carl any longer.
This was going to be a long night.
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iravaid · 8 months
i mean this in thee most slash jay way possible but what was in the water the past year to make everyone like this about graves. and also can i have some
If you're asking about the Graves Yaoi Prophecy, that was all me and my undiagnosed neurological condition.
If you're asking why cod of duty girlies were charmed by Graves post-MW2, I would reason to say that Warren Kole's performance as him really sells the character.
His weird little zoolander smoulder during 'your men have been... detained' is so funny to me. Again, his VA's performance turns a character that was otherwise a forgettable 'twist' villain into something that's so funny when viewed out of context:
His name is Philip Graves. Fill Graves. Are you fucking kidding me. He's a cringey girlfailure that lost a tank in a knifefight. But that's okay because he never was in the tank to begin with, of course. duh. He is this vexing, looney tunes contrast to the other more 'serious' villains (Valeria, Makarov, that guy from MW1). His Shadows are cannonfodder that get conveniently killed at every opportunity and yet he still goes about acting like they're anything more than walmart brand mercs. The MW3 trailer oddly fixates on his fertile gyrating hips as he walks through the heli. Everybody hates his entire septic pussy with a burning fucking passion and he knows it. Farah, somehow and for some reason, thinks he's the most special little handbag dog and watches out for hawks on his account. He out-snakes Shepherd by stabbing him in the back at the last moment, arguably the only enjoyable moment from MW3.
He's blond. He's texan. He will never fucking die. God bless america.
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starsandhughes · 1 year
Penalty Box— Trevor Zegras (Part Nineteen)
previous: eighteen
next: twenty
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liked by trevorzegras, frank_vatrano, and 11,453 others
yourusername hello laid-eez! my name is y/n wannabe zegras, and i am your host to the trevor zegras postgame penalty box update show!
just like thursday’s game, z is now at the same amount of games since his last penalty as the number of goals scored by the ducks tonight— three!
i really digged your game day suit today, babe! and good job playing on your cute lil (big) ass! i love you, always <3
p.s. congratulations on your first nhl goal, nesty! here’s to many more! @_nester_8
p.s.s super congrata to frank the tank and his beautiful wife for welcoming their baby girl, ophelia, into the world today! we can’t wait to meet her! @frank_vatrano
p.s.s st. lewis blues gave me the blues tonight :(
(aren’t i funny? pls tell me i’m funny)
tagged trevorzegras
view all 348 comments
trevorzegras i love you, forever (ur not funny)
yourusername QUUIIIIINNNN @_quinnhughes
_quinnhughes i legally have to say she’s funny
trevorzegras @_quinnhughes blink twice for help
_quinnhughes @/trevorzegras there’s no blinking emoji
user1 four Ls in a row… what a time to be a ducks fan
jamie.drysdale so if he keeps this up…
yourusername knock on wood
jamie.drysdale @/trevorzegras give me your head i need to knock on it
trevorzegras @/jamie.drysdale you do that and i’ll knock on your wood
jamie.drysdale @/trevorzegras this is a family show!
yourusername *in harry styles’ voice* or is it?
user2 i think you’re funny y/n!!
trevorzegras don’t encourage her
yourusername encourage me!!
user3 “digged”
frank_vatrano thank you, y/n! we can’t wait for everybody to meet her!
yourusername me first though right?
frank_vatrano of course
_quinnhughes @/trevorzegras do you know how to play hockey?
yourusername quintin, what did we talk about?
_quinnhughes @/trevorzegras you must be a hockey god if you can play on your ass
trevorzegras @_quinnhughes they don’t say i’m magic for nothing
yourusername @/trevorzegras heeeellll yeah you are, baby!!
user4 rude of the blues to win on nesterenko’s first goal day
colecaufield @/trevorzegras i see we’re both suffering losses today
trevorzegras your team won 8-2?
colecaufield i’m suffering your loss because we’re soulmates
trevorzegras @/yourusername @/jackhughes look guys i have a soulmate, too!
jamie.drysdale excuse me?
jackhughes @/trevorzegras @/colecaufield nothing compares to what me and y/n have
yourusername i’m not getting involved in this one sorry babies
_nester_8 thank you, y/n! and i think you’re funny!
yourusername you’re officially my second favorite duck congratulations!
trevorzegras @/yourusername who’s your favorite? and even though you are lying to my girlfriend, congrats nester!
yourusername @/trevorzegras take a guess
trevorzegras @/yourusername troy?
yourusername @/trevorzegras ding ding ding! we have a winner! love my dad
user5 are we not gonna talk about troy in the eighth slide??? i wanna talk about troy
_alexturcotte all hail the king
yourusername does that make me the queen?
jackhughes @/yourusername technically it would make you the queen consort
_alexturcotte @/jackhughes why do you know that?
jackhughes @_alexturcotte y/n decided to learn all the kings and queens of england from henry the eighth to now while drunk in vegas
trevorzegras @/yourusername you gorgeous dork, i am so in love with you
_quinnhughes @/trevorzegras sap
yourusername @_quinnhughes that’s my line you whore
jamie.drysdale @/yourusername what did we talk about name calling?
yourusername @/jamie.drysdale if quintin can’t control me, you certainly can’t
_quinnhughes @/jamie.drysdale i’m working on it
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jazzy-man13 · 10 months
IDW Megatron x gn cybertronian reader
Dunno what this is, but I was kinda inspired by the song Dream Sweet in Sea Major and I've been trying to write more to get me out of writing block// TW-suicide attempt
Hiding behind the corner of a nearby pillar, Megatron waited for you. You came here every night, standing by the railing of an old bridge. The bridge held its shape, untouched by war. The only signs there was anything amiss was the faint city in the distant view. The city was dark, yet restless. There were only very faint lights that could be seen illuminating outlines of abandoned buildings, the ruins that survived the war. You'd sing the same song each night, staring wistfully at where the old city meets the dark horizon.
It had become a ritual of sorts. He couldn't help it, your voice nearly put him in a trance the first time he heard you. It was a relaxing familiarity, standing there, silently listening to you sing the same tune each night. Right on time, you walk over and position yourself on the bridge, arms crossed on the railing. As per usual, you sang the same song.
Alone at the edge of the universe
humming a tune
For merely dreaming we were snow
As you sang, you pulled yourself onto the railing, carefully and slowly. You put one hand on a beam for support, straightening your back and standing tall over the city.
Megatron continued to watch, a pit of worry growing in his tanks. You had never done this before, this was new... and quite frankly, it was concerning. You finished singing and took a deep breath. 'This is it', you thought to yourself. Hesitating only for a moment, you lifted one foot out in front of you, letting it dangle high off the bridge.
Watching as you slowly leaned your frame's weight forward, Megatron's vents hitched. He had seen hundreds, if not thousands of bots take their lives during the war, but this time he didn't plan on watching you fall. Not when he had the chance to change your fate.
He sprung out, running over and quickly grabbing your waist as he pulled you back. You landed in his arms with a surprised yelp, frantically looking up to see who grabbed you. You saw pain flash across his anxiety stricken face as he gently held you. You recognized him, obviously, as Megatron. Everybody knew him, but the two of you had talked once or twice before about poetry at a bar. You were by no means friends, but you were accustomed to one another.
He said nothing, gently shifting down to his knees, still cradling you in his arms. Clinging to him, you wailed and sobbed as you let your broken spark grieve everything you had lost. You grieved for your friends. Your family. Your home, the life you knew, everything that could've been, but wasn't. You cried and cried, and Megatron held you the whole time.
He longed to soothe you, to heal the pain that he had indirectly caused. Knowing he couldn't do more than he already was, he continued to hold you tight, letting his em field do the talking for him. You felt his love, his sorrow, his own grief and regrets. It surrounded you, embracing you with all that it was, all that it is, all that it ever will be.
His optics told you more than words ever could, and for the first time in centuries, you didn't feel alone. You knew you'd never be alone again. Life would begin anew, you would heal, and you would grow. Not today, not tomorrow, and not the day after that or a week from now... but one day you'd be okay.
Uhhh sorry again to all the requests decomposing in my inbox, I'll get to you eventually
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elfven-blog · 4 months
Complacent (3)
Summary: The storm's not over yet (ba dum tshh)
Orca!Merman!Connor Kenway x Reader A mini series. (The semi-finale)
CW: Storm, drowning
Dedication: Everybody thank @ramshackledtrickster who we all love very much for their art and amazing au!
Word count: 1.1K
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When you finally made it to the dock the sky had gone dark, the stars in full view as you stepped out the back of the truck. You took a deep breath of the fresh air and rolled your neck while you stretched. If you felt like this you couldn’t imagine how Connor felt in that tank. Faulkner’s crew pulled said tank out with their machinery and got it latched onto the ship, securing it before you came aboard. Desmond parted ways here, hugging you and forcing you to promise you’d be back safe and sound after seeing this through. 
You stood next to the tank as the ship left dock, fingers drumming against the glass which seemed to attract the merman’s attention. His fist knocking so that you’d turn towards him, and when you did you saw him in a way you never had before. Sure he had smiled, grinned and laughed in your company but nothing like this. It was like everything from the past few months was nothing but a fantasy. Like his nightmare was finally over, there was a light in his eyes that you hadn’t even realised had been missing but now that it was there? You never wanted to see him without it again.
“Nearly there, big boy” you said with your own matching smile, your words had his eyes narrowed and his brow raised before he rolled your eyes at your teasing. As the ship made it to open waters, your head turned up to the dark sky and Ratonhnhake:ton rolled himself over in the water so that he was facing the stars too. You spent some time telling him about the constellations and in return he whispered about his own people’s belief, and all the stories he had about his time under the stars.
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Ratonhnhake:ton seemed restless in the tank, you had tried to get him to speak to you but his answers were only glares and banging on the glass.
“We won’t be near for a few days!” you had told him, trying to explain that you were still miles away from where his homestead was. That the village wasn’t any closer, and that you were still too far out for him to be able to find his way.
This answer seemed to only anger him, his tail flicking and smacking against the sides. You were sure he was snarling and making those popping sounds you’d only heard him do when the director had been around. 
At one point his frustration had gotten you annoyed, you understood. He was restless, he wanted to be home but you wanted him safe. Why wouldn’t he just calm down a bit? It wouldn’t be long and you could let him out, he could swim back and you wouldn’t know where the village is. As was part of your agreement.
A few days later, you were talking to him again and noticed that his eyes weren’t on you. He was looking past you, staring at something in the difference. His hands clawing at the glass and his tail twitching as his nose wrinkled.
You turned around to see what he was looking at, your stomach sinking as you finally realised why he was so on edge. Darkened clouds rolling closer and rough waves entered your vision before you looked back at Ratonhnhake:ton “We need to get you out the tank”
It took mere seconds for the rain to pelt down onto the ship, the crew working to keep steady but you were far more focused on getting the tank opened. The glass had already started to shake and Connor was getting more and more panicked as he slammed his hands against the sides. “Stop slamming! You’ll make it worse” but he couldn’t hear you over the sound of the wind and rain.
The Orca just wasn’t listening as you tried to pull the latches but the rain had made them extra slippery and it took more time than you wanted for you to pull the lid open, sliding it off until it crashed the other side. The boat tipped causing you to hold onto the tank, and as it tipped the water soaked your clothes, Ratonhnhake:ton spilled out with it until he was on the deck. The boat righted itself for a moment but still rocked and for a moment he stayed there until you were next to him on your knees, hands pushing against his hip and bicep as you tried to get him to move.
“Go! Go!” he could barely hear your shouts over the storm but the look in your eyes and how hard you were trying to move him told Connor all he needed to know. He managed to roll himself over and started using his hands to try and get closer to the edge of the boat, using anything he could to pull himself but it was difficult to do with the boat rocking. 
When it tipped again he managed to grab hold of the railings and pull himself over, you latched onto something close, your hands curling around the rope as you watched his black and white tail go overboard. Then his head popped back up as he waved his hand for you to come over to him, you would have. You should have. 
But instead you shook your head, you just couldn’t. His eyes seemed sad now. Connor gave you a single nod before he was back beneath the waves, and you stood up slowly. Carefully begin to make your way beneath the deck, to the safety and sanctity of the inside.
You cried out as the boat tipped. Gasping as the railings hit your stomach, knocking any breath in your lungs out of you as you fell over the slippery metal. Your hands tried to grip and hold on before the battering of the rain and the water on your hands meant you found no perch.
People had already gotten below deck or managed to find something to hold on. None of them near you which meant you slipped beneath the violent waves with no hope.
Your eyelids felt heavier and heavier as you sunk, your body like led even as your mind screamed at you to move. To swim upwards and get your head above the wave. You just couldn’t do it. Then your eyelids were too heavy, your internal monologue screaming at you to not close them.
There was surely water in your lungs by now. You certainly felt like there was some in your mouth. That horrible tang of saltwater, the pressure of the ocean pushing you further down. 
The world seemed to fade around you, mind still screaming at you and blood rushing past your ears, managing to drown out the sounds of the tempest above. It was so peaceful beneath the waves, the violence of the storm having no effect on what lay below.
With your consciousness slipping away, you were sure the feeling of something wrapping around your waist and holding your head into something hard was your imagination.
Perhaps death’s cold and final embrace.
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nether-cat26 · 11 months
College Armpit Fetish Tickling Story
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This is an armpit fetish tickling made by Nether Cat. It is a work of fiction, but the character Audrey is based off of a real friend I had. Hope everyone who reads this enjoys!
It was a warm summer day in the Philippines like it always was, and the air conditioning worked in the college classroom of the University where I was attending. While half-heartedly listening to the teacher’s lecture I tiredly looked over to my other classmates. It was the final subject of the day, and all of us were just anticipating for it to end. As my eyes scanned the classroom, I met the eyes of my friend Audrey. She smiled at me and gave me a little nod before facing forward again towards the professor. It was a small gesture, but it was enough to make me smile and give me energy to pay attention to the lecture. Audrey was a recent friend I made. Having an interest in dancing, I joined the small dance crew we had for our course. As you may have already guessed, my new found friend was one of the members. She was graceful and was in great shape. You could tell even when she was wearing her uniform. Not only that, but she was very kind. Easy to get along with. I guess that’s why we became fast friends. Not only that, we just recently found out we were neighbors. I was new in town, so I hadn’t really met the people who lived near my house. It was a great surprise when I found out she lived just across the street.
Even though I tried my best to maintain my focus in class, I found my eyes would always somehow wander towards Audrey. She had long black hair, and slightly tanned skin. She wore a loose-fitting uniform but she was by no means skinny. She was a dancer so her body was pretty toned. I watched a drop of sweat come down her face slowly. Without missing a beat, Audrey wiped it off and decided to tie her hair. At that moment, I was just at the right angle. As her elbows pointed upwards, the opening of her sleeve came into view. I could see her armpit directly, hollowing and stretching as she tied her hair. There was a slight sheen of sweat that coated it and not a single strand of hair to be seen. Being a person with an armpit fetish, that turned me on a lot. The skin was so white, as if it had never been exposed to the sun before. I felt the blood rush to my crotch and I thought to myself immediately that I wanted to touch it. I suddenly felt wide awake and I adjusted the way I sat so that my erection wouldn’t show through my uniform. I couldn’t pay attention to the lecture anymore after that. All I could think about was the first time I had ever seen Audrey’s perfect armpit.
After the lecture, the teacher finally dismissed the class. It was about time; everybody was tired from the sweltering heat. I walked over to Audrey.
“Finally, class is over.” Said Audrey. “Are you ready for practice?” She asked in a cute but excited tone.
I gave her a warm smile and said
“Of course. I’ve been looking forward to it all day.”
We changed out of our uniforms and into more comfortable clothing. I had on some jogging pants and a T shirt. Audrey decided to go with some legging shorts and a hoodie that she kept unzipped. Underneath it, I could see she had on a tank top. I wished she would take off her hoodie, but I already knew she never really does that.
We stretched and warmed up until our choreographer Aron arrived. We would be learning a new choreography today that we would perform for an upcoming competition.
“Okay, everyone together” Aron said loudly.
With that, all the members present lined up closer so that we would hear what our Choreographer had to say.
“This upcoming competition, we should go all out and try to win it. Especially since some of the seniors here will be graduating this year, let’s give them a great memory before they leave.” Exclaimed Aron.
Everyone nodded in agreement. Of course, we had fire in our hearts. Everyone present loved to dance, and we were a closely knit crew. With that said, we all shared the same consensus and the drive to win.
“For the opening part, it will be a solo of 2 people. Audrey is the best dancer in terms of females, and she’ll need a partner that will match her height. Audrey, pick one of the male members who you think you’ll be able to do well with.” Said the young choreographer.
Audrey looked around with a pondering expression. It took her a while to look around until her eyes focused on me.
“I think Nether would do a good job. He’s slightly taller than me, and we have good chemistry when we dance together.” Declared Audrey.
My heart skipped a beat when she said those words. Of course, I was hoping to dance up close and personal with Audrey, but I didn’t keep my hopes up since I was fairly new to the crew. I felt extremely lucky. With that, I was chosen as Audrey’s partner.
The dance started off with me standing behind Audrey the first step was for me to raise her right arm and to use the same hand to stroke down her arm all the way through her armpit area. When I found out, I knew lady luck was smiling down upon me. The thought of caressing Audrey’s underarm area with only a thin layer of cloth in between was maddening.
So I did as I was told to do. In an elegant manner I took hold of Audrey’s small right hand and gently raised it to the sky. After wards I let go, with my fingers and gently went down to her elbow making sure to gently keep contact with her arm using my fingers. As the music went on, I continued down her arm and went straight into her armpit. I felt Audrey flinch as I did. “Is she ticklish here?” I thought to myself. I found it very cute. If that was the case then I definitely wanted to tickle her there for as long as she could handle it.
We went through the motion a couple more times. In my head I praised the choreographer for allowing me to endlessly caress Audrey’s armpit with every repetition we did. It took a while before we got the movement in a way where Aron was satisfied and then we took a break.
I was sweating like crazy. Not because the dance was difficult, but because I was trying to suppress my urges and emotions. I had to stand close to Audrey so if I ended up getting an erection, she would feel it behind her for sure. It was mentally taxing yet the feeling was so rewarding. Suddenly Audrey pulled me to the side.
“What am I gonna do Nether?” Audrey said worriedly. “I’m so ticklish under my armpit it’s unbelievable. I can’t get used to it no matter how many times we repeated.”
This remark piqued my interest. As I thought she really was ticklish… and even though the sleeve of her hoodie prevented the direct contact.
“You have to endure it Audrey! It’ll be obvious if I don’t do it properly. We’ll lose the emotion of the dance and we’re trying to win this thing! You can do this.” I encouraged her. Of course, I knew even if I was to ease up a bit, not many people would notice. This however was not something I wanted to do, and I definitely wanted Audrey to know that I was determined to do this “Properly”.
Looking at my determination, Audrey seemed to have lit a fire in her.
“You’re right! We’re trying to win this. I can’t hold back our crew just because I’m ticklish.” She said.
She really was a kind person. I loved this about her. Knowing that she’s super ticklish under her armpits though, I wanted to touch it directly oh so badly. I thought to myself on how I was going to convince her to remove her hoodie. It was then that it dawned onto me.
About a week ago before we even had a choreography, we decided to choose our performance outfits. I went through a great deal of effort to set things up and convince the crew that we should have a bit of a modern “Street style” type of performance outfit since hip hop was going to be our main event. I showed them many dance performance videos and managed to convince them that the females could wear black bras and camo pants with combat boots while the males wore the exact same thing except with black t- shirts. I was quite proud because I knew the armpit exposures would be excellent.
Due to this situation, I knew I could convince Audrey to take off her hoodie for good during practice.
“Audrey!” I called out.
She turned with a surprised expression and came back closer to me.
“I just realized the girl’s performance outfits are all sleeveless.” I told her.
Audrey’s eyes went wide as she realized the skin of her ticklish hollows would be out and completely vulnerable during the performance.
“Oh no… How am I gonna perform properly… I can hardly stand it with my sleeves!” she worriedly exclaimed.
I put my hand on her shoulder comfortingly.
“It’s okay.” I reassured her. “You just have to practice. We have many months to go, I’m sure you can get it by then. For now, just take off your hoodie. It’s probably better to practice it with direct exposure starting from now until the performance. What do you think?” I asked.
She thought about it for a moment and then said.
“You’re right. It’ll bring more problems if I’m not used to it by the time of the competition. The earlier I face it, the better.”
With that, Audrey removed her hoodie revealing a black Cami tank top underneath. Her beautiful succulent arms finally revealed and her unbelievably sensitive armpits were now vulnerable to my touch all through rehearsal. I was heated just thinking about it.
Since our break was over, we went onto do that beginning part one more time. With that I raised Audrey’s bare arm straight above her head. I took a moment to look closely at her armpit. There was a a coat of sweat that made her armpits glisten a little. There was a slightly sour scent which was natural since we had gone through the entire school day in the sweltering heat. It was more impressive actually that the scent wasn’t very strong. There was also a mix of the scent of powder. If she was able to shower, I’m sure she would have such a refreshing smell. There were a few lines in her hollow, but they were hardly visible when the skin was taut. Just like the way I did earlier I let go of her hand and let my fingers travel down to her elbow. It was the first time I touched her bare skin. Oh, how I wanted to just go straight down into her armpit but I had to be patient. If I made my excitement to obvious, I might be labeled as a pervert taking my chances. From her elbow my fingers glided to her upper arm steadily. I felt Audrey become more tense as did I. The excitement was driving me crazy. It hadn’t felt so slow before but right now it seemed like time had come to a halt. Was the music always this slow? I kept my eyes on her exposed underarm and Audrey’s eyes were understandably shut tightly. I breathed in so I could take in her scent even more and I questioned the reason as to why I had such a rare fetish… but at the same time I felt extremely lucky because if I didn’t, this situation wouldn’t nearly be as special to me. At long last, my fingers entered Audrey’s armpit and the softness was indescribable. She had just the right amount of fat in her armpit to make it feel as tender and soft as a memory foam pillow. Not only that but the skin itself was unbelievably smooth. Not a single strand of hair could be found on the clean skin. The sweat only made it softer. Immediately Audrey fell to the floor laughing hard. I looked at my hand discreetly and resisted the urge to put it to my face. After a great deal of self-control snapped myself out of it and helped Audrey back onto her feet.
“Wow that tickled SO much!” Audrey said with a surprised look on her face. “I didn’t think it would tickle that much!”
Aron gave a slightly annoyed look and just said she’ll have to get used to it by the time of the competition and that we would move on to the next part before our practice ended.
The next part of our solo (Because that intro had actually only been a couple seconds long) was a bit of a tango to a hip-hop style beat.
“Take her left hand and hold it in yours with your palm facing up, Nether” instructed Aron. “As the guy you’ll be leading her into this tango. Audrey, take your left hand and put it on his shoulder. Make sure to keep that elbow up. Otherwise, it will look sloppy.”
Audrey did as she was told. Of course, Audrey could most likely do this dance very easily if she wasn’t so ticklish. She had done many more intricate choreographies than this one. It was as Aron said, Audrey was the best dancer among the females. This wasn’t a small feat. Instinctively, I put my hand on Audrey’s waist. Aron frowned.
“No Nether, you don’t put your hand on her waist. You only do that in a waltz. This is a tango. Bring your hand up higher. Pretty much at her armpit. Bring your elbow up too right under hers.” Explained Aron.
I almost gasped in disbelief at my luck. I thought in my head “Thank you Aron, you will forever be my idol.”. As I looked at Audrey though, her eyes were wide with worry. Her expression made me hesitate. I put my hand on her side right before it touched her succulent exposed hollow. She gave a sigh of relief, but Aron wasn’t satisfied.
“No, really shove your hand up her armpit. Don’t be scared of it.” Aron told me. He took my hand and paced it himself onto the delicate softness of Audrey’s armpit. She stifled a laugh. And her elbows went down a little. Aron then swiftly pushed her elbow back up causing the muscles in her armpit to hollow slightly under my fingers. I did my best to not move my fingers. It was nearly impossible to prevent myself from exploring that ticklish hollow, but somehow, I pulled through. It was an amazing feeling though. The soft skin was amazing. It gave way to my fingers at even the slightest pressure. Every now and then during the dance, I would move my finger slightly and accidentally just to feel any new part that I could without Audrey noticing, but she flinched every single time. She could feel every single small movement that I made. Her sweat slowly trickled down to my fingers. The more she tried to control the ticklish feeling the more it made her sweat. I knew her armpits would be slick and slippery if I decided to tickle it right then and there… but I didn’t. Slowly but surly we made it through the choreography. I was hard as a rock the entire time praying as hard as I could that no one would see my erection. I focused hard trying to feel every little sensation on my fingers while trying not to mess up.
“You guys are a little stiff, but I think this is good for the first day.” Aron said.
I was impressed with Audrey. Being as ticklish as she was, her skill as a dancer never ceased to amaze me. I gave her a high five making sure put it up a little higher just so I could get another glimpse of her armpit.
“That’s all for today. Everyone dismissed.” Said Aron.
Audrey and I grabbed our things and headed outside. The jeepney ride home was fairly quiet and both of us had been through a roller coaster of emotions today. I sat across from Audrey who had decided to keep her hoodie off since it was warm anyways. She held on to the railing on top of the jeep and was nearly falling asleep. I stared at her exposed armpit freely the entire ride home. I couldn’t believe how lucky I was today. I always wanted to see what her underarms looked like, and I was given so many glimpses today and even got to touch it. I would definitely think about all of that before I went to sleep today. I woke Audrey up at our stop. We got off the jeep, said our goodbyes and went into our separate houses. I couldn’t get Audrey off my mind that night. Let’s just say I slept very well.
After that day, we continued rehearsals the way we did. As she promised, Audrey wore sleeveless clothes every day, endlessly showing off her beautiful armpits. I touched them countless times and somehow neither of us ever got used to it. I swear her under arms felt softer and softer with each touch I gave them. Maybe it was because she wasn’t tensing up as much, but she still had plenty of urges to laugh whenever my I made contact. It was crazy how much my urge to just straight up tickle her grew. Time flew by quickly and before we knew it there was only one month before the competition. Audrey became flustered
That day on our ride home, Audrey raised her arm and clutched the railing on the roof of the jeep like she always did. My eyes fixated on the exposed skin under her arm. All of a sudden, she called my name.
“Nether. Can you come over to my house later? I need your help with something.”
I gave a surprised expression, but I nodded in agreement. After we went into our separate houses I freshened up and waited for her to give me the signal to come over. Not too long after my phone vibrated. Sure enough, it was a text from Audrey, letting me know I could come over now. I nervously stood up, got out of my house and walked across the street. The air felt brisk as endless thoughts ran through my head. I wondered what Audrey needed help with. I knocked on her door, and she quickly opened it to let me in. Her house was an old style one. I was surprised with how much it smelled like her. I knew just by the sheer number of times that I smelled her armpits. At this time, Audrey was wearing a sports bra with large arm holes and some short shorts made of some pajama like cloth. She looked stunning in such a casual attire and not even a hint of make-up. I couldn’t believe how naturally beautiful she was. I especially noted how soft her skin looked. Her hair was wet and I could tell she had just taken a shower. Practice always took place after school so whenever I saw her change into something that wasn’t her uniform, she was already tired and had been sweating through the day. The plumpness of her skin was definitely a sight to behold.
I finally regained my composure and asked Audrey
“What did you need my help with?”
“Well... You know the competition is in a month, yet I don’t feel any less ticklish at all. I don’t think we’re addressing the problem directly enough.” Audrey replied.
“Hmmm. So do you want to practice more here at the house?” I suggested.
“No.” Audrey promptly replied. “It might be a weird request, but can you just directly tickle me under my arms?”
I was taken aback by the question. Absolutely baffled. I wondered if I had saved the world in my past life in order to get lucky like this. Or maybe I used up all my luck in this life. Either way I was so stunned I couldn’t speak. Audrey looked at me worriedly.
“I know it’s an odd request! It’s not exactly pleasant to touch someone’s armpit so much either! I know I sweat a lot and since you’ve had your face in my armpit more than anyone else the past couple months you might be tired of my smell too! But that’s why I made sure to shower and wash really well before you came over. I even put on some lotion! So please, help me out Nether!” Audrey exclaimed.
It seemed my stunned expression caused a misunderstanding. None of that was true. Audrey’s perfect succulent armpits were extremely pleasant to touch. I considered myself lucky to have the honor of touching them so often. Her sweat never really smelled bad. In fact, it was impressive how little of a scent it had considering how much the heat of the Philippines made people sweat all day not to mention how much we were dancing. I moved closer to her and caught the scent of something different too. That must be the lotion she was talking about. It also dawned onto me as to why she wore something with such daringly large arm holes. She purposely wore it so her armpits would be wide open. I looked Audrey in the eyes and told her
“No worries Audrey, there’s no problem at all. I promise I’ll do my absolute best to help you out.” I replied.
Audrey then took me to her room. There was nobody else home so it was the perfect opportunity. I was surprised about how much Audrey trusted me in her house. I hoped that she wouldn’t allow this with any other guy besides me… because not all of them will respect her boundaries the way I did. Or maybe I was just so far into the friend zone that she didn’t event think of me as a guy anymore. That thought made me sad, but I dismissed it because I was still too happy about the current situation.
Audrey went over to the chair near her bed and sat down. She raised her arms up and revealed those beautiful plump armpits of hers. I went over to her bed and sat down next to and slightly behind her. Seeing her pits up close and personal immediately made me hard. Her armpit just had 2 lines that you could barely see. Looking closely, I could hardly even see any pores. It had a faintly sweet scent that must have been the lotion she was talking about. I took my hand and stroked her right armpit. I traced the crease where her armpit must have been folded whenever her arms were down. Audrey flinched as response as if a wave of electricity hit her. As she jerked back her underarms hollowed inwards as she resisted the urge to put her arms down. Musical laughter came out of Audrey as she fought valiantly her own responses to her sensitivities. With that being said, my other hand joined in scribbling and moving every which way they could, dancing across the surface of the soft, plump, ticklish skin. Audrey quickly threw her toned arms down trapping my fingers under her arms and howled with uncontrollable laughter together with squeals and shouts that surprised probably even her. Despite using all her strength to protect her armpits, her “Clamp” did not hurt me at all. Her armpits were actually so soft that it actually gave way to my fingers. In fact, I felt like my fingers were rougher than her smooth armpits. I forced my fingers upwards and wiggled them around like my life depended on it. Audrey threw her head back and tried to twist my fingers out of her sensitive hollows to no avail. I had only slightly scratched the creases of her armpits during our dances while her arm rested on my shoulder while we tangoed, but this time I was free to explore the silky contours of her armpits. Amazingly though, Audrey still tried to open her pit’s up by slightly moving her elbows away from her body. It was a meager effort, and she could hardly even open her pit up at all, but it was enough for me to force my fingers in a different position. I thrust my thumbs into her hollows as they were exempted from the action before and pinched the meaty crease of her armpit that became revealed as her arm slightly went up. Pinching over and over tickled her a lot causing new notes of laughter to erupt from Audrey and inevitably clamping her arms shut again. This time though, my thumbs were inside. I used the knuckles of my thumbs to drive inwards towards her breast while pinching the crease of Audrey’s pits. From prior experience, I knew she could feel every little movement in her underarms so I knew she felt both movements.
“OH SHIT! OH SHIT!!!!!!” Laughed Audrey as she finally fell forward off her chair onto the floor where I couldn’t reach her.
Audrey continued to laugh even though I wasn’t tickling her anymore. Her shoulders shook as she laughed and she kept her elbows tightly against her body. Honestly her sports bra really did nothing to protect her sensitive armpits. Again, I looked at my hands and was amazed with how utterly soft her armpits were. When I stroked them, they were like actual silk, but yet plump. I loved the way they felt and I hungered for more. I knew better though, and I didn’t push my luck.
“Audrey are you okay?” I asked quickly.
She let out a few tired giggles and stated “My armpits are way more sensitive than I thought. Or maybe you’re just good at tickling them? Maybe both? Either way I can’t keep my arms up at all. Maybe I can try holding onto something?”
I laugh and nodded, but hesitated. If I was going to really tickle her without reserve, she needed to be immobilized.
“Do you trust me, Audrey?’ I asked daringly.
This caught her by surprise, but she nodded in response.
“In that case, I think we should tie you up.” I said.
I braced myself for her vehement rejection but to my surprise, she thought about it, and said
“Okay, I think that might be the best answer.”
My eyes widened and I almost couldn’t hide my excitement. We found some rope and moved over to her living room. I took her to the couch which was fairly big. When she sat down, I went behind her and told her to bring her arms straight out to her sides and rest them on the back of the couch. Audrey complied yet again revealing her sensitive skin. Her arm holes did well to present her 2 hollows. I stared at them for a bit. This gave them a nice shape too. Different from when she had her arms straight up. The skin wasn’t as taut so it accentuated the lines of her armpits. It gave it a deeper hollow as well. It was a nice little touch. It seemed like there were and endless number of observations I could make about Audrey’s armpits… and with every observation, created more things that I liked about Audrey’s armpit. I would never tell her that though.
Behind the cushions of the couch, was a convenient wooden frame that I could secure Audrey’s delicate but strong arms to. I tied at her bicep area and then wrist. I also secured her waist to the frame, having the rope go in between the couch cushions. She had a habit of twisting and turning when she couldn’t move her arms, and I really wanted to minimize that. Afterwards, I admired my handiwork.
“Try pulling at the ties” I told Audrey.
I wanted to make sure that she couldn’t escape.
She tugged at the ties. I watched the curve of her armpits become deeper. I was amazed at how there really was no hair at all there. Getting a straight on view, my eyes could visualize the entirety of her wide-open armpits.
As I intended, she couldn’t move an inch.
“Are you ready?” I asked Audrey.
“I think I – “Audrey started, but she got interrupted my wiggling finger tracing the newly accentuated lines of her open left pit.
I stroked the lines up and down making Audrey giggle endlessly. The softness was still surprised me. It seemed softer than before. Was it because it wasn’t stretched as much? Or maybe from the sweat. I became addicted to the way it felt. I watched her armpit hollow once more and my curious fingers went in to explore the depths of that hollow. This action made her flinch and brought her laughter a pitch higher than a couple seconds ago. I wanted to fully experience the contour so I first used the tip of my index finger. I poked and wiggled around the sensitive dip of her armpit and repeated it one by one with every single one of my 10 fingers making sure I understood the sensation with all of them. With each prod and stroke, Audrey exploded with a tremendous amount of laughter. The sound was like music to my ears. Her sweat was building up but I wiped it off quickly with my fingers. The it added a sleeker lubrication so my fingers sped up.
Audrey tugged at the bonds to no avail as she exploded with more uncontrollable laughter. Tossing her head back and forth, her eyes were shut tightly. I could see her face becoming redder as she laughed harder and harder. I took a look at her hands and they were balled tightly into fists. The dancer’s knuckles becoming white with how much she squeezed her hands. It was as if she was holding on for dear life. I would never let anything bad happen to her though. As I enjoyed my thorough exploration of Audrey’s left pit, I noticed my fingers were all fighting for a place to be. It was difficult to fit them all in. Then I realized something important.
Just as I had 2 hands, Audrey had 2 EXTREMELY sensitive armpits.
As I came to this realization, I straddled myself onto Audrey’s lap which proved to immobilize her even more. The fingers of my left hand then proceeded to enter Audrey’s much neglected, right armpit.
“OH SHIT!” Audrey screamed at the top of her lungs.
That phrase seemed to be her go to phrase when the sensation was becoming seriously unbearable. Maybe she forgot that she had another crazy ticklish armpit… or maybe she was hoping that I wouldn’t notice. My fingers went into full gallop. Going to the top of her armpit all the way to where her sides and armpit meet. With every hollow, I made sure to completely let my fingers agonizingly drag through just to let her know that I won’t miss even an inch of her pit while it deepened. After that, I curled my fingers in and used the knuckles of my pointer fingers and massaged in a circular motion into the perfect centers of her armpits.
Audrey absolutely lost herself in laughter. Her shoulders hunched upwards looking for any way to escape my prodding fingers. Unfortunately for her, such an escape did not escape. Her laughter finally began to be silent. It would rise in pitch, become silent, and come back. She gasped for air but she could hardly take in any before her uncontrollable laughter came back again. I continued my mischievous massage for a while longer before giving Audrey a break. Her hair had become messy and her face had become sweaty. Actually, it wasn’t just her face, her entire body was covered with sweat. I looked at her shoulders right above her open armpits and it gave a glossy sheen as if it wanted to accentuate how smooth the skin was. Then I looked at her armpit slightly pink from the previous onslaught of my fingers. It was so smooth that it shined too. I could tell Audrey was tired because her relaxed armpit gave a different shape as well. It looked more open… maybe a little more stretched. The lines were a little more wrinkled and the curvy part of her underarm just stayed in its perfect shape. A sight to behold for all armpit lovers around the world. With how much I stared, I guess my face had inched closer to her sensitive hollows.
“Ugh, my armpits must smell so bad right now.” Audrey said sadly.
She made sure to take a shower before I came, and I just realized that Audrey must have been self-conscious about the way she smelled all this time. I wanted to reassure her that she had nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, I had dreamed of getting a whiff of her armpit ever since I met her.
I nuzzled my nose into the curve of her armpit and inhaled her scent deeply. She still smelled fresh. Not even a hint of sourness this time, it smelled like…her. A slightly sweet, powdery scent mixed with a little bit of natural body odor.
“No, you’ve never smelled bad. Actually, you could even say I love the way you smell.” I said while I tickled her armpit using my nose.
Audrey giggled and said
“Well thank you very much, I guess!.”
I pulled back and said
“So if you say anymore nonsense, I’ll tickle you even more!” I said while giving her smooth armpits a quick scribble.
Audrey gave me a beautiful giggle and smiled. I guess she liked that.
“You would tickle me anyways. You didn’t even let me finish what I was saying earlier before you started tickling me!”
I laughed at her remark. I didn’t say anything in return. She was right after all.
I looked around and found a bottle of lotion on her living room table. I picked it up and brought it up to my nose. This was the scent Audrey was giving off earlier.
“This is the lotion you used right?” I asked.
Audrey nodded her head. With that, applied it onto my hands and I slowly slid it into the hollows of Audrey’s arms
“Oh my gosh!” squealed Audrey as the familiar sound of her hard laughter resumed.
I slid my lotion clad fingers from the top of her armpit making sure to use my finger tips as much as I could. I dragged my fingers from the outskirts of her armpit, past the lines all the way to the middle. I made sure to put in pressure right at the points of my fingers and her skin easily gave way to it.
“Ughhhhhh” said Audrey in between her giggles as I went through this motion. As I got to the center, Audrey’s pit hollowed once more and that’s where I drew circles with the lotion interchanging between the tips of my fingers and my thumbs. This caused Audrey to close her eyes again and shriek with high pitched laughter. I never thought such perfect armpits would be so ticklish. They deserved to be exposed all the time, yet they made her so vulnerable. Then again, maybe the deserved to be tickled too. I continued on for about 10 minutes before I decided to finally untie Audrey and call it a day.
Once everything was settled, Audrey slumped back into the chair looking tired. She smiled at me and said
“Do you think this is gonna work Nether?”
“Yes, I think it’s working. During that last part, you were still laughing hard, but you weren’t thrashing as much. I don’t think you got any less ticklish, but I think it doesn’t make you as tense anymore.” I replied.
Her smile grew and she had a look of triumph about her.
“Awesome! Then let’s keep these sessions going until the tournament! If I’m not tense, I can dance well! Even if I laugh, nobody will be able to hear it over the loud music!” Audrey said.
With that, a look of triumph came about me, as I realized I would get to do this with Audrey every day! Afterwards, we said our goodbyes and I headed home. I went to bed happy and I definitely pleasured myself imagining all the events we went through today. I was happy have an armpit fetish.
As promised, I continued my days full of Audrey’s armpits. She always wore sleeveless clothing to dance rehearsals, and whenever we got home, we had tickle training sessions. We tried tying her in different ways. On the chair, on the bed, and one time even to the door. Any way we could bring her arms up and expose her armpits, we did it. Audrey seemed to be enjoying it more and more, or maybe she sensed that I enjoyed it too, and that joy spread to her. It was an armpit lover’s paradise. We went on and eventually it came to the day before the competition. I went over to Audrey’s house, and she was wearing a tank top. Sleeveless again as usual. Audrey welcomed me into her home and said
“Hey... I’ve been able to dance well despite how ticklish I am. Lets keep it light today, I don’t think you have to tie me. I don’t want to get tired before the competition, after all.”
Of course, I complied with her request. We went onto her bed and she laid down. I propped myself onto my elbow next to her and she raised her arms up. She revealed her 2 succulent meaty armpits again, and I was again stuck admiring them. I looked both of them up and down before slowly using my index finger and dragged it across her right armpit. She gave a giggle, but stayed relaxed, as if she welcomed the gentle entrance of my finger into her sensitive armpit. She looked at me and said
“You really like my armpits, don’t you? I can tell with the way you look at them.”
I gave her a look of surprise.
“I didn’t really know I was looking at them a particular way.” I stammered, trying to keep my cool. I pulled my hand back on instinct.
Audrey sensed that I had become a bit uncomfortable, and reassured me.
“Hey, it’s okay. I honestly love the way you look at them. Not that I particularly like anyone looking at my armpits, but it feels almost like… innocent, unconditional love. Anyways I know I was the one that asked you to do this in the first place. Maybe I’m wrong.”
She wasn’t wrong. I did love every bit it. In fact, it made me fall in love with her even more. She was just a crush before, but ever since my days became filled with her armpits I really felt like I had fallen in love.
“You’re not wrong, I think I really did grow to love your armpits.” I said.
This was a lie. I knew I had liked armpits from the moment I was born. I just didn’t want to seem like a weirdo who exploited her determination.
She giggled. “Well thank you for that, I guess. Maybe you grew to love me too, and not just my armpits?” Audrey said teasingly.
My eyes widened and I realized how objectifying what I just said was. I felt disgusted with the fact that I could have hurt Audrey’s feelings with my words. My own disgust gave me the ultimate courage.
“No of course I love more than just your armpits! I’ve completely fallen in love with you Audrey!” I declared.
I looked her straight in the eyes making sure she could see my determination. She covered her mouth in shock and looked like she was nearly about to cry.
“Nether I’ve been feeling the same way. Honestly, I picked you as my partner because I had been crushing on you. It wasn’t anything deep, but as our days of intimacy went by, my feelings grew. Suddenly, I found myself looking for you whenever we’re in the classroom… and happy whenever I saw you.” Said Audrey.
I related to what she said. Whenever I arrived to school first, I was constantly looking at the door waiting for Audrey to arrive. During our lectures, I stared at her from afar. When class ended, I became excited for dance practice knowing I would be close to her.
With that, I had the sudden urge to embrace Audrey. I followed my heart and she returned my embrace. We talked about our feelings a little more, and I had a fluttering feeling in my heart. We ended up becoming a couple after all that.
“Well now since we’ve gotten all that straightened out, let’s do what you came here to do.” Said Audrey.
She raised her arms once more, and I reveled yet again in the sight of my girlfriend’s perfect armpits. I looked at her face and sure enough she was looking at me directly in the eye with a knowing smile.
“Well from now on, you can do everything you want with my armpits can’t you?” she said slyly as she pulled at her armhole as if to present her armpit to me even more.
That movement incited a passion in me and I went down and tickled her with an onslaught of kisses in her exposed pit while sneakily giving it a sniff while I was at it. She giggled at the reaction and said
“Wow I never thought my armpits would receive your kisses before my lips!”
I took her wrists and brought them above her head.
“Be careful what you wish for.” I replied.
I kissed her lips passionately while tickling both of her soft armpits with my galloping fingers. Even though she wasn’t tied, she kept her arms up, easily allowing me to continue. She giggled endlessly while we kissed. That was a sensation I would never forget in my life. In fact, I never even knew such an amazing sensation existed until now.
With our happiness flowing, we completed our day by the time I woke up, it was the day of the competition. Everything went well. Me and Audrey had a new unbeatable chemistry in dance that we never had before. We danced the choreography perfectly. I even gave Audrey a few tickles while my fingers were nestled under her arms while we tangoed. She gave me a few giggles, but didn’t mess up the dance at all, but she gave me a look as if to tell me not to mess around right now. I looked at Aron who cheered us on from the crowd, and he had a look in his eyes that told me he was proud of how well we represented his work. It was the least I could do. I would forever thank Aron and promised I would pray for his well being until the day I died. He would never know this though.
After everything was finished, we managed to win the competition, further adding on to the memories we all would forever have. Later on in the future, our members would continue to stay friends even after our crew was disbanded. My armpit filled adventures with Audrey would continue and our future was filled with bright smiles and laughter… Literally.
The End.
This story is written by Nether Cat. I hope everyone who read this enjoyed it! For those wondering, about how the performance outfit looked, I'll post a picture of a selfie of the person who inspired Audrey's character on the specific performance day that inspired this story. Again, I've cropped out her face to keep her anonymous, but I hope this picture makes the story a bit more
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That's My Kind Of Night Chapter: 1 |Complete|
Jake "Hangman" Seresin x (Southern!F)Reader word count: 1,932
Summary: Jake takes leave and goes back to Texas. His friend is now married with a woman. This woman's friend gets under his skin and he loves it.
Warnings: cussin', flirtin', heavy banter, angst, mentions of a lot of southern recreations in this series, Sexual tension. Mature
Southern Chronicles Masterlist
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Jake throws a bag in the back of his truck. He hopped in the driver's side. It roars to life, sending vibrations all through the cab. He pulls out of the driveway and sends a text to let the boys know he's heading out.
Hangman is on leave for a month. There is a party with some of his life-long friends and their new women. Jake had stopped to grab a couple of cases of beer. It was going to be a night like his younger years.
The group is meeting at the lake. Four wheelers will be muddy, Beers will be passed around, swimming in the lake, the ladies might even start mud wrestling in the pit, and of course, ending the night with a bonfire.
Jake parked the truck next to a few of his buddies out in the pasture. He hopped out and grabbed his things. "Jake!" Blake yelled out. They grabbed hands and pulled each other in, then out for a quick hug. The two friends hadn't seen each other in quite some time.
"Man, it has been a minute. How have you been?" Jake happily greeted Blake. He had joined the Army, while Jake had opted for the Navy. They looked polar opposite. Blake's black hair contrasting to the lighter shade of Jakes. The brown eyes are much different to Jake's seafoam green.
"I've been great, man. Missions have been a little out there, but nothing I can't handle." Blake had an ego, but not near as mighty as Jake's.
"I know the feeling, man. I've saved a couple of lives myself." He chuckled deeply and puffed up ever so slightly. "I'm one of the few that have had confirmed air to air kills. I was the only one, but a few of my coworkers had a stroke of luck." His face beaming with pride.
"Good on you, man!" Blake exclaimed. Clapping his shoulder. "Hey, come on. Come meet my old lady. She is hell on wheels. Her friend ain't much better. They are firecrackers."
Jake nodded. "Show me the way home, Blake." Blake's chuckle bellowed. The roots showed in the women in Fightertown.
They just weren't quite like the southern belles of Texas. It was quite noticeable when the pair came into view of the tracks. Two women stood tossing handfuls of mud at one another. He could tell they were playfully bickering.
They were both covered in dirt, wet, and dried. Their pants were tight on top and boot cut loose to fit their boots on the bottom. Their tank tops matched with one wearing pink and the other wearing purple. He could barely tell a difference with all the mud. The pair of women were definitely about to start wrestling. They both laughed as one tackled the other. "You'd better not." The girl that pounced said. The one on the ground that had been tackled looked up and noticed the men at the other side of the track about 30 feet.
" Ooo Honeybee, look at what we have here." She was shouting to you, the pouncer, with the nickname you had been graced with years ago. "You must be Jake. I'm Vanny, The new Mrs." She held out her hand.
Jake took it softly in his and winked at her. "Very nice to meet you, Vanny." Vanny blushed. "Blake, honey, you are right about him being a charmer." She smiled back at her husband.
Vanny then introduced you by name, "but everybody calls me Honeybee." You cut her off before she could add anything too embarrassing and smiled politely at the handsome stranger. You held out your hand as well and had a tight grip while you shook his hand.
Jake kept his poker face but was surprised at the firm grip. Expecting the delicacy Vanny had shown.
"She stings a little." Vanny made reference to your nickname. "You'll get adjusted to it Jake. From what I hear, you're a bit of a biter too." Vanny spoke up again. She giggled as Jake looked up at Blake with an eyebrow arched. Blake had told her he had a bit of a mouth on him, even Jake himself couldn't disagree. "Ooo Blake baby, look at the time, drive me up to the dock. We've a party to get ready for. Honey bee, why don't you let Jake drive you up to the house to grab the stuff."
You giggled brightly. "That's funny, Van." You had started making your way back to the four-wheeler following the pair.
"Im driving!" He calmy made his way to the four-wheeler. He started strapping his bag and beers down. You looked that man up and down. Appreciating how this man looked. His body was sculpted. His biceps are far too big for that tiny shirt. It was enough to make you crumble. "No, you're not." You called back to him, wrapping your legs around the seat. He raised an eyebrow. Looking up from the straps. "I'll tell you what doll face. You get to ride in the front." He hopped on behind you. You could feel his body press against yours, your ass pressed so close to him. His minty breath was so cool against your ear that it sent a shiver down your spine.
"You just better hold on, Darlin."" He whispered softly. This man was gonna get you in trouble.
He had grown up around Blake's family lake house. He knew the trails like the back of his hand. He drifted down the side of the path, cutting off Blake.
You held up a bird passing Vanny. Your irritation materialized. She's giving this man ideas. Vanny wiggled her fingers to wave you off. She knew what she was doing. The couple already decided that they wanted to play Cupid in your life. You had been mad at first. You're starting to rethink your emotions, seeing him up close and feeling him so close to you. You're hard-headed, so you'll still give her hell about it later. "So you know where you're going?" You yelled over the engine.
"I've been here as long as I can remember." He yelled back over the loud vibrations.
"Good, can you take me down by the campsite. I left some things down there." He took a turn down a trail, and you knew he heard you.
The four-wheeler stopped once the tents were in front of you. "You had a whole lake house, and yall camped last night?" He leaned back to make room for you to hop off.
"Yeah, a bed isn't the same as a hammock. Im out here any chance I get." You walked to your hammock and grabbed your gun, slipping it in the holster on your belt. You put your ball cap back on your head. It was distressed and had the words Mama tried on the front in bold letters.
"Don't worry, I took a shower this morning." You called back with a laugh, grabbing a couple of other blankets, lighter fluid, and matches.
"It sure don't look like it." He chuckled, looking at your mud covered curves. He had to admit, those jeans definitely complimented you well. Especially when you bent down. The mud was accentuating all the rounded edges.
"And you look like you just hopped out of a Barbie doll box, Ken." You put everything on the back of the four-wheeler strapping it down. Then leaned against it. "Blake made it seem like you're more G.I. Joe, the way he talked about you." You got back on in front of him. You made a dramatic sad face. "Bless your heart, Malibu Barbie must have had her way with you..." Your voice got much softer into a whisper. "One too many makeup testers at the beauty shop." You giggled softly at the banter.
Jake smirked and looked up at you. "Honey, G.I. Joe is scared of me."
You matched his smirk. "Prove it..."
He turned his attention the trail and then pressed the gas, knocking you back into his chest. He made sure to hit the mud puddles a little harder, causing mud to splatter all over the pair. "How's that for a Ken doll?" He called over the engine.
He drifted and parked right in front of the house. You both made your way to the door. He opened the door and held it open for you. "You look better." You patted his chest and complemented the mud on his clothes, walking through the door. Your eyes lifted with your smile.
You walked into the kitchen and leaned against the kitchen counter. Cool air blasted from the A/C. Confidence seeping out of Jake's aura, he followed behind you. "Tell me about yourself, Y/N." He glanced around the house. It was just like he remembered. He walked to the kitchen and grabbed a beer in the fridge. You took it in your hand as he offered it to you. He grabbed one for himself. You popped the top.
"Well, I'm 27, and I own a hair salon in town." You started. Then, you paused to take a sip. "What about you? Tell me about the life of a handsome ken doll."
Jake smirks and leans against the door frame. His elbow is against the frame, placing his hand behind the nape of his neck. His biceps filling up the tight sleeve of his tee shirt. You didn't hide that you were checking him out as your eyes dragged to where his shirt lifted. "I'm a naval aviator. I've had two air strike kills in the past six months." His chest puffed. "We've been on some pretty crazy missions here lately. A lot of classified information. I'm thinking about taking an instructor position I've been offered. The school is up in California."
You were impressed but held the poker face. You giggled to yourself when he stopped at California.
"I knew I smelt malibu Barbie on you..." you muttered giggling, you then spoke back up continuing,"Naval aviator, That sounds like a dangerous career. My momma would smack me if I didn't thank you for your service." He nodded his head, acknowledging the appreciation. "I guess I stand corrected. G.I. Joe might just be shaking in his boot. When you're back in California, make sure to say 'hello' to your girlfriend Barbie in the dreamhouse for me."
He stiffled a laugh from exiting his plump lips. "I'm still waiting for a Barbie to complete my collection. I do have the dream house, though. I just bought it about a month ago. If you ever want to take a vacation in San Diego, let me know. You can come play Barbie with me. You have a G.I. Joe, that might be scared of me? "
You bit your lip, looking him up and down. You placed both hands on the counter, leaning forward comfortably. Your chest is displayed with a glow from the sweat and mud. "I'm not a Barbie Doll type, and G.I. joes dont quite do it for me. I need something a little more intimidating, " You whispered softly.
The teasing was very tempting. His eyes shifted down to where cotton didn't cover. The glow was so inviting. His smirk raised back to his face when he met your eyes again. He was lost for word. Your teasing had got him. You had won in his mind, and that both infuriated him and intrigued him. Especially when that just confirmed your relationship status to be single. The only words he could muster came out in a low growl. "I think I know a guy."
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No permissions to share the story as your own. Do not repost to any site. Don't steal from aspiring authors that makes you a 'C U Next Tuesday'!
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fics-n-stuff · 6 months
In preparation for Heartbreak High season 2 TOMORROW, and following up on this post from a year and a half ago I made about why Spider should have a redemption arc, I have another lukewarm take to present: if Spider deserves redemption then so does Sasha.
I thought about making this post ages ago, not long after the original Spider post, but I never got around to writing it out... til now! Here we go!
After season 1, I was seeing A LOT of Sashsa hate, much of which I agreed with but some that definitely went too far. I saw a lot more people calling Sasha irredeemable than I saw of anyone speaking that way about Spider or Dusty. I hate Sasha as much as the next HBH fan, but it is undeniable that if we give Spider enough grace to encourage his redemption we should extend the same courtesy to Sasha; if we have enough faith in the show to handle the nuance of his redemption then we should have faith in it to be able to handle her redemption too.
Sasha is not trying to be a bad person, she genuinely believes (in my opinion) that she is trying her best to be a good person. The problem is she's confusing virtue signalling and "wokeness" with actually being a good person, and that makes her behave like a bitch. What it all boils down to, just like with Spider, is attitude. What they need to do is pretty similar as well; Spider needs to start paying attention and empathising with the experiences of people around him and Sasha needs to realise that what she thinks is genuine empathy and compassion is really just performative and does not make her a good person. They both need to stop viewing themselves as victims, they both need to be more willing to hear other people out, and I believe that they both have the capacity to change.
The two things I hated most about Sasha were:
Her relationship with Quinni and the way she treated Quinni during that time, as I'm sure most (if not all) of you will agree. That whole episode with the book signing (episode 6: "Angeline") makes me so mad, and it is a perfect example of how her empathy is not genuine. When Sasha is told that Quinni is autistic, her immediate response is "I need to do some more research" instead of "I need to ask Quinni what she needs and what she wants". Right there, she fails to empathise with Quinni as a person because she's too busy thinking about how she should be empathising with Autistic People as a whole and thereby completely misses the point. In the same vein, we the viewers all see Sasha's ableism when it comes to Quinni and how she fails to treat Quinni like an equal, but Sasha is so convinced that she is a good person because she supports all of the right ideas that she fails to see when she's falling short when it comes to the real people actually in her life. (Even at the end of this post when I have explained why Sasha deserves redemption, just know that I absolutely DO NOT think that Sasha and Quinni should EVER get back together.)
The way she just drops people when the social tides turn against them. We see her do this with both Amerie and Harper, completely dropping them as friends as soon as everybody is mad at them and not even speaking with them first or even allowing them a chance to just talk to her. This still makes me incredibly angry. Sasha had every right to not want to be friends with both Amerie and Harper after the things that happened, but the way she cut them out of her life so completely without a second thought makes me seethe. Now, there are layers to this. First we have the double-edged-sword of school social hierarchy and Sasha's "woke" attitudes. I personally believe that Sasha definitely dropped her friends because she didn't want them to tank her social status (like lots of teenagers would, horrible as it is), but she justified it to herself by rationalizing it like a political/social justice issue. Amerie did something bad = Amerie bad = I won't talk to Amerie anymore. She treats the ending of a friendship like a corporate boycott. What she says to Harper in episode 6 ("I'm not gonna let you suck me into your negativity black hole. You're an emotional vampire, Harper. I watched a whole YouTube video on it.") is a shining example of both how much of a bitch Sasha can be to the people around her and how she justifies that behaviour to herself. They are bad so I don't have to treat them well. And sometimes that line of thought is genuinely justified, but people are not that black and white and to cut ties with someone you considered a close friend without even talking to them or allowing them to even try and explain or apologise is peak bitch behaviour if you ask me. Especially when it's so clear that they are struggling and have nobody else to turn to.
You may have gathered that both of these points link back to the same thing: her hollow social activism. I am not saying here that she doesn't actually care about any of the causes she supports, nor am I saying that no good has been achieved through her various activist endeavors, but I really think that she approaches it all in the wrong way. Sasha tries so hard to say the correct thing, support the correct causes, and be on the correct side of things in a widespread social view that, not only does it create an element of performance and virtue-signalling, but she just doesn't take the time to actually learn and consider things without looking so far out. To reverse a common phrase, she can't see the trees for the forest, (i.e. she's so focused on the bigger picture she can't see the closer points). I'm sure she really does agree with all of the political and social justice causes that she supports, but because that's all she thinks about it creates the insufferable holier-than-thou attitude that makes her such a bitch while also leaving this vacuum where she fails to apply these ideals to her real life. Empathy is research, compassion is protesting, and when someone fucks up and people turn on them then it's fine to just turn on them too because they did a Bad Thing, no matter what else is happening.
But the door to redemption is open for Sasha and, just like with Spider, I want to see what the writers do with it. I think the big bus fight in episode 6 and Sasha finding out that Quinni has gone non-verbal in episode 7 could serve to open her eyes as to how uncompassionate she's been to the people around her. If she gets clued in to what happened with Harper she may reflect on how poorly she treated her while she was dealing with all of that trauma and realise that she isn't as much of "an empath" as she believes she is, and that just might be enough to open the door for some well needed introspection. Progress would probably be kinda slow, like I said in my post about Spider most people with any kind of strong belief tend to get defensive when challenged, but, also like I said about Spider, if people hold Sasha accountable then change can 100% happen. If the people around her continue to show her that she is not the good and just person she thinks she's being but rather that she's being a bitch and not offering any support or understanding to the people around her, if they can show her that her attitude is causing them harm, then I think that has the potential to open her mind and allow her to learn to fix those problems.
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kahlanmars · 1 year
Hi! This is the sequel of Bad Feelings, I just couldn't stop writing about these two!
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1. Flowers on the table
Life in Capitol City. You would lie if you didn’t admit you wanted this. Life in the District is good, and you know everybody, but to live in Capitol is kind of a dream. In Effie’s house you have running water all the time, hot shower, a giant bed and a fridge. The fridge is your new favorite thing in the world. These are the things that you used to see in the victor’s houses and envied them so much, and now for six months a new, shining version of them is yours. 
After a month in the city you figured out a lot of things. People walk for fun there, but only in malls and shopping centers, not in parks. Most of the citizens have jobs where they sit all the time, and then they go to the gym afterwards. And they have cinemas. When Portia took you to the cinema for the first time after the reconstruction - to help you see stage costumes - you nearly cried. 
The food is so good you are excited for every meal. And you can have meals everyday, not like in District Thirteen where every meal was for you to work harder, but a proper breakfast, a proper lunch and a proper dinner. A meal for the taste of it.
So, for these reasons and more you like living in Capitol City. But you miss your folks immensely. You hear from Holly every week, she is an ancient soul and she prefers to send you letters instead of just installing a telephone. And Haymitch comes every weekend, he stays for two days and he returns to Katniss and Peeta. 
There are a lot of ways you pictured your weekends with Haymitch during your stay in the Capitol: romantic dinners with candle lights, kisses under the moonlight, lazy morning cuddles, maybe a movie or two. 
Not fighting in a gym, your hair sweaty and a simple tank top and sweatpants as an outfit. 
«You got lazy.» He grumbles, and all you want is to scoff and go to a party. 
Haymitch grew paranoid in these months, since you got a threatening message written on the wall close to home. It simply said “GO AWAY”, but it was red like blood and you made the mistake of telling him, and now he wants you to become a skilled soldier.
You are definitely not a skilled soldier.
He is becoming one, though. He runs every morning, he helps Peeta with the bakery and sometimes he even hunts with Katniss. You wanted to point out that he can’t help you if he is in District Twelve and you are in Capitol City, but his abs are fantastic and his arms are so strong and big now that you quickly decided to shut up and enjoy the view.
«That’s because there is not a war anymore.» You glare at him, but he only attacks you again.
«And you are dead.» He puts you under him in a quick movement, mimicking a blade under your neck with a finger. In this position you can see his sparkling blue eyes and his neck, inviting you to bite it like a snack.
«If you wanted to get on top of me all you had to do was ask.» You purr, leaning for a kiss while your hands wander on his shoulders. He blocks you.
«Be serious.» He warns you, but you only pout. The times where you were kinda scared of him are long gone.
«Tomorrow you will be gone and I’ll have to work all day. Can I have at least a kiss from my fiancé?» He capitulates to your kiss and you are in his arms in the blink of an eye. Cheap shampoo, tobacco and the scent of woods, mixed now with a bread undertone, thanks to Peeta’s help. You miss his odor. Sometimes when you stop in a room, you feel like something is missing and it’s his scent. 
«I just want you safe.» He kisses your head and you lean against him, enjoying the feeling of your skin against his. 
«I know. And I love you. But you are obsessing.» He tries to rebut, but you stop him with your lips on his. «Now let me go, I have to prepare dinner for Effie.»
You want to thank her as much as you can, and cooking for her it’s a great way to do that. She is not a great chef, but she loves to eat and since Capitol is under reconstruction and she is not wealthy anymore, she can’t go out for dinner every day and you obviate it with your cooking qualities. You also clean her home and wash her clothes, basically what you did for Haymitch when you were his maid.
«I was hoping for a shower before that.» His eyes have a glimpse of lust that you can’t help but to appreciate. You are actually afraid he loses interest in you, since you are not close to him. You know it’s just your stupid fear and he asked you to marry him, and you can’t wait to be Daisy Pinecone-Abernathy, but he is so far away. 
«Oh, now you remember I exist?» You deadpan, but he doesn’t give you the decency of an answer, he just catches you and lifts you up on his shoulder like a caveman.
To be fair, you love when he acts like a caveman. 
The shower at Effie’s is one of the many perks of living in the city. Her bathroom is bigger than a house, and the shower has hydromassage, something that you really, really wanted to try with Haymitch, and it doesn’t disappoint at all.
You miss him. You miss him in the morning, because nobody wakes you up with little kisses and pecks. You miss him at lunch because you eat alone at Portia’s office, and you miss him at night, when you close the telephone and your bed is too large to be alone in it. And you can’t help but feel superficial because of how much you miss intimacy with him. 
The moments where you lived together in the Penthouse first and in Thirteen second are long gone, now you have to wait for the weekends to enjoy your partner. 
You still miss your house too, but you have to admit Effie’s home is marvelous and honestly so pretty. It’s very colorful, with light pink painted walls and trinkets all over the place. She used to be pretty rich, but now you pretend not to see she sometimes goes away with jewelry and comes back with cash.
When you asked her if your presence was a problem, she answered she gladly enjoyed your company and was more afraid of being alone than being a little less rich than usual.
The menù is simple tonight, so you can have your time with your boyfriend. Tomorrow you will have to wake up at six, to work for Portia.
Portia is a great stylist and you can’t wait to learn everything for her, and she is also a friend, but at work she is not the easiest person ever. She wants everything to be done perfectly, which is fair, but also you are still learning. And she has a lot of things to do during the day, she never catches a breath, she never stops to drink a coffee (you began to bring her coffee after she almost collapsed on her desk). 
You don’t know if she tries to be respected as she was before the war and she has to work more to gain that or if she used to work the same amount of time, but sometimes you watch her and you are not sure you want this life. You want to work in fashion, but you don’t want your life to be your job. You also want to go out with Haymitch (or, maybe, you want to stay in with Haymitch) or your friends. She barely sees Effie these days. 
«I love your hair.» He mumbles, more to himself than to you. You are flaming up the kitchen fires, you don’t have any makeup on anymore and the hair is not exactly combed. So you smile at him and you blow him a kiss.
«I love you. I can’t wait for you to see the wedding dress.» You pretend not to notice he is suddenly green at the mention of the wedding. You admit it is harder than you thought. «Effie loves it.»
«Where is Effie, by the way?» Haymitch asks while you are cooking. He doesn’t bother to put a shirt on when you two are alone, and you ogle him without shame. This piece of man is yours, all yours. You are in his shirt, that barely covers your thighs. By the way he is looking at you, like he wants to ravish you, he thinks the same thing.
«Out searching for a job, I suppose. She has not been lucky so far.» Poor Effie, nobody wants to hire the last escort alive. She is not in the television business anymore and she is trying everything. 
«Maybe Plutarch could help.» He suggests.
«Maybe.» You don’t like Plutarch and it shows. You can’t trust a snake. «For now I can help her with my income, but I wanted to send some money to Holly too.» 
You don’t know how Holly is doing. She is too proud to tell you the truth and her and your man are not on speaking terms, so you don’t have news. 
«Save some money for yourself.»
«Why? I’m marrying a rich man.» You whisper and you climb on his lap. «You are so hot, Mr. Abernathy. I think I’m falling for you.»
«You are so blind, but I won’t complain.» He laughs, circling you with his arms. «You are not so bad yourself, Mrs. Abernathy.»
«Daisy Abernathy.» You taste the name on your lips. «Go put a shirt on before dinner, you know Effie.»
«And you know how much I give a…» You stop him with a smack on his arm.
«Haymitch. Shirt on. C’mon.» 
«That’s not what you said in the shower, little lady.» He takes your wrist and places a rough kiss that looks more like a bite. He loves to mark you since you are not in your house. Like you have time to meet someone else. You spend all your day in Portia’s office or at home, you are not much of a socialite. Perla and Lora usually go out on fridays, but you are with him the next day and you don’t want him to smell wine or alcohol on you, so you say goodbye to them before sunset. He has been so good you don’t want to spoil everything.
«I don’t want to let you go for a whole week.» You are overdramatic and you know it. Still, you think it’s good for him that you tell him you like him. He always has so many doubts about it. «Can I kidnap you?»
«In Capitol City? Never.» He still kisses your shoulder and you stroke his blonde hair. He has more white hair than usual. You don’t mind, on him it’s sexy. 
«And…» You bite his neck. «In my bed?»
He lifts up his shirt on you, ready to make you sit on the table. «That’s better.»
The separation with your man is always hard. You kiss him goodbye too many times and he makes you promise there are only five months left and then you’ll come back in Twelve. He does that all the time.
Monday comes too quickly, and you are full of work even in the first hours of the morning. Portia is very meticulous on what she has to do. Today you have to sew like a hundred pieces before she comes, and when Lora approaches you, you have to turn her down.
«I’m afraid you got here for nothing. I can’t go out for lunch.» You look at her hoping she doesn’t do her famous big eyes, because it would be very hard for you to say no again.
«And what are you eating?» She wants to know instead. That’s a great question, which you don’t know the answer to. Either you starve or you pretend to bring something to Portia and then you eat with her in five minutes.
«I don’t think I will, I have to sew all these dresses and I don’t have time.» 
You like your life in Capitol City, and it’s just for six months. You can handle six months. Then you will have your knowledge, you’ll work as a tailor for District Twelve and you will live in your big house. 
«Nonsense. You have to eat.»
«I’m used to that, honey, don’t worry.» She doesn’t look so sure of it, so you try to change the subject. «So how are you in Perla and Cinna’s house?»
«Oh, well, good I think. I want a place that I can call mine, but I have to find a job first.»
The reconstruction of Capitol City is still going on. Many places are not ready, but they have money, more money than the districts, so they are faster. But you can still see the bombs in some parts of the city and the ruins, and it’s scary. You try not to think about it so much, and you don’t visit these places. Your face is unfortunately very famous, and not in a good way. Once you were Princess Daisy, beloved by the people, but now you are Rebel Daisy, who admitted killing a capitol citizen, who bombed their heads, and the fiancé - that got away from the news, you don’t know how - of one of the masterminds of the revolution.
Not really a good look.
And for Lora it is not really different.  
«Lora, you do know you don’t have to find a job or a place tomorrow, don’t you?»
«I don’t want to impose on Perla. When Chaff proposed that I could have gone to Capitol City to figure out what I wanted to do I thought it was a good idea, but now…»
Chaff proposed it because he couldn’t take care of her, probably. He is not in a good place with alcohol, Haymitch told you, and Lora is only nineteen and she needs a caregiver sometimes. She is bright and smart and brave, but she is so young and she has seen so many things. You want to suggest to her Doctor Aurelius, since you and Peeta are under her guide, but you don’t want to be inappropriate.
«You know Perla and Cinna like to be with you. You don’t impose yourself.» You squeeze her hand in support.
You admire them so much. You don’t know if you would want another person in your house the first days in the cohabitation. You know you are selfish, but the first weeks after the revocation of the sex strike you couldn’t stay five minutes with each other without ending up pushed against a wall. Or in the shower. Or on the kitchen table. 
Then again, Perla and Cinna have always been more responsible than you two. 
«I kinda do. Think about it, it’s their first days as a couple who live together. And I’m there.»
You cut her off. «They chose it.»
«Doesn’t mean they are not bothered by it. I just thought finding a job in a big city would have been easier. When I say I’m from the district they don’t want me anymore.»
That makes your blood boil and your first instinct is to shout to everybody that Lora is wonderful and they would be so lucky to have her, but then you remember you don’t have any power in the City. You notice that if they don’t recognise you from the games, they wrinkle their nose when they hear your accent. People are scared the revolution will end up like in the Dark Days, when the Capitol citizens didn’t have any food, and they don’t trust the districts. Paylor has been kind to them, definitely kinder than Coin, but it’s not enough. And maybe under that there is a sense of superiority.
«That’s kinda shitty.»
«Yeah…» She shrugs her shoulders. She is sad and you don’t know what to do to make her happy. Tomorrow, you decide, you will make her lunch. You have limited ways to make people happy: food, fabrics, or sex, but this particular way is just for your fiancé. You don’t have time to sew her a dress, so you will go with the food.
«You know what? We will have lunch with Portia. You can help us if you want, she promised me she has a great idea she can’t wait to show me. And we could ask her if she knows someone who needs an assistant or something like that.»
When you come back home you are tired as hell, your hands hurt and you just want to go to bed, but you have to prepare dinner. And Portia didn’t have time to see you, so you don’t know the big news. 
This is what you chose, and you like it. Cut the crap and stop acting like a spoiled brat, she lets you stay here for free. 
«You can’t imagine what Lora told me, she is… Effie?»
You spot your roommate on the big purple couch, with her nose red and a bunch of tissues near her. She cried. She wasn’t supposed to get caught, you get from the expression on her face. She is still very much an escort on that aspect: eyes bright, chin up, smile on. Doesn’t matter if your life is falling apart.
«Effie? What happened?» You rush to her, in case she needs help. Maybe she is hurt, maybe someone hurt her. You think Haymitch is paranoid about these words near the house, but it’s her house.
«Nothing, darling girl, don’t worry about me.» She dismisses it waving her hand. 
She is different. She doesn’t have a wig on anymore because the fashion in the Capitol is changed, tamed. She is better this way, her blonde curls on her shoulders are let loose, and they shine like gold. She has makeup on, but not as much as she used to, more like a rich district woman and less like a television star. She is breathtaking, the most beautiful woman you’ve ever seen. You wish Portia didn’t have to work so much, because she deserves to be revered every second.
«That’s a little too late. Tell me what happened.» You insist.
«It’s… it’s my fault, I deserve it.»
«What?» You spot a magazine. She shouldn’t buy that rubbish, but you understand why she did it: she is on the cover. An old picture of her, when a twenty something beautiful Effie Trinket was smiling at the cameras without a worry in the world. Under that there is written “Child killer”. 
Look who's talking. Like they didn’t. All Capitol City is guilty except for the rebels, and she is very much of a rebel.
«Let’s burn this. They don’t know you.» On page six, you read, there is an article about Finnick Odair and why he is not the sex bomb he was before. On page nine a piece about “Which girl you are? A Finnick girl or a Peeta girl?”. This magazine really is trash. 
«They are telling the truth.» She curls on the couch and you sit next to her. She cuddled all the time in Thirteen, you can do it one time.
«I don’t think so.» You repeat.
«I thought… I thought that it would have ended. The guilt, the nightmares. I thought, with the Revolution…» You pretend not to hear her at night, sometimes. She screams and then you make her a cup of tea or milk and you place it next to the door, or you pretend you wanted one for yourself and you made one more. You have nightmares too, Haymitch too and you are sure there is no news for Finnick or Annie either. 
«Effie, no. You have nothing to be guilty of.»
«I picked the names, Daisy. Katniss. Peeta. Your name.» But she was so young when she auditioned. She figured out everything by herself, you wish she could see it.
«It was your job. Haymitch was there too.»
«I chose it.»
«Yes, you chose it. At twenty, young and brainwashed. As you chose to be part of the revolution.»
She stays silent, drinking her herbal tea. She is too silent, and you don’t want her to suffer again.
«Haymitch lost his family and girlfriend because of Capitol City. He jumped at the thought of a revolution. Same thing for Finnick and Johanna. They are brave and strong, and you know how much I love my fiancé, but that is the truth.» You cup her face in your hands. «You chose it. You had every comfort here, you were famous, wealthy, hell you were even rich. No one in their right mind would have chosen the other side, except you. And not because you are crazy, but because you saw the injustice and corrected it. Effie Trinket, you are a hero and you are a rebel.»
She is still silent and you go heating up a soup. When you come back she still doesn’t speak but she rests on your shoulder. She smiles now. Mission accomplished.
«Haymitch! When did you come back? I didn’t see you.» You turn around from the couch where you are sitting. You spent the morning tidying up the house and you feel a little stronger already. You like not being in bed all the time, but to be fair you liked that your man did everything too. The fact that he was willing to bear the house, the geese, the cooking and you in general all by himself was really arousing. But now it’s time to get up.
«Hi sweetheart.» He kisses you and you notice he places something on the table.
«What is it?» You want to know, but he blocks you in his arms. «Oh, hi again… are you planning on seducing me?»
«Always.» He answers and the slap he gives you on the ass is so strong you actually whimper. «You know I was out in the woods and I kept thinking of you all the time. Fucking addiction.» 
«That’s how it is meant to be. I think everyone should think about me all the time.» You say smugly and you lean for a kiss. You love the fact that he is taller than you, you feel protected.
«You think you deserve it?» He taunts, and his hands are already toying with the buttons of your shirt. 
«I think I can show you how much I deserve it.» You flirt, and that much is enough for him to lift you up and push you to the couch, with him on top.
You can see the table in this position. And there *is* something on it.
«What’s that?» You ask, but your man is so focused on biting your breasts than you don’t think he even heard anything. And to be fair that’s really flattering and hot but now you want to know. «Darling, what’s that?»
You get up, with much of his displeasure, and you see what’s on the table. Flowers. Pretty flowers. «Do you want tea with those?» You question, confused.
«Nah.» He seems uneasy and embarrassed, and you slowly realize it. 
«Then why did you bring those home?» You turn around to see him, and you take the flowers in your hand. «Haymitch Abernathy, did you bring me flowers?» 
«It’s not a big deal.» He answers rougher than usual, «Don’t read anything on it. I was just trying to get in your pants.» 
You want to laugh so bad, because you are about to marry the guy and he still points out you shouldn’t read anything on a sweet gesture. And truth to be told he doesn’t need much effort to get in your pants.
«I wouldn’t dream of it.» You humor him and you smell them. They are so pretty! Yellow and pink. You will find a vase for them. «I still love them.»
«Figured you would have liked useless stuff.» 
«Such a gentleman.» You lick your lips, but he throws you on the couch again after you lay the flowers on the table. «Haymitch!»
He kisses your cheek and your nose. «Did you like them?»
«Love them. Now gimme your kisses.»     
The next day, on lunch break you need to speak with Haymitch. You know you usually call the other one at night - and you quickly found out it’s not the easiest thing ever to make him talk on the phone, he is not used to it - but you need to hear his voice. You fell asleep while working on your wedding dress last night, and thanks heavens you didn’t drool on the fabric. You would use a bed right now, your back is killing you and you still need to call a thousand stockists for Portia.
This is not his voice, though. This is a female voice, and not Katniss, who is there all the time. You don’t mind Katniss, she is nice and she is your fiancé’s daughter, not to mention she brings you delicious meat you don’t have to hunt yourself, but this is not Katniss.
«Hi, who’s this?» You try to remain calm, because you are not jealous of every girl in the whole world. Just the ones in your house.
«Sorry? Who are you.» Oh, you recognise it now. «Marjorie?»
«Oh, hi Daisy.» She has the nerve to be surprised. She is the one in your house and she has the nerve of being surprised.
You don’t understand. If she is visiting, and you are not so happy she is visiting, why is she answering the phone? And why is she visiting? They remained on good terms, and you pretend to be happy about it so you can babysit Ivy in your free time. Maybe she is just bringing him fresh bread or something.
«What are you doing in my house?» You are not supposed to say this, this is not calculated. My house seems petty and childish. Our house is better, because it is your house. 
«I was just bringing Ivy to Haymitch.» She was whating the what?
«Ivy? To Haymitch?» Ivy is a wonderful kid. She is nice, she is quiet, she enjoys talking about herbs and she is a joy to be around, she goes along with every animal, even with the geese. You really like to stay with her when you have time, but Haymitch? He doesn’t like kids. He doesn’t have any patience or interest for them. You can catch him playing football with some of the neighbors' children, but that’s when they are old enough to play. 
The sudden image of a loving family hits you in the guts. Haymitch and Marjorie with Ivy, it would be perfect, but you wouldn’t be in the picture. 
«He offered to watch her while I’m… cleaning.» 
«You are cleaning? Sorry, I don’t understand.»
«He didn’t tell you?» If she has to explain it maybe no, he didn’t tell you anything. «I’m working for him while I’m looking for a job.»
«You are looking for a- you are a nurse.» Your tone is rude and impolite and Effie wouldn’t be proud of you, but you are annoyed. She is talking nonsense. Haymitch would have told you. You quickly try to remember if he said anything about Marjorie, but he didn’t, you are sure of it. You would have remembered. 
«Yeah, in Thirteen, and it takes time for the documents to arrive in Twelve. Your mother is helping me as well. But I need money to take care of Ivy.»
«Oh.» You don’t want her to look in your things, you don’t want her to touch your drawers and your clothes.
Your job. That was your job. She is his new maid. And you trust him, but Marjorie is still so beautiful. She has majestic blonde hair, bright and magnetic blue eyes, the poise of a queen. Oh hell no.
Don’t trust her, your voice says. Maybe none of this is true, maybe she is in the house for some other reason and she is telling you this to hurt you like you hurt her.
«Did you need anything?»
«I was looking for my- my-» You can’t say “Your boyfriend”, it’s childish. Again. «Haymitch.»
«Do you want me to tell him? He can call you back. Your Haymitch.» You don’t know if she is being difficult on purpose or she is just trying to be funny, but suddenly you regret saving her from that damn bunker.
«Yeah, thank you.»
«Thank you, Daisy, it’s nice you let me stay in your house.» 
Not if you can’t help it.
taglist: @crimsonincursive can you tell me if you still wanna be tagged in the sequel? Thank you!
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& my absolute fav 🏹🏹🏹
Girl Dad!Buck 👧🏼 - This fic was 13K worth of dialogue that needed some serious editing, so thanks for making me pick this one back up! Also, I know this is a Girl Dad! Buck fic, but those two co-parent hardddd so enjoy this clip of a victim talking to Eddie in the back of an ambulance about his new nail art.
“Nice nails.” Ms. Martin says, eyes directly on Eddie’s still-painted fingernails. He had been so busy getting his own house in order yesterday, that he didn’t even think about how his nails must look. It wouldn’t be the first time he’d walked around with painted nails before. Although, when his sisters had done them for him back in the day, Adriana and Sophia had held back on the sparkle nail polish. “Thanks.” Eddie says, rolling his eyes as Chimney snorts next to him. “Let me guess, you have a little girl at home, right?” “Yeah, she’s eleven.” Eddie offers simply. “She had a sleepover this weekend and she and her friends went a little overboard.” He explains, wiggling his fingers a little closer to give her a better view. “Do you have a photo?” “Yeah, of course.” He doesn’t think twice as he slides his phone out of his pocket and clicks the side button, lighting up the lock screen. It’s a photo he’d taken of Chris and Hailey from when he and Buck took them to the aquarium last week. In the perfectly timed photo - courtesy of one Evan Buckley - they were posing in front of the whale tank when a beluga whale came and joined them for the photo. Buck had also snapped a few more after the pointed out the whale, and the kids excitedly turned to say hello. “Hailey is my nail artist, and then the other one is my son, Christopher.” “Oh, they’re adorable.” She smiles sweetly, bringing her hand up to rest over her heart. “I remember when my kids were that age. They really grow up so fast.” “Yeah they do.” Eddie agrees.
Bones AU 💀 - Over 15K and counting! This is a snipet of Chimney and Buck while they're buried underground.
“Since we’re spilling our guts apparently, got anything you want to share?” Chimney asks, finishing his sentence with a wince. His hands are clenched into tight fists, which Buck is sure is meant as an outlet to redirect his pain from the severe pressure building in his leg right now. “With you?” Buck scoffs. “You’re the worst secret keeper on the planet.” “First off, I might die here of shock in a few minutes once you slice me open, and if that’s the case then you won’t have to worry about me telling anyone your secret.” “Chim-” “And second,” Chimney adds, cutting off Buck’s protest, “if the secret you’re going to tell me involves how you feel about a certain FBI agent, then that’s pretty well known to everybody, so it’s not really a secret you need to worry about me keeping.”
Green Arrow AU 🏹 - Oh, the beloved Green Arrow AU! Here's a piece of Buck and Eddie meeting again for the first time since he came back from Lian Yu (yes, I know that differs from the original plot, but I am taking some creative liberties with their backstory)!
He looks different from the last time that Eddie had seen him. He’s gotten taller, at least four inches, standing at nearly 6’2” now. For someone who had been stranded on a desert island for seven years, Eddie would think he should have withered away, yet, Buck is bulkier than he remembers, broader, four times the muscles that he remembers Buck having. He stands taller, his back straighter, but his head ducks lower than he used to, as if he’s purposefully trying to hide. Eddie had seen Buck on the news telling the world that he was alone on that island after everyone on the Buckley’s Gambit had drowned. Yet, if he was alone on that island, why does he carry himself like a solider who just came back from combat, one who is constantly on his toes, ready for any attack? “Buck! Hold on, there’s someone that I want to introduce you to.” Bobby calls, causing Buck to stop in his tracks. He pauses for a moment, taking a deep breath before turning to face Bobby, who is quickly approaching him. He forces a smile, before shifting his gaze away from Bobby to Eddie for the first time. It’s subtle, but Eddie swears he sees Buck’s eyes widen and his smile soften for half a second in recognition. “This is Eddie Diaz. He’ll be accompanying you from now on.” “Bobby, I don’t need a babysitter.” He insists, refocusing on the older man. “I understand, but this is… this is something that Maddie needs…” Bobby tells him, reaching up to gently squeeze Buck’s bicep. “It’s something I need, too. Okay?”
Keep requesting! This is just the motivation I need! :)
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blommis-writes · 2 years
"We should welcome twitter users coming to tumblr" yeah okay but have you ever had to interact with twitter fandom people? They're some of the nastiest beings to ever exist on this fucking planet.
They're the same who stalked Joseph Quinn wherever he went after season 4 of Stranger Things dropped and Eddie Munson became a fan favourite, leaking his dating app profile and his private cellphone number. (They also leaked Gaten Matarazzo’s cellphone number from what I got.)
They’re the same who harassed the Heartstopper cast so much that one of the main actors deactivated his twitter profile and the other was forced into coming out as bi.
And god forbid if you DARE criticizing the show they like, even if you’re a fan of it yourself. Just this morning I got a load of shit thrown at me on twitter because I dared pointing out how netflix acts in different ways towards wlw shows than mlm shows. I went about it logically looking at stats, and used First Kill and Young Royals as an example, because I watched both and the stats were very different in terms of budget, of views, etc. so overall, an easier comparison to make than between two shows who had almost identical stats.
Somehow (considering I usually get, at most 10 interactions under a tweet on a good day), my tweet blew up among Young Royals fans and I got 1000+ among replies and qrts of people who disagreed and I thought okay, not everybody has the same opinion right? Conctructive criticism is a thing right?
Well, on the goddamn blue bird app it is not.
People just said stuff like “it’s just because that First Kill sucks ass” and I tried explaining why (aka the tanking starting budget), so they went on to straight up calling me stupid, dumb, ignorant, they said I did not understand that one is Netflix USA and the other is from Netflix Nordic, mixed with a lot of swearwords in the crassest display ever.
And like. The fun thing is, I’m completing a master’s degree in Swedish. With my main faculty being media criticism. It will literally be my job, one day, to translate and criticize Swedish-speaking and English-speaking media.
Plus, though it’s not one of my favourites, I’m a fan of Young Royals myself because I started watching it to practice my Swedish language skills, and actually worked with its subtitles for a project of translation I had to do for class.
Tumblr may be a hellsite (affectionate) bit it’s really chill now, and kind of a safe heaven for me where I can interact with any kind of fandom and talk freely about which shows, characters and ships/pairings I love (i.e. apparently everyone on twitter is a Billy Hargrove anti. Seriously. Went to see if there were some fanarts, hcs, or other pieces of fanon really, but there was nothing except for hate tweets against both the characters and fans who like him), even when it comes to more serious and technical stuff like why netflix dooms certain shows from the start (cough cough First Kill cough cough) and I would hate to see it become full of hate just like twitter is.
Soooo, tl;dr: Like hell am I welcoming people you can’t have a civil discussion over anything with here.
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