#tarot by juliet sharman-burke
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A message from Spirit this summer solstice . . .
This is a good time to remove toxic histories from our blood (DNA). Looking at the bigger picture from an internal perspective can help us. We should ask for support from our ancestors to help clear family trauma and leave it behind in order to raise our frequencies. This release is necessary for healing and moving toward peace and calm.
Bloodstone aids with adjusting to unaccustomed circumstances. Clear quartz not only brings clarity; it can be used to store positive energies, like the courage and motivation that carnelian encourages. Rosemary is a powerful herb ally to ward off negativity.
Deck credits: Crystallary by Maia Toll, Moonology by Yasmin Boland, Tarot by Juliet Sharman-Burke
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qldqueerboy · 7 months
As a fellow reader, I was wondering what are some of your recommended books/resources for reading Tarot, or playing cards in general?
Just a difficult question to answer as I have accumulated a huge library of tarot and playing cards books that all in some way have contributed and still do in my learning.
In tarot I would recommend books by Liz Dean, Juliet Sharman-Burke, Sasha Fenton, Kim Huggens and Paul Fenton-Smith.
In playing cards I would recommend books by Deborah Leigh, Cory Thomas Hutcheson, Ana Cortez and Francis A Bevan.
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dantesilverlightning · 5 months
Popular Tarot Decks for Beginners
As we already discussed, not all Tarot decks are the same. There are numerous types on the market, making it hard to find the right deck for your skill level. Getting a deck that is too advanced results in inaccurate readings and often discourages early practitioners. When you begin to read Tarot cards, it is best to select a beginner’s deck, to help ensure your early readings are accurate. Once you become more familiar with the cards, you can progress to more advanced decks for detailed readings.
Rider Waite Smith
Designed by Pamela Colman Smith, under the direction of notable occultist Arthur E. Waite, this Tarot deck is the most popular in the world. It was designed in the early 20th century, with the goal of making Tarot reading more accessible. Rider Waite Smith decks have also inspired hundreds of new deck designs, called “RWS clones”. Most beginner books use a variation of the RWS deck when illustrating spreads and the meanings behind the cards.
As we already discussed, not all Tarot decks are the same. There are numerous types on the market, making it hard to find the right deck for your skill level. Getting a deck that is too advanced results in inaccurate readings and often discourages early practitioners. When you begin to read Tarot cards, it is best to select a beginner’s deck, to help ensure your early readings are accurate. Once you become more familiar with the cards, you can progress to more advanced decks for detailed readings.
Rider Waite Smith
Designed by Pamela Colman Smith, under the direction of notable occultist Arthur E. Waite, this Tarot deck is the most popular in the world. It was designed in the early 20th century, with the goal of making Tarot reading more accessible. Rider Waite Smith decks have also inspired hundreds of new deck designs, called “RWS clones”. Most beginner books use a variation of the RWS deck when illustrating spreads and the meanings behind the cards.
Wheel of the Year Tarot
Wheel of the Year Tarot decks is ideal for those interested in Pagan and Wiccan themes. The deck was designed by Lo Scarabeo and contains vibrant watercolour images of the yearly passage of the seasons. Those interested in learning more about seasonal symbolism and its relation to each one of our lives, hoping to conduct predictive readings, or those with health and ageing issues, may find this deck particularly useful.
The Mythic Tarot
Originally published in the 1980s, The Mythic Tarot is another very popular deck, best used for predictive and psychological readings. Colourful images from Greek mythology adorn each card, making it a beautiful deck. Many practitioners praise the book that comes with this deck, authored by Juliet Sharman Burke and Liz Greene, as one of the best books written on the topic.
The Sharman Casseli 
Designed by Juliet Sharman Burke and illustrated by Gionnani Casseli, The Sharman Casseli deck is very close to the Rider Waite Smith deck. However, this deck is stripped of the heavy religious imagery characterised by RWS decks. It also comes with a detailed book, offering useful information and tips about spreads, the cards and conducting an accurate reading.
Tarot of Ascension
Released in 2010 by Lo Scarabeo, this particular deck is based on the Mayan concept of ascension. The deck’s theme is spiritual enlightenment, drawn from the belief that the world was to enter a state of ascension in 2012. Those hoping to explore their spiritual side or seeking enlightenment may want to try this deck. It is also useful for predictive work and self-discovery readings.
Hanson-Roberts Tarot
Tarot readers often recommend the Hanson-Roberts Tarot deck for beginners. The cards are smaller, making it easy for young readers and beginners. In addition, the unique and vivid medieval-inspired artwork makes the deck attractive, as well as easy to read. Mary Hanson-Roberts used the Rider Waite Smith deck as her inspiration. As a result, this deck is pretty as well as universal.
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sleepysera · 8 months
"Fast forward to the Age of Enlightenment in Paris, around 1781 a French pastor, historian, scholar and Freemason, Antoine Court de Gébelin published an essay on the Tarot which he believed to be ancient esoteric knowledge encoded into the cards, i.e. magical traditions of Egyptian high priests and high priestesses."
-Juliet Sharman-Burke, The Tarot (2021)
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vtgbooks · 1 year
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JULIET SHARMAN BURKE The Complete Book Of Tarot Vintage TAROT Book Vtg Occult
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normal-horoscopes · 3 years
is the Beginner’s Guide to Tarot by Juliet Sharman-Burke a good beginners guide? i want to learn tarot and how to read and use it but i don’t know where to start
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celticcrossanon · 3 years
About This Blog
This is a place for me to put up my readings about the British Royal Family and anything else that catches my attention. I do not do personal readings (sorry!), nor do I do readings on celebrities. Please don’t message me asking me to read on celebrity x or on a personal situation, as I will be unable to do so. However, please do feel free to message me to ask for clarification on one of my readings or to discuss them. If you like to troll or send hate, be warned that your message will be deleted and the sender will be blocked without notice. If you don’t like what I have to say, do the mature thing and simply scroll on by to another blog. Otherwise, welcome to my blog. I hope you enjoy what you read here. 
About Accuracy In Readings
When you read the tarot, you are reading the energies at a set time, in a certain place, for a set person. The results you get depend on both those energies and your interpretation of the cards.
Anyone can misinterpret their cards, for a variety of reasons (internal bias, tired, cold, hungry, not aware of all the facts around a situation, etc). This happens, and it can happen to anyone. No-one is immune from making mistakes.
In addition, energies change. The situation as you read on it may not be the same the next day, the next week, the next month, and so on. People change. Events happen. Perspectives change. We all have free will, and we utilise it. At any time the actions of ourselves and/or others can change a situation. Given this fluctuation of energies, the results of a tarot reading are true for the time it is read (barring any mistakes by the reader). They may not be true one day/week/month/year into the future. Similarly, due to the exercise of free will and the resulting fluctuations of energy, any future readings may show a different result to the initial reading.
Please bear this in mind as you read the interpretations below. They are for entertainment and speculation only. Nothing is set in stone until it becomes the past (and even that is subject to interpretation). The future is always in flux.
About My Deck
I use the original Mythic Tarot deck by Juliet Sharman-Burke and Liz Greene. The beautiful illustrations on the cards are by Tricia Newell. There is a revised version of this deck currently on the market, The New Mythic Tarot, where the cards are illustrated by a new artist (same pictures, different drawing style). I don’t know if the original one is still available to purchase.
Other Social Media
I don’t have any other social media, so no Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube or anything like that. This is it.
Free Avatars 
For anyone who wants them. They are all very simple, and they are all made by me.
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fairyysoup · 3 years
Hi, hope you’ve had a great week!!
I’ve really enjoyed what I’ve read of your writing and your Major Arcana series. As someone who isn’t too familiar with tarot cards, what caused you to choose those specific cards and how did they inspire you? Only if you’d like of course. Thanks for sharing your work!
No no this is SUCH a good question!! I'm so glad you've enjoyed my work so far and I'm sending you all my love and kisses!!
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I started writing the series when I was first learning to read the cards. I hadn't been writing as much as I used to, and I was really looking for something to get me back into the swing of things (because I was desperate to write something for Zemo but I had like. zero ideas lol). Like a prompt, if you will. I figured because each one has an archetypal theme it would be fun to use them to inspire my writing!!
I will say that at first, I would just pull a card from a deck and start writing something based on that (which is what I did for The Chariot), but eventually I would start coming up with scenarios that could later be applied to the cards (i.e. I thought of Zemo saving the reader from being strangled, I decided to title that The Hanged Man and included the card's themes in the second draft).
As for learning the meaning of the cards, I have a couple books on the card meanings (which I pull quotes from for the intro to each of the fics lol)- The Mythic Tarot by Juliet Sharman-Burke, The Tarot Revealed by Eden Gray, and The Modern Witchcraft Book of Tarot by Skye Alexander. I also consult BiddyTarot for their free guide to tarot card meanings.
In short, I just try to incorporate the imagery from the cards (rider-waite specifically) and the themes from the meaning of the cards in each piece! And as for choosing the specific cards, there's no rhyme or reason, only vibes.
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doctormoss · 3 years
Introduction to my decks!!!
Etsy deck(1):
I don’t remember which store I bought this deck from. It is an oracle deck, I mostly use it for advice and general readings about something.
(the other etsy deck (2) is not being mentioned here, right now. I have more decks than I talk about in this post, but hey. I have more.)
Postcards from Spirit (Colette Baron-reid):
This oracle deck is from books-a-million. It is a beautiful, long message from spirit, deities, guides or ancestors. I use it for advice about anything.
Tarot of Pagan Cats (Madelina Messina and Lola Airaghi): 
This is a tarot deck, bought from this local shop from the east coast of the USA. I bought it for my recently deceased cat, Beans. I use it (almost) exclusively for messages from my cats. It is like other tarot decks, with swords, cups, pentacles, and wands. wonderful deck!
The Wizard’s Tarot (Dakota Gates/Wizard of Barge):
This is a tarot deck. I bought it from Spencer’s for $15. It is rather weird, with Beasts as Wands, Curses as Cups, Cults as Pentacles, and... swords as swords. I have not used it yet, as the deck has no guidebook and that low key makes me anxious. Will use it soon!
Tattoo Tarot: Ink and Intuition (Laurence King Publishing):
This deck is from books-a-million. I don’t use it as much anymore, as I have a lot more decks I prefer. It is a beautiful deck, I use it for really anything general and advice. 
The Mythic Tarot (Juliet Sharman Burke and Liz Greene):
This is from barnes and noble. It has a HUGE box... but when you open it that huge box is for the guidebook. Cards are normal sized. The guidebook is REALLY in depth. It combines greek mythology and tarot cards!!! really unique and I love it
Etheral Visions: Illuminated Tarot deck (Matt Hughes):
Bought from another local store on the eastern coast of the USA. Beautiful deck, can find it tons of places. It is a tarot deck with beautiful, BEAUTIFUL art. I don’t use it as much anymore, lots of decks, but I used it for just about anything!
The Universe Has your Back (Gabrielle Bernstein, art by Micaela Ezra):
This is one of my OG decks! It is an oracle deck, I got it from books-a-million. It is more of an affirmation deck than anything but is still really sweet. I Use it for general advice.
Angels, Gods, Goddesses (Toni Carmine Salerno):
 this is one of my newer decks. It is a deity/entity deck, but does not give out names to any deity. It is a general deity/entity deck. It has some stuff about each deity/angel. I use it for messages from exclusively deities and soon, angels.
Tarot of the Divine: A Deck and guidebook (Clarkson Potter Publishing):
One of my older tarot decks. It has some beautiful art from folklores around the world. I used it for anything. I bought it from books-a-million. It is really good at deity and guide work but I used it for anything.
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I’m still very new to Tarot, despite a long-held interest in it. To ease myself in (and get a feel for the process while I’m still working on my coloured-in deck), I’m using a Tarot app for daily readings. Nothing fancy, just single card draws, which I can note down and reflect on for inclusion in my grimoire (which will take the form of an A5 ringbinder or two)!
The first two days have already given me something joyful and something uncomfortable - but both absolutely true and in need of recognition. I read in one of the many grimoire tips/beginner witch tips posts I’ve reblogged that doing a daily Tarot reading - and, most importantly, recording it in your journal/Bos/ grimoire - is a pretty essential thing to do. And I can already see why  - it is MUCH tougher to lie to yourself on paper! These daily notes are going to be so useful for me to understand where I am right now, what I want to change, and what I want to keep. I’ve never really been much for introspection, and... yeah, that needs to change - pronto!
Currently, I’m using Beginner’s Guide to Tarot by Juliet Sharman-Burke and illustrated by Giovanni Caselli. I also have an Arthurian Tarot app (by Caitlin & John Matthews, illustrated by Miranda Gray), because I love Arthurian legends :D
(I really enjoy copying out my notes neatly like this. I wonder if I’ll be able to keep it up when I eventually get back to work? ^-^”)
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jinxedlupieprincess · 3 years
"The Mythic Tarot Workbook"
I am speechless...Well, nearly. Ha..Freakin..Ha!🤨 Jokes on me? I dunno but I'm def shocked! I click on the book sample-already in my Library-to see details and possibly buy. Instead I see this... "Not available in your country"! For the record, that country is the USA. So...What is happening here? And I will repeat...WTF!?!😱
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A message from Spirit this Autumn Equinox . . .
Autumn, ruled by water, invites us to begin the journey into the depths of reflection. The Hierophant shows that we are longing for spiritual enlightenment, and that we should use our minds to find the answers. The Amethyst card encourages us to find these answers in the balance of complementary spaces. This is a good time to analyze dreams and find inspiration for bringing wishes into reality. The solutions may come through the wisdom of the Nettle card, which advises us to interact with our surroundings on an individual basis; opportunities arise when uniqueness is noticed.
Lapis lazuli increases wisdom and intellect. Aventurine helps to shift perceptions and encourage us to pursue opportunities to the best advantage possible. Garnet provides guidance along our paths.
Plant allies for this time include myrrh for healing, sage for cleansing, and palo santo for blessings.
Deck credits: Tarot by Juliet Sharman-Burke, Crystallary by Maia Toll, Herbiary by Maia Toll
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Hello moon! May I ask which resources you used to learn Tarot? Any websites? Or special books? Thx a lot! I want to get into this myself I have a deck around already but don't know where to start
Hey there, dear.
The list below only contains resources I personally used/use but at the end of it, I included a few options I heard about but couldn’t connect with well for varying reasons or simply didn’t feel interested in. I hope it helps 🌻
The Tarot Lady 
Learning the Tarot - an online course
Physical Books I own and can recommend
Tarot - 22 Steps to a Higher Path by D. Baloti Lawrence
21 Ways to Read a Tarot card by Mary K. Greer
Seventy-Eight Degrees of Wisdom - A Book of Tarot by Rachel Pollack
The Complete Book of Tarot Reversals by Mary K. Greer
The New Tarot Handbook by Rachel Pollack
The Internet Archive: Digital Library
I am very certain I simply searched for “Tarot” and read whatever book I came across. 
Tarot by Dennis Fairchild
Tarot by Janina Renee
Tarot by David V. Barrett
The Tarot by Paul Foster Case
Tarot Classic by Stuart R. Kaplan
Tarot Mysteries by Jonathan Dee
Tarot Basics by Evelin Burger
The Tarot: a contemporary course of the quintessence of hermetic occultism by Mouni Sadhu
Simply tarot by Leanna Greenaway
Tarot Masterclass by Paul Fenton-Smith
The Tarot Revealed by Eden Gray
Mastering The Tarot by Eden Gray
Choice centered tarot by Gail Fairfield
New Age Tarot by James Wanless
The tarot handbook by Angeles Arrien
Mastering the Tarot by Juliet Sharman-Burke
Tarot for your self by Mary K. Greer
Jung and Tarot by Sallie Nichols
Tarot made easy by Nancy Garen
Understanding and Using Tarot by Emily Peach
Tarot for Dummies by Amber Jayanti
Dictionary of the tarot by Bill Butler
The Mandale astrological tarot by A. T. Mann
2008 Tarot Reader by Llewellyn
2007 Tarot Reader by Llewellyn
The Tarot Handbook by Naomi Ozaniec
The art of Tarot by Elizabeth Dean
Pocket Guide to the Tarot by Alan Oken
This is only a part of my reading log and as my account on that site is a little older already, I barely have an overall perspective on how good or bad they were. 
I took what resonated and left what didn’t and that’s the process I advise everyone to follow as well because what might resonate with you, might not for someone else and that’s fine 🌹
Other resources I’ve heard of or come across but didn’t use
The Fool’s Dog Tarot Apps
With all these resources, interpretation possibilities and different opinions on meanings it can feel like your own intuition may be “inexperienced” but actually, above all, follow your own intuition when it perks up during a reading, dear 🌻 
Happy learning!
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glevmaat · 4 years
When I first started tarot, I only connected with Wildwood, and it was very difficult for me to read - but it was my first deck, and it had been gifted, and I was very stubborn in using it.
Then I got Beginner’s Guide to Tarot by Juliet Sharman-Burke and I got better at reading the cards and understanding the deck, my intuition strengthened and I began to enjoy doing readings.
Now I have a wish list with six different decks, that I connect with in completely different, but equally deep ways and I can’t wait to just slowly buy them, collect them, get to know them, and use them for different methods and readings.
I just think it’s neat, how three/four years ago - I just could not connect with anything, and it goes to show I’ve come a long way, not just with tarot and intuition, but in the overall path I’m wanting to take - the different paths, I’m wanting to take.
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cursodetarotonline · 4 years
O Que é Tarot Mitológico
O baralho de tarô mitológico é baseado na mitologia grega. Com todos os tipos de histórias da mitologia grega convergindo para as cartas maiores e menores, faz sentido que este seja o jogo a ter se você for um grande fã do mito grego. 
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Por outro lado, também faz sentido que este jogo não seja para aqueles que não gostam de mitos gregos. 
Porém, se você deseja ter uma boa vantagem no assunto, e especialmente por meio do Tarô, então é absolutamente necessário ter este deck com você!
A mitologia grega desempenhou um papel muito importante no desenvolvimento da psique ocidental. 
Simples palavras comuns (incluindo psique) devem sua origem a esses mitos gregos. 
E o Tarô Mitológico faz um trabalho absolutamente fantástico de reunir todos os elementos que são parte integrante desses mitos – as histórias intrigantes, o elenco de estrelas e os enredos interligados – tudo isso nessas maravilhosas cartas.
O baralho mitológico de Tarot é uma criação conjunta de Juliet Sharman-Burke e Liz Greene, e as cartas são ilustradas por Tricia Newell.
As Cartas do Baralho
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As cartas do baralho de Tarô Mitológico são muito fáceis de segurar e embaralhar porque têm 4,5 polegadas de largura e 7,75 polegadas de altura. 
O verso dos cartões é reversível, o que os torna fáceis de usar na leitura. Eu gosto de como eles são fáceis de lidar no momento da leitura.
O Livro
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Se você comprar o kit do baralho de tarô mitológico, você ganha um baralho de cartas e um lindo livro incluso.
O livro é muito mais que o padrão LWB (Pequeno Livro Branco) que vem com outros decks de tarô. 
É detalhado e cheio de informações sobre os cartões – os personagens dos cartões, suas histórias e como tudo se encaixa naquele cartão em particular.
Este livro é muito útil para aqueles que não estão familiarizados com a mitologia grega e pode servir como uma introdução ao assunto. 
O livro não apenas conta as histórias relacionadas aos personagens das cartas, mas também fala sobre o significado da imagem como um todo, tanto no nível interior quanto no nível divinatório.
O Trabalho
Se você realmente deseja aprofundar o estudo do Tarô Mitológico, então o Livro do Tarô Mítico é para você. Este livro normalmente  não está disponível com o Kit, e você terá que comprá-lo separadamente.
A apostila utiliza uma variedade de exercícios que o ajudarão a entender melhor o cartão. 
Há uma explicação detalhada de cada cartão, com um espaço para anotar os exercícios que foram dados para os cartões.
Minha sugestão: passe algum tempo com os cartões e o livro primeiro, depois compre o livro e trabalhe com ele para aprofundar sua compreensão. 
Os Arcanos Maiores
As cartas Arcanos Maiores do baralho de tarô mitológico não são numeradas – embora contenham os nomes das cartas padrão. 
No entanto, no livro, Justiça é chamada a carta que segue a Carruagem, e Força é chamada a carta que segue a Roda da Fortuna. 
A ordem deles também é ligeiramente diferente, se você optar por seguir a ordem em que o livro os apresenta.
As imagens nas cartas dos Arcanos Maiores representam os principais jogadores da mitologia grega. Aqui está uma lista resumida:
O Louco – Dionysius
O Feiticeiro – Hermes
A Imperatriz – Demeter
O Imperador – Zeus
A Alta Sacerdotisa – Persephone
O Hierofante – Chiron
Les Amoureux – Paris julga concurso de beleza entre Hera, Afrodite e Atenas
O Carro – Ares
Justiça – Atenas
Temperança – Iris
Força – Heracles
O Eremita – Cronus
A Roda da Fortuna – O Moirai / As três deusas do destino: Clotho, Lachesis, Atropos
O Enforcado – Prometheus
Morte – Hades
O Diabo – Pão
A Torre – Labirinto do Rei Minos atingido pelo relâmpago de Poseidon
A Estrela – Pandora
A Lua – Hecate
O Sol – Apollo
Julgamento – Hermès
O Mundo – Hermafrodita
O que eu realmente gosto sobre os Arcanos Maiores é que quando você terminar de lê-los/aprender, você não só terá um bom conhecimento de alguns dos principais atores da mitologia grega, mas também um profundo entendimento das origens da maioria dos arquétipos de arcanos presentes na maioria dos baralhos de Tarô padrão.
Os Arcanos Menores
Cada um dos trajes do Arcaoa Menor apresenta uma importante história de mitos gregos. 
Como está agora, há mais histórias no mito grego do que eu jamais conhecerei completamente. 
Mas os criadores da ponte escolheram bem suas histórias, principalmente porque elas se encaixam muito bem com o fluxo de energia de cada traje.
Os naipes e suas histórias são:
O naipe de copas – Eros e Psique
O naipe de varinhas – Jason e os Argonautas
O naipe de espadas – Orestes e a maldição da Casa Atreus
O naipe de pentáculos – Dédalo
Cada uma das histórias é uma lição em si, e os mapas e a descrição no livro realmente dão vida a toda a história.
O conteúdo O Que é Tarot Mitológico aparece primeiro em Autoconhecimento e Prosperidade.
Nossos Blogs Estáticos https://cursotarot.blob.core.windows.net/aprendertarot/index.html https://cursotarot.s3-sa-east-1.amazonaws.com/index.html https://gitlab.com/tarotmarselhas https://storage.googleapis.com/tarotmarselhas/index.html http://tarotmarselhas.site/ https://curso-de-tarot.web.app/ https://curso-de-tarot.firebaseapp.com/ https://bitbucket.org/cursodetarotonline/aprender-tarot-marselhas/src/master/ https://cursodetarotonline-descubracomo.netlify.com/ https://tarotmarselhas.gitlab.io/curso-de-tarot-online https://aprendertarot.neocities.org/ https://gitlab.com/tarotmarselhas/curso-de-tarot-online/-/tree/master/
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storieditarocchi · 5 years
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La Lune / The Moon Tarot card. From Le Tarot mythique, by Liz Greene, Juliet Sharman-Burke and Giovanni Caselli.
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