#tarot cards meanings
essseateatarot · 4 months
Court Cards in Tarot: How to Read Them
Understanding the Court Cards
In the tarot, the Court Cards often serve as a bridge between the esoteric symbolism of the Major Arcana and the practical scenarios depicted in the Minor Arcana. They are the personified expressions of the energies within the deck, each card holding a distinct personality that can influence the interpretation of a spread.
The Court Cards are divided into four ranks: Pages, Knights, Queens, and Kings, each representing a different aspect of human character and development.
The Page stands for the beginning of a journey, embodying youthfulness, curiosity, and the potential for growth. They are the seekers, the learners, always eager for new experiences and knowledge. In a reading, a Page might suggest a new phase of life, an invitation to explore uncharted territories, or the early stages of a creative endeavor.
Knights, on the other hand, are the embodiment of action and movement. They are the adventurers of the tarot, representing the pursuit of goals and the energy required to achieve them. Knights can indicate change, travel, or the need to take decisive action. They are the momentum pushing us forward, sometimes with such force that it can be a challenge to steer them in the right direction.
Queens are the nurturers, often reflecting the maturity and emotional intelligence that comes with experience. They hold space for growth, offering support and encouragement. In readings, Queens suggest a time to reflect, to understand the emotional landscape, and to nurture the seeds we have planted. They remind us of the strength found in compassion and the power of intuition.
Kings are the epitome of mastery and control. They represent the culmination of the journey through the ranks, embodying leadership, authority, and the establishment of order. When a King appears in a reading, it often points to a period of control and governance, a time to take charge of a situation, or to stand firm in one’s convictions.
Each rank is associated with one of the four suits: Cups, Pentacles, Wands, and Swords, which correspond to the elements of Water, Earth, Fire, and Air, respectively. The suit of Cups deals with emotions, relationships, and connections. The suit of Pentacles focuses on material aspects, such as work, finance, and health. The suit of Wands is linked to creativity, ambition, and personal drive. Finally, the suit of Swords represents thought, communication, and conflict.
The combination of rank and suit in a Court Card can offer a nuanced glimpse into the querent’s life. For instance, the Knight of Cups might represent a romantic pursuit or an invitation to follow one’s heart, while the Queen of Swords could suggest a need for clear communication and intellectual control.
To truly understand the Court Cards, one must be willing to engage with them, to see them as characters with stories that resonate with our own. They are not static symbols but dynamic forces that interact with the energies of the other cards and the circumstances of the querent. By learning to read these interactions and the personalities they represent, we can unlock the full potential of the tarot and provide readings that are both insightful and transformative.
Interpreting the Ranks
The ranks within the Court Cards of the Tarot deck serve as a hierarchy of personal development and perspective. Each rank, from the Page to the King, offers a unique lens through which we can view ourselves and the situations we encounter. To interpret these ranks effectively, we must consider their individual attributes and how they apply to our lives.
Pages: The Youthful Spirits Pages are the children of the Tarot court, brimming with the spirit of discovery and the innocence of youth. They represent the nascent stages of understanding, where everything is fresh and possible. When a Page appears in a reading, it often signals a message or a small beginning, the spark of an idea that has the potential to grow into something significant. They invite us to open our minds and hearts to new learning and to approach life with a sense of wonder and openness.
Knights: The Valiant Questers Knights are the action-oriented figures of the court, representing the pursuit of ideals and the journey towards a goal. They are the champions of a cause, driven by their suit’s elemental energy, whether it be the fiery pursuit of passion with the Knight of Wands or the steady progress towards material success with the Knight of Pentacles. Knights challenge us to consider our actions and the momentum behind them. They ask us to question whether we are charging ahead with purpose or merely tilting at windmills.
Queens: The Sovereign Protectors Queens are the embodiment of maturity and command over the emotional and practical realms. They are the nurturers, the protectors, and the ones who govern with a blend of strength and grace. A Queen in a reading suggests a time for empathy and understanding, for taking care of oneself and others. In the presence of a Queen, consider the structures you are building in your life—be they relationships, projects, or personal goals. She challenges you to lead not from a throne of isolation but from the fertile ground of connection and care, ensuring that every decision is rooted in the collective good as well as your own well-being.
Kings: The Seasoned Rulers Kings are the epitome of authority and mastery within the Tarot. They represent control, leadership, and the overarching power of their suit. These venerable figures beckon you to the helm, urging you to steer with a steady hand and a clear vision. They are the embodiment of strategic prowess, the architects of destiny who craft their legacies with deliberate strokes. They encourage you to wield your power with a balance of might and wisdom, to be the beacon others look to in times of uncertainty. In their presence, you are reminded that every kingdom is built on the foundation of past trials, and every ruler’s strength is tempered by the fires of experience.
Combining Ranks and Suits in a Tarot Reading
Court Cards weave together the stages of personal development and the elemental energies of life—emotions (Cups), intellect (Swords), creativity (Wands), and materiality (Pentacles). They offer a narrative that’s rich with human experience and provide guidance for our journey.
The Elemental Interaction of Suits The suits of the Tarot deck embody distinct aspects of our lives, and their elemental interaction with the ranks brings to life a character with unique motivations, strengths, and weaknesses.
Cups: The suit of Cups is the wellspring of emotions, relationships, and connections. When Court Cards of this suit appear, they often speak to the emotional context of a situation, the undercurrents of feeling that influence our actions and reactions.
Swords: Representing the realm of thought, communication, and conflict, the Swords bring clarity and challenge. Court Cards from this suit can indicate a need for clear thinking or can signal that a situation is fraught with intellectual tension or moral dilemmas.
Wands: The Wands are the spark of inspiration, the drive to create and to act. Their Court Cards encourage us to follow our passions and to channel our energy into pursuits that light us up and move us forward.
Pentacles: Grounded in the material world, the Pentacles focus on issues of finance, career, and physical health. Their Court Cards suggest a time to be practical, to plan, and to consider the tangible outcomes of our actions.
Intersecting Ranks with Elemental Energies
When we begin to combine the ranks with these elemental suits, we delve deeper into the psyche of the reading and the querent. Understanding the combination of ranks and suits requires not only a knowledge of their meanings but also an intuition for their interplay.
A Knight of Pentacles, for instance, may suggest a methodical approach to achieving one’s goals, but if it appears in a reading dominated by Cups, it might also imply a need to balance practicality with emotional awareness.
Similarly, a Queen of Swords can represent a sharp-witted and perceptive individual, but when surrounded by Wands, it could indicate that her insights are needed to fuel a creative project or to cut through the fog of uncertainty that hampers progress.
Expanding on this, the interplay of the Page of Wands with the elemental suits further deepens the reading’s narrative. The Page of Wands typically represents enthusiasm and the pursuit of new ideas. However, when this card is found amidst numerous Pentacles, it might suggest that the querent’s new ideas need to be grounded in reality and possibly linked to material or financial concerns. The youthful energy of the Page needs to be channeled into practical endeavors.
In contrast, the King of Cups embodies emotional stability and maturity. When this card is juxtaposed with Swords, it can signal a situation where emotional intelligence and empathy are crucial in navigating conflicts or making decisions that require clear, rational thinking. The King’s usually calm demeanor may be tested by the mental challenges or communication issues represented by Swords.
Additional Examples of Court Card and Suit Interactions Here’s more examples that illustrate how Court Cards interact with the elemental suits, offering a deeper and more complex understanding of their meanings in a tarot reading. This nuanced approach emphasizes the multifaceted nature of human experiences and the diverse aspects of personality and circumstance that come into play.
When the Knight of Swords appears in a spread, it often represents quick thinking and decisive action. However, if this card is surrounded by Cups, the interpretation might shift towards using one’s intellect and clarity of thought to navigate emotional situations. The swift energy of the Knight of Swords is thus tempered by the need to be sensitive to the feelings of others.
Similarly, the Page of Cups usually signifies a gentle, dreamy energy, often a messenger of creativity and emotion. If this card appears in a spread with a majority of Pentacles, it could suggest that the querent needs to ground their emotional insights and creative impulses in practical matters. This combination could point to the need for the querent to apply their intuitive understanding in a real-world context, perhaps in their career or financial decisions.
The Queen of Pentacles, often associated with nurturing and practicality, when found in a reading with several Swords, might indicate the need to balance caring and resourcefulness with clear communication and logical decision-making. This combination suggests that the nurturing aspects of the Queen need to be applied with intellect and objectivity, especially in challenging situations that require problem-solving.
Lastly, the King of Wands, typically a symbol of leadership and charisma, when combined with Cups, can highlight the importance of leading with empathy and emotional intelligence. This combination urges the leader to be mindful of the emotional needs and well-being of others, using their natural charisma to inspire and motivate in a way that is emotionally resonant and compassionate.
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akans-dead-at-sea · 2 months
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I mean, it's an absolute gem!
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willczek-art · 3 months
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NPMD Tarot - The Hierophant
Others from the series: The Devil, The Lovers, The Star, Strength
Symbolism + some WIP/alternatives are under the cut C:
My intuition put Grace as the High Priestess, but from what I've read it's more about spirituality and intuition, while the Hierophant is all about strong traditional beliefs and ruling/leading, so it fits her way better! :D
Left side/Beginning has the dance cancellation sign, since that was her mission and Max was her first victim, while on the right/Ending is Jason and the Black Book, her mission and source of power has changed.
Halo= superiority, holy mission, Red as a sign of danger/death to come (which is why the light it's only on the boys)
She's sitting on what's supposed to be the bleachers C:
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7cfc00 · 4 months
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home is where the heart is (and yours is gone)
#happy holidays#dndads#dndads fanart#dungeons and daddies#dndaddies#dndads s1#glenn close dndads#dndads season 2#dndads odyssey#dndads glenn close#im so sick and fever rn so forgive me for any mistakes in this drawing or in my following explanation#background is covered in crosses for the bad day book. the chains represent his time in meth bay prison#the three swords are a reference to the three of swords tarot card which means like heartbreak or smth#also can be taken literally because his heart exploded#the swords themselves are modelled after the sword of justice to bring in themes of justice and punishment as well as referencing the trial#i also drew the same sword in the blackjack thing.#bottom left is his funeral pyre (referencing his death) and nick jr (representing his son's “death”)#the door is the door to his apartment its number 48 because ep 48 is carry on my wayward son#christmas decor cus of course hed had them up all year round#the plant is a peace lily representing death and funeral s again#headstone is morgan's the crysanthemum represents her death. this is because its also featured in the “remember death” thing i drew once#also i just associate flowers w the close family because it very easily represents both mortality and love#anyway. fuckin. his heart (loved ones + literal heart) are gone and its like. can he ever return home#idk smth about not being able to go back to the way things were smth about having the comfort of a home anymore. leaving all that shit behi#d. i feel so tired#sorry for the long explanation i think i may have went a little too hard on the symbolism but i didn t know how else to#express the feelings of glenn's conversation w darryl in that one episode
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negativespace06 · 4 months
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more au designs
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operationcaked · 11 months
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the sun / the moon / the star
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mimirs-well · 7 months
The Tarot Deciphered
These notes on Tarot, Tarot meaning, Tarot symbolism were given to me years ago by @chaotic-hypnotic-erotic. They're concise and also focus on traditional meanings and interpretation. They can be helpful even for the most intuitive of readers.
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n3xii · 9 months
Pick a card ~ What's your archetype + your storyline
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Hey guys, i wanted to do a reading that illustrates your current life situation through the lenses of archetypes and storytelling. today, you have three piles to choose from; your reading will tell you what archetype you are embodying at this moment and the specific storyline that may play out in the context of this archetype.
An archetype is a recurring symbol or motif throughout literature and media. it's the primordial mental image inherited from our ancestors that categorize people into vague ideas or concepts. According to Carl Jung, an estabkished psychologist and psychoanalyst, it's said that we all have a collective unconscious understanding of all these archetypes that we can tap into for various purposes. for example, if you've ever heard of the ''shadow self'' then you've already encountered a Jungian archetype, this archetype is meant to help us confront deeper, hidden parts of ourselves that we tucked away.
One single archetype may not describe you perfectly, as archetypes can be dynamic and ever becoming, so let this reading be a soundboard for your own personal understanding of who you are and where you're going.
heres info about getting a reading from me: services
your archetype- the nine of pentacles ''the independent woman''
this card portrays the archetype of a feminine who is self-reliant, independent and enjoys their own company. you do not have to be a woman for this archetype to apply, as archetypes describe ideas and motifs, not specific genders. this archetype also exudes a sense of inner peace and contentment: a person who embodies this archetype knows how to find the beauty around them, they know they can rely on themselves to provide stability and success through their own hard work. this archetype values autonomy, aesthetics, hard work, and solitude.
Your story line- 7 of pentacles, the fool, 4 of swords, judgement
your storyline is fixated on patience and waiting, at this point in your life you may feel that you're in the phase of growth and harvesting your wealth and abundance all around. You may feel you're on the ''brink'' of something taking off, I feel that your purpose deals with your ability to grow and assess yourself for progress. I feel like you're in the part of the story where the protagonist is experiencing frustration, they feel like they have put in the work but have yet to see substantial results from what they have done. you feel that you put in the work, you should see that manifest in the real world. your archetype is being moved in the direction of taking a leap of faith, of trusting the process blindly even though they dont know whats going to happen. you're the protagonist who places more faith what they can see rather than what they can sense, you're frustrated because you want to see results in the physical instead of trusting that movement is already happening behind the scenes. for you, having faith is the recurring lesson and momentum of your storyline. the climax of your storyline is represented by the 4 of swords. the 4 of swords is regularly a mundane card of rest and reflection, but for you, this is the cultivating event that occurs. as the hardworking, independent, self-reliant archetype, learning to take a break and reflect on where you are internally instead of trying to make movement happen in the physical world will feel very disorienting. its not so hard for you to be in solitiude, but to take a breather from pursuing goals and action is the hard part, and that precisely what i see as the climax of your storyline. taking time to reflect on yourself and go within the avenues of your mind is the inciting event, taking a break from movement will harden your sotryline into place. The conclusion or resolution of your storyline is represented by the judgement card. i feel this is a realization, a revelation that awakens you on a spiritual level. the momentum behind your storyline was learning to have faith, to trust the process despite not seeing evidence in the physical world. so i feel the ultimate conclusion for your protagonist is a spiritual or philosophical awakening. you will reach a higher level of understanding that allows you to contextualize your growth beyond what you can see. you will achieve a revolutionary understanding of yourself and of your growth.
your archetype- ace of wands, the element of fire/ the seed
ok, for this pile. you are not honed into one archetype but rather an energy, or potential. you're characterized by the element of fire and smoke, you're chronically at the start of something new and you're at the start of realizing your own light. you're seed at the root of life. to be specific, you're the archetype of someone who can't be placed in a box or tamed by one image or phrase because you simply the potential, the energic seed. you cant be conceptualized, and perhaps your experience a feeling directionless in your life because of this. as the element of fire you have the option to destroy or enlighten. you can impassion or burn. its up to you.
your storyline- justice, 8 of cups, 9 of swords, knight of cups
your storyline is characterized by fairness, equity and making big important decisions about your life path. as someone who is simply the archetype of fire, of raw potential, your storyline is to make a choice of where you want to go on your path. but this choice is an important one and dictates the course of your life. the lesson you ultimately learn as the protagonist is when to move on and release certain things. truth and integrity is something you strive for on a deeper level, so making fair, descions based on clairty is something you value, so I feel like on your path, you will encounter the choice to leave something behind or to detach emotionally many times. this will be very difficult for you, but this theme of choosing when to leave and when to detach will be a recurring theme throughout your life. learning what your path is and taking action to stay committed to this journey is the lesson. and this choice will be a Indepth process of weighing out the pros and cons, of trying to do the right thing thats fair to yourself and other's. the climax of your storyline is represented by the nine of swords. this will be a very mentally choatic or active climax, and it will involve extreme anxiety and overthinking. ultimately however, your resolution is represented by the knight of cups. learning to lead with your emotions and to trust your intuition will be the ultimate outcome for you as the protagonist. trusting yourself with your own emotions and going with your instincts when it comes to what your path should be is the direction you are going.
your archetype- the page of swords - young messenger, the spy.
the page of swords is young, open minded, smart, alert and very curious about their environment. traditionally speaking, the page of swords has been associated with the archetype of the spy; someone who can adapt to their surroundings and gather information as quickly as they can pass it on. you dont spy on people per say, but you do watch and observe others, you may act as a intermediatory between people for their communication, you're curious about the world and new ideas spiral around your mind like little nats. You're the archetype off someone enjoys mental stimulation, and you know how to find that stimulation in unconventional ways or without needing to actively engage with others all the time. You're alert of you're surroundings, details matter to you and you notice things other people don't because they're not quiet enough to pick up on it. You're the archetype of someone in their mind alot, soneone who may overthink or over analyze
Your storyline- the devil, death, 3 of wands, page of wands
You're in a place right now where you feel bondaged, stuck or held back. You may feel that there's hierachal or manipulative forces at play that are creating a shadow over your life, you may feel like there's not a lot of room to move around and do what you want because of illusions of control. This is the part of the story where the protagonist feels like a victim to their circumstances and they don't know how to wiggle out of them. However, im seeing that the lesson here is represented by the death card, which means the lesson you're learning is transformation. You're learning to release what doesn't have power over, illusions, and stagnant situations throughout your life. Death is a very humbling thing, the only thing we can take with us in death is ourselves. When you die, everything you've worked for will be dirt, and all you have is the core of your being You're overall lesson in the story is to release all the bondages snd attachments to things that aren't really apart of who you are. The climax of your storyline is represented by the three of wands. This tells me that the peak of the story arch is you moving, going new places, exploring and expanding past your comfort zone. The climax here is you taking action and experincing conplete freedom, going past boundaries and seizing new territory. The illusions and restrictions you experience mentally correspond to you're enviroment, you're the archetype of someone who is mentally stimulated, so when your enviroment is dull, restrictive and grey, you also feel like what's possible for you to equally restrained. When you release bondages to your ego, illusions of control and allow transformation to occur naturally, you reach new horizons. And I feel you may initiate alot of transformation through moving and traveling. The conclusion to your story arc is that of the page of wands, the page of wands is someone young or new to their craft. They're trying new hobbies and interests. They're putting themselves out there to learn and grow through the action they take. It's interesting, because you start out as a very mental, mind oriented archetype but I think by the time you move through life you will be a completely different archetype. Most people will be but its emphasized very much in your reading. The transformation and lessons of cycles ending will be imperative to your life purpose. You will be action oriented as opposed to mind oriented, you will not let blockages hold you back in life.
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coldcutfruit · 7 months
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Knight of Swords, Shin Hati
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astrojulia · 11 months
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Tarot Cards as Professions
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Major Arcanas:
The Fool: Work with abroad, connections with imports, language teacher, multinationals, entrepreneur, intern, college student, art major.
The Magician: Entrepreneur, job that needs skill with the hands (acupuncture, hairdresser, artisan), actor, salesperson, influencer.
The High Priestess: Education, especially children, nutrition, psychology, cook, housewife, food engineering, toy factory, fortuneteller, spiritual advisor, librarian.
The Empress: Management, business administration, foreign trade, secretariat, translation, decoration, stay-at-home mom, model, cook, farmer.
The Emperor: Business administration, work related to areas of technological innovation, the military or sportsmen, CEO, tycoon.
The Hierophant: Philanthropic areas, ONGs, religious work, social work, diplomacy, and a degree, journalism, writer, editor, priest, spiritual guru, politician.
The Lovers: Sales area in any sector, tourism, theater, advertising, the arts in general, porn star, stripper, masseuse.
The Chariot: Activities related to transport, cars, the latest technology, chauffeur, mechanic, athlete.
Strength: Aesthetics, physical education and various body therapies, medicine, zoologist.
The Hermit: Teacher, writer, doctor, antique dealer, restorer, librarian, gardener.
Wheel of Fortune: Financial market, exchange offices, casinos, lottery houses, stock exchanges, and areas related to public relations, hospitality, game show host.
Justice: Public jobs, won through competitions, politics, police, with government positions, in the diplomatic area, law, insurance company worker.
The Hanged Man: Nurse, auditor, inspector, porter, secretariat, general assistants, yoga instructor, prison guard, philanthropist.
Death: Doctor, farmer, geologist, business administrator, gardener, accountant, assassin, death row executioner, surgeon.
Temperance: Working with liquids in general or with what is transported in liquid form such as alcoholic beverages, medicines, juices. chemist, chef, food critic, regional or even international traffic.
The Devil: Does not limit the individual to a professional wing, so he can also go to extremes for the desire he has, such as landlord, drug lord, sex trafficker.
The Tower: Social assistance, humanitarian aid, medicine, firefighter, police officer, construction worker.
The Star: Music, painting, sculpture, poetry, cinema, makeup artist, dressmaker, beautician, agent, promoter, sound artist, astronomer, harpist, dealer, meteorologist.
The Moon: Oceanographers, sailors, fishermen, owners of bars and restaurants or nightclubs, artists in general, medium, hypnotist, psychiatrist.
The Sun: Motivational speaker, entertainer, comedian, social relationships, work with the public, artist in general, member of society.
Judgment: Work done at home, connection with the law, lawyer, judge, work with disabled or people excluded from society, social assistance, board member, executive producer, director.
The World: Pharmacist, massage therapist, scientist, teacher, community leader, religious leader or priest, fashion designer, makeup artist, interior decorator.
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Creative industries such as advertising, marketing, and graphic design.
Entrepreneurship and starting your own business.
Athletics, sports coaching, or physical training.
Outdoor jobs like park ranger or tour guide.
Event planning or organizing.
Firefighters or rescue workers.
Ace of Wands: Entrepreneur, startup founder, motivational speaker, fitness coach, personal trainer.
Two of Wands: Business strategist, project manager, travel agent, international consultant, import/export specialist.
Three of Wands: Sales representative, marketing manager, e-commerce entrepreneur, market researcher, international trade coordinator.
Four of Wands: Event planner, wedding coordinator, party organizer, festival manager, hospitality industry professional.
Five of Wands: Conflict resolution specialist, mediator, lawyer, debate coach, competitive sports coach.
Six of Wands: Public relations manager, spokesperson, social media influencer, motivational speaker, winning athlete.
Seven of Wands: Defense attorney, human rights activist, political campaigner, advocate, civil liberties lawyer.
Eight of Wands: Courier, delivery driver, airline pilot, travel blogger, expedition guide.
Nine of Wands: Security guard, bodyguard, soldier, endurance athlete, self-defense instructor.
Ten of Wands: Overworked entrepreneur, project manager, event organizer, professional organizer, heavy equipment operator.
Page of Wands: Assistant in a creative field, aspiring artist, intern in a startup, social media coordinator, apprentice.
Knight of Wands: Travel journalist, adventure tour guide, professional athlete, race car driver, stunt performer.
Queen of Wands: CEO, business owner, charismatic leader, life coach, influential speaker.
King of Wands: Executive manager, entrepreneur, leadership coach, consultant, director of a creative agency.
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Counseling, therapy, or social work.
Hospitality industry, including restaurant management and bartending.
Wedding planner or event coordinator.
Artistic fields like poetry, writing, or acting.
Healing professions such as nursing or holistic therapy.
Psychologist or counselor specializing in emotions and relationships.
Ace of Cups: Therapist, counselor, social worker, holistic healer, emotional support specialist.
Two of Cups: Marriage counselor, matchmaker, relationship coach, wedding planner, love psychic.
Three of Cups: Event organizer, party planner, celebratory event coordinator, community organizer.
Four of Cups: Meditation teacher, mindfulness coach, spiritual counselor, psychologist, therapist.
Five of Cups: Grief counselor, trauma therapist, hospice worker, emotional healing practitioner, bereavement support.
Six of Cups: Child psychologist, teacher, daycare worker, children's book author, pediatric nurse.
Seven of Cups: Creative writer, fantasy novelist, imaginative artist, dream analyst, visionary.
Eight of Cups: Travel blogger, adventure seeker, spiritual pilgrim, explorer, wanderlust photographer.
Nine of Cups: Life coach, happiness consultant, gratitude coach, self-help author, wellness retreat organizer.
Ten of Cups: Family therapist, marriage and family counselor, foster care advocate, wedding planner, family mediator.
Page of Cups: Creative writer, artist in training, intuitive healer, aspiring therapist, dream interpreter.
Knight of Cups: Actor, romantic poet, musician, art therapist, love and relationship coach.
Queen of Cups: Psychic reader, intuitive healer, counselor, compassionate caregiver, therapist.
King of Cups: Therapist, counselor, intuitive mentor, emotional intelligence trainer, psychologist.
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Legal professions like lawyers, judges, or law enforcement officers.
Journalists, reporters, or investigators.
IT specialists, computer programmers, or hackers.
Teachers or professors specializing in critical thinking or philosophy.
Military or defense-related careers.
Strategic planners or analysts.
Ace of Swords: Lawyer, judge, legal consultant, investigative journalist, strategic planner.
Two of Swords: Mediator, conflict resolution specialist, negotiator, diplomat, relationship counselor.
Three of Swords: Divorce lawyer, grief counselor, trauma therapist, emotional healer, heart surgeon.
Four of Swords: Rest and relaxation specialist, meditation teacher, spiritual retreat organizer, yoga instructor.
Five of Swords: Military strategist, competitive sports coach, lawyer specializing in litigation, debate coach.
Six of Swords: Travel agent, relocation consultant, therapist specializing in transitions, boat captain.
Seven of Swords: Private investigator, spy, intelligence analyst, cybersecurity expert, undercover agent.
Eight of Swords: Social justice lawyer, human rights advocate, disability rights activist, therapist specializing in limiting beliefs.
Nine of Swords: Insomnia specialist, anxiety therapist, nightmare counselor, sleep coach, mental health counselor.
Ten of Swords: Surgeon, coroner, forensic scientist, mortician, grief counselor.
Page of Swords: Researcher, journalist, fact-checker, apprentice in a legal field, investigative reporter.
Knight of Swords: Military officer, police officer, attorney, competitive fencer, conflict resolution specialist.
Queen of Swords: Judge, lawyer, critic, journalist, literary agent.
King of Swords: Judge, attorney, CEO, strategist, military general.
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Financial advisors or investment bankers.
Real estate agents or property developers.
Agriculture, farming, or gardening.
Architects, builders, or construction workers.
Conservationists or environmentalists.
Accountants or bookkeepers.
Ace of Pentacles: Financial advisor, investment banker, wealth manager, entrepreneur, luxury goods retailer.
Two of Pentacles: Financial analyst, accountant, bookkeeper, event planner, stock trader.
Three of Pentacles: Architect, contractor, project manager, teamwork facilitator, craftsman.
Four of Pentacles: Wealth manager, investor, financial planner, asset protection specialist, treasurer.
Five of Pentacles: Social worker, philanthropist, charity organizer, financial counselor, volunteer.
Six of Pentacles: Philanthropist, humanitarian worker, non-profit manager, social worker, charitable fundraiser.
Seven of Pentacles: Gardener, farmer, agricultural consultant, sustainability expert, botanist.
Eight of Pentacles: Craftsperson, artisan, apprentice, skilled tradesperson, technical trainer.
Nine of Pentacles: Luxury brand manager, independent business owner, successful entrepreneur, vineyard owner, art collector.
Ten of Pentacles: Real estate developer, property investor, family business owner, generational wealth manager, financial advisor.
Page of Pentacles: Intern, student, apprentice in a practical field, aspiring entrepreneur, entry-level employee.
Knight of Pentacles: Accountant, financial planner, farmer, skilled tradesperson, meticulous worker.
Queen of Pentacles: CEO, business owner, property developer, hospitality industry entrepreneur, financial advisor.
King of Pentacles: CEO, business mogul, successful investor, high-level executive, financial consultant.
(CC) AstroJulia Some Rights Reserved
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neptunes-sol-angel · 3 months
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Fetch is indeed happening, now let's find out why.
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Pile One
You are so fetch because you are miraculously unambiguous with your style and personality. When it comes to your physical presence, whenever people finally get comfortable and certain about your look or demeanor, you switch it up on them like it’s nothing, because it isn’t to say that you actually pay attention to how you’re perceived, it’s just that you don’t conform to any assumption that implies that you lack layers or range. You’re a time traveling trendsetter that’s bold and mysterious where if people are lucky enough to get close to you, they learn something outlandishly new about you whenever you meet up, like for an example, discovering that you had an emo and goth phase when you were younger or you participating in peculiar competitions that showcase your talents and knowledge. You are so fetch because you have this glamor about you that makes your mistakes or the things that you don’t pay much attention to something that people rave over and find aesthetically pleasing. Another reason why you are so fetch is because of your ability to predict certain things in the advice that you give to people or the jokes that you make that are related to pop culture that end up actually happening.
Pile Two
You are so fetch because of how you bounce back in life. Nothing can keep you down whatever life or other people may throw at you, you really do dazzle others and shine regardless of how many times you’ve been tossed into the dirt. People find you to be inspiring, they may even be silent admirers wondering how you’re able to do it, and it can be frustrating to those that envy you because what you have can’t be replicated. You’re so fetch because not only do people follow you like a leader, your independence and courage to go into the unknown or path that most people fear is what makes you intimidating. This could also represent the depths within yourself that you’re willing to psychoanalyze, maybe you’re good at doing shadow work and passing on what you’ve learned to others. Maybe despite you being the person who is admired for your light, you understand how equally important the shadow is, and how darkness is capable of being a nurturing guide just like how light is capable of being deceptive. Your honesty and cadence when writing, speaking, and counseling others is also what your reputation of being fetch entails too.
Pile Three
You’re so fetch because of how positive and eye opening you are. You may feel self-conscious when people look at you, but they’re not looking at you to insult you, they look at you because there’s something that you acquire that reminds them of all the ways that they’ve changed themselves in order to please others or form an image that’s distant from who they actually are. Your confidence is fetch. Your wittiness is fetch. Your look is fetch. The fact that less is more for you is fetch. Even your love is fetch. People may assume you haven’t experienced anything bad in life because of this good energy that you carry on you, but the truth is, your mind is wired differently to the point where you carry on despite the pain you’ve endured. Your presence could be inexplicably related to what people consider as magical because you remind others of how good things in life exists and that there is always a possibility to make a life of comfort, joy, and peace despite what our traumas have told us.
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essseateatarot · 7 months
The Best 20 Tarot Cards to Get as a Love Outcome (Part I.2)
Our journey continues through the best cards you wish you could see as an outcome in your love reading 💗 💞 💕 💜
6. The Nine of Cups
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Ah, the Nine of Cups, also known as the "Wish Card" in the realm of Tarot, is like a genie in a bottle, ready to grant your heart's deepest desires. It's the embodiment of fulfillment, contentment, and the realization of your most cherished dreams. In love readings, it signifies the attainment of emotional contentment, happiness, and a profound sense of satisfaction. This card is like a banquet table overflowing with the finest delicacies, offering a feast of joy, affection, and emotional riches. The Nine of Cups speaks of love that is not just passionate but deeply fulfilling and emotionally rewarding. It signifies a love that feels like a dream come true, a manifestation of your heart's wishes and desires. It's like a starry night where your heart's desires are reflected in the shimmering heavens, promising that your love life is exactly as you've always dreamed it would be. The Nine of Cups suggests that your love life is on the brink of profound emotional fulfillment. It's not just about experiencing love; it's about feeling complete, joyful, and deeply satisfied within your relationship. In its essence, this card is a reminder that your heart's deepest wishes and desires are about to come true in the realm of love. Just like when you blow out the candles on your birthday cake and know that your heart's desires are being granted, one by one. The love that awaits you is an emotional banquet where every wish you've ever made is coming true. It's a celebration of love, contentment, and the realization that your heart's dreams have found their fulfillment.
7. The Ten of Cups
The Ten of Cups is a symbol of emotional joy, deep fulfillment, and the blissful union of hearts. It's a rainbow after a storm, a testament to the happiness and emotional contentment you've found in love. When this card appears in your love reading, it signifies that you are on the cusp of a love so profound, it fills your heart with unbridled joy. The Ten of Cups is about the love that feels like a family, a home, and a deep emotional connection that transcends the boundaries of time. It's like sitting around a dinner table with loved ones, sharing stories and laughter, feeling the warmth of connection, and knowing that your heart is where it truly belongs. In its essence, the Ten of Cups is a sign that your love life is entering a phase of deep emotional contentment and joy. It's a love that doesn't just fill your heart but also creates a sense of belonging, unity, and harmony. The Ten of Cups is like a family portrait where every smile and gaze is a testament to the love you've built together. It's a card that exudes the poetry of love and the affirmation that you've found not just a partner but a true companion for life's journey. When you see the Ten of Cups in your love reading, take a moment to relish the profound happiness and emotional fulfillment that awaits you. It's a love saga, where the chapters are filled with the moments of joy, laughter, and deep emotional connection that make life truly beautiful.
8. The Ace of Pentacles
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The Ace of Pentacles is a gift from the universe, a token of abundance, and a promise of prosperity in love. It's like finding a treasure chest filled with emotional riches, a symbol of love that is not just fulfilling but also financially secure and materially abundant. This card signifies the start of a new, solid, and prosperous phase in your love life. It's like planting the seeds of a fruitful garden, where the love you cultivate grows into a bountiful harvest of affection and security. In your reading, the Ace of Pentacles is a promise of love that is not just emotionally rich but also materially stable. It's a love that provides security, comfort, and the assurance that your heart's desires are being met in every way. The Ace of Pentacles is like a key that opens the door to a future filled with emotional and material abundance. It speaks of a love that brings financial stability, a sense of security, and the promise of a prosperous future. When you see the Ace of Pentacles in your love reading, take it as a sign that your love life is about to enter a phase of financial stability, material security, and deep emotional fulfillment. It's a love story with the promise of a bright and prosperous future.
9. The Four of Wands
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The Four of Wands is the celebration of love, the harmony of hearts, and the symbol of a strong and lasting bond. It's like a grand wedding, a celebration of love where two souls unite, and their hearts resonate in perfect harmony. In love readings, it signifies the recognition of your love as a strong and harmonious partnership, one that is built on trust, mutual respect, and shared goals. The Four of Wands is an affirmation of the love that feels like a celebration, a joyous occasion where love and commitment are the guests of honor. This card symbolizes love that is not just passionate but also deeply fulfilling and emotionally rewarding. It's like a beautifully decorated wedding cake, where each layer represents a different aspect of your love—trust, respect, commitment, and shared dreams. The Four of Wands exudes the joy of love, it's like dancing under the stars, where every step and movement is in perfect harmony, a testament to your love's beauty and strength. In its essence, the Four of Wands is about celebrating love as a profound partnership, a union that is recognized and celebrated by your loved ones as well and the universe itself. This is the Four of Wands: a grand ceremony where love is the main event. 🎉
10. The Empress
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The Empress, in the realm of love, unfolds a tale of emotional abundance, sensuality, and profound affection. When she graces your love reading, she heralds a period of romantic growth, an unfolding of sensuous moments, and the depth of affection that transcends the ordinary. The Empress card represents a love that is not just fiery but also tender and nurturing. It's like being cradled in the warm and protective embrace of a mother's love, symbolizing a deep and caring love that fosters emotional maturity and enrichment. This card embodies the very essence of love—it's not just a burst of passion but also the gentle nurturing of a heart's desires. It's the deep emotional connection that blooms and flourishes, much like a garden in full springtime splendor. The Empress signifies a love that is brimming with sensuality and emotional fulfillment, where every moment shared with your partner is a delight for the senses. In love readings, The Empress encourages you to explore the depths of your feelings and desires with your partner. It's an invitation to embrace the beauty of sensuality and the profound affection that you share. Much like a garden filled with ripe and luscious fruits, this love is a treasure trove of emotions, waiting to be savored and celebrated.
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superfreak · 5 months
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Keith Richards / The Star
Brian Jones / The Moon
Mick Jagger / The Sun
Mick Taylor / The Magician
Charlie Watts / Temperance
Ronnie Wood / The Fool
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tuliptic · 10 months
So Much I Miss You
I miss you, even when you have not entered my life, I still miss you.
Guess what? We’re doing Mamamoo’s song this time. This is one of my faves from them and I feel like it would be great to do a reading based on it. I mean… I have not done PACs for quite a long time and am finally back a bit! Will proceed to do the rest but am suddenly in the mood to do a love reading so uhhh… Yeah…
Anyways, we all know the drill. Close your eyes, meditate on this topic and ask yourself the question: “Who is this potential romantic partner that has not entered into your life?” Breathe in and out, make sure your mind and heart is calm. Then, open your eyes to see which pile talks to you the most/draws you in the most. Once you’ve found your pile, scroll down to the respective parts to see what are the messages for you.
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Pile 1    -     Pile 2
Pile 3    -     Pile 4
Disclaimer: This is solely for my entertainment purposes. Take only whatever that you feel like it. If it doesn’t resonate, it’s okay to just drop it. That aside, I do not consent to my work or here to be used by third parties on this platform or other websites.
Decks used: Luna Cat Tarot Deck (Major Arcana), Kawaii Tarot Deck, Sweet Dreams Oracle Deck, Starcodes Astro Oracle Deck, self made lyrics deck.
Pile 1:
Card of querent: The Chariot
I feel that you’re the type of person who’d be on your toes, knowing where you want to go and how you want to achieve. Constantly moving, constantly pushing yourself to grow. It feels like you’ve been letting the waves bring you along because you were tired or lost. But now you’re on land and you feel like you’re in your element, and now you’re riding the Chariot and redirecting your life to where you want to go, which kinda explains why you can be slightly gungho and excited, sometimes others may even view you as aggressive.
1. What type of relationship will we have? - Nine of Cups
I would say that the relationship is very fulfilling, something like a dream come true. I wouldn’t paint it in a fantasy, love story, happily forever kinda way tho. It’s like… There’s some sort of relief, that you finally met the other person and the other person finally has you in their arms. This person is someone who you’d consider having a marriage with, where you want to be together with them. The emotional fulfilment is very strong and there’s some sort of pampering with each other there.
2. How will I meet them? - The Fool rx
I feel that you will meet them when you’re not really ready for a romantic relationship. You’ll be focused on doing other things and have no time for love, but they’ll just appear there and for some reason, I feel that you may even want to push them away. There may be a conflict between your heart and mind, where your heart doesn’t want to fall for this person, but your brain is telling you that this is a suitable person to have a relationship with. There’s an oracle card here, Love, for you, allowing your heart to open to love as it manifests into the world.
3. What type of person are they? - The Magician rx
This person… I feel like there’s a lot in their head and they don’t really verbally express their thoughts. They may find it… Embarrassing? Like… They want to be pampered but they don’t think they deserve to ask but still they have that thought and the cycle goes on. Self-doubt and cloudiness in their mind as well. Tho I do not doubt the passion they have for you and the relationship you both share. They probably have some Fifth House placement as well.
4. How will I feel about them? - Five of Cups
I feel like… There’s gonna be some not so happy emotions here. It feels like your person will be coming at a time when you’re not feeling like yourself, and you’re not able to really… Enjoy and let yourself be free to accept your person. It’s like you want this person, but whatever situation you’re in is not helping you and you’re burdened with a lot of things, to the point that romantic love is at the back of your head. I think you might even have put interpersonal relationships aside to deal with whatever that’s happening to you. You know you have manifested them into your life and as much as you wanna appreciate them, you were unable to do so full-heartedly.
5. How will they feel about me? - Ten of Wands
Somehow I feel that they may feel tired. It’s like… They’ve tried to be by your side but things don’t seem like they’re working out. They might even feel like they’ve been taken advantage of. Tho I’m seeing this as temporary. Cuz feeling about it is one thing and understanding it is different. They understand that you’re going through hard times and they are determined to walk through this path with you. They may feel upset and all but they kinda put responsibility as their priority. 
But also, one thing I’m seeing is that they know that this is a period of transition and both of you are moving from the old to the new. Which is why they stand strong and stay in this relationship.
6. Our future together, what will they want from the relationship, etc. - Knight of Cups, Three of Cups, Nine of Pentacles
I’m seeing that they would want to build a future together, want the both of you to grow together, in wealth and in emotional fulfilment. I’m somehow picking up that either one of you, or maybe the both of you have been through not so nice childhood, which makes you crave for the emotional fulfilment, for the fairytale romance that’s always shown in the movies. It may sound too naive but I’m seeing that both of you will work towards that goal, wanting the love you both share to be as magical as it seems. And to achieve that, one will need a certain level of financial independence as well as abundance. You two fill in the missing pieces within each other and complete them, contributing equally in this relationship.
The relationship may start with some sort of mystery, but as you grow together, you explore the various aspects of a romantic relationship, finding which love language the other person responds to. I’m seeing that both of you will set some sort of goals and maybe visioning how the relationship will flourish. Love is an open door, and you can just step into the happiness that you’re meant to receive. They would want to wear happiness on your face and show you off to the whole world.
Overall energy: The Star, Page of Cups rx
I have to say something. Tho the cards may not look… good, I feel that the overall vibe and energy for the reading isn’t bad. Like… It shows the ups and downs of the relationship, and not everything has a fairytale ending. I feel that this is the combination of The Star and Page of Cups rx, where the reality is painted here. You two will need to work with your dreams and spirit’s energy to reach your highest good, and to know what’s the best for you. There’s a lot of transits I’m seeing, where you two progress and learn, tho there are times that y’all are content with where you are right now.
A reminder: this reading is not for your future spouse, but for a potential romantic partner who’s gonna enter into your life. So it’s perfectly alright if you do not resonate with this reading.
Pile 2:
Card of querent: The Tower rx
First thought I’m getting is that you’ve been through A Lot. Each of us have been through a bunch of ups and downs in life, but what you’ve gone through is much more… Heavier than the rest. There’s a certain sadness, coldness, helplessness that you’ve experienced, which have affected your life in ways that you can’t explain. I’m seeing a lot of hysterical screaming and crying as well. This card being here is like… A message. A message to you that it’s not your fault that things have happened, that things have to be broken down only then it can be rebuilt.
1. What type of relationship will we have? - Ten of Swords rx
I’m seeing that this relationship that you guys will be sharing is something… Healing. I see this healing will be more towards a mental and emotional healing instead of a spiritual one. It feels like all the knives that are sticking at your back (you prolly may have been backstabbed by people you’ve trusted, and for some reasons I’m thinking it’s friends rather than lovers) are being pulled out, the wounds cleaned and treated. This relationship will give you the time, space and energy to heal, where they create and introduce peace, prosperity and joy in your life.
2. How will I meet them? - The Empress rx
I feel that you’ll meet them when you’re not feeling yourself. You have a lot of things going on in your life, and for some reason you’ll not see them as a potential romantic partner. It probably may be due to the betrayals you’ve just experienced and hence, losing faith in most things. Most, not all. Which made you put a distance between them and you. I have a feeling that you’ll also focus more on yourself and stop being self-sacrificial during those times, keeping things to yourself. A very introverted energy compared to how you usually are.
3. What type of person are they? - Eight of Swords rx
They prolly will be your type of person lol. They find solutions to problems and they give me the feeling that they’re capable of guiding you through your problems. You not only find a lover in them, but also a friend, a guide, someone who walks beside you and is ready to help you. I see that they’re also someone who will help you out from all and everything that’s restricting you, especially your past beliefs that have been pushed onto you ever since your childhood. They’re open minded, but not freely open kinda thing? They’re willing to try certain things up to a certain level, but still will opt for the safer option or something that they’re more used to. Like… Taking calculated risk but only for a period that they deem safe. Kinda thing. Comfort is a thing for them. Weirdly I’m feeling Taurus vibes lol.
4. How will I feel about them? - Queen of Wands
You will be attracted by their confidence and courage, a soft and graceful maturity that comes from it. I somehow see a soft glow that’s warm, like the dawn instead of an afternoon bright gaze kinda thing. I see that you may be an introvert and they would probably be slightly extroverted than you. Just… Slightly. Lol. But they are capable of socialising. Very good interpersonal skills, observant and can capture your thoughts easily. It feels like they’re someone who you want to be? With those skills and charisma. It’s like they’re a dream that you wanna achieve, and you find inspiration from them and thrive to improve yourself better. 
5. How will they feel about me? - Knight of Swords rx
I’m seeing that they are observant of you and are able to zoom in to the quiet power you hold, being firm with whatever beliefs you hold. Not to go uhhhh NSFW but I feel like they may feel morally challenged with you at times? They may be interested in some risque acts in places that don’t seem to be appropriate. They wanna try a lot of things with you, but will not push it when you say no. I’m also seeing some dominance here? They may also wanna feel that rush of adrenaline in the sense of “conquering” you. I hope I’m making sense with my words here.
6. Our future together, what will they want from the relationship, etc. - Knight of Wands, Four of Wands rx
They’ll want to go on adventures with you, grow with you and experience a lot of new and old things together. I’m seeing some travelling through memory lane kinda thing? Where you two constantly revisit certain comfort memories. You two may go on spontaneous trips together when you two are feeling like it, and you two complement each other’s energies well, working with one another’s dreams to reach the highest good of you two. Sometimes, you two may have some differing opinions, but you guys are able to look at things from different perspectives, from outside the box, and figure out how to solve the problems together. Tho not gonna lie, you two may have some over-spending from all those spontaneous trips, and will learn the lessons together. Whatever difficulties you two experience will make you two grow stronger, connecting your dreams to the next. Whatever tears you have right now will teach you the importance and preciousness of happiness, making you find the reason to live and love.
Overall energy:The Emperor, Six of Wands
The Emperor here gives me the “conquering” kinda feeling. It’s giving me the vibe that this person isn’t as harmless as they appear to be. But they’re proud of you, and you’re proud of them as well. There’s also some form of glow up from this relationship as well, where you improve yourself so that you can stand on equal grounds with the other person, but they’re also doing the same for you. I’m also seeing a lot of attraction and there’s some sort of fulfilment that you two find in each other. It’s like,,, you two are meant to be, that it’s natural that you two end up together, like it’s common sense. For some reason I’m also seeing love letters? So maybe one of you may have words of affirmation as your top love language.
A reminder: this reading is not for your future spouse, but for a potential romantic partner who’s gonna enter into your life. So it’s perfectly alright if you do not resonate with this reading.
Pile 3:
Card of querent: The Devil
First thought I’m getting here is Lilith in 1H kinda vibe. You know who you are, and there’s some devilish charm that you put to great use. Badass, sexy, sultry, seducing vibes. You pay close attention to your heart and mind, not allowing fear to distract you (cues Lesserafim’s I’m Fearless). Straightforward, not hiding, out under the sun and making things your way. You know your cards and you play them well, mainly to protect yourself. But remember, some mischief of yours can accidentally cause a fire so please exercise caution. 
1. What type of relationship will we have? - Seven of Wands
There’s some sort of challenge I’m seeing here? Where you challenge each other and push each other to be better. But unlike Pile 2, this “better” is like… To be able to win against the other person. You two prolly have some form of conflict or competition going on. Highkey giving me enemies to lovers kinda energy. You two also persevere through the waves, where you two protect each other when someone wants to come in between you two. It’s like… “I’m the only one that’s allowed to win against them,” kinda energy, protective yet fiery.
2. How will I meet them? - Five of Cups rx
You’ll be meeting them when you’ve forgiven yourself and move on from whatever that’s been hurting you. This hurt is something that has been running deep in you and you’ve been held back by it, focusing on something else in order to forget the pain and disappointment that you’ve experienced. The reason for this pain is cuz this is something that has been running in your roots, something in your family that has affected you and has made you change your perspective of the meaning of Family. Perhaps there’s some form of betrayal? 
3. What type of person are they? - The Lovers rx
The Lovers rx really gives me the enemies to lovers vibe. A chance that this relationship can begin is that they’re not a typical lover. They’ve seen you at your worst, at your lowest, and know what your anger is like. And probably knows that you two complement each other’s goods and flaws. They accept who they are and their feelings for you, being open to new possibilities and welcoming new beginnings, especially new beginnings with you. They may be hard on you during the enemies phase, but once they’re in a relationship with you, they will not hesitate to pamper you.
4. How will I feel about them? - Queen of Pentacles rx
You’ll actually admire them with how they hold themselves, how they put themselves as their first priority. Some people may think of them as ruthless, self-centred, and for some reason I’m also picking up that some will also see your person as someone who’s unwilling to socialise. You may also think so at first. But as time passes, you’ll notice that the so-called self-centred is just them not willing to compromise as it will harm themselves and their loved ones; unwilling to socialise is cuz those kinda socialisation is energy draining; ruthless is just because they stand on their ground to fight for their own rights. You’ll slowly notice the quiet energy they have and how they don’t care about being misunderstood, which slowly draws you in, feeling secure having them by your side, supporting you.
5. How will they feel about me? - The Moon
There are a few words I’m picking up from here: mysterious, emotional, bubbly, charming, lovely. They find you charming and adorable, loving how you surround yourself with a certain mystery that is not… Attacking? Lemme try rephrasing myself. There are some mysteries that throw yourself into danger or unpleasant feelings when you try to uncover them. But not you. Your mystery is like a gift to be unboxed, allowing the bubbly and loving side of yours to be shown. They will also notice your emotional outburst is because you were wronged or justice was not on your side, and I’m seeing that they’ll be hella protective over you. You two may also share a past without y’all knowing about it. Maybe you two met before when you guys were kids? Or maybe a past life as well. They’ll find this nostalgia with you when they’re with you.
6. Our future together, what will they want from the relationship, etc. - Five of Swords rx, The Chariot, The High Priestess
I’m seeing that you guys may want to put down the swords, the fights, and to love you like the typical romantic partners. Y’know, instead of all the teasing and challenging and sometimes wanting to fist fight the other person, they wanna bring you out on dates and have fancy dinners and maybe go on a ferris wheel and kiss you kinda thing. It may sound cliche but they want to pamper you, to answer to your love languages. They appreciate you for who you are and enjoy being with you when you’re being yourself, being comfortable in your own skin. 
I’m also seeing that they have every intention to pursue this relationship with you, and prolly at a rather quick pace. There’s something that will trigger in them, letting them know that you’re the person that they wanna be with for the rest of their life, wanting you to be in their future plans as well. That’s when they start to push for the relationship and to marry you in the future. You may not know but their feelings for you are real and they love you more than you think it is. Unlike the other piles, I’m seeing there’s a marriage happening for this pile.
Overall energy: The Star, Justice rx
This reading gives me a warm, fun and honestly, fanfic kinda energy. You two shine bright in each other’s eyes, which kinda lights up the competitive streak in you two. But once you’ve gotten together, you guys will be siding with each other. It’s like us against the world kinda energy. You two are down for anything the other person wants to do, no matter how… Not good it can be. The passion for individual wins evolved into a passion for winning together, and this transition happens smoothly. You guys spend no time being confused, or questioning if this relationship will work. They’ll remember whatever promises they’ve made with you and will follow you wherever you wanna go. 
A reminder: this reading is not for your future spouse, but for a potential romantic partner who’s gonna enter into your life. So it’s perfectly alright if you do not resonate with this reading.
Pile 4:
Card of querent: Justice rx
First question that I wanna ask you is that have you been treating yourself right? Been feeding yourself good food, staying hydrated, having enough rest? Cuz it feels like you’re not doing justice to yourself. You’re prolly in a burnout as well with you trying to focus on others instead of your own priority. Alternatively, you may also be facing some injustice yourself, where others took your credit and put the blame on you. Tho I’m seeing more of you not treating yourself right, or have been self-sabotaging. There’s also a chance of you not willing to take the best course of action. But whatever that you do, it’s causing you distress and you feel like you’re unable to find a way out.
1. What type of relationship will we have? - Seven of Pentacles
You guys will have a solid, grounded and fruitful relationship. You’ll put in the effort and work hard together to achieve what you aim. I feel that you two will know the importance of working the relationship together, knowing that the effort put in equates to the strength of the bond in relationships. Like,,, you guys do not take things for granted, and will learn that love is not just words but actions, and caring for someone is much better when you do things instead of like… Having empty words. The passion is there, but there’s an earthly, practical sense to it as well.
2. How will I meet them? - Ten of Cups
One funny thing about this was that when the card fell out, it was in reverse. But when I took it and placed it on the uhhh… Place where it’s supposed to be (spread and all), I placed it upright. And it felt right, so I went along with it.
With all that happened, it felt like the timing was right for things to happen. You’ve experienced unhappy times (and uhhhhh it’s VERY unhappy times), yet you still grit through them. It was difficult, but you decided to make changes and twisted your fate, being in content with yourself and your found family. And because of that, you were able to welcome this new person into your life as you were in a better place to manifest your dreams and desires (aka them, and other things, of course).
3. What type of person are they? - Nine of Cups rx
I feel that they’re someone who won’t be satisfied easily. They have a direction they want to head to but no final destination, which in a sense, means that they’ll constantly want more, constantly aim for more. For example, they’ve already gotten the job they wanted, then they’ll slowly climb the ladders, wanting to earn more. Firstly, they wanted to be able to afford a new phone, then a new car, then a new house. It’s like their goals keep growing and hence they need to continue improving themselves, not gonna stay satisfied wherever they are. I’m also seeing this in a sense in y’all’s relationship? But they’re more harsh towards themselves, feeling like they’re not doing enough, not loving you enough.
4. How will I feel about them? - Six of Swords rx
You may feel overwhelmed and have some trouble walking away from it. There’s a certain mystery in them that lure you in, probably there’s some eighth house synastry between you two, and that draws you in. I’m not sure what had happened, but there definitely was a time where you wanted to walk away from them, believing that you’re not suitable for them. Which… Actually isn’t. But yeah, with this, you may also feel some sort of inferiority with them, tho that’s not the case with them.
5. How will they feel about me? - Eight of Cups
You’re someone different, someone special who came into their life. They were walking away from things that have been tying them down, and they were afraid to have you in their life, tbh. They were afraid that they’d hold you down, weigh you down with whatever that’s happening with them. But despite the fear, they still want to welcome you into their life, inviting the magical you since you showed up and they took it as a sign that you’re meant to be with them. I’m seeing there’s some form of walking away from trauma together.
6. Our future together, what will they want from the relationship, etc. - Knight of Wands rx, Five of Swords, Ten of Swords rx
Honestly,  there’s a lot of fighting energy, a lot of conflict I’m seeing here. However, I don’t feel that there’s anger. The conflict is mainly due to impulsivity and fear. Lemme try to illustrate it.. Uhhh… For example, you’ve gotten into this relationship for like three months and you’ve already wanted to live with them, which you do. However, you guys barely know each other and you realise that the quirks they have frustrates you. Like, they do their share of housework but the way they do it just makes you oof. And as you continue living with them, you notice the differences you have in thinking. It’s like you two are from two different worlds and have different ways and views on how the world works. 
You guys can feel defeated by everything that’s happening, but if it’s resolved well and healthy boundaries are placed, the future will be a comfortable one. Sometimes, you’ll need to fight for your love, fight the expectations and filters of love that you’ve had, face the reality, and believe that there’s no fixed definition of love. It’s an open question and you’ll need to figure out which works for you, and what works in this relationship you share with them. I’m seeing that if all goes well, the future between you two will be very down-to-earth and realistic.
Overall energy: Death, Six of Wands
There’s pain, change and rebirth I’m seeing here. I think the Death card really symbolises the various changes and transformation you’ll experience in this possible upcoming relationship, and that you guys can come out victorious as long as you guys put in the effort. I feel like the word “effort” appeared a lot in your pile. No matter what happens, know that you both are divinely guided, and that your intuition will show you the way. It feels like a lot of challenges will be coming for you guys, but as long as you guys are constant with the effort to put things together, you guys will be fine. It’s alright to remain as who you are right now, because the you right now will grow up to tackle the problems at said time.
A reminder: this reading is not for your future spouse, but for a potential romantic partner who’s gonna enter into your life. So it’s perfectly alright if you do not resonate with this reading.
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Everyone SHUT UP i need a second to talk about the absolute perfect travesty of awarding the Life series winners (Grian, Peal, and Scott) the titles of the three tarot cards the Sun, the Moon, and the Star.
FIRST OFF?? The sun the moon the star is the WRONG order of how they show up in the major arcane!! The star is the 17th, moon the 18th, and sun the 19th!! It’s not exactly backwards but it IS out of order with The Sun being the first and The Moon as the most recent winner.
Now individually; Grian as the sun. The Sun is symbolic of life in full bloom, happiness and opportunity, it means success, it means the universe agrees with the path you’re on and the way ahead is clear. Grian, who accidentally indebted himself to scar, who fought against his soul bound the second he saw the other end. Who keeps killing the people closest to him. (He was only ever meant to watch)
Scott as The Star, it fits his aesthetic but BRO. The Star is healing, it’s renewal of old feelings, it’s a readiness to give and receive love. Scott, who divorced pearl right off the bat and picked a new soulmate who died in the end at the hand of pearl, who has continuously has partners who die before him every single time. (Oh look a poppy, what an ugly flower)
And Pearl, lovely Pearl, as the moon. The Moon, vague and unclear, things are not as they seem; deception. Usually caused by misunderstanding. Pearl, who was broken up with like 5 times and descended into her villain arc plain as day, who never really lied. Who still won at the end with forgiveness. (You came here and you caused death whether you tried to or not)
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bh-l · 1 year
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scaramouche + the major arcana, xiii death: this card represents the inevitability of transformation and growth. you will not, can not, be the person you were yesterday, last month, last year, last decade. death is the march of time. death is inevitable.
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