#task: 163
saiyanprincessswanie · 9 months
SaiyanPrincessSwanie Reading List Week 163-164
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Welcome to Weeks 163 & 164
A/N: Thank you again to those who gave me recommendation for fanfics. I have a lot to read now which makes me happy 💜 This list holds 65 fics. Hope you enjoy them all.
As always these will be listed in no particular order. None of these stories are mine. I’m just signal-boosting them. The author is listed next to the title. My goal is to signal boost writers and spread positivity in the community.  💜💜
Click HERE to see what I will or won’t read. This is very important.
Click HERE for past reading lists.
For my Masterlist click HERE
Please make sure you’re reading the warnings on every story. They range from dark to fluff. Do Not Read if you are under 18 years old. These stories are meant for adults only. You’re responsible for your own media consumption.
Page-break by @whimsicalrogers​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Header by @fictional-affairs
If you can, please reblog these lists so they can reach more people on Tumblr.
I love you 3000 💜 Missy
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Give Me One More - (Ari x Reader) - @/saiyanprincessswanie
The Perfect Fit - (Nick x Reader) - @jobean12-blog
All Of Me - (Ari x Reader) - @flordeamatista
Don't Give Up on Me - (Andy x Reader) - @navybrat817
Andy Drabble - @sunshinebuckybarnes
Sunrise - (Bucky x Reader) - @rookthorne
Begin Again Part 1 - @anonymityisfunwriter
Monkey See, Monkey Do, Chp 14 - (Colin x Reader) - @spectre-posts @what-is-your-plan-today
Special Treatment - (Brock x Reader) - @fluffyprettykitty
A New Beginning - (Bucky x Reader) - @/navybrat817
Dishes with Andy… - @drabblewithfrannybarnes
Tease - (Destroyer Chris x Reader) - @/jobean12-blog
who you belong to - (Andy x Reader) - @/sunshinebuckybarnes
Thanks for the Invite - (Lloyd x Black! Reader) - @syntheticavenger
Alpha - (Lloyd x Reader) - @boxofbonesfic
Yearning For You - (Ari x Reader) - @writing-for-marvel
Dead End - (Lee x Reader) - @shadeysprings
Baby Girl - (Steve x Reader) - @wint3r-h3art
Begin Again - Part 2 - @anonymityisfunwriter
NEED A HAND? - (Bucky x Reader) - @likeahorribledream
Something New - (Bucky x Black Fem Reader x Steve) - @princessphilly
Biker Bucky - @pellucid-constellations
Gentle Soul - (Steve x Reader) - @stargazingfangirl18
Happy Birthday - Gentle Soul - (Steve x Reader) - @/stargazingfangirl18
First Date - Gentle Soul - (Steve x Reader) - @/stargazingfangirl18
Playing The Long Game - (Cole x Reader) - @our-marvel-universe
Let Me - (Bucky x Reader) - @/jobean12-blog
Fair Play - (Nick x Reader) - @/jobean12-blog
Stalked - (Bucky x Reader) - @navybrat817
It's All In The Eyes - (Bucky x Reader) - @writing-for-marvel
Kinktober Day 13 - (Bucky x Black! Reader) - @princessphilly
As You Wish - (Steve x Reader) - @/rookthorne
| 2:48 a.m. | - (Bucky x Reader) - @sergeantxrogers
Mornin' Captain! - (Steve x Reader) - @nicoline1998enilocin
Stucky in love - (Stucky x Reader) - @holylulusworld
Whatever Daddy Wants - (Steve x Reader) - @labella420
Fresh Fallen Snow, Part 6 - (Curtis x Reader) - @georgiapeach30513
His Inheritance - Part 22 - (Steve x Reader) - @jtargaryen18
Just Right - Chp 5 - (Steve x Reader) - @darsynia
Real-Life Tasks With Ransom - Day 17 - @/wiypt-writes @sweater-daddiesdumbdork
Though I Have Never Read It - Part 4 - (Bucky x Reader) - @tuiccim
Conditioner - (Bucky x Reader) - @drabblewithfrannybarnes
A Crown of Flowers - (Bucky x Reader) - @/navybrat817
Only the two of us - (Bucky x Reader) - @barnesafterglow
Threadbare - Part 4 - (Steve x Reader) - @ronearoundblindly
Forbidden Enticement - (Stucky x Reader) - @/rookthorne
Turn The Lights Down Low - (Bucky x Reader x Steve) - @slyyywriting
Potentiality - (Brock x Reader) - @fluffyprettykitty
Never Have I Ever… - (Jake x Reader) - @/drabblewithfrannybarnes
Still Need You - (Bucky x Reader) - @andydrysdalerogers
play with fire - (Bucky x Reader) - @onceuponastory
SWEETHEART - (Lee x Reader) - @likeahorribledream
Miss You - (Frank C. x Reader) - @wint3r-h3art
Bucky Oneshot - @/pellucid-constellations
a stranger arrives - (Bucky x Reader) - @witchywithwhiskey
Life of Pie - (Destroyer! Chris x Reader) - @/jobean12-blog
Breeding Kink Nick - (Nick x Black! Reader) - @/princessphilly
Sugary Sweet - (Bucky x Reader) - @/rookthorne
Bodyguard Brock - @/fluffyprettykitty
Unholy Errand - (Lloyd x Reader, God the Bounty Hunter) - @buckets-and-trees
For All I Do - (Lee x Reader) - @/boxofbonesfic
By the Pound - (Andy x Black!Reader) - @/syntheticavenger
Their Doll - (Bucky x Reader x Steve) - @/navybrat817
Their Doll - Part 2 - (Bucky x Reader x Steve) - @/navybrat817
The Shadow of Love - (Bucky x Reader) - @/jobean12-blog
131 notes · View notes
lamarseillasie · 6 months
What did Marat think of the CPS members?
Hi, anon! 👋
First of all, I'd like to apologize for taking so long to answer your question. I was very busy with various things involving my end-of-year studies and could only reply now. I hope you weren't upset or disinterested!
Secondly, I didn't quite understand whether your question meant to ask what Marat thought of the CSP in general or what he thought of each of the members individually. So I decided to answer both questions!
It is important to note that, in my research, I have not been able to find much information about Marat's concrete views on the committee itself, nor have I been able to find his views on all the members. This is probably due to the fact that the CSP was created in April 1793, an extremely turbulent year for the Revolution in general and somewhat turbulent in Marat's political life, who, although he never stopped publishing his newspaper, didn't have much time to write. But it's possible that I'll find something more on this subject in the future, so I'll update this post whenever possible.
It can be said that, initially, Marat was committed to the creation of the CSP and was, in a way, in favor of it. Despite this, he never stopped criticizing and imposing his opinions on the organization of its functions and members. In issue no. 163 of his newspaper, Le Publiciste de La Republique Française, published the day after the official creation of the Committee of Public Safety, he points out some "ridiculous defects" in the draft of the Committee of General Defense presented by Isnard for the creation of the CSP. It's a rather poor quality document, which made my translation difficult, so bear in mind that it is subject to errors.
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"This was the plan Isnard presented to the General Defense Committee. In vain did I search this plan for the men responsible for providing the means to repel enemies from without and within. I saw in it nothing more than a simple surveillance of the operations of the Minister of War and the Navy and an unlimited search for suspicious citizens, under the pretext of pursuing the schemers. This omission of the most important care and this accumulation of the very different functions of two committees into just one revolted me: I showed that this obviously tended to undermine tyranny, without fulfilling the main objective, which is the defense of the state. My reasons were heard, and the Committee of Public Safety was able to restrict itself to putting ministerial agents into action, in charge of carrying out means of general defense, with the simple power to request the assistance of the Committee of Security for the arrest of evildoers or suspicious persons."
In addition to this excerpt, there are a few other issues of Le Publiciste de La Republique Française in which Marat criticizes the poor functioning of the Committee of General Security. You can find his complaints mainly in the issues from April to July 1793. Despite these harsh criticisms, Marat seemed to believe that the creation of the CSP could bring benefits, or at least he defended the creation of a committee made up of "capable and politically enlightened patriots to put the state on the defensive". This thinking, however, changed dramatically just a few months later. This could be seen in the last issue of the LPRF, which was published the day after Marat's death, on July 14.
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"What should we think of the Committee of Public Safety, or rather its leaders, given that most of its members are so careless that they attend committee meetings for only two hours out of twenty-four, ignore almost everything that is done there and perhaps have no knowledge of this room. They are very guilty, no doubt, for taking on a task they don't want to do: but the leaders are very criminal for carrying out their duties in such an unworthy manner."
It is possible to conjecture, especially from this excerpt, that Marat was very dissatisfied with the CSP - which, at the time, still didn't have very consolidated power - and one of the main reasons for this was its members, the vast majority of whom Marat despised. In the following excerpt, he talks about Bertrand Barère, calling him the "most dangerous enemy of the fatherland".
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"Among them is one whom the mountain has just renamed in a very reckless manner and whom I consider to be the country's most dangerous enemy. This was Barére, who Sainte-Foi pointed out to the monarch as one of the constitutionalists with whom he could work best. As for me, I am convinced that he is swimming between two waters to see which party will win the day; it is he who has paralyzed all the measures of force and who is tying us up like this to let them cut our throats. I invite him to give me a reminder by finally making a statement so that he is no longer seen as a monarchist in disguise."
Barère is also mentioned by Marat in an interesting pamphlet he made in 1792, when the elections for deputies to the National Convention were taking place. The pamphlet is called Marat, l'Ami du Peuple, aux amis de la patrie and is available to read here (p. 310). In it, Marat comments on some of the candidates for deputies and shares his opinions about them with his readers, making a list of his nominations and also of those who, according to him, should be avoided at all costs. Barère was on the list "of unworthy people proposed by the author of La Sentinelle, with the aim of serving the faction of the enemies of liberty".
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"Barère de Vieuzac, a useless man, without virtue or character".
Following the same pamphlet, Marat mentions other future members of the CSP: Billaud-Varenne, Tallien and Robespierre. They are included in the "list of men who have most deserved the patriciate".
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Robespierre & Billaud: "All you have to do is name them, they are the true apostles of freedom; woe betide you if they are not the first objects of your vows."
Tallien: "Excellent patriots, who'll always be narrating with the intrepid defenders of the fatherland."
To say the least, we can consider that this list has aged a little badly. I haven't found any further mention or statements by Marat about those mentioned above (with the exception of Robespierre and Barère), so it's possible that his opinion changed from 1792 to 1793, although we don't have any proof of this in principle.
With regard to other members, such as Hérault, Carnot and Couthon: their names only appeared a few times in L'Ami du Peuple, and it's not very easy to identify exactly what Marat thought of each of them. In issue no. 614, Marat refers to Couthon as a "patriot", which I think is a good thing. Hérault, however, doesn't seem to be held in Marat's esteem, especially according to this excerpt from issue no. 510, in which he puts him on the same level as people like Bouillé and Necker, whom, to say the least, Marat didn't like very much.
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As for Robespierre, Marat always supported him. In a way, they both always supported each other; Marat did so until his death. The two were never friends as such - in fact, little is known about the personal aspect of their relationship. Throughout the Revolution, they often shared very similar opinions about various situations, such as the case of the Nancy garrison, Simmoneau's death and especially the opposition to the revolutionary war, when both were politically isolated. Because of this, they were able to count on each other's support. Although it's not quite true to say that they were friends or that they had any affection for each other that wasn't entirely political. I plan to write a more complete post about these two in the future!
Apparently, Marat also had a positive opinion of Saint-Just. He appreciates his conduct in a discussion in issue no. 240 of LPRF, and there is also the fact that Saint-Just seemed to be favorable to Marat, which can be seen in some of his writings and speeches at the Convention. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any writings by Marat about other CSP members such as Lindet, Prieur and the others.
From all this, it can be concluded that Marat's opinion of the CSP members is somewhat fragmented, since he has different thoughts about each of them. In any case, it is certain that, at least before his death, Marat was against the committee and had a strong distrust of it. Let me know if you have any questions or corrections about any of the information I've included in this post, anon, and I hope I've helped you. :)
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study-with-aura · 10 days
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Thursday, May 30, 2024
Most of today has been nothing but storms. I was able to do my yoga outside because we have a covered space, but it wasn't the same as being able to do it in the sun. I also decided to get in a ballet class (Kathryn Morgan for today) so I'm not too out of practice before open classes start. Daily workouts, whether that be yoga or at the barre or cross-training are important at the level of ballet I'm going into (Advanced I).
After I did all of that, I was bored but didn't feel like reading yet. Julien wasn't doing anything either, so he asked if I wanted to game for a bit, and of course I said yes. We finished a zone together, so when we play again tonight, we'll be in a new zone!
If you are on break for the summer holidays, how are yours going thus far?
Tasks Completed:
History 9 - Reviewed first set of terminology flashcards
Theory - Reviewed cadences and voice leading
KA Geometry - Completed daily mastery challenge
KA Biology - Completed Unit 8: Lesson 3 (parts 1-3)
Duolingo - Studied for approximately 30 minutes (Spanish + French + Chinese)
Piano - Practiced for two hours in one hour split sessions
Reading - Read pages 131-163 of A Whisper in the Walls by Scott Reintgen
Chores - Put away dishes
Activities of the Day:
Personal Bible Study (Matthew 11)
Morning Yoga
Virtual advanced ballet class
3 hours gaming with Julien (not all at once)
Evening Stretch (will do tonight before bed)
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bratshaws · 1 year
through the hourglass 168. brb x oc
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a/n: sometimes all we need is something cute. that's all <3 i hope you all had a good day today and i hope you remember how loved you are(comments and reblogs are super welcome and encouraged!! <3)
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: fLUFF AAAAA
goodness gracious (pls read this one to know more what this fic is about!!)
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! )
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @novastories @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix
@lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
@emilybradshaw @j-6o @louisahale @leobabbyyy @booklover2sblog @winter-run @ktjmac @graciereads @bigpoppajes @taytaylala12
@caitsymichelle13 @becks-things @caatheeriinee07 @fanboyswhore9 @jesfreedark @katiemcrae @lilmonstrjedi @hobiismyhopeu @teacupsandtopgun @insominac23 @gh0stsgoodgirl @mygyn @chavivaelisheva @genius2050
The days do go by fast, if she had to admit. Sometimes the pain gets worse and she does cry, quietly, into her pillow. She knows he’s fine, he’s been messaging her about it, trying his best to keep her updated while he’s away.
And yet she still worries.
She just has to wait a little bit more, after all they’d talk in a few hours. And she decided that cleaning the house and giving herself a more organized backdrop would work…as in she was cleaning the whole house. And was now in the kitchen.
She was cleaning the floor.
He wasn’t going to see the floor.
But here she was.
She sits on her knees with a heavy sigh leaving her lip, “I need to focus.” she tells herself, looking at the living room where Nicole is, sitting on the floor with the three dogs surrounding her so she doesn’t move forward nor backwards, she’s incredibly entertained by Dr.Chimp so she will never move.
Beatrice smiles, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear as she looks at Nicole, she is looking more and more like Bradley every day. These past days she did see his baby pictures, because she couldn’t help herself, and noticed how the two of them were similar. Both of them have the angel like features that she adored so much, her smile widening as she remembers how they still have to take more pictures when he returns.
They just…want to be safe when sharing about Nicole, every picture they posted of her online she had her back turned or was bundled up.
Call them paranoid.
Beatrice hums, sighing again before leaning her head back,looking up to the ceiling and then frowning, “What am I doing?” she gestures to her head in exasperation, “Jesus Christ,I think I’m losing it.” Jolene is the only dog that trots over curiously when she hears Beatrice’s monologue, tilting her head at her owner. ‘Am I losing it Jojo?” she gets a whine in response, “Yeah,I’m losing it…I’m okay. Hah,I’m okay.” 
She cleaned the whole floor and stands to her feet, rubbing the back of her hand against her temples before looking around the kitchen with her lips pursed, trying to see if there was anything else she could do until it was time to talk to Rooster.
Beatrice surveys the kitchen as if she’s trying to figure out a crime, her eyes scanning the countertops and cabinets for any remaining tasks. She notices a few dishes in the sink and decides to tackle them, there weren’t a lot of them - honestly it was just stuff from lunch but it’d do. Grabbing a sponge and some dish soap she starts washing the dishes, her mind begins to wander, thoughts of Rooster and their life together swirling in her head.
She can't help but feel a mix of emotions—pride, worry, longing. Pride for Rooster and his dedication to his mission, worry for his safety and the unknowns that come with military deployments, and longing for his presence, his touch, his warm embrace. 
Rooster always thinks of himself like he’s not…a lot, he knows he’s good, but he gets bashful when it comes to certain compliments still. She gets it, she does, but it was true.
Her husband - God, her husband, it still made her giddy- was…the best change in her life. Who knew that she’d end up marrying the hunky, handsome, charming pilot who always seemed to have the world looking at him? Who knew he’d love her back, if not more than she did love him? Sometimes she still remembers the first months, she remembers the times they spent together…knowing each other.
He was so careful and he was so sweet and polite, he never wanted to make her uncomfortable and he’s still like that even if he knows Beatrice like the back of his hand now. Her smile only widens and her cheeks turn red as she recalls their very first date…and looking back, she could see thing she hadn’t before.
Like how he looked at her. It was…new, it was too new. She wasn’t used in being looked like she was the only girl in the room nor thinking she could take someone’s breath away. Hell she was wearing shorts and a crop top, with her combat boots and some stockings, there was nothing sexy about it but she was too nervous to use something too risqué.
He didn’t care. Honestly, he was too busy staring into her eyes to probably notice her own fears…and that kiss, God, that kiss. The fact he initiated, so smoothly too - because he is extremely smooth, sometimes painfully so- while keeping his eyes on her mouth and asking if she was okay with it.
“Ugh.” she is smiling with her cheeks burning up, bouncing a bit on the kitchen mat as she giggles, “He’s so cute.” and he still made her feel like they are dating. That’s what a good healthy relationship was, Rooster was the best thing that ever happened in her life and she was so happy of everything they built together.
She was scared she’d mess up a bit, more than once, in fact several times, in their relationship. And trying to break what she knew of a relationship was hard, because all she knew then was…Eric. Her brain was downright bamboozled because he was genuinely like a dream, he surprised her every step of the way and she loved it.
And he  could read her emotions, he could figure her out easily. He still does…
She missed him.
Beatrice takes a deep breath, trying to center herself in the present moment. She focuses on the rhythmic motion of washing the dishes, finding solace in the mundane task. It provides a sense of normalcy amidst the chaos of their current situation. “It’s fine.” she tells herself,looking back at the clock on the wall with her lips parted,”We’ll talk in a couple hours, it’s fine.”
His last message reassured her raging heart, which she was extremely thankful for, but hearing from him would help a lot more. She sets the clean and dried dishes back into the cabinets, fixing each one of them so everything was perfectly aligned before closing the doors, holding onto the handles for a little while longer.
After a soft sigh, Beatrice wipes her hands on a kitchen towel and takes a moment to appreciate her surroundings. The clean kitchen, the comfortable home they've built together—it's a testament to their love and commitment. She reminds herself that their separation is temporary, and they will be reunited soon.
“Alright, now,” she clicks her tongue, pointing to her hair, “I need to get ready.” She walks out of the kitchen to the living room, eyes directing themselves to Nicole who is just giggling and hugging her tiny feet as she sits up on the colorful mat, Eleanor and Jack on either side of her and Jolene standing next to Bea.
Nicole looks away from the tv towards her mother, gurgling happily - her tiny teeth were more visible now which was adorable - “Mama!” she coos, pointing her little hand to the screen, “Ooo!”
Beatrice turns her head just in time to see what she was looking at, then laughs because it was a pilot lion getting treated, “Yep, looks like daddy doesn’t it?” she asks her daughter, gently settling next to her and deciding to give herself a five minute break before taking her shower,knowing she’d have to take Nikki with her upstairs. Nicole bounces a bit on the mat, the little pigtails on her head moving and she points even more to the tv, “What?”
“Yeah, it looks like dada.”
Nicole laughs, clapping her hand excitedly, the noises making Jack lift his head sleepily only to lie back down, turning his face away from the commotion, “Dada!”
Beatrice smiles, watching Nicole's excitement and hearing her adorable babbling. It warms her heart to see their daughter's love for Rooster, even at such a young age. Hard to believe she was only seven months old considering how active and alert she was.
One of the last times she took Nikki to the clinic - for a check up more than anything - the doctor was so surprised at how much Nikki was able to do already. The fact she was expanding her words was enough to make the doctor smile and tell Beatrice that “she’s a smart little girl already,huh?”
As Nicole continues to point at the TV and exclaim "Dada," Beatrice can't help but feel a pang of longing. She wishes Rooster could be here, witnessing these precious moments with their daughter firsthand. But she knows that he is doing important work, and their call later will bridge the gap, at least temporarily.
She leans closer to Nicole, pressing a gentle kiss on her cheek. "Yes, birdie, dada." Beatrice speaks softly, her eyes welling up with emotion. She takes a moment to collect herself before continuing, clearing her throat "We miss him a lot, don't we? But he'll be home soon, and we'll have lots of fun together."
Nicole giggles, grabbing one of her toys and waving it in the air. Beatrice joins in the laughter, allowing herself to be fully present in this moment. As the minutes tick by, she savors the simple pleasure of being with her little girl, actually enjoying this Dr.Chimp episode and thinking that kids tv nowadays was so much better than when she was a child.
Well to be fair she only watched Sesame Street for a long while, and it was still good so maybe it wasn’t all bad.
Eventually, Beatrice sighs, “Alright.” gently lifts Nicole into her arms, cradling her against her chest. "Alright, my little angel, it's time for Mama to get ready. You're coming with me, okay?" Nicole takes a while to reply because her head is still turned to the tv, little mouth open in amazement.
Beatrice chuckles, gently tickling Nicole’s tummy only for her daughter to squeal in response, curling away from her mother and grabbing onto her hand now instead of the toy, “It’ll be fast, cutie. I just need to keep my eyes on you while I shower, is that fair?”
“I knew you’d agree.”
She was so used on picking Nicole from the floor that she could stand up one handed, without letting her go…well, that is until the twins are bigger and then she couldn’t…but until then! She could manage, “Alright, guys,” she turns to the dogs, “Keep an eye on the door, yeah? We’ll be right back.” Jolene answers for her kids with a gentle ‘boof’ and Eleanor immediately scurries off to keep her nose pressed against the glass…while Jack remains asleep.
Beatrice walks up the stairs with Nicole in her arms, carefully navigating each step as she heads towards the bathroom. The soft sound of Nicole's coos and giggles fill the air, bringing a smile to Beatrice's face.
Once they reach the bathroom, Beatrice sets Nicole down on her bouncer - which she did bring over by her foot -, giving her chicken toy so she distracts herself, which is immediate. Those plasticky cries are loud and make her ears hurt but every sacrifice is worth it.
She ensures the bathroom is safe, removing any hazards and checking if she got everything - she did place all her clothes there prior from her cleaning spree downstairs - Before adjusting the water temperature and turning her hand back and forth to make sure it was just right for her to shower, “Alright. Now,Nikki,” her daughter is currently chewing the chicken while looking at her, “Mama is going to keep te door just a little bit open so I can see your pretty face,alright?”
“Yeah, your pretty face!” she says while undressing, kicking the used clothes aside and hurriedly making her way into the shower. The warm water cascades over her, soothing her tired muscles and providing a moment of relaxation.
As Beatrice showers, she keeps a watchful eye on Nicole, who happily plays with her chicken and babbles to herself, sometimes meeting her mother’s similar green colored eyes.. Occasionally, Beatrice leans out of the shower to engage with her daughter, exchanging smiles and playful words.  She knows Nikki will be fine, she knows she’s safe and whenever she feels her daughter is distressed, she pops her head out to make her grin.
The sound of the water drowns out the noise from the rest of the house, allowing Beatrice to immerse herself in the solitude of the moment. She takes this time to reflect, to gather her thoughts and emotions. It's during these moments alone that she allows herself to acknowledge the weight of her worries, her longing for Rooster's presence, and the uncertainties that lie ahead.
But Beatrice doesn't dwell on those thoughts for long. She slaps her cheeks to break off the anxiety, “I’m fine.” She knows she must stay strong for herself and for Nicole and the twins. She focuses on being pretty today, it’s been a while since she used make up and why not do that today? It’d not only make her feel good but so would her husband.
Who would either be shocked and stare at her for a few seconds or he’s going to immediately curse at her and say he wished he was home.
Since she washed her hair yesterday, all she does is take a refreshing shower, and she does feel much better afterwards. She glances over at Nicole, who is still happily occupied with her toys while sliding on her robe and tightening it around her waist so she can walk out of the bathroom, “Alright, see!” she spreads her arms so Nikki looks up at her, “Was that long? No,right?” 
Nicole giggles sweetly, clapping her hands, “Alright, now,” Beatrice points to the cabinet where she kept all her makeup - God bless Rooster because he never complained, “Mama is going to use some makeup, alright? But I won’t take long.” she says, “I’ll just dress up first.”
She quickly dries herself off and dresses up, humming a lullaby softly as she does. She adjusts the dress - maybe she just wanted to make him feel just a little bit more because it is a bit…sexy. It was a mossy green haltertop dress that hugged her curves just right, including the baby bump and she’d gladly show him once he shows up.
 Beatrice looks down at her phone to check the time, ‘Alright, a few more minutes,” she says as she opens her makeup drawer, grabbing everything she needed while Nicole stares, completely stunned by the activity. Beatrice flicks her gaze towards the baby girl with a gentle laugh, “I know right? If you feel into getting makeup when you are older, you can always ask me things.” Nicole especially liked the red lipstick her mother got, ‘ooo’ing the second she pulled out the tube, “And you love bold colors too,so…”
Nicole just gasped happily, watching completely mesmerized as her mother spread the creamy substance over her lips, covering the once pink surface with a burnt red, “There.” she smacks her lips a few times before clicking the tube closed, “Oh, wait, what if.” she rummages through the drawers after tossing her lipstick aside, letting out an ‘aha!’ when she finds a scrunchie. It’s small enough so she could hide in her hair, which she does once she pulls it all up in a bun, tugging only her bangs down so it framed her face.
Honestly she just stared at herself for a few seconds, she was…looking good. And her mind needed this break, she needed to feel like this considering how the past weeks were. “Alright! Now I’m done!”
She turns her attention back to Nicole, who is still captivated by her mother's transformation. Beatrice chuckles and walks over to her daughter, picking her up and giving her a gentle squeeze. "Look, birdie, Mama got all pretty for dada. Do you think he'll like it?" Nicole responds with a toothy grin, clapping her hands in delight. gently playing with the bangs that frame her face.
“Now, for the final touch,” she bought something this week, frivolous but very cute…she got herself shark slippers. It was so cute! She couldn’t deny herself that! And it was so comfortable, she knew she’d need something like that when the twins get bigger and it was so very soft. Nicole looks at her mother’s feet once the slippers slide on before smiling at Beatrice “I know right? We might need one for you, they have crocs like these, for those tiny baby feet.” and she tickles her daughter’s feet as well, it doesn’t make her laugh as when she did with her stomach but it was still adorable.
She carries Nicole downstairs, where the dogs eagerly greet them, tails wagging and sniffing curiously at her freshly done appearance. She giggles and shoos them away gently, making her way to the living room. With a quick glance at the clock, she realizes it's almost time for their call.
She settles down on the couch, cradling Nicole in her arms as they wait for Rooster's call, opening the laptop so the camera can take all of them.She runs her fingers on Nicole’s strawberry themed top, gently fixing her collar, “Do you want to click it?” she moves them closer to the laptop, the loading symbol still going which means he wasn’t there yet, “Here, to answer daddy’s call you press this-” she moves Nicole’s tiny hand to the mouse, “Then here,” and her daughter was amazed by the cursor.
“Oh to be a kid again and just think everything is wonderful.” she giggles, kissing Nicole’s head before leaning back on the couch. The anticipation fills the air, and Beatrice can feel her heart racing. She takes a deep breath, reminding herself to stay calm and composed, smell the flower, blow the candle. 
Repeat. As many times as necessary.
“Why am I nervous?” she mutters to herself, facing her own reflection on the dark screen,”It’s not like he doesn’t know me.” but she does fix her hair for a few seconds, licking her lips only to give herself a weird look, “Calm down, Jesus. It’ll be fine.”
He will be fine.
“Yeah, he will.”
As the minutes tick by, Beatrice entertains Nicole with gentle whispers and silly faces which distracts her as well. She talks about how excited they are to see Rooster soon, how they've missed him and all the adventures they'll have together and Nicole babbles in response, her eyes sparkling with joy, adding some of her last known words to the mix.
That’s when she hears the connected sound and immediately straightens up.
And her heart just exploded because how can someone look so good all the time. He is wearing his usual black top and his hair is so glossy…she wants to touch it…and his neck looks so nice too but he’s looking away, he hasn’t noticed he's connected yet. That is, until he hears Nicole’s soft gasp, “Dada!”
Rooster’s eyes snap to the screen, Beatrice is holding Nicole up to her face to hide herself at first, knowing their little girl’s reactions was absolutely too precious to pass,”Hi birdie!” his voice gets high and his smile widens, “Oh my Gosh, look at you! You look so big! And you are dressed with strawberries? Oh you look so pretty!”
Nicole giggles, bouncing on Beatrice’s lap, leaning closer to touch the screen with her tiny hands, letting out a confused whine when she couldn’t feel her father’s face, “I know honey,I wish I was there too.” he flicks his gaze towards Bea, “Are you hiding from me?”
“I’m not.”
“Kinda looks like it.” he pauses, “Are you wearing makeup?”
Well, now she just had to show him,didn’t she, “Well,” she moves Nicole out of the way a bit - she was still on her lap but no longer hiding her mother’s face- “I wanted to doll up a bit,” she shrugs innocently, “What do you think?”
And he’s quiet.
So quiet she thinks his connection is bad, but she could see him blinking. In fact she could see his brown eyes drag down her body then back up to her face “...holy fuck.” well, she was right about both of his reactions, apparently “Gorgeous…what the hell.”
“Do you like it?”
“Do I like it? I love it. You look even more beautiful than you already are, my god.” and he keeps moving his eyes, not knowing where to look anymore “...you look stunning. Are you going somewhere?”
“No,I’m just feeling pretty today.”
“You are always pretty.”
Her cheeks heat up and her smile turns shy,”Roos…I…” she giggles,covering her face, “You are too smooth.”
Rooster's words make Beatrice's heart flutter, it's amazing how his words have the power to make her feel so special.
She lowers her hand, revealing her smile once again, and playfully teases, "Smooth talker, huh? You always know the right things to say." Beatrice leans closer to the screen, her voice filled with affection, "But I’m glad you like it.”
Rooster's gaze softens, his expression filled with love and adoration, one of his hands coming up to hold his head upright. "Hmhm…” his eyes drop down again, his smile a bit dopey, “...fuck you look so good. Kinda wish I was there to admire it closer." and the innuendo isn’t lost by her, who clears her throat in hopes to keep herself in check.
“Well…when you come back you can…see it.”
“I’m counting on it.” The connection crackles for a moment, making her stomach drop briefly only for his face to appear clearer than before “--but that’s for another time.”
She blinks in confusion,”Huh? Sorry Roos, your audio cut for a second there.”
“Ah…well,” he smirks, “That’s fine, adds to the mystery.”
She shifts Nicole on her lap, while staring at him - narrowing her eyes playfully before shaking her head. She moves closer allowing her daughter to reach out and touch the screen. Nicole giggles and babbles, Beatrice has to gently hold her hand so she doesn’t slap the screen too hard, “How’s everything there?”
He sighs heavily, running his hands through his hair and interlacing them on his nape, the movement makes his biceps bulge and she has to remember to keep herself together. “Honestly,it’s…tiring, always is. It’s a lot of paperwork, a lot of things to check.”
“Are you managing though?” she asks cautiously, “Are all of you?”
‘Oh yeah, it’s been going fine. It’s just we are also helping the new recruits, but besides that,” he flaps his hand,”It’s fine. This place is just cold.”
“Are you complaining about the cold?”
“This ain’t Virginia,gorgeous.” he smirks, “But I’ll live…how are you though, are you okay?”
“I’m fine. I’ve been keeping myself busy, I’m uh, going to buy some stuff for Evelyn’s gender reveal party and then I’ll get some stuff for the sleepover.” Rooster arches his brow in confusion,”Oh,Shells is throwing a sleepover for us, and for Nikki too.” she leans down to kiss her daughter’s cheek, earning a soft giggle, “And I’m going to take some snacks and- oh!” she moves a bit on the screen, scooting to the side while carrying Nicole before stretching her leg, ‘Look!”
She flaps the shark slipper, angling her foot this way and that so he can see all the details, “Is that a shark?”
“Yes!Isn’t it adorable?”
“Yeah…just like you.” she sputters embarrassedly, appearing back on the scene with Nicole still laughing, “You look really good, you know? I mean, you always do…but I think because you dressed up, so nicely for our call I’m just,” again his eyes trail down,”Admiring everything.”
Beatrice's cheeks flush at Rooster's words yet again. She can feel her heart racing, his compliments filling her with warmth and affection. 
"Thank you, Roos," she says, her voice filled with genuine appreciation. "Your words mean the world to me. I wanted to make this call special, just for you."
Rooster's gaze intensifies, "And you succeeded, gorgeous. You always know how to make me feel special, even from miles away. Are you…going to do that in the next calls?."
“I mean…yes, sure.”she looks down at her stomach, “It’s also up to these guys but…yeah. Sure.”
She watches as Rooster runs his hand through his hair again, his eyes filled with mirth and adoration, a mix only he could have, “I know. Are they okay?”  she nods, giving him a short explanation from her last time at the clinic “And your dad?”
“He’s just as fine, he’s still taking some meds but he’s much better than before.” she explains, playing with Nicole’s hands. “And he’s needing some help so Michael is staying over for a little while.”
“That’s great to hear, gorgeous. I’ll let everyone else know and-” he looks beyond the screen, his eyebrows furrowing “Yes,McAllister I’m talking to my wife.” followed by a less than impressed expression, “Yes.McAllister…do you mind? Right now?” a soft apology followed by a ‘goodbye sir!’ was heard. Rooster sighed, rubbing his forehead with his fingertips.
Beatrice chuckles, shifting Nicole's hand gently so she doesn't harm the screen. "So your fanboys are there,huh?”
Rooster is now supporting his chin on his hand, shaking his head “Yep. They are…they are good kids, just all over the place.” he explains “McAllister has a crush on Jessie.”
Beatrice’s mouth drops open, “Shut up. Are you serious?”
“You know I don’t lie.” he smirks, “He asked me to keep quiet but I had to share this with you so…eh,he’ll forgive me.”
‘Oh that’s so cute–a Rooster and Bea 2.0! Like we talked about.”
His smile widens because he couldn’t help himself. 
"Yeah, it's pretty adorable," he says, his voice filled with a bit of pride. "I can't help but feel a sense of joy knowing that our fans have connected with each other. It's like our love story has inspired them in their own lives."
Beatrice's eyes sparkle with excitement as she leans in closer to the screen. "That’s so romantic,Lt.Bradshaw.”
Rooster nods, his gaze never leaving Beatrice's eyes dark and directly looking into hers "Thank you…Mrs.Bradshaw. You are too sweet." They shared a few more snippets of their separate journeys for a little while, thankfully they never ran out of things to talk about. 
When the time comes for him to go back to the grind, he stops then looks into her eyes again
"I'm proud of us, Bea," Rooster says, his voice filled with sincerity. "I really am."
Beatrice's eyes well up with tears of joy, a gentle gasp escaping her lips. "I'm proud of us too.”
Rooster's smile softens, his voice filled with tenderness. "And I'm proud to be your husband, Bea.” oh that’s just dirty. “You have no idea how much.
“You are going to make me cry.”
“Good tears?”
She smiles sweetly, her cheeks hurting from smiling so much ,”...the best.” she whispers, “With you is always the best kind.”
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imakemywings · 1 year
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Below will be fanfic recs for TOLKIEN, DRAGON AGE, and THE LEFT HAND OF DARKNESS. Once again, I’ve tried to break the Tolkien recs down by character groupings but you all know what a thankless task that is. Asterisks by particular faves! ( ̄y▽, ̄)╭ 
(Photo credit to Irene Davila on Unsplash.)
Past fanfic rec lists
The Left Hand of Darkness
As One Thing Becomes Another by vir_adahlenn - G - 1,867 - A little cultural misunderstanding out on the ice. Really nice character voices!
Hearth and Family by aurora_chipotera - T - 1,762 - Just a fluffy meeting between Sorve and Genly after Therem takes Genly to his home hearth.
Meshe And The Pesthry (Transmission 61: Book Scans and Notes) by  venndaai - G - 163 - A cute little fake journal entry about wildlife on Gethen, accompanied by a pretty illustration.
Mirage and Memory by yhlee - M - 1,166 - Ashe and Therem’s heartbreaking relationship from Ashe’s POV :( The format really captures the slow falling apart of something that was never built to last.
On the Ice by Snickfic - G - 1,831 - Such a sweet, playful side of Therem here. Him and Genly exchanging stories from their respective cultures feels so true to the themes of the book.
Other Kinds of Men by karanguni - NR - 2,937 - A fascinating dig into Arek and Therem’s relationship and their divergent attitudes about it and the pressures they face because of it.
The Other Lives by centrifugepolitics - G -  3,392 - Initially, Sorve is not happy to see Genly show up at their hearth.
* A Profound Hurt by keerawa - T - 1,805 - Beautiful, tragic look at Ashe and Therem’s relationship, particularly Ashe’s grief after Therem’s death. One of the few fics that addresses Ashe and Therem’s kids and their feelings about their parents. Wonderful work.
Shadows cast behind you by karanguni - T - 725 - A really interesting exploration of how other Gethenians see Therem and what his awareness of that is.
Submersion by venndaai - T - 5,285 - Really cute relationship between Genly and Therem. Some of Estraven getting what we all wished he had, rather than getting killed!
* what good is a wise hand on a broken tiller? by rem-ir - M - 2,929 - SUCH a good look at Ashe and Therem’s relationship before their separation. Ashe tries to convince Therem not to take the position with Argaven and their frustration is so understandable and painful.
your name a kiss of snow by venndaai - M - 3,393 - Tent sex ft. Genly’s first time ever.
Dragon Age
* Aeducan Pride by cartadwarfwithaheartofgold - M - 2,964 - Manka always captures such a wonderful, fucked up relationship among the Aeducans, particularly the Warden and Bhelen. Here, we see what happens to Rica after Bhelen loses the throne.
Love and Red Ink by hes5thlazarus - T - 1,670 - Bianca and Varric and their mutually-destructive relationship, parsed through a review of Varric’s work. Excellent stuff.
Welcome to the Guild by Toshi_Nama - T - 3,470 - Bianca and Varric are self-destructive at a party and it is fascinating to watch.
* Berrypicking Time by swampdiamonds - T - 2,082 - This fic captures the best part of Finduilas/Nienor which is their healing and moving forward together. Both of them are trying so hard to process their own trauma, but they also want to help each other!
It's the Secret That We Keep by Loriand_Lost - E - 17,778 - Beautiful fic exploring Galadriel’s relationships with both Celeborn and Luthien in Doriath. Absolutely fantastic characterization! And great smut scenes.
On Sands of Pearls by cuarthol - G - 5,500 - Beautiful look at Finrod’s re-embodiment and his relationship with Olwe. Deals very nicely with Finrod’s feelings, and also the feelings of the Calaquendi concerned with how troubled Finrod seems to be…
* Opening by am_fae - T - 2,766 - Finrod’s game with Sauron is ongoing. In this installment, he wears a false Nauglamir and Sauron taunts him about releasing his captives. SUCH an amazing job wth both of these characters and their twisted power play dynamic. THE series that got me involved in this ship.
* The Pleasure of the King by Anonymous - E - 5,274 - Ahhh this is such a great fic. Azaghal and his wife Khoreti are quite eager to show Felagund the depths of hospitality in Belegost. Absolutely fantastic characterizations and such a fun time for everyone here. Also, origins of Finrod’s nipple piercings ;D
A Promise of the Sun by cuarthol - G - 874 - A really sweet look at the relationship between Beor and Finduilas as Beor approaches the end. TT_TT
The Sound of Water Falling Over Stone by TheLionInMyBed - E - 2,257 - Such a fun dynamic between Galadriel and Luthien here, you absolutely cannot blame Galadriel for being enchanted.
Undreams by nothinghereisworking - Finrod has nightmares about the ice :’) So captures the trauma of that experience.
Untitled by actual-bill-potts - Finrod and Nienna after his rebirth. A great little look at both the joy and the grief of Finrod in his return to Aman.
Untitled by that-angry-noldo - Ahhh heartbreaking look at Finrod post-Tol-in-Gaurhoth as he reviews the various scars and marks Sauron left behind.
What Happens After by The_Wavesinger - T - 3,088 - This fic does a great job balancing romantic and familial love. Finduilas and Nienor have helped each other through the worst of their trauma, but still they miss their families and want to find them.
* Beware of Women with Beards and Men Without by TheLionInMyBed - E - 4,782 - Azaghal and Maedhros’ alliance was full of cultural misunderstandings, but they push their way through it. Delightful characterizations here, particularly of Azaghal who gets basically none in canon, and a funny but also touching relationship between them.
* the bite of the blade by mochimilku - M - 947 - I’ve raved about this one before, but Curufin’s wife’s fucked up lusting over Luthien while she’s imprisoned in Nargothrond is incredible. 10/10 galaxy-brained idea Heather.
Deeds to Live in Song by firstamazon - M - 1,051 - Feanor and songs of Power! This author does a great job of writing a believable Feanor, his personality really shines through here, the good and the bad.
Every Time You’re Another Evil by Meadowlarkx - M - Tasty tasty drama when Mairon is granted re-embodiment in Valinor and Maedhros can’t let go of his past trauma. Somehow, they understand each other. Beautiful writing.
* a great chasm like bed and bier by willowcrowned - G - 2,930 - Great, gritty look at Maedhros and Maglor’s relationship wrt each other and also the Silmarils as they approach the end of their story.
I Like to Be Here When I Can by imnotdyingbuthereyouallare - G - 1,170 - A sweet little conversation between a young Maedhros and Nerdanel.
Loremastered by disastrousexpense - E - 2,334 - Maglor’s daddy kink arrives suddenly and powerfully. Absolutely fantastic and fun Daeron/Maglor smut. This fic does an amazing job showing Daeron’s confidence and intelligence as not only a minstrel but also as a linguist and a craftsman. Also, they play “two truths and a lie.”
Love All of Me by Alantie - G - 2,327 - I love this look at the very start of Feanor and Nerdanel’s courtship. The dynamic between them here is excellent and I’m always a sucker for Nerdanel being caught totally off-guard by Feanor’s interest in her XD
mock your own grinning by jouissants - M -  3,485 - Silvergifting at its deliciously peak fuckery. Sauron is haunted by what he did to Celebrimbor but since he doesn’t have a conscience really, that presents interestingly. Beautiful writing, fascinating character take.
Nerdanel, After the Kinslaying by brazenbells - Ow ow ow ow I always sympathize with Nerdanel and this fic beautifully drives home her grief over the loss of her family, particularly as a parent questioning where she went wrong.
* Nesting by LiveOakWithMoss - T - 4,580 - Uh. Not really sure what to say about this one. It has great characterizations and a fascinatingly toxic Kidnap Fam dynamic, both between the twins and the Feanorians and between Maedhros and Maglor themselves. The whole thing is delightfully fucked up.
* A Poetry Lesson by HewerOfCaves - T - 2,716 - I’m still losing it about this fic because Ingwion/Maedhros was never a ship I had considered but now I’m invested. Gorgeous characterization for Ingwion and I love seeing cocky prince Maedhros in Tirion who’s hot and smart and he knows it. Also, hitting on someone in a library feels like such an incredibly Maedhros move.
Untitled by imindhowwelayinjune - E - Curufin has the most cringefail sex with a frat bro Dwarf. You WILL have secondhand embarrassment about this, but it is funny enough to be worth it. 
* Untitled by imindhowwelayinjune - T - On his death bed is as good a time as any for Celegorm to fall in love. Fantastic and also deeply fucked up, so prime Feanorian content.
Untitled by JengaJives - T - “You don’t get it, Maedhros is the normal one” stands out as one of THEE premiere Silm fanfic lines, and for the mute horror Daeron experiences after hearing it.
We're here to drink your beer and steal your rum by LiveOakWithMoss - T - 1,156 - It’s a funny little modern AU fic with Maedhros having too much to drink with his roommate Azaghal. An excellent “snapshot” fic that shows a vulnerable Maedhros moment and a cute relationship between the two characters.
* You Are Coming Down with Me by TheLionInMyBed - T - 10,933 - Dark comedy look at the Kidnap Fam which takes, imo, a much more realistic look at how unhealthy the situation was for everyone involved, particularly the twins. Excellent characterizations!
From the Heights, Such Light and Air by sallysavestheday - G - 852 - A look at Fingolfin and Turgon’s relationship both touching and heartbreaking. This is a relationship that feels rarely explored so this was great to see!
Untitled by jouissants - Fantastic dig into Turgon’s character, particularly his feelings about the Helcaraxe and his family in Middle-earth. Wrenching, realistic, and a reminder of the incredible trauma carried by the Elves who crossed the Grinding Ice.
Untitled by @lesbianhaleth - Turgon and Elwing bonding!! Absolutely love this discussion, a little bit of trauma healing for both of them.
Untitled by tanoraqui - Finwe’s adult children after rebirth. Cute little fic where they manage to sit around and have a few drinks without fighting.
We build castles with our fears and sleep in them like kings and queens by TheLionInMyBed - G - 3,185 - A great look at Findis and Lalwen through the recollections of Idril as she crosses the Helcaraxe.
* And by their blazing signify that a great princess falls, but doth not die by TheLionInMyBed - G - 3,533 - Absolutely obsessed, some of the best Elwing characterization I’ve ever seen, and still the only fic I’ve read where she explicitly takes up arms against the Feanorians in the Havens. Gorgeous look at Elwing’s relationship with the other refugees of the Havens and at the Feanorians’ dynamic with them. One of the best Elwing fics I’ve ever read.
* Daeron Nails It by Tallulah -  537 - I am in LOVE with this little fic, it incorporates so many delightful details about the court in Menegroth. I am so pleased to see I am not the only one picturing Thingol and Melian with the cringiest pet names for each other.
Elwing, Survivor by crownlessliestheking - I do love fics that give Elwing space to be resentful about her fate, because she really did get a raw deal.
Festival by porphyriosao3 - A sweet look at Thingol and Melian’s relationship and also the pre-war relations between Doriath and the Dwarves of Belegost. Love the characterizations here!
* A Fish Hook, an Open Eye by simaetha - E - 2,185 - Delicious. Maglor goes to the Havens at Sirion to try to wheedle cooperation out of Elwing, but she is not having it. Their argument takes a interesting turn in private. Love how desperate and pathetic Maglor is here.
Flight Patterns by austerlitzborodinoleipzig - T - Great Elwing character study.
Friendship and Stern Demand by polutrope - Exploring the fascinating question of what exactly went on in Elwing and Maedhros’ diplomatic correspondence prior to the Third Kinslaying. Wonderful dynamics and subtlety here, and amazingly well-researched, as with all of Polu’s fics!
how big, how blue, how beautiful by mochimilku - T - 1,185 - Ahh childhood friends-to-lovers Earendil/Elwing is my favorite flavor and it comes off so well here, examining the similarities and differences in their respective experiences as refugees.
I hope we both die by @lesbianhaleth - T - Maglor confronts Elwing in the Havens, and loses.
In Our Dreams by Zhie - G - 1,746 - Other people posting Finrod/Thranduil?? Nice.
A Light Burns in the Forest by tinnurin - T - 15,038 - A young Thranduil and his father escape with Elwing during the Second Kinslaying. The author does a great job of showing how shocking the event must have been for the Doriathrim. Also, Thranduil is trying so hard here but clearly has no idea how to handle kids.
The Little Matchstick Twins by imindhowwelayinjune - As to be expected heartbreaking examination of the deaths of Elured and Elurin.
Runes by StarSpray - G - 861 - Lovely cultural exchange between Doriath and the Dwarves, and someone, at least, makes good use of Daeron’s alphabet.
The Unrealized Ambitions of the Foam by Brazenbells - Elwing and her sons, from joy to grief. Excellent use of the cyclical tragedy of Elwing and the Doriathrim.
Untitled by simaethae - Adorable family ficlet about Elwing, Earendil, and the twins. Also a great look at their life in the Havens!
Sleepless in Lórien by elennalore - G - 2,135 - What if? type fic where Melian and Thingol’s first meeting was during his ambassadorial visit to Aman. This fic does a great job showing how the Ainur and the Elves are still getting to know each other.
Small Birds, Dry Grass by vardasvapors - A bittersweet look at Elrond and Elros as Elros’ age starts to catch up with him, but more sweet than bitter I think! The author portrays such a lovely sibling relationship between them.
Stay, Forever by Melesta - G -  1,374 - This is such a cute Celrond fic, absolutely a sucker for the way Elrond finds Celebrian’s presence a restoring force and for the healing from the trauma of his childhood.
And She Vanished by polutropos - G - 432 - A sweet look at the relationship between Melian and Yavanna after Thingol’s death.
Of Good Memory by searchingforserendipity25 - T - Lovely tribute to Dis and her losses. And a great glimpse at the lead-up to the quest and the Ereborians in exile!
Untitled by SquirrelWrangler - G - The Dwarf Gamil Zarik arrives in Doriath to complete one last project for King Thingol, but age is catching up with him.
Watch the wall my darling, while the gentlemen go by by Cycas - A really fascinating look at Numenor! This fic addresses more personal, practical impacts of the deteriorating relationship between Numenor and the Elves.
Lord of the Rings
The Blue Hour by Tallulah - G - 2,161 - A sweet, lovely Tarwen fic that focuses on Tauriel’s sense of their difference in position (which coincidentally, Arwen is not thinking about at all).
Miles to Go Before I Sleep by SatiricalDraperies - G - 690 - Early in their journey, Gimli reflects. A bit of Dwarf worldbuilding and group singing--what more can you ask for?
The Other Side of the Road by vinyarie - G - 6,221 - A really fun look at Bilbo and Frodo in Valinor. They get to meet Celebrimbor, who is understandably nervous about that.
A Shell That Speaks by undercat - G - 2,633 - This is such a lovely scene of Arwen and her children at the beach after the end of LotR. So many fluffy family feels here and a touch of bittersweetness with grandparents Celebrian and Elrond across the sea.
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15 questions for 15 friends
This is fun, getting to snoop on everyone. Thank you for tagging me @voylitscope and @booksandabeer 💚💚
Are you named after anyone? >>> My middle name is from my mother. (My first name my parents picked all on their own and since that day I've lived with it being mispronounced and/or misspelled every other week or so.)
When was the last time you cried? >>> Watching All of Us Strangers. I'm generally more of an angry crier so I don't often full out cry at movies but I sure did with this one.
Do you have kids? >>> Not at the moment.
What sports do you play/have you played? >>> As a kid I did gymnastics, track and field and orienteering, in high school I played some volleyball, and as an adult I've done a few powerlifting competitions. I've never been super athletic or coordinated but I like doing sports.
Do you use sarcasm? >>> No, never. (Sorry.)
What’s the first thing you notice about people? >>> I don't think there's one single thing? Just a general vibe.
What’s your eye color? >>> Green.
Scary movies or happy endings comedies? >>> Comedies, if those are the options. I'm an absolute baby when it comes to anything scary and/or intense.
Any talents? >>> Writing I guess. And I'd like to think I'm pretty good at picking up new skills and knowledge.
Where were you born? >>> About a six hour drive from where Santa Claus lives.
Do you have any pets? >>> Nope.
What are your hobbies? >>> Writing and fandom stuff, reading, running/working out, hiking and being outdoors.
How tall are you? >>> 163 cm.
Favorite subject in school? >>> Languages and math.
Dream job? >>> Honestly? Something where I get to use my skills to hopefully provide a net positive to the world. I'm not that picky about what specific tasks I but I prefer my job to be my job and have no desire to turn my hobbies or passions into one. I've tried writing (journalism) and it wasn't really for me.
I have to tag people now?? (I always feel like I'm late to these and everybody else has already done it or been tagged.) Okay, here goes: @vivelarevolution13 @burberrycanary @dontcallmebree @somanywords @dreamsinthewitchouse @cable-knit-sweater snoop?
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duskoon · 2 years
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Yandere SCP x Pokehybrid au idea:
Tw: Yandere themes, and the desecration of the dead further below.
Also, I would like to tag @bluemoondust. What do think about my idea? I am up for suggestions, if you’re free that is. >w<
I was thinking about writing a SCP x Poke hybrid au for Pokémon. It will be mainly for rr members (with ORAS Maxie and Archie tho, instead of the original ones) and Lusamine as well.
Premise: The (human) reader is a scientist that is tasked with conducting experiments on the hybrids/scps, to further understand their nature and make it easier for the foundation to contain them. With each time the reader visits them, they develop some sort of unhealthy attachment to the reader.
/key notes:
Euclid = Nature not understood, thus their behaviour is unpredictable.
Keter = Extermely dangerous to humans, owing to their aggression or lethal physiology and will cause breaches. They’re particularly hard to contain.
Apollyon = Cannot or impossible to contain and may cause a world ending event. If somehow contained, will cause more breaches than the Keter class.
~ Scp-1996:-
Title: “Scourge”.
Name: Giovanni.
Location: First rumoured to be in Kanto region, then retrieved from Johto region.
Species: Mewtwo/human hybrid. Sex: Male.
Height: 167 cm. (5'5ft) Classification: Euclid.
• Mind control.
• Telepathy.
• Telekinesis.
• Charismatic.
• Peak human strength.
• High-level intellect.
~ Scp-2014-1:-
Title: “Gaia”.
Name: Maxie.
Location: Found within the depths of Mt.Chimeny, Hoenn region.
Species: Groudon/human hybrid.
Sex: Male.
Height: 163 cm.(5’3ft) Classification: Keter.
• High fire resistance.
• Pyrokinesis.
• Geokinesis.
• Claw like hands.
• Doesn’t need water to sustain himself. • Aggressive and territorial, yet slow in movement.
Title: “Abyssal”. Name: Archie.
Location: Found at route 108, inside the abandoned research facility of Sea Mauville.
Species: Kyogre/human hybrid.
Sex: Male.
Height: 187 cm.(6’1ft) Classification: Euclid. Abilities/traits: • Hydrokinesis. • Aquatic breath. • Peak human strength. • High endurance. • Territorial, yet friendly. • Fish-like appearance, most prominently gills and fins.
Title: “Void”.
Name: Cyrus.
Location: Found at Spear pillar, Sinnoh region; When a spacetime distortion for unknown reasons has first occurred.
Species: Giratina/human hybrid.
Sex: Male.
Height: 156 cm.(5’1ft) Classification: Euclid(normally) -Apollyon(If full power is released). Abilities/traits: • Antikinesis. • Umbrakineses. • Dimensiokinesis. • Emotionally cold and detached. • Solitary. • Genius-level intellect.
Title: “Husk”.
Name: Ghetsis.
Location: First found within the Giant Chasm, Unova region. Besides him were dozen of frozen and half-digested carcasses of seemingly human origins.
Species: White Kyurem/human hybrid.
Sex: Male.
Height: 202 cm.(6’7ft) Classification: Keter. Abilities/traits: • Cryokinesis. • Pyrokinesis. • Cold immunity. • Fire resistance, not to the same extent of “Gaia”. • Genius-level intellect; Highly manipulative with mastery on superficial charm. • Beware! Megalomaniac and a domineering figure with sadistic tendencies.
Title: “Mort Souhait”.
Name: Lysandre.
Location: First sighting under the debris of Geosenge town, Kalos region.
Species: Yveltal/human hybrid.
Sex: Male.
Height: 192 cm.(6’3ft) Classification: Euclid to Apollyon. Abilities/traits: • Thanatokinesis. • Life-force absorption. • Apathetic, after what seems his “death”. • Nigh-immortality. • Genius-level intellect. • Misanthrope.
Title: “Mother Beast”.
Name: Lusamine.
Location: Found at Alola islands, at Aether Foundation. Unconscious, with the parasitic creature assuming control??? Or was the subject born with it?
Species: Nihilego/human hybrid.
Sex: Female.
Height: 176 cm. (5’9ft) Classification: Keter. Abilities/traits: • Toxokinesis, more specifically the manipulation of neurotoxins. • Poison immunity. • Erratic, obsessive, and deranged behaviours. • Poison healing. • Superhuman strength. • Hyper durability.
This is just the jist, but they will be released as scenarios. Like: Your first meeting with them, How they interact with you, and etc… So, what do you think?
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qsmp-a1-updates · 9 months
Day 163 Quests & Update
Feed the baby delicious cookies.
Visit the museum.
Teach the baby mathematics.
With the baby, go on a spy mission.
Tell the baby a terror bedtime story.
Since last update, A1 has completed 3 tasks! They have their checkmarks completed for this week, but would love to continue to do tasks with their family!
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Reminder, tomorrow is when the Code Sighting event will end! If you have any WIPs for that event, try to submit them before next summary!
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By: Aaron Sibarium
Published: Feb 29, 2024
The chief diversity, equity, and inclusion officer of Columbia University's medical school, Alade McKen, plagiarized extensively in his doctoral dissertation, lifting entire pages of material, without attribution, from sources that include Wikipedia, according to a complaint submitted to the university on Wednesday.
The allegations implicate approximately a fifth of McKen's 163-page dissertation, "'UBUNTU' I am because we are: A case study examining the experiences of an African-centered Rites of Passage program within a community-based organization," submitted to Iowa State University's School of Education in 2021. More than two of those pages are a near-verbatim facsimile of Wikipedia's entry on "Afrocentric education," which is not cited anywhere in the dissertation.
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Other pages lift paragraphs from well-known African scholars, including the University of Rwanda's Chika Ezeanya-Esiobu, while making small tweaks to their prose, such as reordering certain clauses or changing a "were" to a "was."
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Some of the scholars McKen allegedly plagiarized appear in the dissertation's bibliography but not in in-text citations. Others, like Ezeanya-Esiobu, an expert on "indigenous knowledge" who has worked with numerous international agencies, including the World Bank, aren't cited at all.
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"The passages you shared can definitely be classified as plagiarism," Ezeanya-Esiobu told the Washington Free Beacon. McKen lifts pages worth of material from Ezeanya-Esiobu's 2019 chapter "A Faulty Foundation: Historical Origins of Formal Education Curriculum in Africa," published in the Frontiers in African Business Research book series.
Columbia's research integrity officer, Naomi Schrag, did not respond to a request for comment. Iowa State University did not respond to a request for comment.
McKen, who holds a certificate in diversity and inclusion from Cornell University, oversees all DEI programs for staff at Columbia University Irving Medical Center, which includes Columbia's flagship medical school, the Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, and is the largest campus of NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital. The center's DEI initiatives include mandatory "antiracism" training for faculty and admissions officers, as well as an expedited hiring process for minority scholars.
McKen also works with the Columbia provost's office, according to a fall 2023 bulletin announcing his appointment. That office oversees tenure decisions for the entire university, including the medical school. Columbia did not respond to a request for comment about whether McKen has oversight of faculty and doctors.
Before arriving at the medical center, McKen was the assistant dean of recruitment, diversity, and inclusion for Columbia's graduate school of architecture. His current role was created in 2021 when the medical center hired Tonya Richards as its inaugural chief diversity officer. The new position came as the university was embarking on an ambitious plan to address "structural racism" in health care, guided by a 100-person task force drawn from Columbia's four medical schools: the Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, as well as the schools of nursing, dentistry, and public health.
"It is very clear that promotion of diversity or even the presence of diversity is insufficient to counter deeply embedded anti-Black racism," read the task force's 2020 report. "Our self-reflection and actions at this time must be focused on the elimination of racism in all aspects of our work."
The complaint against McKen, which was filed anonymously, marks the third time in one month that a diversity administrator at an Ivy League school has been hit with charges of plagiarism. Other complaints have alleged that Harvard Extension School's Title IX coordinator, Shirley Greene, copied paragraphs and tables from other scholars without proper attribution and that Harvard University's chief diversity officer, Sherri Ann Charleston, took credit for an entire study done by her husband. The allegations against both officials followed the downfall of former Harvard president Claudine Gay, who resigned after nearly half her published work was implicated in a plagiarism scandal.
McKen's dissertation contains some of the most extreme examples of plagiarism thus far. The 50-page complaint, which was submitted to Iowa State University as well as Columbia, outlines nearly 60 cases in which McKen, who assumed his post at the medical center last year, borrows passages from Africanists, education scholars, and diversity consultants without attribution.
One of the plagiarized authors is Kwayera Archer-Cunningham, a "change agent" and "well-being coach" who offers courses on "decoloniality." McKen lifts over five paragraphs from Archer-Cunningham's 2007 journal article "Cultural Arts Education as Community Development: An Innovative Model of Healing and Transformation," in New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education.
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As with Ezeanya-Esiobu, McKen makes scant changes to the plagiarized text. One passage simply switches the order of two items in a bulleted list while keeping their contents identical, and without citing Archer-Cunningham's paper in parentheses.
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The passages appear to run afoul of Iowa State University's plagiarism policy, which state that "it is a violation for students to reproduce another person's paper, work or artistry, even with modifications."
McKen did not respond to a request for comment. Archer-Cunningham, who founded the Brooklyn-based arts academy on which McKen's dissertation research was based, did not respond to a request for comment.
McKen also lifts a jargon-filled passage from LaGarrett King, a scholar of black education at the University of Buffalo who urges the "dismantling" of "white epistemic logic." King is not cited anywhere in the dissertation and did not respond to a request for comment.
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Another paragraph cribs from a 2002 paper by Michael Adeyemi and Augustus Adeyinka, "Some Key Issues In African Traditional Education," published in the McGill Journal of Education. McKen never cites the 2002 paper, though he does include a different article by Adeyemi and Adeyinka—both scholars at the University of Botswana—in his bibliography.
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Adeyemi and Adeyinka did not respond to a request for comment.
The complaint alleges that McKen plagiarized over 30 authors total, not including Wikipedia. While the allegations only cover his dissertation, McKen has published multiple academic articles, according to his Google Scholar profile, with titles such as "Black Men in Engineering Graduate Education: Experiencing Racial Microaggressions Within the Advisor–Advisee Relationship" and "I Am Because We Are," which explores "how African cultural practices can direct learning toward liberation."
In September, McKen outlined his DEI priorities in a news bulletin for the medical center. "Everyone here," he said, "is committed to doing the work."
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Since every single domain that underlies DEI - Feminist Theory, Gender Studies, Critical Race Theory, Queer Theory, Queer Studies, Postcolonial Theory, Intersectionality, Whiteness Studies - is academically fraudulent, it would be more surprising if every DEI commissar and apparatchik wasn't also a plagiarist and fraud.
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perkwunos · 9 months
There are two main motivations [for Whitehead’s method of extensive abstraction] worth highlighting. One relates to Whitehead’s endorsement of the relational theory of space (and, eventually, time and spacetime), i.e., the view that geometric entities are not among the fundamental constituents of reality but rather emerge entirely from relations between concrete objects and events, which he took to be inconsistent with the simplicity of sizeless points. The other lies in Whitehead’s overall epistemology, and particularly his radical empiricist methodology in the philosophy of science. The first motivation is already present in the 1906 memoir, where the relational theory is identified generically with ‘Leibniz’s theory of the Relativity of Space’. … … … According to Whitehead, science is ‘the thought organization of experience’ (Whitehead, 1916c, p. 411). It is ‘founded upon observation’ and all scientific constructions are ‘merely expositions of the characters of things perceived’ (CN, pp. 57, 148). Since the points of Euclidean geometry appear to be ‘a metaphysical fairy tale by any comparison with our actual perceptual knowledge of nature’ (PNK, p. 6), it follows that geometry itself, for all its scientific usefulness, cannot be taken at face value. It must involve some sort of abstraction, a ‘fiction’ of sorts (Whitehead, 1917, p. 163), and a proper investigation into its foundations must fully expose the abstract character of this fiction. Here is where Whitehead’s philosophical stance may be seen as continuous with traditional anti-indivisibilist views. But, more importantly, here is where his account is meant to fill the holes left open by his predecessors. For Whitehead is not only rejecting the indivisibilist ontology of classical geometry; he is also giving us an actual method for recovering its truths on empirically acceptable grounds. His goal is to provide a fully-fledged point-free foundation of geometry. It is worth emphasizing that for Whitehead this is not a peculiar task, as if geometry were in some sense unique in delivering a misleading picture. On the contrary, it is an instance of what Whitehead considered the primary task of scientific philosophy at large: to exhibit the systematic connection between the neat and tidy ‘world of ideas’ with which science ends and the untidy, ill[1]adjusted field of ‘sensible experiences’ from which it begins (Whitehead, 1916c, p. 41). Whitehead discussed many examples of this task, and of the ‘fallacy of misplaced concreteness’ that arises whenever the ‘abstract logical constructions’ used in science and mathematics are mistaken for ‘concrete facts’ out of which they arise (Whitehead, 1926, p. 64). The abstractions involved in geometry are no exception, and the method of extensive abstraction is intended to provide the relevant connection in such a way as to avoid the fallacy.
Achille C. Varzi, “Points as Higher-Order Constructs: Whitehead’s Method of Extensive Abstraction,” The History of Continua: Philosophical and Mathematical Perspectives
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the-mercy-workers · 8 months
O Most Holy Trinity! As many times as I breathe, as many times as my heart beats, as many times as my blood pulsates through my body, so many thousand times do I want to glorify Your mercy.
I want to be completely transformed into Your mercy and to be Your living reflection, O Lord. May the greatest of all divine attributes, that of Your unfathomable mercy, pass through my heart and soul to my neighbor.
Help me, O Lord, that my eyes may be merciful, so that I may never suspect or judge from appearances, but look for what is beautiful in my neighbors' souls and come to their rescue.
Help me, that my ears may be merciful, so that I may give heed to my neighbors' needs and not be indifferent to their pains and moanings.
Help me, O Lord, that my tongue may be merciful, so that I should never speak negatively of my neighbor, but have a word of comfort and forgiveness for all.
Help me, O Lord, that my hands may be merciful and filled with good deeds, so that I may do only good to my neighbors and take upon myself the more difficult and toilsome tasks.
Help me, that my feet may be merciful, so that I may hurry to assist my neighbor, overcoming my own fatigue and weariness. My true rest is in the service of my neighbor.
Help me, O Lord, that my heart may be merciful so that I myself may feel all the sufferings of my neighbor. I will refuse my heart to no one. I will be sincere even with those who, I know, will abuse my kindness. And I will lock myself up in the most merciful Heart of Jesus. I will bear my own suffering in silence. May Your mercy, O Lord, rest upon me.
You Yourself command me to exercise the three degrees of mercy. The first: the act of mercy, of whatever kind. The second: the word of mercy - if I cannot carry out a work of mercy, I will assist by my words. The third: prayer - if I cannot show mercy by deeds or words, I can always do so by prayer. My prayer reaches out even there where I cannot reach out physically.
O my Jesus, transform me into Yourself, for you can do all things.
St. Faustina, "Divine Mercy in My Soul" Paragraph 163
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m-v-tique · 1 month
💙📘Dolly = ISTJ📋🖊️
The Alex hcs also applies with Dolly as well.
- Stern, quiet, and dutiful. She is more fond to peace and order, rather than conflict and chaos. [ Phlegmatic + Dom Si + SP Enneagram 1 ]
- She prefers to be traditional in ways and tasks. Even as well the rules is considerate principle for students that should be following. [ Dom Te -> Aux Si + Enneagram Head/Social 1 + gut 3 ]
- When it comes to remembering, she’s Sentimental of the past often. Either thankfully or not she couldn’t express it, just by keeping it to herself, never softening her grip. [ Dom Si -> Ter Fi + Phlegmatic ]
- Although looking like she is a doll made from crafts, she isn’t so well nor inclined with creativity. She probably likes to do sewing related works like embroidery. [ Inf Ne ]
- Even if the behavior of Alex is suspicious, as supernatural events might’ve almost occurred in the school she remains loyal by heart. Not even trying to suspect anything from him. [ Wing 2 + Enneagram 6 + hinted Self-perseverance]
- Although being authentic and absolutely having no filter, she displays restrictive or authoritative views or behavior. [ Aux Te + Enneagram 1 ]
- Based off her inspo and treatment she’s possibly passive. [ Non Open-minded ]
- She miss her friend. [ Dom Si -> Ter Fi ]
ISTJ (The Logistician)|| 1w2 - SP/SO - 163 || Phlegmatic (Dominant) || RCOAN
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Dolly is an ISTJ, “The Logistician” Type.
ISTJ’s are private, logical, and dedicated people, mostly to either work, family, friends and acquaintances. ISTJ’s can be very Loyal, Dutiful and honest individuals to depend on, but they can also be too strict, stubborn and often insensitive.
(Introverted, Sensing/Observant, Thinking, Judging)
As a 1w2 “The Advocate”, 163 “The Taskmaster”, and finally Self-perserved and Social as her instinct. Here are the list of things you need to know;
As 1 /One as her head with her Self-Perserved instinct, she displays full dedication of putting out the rules, and convinces others to apply this when entering the school ground. Enneagram 1s are Perfectionistic, they follow their own standards, guidelines, and even principles.
Social 6 are really outgoing and friendly. SO6 are providing individuals and they basically see Friends, Acquaintances, or any type of members as a resposibility. 6 are dependable, they are trusted and as well keep promises or secrets. Which explains why Alex keep her as a good acquaintance.
Gut 3 seems almost confusing but it really fills in the gaps. Since there’s an idea about 3, as a gut the goal here is literally keep an eye, and rightfully achieve what needs to be done when one breaks the rules in the corridors.
Despite of certain events or Olivia/Players lack of conscience, she still remains calm yet serious and isn’t fully angry, which is why she’s phlegmatic.
As completed to Reserved, Calm, and Organized, she may take things seriously since she wanted and needed the assigned rules to be acknowledged by everyone (Ego.). But in actuality, she wouldn’t push that behavior, and remained true to herself. (Accomodating)
And this is a slight mean take on her but she wouldn’t be much of a listener. Unless it’s something important. (Non Openminded)
Other Notes/Trivia:
- Funny enough, Dolly is somewhat almost identical to Principal of the Thing’s Personality Type if you take a long look in Personality database.
- Since the school is under a curse, it’s possible that Dolly isn’t egotistical and just didn’t knew she’s being controlled. (In simple terms she’s Accomodating.)
- She could be in an Auxiliary Introverted feeling/Fi loop. Where basically she questions things in her head when thinking of her friend.
- Dolly is still either ESTJ “The Executive” or current type ISTJ.
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study-with-aura · 5 months
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Monday, January 22, 2024
I am posting this a bit early since I will not have time to post later tonight. My Mondays will now be as packed as my Tuesdays and Wednesdays because they started the volunteer group back up at the library that I love working with. I still miss Ambassadors, but depending on the time, maybe I can do it again next year. I want to find a leadership position somewhere for more experience. It's very important to me. I would love for it to be at the library, but timing is everything.
Tasks Completed:
Geometry - Reviewed theorems + proved all circles are similar + proof practice + honors work
Lit and Comp II - Reviewed units 13-15 vocabulary + reviewed MLA format + started writing on my biography assignment
Spanish 2 - Reviewed vocabulary + listened to a story in Spanish + read about Mireia Belmonte Garcia for my writing assignment
Bible I - Read Deuteronomy 9-10
World History - Read over notes on China and Japan + read unit introduction + watched a presentation on Imperialist Japan and the decline of Tokugawa + answered questions
Biology with Lab - Read about genetic engineering + read about genetic engineering from a Christian perspective + wrote a paragraph about my personal thoughts on genetic engineering while arguing both sides of the debate
Foundations - Read more on meekness + completed Lumosity daily brain workout + read an introduction to informative speaking + read about informational speeches + watched a video on how to pick an informational speech topic + chose a topic for my information speech (Impact of Technology on Teenagers' Mental Health)
Piano - Practiced for one hour
Khan Academy - Completed World History Unit 5: Lesson 7 + completed High School Biology Unit 6: Lesson 3
CLEP - Completed Module 3.0-4.3 lecture videos (no new readings)
Duolingo - Completed at least one lesson each in Spanish, French, and Chinese
Reading - Read pages 163-207 of We Deserve Monuments by Jas Hammonds
Chores - Cleaned windows in my bedroom and in the study + took the trash and recycling out
Activities of the Day:
Volunteered for two hours at the library
What I’m Grateful for Today:
I am grateful for my fuzzamallow. (pictured above)
Quote of the Day:
It’s not a big thing, but I guess it’s true – big things are often just small things that are noticed.
-I Am the Messenger, Markus Zusak
🎧Piano Trio in E-Flat Major, Op.16 - Richard Stöhr
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Toontown: Corporate Clash Recap: Barnacle Boatyard Mainline Tasks (Dover)
Last time on Toontown Corporate Clash: We helped HQ Officer Wade with his problems.
This time, we speak with Dover in
Red Rover, Red Rover
The first and only step in this Toontask is to speak with Dover in Barnacle Boatyard’s Toon HQ.
Dover is a yellow horse in an eyepatch and sailor cap.
“Hey there!”
“I’ve heard you’ve been doing great things so far.”
“I sure am glad, because those things should include mine as well!”
“Sorry if that came off a bit rough, I’m just really new to this and I could use the help…”
“So the first big thing I have on my list is assisting the schooling locations around Barnacle Boatyard.”
“We need to start right away in setting them up to teach Toons how to prepare themselves from the Cogs.”
“If you could help get Professor Pearl at School of Fish Tutoring on the right page, that would help lots.”
“Thanks, [Toon Name]!”
Completing this “task” earns the player 242 experience and 8 jellybeans.
It also gives you your next task in the Dover arc:
First Day of School
Professor Pearl’s shop, the School of Fish Tutoring, can be found on Anchor Avenue.
Speak to the Professor to earn 242 experience and 8 jellybeans.
You are now tasked with recovering 3 Pencils from Pencil Pushers anywhere in Toontown.
Once you’ve recovered them, you can return them to Professor Pearl for 242 more experience and 8 more jellybeans.
Now you need to recover 2 books from the Lawbots.
Bringing those back earns you 242 experience and 8 jellybeans, and Professor Pearl sends you back to Dover to turn in your task.
“You’re really whipping Barnacle Boatyard into tip-top shape aren’t you?”
“I’m really glad I got you working with me to be honest! You make my job so much easier.”
“So I’m gonna give you this next one on my list…”
“It says here Billy Budd has had some troubles recently since the Cogs came and needs some assistance.”
“If you could go over to his shop, Billy Budd’s Big Bargain Binnacle Barn over on Buccaneer Boulevard and see what’s up, that’d be a big help.”
“Good luck!”
You are rewarded with 1696 experience and 58 jellybeans for completing this task. Which brings us to our next step on the agenda:
Big Binnacle Bash
The first step is, of course, speaking with Billy Budd, who rewards the player with 364 experience and 12 jellybeans, and tasks you with fishing up a binnacle from any of the ponds around town.
Bringing the binnacle back to Billy Budd rewards the player with 364 experience and 12 jellybeans. However, he needs it fixed, and so sends you to speak with Admiral Hook at Hook’s Clock Repair on Buccaneer Boulevard. After all, how different could a compass be from a clock? (For context, a binnacle is usually placed at the helm of a ship to protect a compass from the elements while still keeping the navigational equipment visible.)
Admiral Hook does give the player 364 experience and 12 jellybeans, but as it turns out, there’s a lot of difference between a compass and a clock.
So, you’re tasked with defeating 3 level 3+ Cogs in Barnacle Boatyard.
Reporting back to Admiral Hook after doing this earns the player 1819 experience and 62 jellybeans, and you can now return to Billy Budd.
Doing so grants the player 163 experience and 6 jellybeans, but Billy Bud needs a bit more work done on his boat, and thus sends the player to speak with Salty Stan in From Fore to Aft on Buccaneer Boulevard.
Stan gives the player 163 experience and 6 jellybeans, but needs some spare parts. Namely, 4 of them, recovered from the Cogs right here in Barnacle Boatyard.
Returning them to Salty Stan rewards the player with 163 more experience and 6 more jellybeans, but now he needs time to actually use them in repairs, and thus sends the player out to defeat 3 Cogs in Barnacle Boatyard to pass the time.
Doing this for him earns the player 163 more experience and 6 more jellybeans.
Now you can return to Billy Budd for 163 more experience and 6 additional jellybeans. He needs you to speak with Ree Pare at Flounder and Sink Ship Repairs on Anchor Avenue.
Ree Pare gives the player, you guessed it, 163 experience and 6 jellybeans, but needs you to get them 2 “Spare Metals” from the Cogs in Barnacle Boatyard.
Bring them back to Ree Pare for 163 experience and 6 jellybeans, then report back to Billy Budd, who will do the same as thanks for helping fix his ship (I think that was the plot), and then sends you back to Dover.
“You really ARE good!”
“Like, no kidding, you’re as good as I’ve heard!”
“Honestly I’m very happy. It’s hard to say that since the Cogs came, but I really am. You’ve solved all my major issues in no time!”
“I’m going to hand you over to Misty now, she’s in need of some assistance and I can’t imagine anyone else better than you right now.”
“Thank you and good luck!”
Completing this task earns the player 1627 experience and 56 jellybeans, and also concludes the “Dover Arc” of Barnacle Boatyard’s taskline.
Next time, we check in on Misty.
See you’d think I’d have the Red Rover song stuck in my head but no it’s the Pink Rover version.
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Bianca Mitsuko Davies, born 1989, ½ Mexicana, ¼ AfricanAmerican, ¼ Japanese
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wiispywitch · 3 months
Attack on Titan OC - Bethany Sawyer🌷💜 🦋
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♡. ToyHou.se | Instagram | AO3
Name: Bethany Sawyer
Meaning: Bethany- house of figs; Sawyer- woodcutter
Nickname(s): Beth, Bethy (by Joanna), the Temptress of Karanes
Alias (if any): N/A
Age: 17 (850); 21 (854)
Gender: Female
Nationality: Eldian (Celtic descent)
Birthday: January 26th, 833
Birthplace: Karanes District, Wall Rose
Current Residence: A small village on the outskirts of Wall Rose
Sexual Orientation: Lesbian
Relationship Status: Taken, later married
Language(s) spoken: Eldian
Life-Long Dream: To inspire others in the town with the fine arts and have a family with the love of her life
Goal(s): To marry Joanna, to rebel against the Military Police, to make sure Joanna's family is taken care of while she's away, to advocate for the Scout Regiment against the rebellion
Like(s): Flowers, dancing, upbeat music, festivals, animals, exploring new places, making people smile, the fine arts
Dislike(s): Intolerance, the Military Police, Joanna's mother, rainy days, cold weather, birds, tomatoes
Bad Habit(s): She can be snarky when she wants to be, is a bit of a perfectionist and sometimes takes it overboard, doesn’t get a whole lot of sleep, procrastinates on important tasks, gossips
Hobbies: Dancing, making flower crowns, singing
Fear(s): Losing Joanna to the titans, failing to take care of her family, the Military Police harming her partner 
Personality: Kind-hearted, charming, flirtatious, creative, extravagant, perfectionist, artsy, dreamy
Favorites(not necessary)-
Food(s): Sweet potatoes
Color(s): Lavender
Season(s): Spring
Activities: Dancing, singing, acting, picking flowers, hiking, making flower crowns
Time of Day: Mornings
Extras: Art- fine arts, acting; Animals- toads, butterflies; Literature- poetry; Flower- tulips
Height: 5’4” (163 cm)
Weight: 119 lbs. (54 kg)
Hair style: Long, wavy, bangs centered on her face
Hair Color: Dirty blond
Eye Color: Gunmetal blue
Skin Tone: Ivory
Body Shape/Build: Slim frame, skinny waist, flexible
Birthmarks: N/A
Scar(s): N/A
Other: N/A
Parent(s): Jared Sawyer (father), Cynthia Sawyer (mother)
Sibling(s): N/A
Other Relative(s): Diesel (pet dog), Joanna Elytis (wife), Filip Elytis (father-in-law)
Love Interest: Joanna Elytis 
Best Friend(s): N/A
Friend(s): Jane Schuyler, Mel Oglethorpe, Nathanael Schuyler
Enemy(ies): Leah Elytis 
Rival(s): The town shrews that demonize her
“People seem to have this idea that I’m some siren trying to seduce them to follow a ‘wicked path’—I’m just here trying to brighten other people’s days and celebrating life. They like to make everyone else miserable instead of taking a moment to just let loose and enjoy what they have.”
“So you're friends of Jo's? She talked so much about all of you in her letters. It’s very nice to finally meet you.”
“I know I wasn’t thrilled when you told us you would be going away, and it’s been scary not having you around or not knowing when...what I’m trying to say is I am so proud of you. Just please promise me you’ll come back so we can start our life together.”
History/Life: Bethany Sawyer is a young dancer from Karanes District and the lover of Scout Regiment member Joanna Elytis. She is the daughter of two theater actors, and they are often traveling around Wall Rose performing the fine arts; sometimes Bethany would come along with them to give her a chance to experience new things, and other times they would leave her with a kind caretaker of the inn they resided in. This gave her a sense of independence, and she would often spend her time out of the house, sometimes leaving the sight of her caretaker to go out and about on her own, which has given her caretaker quite a scare a couple of times.
Being the daughter of performers, Bethany has formed a love for the fine arts even at a young age. She grew to have an adoration for dancing, and she loved to dance whenever there were musicians playing music in Karanes. Her dancing quickly became the charm of the town, often drawing in crowds to watch her dance as though no one was watching. Aside from a few jeering comments and rumors spreading that she was a siren that was trying to lure others down a path of sin, Bethany continued to dance and use it as a way to bring joy and positivity to others. It especially became a huge benefit for her when people would throw coins at her, and she would use this as a way to save up that money to help those who were less fortunate than her. 
One night in the spring of 845, Bethany was celebrating another festive night with fellow musicians and had finished up another one of her dances when she suddenly crossed paths with a young girl who looked to be in a hurry. Bethany caught up to her upon seeing she was crying and attempted to comfort her, and she helped cheer her up by taking her to explore the beauties of the town at night. The girl introduced herself as Joanna Elytis (someone who always admired Bethany from a distance), and it wouldn’t be long after that night that Bethany and Joanna developed romantic feelings for each other. Joanna’s father accepted Bethany with open arms and was thrilled to see that Joanna had someone that cared for well-being; she began to spend more of her time at their home after the departure of Joanna’s mother, and the young couple would talk for hours about what they wanted for their future together. Initially, Bethany was hesitant about the idea of Joanna enlisting in the Garrison, but she knew the benefits would be to help them in being able to start a life together the way they wanted. They still kept in close touch by writing to each other almost every day, discussing their plans to leave Karanes and have their dream wedding and adopt children. While Joanna was away, Bethany permanently moved in to help look after Filip and take care of their dog Diesel. Joanna would end up changing career paths after being motivated by the fall of Wall Maria to fight back against the invading titans, so it was very hard for Bethany not to worry so much about her well-being—she tried many times to sway her decision and convince her to go to the Garrison like she said, but she knew her hard-headed girlfriend wouldn’t change her mind once she made her decision. To ease her anxiety, Joanna promised to make time to see her girlfriend after they return for their mission, which came to a brief halt postponed when word quickly spread that there was a traitor amongst the scouts. Bethany traveled to the capitol to protest against the Military Police wrongfully imprisoning the members of the Scout Regiment, causing an uproar in the town that were already becoming more critical of the government. After the rightful heir to the throne was taken by Queen Historia Reiss, Joanna and Bethany were reunited at last, and Joanna made the quick decision to propose to Bethany and marry her as soon as possible, knowing she would soon possibly be facing death when the mission to reclaim Walk Maria was approved. Joanna and Bethany had a small wedding ceremony in a small village outside of Wall Rose with Joanna’s comrades and Filip (as well as a pampered Diesel) attending. It would be one of the best nights that Bethany would forever cherish in her heart.
After Joanna was tragically killed in battle, Bethany resented the Scout Regiment and forever mourned for her fallen lover. She still maintained a friendship with most of Joanna’s friends and would write to them often, however she saw the Scout Regiment as responsible for leading Joanna and many others to their deaths. She continued to use her art of dance to in memory of the love of her life.
Bonus Facts
-Her voice: Japanese- Rumi Ochiai (Rouge the Bat, Sonic the Hedgehog); English- Jamie Marchi (Chizuru Maihara, Ouran High School Host Club)
-She’s an Aquarius.
-She smells like sugar plums.
-Her character design is based off of Aurora from Sleeping Beauty.
-She and her family are middle-low class.
-She hates wearing shoes and likes to walk around barefooted.
-Her role in the story was going to be a lot smaller and have her only be mentioned in flashbacks and by name, even perhaps one small role, but I thought it would be nice to add a little more detail about her character and give her a bigger role.
-In a modern AU, Bethany would be very much into idol culture and be a theater kid
-In a Harry Potter AU, her House is Ravenclaw, and her Patronus is a ribbon eel
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