#taste italy food and wine tours
psitalytours · 1 year
Website: https://www.psitalytours.com/
Address: Spring Lake, New Jersey, United States
P.S. Italy Tours, founded by friends Gina Marcello and Valerie Raffetto, unlocks the essence of Italy—the Italian Way. Gina, an Associate Professor, and Valerie, a local at heart, invite you to join them on an extraordinary journey.
Our Tours:
Flavors of Emilia-Romagna: Savor wine, food, and culture, from Pisa to Lake Garda. Foodie Lovers Itinerary: Master cheese and meat secrets in a flavorful week. Opera, Food & Wine: Opera meets cuisine, featuring live performances. Cooking with Nonna: Learn from local nonnas and dive into Italian cooking. Sand & Spa: Experience relaxation on sandy northern Italian beaches. Wine & Dine: Discover the countryside through vineyards and traditional foods.
What Sets Us Apart:
Intimate Boutique Tours, limited to 15 guests. 7-night stays, guided tours, meals, and more. Local guides fluent in Italian and English. Your Italian journey, your way. Unveil Italy's Beauty:
With P.S. Italy Tours, Italy's magic becomes yours. Choose us for a personalized adventure, where Italian culture, cuisine, and memories await.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/psitalytours
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/psitalytours/
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Velletri, Rome. Grape harvest 2023, visits to the Arsial experimental vineyards begin.
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In Velletri, Rome, the 2023 grape harvest signifies the start of tours to the Arsial experimental vineyards.
This year's grape harvest in Velletri, located in the province of Rome, is expected to be among the finest in recent memory. The warm and dry weather conditions have been favorable, benefiting the ripening of the grapes and preventing diseases. The winemakers meticulously executed every cultivation phase, from pruning to harvesting, while adhering to the timing and methods mandated by production regulations. This has resulted in an exceptional wine that exemplifies the unique qualities of the region. This brief post outlines the primary features of the wines available for tasting and purchase at their wine shop and wineries.
The wines from Velletri are renowned for their exceptional quality and diversity, which stems from an age-old tradition and biodiversity-rich terrain. Cesanese, Sangiovese, Montepulciano, Trebbiano, Bellone, and Malvasia Puntinata are some of the popular grape varieties. These wines stand out for their deep ruby hues, fragrant and fruity aromas, and well-balanced and lasting taste, while the whites boast a well-balanced flavor.
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Image has been processed by The Board Behind © 2023
During the 2023 harvest, Arsial is providing the chance to tour their experimental vineyards located within the Velletri Demonstration Farm. Visits are available every weekday.
It's currently harvest time, and Arsial's Experimental Demonstration Company in Velletri, located at Via Cantina Sperimentale 1/a, is initiating the grape harvest with the resistant Sauvignon Rytos b grape variety.
As part of its demonstration efforts, Arsial provides winegrowers in the region and those who request it the chance to visit the experimental vineyards in Velletri, as long as reception limits are not exceeded. Starting on August 22nd, daily access will be allowed from Monday to Friday between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. until the grape harvest concludes. If interested, please communicate your intent to participate by email or phone to the following contact information: Giovanni Pica, 347.9943431, [email protected]. Contact Giorgio Colatosti at 320.4049893 or [email protected] for more details.
The vineyard area of the Demonstration Farm encompasses just under 4.5 hectares and features over 130 vine varieties, including native and resistant options for wine and table grapes. Experimental trials are continually executed to confirm grape varieties' viticultural and oenological responses, all to minimize environmental impact during production.
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Image has been processed by The Board Behind © 2023
If you want to discover more about the 2023 Velletri vintage, we invite you to visit the winery's shop and vineyards. There, you'll have the opportunity to taste and buy your preferred bottles of wine and typical local products.
In this regard, We suggest you visit the farm website for helpful information and contacts to schedule your tastings.
ARSIAL - Agenzia Regionale per lo Sviluppo e l’Innovazione dell’Agricoltura del Lazio (Regional Agency for the Development and Innovation of Agriculture in Latium).
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Image credit Arsial
🟠 Italiano
Vendemmia 2023, Al Via Le Visite Ai Vigneti Sperimentali ARSIAL
La vendemmia 2023 a Velletri , nella provincia di Roma, si preannuncia come una delle migliori degli ultimi anni. Grazie alle condizioni climatiche favorevoli ha beneficiato di un clima caldo e asciutto, che ha favorito la maturazione delle uve e la prevenzione delle malattie. I viticoltori hanno seguito con attenzione tutte le fasi della coltivazione, dalla potatura alla vendemmia, rispettando i tempi e le modalità previste dal disciplinare di produzione. Il risultato è un vino di alta qualità, che esprime al meglio le peculiarità del territorio In questo breve post, vi raccontiamo le caratteristiche principali dei vini che potrete degustare e acquistare nella nostra enoteca e aziende vinicole.
I vini di Velletri sono famosi per la loro qualità e varietà, frutto di una tradizione antica e di un territorio ricco di biodiversità. Tra le varietà più apprezzate spiccano il Cesanese, il Sangiovese, il Montepulciano, il Trebbiano, il Bellone e il Malvasia Puntinata. Questi vini si distinguono per il loro colore rubino intenso, il profumo fruttato e floreale, il sapore armonico e persistente e i bianchi per sapori equilibrati.
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Image has been processed by The Board Behind © 2023
Nel corso della vendemmia 2023 Arsial offre la possibilità di visitare i propri vigneti sperimentali all’interno dell’Azienda dimostrativa di Velletri. Visite tutti i giorni, da lunedì a venerdì.
È tempo di vendemmia. L’Azienda sperimentale dimostrativa Arsial di Velletri, in Via Cantina Sperimentale 1/a, inizia la raccolta delle uve, con il vitigno resistente Sauvignon Rytos b.
Nell’ambito delle proprie attività dimostrative, Arsial offre la possibilità ai vitivinicoltori della regione, e a quanti ne facciano richiesta, nei limiti delle possibilità di accoglienza, di visitare i vigneti sperimentali di Velletri.
Dal 22 agosto, l'accesso sarà consentito tutti i giorni fino al termine della vendemmia, dal lunedì al venerdì, dalle 9.00 alle 14.00.
Gli interessati possono comunicare la propria adesione, a mezzo email o telefono, ai seguenti recapiti:
• Giovanni Pica – 347.9943431 - [email protected]
• Giorgio Colatosti – 320.4049893 - [email protected]
La superficie vitata dell’Azienda dimostrativa si estende per poco meno di 4,5 ettari, sui quali sono impiantate oltre 130 varietà di vitigni tra autoctone e resistenti, sia da vino sia da tavola. Le prove sperimentali, finalizzate a verificare le risposte viticole ed enologiche dei vitigni, sono svolte sempre nell’intento di diminuire l’impatto impatto ambientale della conduzione.
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Image has been processed by The Board Behind © 2023
Se volete scoprire di più su la vendemmia 2023 a Velletri, vi invitiamo a venire a scoprire i loro vini nelle loro enoteca e vigneti, dove potrete assaggiare e acquistare le bottiglie che preferite. Troverete anche una selezione di prodotti tipici locali.
A tal proposito, vi consigliamo di visitare il sito web della Agenzia, dove troverete informazioni utili e contatti per prenotare i vostri tour e degustazioni.
ARSIAL - Agenzia Regionale per lo Sviluppo e l’Innovazione dell’Agricoltura del Lazio
Press release sent initially by Andrea Titti, Editor-in-Chief at Meta Magazine.
We appreciate your kind presence and attention to today's story. Thank you for joining us today.
⏩ The Board Behind
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sky-kiss · 10 months
For the prompts: I’ve been thinking non-stop about your professor/barista au and would LOVE to see the date/the aftermath of said date 👀
A/N: Dude, I’m so glad to hear people like this dumb universe. Have a second prompt coming in for the same verse later. 
Raphael x Tav: You Cannot Invite Her to Italy Yet, My Guy
The temperature has dropped low enough to warrant a coat when they leave the restaurant. Tav shoves her hands into her pockets, turning her face up to feel the breeze on her skin. It’s fresh in a way you rarely experience in the city. Her head is pleasantly swimmy off good wine, food, and better company. 
Tav smiles to herself. Raphael lingers on her left. The wine has left a flush of color in his naturally tanned cheeks. She reaches out without thinking to adjust the hang of his scarf. He stiffens momentarily before relaxing, allowing her to smooth nonexistent wrinkles from the lapel of his jacket. “Well, I’d call that a successful first outing.”
“How gratifying to hear. Haarlep would never have let me live it down otherwise.” He holds out his arm. “Come, the night is young.”
“Oooh, a secondary location. I am doing well.” She tucks her hand in the crook of his elbow. 
“Exceeding all expectations, my dear, I assure you.” He sighs, angling down the street. She relaxes, hugging her guide's arm to her chest. Heat radiates through his jacket, much needed. The material smells pleasantly of him, a touch of spicy bleeding into the cherries and musk. A little creepy to go around smelling your date, but she won't apologize. Most men didn’t smell half as nice. Raphael continues, his movements and voice looser. He’s in his element, rarely liquid; it’s charming. “You read, you brew, you’re well-spoken…what more could I ask?” 
Tav snickers. “My, I’m uniquely qualified.” 
He tips her a wink. “Almost as if we were made for one another” 
It’s a terrible line. Raphael is attractive enough to make it work. Tav rolls her eyes, shrugging under his arm and dragging it over her shoulders. If he’s going to make his moves, she'll try hers. The barista winds her arms around his waist. “Look at that. We fit, too.” 
He stiffens, staring at her in a mix of amusement and wonder. It’s too open for the typically confident man. Tav fears she overstepped. Raphael chuckles, bringing her free hand to his lips for a kiss. “Wonders never cease.”
They wander for a while. He angles them towards a park. They talk about books they’ve read and the places they have traveled. Tav has never been to Italy. Raphael spent a decent portion of his childhood on the Mediterranean coast. 
“Do you get back often?” 
“Less than I’d like. But I am always looking for a new excuse to visit.” He glances down at her, eyes glittering. “In the dark heart of winter, Italy, Spain…they seem like a dream.” Raphael purses his lips. A real mischief crosses his face. “If you require a guide one day…” 
Oh, she shouldn’t. It’s the magic of the evening; it’s the chemistry and the company. She can't stop from saying, “I’d like that.”
They walk a little longer. When it comes time to part, Tav lingers by the door, chewing her lip between her teeth. It’s too early in the relationship, but she’s still chasing the high. “You could come up?”
Raphael chuckles. The professor leans over her, curling a finger under her chin, tipping her head up. He brushes his lips across hers, more delicate than she’d like, still tasting the rich cabernet they had with dinner. “Expectation will make such things all the sweeter, pet. Perhaps next time.” He kisses her knuckles and turns to go. 
Tav just stares after him like a love-sick idiot: a little disappointed and a little giddy. 
Before she drifts off to sleep, she sends him a text. Dinner, Saturday. There is a tapas bar near her apartment, and it only seems fair to continue their faux Mediterranean tour. 
She hates that his response makes her blush: he is, as ever, delighted to serve as her guide. 
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transbookoftheday · 2 months
The Pairing by Casey McQuiston
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In #1 New York Times bestselling author Casey McQuiston's latest romantic comedy, two bisexual exes accidentally book the same European food and wine tour and challenge each other to a hookup competition to prove they're over each other—except they're definitely not.
Theo and Kit have been a lot of things: childhood best friends, crushes, in love, and now estranged exes. After a brutal breakup on the transatlantic flight to their dream European food and wine tour, they exited each other's lives once and for all.
Time apart has done them good. Theo has found confidence as a hustling bartender by night and aspiring sommelier by day, with a long roster of casual lovers. Kit, who never returned to America, graduated as the reigning sex god of his pastry school class and now bakes at one of the finest restaurants in Paris. Sure, nothing really compares to what they had, and life stretches out long and lonely ahead of them, but—yeah. It's in the past.
All that remains is the unused voucher for the European tour that never happened, good for 48 months after its original date and about to expire. Four years later, it seems like a great idea to finally take the trip. Solo. Separately.
It's not until they board the tour bus that they discover they've both accidentally had the exact same idea, and now they're trapped with each other for three weeks of stunning views, luscious flavors, and the most romantic cities of France, Spain, and Italy. It's fine. There's nothing left between them. So much nothing that, when Theo suggests a friendly wager to see who can sleep with their hot Italian tour guide first, Kit is totally game. And why stop there? Why not a full-on European hookup competition?
But sometimes a taste of everything only makes you crave what you can't have.
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🦇 The Pairing Book Review 🦇
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
❓ #QOTD If you could travel anywhere for the summer, where would you go? ❓ 🦇 Theo and Kit have been a lot of things: childhood best friends, crushes, in love, and now estranged exes. After a brutal breakup on the transatlantic flight to their dream European food and wine tour, they exited each other's lives once and for all. All that remains is the unused voucher for the European tour that never happened, good for 48 months after its original date and about to expire. It's not until they board the tour bus that they discover they've both accidentally had the exact same idea, and now they're trapped with each other for three weeks of stunning views, luscious flavors, and the most romantic cities of France, Spain, and Italy. Will it be too much, or a reminder that a small taste can make you crave what you can't have?
💜 Pairs well with: healing hearts long bottled up but aged well, a decadent glass of light-bodied wine with hints of cherry (memories of sweet syrup spilling down warm wrists on a hot summer's day), and a lover's kiss (their taste stained against your lips). I don't know what I was thinking, reading I Kissed Shara Wheeler, Red, White, & Royal Blue, then The Pairing all back to back in a rushed, heart-aching CMQ marathon for Pride Month, but WOAH does my heart hurt. The Pairing is the perfect rom-com summer read. This story will whisk you away on a tour of Europe, inviting you to feast on local cuisine until adjectives tantalize and taunt your tastebuds, soothing you like a rich glass of red (smooth and velvety, bursting with flavors of ripe plum, black cherry, and toasted cedar, sparking unfamiliar memories). If you adored Red, White, and Royal Blue (namely, the queer references and quotes pulled from history), the exploration of Europe's never-ending artistry and ageless anecdotes will no doubt tug at your heartstrings. Nevermind the detailed descriptors, the pristine explorations of pastries, pasta, wine, and wonder. Let's talk about Kit and Theo.
💜 CMQ does an outstanding job at Show, Don't Tell throughout the entire novel. Too often, there's a moment in second-chance romances, a piece of the past that broke a meant-to-be couple apart, that SO many novels reveal all too quickly. CMQ doesn't hinge the entire story on that reveal, nor is it unveiled too soon. Instead, we're given the chance to understand Theo and Kit's points of view, not about that ONE defining moment, but about everything; how they came to be, what their lives were becoming, the lost possibility. These two characters feel SO much, but those emotions are never defined with clear-cut words, forcing readers to accept those feelings. Emotions aren't so cut and dry, nor singular; they're a tangle, a messy knot of hurt and longing, love and betrayal. Instead, we experience them through glimpses of the past and present. We heal alongside them. I'm grateful the story focused on Theo's POV first, THEN switched to Kit's during a pivotal moment of their present. We experience Theo's still raw pain and self-doubt before delving into Theo's everlasting love and regret.
💜 I just, I CAN'T. I didn't last a single chapter without making a mess of annotations. I've lived a friends-to-lovers-to-enemies-back-to-lovers, second-chance romance. I know that feeling of one person being your everything, regardless of time and distance. CMQ captures it fully.
💙 My only hang-up: this story relies on the miscommunication trope to survive, not only in the present, but the past that broke Theo and Kit apart in the first place. The execution is flawless, though, giving it realistic reasoning instead of simply using it as a plot piece. I'd also like to point out that the description you read online, regarding the hookup competition, is hardly the story's real focus. It's like the garnish for an already sublime cocktail. You can do without.
🦇 Recommended for fans of Jandy Nelson, 13 Little Blue Envelopes, and all things CMQ.
✨ The Vibes ✨ 🍷 Bi4Bi 🥐 Queer Romance 🍷 Europe Tour 🥐 Second Chance Romance 🍷 Friends to Lovers to Enemies to Lovers 🥐 Dual POV 🍷 Food, Wine, History, Art, Culture
🦇 Major thanks to the author and publisher for providing an ARC of this book via Netgalley. 🥰 This does not affect my opinion regarding the book. #ThePairing
💬 Quotes ❝ The problem is, we’ve only ever been everything or nothing to each other. I don’t know how to start being something to him. ❞ ❝ It’s not just that I want him. It’s that he taught me what wanting was. ❞ ❝ I wonder if anyone else in the whole blackberry-jam galaxy has ever loved someone so much that it made their soul feel fixed in their body. ❞ ❝ An expression of delighted awe dawns on Theo’s face, and in it I see layer after layer, old self after intermediate self after current self, the Theo I met as a child and the Theo I got to call mine and the Theo who fills her own body. They’re all here, hanging in the air, harmonizing with one another. Maybe they’re always here. Maybe she feels so familiar and so new to me now because I’d heard the beginning note but not the completed chord. I knew her before her arches had points, before the paint to finish her had been invented. What a wonder, what a miracle: somehow, more of her. ❞ ❝ My favorite parts of me are the ones that Theo brings out, the ones that grew to match theirs. ❞ ❝ I could love that ongoing, extant Theo again. There’s so much romance in that, so much beauty in learning how much my heart can endure. Sometimes I think the only way to keep something forever is to lose it and let it haunt you. ❞ ❝ If I can give my whole heart to love without fearing the cost, I will regret nothing. ❞
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The Pairing by Casey McQuiston
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Theo and Kit have been a lot of things: childhood best friends, crushes, in love, and now estranged exes. After a brutal breakup on the transatlantic flight to their dream European food and wine tour, they exited each other's lives once and for all. Time apart has done them good. Theo has found confidence as a hustling bartender by night and aspiring sommelier by day, with a long roster of casual lovers. Kit, who never returned to America, graduated as the reigning sex god of his pastry school class and now bakes at one of the finest restaurants in Paris. Sure, nothing really compares to what they had, and life stretches out long and lonely ahead of them, but—yeah. It's in the past. All that remains is the unused voucher for the European tour that never happened, good for 48 months after its original date and about to expire. Four years later, it seems like a great idea to finally take the trip. Solo. Separately. It's not until they board the tour bus that they discover they've both accidentally had the exact same idea, and now they're trapped with each other for three weeks of stunning views, luscious flavors, and the most romantic cities of France, Spain, and Italy. It's fine. There's nothing left between them. So much nothing that, when Theo suggests a friendly wager to see who can sleep with their hot Italian tour guide first, Kit is totally game. And why stop there? Why not a full-on European hookup competition? But sometimes a taste of everything only makes you crave what you can't have.
Mod opinion: I haven't heard of this book before and I personally probably won't read it, but I do like the cover!
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Honeymoon trip of Kojiro and Kaoru and Carla ~ Benvenuti in Italia (July 13th until July 15th 2021)
They have already arrived in Italy after a flight of several hours in a row. Before starting their sightseeing tour, they went to the place they rented from the Internet, dropped off their bags and settled in. After their first night in Italy the next morning:
Kojiro: Benvenuti in Italia!!
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Kojiro and Kaoru were in Rome, Italy. And one of the first things Kojiro did was to take him to la Fontana di Trevi. They tossed a coin into the fountain for what the legend says and.... Kiss in front of it.
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After a bit of sightseeing in Rome, they went to eat at a local restaurant. And Kojiro went to ask for a table. Once seated and given a table, they waited to be served by a waiter. Kaoru: I must say that for a sometimes brainless gorilla this place you have chosen has a beautiful view. Kojiro: Thank you? Kaoru: You're welcome, Kojiro. Don't be modest.
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Then they go to ordering dinner at the restaurant Waitress: Buonsera signori, cosa desiderano da bere? Kojiro: Buonsera! Una bottiglie di vino rosso, per favore. Waitress: Allora… Una bottiglie di vino rosso… va bene… E poi? Kojiro: Io vorrei gli spaghetti alla carbonara, di primo, e di secondo una braciola di maiale con le patate arrosto *Kaoru very cherful* Kaoru: Per me, gli spaghetti alla carbonara!!! Waitress: E di contorno? Kaoru: Un'insalata mista, grazie! Waitress: D'accordo… Due Spaghetti alla carbonara, braciola di maiale con patate arrosto, insalata mista e una bottiglie di vino rosso. When the waitress left: Kojiro: The effort during the whole trip out I see it was worth it, huh? Kaoru: Carla is the best AI, and she taught me the best pronunciation. Kojiro: But I've corrected you several times…. 💢 Kaoru: None! 💢
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The food arrives but... What is this? It's not Spaghetti alla carbonara, it's Spaghetti al pomodoro!!! Kaoru tastes that Spaghetti but it tastes bad!
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Kojiro gets up to talk to the kitchen manager, but is interrupted by the waitress who tells him that she will give his complaints to the manager.
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After leaving there angry, being the wine the only thing they liked they went to the nearest hostel they rented just for that night, it was already very late and the place they rented was a bit far away. Kojiro: I should have taken you to the restaurant where my old colleagues work, but it isn't in Rome… Kaoru: Gorilla… Are you all right? You look like you've climbed 100 trees in less than an hour. Kojiro: Let's go to bed and rest. And indeed, the food they ate in that restaurant was spoiled food for Kojiro. So he called the restaurant to ask for an explanation. Translation of image: Oh no, it looks like Kojiro is suffering from food poisoning! Something he ate at that restaurant must have been bad, so Kojiro should call the restaurant to report it! What happened at the restaurant is an unforeseen event in the game.
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The next day, after waking up and thinking that today would be a better day, they went to the house they had rented for several days and there they met Ainosuke and Tadashi. Kaoru: Kojiro… What are these two doing here? Is this revenge for making you take photos at the beginning of our previous trip? Kojiro: No, it's because they're our friends and… Kaoru: But it's our honeymoon!
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And so much for the first day, after packing and settling in, and the start of the second day of their trip in Italy. Why did Ainosuke and Tadashi come to Italy? You'll find out in the next post!
(You can find the building Little Rome, here)
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apoptoses · 1 year
What do you think was Armand’s favorite thing for Daniel to eat or drink when he was mortal? Why?
oh man, you're asking someone who has eaten quite a bit of renaissance period food so BUCKLE IN you're getting more than you bargained for with this answer.
The short answer: modern fruit, modern seasonings/meats, cold food, and olive garden style italian
Fruits: we have so many varieties of fruits that just were not available in Armand's time. The apples and pears you see at the grocery store now are distant relatives of the apples and pears that Armand would have known and I really think he'd have sat Daniel down and had him try a little bit of everything from the produce section just to see what's better and what's worse.
He'd be totally unimpressed with the fruits we pick early and ship to stores covered in wax (their flavoring pales in comparison to a fruit allowed to ripen) but enthralled by fruit which would have been totally unknown to him, like bananas or mangoes.
(also every time they walk through a store? he's stealing some grapes off a bunch or a strawberry from a pack and pushing daniel to eat it right then and there, he's one of those grubby little fruit tasting thieves)
Meats: he'd also be totally enthralled by modern meats, but not for the reason you'd think. Spice usage in the 15th century was very different from what we have now, and spicing your meat dishes to be kinda sweet/savory was the thing. The seven most common spices were: ceylon cinnamon (NOT the ground stuff you get from the store, a totally different variety), grains of paradise (a type of red pepper), hyssop (an herb), saffron, sandalwood, galingale (a relative of ginger), cubebs (another variety of pepper not at all like black pepper)
So like. Just tossing a burger on the grill and eating it as flavored by the charcoal? Throwing some black pepper on and calling it a day? Unthinkable to him!
Armand would go through the grocery store spice aisle, get one of every premixed seasoning in a jar that's available, and force Daniel to try them all. Daniel never wants a fucking burger or seasoned chicken breast again after that.
Cold Food: this one is kinda obvious, in Venice you couldn't just dig a hole and build an ice cellar so chances of Armand ever having had a frozen treat while mortal are slim. Even cold drinks just were not really a thing in the renaissance, so Daniel sipping an ice water would be just wild to him.
He'd love ice creams and gelatos and sherberts and frozen custards. They're colorful, they have strange (to him) flavors, Daniel would have to try a bite of literally every single one of the 31 flavors offered by Baskin Robbins.
Also pudding! Jello! Cheesecake, which befuddles him because it's not cheese as he knew cheese. If it's in the fridge/freezer section Armand makes Daniel get it and take it home.
Modern 'italian' food: DID YOU KNOW Olive Garden was founded in like 1982 so in my heart Armand dragged Daniel there multiple times because it's Italian themed but is nothing like the Italy he knew. Tomatoes? Not a thing in his time but they're in like 90% of the food on the menu! Alfredo sauce? Never heard of it! Deep fried ravioli bites? What in god's name is that?
Daniel tries the soup because whatever, it comes with the meal. He powers through the Tour of Italy because Armand can't comprehend lasagna or chicken parm. He downs like four glasses of different sangrias because that? Armand doesn't know what that is and he's delighted that it's similar to the mulled wines of his youth but sweeter.
By the time dessert hits our man is sweatin'. Armand doesn't understand what could be 'italian' about cheesecake (they sell jello no bake cheesecake powder at the store, what could be different about olive garden's??) so he orders a slice of that as well as the tiramisu AND a fancy espresso cocktail. It's the Copley all over again but cheaper and greasier and with Frank Sinatra blaring on the speakers.
Would you gentlemen like a frozen entree to go? NO Daniel says just as Armand says YES, PLEASE, ONE OF EACH. He's so stuffed, he's drunk, he's in hell. Armand rants all the way back to the Night Island about his mixed feelings on modern innovations in cooking, Daniel doesn't care, Daniel never wants to see a noodle again.
(they go back the next night. and the next. and then armand discovers the fact that barbecue is different depending on which state in the US you're in and he's calling for the private jet. It's their own version of Diners, Drive ins and Dives from there and today Daniel can be found in Trinity Gate, watching Guy Fieri on the TV and yelling that HE did that first, he should be getting royalties or at least financial compensation from Armand for the emotional damage eating THAT MUCH greasy food left him with)
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les-degustations-ugo · 9 months
🇫🇷❓❓Hello les amoureux du tire-bouchon. Et vous, aimez-vous les Côtes de Bergerac blanc ❓❓🇫🇷
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🍇🍷Aop Côtes de Bergerac blanc 2020 du @chateau_monestier_la_tour 🍇🍷:
🍇 :
97% Sémillon (vignes de 70 ans)
3% Muscadelle (vignes de 26 ans)
Production de 3046 bouteilles
Sols Argilo calcaires
Fermentation en barriques
👁️ :
Robe de couleur jaune avec quelques reflets verts
👃 :
Un nez sur des notes de fruits à chair blanche
💋 :
En bouche, on a un vin avec une belle fraîcheur. Sur des arômes de pêche, poires, fleurs blanches. Une belle longueur en bouche avec une finale sur des notes de pommes vertes et une belle tension qui fait saliver les papilles. Un régal.
📜En résumé📜 :
Un beau Bergerac blanc avec du fruit mûr et de la tension en bouche. Une belle cuvée avec un équilibre parfait.
🧆Dégusté sur du Saumon fumé🧆.
🍷Quelques accords mets et vin possible avec cette cuvée🍷 :Bouchées à la reine aux fruits de mer, Chair de crabe, Croustillants de saumon,...
📌N'oubliez pas, boire un canon c'est sauver
un vigneron. Allez voir le site internet du domaine pour voir toutes les cuvées et promotions du moment📌.
🔞« L'abus d'alcool est dangereux pour la santé, à consommer avec modération »🔞 La plupart des vins ont était dégustés et recrachés.
#lesdegustationsugo #wine #winelover #vino #winetasting #winetime #winelovers #food #instawine #redwine #winestagram #winery #beer #wineoclock #vin #sommelier #love #vinho #foodporn #winelife #instagood #whitewine #cocktails #drinks #bar #wein #italie #foodie #wineporn #drink
🇫🇷🗣️Description du Domaine 🇫🇷🗣️
Le vignoble de Bergerac s’étend dans le département de la Dordogne (sud-ouest de la France), autour de la ville de Bergerac, sur 93 communes, dont fait partie la commune de Monestier.
Le Château Monestier La Tour produit du vin sous trois appellations : Bergerac, Côtes de Bergerac et Saussignac. La surface totale exploitée est de près de 30 hectares, 17 hectares en cépages rouges (63% de Merlot, 30% de Cabernet Franc, 5% de Cabernet Sauvignon et 2% de Malbec) et 12,5 hectares en cépages blancs, secs et doux (61% de Sémillon, 30% de Sauvignon Blanc et 9% de Muscadelle).
La plus grande production annuelle du Château Monestier La Tour se fait sous l’appellation Bergerac, qui réunit environ 35 000 bouteilles de vin rouge, 30 000 bouteilles de vin blanc et 5 000 bouteilles de vin rosé (Cadran, Château Monestier La Tour).
L’AOC Bergerac est située au sud-ouest de la Dordogne, sur les bords de la rivière du même nom. La superficie du vignoble en production est proche des 13 000 hectares et s’étend sur 93 communes du département.
Le vignoble est implanté sur des sols variés de calcaires, de boulbènes, de sables, d’argiles et de limons. Le climat océanique, aidé dans le Bergeracois par les reliefs de la vallée de la Dordogne et les vents marins qui la remontent, tempère l’atmosphère et conserve une humidité élevée toute l’année. Cette dernière favorise le développement de la vigne, surtout lors des étés chauds et ensoleillés.
⏬🇫🇷Français dans les commentaires🇫🇷🇮🇹Italiano nei commenti 🇮🇹⏬
🇬🇧❓❓Hello corkscrew lovers. And you, do you like white Côtes de Bergerac ❓❓🇬🇧
🍇🍷Aop Côtes de Bergerac white 2020 from @chateau_monestier_la_tour 🍇🍷:
97% Sémillon (70 year old vines)
3% Muscadelle (26 year old vines)
Production of 3046 bottles
Clay-limestone soils
Fermentation in barrels
Yellow color with some green highlights
A nose with notes of white-fleshed fruit
On the palate, we have a wine with beautiful freshness. With aromas of peach, pears, white flowers. A nice length in the mouth with a finish with notes of green apples and a nice tension that makes the taste buds salivate. A delight.
📜In summary📜:
A beautiful white Bergerac with ripe fruit and tension on the palate. A beautiful vintage with perfect balance.
🧆Tasted with smoked salmon🧆.
🍷Some possible food and wine pairings with this vintage🍷: Seafood queen bites, Crab meat, Crispy salmon,...
📌Don't forget, drinking a barrel is saving a winemaker. Go to the estate's website to see all the current vintages and promotions📌.
🔞 “Alcohol abuse is dangerous for your health, consume in moderation”🔞 Most of the wines were tasted and spat out.
#lesdegustationsugo #wine #winelover #vino #winetasting #winetime #winelovers #food #instawine #redwine #winestagram #winery #beer #wineoclock #vin #sommelier #love #vinho #foodporn #winelife #instagood #whitewine #cocktails #drinks #bar #wein #italie #foodie #wineporn #drink
🇬🇧🗣️Domain Description 🇬🇧🗣️
The Bergerac vineyard extends in the Dordogne department (south-west of France), around the town of Bergerac, over 93 municipalities, including the municipality of Monestier.
Château Monestier La Tour produces wine under three appellations: Bergerac, Côtes de Bergerac and Saussignac. The total area under cultivation is nearly 30 hectares, 17 hectares in red grape varieties (63% Merlot, 30% Cabernet Franc, 5% Cabernet Sauvignon and 2% Malbec) and 12.5 hectares in white, dry and sweet (61% Sémillon, 30% Sauvignon Blanc and 9% Muscadelle).
The largest annual production of Château Monestier La Tour is under the Bergerac appellation, which brings together around 35,000 bottles of red wine, 30,000 bottles of white wine and 5,000 bottles of rosé wine (Cadran, Château Monestier La Tour).
The AOC Bergerac is located in the south-west of the Dordogne, on the banks of the river of the same name. The area of ​​the vineyard in production is close to 13,000 hectares and extends over 93 communes in the department.
The vineyard is planted on varied soils of limestone, boulbènes, sand, clay and silt. The oceanic climate, helped in the Bergerac region by the reliefs of the Dordogne valley and the sea winds that go up it, tempers the atmosphere and maintains high humidity all year round. The latter favors the development of the vine, especially during hot and sunny summers.
🇮🇹❓❓Ciao amanti dei cavatappi. E a te, ti piacciono le Côtes de Bergerac bianche ❓❓🇮🇹
🍇🍷Aop Côtes de Bergerac bianco 2020 di @chateau_monestier_la_tour 🍇🍷:
97% Sémillon (viti di 70 anni)
3% Muscadelle (viti di 26 anni)
Produzione di 3046 bottiglie
Terreni argillosi-calcarei
Fermentazione in botti
Colore giallo con alcuni riflessi verdi
Al naso presenta note di frutta a polpa bianca
Al palato abbiamo un vino di bella freschezza. Con aromi di pesca, pera, fiori bianchi. Bella persistenza in bocca con un finale con note di mela verde e una bella tensione che fa venire l'acquolina in bocca. Una delizia.
📜In sintesi📜:
Un bellissimo Bergerac bianco con frutta matura e tensione al palato. Una bella annata con un equilibrio perfetto.
🧆Gustato con salmone affumicato🧆.
🍷Alcuni possibili abbinamenti enogastronomici con questa annata🍷: Bocconcini di regina dei frutti di mare, Polpa di granchio, Salmone croccante,...
📌Non dimenticare, bere una botte fa risparmiare
un enologo. Vai al sito dell'azienda per vedere tutte le annate e le promozioni del momento📌.
🔞 “L'abuso di alcol è pericoloso per la salute, consumare con moderazione”🔞 La maggior parte dei vini sono stati assaggiati e sputati.
🗣️🇮🇹Descrizione i Dominio 🗣️🇮🇹
Il vigneto di Bergerac si estende nel dipartimento della Dordogna (sud-ovest della Francia), intorno alla città di Bergerac, su 93 comuni, compreso il comune di Monestier.
Château Monestier La Tour produce vino con tre denominazioni: Bergerac, Côtes de Bergerac e Saussignac. La superficie totale sfruttata è di quasi 30 ettari, di cui 17 ettari a bacca rossa (63% Merlot, 30% Cabernet Franc, 5% Cabernet Sauvignon e 2% Malbec) e 12,5 ettari a bacca bianca, secca e dolce (61% Sémillon, 30% Sauvignon Blanc e 9% Muscadelle).
La più grande produzione annuale di Château Monestier La Tour è sotto la denominazione Bergerac, che riunisce circa 35.000 bottiglie di vino rosso, 30.000 bottiglie di vino bianco e 5.000 bottiglie di vino rosato (Cadran, Château Monestier La Tour).
L'AOC Bergerac si trova nel sud-ovest della Dordogna, sulle rive del fiume omonimo. La superficie del vigneto in produzione sfiora i 13.000 ettari e si estende su 93 comuni del dipartimento.
Il vigneto è piantato su terreni vari di calcare, boulbènes, sabbia, argilla e limo. Il clima oceanico, aiutato nella regione di Bergerac dai rilievi della valle della Dordogna e dai venti marini che la risalgono, tempera l'atmosfera e mantiene un'elevata umidità tutto l'anno. Quest'ultimo favorisce lo sviluppo della vite, soprattutto durante le estati calde e soleggiate.
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My homophobic mother in law just sent me a fake ass message congratulating me on what a nice present I gave to her daughter (I'm paying for our trip to Italy) and I just know inside she's seething with envy because for us the trip is relatively cheap with low cost flights and bnbs meanwhile her and her husband haven't gone to Italy in their entire lives because they don't conceive of a trip that's not 5000€ because they must go to 4-star hotels and spend hundreds on wine tasting experiences in Tuscany or whatever the fuck. Meanwhile our total price for twelve days while visiting five cities will be around 1000€ (excluding what we pay for during the trip for food/souvenirs/free tours etc). Cope and seethe etc.
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thecheekychef · 2 years
MAY 21-29, 2023 Sicily: A Different Italy
Sicily: A Different Italy
May 21-29, 2023
with Peggy Markel and Linda Sarris
"Strong and elemental, Sicily retains an unconquered character and romantic spirit, and you can taste it in her food. Greek ruins dot the landscape. Arabian eggplants, lemons, saffron and nutmeg thrive in rich volcanic soil. Local artisans hand-make chocolates and cheeses. Sicilian dishes draw on history but abound with independent ideas and innovative interpretations that stand apart from the cuisine of mainland Italy."
I would like to introduce you to my good friend Chef Linda Sarris who I have invited to join me again. Her love of Sicily is as deep as mine and her knowledge increases daily by living in Palermo over the Ballarò market.
Together, we will coil our way across this dramatic region from Palermo’s rowdy ancient markets, through the lesser-known entroterra, to Baroque Modica and the picturesque historic center of Siracusa on the island of Ortigia. We’ve added in a few special treats this spring by extending the program by one day to include a chocolate class in Modica and two additional hands-on cooking lessons! We’ll take walks through the countryside, taste noble wines from famous vineyards, enter private kitchens, gentle olive groves and gardens bursting with flavor.
As we cross the island, Sicily reveals her secrets to us.
Double: $7,175 per person | Single supplement: + $1,175
additional info online
Peggy Markel’s Culinary Adventures
Peggy Markel’s Culinary Adventures delivers personalized, educational, hands-on travel experiences that feed the soul. With a perpetual curiosity and reverence for the rich tapestry created by food and culture, Peggy Markel has designed and directed carefully hand-crafted food and culture trips around the world for 25 years. She is a pioneer not only in culinary travel, but was instrumental in bringing Slow Food to America and championing the farm to table movement as early as 1993.
With each handcrafted experience, Peggy creates a container that allows her guests to relax immediately and drop beneath the surface. Good choices, deep relationships and loyalty have their benefits. It’s like traveling with a friend of a friend: someone you don’t know, but you feel like you do.
All of our trips are food-focused. Each itinerary is designed for immersion. But it’s not all about food. It’s about the art of living. We are the real deal and consider your experience and care paramount. Programs are built on long-term relationships, handpicked properties and carefully crafted itineraries.
The Cheeky Chef: Linda Sarris
Linda Sarris was raised in a big Greek-American family with a Chef grandfather and a fisherman Dad. After studying at the French Culinary Institute and working a few stints in restaurant kitchens, Linda took off to sharpen her culinary skills in her own adventurous way - by working on a farm-to-table cooking school and wine estate in Sicily, spending two summers private-cheffing in Tuscany, consulting for restaurants in Romania and Colombia, and traveling for songwriting camps in Italy and France.
Linda is a food/wine travel consultant and private chef based in Palermo. From her sun-lit studio kitchen above the 1,000-year-old Ballarò market, she works as a freelance writer and culinary communications consultant; while still traveling regularly for private chef work with clients in the fashion/music industries. Known best as The Cheeky Chef, Linda curates a series of culinary retreats, personalized travel itineraries, private sailing adventures, and chef-led market tours/tastings in Palermo. She is currently writing her second travel book with Hachette Book Group and will be self-publishing an ingredient-focused mini’zine shortly after.
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tanyagotravel · 2 years
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In Sicily, Italy, but you are not eating #pasta at all, and #pizza is not your favorite food, what to do? That's my case but despite the above, I was #eating like crazy while #touring the #Italian Island. Here comes my recommendation on the pics as follows : 1. Fried squid served on canapes of crispy baked dough. 2 and 3. Local Sicilian food called Arancino Al Ragu - deep-fried stuffed rice balls with beef, peas, egg, and mozzarella. 4. Grilled swordfish with fresh vegetable garnish. 5. Sicilian white wine Grillo, Inzolia e Grenacio (amazing light fruity taste). 6. The local dessert Canollo stuffed with Ricotta and served with hot chocolate with Meringa. 7. A happy non-stop eater. Cheers 🥂 . . . #italy #italianfood #italytravel #italytrip #sicily #sicilia #sicilyfood #island #seafoodlover #seafood #eatingnonstop #culinary #favoritefood #gastronomy #gastronomia (at Sicily, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl0fW89LN0J/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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worldtourbyaman · 1 day
discover the world with us 
Discover the World with Aman: A Journey of Luxury and Culture Embark on an extraordinary adventure with Aman’s World Tour, a meticulously crafted journey that combines the finest in luxury travel with authentic cultural experiences. This exclusive tour invites you to explore some of the world’s most breathtaking destinations, each selected for its unique beauty, rich history, and vibrant culture. Luxurious Accommodations At the heart of the Aman experience is unparalleled hospitality. Each destination features Aman’s signature resorts, where every detail is designed for your comfort and relaxation. Picture yourself waking up in a stunning villa overlooking the tranquil waters of the Maldives or retreating to a serene mountainside lodge in Bhutan. Each property is a masterpiece, blending seamlessly with its surroundings, allowing you to truly connect with nature while enjoying modern luxury. Curated Cultural Experiences Aman’s World Tour goes beyond typical sightseeing; it’s about immersing yourself in the local culture. Expert guides will lead you through fascinating historical sites, local markets, and artisan workshops, providing insights that bring each destination to life. Whether you’re exploring the ancient ruins of Angkor Wat, tasting exquisite wines in Tuscany, or participating in traditional tea ceremonies in Japan, every experience is thoughtfully curated to deepen your understanding and appreciation of each place. Culinary Journeys Indulge your palate with Aman’s exceptional culinary offerings. Each resort features world-class dining options, where talented chefs craft menus inspired by local ingredients and traditions. Enjoy a candlelit dinner on the beach in Indonesia, savor the flavors of a multi-course meal in a historic villa in Italy, or relish freshly prepared sushi in a quiet Tokyo restaurant. Each meal is not just about food; it’s a celebration of the culture and flavors of the region. Personalized Service Aman is renowned for its impeccable service, ensuring that every moment of your journey is seamless and unforgettable. From private airport transfers to personalized itineraries, your every need is anticipated and catered to. Whether you prefer to explore at your own pace or join guided excursions, the choice is yours, allowing for a travel experience that is uniquely yours. Sustainable Travel Aman is committed to sustainable travel practices, ensuring that your adventures not only enrich your life but also respect and preserve the environments and cultures you visit. Many of the properties are designed with sustainability in mind, utilizing local materials and supporting community initiatives. By choosing Aman, you are contributing to the conservation of the beautiful destinations you explore. A Journey of a Lifetime Aman’s World Tour is more than just a trip; it’s an invitation to discover the world in a way that is enriching and transformative. Whether you are seeking relaxation, adventure, or cultural immersion, this journey will leave you with lasting memories and a deeper connection to the world around you. Join Aman on this exceptional journey and redefine your understanding of travel. Embrace the beauty of diverse cultures, breathtaking landscapes, and luxurious living, all while creating unforgettable experiences that you will cherish for a lifetime. Your adventure awaits! https://worldtourbyaman.wordpress.com
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satgurutravelae · 7 days
The Best Places to Visit in Italy - if It's Your First Time
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Why Italy Should Be Your Next Destination – Top 5 Places to Visit in Italy
If one is a novice traveler seeking to combine history and culture with breathtaking scenery, then Italy could be the destination. From the architecture and art of Florence to the ancient ruins of Rome, there's something for everyone in Italy. Whether you fancy art, food, or simply soaking up the Mediterranean sun, Italy has it all. When in Italy for the first time, here are five must-visit places for any tourist.
1. Milan: one of the best places to visit in Italy
Milan is generally recognized as the fashion and design capital of Italy. It is a place which one should not miss when visiting the country for the first time. Starting with the famous Duomo di Milano-a cathedral which has been in the building process over six centuries-one can proceed up to the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II-a beautiful passageway in which luxurious shops and fashion boutiques with posh cafes are located. Then, there is Leonardo da Vinci's masterpiece, The Last Supper, which is kept in the refectory of the Convent of Santa Maria delle Grazie. Also, one should visit the opera house, La Scala. You can take a jolly walk along Breara district. Milan holiday package from Dubai
2. Rome: Discovery of an eternal beauty
Whether it is your first or tenth visit, no trip to Italy would be complete without a visit to the Eternal City. Rome boasts ancient ruins, historic landmarks, and vibrant neighborhoods. Explore the Colosseum, Roman Forum, and Pantheon. Toss a coin into the Trevi Fountain for good luck and so you will definitely return to Rome!
From here, proceed to the Vatican and enjoy every bit of it, including the grand St. Peter's Basilica and the Sistine Chapel, housing masterpieces of Michelangelo and Raphael that keep astounding people with their exquisiteness. One can climb to the top of St. Peter's dome and have a panoramic view of the city.
Rome is famous for its typical dishes: pasta carbonara, cacio e pepe, and pizza al taglio. Enjoy it with a glass of local wine and with one scoop of gelato for dessert. Rome holiday package from Dubai
3. Florence: Plunging into Art and Culture
Florentia is often called the birthplace of the Renaissance. Thus, no art lover and no historian can skip the opportunity to visit this fabulous city in any case. World-renowned museums and galleries are placed there: the Uffizi Gallery, the Accademia Gallery housing Michelangelo's magnificent statue of David, charming narrow streets and piazzas-in a word, here one may admire buildings of the Duomo and Palazzo Vecchio.
For a real unforgettable experience, hike to the top of the Duomo for breathtaking panoramic views overlooking the city, or take a leisurely stroll across the famous Ponte Vecchio bridge. But most importantly, sample the delectable Tuscan food and gelato while one is in Florence!
4. Amalfi Coast: Sun-kissed Beaches and Breathtaking Coastal Views
The Amalfi Coast is where one will find the quintessential taste of an Italian seaside. This stunning stretch of coastline is speckled with picturesque fishing villages, pastel-colored houses, and crystal-clear waters. Take a drive along the famous Amalfi Drive, through the charming towns of Positano, Amalfi, and Ravello. Amalfi is also the perfect spot to take a boat tour to the island of Capri.
You can sit on pebbled beaches, swim in the Mediterranean Sea, or hike along the cliff-side pathways for stunning views. And to complete it all, you will be able to try fresh seafood dishes and limoncello-a locally prepared drink using locally grown lemons. The Amalfi Coast is sure to leave unforgettable memories of Italy.
5. Venice:
Nicknamed the "City of Water," Venice is a romantic, enchanting city to any novice visitor. One can enjoy the scenery of this historic city from a gondola ride down the canals, passing under arched bridges and beside huge palazzos. Visit St. Mark's Square and admire the beautiful mosaics of St. Mark's Basilica.
Equally unmissable are the islands of Murano and Burano, in a riot of color, this sea-farers' haven is famous for its glass-blowers and lace-makers. Just don't forget to have a taste of fresh catches with a spritz at a café on the side of the canal while you watch the world go by.
The city of Venice is best on foot; one makes the most of it quite literally by wandering around its narrow streets, passing concealed alleys. Stumble upon places like Rialto Market, where fresh produce and seafood are purchased by the locals. - Venice holiday package from Dubai
Plan a tour to some of the best places to visit in Italy: Italy holiday packages from Dubai
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idyllicitaly01 · 7 days
Experience Luxury in Lucca: Renting a Villa in the Heart of Tuscany
The Appeal of a Luxury Villa in Lucca
When it comes to finding accommodation in Lucca, nothing compares to the experience of staying in a private villa. These luxury homes provide an exclusive retreat where you can unwind in style while immersing yourself in the beauty of the Tuscan landscape. Renting a villa offers privacy and space that hotels or smaller vacation homes simply can’t match. With expansive gardens, stunning views, and amenities such as private pools, personal chefs, and housekeepers, luxury villas cater to every desire, ensuring an unforgettable stay.
Many villas are restored historic properties, luxury villa Lucca Italy Rent blending authentic Tuscan charm with modern-day comforts. Picture rustic stone walls, traditional terracotta floors, and antique furnishings complemented by state-of-the-art kitchens, lavish bathrooms, and plush bedrooms. Whether you want to enjoy a peaceful morning sipping coffee in a rose-filled garden or unwind by the pool with a glass of wine, every corner of these properties invites relaxation and indulgence.
Exploring Lucca and Surroundings
A villa rental in Lucca provides the ideal base for exploring the region. Lucca itself is known for its well-preserved Renaissance-era city walls, which are a favorite for leisurely strolls or bike rides. The city’s piazzas are bustling with cafes, restaurants, and shops, and it’s easy to spend hours wandering the narrow, cobbled streets. Don’t miss iconic landmarks such as the Guinigi Tower, with its rooftop garden, or the Lucca Cathedral, which houses incredible works of art.
Beyond Lucca, the entire region is yours to discover. The stunning landscapes of Tuscany stretch out in all directions, offering opportunities for day trips to nearby attractions like Pisa, Florence, and the wine region of Chianti. Visit local vineyards for wine tasting, take cooking classes to learn authentic Italian recipes, or simply enjoy the slower pace of life as you take in the breathtaking views from your villa terrace.
Customizing Your Luxury Villa Experience
One of the best aspects of renting a luxury villa in Lucca is the ability to personalize your experience. Most villa rentals offer concierge services, allowing you to arrange private chefs, in-villa spa treatments, and guided tours. Want to explore Lucca on a Vespa or enjoy a hot air balloon ride over the Tuscan hills? These experiences can easily be arranged to ensure your vacation is truly one-of-a-kind.
For food lovers, luxury villas in lucca Tuscany is a paradise. Indulge in local cuisine made with fresh, seasonal ingredients. Many villas come equipped with gourmet kitchens, or you can hire a private chef to prepare a sumptuous Tuscan feast right in the comfort of your home. From homemade pasta and rich truffle dishes to the region’s renowned wines, dining at your villa can be a highlight of the trip.
Booking Your Luxury Villa in Lucca
Renting a luxury villa in Lucca offers a unique opportunity to live like a local while enjoying the high-end amenities of a five-star resort. With various options available, ranging from countryside estates to city villas, there’s something for every traveler’s preference. Whether you’re looking for a quiet retreat or a base for your Tuscan adventures, a luxury villa rental ensures a comfortable and elegant stay.
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urbtnews · 8 days
Culinary Tourism Market | Top Factors Responsible for the Rapid Growth in the 2020-2027
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Culinary Tourism Market | Top Factors Responsible for the Rapid Growth in the 2020-2027 Stay Trendy with URBTNews.com ( Subscribe Today Free!) The culinary tourism market size is expected to grow at a CAGR of 16.8% from 2020 to 2027, reaching ,796.5 billion in 2027. Key Market Trends in Culinary Tourism WILMINGTON, DE, UNITED STATES, September 13, 2024 / EINPresswire.com / -- Culinary tourism, characterized by food as the main motivation for travel, has experienced significant growth in recent years. Travelers increasingly seek immersive experiences that reflect the culture, history, and essence of a destination through its cuisine. The culinary tourism market flourishes due to shifting consumer preferences, heightened interest in unique experiences, and growing recognition of food as a gateway to cultural understanding. Market Overview Culinary tourism encompasses diverse activities such as food festivals, cooking classes, wine tastings, farm-to-table experiences, street food tours, and dining at renowned restaurants. As a dynamic segment of the broader travel industry, culinary tourism's popularity continues to rise globally. Valued at ,116.7 billion in 2019, the market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 16.8% from 2020 to 2027, reaching ,796.5 billion in 2027. Several factors contribute to this growth, including increased disposable incomes, a surge in international travel, and the rise of social media platforms that showcase unique culinary experiences. Travelers increasingly flock to destinations that offer distinctive and authentic food experiences, such as local delicacies, traditional cooking techniques, and opportunities to engage with food producers. 📚 𝐃𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐨𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐒𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐩𝐲: https://www.alliedmarketresearch.com/request-sample/A06326 Key Market Trends Focus on Authenticity and Local ExperiencesModern travelers crave authenticity when exploring new destinations, and cuisine provides an accessible way to connect with local culture. Visitors increasingly opt for destinations that offer opportunities to learn about local ingredients, traditional cooking methods, and regional cuisines. Cities recognized for their culinary scenes, such as Tokyo, Paris, and Bangkok, have emerged as culinary hotspots with unique and diverse offerings. Sustainability and Farm-to-Table MovementConsumers prioritize where their food originates and its production method. The farm-to-table movement emphasizes sustainability, fresh ingredients, and supporting local farmers, resonating with this growing awareness. Culinary tourists increasingly seek organic and sustainable food options, especially in rural or agritourism areas where they witness firsthand how food is sourced and prepared. Food Festivals and EventsFood festivals play a central role in culinary tourism, attracting large crowds globally. Events like the Melbourne Food & Wine Festival, Italy's Alba White Truffle Fair, and New Orleans' Mardi Gras serve as major tourism drivers. These gatherings immerse travelers in local food culture while providing opportunities for chefs and food producers to showcase their talents. Influence of Social MediaSocial media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube significantly promote culinary tourism. Food influencers and travel bloggers document their dining experiences, igniting a desire among followers to explore new destinations for culinary experiences. “Foodstagramming” has become a trend, with travelers planning trips around viral restaurants or markets seen on social media. Culinary Tours and Cooking ClassesDemand for interactive and educational experiences rapidly grows among culinary tourists. Travelers desire more than mere food tasting; they want to learn how to cook traditional dishes or uncover the history behind various cuisines. Cooking classes, guided food tours, and vineyard visits have become staples of culinary tourism, adding educational value to the travel experience. Opportunities for Growth The culinary tourism market stands poised for continued growth, driven by several opportunities: Emerging MarketsAdventurous travelers increasingly gravitate toward destinations in Asia, Latin America, and Africa, known for their unique and diverse food offerings. Countries like Vietnam, Mexico, and South Africa attract culinary tourists with their rich culinary heritage and distinct flavors. Tech Integration and PersonalizationIntegrating technology, including mobile apps and virtual reality, into culinary tourism enhances personalized travel experiences. Mobile apps offering restaurant recommendations, food tours, and booking services have become essential tools for tourists. Additionally, virtual and augmented reality can allow travelers to preview food tours or cooking classes before making commitments. Health and Wellness TourismAn intersection between culinary tourism and wellness tourism emerges as travelers increasingly seek healthy, organic, and balanced dining experiences. Destinations promoting wellness through food offerings, like organic restaurants, plant-based diets, and detox programs, tap into the wellness tourism trend. Challenges and Considerations Despite myriad opportunities, the culinary tourism market faces challenges: Economic UncertaintyFluctuating global economies, consumer spending habit changes, and potential travel restrictions due to pandemics or geopolitical events can impact culinary tourism growth. Destinations depending on international tourism may struggle during global travel disruptions. OvertourismPopular food destinations risk suffering from overtourism, leading to overcrowding, local infrastructure strain, and authenticity loss. Sustainable tourism management remains crucial for maintaining destination appeal while preserving cultural integrity. Cultural SensitivityAs tourists increasingly seek exotic food experiences, the risk of cultural insensitivity or exploitation rises. Tourists and businesses alike must respect local customs, food traditions, and ethical practices in culinary tourism. Insights on Culinary Tourism Demand The culinary tourism market thrives as food increasingly becomes a central aspect of travel experiences. Travelers reframe from being passive consumers, engaging actively with the culture, history, and people behind the food. As the industry evolves, significant growth potential exists within emerging destinations, innovative tech-driven experiences, and sustainable practices emphasizing local food systems and cultural authenticity. 𝐒𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐚𝐫 𝐑𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐬 𝐈𝐧𝐝𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐲 𝐏𝐞𝐭 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐥 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐬 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐭 https://www.alliedmarketresearch.com/pet-travel-services-market-A31661 𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐓𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐭 https://www.alliedmarketresearch.com/beard-trimmer-market-A16870 David Correa Allied Market Research + +1 800-792-5285 email us here Visit us on social media: Facebook X Legal Disclaimer: EIN Presswire provides this news content "as is" without warranty of any kind. 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