#tatsumi x akame
madara-fate · 5 months
Annon-Guy: Here's the pages in question (this takes place before Tatsumi and Lubbock were captured);
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And this takes place after the final battle, where the reveal occurred (Hope you don't mind the "Anger Born or Worry" Trope Mine had when she hit Tatsumi for pushing himself too far compared to the regular "Double Standard" Trope);
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Raiden: "Like a scene from Beauty and the Beast."
Ah yes I remember those scenes, cool.
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madmanwonder · 5 months
If they had kids
Tatsumi x esdeath
Name: Angus the Iron Bear
Gender: Male
General Appearance: Angus shares the same physical characteristics of his deceased grandfather but with his father hair eye color and hair color.
Personality: kind-hearted, caring, charismatic, idealistic and benevolent with a slight sadistic and dominating attitude.
Special Talents: Indomitable Willpower, Master Horsemanship, High Pain Tolerance
Who they like better: His Father
Who they take after more: His father with a slight bit of his mother.
Personal Headcanon: Angus never knew his mother and never cared much about it due to the less than fortunate circumstances behind of his birth.
Face Claim:
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they are the definition of love
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annon-guy2 · 4 months
More Than Anything (Reprise) - Couple Voting Poll
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To describe who'd be singing which part as their respective Vaggie and Charlie;
Shana (Vaggie) and Yuji (Charlie)
Sailor Moon (Charlie) and Tuxedo Mask (Vaggie)
Tatsumi (Charlie) and Mine (Vaggie)
Emil (Charlie) and Marta (Vaggie)
Welkin (Charlie) and Alicia (Vaggie)
Es (Vaggie) and Touya (Charlie)
Jack (Charlie) and Sally (Vaggie)
Callum (Charlie) and Rayla (Vaggie)
Blake (Vaggie) and Yang (Charlie)
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Mine: Okay. Rule number 1, do not go off on your own. Rule number 2, if you do go off on your own, do not go in the woods. Rule number 3, if you do go into the woods, never, ever, EVER make out in the woods, or you will DIE in the woods...
Mine: Where are Akame and Esdeath?
Leone, smirking: She dragged Akame away to break rules 1, 2 and 3.
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wito-chan-bla-bla · 2 years
Najenda: “Tatsumi, listen carefully! You are the only one who is able to somehow distract Esdeath from the work of Night Raid! Do everything in your power!”
Tatsumi, not too happy: "It will be done!"
After a while
Esdeath: *stands with a proud smile with daughter in her arms, already thinking about how she will teach little Kira the philosophy of her father*
Najenda: “I said to keep her busy, but THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT!..”
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shadisnotarealboy · 2 years
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rest easy.
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rudy-icons · 1 year
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vj87g · 2 years
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madara-fate · 5 months
Annon-Guy: This is a weird ask in regards to Akame ga Kill! (This is going off the manga due to how tragic it ends in the anime), but how do you feel about Tatsumi X Mine ship.
(You can add your own thoughts on Tatsumi and Mine individually if you want to add to this ask.)
I'm asking this because people (not everyone thankfully) give Mine a lot of sh** for "getting" in the way of shipping Tatsumi with Akame (which is clearly platonic from both sides) or Esdeath (which is completely one sided from Esdeath's side).
Mine being a harsh tsundere as well as the author's favorite character contributes to some Western fans disliking her (ironically since Mine has Western Tribe blood 😂), but it appears the ship war thing is what caused the hate to the point where people say they have no chemistry to justify Tatsumi being with Akame or Esdeath (this argument mostly happens with the anime while people say in the Manga, they do have subtle chemistry that works).
I do like that when Tatsumi agress to be her boyfriend, he finds himself falling for her as he wanted to see if things worked out.
No Shade if you're on the Akame or Esdeath ship for Tatsumi instead of Mine. Shipping Wars can get toxic when it comes to ignoring Canon Couples in favor of a fan preferred one.
P.S. Thanks for liking the Tatsumi X Mine cover BTW 😊!
I didn't mind Tatsumi x Mine. Initially, I didn't really like Mine too much because of the typical harsh tsundere trope. But much like Shana, she grew on me. The tsun part gradually wore off, and she began showing her caring side much more, to the point of essentially wearing her heart on her sleeve. And even when that's the case, little smidgens of the tsun still come out, as was the case when she confessed to Tatsumi, but it was done in a way which made sense and allowed her to continue being herself, while still wearing her heart on her sleeve and being emotionally vulnerable.
Her fight against Budou, and the lengths she went to all in order to save and protect Tatsumi was so admirable, and made her one of my favourite characters of the show.
As for Tatsumi x Akame/Esdeath, yeah I was never really invested in either ship. I got nothing but platonic vibes from the former, and while the latter obviously featured a lot of romantic feelings from Esdeath, the fact that she was the leader of the Jaegers and that their ideologies differed so heavily made me all but certain that there was no hope for a future relationship between them.
Now don't get me wrong, Esdeath is not only my favourite overall character from Akame ga Kill, but she's also one of my favourite female characters of all time. However, while the Tatsumi x Esdeath ship was highly entertaining, him and Mine were just more plausible.
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ashe-tree · 7 months
Leone x reader smut. MINORS DNI, please🥲
Also, I'm well aware that I don't have Akame Ga Kill in my fandoms list. But I've been working on this one shot for a few years, and while it was supposed to be posted onto wattpad, I decided to post it here. I will not do request for this fandom unless it's for Leone. Yes, this is favouritism.
[This is either in the afterlife or an alive AU, i’m not entirely sure. it’s up to you guys :) but all nightraid characters are here :P]
“waiit, Lubbock!” Y/n hiccuped, holding their cider tightly in their hand and stumbling to get onto their feet to stop their friend from doing something stupid. “You don’t have to do this, man! just- just come back and sit with meeee!” the shorter of the two whined at Lubbock.
He just chuckled at how drunk Y/n had become from all of the cider they drank. “Noo, no, I want to do this for you! I’ll make sure she plays with us, okay?” Lubbock grinned before walking out to the hall and yelling at the top of his lungs, “WE’RE PLAYING SPIN THE BOTTLE IN HERE, COME JOIN US!” and before Y/n could say anything more, the rest of Night Raid came down to join them. “Alright, let’s get this party started!” he grinned before placing the empty bottle on the ground.
Everyone seemed to be too drunk to notice him rig the bottle. Even Mine seemed to be too out of it to notice the thin wires. “Alright, who goes first?” Lubbock grinned at everyone as Sheele raised her hand, 
“I’ll go first.” She spun the bottle and it landed on Chelsea. The two women looked at each other as Chelsea smirked cockily while she crawled over to Sheele, kissing the other, then moved back to her spot.
Chelsea spun the bottle, giving Tatsumi a wink causing Mine’s jealousy to spike as she hugged him, shooting a death glare at Chelsea. However, it didn’t land on him. It landed on Bulat. The two shrugged and kissed. Bulat immediately wiping off his mouth before spinning the bottle himself.
Finally, Lubbock's plan could move to phase three. Bulat and Leone kissed, the two laughing the whole time.
Now, here’s the thing about Lubbock. While he may be perverted and a total pain in the ass sometimes, he loved his friends and would do anything for them. So when Y/n had drunkenly confessed about their feelings towards the blonde butch of the group, he suggested playing spin the bottle. Y/n didn’t realize to what lengths he would go for his best friend. Rigging the game to set the two up.
And when Leone spun the bottle, Lubbock pulled on the strings and made the bottle stop on Y/n. Without anyone noticing. Y/n’s face turned red, almost looking uncomfortable with the result. Their best friend just nudged them with a grin and a wink. Leone had already made her way over to the two, and as she sat down on Y/n’s lap, she said, “we don't have to do this if it makes you uncomfortable. I mean, I don’t wanna lose, but I don't want to force you either.” she smiled at Y/n, it was a surprisingly sweet smile.
“No.. no, it’s not that.. er.. well.. I do want to play! it’s just.. um..” Y/n couldn’t finish their sentence before grabbing their cider and taking a big clunk. Then they kissed Leone, trying to convey their feelings through the drunken kiss. And once it was over, Y/n muttered out that they liked the blonde before getting up and leaving. Their face, as hot as a furnace as Y/n retreated back to their own room.
Leone just looked stunned before smiling and getting up. “You guys continue without us~” she winked at left, following Y/n to their room.
“Hey, don't be too loud!” Lubbock said, the rest of the group blushing and giggling at what was happening.
“No promises!” Leone yelled back, vanishing in the hallway. Once she arrived at the room, Leone knocked on the door. “Can I come in?” She asked with a grin.
The door opened to reveal Y/n, blushing and confused. “Why’re you here?” they looked up at the taller woman from behind the door.
“Well, that was pretty cowardly of you. Leaving me there with the others after that confession.” She walked in with force, not waiting for Y/n to open the door more. “I couldn't let you slip away that easily.” Leone purred as she walked up to them, towering over the drunk and timid Y/n.
“What are you getting at, Leone?” Y/n asked, taking a step back. They felt somewhat uncomfortable in this situation. Not because they didn't like it. It was for the opposite reason. 
They loved Leone and wanted Leone to love them, but Y/n also had heavy self-esteem issues and didn't think they were good enough for the lioness-like woman. 
“I'm saying, I like you too.” Leone said with a toothy grin. “I want you.” She grabbed Y/n's hands, holding them in her own.
Her statement got Y/n to blush more as they swallowed hard. “You do..?” They muttered out, like it was an impossible outcome. They weren't sure if this was a dream or not.
“If you'll have me.” Leone cupped their cheek, but not before guiding a strand of hair behind their ear. Y/n couldn't believe their eyes. Leone was blushing.
It stunned them. This woman, who seemed so confident and so far out of their reach, was looking at them with such love and adoration. They could only nod as an answer. But it didn't matter how they answered, just that they did. And Leone couldn't help but be overjoyed at this.
She leaned forward, her face stopping an inch away from theirs as she looked into Y/n's eyes, searching for any kind of rejection at the action. Instead, Y/n leaned the rest of the way in, kissing the woman they had been dreaming about since they met her.
The kiss quickly became heated, the two couldn't help it. It was probably thanks to the alcohol in their systems.
What was also probably due to the alcohol was how ballsy Y/n really was at the moment. They had always seen themself as submissive. So it came to a surprise to both parties when Y/n started to take the lead.
With Leone on the bed, laying on her back and Y/n on top of her, she was gasping and whimpering every time they kissed her neck or dragged their fingers over the skin of her collarbone and chest. “You're so pretty~” Y/n murmured into her ear. “So pretty..~”
“Stop teasing me..” She pleaded, hiding her face in her hands. This was unbelievable! She had always been the more dominant one in nature. But now the roles were reversed for some reason. “Please, Y/n..” Leone whined.
Y/n couldn’t help but chuckle at this, “wow~ you’re so submissive~!” They teased. Then they kissed her collarbone, then a little further down. Then stopped, “may I?” Y/n asked, and they may have been drunk, but they weren't about to proceed without proper consent.
“Y-” Leone took a second to clear her throat before continuing. “Yes.” She blushed. She couldn't help it. She wasn't used to this much love from someone. Let alone in this scenario. And the fact that despite Y/n's clear drunkenness, they didn't force themself onto her like others had.
They wanted her to enjoy herself.
And Y/n made good on that. They were gentle with her.
When they thumbed over her nipples and left hickeys all over her, they said a lot of small praises like “You're so pretty” and “so good for me..” or “you're so brave and so strong, but I want to treat you now, pretty girl.” Praising her was so easy when they admired her so much.
They were so gentle with her. She had heard about how they liked to bite people they loved. Hell, she had been bitten a few times before as well, but here there were no teeth. And not because they didn't think she could handle it, they knew she could. But right now, it wasn't about them. It was about her. Y/n’s bites were selfish, so their biting held no place here.
Leone gasped, Y/n had taken one of her nipples in their mouth and was sucking on it, their tongue teasing the small bud. And a smile appeared on their lips against her when they felt Leone's fingers comb through their hair and hold their head in place.
The soft whimpers that Y/n heard just made them want to do more. And so, with a rough squeeze, they kissed their way over to the other side, taking her other nipple into their mouth and giving it the same treatment.
Once their focus on her chest stopped, Y/n looked up at her face again. “Lower..?” Their voice was barely audible. And all Leone could do was nod and hum in silent plea.
Y/n moved off of the bed, and proceeded to clumsily yet somehow skillfully remove her pants. A small gasp was heard and Leone suddenly felt self-conscious. Was she not pretty? Did it not look right? Did they change their mind after seeing something they didn't like?
Instead, she heard “You're so beautiful..”
And almost immediately, Y/n fell to their knees and rested their hands on her knees. “I want..” they started, their mind seemingly drifting away under the influence of alcohol. “I want to taste you. Can I?”
Why did they kind of sound excited when they asked that? Like she was their treat? It didn't matter, since it still made her feel special, fuzzy inside. Though, that could have been the alcohol.
“Please..” She gasped. She couldn't not be honest about it. She wanted them to eat her out. And that was special. None of the others she had been with treated her this well or did this for her and not out of selfishness. Hell, if she wanted any real pleasure, she would always have to take control. But it was nice to be pampered like this. It's why she was more dominant often. But with Y/n, their focus was solely on pleasuring her. “I want you..”
Y/n’s face burned as they looked up at her with a wide eyed awe. It made her giggle. And they smiled at her at the noise. Then they peppered kisses from her knees, up her thighs and- they completely hopped over her core, where she needed them most. Instead they kissed down her other thigh.
“Y- Y/n.. please..” Leone begged, her voice weak. And it just made the smaller of the two giggle.
“So needy~” they bit down on her inner thigh, making her yelp with surprise.
The person in question could only chuckle as they placed their cheek against Leone's thigh. She was so pretty from this angle. 
Feeling as though they've done enough teasing, Y/n finally gave her what she wanted. They moved their head in, resting snuggly between her thighs as their lips found their way around her clit.
The sudden contact made Leone startle, shuddering under Y/n with a gasp. And Leone could tell that Y/n had never done this before because, this wasn’t that great. It wasn't even good. But she still felt amazing. She was drunk and honestly drunk sex is the best sex in her opinion, because it doesn't need to be that good for her to still feel amazing. That was until-
“FUCK-! Y/n- Y/n, baby, careful...” Leone gripped Y/n’s hair and tried to yank them away after they bit her. “no-.. no biting.. please..”
"Sor-sorry! you just.. I just-.. I'm sorry..” They apologised. It sounded like they wanted to say something else, but..
“What is it?” Leone asked, her voice caring as she sat up on the bed. And Y/n shook their head.
“Nothing, Leone, you just taste like candy.. I kind of forgot what was happening..” Y/n blushed with a giggle.
And Leone couldn’t help but burst into a fit of laughter. Y/n, the sweet little cinnamon roll, had thought of Leone as candy and actually started trying to eat her. Maybe drunk sex with this dork wasn’t the best idea.
Yea, sorry for the weird post. Might make a part two if I feel like it. But silly ending!!
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innocxntdexth · 1 year
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hiiiii 🥰
innocxntdexth here - for writing purposes. here are some post plans:
~ my own slam poetry/spoken word pieces
~ gojo x reader AU (maybe power accurate unsure)
~ esdeath x reader (akame ga kill AU, prior to events of manga/anime, definitely pre-tatsumi)
~ sukuna x reader (planning for this to occur in the curse/demon realm, once i find the fic that inspired this i will tag)
~ toji x reader (i still have more thoughts about this but it would be completely non canon, AU, the whole nine)
hope you enjoy watching me brainstorm the rot 🥴
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annon-guy2 · 4 months
Akame ga Kill! - Mine's Confession (Manga Fandub)
Here's a fandub that YouTuber Nektis Noir/JeremyNoir Productions did with his friend Savannah M did in regards to an iconic scene in the Akame ga Kill! Manga.
Fandub Cast
Tatsumi: JeremyNoir Productions
Mine: Savannah M
I do not own the fandub! That credit goes to the two YouTubers who made this possible.
0:00 to 6:24 - Main Feature
6:27 to 9:30 - Blooper Real 😂
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Tatsumi: If I didn't know any better, I'd say you just defended Esdeath's honor. Isn't she a pain in the ass?
Akame: Yes, she is. But for the next six weeks, she's MY pain in the ass.
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Featured fandoms on this blog are: GoT, Hannibal, Terra Formars, HxH, 07Ghost, TPoDG, AGK, One Piece, BNHA/MHA, Hellsing, K project, Psycho-Pass, Black Clover, Fire Force, Trinity Blood, Dexter, Kuroshitsuji, DTB, YGO, Beelzebub, & Juni Taisen: Zodiac War
-- Below, is listed the specific muses from those fandoms that this blog will contain.
(note: those with the "*" symbol are Request Only muses, while those with the "+" symbol are more like NPCs)
[Game of Thrones] ● Viserys Targaryen III
[Hannibal] ● Alan Bloom
[Hunter X Hunter] ● Illumi Zoldyck
[07-Ghost] ● Ayanami ● Verloren ● +Hyuuga ● +Kuroyuri
[The Picture of Dorian Gray] ● Basil Hallward
[Akame ga Kill] ● Ubiquitous, Seryu
[One Piece] ● Donquiote, "Corazon" Rosinante ● Riku, (Viola) Violet ● Rebecca ● *Gild, Tesoro ● *Monet ● *Charlotte, "Thousand-Arms" Cracker
[Boku no Hero Academia / (MHA)] ● Shigaraki, Tomura ● Sako, "Mr. Compress" Atsuhiro ● Toga, Himiko ● *Geten ● *Kurono, "Chronostasis" Hari ● *"The Curator" Isana ● *Sasaki, "Sir Nighteye" Mirai ● +Amajiki, "Suneater" Tamaki ● +Shinsou, Hitoshi ● +Rappa, Kendo ● +Okuta, "Giran" Kagerō
[Hellsing] ● Alucard ● *The Captain
[K project] ● Totsuka, Tatara
[Juni Taisen: Zodiac War] ● Usagi (warrior of the rabbit)
[Psycho-Pass] ● Kougami, Shinya ● *Gu-sung, Choe ● *Touma, Kouzaburou ● +Oryo, Rikako ● +Mido, Masatake ● +Kagari, Shusei ● +Kunizuka, Yayoi ● +Shimotsuki, Mika ● +Tougane, Misako ● +Hanashiro, Frederica
[Black Clover] ● Vanica Zogratis ● Ladros ● *Dante Zogratis ● *Mereoleona Vermillion ● *Zora Ideale ● *Revchi Salik ● +Noelle Silva ● +Yuno ● +Nacht
[Terraformars] ● Adolf Reinhardt ● +Jet
[Beelzebub] ● *Oga, Tatsumi
[Trinity Blood] ● *Cain Knightlord
[Fire Force] ● *Joker
[Dexter] ● *Brian Moser
[Kuroshitsuji] ● *Ash Landers ● *Angela Blanc
[Darker Than Black] ● *Hazuki, Mina ● *Kirihara, Misaki ● *Wei Zhijun 
[Yu-Gi-Oh!] ● *Mutou, Yugi ● *Bakura, Ryou ● *Marik Ishtar/Yami-Marik ● *Atem/Yami-Yugi ● +Zorc Necrophades (crack version)
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rednightraider · 3 years
I decided that i'd post my own personal headcanon's for an Akame ga Kill! Modern-ish AU, this will not have every one but i will make another one when i have more headcanon's.
Akame is rather shy and nervous about meeting new people but does have a good handfull of friend's.
She really enjoy's watching anime and reading manga, her favorite manga/anime is Attack on Titan.
She love's playing first person shooter game's like Doom, Call of Duty and Halo, but she can't stand horror game's like Resident Evil or Until Dawn.
Akame suffer's from a disorder that make's it difficult for her to gain weight so she has to eat quite a bit to maintain a healthy weight.
She was often bullied by some of the girl's in the highschool she went to because she was a bit of an anime geek, but that ended when a bunch of girl's and her crush came to protect her.
Akame has a crush on her classmate Tatsumi but is to shy to tell him how she feel's. [Even though he share's the same feeling's]
Bulat is an ex-military operator who was honorably discharged after getting sevearly wounded in battle.
He is often seen working at the gun range as a safety instructor after his discharge.
Bulat often read's mystery novel's.
Has a german shepherd that he raised and trained since it was a puppy, it's name is Trooper.
His favorite kind of music is Heavy Metal.
Bulat joined the military like his grandfather and father before him.
Isn't too perverted but does make some slightly vulger joke's.
Currently in a relationship with his girlfriend Najenda.
He is a little protective over his friend's and girlfriend but isn't overbearing, this is because one of his brother's were killed when he was young.
Will without a doubt fight any bully's inside the school or outside if he catches them throwing someone around.
Wouldn't be caught dead laying his hand's on a woman, he had explained to one of his friend's that if he did he would cut off his own hand's then and there.
Has insanely high luck and can predict most event's like which football team will win the game.
Would lay down his life if needed.
Was raised by a single mother due to his father running off with another woman before he was born.
He's very smart and skilled when it come's to technology, he made his own computer and monitor from scratch.
Has a huge crush on Akame but was a little shy to admit it for a while, but he eventually told her and they ended up together.
Absolutly hate's his father, when he turned sixteen his father tried to contact him and gave him some bogus excuse for not being there so Tatsumi refused to speak to him ever again.
Akame was his first kiss.
Almost always outside doing something, like working on car's climbing tree's or drawing in the park.
Will always stand up to bully's regardless of how big they are and often win's fight's.
Has had Heterochromia since birth, his right eye is ruby red and his left eye is emerald green. [The pupil of his right eye is a dark red four pointed star]
Would throw himself head first into danger to protect for his friend's girlfriend and mother without a second thought
Very very energetic, practicly bouncing off the wall's 24/7, but when she fall's asleep there is almost no waking her up.
Love's her sister more than anyone she know's and would willingly take a bullet for her.
Has the same disorder her older sister has and hate's it.
Still make's pillow fort's with Akame when there parents are out on business trip's.
Scared to death of horror movie's but some how love's horror game's. [And she has no idea why]
Often wear's her sister's clothes and pretend's to be her infront of the mirror until she's seen.
Love's little animal's like bunnies kitten's puppies and frog's.
Doesn't quite understand vulger joke's and will ofter ask what it mean's only for Akame to tell her it ment nothing.
Her favorite food is strawberries.
This won't be the only modern headcanon post i make, i will have more out later.
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