#tatum riley oneshot
Hiiiii! Hope your having a good day :)
At the moment I am obsessed on Tatum Riley, and if you can I would really appreciate if the reader is a bit more feminine. If not that’s fine :)
Like anything around confessing their love to each other is just so 🤭.
But ya. :)
“oh, come on! there has to be some guy that you at least find kinda cute,” tatum said, poking you in the shoulder teasingly.
you had made the mistake of letting it slip that you had never been in a relationship before. unless the two day one you had in kindergarten counted. since then, tatum had been relentlessly pestering you about who you liked, hoping to set you up and get you in a relationship. but therein lies the problem. there wasn’t anyone. no one attainable anyways.
you shrugged, leaning back against the headboard. you and tatum were having yet another sleepover at her house, and she decided that it was the perfect time to start bothering you about getting a boyfriend again.
she looked at you incredulously. “really? no one? there’s not one single person that you’re even the tiniest bit attracted to?”
you smiled timidly, you face flushing. “well, i never said that. but it doesn’t matter, because it’s not gonna happen. never in a million years.”
“i doubt that. look at you, you’re stunning! i promise you, any guy within their right mind would want you. so c’mon, tell me! who is he?”
you sighed, drawing your knees up to your chest. this was exactly what you had been afraid of. “they’re uhm… they’re not a he.”
tatum scrunched her eyebrows up in confusion, thinking to herself for a few moments, before her eyes widened in realization.
“oh! alright then. who is she?” she asked, the same teasing tone in her voice. she was practically unfazed by your confession, which was reliving, but their was still the whole problem with actually telling her who the girl was.
you shook your head, looking away from her. “i can’t say. trust me, you don’t want to know.”
“she’s that bad, huh? oh god, please tell me it’s not that cheerleader who’s always gossiping in the bathroom. you can like who you want and all, but i seriously can’t stand her.”
you laughed softly, a smile breaking out on your face. “no, no it’s not her.”
realizing that you weren't going to say anything else, tatum huffed in frustration. "y'know, if you don't tell me, i'm just gonna keep guessing til i get it right."
your resolve began to crumble, because you knew that she wasn't exaggerating. if you didn't tell her, she would name every single girl in town until she got it right. and you didn't want to sit through all of that just to end up at the same result. fidgeting with the hem of your shirt nervously, you decided to just bite the bullet and spit it out.
"it's you, okay? i like you. i just didn't want to say anything because you're my best friend, and i was scared of losing you," you trailed off, your gaze trained on the bedspread beneath you.
tatum was silent for a few seconds. you were terrified that you had messed everything up, when you felt her place her hand on top of yours. you lifted your head and looked over at her, your heart practically beating out of your chest.
"i feel like now would be a good time to tell you the real reason stu and i broke up," tatum said, a flirtatious smile on her face.
this was supposed to be a blurb, but i kinda got carried away. oops
tags: @hocksetterrs
if your name is crossed out, it means i can't tag you!
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thatrandomwriter · 1 year
Be Right Back
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Ghostface Stu Macher x Reader
Warnings: Threat of violence, underage drinking, kissing
Summary: Ghostface follows reader into the basement at Stu’s house party, but reader has an idea about who might be behind the mask
“I don’t know what you did, Sidney, but on behalf of the entire student body we all say thank you!” Stu had swooped in to walk with Sidney, Tatum and I, presenting us with flowers. He winked at me, and I rolled my eyes. He clutched his chest as if this was the most heartless action I could’ve taken. I laughed.
“Drop it, Stu,” Tatum said as Sidney looked down at the ground, but Stu was not put off.
He slid between me and Sidney, slinging an arm around each of our shoulders, “Ya know I say, impromptu party tonight, my house, celebrate this little siesta. What do you say?” I could smell his fresh cologne, feel his warmth next to me.
“Are you serious?” Sidney asked, unconvinced.
“Sounds like fun - might be good to take your mind off things?” I said.
“That’s exactly right,” Stu piggybacked off my reasoning, flashing me a grin. I felt my face heat up slightly, “If Tatum doesn’t invite the entire world, we’ll be fine. Intimate gathering, intimate friends,”
“What do you say, Sid? I mean, pathos could have it’s perks,” If Tatum was on board too, there was no way Sidney was saying no.
“You’ll be totally protected. Yo, I am so buff. I got you covered, girl,” Stu made a show of removing his arms from around us to flex them exaggeratedly.
“With Stu as your bodyguard, no-one is getting anywhere near you,” I said, and Sidney smiled.
“Come on, Sid. For me? It could be fun,” Tatum appealed.
“Okay, whatever,” Sidney caved in.
“Yeah? Cool, you guys bring food, alright?” Stu said, leaving to walk in another direction. I turned to wave goodbye, catching him doing a triumphant air guitar.
“Save that energy for the party,” I called back to him.
“I’ll be at the top of my game, don’t you worry,”
I was a few hours and a few drinks into the party. Stu had disappeared a little while ago, and embarrassingly, I was disappointed that he wasn’t around to hang out with anymore. Instead, I was sandwiched between Sidney and Tatum, sunk deep into the squashy sofa, someone’s legs across mine.
“I’m getting some more drinks - anyone want anything?” I asked, feeling more claustrophobic than thirsty. I was met with a general consensus that just about everybody needed another beer “I’ll grab whatever I can carry,”
Tatum removed her arm from my shoulders, and I struggled up from the sofa.
“Thank you!” Tatum grinned up at me.
“Be right back,”
I was still getting used to the size of Stu’s house, managing to open two wrong doors before I came across the basement - dark and steep stepped. I fumbled for the light switch, hand patting down the wall, until finally I felt it and flipped it on, lights flickering into being.
The fridge was impressively stocked - full of as much beer as could be crammed into it, bottles and cans stacked haphazardly, threatening to fall to the floor if I made one wrong move. I wiggled a few free, grabbing bottles by the necks in an attempt to fit more in my hands. It would be a miracle if I made it back to the party without dropping any of them, but one trip down into the spooky basement was enough for me, especially with a killer around; I would not be making a second trip if anyone ended up without a drink.
I reversed with the beers, shutting the fridge with my foot and nearly toppling over, stumbling backwards until I hit a wall. No, not a wall - a person, soft and warm.
“Sorry, guess I’m more tipsy than I thought,” I laughed, turning to see who I had fallen into. A white mask, mouth open in an exaggerated scream stared down at me. A ghostface mask. “Shit, you scared me,” Was this just a tone-deaf joke? Perhaps someone had meant to catch Sidney down here to really freak her out. Or maybe this was the real deal - I fought the urge to laugh. This could not be how I died, fetching beer at a trashy highschool party.
“I’m just gonna-“ I moved to walk around him and back up to the party, but he side-stepped, making me walk into him again. Something about him seemed familiar - his height, the way he stood, his smell … I realised then exactly who it was. I had smelled Stu’s cologne when he had put his arm around me earlier, and I could smell it again, now.
“Stu?” I let out my laugh, relieved. He had a tendency to take jokes too far, this was just an instance of his somewhat unsympathetic sense of humour.
Stu shook his head, mask turning from side to side.
“Come on, I know it’s you. Let’s go have a drink,”
Metal gleamed as Stu revealed a knife from inside one of his long sleeves.
“That’s not funny, Stu,” Was this part of his joke? Would he really take it this far, or was I somehow mistaken about the identity of whoever it was behind the mask?
The person tilted their head to one side, as if he were analysing what I was saying. For a moment, we were at a silent impasse. Then, Ghostface lunged for me with the knife. Beer slid from my arms, shattering on the basement floor, and I made no effort to hold onto it as I ducked. I shoved at the body in front of me to put some distance between us. I was trapped between him and the shut garage door - all I could do was try to evade his attacks. Part of me was still convinced that it was Stu, another knew that surely he was not capable of murder. He stabbed at me again, and this time I gripped onto his arm, but the knife was aimed for my chest. I was weaker than he was, and despite all of my efforts, the knife was still closing in on me. I knew in that moment that I was not going to win this fight, so instead, I turned my attention to the mask. I managed to push his arm to the side, stepping away from it so that he stumbled forward. Before he could recover, I grabbed onto the mask, yanking it away from his head.
“Stu?” The reveal floored me. I had been expecting this, I had known it was him, but still I was shocked. Stu regained his footing, taking advantage of my shock to shove me backwards and into a wall, a real one this time, knife at my throat. I was breathing heavily, from a combination of fighting him, fear, and, ridiculously, what felt like nervousness twitching in my chest at our proximity.
“How’d you know it was me, huh?” He pushed the knife further into my skin for a second, punctuating the question.
If it was anyone else, I probably would not have figured it out, “I just … recognised you,”
“You did? Well, I have to say, I’m very flattered - what are you, a stalker?” Stu was teasing me, laughing at me, with a knife to my neck. He stepped forward, even closer to me than before, almost touching me. I could still feel my chest rising and falling heavily.
“You’re flattered?” Part of me thought that maybe playing into this attraction could keep me alive, even just long enough for someone to notice that I had been gone too long from the party. Another part was shamefully intrigued as to where this was leading.
“Of course I am - don’t you think I’ve noticed you too?” he leaned in to whisper in my ear, “Who would’ve thought a knife was the way to get your attention?”
When he pulled back, I couldn’t help but glance down at his lips, how close they were to mine. As soon as my eyes were back on his, I knew that he had noticed. My face grew hot, but something shifted in his expression, becoming less playful and more serious as he surged forwards to kiss me. I tilted my head up towards him, my eyes shutting as his lips moved against mine, fast and hungry and full of desperation. I was pressed between him and the wall, the coldness behind me a stark contrast to the warmth in front. One of his hands found my neck, replacing the knife, thumb grazing my throat in a gentle caress meant to remind me that I was still entirely at his mercy. The feeling made me groan slightly. His teeth nipped roughly at my lower lip, hard enough to sting. I parted my lips for him, and he delighted in sliding his tongue into my mouth, leaving me somehow even more breathless than before.
His hands were on my hips, “Jump up,” Stu broke away from me only for a second, as I jumped up to wrap my legs around his waist. He used the wall to hold me up, one hand snaking back up to my neck, the other resting on my hip, fingers grazing the skin just beneath my top. He used the hand on my neck to pull my head to the side, kissing down my jaw until he reached skin soft enough to leave a hickey. Stu bit at my neck, sucking soft skin between his teeth, making me wince slightly which only encouraged him. When he was finally satisfied, he looked up at me, grinning, “You’re my masterpiece,”
The doorknob jiggled, before a knock on the door made him turn away. “You alright in there? I came to see if you needed help carrying the drinks,” Sidney’s voice sounded down into to basement.
I looked to Stu. Now would be the time for me to scream for help, “All good, I think the door locks when you shut it too hard sometimes,” I said. She would never make it through the locked door in time to save me, I told myself. But Stu was kissing my neck, nuzzling into me, and I knew the real reason.
“If you say so,” Sidney said.
“Yep, I’ll be up in a minute,” I struggled to keep my voice steady, but my reply seemed to satisfy Sidney, as there was no other sound from upstairs.
“How do you know you’ll be back?” Stu asked, finally removing himself from my neck to look into my eyes.
“I don’t, but I thought you’d want me to get rid of her,”
A smile widened across his face at my compliance, and his thumb caressed my throat once again, “Aren’t you clever?”
“Will I be back?” I asked; he was carefully evading answering his own question.
“I haven’t quite decided yet,” his hand had strayed to the knife which had been resting on top of a chest freezer, “But I’m sure you can figure out a way to make keeping you alive worth my trouble,”
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bipstargirl · 11 months
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sinta-se à vontade para solicitar qualquer headcanon 🠒 aqui os títulos riscados e em rosa simbolizam que os posts serão publicados em breve  
★ learn more
☆ ❝ Sidney Prescott x fem!reader ❞
☆ ❝ Tela de bloqueio Sidney ❞
☆ ❝ Curando Corações ❞
☆ ❝ Literary Constellations ❞
☆ ❝ Refúgio Tropical ❞
☆ ❝ Amber's love language ❞
☆ ❝ Toxic relationship ❞
☆ ❝ Young and Beautiful ❞
☆ ❝ Argument with Amber ❞
☆ ❝ Echoes, Shadows and Resolutions ❞
☆ ❝ Samantha Carpenter x short!reader ❞
☆ ❝ A linguagem do amor de Sam ❞
☆ ❝ Unspoken Comfort ❞
☆ ❝ Tara Cupid ❞
☆ ❝ Jill's love language ❞
☆ ❝ Provocação Charmosa ❞
☆ ❝ Refúgio Tropical ❞
☆ ❝ Refúgio Tropical ❞
☆ ❝ Refúgio Tropical ❞
☆ ❝ Refúgio Tropical ❞
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rougevingirl · 10 months
❝Sunset Secrets❞
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Character: Tatum Riley
Words: 363
Warnings: none
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The orange summer sunset was becoming more and more visible over the country town, the gold that made everything brighter slightly burning the skin of the two girls sitting on the veranda. The ice was already beginning to melt and mix with the sour lemonade, the sweat from the glasses dripping down and wetting the fluffy cushions around them as they both talked about whatever it was.
"...I always knew they wouldn't work out, he'd be with God and the world"
"And her too, I've seen her a thousand times with other guys"
"Really? I didn't know that..."
"It's true, I saw it with my own two eyes, several times"
"Well, it's their life, good luck"
"Yeah, I just want to know what's to come, gossip spreads fast"
"Wow, what?"
"You know... speaking of gossip, recently I've heard a lot of rumors and comments, you know about who?"
"I heard that insufferable group of Kamila's, a bunch of bitches, talking about you, I really didn't want to get involved and start a row, you know how those chumps are, but they said that you're a slut who gives it to everyone, a dumb tits, and what's more, that Braian only dumped you because you weren't good enough in bed, a bunch of dumb bitches, I repeat"
"Really? They said all that about me, just because I told blonde K some truths to her face? Do me a favor, I think she needs to hear a little more"
"I swear, word for word. I wouldn't lie, but look, I really wanted to slap that girl in the face, but I heard through the walls, you know? So you'd better keep your mouth shut"
"Y/n! I'm only telling you because you deserve to know, and for now it's best to pretend you don't know anything"
"Honestly? I think you're sick"
"Of course not, it's just that she's going to have a surprise in the next few weeks"
"What do you intend to do, you little devil?"
"Me? Nothing. But the people at that school are still going to spread some gossip about betrayal"
"I knew there was something there, that's why I love you, hot, wonderful, perfect"
"I love you too goddess, now let's go inside because this cold wind is already bothering me"
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© rougevingirl
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junwuateu · 1 month
a oneshot where billy loomis and stu macher didn't work out together in 1996, but now, ten years later, they meet again and something seems to have changed. Will they work together now?
[pt-br] uma oneshot onde billy loomis e stu macher não deram certo juntos no ano de 1996, mas agora, dez anos depois, eles se reencontram e algo parece ter mudado. eles vão funcionar juntos agora?
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violetngrey · 1 year
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belovedtylerr · 1 year
☆Request list☆ <- send in requests! They are open❤️
Movie Masterlist
Who I write for
Mickey, Derek, Sidney, Billy, Stu, Randy,
Roman, Gale, Tatum, Dewey, Cotton, and Cici!
Mickey Altieri
Pride hcs!
For a 'Project'
Popsicles COMING SOON!!
Derek Feldman
High Fevers
Mastermind (coming soon!)
Datings hcs (Derek and Sid)
Pride hcs!
Sidney Prescott
Dating hcs (Derek and Sid)
Billy Loomis
Rose petals
He needs me
Movie night
Billy and Stu hcs
Stuilly oneshot (old as hell)
Pride hcs!
Stu Macher
He needs me
Movie night
Billy and Stu hcs
Stuilly oneshot (old as hell)
Pride hcs!
Randy Meeks
Movie night
Roman Bridger
Pride hcs!
Gale Weathers
Tatum Riley
Windsor hcs
Pride hcs!
Dewey Riley
Cotton Weary
Sucky Halloween (coming soon!)
Pride hcs!
Cici Cooper
Pride hcs!
Heavily inspired by my beloved pookie skrunkle bug 😘
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luwritesomething · 1 year
I have a request! If that's alright.
Could you do a oneshot where reader is around 18-19 years old and they're ghostface and jill roberts younger adopted sibling, and they basically did it for revenge for what happened to Jill (and they wanna carry on her legacy by getting famous off this), and they plan on going after everyone sidney knows, which means they're after any survivor of ghostface. So basically instead of having a whole reveal and quinn and her dad being ghostfaces, it's just ethan and reader that are ghostfaces and they frame Quinn and Bailey but the core 4 and gkirby and gale don't know because they had arrived after ethan and reader were done setting up the "aftermath" of the reveal (yk like they injure themselves purposely, and make It look like quinn and Bailey did it). So flash forward a week or two ethan and reader gather the core 4, kirby, and gale at readers house or apartment, and ethan and reader reveal themselves as ghostface (you can decide whether they lose or not, also can reader and ethan be dating secretly but reader betrays him like Jill did Charlie)
Also if there's anything unclear in this ask just tell me I can send another clearing up confusion
Hi! I'm so sorry to turn this very detailed (and good) request down, but I do not write for Ethan --- not even platonically. In Scream, I write for Billy Loomis, Stu Macher, Randy Meeks, Tatum Riley, Sidney Prescott, Mickey Altieri, Kirby Reid, Chad Meeks Martin, Mindy Meeks Martin, Tara Carpenter, Anika Kayoko and Laura Crane.
You can find all the fandoms and characters I write for here, and my rules for requesting here; where you can see that I have a strict policy of not accepting requests for the characters I don't write for, even if they're very detailed. Still, thank you for requesting, and if you do have a requests for any of the characters I do write for, don't hesitate to send them my way.
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r4ndym33ks · 1 year
Hey - I'm Juliet and I write fics! This is my request rules i suppose and just some information (so what scream movies i will write for, what things I'll write and what I refuse to write and which characters!) Please read this before requesting
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What scream movies I will write for;
● Scream (1-3)
What characters will I write for;
● Tatum Riley
● Sidney Prescott
● Stu Macher
● Billy Loomis
● Randy Meeks (my personal fav!)
● Mickey Altieri
● Roman Bridger
● Gale Wheathers (maybe? depending on the request)
● Dewey Riley
What I'll write;
● Fluff
● Angst to fluff
● Lime/not full smut but implied
● Character × Character
● Character × Reader
● Trans characters
● Male Reader, GN Reader, Fem Reader
● Gay relationships/Lesbian relationships
● Oneshots, imagines, drabbles
● AUs and POVs (out of universe)
● If theres something I haven't mentioned - please ask!!
What I won't write;
● Smut
● Angst (I can't handle it I'm sorry💔)
● Full fics (with multiple parts)
● Ask if theres anything you're unsure of!
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maverickthepup · 10 months
What I write, who I write, and what you can request!
Hi! This is where I have info on what I write, who I write, and what I am comfortable writing/what you can request! If you have any questions feel free to ask me!
What Maverick writes…
I write fanfiction, oneshots, and imagines, and headcannons!
These will of course include age regression or pet regression in some way, wether you the reader are a regressor, or a character is.
I will write for the fandoms/characters I have listed below. If you want a different character and don’t see them down there, you may ask if I will write for them but I won’t make any promises.
What Maverick is comfortable writing…
This is a 100% SFW blog, so no NSFW writing at all. I’m not comfortable doing that for age/pet regression.
I am perfectly fine writing relationships like dating or being married, with hand holding, cuddling, kissing, etc etc. But I will not do smut, kinks, or heated make outs.
Basically just cute fluff is what I’ll do!
I can write the following:
Âge regressor reader or character
Pet regressor reader or character
Caregiver reader or character
Platonic! (Like just friends and stuff like that)
Poly relationships
Male, Female, and gender neutral readers!
I will usually write in second person point of view that way I can use ‘you’ instead of y/n.
I write a mixture of genders for
“Y/n”, I write male, female, and gender neutral that way everyone can hopefully enjoy my writing!
If you make a request and do not specify gender for “y/n” then I will just do gender neutral by default.
I will always specify before each writing piece what gender “y/n” is, and give a little summary of what the writing plot is! I will also try to put any warnings there too, so if I miss anything just let me know and I’ll add them!
Fandoms/Characters Maverick writes…
Here they are! Again if there’s a character you specifically want but don’t see then feel free to ask if I would write for them, but I won’t make any promises.
If you don’t see a fandom on here you can ask if I write for that fandom but it’s likely I’m either not in it or I don’t write for it.
Horror movies/slashers:
The Lost Boys 1987:
Michael Emerson
House of Wax 2005
Bo Sinclair
Vincent Sinclair
Lester Sinclair
Friday The 13th
Jason Vorhees
Michael Myers
Rob Zombie Michael Myers
Billy Loomis
Stu Macher
Sidney Prescott
Tatum Riley
Randy Meeks
Gale Weathers
Dwight “Dewey” Riley
Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Bubba Sawyer
Thomas Hewitt
The Boy
Brahms Heelshire
Henry Bowers
Patrick Hockstetter
Reginald ‘Belch’ Huggins
Vic Criss
Yautja’s/Predators (if you have a specific one just let me know!)
Tony Stark
Clint Barton
Natasha Romanoff
Bruce Banner
Steve Rodgers
Bucky Barnes
Wanda Maximoff
Pietro Maximoff
Peter Parker
Stephen Strange
Matt Murdock
Peter Quill
Detroit Become Human:
Hank Anderson
Gavin Reed
Mystic Messenger:
Monster Prom/Camp:
Damien LaVey
Vera Oberlin
Poly Geist
Miranda Vanderbilt
Liam De Lioncourt
Scott Howl
Milo Belladonna
Dahlia Aquino
Aaravi Mishra (And Hex)
Joy Johnson Johjima
Moss Mann
The Narrator
The Wolf Among Us (video game):
Bigby Wolf
Bloody Mary
Red Dead Redemption:
Arthur Morgan
John Marston
Dutch Van Der Linde
Javier Escuella
Sean Maguire
Charles Smith
Lenny Summers
Tilly Jackson
Abigail Roberts
Karen Jones
Sadie Adler
Miss Grimshaw (platonic only)
Hosea Matthews (platonic only)
Heathers: (movie or musical, just specify which one you’d prefer! Even though there probably won’t be much of a difference in my writing… but I will try!)
Heather Chandler
Heather Duke
Heather McNamara
Veronica Sawyer
The Breakfast Club:
John Bender
Alison Reynolds
Claire Standish
Brian Johnson
Andrew Clark
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thatrandomwriter · 1 year
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Billy Loomis x Reader
warnings: controlling relationship, violence, character death
summary: Billy gets jealous when reader has a male friend, and they get into a serious argument, prompting him to seek his revenge as Ghostface.
“The fuck was that?” Billy grabbed my arm as I walked out of the school building after last period.
“What do you mean?” I replied. I knew why he was annoyed, but I wanted to give him the chance to pick something more reasonable to be upset about.
He grabbed my arm, pulling me to a stop on the pavement, allowing other students to filter past us,. “Don’t play dumb with me - you were flirting with that dick Ryan all class.” his eyes were dark, angry. It wasn’t unlike him to fly into a jealous rage virtually unprompted, but the frequency of it made it no less frustrating.
“He’s my friend. And we sit next to each-other, what do you expect me to do, ignore him?” I felt my face heating up.
“I expect you not to flirt with other guys right in front of me,” he was almost shouting - I was sure that he would be, if we weren’t out in public.
“Oh my God, Billy, we weren’t flirting!”
“You can’t talk to him anymore.” Billy’s face was determined, unflinchingly serious.
“You can’t tell me what to do,” I moved to walk away, but his arms were on my shoulders, his face close to mine. My eyes flicked down to his lips - despite my anger, I still found him insanely attractive. He seemed to pick up on my moment of distraction, shaking his head at me.
“Come on, baby. Can’t you just listen to me? I know exactly what’s going on inside that guy’s head,” his voice softened a bit, and he leaned down to kiss me, gentle and persuasive. I felt my heartbeat quicken, but he pulled away after no more than a few seconds.
“I’m sorry, Billy. But you can’t ban me from talking to people, that’s not how this works,”
He turned away from me, running a hand through his hair. “Fine. If you want to act like a slut, be my guest, but just know that I won’t put up with that shit.”
The insult stung. I felt tears pricking at my eyes, but I blinked them away. “You know what, I’ve had enough of this. You can talk to me again when you realise how ridiculous you’re being, but until then, I’m done with this.” I marched away. He tried to pull me back towards him once again, but I shrugged away his hands. Maybe once he cooled off, we could fix this. Or maybe this was it for us. My tears returned at that thought, stinging and blurring my eyes as I walked home from school.
I was home alone when my phone rang, the harsh sound making me jump. I hoped that it was Billy, calling to make up with me, to apologise for being such a dick, and to tell me he understood. Or at least Tatum, so that I could complain about how he was yet to make up with me, and how awful he was being.
“Hello,” The voice was deep and unfamiliar.
“Hello, who is this?” I replied.
There was a chuckle from the caller, “Forgotten about me already? I’m hurt,”
“Billy, is that you? If you wanna talk, at least stop using that stupid voice,”
“You don’t make the rules anymore - this is my game. And trust me when I tell you, you don’t wanna lose.”
“Why not - are you gonna punish me?” I teased him, lighthearted, though a sense of dread was creeping over me. If it was Billy on the line, something felt different, and it wasn’t just the voice he was using.
“That’s exactly right. If you lose, I’ll make it slow, and painful, until you’re begging me to make it stop,”
There was a lump in my throat. My mouth was suddenly dry, “And if I win?” I managed to force the words out. It reminded me of what the police had been saying - that Ghostface had been using a voice changer to call his victims before they ended up dead. Scaring me like this was a sick way for Billy to punish me for our earlier argument.
“I’ll make it quick,”
“Billy, come on, this isn’t funny. Let’s just talk, okay?” My voice trembled slightly. I cleared my throat in an attempt to keep it steady, but it was useless, “We can work this out,”
“But we are working this out. What do you think this is? Now, are you ready to play?”
“No. I’m not playing your game,” I replied. The words were stronger than my tone, still shaky.
Billy, if it was him, tutted mockingly at me, “Forfeiting is an automatic loss. You sure you want to do that?”
“I’m sure. Just come and talk to me, please,” If I saw him in person, I could get through to him.
There was a click as he hung up the phone. And no more than a second later, the crashing sound of a window being smashed. This was not Billy; whoever it was had meant their threat, and was coming for me. I dropped the phone on my bed and sprung to my feet, running to my bedroom window. The drop was too far - but maybe I could climb up instead, onto the roof? Surely he wouldn’t think to look for me there. But there were footsteps on the stairs, far too fast, far too close. I had wasted precious seconds panicking and planning. The only place I could think to hide was under my bed - awfully cliche, surely the first place he would think to look, but maybe I could yank him over by the ankles from under there, and give myself enough of a head start to get out of the house. I grabbed a pair of scissors from my desk and dropped to the floor, rolling under my bed just as a pair of black boots appeared around my doorframe. My unsteady breathing, or the sound of my heart thumping in my chest was sure to give me away, I was convinced of it. But he stepped closer and closer, until his toes were right by my face. I could see black robes hanging around his ankles, and without seeing the mask, I knew that it was Ghostface.
If I wanted to live, I had only one shot at this. With all my strength, I gripped his right ankle, and yanked it towards me. He hit the floor, hard, and I scrambled out from under the bed, running for the stairs. He seemed to have taken inspiration from my move, however, grabbing my ankle as I ran past. I landed on my elbows, inches away from a broken nose. The breath had been knocked out of my body. I could see the mask now, as Ghostface tried to stand, but I kicked at his shins, sitting up and desperately trying to scoot away from him. He still followed, yanking me to stand up with him, gripping tightly onto my wrist. I raised my scissors with my free hand, ramming them as hard as I could into his shoulder. The sensation made me want to throw up. But he let go of me, staggering backwards, and I took off again, out of my bedroom, into the hallway, down the stairs. I chanced a glance behind me - the scissors had not held up Ghostface for long. The white mask leered down at me from the landing. In his good arm, he had raised a knife. My hands felt empty, now that I had thrown away my last defence. I had to get out of the front door.
I ran, breath burning my lungs. Broken glass from the front window caught in one of my feet, and I stuttered, almost falling at the pain. Every step seemed to drive it deeper, but adrenaline kept me moving and I had no time to slow down; Ghostface was faster than me. Despite my head start, I could hear his breath behind me, and just as I had stepped out of the door, a gloved hand had grabbed my arm once again, this time with no chance of letting go. He pulled me back into the house, slamming me against a wall. I felt dizzy.
“Please, please don’t kill me. I’ll do anything, I’ll play your game, whatever you want,” My defiance was long gone.
“Oh, so now you want to do as I say?” The voice that came from under the mask was no longer deep and artificial. My eyes burned, and I felt a tear escape, rolling down my cheek. Billy brought his knife to my neck.
“Baby, please, I’m sorry, okay? I should’ve listened to you - you know what’s best, you were right, okay?”
“Don’t lie to me. You know I hate it when you lie to me,” His voice was devoid of any gentleness, any love. It felt just as unfamiliar as when he had been on the phone.
“I’m not lying, I swear,”
“You fucking stabbed me with a pair of scissors you bitch - we are long past you getting out of this alive,”
I tried to shove away at him, but all it succeeded in doing was pressing his knife further into my neck. He reached up slowly with his bad arm to lift the mask from his face. Hair hung wild in his face - I loved combing my fingers through it, pushing it to the side when it hung down so that I could look him in the eyes. Now, his eyes were dark and filled with what I could only describe as loathing. I wanted nothing more than to look away, but I was fixated on him, the way that his eyebrows furrowed and his mouth twitched.
“Now, I want you to be able to see my face when this happens. I want you to look me in the eyes, and know how much you’ve hurt me - how much I wish you hadn’t made me do this,”
This felt absurd, it was utterly unreal, “You still don’t have to, please, we can forget about all this,”
Billy shook his head, leaning down until his lips met mine in a kiss. It was slow, deep - a goodbye. His free hand cupped the side of my face in what should have been a loving gesture. Maybe this could somehow make him realise that he didn’t want to lose me? That if he only kept me alive, I could make him happy. I kissed him back, and his knife lowered from my neck. His teeth grazed my bottom lip and I parted them for him, feeling him groan against me as he slid his tongue into my mouth. Tentatively, I reached my arm up around him, slow enough to communicate that I meant no harm. When he did not shove it away, I grabbed at the back of his clothes to pull him in closer, allowing the other hand to tangle in his hair. His kisses became faster, more desperate, stealing my breath with their intensity, and it was all I could do to keep up with him, the power of his tongue and his teeth slowly turning the fear I was feeling into desire. He pulled back for a second, eyes steady on mine as I panted slightly.
And then I felt cold, hard pressure in my stomach. I looked down. This kiss had been a goodbye after all, nothing more than a delusion, a distraction while he decided exactly where to place his knife. He kissed me again as he twisted the blade, swallowing my cry of pain. He kissed away the tears that fell down my cheeks, before yanking the knife out of me. My head span as pain overcame me - so much for adrenaline. I clutched the wound in my side, my hands soaking almost immediately.
“You’re so beautiful covered in blood, baby,” Billy’s eyes glittered as I slumped down the wall, legs giving out as I slid to the floor.
“Fuck you,” there was no point in niceties or persuasion - the deed was done. Patches of the world around me had gone shiny with dancing splotches. My heart was thundering and it was almost as if I could feel its rhythm in my wound as I attempted to contain the blood pouring out of it.
Billy chuckled, “I’d be a little nicer to the guy with the knife, if I were you,”
“What, or you’ll kill me faster?”
“Don’t be silly - that wasn’t part of the game. I can’t kill you faster, but I can make it a whole lot more painful,”
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry, please don’t,”
“You’d deserve it - you had my heart, you know that? And you decided to throw it away, to rip it apart and cause all of this, just so that you could flirt with another guy. I loved you. But no-one gets to treat me like that, to break my heart. No-one,” Billy was ranting, red faced, wielding his knife in a way that made me want to run, or at least step back. But I was trapped between him and the wall, the deep cut in my stomach prevented me even from standing. He crouched down, eyes level with mine. “God, I wish I’d known how good you’d look covered in blood. Maybe I would’ve done this sooner,”
I couldn’t help the sob that escaped my chest, the shake of it sending a jolt of pain through me.
“Come on, baby, don’t look so sad - I’m doing the right thing,” He caressed the side of my face with his knife, trailing it down from my cheek to my neck.
“Billy, I love you, please just call an ambulance, we can fix this,” I managed to choke out.
“We both know it’s too late for that.” Billy sat beside me, gently shifting my weight downwards so that my head could rest in his lap. He brushed the hair out of my face as the world fell away, and I was engulfed in darkness.
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kaz3313 · 1 year
Sideny Prescott/Tatum Riley Oneshot background Billy/Stu. Mentions of Sideny/Billy and Tatum/Stu
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rougevingirl · 10 months
❝Tatum is a Chardonnay❞
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TATUM | masterlist
01. sunset secrets
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© rougevingirl - scream and horror writer
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anime-aus · 2 years
I made an au based off of Scream 1996 using Twisted Wonderland characters.
Casey Becker- Vil Schoenheit
Sidney Prescott- Jamil Viper
Tatum Riley- Floyd Leech
Stu Macher- Kalim Al-Asim
Billy Loomis- Azul Ashengrotto
Randy Meeks- Idia Shroud
Deputy Dewey- Jade Leech
Gale Weathers- Cater Diamond
Kenny- Trey Clover
I also wrote a oneshot for Vil based off of the movie’s opening:
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Tatum Riley Masterlist
telling tatum you like her
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f1nalboys · 3 years
Hello fellow Randy whore. I am in desperate need of some dark Randy and I'm also still thinking about simple pleasures (I hope I'm remembering the series name right), so uh, maybe Randy getting fed up with being a second choice to a reader and fucking them roughly, marking them up, telling them they have to choose??? Please and thank you shawty uwu. -Bee
Bee, Bee, Bee, my beloved, light of my life. You would not believe the jump start this gave me. I've been in such a dumb stupid rut but this kicked my ass into gear and I really love you for that. I went a kind of different direction with this BUT i hope you like it all the same!!!!
Simple Pleasures - Chapter Four
chapter three
chapter five
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Randy Meeks x Fem!AFAB!Reader
WARNINGS: nsfw, cheating, established relationship, dark/mean randy, mention of marking, unprotected sex, creampie, randy gives an ultimatum, mention of orgasm denial, poor billy :(, break up, poor randy :(, not proofread, dream sex/wet dream, begging, accidental voyeurism, dream break up
“Choose.” Randy’s words were harsh, filled to the brim with venom, and the sneer on his face sent a wave of anxiety through you. “I’m not doing this with you anymore, Y/N. It’s either me or him.”
“Randy, please-”
You reach a hand out to him but he moves, standing off the bed quickly. You can feel the anger radiating off of him. “No! I’m fucking done with being the second choice.” He turns back towards you and sighs, his eyes clouded, dark. You’ve never seen him so angry before and you can’t help the way your thighs clench together.
“You’re not a second choice, Randy, I’m just… fuck! I don’t know, I’m just trying not to hurt anyone.” He scoffs at your excuse because that's what it was. An excuse, a thin and fragile one at that. “Please don’t leave,” He was standing by the door, his hands balled into fists at his side. He wanted to walk away from you, from the situation, from everything. But he couldn’t. You couldn’t.
When he comes back over to you and grabs the back of your head, you don’t fight him. You melt into his touch as he kisses you harshly, his fingers tangling into your hair, his other hand gripping your neck. Each tug of his hand sent a dull pain through your head but you didn’t care, not when he was kissing you the way he was, touching you how he was.
Randy pulls away from you and stares down at your kiss-bruised lips. You were out of breath and completely at his mercy. “If we do this, I’m not going to be able to hold back,” Your eyebrows furrow and the corner of his mouth lifts up the slightest bit. “I’m going to mark you up, prove you’re mine. I’m tired of hiding how much I love you. If you don’t want that, then tell me, but that means we’re done.”
“I need you.” It was an easy decision. He’s back on you in a second, pushing you down flat on your back against the bed. His hand slips up your shirt and he’s stripping you of your clothes as quickly as he can.
“Of course you need me,” He mutters against your throat, yanking your shirt off and taking a second to drink in your image. You were breathing heavily, shirt off, pants unbuttoned, staring up at him like he was the only person that mattered. His lips part, sucking in a breath, before he brings his fingers up to your mouth. Your mouth opens automatically and your lips are wrapping around his digits to the third knuckle. “I’m the only one who can fuck you like you deserve.”
His words have you moaning around his fingers, your eyes fluttering shut. When Randy takes his fingers out of your mouth he pulls at your jeans and you lift your ass up, allowing him to take them, and your underwear, off in one fell swoop. Now you were completely bare for him and his gaze was sharp, his eyes dragging up and down your body.
Randy keeps his eyes on your face as he works on his belt, wetting his bottom lip. “Open your mouth.” Without hesitating you do so and he spits into your mouth. He’s never done that before but fuck if it didn’t get to you. You swallow and he laughs at you and a surge of embarrassment goes through you. “I’m going to ruin you for anyone else.” He shoves his jeans down and he crawls onto the bed overtop of you.
His legs were in between your own, spreading you open for him, but he doesn’t focus on your cunt. Instead, he’s kissing you again, hands pressed flat against the mattress right beside your head. He hasn’t touched you yet and you needed him too. You were aching for his touch, for the feel of his fingers against your skin, for the burning stretch as he pushed inside you, for his lips against your own. A whine, low in your throat, catches his attention.
He pulls back and his smile just makes the ache grow. “Please, Randy-”
“Please what? Come on now, baby, you gotta use your words, remember?” It feels like he moves further away from you despite not moving an inch. You swallow hard, squeezing your eyes tight, trying to force the words out.
“Please fuck me, Randy. Touch me, hurt me, I don’t care, I just fucking need you.” Apparently that was enough for Randy. Without so much as a warning he’s shoving himself inside you harshly, his hips slamming into your own. You yelp and he quiets your noises with another bruising kiss.
Randy sets a punishingly fast pace and the first few thrusts hurt. He was stretching you out, the burning sensation causing tears to spring to your eyes and your hands to grab ahold of his forearms. Your nails were digging into his flesh and all it did was urge him on. His lips move from your lips to your neck, sucking and nipping at your throat. You can feel the bruises blossoming as he travels further down.
A loud moan bubbles up from your chest as Randy grabs ahold of your legs, fingers digging into the soft flesh of your thighs, and lifts them up. Your ankles are thrown over his shoulders and he’s fucking into you harder now, deeper, hitting against that bundle of nerves inside you. You were out of breath, your mind foggy from pleasure, you couldn’t focus on anything but him.
“Y/N? Randy? What the fuck?” Billy’s voice snaps you out of your blissed out state and Randy’s movements pause. He’s fully inside you and all you can do is look over at the door in horror. Billy was standing there, his eyes wide, his mouth agape. He was looking between the two of you and even from where you were you can see the tears burning at his eyes.
“Hey Billy,” Randy says with an innocent smile. He looks away from Billy back at you and his eyes are ablaze. “Guess you walked in at the right time.” Billy’s mouth opens to say something but then Randy is thrusting inside you again and you let out a moan. It’s involuntary, one that you wish you could’ve held back, but you can’t. Randy is still fucking you while Billy stares on and you can hear his heart shatter when you don’t ask Randy to stop.
You should tell him to stop, tell Billy this is a misunderstanding, but you’re so close, so fucking close, and you can’t think straight and Randy knows it. He’s talking to Billy, his voice level somehow, and his words are making it that much harder to force the wave of pleasure down.
“Y/N and I, we’ve been doing this for a while,” Randy’s movements are speeding up like he’s trying to prove something to Billy. “Can’t count the times I’ve fucked her and she’s gone back to you just to tell you she’s not in the mood.” He laughs. He fucking laughs at Billy while he fucks you and now his hand is on your clit, pressing down and rubbing quick circles and you feel like you’re going to faint from the pleasure.
Billy lets out a choked sound. “Are you fucking serious?” He looks at you and you can feel the pleasure mounting and you’re going to cum, you’re so fucking close- “Y/N… are you fucking kidding me? Say something!”
“Yeah, say something Y/N,” Randy teases. “Tell him what we did, how it started. F-fuck, Billy, she’s tight, don’t know if you remember how she feels but fuck. She’s close, I can feel it. You wanna cum, baby?” You nod, can’t think straight, can’t focus on Billy and his heartbreak. “Better tell him who you pick then.”
He slows down slightly and you panic at the mere idea of not being able to cum. “Fuck, I pick you! Shit, please let me cum, I’m so close, wanna cum around you so bad,” He chuckles and picks back up and you can barely make out his silhouette on top of you. “Randy, og god! Oh fuck, please, please, please-”
“Come on then. Show him it’s me you want.” You cum harder than you have in a long time, your toes curling and a scream pushing through your body. Your back arches off of the bed and Randy keeps fucking into you, cooing your name, telling you how good you are, how perfect you are, how he can’t wait to fill you up, and you’re so fucking cock drunk that you can’t look at your boyfriend whos watching all this happen.
Randy cums inside you, hips flush against your own, and he kisses you. Your hands brush through his hair as you kiss him back before remembering who’s in the room and what you just did. “Billy, oh my god-” You push at Randy slightly and he gets off of you with a small frown. Billy is still stood by the door, his hands clenched at his side, his jaw set. “I’m so-”
“Don’t.” His voice is quiet but you stop speaking as if he had screamed at you. “Don’t say sorry. You’re not. Did you even love me?” He looks at you and it nearly breaks your heart because you don’t have an answer. “All those times you were busy… god, Y/N… you fucking cheated on me? How long?
“Almost 6 months.” The words hurt to say but, at the same time, the relief washing over you is almost euphoric. He knows. He finally knows and now there's no more lying and sneaking around.
He laughs but it catches in his throat. “Six months… I can’t. I can’t fucking look at you, at either of you.” He sniffs, turning on his heel and throwing open the door. “Don’t ever fucking talk to me again. Ever. I swear to god, if I ever see either of you again, I’ll fucking kill you.” One final look at you. “I hope you too are happy with yourselves.”
The door shuts behind him and you and Randy are silent. He’s sitting on his knees in front of you, his eyes searching your face. “Well?” You look up at him, completely and utterly exhausted. “Are you happy with yourself?”
Your eyes snap open and you feel sick. Billy is still behind you, his arms wrapped tight around your waist, his head in the crook of your neck. He’s sleeping so peacefully, completely unaware of what you’re doing to him. Here you were, cuddled up with your boyfriend of almost a year, and you were dreaming of the man you were cheating on him with.
And a sad, awful part of yourself felt happy in the dream when you realized there was no more lying. That you could be with Randy without any guilt, and that made you realize something that made your skin crawl. You didn’t love Billy. Not really, not how you should. And while you didn’t want to hurt him you were going behind his back with one of his friends, feeling the way that you should with him, sleeping with him, dreaming of him.
“I love you Billy. More than anything.” A lie, one that flowed from your lips so easily, filled your mouth with acid. How do you tell the truth after a lie that big, one that had gone on for so long? You couldn’t. You couldn’t be with Randy anymore, not after this. You had to make it up to Billy somehow.
Slipping out of bed, you grab your phone and go into the bathroom, locking the door behind you and turning on the shower. If Billy woke up, you wanted to make sure he couldn’t hear you. “Hey,” Randy’s voice on the other end of the phone has your throat tightening. “What’s up? Are you alright?”
“Randy, we need to talk.” The words hurt as they slip past your lips but you knew it’s what had to happen. He takes a deep breath, waiting. He knew what was coming. “I can’t… we can’t do this anymore. I’m sorry…”
“It’s okay.” That’s it. Those two words broke your fucking heart and you’re not sure why. You were telling him it was over and you were hurt that he accepted your decision. “I’ll talk to you later,”
“I’m sor-” Dial tone. He hung up on you and it hits you that it’s really over with him. You were with Billy and Billy only now and you know it’s for the best but it fucking hurts. “I’m sorry.” You whisper the words under your breath, knowing that none of the people who deserve to hear them can.
A knock at the door startles you. “Y/N, baby? You alright?” Billy’s voice is soft and filled with worry and you look in the bathroom mirror at yourself. You looked okay but you knew the truth. Opening the door you give him a smile, kissing him, ignoring the wave of regret. “Can I join you in the shower?”
“Of course.” He smiles and gives you a kiss on the cheek, stepping into the bathroom and closing the door behind you both. The two of you strip out of your clothing and step into the hot water. “I love you.”
You hope if you say it enough you’ll begin to believe it again.
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