#tavern version
vankaar · 1 year
Is so wholesome when creators collide with a cover/fanwork so cool and go "we should do something together pal!"
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katruna · 2 years
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vigilskeep · 6 months
oh my god the reason sten approves of giving bella the tavern is because he thinks only women should run businesses
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chloedoesart · 2 months
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Some various Tavern AU design sketches! We've got it all, AHiT AU, human AU, pirate gem AU, superhero AU, you name it.
Yes. Yes that is my interpretation of human Defect. I'm sorry if you were imagining him as a hot tumblr sexyman.
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day-night-darlix · 2 months
I. I saw your Masked Fool Aventurine fanart and I absolutely fell in love with the concept gskdgkfkfsa
I'm always so envious of other people who draw well because it's all so impressive!
That specific piece of art sparked something in my imagination and now I have so many ideas gskdgskgsd
I actually rp as Aventurine on a few different blogs on here, and I was wondering if I could make a rp blog based on your art and concept with all credits to you ofc!!!
I haven't felt this inspired in a while kshkhdskhs so it may sound silly but I just wanted to ask!
I hope you're doing well, and no pressure to reply to this whatsoever!
~ Mod of @aventurine-official
asdkfdsk i would be so honored!!! i'd better make some more art and write some more things in that case.... i have more misc thoughts and a small playlist i can drop too if you or anyone else is interested! i love writing and making aus especially so please pick my brain if you want!! but yes, absolutely that would be okay!! thank you so much :,)
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eastgaysian · 5 months
not a #hottake, just a thought that's been rolling around my head - i think the lower city ends up being a lot less fun to roam around than the rest of bg3's maps because cities by nature make for unfun video game level design. there's too much space to walk around in at the same time as all the Things are packed really close together. it becomes way less clear when something is being telegraphed as a point of interest, so it's easy to feel overwhelmed/lost, and exploring becomes significantly less rewarding. you're also fully capable of going into the sewers 'too early' and getting a party member kidnapped without warning, in a manner that can be really jarring for the story, which was irritating on my first playthrough as a dedicated video game meanderer.
like, every house has a cellar, but it's not worth your time to go in any that aren't directly involved in quests. the catacombs aren't worth checking out either, but then there's a unique scimitar locked behind a somewhat obscure graveyard interaction that you don't really get pointed towards by anything. the upper city is more fun to wander around in, if you ever try it during the final battle, because you have a clear goalpoint and thus clear areas to explore for fun. and a cluttered, unclear level combined with some of the more rushed-feeling writing and quests makes for a really unsatisfying final act area.
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aquilamage · 1 year
I don’t have anywhere to go with it but I’m very compelled by the idea of Vi lying about her age to the explorer’s association
#in a universe where eetl's line about not allowing children is more of an actual Thing#normally I tend to think of her as being 17 but for this she's like sixteen and a half. maybe like three quarters. because its funnier#(and I always think about her looking young for her age but that's extra true in this case. because it's exaggerated with her pretending to#be older)#she uses fake id stuff she got from someone in the underground tavern#also have thoughts on that getting 'revealed'#although one of them is an au where muse is around and the very first time she has a moment alone with vi she's like anyway how drastically#are you lying about your age. deadpan. because they're similar enough that she can just Tell#I suppose leif might also suspect her at some point but it wouldn't be as immediate#(this is more of a separate post thought but sometimes I have feelings about the comparison drawn between them)#(I don't personally vibe with the idea of leif and or kabbu being (like) vi's parent but I do think leif has moments where he looks at vi#and is like. sees in her someone that could be a version of his and muse's kid. and emotional)#but anyway back to the other relevant thought. which is that Vi doesn't bring up the age thing until they get to her birthday#(which. the one on her id may or may not match her real one idk)#and leif or kabbu remarks on her being nineteen oh wow can't believe it. and she's like *awkward inhale* /yeah/.....#an aquila original#bug fables#vi bug fables
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fluffypotatey · 2 years
I refuse to believe there isn't at least one (1) scathing medieval diss track about both Morgana and Uther, individually, floating around, written by some very brave (and no doubt very inebriated) bards because nothing says "fuck you" like a cringe compilation of your life being first immortalised in song and then sung by tavernfuls of lit farmers at full volume. These songs contain mention of Uther's troll queen and Morgana's inability to brush her goddamn hair.
bestie....have you ever heard of my bard!will headcanon?
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debleb · 1 year
americans try not to immediately turn anything irish into magical mystical uwu pagan faeries challenge (100% IMPOSSIBLE)
#i s2g if i see one more comment on a gaeilge song saying some shit like#this is what i would listen to if i was dancing in the forest with the fae#you guys do realise you can show your appreciation for a country/culture#without associating the entire country with the tumblrised version of its mythology that you only know about#from 3 skimmed twitter posts and an interperative YA romance novel#it could be worse i guess#but i'm just really sick of literally anything vaguely celtic just getting watered down into tinkerbell bullshit#that isn't ~ethereal magical ancient elf music~ that's an actual people's music and was probably written at the very most 200 years ago#i'm glad people are enjoying it but you can stop boiling down our whole country into some ideal cottagecore fairy land already#it's just as disrespectful as doing that to any other culture. at least to me#im thinking mostly of music here because that's where i see this shit happening a LOT#like any ~medieval tavern vibes~ playlist you click on is pretty much guaranteed to be like minimum 30% modern as gaeilge music#but it happens with pictures and stuff too#despite popular opinion all those beautiful hashtag aesthetic pictures of glens and woodlands don't make up the entire country.#like were not all living in the 1600s here#anyway rant over tldr you can stop calling irish music magic gibberish fairy spells now especially if you barely know the first thing of#what youre talking about when it comes to irish folklore#ok i know it's probably not just americans doing this also but i mean. i don't want to be rude or anything but americans tend to be#bad for this stuff
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clonerightsagenda · 2 years
Daniel Jacobi 🤝 this big game hunter from Primordial Deep: getting recruited into the shady corporate mission via getting picked up at a bar because apparently LinkedIn isn’t good enough for these people
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manonamora-if · 3 years
Project MasterList (mobile version)
Meeting the Parents Will you light a fire in the Sparks’ heart?
Every relationship passes through similar milestones. First date. First kiss. First night over. First month anniversary. First trip. First fight. Meeting each other’s friends. Many important milestones that define and redefine every relationship. There is one, however, dreaded by all: meeting their partner’s parents.
When you meet Kelsie Sparks, a bright culinary student, one evening at a bar, something intense started burning inside of you. You knew from this single moment that you should not ever let her go. Follow you 6 months into this exciting and blissful relationship, Kelsie, now your official girlfriend, wants to take the next step with you. The dreaded next step: meeting her parents. You are to be invited for lunch with her family.
Will you be able to win them over and impress Kelsie? Or will you make a fool of yourself? Only your choices will tell…
Note : The protagonist’s gender/appearance is up to the reader. Content Warning: some violent behaviour is mentioned to reach some endings.
Rating: G Status: COMPLETED/Re-write Tags: MtP, Meeting the Parents First Release: Jun. 10, 2021 Completed Release: Feb. 2, 2022 Submitted in: Twine Survival Guide Itch.Io Jam, reached 4th place.
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Crimson Rose & White Lily  Prologue + Act 1 Scene 1 to 4 online.
After waking up from the weirdest and most vivid dream you have ever had, you find yourself in a strange place, among strange people. Realizing that you have no memory before this point, you must navigate through this new world and its inhabitants. While your first discoveries uncover your noble birth and future engagement to a local prince, it seems that not everyone welcomes or celebrates these facts.
As you get to explore the region and its court, trying to find more information about yourself and your past, you may end up uncovering intrigues and dangerous plots. Or you may instigate them yourself. Your choices and actions may influence the world around you and the relationships you have with its inhabitants.
Will you discover this world’s secrets?
Crimson Rose & White Lily is an intrigue story set in a fantasy world inspired by the Victorian era and French 18th century court.
Content Warning: depiction of violence, death and sexually suggestive content. Full list here & included at the beginning of the game. Note: This game has some puzzle features. 
Rating: 16+ Status: In Development/Ongoing Tags: CRWL, Crimson Rose & White Lily First Release: Jul. 16, 2021 Last Update: Jun 29, 2022 (Scene 4)
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Exquisite Cadaver A Surrealist Interactive Game
As an aspiring writer since you were little, you’ve always dreamt to strike big and be showered with your fans’ adoration. Fame was one of the reasons you left your dull village for the dazzling capital -along with your two closest childhood friends, Camille and Renaud-.
Now, two years later, there is little you can show for. Worse still, you are stuck deep in writer’s block. Unable to write a single word on a page, you were invited to join your friends in a local café -friends you had not seen in weeks-. 
At the terrasse table, to take your mind off of everything, they will propose to play a few rounds of Cadavre Exquis. Hilarity ensues?
Exquisite Cadaver is based on the artistic world of Paris in1920s.
Content Warning: mention of sexually suggestive content, violence, death, alcoholism, drugs, depression, family trauma. Note: This game is a game-within-a-game type. 
Rating: 16+ Status: Re-design/Re-write (Jam version downloadable) Tags: EC, Exquisite Cadaver First Release: Jul. 29, 2021 Last Update: Aug. 2, 2021 (9/30 rounds) Submitted in: Fortnightly Fiction Jam 14
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The Thick Table Tavern Get a glass, pour some drinks, satisfy the patrons, make some coins.
Being a bartender at The Thick Table Tavern is no easy feat. Day-in and day-out, you have to greet and serve any patron willing to spend their coins on a drink or two -or ten-. In the little time you've spent there -so far-, you believe you've seen anything and everything. The Thick Table Tavern is quite the famous spot in the region for adventuring groups to start their quests or take a break between dungeons, for travellers to get a warm meal and cool drinks and recharge, or for curious visitor to expenrience its world-renoun service.
While most people coming through are quite ordinary -the tavern often being full of regular locals-, you sometimes come across some interesting characters and their as intriguing stories.Will you satisfy their demands and to uncover their secrets?
Content Warning: alcohol is a main part of the game. Note: This game is in development, the synopsis/CW/Rating may change until release.
Rating: 16+ (most likely) Status: Judging Period (IF Comp) Tags: TTTT, The Thick Table Tavern First Release: 1st Oct, 2022 Submitted to: IF Comp 2022
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Old Intro Post (pls don't reblog)
SPS Iron Hammer Welcome Abord #8019
They say you have been on board the longest. How long? You are not quite sure, not anymore. You do not remember a time before the SPS Iron Hammer. You don't know how you even ended up on this spaceship to begin with. You just seemed to have appeared one day onboard, as many have before you and many more have after. You were give a suit, #8019, and some menial tasks to complete every day. Ensure that these are done in a timely manner and avoid causing any trouble, and you will spend your life content and taken care of. Failure to comply, and well... You are no quite sure, but you'd rather not find out yourself. Until now, your life onboard of the SPS Iron Hammer has been quite pleasurable. Since you've set foot on this ship, you had need for nothing, nor wanted anything. Sure, not remembering a single thing prior to your arrival is peculiar, but no one else on the ship remembers their life either. To be honest, you are not sure you would want to remember either. You would rather not want to learn anything negative about your past life... or yourself. For a long time, all of this was sufficient to you. You were quite happy with your life onboard the SPS Iron Hammer. Until this new crew member appeared, Jake he called himself. A loner peculiar young man who will confide in you, if you allow him to. A secret that will change your life. Between choosing to live your life in peaceful bliss and finding the truth, how will you reconcile your place on the SPS Iron Hammer?
Content Warning: mention of violence, swearing, bodily harm, death, and animated text. Note: This game is being updated with continuation of the mystery
Rating: 16+ Status: Hiatus(Jam version currently still playable) Tags: EC, Exquisite Cadaver First Release: Jan. 31, 2022 Last Update: - Submitted in: Interac-If 2022 Jam (ranked 6) and Finally Finished Something 2022 (ranked 51)
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Old Intro Post (pls don't reblog)
The Trials and Tribulations of Edward Harcourt It all started with a letter…
Friday February 2nd, 1923 My dearest friend, Such good fortune has befallen me, that I scarcely dare write you in case it is merely some joke played on me by fate. Lord knows that Fortuna has not been kind to me in this life. Yet fortune is fickle, and it seems the Lady has finally deigned to smile on me.
It had been years since you last saw Edward Harcourt last. Along with this sudden wish to reconnect, Edward promptly invites you to join him in his new abode of Castle Gairbuie, on the North-Western coast of Scotland, and to reward your loyal friendship.
You do not believe this vague letter is all there is to this mystery...
Content Warning: Mention of death and suicide, violence and threats, bodily fluids, war, use of alcohol and drugs, swearing and insults.
Rating: 16+ (may increase) Status: In Development (up to Ch 2) Tags: Project M, ttateh, The Trials and Tribulations of Edward Harcourt. Release: 25 Oct 2022
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agentperezbian · 2 years
Playing D&D as a bard is 10% actual roleplaying and 90% looking up medieval versions of modern hits
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mizua · 3 months
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not-the-darknight · 3 months
Flower! Can you make anything else with oranges?
An.... owl?
[Diluc uses two oranges to make it resemble an owl with wings and a tail.]
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foreverrain-fr · 4 months
Of course now that he's done I'm thinking of making a couple tweaks to my Alastor dragon. Nothing too minor, only outfit changes. Thinking of adding the fiendish and unearthly onyx grasps for his shadows, as the layering of the two gets surprisingly close to the shadowy feel. And then swapping out his sinister pants for the classy ones for a more accurate look. But still, ugh, how annoying. I suppose I'll sit on it and see how I feel about it later. For now I will continue to stare at and love him.
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the-sass-chasm · 8 months
Unpopular opinion:
No one actually likes going to Disney land they just like the nostalgia.
Additional thought:
That’s why everyone is getting into renaissance festivals now. Because it’s all the dressing up and fun interactive activities, but catered to them as adults.
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