#tb d
qqqq-q-to · 2 months
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Eri Kitami / 北見えり
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ohnoitstbskyen · 5 months
So I know you headcanon Nami as a lesbian and Luffy as aroaco (both which is heavily agree with!) What are your romance/sexuality headcanons for the other Strawhats?
Hm. I think Zoro is ace, but not aro, but also the only thing he's really in love with is his dream of fulfilling his promise to Kuina, becoming the greatest swordsman in the world. Once he accomplishes that... well, I am not 100% sure he'll survive accomplishing it, actually, I think the story is signaling pretty hard that his moment of transcendence is going to be connected with the moment of his death (the "King of Hell" thing, all the Buddhism imagery, his tendency to find revelations about swordsmanship on the brink of death) but if he does survive it, that's when maybe romance can become a consideration for him. Maybe. That's when he can figure out who he's even into.
Sanji is extremely romantic - hyperromantic, even - but honestly in a way that's... almost totally disconnected from actual romance? He worships women as divine goddesses and sources of extreme aesthetic and emotional joy for him, but he seems to struggle enormously to actually relate to them a lot of the time. He seems more invested in Being A Gentleman Who Loves Women than he does in... actually being in any sort of a realistic relationship with a woman.
Pudding is the closest he comes to forming an actual romantic relationship, and even then, so much of it is ultimately motivated by his romantic fantasy of Being The Prince, of being the noble, self-sacrificing hero who Saves The Girl, of Being A Good Man. Committing to her is, for him, an act of self-sacrifice, for the sake of his crew, for the sake of his family (Zeff and the Baratie, not the Vinsmokes), and for the sake of her more than it is an earnest desire to build a future with a true partner. He's resigning himself to a life of being her perfect domestic husband servant, in worship and adoration of her, but never in partnership.
In an extremely weird way, the vibe I get from Sanji is he's like a... hyperromantic... aromantic? He's EXTREMELY invested in romantic fantasies, but not so much in the actual day-to-day mundanities of romance, he's in love with the idea of being in love, with the experience of being in love, with the thrill and act and performance of being in love, more than he is in love with any actual person?
Partly this comes down to One Piece just not being a romance story - romance is generally sidelined and elided in most situations, and Sanji's romantic obsessions are played for comedy 99% of the time, they are not taken seriously, so he never has an opportunity to really go through the process of romance as a grounded, flesh-and-blood process, but I can only discuss him as he is presented.
Robin, I think, might be the most straightforward of the crew. I am on board with the Frobin agenda, I think she's probably straight and... if not cis, then about as cis as you can be with a power like the Hana Hana no Mi. And I think she genuinely would be very attracted to a loud, dependable eccentric like Franky, as the other half to her quiet dependable eccentric personality. Especially since he is loudly and obviously an extremely decent man with a heart of gold, and Robin carries so much trauma of being a "devil child," I think she probably needs that kind of uncomplicated light of goodness in her life.
Usopp, again, is probably a fairly straightforward sort. The live action gives him a thing for Kaya, but I could see him being bi or pan, but much like Zoro I don't think he's going to quite have the capacity for Romance™ until he fulfils his dream of becoming a great warrior of the sea (he already has, of course, but he needs to internalize it and realize it within himself). I ONE HUNDRED percent believe he might end up taking a Giant for a spouse.
Franky is... okay this makes no sense whatsoever but I feel that he's gay? But also would fall for Robin? ... but in a gay way???
Look I don't know how that works either, it's a vibe it's a brain feeling it's a wibbly wobbly romance gender sort of situation. Franky is clearly in love with the male body, with masculinity, with maleness, and he especially loves building himself into those images of hypermasculinity, but he does in a way that feels hella queer to me. I don't really think you can be a self-made cyborg building his own body without being some flavor of queer-coded, like, I just don't think that that can be a cishet thing anymore.
He would fall for Robin is my point, in part because they share a knack for creating themselves, in part because Robin would appreciate and need him, in part because she would adore his cybernetic self-creation and find it charming and beautiful, and I think he needs someone who will love his creations (including, y'know, his body) as much as he does.
It's like... y'know how Neo and Trinity in the Matrix are clearly, OBVIOUSLY a t4t couple even though they're both technically cis in the text of the story? It's like that with Frobin for me. Yeah, sure, they're both cis and straight, but also they are trans and gay.
Jinbei I have no idea, actually, he could be into absolutely anything. Kind of a gay bear vibe? That's the best I got. Chopper is a child and I don't think he really has any idea yet either, and Brook... look, I don't think you can be THAT level of flamboyant rockstar and not be some flavor of queer. The Soul King wears Elton John outfits half the time. I don't know that he has a sexuality anymore necessarily (he could be ace, what with the having no carnal flesh and all), but if he's not at least bi romantically then nothing about him makes sense.
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comdrspock · 2 years
True Blue
It wasn’t unheard of for Amanda to receive a message from her son Spock, though he was most often stationed far away in a different quadrant of the galaxy. He did his best to stay in touch in spite of his often unpredictable schedule, and she appreciated his efforts a great deal. Sometimes, however, she selfishly wished he would do a poorer job. It was one thing to be aware of how dangerous his Starfleet career could be and quite another to hear a detailed account of his most recent brush with death. That Spock always recounted these adventures as drily and matter-of-factly as possible was, if anything, worse for Amanda’s nerves than learning the gory details.
This call was out of the ordinary in part because it had nothing to do with any of Spock’s most recent missions. He inquired about her experiences as a human woman on Vulcan and even, to her great surprise, about her courtship with his father. The two of them usually danced around the subject of Sarek, with whom Spock had barely been on speaking terms since he left Vulcan to attend Starfleet Academy years ago. Though he posed them with his usual impersonal, academic curiosity, the questions themselves raised Amanda’s suspicions.
She knew, of course, about the fractured engagement between Spock and T’Pring. Arranging a marriage for her son at such a tender age had always made her uncomfortable, but as in so many things in her marriage, she hadn’t protested Sarek’s insistence on following his tradition. As the human wife of a very stubborn Vulcan man, she had to pick her battles. She and Sarek had been away on a diplomatic mission and therefore unable to return home for what should have been Spock’s wedding, which was probably for the best. Her husband had been furious at what he perceived to be an insult to his house and his son. Only time and distance had cooled his head.
At the time, she’d been hurt for Spock, too—who could ask for a better husband than her son? But her romantic heart had whispered that now he was free. 
She hadn’t thought much about the matter since then. When she did hear from Spock about his work, he mentioned his close colleagues only in passing, so that she knew the captain’s name, but no one else’s. He had certainly never talked about any women. Yet now...now, she wondered. Why these questions, and why now?
“Spock,” she asked, wishing she could reach across the unfathomable distance that separated them and touch his dear face, “is there a reason you’re asking me all this?”
Though she had no telepathic abilities and though he’d carefully trained in all those Vulcan mental disciplines, Amanda knew him better than almost anyone in the galaxy. She’d given birth to this boy, raised him, and knew his tells. As she watched him glance away from the screen and watched the corner of his mouth twitch, she had to keep herself from laughing out loud. 
He looked back at the screen and, after a moment’s silence, he said, “You will certainly be the first to know if there is, Mother.”
When the call ended, Amanda was on cloud nine. Her head was full of thoughts of weddings and grandchildren and a thousand questions about the woman who had brought that softness into Spock’s face. Amanda loved her already, whoever she was, whatever she looked like, whichever position she held aboard the Enterprise. 
*     *     *
Spock felt better after talking to his mother. He was more sure of himself and of his plans and more confident about asking Christine to bind herself to a him despite his alien ways. After all, if his mother could live with Sarek on Vulcan with few qualms, surely it was logical to think that Christine could find contentment with him on a starship or even a colony somewhere. Though their future after this mission was still hazy, he doubted that either of them would leave Starfleet, and he had no intention of returning to Vulcan permanently with or without a human wife.
He now had to consider a proposal and balancing Christine’s human expectations with his own more reserved nature. They had discussed the ways in which Vulcan marriage went beyond the human notion of matrimony only briefly. His mother had reassured him that she found her own mental bond with Sarek, while it had taken some “getting used to,” wonderful. He only hoped that Christine, medical professional that she was, would not be intimidated by the idea.
But this morning there were other matters at hand. The Enterprise had picked up a message from a nearby Class M planet that had, it seemed, very recently developed the technology necessary to contact potential life beyond their planet. Their society was reminiscent of that on Earth several centuries earlier, and the captain assembled a small landing party that included Spock, Uhura, and one of the ship’s anthropologists to beam down.
“Their energy clearly comes from a non-renewable and toxic source such as coal, captain,” Spock remarked with distaste as soon as they materialized on the surface. The acrid smell of smog that hung in the air made his tricorder readings completely unnecessary to back up that particular observation.
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maxybabyy · 11 months
The sheets are cold when Daniel wakes, and Max is nowhere to be seen.
Dawn’s about to break, but the streets of Paris are still alight; loud and bountiful as people make their way back home. He’s only been here for a handful of months, but Paris is already so much different than back home. Daniel doesn’t know how he lived without it.
When he finds Max, he’s outside on the balcony, dressed in his robe from the night before, soft white stark even against his pale skin.
Before, Daniel had stared at the elephant in awe. The impressive architecture and intricate decorations. Had wondered what it would be like to live there, a place fit for a prince. Now he knows better.
“You’re gonna get a cold out here,” he says, wraps his arms around Max’s waist. He kisses his shoulder, drags his lips over the knobs of his spine until he reaches the lock of his necklace, the pendant enormous as it lies in the hollow of his neck.
It’s a recent addition, a gift from the duke. Awful and gauche in taste, but worth more than anything Daniel’s ever owned. Less than Max deserves, but still more than he could ever dream of giving him.
Max shivers in his arms, his entire body tense against his. Not unlike how he had been when they first met.
Well – not, not the very first time, Daniel thinks.
“Enchante,” Daniel had said in broken French and kissed his hand. Max wide-eyed and sweaty straight after a show. Max had been keen then. Even as he had thought Daniel was the duke, part of him had wanted it too. Max had told him so, after. When the truth had come out.
That Daniel wasn’t a duke, but another one of Charles’ idealistic friends who believed in love before everything else. In song and poetry, in creativity and feeling.
Max had been mad then. Furious and mad, embarrassed that he had let Daniel into his bed so easily. So used to the give and take, that Daniel’s adoration hadn’t felt like it was enough. But it was, is enough, Daniel knows now.
“Christian came by,” Max says, his voice hoarse. It could be the cold, the nipping wind that has come with the turn of fall, but Daniel thinks he must have been crying too. “After – when the show ended, after he came by.”
“Yeah?” Daniel says, cautious. His hands tighten on Max’s hips, the bones jutted out awkwardly where they used to be soft. He’s getting too thin, Daniel thinks. If it’s not a show, he’s at rehearsal – Charles relentless in his vision of the perfect play. “What did he want then? Had another brilliant idea, did he?”
Max breathes out, steady and quiet. Daniel feels how his chest expands with the motion, how he trembles as the air leaves him.
“He came to say the duke could not come, that he was busy with business,” Max tells him, steadfast. “That he would see me tonight instead. He left me another present also. But this I don’t care about.”
Daniel frowns. “Why is this –“
Max doesn’t care much for the duke. Christian needs him to keep the theatre in business, Max needs Christian, so Max keeps the duke happy.
Daniel doesn’t like to imagine how it works. He knows Max has sex with the duke when he isn’t with him, that he’s supposed to only be with the duke and no one else, that Christian promised it would be as such. Daniel doesn’t care about that. But Max –
Max doesn’t lie. His heart lives on his sleeve, and his mouth doesn’t ever stay shut, even when it should. But still the duke doesn’t know, believes Max to be as infatuated with him as he is with Max.
“That’s a good thing, no?” He asks.
Max turns in his arms, leans against the railing. It puts another inch of space between them, and Daniel already hates it, braces himself for what Max will say next. “Daniel, if he had come, if Christian had not come here instead, he would of course have seen you,” Max says, tugs the robe tighter around him.
“I would have –“ Daniel says in a rush, pushes closer to Max. “We would have heard him, Maxy. I would have slipped out before –“ But Max twists away from him and escapes inside.
“Always you sleep like the dead, Daniel.” Max snarls. His head is in his hands, but Daniel hears him clearly. “Charles was here last week to work on the finale, and still you slept! You would not have woken, and we would have been caught. He would know that I am with you also, that you have my heart.”
“But he didn’t,” Daniel says and gives chases, quick to follow in Max’s steps. “He didn’t come, and he doesn’t know, won’t ever know. I promise you, Max.”
Max shakes his head, “We have to stop. He cannot know, Daniel.”
“We cannot stop, please Maxy. I love –“
Max sucks in a breath. There’s fucking murder in his eyes as he glares at him, and if Daniel was any less of a man, his mouth would stay shut. But he isn’t, cannot be if he wants to be with Max.
“I love you, Max.” He says again, reaches for Max, and this time Max lets him hold him. “I love you. Don’t let him change that.”
They’ve been here before, Max with one foot out of the door. But Daniel loves him enough to keep pulling him back in, to make sure he knows there is nothing he wants more than Max’s love. That all this would be for nought if Max turned him away now.
“He will of course never stop,” Max says, miserable.
“And neither will I,” Daniel says and leans in for a kiss. “I will write you a million love songs, so even if – if he takes you away from me, you will always know how I feel. How I love you, Max.”
“Daniel, don’t –“ But it’s Daniel’s turn to shake his head.
“Just promise me that you will always love me, that’s all I ask,” Daniel says, begs of him. “Everything else, we can figure out. But this, please, Max. Promise me.”
“I do, I of course do,” Max says, kisses him desperately. “I love you too, Daniel.”
And that is enough for now, it has to be, he knows.
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genuine-sushi · 7 months
✨here's where to see my stuffs:✨
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davidjrpalos · 2 months
im not gonna lie this year has truly beat my ass so far but like those spiky meat hammers it did make me softer to be honest
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goodfellowe · 1 year
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what if they were crime fighting time travelers?
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atopvisenyashill · 6 months
ultimate hater take is that there are two types of targ nation people, there's the rabid twitter people who think every single targ except like three or four (usually aegon ii, aemond, aegon iv, sometimes maegor and aerys ii) are Undisputed Uncomplicated Heroes Of The Story and that the series will end with a targ restoration happy ending. then there's the targ nation people who think basically every single historical targ was a villain EXCEPT FOR dany and she is not only the Undisputed Uncomplicated Hero Of The Story but will absolutely burn/sack both Vaes Dothrak and Volantis but these will be Good Things because she's killing slavers.
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luxurysystems · 3 months
VampireHunter!Irwin R Schyster is just one of those AUs where I'm just like "oouuh my brain 😌" but then "ooOUUHH my feelings D: "
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parasitoidism · 7 months
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Also them waking up mysteriously in an underground bunker and I guess just immediately getting into an argument with each other while flynn is still passed out on the ground was funny
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qqqq-q-to · 1 month
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Moe Amatsuka / 天使もえ
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ohnoitstbskyen · 8 months
"Luffy... help me..."
It's often been said about One Piece that you should "read it until Arlong Park," but it's one very specific MOMENT in Arlong Park that's important here. If this resonates with you, you're a One Piece fan, and if it doesn't, well, maybe it's not for you.
Let me tell you about it.
Which are the best panels in One Piece?
It's often said in the One Piece community that you should stick with it until Arlong Park, and if you're not into One Piece by that point, THAT's when you know it's not a series for you.
I think this is true, and the reason why is this scene. This scene is how you know.
Nami has spent eight years working on her own, since she was a child of only ten, lying, deceiving, stealing, fighting and scamming, all to gather the money that Arlong wants so she can save her village. And now with the goal in sight, Arlong uses the Navy (all Marines are bastards) to steal her money so he can keep exploiting her.
The villagers she has been protecting have had enough, and are going to throw themselves at the fishmen and die, and the beloved friends she made on the Straw Hat Crew keep refusing to leave even though she KNOWS that Arlong will kill them. Her every ray of hope and all of her attempts at keeping control have failed and now, reduced to incoherent rage and sorrow, she sits in the dirt stabbing a dagger into the tattoo on her shoulder, because hurting herself is the only thing she can do to spite Arlong.
And then Luffy comes along and stops her.
She yells at him, throws dirt at him, rejects him, tells him to f*** off basically, and when he doesn't… because she has nothing else left, because there's no plan, because everything is falling down around her, she finally lets down her walls, and says what's in her heart. "Luffy… help me." (p 200, first panel)
And Luffy takes off his hat, his treasure, and gives it to her, and walks forward, and with his characteristic cartoony ridiculousness screams as loud he possibly can "OF COURSE I WILL."
Luffy doesn't know why she needs him. He doesn't know why she lied, why she stole the ship, he doesn't know about Belle-Mère or Nojiko or Nami's deal with Arlong. And he doesn't need to know, because she's his friend and she's his crew, and he loves her, she doesn't need a tragic backstory to deserve his help, she deserves it because she needs it, she deserves it because she asked.
Luffy knows that every time Nami tried to push him away, every time she told him to fuck off and leave her, her heart wasn't in it. Just like he'll know it with Robin, just like he'll know it with Sanji. And he knows that when she asks him for help, she has never meant anything more deeply in her life.
For that, he will move mountains. For that, he will level fortresses, he will smite gods and he will slay dragons. For love does Luffy do these things.
People hype up the moment when the crew get together and go to Arlong Park as the best moment of this chapter, and I'm not gonna say that it isn't awesome. Badass as hell, absolutely certified.
But… this chapter belongs to Nami, and her moment right here, because this is the moment that a girl who has fought so hard and so alone for so long finally finds the strength and the courage that it takes to trust someone else to lift your burdens.
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catholicxknees · 1 year
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Taking Back Sunday being dweebs in Timberwolves at New Jersey (1/3)
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kyuala · 6 months
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the1bidding · 6 months
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Greg the Ory (he smells like 1920s perfume and oil)
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jamiesfootball · 10 months
Was telling one of my friends earlier today about the fic I’m writing and the anger management books I picked up for it, and they said, “Oh? For Ted?”
And I’ve been rotating that in the mental microwave ever since
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