#tbb 1x14 war mantle
nimata-beroya · 1 year
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The tables have turned
The Bad Batch - S01E14 "War-Mantle" || S2E14 "Tipping Point"
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queen-daya · 1 year
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Omega Smiling in Every Episode -> War Mantle (1x14)
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kamino-coruscant · 3 years
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Gregor in The Bad Batch 1.14 War-Mantle
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i-am-bad-at-blogs · 3 years
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Gregor my beloved, At long last!! 😍
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letaliabane · 3 years
An absolute rollercoaster, emotional ride on todays fantastic episode!! I told ya’ll it was building up to this! Cannot wait for next weeks episode and what is in store for us! Please check out my reaction and let me know your thoughts! 
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sisterofleatherfrog · 3 years
Thoughts after War Mantle/predictions for the end of the season and beyond.
So, that was excellent, and I’m happy that the tradition of especially pretty clone commanders continues! 
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Okay, no big intro here, now that Hunter is with Crosshair, I have a few (lots  of, actually) thoughts. I’ve organized them under different categories for the sake of convenience.
-So, small fear, what if the team comes to rescue Hunter, but they leave Crosshair?
-Ouch, not ideal, but it has the potential to be very interesting. If he stays, what will be his role in the rise of the empire (or will he be rolled over like a bug in a wheel-rut by the machine of the Empire)? Will other people's predictions of him becoming one of the first Dark Troopers come true?
-Or maybe, since we saw Scorch this episode, he’s the clone that becomes a DT in order to emphasize War Mantle as one of the Empire’s operations as a tragedy. 
-But if they rescue Crosshair... 
-I imagine for any rescue Rex (maybe now Gregor too) is gonna help them, so they should be able to get the chip out.
-I get the feeling that if this is the case, maybe we’ll get a callback to that scene in ep. 1 between Cross and Omega where she’s telling him it’s not his fault.
-I feel like that scene from ep. 13 between Hunter and Omega: ‘“You forgive him?” “Of course.”’ will also tie into this. We may get a scene where Cross feels guilty and these two scenes come together in the Batch’s actions in order to show their forgiveness and create reconciliation? Does Cross understand they couldn’t come for him?
-I feel like he may also leave though because he’s angry and hurting at the Batch and himself. Maybe he becomes a bounty hunter or does work for the early rebellion and Echo goes with him?
-So there’s a clear division forming between him and Hunter due to leadership.
-I love Hunter, he’s a great dad, but I don’t think he knows what he wants/ what to do.
-He’s similar to Dogma in a way that he needs to be directed to a clear mission (he is more independent in his execution though). 
-I feel like at some point he will end up splitting from the Batch like people have been saying because their goals aren’t exactly aligned. 
-Or you know, Hunter will take a note from his book and they’ll become an even more cohesive unit, possibly joining the rebellion.
-Who am I kidding, they’ll all be involved in the early rebellion somehow.
-I have concerns, considering he is Omega’s primary dad™.
-Much like with the Rescue on Ryloth episode, I’m having concerns about a traumatic death happening.I know this is everybody’s thing for every one of the more intense episodes, but what if to save Crosshair it takes his life? 
-What if he’s taken? What if, HE’S the one that’s taken by the Empire and twisted into a Dark Trooper (I mean that skull tattoo is a hell of a symbol, it’s like he’s already marked for death)?
-I imagine a scene where an older Omega encounters a DT and breaks part of it’s mask and we get a moment where she sees just enough of his face to recognise him. Like that one Ahsoka and Vader scene:
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-But I also feel like it’s WAY too soon for something like that to happen though, so more likely I think we’ll finally get that dad-Hunter bear hug we’ve all been waiting for.
-Closing statements-
-I feel like the ending of the very first season will not be something traumatic like the end of the Clone Wars, firstly because we’ve literally just come off of that and because we still have to see where all the disparate story lines are going. What I think it will be important for us to see as an audience are: the rising Empire, the fate of the Storm Troopers, the early rebellion especially, maybe some surviving Jedi (?), and also (I feel VERY strongly) the underworld- thieves, smugglers, spys, mercenaries; we’re going to be seeing the changes in the galaxy from the POV of the underworld and backdoor dealings. We’ll be seeing how seemingly small things end up shaping things on all levels of the reforming power structures; I feel like all the boys and Omega will end up being right in the thick of it. 
-Or you know, Filoni could do something that comes right out of left field that none of us see coming, leaving our jaws and/or our hearts on the floor.
-A place I feel like we ARE seeing again is Kamino. With all the talk of it, Hunter’s promise that Omega isn’t going back there, and with the fate of the clones, this isn’t the last we’ve seen of the space equivalent of Aran. Maybe that’s where they’ll bring Hunter after this episode? Probably. Definitely. Omega’s skill will definitely come in handy for extraction here (I can image Rex looking surprised/proud at this little tactician). Whatever happens, it will be intense and we’ll be on the edge of our seats. Maybe some of the theories that were floating around after Omega was kidnapped about the Kaminoans (Nala Se in particular) removing Crosshair’s chip in order to assure Omega’s protections will happen now? 👀
-On a final, final note, I’m not as familiar with things happening in the background of the galaxy right now and I’ve seen some people talking about Maul consolidating the gangs or something? Whatever about that, I feel like it’s more likely we’ll see him than Vader if we do end up seeing one of the big bads. Do any of y’all think we might see him, even if it’s not in the first season but at some time?
Okay, that was a lot and some of it was depressing, here’s a picture of a Silvery Blue that landed on me while weeding!
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Anyway, I hope you enjoyed! Let me know what you think and happy waiting for the last 2 episodes!
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nimata-beroya · 2 years
Double watch tonight, since I skipped it last night (for obvious reasons). Time to help friends in need! Things will go ok with the first, not so much with the second 😬
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18 episodes down, only 2 to go!
And only 3 days for season 2!!!!!
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queen-daya · 1 year
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Hunter Smiling in Every Episode -> War Mantle (1x14)
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nimata-beroya · 3 years
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DAY 1: Favorite Member
How can dare @bad-batch-week ask me to choose between my sad boy and my happy boy? Impossible!! So I ask myself both? Both. Both is good.
» Day 2
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nimata-beroya · 3 years
Me, right now:
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*dead* ☠
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nimata-beroya · 3 years
After the end of the episode, I have none. No even one single thought except for constant screaming in my head. If I get to next Friday somewhat sane it'll be a miracle. However, these are my reactions to/thoughts of this amazing episode... (It's a long spoiler-full post)
I wonder who that is, if I know him. And if he's running is because he's a deserter which means his inhibitor chip is failing, which in turn means that the chip in all clones are degrading, including Cross'
Oh! Are those mastiffs?! I love those reptile dogs 🥺 but please don't eat that poor clone 😰
Oh! So if you get an indirect hit you don't get stunned completely. Hmm, interesting. Saving information for writing
Ugh! They got him. Boo!
Omg!! Omega imitating Hunter's knife flip with her thingy!! And Hunter watching her 🥺🥺🥰🥰
REX!!! You need help. Yes, of course, what do you need?
Hey! What are you up to Rex? Be careful! (since he appears in rebels later I know he's going to be ok but anyway)
That number doesn't tell me anything, Tech!! Who is that guy??!! I wanna know!
I agree with Wrecker, Echo got a point.
Eh, yeah, Tech also has a point, sorta
Omega wins! She has the biggest point. Give up Hunter, you're outnumbered. (I must say that I feel for him. 😩 The poor guy is so obsessed with protecting the family he has left —part of his guilt for leaving a brother behind— that he's terrified to lead them into danger even if it's for a good cause)
Echo's look at Hunter!! Aah!!
Cross! There you are! Peeps on Tumblr are going to be ecstatic to see you, as I am 🥰
Viable clones? Viable clones FOR WHAT??!! Damn it Rampart what the hell are you up to?
😣 I fear for those little cadets
Oh you got that right Lama Su, your days are numbered
Echo! 💚 "Rex trust him and I trust Rex"
Stormtrooper armor! Stormtroopers!! Stormtroopers!! Stormtroopers!! Stormtroopers!! Stormtroopers!!!!!!!!!!
A direct hit to the gut with Echo reminding Hunter about Skako Minor. I'm not ok, I am NOT ok 😭
Aww 🥺 wrecker and omega playing. "I'm thinking!" Oh my boy!! 😆😆
A 1000 tk troopers... Oh boy!
"Hey, newbie" 😮 Shouldn't be shiny? "That's captain traitor. Insubordinate pleeb." 🤣🤣 Hey, I know that voice... Gregor? Wolfe?!!
GREGOR!!! I knew it!!
"Only one way out. Out." 🤣🤣🤣
"Are you sure you know where you're going?"/" Hey! I'm the one who escaped here before"/"And you were captured"/"After I made it out." 🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂
"I thought you said you trained these guys"/"I didn't teach them everything. That wouldn't be smart, would it" 😂😂( You can't argue that )
Hunter: Number aren't everything
*elevator door opens**a battalion of troopers outside*
Me: you had to say it Hunter ugh
Awwww 🥺😰💔 Omega hugging Lula for comfort while pacing. (Honestly, I find no strange that she gets so worried for the batch when she's not with them during missions. We know she emulates Hunter in everything so, she over worries just like he does. Like father, like daughter)
Oh, my darling Wrecker 😆 "I'm sure they've got everything under control" yeah, that would be a negative
Gregor!!! Flashback to Rebels finale 😖😖 Nooooooooo! 😭😭
Omega piloting the ship!!
Oh kriff!! Krifff kriff kriff!! I have a bad feeling about this 😰😣
As always, very clever Omega. But the bad feeling continues 😰😣😣😭
Ouch!!! That's going to hurt in the morning 😣😣
Oh no! Gunky! Aaag!!
So, THAT'S the order they were going to follow 😣 I don't think many of us call that out. Gawd!! No! But I get it. It's live to fight another day. Kark!!
Omega pleading come back for Hunter 😭😭😭😭😭💔💔💔💔💔
"A scientist, I have use for. A politician, I do not. I'm afraid that your services are no longer needed" oops! I was wrong Lama Su. You didn't have your days numbered, just hours. But I can't say I will miss you. TBH, I thought who was going to die was Nala Se first
Oh god! Oh god! Oh god! Oh god! It's him, isn't it? Yep. Here he comes.
Oh, Cross!! 😣 "I was hoping for the whole squad but you'll do"
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Ah! Dave Feloni. That explains it all.
One last observation: The animation and music were top-notch on this episode!!! Wow! Truly outstanding.
Now I'm truly scared for the last 2 episodes. Although, I don't think anyone (important) is going to die as many seem to be convinced. No Crosshair, nor Hunter are going to die in the first season. I can tell you that. In the future seasons, that's a whole new matter
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kamino-coruscant · 3 years
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Captain Gregor in The Bad Batch 1.14 | War-Mantle
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kamino-coruscant · 3 years
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Captain Rex in The Bad Batch 1.14 War-Mantle
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kamino-coruscant · 3 years
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Vibroblade Big Brother & X-acto Knife Little Sister
The Bad Batch 1.14 | War-Mantle
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kamino-coruscant · 3 years
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That depends. Who's askin'?
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kamino-coruscant · 3 years
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Gregor on the Run | The Bad Batch 1.14 War Mantle
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