#tbh idk if i'm satisfied with the result but i kinda like it
znaigi · 9 months
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Tried drawing Amy and Metal for their birthday🎉🎉
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seromelo-tonin · 1 year
I've been super quiet here on Tumblr and to just reassure whoever reads this I am fine and actually very good.
To sum up what I've been up to is this:
I have just been falling very, very, VERY deep into the Vtuber hole for a long time now and I just finished watching the new outfit reveals for Luxiem and I just have to get all my fangirl excitement out of my system for a bit lol.
I've been following Ninisanji JP/EN, some Vshojo, Indie Vtubers, and starting to look at some Hololivers- I'm just, REALLY into the community and all the Vtubers themselves are just so amazing all in their own unique ways, they are very fun to watch and interact with and they are also very inspiring.
I do miss interacting more on Tumblr again bc I've made and met so many wonderful people and friends on here and I wish to interact with them again bc I really miss them and tbh I feel bad bc I feel like I've been kinda neglectful.
Also, another thing, I have been trying to improve my drawing skills. I've been getting into the habit of using way bigger canvas sizes, playing with brush settings for lineart, and ESPECIALLY looking up/experimenting on different coloring and shading techniques to further improve my art. I am getting the drive to improve and evolve my style to however far I can take it to feel more and more satisfied with the end results- to a point where I can finish a piece and look at it and say "I'm proud of this."
BECAUSE of this, though, I have been thinking of cutting back on what drawings I'd wanna post here on Tumblr. I am still down with drawing some fanart and self ship art here and there from time to time, but I am also wanting to sort of rebrand myself on other platforms so any bigger works, like full on illustrations and such I will only post on my new brand platform elsewhere.
On one last note- specifically on this rebranding I mentioned, I will be going to change my username later on at some point to kinda separate so I can signy works with my new brand name instead and not my username here anymore. Idk when exactly bc I am still thinking of what to change it to, but worry not to whoever has already known me I will still keep my bio the exact same so you can still just call me by my nickname! (If anything I'll just change the username to probably something simple)
Anyways, I'm not gonna be gone for too long now, after I work out some final things I will be back to being more active here on Tumblr while working on all my new stuff on other places.
See y'all soon! ❤️
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symbiodyke · 1 year
found out my top surgeon is involved in a lawsuit now. idk the details but I hope he goes down bc he turned out to be a piece of shit (he ofc only showed his ass in the pre op appt after I'd already paid nd was like. Ready and I couldn't rlly back out)
and idk. I don't regret top surgery itself but I had a rare complication and also I'm not super satisfied with my results tbh..... like he didn't butcher me thank fuck but idk. don't like my nipple placement nd they aren't the nicest either (he didn't listen to me!) and the complications made my scarring nd recovery extra intense.
it just kinda sucks, I wish it could be more of a source of joy for me. I'm coming up on 11 months post op and I don't feel anything abt my 1 year. I don't feel negative or positive, just ehh.
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psychelis-new · 11 months
Hi lys. 9, 10, 13, 14, 22, 23, 24.
Have a nice day/evening/night.
hey, thanks for sending! hope you have a wonderful day/night :)
9. What's your all time favourite movie/tv show? Honestly Idk... it's either I can't choose or I cannot remember titles now. A fav movie of mine anyway could probably be a Disney animation (very likely) like The Sword in the Stone or something like that. There are many movies I like but I cannot really choose not mention them atm sorry... oh wait Minamata. I mentioned it not long ago because I was thinking about photography so yeah. That one too was good.
10. What are you enjoying to do in your free time? These days I enjoy napping/sleeping, I'm really tired tbh. But in general I work out or draw/paint (even if lately I'm not doing the last 2 almost at all)
13. Your dream place to visit? I have a bunch of particular places I'd like to visit like Iceland (for the nature and hopefully the Northern Lights), Easter Island, Salar de Uyuni, that place in Denmark (Grenen/Skagen) where the Baltic meets the North Seas but not mix, Jindo Island, Mont Saint Michel... but ofc I'd be okay with just visiting other cities/countries.
14. Something you wish you were better at? Everything? I'm never satisfied about what I do but I'm working on that. I'm trying to be more accepting of what I do, because I always do my best even if the result is not exactly like I would want it to be (our minds just cannot consider our "humanity" at times, so we should start teaching them about it ig).
22. Best memory you could think of? I think I have already mentioned it but anyway, it's about my dog. We were in a park, he was playing with other dogs when I got thirsty so I went to a little fountain to drink. It was like a few meters away from my father (I was a kid). I didn't make 2 steps away from him that I found my dog right by my side looking up at me. So I looked back and then kept on moving towards the fountain. Once there, there were 2 cyclists that wanted to drink so I stopped moving to let them drink, but my dog (a german shepherd) started barking until they had to take their bikes and move away. At that point my dog looked at me like "didn't you want to drink?" and so I went to drink, he drank right after me, then walked me close enough to my dad and ran back to the other dogs. My dad was laughing so hard, so as the other dogs' owners. To me it was like nothing special? Idk. Oh the cyclists could go back to drink then. I want to add my dog wasn't trained, nobody could have ever succeeded in that lol (I could only teach him a few tricks but related to playing together, never orders like sit or lay... he did that only when he wanted to, otherwise he would have given you a face like "why?" and I mean he was right). He was just him, a stubborn free spirit. But he was a fast learner and a very good thinker/empath, so he just usually came up himself with such (often protective) behaviours.
23. Worst memory you can think of? I have a bunch, and they're all about (TW) losses. For example ofc my dog and grannies. Not gonna go in detail ofc, I also don't wanna trigger any of you. (/TW) A year and a half/2 years ago as well it was kinda a long bad period. But bad moments and losses are part of life, we take what's best and go on, right? :)
24. Do you have any fears? Sure, I'm plenty. As humans, we all have fears and there's nothing wrong in having them. It all depends on how we deal with them. If we let them win us over and control us, or if we try to at least have a talk with them and check if there's anything right or reasonable in what they're pointing out to us. If we're able to take ourselves by the hand and try to go on or do what we really want to despite the fear. And... especially when I'm stressed I don't like (TW)using knives or scissors or needles or anything that could potentially cut/harm me (it's ocd ig).(/TW) I also suffer a bit from vertigos but mostly there are things that make me pretty uncomfortable.
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frstbiitten · 4 years
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//A wild Sareena appears
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korgidorgi · 3 years
The Avengers reactions to You getting into a fight at school
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Warnings: cursing
Reader wrote to be female (pronouns are only used like once so i mean, anyone can read it ig). (Thinking I'm writing an actual fic out of this)
(idk what/where this gif is from)
(Also I don't own any of the Gifs used)
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You got into a fight because some girl was being a bitch to someone you like 😏 (it can be whoever you want, irl crush, Peter, MJ, etc. your life, not mine)
You don't normally pick fights with people so this is like, a big thing for you
The bitch hit you first
You dodged her second attack
and broke her nose
You ended the fight
You ditch school and come back to the tower
Peter told Tony
Tony told everyone else
Peter saw everything go down
Fucking snitch
Don't worry, your crush helped you clean up after :) (you were bleeding a bit)
Not too happy about hearing about it
He was passive-agressive to you when you got back to the tower, made you ✨uncomfy✨(He's scary when he's upset ok? He also lowkey has an army of robots)
He finally asks you about what happened and you tell him
Teases you about doing it to get Peter's attention (whether that's true or not, you deny it)
He's very much like a dad about the whole situation
When he asks you about what happens, you start cursing
Comes at you about cursing
"Sorry, BuT sTiLl!"
Crosses his arms at you, trying to be angry with you
Is secretly proud of you for standing up for someone because, he too, is a goody two-shoes and probably would have done something similar
Picks up that it may have been your crush who compelled you to do it but doesn't bring that up
Indirect about approaching you about it
When he does bring it up, he's a lot more calm than Tony, but gives you a mini lecture
"If that had been me approaching that situation, I never would have because the Big Guy would have probably killed them and we don't want that."
Makes sure you're ok tho
You can't tell if she's disappointed, proud, angry, what
She simply asks what happened, casually springing the topic on you right as your taking a sip of your favorite drink (you choke on it)
At first, she just listens intensely which scares you a bit, but is secretly proud of you that you stopped a fight with one hit (strong bby :3)
She gets you to tell her why you started bickering in the first place and you just come out and tell her about your crush
She encourages you to ask this certain someone out ;)
Stalks you from the vents for a little bit before dropping down to interrogate you
Damn near break his nose
At first he scolds you for fighting, but loosens up
"If you were one of my kids-"
He's said too much
You weren't supposed to know he has a whole ass secret family (let's just pretend okay?)
Oh well, cat's out of the bag now
He tells you to not tell anyone what he said
Crawls back into the vent and disappears
Isn't the best judge of scenarios like this because things are so much different on Asgard
Praises you for doing the right thing
The two of you talk about fights you've been in and the worst injuries the two of you have sustained (Thor wins that obviously)
You excitedly tell him how it felt getting hit for someone and he fangirls with you as well
He offers you alcohol (despite you being a bit young) (Do you take it?)
Tony yells from the other room
"Don't encourage her, Thor!"
Doesn't really approach you about it, he doesn't really talk with you much tbh (he doesn't really talk with anyone other than Steve, or younger people) (Look, idc if the timeline's screwed up)
Kinda proud you took a punch for someone tho
Gives you a thumbs-up when you pass him after talking with Steve about it
Much like Steve, he's a bit stern with you, crossing his arms
Tells you to not do stupid shit like that (without him)
He only loosens up when you tell him that this certain someone has unconsentually stolen your heart
Won't stop teasing you about your crush but doesn't spread it to the other Avengers
"You fucking what!?"
High-fives you when you tell him the story
Also encourages you about the ordeal like Thor
He's a bad influence on you
"You shouldda just gone in, hit her, and been like 'Boom, you looking for this?'"
Everyone in earshot just freezes and just blankly stares at him
"Not funny, okay. Bad joke."
Tony looks at him, daring him to encourage this behavior
She doesn't confront you about it, more like you race up to her and giddily tell her about it
Asks if you're okay (which you confirm)
Lowkey wants to see what it looked like
"If you want you can look in my head if you wanna see it it was sO aWeSoMe!"
Refuses your offer but looks anyways because she's curious
Nearly freaks out at your memory when you get hit
Very satisfied when you hit the bitch back though
Sees your crush that way, she'll talk with you about your crush when you bring it up later, she doesn't want to ruin your excitement
(I'm considering her a possible crush insert too now so maybe she already saw it and is like, still horrified you'd do that for her bc she doesn't think shes really worth getting sucker punched for so let's do this:)
(She's concerned that you're excited about taking a hit for her but thinks its sweet)
He fucking SAW IT HAPPEN! (Ned saw it too)
He freaked out and helped you clean up outside before you buggered off to clean up elsewhere (with the help of your crush, unless it was him, then he leads you somewhere to help clean you up better)
Doesn't know whether to be horrified or impressed
When he tells Tony, he's screaming about what happened and is really blown away by the incident
Really worried about you afterward
Regretted telling Tony because he thought you'd kill him for it (I mean, you might ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯ )
Won't shut up about it for the next 3 weeks
He really only brought up that you looked different
Asked if you got hurt somehow because of the bruise and cut on your face
You tell him what happened
Doesn't really understand why you of all people would get into a fight
Warns against the (obvious) results of taking physical damage
Isn't much of a supporter or disciplinary figure on this whole ordeal, very neutral
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luchsyy · 2 years
For the ask game: 2, 4, 8, and 16!
2) what's your favorite thing about your style?
i kinda like the way i line things!! i actually think it's one of the most fun parts of making art tbh bc it makes everything look a lot cleaner! and i also like how i draw backgrounds / environments although i still have a lot to learn
4) favorite thing to draw?
facial expressions!! i think theyre super fun
8) what's the most fun and the least fun parts about your process?
i love adding filters & little details after i'm done with the most important parts of my drawing!! idk it just completes everything which is so satisfying
but i really hate choosing the colors because it takes forever & most of the time i'm not happy with the result :(
16) favorite media to work with when drawing traditionally
i usually use anything that i have at the moment...... mostly ballpoint pens, gel pens and shitty highlighters lol (this is why i never post my traditional art) watercolors are also really nice but i rarely use them
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sylenth-l · 3 years
*internally prays to hopefully one day see your design take on Rezyl Azzir/Dredgen Yor since I still struggle drawing armor*
(pushing aside that how long you've been drawing? I would count myself drawing for 10 years but legit kinda have stopped due to life is getting too much on myself and seeing my 15 year old sibling doing better within only months does not do well on my already crippling self esteem)
Ooh, I really should, Yor is super badass! I really like the design fried gold has for him, btw. Those scars though...
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2nd question - uhh, idk, I pretty much was drawing more or less as long as I can remember, but if you mean like ~seriously~, reading books, practicing boring stuff just to get better, etc, then maybe ~12 years or so.
Also, if you want to get back to drawing, you can probably start small. Draw some simple things, even lines and circles will be fine, just to take back the control of your hand. I once had a ~2 years break in drawing and getting back to it was awful, my brain was far ahead of my hand back then and everything I drew seemed horrendous to me. So to get your hand do exactly what you want is the most important step, imo. Not much can be done here tbh, you just have to suffer through it, until your hands catch up to your brain 😅 I think it's a bit similar to sports? After taking a long break, you have to get your muscles back in shape, same thing here.
And the thing that helped a lot me personally - try switching to something completely different from what/how you used to draw before. It may be a subject of your art or a media you use - e.g., if you drew people a lot, draw animals now, if you drew digitally, try traditional medias, etc, whaterever works for you. In your case it'll probably be a good idea to draw something drastically different from what your sibling draws. The trick is to get rid of that destroying need to compare yourself - either to what you used to be or to people around you. It has 3 cool pros:
1. You don't have anything to compare to, since you never did this before, thus you can't blame yourself for getting worse;
2. You can reason with yourself if the results don't satisfy you immediately - like, of course I suck, I'm doing this for the first time in my life;
3. When learning something completely new, you tend to learn fast at first. Basically, you don't know anything, so every time you learn something, no matter how small, it makes you feel a bit better. Then this process slows down of course, since the need of practice steps in, but these first steps of accomplishing something new help you build up some confidence and self-esteem - hey, look, I'm not hopeless, I'm still capable of learning & progressing!
Hopefully, this'll give you some moral strength to get back to how/what you used to draw before the break. Or maybe you'll like this new field even more than the old one, who knows!
And... Try to be a friend to yourself. When you start roasting everything you do, imagine that this work is something your friend shows you. Would you be such a bitch to them too? Probably not. So why should you be one to yourself?
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micia-posts-stuff · 4 years
Idk about you however for me I seen people starting to get worried about whether or not the ending will be satisfing. I think it's has to do with the situation with historia, it's good people are recognizing that isayama is handling poorly with historia. I'm also worried the ending since I have seen, read, and heard that isayama is going for 138 as the last chapter, which I hope not. The fact that we have not even had historia's POV is concerning, I think isayama should go for 142 chapters.
I'm also pretty worried about not getting Historia's POV, but we'll see. If Isayama will show us what she's thinking it shouldn't take too much space, I think he can squish it in the 5 next chapters.
5 chapters seem few tbh, considering that at least one will have to be about wrapping things up. So we're gonna get only 4 chapters about the final battle and we know next chapter (at least the beginning) it's not gonna be about the battle against Eren directly, but it will be about the fake Zeke. We'll see what Isayama will do. 4 chapters for a battle are enough I guess, but it will result kinda rushed imo and that's not the best for the final climax you know?
With this being said, Isayama is a good writer when it comes to making something feel spectacular (and with this I mean both amazing-spectacular and terrifying-spectacular). Just look at the Rumbling, it was terrifying, it made you feel that sense of dread and it took 10 pages. So I think he can make something feel big and impactful in 5 chapters.
But my expectations for a satisfying ending are pretty low. I would have liked to see those people who fought their whole life to survive and have a happy ending and one of the people I cared about the most is already dead, so... It's surely will not end as I had hoped... I think Isayama will be able to write a good ending, but I will surely read these last chapters with less excitement than before chapter 132 and so they will leave less impact on me.
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inktae · 7 years
Guess Tumblr ate my messages so I'm sending em again *massive eye-roll* First of all, YES Jin needs a dreamy fic, idk why but I often picture him as a fairy or a watchmaker? Or a white wizard ahahah. I'm looking forward to what you can do for him :') Then, WOW YOUR STUDENT IMPROVED SO MUCH?? Mari, you must be a very good teacher, I'm impressed o_o I remember you saying that you were considering becoming an English teacher, and I can really picture you being one tbh, I feel like you are very -1
Patient with students? and seeing em improving it's so damn satisfying. The girl I was tutoring just a few months ago sent me a text with the results of her exams (much more than she expected) and she was so happy, and I felt so proud :') Also, you kinda pumped me a lot so I brainstormed a bit for the Venice au but I remember only the creepy legends (imma tell you some btw), so today I'm searching for the ones (I'm sure there are!!) that I can't remember very well n are more... ethereal? -2
I think those will fit min better :') so, there are a few nice stories: one's about the devil building a bridge (that really exists, it's next to my high school building) in just a night, and to do that he forgot to put the railing on the sides (it's indeed a very weird looking bridge ahaha). Another one is about an ancient palace (Ca' Dario) where during the centuries all its inhabitants died in very bloody, very suspicious ways (for real,it's documented) and so now nobody lives there anymore 3
But my fave is about an incident that happened around 80 years ago: So, our cemetery is set in a whole island (for health motives ofc), and one very foggy night a boat accidentally get lost near there, and it was so dark that it didn't see two gondolas (peculiar venetian boats) and so it crashed em, making 4 women fall in the water. 3 died: their corpses have been found in the next weeks, drown. Yet, after all these years, they still need to find the last one (a baby girl). However, -4
It's said that during foggy nights, if you go near the cemetery, you can see a small coffin floating on the water :-) as you can see these things are too creepy for Jimin ahaha, man, I remember sth about sea fairies helping the sailors tho, gotta search this for good eheh *flies a kiss* (5/5)
DID TUMBLR SERIOUSLY EAT SO MANY MESSAGES JFC ;;; christ I love fairy jin!! idk why, but I’m also thinking of giving him some sort of... deadly beauty, maybe his charms can have a bit of creepiness under them, sort of like mermaids :’) and I do feel like I can enjoy teaching!! thankfully my kid is very motivated to raise his grades but it must be a struggle if you have a student who doesn’t even want to try. I try to teach things in an easy way though, I’ve had too many teachers who speak to their students as if they already knew everything and that just makes their heads hurt. I usually start explaining things in a very simple, dumbed down manner haha, and the more I see him understanding things I slowly start raising the level of my explanations. whenever he goes ‘yeah I got that’ I speed up a little and I think that works very well for the both of us :D but yes seeing them happy with the results feels very relieving!! you must have felt so proud as well hehe
UHM I LOVE THE CEMETERY STORY. That’s sooooo intriguing and it could definitely work so well in a story! you want to make it very suspenseful, then? sort of like the underlying mysteries under the charming city of venice. god, you could start this as a fanfic but it could very well work for a book too, I’d definitely buy it even if it’s in italian 😂 good luck with your research!! I’m studying but I’ll try to brainstorm for seokjin in my free time ^^
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