#tbp gang
triforce-of-mischief · 7 months
assigning metallica songs to @thatbrokenpromise because i CAN (and because @batrogers asked me to)
skyloft: ride the lightning
minish: the thing that should not be
kokiri: don't tread on me
ordon: the struggle within
four: holier than thou
outset: master of puppets
chief: too late too late
rabbit: escape
smith: leper messiah
far: fade to black
prince: the unforgiven
hateno: the god that failed
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thatbrokenpromise · 6 months
For those of you noting that Far is "so tall" in this comic, I really must emphasize for your sakes that....
Far is not tall. He's SO not tall. He's 5'5" in 1" heels. He's a very average human height for much of the world.
Everyone ELSE is just that short.
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batrogers · 6 months
TBP question! You've called it the 10 Years Later AU... is it 10 years post each Link's first adventure, or later? I assumed it was 10 years after their final adventure for each, but Far is only 20, not 26, so that's 10 years after LoZ. Is he the odd link or, or is everyone 10 years post-first adventure?
(Also curious about Rabbit and his age in each adventure, since he's 26 -- so was ALttP at 16, or his final adventure?)
Yes, it's ten years post their first adventure! Far is not the odd one out (because I combine Minish Cap and the first Four Swords, Minish is in a similar situation) but not too many of them are as obvious as him. I considered making it last adventure but especially since I'm including TotK I figured it'd be more even this way.
I will note I go with my own opinions of their ages not extra-canon (eg. Skyloft is 26, not 27), which includes sometimes justifying them being called "kid" despite being 15-early 20s, but that's not too hard. Lots of people who are very very short get judged younger (Hateno), as do people who are trans male/trans masculine (Rabbit), and ones who are just plain baby-faced (Chief).
There are a few odd ones out, however! Kokiri isn't sure of his actual age due to the time dilation issues of Majora's Mask, and the War of Eras happened outside time for those dragged into it (Ravio, Kokiri, Chief, Tetra, and Outset) despite them aging while there hence the bracketed ages for some -- the War of Eras took two years, but they were returned to when they left. Koholint did that too, but Hytopia did not.
Rabbit was 16 in his first adventure, and actually got married (and then widowed) before going to Labyrnna. Link's Awakening happened between Labyrnna and Holodrum, and he returned home in his early twenties.
Hope that clears it up! Thanks so much for the ask!
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shaniacmadej · 2 months
Tumblr media
TBP rarepair that im the ceo of... say hi to origami bandana tbp fandom !
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f1inl3ey · 2 years
Finney: give me your legs
Bruce: what
Finney: you're tall I'm not it's unfair give me your legs
Bruce: n-
Vance: you heard the man hand em over
Robin: yeah suffer
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Matt: Hitting the gym to relieve stress is not nearly as effective as hitting the people who caused the stress to begin with.
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just-call-mefr1es · 3 months
pls just infodump on your tbp aus. any one of them. i don’t care which, i will literally take any au material you give me and ill eat it WHOLE.
wait omg???!?!? fr??? eeeeee tysmmm>_< 💗💗💗
i will never turn down a chance to talk abt my thg x tbp au>:333
where do i even begin? (SPOILERS FOR THE HUNGER GAMES)
intro/74th games
so first off, districts and year/age they won. finney, gwen, robin n donna r all in 12 with finney n robin winning 74th games at 16. bruce is in 1 winning the 65th at 14. billy in 6 winning 72nd at 15. vance in 7 winning 66th at 15 and (my newest change) griffij in 10, winning the 73rd at 12. he used to be in 4, then 11, before i switched it to 10 cus im just thar indecisive. ph and the gr@bber twkes the place of president $now (yes i have to censor both their names)
so, id just like to say that donna takes the role of madge in this au, but dw she doesnt die befause i dont want her to, same goes with gwen i just cant😵‍💫🤕 but that doesnt mean i cant make them suffer !! thsts for later tho, cus gwen gets her name picked in the reaping at fourteen (im checking my notes for this), finney obviously volunteers for her, and you may be asking how he’s able to do that. well, finneys trans, which means hes stil technically legible for the girls part of the reaping thing, so boom. he goes into the hunger games. so does robin!! theyre still besties in this point in time so when they both go to the games together theyre all sad and stuff. they still hace to go thru the love act thing, which obviously gets awkward between them because,,, thats your best bro, bro. so yeah they totally dont get crushes on each other whaaa… so they pull the berry technique from the og hunger games thing and there you go! they both win yipee. so obvs pres. sh@w (thars his name in the au) gets PISSED and arranges the quarter quell to reap victors for the tributes (in my au it WAS rigged lol). and thats how our og ghost gang meet up!!
first off, a lil bit of backstories.
bruce n vance knew each other from the 66th victory party thing (because those exist) and at first vance did NOT like bruce becus he thought he was just a fake little capitol doll who’s full of himself, then the two started developing some more and hey theyre gay now! but uh oh! the capitols not homophobic they just dont like cross district relationships so bruce n vance have to be quiet bout that. i love brance so much. just thought id say that.
also, billy’s a spy!! im pretty sure i drew something about that wayyy back then but im saying it again. hes a spy for district 13, and their plans for rebellion and the shit like that. they recruited him to be a spy because in his games he did a lil anti capitol act which was enough to spark controversy but not enough for president sh@w to kill his family (*cough* WHAR HAPPENED TO VANCE *cough cough*) and 13 saw that and was like ‘hey this kid could really help us!’ and boom hes recruited. president sh@w was suspicious as SHIT of him and used the quarter quell to pick his name out of thst bowl and put hik into the arena.
griffij is the youngest victor in hunger games history ever, winning at twelve (yeah ikr). he kinds just waiter his games out and gecause he was from a poor district, and wirh how young he was, the other tributes sorta just forgot about him/didnt think he was a threat to remember if he actually died or not(just like in the movie how nobody knew him ;) see im super good with this) until the ‘last’ tribute was celebrating his victory and griffin jumpscared him and barbaque skewered him to death (stabby). oh and his district partner blew up right infront of him before the game started. lolz. so that happened:P
now soley bruce! hes definitely the most privileged one out of the gang because of his district, but that doesnt mean he cant suffer!🎉🎉 so, from the start, bruce was immediately a capitol hit, since he was charming, handsome and athletic. he won his games pretty easily, at fourteen i wrote down?yep fourteen! so he won his games, and the captiol people started to really like him, wanting to see more of him and such. pres sh@w was 100% part of that crowd and well, made a deal with him. at 16, bruce had to make a decision. sell your soul for the hollywood dream capitol audinence or everyone he loves dies. i think irs obvious which option he picked.
and heres where vance comes in! vance was also a pretty big hit when he won his games a year after bruce at 15, since he was strong, aggressive, and simp material ig. so, president sh@w gave him the same choice as bruce: become a capitol slave or everyone you love dies. vance, being vance, told pres sh@w to fuck off and that he would kill hom before he could lay a finger on his family. well, that onviously didnt end well. andddd now we’re at the 75th games!
3rd quarter quell
pres sh@w rigged it so that billy and vance would get in (he hated those two so much) he didnt need to rig it any more for robin n finney, and griffin and bruce just got in there. fun fact! griffin didnt actually get his name reaped for the 75th, he volunteered becuase the man that did get reaped had kids and griffin was like ‘awh they deserve to have a father figure’ (cause he doesnt have one /frfr) so he was like ‘i volunterer!!’ his mama was devastated.
now theyre in the capitol! finney and robin r both having crisis since they both want each other to live, griffin knows hes gonna die and is terrified, vance knows hes gonna die and doesnt give two shits, bruce promised his family hed make it out so hes trying to convince himself hes not gonna die, billy got instructions from 13 to evacuate as much peeps as he coukd to 13 so hes stressed about that. as you can see, theyre all SO mentally stbale! 💞
(their ages in the 3qq: finney, robin r 17, billy is 18, bruce n vance r 24 and griffs 14:P)
practivijg for the games, griffin watched thru all the tapes for the games for each of the tributes (like how they did in og hunger games yk) snd was amazed at vance for vancecing out ig. so while theyre in the practicing place thing (i forgort what its called😿) griffiin tries to talk to vance and stuff to see if they can ally together despite literally everyone telling him theres no use in doing it (after the famiky death incident, everyoje just all agreed to ignore hik and shit). griffin didnt care shit, and tried to twlk tk vance, but he got too scared:( butttt they managed to ally in the actual arena! how? ill tell you later
speaking of allies, billy was instructed by 13 to gather all the tributes that would be useful in their plans of reblelloon which obvs included finney. but, billy obvs knew that finney wouldnt go anywhere without robin (he asked himself if he (finney) would ally with him , and finney responded with exaxtlu that) so yay now theyre all teamed. then billy thought, hey, if bruce joined us, the crowd would totes join in the rebellion, since, yk bruce is the capitol’s golden boy; now theyre all allies since brucey agreed. honestly, bruce knew that if he wanted to win, he shouldnt team, because he has trouble hurting people (“how did he win his games then?”- THROUFH GUILT AND BREAKING HIS MORALS.) but he couldnt resist. plus, he thought the three were so cute (not in a sus way🤬) and, just to mention, when bruce n vance shared their last dance (cus the capitol threw em a lil party b4 the arena) they agreed not to meet each other because they knew they would be forced ro kill each other if they did and they didnt want that😕
[ let me go ooc for a sec, ik katniss being mockingjay was caused by rue- without rue there is no mockingjay, so in order for finney to become the symbol of rebellion, i need a rue, which i DONT have. this is actually a hole in the au which ive relly needed to patch up for some time but never brainee enough to do it so sorrs bout that😿 jus prtend finney did shit to become the symbol of rebellion for now until i actually find something💔⛓️]
so, in the arena, they do their thing and boom. group 1 (billy and others) head into the forest thing (cus the arenas r the same from og hg to this au) and so do vance n griffin. griffin thought it would be a wonderful idea whatsoever to surprise vance with an attack so that they could ally cus he thought thst if he ‘proved hijself’ vance would want to ally with him. so, with a crusty ass rake thingy, he surprise attacked him (hes actuallys not so bad at combat ngl). vance, knwoing shit about what the fuck griffin’s thinking process is, assumed it was just your usoal hg ambush and instantly fought back, despite not caring for death (hes still competitive, okay), which resulted in him harming griffin pretty bad. before vance could finish him off, he noticed griffin for the first time. like- how young he was, blah blah blah, and also got a deja vu at how similar he looked to his sister, who, if you remember 70 paragraphs ago, fuckin died. so vance gets all mushy and guilt piles up and hes like ‘oh shit i needa help this kid’ and boom. theyre allies now. okay, you see this is the part where hopperstagg (non biological) brother bonding happens, okay? OKAY???
then, rhey run into billy’s gang, bruce and vance see each other and are like ‘oh shit’ but theres no getting out because now griffin wants to join billys group cus he n billy became friends during his victors tour thing so yeah. now theyre allied together<33
andd thats how that shit happens! they all have this lil bonding time, enough for them to start really caring about each other and want each other to survive and shit, so yippee. but if you thought it ended there, oh no, buddy i have expanded upon this au farther thwn the universe okay. so ik ive mentioned this in another post, billy gets vance in on the lil spy from 13 thing and they both agree to try to get them all to safety. but, unfortunately, theyre too late and- oh shit are we in district 13 now?!?!???
yep. its mockingjay time.
how rhe hell are we in district 13 now???
so, assuminf you know everything about the huhger games, they obvs get finney out, but were too late for robin, bruce n griffin. i explained all this in that separate post i menetioned, but if u didnt see it (i dont blame u if u didnts) basicslly they didnt rip their capitol tracking devices things out of their arms when they had time, but billy did get finney’s so yay! now, theyre all in a depresed era because theyre safe while the rest of the gang isnt, and is instead being tortured by yours truly, the capitol!! how exciting frfr
since they also bombed 12, following the timesline of og hunger games, finneys family survives (i dont think ive mentioned this but their mom died a kong time ago, their dad was abusive but is working on getting better after thr 74th games/trauma happening. just like og hunger games, just like og black phone) and meets up in 13. so with donna becauee im not oetting girlie die🤬🤬 then seeing all that, billy gets big brain idea to round up all the victors families that they can and let them stah in district 13, and with enough convincing, they do! they go to district 1 for bruce’s family, and everyone else’s. vsnce didnt come along with them (billy finney, gwen and some district 13 soldier dudes) and stayed in 13, and tood everyoje to skip his district. finney, who didnt know his family was dead went anyways and found out abt his damilys death the hard way. fun fact! i wrote a fict abt this!! jus click on the link in my pinned post, ignore the fic that the link sends u to and check out ky works😅 its kinda old but canon in my au nonethless
so thats that, and just got to let yall know, gwen and amy got along super well upon first meeting and uh. lesbian. theyre canon in this au btw😋 now more angst! 13 is finally able to get the other half of the old basement boys gang out of the capitol and into 13. stuff followed regular hg canon, bruce and vance can finally kiss cus they coukdnt do that before (capitols always watching,,,,,,,) and robin hates finneys guts now! wait robin what-
thars right, folks! capitol brainwashing go brr and now robin thinks everyone around him is a mutt! how awesome! i also tried incorporating the boys’ movie scars and stuff into this au, so bruce got an eye scar from his games, vance, billy and finney too, but robin n griffin got their ‘movie scars’ from the capitol’s torturing, so once griffy came back, voice go bye bye:3 OH! cant leafe out the fact that bruce and vance then got MARRIED!!!!! YAY!!!!!
time time time skip,, the boys r in the capitol, and ready to kill pres. sh@w! finally! oj the trip, robin starts to get more and more understanding about finney and starts to not hate him, also getting some of his memories restored! in the au, he wasnt entirely converted into hating finney like how peeta was in hg, he was just giving in to the capitol after a bunch of fighting against them; he just reallu wanted sll the suffering to end:( anygays theyre all sneacking around, bruce gets to beat the shit out of people (as he deserves, king) and bada bing bada boom, pres. sh@w’s dead, everyone dances on his grave, panem becomes an actual good country or something, robin gets better and him and finney kiss and shit abd boom. end of au. uh.
shit that was a LOT of yapping😭 im so sorry bout the whole ass college essay length of au lor- thats how you know ive been developing this au for a while lmao. anygays i do hope that made sense and that you enjoyed it, and if u have questions, feel free to ask:3 thanks again anon for letting me ramble!!
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fatehbaz · 2 years
There are three reasons why an international audience should care about the otherwise insignificant Canadian city of Thunder Bay, a community of 120,000 souls 100km North of the American border right in the middle of the world’s second most spacious nation-state.
The first is that, as Canada’s murder and hate-crime capital, with the vast majority of these terrors directed at Indigenous people, roughly 13-20 percent of the population, its example has a lot to teach us about the dire failure of the Canadian model of liberal capitalism, corporate multiculturalism, and half-hearted “reconciliation.”
Second, as a troubled (post-)extractive and logistics-based economy in a “first-world” country — a country that exports and finances extractive industries around the world — its patterns of racist violence reveal something profound about capitalism today.
Finally, Thunder Bay’s problems demand, and are generating, the kind of radical, grassroots solutions that point towards the kind of transformations all communities need to embrace in the years to come to overcome the dangerous intertwined orders of contemporary colonialism and capitalism [...].
The isolation, the economic marginality, and the history of extraction and racial resentments all contribute to, but cannot completely explain, the staggering degree of racism in the city. [...] Like many police forces in Canada, officers in the Thunder Bay Police Service (TBPS) have been known to drive Indigenous people out to the outskirts of town, take their shoes and coats, and leave them to walk back or freeze to death. Unlike most police forces in Canada, the TBPS has recently been found to be plagued with profound “systemic racism” by two independent and high-profile reports. [...] The real reason for the investigations was the deaths of seven Indigenous youth, most from remote Northern communities, most in the city to access high school education or medical services denied to them in their communities. [...]
As scholars Damien Lee and Jana-Rae Yerxa note, many precedents stand behind these fears. Indigenous people end up dead in Thunder Bay at staggering rates. [...] Just before the most recent police reports were issued, the mayor (a former Police Association president), the police chief (a fool) and the city’s most successful lawyer (a convicted child molestor) were all implicated in a scandal involving a blend of sexual abuse, extortion, and breach of trust. [...]
Meanwhile, just as I moved to the city in early 2017, an Indigenous woman was fatally injured in the street when one of a gang of white teenagers out joyriding threw a heavy metal trailer hitch at her from their speeding car. It took her several agonizing months to die from her internal injuries. [...]
The rank, racist and reactionary hypocrisy so common in Canada and in Thunder Bay is, unfortunately, often mistaken for merely a cultural anachronism, which can be solved through better public education, greater cultural sensitivity and more opportunities to celebrate diversity. This has, for instance, been the approach to the problems of racist policing in the city: another “cultural competency” workshop [...].
In spite of a great deal of rhetoric about “nation-to-nation” negotiations by the Trudeau government, it is profoundly clear, as Mi’Kmaq lawyer and professor Pam Palmater warns, that the State does not and cannot accept the idea that Indigenous people would be allowed to say “no” to, for instance, mines, forestry, corporate fishing or pipelines [...].
To this day Canada is a key player in a global capitalist imperium that specializes in extractive industries and extractive forms of debt.
The Mining Association of Canada reports that “the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) and TSX Venture Exchange accounted for 57 percent of the global mining equity raised in 2016.” As Alain Deneault and William Sacher have noted, Canada has historically structured its laws and commercial norms to empower the theft of indigenous lands to be violently transformed into “resources” for export, a specialization that is now itself exported around the world as Canadian-owned or -funded corporations are called upon to “develop” mines and extractive projects globally.
Every Canadian with savings is necessarily complicit: almost all pension funds, banks and other investment vehicles here are wrapped up in the TSX and therefore the extractive industry. Meanwhile, as Peter Hudson illustrates, Canada also has a long legacy of renovating national, municipal and personal debt into a tool of neocolonialism, notably in the Caribbean where Canadian banks have enjoyed profound influence, even monopolies. [...]
The ruling class and international capital, working hand in glove, have consistently used divide-and-conquer techniques to sew the seeds of racism that undermine solidarity. Thunder Bay is only a particularly poignant example, a place so small and marginalized that it cannot sustain the veneer of polite, civil, cheerful liberalism that is the country’s brand.
Text by: Max Haiven. “The colonial secrets of Canada’s most racist city.” ROAR Magazine. 13 February 2019. [Bold emphasis and some paragraph breaks added by me.]
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weirdcat1213 · 2 years
Conventional weapons and queer acceptance
I'm going through it rn so here's a really long post on a queer interpretation of Conventional Weapons.
-Yes, I will talk about every song. No song is safe from me.
-No, I don't think it is the only/correct interpretation but its one that I've been thinking about for ages so leave me alone :D
-I know these songs were recorded separately and they don't have a linear story (like revenge or tbp) but for the sake of angst, I will treat the whole album as a queer journey where the speaker is the main character, also I will use they/them for them because the album itself talks a lot about gender.
-"Some of these are more about the system and protests rather than queerness" guess what? those go hand in hand even though it's 2023, life sucks.
-I will use "queer" instead of LGBTQ+. That debate does not belong here but I'm just giving a heads up.
TW: homophobia, transphobia, conversion therapy, unhealthy coping mechanisms (?), aids crisis, society just being shitty in general
Let's start :3
Album context: CW is not a concept album (sadly). The band had ideas for these songs since their TBP tour and didn't think it was fit for Danger Days so they only released them because Frank thought they were cool (bless his soul he was so right). Therefore, these songs' messages/perspectives/feelings may vary.
Boy Division:
*The first two songs have a handgun on the cover. This weapon is a small and distant weapon, portraying the distance the speaker wants to have with queerness since they're still in the closet*
From a queer perspective, this song is about the speaker's closeted life as a queer person. The song asks people close to him how would they react if they were to find out about they are queer. The speaker already knows the answer, people would be disgusted and reject them entirely, making the speaker mad. It can be assumed the speaker is at their last straw here and leave their home behind to live their truth.
"If all my enemies
Threw a party, would you light the candles?
Would you drink the wine while watchin' television?
Watch the animals and all the tragedies
And sell your arteries to buy my casket gown"
Enemies in this context are homophobic/transphobic people. If the speaker admitted to being queer, would their loved ones pretend the speaker is "dead"? Would they side with the homophobic/transphobic people?
"Well, it better be black and it better be tight
And it better be just my size
I'm stalkin' these metro malls and airport halls
And all these schoolgirls"
This may be a reference to the kind of stereotypes the speaker's loved ones believe about queer people. About how they stalk people in public and "try to convert minors"
"I'm not askin', you're not tellin'
He's not dead, he only looks that way"
The speaker not asking anymore if the people they know support queer people/if they would support them. The part about "him" not being dead could be how their relatives see the situation from the outside. The speaker is apathetic because of their situation but no one knows.
"Out nowhere, take me out there
Far away and save me from my
Self-destruction, hopeless for you
Sing a song for California"
They're in the middle of nowhere, and they wish to be in a more accepted place, putting California as an example (is this true? idk I don't live there)
"I bought my enemies
Rope to hang me and the knives to gang me
You can watch them stab me on your television
Stomp the halls, because the bathroom walls
Would have a lot to say
About the lines you're puttin' down"
This is the speaker's way to say he is one of the queers their loved ones hate so much. The speaker "bought" the rope by admitting their queerness and they might as well be the ones on the TV getting ganged up on because of their identity. When they mention the bathroom it could be a reference to how there are worst things happening that transphobic gatekeeping bathrooms, such as people doing drugs.
"Well, it better be white and better be cut
And better be just my size
Until my capillaries burst of boredom
I'll be waitin"
Instead of funeral attire, now they want to use wedding attire because they feel alive by coming out, hence the white. If we assume they were rejected by their loved ones, the speaker will wait for them to come around until they get bored. The speaker's capillaries are a symbol of their patience.
"I'm not laughin', you're not jokin'
I'm not dead, I only dress that way"
The speaker dresses as if they're dead not only because they could be at any time due to harassment but also because they feel dead being in a place they can't be themselves. It could also be a reference to gender expression and the speaker experimenting for the first time.
"'Cause we got the bomb, we got the bomb, let's go!
We got the bomb, we got the bomb, let's go!"
This could mean queer people (we) are fighting back society (the bomb) and the speaker feels inspired.
"Say a prayer for California"
A prayer for California so it can stay as a place the speaker can run to and be free.
Tomorrows Money:
This one is about the speaker's views about capitalism and taking a stand as an activist against corporations and rainbow capitalism. The speaker knows queer people aren't welcome and yet they're still used for profit, however, we could say the song's pov is from the speaker and the corporations. The song also makes an argument about how capitalism actively makes queer people's lives even more difficult.
"You fell in love with a vampire
Do you wanna get it for free
In this song, vampires are associated with queer people and their experiences (just like many movies about vampires and other monsters have done in history). Getting one for free would be to get to live the experience of a queer person instead of seeing it externally (in a movie, show, book, etc)
"Then say hello to the brush fire, baby
You gotta take it from me, I’m gonna take it from you
Say hello to the good times
And burning up in the sun"
According to corporations, the speaker can live out as a queer person, but they will have to face conflict against capitalism, a model that is mostly known for taking things away from people.
They’re sitting back on an empire
While the world lays back, puts a kid behind that gun
This is the speaker's view about capitalism and the world. Corporations and their owners are living comfortably while they leave the most vulnerable minorities to deal with the dirty work.
"If we crash this time
They got machines to keep us alive
When the mixtape plays
Choke down the words with no meaning"
This refers to how queer people can't seem to escape capitalism. If they get hurt while protesting or get sick, they will still need to get (most of the time in most places at least) private health insurance to get good medical attention. When talking about the mixtape, it can also be referring to the multiple products corporations do for queer people (see the "pride merch" on june). But when you analyze the final products, it is clear that it lacks meaning and it was only made for profit.
"I stopped bleeding three years ago
While you keep screaming for revolution
Me and my surgeons and my street-walking friends
We got no heroes, 'cause our heroes are dead"
Here the speaker is personally calling out corporations for their meaningless support. While they and other people have been protesting and taking care of themselves within their community, corporations keep shouting out their outdated "love is love" slogan and keep repeating their empty promises about equality. The speaker, the "surgeons" (people who focus and live to take care of the queer community as volunteers/nonprofit organizations), and more activists keep protesting for a better future but also for the people who came before them and died for the cause (for example multiple people during the aids crisis)
"Say hello to the program
We’re gonna give it for free
Hook up the veins to the antibodies
Got it with the disease, we’re gonna give it to you"
This verse could be considered queer representation in media and how it helps queer people even if it ends up being queerbating. Corporations give queer people the content and even if there are no official queer people in it, subtext and further readings into the media help people to see themselves in the story and/or characters, they work as antibodies against society.
"Say goodbye to the good times
You’re loaded up with the fame
You’re dressing up like a virus
But the words get lost when we all look the same"
The most popular and famous logo (and stand) corporations take in pride month is the rainbow. They don't specify anything and just keep it open to appeal to most people as possible. Although queer people have taken the rainbow as a general symbol for everyone when corporations use it is because there is no interest in other people who aren't the "classic" cisgender white gay male, there's no meaning on their rainbow. All the rainbow logos in June end up looking like a virus taking over for a month rather than support.
"You fell in love with a vampire, torch up for the empire
Say hello to the brush fire, the microphone's got a tap wire
You fell in love with a vampire, torch up for the empire
Say hello to the brush fire, the microphone's got a tap wire!"
In this verse, the speaker is possibly talking to a multitude. They make a reference to the vampire analogy but also says that if they want to live free queer people need to get rid of the corporations. No matter how many problems they face they have to be careful since they're still under capitalism and being watched.
"Because rebellion's not a T-shirt you sell
You keep your money, and I’ll see you in hell"
Many queer people have that reaction when companies don't support queer people's rights but sell queer products on pride month. The speaker rejects rainbow capitalism and will see the company in hell since, according to religious fanatics, that's where queer people are going.
*I find this topic (capitalism vs the queers) really interesting but I honestly don't know much about it but this is a cool video I recommend: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5xQVFYWvd3o&t=1449s)
*The second disc has a picture of a small knife, a weapon of short range that requires the user to get really closer to the opponent. This represents the speaker's change from their involvement with the queer community; they went from keeping their distance to putting themselves out there as an activist*
Ambulance, under a queer context, is about the queer community and the love the speaker has for them since they have helped after they cut ties with their family in "Boy Division."
You don’t know a thing about this life, and we are up for
Everything it takes to prove we’re not the same as them
The speaker could be talking to someone new when it comes to activism. They want to motivate the new recruit but also be honest about what is like to constantly be on the line. The queer community will never be like the people who can easily thrive in a heteronormative society because the queer community looks out for every minority (let's ignore dumb organizations like lgb for this, they suck)
"And we will wear our masks again, out after dark
'Cause we are up for everything it takes
and we are not the same
'Cause we are not afraid
And we are not ashamed"
This part is about how they protect themselves while defending themselves and how they are not ashamed of fighting for what's right publicly.
"And if you save my life, I’ll be the one who drives
You home tonight
And if I ever let you down, I’ll be the one who drives
You home tonight"
One of the things that the speaker appreciates most about the queer community is how they take care of each other. If one of them gets hurt, they will help each other. No matter what happens everyone looks out for everyone.
"Remember once, you walked this kind of life quietly, I’ll sleep
Behind the wheel, and passing every face you see the first time
Singing every piece as you walk by proving that with
All of my mistakes, that we are not the same"
The speaker is comparing themselves to other people in their group who have been in their position but also have had a completely different experience. Other people may have cope in healthier ways than the speaker, which makes them feel kind of guilty.
"'Cause we are not the same
And we are all to blame"
When it comes to protesting or activism is it always is the activists' fault if something bad happens. According to conservatives if anything goes south (police brutality, hate crimes, etc) is the queer people's fault for not being closeted, for "indoctrinating people".
"'Cause you don’t know a thing about me
, you don’t know a thing"
This is from the speaker to the people who have helped them in their life. They don't know who they were before but the community still took them in as family.
Honestly, there's not much that this brilliant thread hasn't already said. La (the twitter user) suggests that "the song's main theme is obviously a young person entering the military, which is known for having a strict structure and very precise rules to follow and roles to fill. in this case, I believe the military could represent the cis, heteronormative society"
See the rest of the thread here :D
Please read it and send @/zhongmcr some love for it.
The World is Ugly:
*The machine guns reflect more intensity as an attack. The speaker is going deeper in being vocal about the queer community on this disc.*
The world is ugly is, of course, a romantic song. When analyzing it through queer lenses, however, it can be about the speaker getting strong feelings for someone but still being afraid of confessing their feelings, even if the other person is also queer, because are traumatized by past experiences while in the closet.
"These are the eyes and the lies of the taken These are their hearts But their hearts don't beat like ours They burn 'cause they are all afraid"
The speaker usually gets that feeling of "them against the world", but it is different with the person they are interested in. The speaker feels they have a connection and they are together while being against the world.
"For every one of us There's an army of them But you'll never fight alone 'Cause I wanted you to know"
Conservative people are "afraid" of queer people and it has made their lives difficult but when they're together it doesn't matter.
"That the world is ugly But you’re beautiful to me Well are you thinking of me now?"
The heteronormative society is a pain for the speaker and the love interest but the speaker wants to make clear that their love interest is beautiful no matter what society says.
"These are the nights And the lights that we fade in These are the words But the words aren't coming out
They burn 'cause they are hard to say"
This part is more personal for the speaker. They reminisce on all the nights they have spent with their love interest and how on those they have tried to tell how they feel, but the speaker cannot say it out loud.
"For every failing sun, there's a morning after Though, I'm empty when you go I just wanted you to know"
The speaker comforts themselves with the fact that they can try the next day, but at the same time, they keep living with the pain of their love interest not knowing.
"That the world is ugly But you're beautiful to me Are you thinking of me Like I'm thinking of you?"
The speaker wonders if their love interest thinks about them the same way or if they have another kind of relationship.
"I would say I'm sorry, though Though, I really need to go I just wanted you to know
I wanted you to know I wanted you to know I'm thinking of you Every night, every day"
In this verse, the speaker implies they usually focus on activism and things that will help their community rather than their own feelings. They have to go and keep helping others but still wants to let their feelings come across.
"These are the lies And the lives of the taken These are their hearts But their hearts don't beat like ours They burn 'cause they are all afraid But mine beats twice as hard"
Because the speaker is really focused on others but also wants to be with their love interest, they are passionate about 2 things.
"Stop your crying, helpless feeling Dry your eyes and start believing There's one thing They’ll never take from you"
The speaker goes back to their "mentor mode" and inspires their love interest to believe in a better future. However, they also reference how the world can never take their love interest's beauty away.
"One day, like this We'll never be the same Never, forever Like ghosts in the snow Like ghosts in the sun"
This is the speaker dreaming of what their life could be only with their love interest. They would just be people exploring the world.
The Light Behind Your Eyes:
This song is about a guide saying goodbye to people or a person whom they have helped in the past. Under a queer interpretation, it could be from the point of view of an elder queer passing away who was really important to the speaker.
"So long to all my friends Every one of them met tragic ends With every passing day I'd be lying if I didn't say That I miss them all tonight"
The elder queer is possibly passing away and is thinking about the friends they got to make within the community. By saying their friends met tragic ends it could refer to the aids crisis or hate crimes.
"And if they only knew what I would say If I could be with you tonight I would sing you to sleep Never let them take the light behind your eyes"
Just like the elder queer, their friends used to help people in the community, and they would approve the last reassuring words of the elder. The elder wishes they would be alive and well to see a better future but for now, they can only hope people stop harming queer people.
"As we fade in the dark Just remember you will always burn as bright"
The older queer people may have passed away but they want the younger generations to have a good life.
"Be strong and hold my hand Time, it comes for us, you'll understand We'll say goodbye today And I'm sorry how it ends this way If you promise not to cry Then I'll tell you just what I would say"
This shows the elder was really appreciated in the community since they have people with them in their final moments. They wish they would not be leaving that way (probable aids) but they still think younger generations need to learn about the problem and be strong enough to face it.
"I'll fail and lose this fight"
The elder already knows their own fate.
"Sometimes we must grow stronger And you can't be stronger when I'm gone When I'm here, no longer You must be stronger and"
The elder knows it will be hard for future generations who still feel like they need guidance to survive, but they hope the people they leave behind get stronger.
"I failed and lost this fight"
The elder queer couldn't avoid their future, as if from the beginning, it was meant to happen.
When the outro keeps repeating it could reflect how those are actually the last words (or at least sentiment) of the elder, and it will stay present in the community for a long time.
Kiss the Ring:
*This disc has two axes on the cover. Additionally, from here on out there are 2 weapons on the covers, which means the speaker is not alone anymore, but with someone who shares their "them against the world" feeling.*
Kiss the Ring is another song about the speaker's feelings against the system. However, this one and the next song in the disc have more rage on them. The speaker starts to lash out at authority and politicians who keep failing queer people.
"We kill the girls to get paid And put the whole damn room on the edge of the blade You'll get far, stay clean"
The speaker is mocking society's standards for people. They set dangerous beauty stereotypes only to get women to buy their products, reject measures that could help queer people (hormone treatment, counseling, etc) even if they know people could die because of the lack of it, and attribute failure to substances such as alcohol and drugs. Some queer people will turn to those substances because of the lack of support because society keeps making it hard to live, but big institutions don't care.
"And if the world stops believing, I'll keep believing
That the world could make a change (All I know is I won't stop believing) And put the suicide dolls as the last ones to mate (All I know is I won't stop believing)"
Although the speaker still has faith in a better future, they are angry about society putting queer people in a complicated position. Queer people create their own communities because they are pushed by the people who refuse to let them live. They insult and make everything more complicated up to the point of giving queer people trauma and mental health issues. The queer people affected by this are the only ones left to help themselves and others. Queer people are left at the back where they find each other.
"Come hard, stay clean (You're the next if you don't stop your creeping) And singing songs for the damned now (You're the next if you)"
The line on the back "You're the next if you don't stop your creeping" could be the authority's opinion about queer people: you will get in trouble if you are out/"explicit". Additionally, the songs for the damned could be a metaphor for people who think praying/conversion therapy will work as a "cure" for queerness.
"Hail! Hail! 'Cause the king is gone And if you don't stop believing, we'll keep believing"
This part could mean how conservatives celebrate when something bad happens to a politician or anyone famous who is in favor of queer rights. They tend to believe that there is a leader (like the people who believe there is an ANTIFA leader), but queer people will keep protesting and believing in a better life for everyone.
"You put the record on And live the life that you're making, shots that you're taking"
"So grab the cash and run And let the suits watch each other kill one another"
This is the speaker starts to get reckless. For them, it has become a matter of taking back at society. They want to live their life the best as they can, so they let themselves enjoy music, drink, and commit crimes since they will end up in trouble anyway for being queer. They steal money because they need it but also to get a sense of power over their life. The "suits" in this case would be politicians, the ones who say they want to help queer people against the ones who want them dead. Even if someone is fighting the good fight the speaker doesn't care for them anymore.
It doesn't matter if the words don't mean a thing You gotta kiss that ring"
The words could be the empty promises some politicians do to queer people. Many of them beg them to vote to protect their rights only to back off when it really matters. Kissing the ring means the absurdity of respecting people, authority figures, and institutions (the government) who don't want to be held accountable for queer people's rights.
"Move like the wolves, keep the faith There ain't a dry eye left in the back of the place Is it hard to stay clean?"
The speaker warns their community about the government since politicians don't have empathy for them (dry eyes)
"And if you all keep believing, I'll keep believing That the world drives the saints (All I know is I won't stop believing) And put the shotgun shells in the hills it makes (All I know is I won't stop believing)"
In this verse, the speaker mocks how authority loves to praise "pacific protests" but will still kill them. Most of the time when queer people organize a pacific gathering, they are met with violent repression.
"So come hard, stay clean (You're the next if you don't stop your creeping) Because they don't give a damn, now (You're the next if you)"
The speaker believes after so many failures that no politician cares for queer people.
"You got your leather on And live the life that you're making, shots that you're taking"
This could be referring to what kind of clothing queer people "tend" to wear. The idea is to just wear whatever you want and live your life.
"Hail, hail 'cause the king is gone Hail, hail 'cause the king is gone Hail, hail 'cause the king is gone Hail, hail 'cause the king is, the king is gone
Hail! Hail! Hail! Hail! Hail!"
Queer people celebrate a supposed leader that never existed because it is not about leaders, but the community.
"Fist up, head down Hail, hail to the king"
In this verse since the king is not "gone" it could mean the community is celebrating itself. They will keep fighting even if there's the risk of something bad happening, which is why they put their head down as a sign of being prepared for the worst.
Make Room:
Make Room is mainly the speaker setting the people who do not accept queer people or pretend to be allies as zombies. Queer people are most of the time used for gossip, instead of being treated as real people. The people who only care about gossip and getting to know who came out just to be disrespectful about it are people who do not have reasoning skills, making them zombies.
"Make room! Make room! Down on the coffin,​ there's a coffin or two Dead chic, so cool The cannibals are starving when they're looking at you"
This verse is about how dead queer people are seen just as numbers. The cisgender straight people's main concern most of the time is the funeral (what will people say, how to present the dead queer person etc), reflected on the line about the coffins. The dead girl represents dead queer people who attracted attention, making the zombies (society) wild to get the news and learn about everything that went wrong. They just want the gossip.
"Tank tops, jet stream Karate lessons with a killing machine White lines, nose bleeds I know you get excited when the cameras go Ra-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta"
The speaker refers here to the kind of people who talk and treat queer people as means for gossip. They can be relaxed in their summer clothes with their private jets and do questionable things (drugs as mentioned with "white lines"), people with privilege. They get excited when a famous person reveals themselves to be queer and are able to get every single detail, however, they don't know (or don't care) that the spotlight can be stressful and harmful for famous queer people who come out. This is reflected by the "ratatata" the cameras make.
"Me and you, and all of this living dead Burning up in the sun, where the bodies add Sitting here with you, in misery Anybody gonna come and rescue me? La la la"
Here the speaker is talking with another queer person about how stressful people can be. They have to endure their questions and actions but even if they are miserable, they are together. The speaker's petition for someone to rescue them is mocking how some people "became" queer because the community pressured them into being queer.
"Make room! Make room! One day, you're gonna have explaining to do
Drag star, so cool There's only room for one man and the one is you, you, you"
This verse is just multiple wrong arguments that people make about queer people. A popular argument that homophobic/transphobic people use against queer people is how are they "going to explain" their identity or sexuality to others such as kids, elders, etc. Those kinds of people also have problems with drag artists. They may say they are letting drag artists live their lives, but they pressure them and their gender expression, reminding drag artists they are men and have to act like it. This argument is not only wrong because not all drag queens identify as men, but also does not consider drag kings.
"Got a taste for the cash and androgyny Anybody wanna come and rescue me?"
Androgyny is considered the combination of man and woman. This combination seems fashionable for multiple people and companies have decided to adopt it for profit. If it looks pretty it will sell. Multiple companies will present an androgynous person/model and show it off as their "queer representation".
"Well alright, well alright She's alright Everybody in the room is alright"
This could be a reference to the dead girl first mentioned in the song. Most people just want to pretend nothing bad is happening and that queer people are okay if comparing these times to years ago.
"Everybody wants to change the world Everybody wants to change the world But no one, no one wants to die!"
"We are never gonna change the world We are never gonna change the world 'Cause we are never gonna die!"
I see this as what the speaker thinks about activism after being vocal about queer issues during the whole album. They know protesting and being an activist is important for the queer community, and if they want society to change there will be sacrifices that no one wants to do. However, they also want to be happy and have a life of their own with the person they like. Maybe the change will be delayed and they will keep fighting for it, but not to the point of putting their happiness on the line anymore.
Surrender the Night:
*These last two songs have grenades on the cover because these ones are the tipping point for the speaker. They are done hiding their emotions and will explode at any second. It's a more aggressive weapon than the rest. The songs still talk about how society sucks for queer people, but the main focus for the speaker is the person they like and showing their feelings.*
Surrender the Night is a continuation (kind of) of The World is Ugly. If on The World is Ugly the speaker was afraid of confessing their feelings, on Surrender the Night they decide to be selfish and take control of the situation, take control of what makes them happy for once.
Everyone's a passenger, tonight Just another accidental on the freeway of this life
This night is important for the speaker, anything else doesn't matter.
We'll drive on and on and on and on We'll drive on and on And I'll remember this night when you're gone
The speaker and the love interest will leave everything behind, and the speaker wants their love interest to remember that night forever.
You surrender your heart I surrender every dream
Every weapon you've got Every secret that I keep
This is a deal the speaker proposes as a way to confess their feelings. If their love interest accepts being with them, nothing else will matter to the speaker. They will protect the love interest and will be completely honest with them.
You can fight this, all you want But tonight belongs to...
The love interest can fairly reject the speaker, but just for that one night, they will have to listen to what the speaker has to say.
Just another surgery, tonight Well, if you amputate the loneliness Anesthesia dims the lights
This is the speaker's opinion about their love interest. They are a complicated person who ignores their own problems by distracting themselves as if they wanted to disassociate from life and the pain. The speaker tells them they can do that, they can ignore their problems but by rejecting their emotions, they will also miss the good moments.
So dream on and on and on and on So dream on and on And I'll remember your eyes when you're gone
In this verse, the speaker encourages their love interest to follow their dreams instead of disassociating from life, and even if they don't end up together the speaker will remember them.
And I'll watch you in your sleep 'Cause tonight belongs to me You can fight this, all you want But tonight belongs to
The speaker will watch the other person sleep as a way to protect them and make sure they don't run away.
Sparks against the railing Distant phantoms wailing Through the windshield, sailing With these airbags failing
Here, the speaker is honest about how their lives will be if they're together. There will be chaos, people will talk, and they won't be able to control some situations.
But tonight belongs to me But tonight belongs to me But tonight belongs to me
The speaker reassures this to their love interest, expecting an answer.
Burn Bright:
And finally, we get to talk about my baby, the creme of the gays. This song in general is about finally accepting who you are, living as you want, and loving whoever you want; even if you know people are against it. If following the story from the previous song, this song is where they get together with their love interest and start a relationship. The speaker knows it won't be easy but they don't care.
So give me all you've got
I can take it
We walked alone in your city lights
Did you make it?
We lit the fire and it's burning bright
Did you take it?
Kissed all the boys in your city lights
Did you make it?
Left all the stars in your city nights
Can you fake it?
I lost my way in your city lights
Glad you made it
We stole the fire
And it's burning bright
Fire/stars/light is represented as strength the queer person has found in their identity, and it burns so brightly at the end of the album that they won't hide it anymore. Now that they have met another queer person and they are both out, the speaker trusts that it is possible to live as who you truly are, and they are not willing to hide anymore.
Not ashamed of what I am
I took the pills
For these empty nights
'Cause it makes me who I am
The speaker is not ashamed anymore of being queer but they still remember how it felt. How they had to cope with unhealthy copy because of the suffering of being against the world.
"They always told me that
"You never get to heaven"
With a love like yours
Well if you're lost little boy
The cameras pull you right back down, yeah"
Social/ expectations opinions are a heavy theme in the album, and it continues in the last song. It is not uncommon that society to treat queer people as little kids who don't know what they want or at least "should" want. Society will tell queer people that the way they want to love and/or exist is wrong. If a person dares to do something not straight or gender not conforming, society is there, like cameras, to judge that vulnerable moment and show it as a mistake. The speaker reflects on religion telling others "you won't get to heaven based on the things that you do" because people still use religion to discriminate against queer people.
"It's like a chemical burn
I'm peeling off your skin, yeah
And when you see your face
Well you'll never be the same again, yeah"
Queer people have to hear bad news, insults, misinformation, etc. every day. It takes a great toll mentally that can make people and that can be manifested physically, to the point that it hurts and/or to the point that people start noticing. Sadly, it's a kind of pain queer people have to live with for now until who knows when.
"Cause if you just stop breathing
I'll stop, stop my heart
I'll stop breathing too
Not ashamed of what I am
I'd trade the world for your city nights
'Cause it makes me who I am"
Queer people rely on each other, and the speaker relies on their significant other. The speaker would give up everything for the experiences they will get to share together.
"And though I missed the chance for this
I confess that I can't wait
Until it's gone
No I mean this every single day
Don't go if you got more to say
'Cause the world don't need
Another hopeless cause"
The speaker makes a small confession here. They are tired of society, of hiding, of fighting. They want the whole world to disappear just so they can be happy. They don't want to be part of "the fight" to make things better but they don't have any other choice. For them, the world cannot afford people doing nothing.
"Though it makes me who I am
'Cause it makes me who I am
And you made me who I am
And you made me who I am
Be afraid of what I am"
Although the speaker is done with people who don't do anything to fight against a society that doesn't accept them, they recognize that's who they were for so long. But now their significant other gives them the strength to leave all doubts and fear behind. The speaker is warning the world to be afraid of them because they are done being afraid of the world.
"We walked around in your city lights
'Cause it makes me who I am
I burned it all but im doing fine
'Cause I'll never fade away
If I steal the fire from your city nights
'Cause it makes me who I am
Who I am"
The speaker borrows strength from their significant other to go against the world, and in doing so they burn (jeje) relationships with other people, but they are okay with it. They will survive now that they are strong enough to stand up for themselves.
Conventional weapons sets someone in multiple stages of queer life and use weapons to portray life as a war with oneself, expectations, and society.
tldr: cw is gay af argue with the wall
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cryptidclaw · 1 year
i love fun road trip/journeying storylines so i'm so excited for the TNP travel gang!!! could we by any chance have some lore on their dynamics & their adventure, please? 🙏
I forgot to answer this earlier sorry T-T
Once I post my TBP summary u will get more info buuutt
Paint, Squirrel and Crow are the 3 apprentices of the group, I like the idea of Paint and Squirrel becoming friends, though their friendship definitely starts out with Squirrel endlessly asking Paint questions about her mentor Ravenscourge and living in Blood Order bec Squirrel thinks Blood is the coolest thing ever.
Crow knew Leaf before he went on the journey, and was pretty shocked by how wildly different her sister was. Squirrel and Crow had a big rivals dynamic, that slowly turned way more friendly and joking.... eventually they realize they have fallen for each other, but Crow is in big DENIAL for a while.
Bramble and Tawny are a bit awkward at first because they have lost touch after Tawny stayed in Shadow, but they are able to get closer over the course of the journey! I like the idea of Tawny having big sister vibes towards Squirrel, I think they would be an unstoppable duo.
Willowfeather and Oakfeather are very hesitant with befriending the others, especially Willow. They are fearful towards Tigerclaw's kin and so they don't really trust Bramble and Tawny at first. Willow and Oak instead adopt Crow as a little brother and spend their time trying to get the brat out of his shell more LOL. Over time however the feathers realize that being Tigerclaw's kin does not make a cat Tigerclaw, just like how it shouldn't matter that the two are half Order!
I like the idea of the tiger twins and the feathers bonding over some of their shared trauma from the Tigerclaw era!
Anyways by the end of their journey they are all bffs and are devastated by the idea of splitting back up, and they never truly do with them always being spotted in a little group together at gatherings <3 (over time Leafpool and Mothwing are included in their squad too)
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vamp-stamp-fics · 2 years
The black phone Headcanons pt. 2
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Fandom: the black phone
Word count: 1226
Tags: fluff, Headcanons, slight mentions of Finbin & Brance, some angst for Vance & Robin but not too much
The black phone hcs pt 1
A/n: here's part 2 of my tbp Headcanons
• going back to Robin liking Michael Jackson I feel like when he's doing chores he's having a whole concert in his living room, he's putting his SOUL into lip syncing/singing those lyrics. Sometimes he'll invite Finney over so they can dance around the living room to Mj lol
• Robin & Finney are childhood friends. How they met is that Robin saw finney alone on the school playground and decided to walk up to him and they stuck together since.
• Robin was the first to develop a crush on Finney while finney thought his attraction towards Robin was just extreme admiration. He talked to Gwen once about how much he admired Robins ability to not take shit from people and how much he likes hanging out with him, it finally clicked With Gwen and she explained to him that "Finney you might have a crush on him 😐" he stood there for a good 2 minute because realizeation hit him like a train of holy shit she's right
• Robin calls Finney Guey (someone said it meant dude but when I looked it up it meant smth else but progressed into being used as dude but that might be wrong so I apologize to my Spanish speaking readers in advance 💀) Finney understands little Spanish so he hopes whatever Robin's calling him isn't insulting
• Bruce is passive aggressive when insulting people while Vance is just upfront calling people cocksuckers he loves using that word
• speaking of Bruce being mean, ik alot of people characterized him as a Golden boy, the boy next door, sunshine but he can be mean as shit if he has to Don't tell me he can't be, y'all saw the way he looked when he thought finney was gonna win the game when he is he's sarcastic and somewhat of a smart ass. Vance finds it hilarious and encourages it when he gets that way
• Bruce is also extremely competitive even outside of Playing baseball. banned from playing board games with the gang cus it went to his head
• Vance is also banned from playing for the time being cus he almost broke his mother's vase out of anger which insued a scolding in front of the rest by his mom lol
• Vance is a great cook but he's like Gordon Ramsay whenever someone (besides his mom ofc) tries to help him
• Vances mom's Italian, his mom taught him how to cook when he was younger so that's why he's great in the kitchen lol
• Everyone survived/lived Au: this is a continuation of pt 1 of my Vance hcs with his mom when Vance got older (like older teens-young adult age) his mom got back in contact with him and decided to stay in his life for good
• Grab n Go used to have a vending machine but soon went out of order cus Vance kept punching it every time the food got stuck which was often, the thing was a piece of shit anyways as Vance would say
• English is Bruces second language and Japanese is his first, when he talks with his parents and sister he uses Japanese most of the time. obviously they speak English as well but when it's just the 4 of them they like to talk in their native language. Bruce sometimes likes to use it to confuse tf out of the rest of the group when talking with them. Robin thinks it's funny
• Robin will absolutely destroy the school lunch food after saying "it's not even that good" mf will eat that dry ass chicken sandwich like he's on death row and it's his last meal. Same for Vance tbh
• Robin favorite candy is Reese's absolutely devours them. Idk if Reese's pieces was a thing back in the 70s but if they were he fucks with them too. Finney also likes Reese's and M&Ms while Gwen prefers M&Ms more
• Robin's a single child but has a fuckload of cousins that visit him on holidays. He's secretly always wanted a little sibling (I mean he sees his baby cousins as his own siblings but they're not always around) so when finney introduces Robin to Gwen they immediately have a sibling relationship
• Robin's uncles has a son named Rick/Ricky. He's older than Robin (like around 17-19) Robin sees him as a older brother.
• since Rick is busy most of the time with work and school it's always a treat for Both him and Robin when he takes Robin (+ finney to ofc) to hangout
• Rick also has a girlfriend that finney might of used to have a small crush on lololol that sometimes also comes with them if she's free
• Vance uses a fucking trash bag as his backpack 💀 that or a backpack that's a thread from falling apart
• Griffin loves goldfish. He'd inhale a whole carton if he could but his mom always stops him before he can (talking about the snack not the actual fish)
• speaking of Griffin he's an absolute mamas boy. Always clings to her whenever They're in a store together
• Griffin bruises easily. He doesn't know why he just does, and what makes it worse is that he's a bit unaware of his surroundings sometimes so he's always bumping into things. His mom playfully scolds him about it while she kisses them to make them feel better
• Griffin is an extremely picky eater as a kid. Literally any fruit or vegetable he doesn't like except apples, oranges, and carrots. when he gets older tho he grows out of it a bit, still hates broccoli tho
• Griffin also is a bookworm. Loves books and likes sitting in the library during lunch sitting next to the shelves and read. He got his love for books from his mom as she is also a bookworm so they bond over that hobby
• if someone calls Vance an idiot or a dumbass it'll set him off. Vance hates when people insult his intelligence, school already makes him feel like shit as is he doesn't need some dickhead telling him he's stupid even as a "joke" like if it's his friend jokingly call him a dumbass once he'll laugh it off but if it's someone doing it to make fun of him they're catching a right hook
• Everyone survived/lived Au: when karate kid is realesed it became one of Robins all time favorite movies and had Finney watch it with him (also modern au: he absolutely loves Cobra Kai)
• when Vance died his mom found out in a newspaper after they found the bodies and broke down in her kitchen. Asking herself why was her baby taken
• and when Robin died it hurt too much for his mom to remarry or have other children as she felt it would be "replacing" her passing husband and son
Wow dropped those angst bombs out of nowhere. Sorry lol
• as much he likes to seem tough Robin absolutely hates spiders. He'll scream and violently stomps the shit out of it but if he's with the others he'll act like they're being overdramatic and kill it as if he isn't internally screaming with them. Finney knows but doesn't say anything
• Billy loves marvel and has a comic book collection. His favorite marvel character is spiderman
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triforce-of-mischief · 7 months
success rates of bringing the tbp gang to a hockey game
because boredom and escapism are a dangerous combo for my imagination
skyloft: enjoys the atmosphere, needs to sit outside the concourse during intermissions so he doesn't get overwhelmed. not allowed to sit in the nosebleeds
minish: isn't asked to go and is happy that way
kokiri: doesn't make it past security
ordon: has a great time, only invested in the fights and drinks
four: yells all the nasty chants and makes bets on the fights
outset: tries to guess what's happening based on the crowd's reactions, does really bad play-by-play and refuses to be told otherwise
chief: politely nopes out of joining upon hearing that the main attractions are Noise and People. frets about the players and asks about injuries after the game
rabbit: isn't too invested in the game but enjoys the company and the social experience
smith: extremely invested in the game and crowd, constantly trying to start chants
far: has a very good time, is devastated when he isn't allowed an alcohol bracelet
prince: isn't a fan of the crowd and hyperfocuses on the game. by the time it's over he knows more about hockey than you do
hateno: asks for season tickets before the first period ends, keeps leaving his seat because he's overstimulated though
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thatbrokenpromise · 16 days
i would like to know about the gang's comfort foods pleeease
IIRC this is for your desire to torture my boys for Sicktember so fiiiine.
Skyloft = Gonna be lazy and say pumpkin soup, but I think he's particular about the soup bit. He also really likes breads, of any kind, but particularly fluffy light ones. His sweet tooth still shows through.
Minish = Incredibly picky; has probably been a nightmare to feed and it's a good thing Hateno has so much fruit. Extremely sensitive to flavour and texture, so his actual favourite is probably "Grandpa's shepherd's pie, and no the same ingredients made the same way does NOT count." You're probably best off with the honey comb.
Kokiri = Wants to kill you for asking /coughs. More helpfully, probably stews and roasted vegetables. I think he *eats* meat but he's never really *liked* it much and is pretty used to getting by without it. If he's sicks, odds are good it'll make it worse. He'd never admit it, but warm milk is also a big favourite and will probably shut him up for the duration he has it and it stays warm.
Outset = Shellfish/crab. Has likely been extremely confused being places where fish is uncommon, nevermind how unheard of shellfish dishes are. Some kind of paella would probably leave him a content ball.
Chief = Still pumpernickle. More seriously, probably stew, especially made with seafood and citrus, because it reminds him of how Niko cooks. Again, he is not used to it being made well so overdoing it will likely just make him more content... although he probably won't actually MIND the improved flavour....
Ordon = Definitely cheese. Could probably eat a whole wheel if you let him (Do Not.) Cheese on bread likely will take him straight to home. He also likes pumpkin, but I don't think it's his sick-and-want-comfort food, it's his fancy-and-fun food because he's very used to making it himself LOL.
Four = Green & Vio would probably die for a good bread with stew; Blue would break a leg before admitting he likes anything, nevermind a food. He'd probably ask for kumis, or maybe yogurt dishes of some kind. Red likes cheesecake /jk. And other desserts. Shadow doesn't have to eat, and doesn't have enough experience to have a preference; he'd probably be surprised (but pleased) to be offered food at any point.
Prince = Kumis and other yogurt dishes is probably also high up there, but also likely some kind of long-cooked meat and bread. I have him growing up relatively lower-class if not actually poor, and it's possible fruit/vegetables were some kind of a luxury when he was a kid living in a city so.
Rabbit = Definitely the sweet breads are his comfort food: banana bread, pumpkin bread, carrot cake, etc, often with milk or various teas with honey.
Smith = Honestly I think she's the type who would eat anything. "Cooking for her" is the part she likes the most, although she certainly has a sweet tooth and appreciates new things and complex flavours. If she had to pick something she grew up with, probably just sweet buns.
Far = Warm milk with honey. He'll eat anything, obviously, but if you want him to melt in your lap that's the thing. Everything else he ate growing up .... uh. Just don't ask.
Hateno = ....besides durian, uh.... Probably honey things: honey salmon, honeyed meat skewers, honey bread, honeyed crab, etc. He's like Smith, in that he'll be most pleased just by the fact you made him food at all and he didn't have to.
Hope that works for you! I've probably said other things elsewhere but I can't find it so oh well! People can have multiple favourites after all. Enjoy!
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batrogers · 6 months
Silly question time - in a modern au, what would be Chief's favourite fizzy drink? (Feel free to include thoughts for more if you come up with them)
For them all, fizzy drinks and a bonus inclusion of some favourite snacks I've done elsewhere:
Skyloft = Cream sodas and baked goods. He loves to bake, muffins and cupcakes and the type. He's actually quite good at it.
Minish = Sprite, but he leaves it out until it's flat. Will shove a spoonful of honey in his mouth. Or a handful of honeycomb. He does not give one damn about bees.
Kokiri = Champagne (This is entirely Gan's fault.) HIs favourite treat is fresh fruit of any kind. Does not like mixed flavours, although he'll tolerate it.
Outset = Jarritos or Fanta, any kind, but especially coconut or pineapple or things. Not super into intense sweet flavours. He likes coconut raw, and similarly. He's pretty easy to please.
Chief = Ginger Ale or some kind of seltzer water. Snack of choice is a weapons-grade fruitcake, or pumpernickle bread. Do not let him cook.
Ordon = I am informed a good Southern Boy would dink Pepsi. I do not, so I cannot comment. He also is capable of homemade baklava. Fear him.
Four = Coca-Cola boy, because saying he's a Coke fiend is hilarious. He also likes extremely sweet things, although Blue probably wants whiskey.
Prince = Refined enough taste he'd also say champagne, although probably he's likely to drink la Croix because he hates himself. I think he'd also like hard candies, and he might propose to Ordon over baklava.
Rabbit = Dr. Pepper, to complete the holy trinity of bitching about the "best" drink. He likes sweet breads, like banana bread, pumpkin bread, carrot cake, etc. Yes, he will laugh about the carrot cake joke.
Smith = Moonshine Root beer. He might own a Sodastream also, and use it on everything, ever. Likes tarts and other pastries, and may demand Ordon teach him to make baklava.
Far = The guy who pours a little of everything into his cup at the drink machine. Yeah. He'll drink anything. Please do not invite him to a frat party. He also will eat anything, and if he's digging in a honeycomb just. Don't. Don't ask which bit he grabbed. Don't.
Hateno = Would sip Far's drink, compliment him on it, then get annoyed it's not replicable and figure out how. Likes candied fruits, since he can take them with him. Also keeps freeze dried durian around, to his lover's immense dismay. Seriously, DON'T ask him for a snack.
Several of them also *definitely* have eaten bugs but that's another list. Thanks for asking! This was funny.
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princetoby10 · 1 year
I saw ur post about the ships, and I’ve been sitting in my bed contemplating if I should ask or something so…... the bowers gang or The Black Phone? im 5’6 with light short hair fading to dark at the bottom & blue eyes, I’m pale as frick & a freshman in highschool. I usually wear grandma clothes :fearful:.. and I listen to classic punk music.
I like horror movies, and I LOVE clowns. I like to bully my friends, which is like 2 people and I love them. I like knifes and nature. And I’ll do ANYTHING with a little bit of convincing
A/N: I saw this post and I literally LOVE TBP and IT, I’m so happy you requested! I’ll be doing The Bowers Gang for you :]
Psycho Lover.
Tumblr media
GIF not mine, created by bowersgangobsessed.
I think you would go swimmingly with Patrick Hocksetter.
You would probably catch his eye by your fascination of knives, to him, you’re like eye-candy.
You two would probably meet during the school years, Patrick would probably notice you due to you hanging with your friends, occasionally pocking fun at them, whether that’ll be by physical touch (lightly shoving, gently punching), verbally or any other way, you definitely caught the sociopath’s attention.
He would be a bit curious by your clothing style, mocking it here and there, but in his mind, he’s just pocking fun at you.
He would admire you in the halls, out in fairs, hell, even driving past you in the car with The Bowers Gang. He would always be gazing your way with no shame.
When he had any sort of free time during free periods in school, he would immediately go to you for the occasional ritual of making fun of you, all good fun for him of course.
His lanky self would poke fun at your shortness, he himself is tall as hell, perhaps around 6’4 - 6’5 atleast, I mean, look at him.
Over the time, he would slowly grow feelings for the short-haired girl, it took him around 3 months to realise that it was butterflies in his stomach when talking to you.
Definitely took him atleast almost the whole school term to man up and confess to you, he finally got sick of the feeling you give him and decided to get it over and done with.
It was sorta weird, but to him, it only suited his taste. At the end of another school day, he was walking behind you before yanking you by your shirt into an empty classroom.
He pinned you against a wall, trying to muster up the words to explain his feelings. He was looming over you, staring into your eyes, his confession was bit of sly remarks, before requesting to take you out, “Hey, shortass, how ‘bout you and me go to the movie theatre? Are you free tonight?”
Trust me, he was writing down his confession on pieces of spare paper he didn’t burn down, crumpling each one up after he deemed it unworthy.
After you two finally started going out, he definitely loves persuading you into helping him bully The Losers Club. He’s a bit weirded out by your love for clowns and music taste, but still loves you.
Your dates consists of movie dates, nature walks and just hanging out (He claims it as a date.)
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deadghosy · 2 years
Imagine me and the gang in TBP-
Me just getting snacks and literally being paranoid while xolo is with me trying to eat some of my snacks but also find some of her favorites-
@queze62 @plzdonottalktome
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