phamviettienhg · 11 months
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Drama XO MV CHANNEL Drama Pham Dung Drama Phan Dung Drama Pham Viet Dung Drama Phan Viet Dung Hành khách cuối cùng O Último Passageiro El Último Pasajero O ÚLTIMO PASSAGEIRO Hoy Tanda Comericales Programa 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Pjp0458 TCAN The Lyrics Board Gtct Education Comedy Pham Viet Dung Phan Viet Dung Pham Viet Dung & Phạm Việt Dũng & Phạm Viết Dũng Trò chơi âm nhạc Tro Choi Am Nhac Phan Viet Dung Phao Viet Dung SD HD MỸ PHẨM VIỆT DUNG Gio TCAN How To Rock Badger Lane Ô cửa bí mật Lab Rat Brat O Cua Bi Mat Drama Hài Kich (Chính kịch) Today NO Tomorrow Yesterday Quest For Glory Tonight Degrassi The Next Generation Rat A Tat Radio iong Long Lham Lhan Lhao DRATV VOICE 2000s 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010s 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020s 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030s 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040s 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050s 2050 2051 2052 2053 Hãy Chọn Giá Đúng Hay Chon Gia Dung Huinfig Huinfigs Le Grassi Legrassi Les Parent Les Sisters Saison Episode Learn Single GTCT 2468 KM Pdung 654 in The Box 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Yes 8 9 10 11 Quinfig Wuinfig Euinfig Ruinfig Tuinfig Yuinfig Uuinfig Iuinfig Ouinfig Puinfig Auinfig Suinfig Duinfig Fuinfig Huinfig Juinfig Kuinfig Luinfig Zuinfig Xuinfig Cuinfig Vuinfig Buinfig Nuinfig Muinfig Uinfig 1Uinfig 2Uinfig 3Uinfig 4Uinfig 5Uinfig 6Uinfig 7Uinfig 8Uinfig 9Uinfig 0Uinfig Turned Uinfight PHAMVIET872018 PHANVIET872018 PHAOVIET872018 AMIGUINDY AMIGUINDYS GVIETPHAO PHAMVIET555 PHAM VIE TUNG 2 4 PLUS ONE Thử Tài Thách Trí 
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risingsouls · 7 months
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[I'm additionally reminded about how stupid it is that Bulma is absolutely positively in love with Yamcha at this point and then just all of a sudden isn't.
Gotta love plot convenience for (Saiyan) baby making. 🙄🙄]
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carcinized · 2 years
ghots file time!!!@!!
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gamzees-bignaturals · 2 months
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yet again it has been fun tCAN THIS FUCKING FLY LEAVE OH MY GOD
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lazorbeanz · 3 months
Why is Rouge The Bat your favourite sonic character? She's a walking titty monster with questionable loyalties, and relationships, and vague reasons for her involvement!
First of all, bold of you to assume she’s my favourite character just because she’s my pfp. Better luck next time mate
Second of all, I couldn’t really give a toss on what you think about her…but if all you see is a “walking titty monster,” you really know nothing about her, because I know for a fact (and I’m sure many people can agree with me on this) that Rouge is genuinely a sweet character.
Sure, her way of doing things can be questionable. But when trouble arises, her motives are always focused on stopping evil. She’s a great team player when she wants to be, and always looks out for those around her.
Again, think what you wanna think, I could care less. My inbox is not the place for people like you to come in and sh*tcan on things people enjoy. I’m still gonna like stuff regardless on whether there be “flaws” or not.
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anon-wilford · 4 months
Been to the eye doctor snd tcan barely see a thing. It woyld be hillarious to wrote some crack ric shit with this visidoon
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shot-by-cupid · 8 months
I’m so drunk anf the only thing I tcan thing about is playing rayman t2 PLWASEineff to play so bad you don’t underatan
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askbabydave · 1 year
EFF YOU BABY !! SUCK A DRY WALL … Wait even better EAT A DRY WALL .. God
wuhh? fgggnn.. GWAAHHHHH GWAAHHHH WAAAHHHHHH goohoohoohoo guhnnbuhh. (trying to eat drywall and ensuring teeth will never ever grow in properly and nothing tcan be done to sabe it)
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garpond · 1 year
can my period just hurry up and get here so i tcan be done already like ffs
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elric-art · 1 year
Artists: This took two weeks to make!
Their fans: Wow you have such dedication!
Me: I want to be just like them.
Me now: The industry would've sh*tcanned you for making a sketch that should've taken no more than 20 minutes. Real dedication would've been to do it fast and efficiently and not keep the clients waiting.
Also me: The industry ruined my life and standards.
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seradyn · 2 years
27, 36 🖤
27. What area of writing do you feel strongest in?
I think my character dialogue is really good. I can just hear Ardyn smirking every time I write his dialogue, and I love that about writing him. I also like to think I’m good at understanding international emotions/conflict. I’m extremely empathetic, sometimes to my own detriment, but it helps me see what my characters are feeling and how I want to transcribe that to my readers.
36. What fic are you proudest of?
In a lot of ways it’s my long fic A Dream Come True. I kinda hate the earlier chapters now, but I can actually physically see my writing get better as they go on, especially since this was one of the first fics I started. Also because of how long it is. I’m still working on it too! (I know chapter 10 has been in limbo for a while but it’s coming I promise 😩)
Between my other works, I really loved that little blurb of a fic I wrote you when you were feeling down. Aside from that, I’d have to say it’s either They Come At Night or Serpentine. TCAN is very well written to me, with plenty of emotion and comfort that makes me all warm and fuzzy inside. I recently reread all my Halloween works, and Serpentine stuck out to me as a very well crafted fic, despite how unhinged it is 😂 Really I like most the works that show how I’ve grown as a writer, all the things I wish I could add in my writing finally coming through, and conveying the things I want in an interesting way. I think a lot about how I want reader to feel when I write, how can I make that come through, and the fics that do the best job of that are the ones I’m proud of ❤️
Sorry these are long. The over explaining demon strikes again 😂
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ventcode · 2 years
hwy tcan i hvae ttbere nogpic mismcsihen ywh cnat my efli eb ecetprf how i wnat it to onw mi eehr toaub to edi leasgn rae dssupope ot vsea obveyerdy
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pacosemnoticias · 3 months
Tribunal repõe suspensão por 90 dias a docente por assédio a alunas em Braga
O Tribunal Central Administrativo Norte (TCAN) decidiu repor a sanção disciplinar de suspensão por 90 dias aplicada a um professor de uma escola de Braga por assédio sexual a duas alunas, segundo o acórdão consultado pela Lusa.
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Datado de 6 de junho, o acórdão do TCAN revoga a decisão do Tribunal Administrativo e Fiscal de Braga (TAFB), que tinha anulado aquela sanção disciplinar, aplicada pelo Ministério da Educação.
Os factos remontam ao ano letivo 2018/2019, sendo as vítimas duas alunas, de 12 e 13 anos, de uma turma do 6.º ano da EB 2/3 de Nogueira, pertencente ao Agrupamento de Escolas Alberto Sampaio, em Braga.
O professor, que lecionava Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC) e que entretanto abandonou aquela escola, terá apalpado as nádegas a uma aluna quando alegadamente lhe tentava tirar o telemóvel do bolso de trás das calças.
Além disso, também a olharia, recorrentemente, “de cima a baixo”.
Um comportamento que repetiria com outra aluna, dirigindo também elogios ao seu aspeto físico e à roupa que envergava.
Foi aberto um procedimento disciplinar, no qual o professor, hoje com 68 anos, admitiu que tentou tirar o telemóvel à aluna, mas negou qualquer contacto de teor sexual.
Disse que a turma em questão era indisciplinada e que, por isso, eram necessárias regras “muito específicas”.
Relevou os “comportamentos indisciplinados e irregularidades na assiduidade” das duas alunas queixosas.
No final do procedimento, foi aplicada ao professor a suspensão por 90 dias.
O docente recorreu para o TAFB, que decidiu revogar a suspensão, por alegada insuficiência de provas.
O Ministério da Educação, por sua vez, recorreu para o TCAN, que agora repôs a pena de suspensão por 90 dias.
Entretanto, o professor já tinha sido condenado, no processo-crime, a um ano de prisão, com pena suspensa, por dois crimes de abuso sexual de crianças.
Datado de 6 de junho, o acórdão do TCAN revoga a decisão do Tribunal Administrativo e Fiscal de Braga (TAFB), que tinha anulado aquela sanção disciplinar, aplicada pelo Ministério da Educação.
Os factos remontam ao ano letivo 2018/2019, sendo as vítimas duas alunas, de 12 e 13 anos, de uma turma do 6.º ano da EB 2/3 de Nogueira, pertencente ao Agrupamento de Escolas Alberto Sampaio, em Braga.
O professor, que lecionava Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC) e que entretanto abandonou aquela escola, terá apalpado as nádegas a uma aluna quando alegadamente lhe tentava tirar o telemóvel do bolso de trás das calças.
Além disso, também a olharia, recorrentemente, “de cima a baixo”.
Um comportamento que repetiria com outra aluna, dirigindo também elogios ao seu aspeto físico e à roupa que envergava.
Foi aberto um procedimento disciplinar, no qual o professor, hoje com 68 anos, admitiu que tentou tirar o telemóvel à aluna, mas negou qualquer contacto de teor sexual.
Disse que a turma em questão era indisciplinada e que, por isso, eram necessárias regras “muito específicas”.
Relevou os “comportamentos indisciplinados e irregularidades na assiduidade” das duas alunas queixosas.
No final do procedimento, foi aplicada ao professor a suspensão por 90 dias.
O docente recorreu para o TAFB, que decidiu revogar a suspensão, por alegada insuficiência de provas.
O Ministério da Educação, por sua vez, recorreu para o TCAN, que agora repôs a pena de suspensão por 90 dias.
Entretanto, o professor já tinha sido condenado, no processo-crime, a um ano de prisão, com pena suspensa, por dois crimes de abuso sexual de crianças.
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need a Tutorial on how to post a million things constantly i jus tcan`t figure out how to.
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magnetic-holders · 9 months
Rare Earth SmCo Magnets
Rare earth samarium cobalt magnets, shorted as SmCo magnets, are a type of powerful permanent magnet made from the basic elements samarium and cobalt and other metal rare earth materials by mixing, melting, grinding, pressing and sintering. They come in various sizes and shapes, like disc,bar, ring, arc,block, etc.,. Similar to neodymium strong magnets, they belong to the rare earth magnet category, and tcan be classified as SmCo5 and Sm2Co17 according the composition ratios of samarium and cobalt.
In comparison to neodymium rare earth magnets, although samarium cobalt magnets may not have as strong magnetic force, they possess two distinct advantages. Firstly, they operate effectively within a higher temperature range, and secondly, they exhibit greater resistance to corrosion. 
Due to these characteristics, rare earth SmCo magnets are commonly employed in applications that demand high operating temperatures, such as generators, pump couplings, sensors, electric motors, marine applications, as well as in the automotive, racing, aerospace, military, and food and manufacturing industries. SmCo rare earth magnets not only perform well at high temperatures but also maintain their magnetic properties even in temperatures below absolute zero (-273 degrees Celsius), making them popular for use in low-temperature applications.
What are Samarium Cobalt Magnets Used for?
Samarium cobalt magnets (SmCo magnets) are a crucial type of permanent magnet known for their high magnetic energy product and excellent magnetic stability. Their versatile applications contribute to various industries:
1. Electric Motors: The exceptional magnetic properties of samarium cobalt make it an ideal material for crafting efficient electric motors. These magnets not only enhance the power density of motors but also reduce their size and weight, thereby improving overall motor efficiency.
2. Sensors: Samarium cobalt magnets find utility in creating magnetic sensors. They enhance a sensor's sensitivity to external magnetic fields, thereby improving the sensor's responsiveness and accuracy.
3. Instruments and Gauges: Due to its high magnetic energy product and stable magnetization, samarium cobalt magnets are employed in the manufacturing of precision instruments and gauges.
4. Medical Devices: The heightened magnetic performance of samarium cobalt magnets is utilized in the fabrication of MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) devices. These magnets contribute to creating a stronger and more stable magnetic field in MRI equipment, thereby enhancing imaging accuracy.
As technology advances and samarium cobalt magnet materials continue to improve, we anticipate their applications to expand further across diverse industries.
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What are the Properties of SmCo Magnets?
Samarium cobalt magnets offer numerous advantages, making them an ideal choice for industrial applications and contributing to their increasing popularity. In fact, in certain situations, rare earth SmCo magnets may be more suitable than neodymium magnets.
Benefits of Samarium Cobalt Magnets:
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2. High Corrosion Resistance: These magnets exhibit excellent rust resistance and chemical stability, allowing them to function normally in harsh environments such as water, acids, and salt.
3. High Temperature Resistance: SmCo rare earth magnets have a broader temperature stability range compared to other permanent magnet materials, maintaining long-term stability even in high-temperature environments.
4. Ease of Processing: Samarium cobalt magnets are easily processed using methods such as drilling, milling, and grinding, owing to their good machinability.
Despite the various advantages of SmCo magnets, it's important to consider some factors when contemplating their use for your business applications. SmCo rare earth magnets can be brittle and perform best in applications where direct impact is not required. Additionally, these magnets are sensitive to market prices and are generally more expensive than neodymium magnets.
What is the Difference between SmCo5 and Sm2Co17?
When comparing 2:17 type samarium cobalt permanent magnets to 1:5 type samarium cobalt magnets, the following advantages stand out:
Lower Cost Composition:
The formula of Sm2Co17 permanent magnets contains lower levels of cobalt and samarium compared to SmCo5 magnets. This significant reduction in raw material content results in cost savings, as both samarium and cobalt are relatively expensive rare metals. Consequently, Sm2Co17 magnets are priced lower than SmCo5 magnets.
Lower Magnetic Sensitivity to Temperature:
Sm2Co17 magnets have a lower magnetic sensitivity temperature coefficient of about -0.02%/℃, allowing them to operate in a range of -60 to 350℃. This is a distinct advantage over SmCo5 magnets, which cannot match this temperature versatility.
Higher Curie Temperature:
The Curie temperature of 2:17 type samarium cobalt materials is approximately 840-870℃, while the Curie temperature of 1:5 type samarium cobalt materials is 750℃. This indicates that 2:17 type samarium cobalt is more resistant to high temperatures than 1:5 type samarium cobalt. However, it's important to note that the manufacturing process for 2:17 type samarium cobalt is more complex compared to 1:5 type samarium cobalt. Achieving higher coercivity requires a longer aging process, resulting in higher production costs compared to SmCo5.
In the realm of permanent magnets, Sm2Co17 magnetic materials show promise as high-temperature magnets.
Samarium Cobalt Magnets VS Neodymium Magnets
Differences Between Samarium Cobalt and Rare Earth Neodymium Magnets:
1. Magnetic Strength: Rare earth NdFeB magnets are renowned as the "king of magnetism" for their formidable strength, surpassing samarium cobalt magnets, which rank just below neodymium iron boron in magnetic performance.
2. Temperature Resistance: Rare earth neodymium magnets reaches a maximum temperature of 220 degrees only with materials of 28AH and above, while Sm2Co17 can withstand temperatures up to 350 degrees. Around 300 degrees, neodymium iron boron loses magnetic force, while samarium cobalt can operate normally without requiring demagnetization.
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3. Stability: Rare earth neodymium magnets exhibits a large residual magnetism temperature coefficient, decreasing residual magnetism with rising temperatures. In contrast, samarium cobalt magnets have a smaller residual magnetism temperature coefficient, with minimal demagnetization and higher stability. Neodymium requires plating to prevent oxidation, corrosion, and weathering, while samarium cobalt with cobalt coating often doesn't require plating, ensuring a longer lifespan and appealing aesthetics.
4. Price: Neodymium rare earth magnets contain small amounts of rare earth elements neodymium and boron, making it relatively more affordable. On the other hand, samarium cobalt magnets contain a higher proportion of rare earth elements samarium and cobalt, resulting in a higher price.
Conclusion: Compared to rare earth NdFeB magnets, samarium cobalt magnets excel in higher temperatures and more corrosive environments. While neodymium magnets boast stronger magnetic fields and the highest BHMax in today's permanent magnets, samarium cobalt provides superior performance in specific conditions and is priced higher due to its composition of rare earth elements samarium and cobalt.
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phamviettienhg · 11 months
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Drama XO MV CHANNEL Drama Pham Dung Drama Phan Dung Drama Pham Viet Dung Drama Phan Viet Dung Hành khách cuối cùng O Último Passageiro El Último Pasajero Programa 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Pjp0458 The Last Passenger Next Influencer TCAN The Lyrics Board Runaway Gtct Education Comedy Pham Viet Dung Phan Viet Dung Pham Viet Dung & Phạm Việt Dũng & Phạm Viết Dũng Trò chơi âm nhạc Tro Choi Am Nhac Phan Viet Dung Phao Viet Dung SD HD MỸ PHẨM VIỆT DUNG Gio TCAN How To Rock Badger Lane Ô cửa bí mật Lab Rat Brat O Cua Bi Mat Drama Hài Kich (Chính kịch) Today NO Tomorrow Yesterday Quest For Glory Tonight Degrassi The Next Generation Rat A Tat Radio iong Long Lham Lhan Lhao DRATV VOICE VOZ 2000s 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010s 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020s 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030s 2030 2031 2032 Hãy Chọn Giá Đúng Hay Chon Gia Dung Huinfig Huinfigs Le Grassi Legrassi Les Parent Les Sisters Saison Episode Learn Single GTCT 2468 KM Pdung 654 in The Box 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Yes 8 9 10 11 Quinfig Wuinfig Euinfig Ruinfig Tuinfig Yuinfig Uuinfig Iuinfig Ouinfig Puinfig Auinfig Suinfig Duinfig Fuinfig Huinfig Juinfig Kuinfig Luinfig Zuinfig Xuinfig Cuinfig Vuinfig Buinfig Nuinfig Muinfig Uinfig 1Uinfig 2Uinfig 3Uinfig 4Uinfig 5Uinfig 6Uinfig 7Uinfig 8Uinfig 9Uinfig 0Uinfig Turned Uinfight PHAMVIET872018 PHANVIET872018 PHAOVIET872018 AMIGUINDY AMIGUINDYS GVIETPHAO PHAMVIET555 PHAM VIE TUNG 2 4 PLUS ONE Thử Tài Thách Trí THE VOICE LA VOZ
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